The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, March 02, 1907, Page 3, Image 3

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,H- it
Officer White Declares That Of
:. fense Leads to Petty Thlev- , .
: . . ertes' of All Kinds, i :
; Children , Tell , the ; Vigilant Truant
Cluuier That They Stay awx
v -. From Stvdk Because They Ht
Not Proper Clothes to Wear."
"Whea boy begin playing truant from
echool thy take their first atep In mle
chief." said Truant Officer 8. D. White
of the Juvenile court thia morning- a b.
handed Id hi a report of -the ' truancy
caaea ha haa handled In the peat .al
on tha. "Boys who begin by.nlarinc
truant frequently end tn burclary. oettr
-thievery, or other crimes-, All :the bad
boya I have ever .seen began by playing
truant", , -' . ' , ,.
: Officer Whits said that in most of the
: caaea be waa able to ret tha boya back
- to achool without difficulty, but eome
tlmea be haa had to aak aid of the Juve
nile court. Numeroua caaea of truancy
'where tha boya had been abaent only a
day or a few hours were corrected by
Officer Whlta ao easily that ho-made no
.record of them. - V . ,
Tha report abowa that In the paat six
..tnontbe 181 caaea of truancy have been
., treated by Whlta. He eatlmatea that at
least 0 per cent of tha total were per
.altnt offenders who never went to
chool. '.The remainder were - afflicted
. with - tha truancy habit ' In milder de-
eTreaa. ' . ..V- '''-,"'.
y east to Soaoot From Stores.
Many of tbeaa boya -have been taken
;.f rom store, workahopa and factoriea by
., tha truant offloer. and aent to achool.
--Other children were found who - aatd
they stayed away from achool because
,they had not proper clothing; nor suita
ble booka.. or their parents neglected
than and made no effort to aea that
they attended achool.' " - ---.'
-The dtatrlct covered by Of floor Whlta
',n looking-- after children who . play
truant embraces the entire -city, and
nlao Monta villa. Mount Tabor.- Arleta.
and Bellwood. That tha territory baa
been well covered la ahown by 'tha larva
number of truant children canaht and
' 'aent back to echool. In addition to bla
duties . aa truant officer. Whlta doea
'.much routine work at the Juvenile oourt
-'.room, the number of truanta aent back
"Weach achool in the paat all month
'.-follow: . j 1 ; , ' -
. North CantraL It; Clinton Kelly. II;
Ladd. It; Ockley Green. 4; Brooklyn,
1; Holman. 1; Falling, . ; WlUlama
v avenue, .11; South Mount Tabor, . 1;
Bhavert -7- unattura. T. Brnvena. , ;
Thompson. T; Olencoa, I; Atklnaon. ;
Mount, Tabor, 4; 11 1 ah land, 1; Bellwood,
I; Chapman, I; Hawthorne. 7; Monta-
I1U, 4: Sunnyalde, ; Couch. I; East
Twenty-Eighth. ;r Peninsular. 10;
;Portemouth, t; Irvingtonv Holllday
'avenue, 1; Fulton Park, 3; Terwllllger,
- S; Arleta, I.' - ';, .
." 1 1 i i i .
1 MeUger fit a your ayea for 11.04. Ill
IrhrtH etreet. "near WatilnrtiL " ' ' " '
. . . FW1VTOH. sraaaropatt.
I - X Jtava" had paUenta tell ' me,
that, before they cam to ma far
treatment, their vary bonea ached '
with tha regularity of tha chana--
Ins atmoaphera, It aeemed . that ',
there waa an ache In every cloud,
-but..'. ' -.' ,. ..- ' !.
My Druglcss
;:: : :.. ?
Soon , diaelpated theae afflietlona,
and tha paUenta are aa well to
day aa ever In their Uvea.,
They Arc Slrong,
Dcallhy and ;
7 Viflorons
pjtnd never a taate of medicine haa
, paaaed their llpa.- How I do wlah
that every .- alck paraoa waa a
reader of science a eclentlfia
pereon underatandlna aclenca.
