The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 06, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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    Tinr.'QREGOir daily ; journal. Portland, Wednesday evening; march ey ico7.
$m. W'v Am$$m
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v-' Thla la the first g enulna photograph presenting a good likeness of Tsl-An, the Empress Dowager of China.
iuo woman wuo nDnoiuieiy rme mora oomu oeinga inan any etner parson on eartn. - The xmpres Dow agar
waa own in i. anq wane many unropeans nave peon received or her, especially in recant years, little la
nowttjotlietremarltaW-praa4ity, Br her aidetm -tha Tight Is shows the -Empress" d China, wife of the
unfortunate ruler, whose very exlsteoe. js prershadowed hy the stem Id dowager. ' - L ;
r . .. , . , ..
OF C0f,lft
America Imports Five Million
Dollars Worth of , Autos and
i s ' - Also Exports as Much.
Though , fruited Stated Produce
Ore m Half of World's ; Copper
Sapply, She la One of the Irgeet
' ,' Importers of Tbi HetaL
J IWubtaitoa JSs-af 7UoamT JT
" Waabtniton, Maroh S. Tb abb . and
flow ( tba eommarca of the United
- BUtaa prtaaata aome carioue . faqu,
; , atatlatloal and eommralal. Tatae ara
the more .roadlly ebaenrod br oortata
- flruraa eonpUad by the bureau of at
; tuttoa of th dpartinnt of commerce
ana taaor ana maae a an or na mqnin
ly aummarr of oomaeroa and ttnaaoe
eareiins the calendar rear IMS. -
It la Interesting; to obafcrve. for-example,
that while the Import of automo
bile iurias the year 1101 amounted to
tittle Liver Pills.
" ; Must Besir Signature) of
Sm Faoaille Wrapper Betew,
, te take aa
" . 4aVA( 1
rsi Bizzixut.
rex Eiusssxrtt.
FcxTcxna liy:j. .
ret ccxtTirATic.
rci sailow tin.
, I Tmrcly Trrrtiltla.X
Will ii i I il
nearly IS.IOMOS la value thla' figure
waa praertloaUy offset by the esporta
of automobiles, whlcb mounted lit valua
te I4.0.l. Curiously, too, of this
four aad a alf miuton dollars' worth
of automobile exportedi over one mil
lion dollars' worth went to that great
manufacturing- country, th United
Kingdom, and praetteally anoTher million
dollars' worth te other manufacturing
countries of Europe, ' The tropical seo
tlons of the world, where horses can
not satisfactorily perform the . service
of local traasportatlon, are already
large purchasers of Ajpnerlcaa automo
bile, the total exports of this clasa of
Tenioies to Mexico baring beea la 1I0S,
tTlT.III. agalnat only $ltl.4il In 11051
while the West Indie and Bermuda
took 1141,090 worth. South America
$117,000, Australia nearly, and
even the . British vast Indies . 134.111
worxo. ,
- importa Knak Ooapaa,
Another curious feature of our fois
elgn eommeroe la found In the fact
that although the United States proi
duces on half of the world'a doDDer
and exports far more than any other
oounrry, it is aise on of the larsast
Importers af that commodity. The value
or copper Imported. Into ." the Unite
BiHtee in-lios waa over tIT,000,000t
moiiirarw xnia total ,7a,oo worth
or oopper ore, while we were at the
sam Urn exporting - over 119.000.000
wonq of that metal. Including la this
sum a litu jesa than ll.000.000 worth
Of oopper ore, of copper ingots nearly
e ae.vuw.ouu, an ez other copper manu
feet urea between 4,00,0 end 14,000,
ooo.'. .',' . ......
This anomaly Of th areateat eonnar
pnmuomi country Of the world import'
ma large quantities r eooDer
grows, apparently, out of the fact that
the United Btatea haa aunerior amattlna-
un renning lacuiues and that the cop-
v iruiq ua immeaiat. neighbors at
uio nona and south Canada ami
nowa to it smelting atahllshmata
aoOj rennenea. . , .
