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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND," WEDNESDAY- EVENING, MARCH 0. 1C07. FOR SALK--REAL ESTATE. --. Scnie Rice Essl-tcnces . .$2100 . Broom house, Je.t tamper. hrt room ad s-oorrs In eiery rlm; full cement ha -(. etc.; J. pper Albtss; $.100, balance laatalimeuts. . , 4 . . .... . : $2650 'A ;- 8 mesa b-"lee. til mad"' lnprmmnnt rwot baert-eot. wish trsr. etc.: (run Irm. rlrw-e. mmrt. etc.: nrner lot oa Jstb et., near Orr-goa. 4 raleut car nnM; f l.WM) down, balance,! w". -. , $3000 V 1'- boaee' and Mm: eemeM ' eldewalke, street! Improved; a fU Vrti aad f radio of Mini; Mil place ia right adjoining Overlook; H at f snap; $2,800 nk handles It. ; $3500 B-rreim S-etnry hoaae, aioderB Immowi full amrat baeaieii; kH ftOxltiO; lu-aa art. , Tbla ta ale aem..-. , , : $3750 'f 1'" a' '?V; ' On Rait 84 th, mr Salmon! 8-rooot B story bona, moder In j respect; tot 4STI2S, r ale lor'ng - Wwa, choice rose, et. Tula I ewell plo udtknt- . ' ;'- '..: v ''450O; o : !; ' Wo home u Eaet Both, wear Btrrnalde Bow tented for fZdJxI. Call lot particular. -v" ' ::;$li(XX) .--v Fir Hinder (-room t-mT reMneac ea finest earner thci-ty at. Ttaki la fin Bm ad aa A I lm-atla: house cannot ba bnl't (or tbmoaey; 13,000 caxh, balanea J , $6000 vv ; v t-ma atory ho us a North lit a at., r Irvtng: full amnil basement, furnsre. etc.; everything ap-to-date and fin bom.- Tkla la a bargata and wtll (a eooe, -.. if these dott scrr. call, wb BAVB OTHERS. . . - The Veteran Lana Co. , 134 THIRD HT, BOOM A. frfd c. kino f. c. kino fred c. kino riuo c, kino r. c. kino frkd c. KINO rbm c. kino r. o. kin trv c. kiko rum o. kjnu r. a kino frud c. ft Co .West SMe'J! - . rail lot aad 1 hiinan elaaa - la. bj WUl aaU at a bar gala tula weak. : ,..-.,.)..:. . - rr :Iiiw.tmfflt--!iC 6! a vv iwmwaa f , . p; 4 rrartiaaal M and tmlUMnl. Ptytn $-S war tot flaaa blocka. thraa-atarr par awatos j'. ' id FKhD i;Ercd'C KlngV) ' OuraarcUl BIk. St . ca ; aa Wuhta(toa fta. c. rito . c. ki!o mm c. ktwj KINO r. a KiNU rEicu o. kimj Ctclce Vacant Lets tl.f-vv- 100il2S, mraac Oraad ara. . l.S'O Juartr block, MaUorf aaa. $!, fnU lots ea u Johaa ar Haa. Sevt looaluo, Hoath Bt. Johns. T.k Ouartrr block. Alas worth are. a w. ,n.,4i4-amoij--un tnswnrth ara. l,w lmiliai, near vniosi ara. ai lAttKliai. Oafnrd St. it.s 1 t srres. 4th at.. Woudatoeh Haa. . a ,h 7Sil(ii). Bast TVntb, aorta. , i v IKnHa), Canbrlilfa at, - . ' - i Si5 6i'il, PanlnaaUr aaa. j,5i0 KiOiijo an WiUamatle bonlrrard. I B0 UXM200. Woodstorfc i-ar Una. Abaat BO aula aa Lnwar Alt lns car, ran. Inr la pi-Ira rraas .it ta ow caao. hslaara a'v per avoata. ; - Otto, Crockett & Harkscn Realty cor 7' FIRST ST. ONLY Work frara car Una: aeir T-roont baoaa modem la aar raepart. (Ina laara. lot (Oxloo; the owaer li gulnf asat; rail tndajr; prtea 12 900; half cask, tut iwet- - aud4iid., una ssa v aanuajtoa. . PO TOO want a flaa, etrfctlT aandara homaf It'a Maatiru aaw aanraiowi a Bannf tlaaa, awra ha your own bom and pa? rant aa faoraalf; aasr BaraiaaU and onl f per - dent Interest UN tor t-maai heme, sot Mar. I Bvxlera aad battar tbaa aistiT aaw hooaaat aaUr S200 raab. balance to an It. l.KUO Mrs t ronaa boms, arlth fratt, fine - rard. -iBt lOOillV with barn aad rtlckan aoasa: any this aid af the Oar a. Tkla la ' ast (900 lea than thai will sell for la 0 ears; earn la enmpsUed ta aaD. Haa -all kmda and prtraa, hat abrra arc aaaaa sr ear ansns. - r. t. rrBntireT oo. The BoaiaasUara, 1M Morrlaoa at. " rfflg ;- Smap: Beat bar ra Pwrtlaad; 0r100 corner, new - aMdera dvabla atom, tare flats abora. rltr . aratar, bath, elrtrlc Mrht. aultibl (or gro " aerT, aaeat asaraet. bakery aad drnra; all oea. larlndlBf croeftry atork and in torse, 7.000; half eaah. balance terBM. Beat k rat last aa & Job as line. Bee W. B. Beat, arbor Loo re etatloa. BU Joaoa ear. at cook co, . ' . INTIBTMBNTS. " ' ta.900 U " b.k, Cnloa aaa., - arlth 4-etorr balMInc: eoad IncoaM, 1100OLot ea riandera at., near Third; M's s blrkaa; fair IncaoM. . 10l0jO v.' bawk. aear Bavthome aad . AVand area i aood mcaaia. 17.000 flood (let pmaoaltloa, ea Halt at.) lo nee cant net.. ' . It.BOO t rastdaoeaa. aear BnaseQ et. M per oent nev . . These ara all aasisa haya, -Bee thesl ba- fttre aayia. : A COBKBE lot nr Baaaall oa t'nkm are., iffiorsred, at eaah; the beat bay oa . L'nloa am. today. - . A T-roeB bouse, hath, HM, - fall hee- aaeat. ave yard, rratt mil and roaa Mtshaa, a east 14th St.; oall -today; prtca 1.M . half eaah. . AV T-roasa aaadara bnasa, let SOil0), fan . eeiaeal basement, (as snd alsetrlclty. aa Kast '. 1st a st. Call ui BarrUand bld, fifth aad ' Waahlruytna. ' , 1 1,000 tJTJTB TH beat avmeyaktrrr ireaarf a eeem., lne aaa are. i .. 't .. K .... B. D. SCALORfl, ; , . , ltfiaj rtrat at, roues . . Jl.ono -KOOM baeae. aaodera ttraaiiMt, fall bsseasent, 2 blnrks ta ear line, ea Bast Be. enth st. f I W K. aad only half cash. Call hot Bwwtlaad bid. Fifth aad TVataton. BATB a modern leoers enrttae. eloaa In aa east aldei will aril at a baresia oa terma, phona Mara TU4. Wei tar a Vollectloa A aaa., l H aiorrisoa ex. , . FOR BALE FARMS. BIOwIST SNAP KTPR OFTBBEO IB OBB- . ' ' , .. own. . f 198 seres. 40 aera la ealMvstloa. fine tim ber oa bale are. stream ef running Water. H Bills rroia rslirosa, i roues irsia rem ,na flrt rsnrb In the state: erary tillable; Blast sell before Bnnflayi eaa't aa aera- e( bind e1)olola thla for leaa 1 anils from rslirosa. i mues trsta rortiana; loei hay than sa - anrt no: will sell this anick f'W . ooo. inouirs of f. T. Berry, Be. 4 Birth at. Phone Peetflc SflBS.-. . . . . - B8iaikiI In acreage, farms and elry property, tanneie' Land Co., 118 Madlana St. . yon mi t 40-sere farm In Clarke eonnty; ..A !, .,-. terse hern, famllr orchard; 89 .. r. an, 1.4 cultivatknai rood aoll; on public . r.o; res be b-aif'-t wita emeu eaa par V nu-eta; ii-l.-e 2ai. (aU tmm BIB Uar - aw !.!.'. t. B. Tsylor. ' - IMKAf'Ftlt trsrm, 0 miles aenth of Port I.