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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1907)
: , .; .;.::..v..;,., ..(.. :.'..'. ' ,.:::;:.:..: ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. MARCH 6, 1907. t'.,' .1 Spanlon's Lois Are Below (hp Marliel Price; Tlmt's Vy They Sell So-Fasf--Seveh-Sold Today up (o Two o'ClocIc See Us Tomorrow, Sore Carriafles at Your Disposal V." i The Journal closes its forms (as printers call it) about 2 o'clock.-" . Up to that time today we had sold of the twenty-two remaining lots in the, Spanton tract seven seven lots in five hours tells its own story. ; "V ; ' Today and tomorrow will wind up Spanton's Addition to the city of . Portland. ' , . ' . . - . , . ' ' .' " Vc are not going to raise the price of the lots - $300 is what, we asked on the start, and that is the price. Pay $10 a month.. , ; We have a few irregularly-shaped lots for $200. H-They are just as good ;. Jie as nicely and are really as valuable, but one could hardly ask as ' much" for them' because of their irregularity. . ' V:V-'; ;;, V--- 'f ;Come to the office tomorrow in the morning if you' can in the Com-:, monwealth building (ground floor), Sixth and Burnside, and we will drive you to the tract.-takes just a i ew minutes. -We will show you. ' the finest little investment in Portland. You will double your money before the 'year is out, .- ; rrz ' - -:r-.-v -r--.-.7- -. There won't be a Spanton lo't left on our hands by Friday.. . (Ton may msksj row first payment any tlm In MsrclL) Tle 1 Commonwealth "WANTED.: East Side Property M M - B. - BURNSIDE STREET: We Have a long:IiSt of customers wanting: property in this district M - a z. Dfi E YAiVlMILsU E. YAMHILL We can sell lots lo cated in this district i m mediat e 1 y ' e HAWTHORNE AVENUE M 226 Stark Street mm jMs. fom bevse, modern and quarter block, near Highland; gas, aleo- tric light, fcath. stationary laundry tuba, ets. frie IMOO; 7 cash, ''" balance monthly. - '" ' aTew, aaedetm T eeesa house and one lot In Sunnyslde, 1 block from ear line. Prloe tMOO; t(0 cash, balance, monthly. " i sjpot V-cosa heoae and quarter block at East tTth and Hoyt; nloe lawn, fruit trees, etc Price 11.100; 11,000 cash, balance monthly. Oeed 0eam boms In Lincoln Park Annex, lot 10x100. Price 11,100 ; 1400 cash, balance monthly. Seed a-roem hems on East Morrison St.; gas, bath, all modern Improve ' menta Price t,t00; I1.B00 cash, bejanoe - monthly. - , These in only a few ef the many residence properties we have for sale end we shall be glad to show them to Intending purchasers at any time. v ...... .... i..j-. -r-. ...j . .', TH E SHAW- FEAR COM PAN Y 245K .STARK STREET y, FOR BY OWNER NEW T-BOOM HOUSE WITH 10x100 FOOT LOT, COR. BORTHWICit AND JESSUP STS. IN WEST PIEDMONT. TAKE L Oft ST. JOHNS CAR. Will Sell .750 Acre Tract The Twla Love snd Nsncy V. Love rvnttnn li nil Claims Bids wlU be rweivod y he urrt'ralgned for said land to urrh :o. J0T. The right te r.Mot any and all bids reserved. The imxr rart of thle land te witbln the ny llmlta of Portland Snd Is espri- ilr valtiehle fnr platting purposes. Call (, it B'1'lrees tne inlrlsnM. ISO Main ,irt,riir. T. T. BTRUHLR snd PH1LO lU'l.l.iV diK, Trnetees of the IkState ef Owner of Spanton Addition Building (Ground Floor), Sixth and Burnside f ca u H 3 STREET STREET ra o H 3 CA H 1 n Phone Exchange 70 The - available - waterfront- in South Portland is being quietly bought up, J. The 635 feet front age we have, with S. P. R. R. run ning . through the-; entire length and with " frontage on . Macadam road, is particularly desirable for manufacturing . purposes. , ; ' The price is dnly.'v,-; ':;''.:v': $25,000 GATE S" Water Front II. P. Palmer ' S22 Failing Building; Two big : bargain! in business ipropextyLook- this up Richard Shepard & Co. 110 N. JERSEY ST. - ST. JOHNS. OR. Modern o-room nouse, now aearing completion, 29th and East Burnside streets.'" ' ' )':.:. H. P. PALMER 228 Failing Building. ON $45,000 Corner 100x100 on- Fifth Street v;-v We have it ;.