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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1907)
it THE OKECOII DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAECH 6, 1E07. 1 : LOoT AND FOUM). WAXTED MISCELLAXEOV8. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. IX)R SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. foii au-r.i:L '.it LOSTThe parte who ricked up lady's hand bag at Star UiMirt TnesOay nigut. contain ing lady s wat.-ii. chain and pnrM. Kill be well rewarded by returning la 4i mark at. rot' NO A plan ta kan hair mat" vetid and returned ssms day. 2 .'ft Irrout at. ' Mats 474. Portland Ciulsd-Uslr factor, H, meiagur, proprietor. POL li Mold eroao and chain. la "theatre. Apply to Hugh Mediate, boo Com moo eu lth r-otnier oog. a month old, very near - mu macs luuarui. KKiurn to voroorfar, fiim- au oeinxoa. Kewaro. I,p-r black paraa, gold monogram 'T. P. kf." riuder return to tea 14th at. Liberal nward. I.OKT Gold watrh. rl'.bou attached, with aolil fob and lodgs pin. llstun to oaatitar. Journal t FOUND A tow am tha rlTor. Journal. , . 143. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED AT ONCE- KXPrTRtHNnW aor.if. ITORS THROCOHOUT THSj SOttTHWKUT iv KirmsfBT lit M CTT' AL INVPNT MOT COMPANY. SALARY $75 PKR .'' MONTH. INQUIRE AT OrKK'B. BCITB IT. ! nauigun lUKi, ZoOtt, THIRD 8T, COVEBNMBNT POSITIONS Mam between tha eaee. IS and 40, to pre pan for mlwey mall '": A pons aua to prapara for aostal clerk. Uan over SO to Drcnara tor customs ta. specter, Portlaad aad vlcixUty; laatruetlom bp flail or write at enca,' PACIFIO STATES m. in joui, atca.ajr Did., Portland, Or. WANTED AT ONCE eotteea. irai 11.80 par aord; steady work. . Apply Waatara . i wparaao t si earns Blag., roruaad. Bool ton, . Or. . WANTED AT ONCB Soand pong an tor flre mea and bra kerne on leading waatara ral roada and for now rnada aoir belne com. plotad: expei leaca eoneeessaryj flratnaa (100 ,-. pee moath. Drskemsu its: poaitloaa now open; ' wrlta at nc for particulars. Nstteael Hall, . way Training aaaorlatlno, T0 Paitoa blh, Omaha. Nebraska, or SiU Bids bide, Kaaaaa t. itys. nuaanara. . WANTED alaana many maxa (too ta lino par anamai aoma aoaa aaerai aroca CMant ' prowa oa raaariaHoa. far from old orrbarda aah adraaoad araakipi obatoa at tarrttary, v Addraaa Waahtnctoa iilaraarp aom pa ay, Tea panlak. Waahlastoa. ... . - CNI0M HOTEL, tl Forth Mlith at., Portland, Or. ' Paa ataploymaat to all lta aoardarat rataa ' f4.M par raaki rooaaa 2fto aad ap: apodal monthly rataa airaa, Aadoraaa. propria Uar. ' WEN aad baya wan tad to hnra tlmbhi. plaa- Urine, bricklaylna-. alactrlcal tradrat trot (v aaraiocnai poaitkHia aacared. uoyna Traaa -.. . Scboola.. kiaw Xack and Aan Pmaolaaa, - . PACIPIO 8TATI0NER1 PHINTIIKP 00. luV3crf Baennd at. Pboao mala 01 Wa doalpa aad tnatall tha moat asooaca an tmproTtd affloa ayatoaaai aaanplata lino laoaa W fUlnc daTtoaa. . i tl.00 A MONTH PROTECTS TOP - Acalnat aorldoirt. alrkaaaa and oaatm. Wrlta a rail aad tnaaatlcoto. forthwaatn-a Baaltk Aacloant Aaaerfartoa. aod-atrT MeKap bids. Apaata Was tad. MEN AND WOMEN' ta raara-tho barbar trada la alcbt waafcai aiodaalaa aara- ham SIP to . (23 araaklyi as part Inarraotara: aatatoajaa frao. ' Uoarr Pyataea Of OaUagaa, M Manb Poartk " at.. Portland. . v . . III'DD'S aer1J) maat effloaa aro ahlpntna, frao faro, ' to Blnchaai SpHmja, aaatara Oropon; . raUroad workt good Job tor ovary ona. No. North Third aad 110 Pint at. Phoaa Parffl MM and Paetfle 1443. . -pr kTTETV at aa rap hit! bad wooda. Apply at . mm; roma na t iaramoot tarara ap uaarar ton. - Caloa Lonlap ak Lombar Co. , 'WANTRDtrnrr araak ta Catt at rVfd Toa 1 C., 09 rirat at, tor Ardmoro Oof No"; t i rba.'tl wt Ilka poal poai kaoay wkaav aad why to kick. ,WANTRD Toanp man ta atady talrrraphp po . altiooa whaa qnallfM. Ofrfoa Collfga, uataaaoawaajta auip. WR pat work for oar aianihorat apaelal aaan - hara, $1. ' T. kt. Ol A Paarth and TamhllL "TWO aaparlroead Rfo foaaraara maai boat coo .tract oa tha mark at; aalary and aommle. ' alon. Apply Jto p. 630 watlaad bidp. WANTED A firat-elaaa earrtapa pals tor. UbIob aro. . . - JM "WANTED Ona , aaarhnakor, ooa aMttraaa waatfr aad ona mattraaa oallar aad atrotch- Orapoa Pvaltnra Maff. Ob, Macadam "road. ' I4a to aka chtrra of aatabltabad offlaa ta WaafclnirtDa, aalary (100 per tooath aad ' ' commlaiiloB; Boat taraat M0 aad faralak , refaraocaa. Addraaa Q lib iooraal. .WANTED Maa to laarn to aporato awtkn . platuraa; cradoarra ram 2B waaklp. Fnt ." tar ma and pvtlealara oall roam a. liftk ' Slxtb at, - s tHRIRTLAN toaehara for Cblnoaa ' acbooL Apply auaVb aoflaa4 at T o clock ; ; p. aa. MATTR.E8S-MAK.ES wanted at 1S-30 rroot. ST'NNEL toramaa. Badd'a Eaplcymont OftMo, ". , No. North Third at. - . "WANTED Maa ta fl ap parda aad iawna. , Call at 4i2 Taoeaorar ara. ., SENTLEMKN wlahlna- pood paytnp, pWaaant . accanatioa apply U7 Sixth at aioa aoor. LABORERS for work aw Portland; marrtad . man prafana. i Bbarlock bldg. . . WANTED Tailor to ' 21 Allaky bldp. ' work or coats. , Apply .WANT S rt rat-da aa blakaai1thsi afaa flrat claaa halprra: alao S marhiolit be I para. Call : Amorlcaa Toot Worka, 904 Colambla at. , MONETf M0NETI AdrtBerd arary waak to , our acaata) a full lloa. la-lndln ap-todata ' aparialtlaa. Wrlta for fraa rinraaalng aatflt. Capital City Kuraary Co., Baltin, Or. . : , . WANTKD Erary maa oat of a poattloa or dla ' aatlaflrd with kta praaant romtlnn. to taka ' . a Dlpht eoorao at too Babaka-Walkar Boat. ,- nraa Collage. Baranth and Btark sta. Wa will v plana yoa la a poalUoa wba eomporant. ' .WANTKD Bop wltk whaal, at one, at 211 - Poorta at. , . . , . . 