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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1907)
" " ' is" ---J---'--im - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY. EVENING. MAKCTI 6. 1S37. - SELECT LlilO TO RUH FOR MR li YounW Men's Democratic Club ; Wants Action Takn ,m" ! ",, C" ' mediately V' ;; ': 'aBBBsaBBsBBSBasBssBWasBBaa PRO-LANE SENTIMENT-' Jl STRONGLY EXPRESSED Btaver nd Multnomah BepbUca Clubs WO! Soob Mwe, and It ' , Seems Probable That W. M. Cake t Will Be New President. y S', Tha aid loaders wera considers ta b rood enough for another year at tha mcetlns of tha yeunMan'e Democrat to club held laat night when John Mon ti v aiM)td oraatdent. O. W. Allan vlca-praaldent, J. O. Najrbura aacratary and John Van Banta traaaurar. Beatdaa tha alaction af offlcara -tha club did two t binge at Ua laat laht s maetlng. It . aul&onsea tna cnair i appoint a eommlttea of Bra to maet with similar oommltleea rrom ina juunnommn Dam oc ratio c(ua and with tha chairman of tha county central ooramtttaa for tha purposa of selecting soma suitable nemaorat aa a candidal for mayor. It also voted to hold s amoker on Tuesday evening of next weak, at which time all tha good Democrat or tna cuy are n- peoted to meet - with the club and "whoop ar up." , atrons pro-Lana santlment was de veloped at the m eating of the club, the sense of the meeting; Ming anown uj tha aneachas made during tha evening. all of which argued that the Democrat of the city should atand solidly behind the mayor In the event of bla making the race for reelection. At the amoker of nest week It le the plan ts discuss tha political situation thoroughly snd lay the foundation for the com In t campaign. The Beaver Republican club will hold meatlnr this evening, at which time It Is expected the merger of that club with the Multnomah Republican club will be completed. - If tha plan of con aolldatlon wblcb has been propoaad Is adopted at the meeting of tbla evening this will be the last meeunr 01 ina Beaver club, aa tha formation of tha Union Republican club will be accom pllahed on Monday night next Some Interior politics Is stirring In the midst of the two cluba about to be Joined together. The old offlcara of the clube are to realgn nnder tha terms of the merger and a new ataff Is . ts be elected. The membership of each of the clubs, therefore, feels that It should be represented at the head of tha new official roster. William M. Cake, present presiding officer of the Multnomah Republican club, is being boomed for the head of tha new club, snd It Is probable that be will meet with but little opposition, as compromise will be effected whereby the Beaver membership will bs amply remembered In the selection of . other officers and Important committees. CELEBRATE TWENTIETH WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs. Moses Slcbal will cele brate their' twentieth wedding anniver sary tomorrow evening at their real' dence, (St Everett street. A family dinner will bs given In honor of the event, few. owed by an informal recep tion to their many frlenda. The parents of Mrs. Slcbal, Mr. and Mrs. Philip Sell ing, will in the next few years celebrate their diamond wedding. - 4 FRANK SMITH MEAT i GO 1 ' ' " -226-228 Alder Street, Between First and Second Streets. :... 4. FIGHTING THE BEEF TRUSTS ' Smith's: meats are selected with scrupulous care by experienced buyers; picked from the best livestock that Oregon can boast of, city dressed in our own abattoir, handled with exquisite cleanliness and kept INDOORS, away from the dust and grime of the street, until they are purchased jby YOU, the consumer. 