:if thia- ware' ae -y'- ,-'----A---;-,.-:
- Would take-the place of all other..
Imathoda la the haallns of human .
dlaaaaea.' No medicine, no aur
rry. ad polaonoua decoction te
plant their aeeda of dleeaee and
'death.-;'' ...v j , ,-vri-"' ',,.'.''''',
' .WnKESED i0Nll
....... ii 4;-..-.Jh.w'v f '
Dr. N.J. Fullon
51$ TWElttfl STREET .
Ooraae Clay, One Woo front K.
' O, ear, oa from 13ta arreee oar,
from JffToa ear. Telephone
Mala iiaJ.
- ' e.
Wlllameito UniTerslty Team That Defeated Corrallls' Champlona In De
- ; bate at O. A. C. Laat Night From Left to Right , They Are: Roy
4- Bblelda.: George Wllaon and Harry Spauldlng. vr. 'J .; '; . V-
. . (Baecfcil. Dlanatak te .The Jeoraal.t
. Salem, Or., March I.The Willamette
nnlveralty co-ede won the aecond annual
Intercollegiate debata aaejnat McMlnn
villa'ootleae laat' evenlnf. The eonteet
waa one of tha beat heard here In recent
jreara-. - .The.. , judg-ea. , were Prof eeaor
Cbarlea K. Bradley of Corvallla and Dta
trlct . Attorney John - H. McNary and
Judse Woodaon T. Blater, auprema court
coram laatoner of thia city. Their decl
alon waa unanimoua for tha daughter
Of old Willamette. . .';
The, queetton for debate- waa, "Be
aolved, That municlpalltlea .ahould .own
and rperate their light and water planta
and etreet railway." - The local oo-eda
: ,i M45 Mlnntee From Broadway,
- Oeerf H. Cobaa' meat' faawa anene,
-"rwty-flv Mlnatee Tnm Broadway," will be
araaenM et the H111 taeaue for foar nl(it.
boclanlnf taimortow, Banoay, at S:15 o'clock.
The plr 'coax aadar the tfracUoa of Klaw
'Corlnne,"Zlii ' "45 v Minutes . From
. Broadway." ' . .
Brtancer, dlreet from a year'a ren ta Kew
York aaa-Chtcage. havlag em pnMntad au
werka la tb former aad 90 wwrke la the lattn
elty. te eaonaou reeelpta.' Seat are, ar ee
ale. - '..- v -i
'-'. 111 I
' . Seat Sale Monday at Box Office.
The advance' BMt aele will open at bos of
fice the Hnillar thMtr arat Mooday Bwrnln.
Marcfe 4. . foe ' Bary W. Bavaae' BaHb
Orabd Opera eoateany. Thl laawoa ergaalaa.
tins will arearat 1'eerliir - Jaoaarea graad
epera "Mad.m Battrfaly" the bnve the
atre aatt Tbnrada, mday and aatarday
Blgkta, March I. 8, a. with Biant aararaay.
r' ";V Verna Feltoa ei aSatZ'
Three anre prforaiaa wfU e glvra' by
tha Allea etocft company la "The little Cfeorch
Araaad- tb Corr." There will Ja. earfornw
ancaa toaicbt. Baaday afttvaaoa aad algbt, at
the Btar tacatr. Tbla i a play la which
the - popalnr cMardleBna. Terae Foltna, alar
the charactar ef a new boy, and It I oee .of
k beet enrtrayab). . . - , ,
' 11 ' ' T '
. ' -.. Drop 1b at the Grand. y
The anal Boeder perftnaocea will be glwa
at the Grand tomorrow. Tbla will eloae tb
eaneat vaudeville protraa, aad It la ene la
wblck the pabUe baa take great Interest thia
week. .' There are aaaay comedy acta. Knurs.
dance aad Bnalcal epeclaltle. It hi (a Ideal
vaadevtue pel tor mane for aa una boot. .
toMy Friend From India- "
v "hfy rriend fnm ladla" will he ermtd
all the eoili week at the Btar theatre by
the Allea etock company. Thta 1 a rooalng
farce with a lanch la every mlnnt. aad rr.
rtet ' BesboTy will appear la the role ef tb
red-headed birber, . the star part created by
Walter Portia. . ?... ' .': : .. . ,
'' New- Headllner. ;- j "...