" Uaporta Ktteh Cotasa. .
Another "somewhat lurnrlilni f)n
wmmnret xouna in the fhet
that the United States, which produces
uiim-wgnni or tne varu'i Mti
aciuatiy imported last year from other
countries nearly tll.OO9.000 worth of
" ooiion, to say nothing ef cotton
waste valued at over -11,000,000. making
the average Importation of cotton into
the greatest eotton nnutunina
a the world about nrtk .
month. The cotton so ImnnHM i
, ' ei a airrerent qual-
"fi'V' ,n. cnl,nJp Kryptlan cotton of
wuiun in ionr and Miiit fih.. I- ,..t
laed In the manufacture of high grade
..k n',,n.i U mining
with silk la manufacturing -Equally
remarkable tn - Sa
eotton tmports is tb fact that although
th Lnlted Isutes la the great cotton
producing country of the world, and one
Of the world's largest manufacturers of
cotton goods, tb importation of cotton
round terme $40,000,000 In value, being
more than (9 per cent In excess of the
value ef cotton; manufactures exported.
" (Jnerael SowUI awvlre.)
London, March . A dispatch from' fit.
Petersburg says a aenaatlon has been
caused there by the discovery that, the
head . mistress of a girls' school, who
recently died., belonged to the sterner
set. The Vnlstress-' hd led a very
quiet and retired life, but wes much
esteemed by parents and pupils alike
for hr excllent teaching. Years ago.
It sphere, the men bad beea aent for
. "., .... - 1 1 " , " H
a political offense te Siberia, but es
caped en the . way thither, and. being
atu .to scour a woman's passport, de
elded to adopt for good feminine artlr
i . i . '
" Oongicssiugn Off on Junket. ;
r (Joornsl Ipeelal Servies.I . "
. New York, March 4. A congressional
party, oonslstlng of about H mmt
ef the senate 'and house, sal red for the
Isthmus of Panama today on the gov.
mment steamer Alliance. Th party
will remain In the canal aone until
March U and will reach. New Terk en
their return a week .later. Preetloelly
th entire snip has been given over te
the legislators and the commission will
afford them every, facility for Investi
gating canal work while on the Isthmus.
Food Poisons,
90 Per Cent of An Disease the Bo
. . suit of Undigested Putrefy
:" ..V-' i v. log Foods. v -j"
Men ef affairs, women ef socletv aad
children with actlv brains ere too
often sedentary In their habtta, giving
little time te exercise. Te thla evil 1
added that of high and irregular living
- es a result, tn stomach oannot stand
the demands made upon it. The abased
and WM-taxd stomach doe net prop
erly no tn worn or digestion, rood
taken In ferments and the seises per
meates the whole- system. Th body
lose in weight aad beoome a prey for
th attack of whatever disease It may
noountor. - . ... . .:
- Did It ever occur to yon hew bus
that stomach of youra IsT It only holds
three pints, but in one year you force
It to take in l,oe pounds of material.
digest It and prepare It for assimilation
Into the -blood.. No wonder It rebels
when overworked, we crowd It with
steaks and pastry. Irritate Its Juice
with aptoea and acids, and expect th
stomach to do Its work. . It can't de It
All ever the inner layer of the atom
ach ere glands which secrete the Juices
necessary to digestion. Th entrance
of food into, the stomach Is the signal
for these glanda to do their work. The
more th food, end th more lndlreatl
bl. th greater the demand upon tbern
ana upon in musctes of in wail ad'
Joining. . . .
Think or tne tons or nign-aeasoned
gam. swtmata aad . appetisers
crammed Into this little four-ounce
mill, end. then wonder, if. you will, why
you are dlssy or nauseated or consti
pated. Don't blame your etemaoh or
curs your fat that yon should be born
so unfortunate. Blam yourself and
pply th remedy.
