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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1907)
Vr. .. THE Or.EGONJAII.y JOURNAL.' PORTLAND. SATURDAY., EVEHIHO.' HACCIt i-J. :. ' V.- HOUSE PASSES SUDSIDY :GRAFT Congress Reconsiders First Vote n and Passes It by Ex- traordinary Tactics; MO OPPOSITION FROM PACIFIC COAST MEMBERS jjUIIkma of Gorernment Honey to Aid ' sUUlonairo"' tp;" Owners AH ' Lines but On on Pacific Coast Cat 4.' Oat of Bill. , V " - Joornal Special seivlee.) ' - - Washington, Mar. . Although the hip subsidy bill was' flrat defeated in f the house yesterday afternoon, by ' a :ote of 154 to 111 lbu reconsidered .and passed by a vot of IIS to 141. (Extraordinary tactics were resorted to by party leaders to force the measure passage, repeated ballots being" takea ' wntU sufficient votas were secured. Al- though all Paclflo lines bat on mi nniyf AQQiiDPn O ooooooooo6ooooooooov QCHOOL "b6j9 end cM- need w Scott0 Emutsfon. CUm vrork IrcDalrs tLeir Titalitr. ' Pausing from heated rooms Into raw ' penetrating vrinrls, they cf ten fall a prey to coughs and colds. V f ; ; ; , 'Sc ott'j Emtstsfoh makes healthy fat, and rich blood to nourish' , : their growing bodies. It repairs and1 . wcrcuc ujw.Tuw wwcisj. : cmuici them to withstand tho cold vnntla. All. DKUCCUTSi SO. AMD SLO& JAPANESE MERCHANTS WOULD : MOVE HERE IF ENCOURAGED Portland is now in a position tomak a' start toward capturing wis enure Japanese commercial business at pros ent beld by 8aa Francisco, but about to be lost as the result or me anu- Japanea feeling existing In California, according- to Will O. Steel, who baa re turned from tn east ana wno nan aa traveling companion on the way home Tuso Hort, the general manacer of th chief tea ImpoHlnc company of Japan, who is now In Seattle on his return to his native land. . ' . Mr.- Bteel learned from tha tea mer ohant that It is the Intention of th company which he represents to remove from Ban Francisco ' th reat head quarter of th company as a result of th acltation a sal ant his . countrymen. Aooordln to Mr. .Hort it is also th planor all of th principal Japan business houses now making; their headquarters In Ban Francisco, to more from that city at th earliest oppor tunity and make som city - farther north their distributing- center. ' Th Japanese merchant do not wish to remain where they are not welcome, according- to th story told by Mr. Steel, ni Mr. Burl la now in Seattle looking over tha around ther with ja viw t tnotftea- Ma Kan Francisco house to that city. He had not been told of Portland until he met Mr. Steel, and after listen, ing- to th advantages possessed by this city, said that he would investigate th situation her before making his final choice. .-..-' i" ."-.; In the ODtaioa of Mr. Steel. Portland business men should at one take up th question and make such a showing to th different Japanese house a will convince them that Uhls city ha h uinntin over other ports a dts trihutlna- center, in which event It will be easy to secure th great bulk of the Immense oriental business which Ban Francisco 1 about to lose. , . STRANGE TO SAY MR. O'BRIEN -DIDN'T: ENJOY TrflS COLD SHOWER General Crovenor, Father of Ship Subaldleg. - - - cut out. the Paclflo coast represenu- . tlon voted for the subsidy bill. ( Fifty-two Republicans voted with th i Democrats on the first roll ealL -On th motion of Williams to lay the mo - tlon to reconsider on the table. tO Be ' publicans voted with th Democrat. On l a vote to adopt th . substitute there .were 4S .Republican 'Insurgents". and ' an its final passage' there were 4ir Ooalda'i Itaad th Oraf The following Republicans voted with the Democrats- in opposition: . : Burton Ohio, Campbell Kansas, Chan man Illlnola, Cooper Wisconsin, Par rag h Michigan. Davidson Wisconsin. Davis Minnesota, Fordney Michigan, . Foster Vermont. . Fulkerson ' Missouri Gllham Indiana. Graff Illinois, Gronna Indiana, Hamilton Mlohigan, HlnshasJ Nebraska, UolUday -Indiana, Jenkins -Wisconsin, Klnkaid -Nebraska, Kopf Illlnola, LandU Indiana, Fred Landls Indiana . Lawrence Massachusetts, Low den Illinois. McCarthy Nebraska, Mo- ' Gevln Illinois, McKlnney Illlnola, Msnn