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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH 2, " 1007 m i J TOBIOBT'S AhTTJeEMEBTB. kr. "ui Rohh" RuiDlr . -n.- a... tjrar. ....,..,..,,.....,..,....,.. ''Struck Old" rand Vaudeville "Tb Little Cbarch Around tb Corner Martin A. Nsedhara tiled Thursday at the residence of his daughter, Ura. IX. a, .Reed. ((1 Jackson street, thla dty. Mr. Needham, who had been resident of Juneafl. Alaska, toe- the past it . years, was - stricken , with Brlght's. disease about two months ago, and was brought to Portland by his daughter. Mr. Needham, was largely interested in fisheries and fining In Alaska. ; He was formerly a resident of Iubuqu6, Iowa, where he leaves a large family connection. The funeral was held from the Cathedral yesterday morning st 19 o'clock-,; -Th interment : was in Mount Calvary cemetery. ... . - The Butte Boys Consolidated Mining company will have something of interest in its advertisement la the . Sunday Journal. .- No similar enterprise ever be fore found such favor with tha people of Portlsnd, for the reason that those feacklns; the" proposition are among our Trail known business men are gentle Trieii of honor, engaged In the develop f t ment of a gold mine that It is believed t .win pay thousands of. dollars back for 1 wary on bow wvestsa m lis IUKIL Rummage Balo Opens Tonight A rrand rummage sals will open this even . fng at the new Bwstland building at nrtn ana Washington streets. The pub llo should bo there early, as a blr rush Is expected. There will bo aU kinds of goods to bo bought at your own prloes. The merchants have donated all kinds of clothing, hata, shoes, furniture and . ' fancy work, whloh will bo at your dis posal to pick all kinds of bargains from. Watcn tot futurs announcements. r Ths regular weekly Lenten service -was held Thursday evening at 1:99 la in wood Trainers ohnroh. TTnJversal 1st, East Eighth and Bast Conch streets. At these services - the pastor. . Rev, James D. Corby gives Interesting talks on subjects adapted to the Lenten i . son. The ladles ' servo free supper at : so that business people who wish, .' may some dlroot from their work to tao ejtnrcn. - i .-. . , . , Owing to a Alfferonoo of Ills In the ' estimated value of tho property, the . water board aid not purchase. the Mount ' Tabor plant yesterday afternoon. The plant was offered to tho city for $28.; ' . eoe, but after ho bad made the off ar I J. M.' Arthur, owner of tho plant, d - minded. 1110 additional for the payment -. of tamos, Tha-boaxdjefused to meet use asimanq, .-t ,. . . . . An rntere sting meetinr of the Proebel asaootaUon -was held' yesterday after- noon at St Helens hall. The occasion was - the regular" monthly meeting of 4 tne association-ana an entertaining pro gram waa oarrted out under tho dlreo- , tloa of Miss Josephine - Sohell. ' Miss Irene piynne and Miss Oertrtide Met- ealf were among those whoso names .; appeared online program. viV- fn-7. hea; TM convention of tb Portland -and toiburbs assombHos - of the United Artisans will bo held In Arion hall, Thursday evening, Marea" St, Two hun dred candidates will seek admission; the initiatory work will bo one ' by Port land Assembly. Nov. 1- of which K B. Rseder la Master Artisan, and Dr. B. B. .Van Alstlne la secretary.. 'Dr. Paytd H. Rnd takes pleasure in announcing to bin patients and friends that be has removed to new and snore commodious offices, rooms 108-7-8-8 Bwstland building,. Fifth and Washing ton streets, entraaoo on Fifth. Same telephones and same offlos hours. Office Main 7I, residence Its. T,, . i . Hot.' Alexander McGregor, pastor of .Park Congregational church, BL Paul, Minnesota, will preach at v ths - First ' . Congregational - church, . Bunday morn- Ing and evening. ., His eubjeot in-tne morning wiu no 'he Glory of the Gospel.' la tspeU' to tho ava- "What ia Maar- Charles EastUnd, of Eugene, was in ."Portland yesterday on- tho -way to Ilwaco where be., will bo stationed in tho life saving service, Mr. Eastland - passed bis examination last fall when 1 he received a grade of 99 per cent '' His family aeoompanied him to his nsw residence. ..; ,V, ': - In ordering a Suit why buy a guessed at style and a guessed at fit when we " make yon a stylish perfect fitting; com. 'fortablo, durable suit for $JB 00, your ' pick front our entire stook. Over 1000 "different patterns to select from. Unt. quo Tailoring oompany, .10 Stark, be. - tween Fifth and Sixth. Samuel X. "Moohey, the well known blacksmith who had a shop at tho cor- Tier of Front and Madison streets for 99 years, died at his home, ll Front : street yesterday afternoon of heart disease. Mr. Mooney was I? years of ago at his death and loaves a widow. . Members of tha Oak Grove Improve)-, ment association will discuss the elee , trio tight and telephone service at ' a business meeting which has been called for .next Thursday evening. March T. Other important measures. will coma "P for consideration. "...1 ' ; " Dr. O. C HoHister was called to Cald-well,-Idaho this morning -for consulta tion, and will return homo next Tnes- daw mornlnr. -' '. . .., Atv Taylor' ' street Methodist "church imorrow. Rev. J. R. Wilson . of - ths l'miand academy will preach at 10:30 ot a loose cash system against a all your money available at any time. . ; . , - No one can make you pay a bill twice because your canceled fthtck if the best receipt known in XOU gain tne respect oi your ic.uuw-v.iui ens ana iisvc tan -in fluence of the bank behind you. r V " ; . ' ' Give up that dangerous cash system and start a bank account today.; . Lir---- - ' M.G US U? MCrpAY And we'll hire one of eor wscons knrry to fruit sous fr roar wort's weenine;. and rertu-a ii aval a wutiin a a7 or two ironed or sot. as jua uae it i uioee suau prices: . . ISOJTEB. tlAaCHXO. flheet ... ..v, tepreeeee ins Slipe 2Bkfrts Joe Bprens ,..,,B tonun 8 TeMertotbs to fi Oorere...... se Rollers ............ HeClMinlse ........... to Towels ..i.......... le Drawers Napkins le Muhtdraans ....... 6e anil kerchief le Wrappers .........ine HaDJkerrble( eilk. SeApreo .. Jti Has lo Hlllow Mhaiv..,..l(l BtssS Coveim........ secallO'f rieeeet.ix;. UOT IXOXXD. ZXTXAS, Orenlilrts ......... e BUakets. wool. Nlbthlrts ........ flo pair ..gOe Diideratairis ........ 6c Blankets, eoctes. Drawers pair ....... .....tne aork SeQulUS Mt rioes . - i Cajaoaas ......... ,.lne : ., taales' Vests Be , . ' Child's Orsralls...., e " '' Ne shirts, eouare, caffs, vests, ererelle e Jumpers Son Is this SesertmesC . Me bundle less man ooe. UNION LAU'i'DaW CO. eeoad and Cnlnmbt ata. ' Tela phone Msls CM. a. m. In ths evening a sacred concert will be siren by a large chorus eholr. under the direction of Professor W. H. Jdoyer. . , . . . , . - ; .' Warren B. Thomas, Julius Kraemer and Virgil L. Clark, appraisers of the esUU of Mabel M. Rosendale. filed report la the county court thin morn ing showing that the property, of the estate Ja valued at i,iae. , . -. 1 The Portland General Ministerial as sociation will meet at ths Y. M. C audltoiiura. Monday. March 4, 1107. at 10 : JO. The report of labor eoromlseloa will be presented by J. W. Brougher, B. ' . . - . .Dr. Frank Q. Freeburger. dentist, re moved to rooms 200. 07, tot. !0 Swet- lana Duuamg, ruin ana waahington. Entraaoo, on Fifth, Same. 'phono, Main ' Tour last chance to get Almsda stock nnder f 0 cents. , We will sell 1,000 er t.000 at Si oenta. CatteUn eV Co lit Ablngton Bid City. :.t-?S. " Steamer' Jesse Herklns,' for " Camas, Washougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday. : Leaves Washington street dock a :p.. m. r,,,: : i-y. j V j'.r Julius. S lives tone has resumed the praotioe of law exclusively..'.: OOf Cham ber C ComBttsjca..' y".x:i,t;i .,v. Woman's Exchange, lit Tenth" street. lunch 11:10 to 1; business men's lunoh. Acme Oil Co. sells the heat safety coal ail and fine gasoline. Phone East 111, -Why pay moreT ' Mstsger flU your eyee for $1. Ill Sixth street. . Public stenographer. 114 bldg. Phono Main Ttl. ., . , wetland TQ REPRESENT - NEW YORK LIFE Charles It. Fierce) Comes From Chl . .' csgo to Become Afenc Director for Oregon, s Charles It. Pieroe, heretofore'manager ot the New-TorkljlfOIttwranco offtcs In Chlcaco, has , been transferred to Portland, as agency director for Oregon, to conduct the affairs of that company In this state. Mr. Pierce, In 'the month ho has been here,- has formed a very-favorable impression of the stats and Its psopis ana pronounces tne dusj noss outlook In Oregon for his company more than encouraa-ln. In another column of thla paper ap pears a statement of ths financial condi tion of the Nsw York Life, whloh merits tho attention and perusal of every pol icy-holder, and other persons Interested in Insurance. Many tainga aave eon spired during tho -past year to obsoure the steady and good work ef the life Insurance companies, ttnt tneir annual reports nowdue are sure to bring It out Here is the New York Ufa, as usual on ot the first to make publlo its op erations for tho year, and. reporting tha largest new business of any oom pany. . As its new business In ISOt was nearly- double what It wlU bo allowed to write hereafter, the company do voted much attention during the past year to reducing Its agency force. 1 Not withstanding this, its new business was 107,000.000 or 017,000,000 more than ths maximum ' amount ' allowed nnder ths Armstrong laws hereafter. Its lnooato was over 1100,000,000, Its payments to policy-holders evtr 4t.000,000, and Its increase In assets near f 80,000,000. ' The total business of the year waa dona at a largely . decreased . ratio of expenses. The dividend to polley-aoldera declared for 1007 is over - The oompany la 01 years old and Is purely mutual. Ail profits belong to policy-holders. Its sixty-second annual report deeorlblng Its operations In 1000 and its condition December 01 Is Issued In pamphlet form and will be mailed to any address on reauest. . The company's new businsss In 1000 wss over 1117.000,000, its income was over $100,000,000, and Its payments to policy-holders ovsr $41,000,000. Its In surance In force on December $1, 1000, was over 11,000,000.000, and Its aeoumu- lated funds over $474,000,000. Tho ra tio of expenses to income was tha lowest of sr.y year alnco 1000. i - Other interesting ' facta about this widely known company are given In the detailed statement appearing elsewhere In. this