For aeat week' Ooln" anc wlU' he the feat
ore art at the Sraad. Thl I eonalaered the
heat ef the maar dog ta la the country,
aad tor yeara haa had a fine reputation la
tha east. BaUlraa A Ooaatdlne Indaeed tb
Bis Birr ef the net to brtag It west for their
eoeet bee, sad thl wlU he It first eppeer
aac la ttla territory, . ,
Borncithlnir tTnoanal at Baker.
; A nwat anaauat play la - - "Vlipaa," the
great rellcVm dram, at the Baker next
week, cemmeocing win
The book la by . KUa Wheaker Wtlcai aad
Lit scorn be Bearelle. Bnadrede who eeldosa et-
. a KHe eHTl hi daker lichees west
week. Particular artmtioa ;ha beta paid to
use iHf, ut ' j- v-
Orljrlnal Dally at Empire.'' "
That Bids 'Bayawad, the orlflnal ' Date?
Orahb, wlU appear toeiorrow afternoea at the
Bmptre la "A hlleaeart Gin, t aa esaoeece
Bient that wlU andoabtedly be recetved with
tleasere by the aenraa ef Implre patron. "A
llearmrl Otrl" wlU be at the Kmplre aatll
Tharaday, whea Black PtU appears. .
' . . -
The Faat MallV Great night.
Om of the amat apeeesfnl ittracttM ef the
paaon at the ample t "The raat Mall,". Lia
cola . Carter' great ceale ntarval which ha
bee eraeented there all week. . The reellette
train with It wonderful eastae and the view
of Msfara by saooolltht are bet two ef the
srraloo fratara ef , thl plr. - Let time
toolfht. y , .....
Laat of "Mlee HobbB.',
'Mlaa Bbb" y good by B Portland
aupppurted tha affirmative. The team
oonalated of Clara May, Helen Smith
and Mabel Olever. leader. The McMlnn-
vlUe debatera were Lulu Kuhn, Btella
Webater and Anna Andrewa. Ail. ma
apeakera ahowed careful atudy of - the
eubjeet and epoke with -eaae. Miaa
Olover of the local team proved. eape
clally atronv in rebuttaL t
Mualcal nurabera were rendered be
fore and after the decision. After tha
declalon of the judgea tha glrla tendered
the . vlaltora a reception at Lauaanne
hall, which proved very enjoyable. ,
, Added Joy waa given when the mea
age arrived from Corvallla atatlng; that
the young men'a team had acored a ylo
tory agalnat tha Farmer. ' -
toale-ht. " Bh ha beea rrwsrksbly wn ra-
eolved by the Baker fr leads all tbla week. - If
yoa hevea't been Introdoeoa a .-hbsj nocoe -yt,
see soolrht s ertornanee. Mlaa Lawreaea
ha more than axes led herself la thia part,
aad Edgar Beam aa wea freeh applaeM.
"Struck Oil" at Lyric.
' Toalaht tomorrow matinee sod sight are
the teat rhsscee te eae "Btreck Oil" at tha
Irie. Thia dellghtfal eomady drama ef con
script daya baa beea - wlaalng approval aU
week from both the - press and the awhile.
There are aa sbandsnce ntlrrtrf dramaUC
rllmsxsa aad fua enonrh t satisfy anyone.
Tlckata for U reaalalng nerformaneee ar
bow ea eate at the box office of the treatre.
' y 'WellB of Wyomlng.H
"Vfn ef .Wyemhuf." the great eowboy
play, wilt be' tb attractloa at week at
the Lyric Thia great play haa la It eeveral
mint that are oeea la o ether play. BUent
Jimmy ta ewe et them. The hamaa brag. la another. Boata for the entire week
are aew ea sale at' tha bos office ef the
theatre. . Tea eaa get them by .telephone.