-.I. (--e soil, water lted tn each B eer tr. t: tin la i-1 la one mile West of Clacks, e... iteMon end raih-osd and e th I'urt land -1 ("" t'I'y wegea toed. - ll'ric l-,.ca I "i to ' per acrr; oa easy terms. I r r.,nh-r r.rtimisre sse W. -W.'ltever, I ) Aeel euriuel eL, Cll, . , ' FOR SALE FARMS. IT.VaV-lU dCDla. allies Barth "f eoaeer. Ik niilea from Portland; TO acres ' cleared, 2M aeres fond timber, hslaajee eeally elearcd. aerea aeartnf erohsrd; too Trtru bones, II raoau, food frarae barn. amaJI bores ' bars, ether eaihulldtnfi; good wells; alt fi-nosd with who sad bosru.-au leeei, s.ala cnantT toad. H. T. I0 aesr srnooi: aona ' litara worth tw, t cows; sU fsrot Impls- aieaia; flne hwatma, best ef Boll; fire tarnsa, . ' IJ.TOO srres 0 astlea from TsMmrrer, ea (me rrarrl reed; 11 scree cleared, aorae ' areea (lather, balance slashed aad baraed; '. erod 0-rovai rastte noose, (ood barn, wood eked and roetheaa) arrea brarrog orchanl; 1 horse. I cow. t calees. ho chh-kana, 1 besry wsam. I Itcht sraavn, mower and rake. I.kiwa. harrow, ether small tools; ennofh hay . to waiter stock; t nUa to arbool, It. r. I t ; fine lorsrlna. best of soil: terms. 1700 eaah, balanea t years, par coat. ( ' 1 ton-r-Bd aerea' la Clarke cooaty. Wash ' Inrtoa. 9 miles from railroad ttatloa tend boat Isndhwt; lh acres cleared. 40 arrea good , vreen timber, bales re easily cleared; 1 acre hearing orchard, variety i aid boose, fair ' bam i B. r. D aear acaooli flse aoil; glra ... terma. . too aerea la Clarke coanty, Washtngtoa, ' miles from boatlandlng aad railroad; 10d arrea la fine atate of rultrratloa, some frees timber, balanea pastor, all teored with post aad wire,, ft acrea bearing orchard, B scree (lee and cfaerrlee aad pssra. balance prnaea; New T-ror-u honse. cost fl.mO: one large barn BOainO, frnlt dryer, mllkuoaae with fine soring water la It, other onibntlrtlnea. black-smltk-ebep and tools; personal property roes with placet food teem. S wegone. 1 new; I hack, aew; I top tatfry, hew; new Oeborne binder, all ktoda of farm Implements; 14 milch rows. 1 fine hall, d bead yonng hogs, 12.T chickens, new cream separator with treed power; AO tons of hay, ft"Q boanela of oate, aome wheat and sands; aear eeuool, B. T. I. This hi a beautiful place, heat of hlaek soil. Price only S4 pec - acre, aeloltnf personal propertyi (Ire termd. . $.1.500 W acrea, 11 miles from TaneoaTer, ' miles from Fisher's tanning oa the Colum bia rlrar, 1 mile (rora railroad etatloa. oa a fine graTel road to Portland: 10 acres cleared, "aonie timber, he lance easily r lea red: all f raced, all Irrels 1 seree bearing orchard, moatly s pries and cherries; 4-mom hoass, (sir barn: 'fine location: 1 aorae, I cows, new waroa, acw act double harness, new plow, ' harrow aad ealttrstnr, other small tovlat aome hogw'and chlckena; Bear School. B. r. P.; thla la a snap; fire terms. 1M acrea ta Clerhe cooaty, Waahlngteai 1W acrea la meadow free from etuaipe, a acrea In bearing orchard, aome greea timber, balance pastors; 1 large barns, t-room hoaae; small creek and 1 rood arirbiga; all fenced with new 5 and wires and one board, hear tight; K. P. D., acbonl ea -place; 6 miles . fmta railroad and hostlaodlng; beet of block soil; fond team, 1 driving horse, aeeeral head o( cattle, all kinds of farm Implemsntai CO , tons of hay. aome bogs. 24 sheep, some chickens. Thla Is am ef the best boys oa the market I If yoa are looking for a fine else snd a onsp Investigate this before boy Ina: this la guaranteed aa sdrertleed; no , rock or vrarel; only B43 par acre; flee terms. '.C'-Rcally': Co-Vvvy JOB Becond at, Portland. Oreroa. ami MB Main at., VancouTar, Wash.' Pboaa Mala S404. -."v-' . i ' POB-BALB. -' ' Parrs ef 10B acrea gently tofllnf had a boot SB mllea sou lb west from Portlsnd: tw good lienses, B aad B teama, barn 40ifl0. all ander good fencee; 00 acres ander cultlratlea; IB acres la hops. 8 acres ef orchard, balance bay and grain; 40 head goats, S eawa, 1 Jersey hull, 14 b'Mjrs, S biareea, 0 doaaa bene, 4 hea . boimhm, 1 farm wagon, 1 epnng wagon, parw, Srain arm. UIK iiruw, e' 1 "H mwib i , rag barrow, apray pamp, abundance of amall beils; fsrm well fenced: price 18.000; will take B or 10 acres aaar Portland la exchange. or make easy terms of payment. Farm of 1B0 acre 4 mile from Blmlrg, ; Lane ooantr. Ore coo: 00 acrea creek bot tom, rest lend rolling hills; soil aottabw for grain, hops or frnlt; 11 acrea cleared; no ether improvements; railroad eervey through - the lewQi-aMtw etaf rasa tncoagn me place; will aell or trade for B or B-raom la portmnd; irlea B2.N60. -. 80 acre cboleo timber lend, S mllea Booth -of Oreaham. near O. W. P. R. B. price r e,00r- r ---V ' We have the finest Hat of farm eroond Waodhurn, Alarloa aooaty, af any dealer la r tba city. . .-. ., . ' BrCHTKL h KERNS, . . ' .' ' B03 Kaat Morrlsoa aC " 4 ' . STOP. HERB . ARB THB BABOAINB. Bd.OOO lilchly Improved 100-acrs place, 1U . mile electrle railway etatloa; rood S-room reaideace, bars aad other bandings; living water, rich soli, choice trait. Owaer la . anxious to alL aad m effaring it at a eaerl flee. .... - B4.T0O B-aer- place. 10 -mils bastassg neuter. 1U, miles railway; place well fenced, good bnladlngst rich soli, living water-; ale drlv to city. Thla will not keep; will aaU It to th first maa goes t see It. - M.BOO 41 acres, charming country borne, fine 1-rtocy rssuleaea pslntad whit, wtud- . mill and water works; ale red bare: pmc all fenced Into' field With board rearing; rich soil, choice frnlt; fine drtv oat ef Van couver: J nils railway etatloa. S,000 Beaotlfal, lis proved 80-aere place, 00 la cultivation; good hoaae and hern, or- ' chard, llvtag . water; mils statloa; 100 miles oat. Bl.ano Ttt-aera placa, right at ohtetrta ear etatloa. Come quick to get thla. $1,80010 acre, convenient ta city; small bones; 4 aera ta cBltlvatma; aear Baa Una ' road. $7W) An eTcellent 10-eare aUoa.' 1 mtle railway station, 10 mile west city. TUB tUMN-LAWRBNCB COMPANY, ' - - 140 Vj Plrat at. -Farm-Snap- 80 acrea. all well feared aad cross-fenced. 