paper. , . i , Who Is Metsgert Ho fits your eyee ror ii.oe. in Bixtn street. - bank account and you will find everything in favor of the latter. You can ''accomplish anything through the bank that you can with the cash and you have these advantages: y ;, A.,-V'v Your money is in absolute safety all the time and you cannot lose it by thieves nor fire. A little check: book which you can carry in your pocket makes law. ; ."yy I H I LIjUE TOUGUES m mum Mrt. Dunlway and Mrs. Clinton i , Victorious In Debate' at White Temple. ; , DR. J3ROUGHER LOSES BY VOTE OF CROWD Pastor of Cbarch Bays Opponents Not Qualified to Debate as Neither Certainly Know An vtbinc About 'V Gossiping. V'-V ''"'0': Men gossip more than women. - The beardless youth and ths gifted pulpit orator go - down In defeat before the veteran of many arenas and her worthy colleague In her maiden effort By a rising vote It was overwhelmingly de elded by the audience that the' affirma tive had carried the day in the debate neia last night at the White Temple. . ' Rev. El na than Sweet acting : as moderator, introduced -the debate by quoting Mr. Dooley on the subject of ddbate, - "Nothln" but fools would argify on a question like that' said Mr. Hennessey. That's what makes It a debate,' said Mr. Dooley." . - Mrs. Aba gall Scott . Dunlwsy ' opened the debate by asserting that she likes men better than -women. She said that all woman like men better and that they don t care who knows It Shs Intro duced some amusing anecdotes and than trace fully retired, saying that re porters had-' been trying to And out want lino or argument she would Bur sal e, nut sne nsa steadfastly refused to give away nor good points, ana She did no intend ,to now. .-, -, Soaaa Aaeisat Oosalps.''' ' .': ' Rev. E. Nelson Allen opened the Ques tion for ths nsa-atlvo by referring to himself as a beardless youth, and depre cating ths presumption which brought him as an opponent before "the veteran of many arenas," - which compliment Mrs. Dunlwsy, acknowledged. He said that he believed women not only ecmsi to but superior to men. citing as an In stance that a .woman can love not , only one man, but two or three. Mr, Allen drew a pleasing picture of women gathered together over their teacups or darning-bags and enjoying a bit of gossip. Women, he said. Is pe culiarly endowed by nature; In the mat ter of fluency of speech she stands pre eminent - Eve, i he asserted, ' gossiped with Adam and the Pre-Adamitea also had a little private conversation with tho serpent -Men arc too chivalrous to attempt to wrest - from womsn ' the crowning virtue of gosaiP-' Mrs. Clinton then took the platform and made soms telling - points. She brought down . the honse with : her de scription of how oasy it Is to address an audience as-she had so often seen It done from, that pulpit The main thing, sne saia. was to sweep the audience with a broad and expansive smile, tell a few funny stories and take up a col lection. If there was any time left, to give a few momenta to the subject Mrs. Clinton quoted from authorities showing - that they all referred not to women Tjut to men. Plato, Shakespeare and Solomon were her authorities ; the cuncaing argument - waa a . quotation J from . St. James. .i'j3utl;ht tongue can uune an man. - one sua mai us women ot her acquaintance do not gossip, -that sna aid not know that men old, but It was a significant fact that It took two or tho ablest pulpit orators of Portland to prove that they do not .v " .Where Ooasln 9g1aM.yv;. :'" - Dr. Brougher attempted to bolster his cause by 10 arguments. There are more women than men lq the world, therefore they gossip more. Girls learn three or four languages In school and therefore can talk three or four times u touch; women Are more exacting than men and therefore see more faults; mora women tell their troubles to tho preacher than do men; the men-veil-theirs to the po lice court He asserted that he had chosen as his opponents two women whom ho knew would know nothing about the subjeot . ' ' Mrs. Dunlway In her rebuttal stated that aha had never heard over the tea enps any bit of gossip hut It had been told ' to the - woman by her' husband, who got It at tha saloon, the livery sta ble or. tho barber shon.J Eve had bees referred to as a arosaiper, but sbt no ticed nothing had been said about Satan the father of ilea.. Nobody ever heard of the mother of ilea. As to loving two or inree men,. now about Utah These arguments closed tho debate which - waa unanimously . voted to be a victory ror the affirmative. Preced ing the debate tha audience waa well entertained by Mrs. Marshall at the pi ano ana tne Temple quartet in a cycle of old English songs, with Miss a race Kemp accompanist The quaint and tuneful numbers were much en loved and were la part repeated at tha insist ence ox the audi en oe. INVESTIGATE TOOTING - OF BRICKYARD WHISTLE Councilman' Rushlight Appoint- ed ft Committee of One to See . If Nuisance Exists."'' Is s brickyard R nuisance? 