-V; i MOORE REALTY CO. 416 , Stearns Bldg., Sixth and ' . 1. Morrison. - . , v,, ;;:. f 1 1 1 VI I fill 1 UK 1 II liVI VVIH 1 IV. WE WILL OPEN A NEW TRACT AD JOINING CRESTON ON SATURDAY, , . . . ' MARCH 9 Go and look it over. Six months ago we ad vised you to buy lots in Creston; a great . many of our friends did and made money." We now offer you another opportunity. Go " "and make your selection " early, they won't ' last at the price we offer them. Will make easy terms. . Our agent, A. Cowperthwait, " is on the ground, Take Mt. ' Scott car at . . First and Alder streets, get off at Creston at the Powell Valley Road. : ? . Western Orcflon Trust Co. - ...,:;..:...29i stark sfc.i.ii.-' iMMM MivHvvvmvvmi J?EW TODAY. Tousley & Veavcr Choice 7-room houae oa Rut Ankeny, near ISrd, completely furnished, la tTlrt-l' condition "end has alt mod.- era Improvement Price. ,. .9 4,300 Snap - la Irvlngton addition, . I -room house, lot SOxlOO, with furnace and ail modern improvement ft, , 16th, near Tillamook. Price . .93,500 . i Full l-tory T-room houae, modern In every way. built less than I yearn, lot 44x108, Morrta street near Rodney, for thla week only., Price.,. ,.,f3,100 Coiy little l-room cottaie In Bunnyalda. strictly modern. . 10 se uui w 10 buy ....... -f 2,500 (.room modern house, Grand Are. near , Hancock. ood -Condition and a nlca locaUon i... Z,UU (-room honas on Missouri Ava. near Shaver, lot (0x100, plenty or iruic trees. A sood buy. ........ .fa.KOO t-room bunjrmJow on East Couch, full- else lot. close to the car line, ana in a very desirable neighborhood; has all modern Improvements, fireplace, etc f 2,500 Union Ave. Bxln. l-room cottage. full'Slie lot, plenty of rose bushes and fruit trees, modern. Prlos only ...r ...... .$2,300 -room house Central Alblna, lot tl 1-Sx 100, house In good condition. f 1,650 Nearly new -room house, bath,- toilet. basement, lot soxioo, on urooxiyn St., close to three car lines, and the price Is 91,400. See this' quick. Another snap, t lots 10x100 each. room house, E. 16th St......f 1,200 very choloe Jots In Bunnyside, fine building sites .95,000 Lot 10x100. near Hth and Main 91,600 Lot 10x100, Mlohlgan Ave.',., ...9600 Choice lot 10x100. East Pine St.. 9950 AJblna Ave, 10x100 ............. . 9600 BL Jlth 8t near'lMvUlon, B0X100 ....... tJOUU ISth St. near Northrap...... v. 92,500 Corbett St, near Bancroft. 91,650 rront St, near Bancroft.,..,.. 91,500 t lota, 1st. nearHamIlt6n,-each. 96OO I ll-lt tefayeM Bid, rhome Kala 91. Hl)i Washing-ton Oonur eta. HERE ARE A FEW: BARGAINS 92 7,000-t-story, brick, lot 15x100 In wholesale district, blocks from Chamber of Commerce. This will not last - Come prepared. -- 17.0OO Jertee blook- on Union Ave., present time income 1000 yearly, ean lease 10 yeara for flit a month ' and leasing party . will erect f 1.000 " building free to owner. See me quick. 94000 rooms, modern, a gem, east 4T50 rooms, modern. In Irvtngton. 9500O- rooms, strictly modern, beat location in utwiuu 942504 rooms and den. strictly mod era. Willamette heights. 