'WANTKD Porter to do ponaral clcaalop ap and aealet la bottllnr' dapartmant. . au at oaca. BranB di CoH Pint aad Aloor au. . WANTED A pond man who ondaratanda not. tllng and labeling; only thoao with aiprrt - aura, aoad apply. Bruna Co., Pint and A Mar t. - . WANTED Pot family llqaor afore, a flrat-claaa maa who ran giro good rafaramvo aa to anil. ' lty, ota. I only thoao anderataaritng tkla Una , of kualnoaa aaed aniwaf. Addraaa N 144, f - can Journal. ' ' BOT wanted; aioat bare wbeeL ' Rooaathara, 4S Tklrd at. . BOT WANTED to laarn ttnaer trada paid while learning. 401 SStb et. I WANTED Janitor. Apply botweaR 10 aad 11 tomorrow. 2)4 Morrlaoa t. UPW propnalthMi for aallHtora. Big - Hall at aaoa. . TOO Marqaaia bldp. . JOI"N maw daaliinp to batter thalr roodttlTO . . rail oa emplojaMnt daportaaaat, X. M. 0. A. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WAWTKD Errry wemaa oat of poaltloa or " olaaatlaflad wllb brr prraant Tocatlra. ta ' taka a alrht ormraa at tha Babnka-Walbar rwlnr"e t'llega, . RoTenlh and Stark eta, Wa will plara yoa la a poaltloa whaa com . patent. GlhrS WANTED Opera tore to work oa ehlrtf aad oTeralla. Iaaume glren to inarparlanrad. Apply at Standard factory No, S. Uraad are - and Eaat Taylor at. - OIRLS WANTED Applr Standard Paotory No. 1 Oraad are. and I a at Teyka at. . "AKTI"T WHS' artrlnkl rt for drawttig and palnltng. ins N.mtIi ratik tt4 npatnlra. V ff :i rr r ' oik. Ar. i r'rl for ganaral bonea- t I t t. HELP WANTED I'FmAlE. BANHKN'9 LAP1S1' AGENCY. 84.1 4 WlaV Inrtira it., cor. Seventh, spstelrs. Plum ail in PU'J. Feroal help wealed. WANI'KO lonng ladlee to etody telegraphy poeltkaie when qnallfid. Oregon College, 008 touiatouwealtb bklg. WANTKD flood atrong aldrrly woman for housework In tbo coautrr; good place f .. r'Kbt party.-- Room 12, Lewia bldg., KO'i klurrlauii at. . - POUR lady areata wanted; wagee 1 flo to IS a day. Call fur partlculara but UaoCeabcla are.. City. . - A LA M'lK buatneae firm dearroa a la trtiKtwortby aad energatla: oipertapce out nerriiaarT; pualtloa for Uaraler alao. P 11, rare Jouroai. GIRL f"C armnd work ; good wages. 070 Uoyt , et. Main lou3. WANTED Ctrl. College St. for general homework. ti WANTED Droaamaklng 601 East larulbera at. appreattcaa. Apply WANTHD Kellabla aoraeglrl. Weat fsrk at. . . Inqatra Sut IN eiperlenoed plrl for' general hotiarwork; pond wajrea. 1 2H.t Mnllory are., corner of Alnaworth; take Woodlawa ear, gat oft oa Alnaworth arm GIRL fur r serai boneework. corner Clay. KX Sixth at.. MI0DLE-AGKD woman for boneework. Cell 800 Montgomery .betweca Sereulh and Park sta. 1-suae Pacific S700. . . BI.DBIILT lady to ran fur two eblldrcn. 4 aad S yean, and Urtit bonmworki pood home; amall wages. ' 148 Oraad are. Mrs. Stooe. WANTED Healthy young girl or woman to re of child la afteraoona. Apply To rlaadera St. TWO aiperlenced lady solid tore, salary and eommlaatoa; tint-class proposition. Ill "Coo- LADIES wlahlug good paring nlesaaat acca patlon apply 227 Sixth St.. side door. -WA.?T?.?7J'rI SanarU housework. Call MALE AND FEMALE HELP. WANTED A taw good sollcltora. mala. or4 female beat aropoaitloa ta Portland: good ajoaer ta the ngbt partlea. Phone Sellwoed Tl. Corner East 13tb at. aad CmatlQa ara. H;1-"wanted and an polled, male ar female. P i ' w"'"l"t Pacific lSlft SITUATIOX WANTED--MALE. A T0CNO maa, ut honorably dlscbargad frora aa oiler or fireman; can take care af atatlon- ' aaaminaryj aas aaa roar years' einerl aooc; bandy around marblnory; .baa beet of references. Addraaa William 0. Bsrry, Hotel Wills metta. corner Slxtb aad Stark atan city. runuiun wanted by yoana- maa with Hah team saltsble for dellrory work, etc.: will answer au striara la paraea. - Addraaa US, . can JoumaL ...... ....-. WANTED Work taking ran at borsaa or sowa. - or do Hrht lanttee arork. - UilpM. Me T King, s;a Serentk at. Phoaa 6J2T. : WANTED A poaltloa. aa clerk to a grocery store op young maa af experience. , Address X IS, can JouraaL , . MAN wltk small family waata work aa raaca. auoroaa a. xe. rare journal. . ., EXPERIENCED fireman waata poaltloa. wood " - aae naun, Aaaresa a) 1A can Journal. . . MErHANIOAL engineer open for engagement a.iaa- ue xirax. aoaress U 1U, Jouraaa. , WANTED Positloa ae traveling aaleemaa. H . . . . , wayvnivuKw. a, earn eournai. SITTJATIOXa WANTED FEMALE. LADT dealna poartloa aa eornpanloa to toralld r ang to eootnera uaurornla; all travel ing expanaM paid. Addraaa P 140, Journal. XOUKO lady- w lanes slluatliia ta Office, 0 1S3, WANTED Part day work, by woman, SI Mortb T f Wed at i li nan 11 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. - RED CROSS EMPLOYMENT OO. 'Logging ramp aad. farm help a epootarty. SO Mortb Second at. Pboa Mala akfta. We pap all telegraph charges. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OP PICS FOB MEM. Kortk Seeood at.. ., . Pboao Mala IBM, PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICR .flOSH Morrlaoa St.. .... Pboao Poetrea-Snw4 mi norta Baooad at Pboao Paelfle UtiO WANTED AGENTS. . 100 RONRST mea lad women to give all a wniy span sm xo my meaieiaa Droooainoat good money and best medldasv R. M. Ptaav. mar, mo Third at. WANTED Good saleemea ta nprasant aa ta CBOMo tam tori ea;- highest coasmlaalos paid; caab advanced for expeosesi everything for nlahed. Addraaa Oxoxjoa Naraary company. oaiera, vregoB. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO RENT R oases. ctrttagasL. flata. atona, offlcoa, raomlag buassa, ate, taaaV Virde win do well to call aa PORTLAND TRU8T COMPANY Or ORROOa Phono Ea. TS. S. U. Cor. Sd aad Oak. . WA NTEP TO ItENT Hottees. sot tans,- flats, 4 sinres. rootsing-nouaes, aillcw, aua Monawk bldg. f SMALL convenient boose, about April S; mod- rrate rant, near gooa ear atriloa or walking dletsar. eest side. Urge lot with garden .plot, fenced preferred; eteady teaaaii aa chlldnB. P 140 can Journal. - WANTED To seat a well farnlsbed' modern west side home for the rammer or longer) Bice grounds and best Vwatloai desirable tensals. - Su5 S wetland bldg. PROFESSIONAL maa aad wlfa (bo children) wouia xeeae oomrortania modem aoma, a to S years; eslsct district, west slda, S4S Stark. WANTED Room and board bp maa and w'tfa. a a conveniences, aa . Iirsi floor, .. Addraaa R 148. csn JoarnaX . . ' WANTED REAL ESTATE. IP Ton want to sell gulck, liat with P. racba, bis soman ax WR bsve hovers for a taw modem benssa at rmm x.(H to; atao vaoant lota and business nmpertvj list with us for quick aula, . LA MO NT di HARRIS. v . 800-T SwrtUnd Bldg.- , . - - . WANTED as) S-rooa boaea aad lot to ex change for caab and clear lots on ML Scott car -line. 0. H. Tumor, US Wllllatee ara.' - 1 WILL pap $1,000 caab for alee en oa penin sula, an or near car una, or for lot la tha northwest part of city. Address R 144, can Journal. , WANT to bay a bones and lot or Iota oa esat side; mast ho cheap fog cash. K 137, 1 Journal, - .- -. - . - SEVEN af S-reota modem bmao. - with ona or two corner lota, seat op west aide; Rive lo cation and pries, with tsrans. M lbs, cart Journal. a - WANTED FINANCIAL." SMALL CAPITAL to tnvaet la pnnltrp J. A. Heeber, w'e Jerri HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. ri'RNITt'RR of S-roara cottage for sale, cheep; brmse for nnt. usil oa or a agrees J. r. rltrand. SM Beaton at. WR seed rnrnltun at any price. Portland Abo- tlos Rooms, ill rirsr si. Mars boob. HOI PE for rent, Inrultnre -for sale cheap. CaU at S4 Clay at. i FOR BENT d-rooxa bnnsi and fnmlture for saw cheep; rooms all fined with roomers. Sod Hsrrlsoa St. LADY ("log seat mnst sell her 14 room room ing house within a hiocka or nmtorrira. ele- mtly furnlabed; she will Sacrifice It st l.4. tail today. This rooming hones has never been offered for ssle before. . fJl bwatlADd bldg., lUlk aad Wasbliigtoa, MAIN 8'S. CASH AM lA4 OP IT '- HOR ri'llMITBa. PORTLAND auction ROOkULv 1111 tlrat Ht, MAIN SdSO. - MAIN aflSS. CAH fir h'aiaehold goode, Baraga 4k P BaAaT PI rat at. I'uoaa Pacific S00. WB WILL Bt'T. SKI.L OR TRAPR ANT Ol D TRINtl. WFWTKHN BAfVAOU CO.. 7 tJU WASniNUTOM. PACIPIO TPS. WANTED Pnrnftorn and beoeebold arery deacrljiiloa boor tit. eold and exebaagod. The a. zig pint at. ataJa aoja. f BI0HK8T eaak prlra paid for all kiada aeenad nana gooaa. rnooe aiaia Bin. a si. intra. WE kanl dead horses and cattle free. Oreaoa PertUlser Worka. or notify Carney's Tetrl. nary, kourth aad tillaaa sta.. Mala I BOO. WH HCT. sell aad etchanga all kinds of seo ond-kasd good, flrand Art Co., 411 Haw tliorsa are. I' bone East SAO. WAb'TED To rent a chicken ranch aear Port. laml; woold Ilka one with dwelling boose. Address ., T4 Clark St., city. A TOL'NO married maa wanta to rant a far alabed ranch or oversee same: bare bsd goad experience. I 143, can Journal. . WANTED Turf for turfing laaras. A 140, can Joorsal, - . . FOR RENT F ARSIS. SEH THE DCNN-LAWRBNCB COMPART FOR PARMH TO BENT. . TS arree at Eagle Oeek. ' , . 23 arree right at Clackamaa atatlna, ' . 73 Acres right st PmebeteL Clsrka coanty, , . AU good places, hlgllly lot proved and cheap. . " r -.' - 14H Pint at. P0R RENT Hop yard and farm land; SO seres of bops, 28 to 80 acres ot farm land; crop rent. 1. R. Msrks, Aurora, Oregon) B. P. D. No. 4. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. THE RICHELI EP. 'SJl North Sixth St. Ele gantly tarnished; steam beat aad batba. . THE GRAND, 40 H North Third ate 1 - gaotiemea. per wees aaa np. TUB TAM FILL. SSI West Park Rooms by day or week: steam heat, bath, phone; traa. eleaL NIOELT rural ah ad rooms and board at ITS East Sixth at. Pboao last 730. . FURNISHED room ta nitrate family! all BooV ' ara conveniences. Phoaa Mala 81SS. NICELY furnished rooms, H block from Hotel . Portland. I' none Mala 4064. 180 beveats. TJNDRR new manage want ; alca claaa furnlabed . rooma; raaaoaable ratesu, Toe Arcade, 14Vi rirst at. ..... .. COZY room, callable for lady sr geatlemaa, at work daytlma. close la. phone free. S10 Mala. THR R.INO, Boa Jefferson, nlcelr reom, boat aad bath Included, it ap. furnlabed FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. ' THREB larre fumlahed honaskeeptng private boose, beautiful lawn. Data, gas. phone, piano. tui East Salmon St. pbona East 10&8. 1 50 WEEK CP, targe, eteaa. fwralsbed huasi . keeping rooma, laasdry aad batb. UM Sber maa eouth, Portlaad. l.t WEEK UP. ekMB. ' furerabed bsasik.ip. tag enema, parlor, barb, lauadry, faraaca beat, yard, toil Btsatoa. D ear. . THR MITCHELL Houeihes ping and traaalest rniims, raaaoaabla. . Sareath aad Plandara, I'NFURNISHED aooseksoplng rooma. gas. hats; no children. 10 jsast Math, Boats. PINELY rarnlsbed for boaaekeetilag. parlor . floor, ant ta bis for medium family, gloss la, phoaa free. S10 Mala. . . -.. S TTN FURNISHED 880 Park et. boosekeaplruT . rsnms, (IS, FOR nice bright boose ksetttng- ad cold water, gas. bath, phea. near 18th at. TWO tarnished hoasekeenlng room, bath. , pbon. 4 blocks north Haillg thaatr. .. 