First., get a smau pacta go or Btusrf a
Dvsrtepeta - Tablets, taking fen after
ech meal and at bed time. They are
not a medicine, but a digestive. Tour
stomach Is worn out and aeeda help.
not mndlclne. Stuart's Dyspepsia Tab
let will do the work that th stomach
falls to do. There's enough power In
on grain of Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablets
to digest 1.000 grains of ordinary food,
so you needn't fenr that anything you
eat will remain In your stomach undl
geeted. -'''
Btuarfs pyapepeia Taoiets tin rout
the poison because they remove th
causerfood rerroentauon. Tney ara
nature's own cure for dyspepsia. Th
host Of troubles dyspepsia la father of
cannot be numbered, for ' a healthy
stomach Is th source Of ell health.
Seise your opportunity before worse
conditions confront you. Send today
for a free trial package , of Btuart'e
Dyspepsia Tablets. They wilt ' bring
your stomach relief, p. A. Stuart Co.,
II Stuart BMg., Marshall, Mica.-
The eo cent sis zor aai at your
rugglst'a, -
Five Short Uns Crsws Seeking
Way Through Vast Undevel
w . , oped Region. ,
Some Speculations a to Final line
of Road's Loeation-'Vaat Oppor
; tuniUes to r p Opened . M'bea
; narocT Country Comes In. fj'-'
Dlessteb ta e JeenaL t '
Burns. Or, March 0. The Oregon
Short Line haa flv surveying parties
In the held in thin county permanently
locating the route for the Oregon East
ern from Ontario te Natron. The work
Is mostly finished from Crane Creek
gap to th western boundry of Barney
county, on an eight tenths grade, which
I much less than expected when aur
veylng waa Crst commenced. ; - . - -There
Is on root being" located'
through Malheur pass, gotog south f
Malheur Ulea, then crossing the narrow
ohannel of Uie. lake awe- th -town ef
Narrow, making a Junction with th
present line - near . Ilarney lake. , The
railroad goe about 10 mile south of
Burns, dividing th valley nearly in
If th Narrows Is th town to get the
roan it wu m me dieiriDutlng point
for the largest single farming and stock
raising area In Oregon that at the pres
ent time is undeveloped, its backward
state is owing to Its being no miles
from a railroad. . ,
Th Oregon Short Lis ewns tb 10
miles of road that was completed from
Ontario to Val a few years age and this
will probably be completed te Ilarney
valley this year.
Ther is no othr - county In th
United States thst has ss much vacant
government land as Ilarney.. In the
southern part there are seevral large
valleys that have no settlers except
few stockmen and ther is ns better
land In the state for farming purpose
People of Oregon who have not visited
this great Inland empire would be sur
prised to know what opportunities are
offered them to get homes In tbs groat
nr BDuniry, wnica in tns near fu-
HQUseJfoE.Snaka River. Improva-
ment--Senata Initiative and .
Referendum.', '
' (SpecUl Dbvetes -,tn. Tae feeraal.t .
Boise, Ida., March 4 Th senate has
passed house bills appropriating $271000
for tat educational Institutions, $5,000
for th soldiers home. $30,00 for the new
capltol building, $3,000 for summer
schools at Pocatello, - Boise and Coeur
d'Alen. $60,000 for expenses of the Steun
enberg murder trial. $10,000 for wagon
roads in Idaho county and a bill to pre
serve O. A, B. monuments and records.
The senate resolution for th Initiative
and referendum -was passed by that
body, - ..
The house ' passed th health - hoard
but aa amended by th senate and th
senate resolution requiring railroads to
handle livestock , on freight trains at
greater speed,, - ...
House bills were passed a follows:
tur will tak Its plec among Oregon's
most prosperous region.