IlllnolsMarshall North Dakota. Miller Kanaaa, Mouaer Ohio,- Murdock Kansas, Nelaoa Wtaooasla, Perkln New Tors, Stafford Wisconsin, Bteenerson Minne sota, Evans Minnesota,- Volstead Minne sota. Webber Ohio, Weem Ohio, Wil son Illlnola, woodyard West Virginia. Coast Uses On Oat, ' ' ' Only four steamship tinea are to be - subsidised under th measure In the form agreed pon, and all of these are ' to sail for South American porta. The . lis will be: From tb Atlaatlo coast to Bra all; a second from th Atlaatlo coast to Argentina; th third between th Gulf of Mexlc and Braail. Th 'foorth lin will be frora th Pacific -'coast to Panama," Peru and Chile. ' v Th annual subsidy for each of theee General Manager J. P. O'Brien of th a R. 1 blivr to ahower bath or any other kind; but he be lieves, too, that some care should be zeroised as to th place in which they ar taken. . ' ' - '' Th railroad manager waa In Pendle ton.ahort .tlm xq in big srAYatcar. . He had put in a strenuous day and toward th middle of th night was wrapped In on of those deep sleep that generally furnish, their own mu lc. . . :- On th top of th car a green hand at th railroad business waa- cultivating an acquaintance with th various pipes which project above Hi roof and J through which h tank below ar filled with water. The employ was lusseung In th dark with a long- hose and waa performing his work faithfully and well. H had filled several tanks and finally took th Dip cap from th last one anil turned on th water. Th flow of water continued for sev eral minute. Th man on guard on th roof becan to think th tank waa of hug else,- when suddenly th mualo below ieasuVMrvJO'Brten awok with a start. Water was streaming down th wall, down tils oac ana over ms nea. He leased from his berth and landed ankle-deep In th pool of water covered th floor. In th meantime th employe on th roof had reached th conclusion that. h had filled th tank and abut off th faucet, unconscious of th fact that t bad turned several, hundred gallons of water down . th ventilator - of Mr. .O'Brien' private apartment, , : ! '. s Members of Nw Party Agr to Keep-' Out of Political : Alliances. ' CHOOSE CANDIDATES , - BY REFERENDUM VOTE Board of Control Intends to Induce Non-Union Elector to Join the Paxtr Painter Vnlom Organiser fttakeg Spirited Addxeag. A mass meeting of union men at Selling-Hlrsoh thall last night unani mously adopted tb platform and de claration of principles formulated by the board of control of th labor party. Th meeting Indorsed th plan of th board of control to put an Independent labor ticket In th field and all possibil ity of th labor party ending In a fiasco seems now to bav passed. . -Without s, dissenting vot th labor f Cecil U. Haybt TOWBOATS AND STEAMSHIP- - -- CAUSE BAD BRIDGE BLOCKADE Several huLdred people hastening to their work this morning; between 7 and I o'clock were held up II minute on Madison street bridge. by two towboat moving a large steamer through that bridge. Th drawspan waa opened at 7:4 o'clock asd dosed at 1:0. Had tb towboat pilot waited tO minute before starting th vessel on It long voyage, th publio would not bay been discommoded. ' lines 1 to be 1100.000 for a monthly mall senrioe or tlOO.eoe for " fort nightly eervlce, except for tbr Argentine Une, which 1 to have 1400.00 for a monthly servlo or f SOO.000 for a fort nightly service. . No American cities ar named as ports from which eny of th line ar to start, and th Mil I so worded that the line on th Pacific to South America can touch at any B um ber of porta In tb United Bute. now One Enttrasias) Saw Rosenthal ' ''"' 7 V"v .'";t';" I C':'! ' CrIHra everywhere are vying In their effort to describ .th marvelous ytaro taring of Moris Rosenthal e his preeent Amerlaan tour, and It Is safe le t t -t not In years have-the Illustrator found a prollfle a field for a rat world artist a tn th vivid Imsglnatrr comments oa th j 0- l x vi I Tmances. "There wss not ons Rosenthal, merely, but many. In t t, i inihal eri"rd to b all over th stage, and he seemed to play .1 t,!i i.-r not with mo hands, but with twenty pair of hands." Th , 3 r-..