71 Korth 14th si. PTS MONTGOMERY at.. 1 nicely famished rooma for bouaekarplngt gas rsngs, ressonsbls. ROOMS AND BOARD. ANOCLE8 (the Burrell estate), 404 10th aad Madison, Just opened : cearrthlaa flnt-elaaa. Nswly furnished throagboat. WELL farnlsbed rooma with board. 128 per moath; also day hoard. 4 pat week; strictly home cooking. The Chrysler, S80 Taylor at. NICELY tarnished moms, with board; good home cooking; ntea raaaoaabla. 179 14th at. Pboa MslB 0620. - . ROOM aad board la private bom. 280 14th St.- ".) Mate ISM, WANTED At 00 Nebra.ks at., 1 or 1 boarder . who will room together; large cosy room ; ' near Oreaoa Furaltun factory.. . - . HICB light roema, asodera aonuenlaace. with beet home aooklnR, private family. Oall 101 i, North 18th at. ... UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR RBNT S anfnrnlaeieA b nasi keeping roounsi . light slry: walking distance from peatofftc, . kouulrs Stet Rlxth atsaet, . '- SINOLB anfnrnlahcd rooms, with gas, era tar, Woodsbrd; $8.60 moath. yx Market at. FOR RENT HOUSES. GUARANTEED aa sdvertleed. We aaa rant ar .sell year bouses, rooma, . flata, afflcea, stores, farms, acreage, lots; list now for eastara advertising. 24 Mohawk bldg. . FIVE-ROOM ' bones, good ban, fin gards. SIS par Batata. I , Waablngtoa at. lot 100x100, T. szati FOR BKNT Furalehsd boaea, third aoosa aeath oa Broad at.. Moataniia. cau - Addreea W 1SS, can Joornal. WH rant Co. aad as 11 plaaea, Soermsa. Clay FOR RENT e-roem aottag. IPS North Slat at. FOR RHNT n-rooo, remodeled bouse. 481 Ball IM. Key next door. . FOR BENT ' S roam rottaga, faraltar fa BsM rent 11 Bast lova. ' .. , . FOR BENT S room cot tare, gas, bath. 101 Kast 11th ot between Aider aad Waaklsgton. FOR RENT Ntea 4-roora cottage. R East SOth St. . . Inqulro at FOR RENT FLATS. POR BENT Two good fists, walking distance. west eioa, rent ressnusoie. as. si. money to loss, room Stk Raleigh bldg. S10 EACH for t 8-moxa fm-nlsbed tlars, close I n. tine ........ a Wm mmmam wm mrmwr eath at, ... v a , . A KICK light S-rsoni fist, SOI Croat at., cor. aer Gib let, iju per bwbib. . taqum at stors below. ' MEW uVronm apper fist, between list aad 13d sts., north. Apply T1S Over ton st. FURNISHED HOtJSES. ri'RNlSHKD honse, S rooms, fine slew and neighborhood ; reasnnsnie to aaoa tenant. culrs SI Muikey bldg. , W BEAUTIFUL new modern 4-room furs talted Oaf. private nam. ens nriu ex. FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. TOR RENT t, hew, modern plsts front. steam beat, iiixnu; auitsni ror taiasr, mil liner, shoe, dreeemaker. bardwara, aay bb bsss. Apply at premises, boo Wash tug ton et. OFFICE-ROOMS. ' anfUTvil ked pie rooma fag real. ,.. tteodaougb beda. elevator. Apply A FEW Sret-claaa offli s rnsms left at aaithaest eoroer Third ass Madlaoa eta. Apply room No. S. DESK boom, with ar without furniture, axoaV ara. did SwetUnd blda. - STORES ea groand floor, offlcee In McKay bldg.) alao offices la (Vlnmhla bldg., for nut. Apply Thoiaaa Mslauburg, 111 McKay. A NKIR small it oca for dreeemaker or tailor, cheap, el plret st. . nrsisEss chances.-- 'Grocery ,. Large storrroom aad ate rage-rooms. aire ovlng rooma, barn, all . new. futures A I and aew Uila place did a baalncee of .M.Ou0 laat year. Can get S to i yean' lease: Cheng nnt. - This la aa 11 location and can't be beatea far a grocery. Meal st la , voice. Invoice shout ka.OWX .--.THR VET hi RAN LAND CO., .' luota Third k.. Room A. " We Want to Buy JJerebandlse. stocks af goods aad furalton. lit pay spot ca.h. BI N INVESTMENT CO., 2'M Madlaoa, corner Pint. PARTNER WANTED Sober and lndoetiione. to manage my hotel brokers so. office hi Port , land: several effiree la Lotted Htataa. It'a .a maa I want, not hla moaay. P, U Austin, salts 121 to MS A hi ng ton bldg. STOCK aompenlea lucorporated. ' If yoa aara storks or bonds f ssle, let ate try to cell ' them for you. George M. KaUogg, broker, S40 Ellloott Square, Buffalo. wROCBRY stors at Invoice, money-maker) aoma aad ara us, va will . take yoa direct to owner. . : ALEXANDER LAND CO., ,- .,,;, ' 1 v '- . a Slxtb, Near Pin. r HAVE the best eoentng aa the aoaat la well, .established enterprise ; email capital re- r'rsd; wrlta for particulars, P. Lv Scbott, M East Morrlaoa sc BEST DRY GOODS BUSINESS ta Soathera , Ongta Tor sale. Apply to X. O. Hague, It lam atb k'aHe. Or, FOR SALE Rests are nt aad lunch eoonrec oa Waablngtoa et. leeaet toed pis as for two partners. D 144, Journal ... FOR RALR A good paying meet boslneee la email town. Resldraca aurket, alsaghtof . boose, yards and bog peas; good bare, barn, team, wugoa aad harness: complete outfit for .: the on i laoaa l deal direct with owner. - Foe partlculara Call oa a addreea Keal Brews, (install, Oregon. ; ; .. , - FOR eale oc trade. 4T frirn lined locstlon. 2IVk north Third st FOR SALB. 90 years, established grocery - aad f baelaeea, la center of Baet Portland, M per day; trade, etock aad flxturea lasolce About iz.ouo: corner lot. a tore building and feed born) t borer and wagons, all tor go. 600, or will teat property ta part buying stock. .-, 1 . BEOISTER CO., . ; ' ' . 