Eatabllehlng th iMi c. '
yel.ow and purple rhanitn ot .l
creasing salaries of slate oritrvi
proprtatlng $ao for a wa..n I.
betwe-a Canyon and Owyhee com n.-x
en Snake rtver: $.i.o0i f.r a bru' . t
TlUSent $3I,00 for th I.f, fVinib su t
Blind school at Boise; $:&.u.O to Improve
Bnaa rtver. .
- A - bill to-reduce ' ra II i oad " 'are I i
Idaho to t1, ceuts a mile waa defeated.
(Special Ctspateh te The inereal.)
Telocaset Or.. March 0 rrank Tram
mell. lease of lh sawmill at thla
place, had his right forearm broken In
two places by having It caught In the
beltlpg of a revolving wheel. An O. IC
N. engtn brought him to North Pow.
der for surgical aid aad he is now do
ing well. . ., .- - v ;
t - Woman 107 Tcare Old. . '
' tJeoraal Special Sentre.)
Detroit Mich, March CMrn. Chris
tina Losh. aa inmats ef th county poor
house, reached th age of 197 years to
day. - Mr. Ixieh, though very childish,
retains her faculties t a remarkable de
gree. She bathe and dreesea herself.
Insists on making her own bed and takes
car f herself generally. She 1 of Oer
man birth and haa been married three
Itlrr 'g Flcii--With the Most Successful Invents and Man-
va?Fe' cklf rick, Corey, Belmont, Pullman and Hundreds of Others Made
Same Thing, but You Must ctNOW.?, to Po the
... , t .
v ... . -,-
f t ' "
fLtH?ihl,.ho2 ,na 'onndry In Minneapolis. T did the
rS5i lith,t J 7TM """ealed to change every
ntlrVryni' tre,t magnate 'i
eUctrognMrS' iWra'.H1?' wore aafety aiad comfort by running ere
t k. .if.: T?' than by the roundabout, mixed up yotem now used bv alnctrla railway.
mechanic; ".TVn". .Za" 1' EiZL.S!' I hav. had charg of (0 expert
The SiiV bUliroTryV."n.a,,,0rm0U"
en my lUv.nUonaf W" ,0f"y U fscturing of harvesting machln Is very largely based
tirJSin !yr:.taar trolly car. front eon-
to mak. can run faster, ehsaper. aaf.r than ev.r before,
I Dave at Last the Greatest Invention d
-rCan DonWe the fora
v r X or Occtric RxUhvay In Existence ,
. f an. Ill VnaAilal -. Wl- St . . . '
sooner or l.t.T 'Z. K'lA0lml0"t." 9 thla country but
making than any other' system. 'V"'' " ." ont?r- "d
e.nL2f2!lU,r-.eo..trol..Ih. forward In the railroad 'world In ny paten ta
ier and nt. hiX.T 1 cannot run a train 100 miles an hour and keep It up.
pJfnt tn,rp-v" syetems cannot b depended upon for long distances.." Their motor
fui.f,n7 "J!!S:. With my .aystem I can run a Sain any ar.Unc. STklnS of
renalr work. far tha vnnr1t
was so successful as a mechanic and ejectrlalan in this
dynamo Put in by th Oeneral Electrto Co.. aaw all
-w- f. mjmwiu , uuiuus Bixvet car wa
that will
more money-
WhyT B.
Tn troi
ir llkeiv'
?L E!idOwnt.., 809 m,Ua? n no' h Perfect safety. By rtr Vystem If a wheel
WaiJ2 iS.rnoUmS itaTSSSr! ivenTf The ?Z?JS
millionaire. bl.w m VI" .,0 "; "cce". becaus I have tried It for iwo years. During that time
" pVoVe
. f an &. . CUraA l2.oe for mr pttmi rights far averf eighty mflea
wail atree
System, and
- big moneyed
to man small
In thVempan, wili'Vet 1' '?- S!VL L"!S.W- -Th? he. ak investment
' 9m w mwamwm m I tnm. eMVt ee ml
erltbovt a hitch Or breakdow
.. w ran broke
i nay ooui ajot
gaveieov ef th XtTle aleets-Btaratlo SUOway and
lraal yexn. inwwaOoe of aeeeala to soak Barb
Wire. In van tor of many tmnrovemene So aarnatiM -
Machine. Oeneral Manaerer aad Oonnucln iuiu'
ef effl Bieotrio Syseem. , : . - , . , .