80 acre cultivated. 30 acrea la graea, ha la ace timber: good 14 -story hones of B rooms, rus tic and painted, studding frame, air porches; splendid frsm barn, shlngl roof, 80!tl feet; . good arhlae-hoas, ale posl try-boo as. amoke-bonae, frult-boaa. rustic outside. ' double filled walla, celled and ehelved h ' aide with dresssd lamber; etock bora la th pasture; picket fence around orchard aad - gardea; mam count rood oa two ' stria of farm; a fin stream ef water flow thmagh farm, air acbonlhous and chnrchboase across ', th mad, H mile to poatofflre and atore. . telephone ta house; good rood Inte a growing ' railroad to we la tba Willamette valley. VI' have looked thla farm aver and will glv yoa ewi'sct deeerlptloe; If yoa want a small farm yoa cannot do better; can glv immediate . pneseselon ; th prtca) la erceedingly low; w . will (bow-yon. tbla farm;, moat, sell aaw; 81,800. , - )- HenUe &, Harrison . V BIT Abingtoa bldg. .. ' " ' j ; Good Farm Bay 844 acre of land, an fenced) BO aere cnlttvsted. 80 dcre good grass pasture. B acres orchard, balance In timber eat (mated - P.Ora) corda fir wood. 8,000 corn ask and BOO - cord i-hannm timber: watered ny at ream and erarlnaw: H-roots bouae, well built, and all finished la nice order; also another bouae of T rooms, all rustic, nut not painted; good frame bam and outbuildings; I good mere, -1 keewe. 8 Dnrhsm cows. 8 eslvea. d boa. an cli token. 1 waana. 1 hack. 1 buggy. 1 . aet of harness, 1 set alngl bameea. I plow, alt email too la; front so good road, 1 mil ta school. 8 months la year, a raters to very pronperou railroad tews, with large mill, and only miles ta county seat town ta Willamette valley I a bargain at pries fow asked; su goes tor so, zoo. ... Henkle & Harrlscn SIT Abingtoa bldg. .. trtoK nsREi f have farms ta selL 80 to 100 aera Sack. an ta rapidly developing district, aome with very little -Improvement and aom well Improved at prices which are ours to doable In 8 to B years. A lea a few af th beat res idence properties la Oreaham, as well aa a ' ansiber f builness building paying n la roms of 18 In 14 per sent, and vacant lot, uraaaam La 18 miles eeat sf Portland, with ue earllne ftolebed aad another la coaraa ef instruct loo. Write, explaining tost what yoa waat, and see what I win a lor yea. r. what I better, call and sa sse. - i D. B. JOHNHON,- . ,.,.. , Graph am. Or. - i !! I, ii lrRL1K"T awrby 10 aerea. with $4 acre mlscotlsniBB -hearing -srebard. ap sis trees. 1 aire etrawoarriee. err grape vineyard; running . stream) timber for wood; aew bars. . 10x60 . poultry -house, fair small lionss; bors. hsr ' seas and baggy. S milch cowa; all (ana Im plenienis and boasehold ftimllare; en coanty msd. driving distance: awner gore east; ealy ta.tsjo. Home latnd v., MBVk rirsi ex. $l.hoo U ACItRB 1 mil from V Pt. Joline mad; partly Improved: : her: ornrk: throagh ple;. u I. F. B. V Vaaomifer,. ft aaa. , , Jobaaoa, B. FOR SALE FARMS. ; W. W.:Esjey-' ROOW tip COhlMBrirlAL BLPOl. ' . (oraer Beeond and Waahlnftoa hta. ' iriAcres ' BB In calrlratloni SA arrea have BO stumps good family orchard. 0-roos house with pen- . try ana natal puce rencee; aoo oara, ,". new h'g house, woodhouse. mllkhousa, wood shed, fenced aad eeoee-feaced; oa county road; B. P. D. mall, phone la the boose; 24 head of cattle, of which aome are freah rows: 100 Angora gists, and all farming Ire. Slemeute aad feed enough to feed through. A mile from La nr. I. H Billee from Bchowla Perry; price B4.hu0 terma half cash, balance B per cent. It la IB mllea from the Bood Bnad. , '.,: . , .-,' .UafAcres ''',;' ' 40 acre clear; BV acre la orchard; aom Cood timber; T-room honac aad a bars 45xi; av rack In It: water thrown to hoaae aad bar by hydraulic ram; two atresnis on piece; good outside ra.irs; T cows; ens cream, sepa rator; one anrlng wagon: plow, teel har row, mower and rase; fine dairy farm or frnlt. snd oa a cream and mall roata. rnce eito per acre, stuck lnciuaeo. i ;- : ; !t,o Acres : Ptrat-cls, level land; 80 acre la cultivation! SO to 40 acre seeded, balance good tlmter; good 8-rooat boose: 1 Urge Da ma. woodhouae, roothouae, rhlckenhouaa, bogpea oa aklds; smell orchard: . plenty af berrlee- 3 good horses, 4 osws, 8 heifers. B brood aew, 0 shoots. 100 I'lymoath Kock chlckena. good binder, sue anower. on rsks, oa hay press, sue pair ef platform sea Ira. one sulkey and . several walking plnwe; all kind of small tools, forks, shovels, axra, etc.; . im acrea In wheat; IB acre natal an roe clover and vllmothr; price fv.ooA for arerTthttig, or B.V) in acrs without stock. The pUre Is within ' 14 mile of the city of Portland oa a good ' road;, or would self 40 acrea of the above Improved for B3.0UO. . : ' ; . 160 Acres 40 hers In cultivation: finest of land; fin orchard, balance of Und brush land; Bandy rive flow thronch ll:vfalr 1 bouse; good frame barn; k.fcio corda of wxxxl. en place; msa rood aaw timber; 30 anile from city; 4t mllea from Trout da la; AH mllea from ' Coihett: acbol bouae V, . mile: all under fence; i mil from coanty road; prtca $20 aa aera. 22 Acres ; -v'X It acre la eultrvatioa. fair Brooot boose, cow barn, bora bare and a young - orchard, B rows, oa anrlng tooth disc harrow, plow, cultivator, seed cultivator, milk rasa, mare worth BOO, located 'oa a milk route and oa Ibe mala road, a bone In the house. 