, v '; .. . , v
' The Realty Aasodatea Of Portland.
Oregon, , have purchased the aoatheaat
corner ef Second and Tamhiu etreeia.
A threa-atory brick building, valued at
about 121,000. occupies theatte.' and la
under leaee for period of fiva jreara
to a Ban Tranclaco corporation. Thia
la a aplendld Inooma producer and the
net Income on the Aaaociatea inveat
ment ie more than per cent per annum.
Tha Realty Aaaociatea . of.Fortland.
Oregon, la an Incorporated . body of
Portland bualneaa men, organised for
the purpose of handling htg-h-claea bust-
nee real estate In thia city, ita plana
are eomewhat almllar to tha Realty Aa
aociatea of Boaton, tha American Real
Batata - company, of-New Tort and tha
Realty Syndicate of Oakland, California,
all of which -eompanlea have been Im
portant factora 1A tha upbuilding; of
their reapactlva cltlea, ' and have con
tinuously paid to the holdera of 'their
profit-sharing bond a dlvldende In exceas
of It per cent per annum. With tha ex
oeotlonally advantageoua field for real
aetata . tnveatment which Portland of -fere,
the local organisation ahould rap
lolydevelop Into one of the atrona-eat
concern of Ita kind In the United
BUtoa. ,, "' 1 -. .'
Tha man who have the direction of
Ita affaire are: W. H. Moore. Dr. An
drew C. Smith. Robert D. In man. Gov
ernor Qeorra R. Chamberlain, T. D.
Honeyman, N. W. Rountree, A. R. Dia
mond. B. E. Lytle and W. K. Thomas 1
counsel. ' .- .'
"Since aecuring a - contract' on thia
property," aald Mr. Reynolds, auperln
tendent of tha company,' "Oevurta . St
Son have announced their Intention of
ntlllsinr tha block directly opposite for
a department atura, and the - Portland
Railway, Light at rower company have
purchaaed a alta on Second etreet upon
which It will build a terminal depot for
Ita ' suburban line. ' Theae condition
have already enhanced the value of our
property nrore'than 10 per cent of Ita
purchase price. Wa have already an
offer at an advance and - we are confi
dent It will bring it per cent profit
within 10 daya, ;. It will then be aold and
tha Aaaociatea will reinveat In - soma
larger properties. We have two other
valuable options and will Inveat several
hundred . thouaand dollars In Portland
bualneaa property in tha next eeveral
montha. AU profit a which tha company
can make . on theae : Investmenta will
be divided with holdera of our profit
sharlnr bonda. These bonda are leaned
in denominations of "ftOO or any mul
tiple of that amount. Thia anablea tha
mod eat - investor to participate In the
Immense profit obtained from ' In
creased ground valuea and the ataady
Income from rental a Our proflt-ahar-Ing
bonds' are limited to a eeiiea of
ttOO.000. A large portion of thia Issue
haa "already been aubaorlbed and wa ex
pect to eloae the aeriee within a very
abort time.". i
' Tha of f Icea of tha Aaaociatea are In
the Dekunt building where aubacrtptlona
to these Profit-Sharing' bonds Bra re
ceived. ""-'. . V : , ;r..T.;
- Baa Francisco Teachera Union.'
" School teachers In Ban Francisco have
organised on the lines of the Chicago
Teachers' federation, for tha purpoaa of
securing- an Increase of waaeai.
..;,;:;":;h;;.;.-:;" ;Ieep:
blii Powder
where you can use It twice-a-day.
It helps the poor teeth ; preserves,
brightens and whitens the good
one and leaves a pleasant: after
taste. Ask your dentist.". - . : .
la haady matat ewna bottles. Boe (
Cr to:)' Tc:ih Pcr;.:r Co.
sue d;i imioTiE
EnpneersforElectric. Un r In?
sped tugene and Spring- .
field Crossings. '-,
(Ppeclsl Dispatch to Tb J so roe),)
. Eugene. Or,, March J. B. W. ball, an
efftclal ef the Willamette Valley com
pany, which will begin the oonatructlon
of Eugene's etreet railway aystem with
in a few daya,. in company with.. A.
