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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. ' TORTLAND. -SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH 2, IC07. SON SEEKING RECEIVER "FOR MARY BAKER G. EDDY COuPilOY PLUilS FEfJDER OF Ol'Jn H000 HAS CASH FOR s FOUR HUNDRED BAIL other companions on tha charge of burglarising the Fair Grounds store, R, W. Forteus sprung a surprise on the officials by furnishing 40t cash ball nd was set at liberty. Ths fact that tha accused man came here as a tramp and waa then able to raise, the money tor his bail laada many to suspect ba la wanted elsewhere. Hts companions are still la tha county )aiLa - Trout for TmatUla County.. (Mpeehil Dtepateb The Joorsil.) Pendleton, Or.. March 2. Through tha enterprise of Deputy Game Warden Turner ths government will send lea,. 00 brook trout to the stream ef county within the next few n..-. Some time ago Mr. Turner fll-1 an ap plication for them with tha e!i c ,, miss loner. He asked that lo.oua t placed In the Umatilla river. ir.P0 in Meacham creek and a like amount u McKay creek. i i i .. (Rpedsl DIsBstcb te The Jaeraal) Salem, Or, March t. Coming here as a hobo and after having been in Jail for three or four weeks along with three X . : ' George. W. Clover of Deadwood Demands Financial Account TO! Ing oChurch Officers. TOO FEEBLE TO CONDUCT : ' BUSINESS HE ALLEGES ', Official of Scientist Chnrch Are Ae- cased of Ha ring Tajken Poasewkm and Perhaps of Having Appro- . , prlated Her Property'" J , t (Joaraal Special Settle.) . ' Concord, N. H., March . Oeorse W. Glover of Deadwood. South Dakota son vc Marr aer u. Kddy, on bebaix of himself, his dauahtar. UIm Utr Baker Olorer, and Georse W. Baker of nanror. IIiAa. neDhew of Un F.d1 v. haa filed a bill In equity In the euperlor . coun or Mernmaa county demanding a - "financial accounting- of Hn. Eddys at ' falra and thoaa Of the Mret Church of -,; Christ. ' Boston, 'the . mother church." "He alleaes that Mrs. Eddy baa eeoome v. - too feeble In mind and body- to attend 'to tba management of her vast prop ' arty snd saya that her secretary and off Iclala of the ChrlsUan Science church . hare taken possession and may hare ap propriated her property. , , Cnaroa Trastees to aanm.,"' V The bill Is directed against the trns- tees of the Christian Science church In Boston and Calvin A. rrye, Mrs. Eddy's secretary; Lewis C. Strang, ber saslet ant secretary, and Herman 3. Herlne ' first" reader of the church In Concord. Besides demanding an accounting of all ' ;" transactions . in connection with Mrs. ddrs affairs, the blU asks for rest! . ' tutloa in casa any wrong doing appears; ' for an injunction durlnir the litigation ' against-Interference , with her property and business; and for a receiver - ' The following statement- from Mr. Clover. Is given out by bis attorney, ' former Senator William EL Chandler) v; . AioveVs Statement. '"This" suit waa brought In the spirit . of tba greatest kindness and respect to mother, and Is not meaati. to, reflect - either upon her or the Christian Science religion. J- When X .visited mother-at Concord in January. I soon found that '" her mental condition waa 'so far lra- , paired that she' could not attend to ft- nanclal affairs or give an intelligent di rection to any business of . hers which ' might be of importance. Al her busi ness ' Is necessarily conducted by per- ' sons surrounding ber at Concord and la charge of affairs, at Boston. .They are under no real responsibility, to her ' for what they are doing. I my m " 1 1 ii i ii I.,,- v V. MraMary Baker O. Eddy. A yoaxirr- arxc i ' Having to' lay upon my bed for 14 days front a severely bruised leg. 1 only found relief when I used ' a pot tle of Ballard's Snow Liniment. I can cheerfully recommend It a the best medicine,, for bruises ever sent to the filleted. It has now become a post- ive necessity upon - myself.- - D. R. Byrnes. Merchant, Doversville; Texas, 2 So. M and 11.00. JBold by all drug. fists... m ... . J ". ..f -. ,y '.