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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 6, 1907)
THE. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. - WEDNESDAY. - EVENIHtV-MARCH 6, 1C 37- rra AY GET NEm id" plaint aa a result of which Cahoon waa arrested. -.- :. Cahoon declarea that ha la innocent Of any crime and that whatever articles of Jewelry In bis possession to which 44 THANK GOD!" SIGNALLED THE INDIGNANT YANKEE SOCIETY II5IIT IS AERESTCD F03 WM P. L Cahoon Say Miss Walker ;' Cav Him th Jewelry but She TH Another Tale.' BOAT FOR COOS she has any claim ware given to him by her. cahoon aaye that he waa extreme ly popular In Mllwaukie. . Owners of th; Kllbuni Intend Placing Steamer Jeff ert on ;": ' "; ;' :'.-on the Route. ' ' ,4 FORMERLY SAILED FROM SEATTLE TO SKACWAY llddumta of This' City an! Com ' - Ba Have Been Preytaf Long In . Vain for - Better . Transportation ' Facilities. ', There now seema goo proapeeta of an (Khar itetmtr belnf placed on ,tbe hatwMn Portland. Cooa bay and w.ireka. and: soeslbly 8an- Franclaea - For many tnontha the itmf Alliance and F. A. Kllbura, which furnlsh'the nni himm of tranBDorUtlon betwoea this eltv and Cooa bay. have been n- able ta handle the traffle. and the er-' rhante at Cooa, aa weu as ronano, ' hare bees trying ard and persistently ' for come aort of craft to help out dur ing; the rush,: Frequently hundreda of tona of freight hare been refused, by th. raaneetlve ateamboat companies. It waa announced thla morning that the ateamer Jefferson la elated to alter mt with the ateamer F. A. itiiDurn. The Kllburn waa bought aeveral weeks i He tt,m Pacific Steam nip company of San Francisco hat will not be turned -over to the new concern -until the flret of April, and ie rumored on what eeema pood authority that the new ownera or tne -, niiDum . bare succeeded In chartering the Jef fereon for an Indefinite period of time. The Jeffereon haa been ply Ins between Seattle and 8nary but la at preeent ' being- overhauled at one. of the Puitet sound ahlp yarde. 8he la a large, fine ateamer. built for shallow water and can carry 1,100 tone of cargo on a draft of II M feet. - She haa fine accommo dations for JOS passengers. . The Kllburn la a much smaller boat haying capacity for $00 tons of freight ' and 84 passengers only, and the Alliance carries but about SOD tons of freight and la the neighborhood of 100 passen gers. The placing of the .Jefferson en the Cooa bay run would almost double the present facilities. . - . - The Alliance la at preeent, undergoing her annual overhauling here' and In the meantime the Kllbura has been the only means of transportation between this city and Cooa - She sailed about a week are with every bit. of apace occupied ' after her local agent had refused 'nearly 600 tons of freight and a big crowd of passengers. She haa been detained by bad weather and la not due to arrive here until a week from today. - The Alliance Is operated by the Gray Steamship company, a San Franolaco concern. Commencing with the next trip the Alliance will make " Cooa bay the southern terminal. Instead of going on to Eureka.- Thla . will aeslat some what la relieving the freight congestion. "I JETTISONED MUCH TEA Steeunrr Vandal la Reaches New " . , . York After Exciting; Voyage. - ' ' ' (Joarnal Special Serrlre.) . -' ' . - New Tork. March .The German tramp steamer Vandalla arrived here to day after an . exciting and expensive voyage from the orient. - When several weeka out fire. was discovered In the hold and more than $250,000 worth of damage waa caused before the flamea were put out. For daya the erew worked ineeasantly to subdue the flamea. Two hundred chests or tea were Jetti soned during the height of a wintry rale that threatened to send the vessel to tha bottom. The Vandalla la a large ocean tramp, her cargo representing about f.OOS tone. r . ASTORIA MARINE NEWS Bark '.Melanope May Be Converted TT-rT'Into Ort8teanierr1Tlr!''T ',' '.V- (jooraal Special Barrier. ' .' V -V Astoiia. Or, March . A bill of