- i, lit grtat Rosenthal to be tb medium cf hi wonderful. art - Th towboats war th Ruth and th Harvest Queen, towing th tramp steam er Tbyra. a heavy steel freighter, re quiring alow and careful handling. Af ter getting Into th channel and whist ling th Madison bridge draw open, th Job was bungled and it was necessary to back p and holl th fleet In th stream for some time before starting through. When at last th fleet passed through and th draw was olosed ther were II streetcars and a string of pe destrians and team waiting at the bridge. The same program occurred at th Morrison street bridge, only the number of blockaded streetcars and pedestrians was much greater. The entire list of bridges was opened tn turn, at on of th worst time of .th day for th working people, and there was much complaint at the "lack" of consideration shown by th towboat oaptalna. 1 It 1 argued by the working people (hat "they ar entitled to the hoar be tween T and I o'clock for crossing th bridge nndelayed, and that naif aa hour more or less In starting on a long voyage would make no difference to th steamer, whichjnlght a wall have been towed through the bridge before f o'clock, or held until after o'clock. There tH be no paying this year, nor th next year, and the next year It will be th same, wails the Albany Demo crat !' Htm agreed that there should be no fusion, no antanailn , alliances, no nolltlcal tradlns-. Th board of control will proceed at onoe to receive nomin ations for th labor ticket ana to iook up tb record of th men who name are submitted. v . ' t J. J. Price, chairman of the board of control, preslded-atlt nlght'a meet Ing. In his opening remarks Mr. Price explained that the board of control will not attempt to foist any unacceptable candidate upon the party. Thar will be a referendum vote, he sald,to de termine th candidates moat acoaptabl to tha rank and file, of the anion men. 1 Paullnus McDonald, secretary of th Federated Tradea council, read the plat form section by section and-expiainea IC A, C Foster of th Typographical union, told how th board, of control intend to go about enlisting the voters at large In the support of th new poli tical body. Cecil Mv HayM. Paclflo coast orxanlier of th painters union, aroused enthusiasm by a spirited speech In which he urged hi hearer to give real support to th new movement, ano H. Meara. president of the structural building trade alliance, spok briefly In a similar vein. - SUB-TREASURY CASHIER SAYS (MY IS A LOSS Suspected Employs States That Missing Funds Will Never Be Recovered. WEAK KIDNEYS HAKE ..WEAK BODIES. Kidney Diseases Cause Half the ; Common Acbes and Ills of i :y v -'.7 Portland People. - - C ; ' As on weak link weaken a chain, e weak kidneys weaken the whole body and hasten the final breaking down. Overwork, strains, -colds and - other eaueee Injure the kidneys, and when their activity is lessened the whole body suffers from the excess of urlo polsoa circulated in the blood. . . Aches and pains and languor and urinary Ills come, and there Is an ever tnereaelng tendency toward diabetes and fatal Bright' disease. Ther Is no real help for th sufferer except kidney help. Doan'e Kidney Plllg act directly on the kidneys and euro every kidney UL Portland cures are the proof. George Butter, clerk in the O. R. V N. freight house, and living at 291 Second street, Portland, Ore., says: "The bene fit I found through using Doan's Kidney Pills. shOut three years ago. has been so satisfactory and lasting tha I havs never beaitated to recommend the rem edy to others. I began using Doan's Kidney Pills when suffering sharp Irri tating paina. The trouble was becom ing wore every day. but Doan's Kidney Pills promptly checked It, and front the results in my. case l cam csriainiy reo ommend this medicine to snyone an noyed with their back or kidneys." Fur sale by all dealers. Price (0 rents, Feeter-Mllbura Co., Buffalo, New Y0ru, sol sgents for the United (Mate. ntmmiw tne name wan r-Ba TO THE POLICY-HOLDERS OF THE IN5U2ANCC CO. AND THE SUHINO PUnUC ;" la order tht you may know directly and officially the condi tion of the Company at the close of 1BC3, the following facte are " ' submitted for your information: . y. . t ; During the Year the Company received i'.