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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH 6, i ! . 1 m 1007. I' r.oonxa. TIN ROoriNO, guttering, repairing and genera bblng. t. Losll. 11 Jeffersoe st.. Pso. 144, HEAL ESTATE. S Sw,n. O I. PARBI8II A CO.. . . mi ku. . row Mais 8221 . Peal oolite, elty and eo notry. Deeds aad sinrtragae prepared at Bring ret re. Nutarv public since 188. Expert secoontsnte. Snt reference. PABKINH, W ATKINS A CO.. UO ALDER ST. Rm MtKr. rental, loans end Insursnce. We mat specialty of handling rentels and pmnertv for re.ldeuts aod noa-reel-denta. Established 1H72. Phone Mala 1B44. CEO. J. SCnAEPEB, real ratal ' and Iniaraoce, KIT Chamber of Cm mere. - COOS BAT NEXT." On I. W. OOIT.BEB. rrl estate and loans! estab. Baked 184. - 148 Pint at, room Ifc . SPHINX AflKNCY. dealers la-nee), eetaes and mlik 805 Stark at. Mala 814. - V t)R PABMS Or EVERT DESCRIPTION. W W. F.SPET. St riHil bld. SIGN PAIJiTffinS. POSTER A KLEIHEft 8IONA W bar built no the leraret air" boalne la th elty by Sret-eless work and keening air prorilee. Our pries ara rlabt. Pitta and Everett at. Pkon Esehssg 6A r e-810N8 THAT ATTRACT." Portland Ufa C., 887 Stark a. Pbon PartSe 160. .. . STREET PAVING. WAItRKN Construction Co.. etreet pastes. lde wslks and eeoeelnas. 814 Lumber Exchange. THE Barber Asphalt Paving Co. of Portia ad. V OfBre SoS Worcester blk. RUBBER STAAiTS. -'P. O. STAMP WORKS. 248 Aldar at, pbeoe . Mala Tlo: rnbher etamna. eeat. stenclle; beg - gage, trade r karat: braaa elan aad pistes, V 7 SEWING MACHINES. ' THS WRITS SEWIN1 MACHINE AOENCT. B80 Tembill St. Cor. roovth. Pbon Mala 8102. Bargain la all kinds of new and sweoodV '- kaod sewing maehlaee; a few ellebtly dam aged, good aa new, at greatly redoced pries. PHONE Psrtfle t7SS and I personally win aaU . aad rapalr rnr aswlns-mschloe: work goaf. sntoed. A Iliai, sfUustor. Ml TMrdat SHOWCASES AND 1TXTTJRES. SHOWCASES f vry daaerlpttoai baak. Wf ' and alor erarra Bad lo ordaa. Tba UlU Haaaracrarioa --. imawL t. B. BIRnSAI.U dralanrri aaaat f. W1"tt Lamb Co.. f Bamlltoa bids. Mala ftSO. ;. J;VV SAFES. PORTXAKD SAFE CO.. aola Mts tor Barrlna-Rall-MarrlB aaf and Manaaa Strl Saf i Oa.'a bank'aaf; 20 aaad-band-fireproof a fa aad bank afa; wp .abaap; aaa tbm or wrlta aa. P Ttn at. DIRBOLD Manrn Si at oof aafraj W. . aola ontnrd;' 8rora; olt 111 works ark. J. K. Darla. M Sd. Mala tSW. BIOHT earwid-baad Sra-proof aaff aad two aomad-kand bank aaf far W ckaas. at l Slitn at.. Portland, orraoa. . STENOGRAPHERS. PtTBLIC 8TENOORAPHBR , SI 4 Swot land bldf. Pboo Mala-TU. IXP. IT tajooTphr aad typowrltat. ' -TnAxsriB anp hafunq. ' Z TBS BAOOAOS OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., rnr. tritk aad k at.! baagaa 4 from boM or rMldrnr oirart -t 4tlnatloa; paaaaaprra thorfor aold raak and aaaop- .ao. jt dTota,-rrtTf-Jticbnta M.t SAPKS. alaooa and farnlror ajorad. , roadp for- aklppla h,p'''i ." 115 traarantord! ' -mtrl.- c2 wrbon 1vt ., SOS ; Obwa A) Boa. Pbon Mala V4T. U O. PICK. fBo M P1rt'at.. Wwtl Stark - and Oak ata.. pbn 8d: nUnoa and tnrnlttir pd aod packed tor ablnplna: roaaajodloaa -- brtrk waraboo wttb aaparata -tro) rootaa, ' rroat aad Clar ata. . , RATIONAL TRANSFER A PTORAOS CO, WS , Oak at. Tatrpbosa Mal 40. Trnaferrtn !." aad atorloE. " '' '' - - Qr.tO TRAN87ER COJMJIorSIx Pbooallaia . naaTpTaallnaT and atoraf. IHTRPSNDK"T BAOOA01- A T"AN8r CO. Storas. 24 Stark .-- Mala 40T. . - - ' I Jl PORT 8PNS1A' TMTRTk - hnrtna at. Paowa Mala Ml M. SOOVa' Wah- TOWEL BUTPLT. ; SI pr aaoatk. Portland Laaadrp Tawal Sapelr Ck. Wlatk aad Coork. Pba 416. WHOLESALE JOBBJERS. m. a. ocurr co., BI8TBInnTOR! or PIUS riOABS. PORTLAND. OR BOON. ' SHERK GRAHAM CO. Iac.) aiaalo t BMrrhanta. jobbnra of fmtta. nrodaea, t. ' coaalcnnMata auUcltad. 123 Proat C . BTERDINO PABBRI.L. prodora aod aonj. ... .ailaakm Mrrhanta. 19 Proat at, -Portlaad. Or. PkoM Mala ITS. OBROON rtTPNITTJRS MANUPACTTJRlrJO CO. Maaafaetnrara af faroltor for tka UaiSa. i Partlaad. Oraw. ' . i tf ADBAMS St CO.." wtiolaaata prorora, maaa. faetorcr and oeaiajlaaloa arcbaata. Paartk - aad Oak ata; - PURNITCRN aianafarterlBC aad anrHal ordora. U Baaaikpa farnltara factorp. HIT Proat at. 'ALI.EN A LEWIS, rotnoilaalna aad pmdaee caaatab Proat aad Darla ata.. Partlaad, Or. WnoI.KBALB CTork.rr aad plaaawara. f Praal, Bxala 4 Co.. Portlaad, Oragxiau O. W. SIMPSON 1 Waablnctoa St., ml Alrra In (mill and Bap. OFFICE DIRECTORS 1 wboh .-1 " RIplp:h Bnlldlnic. ' . W. COB. SntTH AND WASHIXOTO. AlIJtrsT BENSON Talkirlnf for, partlrnlat ' poal. Boom St, Ballgh. Slith and Waafc. OB. m. LEB CABTSR DonMat, waabiogtoa at., coraor niUi Salt V ZS , O. SCPJAEPFrl A CO.. ani caaaiira to Ara srroas th Tailor. Boom 10 and 11. - HEW YORK Pnrflral Mrdlral Imtttnta. Rostn ' IS, IS, SO, SI, tl to- waltlnf-room. No. n. BAIL A t.EB rarrn aad altr proparty rantab). Boom 18. ' DR. E. AC8PLAND, DENTIST. Ooorlnonsh Building. ' ' . ti COB. T1TTH AST) TAkTimX imi ORWlON ENORA VINO CO. Ofnc phen Mala 821 J. Work promptlj. attended to. THE INTERNATIONAL POSTCARD CO Pa. . llabera, ImaorUra and Jobber. Booaa SOS. PXOBENCB TINOI.Br Dreaemaklag. 