1H mile from Parmingtoa; price B2.10U, half ha la ace tarsia, at B psa coat.,. -:V. 83 Acres to arrea fa roltlvarhin. good orchard, beat varieties of fruit, lota af berries aad fin 'stream flows through the piece: a good B-raom bard-flniabed house, (ton basement, oa a good aerntry road, oa mlk to school, finer miles ta good storca and crsamery. There goes with th place three good cow and three yearlings and two lares hogs, lota ef eblrkere, on goad horse, wagon and bar- area. Plows, harrows, aad all th farming lmplementa to . ran the place. This Is sa . ideal home for either a young or eld couple. Fine ellmat and good roads sad good neigh bor. Pries (2.S00. fl.BOO down ha Use long time at B per cent. Thle farm la situated la .Clarke .county. Washing urn. r.,. . . ' BOOkf 81B COMsTERCTAL BLDO. . ' Ooraer Second and Waahlnftoa. LAND BARGAINS. ' 40 acros, 10 acrs cleared aad under fine 'tat ef cultivation, more easily cleared, part of th land Is upland, balanea river bottom that doe not overflow: comfortable -roots house, good barn and outbuildings: fin spring water and elegant trout stream through land; young orchard of assorted fmlts; half -mile from cnoot, on mil rrom ennrcn, ie mile from country town and 14 mile from Vancouver; mcludr the following stock, etc.: . Poor milch -cows, B heifers, B calves, boras, in it Is wagoa (new), new road aart, plow, ' harrow, 4 bora, 1B0 chlckena, etc, ate. All for only Bl.ftOO; terms. -. $S.006 our BB acrs bast of land, 4H miles from Vancouver; a fin cord wood prop- - oaltloa, over 3,000 cords of wood oa place, enong h to aiors thaa pay for th land attar paring all sx senses- . $1,600 buy 40 acre beet ef ale level land. S3 acre under (Ina atate of eultrvatioa, - B acres slashed and very eeally cleared, bal ance la greea timber: timber alone worth ' at lea at 80OO; half mile from country towa . and 10 mile from Vancouver oa good aounty ' rosdt telsphano lln by place, ta good) neigh borhood. A good buy. , 100 acre, 18 miles from Vancouver aad 1 - anti from railroad towa; 88 acre ander good rate of cultivation, 25 or 80 acre more very aetly cleared, all of balance leaned, horned tnn see.ied. sffordm fin aastar the rear around: living water ea every 40, fin well at Boose and spring m eniraea yaras; acre hi orchard of aeeorted fruits; large S-room bos as, eest $1,800 to bntld: Urge bara 84x101 feet, woodshed. -hleh houses, -atov Thla place to located la a rich dairy country aad ta map at th price, $6,800; half eaah. Writ or call and get enr prlcee hsfor buying. W can aave yoa money. - THOMPSON A SWAN, Cttmene Bank - bldg.. Vancouver. Beference. any bank ta th elty . FABM BARGAIN ' SO aerea, IB acre cultivated, B aere part timber, part paatttre, about 8 acre onloa land, land oa gentle a lope, ale orchard and amall fruits; Bold 8300 worth of strawberries laat season; good boa, rustic and painted, larr porch ea, pan try, water and lnk In kltrnm.-'tTultbdue,- woodhouae, - hog ho use,- 8 PBOUra nOBH;"rB7 e "U""',. jfO chlchana, machine ana tooihouee. good rrame narn xereriy sew (ewe .vneuatn, ahlngle roof, rolling Boors), B rows, B calves, 10 too of Bay. front fence wire and larf white gates, matched team worth $4"0. good waroa, hsrk. harness, mower, cultivator, plows, harneee sad all small tools; 10 mllea eut on good drlv road; aew electrle car Hoe etatloa to be oa corner f the land. A choir little farm and a good bargain; all go a soove described for $4,000. - - HENKLB HABklHOM,--r SIT Abingtoa Bldg. iK' FARMS. . ' , ; V'.; 110 acre near Battevllle, ea Wmnmett river, and only three-quarter of mile from Willamette Valley 'Electrle railroad! th titn- roa the plsc will psy for clearing. Thai all excellent laad wbta cleared. Only tsSfent llttl farther ap th river, with fine Improvement ea th river, 40 aerea hope, all the-latent appliances, aad ana of the beet herd of cattle In th west All goes together, $20,000; easy terms. Wa alee bsvs aom excellent grata aad Stock ranches in eastern Oregon. - ' . SPHINX AGENCY, B0S STARK ST. 1 TIMBER. WANTED TIMBER LANDS. ' We waat timber land ta Klamath. Lsh and Crook sovutlss, Isrgs and amall t re eta, and alnela elalmat send your full desert pt loss and eetitnst If yea bsvs It... .Wa are ready to do business from thla time oa. aa th cruisers re la tne (MM. mate your lowest awx sasw prtc and wa aaa aooa tall yoa what wraa - do tot yoa, ' , - .-, ORECO BROS, . S4 Blx(h st, 1117 Sid Fentoa Bltuj,' , ,. Portland, Oregoa. , TO OWNERS af timber Ulm and timber Wa win ant fne esah iif rood timber tributary to Nehalem river; will deal with owner only; no ethers nee answer. "Li1- ' " full particular,-to Bog 8, H. P. BUOoa. Partis ud. Oragoa. . - CERTIFIED crlp, a y !. leweet price. 0. HowelL lOB Cbmhr of Comssers. AM etin la tlmbslr tan boslneaa. W. W. Chesdle, agent. South Bead. Washington. BOMESTEAD and timber lanils, ssrip, meosy ta loaa. ana xjommereisi eiog, - FOB BALE B2B.OOd.O0O feet of timber stump are; a flm I gglng pronosltloo; clou to Oe- htmhia: thla is ina oeai in ioe mer.w,, wlU only deal with prlnclpaia. Address for sue wsek. O 141. cere journal. FOR BALE A snap. 190 seres timber, fir and entar- eioes to PnClsnd. CloS to rsllrosai timber will more the twice psy for the land.. Particulars at room BIS, Muavaa . hldg. I. B. Taylor. - . . WB WANT timber, large and email tracts, osinsas nreferred. Rellnonlahmentg bought v end sold.. Voong A) Cook larsstmsnt Ce, 44 Commercial Dlk. - - I HAVB few small tract of timber near .. 1,, ,,,, L ' - Cl ii,k..M 14 BUrk at., fsruaa. - TIMBER. I'OltTr TWO million fret yellow flr for I mine dlate barging on driving stream, great SUSP 83,000: half matt. rV us si once, - 'B IICVLKMAM. ':7 Wsah. LL1 MUSICAL IN'STRCMENTS. - 1 BOUOHT the piano tore, Sno Alder at. near Park; it includes msuy of finest makes: ' your choice, BO cents on the Bollard lu.tnll ' meut llhe rent: lstest roanoolsrere for 8lno; oar rempnny Is ownsd hy saetern piano fae torlve; ws save yoq the retaller'e profit. Kred-rranch I'laao Mfg. Co.. But aad Bura- etae eie. . VICTOB talking, machtns and records: Stsls- wsy tsnd etnert piano. Khermaa, to., nixta aad slorrieoa. opposlts postotrice. FOR SALE UVESTOCK. FOR BALK A couple , of good cow.' Phone reciric iss. v. r. Anderaoa, Jeireraoa sc. csnyoa. BORSES, TEBICLES, HARNESS. B0R8EH and bogglea for rent by day. ' and awatb; special rates to auaiaeea-aa Blxth snd Hawthorn. East 18. BAT bars weigh shoot 1,100; eoostre at Bad Bars la back of store Saoday morning, at S 11th and Ulvtoloo. DORBKS rOR 8ALB 80 head. 1.100 to 1.000 pounds. Overton, between ISla na. I(o; take I hi. . rreedmaa Bros. ' FOB BALK On 1,428-pound team, gentle and trne. 0 year olchBatweea First aad aeeoao. oa Jofferaoa t. V WB hoy, aell. root, caching horses, srsrohs. seddlee. harness. Hubert av uaii. ima ita ax. rOR 8ALB CHEAP Panel-ton delivery Wagoa, good as new. 420 uoimoat. - -v . OtiOD express wagoa, Carrie - 8.000, rbeap. ana Mlseuer St.. Muntavma. - FOR SALE Heavy draft horses. Between First and Second, oa Jerrersoa at. ... FOR BEST A Hfbt bona for It feed.. Apply U0 a.ast urani St., near etna. IIORRH B year old. weight 1.000. Apply PTC- -nt..h ' FOR BALE or exchinge. tin Babcock aorrey. Addreaa Q I8. ,0"" ;. ' onmrTtrrn- BARTER AND EXCHANGE. Farm for Exchange or. Sale 340 acre of land. TO acrea cultivated, bouse, bara. all eutbutldluge, B acre la or chard. - watered by aprlng and atream, 40 acrea la tin timber. 