Hiis Slock Advances to $,.80 P2r iSharc al nDdnijlif, March 9lh
Te Brar tasf yes wffl get a sqaare fleel I
see tn - leuowmg ooa
f every rtinoati
euatieet si Is ted en new
- AH r say skssss of the saattal
ef ta tVaffls B3eotr1 By item wffl W n
Sinatil Vy tt at pas sr face vats ef t
aad-laaUala ta lath ay ef Star, A, D.
at Its ease tits sffls
ltSS. . ape written net! as niigmly gstea
t cats Osnp ay
Oklea,' Bllaets, ta a anna 4 fesm es
VyJawe, sad aaapeet Vy
by Hs
a swjerttv ef
eeatpaay, ss that all atesk a ffesed See
rsdesiftka, wMkm any gtvea yerlsa, saay
there taally d anssrtlsasealy,
tk eataats ef tale Oawpaay
-aad afW
afcresala. wkieh aw he
sasMdsra Cireet, r front saeb ef
gayaaent fe
steak shall ke tiSissisS ewtfl after Kay
lata, lsoe, sainjt a th sstlse af this
Oenujeay. (- v'.. '. ..,
any will pay
i of Stock yog
knew a ha im LT.T
MVZlaU "'eanne eiprts kare pro.
aoenced th srsteai weadarroUy atapts sad
' BT AtrtOMAtlO KSVAl SZBTBn ' f
I abeohtetr prevent eolUaloos. kSei where
!, a H sends elraals ahead and aa
al. It Mt.iffMM by sterna er aay
weatbe condltloa. aty stcaal axateai Sacs not
roostee either heed er la ot -Mate oV
ereia it aj win er nelte are expoeed where
atari na hlew taeni down e lotertare with
th.m. If thnmrh some aecldeat en stcaal I
broken, er etherwtoe pet eat ef ssmsilaalea,
snotaer alroal Imoeolauly takes Its place.
Every train dtapatrher aad eperater en the
fee aa to to alee, aad my eljrnala wll
work perfectly ead safely. Even the train,
men bare nothing te e wtth them.. Ther
to tgtt1ns. . Tsry slfaal works aster
natlraOy. . . Wtw-tna eoaj tagetaer- w
fhff' " tToa e rear, aa eisctrl
bU rings elgereaslg ta the late reus' .
oaes. tnrpzB ooeteol
It Is an eoe trailed by ea Wver. The Wrer.
aiaa starts, stop aad rseirsi with she sanw
Seow. lee, sieet, eela. Sanaa, dirt sad
each sabeuness ee not fteet h sower er'
eoutrei ef the or tsala. , . .
r . fas irosrsxa wtxx s pntan .
aesss he fore bag we will be patting my i
ayeteni ea all the etasdsra, street sad Inter
arbaa railways. ns( think what aa laotene
beatiwss that will ha. One eoaieaay ehwe now
emptors 12,000 saea te nuke tie present elee.
trie railway sqalpOMBt s4 ears. Asother
nrni employs nearly ss Baa ay more. There
7 . , srgTzx yoa arxxiy '. y
, - i BAtXWATS :
There are no everneag wires. ; a third
rati, a tet la the eareet, ne eaeetgreaad
trolley, a ebetmctloBS la the street.
Oaa be rue taster, safer, seals aad
ore comfortably Jasaay etaec system
It Is ekesser to opera ta. m naif less
mel at sower hoeae, I cleaner, serar and
quicker la operation than any other.