-- ' From Pollcr-HoUers.....v-$22,303,738.80 ' f "C-;;' r-'VC, ' ; : " From Interest on Investments ' i . , ' f . V v ; and misccllaneoug profit.... 18,833,441 Jl : , . ; ..y I Totsl....M.l....;.v $X0o,9024TT$'.; ' Dnrlns tho year th domparty paid in Death Claime. 21,E23,4p7jOQ ': To living polIcy-hoMerav for matured endowments, divl- , - ' ? denda, anrrender, aluea, etc ....... . 3,448.011X0 r . Total direct benefit to policy-holder, $44,071,413 v Dtiring the year the Usal reserva for tha prottction of pol-' ; V ' 1 icy-holders increased 29,539,837.00 X And tha Company loaned to about 73,000 poUcy-holdera, on i t - . tha sole security of their policies, at 5 interest;;. 21,871,734.00 During 1906 the policy-holders received Jn Direct Benefits, and in Cash Loans thVsum of (88,843,182, ' which wss more than ;.;L;vV-;;:v y,;', v".- V;V y 93 PER CENT Of tfl-lNCOMC Of THE UD ; u ' after setting aside the sum required by law to meet its future obli- - . rations. . ','' ' 1 .":-'- --v .. -v .'-.' ' i,'. The dividends to policy-holders In 1907 will bs over (3,000,000. ? . The Investments of the year were chiefly in bonds, real estate i morttrages, and policy loans. ;;'-; T v.- There wss a msterial increase In the rate of interest earned on . K"i real esUte owned. t ,;.?'. '. j v. ;.';', . The investment of the year- in-real estate mortgages was the - largest in many years. i . ; . V V: -:V '.-,' AH $al estate mortgages are first liens based on our own ap-- . ' praisals.' r' - -'. : '."'ri-v "' ' '-''- - ' '"' :"'l',yr ! v In a list of bonds whose par value is (343,915,919.00, - r Not '"'a .'DoIIcr? of 'Interest ifM::in';::::: Default at the Close of the Year ' . f: 1908 than in i WOJL 1 ! - The RatIoN of Extieoses to "Prersluni lor rricome Was 3 Per Cent Less Than In 1C03 ' The year 1906 was a period of trial ' It was calculated to test ' the quality of every company. The New-York VLife Insurance -7-- Company begins a new -year with repeated and eonclusiveievidence -.-r of strength and with increasing ability to do for; its taumbcrship. what its policy contracts call for. -L -; ; -'''.-' 1 -' : 1 . A detailed statement, showing the. condition of the Company,!. as of December 31, 1806, and the transactions of the year, will be . mailed on request.. ; . : ALEXANDER E. ORR, IVeddent. For further information apply to Room 200, Chamber of Commerce . --. ; V" Building, Portland, Oregon. : - ;' . ,-. . -: ' A.., jo- :yt .... ;--r :y ' '. f Jenrnel Sveclat Serrlea.) . ! " Chlcaa-o. March S. After a grueling examination at th hand of secret serv ice men George W. FlUgerald, from whose ea-e In the sub-treasury tlTI. 000 waa stolen, said he believed . the money never would be recovered. He bad been closeted .with, tha officials all day and when th reporter discovered him hiding tn a eloeet he attacked one of them with ft billy and threatened to kill bim. - FlUgerald la wrought np to high ten sion by the robbery and the constant surveillance to which he I subjected. Captain "Porter announced that Fltsger all .wife and child would probably leave the city within a day or so to es cape notoriety.. Government agents sug gested tne plan. Chief Wllkl of th , eeret service ha announced that he will return te Washington Sunday night. He did not appear to be worried over his inability to locate the thief or the money. , Woodmen Camp at Btayton. (SoeeUl DUeeteh te The Journal.)' Salem, Or., March f . Th - Woodmen of th World have organised a oamp at Btayton of 14 membera. . The name of th new camp I "Horseshoe," from the fact that while going to the hall where the organisation was to be perfected Deputy Organiser D. J. Beakey of Port land found a horseshoe. Th camp opens with most favorabl prospect. FORCES lilSMCE-f.!EH TO PAY FULL POLICIES Leavitt's Bill Before California Legislature Will Cause Revo-. lution In Methods. ; . (Jearsal Special Servlee.) 