1 Council. man Wills says it Is not. but -as ha owns s, brlekyard himself hs might bs prejudiced in. Bis opinions. A great many oeocls ' In ths neighborhood of East Thirty-fifth and Division streets differ with Mr. Wills. ' They say ths screeching f ths whistle In that morn ing Is a nuisance In Itself, and ths Bolss- mads in ths manufacture of thi brick Is still a greater nuisance. They complained- to ths street committee of ths council yesterday afternoon, and for a time ths committee did not know Just wnt to do. -. .- v v While ths committee was considering ths matter. Councilman Rushlight, who represents the district, cams tn. Us wss ths solution of the whole problem, according to ths way it was solved by Chairman Vaughn. Vaughn's solution was quick and required only a1 fsw words. . Tsks ths' lob. 'Rushlight" bs said. "Go out and Investigatss r you know vsrybody out thsrs." - Mr. Rushlight wss about to enter a protest when - Councilman Masters moved thst hs bs appointed a committee sf one on Investigation, and ths motion was carried unanimously. . , Tout cards , bearing mica, glass, or other similar substances likely to tn ure persons handling them, will bs bar red from ths malls In tha futurs unless Inclosed In envelopes. - This Is In form - tlon which wss contained In an order received by Fostmaster MntO today. CHURCH SERVICES - ' umit: Arista -Rev. Jofaa Btmtiien, paste. Heart a 7 frbuoU 10 a. .( Jsaio laka,, S aw aa-t B. T. P. U.. .ftO p. aa.1 srsaetalBa. 11 a. m. bf Bev. J. U Whirry J f:M p. si. Saptlsia at Ihlil VaacttiTer aimae' mnA Knott street: e. E. V. Bliss, sea tor. gender wbool. 10 -. ui-i pramrDlus. It a. at. and TiSO p. hr Rev. sl u bii - Blfhlanil Athene and Stvth atreets. Prearh tns at 9.U0 p. a, by Be. E. M. Bllae; Sunday acEonl at t:M p. aa, . , Sellwood Taeowa and Katventh streets! Be. Oeorse A. Leers. - Snaday ecboel, 10 a. - a-l preacniBs. 11 a. si. sad T:tO . sa. CalTery Eaat Blsatfe mat Grant streetsi Bev. A. Lawrence Black. Bible er-feoel. 10 a. s. preavuins at 11 a. at. and p. aa., Seeonal 8entk aad Bast Ankeay etreetsj Be, otantoo C. Lapban. KtrrSm at 10 M a. m., "Ill Peers at Christ," aad T:M a. ., "The Paradox el Uf." , . . ., Imaanuel SeMiaS aad MeaSe streetsi Kev Ceorre W. Orlffla. rnaebtng at 11 a. m. and i iiw v. m. - Orace Mootarnlai Ollnaa rarker, silBistsr. sertiree ai jo a. a, aaa T:B0 ... Ceiitcal East TwenttotH and Ankeor streetsi w. T. Jvdaa. Preseblng 10:80 s. tn.. "Ths Fearua Wor4 rVoas the Croa"t Toanc Peo ple's nesting,-. f:M p. Bm.) Sander eeuaol at LnlTeraltr Park Bev. A. B. Walts. Bandar eenooi at 10 a. m.; woratiln at 11 a. ear bob, "The Anewetins Voice ef Praref"! B T. P. 17., : . m.i emtns servtee, T:80 o'clock, aermoa. "Tne Near Creature a DtvUe wviiaia. ... . . Ural The White Teinple, earner Twelrrk sad Tarlor streets) Rev. i. Whltcocnk Breorhee, v. u., pastor, rrarer aaeetlat. 10 a. ro. ( ooro Ins womhlD. 10:8O o'clock. . "Dodslaa to I. sae"; Bible school, 11:10 . s.) B. T. P. U. senile, fl:15 p. m. popsler erenlns eerelce. T:SO o'clock. The Btragfle ot The temple . euaxoet aaa eoont will reaaet epeeiai ainaie. Lenta At Besldenee ef WIHlaaa Kaeelasd. Ninth aeenoe. t. U Whlrrr. Address at 3 SO p. su M Be. SaTler-StreeW-Betweea Twentr-trst ' aad Twntreeood. SunOar seheol. p. bl Bunnrslde lllUi Eaat Salmon etraeC ai home or ura. KiaDy. aVddresa at B. m. tf ave. ioha Bea tales. .-- Bt. Johns ' A. Lasaard. aaator. ' nalil school, 10 a. as.) sersaos. 11 a. at ) B. t. X. v., 90 f. B.j sermon, T:M p. si. ' VBESBTTZaiAJf. ... Vlanea Baa Tli MMnHi ini PWw.n aliaatai str. jeroeoe n. aicuiaae, u. u. At iu:su a. aa. Calrar Eleventh and Cla atreetai Be Ben-Kara Stllee El Jr.. D. D. Bertlcee. 10-.M a. as., with sersMBi Bon da school, is M sev Baoa at I:w B. a. Fonrth First and fllhba straata: Bev. Joha B. Welch. Preaching at 10:80 a. av and 1:30 D. m.i Saadar achooL 12 aa.: T. P. fl. C E.. :SO p. aa. . - -- Haw thorn-Park Twelfth and East Taylor streetsi Be. B. Nelaoa Alias. Bandar ecbool, IS m. preach Ins , 10:30 a. ra., "Koorth An- BiTaraarv sinoe rreeent rastorstsrTia..B. aa., sermon. Y. P. 8, O. B f :W s. aa. sfaslcsl aervice br qaartet eholr. rorcea Br ii wood street and OsntenoelB sve see; Re. Ferry H. Pratt. Preachlns, 11 a. m. and f :Mi n. aa. t Sanda aehool. lO e. aa.1 Chrlatlaa Rndeavor, 6:10 p. 'm. Plednmnt Cleveland anna anfl - Jarrwrt street; Be. L. Mrnos Booare. Prea china at ii a. snnoar scnooi. -i j:i p. aa.; i:ao p. ra., sernoB. Sneelal muale. Weetml aster Enet Tenth and WeMlet atreeta: Be. Hear t. Mareotte. Mornlna seraoB. 11 o'clock; evening eernaen. 1.HO o'clock: Innda scbool,. 1S:W p. n.; t. P. 9. C. B.. :0 Ba. ' -1 - . First Twelfth sod Alder streets. At iO.SO m. and T:SO n. m.. aeieleea b Bev. fl. n. Hasard ef Oateklll, New York. At 10:80 a. Ba.. Publle Bolrlt": at T:B0 a. Ba.. "Tha Mental Microbe. - rnltoo Re. A, H. Bnrk holder. - Bandar school at 11 a. av; Chrtatlaa ItDaeavar, T . avi eenlB( eerrlee, 7:45 o'clock. - Marsball-Btreet Marshall end Wertb - Beeea- -teenth streets: Bs. O. W, . Bars. Bandar aenoot, lo a. m.i preacbins. ii a. at. l8 S. B.t Tv-P.-g.-g.-B,. S!4 B. S Moont Tabor Belmont and Prsttrmss streets; Bev. Edward M. Sharp. Bermoa at 11 a. servlee at T:JO p. aa. Bpeetal arasle. anenei ite. ueo. w. arnas, jet Sanaa school. 10:80 a. as.: nrearfclns. 11:A0 S. m. Bellwood Comer Eaat Be Ten teen tb aad Spo kane avenoo: Kev. O. A. Tbomnsoa, waator. Sabbath sebooL 10 s. ra. : aaornlna semes. 