sals was filed in the custom-house today ' whereby the George W. Hume company Solo On Mcrt AA.Folj.rAC' (jpldenCate J. . A. Dissolution of Partnership On ADrll 1 two of the Soule Brothers. Messrs. Ruell 8. and Charles R. Soule. will retire from the Arm of SOULE BROS.' PIANO CO., and It la nr-f wiry to convert our entire stock of Planoa, Organs, Piano-Players , and Player-Pianos Into cash or contracta by that date. .. In order to accomplish this by the first of April, we fully realise that , we muat cut prices as they were never cut before, on Instruments of like grade. -. - - . l , , '.. ... .. ....... ., If you bavs the oash to Invest, you will find that we can 'give ' yoa nearly double value for your money. . . - . If yea ara not prepared te pay all cash new,- we can arrange time pay nrents with you, but. owing to the great discount we ere giving at this time, we do not care to aecept payments of leaa than ten dollars ($10.00), per month. - . . This entire stork of over 100 Inatraments. one of the finest assort ' men's lit the Weat, must positively. be disposed of by April 1. You will help ue to accomplish this If price and quality of goods sp pea I to you. It you are inieresien i an in uie nnr future. we earnestly renueni you first choice le always best, but we even, inougs you are uui rwuy kv puivvev now. y . oraw irair atmia Soule Bros. Piano Co. V: . 372-374 MORRISON ST. ' ; y Corner Morrison and West Park Streets ; K , v, . v x ; V -; iV .-e" : ..' 1' - V 'it 4 Exactly three years ago today tha pic ture printed herewith waa taken In Al goa Bay. South Africa, by ' Councilman George 8. Shepherd of thla city. It shows the barkentlne Puako at anchor In the roadatead-ready to .proceed to eea. The- Puako arrived - here aeveral days ago from Guatemala and la now receiving a cargo of lumber at one or the mills In North Portland. The remarkable feature of the plo- sella tha schooner Antelope to Samuel Elmore for SlO.vOO. , She la tons burden. ;'-'''-"' The satis and ntores of the' British shin Galena, ashore on Clatsop beach near Geerhart Park, have been removed to the British ship Pudhope now load ing lumber at Puget Sound. . The storms have played a havoc with tha hull of tha Galena, and she la reported to be leaking badly. . i 1 , ' CaDtaln Sanborn or Vancouver, Brit ish Columbia, today made a careful ex amination of the dlrellot British bark Melanop in the Interest of a British Columbia syndicate that is to make an offer for her purchase. The Intention Is to transfer her Into a steamer of light power and use her In carrying copper ore rroiu ; tsruisn toiumo io lower California. KILBURN SEEN ADRIFT Steamer From Portland Sighted m " r . Vicinity of Point Reyes. ";. A telegram' to- 'the Merchants 'Ex change from San Franoisco e tales that the steamer F. A. Kllburn, from Port land, waa alghted IS miles off Point Reyes yesterday drifting aouth.' Kfto was 'Supposed to be disabled but dis played no signals of distress.' The Kll burn left here about 10 days ago for San Francisco via Coos bay and Eureka. She waa detained at both ports on ac count of bad weather and la now several days behind her schedule. ... The Harrlman liner Costa Rica,. Cap tain Mason, arrived yesterday afternoon a day late from San Franc Isca The slow voyage was due to strong head winds which retarded tha progress all the way from the Golden Gate to the mouth of the Columbia.' The Costa Rica brought a full-cargo and quite-a num ber of passengers. Her officers report that they saw the wreck of the steamer Corona when passing Humboldt bar. , -, 'I NOTICE TO MARINERS "r Captain Werllch Announces Many , " Changes In Channels. ; The following affects the list .'of lights and fog signals. Pacific coast, 10: - t - , v - .' Harrington Point Gaa Buoy. 14. page J. No. 110 (List of Lights. Buoys and Daymarka, Pacific Coast. 10. page 47) Moored In S3 feet of water, on the southeasterly side of tha main channel of . the Columbia river, about t-l mile Absolutely-Pure . NO ADULTERATION . : : . ..... . . .. .. ,, , . v "-.' .'; v " '.'"' , i" . ' ''..,,',' - )'" ' ''." .' X s f ' "..'"