221. CEO. LADTENScm.AEGEB Tailor. Snlta, SIS apt trooMra. S4.B0 ap. Room MO. . ' ContmonwMlth BuHrtln. W. COB, SIXTH AND BOTSNSTSX. BR. W, L HOWARD CUronlo dlanaoa; ale. trMtr and alcetrla Ufbt traatmaou sis-tle.. CHAPMAN ADVERTISING CO. Room SOS. ' Rwpflnnfl nnlldlnsr. ' S. . COB. PITTS AND WABWnrOTOir. gWETTyAND PMHJ PU'h and - Waahlagtna'a Doalrahle tttitm. A few loft. - - . Mohawk nnlldinv. . , S. X. COB. THIRD AND M0BBTS0W, B. Wolrorton. laraatmenta. Par. ML Boom 40. Ptesrnn RntKilntr. . . COB. SIXTH AMD MOBBlSOH. MM, B. B JACKHilN Art mllllnwr rftrntn. Room 4ns Staarna bld., cor. Tlk and Morrlaom Tjlfnvffr) TtnlMino:. tf fCOR. ("TTK AMD w A K "TN 0T0H, U.U .1 i M-.Al.TV .. -rtt prf-irlr a at.-l-llr. BANKS. U MIXED STATES STATION AL BANK OP P01TLAHD, 0BE00H. , Morrbwoat Corn Tblrd and Onk Strrera. af wLlV" I4 '""!. Honrton aad Manila. Collactlon Mad J" .TrKft Praalrtant........ J. TA 1 N Wll HTH I B. W, SCBMfRI ...R. LEA BABNES I Aaaetant CaaM-r .......-.. Aaa latent Caehlrr A. M. WHIOffT Vice 1'raaid.Dt.T I ' D TILT0B, BAVXZBl Eetaltahe4 a IMS.) S-4 OetMral Banklna s BoaMea. rnllrMton ahl . i "" "?. -. - . n,. rt-ltrd St lL.J ''"- d Talraranbt Traaafrra old na w Tor. W-.hl"tom. Ctr JT-.'hn",," ' Eranriar aad Montane and Rrlt1k ColnijMe. Bcbnw eo'ff on London. Parla. Brrlla. Fraakfort. Honrkooa. Tokokama. " Honors ra. r PCHANTS' BATIOWAT. BAWTt. POBTtAND. OBFwOW. 4.1 A J- rT; WATSON pro-Ment I B. T. tirsHAM VfaaW 9jfwBTi Irfl'A W- B0T Caable I OEOROR W. TTOTT Aeeletaat CaableP ' C. CATCHINO Second Altat Caatiler Tranaacta a Oenrral B-ntrtn Bronae-a. TVraft. and Tefrera of Cradlt laaaed ArtHable AD Part of tb World. Cnllrtlona a Snerlaltr. lMBERM-nrS BAW Portlaad. Orra. Ct v SoeoM and Ste- .M,J," earloe 4-aertnxnt. tntaraaf txld oo tarl B rarrt n ima;;t u ...Praeidowt I B. C. J."Hia A. EEATTNO... fc-.a - pi,AT ff aara4J4 A .- a a . . . . . -.w ""M Tlln' to Ull PT W-TPB. - I Bfl A- WHS Bt fa aarlaaa accoaat. Draft, aad . .fiaetiw Pw ald-nt I PLATT PL ATT .Or ral TT" ,?t 0W CALT-OBinA r--Vt.t.M lint. XmI Of-. S-- r-aota all 1 M fain and I p-otne end nadir-- w-SM .! '? Voi-ni" "(' -T-.n Po-dn a Tranaartrd. Inte-oat n Tiro rBlt -x.-.. y f A VINOS fEPARTM-NT Arw-arnr mar b oTnrd of nd spward, . mi - wiM..i r-tlad Bran.- 4aatber o v. Bidding. , ' Wr,-,' Vanaror I 7. T. BrRTCftAFT.L .Aaatatant Wawf J-J-HJT HATIONAt BABX. PrtUad. Orafwa. . OMt WaMonal Bank tt PartSa Cooat i . CAPITA.. AND ii son rvi no. ' DE-OSITS 814.00d.oflo.fM. J. W. NPWKTRK r aimif l w, tj. ! " .......... . . , Cbtar I B. P. STEVENS. . . . .Second Aaalatant CaakW ..PreotAVnt I VP. .... TRUST COMPANIES. P"" TT" V-ra fiw fiawMfiw Th Otdaet Trae eoraaaav ta , 7r?TW Sl.aofJ.sns. o-m 1 Rankin Two nor cent mr--t oa Co- arm kaod 4la . .n k- . maa ... . . - ..k,. parr Of th world. Saetna- a--..xa. a akortal rertlfleat. Sunn or a, tu a, a -t -.n we, it.T.rsTBATTONS. a ' JtS-t? C"" Third and Oak Btrr. P- PrfraU Ezrhaac Tl. "l-N a iam. i n r. at r Mr ...V 1-Pi BBNJ N. LEW PAOET .Sorretar I I. O. OOI,TRA.. . .VI, e.Pieeldeo Aaelatant B'lirtefP , Et-TRTTT S ATTN OS Si TBTTST COWPABT SOS SnHa") Staot. Portlaad, Of-. ' ' TVanaartn a Oroeral Ban1n( Bnolnea. SAVrNON fiEPARTMENT. Intereet Alrowjd oa . .1 ooa oenaa Aaeonnra. Acta a T atae for PJetata. Drafta aad inm or u - AnlleM ATI Vmrtm at . World. C. . AftAira ' . . .. . i... - ........... ...rrin ai i , airwn OEO. B. BrsSKIX-i.... B. u. ii nn. , Arr"fant Baretary Plrat Ttoa-Prealdmrl ...Baarafty N7BTHWISTFRH SrjiA- A TBTST CtWAlrr Porttaad. Oraa-a. ' . lasahor Exrti.o.. S. R. Caaer Htm and Ot.Hr arrorta (aaroad Soar). - ' . - FISCAL A0BNT FOB CORPORATIONS. ' - Stat. CoaatF, Manlctpal Cnrnoratloa Bond Bnairbt and Sold. WW Enterprteaa Onraal and Plnaared. Stocka and Bnnda Onaranteed. tTLX BTABAlfTEB A TBTJ8T COMPART 80 WASRTW0T0W STREET. NS o PortUad Baal Eetata t Lowt Rata. I . M0BT0A0B LOA , . liuai lam a. xnairam f o. BOSS. ............. PreaMmt N0 . AITCHISON OEOROB H. PTTX V1rV.prealdeot I T. T. BT'REHART BONDS AND INVESTMENTS. M 01BJS IBOTg-lS Chaaaaar a Ooauaaroa Snndtas. : . - IfinrMn!. Rafrroad aad PaMIc Srrrlr Corporatloa Bond. ; DOWVTJra-HOP THo' COMPART Hi itaMlaked 188S BB0XXKS. BTOCIS. BONDS, GRAIN Boa ah t aad Sold, for Cash aad aa Vargta. 1 Pri-at Wwro, : BOOM 4 CHAMBER of COMMERCE. ' - Phoa Mala Tf. OUTS f. Jw-IXDE HQMt TELITH0BE BONDS-AN -STOOPS. , . Mombrr Portland Stork BxrhaFf. " ' ' Corner gtith and Waaklnatoa Strreta. Portland. Orrfoa. - ' Ovcrtcck. Starr & Cooke Co. VJrTO rV TTPEWKITERS: ; BEADQOABTBKS for orw aad retmllt tpa . wrltera of all awkeai aee ear window! If poa - Br OOlOa W OOF O OW ijmiiw - for bartnci w can aar poa aioaoyi we fcawe parte for repalrlnir all aurhlnoa: tt t aaaata for tho VUlhl poai wa bay all klada , af typewriter. Ta Typewriter Ricbane. las., fc. I. Bill, . 84 Third C BLICKENSDERPER Typewrltar AlwacTJ aap. repelra. Balelrb Dim., ntn aaa neoa. PUBLIC HTENOOBAPUER. pile; WB a RemlnrroM. Bmltb aeor, etc.. lower inea a ay otaer roarpanjl Inr otlirate. TTooVi ood 'Typewriter Co.. 6A Sth. trAnsportatiow North Pacific S. S. Co.'s ElL?Geo. W.Elder ute Baa PTanoisco sna iom -vnsraiaa .... . . . direct, -T- WcdliesclaytHar.6.8peni. I oXSes XI S.S. Tlok orSoa 138 Sid, Aldss. . e radaaadaiy, BCaroIt ,. .-.. ,.H. TOUNQ, Agsnt. . .-, AT THE THEATRES Idtst Time MBro4vdwspn .Tonight. 