4250 rooms, modern, Holladay Add., fine location, 91,00- lote an4 1 raetlon about East 17th and Hancock. These are -bargains. " -. r ' " 9180O lota TH minutes oar service, nicely located east side, single lots 180 to 130. A sacnnce. - Tnon-14th south of Hawthorne. Ava. 1(4x120 feet Just the thing for contractor or inveetor. 11 500 Lot 10x100. best location. In - Irvlngton. S240O Quarter block, East . Taylor; select neighborhoods a bargain. Soon mivee DUtrlot 10-acre tracts of , nne apple land.' only ISO per acre. 1 I have many other good buys, lnclud l eitv and suburban acreage and tlm ber lands. - If you want a good Invest ment, see me Immediately, Those P. Thornton 111 Chamber of Commerce. . Phone Main 4 mi. MODERN HOME On Easy Payments '4 Price . Only, $2,550 .Nice Lawn, Fruit and Roses ,.. M. E LEE MONEY TO LOAN Room 20,' Raleigh Bldg., 323 t Washington St ; v MMMIMIIIMM Tousley & Weaver 'km NEW TODAY. J. W. Ogilbco book li. 145 h rrmsf nTnjsT, rOJITXaJlO, OJUSOOBT. tj2700 Lot with 1 nearly new -roomed cottages rented at llt.80 '. each per" month, situated on East th near Beacon street in ' Brooklyn. 1750 Lot (0x100 feet with neat . . roomed cottage, basement, eon orete walk around house, small ". barn, ahrubbery. etc., on East ' 13th near Powell' atreet. 910,000 acres all In cultivation. house, stable, orchard, etc. a f fine tract tor platting In lota. ... on Section Line road near y, crossing of the Mt Boott car O ' t line anU opposite Reservoir " - -v Park. . 1 f 1850 1-9 lots near Eant ltth and , division atreet a. - vnoice piace ..for .tenementa; will soon coro . mand a higher price from ita lo ' " cation. , - - ' ' 91250 1 acre of garden land on Wl- . Derg lane, juat auitanie lor nine .- home in the city. Easy terms if reauired. - ' :- 9550 Lots 60x100 feet in mbbett's Momeateaa near miiwbuki mua V Clinton atmets; cheapest prop erty offered so convenient to : car service and rloee in to busl neas nart of the cltr. - 9260O lota 100x100 feet with good ; t. - e-roomea reeiaencB, n v . wi 1 ". or East Portland Heights, hear car line;' half caah. balance, long "" '' '' time. ':';': . 9TOO I lots lOOxiOC feet, choice quar ter in ma joiman irwi. nwr uw - new Midway school house. ; Modern New House With fruit trees, will make ele gant home, walking distance, neaf Central , and new . High SchooL 1 Price $3850 Terms. Cannot be duplicated for the money.: See owner, 660 East Taylor St ';.:;'-:-'v Buy Now! m vm MaaJiDrT(r WASBmTtjrTOaT RII1T .-. eakioo lot .S12.S00 IaII KOBBiaOBJ rrBJCT -room modern bouse. A good buy. - Near lUh atreetv Corner 100x100, S-room modern house. Snap . -.f4200 beautiful ..fBOOO artTXTeTO: b-room houae. modern. location UJRIOBT ilWII-i , T-room modern bouse. You cannot duplicate It In the city for the money. It is dirt cheap for ..f4450 Near Fremont, l-room' house, a nice home and store building; paylnar wd income. Only S4000 t-room -modern bou A snap ........... 94200 t-room eottaaa. " Walking; -' distance ......... . . i . B400O One and one half blocks from ear line. 100x100 with f -room house ...... 14ijm ,.. . .93000 i-room hoass, lot lOxttO, near ear line ...S137S WOOBlVAWsT .'. - 6-room furnished cot tare. snap .'n ..... .!-.Vf 1450. National Trust & Invest ment Company SSI Woroeeter Bldg- Third aad Oak, ATTRACTIVE HOMES VERY REASONABLE 83TOO ll-roem modern . bouse?. , lot 100x100. .; 93250 T-room modern house, Irvine- ton. . '"' " 92500 Srw l-room modern bungs- low. : 96000 S-room modern "noose. East rv aarunsivii. , -. v . 92500 S-room modern new house, lot looxioo. . .-i .... 92600 S-room modern house, Alblna avonuek - 4000 8-room modern houae, Tth Bt 96T50 lO room modern bonae, Harsey atreet.' . -- . . ' ' 4 7 BO S-room modern cottage, lot Otto. Crockett & Harksoa Realty Co. ltlH FIRST BT. . 