11 o'clock, tbeme. "The Golden Bale", evening eemee. t:5 e cioca, rneme. - joo. ' - Third East TDtrtesBta ens pine street: . Andrew 3. htontoner. peeter. At 10:80 a. at., sabteet. "The Chareh"; erenlns eerrlce. 7:44 .o'clock, aabtoet--iaTlaIbl Jorces That Bhane Oer Ltvee. " - Vernon Eaat Twentieth aad Wygant. Preeeb- ur at ii a. av, ana t:su p. m. . MonUTllU Odd Fellow' haJL Raaday ariiool at 10 a. axe preaehlas service, 7:80 p. mH Be. O. A. Blslr, pastor. . . i-.--.-.- : sraoopAX. ,.t.,v Pre-Catbedral ret St. Steobes the Martvr Thirteenth and Claf streets; Bev. B. U. Bin- ssr, vicar. Hour eooaaionloQ. a. so. t Bea ds school. S:4S a. m. l moraine eerrloa. 11 o'clock; erenlns eerrtoe. T:IIO o'clock. Bt. Dsvld's East Tweirts end B.neent streets; Beeter. Rev.. George B. Tsa Wsters, u. l. imre senaar a latni, aiarcs s. law. Hoi Oommunloa. S a. m.: UUav aad Uolr Oommnnloa (choral) with aermoa. 11 a. in.; eveBeong and " artdrea. T:80 p.. m.1 Sunday ecbool In the perlak hosse, S:45 s. m. . blon der. Toeedar. ' Tborsdar . aad Saturday een- eong la the ebspei et tne en area at 4 p. m. Wedneeday, lecture es 'Cbnreh History.' U- lnstrsted. will be gives by the bishop at p. m., ' precisely. Friday evensong la the chapel at T:80 o'clock. All Bslnts Tweaty eeooad and Beed streera. Basday acBooi. IV a. ai.l sveaiBS service. l:oa O'eloek. - Bt. atsra-s rnneteentn sna qnimny street; Re. I. B. H. SloinsoB. Holr eonimanlon. S a. a. 1 Banday ecbool, 10 a. .; holy ooaaeiantos and seraana. 11 a. m.i ere neon aad -aermoa. . T :s0 ereioca, ' Bt. Asdrewa Unlrereitr Pan- Ra. w. R. Powell. . Bereies aad serawa, 7:S0 p. n.1 Sna day school. 9 p. aa. ; Bible class. T p. re. Good ShepberS Bellweod street aad Van. eoeree avenoe. Alblaai Ke. Joha Uawaoa. Holy eemsisalnav-eVeV sa.l saocmlBg prays sad utaar. ii a. m.i eveauur nrara aaa sermon. 7:80 'clock. Bt John's llemerla lTlwod l Rev. W. R. Powell. SnBday ecbool, 10 a, sa. ; Holy Cono sranloa seraaoa. 11 a. aa. St. - Paul a woedaiere; c !. rarvee, UT reader la charge. Service aad aersaoa. 11 a. sa.1 servlee ef once. 8:90 n. nt.1 durlne Lent, servlee every Friday at M p. m. Trinity I'Rarcn Mneteeou aad - sverett streets... Boaday. March t. Holy Coaimoaloa st S e, st.1 Doralng prayer end eeimoa st 11 e'eloeh; evening prayer and address et 7:80 o'clock. The rector, A. A. Morrtaoa, Ph.D., will preach at both anomlnf aad evening eeevtces. DerlBf the week there will be even ing Braver la the chapel at 4 o'clock every da except Saturday, with addressee s the War of Saltation" wedaeeday and Frlda. The .Mtany will be ssld Friday aaorelnf at 10 O'clock, bubo nesaaing s lecture es "me Rletory ef the Knslleh Chnrcb" will he glees Friday evenles st . S o'clock la the sarlah boose. 'Thla terror will he illustrated with about SO stereoptlrna all dee. St. Msttnews rat ana uerntner street! Be. W. A. M. Brock la chars. Hoi enm- eiBaloa at 7:80 a. aa. Bandar aabooi 8:4 a. so.; sarvlees aad swam by Bev. J. B. H. Blmpeoa, 11 a. as. serrrce aad Samoa, T:80 B. aa. s. . i ' OOBBmiOAITOaTAX. . tTntvertttr Park Artlaaae- tamrleT Rev. D. B. Gray. Seraaoa at 11 s. Sa.1 sosday at io a." aa. ...... .. -. . ... m t... . -a. ani Fvement atreetl Bv. William le Trpshaw. Bee- day school, 10 a. m.; sertnoe, 11 a. a., The Problem ef Chares Attendance"; Chrtatlsa Eb deavor, 8:80 p. m. I sermon, 7:80 p. - aa.. Iilamaeds la tb Roagb." Siinovalde Coreee et East Taylor aad Bast Thlrty-frmrtb strte: Bev. J. J. Brawb. paator. DR. BROUGHER ,' STBT9AT, Wliite Temple '.'J iwotfth aad Taylor eta, , ; i:,'.: .' v .'xooo a. st ',..:.r D odslnu the Issne- :- ' , .' Lord's Supper Observed. , Tsie v. sl, '..'-i :-; ' - CsaSailty's Slnsssle , Tbird in "Ufa Struggles." i: re Ws Alike or Different Baptism at Opening Service. Finest quartet, ohorus snd eon. g recs.tlons.1 singing In ths city. . vrEmTaooT wnooica. I Morning service st " 11 i o'clock, "The " Terr I H rt of the Goepel") eeealBg terelce, t.W 1 a'rlocb, "The Ore. teat Tjraat lav Sxlatenee" ) Bunday ecbool, to a. es., eanerUieaaeut, H. C IM.r; Junior Chrletlae Endeavor, I p. at. Beukjr kinileaeur, S io p. s. Laorelwood .Ariel ball: Bev. OS yj, Ojray, i Suaday ivhoul, 10 a. a. T. P. g. U, E., S.oO I p. ni. ; sermon st 7:80 p. m. lieeeai street Keat Eioeentb sad Basasle. Sermon it Hi.ttO a. SB. br Re. B. H. koperl bunday eibool, 13 n.; Chrlatlaa Bndssruf, h it p. m.i evening servlee, 7:48 'clock. ' i First JJaJiaos and Park; Rev, Daniel Bter. aeetatairt pester. Morwtnc sermon; A:80 o'clock ; evening eeraaoa, 7:i0 e'ehgk, A Ftsal Word") Busdar ecbonl, 111:15 p. a f . B. Whitfield, eui .rloUBrtent; Y. P. S. O. B, i:IM p, ai. rllsblaod Keet 'Sixth street aorth aad Prs. cott; ite. K. M. Boillir. DeeunVa ear. Baa. day ecbool. 10 a tn ; Blomluf eervlee, 11 o'clock, "The Uet Is Maa That Keeda to Be Found"; Junior Kndeaut, 8 p. av.; T. P. H. tt K., S:. p. ro.; erenloa; servlee. 7:30 o'clock. "ITie Bsddest Praer la the Blhle."- ," ' BTZTRODUT. ' "' '""'.''","'. TsrVoe-gtrest -Vt. BrsBela Bnrfette Short, rieaeea, 8:8tl a. aa. r Borneo. 10:80 s. Ba., by Re. J. B. Wllaoa; Bonder school, 11:11 p. Bt.) Epworth leaf, S:80 p, m.; seraiea, 7:80 p. ai.; sacred eoacert by choir. . Bellwood t'lfteenth aad Taoom atreets; Bev, A. D. Wesner. Bunday ecboel, 10 s. at.; preachlns;, 11 a. m. : class meetlnc, 11:15 p. ai. i Junior league. 