..'' V v '' Pur Crtam Tartar , ". ; ' ' Purt Bicarfonatt Sochi ";. .'r -' ,- Only ''': SOLD on MERIT: Folger & Co. Sea Ftaacace or an instrument in tne lo come in ae early as possible, ss cordially Invite you to call anyway. ,,-t -. 4wtc V ' , 'American Barkentlne. Puako. ture U explained by Councilman Shep herd aa follows: ; - , ' "Three years ago- today t waa In Al goa Bay on the British ahlp Ardencralg, from this city. . - Among 2T vessels In the bay waa one American, tha barken tlne Puako. Captain Seeley had soma sort of ml understanding with the har bormaster concerning the handling of ballast and became so disgusted that be ran up the signal. Thank God.' after having cleared his vessel through the SSW l-l W of Harrington Point front range light to mark the turn from tbevl Tongue Point channel to the main cnanr nel running parallel with, the Waablng ton shore. . - ? :. February IS the light on this buoy, found extinguished, waa relighted. Swan Island Bar Lower, page St, No. 171 (List of lights. Buoys and Day marka. Pacific Coast, 190. page 6) Located on the lower end of ' Swan Island bar, in 20 feet of water, and the southwesterly, side of the dredged chan nel of the Willamette river. February If a red, second-class spar buoy, numbered "3," waa placed to mark the position of the beacon from which this light waa formerly shown. ' Swan Island Bar Upper Light, page 18. No. 17S (List of Lights, Buoys and Paymarks, Paclfio Coast, 1J06, page S) Located on the easterly aide of the channel of the ""Willamette; -river, -ln-14 feet of water, near the entranoe to the abandoned drydock at Alblna. - February 1 a black, seoond-class spar buoy, numbered "1." waa placed to mark the position of the beaoon from which this light was formerly ahown. v The following affects the list of lights, buoys and . daymarka Paclfio coast. 10: ; . --.-! ' Columbia River, page (7 Channel East Side Buoy. . a red, flrat-claaa nun, found missing, February 1, waa replaoed the aame day. -:.?..' Juanda-Fuoa Strait, page 71. Point Wilson Buoy, , a-red, flrat-claaa nun, found missing March 1 was replaced the aame day." : - ' ' Puget Sound, ' page 71 -Duwamlah Head Bell Buoy, red, heretofore reported adrift, waa replaced March S. Eagle Harbor, page 7 Tyee Shoal Buoy, HS second-class can, found out of ' position March S 'was replaced the same day. Eagle Harbor Sand Spit Buoy, 1, a black, . second-class can, found out of position March S waa replaced the sams day. ' .. . - -ALONG THE WATERFRONT . The steamer Geo. W.- Fader sails for Port Los Angelea and way , porta this evening. - '- The gasoline ' schooner Berwick left down yesterday boi)nd for Wedderbura on Rogue river. - s - The Mteem e"hAMr Hants. Ana will mmtt .thla . n m fn,. flan FmiiHmA with a cargo of lumber, i A una concert wui oe given mis eve ning at the Br am an' a Institute. A Urge number of sailors of all nations will be present.. ' (' - ' The funeral of Jean Raymond Dense, the. young French aallor who -was run over end killed by a locomotive at the terminal yarda Saturday night waa held, yesterday from the Cathedral. . Sailors ' from French ahlps In tha harbor acted raa pall bearers.- Danso belonged to the bark Emille Galllna. y. The shooner W. K. Hume 'goes to Rainier to load lumber for San Fran cisco.' ' .''; The Biitlah berk Mosambtqna with general cargo left Newcastle, England, today; for Portland, and the British steamer Crusader left' Muroran. Japan, 'for Portland Under charter to load lum ber here. t t- -m..j . . :- MARINE NOTES ' Astoria. March Arrived down at T a. m., ateamer' Northland. Sailed at $:lt a. m., steamer Elmore, for Tilla mook.' Left up at 11:10 p. schoon ers A. B. Johnson and W. 