1 (. . . 10 f Acres " lor Only; $500.09 10& Acres for: Only JiliM 10 Acres lor Only $750.00 These border on cultivated land that Is worth S1SS to flSO per acre, and on 1 aid-out road not fas from 9. Si fj. ear line, near good S-room schoolhouse; about S ullee of city limits, Sasy. terms, . - . , - . INVESTMENT CO. 344 STARK STFJCKT -- ,. - B. QVAOXII1VM, Wrtm. L1NNTON PROPERTY If roa want to -Invest in a sure thins: whv not come and look tip eome or thess barjralnsr Resident and business lots of sll kinds for sale at a low price. Call at Hardy's real estate omce, iinn ton, Oregon. Owners of Linn ton realty List your property with us. AITIOVT XAKST, ZJnaton. Or. N. 16th St., Near Irvintt mn S-0torr rldnct modrn In vmr a. Mlta,.i.a. Atmtr-iry ThA only buy irf that neighborhood, 96000. CS YXTBBA lVAlTS OO ISOVt rt moont A.. , CNUEKT AKERS. " Banethe. lfeBntae Si OlHietifb. Sndertekere and embelaiera; modern m rrary detail. Sara alb aad Pine. Mela too. Lear aaaiaiaoi. A, B. rtomatorb, andartaker and ambaltnar, Maat TMrteeaU and Umatilla are. Fbooe SaO- - Briekeoa redaefeblnt f"-, embelmlns. M Alder et. fbeoe Mala eiaa. iay eaaiamnay J. , rinler A aoea. Third end Madlaoa eta. OHIo ef eaaaty eoroner, Phone Mala . Edward Bobaea, aaderuker, X20 Third at. Money WUEN AWAY FROM BOMH. fvpla of Th Journal eaa be obtained la (be (uilowliia clim end towoe oat.14 o( Ungoe. lb Joarn.T would iiipnciiti tbe receipt t reports of failure te ubula eopiee el tbe vapar at anr of thrw plarra: COI.FAX. WA8UI.N(iinH-i. . Klnt. WA1XA WALl.i. WAHUINUTOM Walla Walla Btatloaorr Cooinanj ; u.frm llnswall Coaipanri - Hotel lam Nci Standi t'nlua Clfat Btaud. 11 H Buuth Tmirth atrrat. TAOOMA, WASHINGTON Hotel Taessta Sews Stand; Cltriril Nowa Companr. OCATTLB. WASHINOTON Kalnlar Oread N.wa Steed; lularnatloaal Ntwa Aeaerr Nwappr Wirnni Uulal Baattla Nawe OOI IKlKli, NH.VADA Loula ioba, eweuapef Waaon. SAN lilKOO. CAMFORtIA Asm paoy, Newapapr Wap-nn. roKANC. VAiUINliio.N Joba Km Oom W. Orakaai Co. BOISK. iriARO Jwph Colllna." MINNtAroLlH. MlNNrsotA at. I. Cava Dacub, do Third atraat. anetb. ST. U)UIS, WlgMOURI m. 1. Jatt, tog OllTe etreat; 0iim U Ackarmaa. KANSAS CITV. IHSin IU Xoma-Have Ooav paor. Kewapapa Wacoa. , CHICAOO. ILLINOIS P. O. Mewe Com pa or, ITS Oaarborn atret. DKNVEtt. COLOUAOO Dnloe Depot. News Stand. ' tos CAtrrrmwiA tuar news Company, Nrwapanrr Waaon. OAKLAND. ' CA1.IFOHNIA Aoaoe Hawe Com- paoa. Nmniiwr Wafon; N. trhoatl Naa Corapanr, Nrwapaprr WafQ. SAN rBANCISt-O, CALIrouMA W. rt!e N'ewe On in pan r. Nrapnr Waanet Foatw Orear, r.rry balldlas: JoBuaoe New Ootapaar, ioi rinnior. atrvet. SALT LAKB CITT. UTAH Mr, tevhia. News. . naeer Wacom O. I.. Daalre. Botxf Kenyon Karmw Km., Waet brond etraet, eootb. OGHKN. UTAH ilray Nawe Compaar. Daset Nawa Stand. OH AHA. KtBRASK A Millard Hotel Dews Stand. , HEW TOBK CITT Arttar Botallng. Kewf ' eanfT Wasooe. ' ' WEATHER REPORT. Tbe California dlarorbnnre baa mrr4 rapid ly anrtbeaatward and It la central thla mora ine alonf th eastern elope or tbe uortbera Korky - aioontalna. - Tbe ralna In Callf.nla ba ereaed. but they continue la eontbrra Idabo and, rain and ennw baa fallen ee tier any turotiKhout Arlaona, !ma. t tan. woaieru Cnlonrtn w.nailn and N.w Ueslro. Tbe Dakota nlfh nreaaure area la eow oratral orrr J tbe ua ivfioa, ana raw weainar, wuu wm- trratnrM below normal, preratla betweea the riaalaalpol rlrer and tbe AU.