107 Vk Third St. ' SALOON far sale; doing a good busts asal lo- areoT ta xwmma, ungoa. mu xe a mmmg town that te wld eoea. Price gOOO. Sell ing oa aceooat of sickness. Addreea F. w. Wooda, Bourns. Baker county. Oragoav - FOL'R LAUNCHES 41 feet, SI feet, SO feet and M feat, for eala aheap, 181 Morrlaoa at. SAVB MONET Anything ta prtnttng eee Mad. ten. uoa linear .aaipaa, rim aaa auaer ita. I aptalra,r 4M BUTS B-rooms, well furnished la good k csiityi west sidet low teat, t wagnmsna 41 BUncbsrd. SI Fifth at. RESTAURANT for sale or rent; excellent bask. pees; net mommy pront saw, row u. pox oia . Vaacoarar. . Waebingtea. , DO TOU WANT A MONEY-MAKER t - Boarding aad lodging-house,, IS rooms, 1 bathrooms, large dining-room with IS tables, T5 steady boardan sud also a good many . transient a. . PACIFIC INVESTMENT CO., ' SIM Fifth St. FOR SALB Bestsannt with famxebed eh sap; good location. 224 Third at. SMALL msnsfsctuTtng tmslneos. thta ottr. If yea want growlag bnslnssa la growing cly uvusxxgsto xnna. u oo. son sourxuu. BOATING BUSINESS S -lsunchea. row boats. boatbouae and all equipment; best lo cation e Willamette river; call at a bargain, - siomooa at, - - BEST HOTBL PROPOSITION ta SoBtbera Ore . gon for sale. Apply to T, 0- Hsgoa, Klamath 9 alia, nr. WILL anil at Invoice or exchange la part for -. real aetata, grocery, well located, low Mat, doing daily average business ot SSO, mostly cash. will Invoice a boot 11,800. Addraaa Q 141, Can JouraaL ; Notice to Timber Owners Wa has cash buyera for large and small tract of timber, if you hara any that- t ecoeeaPMe, wrlta aa or aoma aad aaa oa.- Wa caa at il it for yoa. Llnd & Co. '? '.":'V - Boom US Lambs EicbAsgs. List Ycnr Rocinlnf Hcnses Aad pis oee of baglBaaa with as, Wa hart ksysrs, SUN INVBSTMENT CO, : ' 324 Msdlsoo. aorae Ftrst. i. - S4.B0O BUTS tha beat room rng honae ta town; long wane, eoeap reaxi oeex aocsnna ow sno rleoa st.. and a money-aiaksr. Addraaa 0 ISO, can eoumai. 010 A B etore, bootblark stand with good trada, and bona aad wagon, fur aale cheap: maat tar too city. Call 131 Kortk Sixth at. GROCERY and bakery with Itvtnr-rooms. good - Iocs tlea. will hi vole about tt; a-aaap lt4 taken at aaea; owner leaving city. Addraaa ' P 14S, can Journal. Pbona Pacific lsa, . HERB YOU ABR RestsuTunt andraandy atorr, owner atck. most cell: worth SOW); goes . cheap; oa line of 8laai railroad. Addraaa H 130. can JouraaL . ftOOMINO-HOUSB. SO rooms, sll aa aa floor, , good lease; price 2,T0; no boy, aaat placa ; aaa mating money. ALEXANDER LAND CO., 3Vk Sixth, bear Pins. FOR RBNT 400H Hawthorne av dye works. Apply at HI Fourth at, P ROOM roomhxg-bonss, fuTaltan for aew, rloee hs: nnt Sou: full of roomers; this la a bar. akat price gSlS. Alsxaador Land Co., 03 ixth St., near Pin. ... RESTAURANT AND LUNCH COUNTER. fin location, oa Third at., slsarlng ti to ST per day. Price $275. OALL lOStt THIRD ST.,' ROOM A. - -4- WANTED Partner la saublnbed real estate , and OYflce bualsses bringing good Income; suitable party can secure half Interest with small capital if taken st anos. . tsqulto room S, Bsnaoa bldg., JSlVi Marriava au Mala Til. WANTED CauBtry hotel, 18 to 40 room. . Ad arses r loo, can on re a. FOR SALB REAL ESTATE. S4.000 POR 10, acre ejtoek, fruit and Jfra'a rencn, l -e miieu inn p. w, SmaU store, la Doaglsa county, Washington.. 80,000 for two houaea aad a store, lot GOx 150, oa Untoa sv. Renst fog flS for moath. 83.800 fox a S-rsam boas a, let lOxlOO. aa Cslna sea. e 8X60 for lot, SOxOl, witbta 100 feat at , Unloa ave. Street oa both eada f this lot. 81.000 fo two houses sad a bars, lot boa 100, oa Rodney an..' will nat for ) pa taontb. ' . 81.100 for a tract ef land 175x181 on Court street, between 17 th aad 18th sta., la 8 less, $rib for room boooe, sew. Bath, toilet, Ink and waabhewl X apper sad lower floors, lore lOOxKIO, leer Ualoa sv. Caa b aceuv. pled by two famlllea. 81.T90 for a T-ronta-bwa not' ROttO ItB. lahed, lot 80x100, aear I nk are, 82.400 tnr a B-room aw bonao, lot 10x100, an Hroedway st near stKl bridge. We ban lots all erennd Mount Tabor and . aa St, Johns car Una. 8I2B and an. Prompt attention given to ranting hnnsaa and cnUotrtlng rents. Plaese give us . a can aad examtns aor bergs Ins. fl fnrn co SSO Unloa an., Korth. aear Ri en st. ftlOO Bl'TS fine reeldenc lot na Rodney sv. ana UOing SI. ( seoera ana e4u.'wais. in, streets Improved. . Register . 4 Co., 10T third et. QUARTER block- at STth and East Clinton eta., on o-rooss snw warn w i iena . -. full bassmest; tbeee an knodemj nothing nicer la East Portlsad. Price SA.Ono; cea tlve terms. Sea 0. W, Bever, owner, 8oO sst Morrlsoa St., City. FINB corner, 4xl00, elreat residence portion of Esat lev lor street, xiign aad sigbtivl walling dl.taee, by rb owner, 808 host Bainsids. 'pbona Xsst ud. , ' Macklatosh & Bliwcll 420 Ccamerciai BUr. ---Ptose Paclflc"2514 SERB ARB A FEW 0OOD 0NKS FROM THR MACKINTOSH A BIDWHX LIST: V $io!; . PTNB LOT WITH S-UOOM M0DEB1JF BOUSE OK WASCO ST.. BETWEEN BOTH AND . ITTH, IS RENTED FOB I3B; THIS BOMB WITH STREET IMPROVEMENTS, CEMENT , WALKS AND AH, MODERN INTERIOR CANNOT BB DUPLICATED FOB IS.SOO; WTU, TAEB a.800. y r ; V ;. :" ' .'$7i000 ' ' 104H0S rtnON ATB." AND ' SKIDMORR, 0-R0OV HOrJSB AKdTaBK ABB THROWN Nv k ';'u':: $sloo . t MODERN BOUSES OB EAST BIDS, S BLOCKS PROM CAR UNBj RENT FOR ABOUT SSS EACH: FINB INVESTMENT. ' Ji BLOCK OH EAST SIDBl STREET TM. PBOVEMENTS ALL MADBl WATCH THE - , : $200 ISBxlOO BIXSWOBTH BT. AND I8TH.. "s- $1,800 ' ACBB IX PULTOM PARK. FSOXTIXQ g. P. TRACK, UNDER FENCB WITH , GOOD BA-RN. GOOD INVESTMENT ' $2,000 0NB ACBB OP FINB LAND 100 FEET PBOht ST. JOHNS CAB LOT AT CEDAR PARK j DEPOT HAS COX S00 BBABTNa BLACKBERRY ' BUSHES 'AND " IS '- ALL PXKCED WITH CHICKEW WIRB. : : " Timber Lanils JL.