3:80 p. sa. Epworth leefue, S:80 p. am. I e v. nlnf servlee, f:8Q.'BBpeclsl sddree to the Young People' societies ef ths cbnrrh. HunnraMe East Tsnhlll street, between Eaat Thirty-flttb sad Tbu-tyUtb stnets; T. B. Ford, pastor; panonas loS Eaet Thtrty-flftk street, ferrlcee, 10 s. Bl.; Sunday school, 11 s. m. 12:18 p. sa., class steering; 8 p. ra.. Junior League; 8:18 p. sa., Epworth Lea- devotional eaeetltigi T:o0 p. B prescblag hy ths pss tor. Grace Twelfth and Taylor streets, Clares re True Wllaoa, V. D. Sermon at 10:80 a. a. by Rev. S. IT. Dewart. Suaday School, 18:16 LB.) Epworth k-eue, S:80 P. ai.t Illustrated ture at 7:30 s. SB., by K. C. Frost. Laorelwood Mount Bcott earllnsi Charles BT. Woolhr, pastor. Bunday service: At 10 a, Ba., Suaday school; It a. as., aetajoai 18:18 D. ' aa., class aeetlas;.8 p. Sa., Kpwerth League: T ao p aerrlcas. ' Bt. John' r. L. Young, pastor. Bnndaf senooh 10 a. nuf preschlnc, 11 s. s.; Epworth League, S:30 p. s. preachlns. 7:80 p. m. ,- Trinity Coraer of beat Teeth aad Great, Lewis F. Smith, pastor, , Sunday sebooa, 10 a. m.i public worahfp. 11 a. no. ; clan aieetlnc, 12:19 p. .; Enerarth ' Lesgoe. :80 p. an.t evening service. 7:80 p. m. Dr.' I. D. Drive will apeak both stornlng sod evening, and ale to the siea at 8 p. at., subject, "Perils ef Our Nstloa." All are lavlted to these service. Epworth Irving and Twenty-third. B. H. Bryant, pastor. Preaching at 11 a. m, sad 7:80 0. at.- . '' "' . t'entenarj Ninth and Plne.'W. H. Rsppe, pea tor. preaching 11 a. aa. and 7:80 p. nv. Central Klrh and RueseU. J: T. Abbett, pastor. Preaching at 11 e. m. and 7:80 p. am. Chines Jslasloav-eChaa Slug Kat, pastor. Preaching. 11 a. Bf. and 7:80 . s. Lenta W. E. ' IugaJla, pastor. Preaehlng at 11 s. bv, snd 7:80 p. m. - MootavlUa Oregon aad Babbsrd, BL Oberg, paator. Preaching If a. sa. and 7:30 pt a. Mount xaoor Janiee aioore, psswr. t riwvam- los at 11 a. m. sod T:w p. m. ' . Pattoa aUcblgaa avenue and Carpenter, M. T. Wire. Deator. Preachlns at 11 a. av aad p- . . .... .. .. . Vancouver awssBS 1 rreacains a ee ex end TtJW n. , - . Wooulawn B.-H. Dewart. pastor. Preechtng at 11 s. m. and t :80" pv-as. Woodstock W. T. Berr. basne rreaenma at 11 a. aa. snS T. SO av Borweglaa-Danlah Tbirteeata ana vavis. Laraea, paator, rreacning at n a. as. aai 80 p. sa. - - ''"'. Swodlah Borthwlck sad ' Beach, Rev. John- eon, pastor. Prsachlng at 11 a. ai. sna ami First Oertnaai nfteenth aad Boyt, O. ' A. Waese. neator. , Praschlnc at 11 B m. and 7:30 p. sa.. Becond OersuB StaatoB and Rodney, B. B. Mass, pastor. Prsachlng at 11 a. at. aad 7:30 eapasese ' siusiob ixi - roraar a Free chins at U a. as. aad 7:80 p. ta. ;xy. VsKaUOTaUMTS. r '' Iad0ndent Bntrttnal BocletT Forasj et Seles-. tlflo and Llberel Thoutht, Loyus hsll. 814 East urand saa and waau ineroa Btrewv- Bunday at 7:80 p. m. : third floe. Ministers- s.ed, Medlsms- frotecuve aaeocia. tion Reeule relleloua services 1b W. O. W. hall. Eleventh street, between Washlnstoa snd Aider, at 7:80 s. m. Bev. Dr. IHcker win lector ea "The Occult Sid ot the planeta and Their People end Their fnrinence on the Earth,", followed by- Bet trade nooaneia wius spirit sieeseges. ' Ths Fir Bplrltusl Beelty .Artloea's hsll, Ablnetna balldlne. Third street, near Wab- Inaton. Rarrlaon D. Barrett, presideot of the National FplrlUtalieta' association. Waahlnrtna, n.. o.. win lecture n 11 i. an. sna i: p. m., followed by Mr. HejnoHs. Lyeeata at 12:90 P. -Sa. . ' Services st TtrewSaTTr 101.- ennday,- f tI p. m. lecture by Bev. R. E. unoe ea What Is Pplrltusllsm aad What Prove Itr' , l-.f:'. ' irKliSTTAJr. ' . etsntrst East Twentieth sad ' East ' Barmen streets; Be. J. F. Ghormley. D. D. At 10:48 a. m.. Breachlns. "Into the Same Image From Glory to fllorr'r; Sunday schools 12 m. ; Benlur Endeavor, s:ao p. m.: st l:ou p. m, -sermon. Rodney A Tsnoo Itodaey arena . s. -.awit stieet: Re. F. Elmo Boblnsoa. At S:4a. Blbht eebool: n a. Ba.. sermon. , ins Varus of Man" 6:46 p. m.. T. P. 8. 0. .; 7:80 p. m., semoa, ''The Only Wsy." Meant Bcott Bervleee In sail at aern rara. 8 p. m.. Be. J. r. Obormlej wlU peek; Sua day scbool, 8:80 'p. m. , Wood la wb Bandar ecboel. 1ft a. st preech-. lag, 11 a. St.: Chrtatle rtndea. p. bb., Seretees 8 p. m.. with special BBst. ' Flret coerter park ana xaoie svreenv; aie-r. 8. Mackler. minister. Evsnreltet I. W. Darat ot San PMbcIsco will preech st 10:80 a- at. ea "The One Bod,." and at 7:45 p. m. No Boom in the Inn": nibie ecaooi. is ss.l Bovs- and eirrs' rally, 8:80 p. m.j cans Uan Kadeavor, 0:80 p. m. ; . . . ZTAjrOZLICAt AS8OOUTI0V. Oreee -Lsctsi Bev. B. O. Bederea.-- Prseh Ing. 11 a. m. sad S . m.i Teeing People' A Uanee, 7 p. am.; Sunday school. 10 a. aa. First Oermaty Tenth aa Clef streets! Be. Thee. Sehsuer. Sunday eebool, 8:80 a. m. eermoa, 10:48 a. a.; preaehlng. 7:48 p. m,l T. P. A . T . m. North Portland T-nlr-8ret end Pettrrrov I treeta; Bev. B. O. Heraachocav Bnodar scnaoi, M a. m.; preachlns. It aVPi.; T.. P. A. oroeram. 7 P. m.i preechlng. 