'R. Hume. San Francisco. March Steamer T. A. Kllbura, from Portland,' was alghted 10. miles off, Point Reyes yesterday; drifting south, Displayed no signals. Astoria. March I. Arrived, down at 1:40 and sailed at i:lt p. rn., ateamet J. B. Stetson, for San Francisco. Sailed at 3:20 p. m., schooner Alpena, for San Diego. Arrived at 1:10 p. schooner Americana, from San Pedro. Arrived down at 1:10 p. nv. gasoline schooper Berwick. . " v. Raa Franolaco,' March 1 Arrived at f p. tn., ateamer Columbia, from Port land. r- r-T-r-- Neweastle, March t Sailed March 4,. British bark Moaamblque, for Port land. ". "f ; i ,' ; '.' Sues1 March l.Arrlved, V British steamer ' Manchester Port, from Portland.- '. - ".. , Muroran. March .--Balled February (1, Biitlah steamer crusader, for Port land. , ,. Astoria, March . Condition of the bar, at-1 a. rough; wind east; weather cloudy wltk light fog. 1 Glasgow, .March . In port, French' bark Vlncennes. for Portland. Mlddlesboro. March .Sailed Febru ary 0, British steamer JClldona, , i --;. M'CAMANrS FATHER IS . DEAD IN PENNSYLVANIA - .'. . Wallace' McCamant, the well known attorney of this city, waa notified to day of the death of bis father, Thomas McCamant.. of . Harrlaburg, Pennsyl vania. Hi was tr.yeara of age end death was dun to a stroke of apoplexy. although he had been , In poor health for some time. ? Thomaa McCamant waa prominent In politics la Pennsylvania and at one f - ... . ..... . '''-''' i enstom-house. - The'' following day he secured a'tug and, as he stood out to sea, ran up the code signal. "Farewell. Blockhead.' The' photograph shows the words. Thank God. spelled but by the flags of the International code of sig nals. - The Incident created much com ment and will probably never be forgot ten by the harbormaster." , ... ... '. - Captain Seeley brought tha ' Puako here, but left her a couple of daya ago to go to his home in Ban Franc Lsoo. .. time ' was auditor-general, 'which cor respond to -the position of secretary of ataten'". Oregon. Ha. retired. In 1H1. He la survived by a widow and four children. The children are Wallace McCain ant of Portland. Samuel of New York, Bruce of Pennsylvania and Mlas Delia McCamant of Harrleburg, Penn sylvania: , -.., ; .., v MAKE ANNAND . PRESIDENT AGAIN .,,- , . . : ,. .,- . ' Conncflmen PlanVto Confer Honor Upon Colleague, as Shepherd . : Has Relmqidshed the Title. If political Indications do not go en tirely wrong, " John Annaad -will be elected president of the -city council at a late hour this afternoon. Annand has served a term as president George B. Shepherd succeeded blm. - 1 ' Shepherd tendered his resignation as president a week ago, end he wllL according- to his statement, - resign as councilman today. Annand goes out of office thla year and the counoll. ao It la understood, . Intends - to confer the presidency -upon, hlnv the second tlme, MRS. CLIFTON ;T0 GET A; rBULKOfL PROPERTY . The will of Albert Olfton. who died In thla 'city February Si, was filed In tne county court mis morning ana ao m it ted to probate. By the terras of the will property valued at tlt.tSl Is din posed of. A son, Albert S. Clifton, and s daughter, : Alloa Mankey ' of Nanrpa, Idaho, are each given 11,000. Tha re mainder of the property la left to the widow, Mrs. Lavlna 8. Clifton, - The widow and the son were appointed to set together In executing the provisions of tha wllL '''- .'.,-:'-.-; Everybody's friend Dr. Thomas Eo lectrlo OIL , Cures toothache, earache, sore throat Heals cuts, bruises, scalds. Stops sny pain. . . '.IV BaaBBBaaWBaBBBfaaaSgaBaBaB 7 a I ' "nam on ivtsv ensea I r" jChbcoIate Bonbonsl ! ( f ',-f. Always Delicious Pure-. I ' I .Wbolesomo Digeatibls 3I I '. fittm Raw mrlll mmVm , U - A Happy tlomt ' II t I Every Sealed Package gmaranteatl I : I Fresh and Fnll Wetffht - ; , I I mmmr SL- J SuUi S ' - - . I . I : tat witnsu tnwsvvm ' I II i v I , Makers ef Coeea and Cheeelatas , .1 I ' m ., ?.t v, sviivn, Mail, j .- m I. ij- ; Percy L. Cahoon, a dapper young man of ldll waukle. Is confined In the county jail as a result of a visit of Constable Lou Wagner to that suburb yeaterday. Cahoon. waa arrested on the charge of larceny. ' '. . . " His accuser la Miss Mamie -Walker, a pretty young woman who la aald to have been Infatuated by . the - amootn manner of Cahoon and to have shown him' her Jewelry. : After showing It to him the Jewelry disappeared, she says. snd She accuses htm of having stolen If:' .'; ; .