'KlAw'oVi ErUofdr ara praseoUns Coiinno. Scott Welch aad) an axcalleat east and chorus la Ooorpa M. Cohan's oomadr. with anuslo, "41 Mlnutas From BroBdwaT."LtJh JielUR theatre. Four teenth and Washington streets. Tonight will afford poor last opportunity of see ing It. . Curtala at o'clock. - ' 'Botterflx' Toiimmtow Night, v The musloal and society event of the season, "Madame Butterfly, Puccini's Japaneee grand opera, will te Riven at the Uelllg theatre tomorrow (.Thursday) Bight, continuing Friday and Saturday nights with a matinee Saturday. This beautiful grand opera will bo presented by Henry W. Savage's English- Grand Opera company. Seats are now sell ing at box office the theatre for the en tire engasement. - Good seats may stlU be had for any performance. Gallery general admission seats wll4 be placed on sale at the gallery box office. Four teenth street, on sight of performance. Come early. ..-.,. ,''-- Prlroeo -Minstrels Next Sunday. . $eorge Primrose and. his big mln strelcompany will play an engagement of twl Inghta at the Hetllg theatre next Sunday and Monday. March IS and 11. There waa a time when the public would stand for a . so-called minstrel show to appear In oriental scenes and costumes, powdered wigs and painted faces. In its place baa come the merry darkey fun Intermingled with - up-to-date songs and bumor, led by George Primrose. Seat sale opens next Friday..'-" ' .' , ., ., 1 . 1 :. ' ... Baker's "Mlzpah" Well Liked. That the theatre-going public appre ciates a departure from tho usual play la evidenced by ' the throngs . which have been attending "Mlspah" at the Baker this week.. The demand for seat a has surpassed expectations. "Mlspah" is Ella Wheeler Wilcox's dramatisa tion of the Biblical story of Eather.- As a spectacle it could hardly be excelled. Matinee Saturday. V , A Camiwign of Merrlniont. That's the purpose of Black Pattl's Troubadours In coming to the Empire. The first gun In the campaign will be fired tomorrow night Such songs as "A. Royal Coon" and several, other mu sical hits which are. new to Portland will be Introduced by theso fun ex perts. . Matinee Saturday. - Black Shopp" Next Week. "A, Black Sheep" Is one of the very twat r'ays that Hoyt ever wrote, and Hoy fa plays are all considered good. It will be presented by the Baker etock company . neit weak, and the Intereat t: at l is ;ictly .been manlftsted'lBl the production -tnd!eates- great popu larity. "A Black Sheep" will likely be one of the best drawing attractions aver offered by the Baker management Last Chance for "Sliasouri GlrL Tonight's Is the last performance of "Th Missouri Girl" at the Empire. Sadie Raymond and her company hare drawn good houses, for . the comedy drama presented Is one of nnusual merit Tomorrow nlglit - Black Pattl's Troubadours begin their campaign of merriment They will be at the Em pire the remainder" Of the " week.ThS production this year Is vastly .differ ent from any seen here belare. . ; v : "WolTs of Wyoming.' ' The Lrrlo has a great play this week In the famous cowboy drama, "Welle of Wyoming." :.Th stags pictures are, Dcauurui, , mere are many new laoea in the oast and ths entire atmosphere of the theatre la changed for something better. "Wells of Wyoming" both the Pliy "d - '"nr In wMnK It I staged Is a triumph for realism, v , v - Coin's Wonderful Dogsv - - " Educated dogs soUng a' play without the aid of a trainer on the stage Is the novelty ths Grand presents this week. Coin's dogs have an act dissimilar from anything else In tho dog show line In this country, It Is an act which pleases the children of all ages. Sat urday there will be two matinees, one at :1 -and tho -other at S:4I. This will enable all th youngsters to see th wonderful dogs. There are half a dosen ojher big acts on th bilL" " Star's Cyclone Comedy. "My Friend From India" Is a steady and uninterrupted cyclone of comedy at the Star theatr this week. With Forrest Seabury as th barber 'and Verna Felton as ths slavey, there A no" endof Tun Arid lhSS4 two are "rein forced by all th favorite Allen players. "My Friend From India" had lost none of U humor ana it is raising more merriment this week than any previous play of th NEVADA MINING STOCKS 4 - si r Current In San Francisco 1 Prices .,; J:l Btarket t Closing. ' 1 Saa Praoctao. March ".Nevada abaras, kM prlccat ' " ' ( OOLDFIELD DISTRICT. V Randirorm. .V; Red Top. 84.2S: Mohawk. 117 50: Columbia Mt., 1; Jumbo, 4.80 Jamb Ett., S3; vernal, lie: pennaylTtnla. or: Gold field H. Co , 11.70; KendaU. 42c) Booth, SSc; Blao Bell, 4Sc A,dma, top; Sllrer Pick, tl.eo; May Qnn. Sue; Narada Boy, 10c; B. B. Ext.. 13c; Bin Bell, 2Re; Dlilo, 13c; O. Columbia. 4e: Hlbernla, 15c; St. Ires, 11.80; Cooqaaror. tic; Black Rock. Sot Lone Star, SOc; O. Wonder, Ac; Pot lack. Sec; or. 4Se; KendaU Ext. Be; Sandatnra Ext., So; Wayne, 16i Atlanta TBc; Great Bend, 11.(0; Slmerone, SOc; Empire, Inc; Bed Top Ext. tc; riorenee, IS.tft; DlamoadMeld B. B. Co., 4Ac; 0. Delay. $3.S0; Lnna, 81. SO; Com mo-reelth. 3.1a aeked; Comb, Praet.. 84.80; Greet Bend Ext., 83c; Oreet Bead Annex. 82c; MlUatorm, 82c; B. B. Bonanaa. lie; Kewanoa, 81.6.; Eaaieralda, 98c; Portlaad. 80c: Cracker Jack, ISc: Praacla Mohawk, tec; Red XI I II, tc; Mohawk Ext. Xttc; Spearhead (Mid, Tfte; Loe DIUon. ISc) T. Tiger, 14c; Oraadm. SV, S. Pick Ext., ISc: X. Bo, 14c; Ol Mt Bxt, To OoMf. Ceas So; Dlamt Trtaagla, 840. ' COMNTOOC DISTRICT. Onhlr. tl S8: Malt ran. S4e; Oonid A Carry. Mc; Cob. Virginia, Sic: Saras, TSc: Hal A Norcroae, Tic: Xeilow Jacket. 1: Belcher. SSc Confidence, SSc; Sierra Kcrada, 82c 1 Excheaaer, 81c; taioa, l. BCLLPBO0) DISTRICT. Orlrlnal. lOr; Pollf. If. C. STc; Mont Rolf., So; Nat. Bank. 81c: L. Harrla, 8c; Amethrat. oe aaked: Uold Bar. 81. 