130 acrea la paeture and woods, froou oa county road, 1 mil to acbonlboase and chorrh bouse, IS 1 miles from Oregoa City, la Clackaaiaa oonntyi will take good Portland property for about half af prtc of farm and glv time ea balance at B per cent Interest. Price $0 per -acre. r i HenluASe-Harrisc: - ' BIT Abingtoa Bldg. - FOR 8 A I.E. or exenanrs, for cord wood, dry property, on or two good, cheap team, -one e-borse-power stationary, on Id-bores-power - portable enrtnet alao good, heavy spring wsgoo. CaU 'phone Xaat 434. or at 40 Ah blaa av. - MININO mi owning fl It-edited, fnlly peld-ap gold stock will exchange som ror nuainess ' or real estate clear af Incumbrance. . F 1ST, care JooraaL . . , - TO EXCHANOR Good delivery - wagoa tor horse. . 420 Belmont St. " . ESCIl ANOB If yoa has city -property or valley farm to exchang for wheat land, see us. Jenue, Trimble A Trimble, 411 Mar- ojusa bldg. .- ' FINE mar, harness and new surrey, exchange foe vacant lot, 8400 canity In 6-room new bsrd-flnlahed cottage end large lot; wkat have you to attar; Miaaca, i,uw, easy - terma. ' Also T noma and cornet lot. TBiOO for vi. 700: terma to ault. t:au or anareaa. Ex change. SB Caaoa at., Montavllla. dty. EXCBANOB 108 acre, an loi Droved. ta.WJl laoiette valley; make offer. Address 821 Kaat Homaiiie at. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BBTTEB thaa Copper Stocka. A World' Ne cessity. Krosll cspiuiiaatioa; immenae profit. Only 30.000 shares allotted t the whole Pa cific coast. Writ quickly,- "A,". P., 0. bog 808. Rose burg. Or. . . - rjEtTTBCHB EEITL'NG. the Mr Oermaa paper, Bubecriptloa pries fl per year; sample eee free. A. a. Kara at tjo., paDuaoers, coroer beeond and Salmon eta. 80 SLIGHTLY damaged ' Sewing -mschines at very low prices; Singer,- wheeler et Wilson. Domestic. Whlta, Boasehold. Imvla and ethera; to make room for sew atork Wheeler A Wlleoa and Blngera. B. B. Blget, koB.alor rtaon at,. Marquam bldg. FOB BALK Chatham Incahator and broudeia, 84 Sara rrs trial, wesv w. rooxx, 021 caai Morrlsoa at.. Port Und. . t - WB print yowr nam oa SO cilllmr card, proper ewe soo style, soei sow eawaw ssros, ea. A. .W. Bcbmsl Co.. 328 First Portia ad. Or. SECOND-HAND bar flxrarea, poedtablee. aefe. table, chairs. . western aaivage v, zi W ash log to at SHOWCASES and Bi lines, aaw and hand. Carlson Ksustroaa, xrw t-owes sx. FOR SALB, - CHEAP 4-tocb Keystone wster meter, practically new. inquire u. Mstsgsr, S3B Front t BEWINf) MACHINES bought, eetd end ea - changed. 88 and ap. Wast era Salvage Co., 'on Washlugtoa at ' SHOWCASES.- coon 'era. fir tore, boerht aold or exctianrsd. Westera wslvag v-e, - SZT Waahlnrtoa et. Pacific TBS, FREB FOR EVERTBODT Ring ap Main 4t4 ec call rront. we nuy sss seu ror al tars, clothing or say sld thing. BOLDEN'B RBECMATIO CURB Pur rbeamatnm. Bold by an arugguta. BILLIARD AND POOL table for rent a .(or ale on eeay nsymeute.- TUB BBUN8WICK-BALKB COLT.ENDEB 00. - 48 Third at,. PerUsed. WANTED 100 mea to wear oar eelehrsted 8 mads-to-order salts. unloa Tailoring - ix, Boft-A RUrk at Satla faction gnersatsed. FOR SALB Bergs tna la Whltea,- Singers. Da vie. Wheeler A Wllsoae. noaa. holds and st her . slightly dsasagedV maehlnea. The White Sew ing Machine office, U. D. Jons. 380 XaaulU - at, emraor Fourth. '. .- . CHERRY TREES of the only original parent tree, the new cherry, -th Olant; ftret-elae ' tree. Jallu Kaliieh, wooaiawa. jregoa. BHKETIBON ttove of ail kind at reasons hta price at 808 First at, phon pacirie bib. . NEW 1H B. P- matin engine, propeller, abaft epsraing ouilii. ie, - -w nmerfasi ev Bast Morrlaoa. FOR SALB 17 horsepower gasollse , engtne, nearly new, ta flrat clesa shape; good (of boat or shop. T24 William av. BOLL-TOP desk, fireproof oafs and map nf city of Portland. Addreaa A 134, Journal. $00 COLUMBIA grapbopboB tor $88. Room 41 Raleigh bldg. - - ' ENGLISH setter puppies, 8 month eld. In quire Wenget grocery (tor. .Montavllla. CART and barne la good order. 484 Third, corner -Ash, Phon Psclfl 881. OLD BOOK BTORB removed to 188 Fifth and 311 Second gta.-i . --- - - - OR HELP OF ANY KIND , PHONE j MAttt7i73;MAKL:AI) DEOVQETHE : . JOURNAL. . 15 WORDS ONE TIME 15- : , CEHTSA12 ' WORDS 'THREE TIMES ;.:'.:;.:,r:'''c 30 cents ; ' y wwHWHmvmHHmvrwmHwmm FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BKAVCIt CABI'KT Bl'O CO-Msiiufacturers el eai'iisu aud (luff rugs, ail hid Lulua ave, uorth. 1'hou taat 4ltuu. - TlH)KoL';llllKCi Minorca r.s. TSc per dosss. P. I. Phelps, hen Has station, O. W. P. FOB BALE flaa fresh cows at 18 r'roiil st., city PERSONAL. Depijitise - - . ' (COPYRKilli' ili'Ut; FOB,) - This wondoclul hair eradlrstor I Bow .'placed oa the market (ur the first time. It , is the greairst boon (or wuuieu ever kuowu, who ara troubled with superfluous hair. , sillier on the (see oa other pens - of th butly, t removes the hair luimedlsisiy, leav ing no s'r, and aot oauslug tu least peril ale of pain. It Is (sr superior to any kuowa p.eperetioa oa the msraet, or sny procoas, ami tea la the electrle aeedls la eisry way. Th time la bow past lor women lo hear a maacuUn sppesranoe, when tbla (amous Parlslsn remeil la at hand. , , . Introductory price, $1.M. a package. ' ' Mouey back U th half doe not row off , at. once. ..... , ' , , -r- . - Addreaa THB PEPIL1TINM VO. -OF PARIS, FRANCB. - - PorUaad -office, B Wssblngtoa bldg.