- . . .-' There waa a fine gold - watch and chain, a gold ring . and several other articles of Jewelry which she accuses her admirer of having atolea. Miss Walker went te the offloa of Justice Reld yeaterday and swore to a com auci xoossrmx.T's wranro) was something to be recorded In the annala of history. ' 1 Herblne haa been acanowieugea tne greacesi or liver reg ulators, a positive cure zor buious headaches. Constipation. Chills and Fe ver, and all liver complaints. J. C Smith. Little Rock, Ark., writes: "Herblne Is tha greatest liver medicine known. Have used It for years. It does the work." 8 Id by all drugglets. . Vaal ' ayww.,,- "-ws.w- 3C samsBaBaaBBBBBBBBsaBBsaaasBsBsn lei's . Dfessss tely In Uncomplicated , . Cases- that Yon Can Pay special uhcnCDrcd the serious complex and stubborn My Fee Is Only hend. 1 have confined my efforts to diseases of men exclusively, and there Is no ailment belonging to this class that I cannot fully conquer. I make broad and definite claims. I tell men that I can cure them, even though others have failed. 1 Jealous doctors bare charged tne with claiming too much. But, I ask, -wherein have I failed to fulfill a promise? .iMy practice is now fully twice that of any other specialist upon the Pacific coast treating men's diseases. It has mrrrvmrm trt t tia dimensions because I have made eromises and fulfilled them. ' Each cure I hare effected is a triumph and a manifestation of skill that hsd its part in the making ot my success, tacn nay new cures arc com- pleted, and my present growth of practice is more rapid than ever before. . r ' Consultation is free. If you are afflicted, consult me. You can rely upon - what I tell you, and if I accept your case you can rest assured that s complete -and permanent eure will follow my treatment.. :; : .'. j. ,',..;;.:... ; ; AH necessary X-Ray' examinations are abso lutely free to patients, iff equipment . vf for y X-Ray work fa. the finest and most complete ever pro duced, and -equally petv feet results are not poesU bla with so Inferior appa ratua. , ;'i.v(1.j...',.:".:;; . All medidnes are pre pared from - etandardiged -drugs in my own private ' laboratory and -are sup-' plied to patients at actual coat. . . ! :; J - ef MEN'S IN MOST CASES Consultation FIULX WEAKNESS By ear KKTRODd WUI be rBBMAMBNTLT CCgBn, aever ta retera agala.. Wl BAVg MAltT fM rTT0 RS Vke THSMSBLVBS AS SPB- aaUSTS, bat taeh awtbede ef treetjneat are ee teters that FAIL CBB tbew resalta. Call sad see as at the earliest aeart Me Sate. , ELGOD POISON We win enre any ease Infected i our fi?moo with this leperaee Slseeee suk aever aneeer agsla. Delays are , I Saatenws, sad the resuKs et a pnnrly treated ease are wares tbea aoee at all. We sve re a the beet treetaieat ead a Wam XT TOT CajnrOT ST. LOUIS Moneyback wasn't a word. Schilling's Beet hud the meaning and made It Preferred stock Canned Oooda. -Allen at Lewis' Best Brand. sa etw drar kablta-are sealtirely eared ey KASIIiJIa, far sypodersUe er inter.! see. Sample Mt te any .rue kabitse y Cm nail. .aUrular priee td.M eer kettle allC at yea am.l. e ky sua la f Ula wrapper. DXTA OUKIOAl CO., ' ST. LOUIS, MO, t, rertlaad, OresM. i A BEAUTIFUt FACE gead stems tor Partlralars sad Tr.t1 exmli la ef the ra 'medr teat eJear th. runtliloa. M. UMt clear th. aoerreetlona. UikM N.w Skin Imperrectlons. atakee N.w Blood and Imerevee tae Ueelta. U roe take BEAUTYSKIN BeBeflclal leealu are gaaraateed er (uaaea. ORICKZSTXS CfmnOAT. CO., V staeisea rUee. . silaselaie, Wm. it u u I have the largest prac tice bckauser. invaria bly fulfill my promises Success isn't attained at a bound. It Is made up of many little triumphs. A large medical prac tice doesn't await the young physician at the col lege door. He must prove himself. He must work toward success-day after day, doing well -each day's-tasks. ; - " 1 ' It has always been my rule to promise nothing I am not