Puchamp, one of tha company's en
gineers wss here yesterday for the pur
pose of selecting a-auitable alta for a
bridge acrosa the Willamette river for
the proposed electric Una from here to
Springfield and on up the McKenale
valley to tha Blue river mines, ; sur
veys for which are now being made.
They .inspected three different sites,
two here and one at Springfield, and
also examined the wagon bridge across
the river at Springfield with a view of
atrengthenlng and widening the struc
ture ao that it will holo, up. the electric
cars, and, if ' the county court would
consent, to cross tha river that way,
thua saving the cost of building a new
bridge, although the work required on
tha wagon ' bridge would cost eeveral
thouaand dollars. ' The engineer will
within a few daya report on tha most
feaalble alta for crossing tha liver and
aa aoon aa a declalon la reached ar
rangomenta will be made for tha begin
ning of tha work.. , ' . .
Superintendents , of Mammoth
Mine Corrects Statements as
1 to Strikes Made. ;
: Bupertntendent- W. H, Mead, of the
Mammoth and Morning Lead Mining
oompanlea. In tha MeUllna dtatrlct on
tha Pend d'Vrellla, both of which prop
artlea are largely held by Portland In
veatora. correcta tha recently published
statements concerning strlkea made, In
a latter to Frank Analey, vice president
of the Mammoth, the superintendent
aald: " '
"A Joint tunnel that la being driven
on the boundary Una between the Mam
moth and Morning mines, after penetrat
ing through-low grade ore .110 feet,
passed through IB reet or ncn concen
trating ore that will average to per
eent lead. At 140 feet we have- Juat
paaaed through a four-foot vein of pure
galena that runa 78 per eent leaa.
asaays .(( per ton at tha preaent
market value of lead. 1 The tunnel will
be continued further Into tha mountain.
aa wa have not yet etruck the main body
oflead that outcropa on the aurrace. .
y . s. BtMk flssssa sVMkda. '
Allen Lewi a' Best Brand. -
. W. .tiAiiM . Kim ,nnl ie nine - Una
from Bull Run and bring all the water
to the city ' we v poaaiory turn. - says
iri.MH.aa Ul.lnn "Tha mains ehould be
extended to tha outlying auburba where
tha housea are scattered, but new water
district ahould not be created la these
sparsely aettled communities. Tha ea
ttenae ahould be borne by the city aa a
whole, Thia would enoourage tha up
building of tha 'outaklrta of the city,
and -when the outside la built up the
center geta tha neneiu. i am noi in i
vor of water metera for the email con
aumar, and never have been." '
'The third of tha aertea of theoao-
phlcal atereoptleon. lectures waa given
last night at Allaky nail by r. neinaet
of Loa Angelea. The apeaker aought to
prove by colored , viewa . ana luuatra
tlona that clairvoyance la the next eenae
to be developed in the human raoe. Ha
referred to tha fiva aensea wa now pos
sess aa the gradual product of evolution
and aaserted that In due oouree ef time
every human being would possess the
sixth ' senee of clairvoyance, or - soul,
seeing, aa all now poaeeas eyesight, for
it was latent -In .aU human beings he
aald.- . ,; .'......' : .'..
, ..'.. '-.;. '-.- .
1 O. Ounderaon. solicitor for the Salva
tion 1 Army -reacua-noma, haa lust-re-turned
after-a five weeke trip through
tha , Willamette - valley..,- Mr. Ounder
aon re porta that the people of the val
ley were very liberal In their contrlbu
tlona and wtahea to return thanka tor
tha tarns. While on hla trip Mr. Oun
deraon visited- tha atate Institutions In
aouthern Oregon. He report a them aa
comparing; favorably with similar In
stitutlonawhloh he haa vial ted In east
ern atatea. - . . , .... . ,
Continued from Page One.)
vers la the case..-- It la my opinion that
he will be convicted aa the evidence la
agalnat him and haa been throughout
the trial. ..