-irhany moun taina. The Itke Huron dtaturbance "Te soar wnrral off tfao mid.lla Atlantic enaat. and enow baa orgnrred in Pennaylnnla, ",w Terk enr cue wnriniae. Tba Indlratlona are Tor f enerany rair weainar la thla dtetrlct Thnraday, with tower temper- etnrre. "- . Baker OtT, Orefoa........ Bt ', . . T Boiae, Idaho , 1 " 4t .M North Haad, Waablngtoa.. CM ' 4 .. - Portland. Oregon .......... M 'j 6 . .0 Kneehuia. Oreaoa ........ 2 . d , .! San Krauclaoo. California .. M ' 4M Y . Honk ana, Waahlnatoa ...... 50 , ' . 40 .0 . 'l'aeome, waanutarioa av w v BfARRIAGB LICENSES. Le Bar War. US Twelfth atreet. S3: Kala- nena ryl, xo. Jaatee rl. tieciiey, ; Ohrtatlae B. Bartb, Albert K. w. srnaMder, ZD weaay Daiiaiag, . .. SOt Manor Colwell. to. w . Ialle J. Wrrerbkeei. sis - Beet numajae atreet, f t4mrt M.. rialda. 21. - .-.-r- Hana P. Laraen. mi t. Barry erreet, w: rnraa D. Karamnaaan, It. ' j . ' , Waddlne Carda. W. O. Bmrth Si Oe.. Weeb- tattoa bldg cor roarta aad Weahinatoa eta. Wedding aad calling en roe .engraves' ex srtnte.- IV T. Roahton. SoSSteerae khlg- - TON8BTH CO.,' rWRlST. rod PLOWBBS or ALU a in Da. va aiiin oi. . Clarke rlortata rine ZX Uorrleoa at. floral dealcae. rail dreaa eolte for rent.' all anna. - tJakra Tellortas Co.. V Stark et. CEMETERIES. BtTBR VIEW Single graTae, SWl fesrtly tote, j f (gir.T- J.wfrlsTfbe--gg I &e" eeug .S V kg Ledd, Keeldent. BfMtB ClTTBlBgle greeee, 10! family Vta.-i S3S to ITS. Bnpeiintendent at cemetery, . corner of Fremont at. and Cully read. Phone Tabor ms. For ruu inrormatiea appir . Frank Bchlegel, 803 OeeBaaercui aia, Maba SUSS. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. . C. A. Trimble- to laaae Tv Felta. lota- ZT and S. block g. renmauiar awnua - tm Portland . A ISO foeepb H. and Kllea Pa kin to i. . ana . - at. a. unrge, aw-n -ay- t Midway i. 1.T2S Qeerge A. Warren et aL to Title Ouaran- . - te Truat company, omen oi. i nr- nthera' addition to Ckrntbere' addition 13,000 Security Seringa Si Treat company, true- .s tee, too, w. layiorteaai or noirn- , , eeat of aectloa. 23. townablp 1 . , north, range 1 eeat, and north tf of r -- eectiea 80, townablp.! aorth, raag l'V eaat 100,000 Brneat and Mr. K. Stein to Paul R Bpath, loU 1 aad f. block Sit, Coach'a . addition 1 Onten- Tmet - - Inaeetment - compear to r- George W. Planer, me iu, it, ana ' IS, block S, lennhee Arleta iJind company to W. at... Cllne Jr., lot la, block 10, Elberta. ......... 7. R. and Mabela B. Burre to O. F. - Hlnmera, lota IT and 18, bleelf 0. 860 ,100 seiiwoea u n r mmA M.rta Jeewenaen to Brneat Bellwoed 1.000 Btela, lot S. block B. Wllana'a addltloa 4.TS0 Barry W. Johaeon et al, to aMlth !..,.'.., .. Hart, lot a, block IT, Council Crekt ' Park addltloa SBT B. R. and Jenoqna S. Carlaoa to Mr. L. . J. parnea, into n, i nnq av.. aaiiurau addition taT Oreeham. .". ...... . . . Fred McElliott to Laara J. Beraee, lot . 10. block 3, Koant Hood addltloa te Greehani l'X"'' Alexander and Mary EMer to Fred Ooun trrman. lot T. block S3, Multnomah... Snaaa Burk holder to Pearl Beott. lota . IK and 17., block 11. Highland Park addltloa Bra A. and D. Savage totOeorge Wil liam Wlleon. lot 4. block 4: lot 3. block IB, Center ednitkm. . . . w.-.t Mary A. Oraat te T. M. and B. B. Bua eeker, lot 1 and 1, block S, Iranhoe.. STST 38 1.300 sso 1,000 M- m. and Ada F. Heath to "eiiie Phelpe. bit 4. block 1, Central AlMna. . ' SSO M. I., and BUI O. Hughee to Frank L. ' r , Blmmermen: an of lot T end S, block r , 1. John Irrtng'a Fh-et audition, except north 100 feet thereof.. The I -and Oempenr of Oregon to Iwla Jonee, lot , block T, City TleW Park. Scot tl.h American Inreatment oom p any to m, W. Brown, lot 10. block XI, Wil lamette Height nddltkm. 