- . ... .. -. daty as her son to take action for her protection and, that Of her property... ; ... . Alleges Incompetence. '. Specifically the bill alleges that Mrs. Eddy Is. and for a long time baa been, incompetent to do business or to under stand transactions -conducted In - her nam in connection with ber property. ' - The next allegation la that the dar fendants . have possessed themselves of her personal property and have carried on her business.. Third, it is alleged that having dons this, knowing f her' Infirmity, they have become trustees for" bar of all property which has coma Into ber pos session and. are bound to give account thereof and of "all .their transactions In ber name. . -.;.; ;-"--:.;...,.. -' : Fourth. It is alleged there la reason to fear that the defendants wrongfully converted soma f ber property to their pwn use. ' , i - - wui xesret Action. - -Frank. S. Streeter,. personal counsel for Mrs. Eddy, gave out the following statement; .- - - "I have not conferred with Mrs. Eddy. Within two weeks she baa consulted ma several times on business matters of Importance. Her capacity to manage ber -business affairs In which sha is in terested cannot be questioned. - When things, she baa dona in behalf of her son and four grandchildren shall be known, thay and their counsel cannot but - regret taking this action and ths publicity, tbey hava given it" . -- to Irrigate and 1 v : " mine in oregon ' (Special Dispatch te She Joaraal.) ' Salem. Or.. March I. The Josephine Klamath company haa filed articles' of Incorporation arlfh tha . secretary of statexand will engage In agricultural, mining and Irrigation work In the coun ties of Josephine and Klamath. The company will hava Its main "office In Portland ' and ' has 'a capital stock . of Il.eo0.000. - The Incorporators are F. Wll Uamr Roe a, -. ft, t- Smith and R.-C. MazwelL r : Asks Council Street Committee ' Not to Take Action on Pro . . tectlve Measures. SIMILAR TO THE STEP ; OF OLD CABLE CARS Conncllmen Again Defer Action on - th Mnch-Needed Improvement of . - Muddy Madison Street, Long De layed by Plttock and Leadbetter. Worthless ' - fenders were the' main matter of consideration at tha meeting of tha street committee of the council yesterday afternoon. A man waa killed and a child severely Injured by electric ears Saturday night. - Tha committee thought it waa about time to take ac tion. " There are ' fenders .on tha oars, but they are placed there only In com pliance with the law. . They have, been proved to be worthless. . Men have been dragged under them for yards.. . V - General Manager Fuller of the rail way company asked the committee not to take any action until tha next meet ing. Ha said the company was design ing a fender of Its own. and ho believed It would prevent tha loss of life. Ha said It would be made In a style similar to tha step of the old cable ears. ; - - Another matter affecting the railway company came up when an ordinance for the Improvement of Madlaon street from the west line of Front street to the bridge waa taken up. The greater part of the abutting property Is owned by H. Ii. Plttwk and F. W. Leadbetter, managing owners oJL.the Morning Ore gonlan . and Evening Telegram. - They have resisted all attempts to Improve tha street, which Is la a horrible condi tion. Teams are often blocked; -and a blockade ' of ears la- tha consequence. Mr. Fuller said tha company would look after Its part of the work. No action was taken by the oommlttee. Tha ' ordinance providing for a space of 104 feet between cars on the Madi son street bridge wss recommended for passage, r Tha ordinance will not apply to cars with trailers. It la aimed at trains of cars, which, when the draw la open,-are lined -up on . both ap proaches. . ; .'..:.. ; . , ". - ' BIDS FOR BOOKS FOR STATE LIBRARY ASKED . - 8peeUl Pbntateb a Ths Jaeraal.) . Salem, Or., March I. Tha state li brary commission haa sent out letters to various publishers asking for bids for the books the commission will purchase during tha oomlng year. The aggregate amount of tha hlda -la 4 1.000 By toe appropriation made by tha - legislature at its last session1 tha commission haa at. Its disposal 14.00 in addition to tha regular annual allowance. Miss Cornelia Marvin,- the secretary, and her corps of assistants are tniay cataloguing and In dexing ths books already in the library. 'Tea is rest and ' coif ea 1s Schilling's Best. - - - .... , strength ... ... Northwestern Guarantee & Trust Co. v'' LUMDER: EXCHANGE BUILDING SOUTHEAST CORNER SECOND AND STARK STREETS . 1 lr AN EXCELLENT BOND INVESTMENT Have you heard how faslrthrpron and careful investors of Portland are subscribing s .v these 6 per .cent bonds?' .. :' ;,;;.V :.