There la one other thing that X wlah
to aay regarding tha report of the trial."
aald Mr. Bteelt -and that la that tha
atory that I testified to Hermann's
good name and character In Oregon la a
fabrication and false. I waa never
aaked concerning hla name here and tha
attorneya for the defenaa knew better
than to aak met . ,
"I testified solely In regard to the
letters which X received from him and
which were copied in tha hooka de
stroyed by him. They were In regard to
official touslnesa and I waa called aa a
wltneaa to auataln thia point agalnat tha
contention of tha defense that all the
records tn tha destroyed booka were of a
private nature." . .
(Continued from Page bna.)'
got off tha train at Bingham Springs, a
amall town on tha reservation, Jie waa
aaked by the official In charge whether
ha had any whiskey with him. , Cares
Immediate! y ahowed the 1lue ruin," told
what he bought it for aad was arrested.
Becauee of tha circumstances govern
ing the case, judge Wolverton found tha
prisoner technically guilty and aaaeaaed
a fine of II and sentenced him to aerve
one day In the Multnomah county Jail.
Tom Hodson, an Indian, arreatea ror
carrying whiakey upon the same Indian
reservation, did not act off ao easily.
and ' waa fined $t and aentenced to
aarvw 10 daya la the Multnomah county
iall. V..
In the Coldest Day Past
Our Furnaces Were Always Warm
v-;k your needs we don't merely.mput in a fur ;:.
'.. - Y '' '. V '
Koehler Property ' on East Alder
Acquired by Puffer.5 Bur- .
-gard & wo.
D..M-. WnweA aV rA. nrcVissad vaaw
terday the half block on tb north elde
of east Alder, between East First and
Eaat Water etreeta, xor i.ou. - aue
iiaiiwui a Richard Koehler
and adjoin tha alta of tha proposed
new paasenger iuuob m mw .i .
lines. Tha aala waa made through the
agency of W. A. Storey.
Mr. Storey aiao aoia yoneraay n
valuable quarter aectlona of timber
land, ana In Columbia and tha ether In
Polk county. The two wera aold for
a a aa'a ' .
- H. Worn me cloaed tha deal thta morn
ing, for the Quarter block at tha north
west comer- of Front and BurnaUde
. uA tAstk .. entlnn an thia alta
about three montha ago at tso.flOO. The
property, haa a rronxage or iia mi
Front street and ta covered with old
bulldlnga. '- .
The quarter bioca at. ine norawwi
A. " anjl Irvine streets
haa been purchased by A. U Parkhurat
... . ME AAA a
I rom S3, a. nunnsn wr (,.
two-atory waaehousa-oocuplea tha alta,
which la acrosa the street from tha
Northern Paclflo freight aepot. -
John Marahall haa purchaaed tha
-.a Bnharf nneiwK. on . Marshall
, W,UUr W. " . .
atravat. . . tMtWwain , TwB t V-OUrth '' Bttd
Twenty-fifth etreeta. u The oonalderac
tin- waa i aoa rasner Roth, haa rur
-i Jk e-.- TXT u Rant the auaxter
block at the sonthweet comer of Broad
way and Ross atreeia ror ie,evw. iwa
double dwellings cover tha property.
Tha sale waa made by Parrlah, Wat-
klna vo. : ."'.;.
Pacific Improvement Company
Given Property Because True-'
tee Made Will In a Hurry.
- Because Richard Derby mada hla will
In a hurry ahortly before hie death, the
paclflo Improvement company waa com
pelled to go to court, and prove Its own
ership to tv-number of fine lota on Haw
thorne avenue., Derby waa a trustee
and confidential agent of the company.
He crae .aent here, eeveral yeara ago
from San .'ranclaco to buy property for
tha company. For convenience tha deeda
wara drawn la'Derbye name.