- . I'boue Pacific 1MI. - - A0EMTB . W ASTKU BVhiUYWBERX. v MAMET FRANCIS. THB HEALER. ' Lad lea, whan your husband and friend say yoa ara cranky, call oa Mamey Francla, the heeler. ' Woman ar not aa a rule cranky, htit sick. When you are not feeling wall take a tab hath and magnetic treataient. Ladlee. hue and $1; gen I a. $1 to $1.00. No time for visitor or curiosity seeker. '. OXFOBl) UOTKU BOOM IT, -.,. Blxth and Oak his. rbou Main M. INVESTORS. Potlrl Oold Mine stock of Coenr d Alene m selling now st on ito-i e- ' change; WlU go to $1 In laea thaa alx months; ' 1 -. V ,,. ,1-1..,-, ,., , ius imnruir 11 o. . ,i.iuwi ,,, ... the company to Bow here. For sample and or call oa F, i. Catterlla Co., M0 Abiag toa'blrfg. . SELECTIONS made. Introduction given: honor able ladlee and gentlemen, naoreea, win tamp. Wire. H. C. Wilbur, 400 Third at. ., aear Usrrlaoa. NOTICB OP BKMOVAL.-x ' A. Rt'lner. th furrier, will move from Twt bhlg. March 1; -looking for anltsble Varstioa:i for present msy be found at real, dene. ZT1. North 10th t. v I'hoa Ptclflc S-lkT. Will call aad glv estimate as usual. SUPPOSITORIES for tnsrrled women I perfectly atlafactory. Csil or snoress sirs, n, v. Wilbur, 408 Third st, aar Harrlsoa, Port land. Oregon,' w. " GERMAN bonk, atari vine., novels. ete..t Oec- man, Eagiien. rrenca, apsnmn. nweaian nno ttsllsa dlctlonsrlesi fore Irs book of all lada. Srh mala Co, S2B Pint at. MOIX8, wrliklea. aaperflaoas hair removed. No charge to talk It ever. Mra. si. it. ttin. Boom 830 Fltedner Bldg. Phon Pactfle 138. Vn, OICW V. ' V. . " ., ,mrn ,w . ... - -malc1nea; '1a Chinese tes. carta Is cere for all diseases, 1U1 3d, bet. lamuirr aao-asysar. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. ftoherta "orv uioenns, wc mail s iissinn'si. e . o months, tfl: seat securely aaa ted by mall. Agenta, Wondard. Clarke A Co, Port U ad. Or. DR. O. V. KETCBCM cures promptly private t see ess, kMnsy, narvoaa. ekla ann apenei female troubles. CJ of writ. Offle ITOU, Third st, cor. Yamhfl. Pboaa Paelft S2. BOLD ON There I ea thing that will ear. rneinoaiiam. Aa ypar nrugsau . tonic or addreaa ar call i. O. Clemen soa, drag flat, Portlsnd, Of. .-- -' 1 SEX 1KB PILL8 ear a3 forme af aw roaa ar moserjlsr wee knees, ror men or women. Price $1 box. 4 bores 88. with full fuse ante. Address or call J. O. Clemen arm. d rue gist. Reread aad Yamhill at.. Portlaad. Or. TURKISH BATHS. 800 Oremnlaa hldg. lad Is days, geatlemea nights. Man Iioa. DISEASES OP WOMEN: anfortnnat glrle and babies cared for: private hospital. Dr. Atsrnod, roues 8. 8S0H Mat. st. Tel. Pad no 1754. BKT mars xln clnha ever offered; end for price: scent wsnted. J ones' Book Store, f-tt Alder at..-PaxxUBd. Or. r- XtAf.Xf fir Fltia fee aft female dtl B2B Eaet Belmont, Phone Baa 4084. SCHOOL BOOKS bought, sold. xcbBgd. Jones - Boehetore, 21 AMer at - ----- r - SUITS pressed while ye wait. DOe. Ladlee eklrta pressed. 80c. Ollbert. 10ri4 Blxth st, Bext to Quell. Phoae Mala S08B. BA DAM'S - MICR0BR KILLER, th greatest germ destroyer, for -sals by Q. D. W inters, 60S Uraod sra, notth. . BWPtSlTxiahedunil. rfeallll'ls 1 cares rhearestlsm. etnmsch trouble, aervou disorders and sprains by haadmbbtng, steam, -sweat and tub bath. --ttos-f Eaet 11th aL Take Bast Ankeny car. Pboa East 300. HOLDErTS BHEUMATI0 CURB Sura extra for rheumatism. Sold by all drug giata. DON'T get old; treat yourself 1a -your home; Some thing aew; call at SeOtt Bth at,., room B. CANCER AND OOITRB SPECf ALIST Aath ma tic,' aervonaoess, chronic and private dla ' ease permanently . cured; eonsoltstloa and correspondence free. Dr. Vooss, 181 H First RECENTLY opened msutctrrtnf parlor; ladle ad geatlemea. 881 H Morrison et., room IX MISS ENGLISH, gnnuato magnetle healer, pos itively care rheumatism: vlrtratorv and oa teonathle treatmcnta a specialty. 14BH Blxth et, root 38. ' MM 8. VABH-T1 Mssaigea, ., mint curing aad chiropody. 301 Third t - . MRS. POTTER Maseens. ecalp, facial sage, chiropody. kH Waabtngtoa MANlCTRtNO parhir ladles and gn-tlemn StSSSt Mormoa at-, room 1. MANICURING, face and eealp treatment, hath and massage. 1104 Fourth at cor. Wash. MARRIA0H PAPER Highest character, In corporated. 11th year. 3,000 members: paper esled; send lOe. . U L. Lots, Bog , 1000, Denver, Colo. FACE and scalp manage glrea at 84814 Mor. riaon st,, suite 1-t. IF-TOU ire not feeling wen. -take a tubvhath Tand Icoho rub, $1. Oxford hotel come, Sixth and Osk et, room IT. Pbona Mala 88, B. BEVINOTON WEBBER, the Historical .Tribe Reader, I now permanently located -at 80S Yamhill street; free lecture every Friday evening, promptly B o'clock. Office hour to 4 p. mr Phone Paelft 1388. WIDOWER. 44, som mean, no children, would Ilk to meet widow aomewhst alm llarly situated. Address N 140. ear Journal. DR. SAWYER'S Bquiw Root rnaranteed cure fnr ladle. 481 Goldsmith St. Pboa Eut 4481. ' - GRATIS 10 latest popular (oar, word nd , masle. , Send 85c for postage. P 180 Journal. CHARLES CRIES Will leant something greatly to hie advantage If h or hi friend (end hi addreaa to poatofflc beg 830. Portmnd, Or. RUSSIAN BATH. SOT Third t.,,betwea Taylor nd Salmon; swimming pool, ateam and hot , air bath; gent, from 8 a. ta. to. 12 p. at. Price 20 centa. WANDA. THE PALMIST, W0 Mala t BUSINESS PERSONALS. INVE?m0NS bought nd Bold, rvtveaant Ooa tract Co, 42T tiled ner bldg. . Mala BHP1. MRS. Jl. B. HUOnES, 408 Morrison ft, fca a fuU lln f Maxlcxa draws work. - - - """-A-"-- ATTORNEYS.' C U PIOOOTT AND $. A. F1NCB . Attortiers-at-law. Prsctlcs In ill eourte. d Malkey hldg.. cornet aVooad aad Morrleu I. A. 8THOWHK1IK1K Attorney-st-Isw, 'T Commercisl blk. l uooe Paclile fi?X AL'TOMOBILES. ' PULLMAN AUTO CAB CO.. ' Bnlldera, deelgners snd rspslrer of all make of automobiles, Bodies, tops, fendsrs. unities. IssiB bra. k-ts. running boards and glass fronts, liesre snd sli parts at uto nioblles made to ordr. a TO -,2-14 North Sixth St.. comer H. L. K RATS At'TO CO., ATTTOMOBII.Kri A N 0 Bl'PI'LIEB. ' Northwestern dlatrlbutor foe Pone Hsrt forda. Pope Tribunes. Pope Waverlre. Pope Toledo. Thomas. Oldrtuoblle. Franklin. Balcka. 