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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 5, 1907)
- ' T J REAL KKTATK FOU BALE T " lllSlAfcSS tOlt 8 ALE T HAVE YOU A WANT 7 ,11 U IV THt IOVIIU IB THS MEDICml JOURNAL AD5 PAY DIG ! Journal Circulation 'Yesterday f. i Yf M . Tb Weather Fair tonight, show er Wednesday; easterly winds. VOL. V. NO. 313. : i v ' Yf H Tl ZTfr3' f?fFb h 17 - - , . :- ? g i i mm m m m wajasa , . bt g " r ' r ' .; ,' ' -s . : ; : Aded WomanWill Reveal Se crets of Hm yBoyJ al Influences Jerome and Uenists Wrangle (Josrnsl Special Berries.) " New fork, March . D. Wagner, tbs Insanity expert, was oa ths stand In ' ths Thaw murder trial this morntnr. ., and his aWdsncs was of material aid , to ths defense. Hs testified that Thaw ".did not hare epilepsy. As soon as Je rome finishes with Warner. Mrs. WU , 11am Thaw will brln to Dear the weight of mother-love to save ths life of her son. - ' ' - - There win be a quick transition from ths farce of expert testimony back to tragedy a rain. Those who have sat and alternately laughed and yawned at the airnoiit interminable croas-examlnatlon of the expert alienists, Pr. Evans and , Dr. Wagner, will be brought once more . to the realisation that a man's life Is . trembling In the balance, by witnessing the pathetlo spectacle of an aged worn- bbmbL. almoat- broken - by srlefc -the mistress of a huge fortune, and one-of . xne social aroiiers OT nttsborg--tak Ing the witness-stand to lay bare fam " lty secrets, -to fling wide open the fain ' lly cloeet. In order to convince tt -men J ' that hen-eon, the prisoner st the bar, w charged with murder, has not forfeited . his life to ths law. , ,. ' . . ' " atar Ope Asytasa. ' . . And there may be a double .pathos about' the? scene. In that 'the loving - moiner,- in closing the doer of the death chamber against her son, might open, for him- the portals of the-mad. . house, (, , ,. ., , .. v The story she ' tens wl bs grim, - stark and saddening, ons of the most , ft-erful . stories a mother can tell to - the world, euch a one as could nor be ; forced from her, perhaps, but which - wOl faU willingly from her HpS when , the life of her boy la la peril. It wlU be a story of hereditary traits, , of Insane tendencies and pre-natal In 2 tluences. given by the mother . through .her blood as a heritage to the boy on trial. The harrowing confeseion . will '- be as If the white-haired woman," ris ing before the solemn court end point- jr4iiv to nerseir should cry. "Blame not boys blame me." .v. -r . ; - Wear Bad of Befense. , " ' The appearance, of the elder Mrs. Thaw en the witneas-stand will bs the beginning of the and of the case of the defense.- After she. has departed Del mes has but a couple more alienists to call to make ' answer ' to formidable hypothetical questions' and perhaps two Hill and : HarrimanCompanies May Reach Agreement'on-Joint Use of Portland Ter minals and Bridge Valued at Millions Negotiations leading to a compromise ' agreement on ths joint use of railroad terminal grounds valued at $5,000,000 , and ths steel bridge built at a cost of 11,000,000 are under way this afternoon In Portland between the Hill and Hare rlman companies. The . conference Is attended by President C. M. Levey and Vice-President Oilman of ths Portland Seattle Railway company,'' J. P. O'Brien, general manager of the Har rlroan lihea la Oregoa, and W. W. Cot ton, general attorney for. the O. R. A Co. , '' r he matters under consideration in clude the Joint -use' of terminal yards and awltches of ths present Northern Pacific Terminal company, the grounds that are now being converted Into ter minals for ve Northern Pacific , and Great Northern Railway companies, the utllsation of several hundred acres of land recently purchased by the O. R. A N. company in ths violnlty of Guild's lake at 'coat of 1500,000, ths use of WAR IN VENEZUELA BY WOMAN'S WIT IS NARROWLY AVERTED r 1 (Jeeraal Special gsrvlee.) ' i Caracas, March i. To Senora Caatro, wifs of President Castro of Venesusla, la glvsn ths credit of preventing war ln Vencsuela. her .woman's wit having defeated an Intrigue to plunge the whole country Into a revolution. After she had succeeded in making pears with Oomes she brought the vies president to the bedside of her