absolutely certain of accomplish " big. Realizing that no one physician can sue eessfullv undertake to cure all diseases, I entered courses. of study in. preparation lor present work. - t or sixteen years i nave oeca proving my ability and building tor success. I have mastered, first tha simpler diseases, then ones that others neither cure nor compre lie Taylor Uorrbea Street, Coretr Seeccdl ' Pirleata trrhur evt ef t laai tm tseetaeat wul Ve i eltv and aealaa? a tseeaeat wul aa t entoaed with fate eeeai Caeca year iwti atieot ta t atmlsis " r J ftT tr rr ti si rrr iriiiaatssjawi int Tfamait If It la year desire te treat with whe bare mtel their life te their war, end whe tell yoa candidly and trattifullf toe eraapwte ef i nn, call sad see as at once. Always ra. iber, KXAatiXATlON CAXI . Office Hears, a, an. as 0 Medical and DISPENSARY coauraa noois an yaboccli. 'iTanrt, roBTiajrs, omoobt. . - CC7raiaIeTEA4 DAinr.jpGYD-lV nj:;cn:::jiDtTn;.CTS CrtilSfmt,h.C:wo.ulkPrIcci v PORTLAND, ORIOOM.' rnr Dr.L'orrow'sAntiLean 'mni jmm nom fa ' . Thromgk tha aerroaa systenv XU a ' If puxely Tegetabla aompoaad. Contains no oils or fats or any drug that Is-injurious . or liable to, produoa a habit. IT IS TH CUATUT TONIC IN THIWOWJ) Each ' bottle contains - a ' month's treatment and costs 11.10 at any llrst-elaas drug , sure, rraparea py in Aim-UAH EEDICFIE CO. Oregenlaa Bldg, vorUaad, Oa. 3C my. . TWSAXNSSS." ';; "??. 'tewaerery eettvHy ef the feaetleos at eases e ee ealM weakness Is a simple mm.' tar. hot to perraaaeatly restore etreagth sad vigor Is s Brebleai tkat bat few phyitclaa ' Save SelTSd. I ' sever treat tot teas, aerary effeeta. . Csoer sry aye tew ef treatment, erery Wt of Improreaient to a part of a see. assent cere. Taeasa etber ahyatdaaa have, threea-h a7 roe. esse la etfertlna- . aeraiaaeet cerea, heea eeevraeed ef the fact that preanrariniea. nam ef ae. has, er. ete are eat aynptoma re- M snmiig Erees earsrue uuiaasia. tlea or eeecesttoa la the amstate rglasa. aeae Save aa yet Sees eDie n enpiieare siy enrae. My eystea et leeal treatweat the eary erteetrrs BMaae yet kaowa Sar restoHBg the amstste te Its Borraal state, which, always re sells In fall and espiBlete renua et etreagth aad Tlror. Seeh a ears sbeelntely paraMaeet, he- eaaae the enaoltloa reeseaslble rw the resetleaal dsmoer si ea tlrelr reroerea. .It Is the ealv sine W a ears e petleat serlrea, aad w the ealy kad et east! will, treat for. r ... CONSULTATION FWt i t -wtate aeHifag at ary sa ' soeseeanets bat the straight, : sqnare trath. It wul enet yea ethlag te call aad talk ever year ease. Tee eaa frag set all about year troable aad yea eea later arrears te basis treatment asy time yea like. - My efflees, eeaierlslaf tea resets, are the largest, sal eletraat aad , bast Vera. free si, eoalpped la the west. . DISEASES ts nm n poitluii NO tit Until CL'RII WB crraa ' tabioocbtw, mnmo. CrLB, SPBCtriO BLOOD - roisov. STaioTvax, riLis, aUDirtT as 6 SLADDES BISEASkS, AMD ALL OOatrUCATID ABO 0HB0BI0 &ia BAsaa or ku.oblt. ws ruLnix otjb runnini and IfBVEB aeceot a case aaiass we km eee ears it. We stedy the seen II ir nature - ef erery ladlrldaal ease and TRIAT the . CAl'aM. aot stoibtabis. Wl TKACH OD I FATIKNTS HOW TO HBI.P OEX WBI.L , what te eat aad diinh daring the eoaree ef - . treatment, and what ta avoid. As te ternsi ' , Oar larre practice enables ee te CURB foe tEaS MONET than the ATEBAOB SO. . CALLBD SPBC1AUST8 end Ton see the results before yoe r reqnlred te nay ne. RON EST, CONOir,NTIOUS WORK -SPEAKS for Itself. PBUTSNDIBS, JEAL OLS ef OTJB eneeeee, try te belittle es be eauee OTja riS h) SMALU bet INTBLU OEN'T MBIT sre aot Infloenced by their arsaaMets. We ask ANX MAN suffering treat any disease we treat te CAM. ANO i KB 18. Maay eesea BUPPOftKDLT IN. ' Cl'BAUM are often the remit of POOB TRSATMKNT, and whea nrtrxxla each as WB FUPLOT are directed TOWABD TUB OAUSB, snd With ears snd proper attention . - te roar ease. VOO CAK be rarea. rRXB. , . , . aa, fnnday, to ! Sa, t ; fla, JtaaeUag Ipeolallaa. - t M