15; Stelnway,. Src; Denrer Buf. Ami.. 10c: Bonnie Clara, Sn aaked: Mayfl. Con., 8Be: Monty. Okie Ext.f lie: iB, Delay,-aekedi Homeatek-for, 81. 80 Tank Ctrl, lie; Nntset Oe: Tramp Con., '11.88; Victor, Tic; Banner, Tne aaked; Nortk Star, le aaked; Mtda, SO aaked; Sua. eat, 11. T0S0PAHS. Tob. Nv., 81S.TS: Mont Toa., 8TT0; Ton. Ext.. 84.4: MarNamara. 67c: Midway. t2i Ton. Belmoat. 8S; Toa. No. Star. Sec; Ohio Toa., Ac; Weat End oan.. Rrn. ltto; Ton. A Cnllf. ISc; Oolden A Dehor, !e; Jim Bnller, 81 1 Ton. Ceh Boy, Be; Ton. Horn, Ac; Boat. Ton., Monarca Pitta, Ext., J4c; Mont. 11 Id. Kit., 11; Ookjaa Crown, 16c; N. T. Ton. Cuoa.. 12c aakad, MANHATTAN DISTRICT. , Manhettaa Con., Snrt Manh. M. Co., Ifc; 0. Wedge. 12c; Seylee Hoeap, Se; llexter, tSet U Joe, Sc; Creeetnt. Sc; Combination. T; Granny, XV aaked; Moatang S4c Uttl Orey, 4. aaked; Cowboy. 7e; Orlf. Manh,, lie; Broncho, 14c; Jump. Jack.. ISc; Plnenitt, pir; Pnfr.lo. or aakadi 8. IX. Sue; T. Uurer, 8c aaked 1 Jadlaa t'aaip, Toa aakad. - TODAY'S MARKETS Cor Burtt, of Ccatena A Co., Cay That Potato Price Ar Now at Cottom If Crow r Do Not Hold and Let Eastam Stuff In. GEORGE BURTT TALKS OF SPUDS Says I Potato V Market Is Now "About Bottom if "Holders ; : , ; Feed San Francisco. EASTERN POTATOES COME WITH HIGHER QUOTATION Enormous SaJee of Hops Blade in the Fast Few Days Jim Pincus of Taooma Estimates That Folly ' 2,000 Bales Have Been Bold. Priaeinal aurkat fee tore today: . Potato market at bottom. ' ' Rvery on palling onion. . ' ' Vetublea arrlrad by teamr. Mil ad altnatloa la gg market.' Chicken remalB Tory acaroa. ' -, Rnoraaoua aalea of aopa are Bead. . , UrU tone la dreaaed axoata.. . RartS Talis ef Potote Oatlaok. George Bortt local raproaanUtlTe of Sca taaa A Co. ef See Praneieca, aaya that la hi ootnbam tho natato market baa about a track bottom ft the praeant aeaaoa. Mr. Bnrtt- objecta to .the recent statement by a rlral Baa Praaelaca hone that there war only soo car of potato ta this territory, Mr. Bortt cttlag the.fact that at th tlm th etata BentWaa"publlabad there were erar 80 cars af potato "held at Canby, while the report aald that bat fie car were bald there. "I know there are folly 800 ears of potato In th stat ef Oregon at thla time," aaya be. "The altnatloB la th potato market Is not aa bUck aa It look aad If tke dealer will an. lead eome of their eurphia holdings and the farmer wwald not held back their shipment th market wlU In all probability hold wU tho remainder of th aeeao. If, bowerar, tb dealara and grower bold beck their ahlp BMnts for high prlcaa they will caaa another famine t aappllea ta California aad tbn In daearaaatwa ahrpaaBBts sgits wits Its eoh nnt lower pHea. Thar la a tratfe la the aoblUhed atatnBts that we hare aold all oar eaatern potato, bat fir car arriving at th tlm the article was printed. . Oar firm still has potatoes and consequently doe not want the market te ge lower, vr ara usewia eery heavy borers of Oregon ' apples and oar ex ports to the orient of this class of fralt ar eery hoary. It La to ear Internet aot to sly the growers the wrong Ms as th axarketa." leaal Potatoes Are Steady. ' 'wlrri no areit (BMont ef bastaeas la,,; ported ta the keel potato market the ton ramalas salt ateedr, thonirb tomewhat dull. At tb preeent range ef prices from tl t f 1.23 per hundred poonda dealers aay that ahlpmenu can be profitably made. It Is th general opinion of th potat trade that pree ent price are bottom -one and that onleaa (rower hold too long they will be able to dlsnoa of tbelr holdlns to advantage. There fct aothlna of Intereat ta tho anion altnatloa. tba ton being fully a dull aad weak aa ever. - A entaitderabte ajnennt-of. nixed vegetable srrlTd oa the -California eteame yesterday afternoon and waa offered for aal along th street today . Demand, lu an nne food, Apple ar ah owing a greater ecarclty erery day and price are firmer. : -e Xaoemens galea ef Hop Ar Mad. Aeenrdlns to Jim Pisco ef Ptaras A Boris of Taooma, there hare been ettonsoas Bale ef Boo la Oregon daring th pan row ear. Mr. Plneoe place th ale la th neighbor hood ef X 000 bales, a very considerable bnei eeaa eonsldorlng the snerl talk of dnllneas aaaoBg th dealers. According .to Information received moat f the aale ar made at 10 cants or ander, son of tb dealer admit ting the" receipt of orders beyoed the 10c msrki Thar . ar mmora that a laege aam- hor ef bop aalea etlll remain aucovered and that the brewers ar now caning for the deliveries. Some baalneaa In contra eta la re ported aroand the former rang ef fiyure. rrathBJ SitoatMa la Xgg Market. ; Ther la a badly mixed altnatloa la tb ef Saarkat at this time. Preparations ar being mad for cold etorag a operations ea a heavy east and this la Scaring eome ef th dealers who find that la pear when every one stored eg g the prices that untied dnrlng the winter month ware aot high. At this Mm receipt are very heavy sad those dealers who recelre large snppllre are forced to eU at the lower range ef valoe. pries today rating betweea IT and ITU eants. - Chicken ar very slow In arriving and th market la very firm with values clo to the top. Bom getting aa advene for fancy bene. Dreeeed meats of all kind show flrmneea long th atreet today with price at th top, Oranse trad la vary heavy., - Cars arriving new almost every day. Wheat and floor firm, bat exchanged, ATI grain holding well. . Trade pays the fotlewlag prices to Proat street Prices paid shippers ar leas regular mm mission: ' WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS By Shark Graham Co. ' ' ' 4 Vegetable of all kinds have 4 4 ' been In scant supply . for the 4 4 , paat week, there not being auf-" 4 flclont to meet th demand. Rev- . 