sick husband and there proved to him that enemies had. been plotting against them. . When Castro became 111 certain of his ministers, hsvlng axes or their ows to grind end fesring Castro's deeth, brought about a atata of affairs which broke, the strong friendship between Life to Show Her more Incidental witnesses. When these hare Spoken he will call quits and Je rome will embark upon bis final ef fort to smash the structure that has been built up In the Interest of Thaw. ' Dr. Wagner was recalled to the stand this morning. District Attorney Jerome continued his ' examination along lines indicating' that the prosecutor Intends to prove that the killing of White was premeditated and -deliberate. Wagnet persisted- that the: outward appearance was no Indication of mental condition. Quaertlons of Brala Storms. .' Ts It usual in brain storms for ths subject to display no agitation In ap proaching the , person who - Intends hartnf asked Jerome. ' . Wagner .said that no. rule could be laid down, but that he could cite no in stance Where a person" In a brain storm walked calmly toward ths victim. ' Jerome and Wagner argued as to the logical sequence of an insane person's actions. Wagner said It was Impos sible to lay down a rule, whether It was generally logical or . otherwise. Jer ome asked U Thaw suffered from para noia, a form of adolescent insanity, as Evans described It, ' ' 1 do not know, I cannot read Evans, said Wagner.- ; ' ' ' "Neither can I." said Jerome, "al though I tried for three days." . ' "Did- yo otloe--aiy-'aig"s- -los arrhoeT". -added the prosecutor. . .... Ts. talked freely, - His "ttoir: ejt words was frequently abnormal." The testlnuny developed that Thaw 41A mot, faare eereele. The- Dieturesaue- ness of the examination of hallucina tions, delusions of ths sense of smell were lost ln ths 'umbls of teohnloall ties. ' At noon Delmas scored over Je rome by securing the court a decision sustaining the defense's objection to wagner a .repeating conversatlona wltn Thaw la Jail. Another of Jerome's sates - to ' Mattea wan was apparently closed by the statement that Thaw did not have epilepsy. Jerome asked Wagner several times If anything in Thaw's action the night of the tragedy Indicated epllepay. Wag ner refused a direct answer, until Je rome said: Tou know what I mean and you are ducking. Finally Wagner said: "No." . A recess was then taken until this afternoon, , , , . (Continued on Page Fourteen.) Ill CONFERENCE switching facilities in East Portland, and the ' matter of reduced switching charges over ths steel bridge of the Harriman oompaniea. ' These questions will be discussed In connection with ths eompromlss made between Hill and Harriman ; terminals In Seattle, and ths proposed outlet for the Union Paoiflo and Southern Paclflo systems crossing ' the Willamette and Columbia rivers to tbs sound. -. , V Bolstloa Is Vearer. These large questions have been agi tating the minds of ths railroad mana gers for months,' and until today they have not got aprpectably closer to a so lution of the Portland problems. Ter minal facilities have grown to ba'ot the greatest importance to all four, of the railroad companies Involved. . All are' transcontinental lines, and their business annually in Portland is enormously,. Increasing each year, Ths (Continued on Page Two.) Castro Sad Oomes. Castro waa helpless and ths whole country wss disturbed by wild rumors of all kinds, while talk as to a suocessor to . Castro kept the politicians busy. ' ". - When matters had almoat reached a crista Senora Castro.. In whom the peo ple have great confidence,' determined herself to take action. After hard work end much argument ahs finally per suaded her husband, that certain min isters had tried' to poison his mind against his old and true friend Oomws. Finally President Castro consented to a conference with the vies president st which sll was satisfactorily explained. The men pledged friendship anew and the crisis was ende - y PORTLAND, OREGON. TUESDAY EVENING, MARCH m to 9 SAYS M R S M OF VEALTHY MAN - STUOEHTia DAY TlfJIE, BUT ROBBER AT RIGHT Pupil of Lak . Forest University Admits Burglarizing Homes of Millionaires.'1 (Xcenul gpeeUl Service.) Chicago. March e. A youth aged 10. giving the name of Richard O. Hoopes, son of Ira