1 ' r y ; I Veal Rurrm Roast ; . . V . . 15c I Oxtails, per pound . . . . . , . 5c Best Round Steak.... . . 10c Beef Liver .......... . .5c Beef Shoulder Steak..:.. 8c Beef Shoulder Roast . . V. .8c Pot Roast Beef.. 8c Rump Roast Beef... : . : . .8c Hamburger Steak . . . . . . ,8c Corned Beefr. . ....... '. 6c Beef Tongues, each ..... 45c Pork Shoulder Roast. .124c Pork Mixed Sausage. . . ,10c Pork Hocks . . .'..8c Pigs Feet .... ... .5c Leaf Lard :i2Kc Leg Roast of Veal.'. ..1254c Shoulder Roast Veal. ttt 10c Loin 'Roast Veal,. . ...15c Rib Roast Veal........ 15c SMITH DOES NOT sell bulls.1 Smith WOULD NOT sell bulls. Smith COULD NOT sell bulls, because the Beef. Trust has contracted all the bulls in the country. The Trust has bargained for bulls enough to keep things a-going for one year to come. Every market, large and small, high and low, from the center of the city to the suburbs, will be offering the public those Beef Trust bulls. The fact that they areGovenurienr;buUsrTjr- Uncle- Sam,s-bull3-doesn,t-make-them.a-.bitbettert6-X)ur way of thinking, than if they were Johnny Bull's bulls. : . ; - i v: i ' ; Soup Meat ....... . ... . 3c Prime Rib Roast Beef.--.M0c Beef .Sirloin Steak. . . Il2y2c Small Porterhouse . .. 1254c Fancy P'rt'rhouse Steak' 15c Fancy 'HT-Bone Steak. 15c -Rolled-Rib-RoastBeef-12Kc Beef Rib Steak....... 1254c Beef Loin Steak; . ; . 1254c Legs of Pork...... U 1254c Pork Chops '....15c Pork Loin Roast . . ; . , r15c Pork Steak ..... .V. . 1 .15c Side Pork . . . . . . . .12c Veal ShanRs for "broth. v, 6c Veal for Stewing . .v . . . 8c Breast of Veal. ........10c RED-LETTER DAY FOR TRANSFERS Yesterday's Filings th Largest . of Any Day So Far Thl V, ; v ' . Year. '. THREE BIQ SALES ' SWELL THE TOTAL United C1gu Stores Company Will Occupy Western Union Corner at Third nod 6Urk Untfl Old Build ing' Comes Down.';. -"''J ; Choice Brisket Beef..... 5c Beef Necks to Boil. .... . .5c Beef to Stew . .' . . I . ... . . 5c Tripe . . : ;.i .......... .8c Kidneys-r-v wTWvirr5c Brains ............i.lOc Pickled Pork . . .... . . 124c Our Own Pure Lard .... 12c Our Own Breakfast . ; rt ' ; Bacon ;.. .........17HC Our Own Hams . . i '. 1754c Loin' Veal Cutlets, i, . . . .15c Rib -Veal Cutlets 15c Calves' Liver .......... 15c Calves' Brains . . . . ... .10c Realty transfers valued at I444.S01 were filed for record yesterday, making the .largest total for any day since' the beginning of the year. Tha following three deeda aggregated mora than three fourths of the whole sum: The Security Savings Trust company to O. W. Tay lor, acreage near . Irvington. tt00,000; George . F. Rodgers to Waahlngton Realty company, property on Waahlng ton and' Twelfth street,; - jonn McCraken to J. R. Whitney, quarter block on upper -Washington. JS0.000. .. E. H. Ingham of Eugene purchased yesterdsy the W. U. Footer homeotead on the. soatheast corner of Ooldamlth street snd Alblna ayenqe for 127,000. The tract comprises a little over two blocks on an elevation overlooking the Willamette river and Is improved with a two-story residence that has been ft Lower Alblna landmark for many years. Mr. Ingham, who is building a vinegar factory across the street from his re cent purchase, expects - to move from Eugene to Portland with bis, family la ft few weeks. F. Freidlander has acquired through the agency of C C Hlckok tha north west corner of Second snd Hall streets for tll.000. - H. C Wolf has purchased a II by 101 foot lot on Ninth between Btark and Burnslde 'streets from Brooks A Kelr nan for 110,000. ' The purchaser Is plan ning to erect a brick business bouse on the lot, ..'