--.--e- T $1,000 - ' FOB ... SO ACBES OP LAND, MOSTLY CLEARED, 10 APE EH PLOWED, TWO GOOD HOUSES, WATEB jFTpBD TO HOUSES ONLY MILES PROM OOTTA0B GROVE; MUST - .. . 9tCw7Acres ' -; YELLOW FIR IX COOS BAY SECTION; WILL BUM 4.600 TO THB ACBB, , ' 625 -Acres C-X't:'' FIR ON COLUMBIA! LESS THAN 1 PER '1,000. - , -.', :,-; BANCH IN WILLAMETTE V ALLEY; CAN'T BB BBATl ONLY flS PER ACBB. ' Be S. COClC & COe'S List omiolea Home. .: 8d. 00O Beautiful saw S-raom real deuce. strictly modern, cbatoe east aid locality, walking sUstnnoe: terms. . ' Id.ouO On f tbo swelleet east aid koaava, walking dUtanoe. eUgaat corner loU we Bar the cnolce i ail eest do piecee. . Tnle bones haa 0 noma, strictly asodera aad first rlssa In every way, .. . - 83.000 Sama locality,- beautiful ". 0-room house, strictly modem, assy walking dis tance. Yoa should ae this. 84.480 Nothing Ilka It at' the price; fine 8-room strictly awdcra bouse, oa Baet lath; most be sms to be appreciated. If yoa want A nice borne this kt the pise. 84.800 Very choice modern T room kooss aa best street la Uolladap addltloai vary easy terms.--- . 83.000 Splendid 8-rsom boas, aa Bast Salmon street. Thh) to a flue little bom ta a choice locality and not far euL - S8.S00 Borthwlck st.. near Beach, good room housa, fins tot, splendid boasai has alley ta nag. , See u tor perUculan oulckt It s a bay. . 83.200 Tory enrdea 8-room cottar aa Cook an., aear Willisana. Tola la a bargain; Beat, eoxy plaos; easy terms. 83,100 OanteabalB St., not far aat. el gaat new 6 -room cnttsge, good hara, galckaa yard; very alca little aoma. 81.100 tiood 4 room cotuge, aa East Tap. lor st,. fall lot, good basement! tersis. ' 8800 S room boos,, 1 lots. lty watorf aesr cart lota ara worth tha money. , 8750 Soma very nice kta. In Holladap ad- dltlon. near tAtb; alao other cboica boasea 'and lots In nil nartS af clty.-W do not trat property asms it a woria ma men ay, aad set u. - - , B. S. COCK Sc CO. Pboa Mate 063. ' 151 Aide Bt, FINB S ROOM HOI BR, . New, Best sxtk St., aear Morrlsoa ear BB Beedera la every wsv.- 84.0ft0. halt cash. FINB S-boom HOUSR 'Bast Taylor aad 80th at. I aoma front a boaatlfal bonw, only alono. 'halt cash. .. FINB T-ROOM HOCRB, t good lota, Faltoa Park, 41,800, 1 300, fasUnc lMtallOMBtS. .-; PINK U BAST 18th at., aear Btsrkvfl.Tim, halt eash. - FINE LOT. -East XaxshiTI aear xstb. 81 000; rsrma. FINB 40-AORB TRACT. . 10 la culttvstlon, good 6-room boo, eome trait, barn crop, high-aad stgbtlyr- good anil: po rock t granl; epringl 14 atllaa from best landing aad retimed staikm; 11,000, $180 cash, 81K0 par year. 8 per aeot,. ;, FINB 10-AC BR TRACT, T re. cultivation an piod road, 8 axtlag from Portland; $1,600; $2S0 caab, baUaea laatsll. ansnta. - ---! i " FINB LOTS, ' ITtb nod Btwtharaa. $480 aad $500; taptalt- aetata. '. . ,. . fJOOD H ITTH ,aad Alder, $3,000) make pear rare terms. ; ';: Cbrlieiei ":' dll COMMERT" A VBLDO. I ..... . PHONB PACIFIO 1180, t - - . -, - S-rooai boo as, B stories, goad aorcbea, bap window, hall, pantry, bath. Isrgs windows, chb'kea perk end bouss, barn, groand 80x100 feet, good lawn, ornamental tree, roses, trait trees aad bsrrlee; 1 block each from S ear line; 1 dry goods store, I grocery stores, 1 drag store, 1 butcher shop. 1 black smith Shop, 1 millinery store, 1 eoafsctlonery ston wltbla S blocks of the bouse; public school 8 block away) T- rburrhsa within 10 blocks, aad only 80 mtnatea'-walk - from buelaess center af Tha rlty. Henkle & Hanlscn , BIT Ablngtoa Bldg. . ' FOR bargains see my ad In "New Today." thh) paper. Tboraton. Ill Chamber af Commerce. $8.00 Dots TREMONT $3.00 Moath. . . " 1'LACH. ' Lota tn this beautlfnl addltloa, use tksa three blocks of tlie ex term tea ot the W.'W. carllne, Iot 4nxIJ feet, . 0-fool alleya, streets cleared and water In; only n few extra left st $110. Let re befon tka rataa. Only $8 down aad $3 per month. J. FRAN K POUTER, ' B21 Wsahlaltoa St.. oar. rirst, apatah-e. . .. $3.xrA 10 ACHES near Lanta, blrhly Improved. W a majta ibis low pne lb oruar to eioee as estate.. Invest Irate this. L. MUler, 418 Cbambe of Comaiera. RKSIDKNCH property We make a ateci.itr. Ternis given OO snjrtning ws asauia. b",i good bargaloe oe hand. Al KXANM'htt I AND CO., J ja tux tn. hear fin. KeiineSy L IHckck 32S Lunter Exchange Eld. '. ' BOMBS..-' r: ; -r -' $M0O 8-Roou cottaok, with Fitr barv. . LOT KlOxlOO, WITH LAH'lK TRKKH AN B . HHRt'HH. ONB HLOCK FROM CAR LIXeV MONTA VILLA. T ' $2J50 MODERN fWrTAOSJ, 8 ROOMS, LATEST IMFROVKMENTW, WITH OtMlD I1ASKMKNT; NEW LAS T YEAR. O.I EAWT 81r 8TKEET. $1650 - ' '" " B.ROOV HOUSE ON BLANDINA STREET. COMMERCIAL; CENTRAL ALD1.XA. , ; :f-v' $300'. , LOT 50x100. ON SECOND, NEAR MEAD STREET, WITH ONkl 0 ROOM COTTAliB ' AND ONB T-ROOM HOCHB ON SAME LOI. THIS 18 A Pit UP. DOS T MI IT. ..v . " $U50' ' ' ' GOOD K.R00M COTTAflB, VPRY fv ' TEMKNTI.Y ARRAbtlKK; BKMP RKSI. DKNCM DIMTRIC1' IN bL.N'NYHlDK; NEAR Atb STREET. , .. -a aasarssswafewB " "':-r J I $2,250 V . " A NEW t-ROOM HOI'RB IN CHOICT. RErUDKNCB HECTION OP EAHT SIDB. 14 M.OTK. FROM CAR LINE; NEAR MIL .DREW AVE. UiT SOxso. , $3,750 V A GOOD 1-BOOM HOI'K TN ROCTH PORTLAND, CUOICB NEIGHBORHOOD. C - $400 ''V' MODERN tVROOM HOCE ON CORNER NEAR EAST 84tb BTREFT. NOTH1NU BETTBB OrrERED FOR TUB PRICE. $5,000- '-'A BEAUTiruL T-ROOJI MODERN HorSR ON EAHT Ultb STRGb'T, CLOBB IN. KEAR MADloON. - . t .... -:. ' $5500 : " MODERN 8-ROOM HOUB ON MADlON STREET, NEAR 14th, . THIS IS A BEAUTY, AND CHEAP. ' - - ... - . .. utofroYei Lcts '' "tMO-t BBAUTIFUL LOTB IK DINVBB. COLORADO........ '.,-'".- -;'--' $300 BACH, LOTS IN ARBOR LODGE; CflOICB LOCATION ON PENINSULA. . . , $060 EACH, LOTS IN SOUTH SUNNY IILK, NEAR BAWTHOR.NE AVENLB.. $fvEACH. LOTS ON BAST YAMHILL. 10 MINCTSsV sUDB TO CITY HALL WxloO, $TI0 BACH. SEVEN LOTS IN SOrTTI PORTLAND; CAB PASSES THB PROPKR TXi 6IWERED. CUOICB OP LOCATION, - $3.800 LOTS IN UPPEB ALBINA. WITH GOOD IMPROVEMENTS. BIZB 80x150.- v Keiinedy & HlcM - . 824-8 LUMBEB EXCHANUkj. , ( - $3,300 SIX-ROOM bousa, L'nlrertlty , .Park, near Portsmouth station. . ,. ' 81.7S0 4-room bouse st.Sellwood. , $3,aoo New house, SBth snd Burnslda sta. 12, too 6 -room bouss, Mllwsuki St., Bear Midway atatlou. 1 $1,800 S-roum boose. Ninth ' ara,, Monst ', Bcott. ... , $1.2N drom bouse. Montarllls. ' $1,130 Flue kit. Hth and;, Wase sts. ; Boom . Bsletgh bldg. " Poolroom cheap; make aa ka after. . Ban A ' Lee, Sixth , and Washington sts. . . Phone Mala 0011. 30 Big" Lets Smallest StntlM. at acreage artceet tin oil, ea graded street, close to school and car; $100 aad Bp Call on ; IRA KILBORN. - ; ' Lenta, Oregon, ' . BBAUTIFUL eountry bom. 8-acre tract, bans, barn, windmill and ston; 10 mils from Port la sd Baea, Llae road; 84.600, , ' Oat tag aad lot, East Waablagtna and 841k; . ftu locatlao; $1,800 cash .or.. I2.400, easy tanaa,- - . - '.,-; - ' P. B. SMITH, '-4 ' -V' 4H Pint at. . Pbona Mala H8S. JUST THINK Lots $10 each at $1 per month, near Bales, car line. Apply to owner, W. ' Reidt. room '10. Waablngtoa bldg. A NICB snborbsa hocae,. 18 minute rids from tha postoffW, 0 street car ltn. 8 scree of groand with S-room bouse; sleo 8-room honae: else cement mtlkbouse. boras snd - row bars, chick en-boose for 1,000 chick ene, fruit trees, berries, etc.; Tory beautifully eltneted: on of tha slceat pieces la Multno- axeb county.--with Ita awn water ex stem and water piped an ever tb plarei $12,000. r. tapis, tna Jeweler. POR gALR This week nv. SftxlOO recent cor- aar, xata aaa mu eta., ao. tow. aou aen st. Id ACRES oa Bas Line read, 10 mtaateT walk asat of city. v T-room bonsa, saw, aad 73x00 corner. - Broom eottage for eale ea easy terms, sc Will exchange. Call 88 Caaoa st MontavlUa. , K BAORIFICB 8 lots, Penlnsutsr. IS vaht. tCHBor row. iiolllstsr, 813 Cam mere la 1 !K. S-ROOM hoose. nearly new, 81.100; ewaa km. Ing city, itouister, Ltommercisi six. $1.200 CORNER lot, 80x100, Bast Ollsaa St., $1.000 rau lot, 13d aad Bast Gllaaa; 8:1.0008 sertiT- cherry erchsrd. 8-room oioese seeaa- ioi xmoioiiic. 80O0 Mcs lot, Waec at., neat 34lb tarma. UNUBAX CO., , . ; Ixth aad Waehhigtoa sts. ' 1 SO Halslgh bidg. East ncrrlsca ' 100x100. just across bridge, moat asO Bt a rw prlc. .- .- ROOM tO COMMERCIAL BLK. 0R beat bargain ta small home oe pan In sula. Mslklajoba. I soar larx. tu. jutasa,' - iVrtcr Lode Snaps . ; Chair homes and vacant tats ta this beau tiful location sear boalerard and ear, meun tala view, city water, electric light! also lot 80x100, good tent bouse, amall 8-room cheep house; sen rent; tarma. Sea ' W. B. RUST. -199 Portlaad BouUvard. Arbor Lodge Itatlon. A BLOCK, 815x110. af Hvsr front residence property, high and sightly, B-eent car tan. Bull Rua water, high-class Imp rove menta oa adjoining property; aa kneel home elte. or will cot ap to make 10 Iota; te the only rtv-T front reeldenc property left between Bellwood aad Portland: part or sll for tale choap, ea easy payments. Look thi up aakk. , .' .. W. ff. LA NO. " ...t '-.. , gng Marqnam Bldg.' ' 1 - '. NICB atodorn 8-room cottage on Vancouver as., near Rseaell) easily worth more than easing arte: $2,800. 1. J. .Oeder, cor ner trraad ave. and Baet Aakeny. WS will sen yoa tods a aew modes a-roots boas a lose la aa tMet Anseny, wits mil cement basement rtirnsc. rollet, bath, pis, electricity, everythbi up to dels, noting foe $0 per month: price, nab, 84. KM. Call 801 Swetland bldg.. Fifth aad Washington. NEW Armas bouss, fall lot, fare aaat as Cleveland Br. I gss, electricity, basement, chad trees, Isww, ate.: 1 block east of W 'lb , llama sve.l t'i.400: terms If aecesaary; must sell oa acoonat et Ul hsalth. Pboa owner, Woodlawa 720. - . iwT LOTS S bmcka from Hawthorne are., 1 feet above grao. lay line; 'A aowo, bal ance to cult. , . H0MR LAND CO Pint St. B-ACRB tract, Jnet th r'sc for rhlckena; lit miles eaat of Oregon t-liy, on flow r-ia,!: all In culllvatloo: 8 good wella: a-rono, h,,iiee. fair burn, good cbt' ken h'niee. vrtr ,,f frslra end h" cries; will sell for $l,lj.,). fte risen Lend Co.. lo Flrat et. 0-KO41M modern boo- on inu, reception kali, rml he!,.c,it. I -lut, sU aonve"lencee; . e r Iiu.m I A ' , I t . 1 t , Guaranteed i v.-Advertis CO rutW7-rrbnrn Brylrn lou(. ' aV.tkO t 1 TOM flMxlrTIt) btMsM Bfi; No. 1 Innatu4itr. 't"V--O-rWllt, lgr48Bt,$ll fTTII $) 8 lots. Darm; td4$t hnf m Ut. . i 41.ftW-4 rxiom Htti$ie irroVrii,' ttMatp. tuw IISW-4S aMHkrt. .'AU fln brjTn; lernsj. ltHrxiirti m loil. at. iMjlnt MB p mitu aJoS.WtOj- j!8 acres aer car line. bona, ban, fruit, all Improved, 9 Jo par acre. 30 arree. Improved. I2 per acn. 41 scree aoax car Ho, Improved, running water, gits) per sere. 8 lota near 8 ear line, all to fruit, $T50; - terms. , ROSB CITY REALTY CO. ' t. 4 - 4 Mohawk Bid. 1 i. A Few Sprtn? Barralns ' $3.1oO1O0xl0O.' aew e-room bouss. Patron ave.. 8 blocks from nr; tvs cash, monthly j payments.- ' $3,000 iflOrtno. aroma ' nedera - hoa, .. Kara Park; 8AU0 cash. .