1.B00 1,000 C. J. and Bra B. Rankin to Boa B. . , rnighenn. weat 38 t-S feet ef tot 4, i ' block 14. Kaat Portland ..1,000 TrBe Ouarantee A) Troat company to .' . Lndwls Oleeo, lot S, block 4. TUtoo'a ; ' addition 00 Mary Plettenberg to Robert Orr. lot T. - block S, Railroad Bnopa . addltlea. Alhlna ' 1,800 A. P. aad Maude A. Tlfft to H. t , . Noble, tnurtee. lot S, block , tin- - coin Park .........."; f Oeorge F. and Blanche A. ltodgere to - Washington Beelty company, eontb- . - eaat H of twrth H block Tr eltr.lSv.OOO John wVand Cornelia P. Darla to Alfred , M. end Nettle Ooley. 7xlB0 feet, enm- v menrlng et eoethweat corner of tract ' ' - M, at., eouna aiciguia uuhkb m, . ' John ............. ...... Cbarlee ami Kdltb A. Hough to I. W. Darle, north weat of block B. St., John Helglite addition to Bt. Johna... Title (loarantee A Trnat eompanT to niadatone Hterear, lot S, block , S. Tllton'e eidltloe . . . ... ............... Hnitb and Iella May McOabe to Jamee W. Llnnabaa lame W. Mnnahaa t Tbea Venaea- w a. block It. North Alblna.... S.SO0 X.TO0 sso so see n w a UlLlrad ken A. 11- lOaJUl Vaei of lot IS, block 32. Albion, 1800 Bllraheth B. Peaae to Regule Beltner, eonthwent H of lot 1, block S. Mc Mtilea'e addltloa Oeorge and Mary . Noake to William II. Snlllran, enuth tf nf weet tf of 1 eeat tf of northeaat tf of emitbweat ,. H ot eertton SO. townahlp 1 epuU, range I eaat ....... ... Batelm aad William A. Badden to Joba Epperly. lot B. block B, Walt's dorer dale Annex ................ 4.000 TB0 1.JO0 1. Jeff end Chrletina Brook to Th Pane eompany. land beginning In enuth Hne of north tf of northeaat tf . of nnrthweet tf of aectlon SO, townablp ( 'S north, renge 1 weat -'L-' John and Ada McCracken to J. E. Wbtt- inrtainn rt of block STS. Couch's 100 aoMIHon ...... 80.000 Jacob Roaencxxnt to, Joaepb B. Bold-' . . ... . ..1Mb a. iw.iu Sprlna tract i. ....... 1.300 Bdltb aed Prank An.l.y to J. T. Murphy. ( M 3, block 18, City Tlew Park edlli George w'. 'rirown' to S. Olaaan. lore tS aad SO, blook 3. Weudmet Park.... a. t.oo : .. iss REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Anne H. Uraea Barnett and William H. ttarnert tu L. 8. Aloora, kit X, block 1. lirara'o a.l.lllloo VA Pa. Id and Ella I.. Ooodaall to Dennle . alurphy, lot , block t, taoodaeira ejl UU1..U 00 MatlLta C. and Henry W. Ill 11 ta Jamae D. Wharton, lot 1, block 1, 8unnyal1. t.IOO Ullua K. and Asuea M. black for.l te !- - ward J. Knlm, lota T and S. block 1, In tba .Hi U nf Int I. U I'.ltn'l tract 77.... S00, i Charlee A. end Nettle Alrord ta B. B. : H. er, tuta U and U. block 10, Kara ' i Park 1.B00 '. B. W. and Clara L. Pike to A. B. I.nma , den. weat of lot 8, block a, WUllame '' ' ATanne a d ,1 1 1 Ion No. 1 ' 1.800 K. K. and M. A. a Al. Baxter to Jennie ' O. rl)fflald. lot 1, block 1M, Bta.ana' addltlne IS - Point Vww Baal Batata company to Thorn aa Baalee, Iota 2s and 30, block to. Point View Hi Balpk W. Elmer to Tbomaa Scales, Iota IS end 10, block 111. Point View ' SOO , John and Hat tie Andereon to Helen Ro- " dean, lot 1, eertloa 10, townablp 1 ' ' e ennui, ranxe 1 eaat. ........ ., 1,500 Frank and al. B. Srhfefel to Alfred L. . Parkburat, andlrldad H ot Vi ot ', . ' ' lote S end 8. block AT, Coocb'a addl-y 'lea'...'