. Ths United. Cigar Stores company has taken s temporary lease on tha quarter How occupied by the Western Union Telegraph company at Third and Stark streets. " v . Mqnis Bros., ths bankers, have ft long time lease on tha half block on Stark street facing the Chamber .of Commerce, on which they Intend to erect an eight-atory ' office building. This, however,, will probably be delayed for a year or two because of ths. nn wllllngnees of some of the tenants to gtvs-up-tholr- leasea. Pending the ax ptrstlon of these leasea ths United Cigar Stores company will occupy the Western Union corner. - Oosiiuig Om. Sale-' ' CrP. BishopSStttck ;" ( ' Coal News. The Storey A Brooks! Fuel company have Just, received from Puget sound IS carloads' of but and lump : coal which they are prepared to .furnish In small quantities or ear lota. Call up Main S6ti. Or call on them at room IS, ground floor. Chamber of Commerce. ' . Ftefened Stook Cammed Goods, Allen Lewis' Best Brand. in which to secure BARGAINS $20 Suits $13;50 $15 Suits $10.85 a ,,r : -; M thc lAtnt Spring Blocks - . ; ; WHEN YOU SEE IT IN OUR AD IT'S SO MAV711 " ' ' ' . ,'. " ' "' ' x ' ."';, . " " . a THIRD 8-OAK ONAL ! $55,000 Worth of Men's, Women's and Children's Spring Wearing: Apparel and Shoes of the Finest Grades Only ALL IN PERFECT -CONDITION. ' MER i CHANTS TO WHOM THEY WERE CON. SIGNED REFUSED TO ACCEPT O WINQ TO THE LONG DELAY. Bought by TDE BOSTON From the Claim and FreiQhf Department of the United Railroads at Prices Ranging From 10c to 35c oh the Dollar: Ooodi were mottly In transit to San Francisco, Los Angeles, and other California points for early spring trade. They are here at First and Salmon at less than one-third their real value.- 4 ' . 100 CASES OF a SHOES In Newest Spring Shapes for Men . " Women Boys and Girls At way less than one-half the manufacturer's cost. The RAILROADS PAY THE DIFFERENCE ;;-WANTED:S--: : We want experienced Ulesmen, Salesladies, wrappers snd cashiers to enable us to handle - properly the crowds that- are attending this gigantic sale. - Of New York's Finest SPRING WEARING APPARLL FOR MLN, WOMEN tv CHILDREN 18 CASES MEN'S SPRING ClOTIDNG H. S. & - Kirch baum's, Nathan , Black & Co.'s and Benjamin's newest, spring ? produc tions in fancy worsteds, serges, days, unfinished worsteds, single and double breasted. These goods bear the label and were made - for one of San Jose's leading cloth iers 7 '-I--:: ' -V . -AT- $3.85 $9.85 $6.95 $12.75 ;. WORTH - $10.00 ; $15.00 1 $25.00 $30.00 The railroads pay the difference' :. $6,854.00 Worm Of Ladies Spring Cloaks, Suits, -: Dress Skirts, ( Muslin Under wear, Children's Suits and Shirtwaists. ' These goods were made for The Mode, Los Angeles' : leading ladies wearing apparel emporium, and wilfbe sold by The i Bos ton, at :.-":' One-Fourth LOS ANGELES . PRICE v';- : i : The trusts pay the dif ference. Jr:t . 1. 57Cases of the Newest Shapes in ' Made for a - Frisco Hatter that sells only $3. On sale now at $1.00 The . railroads pay ' the difference 78 QASES OF MEN'S SWELL Furnisfiiiigs Shirts, Underwear, Sox, ( Suspenders, vTues, Suit Cases, Gloves, etc., sold at one half wholesale cost to make 'cm. THE RAILROADS PAY, THE DIP-FERENCE- : : 1 HALF CARLOAD Of Men's ' Working Apparel, Overalls, Work Pants, Heavy. Shoes, etc at a saving of fully one-half. , " THE RAILROADS PAY THE OTHER HALF. ' MAIL ORDERS FILLED '; BUT PETTKR COME IN PgRSOj TO THE KTOJik FOR SELECTIONS WHEN POSSIBLE BOSTON 1FirsfiaEiloIffiOiif.