-' ; t $830 60x100. troom bouss. Arehsr plaea. $I.3r-o0xl00, Bsaaock t. t 1O0 fset froa 1 IStbtSt.; terms. 'i ' 8)0 80x100, sornor lot. Cook's additwaf ... trrms. rr , . ,.r ..... j- ... ... ,. . i " : -'.' , -' $10 Tart lots. Bxcshrlnr addition. 1 blocks from car, near Keaullwortb; 4-3 essb, , , $475 Hslf aen at Aasbell: easy term. . Hstchltisslirvan Dnya ; ?'-:'r' Sellwcosl' Homes'"-: .. iS80 d-room boaea oa Improved street, -1.360 0-room cottage, cluee la, Bsw. ; l.ot g-room bouse. i' vii 3 room noiue, X ana lots. () 0-rooiB furaUbed boose. 1 lora, 7tSJ eVrortm beeae. a lota, near earliest. . si.otto o-ronm eottsge. alec high tot, , ' bonne, 1 Into, corner. , ' : ' . $s:'i Lot oa Improved street. ' - 8-too Lot la City Vlsw Park, oa Improved - itreef. . - - . - , t.ViO 100x100, 1 blocks from tor. ' ' 81.0008 lots, fin rktw of river. Sellwool Tcwiislte Co., "' -' - H. P. Palmer, Atkasgsr. . K3 Palling dg. Main SoSl. Ssllwood oftlco, Tenln and 13th. ' f ' ! bellwood 161, '. Sellwoed - Vonbxsa A French. 170 B. 13th. Phone Hell weo! T4, City ' View Park Uits. $378 and ap; Boas Addltloa lota. $100 end ap; $8 dews and 88 a s-rotith. llnmss from $600 to I-V00O. Lots 8200 snd an, rs sll parte ef Bellwood. Uet yoar property with as; ws win sell It- . $l.!tn, PULL bt. saw 6-room bouss hi Alnlua; $.VO rsah, balance asm as rent. $4,300, 80x100. new T-room house, tooden. cement walks, street Improved, JO minutes' walk of new depot. ... - g.'i.aoo, corner 100x100, Troam hooss. Bast ' 18th and Vadieoa, , 'hi, oa West Side. P- -'..'"f - West Bid. $7,000 80x100, "8-room " modern boas ea Boyt it., between 324 aad XVI. 4 large lots tit Center addltloa, one block y from esr line. $WOO. - - - ,- 87.800 14. block, Kd and Thar man. 8 scree near In. between 1 car line, $5,009; or will trade fog tncom property. ' $3.0n0. SoxSO. with on S-room boose sod ' on B-room bouse. Beat $27.50 per Bioolb. oa West Side, near tn. WILLIAMS FARMER.' '' " Room 80, Wsshmgtoa Building. ' 81.800. A fin 8 room modern henaa Oa Monroe et. . 80.0O0.- 1 Ponr mode ap-to-dste booses, two 8 rooms and two 8 rooma, paring 10 per cent. , $.otV.-- A flob ' busdnese block, paytag S per ceat above Laxe aad tnanrance. . 8IO.0H0. , " A fba B-sm tract oa Caloa ara. ; - - . - $J.ino. A fin A-room modern hoas with concrets baeement. . We bee asms fin vacant lota also. .If yoa an thinking of buying, ranting or' sailing, ae aa.. j-rAVDER A SNIDBB. 1 l3i RuaeeU at. . ' '1 FIVB lots with 4-room boose, ootbulldlaga snd bearing trait trees. 1M8 McPhersea St.. Pcn- tosulsr Siatl v- Portland. jOt . $2,000 Bl'TS a tine acre bom, with new B-room boose, plastered, aad barn: nearly 1 seres In berries end fruit, rich sell, situate,! on a good road, near car line, close nt; doa't look any further until yoa see this. Register ACo.-toTH Third t.- - BEST BUT IN SUNNYSIDB. - ; New 8-room eottsge, cement easement, elec tric Ugbt. full bt, bath, closets, wood hoist. Owner; price oly ll.BOO: teems. New T room honee. 8 blocks from car Tine, oiodern exeent Seat; ha 'f buagalow. Price only 83.VS).' Better sea these. "' 1033 Rest Gnat, aear 84th at, Psewe. Tabor 170. $3.100 6-ROOM aiodem- hone, good ae new; ra Punnyslde; bt noxlOO; half cask. Register " Oe.. 10T14 Third St., A S-BOOM boaea and 1st aa WUeaa, aear :d at. P. Uansoa. owner. 1 VERY dealnbkt lot. 80x00, d block a from aew , Kast Bid klrh srhoul; na be bous-kt foe a . few days for 81.4O0.- Hagsrasna Ulaacbsrd. 1 8th st. $3,3n0 BI'YS a modern, -room home h fin neighbor hood, aear new blxh srhooL East Stile, ilagemana zttanchard. el 6k atrewt, FOR SALE Beautiful bom ta Hollsdny Park sddlllou. thoroughly modern and eomplet in every detail, corner lot. Per particulars call ap Eaat 4047. 11.700 BUYS a select corner. SOrOO. neer new high school. Fin eurrueuidings. Prompt ac tum will count on this DrofHwtttea. . Huge mana A Blaaehard. 81 8th street. 100 FARMS, small tracts sad lots: hargatne oa O. W. P. electric line. O. R Addltea. Leota. Oregon. Tske Mount Scott ear. 8a. OWNER of full In la fin reeldenc Sectlo. 81st sad Eaet Mstn. wUl build to suit pur chaser. Addraaa M 145, can JouraaL $1.850 4-ROOM bouse ta Brooklyn, bait block from car Una. very cany teruxe. H. P. - palmer. 123 l ailuia bblg. ..... COOS BAY OPTION Why buy mis la ou,s Harbor, whoa I caa self you adjoining a-re-ag tor price of lot t A Utrea B 140, JouruaL GOOD S-room ' bone, barn, lot nolf. fine : gtirdeti; en bhwk ' from ear: rent $11 per mouik. Room T, $23Va Waablngtoa at. ' $0 CASH AND tVS PER MONTI1. Beat buy in portlaad ; aew 0-room hens, lot Blxloo, northwest corner, sll Is rest Itx pronmeats; worth more. - . PACE IIARRI. ' ' ' BOO Bslmont, e-irnet K--t 33 th st Phone Tsbot XV. ACRRA0B of sll eser terms, sear . Ha leu, Hna. W. Beldt. Ws.blngta bldg. T-ROOM koss. full haaament. I ale lots, hern, fruit trees, etnwberriee. raspberries, kls- hen-tea, roeea; belt bkvk rmm car line; mid way. SI.0M; terms. 4ul Haw t boras eve. NSAT. new cottars, plumbing, wring; kr- !kIu: term. kieUleJoO Cvdsr l'ak, t. oku. FOR SAL8V-rr!00 SO Hall St.. 1(10 feet weat ot St., 8J.0O0. ) Bsli st. tl.Ooo NEARLY hew 4-room house snd 1 t. In Veruoai half essb. Register Jk 1 1 . Third st. l,nii0 PI Y a are T-room henaa end t t 100. concrete heeerseet, good hers and k ioee. 3 hloehe from 3 rar lines. In , , w.rl Rodney av. FOR BAI.E-lt owner. 1ixl oa C"rnr ef Wllllin.a and hi tMe i t'1 c-:.,ic.-t r".l.i- ' 1, , ,- u t,,t I'a.'k. A-l - 1 M. J t -' 1. 7 I" . I. I