- .V'-O;"' '" - f-:.t-. ' ;rv -"H.: v 1 - This $40O,0OOi-.6 per cent; 4year First Mortgage Bond issue of The Terminal Investment Company of Portland is secured ty $1,000,000 worth ot tne cream ot roruana real estate, consisting of 80 acres of valuable terminal grounds and trackage adjoining the1 Lewis and Clark Exposition grounds on the west and the very important and valuable Harriman and Hill hold-. THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPAN Guarantees the Interest A VALUABLE BONUS The property to be given away in connection with these bonds is situate on -Portland's most beau!iful and choicest residence; Promontory. Blyth Heights, overlooking the Columbia and Wil lamette Rivers, the mountains and the City of Portland. A street The MERCHANTS INVESTME'T & TRUST CO. Is the trustee railway and a modern 80-foot boulevard will serve the entire property, over 200 lots. of 5,000 square feet each. The property will be graded ready for buildings. Each purchaser of blocks of $4,000 each of these bonds will receive twojine lots worth $3,000, free. Just stop and think what an excellent investment. You buy a $4,000 block of bonds and get two lots, without cost to you; appraised at $3,000. - i WE INVITE YOUR CLOSEST POSSIBLE INVESTIGATION AT ONCEr-CALL AT THE OF , f ; C FICES OF THE NORTHWESTERN GUARANTEE & TRUST COMPANY, : ' - THE FISCAL AGENTS. ; , 7 ' CALL-AT-OUR OFFICE FO ARE INVESTING IN THESE BONDS --,( s wmmmmmmmmmmm As you may In the news cpium jpapers, McKenna Junction is at the crossing of the LiTiajn line of theO.K.&Na from the East with the main lineof the Harriman system to Fuget bound fin TMirnrurrM The'O. R. & N. Is changing its main line from Troutdale to Portland by following the water grade to Dana street at the North end and central to University Park. r iicrc ii lorms a junction wltn tne main line or tne narriman sysiem 10 ru.ei auuuu . ' m ir., ;. ... V -. Town Site 4 t- . The Railroad Company has made heavy invest ; . 1 V ments in University Park lots near McKenna June- ' tion. where it will exoloit a .townsite enterorise. - ... T7- T... , ....... - . . . . - i, : Extensive railroad yards "will be established on the bottom lands opposite .this Jowjisite' Many big . r " factories are now planned for this district Busi- ness houses will so up and a great transformation r . ""'' Will soon take place'.--' 1 :;.'- ' X k'''r-.:v! ':;' 4, " ' :" V ''-; -i. i 4 Two .' dredgers are now "under construction, ; which will be ready for work about April .1. Filling V Ir the 'ground's for the big Packing Houses and Stock.' '-'.'a yardsabout, one mile north of McKenna Junction, " v .will begin with a rush. , University Park is; the ; y nearest; property Jo the Packing 'Houses suitable ; ; " 7ior retail Dusiness ana resiaences.y.racKingnouses.T-;7 .added 3(WXX) population -to: South Omaha, 40,000 ; to Kansas City, 150,000 to5 Chicago:-What will f ' - they, do for, University Park near McKenna June-) : ': '.iion?..,- ';i;:r-:7 iW'!tW igvancmg rr-. March' 15 big advance; will ,be' made,in prices v; ; V-and another will be made April 1 so-look out or 7 you will get itftr-You have ample warning. Prices,- fr $200 for 25x100 feet. ,Terros, 10 per cent cash, bal v ance $5 monthly, j No interest if all payments be " ! ' " Office i University ParK Station oh St Johns -. car line JT H No op-town office vj'; 7 " ' JJ vwS5 ULJLPJ 3 Increase in Values The big increase in values at South Omaha and South St. Joe will be more than' duplicated at Uni- . versity Park. Lots that sold at South Omaha and " --South St-Joseph-at- $500 each- when - the -Packing Houses located there soon after sold as highxas $10,000 per lot. The Packing Houses on the Penin- sula are only a small portion of the good things coming to University Park. ?f ; :J ' " ; Suburban Trains -i;-;.' Suburban train seqvice is promised from the 4 Packing Houses directly through University Park . ;. to Portland. . This will vastly shorten the time, as V: the route will be a direct line. V ' ;l ; Study the Picture .' ;: If you will carefully study the picture it will' ; convey-to-your mind an idea of the great possibilkil , ties of University Park as a center of wonderful . ' . opportunities. ' See the navigable rivers. See the ; railroads. ' See the location of Columbia University, 4 sawmills, factory districts, Columbia Park and bou k , levards.VIt has Bull Run wafer, electric arc street lights, graded streets, cement sidewalks ; in - fact; everything that goes to make a great city. Now Is the Time . Dont wiit until prices go higher before buying, because values are now on the rapid upward turn. We sold upward of 300 lots since February 1, be sides the big deal made to the Railroad Company. The wise ones are buying now. to Mo 11 2: IMIM