Later , when Derby'a health began te
fall ha drew hla will hurriedly and left
all- hla real and personal property to
hla wife and children.-- Tha lota held
by Tilm " for the : Paclflo Improvement
company wera Included In tha Inven
tory, and Mra. Derby refuaed to give up
tha - Dronerty, The company oegan a
ault for the lota, and Judge Traser gave
them judgment agalnat the widow, who
made no conteat In oourt.
' tm will never ooen Oak street ex
cept at the aipenae of tha otty; - The
difference la property valuatlona la too
great. Litigation wlU follow and It wUl
cost the elty thoueande of dollars."
Thia opinion a tven by City Attor
ney McNary . to tha council committee
on streets at tha meeting: yesterday af
ternoon. ' The ordinance before tha com
MiAa nMnflsia the onenlner of . Oak
street from Seventh to Burnaida.' Ow
ing to the atatement or tha city attor
ney, consideration was postponed. -, ....
. Bervlana to Hold ConTentlo.
S (Jeereal Bnectal Bervwe.)
rhtcsiem March a.-Many deleaatea
.nhi.r tn Chlcaao to attend tha an
nual convention of tha Servian Ortho
dox Society of the United Statea. which
will begin' Ita aeaaiona tomorrow, xna
society has a membership of about 11.
nna smI alma ta better tha condition of
the Ben-lane who haves emigrated to
America.- cava, rtaaaaovuen or Besse
mer. Colorado, la tha president and will
preside over the convention.
No Cookinc!
loilt little
or milk
and yon can eat
- , ..-.-
without the bother of
lighting the fire. TMX XT I
' Tnere'i Aeaaos ' . .
S - : - i - - -
- , ' "eae. ''ess avw
The Kind Toa Hare lwaTS
ivs ma ness ftfB wtammm
mmm - Han yiva VV ;,
...... ... N, a. , ....... ... ......,...,. .,.!..,-. ,
........,.......... , .... .......... . --i - is -i -i - -- i. i .i
aJ ' .S
stall Cconterfelts, Imitations and Just-erfoodw are brrt
Xperlmentaa that trifle wltb and endanger the health ef '
Irfiuitrjatjnd ChQdr.iwIaaqeirlence asalnst laxperiniente
rCeVstoria Is a Iiannless snbstltu'e for Castor OH Fare- '
tort., Drops and Socthlnlr fivraps. It Is Pleasanto It
-' contains neither Oplom Morphln'6 'nor other Narcotic)
ambstanoo Its Age it Its guarantee. - It destroys Worms '
. and auajrs roverlshccss. It cores Diarrhoea and TTlnd ;
'"olio. It rellevee Teething
and FUtiileivcy.irsfllmllates the Food, w
Stomach and Bowels, vlns healthy and natural sleep
The Children i Panacea The Mother's Friend v ,
.CEtiuitm GASTORIA alvavo
" Si
Bears the
, AT aV . . .
Tbelind You Hare Always Bongtit
:.:;:Vv,Jn.Us9" For Over 30 Ycro.
' - wweeewreaMl Meeeie. yy aisaase el ait Bare) is err. -
t etteeeettt
E like to
ecute good advertising for
We can help your business as
; we; help our own. by good
- ideas Well worked into excellent
i ....
Keep your
" AT '.''' v'; '-. w : v
, ..... . '
BoToht and wblch bas beea -
B. n m & f ' B .
! KATtUQ IUO BHgasesaiaXVJ Wa
and bas been made ander bis per
nnal nnnewwlstnn atviMk llasrnjrarewv'
no one to deceive ma In this.
Troubles, cures Constipation
Signature ot
la during tha warm months, 'when J
tha woodwork la thoroughly dry. T
TJa BAT STATU ready te use paint Z
and you will be aurprieed how eaaty Z
it ie-to-do, and more surprised to
.find how Twill aave by X
doing It yourself. .
FIsher.Thorsen & Co.
rmoaTT asm icomazsosr stbuts t
work up and cx
.. .
o so
eye oa us
- v-