4 . oral oars are due from the south, 4 however, and these ar expected ' to relieve the stringency. 1 4 . . Demand for .. chickens at the. 4 4 present high prices still eoft- 4 4 - tlnuas strong with arrivals too 4 light to supply ths trade. : . Dressed hogs and veal ar Just 4 4 about holding their own, wltH 4 4 th former In more plentiful sup- 4 ply than the latter. 4 There Is appsrently nO change ' 4 4 her In th potato situation so 4 4 far aa price is concerned, If 4 anything th market appears a 4 4 little armor, onions are slow 4 4 r snd selling at' all kinds of prioes. - 4 Srara. Phrer Vnd Feod. ' flRAIlf BAOS Caieatta. SHe boring ar1ri eelltne. eS4i. WHEAT New clnb T0Tle: red Raaataa, TInSc; btneatem. TJej7ci valley. Toe. CORN Wbohv I2S.00I cracked, 8300 pes B A Rf RT New ped Stl OOevf nfi reOeC t28On324.00: brewlag. 12-00028.00. --BVE 81 AS pec ewt. . . . '': OAT New Pradeers' T t-e No, I wfclt. f2 0Ot2S.8O: gray. l2S.0OrtM.S0. , PIXCR Eaatera Oregon patents. 84.18; atralghta, 83.00; export, SSJSi valley, 88.78; graham. 8 80: whole wheat A.f; rye. Oa. 88.00; hele. 82.TA MILLSTTJFF9 Braa. 117.00 par ' roni mid. dllnrs. 828.00) aborts, eonntry, $20 60; ity, tlB.V): chop, fI8.00OXl.00. H AT Prod see re' prle Tta-hr.-WITIametee eel toy, faaey, $18.000 14. 00; rdlnry, 8B 00 ft) 10.00; . eaatera Omroo. 81S.OO; mixed, 810.0001OBO; clover. .00; grata. 88.00010.00; sheet 8A0O. Batssr, Rggs aai Poaltry. RtrfTER PAT t. 9. b. , PprtUsd Sweet eream. SSt4; aonr, siVie. BUTTER City creamery, grae; e-tsld fancy. Snct a tor. re. Svst.lOc: store. ITejITu. yOOSExtTa fancy, candled, ITlTte. CUEKHB New Foil cream, flata. ISQIBHe: tewns America, HOlSHe. POULT BTLrre Mixed chickens. 14H per Tb; fancy bene, 1BA15H Ri: mosrers, old, lie pr lb; old eta re. 11 In: fryers, 14Hjl5c P: brollera, 14HI5 lb! old docks, ISHc; spring dncka, ISVie per lb) geee. Vis I He per lb; ter-i Beya, 17 ear B for M; dreeeed. faacy, TJ per Th; aqnaba. 88 00 Per doe: piaeone. 81.04 par doe. Dreeeed poaltry 10)1 He per lb higher. - Hose. West aad Rids. . .'; HOPS 100 ereo. rbotce. H)H11e( erima te coeice. loci ndlm to prime. 1,.. ascdlam. Sc: eoetraets, ISO! crop, 13e. WOOL 180 cup rslley. uXS, Hetsr Oree-a, 800. ' . hloHAlE New. somlnet SHEEPSKINS Sheering, ISQiSe eerbf abort wol, 840ei sedlm , 000780 eaehl km wool. I6r$l.00 acb. TALLOW Prima, per lb. 8dOeo Ess B d greeae. t4lt4. CillTTlM UABK SHOT for ear tots; amad 10 nig Dry. Re. t IS Th snd op. 16 ue. TW per tht dry kip, Nov 1, S to IS Th, e; dry sail. No, I, ander S Bw. ISe; eitd bide, aeaer. eeond. 00 Ik sd ever. lOQIle; am, Melsger its your eyts for 11.00. SUlh sueet. Bear Washlng-toa, iuubui! atee and balls, enemd. 00701 a in 18 to 80 Tha. sc calf, anaad. ander IB lea, lie: green, enealted. 1 wee; ealla. Ir per lb ami horse hldre, salted. ch. fl -211 78: dry. ara, 11. 00O I. SO; eolt hlriea, 2Rfl.vti roat aklns, tran-ti cb. lOOISci Aaroea. eseh SftrSltl . Pnlts aad Teeataklea. . - POTATOES Baying price, eaatern Mrtne mak had Claekamaa select, 81 2ft; selling, fancy, 8l.n; ordinary, baying, 11 ewt awedia, svttl OSIONS JohMng prle Ro. T Orey on. 81 -0 1.03; No. tv SUitfeV, baying price, 4J 70a f. . b. ehlpplng point) gerlio, lim per lb. APPLK y Hand klrer epllseaoerg end fellow Newrowae. 82 AO) fancy WlllaaMMe val ley aad eoolhers Oragoa, 81.80Ol.IA rdlnaiy stock, S' OO!! ". H1F81I t HI IIS Orange, sew ssvel, 8J . tlal; lanx.rlnes. II. 'o; bananaa. 0e p. Ih; kroone. M box: llmca. ai'tvra 81 81 n-f liai; plnrapplee, $4.O0ti.o0 per ooeen; pine Sptlee, S.t per dosen; Slap fruit,' 84. T A. Vkxietihi ta -larmps. aew. miaysi sack: garrets, TX&I1.00 per aacki beets, 11.2) pet ssck: rsdlshss. f 1 per So; eabbsg. S2.50: ' hell oennere. . f I ner Tht toma- toea. Meet can. 12.60; peranlp. SOciailt atrlag peansv lee per in; cauliriowar. sa.oo per aoa, peas, 13c; horseradish. 8&Be per lb; artlcbokse, per dosen: snusah. Tnef.81.00 per boa; celery. California. g3.Uo68.B0 per orsle; ctb berriee, IH.OOttu.00 per barrel; apron ta, 8file per U senarsms, UVkttUct thnberh, So lb) green onions, ioe dosen. . DRIED FRUITS e Dolee. era -orate. eer Te per lb; aprleeta, l8Vkt20e per lb: peaebea, !2aiU ner lb: cka. Ue oer-Jh leee: nmnea. 80 to 40. kSc- si .e droo so each 1-10 a mallet else; fige, California black. S4)H par hh California whit. 41He per Tb: date, golden. 14 a par bos l fsrda. 8140OI1.S0 per IB-is a Oreoariea, Mats, Eta. ' prtfl AR California A Hawaiian Oene. 25.27 hi: powdered. 8.12U; berry. 84.02V4L dry xranuiated. Ss.HU! Star. S4.7VU1 conf. A. 4.lttV; extra B, 84.42 golden C. St.SXtbl P yeiiow, ae.KVkl Oeet grsnuiaiea, 4.12. western cube, . 8 V ik i powoarea. ea-uw; dry granulated. 88.27 U: P. C 84.73; Bu rraacw, .7am eoo feet loners' A, S4.S2M; extra c, S4.u; golden V, . S4.SZH; u, yaunw, 4J2Vi beet graaslated. 84.7214: bMa, 10c lb BDUv S3cl Boxss, hoe advance on sacs am. i a out prices are so days net eaaer e Uone). .... . e .... f HONET-88.80 pee crate. COFFEE Psckaee hraoda. B1B.SS4118.8S. SALT Coarse Half r round. 