O. Hoopes, a wealthy law yer of Kokomo, Indiana, was arrested upon charges of burglarising homes) of millionaires. Including that of Chatfleld Taylor. The boy, until six weeks ago, when he was dismissed on account of poor scholarship, wss a tftudent of Lake Forest, university and lived In the fraternity-house, from which the . police have removed hla trunk, holding nearly too pieces of fins jewelry. Ths police have not estimated' tbs value of the lOOt..,- , The prisoner says that hs waa con trolled by an Impulse to rob . houses. Hs said that ths Impulse was Irresisti ble and cams upon hits after the other boys were asleep, when he went out He entered the Taylor house by sawing the panel from ths door. Hs didn't know ths names of the other houses- he had robbed. The police claim that he baa confessed to robbing. RICH MEXICAN OFFERS COIN TO KILL YAQUIS ' (Jearsal tpeeial Sarrfc.) Chihuahua. Mexico. March I. Pedro Alvarado, who ones worked as a miner at to cents s day and who now is ths Croesus of Mexico, has offered Preei aent tlar 110,000.000," of )!0.06.00O if ths larger aum la needed, to maintain a special army to exterminate ths Ya qui Indiana He says Mexico can never be safe until rid of ths bloodthirsty Yaqula. , Alvarado, who has given as much ss 114,000,000 to the Mexican poor,' of fered not long ago to pay the Mexican national debt, but ths government did not necept his proposal. . ISAAC STEPHENSON TO SUCCEED SPOONER - (Jeernal in-rtal Sirrl. Madison. Wis., March 6.A11 candi dates for Senator Spooner's aeat with drew this morning upon the assurance that Isaao Stephenson Will not seek re election if given the unexpired term. Stephenson will be elected March It. - sin Tt n Trsa r3 . rsrsx Mrs. yill!am Thaw In Court -Sketched by Richard Boehm r Ammm . E DDY! S E MARRIED GARVIN A: FR YE SEIiSAW.FOUOH . EACH OTHER RAPIDLY - IN SCIENTIST ROW "-'' 1 ' -" - ' . , A- .a Claims, Leader Insane" for,; Years t Witnessed Surgeons,' Per- ( " form Autopsy on Husband. v . i , (Jeeraal tpedat Servlee.) Boston, March i. Sensations are pil ing .one .upon anothsr In ths Christian Science row. Allegations are ' being mads that Calvin A. Fry has been se cretly married to MrS. Eddyfor some time. Frye denies this and so does Irving C. Tomlinson of ths First church. Boston, who declares he would know If such were ths ease. No one has yet oome forward . with records to sstabllab ths fact either one way or ths other. Watched the Autopsy. Frederick W. Pea body of Boston, ths lawyer retained : by . George Glover to look 'after the suits to bs tried In Bos ton against ths mother church trusteed, hss Issued a statement which. If proved, would tend to ahow Mre. Eddy has been Insans for years. Peabody was attorney for Vf ra. . Jieephlne Woodbury in the letter's celebrated libel suit against Mrs. Eddy. Peabody saya: , "Mrs. Eddy waa - present at the au topsy that aha ordered performed on the body of her husband. Dr. Aaa Eddy, who died in 1811. She saw the body of he husband out-up by tha surgeons and later beheld his-heart held up for ex amination. Ths defect of the heart that caused hla death was pointed out to- her by the surgeons. . "Ths surgeon who performed the au topsy. Dr. Rufus KnOyes, of f 0 Cham bers street, la now engaged In-writing an article dealing with the matter. A day or two after ths autopsy Mrs, Eddy cams out with a statement to the effect that Dr. Eddy died from arsenical poi soning, mentally administered.' ' ... Want Xer xa mined. "Can any one read of such things and. believe that Mra - Eddy has not, .long been a fit subject for ths alienist?" de mands Peabodyi "Here Is a woman who declared that two men were practicing witchcraft; a woman who claims f&r herself that shs can sit In her own par lor and blaet erops In ths fields and bring alckness and death to whomso ever she wills. Tet od ths other band to her followers she declares there la no eickness. - "Just wait until ths alienists examine Mrs. Eddy." . . . , There is much mystery as to the (Continued on Page Twoj- 5, ' 1907. SIXTEEN PAGES. 