7:80 p. m. First EncTlsb Beet Sixth snd Market streets; S. A. Slewert. paator. Preaching at 11 a. aa., "Prsysr", 8unday scbool, lo a. bl: - Young People's sllisace, :46 p. m.; -evening eervlco. 7:48 o'clock. "I.lehts and Bhsdow et Lire." raeeoet Mllwenkle; F. M. Flebe. Snnday school. 8 p. m.t T. P. A. er1r. 7 p. at. -worship ssd sermon. 8 p. m.i Csrmas presebhw ery third Sunday. P ". . . . Besene-nsrroony F. M. Fleber, psstnr. Srrs flay school. 10 e. as.l preaching, 11 . m. Y. P. AW fat P. 88. ,.' ' 'V' luTHIRAB. ' . :' ' Swedish rmmansel Nlneteeata and Irvtng streets. Bervleee. 11 a. sa. and S P. SI.; Sunday School, 8:48 a. m. " --' Norwevlsa Brned East Tenth nd Oreet strssta. Rev. O. B a goes. Sunday ecboel. S:80 a. m.; service et 11 a. an. and 7!80 p. m.t X. P. 8. meet Tbonday svsstrig at 8:18 o'clock. Betsal Dasleti ttnlon avwanw end Morris street; Bv. Gad round OrilL Snadar acbeol. 13:15 p. at. Bunday service, 11 a. .m. aad S ' It" Jan-' English West Part -and Jeffs. Bos streets, I. Alias .las. peatoe. Servlee st 11 a. m.. "Ths Lord's Oreeteet Qasst1oa"i Tenlnsr eerrlcea at S o'clock ; Lather leasee. 7 p. m. Sunday scho at 10 a. m. Leates eerrlce every Thursday evening. - Bt. Paul s osrmsB Twetm sne uirnrrm streets; A;- KraBae.-psstor.-- Morning service. IV. ov eioca: .tniirf mmi i.du . v. . , Snsday sebnoi at 8:80 a. at.l.Xient servlc. Tharsdsy, S p. as. , ' rnrtTTTl BTAWOEtfrlAt. - '. - Flret Corner Eaat Tenth and Shsrmsa streets. A. A. Winter. Bonder sebooL 10-a. m.i prsachlng at II a. re. and" 7:80 p. m. K. U of 0. B;iet1g, 8:80. p. m. - - Be end Fsrgo ana Rem street; rev. 4. rwersox. At 7:30 p. tm.; Saaday eebool at 10 a, m.; a-. ! v. r... i p. mi St, nn s vnsnoe eu anna euwis; nev. B. B. Mevieker. ennoav aesooi, in a. Ba.; richrng, 11 S. m : J. E. C B.. 8 SO ..! K. U C 8:8 p. as.; preachlag. 7:8 Ockler Oreee Rev. T. TJrhlno, pto. " At 11 a. a, ead 7:80 p. -!' sa; Bunday school at 10 a. m. K. L. C. B. at 8:90 p. St. tntrriD prisbttebiab. Cbarch f tb Strsngem Wseee street snd Grand aeenoe; Bev. S. Enrl Dnllots. Horning service, 10:48 "rloek. ' with ermeai Sunder scbool, 12 m. I sermon. 7:80 p. a. First Birth ssd M outgo ever streets; Re. A. W. Wllaoa. Morning eermon, 10:80 a. as.; Sunday school, IS m.; sermon, 7:80 p. mu. TTBTTZD BBETBBIeT IW CHRIST. First Eaet Fifteenth sed Morrtaoo atreeta; Bee. II. C Shtrrer. Hlhla ehool et 10 s. m sermoa st 11 a. m.; sermoa st 1.80 p. aa. j. P. . C. E , T p. m. Badlcal Rlitht snd Mechanic streets; Bs. C P. UUscbsrd, Rn,iay scbool. 10 a. 1. 1 ssrmsa. 11 a. aad 7:80 p. . KnxilTEIAt- BAWV. At O. A. B. ball, aeetheaat corner Seeend tnd Morrtaoa streets. Services at 2 90 . bl TmrtABtAll. Canrch ef Onr Fa i ber Corner ef YmhH1 se-1 Seven Lk stteela; Kev, W, U. Eliot Jr., s. ....- tor;. Be. T. 1 Eliot, D. D., mlnlsts emeritne. Serelres t 11 S. m.. "The h't t Batvuieee le the Home"; Sunday i a. at,; i ktndergarteu. II . bl; sduit ci..-) 12. 80 p. all euaimuuloa eervice st 12 m.; 1. I". t., 8 30 '' CRK12TIAB SCHBCI. r -' ' . . First Church ef Christ. Bdentiat Srottlah BIU etbedraL Morrtaoa and Lewneual etreete. iMrvtcee st II a. s. snd S p. as., suhjeet of eermon,. "Mas"; Sonday s.'hool st eloea ef ajornlBg eeTTKe. Wednesday evening aieet. las'. It, as.- - Seeoad Cbarch of Cbeiet, sVventhrt Elks' temple, Sterk esd Beveolh streets. Bander Bervtnee st II e. es. snd S P. at., eableet. "Mas") Sonde school, 11 s. aa. Wee. aeetlay meeting. 8 p. aa. - T. K. O. A, T. M. a A Fonrth and Yamhill itrewt. Ueetlng for mea only, at S P. Ba. Oreheetra eoacert and special nrastc. The address will he delivered hy Bev. E. W. Da ret, evaagellet, oa the theme "Judge Lot ef Sodom." IV roes dlecuseloa elessea at 4:80. Lsncaeoa at 8:18. AU sta lavltad. ' ! '.-' - trBTvTRSALISX.' "Phareh ef the Good TldlB Beet Osaeh aad Eaat Elbtb stassu; James l. Coebr. auln later. Suaday acbeol at 10 a. m.; preecblnr at II . at., aermoa topic. "Bboald Portland Give I Yoa the Meeeas ef Liter' Special service very Tborsday .ealag during Xeval. KJBSIOVS. Pen lei ftnadar srboot. IO a. aa.t be He see aseeans. s p. m.J evengelUtle saseuag, Suaday aad daily, r-30 p. m. OH Branch 2n first street, between J Tersna and Colnmbls. Bervleee every Bight et 8 e'eloeh and Suaday st 8 p. sa.; Suaday scbool at 1:80 p. m A. Wells, saperlatendeat. . " '- ,! ': OHtrmCB Of FIRST SORB. ' ' The Chorck of the First Bora will Bieet 'st Drew hsIL 102 Second street.--at 7:80 e'eloeh. Rev. R. B. Cooa will lectnre oa "Whet II aa Bplrltuallsm to Offer the World In I'Uc ef the nrtherdoat Creeds V Mrs. Osoa fallow with spirit, SMetagea. MevUos free. BOLnrEss associaxiov. The Oregon Holiness eeaociatloa holds Sel 1i ee each Sunday afternoea st 8 o'clock, st the Cbarch of tb Neseren. 4X Burnsld- street. Le Oread M. Baldwin, preside. This so. socUtloB Is mtardenomwstioaal, church or bod. . . . Chareh at Ood 480 Hawthorne arsaaa." 2:80 snd 7:80 p. m.1 Bible study, 1 p. m. O. T. Keel, pastor. .."-j . - CHTTRCX OF THE STAZAREBX, . The Cbarch ef tb Bssarsno 2S BnrneMe street, between Teeth aad Efareeath atreeta; A. O. Hendricks, paator. Bundsy scheel. 10 s. sv prsaeblas, 11 a. m. ; bolmess aesethtg. 8 p. at.; valng service, lao e'eloeh. t. VETOtJtZO. First Oersua Tenth and Sarh street; Re. O. Hafnee. Servloes at 10:48 a. as. aad P p. .l I. P. S. C Mj. at. . .. CBRDITTAaT AUTO atTBBIOBABT AIXIAKCE. 