8013 Seventh St.. Portlsnd. Oregon. nuiviitu m. uuvax, ( Agetrfr Pierre Crest Arrow, l.oeo mob ties, Csd- iiao sou nwii. issiporsry iwe,e v..,. Oarage, 13th and Alder ata. " ' HAVB TOU BEEN RAKER ELWTRICST Capital Supply Ce.. inn Aider at. Phone P. eirie 071, , Demonstration hy appointment ASSATER8. OARVtM CYANIDE- EXTRACTION CO, aad Montana Aaaay urrtca. 1ml Morrlsoa ex. ART. ,,. PREB LR0NB IN " '' 1 v-. ' Embroidery Every Dev. -. TBS tiKKDI.KCBAFT SUOP. . :'T IH3 Waihloctoo t . .'.". U H. MOOREIIOl'SE A CO. Artists' materials, pleturs molding, picture framing, ureoplt eons, lantern slides, 813 Alder st - PROrEfilOR R. MAE METER. 848 Alder at,-- Portralt and landscan rt1st son tesrnsr. BATHSMASSAGE. MRS. ' 0SROCK, grsdsste niaiaeuaA; cabinet batn.nlt glow, alcohol run, cream maasagsi referencee. 1X0 Seven th St. Main 4UnS. 'yj BUTCHERS' 8UPPUE8.V BtTTCHEB SCPPLIPS 8. Blrkenwald Co., 8(H- 804 Everett st, 1 la r real butcher supply aoasa ea the ooaat. Write for aauloga. , BUTCHERS" RUPPl-IE Adolna A. Dekaav, ISI-IM First st., tarries full tin aad eoas- . plete aasortmeat at low est market pneaa. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWB. DAVIS A K1LHAM. 108-111 rVaond at. , Blank hooka mans factored: egeata foe Jobs : I rr-proved Isxiaa Leaf ledgersi see tba as Eureka leaf, -the beet ea the market CARPET CLEANING. flTANDABD CARPET CT-EANlNcJ CO. Largest plsnt on the'coesT. ltrtng so. Harding ste.r telephone East ISO. Carpet cleaned, reritted, sewed and laid; both steam and lstest oose- Sressed-alr pror-esa: renovating mattrwa Sad Fathers a specialty, , ,, JOYCE BROS., proprietor of th Electric Clean ing woraat carpeia cieaneo ana mia, oorn ary and compressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our specialty: work guaranteed. - Phone Mala 3073 and A 3673. 2T0 Grant at 8A KITS PIT carpet rlessreir. sucttou ssd eom - pressed sir combined ; carpets cleaned oa float wIShoot lemoval. Mala 8684. Mala 8300. CHIROPRACTIO. ELMEK B. COX Chiropractic expert; free treatment every Wedoesdny; , will can at ' home and Five fro treatment. Offle hours, 8 a. at. to b v. m. Phone Mala fcdo, Lsbbe ' bldg., S27S Washington st. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, the carpenter, fOs Fourth at Btura-sad 4flc-seh- Manx ITnTc B. M ELTON Office, atore fixtures; general . Jobbing. 4T first St. Phone Mala S10O-. COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND BAWDI'ST A SI.ARWOOD ' CO., CIS Front, saneeasora to Pulton Wood Co.; - fir. oak. alahwoed, eoal. ' Tel, Mala MSB. . FOR 'prompt delivery of alahwoed call Mala 4TS. Osk. ash, fir and coal. Portlaad Wood A Coal Oo.. 11th and Satrfr ata. ORROON FUEL CO.- la now ealltng Welah aa TI1 .' a-l a lha fnrktt, T-XS Allee at.. Man oo. -.. . . ALBl"A FUEL CO? Dealers .to tad wood, coal , and green and dry alshwood. R. R. and Alblna a vs.. 8 block ast ef ferry. Bast 874. STEEL BR1D0B FCEC COe-Deslera ta coal, cord wood and dry alabwood. Pbee Beat 434. WESTERN FfcD blacksmith coals. A FUEL OO. Hot Phone Mate 1018. CLAIRVOYANTS tAND PALMISTS. v e Alwava Consult the Best. , PROP. B. KHIMO. i flreetevt living astrsl dead-trane clslr - voyasf of the are; adviser ea business and . all affair of Ufa; tells your full name and what yoa called for, whom yoa will marry, how to control th on yoa lev, even though , mile away; reanltea the separated ! gl re T secret power to control; no long delay ta waiting. Hours 10 to 8. dally and Sunday. Office No. B bad 4, Orand Theatre Bldg. ' Waahlngtod. aear Park at, Phon Mala 00TB. MRS. S. B. SKIP, most reliable psychic: public , I ftiyre-T'iM.rWed,rTB1ir.,'FrI..n8p. m 2Jc Parlor 803 Allaky bldg. Reeding dally. CHIROPODISTS. WM. DEVENT A F.HTEI.LB DEVBNT. TQK only ectf-ntlfle chiropodist, parlors SOB Drew hldg. lux aa t, fuoo main lsuf. 'CHIROPODY and Pedicuring. Mrs. M. D. Hill. Boot 80 Fteidorr Bldg. r-aeae rsetrM lso. CLEANING' AND DYEING. CLOTHES cleaned and pressed $1 pet math. Union Tailoring Ce.. 800 Btark t. B. W. TURNER, professions I dyer end elssnsr, BOS Jsffsrsoa t . Pboa Mala SBI8. . PORTLAND Steam Cleealng and Pvlog Work, SUFoarthihPhcn t""tx OT; , l,M, l '' " 'cafes.' " " v- ; THE OFtriCE 2W1 Waahlngtoa at, pkoaa) Mala TTLJSamael nv'l,tlmlmmlmmmmmm , DANCING. ' ' v' 1 aa ii. i, . a. ... i. DANCING lesson, S8c; classes br prtvstel waits. . lug. two-etep, three-step, ete.l stag dancing, bark and wing, clog, reel, eklrt. Spsalah. Highland fling, etc. Prof. Wl WMaoo. eld est recognised tsschsr, Allsky bldg.. Third and Morrlsoa ata. ' WOODWARD DANCING SCHOOI 3lsss Moa, - Thure. and Sst. v. nclal, fsacy and tep -dancing taaght; 8 seat, teeebers: clsa and , Prlvat ensons dally. Western Academy ball. Second and Morrlaoa eta. Paclflo 1030.. . PROP. BINOLER, Miss Bnckenmever, leading school, dally. 80W Alder at. Mala 10-M. r " DRESSMAKING. - - - MRS. VACGHAN. rprtenrd dreesmsker, ttHRV, East Horns Ida at. Phone East 4rfi2. TRY Angela' Dree-imaklng Patlorf. 848 Fifth -and Main. Pacific Osa. mnm I in i i Hi i i a.!! lfr.,-VaaSMnMMHMMMM ' 1 : - , - . t : EDUCATIONAL. HOt.HBS BURINEFS OOLI.ROB, Washlrgtna snd 10th t, Fllednsr bldg. ' Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Typewriting and all Engllih branches taught both day and night. BEHNKE WALKER RI'SINrfS COLLEGE. -, DAT AND NinilT SESSIONS. Special cinaae In Oermin. French, fnaalaa. -Elks' bldg.. Seventh snd Stark at. ROSB CITY BUSINESS COI.I.EOB. Pitman Shorthand by Court Reporter, Bnad pee Conrss, ft porta I Sehnlsrli1pa Poslttons (to cured Commonwealth hldg, Bth and Anheny. WE ARB forming rtnb "f atndenta la French, (terms n snd Spstilah. Home study. ' Enonl- T R. rhllllps, 814 McKay bldf. ' XAD1ES to take lessons In oil palming;, wry reaeouable. U7 Hlxth hi ooer, ;- ELECTRICAL SLTrLIES. M. J. WALNH CO , ail Star st Elet'trlc snd 4as Fixtures snd taappltat. kUntels. Tiling. Crsti-s ssd Ihiglroaa. PACiriU KI.Kt-lKlO CO. Knrlneere. coatrac- tors. repalrera. electric wiring, eupplls. 