..c..v..v....r...n...... S,TS.i-i Da.W McMillan ro B. V. Pbelpa, weat 50 , feel of (ut t. block 1. Center addition. TOO , ' Jamea O. Kelly at at' to kary kC. - . llowltt, bealnnlnr at aortbeut corn a r ' ' of Plymptoa Kelly'a donatloa land claim la towaebl 1 aoutb, range S ' ' . eaat, 30 aerea '. ' IS , Char lee K. end Belea Tlgeretrend to ! Ihirld B. Bwank, 3.D0 acres hi eecttoa : ' ' . S3, townablp 1 north, range S eaat..... 1,000 : ror atntraete, title taavreaee er Bwrtsege Inane, cell on Pacific Title A Treat ooeapaur. IHH-a-o-T Failing balldlag. Oct year Inearanee end ebetreete te reel eatate from tbe Title Onaraatae A Treat oar saar. S0 Waahlngtoa atreet, earner Si nana. NOTICES, UNITED BTATFS OP AMERICA, dlatrtot ef Oregon aa. ' The prealdent of tbe 'Ualted . Btatea to tbe United Htatea aiarabal tor tbe , dlatrlct of Oregon Urnetlngi Wberene. A libel end petition wee filed la. - the dletrlct court ot tbe United Btatea for tbe dlatrb-t of Oregoa on the 6th Say of Feb ruary, 180T, by tbe Oregoa Round Lamber eompany, aa the owner of tbe herge Monarch, prayb for a limitation of tbe liability ef . aald company concerning tbe loae, daetractam. , - damage end Injury orcaaloneS by tbe 1waete ' te tlie eaid barge Monarch oa tbe 3Sth day , of Decembar, 1904. for the reeaona and eaoeee - , In eald libel and pet It ton mentioned, and praying a monition of tbe aald court la fbet - behalf ta be laaaed, and that all perenna claiming Samagee for any each Mae, fleatree- tlon. damage er tajury aiay be cited te appeer before aald court end make due proof of thaw ' reapeetlTe 'eialme, and. all nroceedlage being had. that If It aball appear that the eald petl. , t loner la not liable foe any each, lean, ee atrurtloa, damage or Injury, It any be ee finally decreed by thla eonrt; and ' Wbereaa, Tbe value of the Internet ef the eald petitioner In the eald barge lion arch baa . ' been duly apnraleed at -the auut of two bow . dred end fifty dollar ($ aclaillng the , freight pending ea tbe royere of tbe eald barge Monarch on tbe eald tNtk Say ef De cember. 1V04. and a atlpulatloa for the pay meat Into court of tbe vulue ef the Intereat ef tbe eald petition la the aald barge ben ' been girea to the eald court aa ordered, that .. a monition leaue agalnat all neranna claiming . Samagee for aucb loae, deatrnctlan. dameee ' " or Injury, rltlna tbem to appear aad make '"' due nmof ef their reapertrre eialme: yee tnererore ao eommanaied te cite an neraone claiming Samagee fiar any Inae, deatrwtloo, damage er Injury oreaeloaed by aald dlaaater to tbe aald barge Monarch, to appear before eald court and make due proof of tbelr re- ' epaetlre elelma before J. A. Blade. l in .e h Ri.te. rircnlt eonrt. - .t ble office In the elty of Portland oo.r . harore the iwtnrn daa In June. 1807. at eleven o'clock In tbe foreeoon. And what you shall here done la tbe premiere doryoa the make return thereof te thla eonrt. together with tblr writ. . . "Witeeee tbe Hoe. Cbarlee B. Wohrertoa. ledge ef tbe eeld eonrt et tbe city of Port land ha tbe dletrlct ot Oregoa. thla Slat day of Febreery, la the yeer of ear Trd one tbeurand nine hundred and eeaea. and of oar Independence tbe one bond red end thlrty-flm. B. D. klcKBB. Clerk, rnlted State Dletrlct Court lor tbe DUtrtct ' ef Oregon. -.- eenkrupt. . . . ... ;' . Tbe anderalgned will reeerv eealed bide , for .tbe etcek ef general merchandlee, cooalat--Insef grooarlea, teye ana not tone, saeene - ware, tinware, grenltewnre.- hardware, dry i , goeda, clotlilng, furulablag goode and rubber .... . goode ot tbe inventory value of 11.1.31. together with etere flxtoree of tbe Inventory valuatloa of S1.S0S.B1. located ea Wllllaroe c avenue, eornee-of Knott t-i Portland. Or.. -,ir : until IS e clock aooa, Wednesday, March 13. 1W7. . ... , ; A' certified check for 10 per cent of tbe - amount - offered moat - acmmnaav each Md and aale la a abject to confirmation by tbe ..eonrt. f.. - Inventory amy be Been at sty office aad --- tbe ateek mar be lnenected ea eppll'atlon.. - - La ted it Portland. Or klirch ty lOOT. : B.