Oannot be atoDae bv eleet . .
stnrms, rein. Ice, grease, dirt er aay ether
similar oba tractions ea the track.
it cannot produce electrolyses ea water
P'pee er eoadulu in the streets, which la
now sock heavy expense to ejttes
th trolley.
It can not Interfere wit snv erhar ele.
trie, wires, wminm toss curt rut the wtker
ayetema, and oeveioBa meter power.
It Is all controlled by eae lever, and Is
alwsrs nodrr the most absolute eontrel,
sarwber, sad noder all endltlooa.
It k) aoleeleas, sine there are ne seer
Insa. nmaore er ethos aaochlnerr ae mtimA.
sgueeb ss rsttle. -There
are ee but eets f nasesra.
saute there ere ne sweet ee hers oeL
It Is Inpoeelbls for Ban e heest te
fet a shock frea aa eleettie sarcant. -
xxmn sTBTxat umt m
KAcrg or ymxszvT stxak
J.-'-f ,- BAZLVATB "
v eee 'ewer entirely wttk VMoeaotrree,
keevy saoew cam, electric ewalnea aad eu
ether etatUar . hasvy . sad sanenslTe aae
chiaery.. 3 r ' r .
A speed ef SO S00 sails a bear esn
be irseUrly reeohe aad Saalnbilaed tot
any dlatane.
Eae wletes d suBnhr sllka Not af.
feetad by Ice. enow freaae, dirt, sleet, raia
er any ether weather condltloa.
law thaa aa half ef the feel Is needed.
Trains oaa he itmrf
onleker the by any ether erstea end wlia.
out dlsoonifort aa .
Power hooaes eae ha aleeed - 9nn aatia
apart. 7" ,
ne braaee are ee trmA. . tka mhmIm. 4.
done by rsrerelog the carnal.
There Is na fUttealiur ef the wheeta aiU
eanaeqosnt iogkiss of the ears. Whei
a not grind en the rella te etart tralo.
hence an hole er dia-salin are Bade.
It hi teller en the ne1bd .nit mm. ea
a-w.Mvu mm rvpmuv wiu t
I eannet iiogrfhw- the mtMi fenr mmtm. f 1
have eon rhle la a booklet which F WIU se4
thst eat ef the royalties paid by rslbeed sow.
anise aelng r srstea thla eompai
ruu lace veins aor aeery saere
. .
Wt If yen koortt 100 shares at the
oriee weald be able to get at
it 01.000 by taralng your certl fleet ef
stock tn te as, te be paid froca royalty Boaey
eer treerary. I Con't thina yoa nil ere
want te sell, beeaua ef the enormous olrt.
end w pay, but If yea snoald be eom
pelled to scIL row certl fleet would tnea be
north la full fee velee.
Thla moke It absolutely tapnsafele Sap say
tockboioer ee be ftensn est t the esapaay. ,
vo iirExnrd aoKXais rs tjds
We have ne si Pees w eoBDenlee er brsneh
rV' iw ae "P tea, not only becauae It can run faeter. bat
loe "0." errarSte tSVStnie b,"wlS whJU.U "
and for the iMtfttt Kleetrlc Syattnv. This " ItBn teeter u4 ttttaw bawl
spaapeuy does not n-et witn iy mstra. grtrr profits to the tallread Baa sera aad
una oeapay at Tins niewi emm . stock k older.
this compear. Thla means that we win not ""' .
allow tb eeorpany effleera te let entrea I
theauelvee sader the gal c a eunetre.
tlea enmpany, er a company ef any other .
klad, t eatrand the atockaaidera.
o free far the aalctos. If yea cea't tike but
tea share, get the booklet and learn fulls- ail
th woodera of the simplest, stoat nerfert sys
tem ever deeleed. It will eat ma a wandw.
Ing that enm one did net think mt this
Barvtlons Me be rot.