1-ha Carhrtlsa aad Mtssloaery Antasee Slith snd Msat streets; Be. O. D. Sewtella, auper. Intendent. Preaching at 10:80 a. m. : Saadsy scbool. 12:18 p. m.; Xoun Psopls's eerrlce st S p. m. Also eervice ss Tuesday at T.M p. aa. sod rrldsy at 2:80 p.-. . 9 .. BTITHODIIT. sotrraf. Fh-t 1T1U Beeood - etreeU. Fornler hsll; Rs. E. H. Mowre. eaudef school." 10 . m.t avparori tagn. :ou p. SI.; presrblag, , II s. m.i preachlns at .7:80 p. .. "Csoee aad Car ef Poverty.1' . ; ' . . 'i " tissrs BKsoai'.v'i ' ' ' ':: ' Wen's Beesrt sad Pcopie'a Inetlrnfe Foerfb aad Baraslde streets. Btereatptleoa Blbkt atsdy hoar. S p. m.: aaea'a aa eating with eddrees. 4 p. .; people' gospel Service with special maale. 7:48 p. as. .. K - . . . ' , xarm trvtb emu. TMtIb Troth Chapel Hall 801, Allaky build. Ing. corner Third and Morrfeoa etreeta. Ber. Ws, 11 .' at., Tbaddlse M. Miner, Beater; B. B. Uartla. soloist. Bendagsehuol st 18 Sa. . 1.V lATTER-PAT SAXITB. - Church ef Jeans Cbrtet et Lstter-Dsy Balers Ball 400 Allaky building. Third aad Morrtaoa. Berries at 11:80 a. sa. aad 7 p. at. Boaday .Most, 10 a., ., - : .. . ..... ;.'' "' nnxTBS. . " - Friend Chare Eaat Tblrty-tfth ssd Mala treats: Be. Lewi L Badler. Preachlsai st 11 a. B. and 1M p. aa.: Sunday acheoC 18 a. bs. -avBueavew, v:sv p.- a. . ' vwtDznonvua. '-ffw Oian!-santy.EIatBr' ssd llde sttssis; ave. sns ereomss. Bervleee at 11 a. m., How Suffarlag May Be Traasforared into uappiness.' . SBXTJC flHUBOR. ' Greek aad Hnssla Otfhodos Cborcb Beet Twenthlet ana Morrlssi etresta. . Rearelal a --Ui rmzx KZTBOSIIT. - Free Ifetbodlat Eeat Ninth sad Mm atreata Precbre. n e. ra.: Btirdar'wcbeel. to . m. 'The Gospel in Bunyan A series of expository ini prc tkal addresses at 7:30 on Sun- ';,- day evenings . in -- .? Calvary Presbyterian Church Eleventh and Clay Streets RLV. B. , S. LLYp l?"r:r-;r:i:' March -Christian's Awaken ing. . ,--, C'V'-A V March Jft Christian's StartvJ v March 17 Christian's Turning : : Aside, 't ifr:' ? ': ' A ..'', ' March 24 The Wicket Oate and the House of Interpreter. March 31 At the CrossFalse , Pilgrims -HiU Difficulty. ; April 7 The. Palace Beautiful .The Battle With Apollyon. April 14 The Valley of the s- Shadow.: ." ' t.- April l-alkaHve.-r April 28 Vanity Fair and ; Faithful's Martyrdom. May 6 By-Ends and Company May 12 Doubting Castle. May 19 Ignorance. ' : i l : o A'; V iAv 70:.1M A SFECL11TY MRS. a. K. CHAW thm fmlf Chmm wyisub inr!fi1 St-rtnr In tiit rMy. P hi mr4 iTrr fni.T4 M(ir.. rnrf4 p' -t (id fvv,a,4 (i -, -' tlvus, I hmif trvH',; sH- - rn, " -r f. ki.'isf BrtjJ i -MMelsBfl f.f K k n1 U.t . h'S-'a t I r trt. i vj" I (tn i I rVtm, l,rt-.e,'-5 t , t rr - ft '.-vi 1 1 i A a 4 i e a? tl.itt "Jt Cortfrvatiw C$toiJ..ji" - SAVKGS Dl'i'II : 4 Per Ccnf. OPEN For the convenience of : Its customers on Satur day evenings from 6 to 8 :1U Second St. , Corner WasLIalca " PORTLAND, OJL : jurrrBiricBBrTB. AT THE WHITE TEMPLE Under " the Auspice? of Portland Y. M. C. A. . FRIEDA STENDER ..; . ; a- We. ... . .-: v. I OTIE CHEW . ( Violinists. TTHILO BECKER fh- ' i"-. '"'niat. - : i, The most notable artistic t. trinity, presented in, ", con-' - junction since the associa-'- tion of Tsaye, Cerardy and - Lachaume 'J.,--?-. PRICES: ' J1.50, SI.C9 snd 50c Reserve Plan MARCH 4 ; AT WHITE TEMPLE ' wihi. KEIUG TBEATEE 4KIC3n SUNDAY t ' ". bxaw a EBUUtOZB PreBt tb Bluest of An Bl Hits A llaaw :v . May br . 1 ' eiOBOX 87. 00BABT. . 45 With - 'v. r MINUTES - iZ&'&r FROM Prf8 taast BROADWAY aSSTT n.M-e ura uemmr rwev ,...8ioo PaViCtS: Balooav IAO, 81.00, TJe Beats Km Betllnf for En((eent. SEAT SALE MONDAY IIEILIG THEATRE rf HEltttT W. BAVAOR g OBAND CXOLI3H uftaLa loiifiM u rucclni a Karch7TlV9 'Wat Tne Seturaajr. "... PB1CE. BOTBt HIOHT AND MATlXKIt- Lower lloce- Baleoav. first 4 row t on Balcoej, aext 8 rows i 50 Baleenv. last 8 rove on Gellerv, first row a. ............ ...... l.M ttellstr srttslssaT ........................ Orssoa 'Ibeatr Co-. o. U Bsksr. Ms. Korea ef Baker Theatre Stnoh Osmsaav. Alt That Wseh. Preeentlnf Jerom B. JersaWs 9 a mow roar-act lomeav, ' Bt lXreetlos Art bur M eefcW. was oa aaw m-ioiwi, vim mnaaiw wn th eeaeno. The celebrate aetbee's Sryeet vela of hamor. Matinee ttatardaf. Eves lag price tSei S&e, 80s: matinee lfte, 83c. Vest Wees Btarttn Tomorrow Mat las a. . "sliePAH." . EMPIRE THDATRU rbvree Mam 11T. Ktltoa W. 8msa. Mar." Plarms Only Bastera Bee A Attrsettooa. Toalsbt. AU Tble Wee Lionels J. Carter's . (.reelect sueceee, , ' THE EAST MAIL.- Carload of scenic erTeei. Two trahis. Klafsr raiw at aisna t.reas reemooe eipieaioB. is teses rliam,"Bfatfneee Wedneedav a4 8a tut- .- Besralar Empire Brlces. Xext Attraetloa Starts Temertww atsvlasa, ' -, . "The Miasoorl Btrl." THE STAR Week ef raarmarr N. The Alias Stock Corneas Presents "' Th tittl Chareh Aawaas the Orar. la Fon Acta, bfattseee Toeeaave, Tbersdsrs, SareaMave ae4 aailave at 1:19. Prlree 10 s4 so eenta; eeerf even Ins at 8:18. prices 10, 20 swi X0 sesua. Beaerred eeaU bv Tlphon Mats 8eaV The Grand sTaas Xerbert ! a. WUlt aWrres. La AAella. annU A War. . BareU "jT-iff. raa.l - e. Weak f Pah. 88 - Ileal Evans sa4 J.trerena Llera. "lb O loV' fTTK CVM8K. 4 tvi el lviA r m n mi