100a. 810.00 Pef too; ouo, iuw: ism, as try. ous, i.wi u . IS. 70; hales, lUtti Imported IJverpaoL 80s, 18.00: luue. 117 IK): ivaa. HS.OOi eitre rise. bbis. Ss. -6e. 10a. S4.otttSA0: I-rrernoM sal reeh.-9.0O par toa; BO-lb rock,' fl0.80r . no. oo. A nova prices apply te aalas or waa xaaa eav lota. Cat tots at special price eabjeet to liocTnaiions.i 1 B1CK leioarlal Janaau No. 1. Sal R. t. Ilci hiew Orieasa, head, let Ajas. 8c Ores, BEANS gmall J erhltn.' 88.801 BuwS wklt. 83-2B; pink. 12.801 be ye. 88.T81 Lama. 8)41 Mcxicen rens. . . NUTS Paanat. 'amho, SHe per fe Ttrgtole, 7Uc ser n rooeted. 10 nor Ibi Jananee. Bui likCi rostd70TM per lb: axweaaats, SBOte per an;, wsiaai. uiironii, iwi s r id, Heneh, 15c per lb; plooaats.' 1401BC ser lb: bl-korr nebs. lOe ner UK cbestnata. eaatern. loitide par Ibl Bra all sets, 18 pee U-, filberts, lfle per ih; fancy pecan, 18O80el simoxtoa, IvejIHe- 1 - Meats, Pish aad Previsions. ' PBE8H MEATS Proat Street Hots, raacy Se per Ibi veal, extra, Se pee lb) ordinary. 7H4te per lb; pear, to par U( mattoo, taaey. atiws per 10. .. HAUS. BACON, ETC P-rt1a(J pack OoraM heme. 10 to 18 lbs. 18 Ih; 14 to 18 lb. 10 lis- 1 v 4Wa 18n lsRAs IK kasskm t eaw haaess lAlf a i21H lb: picnics. 12 lb: cottar nn 12 lb; regular abort clears, aasmoked, 12 lb: smoked, 13 tb. J clear backs, ansmoked, 12c smoked. Lie lb: Union botts, 10 to 18 Ih. is- amokod,-Sc lb) smohsd, e-4bi elesr kelllie, on- amoked, 18He Tb; smoked. 1SHC lb) aboaldera, 12c lb; pickled tonyoes, BO each. LOCAL LARD Kettle hsf. 10a. 1S rh: 8a. 18 lb: AO-lb tine, la He lb; eteam ren dered. lOe, U lb; 6a, 125, lbs eompoead, 10 Hc Ts. 1. ' CANNEO SALMON CohimMa rrear, .b tall. 1.0t t-Ih tails, gz.TB: rancp. 1-lk nata, 11.00; Vk-lb faacy flats. 81.18: fancy l ib e-raU, 82.7S Alaska tslla. pink, H6O0ci ted.. SLAft; nominal. Se. tall. $2.00. PISH Rock cod, 7 per Tht fToaoder, 8 per lb; halibut S per lb: era be. 8IOLBO per soar trlped baa.' 19He per ib eatflah, 10 lh saluMin, feeeh Oolumbla river eteelbeeda. lie; Chinook, 2ie lb; frosea salmon, SO lie; her ring, ee Tb; aolee Sc lb; shrimps. 10c lb; parch. Be Ibi black cod, Te per lb: tnmcod. T per lb; alleer smelt. Be par lb: lobsters. Ids per Bt fresh stacker!, Ss per Tb: crawfish. X" pef dosen; amryeoo. 10c nee Ih) k'aek bass, SO pel lb; O'lnmhta river smelt Se per tb. OTSTEHS Sboalwoter bey. pee gslloa, 82 8 per 100-lb ark. 84.60: - Olymrda. per gal lea, I2.3S1 per .1 IB-lb. sack, 85.60OA28; Eagle canned. 1 00c can, T dosea. - - - CLAMS HardshelL . per box, tlTBt rasor elauw, $2.25 per box. . .. . Paint Coal 00. Sts, : "-'fioPB Per MsaUa, U4a) ataadArd. Uet slaal. lie. COAL OIL Pearl r AatrsV Caso. ISH pee gallon; water white, woe bbls. 1 per gaTloat weodes, 17 par yalloni. beadllgM. ITodag,t case. 21H per gallon. OASOLINB- ss deg lass. Mite per gsJVea, kron bbls.. ISe per gnDew. BENs. IN B 03 deg. raeas, SB per saBeai bron hMn. ISHc per gallon, ' TURPENTINE Is taaas, SSs per gall Bulla hhla. vSe per gsRon. WHITE LEAD Too Iota, 71 per Th; BOS-T lata. Se per lb: lea Iota, I14 par Th. P. IRS NAILS Preeent bail at IIS. LINSEED OIL P ; raw. In 8-bbl lota, BBei l-bb) lot. Bin I sears, 18a par gal; yeoeisev aee. lie balled, rases, eOe per gal: 8-bbl lata, Bsc; 1-hbt lota. 8Be par gait groaad oak. ar lets, M pe teas esse thaa ear lata. 8w par saa. DAMAGE REPORTS HELP RECEIPTS III , YARDS BETTER Mora Liberal Arrivals Ara Shown During til- Past Twenty-Four i Hour Hara.' DEMAND VERY; GOOD v : WITH PRICE HOLDING AH Line Continue Forrner Stroitg Tone Moles Come From East St. Louis En Route to . Fairbajik, AlaskaV, Portlaad TMoa StoeirardJ. Marc 8. LaVe. stock reoelpts: ... ' Mors. Cattle. Sheen. Today 810 . . 800 8 wees ago ou -.o Tear ara t2S m... lis) Previous vear ............ .-. 88 lhl While reeelpta la all line were bettor to day, demand la safflcteetly heavy to enable receiver to casaa np arrivala wlthewt asiadin the pnee. Aa compared win recent arrivals, today's movement to market waa heavy. Daring the 84 hoar BIO bogs, SOO cattle, SOO aheem. 4 mnlan and 28 Bead ef horsos rrlved. Bnge are vary firm at ST.TB for heat, wttb 8S aa the to for steer. Sheep firm. 1 . - v- Tha arrival of the 40 head ef male crested eaaslderebls Interest in th yards. Aoosrdlsg to Secretary Plnmmer. they ar th bast mnlea evee aaeai lit tha Tarda. They from East St Louie and are an rout to rb baaka, Alaska. To land thus la this city they eoat the owner SOUO a paly. Uveetock a year age tods; ATI Baas ftrx. Bat aarbaaged: , Official Uvaatock net see: HogsBeet eaatern Ore yon, ST.T8; SbKiksiS aad feeders. SO.T64kT.0Os Cblaa fats, 8S.7B. Cattle Bt eastern Oregon tears, 88.00; best esw and heifers. M BAT8s i sad feeders, 83.78; bulla, JJSO. Sheep . Mixed, 8$4o: wethers, S)4e 834 HS laaibe, Sfc.Ba EASTERN CATTlXl.iCHER Chlcagt Steady to 10c Up Hos V .and Sheep Steady. V. ChlcafO, March oV-Wveetock recetptst ..... - . Hoe. Cattle- . . Sheen, Chicago ....ts.oo . ao.oro laois) Kansas City ......01.00 ' - 8.000 , 8.000 Omaha SAO 8.600 AOOO Hog ar strong, with 4,oo lert ever. Hs celpta S year ago were 88,000.' Prices: Mixed end batcher,' 8a SOOT. 00: Uxbt." .ssdl8.STx( rougn, k s gooo, eo."t i -w. Cattle Steady to 10 Oeata high. . Beep Steady. . , HOGS AT HIGH PRICE September Wheat Oalns fie in CTil-;-t$a l4-ket Today. BBLATIVB WHEAT VALTJE8. ' Mar. A Mar. A ' Osm. J0A Msf .WHBI .ISA t JK 9 Jnly..... TTB -T'4 .0014 ,T04 heptember ... .77 H A .70 XWta , -7's Chicago, March A With farther reporte of dsmag to tb crop m the onthweet th wheat market advanced today. The largest gain was In th September, which parted company with Jnly and closed 4 higher than yesterday st T7SS BkA . - - , ' Official q notations by Overhack,' Btsrr A Oook company; orHKAT. " ' v OpTI May TB Jnly Ifky .. Jnly September .. .e May .......... ': Jnly .......... September . May Jnly . Low. . Ooe. 7KU TflB TSS T7HB ' 774 T7H4 : m-r Ki 4H 4rlttR 4814 -ddilB ';' ' d1 41tAA , 8-iJ 82iB 1ST ISSO 1040 1660 I '. . nT soa . SAO gfld V SOT SZt , Ir SOS ' f05 " S12 PIS . sir ; sea , niyh. TA4 TS . T7V, Heptembet 18 77 VUSK. dSi v . 