04 , ' Flrat cor. at. re. Main r.U. K. U. l ate. mgr. l:U.1 ELircTHIO WORKS, l Sixth St. Coatrsctors. sleclrlc snpplles, motors end dy v . . aamoa; we Install light snd powsr plant. MOitHINON ELMTKIC CO.. !f9l East si Flxtares. wiring., repairing. Eaal S1SS. BARKETT'B, 4 Morrison st Phone Mai 13L Every Iblng In electrle wiring had lighting. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. 1 POSTI AND 'WIRE I RON WOK . aad Everett ats. pbona Mala Buoo. GASOLINE ENGINES. OAfwiMNB engtnea, all stses SLd sty am, .. hiwest prloae, Uelrsoa Mschlasrp Co, 103-4-0 Morrlsoa it. - SHEFFIELD marine engines. Any pvopeller. ir.irh.-i. aJnMA A 1 .. 1.-1 u.-.i. . HOTELS. HOTEL Portland, Amarleaa plaa. 88, 88 pee Bay.:, BELVEDEBB; European plaa: 4th and Alder stn. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for as Is. All kinds, toeladlng approved forest reer.e scrip foe sarveyed, aa -surveyed, ttmbee and prslrte government land. B. M. Bsmlltoa. 'The Portland." Pert lead. ' LEATHER AND FINDINGS. - CHARLES L, MASTIC K A CO.. Front and Oak f'vr'all purposes; sola and tap. cutter; finding. - ; HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. solicits oppuitum, Ity to qaote prices. T4 Sixth et. . Pseifl 460. INSURANCE. ISAAO L. WBITB. Br laaoraa lock bid-. -. W. U PA0H. Insnrsnce: empln-rers tlsMHty, k eorsty bonds, burglar and accident Insaraasa. ', ' Phone Mala 82M. 304 Falling bldg. - ., , . JAB. Mrl, WOOD, employer liability aad ra. - dividual accident security bonda ( at) kiuda. Phone 4T. Mil MrKsy Mg. MONET TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAM Oa to proved city property or -tor batMtaf Ernoaas. for from a to 10 years, time, with 1 VI lege to repay all or part ef loaa after s year. Loana apriroved from pVana aad moaev advaaced aa hut Id In nrugiaaasai mort- gagew -tatrea ap-an rerjliced. ; ; rxiu H. KTKOV'l. rinanosi Ag-esw. - . , -343 Stat at CONFIOENTIAt. IA1N1 am salaries. . policies, pianos, fnrnltnr. warahaaas eecetpta. - ete.t any deeervtng person may aecure a lib. raf advaaee, repeylng by eeay weekly' m ' monthly tnetallmatita. - NEW ERA. LOAN A TRUST COMPAWT, SOB Ahlntrtoa bldg. 1 . - MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and) f-' otkarre Mas their owe nssisa without eeeur- , Ity; cheapest nrtes. eealeet paymsatst afflce ta SO prtnelpsl ctttee: sef yoerssll ur py getting enr terme firet. - - TOLMAN. S28 Abingtoa bldg, 108sJ Third Bt MONEY loaned to salaried people Fast aa peat . , ewa aaejie; dotj't borrow enttl yoa eee may . .. - my system I th best for railroad men, " clerk a, bcvikkeepers. streetesr mea and an ether emptovea: bnsmssa stncrrr euanoeaxini. . ai F. A- Newton. 423 Abtagtoa bldg. - Of WANTED Note, mortrstre or eontracts ea . any kind of real set ate la Oreewa end Weeb Ington: , aeeond aiortgagee poechaeed If wU eecursd. R. a. Noble. SIS Cooimerdial Mk. MONEY to loaa fa soma to ant. 8 aad B years, aa low a 0 per cent, aa Improved city prop... erty. Moslton A Scobey, but Colambl bldA, BOB Waahtartoa et. WITJ fcopw pmhimt fv" Hnttcn Credit Co. ' ' . BIS Dekum bldg. ' '-' W.. B. WARD, lawyer. Allaky bldg. Prohet and . mortgage euelnsse eollclted: tnodernt fae; loana meBey , ea . (Bert gage from $240 - ap: essy term. - i MONEY Inaaed aa fnralrnv, piano end ethos eecutitles. w. A. Hatnaway, room tit, wasse MONEY to bma; hi rrs Joans eneeleltyi abm IMillttlng tosnsi tow eat ratesi Tire 1 William O. Beck. 813 Falling bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO., 418 Mohawk hMg . Money t lend ea aaay-aaya-eox put t wage atncuy coariaeami. MONEY to loan on all kinds - ef eeewrlty. William Ball, room B Washlugtoa bldg. TO LOAN Sam to trait en chattel aacartty. B. A. Frame, 814 th Marquam. A LOAN for th aaklng salary er cbattat The Lean 0a, 410 Dekum bldg. QUICK loana ea all ecurit1es- B. 48 Waahlngtoa bldg. Mala 8100. W. Blag. WILL loaa $8,000 or lea oa reel eatata, p cent. rrringtoa, bib mtpa mug. MACHINERY. B. TBBNKMAN A CO. Mining. BswmllA. lew. (Ing msrhlnerr; hydrsnlle pipe. eastlactpl lad repaired. 104 North Fourth. . A. J. PAUL, 103 tint . Engine,- bailers, awmill and areas arm machinery. THE H.- 0. AI.BEB CO -Baessd-hswd to, i cblnery. sswmllla, et. 84 1 Orssd svs. MTBICAIt.' -1 '' - MANDOLIN, guitar, haahi Jtmi Parker, Ur. ttmeo, late of Illinois Co! legs of Mneio. . 408 Steam bldg. Sixth and Morrlaoa. THB WEBBER STUDIO Mandolin, baajth gal tar Instrnctloai Qlbsoa maadolias. 4884) ' Waahlngtoa. PIANO, vloltn, aiandolta, tromboo, ' clarinet Professor B. A, Smith. SB4 131h. Mala 4704. MONUMENTS. BED A KINOSLEY. JOS Flrat et, Parttead-s leading marble and granite OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIANS. 5 DR LTLLERELLB PATTERSON, mactaliat nervohs, acat aad chronic diseases. . off SIT Fentoa bldg. Pboaa Pad fie 11P0, DRS. ADIX A B0RTHRUP,- 4IB-1S-1T. Dekaia hldg.. Third gnd Waahlngtoa at. . Phon Mala 840. Examlnatloa free. . PRINTINO. THB MODERN PRINTERY Artlatd printing.' 26 Rosse! bldg. Fourth aad Morris. . Pboaa Pacific 1630. EVERYTHING IN PRINTING From circular to catalogue and newspaper. Metropolltaa Piloting Co., I4T front t . OG1LBER BROS., prtntsre srdi. htllhtada, etc. Phone Main IWi 148 Flrat et .- ' PLU3IBERS. FOX A CO. Saattsry plnmhev. Sal Beeond, bet Mala and Salmon, Oregoa pbona Mala S00U DONNERBERG A BADEMACUER. No. 8tn Bornslde et - PAINTING AND PAPERING. t. A. DOANB, V Yamhill at., eptmette Jnam. nsl afflce, wall paper, painting and decorat. Ing. Pbooe as for estlmstee.. Psclfl KM. FOR reliable work, rs,snmb!s price. Sheehy Broa, Yamhill, aear 4th. Mala A73. . J PA-NTS, OIL AND GLASS. - F. B. BEACH A CO. Th Ploaeer Paint Oa. window glaa and filling. 188 Fin t Phone 1884. - RESTAURANTS. THE MELROSE 148 Flrat afreet, eerve quick, la kiacbe ah seasonable ptloea. -, .