-U SARIN. Truate. . ..-.v..v ;'''" - Ne. t Ftrat at.'. roRTLAito, nr., Marrn l, ibpt nee tea woa . win be received at tne omce or tne ecnooi a elark. Htv hall, nn to 12 m. Mondar. March - A 11. 10O7, for eonetractlng a acbool building at Vernon. Plena and a pacification for aame , ran be eeea at tbe office of tbe archltect,.SI j Eaat Third atreet. . Separate bid will be received ee followe: First, exrevatlng, brick work, plaaterlng, cement work, iron work, etc. Second, carpenter work, tinning. Iron work. . ' etc. Third, painting. Fourth, plumbing ana . drainage. Fifth, glaae and glaalng. All pro. poeala meet be accompanied, by a eertlflee, check for 10 per cent ot tbe amount of, pro poeaL The echool board leaarree tbe right te ' reject any and all bide. THOMAS J. JONBS, Architect.- . PORTLAND. Or.. Marrh 1. 1BOT. Bealed bide will be received et tbe omce of tbe ecnooi clerk, city ball, op te IS m. Monday. Marrh ' 11, 190T. for eoaatrnctlng a echool building at Arleta. Plena and atmrtflcattone for aeme eae he Men at tbe-nf floe of the architect. 834 Eal Third gtreeC" Seperle bide will he received ee rotiowe:. nrar, excaveiing, ones work, plwterlng, cement work, iron work, etc, Seeoad. carpenter work, tinning, tree work, etc. Third, pointing. Fourth, plumbing end drainage. Fifth, gleae and glaalng. All pre- . pneala moat be accompanied by a certified check for 10 per cent of tbe a mount of pro poeal. Tbe acbonl board reserve the right te reject any and all bid. : i THOMAS i. JONES. Architect. PORTtAND, OR- March 4. 190T. Sealed bvt , ; will be received at tbe office et tbe acbool clerk, city belL up te 13 p. m., Monday. : March 11, lu(, for eonarrnctlag a acbool building at Porta mouth. Plena end epeclM eatloue for earn can be been at She office of the architect, 884 Beat Third et. Separata bid will be received aa followe: Pint fllaaa and glaalng. Second Plumbing and drainage. Third -All the balance, to he lot ta one contract. " All proposal moat be a com pan lad by a certified check for 10 per cent of the amount of propose I. The acbool board reeerrea the right to reject and aay all bid.' . THOS. J. JONBS, Architect. ; WHOM IT MAT CONCERN. , It yea So not cere to buy real estate, 1 can place your man ay in anevT inae eoeaa . a.- good -earlgr.. ...,.' r;itA - , .ffTl 'rV'.-fi'-Y.tU Tbe Marouam. MRS. 0. P. DOrOLASS. CA TB BE 88 Conking . small dinner, luncheon, etc., to order: my . specialty, eervlng. Resldeace S8S Williams eve.- Pbone Baaf 5003. MT wife. Heater Monte, having left me, I will . not be reaponetble for eny debt contracted by her frota now ea. JAME8 MONTO. NOTICB Hereafter William Marka will not be. reeponalble tor debts contracted by Minnie Marka. Signed, W. Marka. JOHN CRAN twe moved te Bwetlasd bldg.. Fifth and Waahlngtoa. ' , MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION NEIGHBOR SoffietMn.? Dclnt BETTER COME llVtnM axklra w.o.w.V WASHINGTON 1.0 DOB NO. ee. A. W F. A. M Htated eoamnnlr. vt timt thle (Wedneedayl evening, . T:AO o'clock. Burkbafd building. . Work M. M. degree; Vlaltnr cordially lavlted. By order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND, Sec'y. ENOINEKRS. VfrTICB: will meet hereafter it Cooke' Walters' ball, 381 tf Fifth at, Local 87. M. W. A. BVKROREBN Camp. S.el. meet' Wednaedey era a log, A 1 laky bldg., Tbknf end Morrtaon ern. . - : M. W. A. Oregoa drape Camp, No. S.ST8, Men, Say. 17 IS aad Marakall! vlaltors valoome. Leis Lee, gecessee.