5Ss C R ET L Y JAKES GORDON BEiETT . PLEADS GUILTY; OBSCENE HATTER SENT IN HAILS Red Light Personals May Cause - New York Herald Officials1" " to. Co to Jail. (Joarael Speetel aarvtee.) , New Tork, March . A plea of guilty on tha charge of aendlng 6b aoene matter through ths malls In Its so-called "redlight column" was entered in court by "William Band, counsel for the New Tork . Herald company, this morning. ' Tbs plea was entered on be half of James Gordon Bennett, owner, and William GtUham, advertising man ager of the Herald. Sentence will be imposed April t. The Indictment was brought at the Instance of the Society for the Suppression of Vice. TROOPS GUARD COURT IN FEUDISH KENTUCKY (Joornal Ppedel Berries.) Jackson. Ky March . AdJuUnt nenaral tAwrenca arrived today to take command of ths detachment pf troops guarding ' Judge Carnes. who earns to) try ex-Judge Hargls. chsrged with com plicity In ths murder of Dr. Cox. The troes will remain around the court house to protect the officials. Ths clti sens Indignantly declare thla Is unnec essary. .. . RUSSIA'S BIG WARSHIPS TO BE BUILT IN AMERICA (Jeareal Bseclal Bsrvlee.) St. Petersburg. - March , I. The gov ernment has decided within four years to hsvs a squadron Including two bat tleships of 11.000 tona each with a speed of SI knots armed with 10 11-lnch guna each In tha far east Naval of ficials recommend that ths ships be built In the United States. DYNAMITE EXPLOSION ; V . . KILLS TEN MINERS " "t (Jonrsal Special Berries.) Mt. CarmeL, Fa., March I. The ex plosion of 1,000 pounds of dynamite at a mine of tha Susquehanna Coal com pany today injured 10 miners, one f it- ally. The property loss , la $150,000. PRICE TWO LIE PASSES Crawford .'Seizes His Opponent, D. W. Bai ley, by the Throat" in Federal Court Judge Wolverton. After. Receiv ing the' Humble Apologies of Both Lawyers, Denies Appli cation for a Receiver for the r .Highland Cold Mining Co. : Ons of ths most disgraceful proceed ings aver enacted In a federal court In Portland occurred ; today : when-Judge Thomaa-H-Crawf ord, . of ths seventh judicial circuit grabbed bouglas W. Bai ley of Baker city, by the throat and struck blm on ths head In ths United States circuit court presided over by Judge Charles E. Wolverton. ' Judge Crawford and Mr. Bailey ap peared aa attorneys la ths case of If. J. Schults and others against ths High land Gold Mines company, a caae In which tha plaintiffs- sought te have a receiver appointed. ' Judge Crawford, with M.. D Cllfford of Baker City, ap peared for the mining company, and Bailey appeared for the plaintiffs. - In the complaint Judge Crawford waa accused of' entering Into1 a conspiracy with others to sue- the company on fic titious charges for 110,000. .-which, la caae the alleged conspirators won, waa to bs- used to redeem ths mining com pany, which was st thst time In a pre carious condition financially. ' "ZOs Is Barty Tassed. . -: When Judge Crawford aose- to- make I ths Slowing argument .this, aoarnlacae was isDoring unaer ine excitement caused by the reading of ths complaint and affidavit mads ijy Schults. in which Dcnuua . awvnr -insi vntwioni naa 're ceived lt.000 for his services. In aa Impassioned plea. Judge Crawford., de nounced the allegation made by Schults as a falsehood. Ha said: - "That aflldavttstatlng I received $. 009 for that service Is a deliberate false hood., and the efflant perjured himself when he made it And turning to Bailey) I believe that yon knew be was perjuring himself when he mads It" - -"That's a lie." retorted Bailey, ris ing to his feet. Crawford, despite his ere, made after his younger opponent and grabbed him by ths throat, then releasing -his hold struck Bailey a glancing blow on the bead.- Bailiffs Interposed and the men were separated. - . (Continued on Page Twa) AUD JUDGE Dexter Roberts,. Robbed by Crooks in Jan uary, Did Not Recover From the Potion Administered Murder Suspected Hss Dexter- Roberts, a well-known Woodburn rancher, been assassinated out of motives of revenge by the rela tives of Jsck Delore and Amos Oerrln, whom he waa Instrumental In having committed to thi state penitentiary for navmg robbed mm or tut at the union station on January ST Ths grief-stricken wife of the miss ing man was In consultation with Chief Orltsmacher for some time todey over the mysterious disappearance of her spouse, and Detectives Jonss and Tlchs nor have been detailed to make an In vestigation. February " 7 Roberts left his ranch near Woodburn with the expressed in tention