1 - Sacramento, . March S. II Senator Loavltt'a valued policy bill, reported fa vorably from committee yesterday, should become A, law every Insurance company wlU have to pay the fuU amount named In It policies any stip ulations or contracts to th contrary which shall be made between Insurer and insured being declared null aad void. The bill further provide that very fir Insurance company before in suring any building shall determine the value of the Insured' Interest In the property. In the absence of any change Increasing risks, without consent of the insurer, or of fraud on the part of the " Insured, the ace of the policy, must be HE DAME! M MM w-.- .in vAt can remember too have under stood that the way to core a pam cmtide was to Uke something- inside. That is the foundation of our American drug habit Since childhood you. haye depended on anigs to kui pam. occurred to yoo that the drug was also ktfl- - ins the ervs of the stomach and over- - taxing- the heart--r That is the reasod tor you stomsch trouble. . You hsve ruined ' your stomach with Strong drugs and weak ened your heart action by driving it beyond its strength with heart stimulants. , VXm can out on extra fire and w: draft in the furnace and driv up an engine at top speed without hurting the engine, but yon xant ' do that very often with your heart, because it is not made of iron. You don't realise thst until your heart refuses to be forced any " more that is the time when drugs "which used to do the work " right sway" , don't seem to have ' any more effect, and yon are forced to realize tnat your uenu Every : time you take a drug to lorce tne stomacn, liver, kidneys or heart you hurt them you - actually .. lessen their natural vitality -end every dose you tag is , a reason for taking an other, because - they sre weakened by each dose, and any one can see thst V in time, by stesdy dosing, wnn wnll have no natural action of any of these organs. From that time on, your existence will depend upon forced stimulation, and whttO that fails you sr Vn. : - - - -' - Electro-Vigof is a telief from the old hsbit the drug habit It does by natural means what you. expect drugs to do by unnatural means. It gives real strength to your body, snd when your , body has it's natural strength there can't be any trouble, - can't be any pain, because there ia no pain in a perfectly healthy body. A . ". a - BkV . ;. . . IB i' 1 ........ .r: i tm - - ih , .iti - im ill ill t rr. . -i - r i it s . r X3ector-V1eor 1 a a-irdl of drv-cell batterlea which you wear about your waist while you sleep. It la always charged ready for us and generates Its own ' power constantly. Ton don't have to bother about charging It in vinegar or acid. . The exhilarating sen- i sauon is leu wimoui suns or aura, ana x nave rhJob. nerfected it with a res-ulattna- device make th current mild or strong at wlu. Electro-Vigor does wonder In ft ew applt eatlona It arouse all th dormant energies, develops muscular and nerve life and restores tha feeling of youth-, courage and vigor.- It makes perfect seen of th weakest, puniest sped mens pf bail-men. . f - .. Ther 1 ' nothing to eual Mectro- Vlgor as a cur. .It cured as of diges tive trouble and ' restored my strength . after I had triad many other methods with out bennt. - - . . Smith,. Oregon, THOS. KELSAT. Words cannot express my gratitude for what Electro Vigor ha don for an. . I have warn It for three month and my naoa is on reo, my atomaen acts setter I have gainso in strengto. t, . , . K. . PBTntHON.. 1-' 4 - ....;' ttr r7. ll Ballard Av, Ballard. Wash. FREE TO YOU ' Oet mf 180-page book desc-rlWng Eleo- . tro-Vigor and with illustrations of fully developed men and women show ing bow It la applied. ' - ihi book tU in - plain lan guage mas thiagg you want le know and grtvaw a lot f good, whoissame ad vie no profes sion al tomtey-rot. - .:.. . ru send this book, pre paid free, if yeu will ln- ejigp, close this coupon, TWl-r- s. a.hall;m. d. 1439 FUIaore Street, San Fraachco . Please send me, prepaid, your free lOS-psg', Illustrated book. - v , . - ;; '.- - r ' . -'. . ' ' '' " - ' '" ' : MAMS) ............ .'....... v.. ADDRESS raid In every eas of total loss, no matter what the actual value of the property lost. . Th bill has th backing- of th. ma chine and will probably be jammed through with all the celerity which eaa ' - - he attained. There will, however, be plenty of opposition from the Independ ent element. - take no other.