4St4 '411 4ll '4 40 i ' 48 i OATS. 41H 4S Snt; 87 lit; . 8214 MEMS PORK. ',1027 ' ' 1M .....14T 10A0 . 1 ' . LABO. 'a May SOO Pfll Jnly ......... P'HI , : "l , September .... pro 878 . SnORT RIBS, May SOS , SOT t July ...,..., 8'2 PIT (teotember B20 . 822 MMH 1,- -mrnxD itatis ooTiBjtiRT borba Row Tork, March V Ooveroment "bood: Vtt. Bkt Aek. Two, registered 1'0 do coupon lw.10 Threes, reelstered HS do conpon ,..,,.... 1"S Pours, reslerered .......... HT do coopon IWOT Tl-eea. smell bonds..... tvmra. reclatered .......... 10M lwvi ISO do coupon im im iw District of Columbia OB.. 114 4. runrs. Philippine I'D ' aOOP nVTT PROBP-CTB. Rlperla. Wsab., Msrch'A Prnllgrowers of this dimrlct expect a larr crop of fmlt title Jeer. Mr. Soil 1 1,, a farmer, ears: "w, v. 1,1 era the Mxiceet crop of frntt this year that there bee h for ) years." Mr. SmUh la a plooeer frnltsrower and has S larr fmlt fane at this place. Th Palonse ciHintry ha nt tirndnr, d a trtr emp of fnUt for two years, but or-i-ar1tet er eipecting this year to be a rtonil bresksr. . I 10SIA l'iV4 l4 104 , 10a "l- 102 HARRIL10 GETS THE READING? Rumor on New York Exchange That Union Pacific Magnate . Hae Secured 'Control. TEN POINTS ADDED ; " TO THE LIST PRICE Recent Heavy Baying Said to lie fov Bltt ' Financier Ceetieral Stock Market la . UigheiwCan. adian Pacltle hat -,. ' RET A1N. 1 haly (it. Northern National Lead . N. V. Ceatrsl.. North. Pacltle . Pressed Steel . Reading Be. Steel do preferred South. Panlft . jSoatharn Ry lean, toot IWIC. A Steel . 04 preierrea ... r'lLOSE. IS 104 Amalgamated car ray, Aonrsnve Sugar ...... Smelter ..... Aaaeoada ... Atchison .... B. A O Brooklyn UL Paul O. A O. Colo. Poel L. A R Tex. A Pacific. Laloa Psda ... 1' ... . RET Canadian 1 IBrla , Cent. Leather ... 8 Itlllanaa Central B Oa a!Sk Islaad ..... H New Tork. March It was stated th stock exchsrg today that the recent heavy paying ox steaoing aaxiway atoea xms inr Uarrlmen and that maaaat 1 now aald to bare added that rood u hi holdlnr. Kalea of Reading were eery heavy and th abort were sqaeeaed several time during th day. Th close wa 1044 points higher thaa yes- isroay. . id general mars ex stub tne ex re p. Uoa ef Caaadian Pstn and lUlaols Central, was higher. . , . . .. ,. . .. . Official euoUtlona be Overhach. Starr A yooaq company DESCRrPTIOR. Sale MAde At Over $30 a Head ; ' tV Supply Scarce. Mason. Wash.. March A A. White ef this Jty, who Is one of tha promtneat tarmera and atock ralears ef thla district, sold tour heed of bog last week tor 8122.60. The price ot Jhoga , la -high . sad. there er but . few la the country. Buyers are scooting tb district aaa paying ap au taai ar exierea lor saw. PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Happy Day, Is m Special Feature of -LJ Today. Market. Bappy Day waa g special feature f the trad ing today on the Portlaad market. It ad vanced 114 aad waa eagerly bid for at ttte, but none won offered ander fc- Snowvhoa loe! lOe In th bid, bat the Ceear CAleoe Ut Was firmer. . - A meeting of th stockholders of the Morning Mining company waa held ha Spokane yeertrday and report were ef good prospects. There will be a meeting of the hnckholdor ef Mamaaoth tomorrow evening la th earn city. Report from th mine will be made public the. . Sales: On thousand British Xakon at 9414, Z2.000 Lea's Creek Gold at tlie, 8.000 Pot (da Mining at 12H. 1.000 Potlci Mining at 12e, 10 1" strains Bay Telephone at 8 SO. 1,000 Brit Mb Columbia Amalgamated at 6e. . Official prices: .'. . . . AURA BTOCas. Bid. Aak. Bank ef California !Wo.0O Bankers' A Lnmbermsn'S. ...... 1US.80 111.00 MarohaBta Nattona I 1S1.00 Oregon Trust A Savings........ ..... 128.00 Portland Treat v. j -. Caltad BUtas Rational 3D0W .... LISTED SEOrBmES BONDS). American Blscalt Co, Sa 88 AO City A Suburban aa. Colombia Boot norm Irrigation Se me Ss.. ........... loom 82.00 - 86.00 80.00 100.00 100.60 Borne Telephone 4. u. uem ue. oa. .............. O. R. A N. Ry. 4a............. W on Ot W, P. A Ry. S 100.0 lnJ M Pacific Coast Bteculf As. TTT... , M. BS 100.08 Portland Ry. 6 10040 MISCRIXARE0C1 BTOCKN. Associated Oil 88.00 Hem Telephone ............... 80. V . O. Lee Co Pacific State Telephone , 108.00 Paget Sound Telephone.... MIMNO STOCKS. - Brttlab Takoa' .2414 Denny Dalln JT . Oetewood lkevlew Ie Creek Oold North Pslrvlew Manhattan Crowe Point.. Potlele Mining , Waaboogal Ki tens ton CNUSTET) STOCK A Oregna City Mill A lumber.... 4.00 T equina Bay Telephon 8 V Alsaka Pettohnua rllu Stone British Columbia Amal. ........ , .08. Caacadla .28 . OoMrield Trottar " Mammoth ............... ... -14 Morning .04 Mount Pitt 05 Standard Conolldatd M Taooma Stool ................. -18 - . COEDB D ALENR DISTRICT, n-rtlen .OTVh Copper JClng 4 . . . . I'M - O. tk. tnnsouasiea... .......... a Bsppy Dsy -Wj Park Copper ' 41 00 4S.O0 ' 4 .100 100.08 ' 80.00 .' - .10 .89 -28 A214 1 .02 ..... ,08 .IS r J J2. 8 2S 8 00 .. IS 18 . : JO 4 J!S .IS .( .10 -24 JO "l24 . .AH -.18 .03 .OT ' ,74 .68 8 SO IrXW TORS COTTOR MARA XT, Raw Tork, Jaaoary April Hsr ....... Jna ....... Jnly Asxuet ... Septewibar . October ... Dece tuber .. Merck Open. ..lore) - 878 A Official High. Low. HnVi 104T So , STS , SOI ' lo&l ,' SSS tt poo t.10i4 JS ..ltt!4 . .1088 ' 101 J toT 1004- - 14 ol8 - KSiS list 11171 104S MBS eottoa price: star a. Mar. 6. . 102 1048 hs , ami S8 S7T ' H8 " ' 10O pNH ion , pU) 1014 --POT loi 7 , bus 1037 10! lwe4 M LIverpooL March 1 te S points np. Oettea Klghor. 8. Cotton futures closed a TOtmrm nomttum. Having to lay upon my bed for 14 days from a severely bruised lag. I only found relief when I uaed a bot- n of llnllard'a Bnow Liniment. I ran cheerfully recommend It as the heat medicine for brtilaea ever ent to th afflict. It haa now a pewt- tlve necesnny upon mynnn. 11. k. I'yrnee. Merchant, foversvlll. Texas, I...-, 60a sn.l $1.00. old by all drug gists. . . Amal. Cooper Do. Am. Car A PVanA, as 4 piaferrsd votsnaoii, ess.... Ass. lcasnevlve, eoas . . Aee. Sugsr, aeaa Am. Ssssltar. ansa. ...... as nrvferred Anaconda Mining 0.'.. Am. Wooean, easa. ...... Atchison, com do preferred......... Baltimore A Onto, aom. do preferred Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Canadian Pacific, eosa. Central Leather, aom... vfatw pfwtsAtTvrq, rs.i At. f war R VT .e Waal . ChL, Mil. A St Psol... tiu. a it. w- com.. Ch sea pease A Ohio .. Cola, Peel A Iran, sen Com, Soothers, em.,, da 2d preferred.... d lat preferred... Delcwar A, Oenver A R, com.,. Rrfct, coca do Sd preferred do 1st- preferred...... nitoota Central Loulavtlle A Nashville.. Msnhstun Railway .... Mexlraa Central Ry.... M., K. A T.. 00m....... do preferred ......... Distillers Oreet Northers M leaoorl Paclrla j.. National Lead ........ N. T. Central N. T., Ont A Woet Norfolk A WeeC. eom.. noria America isortnera reel no. eom. Pacific Mall B. A Co.. PennaylvsaJa Ry ...... Pea. Oa. U A C Co. Press. Steal Car. eem. ls feVSatnrx"!! ass Reading, cemmsa .... as za sia da 1st sfd Bee. Iran A Steel, csm. eo prfrrd ......... Ree Islaad. eom ...... St. L. A s. p.,"id'pf'i- do 1st pfd . Loots A A W ssnn. do prsferred ......... Son 1 kern Pacific, com. . do preferred -..... Southern By., cess 4 preferred Teaneaae Coal A Iron.. Texas A Pacific. Tol, St. L. A W- coat. do srererred Onion Pacific, com..... do preferred 0. A Bobber, eoas.,.,. do preferred... ....... C. A Steel Co- com.... da preferred. ......... nssasn, com. 101 h' S"ii SS 127 V. 8 i 2 I 3H ,1081a 6" 17TH 1414 141 H 164 V, ee'4 8V azM 184 Waatern Union Tel..... Wlaconets Central, eoas, do preferred.......... Virginal Chemical r : 1074jl08 42 I 404 101441101 a "X su toil ss 127SI124H 1UV4 180)4 LI"' aov BS SA 160 12014 1 21 Mi 41 T8)4 T SO T814J a 1214 t4 18714 2S 1M PI 4814 SO 88 tf 4 63 8 14 us i T4 142 vi 1H44 VI 4814 104 4114 101 144 80 SOi4 IS 4014 10T. B ' 1784 !! 9 14 URN 167 47 41S 8ls 824 . rim ioo 84 84U inv 128 141 22. 424 SO u so oo tot. 41 114 ri" 140 . 2 I 127 1 3 128 H i 88 83 ss 118 TS" 144 81 x- 4M 108 11 80 41 2l 81 SSU u T 141 JO 27 44 lHHJail'-'i 1 47 1U3 42 luo 41m 1IM, To !i 12s 1R' 118 . 2 A1 4 1IM an Bo, 177 ss 14 V. 14.1, ir.T 4T 41 81 1 sixc 68", S6V4 ISO - 121 138 'J. 42Z . 8S 74 . 8 T7 ss 122 41 81 so . TS 1X0 IT 1191 XW'4 44 84 lifo eJl 2S. 8 2S 82 f 84 28 84 SSV ue 148 81 27 4741 ISO. 80 8 48l 4Ti sn ts. aa 88 104 64 171 SIH as i 1.1s. IMk e 1 Sx av BS 1 a 80 62i 4 lno 120 las 21 40 s. 8i Tl SS Tr. S.1 120 a 0 T4 1S el 12S1. so 48 S44i "4 e 88 104 404 1100 in 2N TW l"h. 40 104 102 leJ t"s Ji Total aalea tor the day, A17A100 ataarsa. COURT DEALS STANDARD OIL TWO BODY BLOWS Uoorsal Special Chicago, March A Th government won two Important polnti today In Its salt against th B laniard Oil company. Judge Letndls ruled that th Standard had Boeepted redaction from th p-iV llshed rate presumably rillfully and knowingly.'" Landla also held the com pany should not hav Immunity. TOWN TOPICS a Isle ram from OesV W. Bevera. .Im .-..MmI ariA aianirar nf the Butte nra rvinnnlldo!trft Mlnlnsr eom nan v. r- celved this morning, reada: "Three shifts will be put to worn tomorrow. Everything- fin and or Improving with every toot" This telegram will be of Interest to every shareholder In r this promising property. The Butte Boys company, composed of Portland buslnees men, secured from th rlglnl locators fly most promising mlnlns claims sltusted on 10 acres of ground In the heart of th Golrtfleua district, j. si. Rosa, a Portland expert mining engineer, waa sent to lol.lfialila, and his report a-aai mm ir.inelv la favor of the propert y that the eomfjany uoheaUatlngly tmust.t the 109 acres, and mere 10 n"i s ri.i Of ludebtcdneas against it To h'irrv 8lon the development Mr. Bevera a ... . rioi.ificl.lH. and from now 1 vim and push will mark every bi- 1 I speeding the Onv nen inrn -n 1 b receiving dividends from ' 1- . The enmnnnv a th Weathcrly boiminr. 11 rtecm etreet. where aim s : of st H cents p'r share. t' ! Ing bnlo ewrv 1. permitted It pir :i I' rs f r :i'i v an- at 19 I'r ' enot'l" cv. 1 1 ft .1 i.