of going to- Pendleton on a business trip. Since boarding the train at. the former point nothing has been seen or heard of Mm. and It Is tha the ory of those familiar with ths case that Roberts has met a violent leath. " " ' ; obeed STee Depot. . . Roberta cams to Portland January and met Delore. a member of an infan HARRIMAN TO BOOM FORAKER SPOONER , TO MANAGE CAMPAIGN (Jearasl teeetal Berries.) Washington, D. C. March 8. Is Ed ward H. Harriman booming Senator Jo seph Benson Foraker of Ohio for the Republican presidential nomination In lfOJf , Will Senator John C Spooner of Wis consin, who resigned his seat to prac tice law, beginning May 1 next, take charge of Harrlman's manifold Inter ests snd cooperate In the boom for Kor skerT These two qiji-Mlons axk-d at .he eapltn wore, rather N I nl n- pl!y an swered mlion It wen lnrprl Ihit I'ir. rlnifn. f'pnnnr sn1 l'"rik-r r' ered at a yV -t l.:-!e c :.f l-.i t ' CENTS. W T14WS WD Wrwa, siAVbs. nvs emit (E E North Pacific Has No 'Men; and- Employes; of Other Plants Are Joining Union ; Sawmill - Managers, However," Declare They Do Not Consider the Situation Serious At tempt Will Be Made to Close . . Portland Lumber Co.'s Milt ! Tars hundred strikers left tbs head- f aarters of ths X. W. irn oa Barasids street, at aooa today, and marched la t' body to the yards of tha Has antra Box r&umbe oonapany . W. . T arrow, organiser for tha WW.1tV ddressed ths ssaployss) of tas aaUl aad Sa of ths" SO or SO ansa oa shirt ten tfcelx place aad Jotasd ths aaloa. c A a result several aepartnaeats of las plaat will he tied aa. '''':..' " triksra alleged that their anmhers have beem greatly augmented during the past 84 hoars aad thst they expect to Us ap ths saflla of tha rortlaad Xwaaes '" osmpaay tonight.. ' as a result ' of ths sawmill men's strike, the mill of the Korth Paclflo tiumber company in North Portland completely euspended operations ' this morning. Ths men who reported fer duty were so .few that they were sent horns and the mill remained closed sll day. Two hundred and fifty' laborere were employed at tha plant previous to the strike. - TIUlhe otHeinfbr,tlanr mills continue to turn out lumber today, all of them running at nearly If not quite normal capacity. - The strikers declared thla morning that they have hs yet made no attempt to tie up any of the mills ex cept ths North Pselflo snd ths Eastern A Western. As fast as they can organ ise the men they will try to close the other mills, attacking next tha mill of the Portland Immber company. " v ' TSaloa Organisers Busy.- ' Ths'w entire energies of . ths of ficers of - Woodworkers . union - No.- Il, Industrial-Worksrs of the World. are being put to.organlslng ths mill . laborers. Up to noon yesterday they reported that 100 had been enrolled. By noon today ths number had reached 141. By tomorrow they -expect to have a major fraction of ths 1.500 sawmill workers la the city upon their books. (Continued oa Pare Twa) . try company at Vancouver, .and Amoaj Oerrln. a saloon habitue. After plying him with liquor tha two criminals robbed their victim of i33f In ths vi cinity of the grand central station. In order to avoid suspicion they divided the money with several of their com panions. The robbery waa witnessed by a pedestrian, who reported the mat ter to the : police. Roberts, greatly , under the influence of liquor, waa taken into custody and locked up In tlje city prison. He appeared to be dased and wa evidently suffering from "knock out drops." . Detectives Jones. . Tlchenor. Mallet. Hill and Price were detailed on the case, and aa ths result of their inves tigation Oerrln, Delore and three oth ers were arrested... The greater portion of the stolen money waa also recovered, by the off leers. - At tha preliminary hearing Delore and Oerrln were bound over to ths grand Jury and ths men (Continued oa Psge Two.) at the home of Sens tor Depew. They were Depew'a only guests, Many declare that rorsker made a bid for the BOmlntlon wh- he can-c I the Brownsville Imjiilry. It n.ik. upon as a Mil for the n"'ro 1 ) : - from the south o siin"rt htm In . lo eonrenil"n. He Is sccept-d ss an svo-' dnte. Hsrrlninn s i. 1,i-n- t r i would be a trtmi.'ii i n t ' convention. ivcry elf'.. I t- ru.i ' ' two the .I'nM.r ' It 1 n:- ' ' ' 1 I I HAS LA w