- When f eead yea thlr booMtt I wm aha
send yoa the reports ef some of the sbleet
are alao thouaane ef Ben employed Baking
standard aocmotlra and eon lp mettle. All of
theee will bMh -nwmMare and will bar bt
so eat ef baalnesa. becenee th Ifrw men.
; trie aystest wtli take tsett Ua and will' electrical esiners in thla eoentry. who hate
emptor tbeusenue nxere, carefully eaaalacd tb syttem. . They fully
'-! ludore It. .
DmrntJATE ITS OASZTuXIT w retv hnt dny rents fnan te.
. . ' ' eeenslbl parua for eetlaate for putting la
Cbme and ee tbl Best rsBarfcabl la Ten- my era tea sew renea a boat ts seees
tlon of th twsatleth ntnry. . stmotea.
ThU Is eoch es pprtantty aa doe pet Osil, writ er tolegrapb at enee. '
enrne te any on u a kundrad rs. te . : - - -
ft ja an 1 the ground floor en propoeltlon ' SXCDES TOUaJXXT A IITS BfOOXS
ta Bk ll 11 Ua. It I tb Beat en.t
. trarwar xep ta to raiiraen weria. it meene
tb ultlmete chanfl ef every prsstnt stem
ad street railroad over r the Leffler.By.
far every 1 snares, git cash and f auata
V payaaents f oa. Total, kta,
. Bar svery 100 skarae, gist sash aad S
SMntaly sayBents ef $ taefc. Total, aua,
. Any ether nsaaba ef ah ere, ap t 1,000,
at tk sasa ,.. . lvv - 0...;,,, , ;,. .
Pur vala ef an aharee, gig per kar. 1
Net Br than S.OOC share te any ea serasn.
AU seeBlrtancee Bast be Beds tn either ansS
office ttwaey erder reglettred letter, eapcee
Bonf order er draft en Dew Tork er Chlraso.
If ye 1st tbl eppertnsrty get by without
taking all th a lock yoa ran poaatnly buy yoa
will see be In the .nnettto mt the sua who -ntfuetd
te boy Bell Telephone stack w he M
eauld be had for smell moaey sad later saw
tint what be eosld bar
It n for thUtf
Bought it tar.
' for every 10 akar. 07.
- re every 100 , S4T0.
Any . ether aw her ef aaar, np
snare, t ta seme rat.
After Baturaay alfht, Kerch S, the
ef thnv eteak tit he. It. aar - Ms.
aw esplam any-
te t.soe
' Call sad nee Be and let
thing ye do not anderstaad.
I ea et aty office every gay fese t a. at.
is Tf
' yea eaat
Sin' na;
ant eaQ. write fee Vxeklat and
MT IiaCAi. AQaaT.
Met a ellar' wertk ef Stock win be sold
Which so not -represent etactly th aeaie
foetisg or stsaiung tasf every etaer ee
dollar repreeeute.
The stark i rrjtxY paid snd wogasossa.
iBhM. - . . . . . '
rhut. WfxEt tuoniETJis tATf t '
Three ef he moat ' ert cnaiseere ' bv
carefully eatmliied my eyatem. and ridden
piy car. aa may B-e wriiv-a r.i- i. mm
. nac tney eew ana nmno. aeee rna-incor
re Job Rrtronn, city enclneer of (htceto; ,
art I Iehmana, eootultlns enstiwer or tnl- end r. W. apeioii, tatmer ky
alncer of sllnaeenell. Minn. " '
They : declare the eyatem euereaaful alia pie
SM practical, and point eat many other f
ture wberela, tb Lefflt aysum Is sa lav
This tsffler Slestrie Train WU1 Baa SS ts S00 Biles aa Bonr aad Wlthoai the teaalalUty ef Juatplag the Swift,
, . r- '. j ,. . , Hlgheat Keetweece. , "r
The Undersigned i$ Our Fiscal Agent for the West
425 Fliedner. Buifdin
Address AU Ir.q
- . - J a- . .