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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING, MARCH 2, 1007." 13 BUSINESS CHANCES. STEAM cleaning and dve word. clearing (100 month above expenses; owiht Sea to go DH'I tut. A Oil ram lira Juariiil. BAVB the beat eoenlng od the coaet In well' eetKnll.nrd enterprise: email csidlal en quired; writs lor partlralare. F. U ochott. euft cut Morrison t. GROCERY. wH .located kulDM street; T" . Invoice about Sl.frat: ate Into Baying buel- neee; wlli Mil or might trade (or good (arm or property: reason, other lntereeta. n iw. cere journal. BEST DRT GOODS BUSINESS In Soothem Oregln (ur sals. Apply W T. O. BafiM. kism ets estia, w. , WILL all at Invoice or exchange In part (or real ratal, grocery, well locateo, low rant. - ooinjb UIOn doln. daily average hualneaa. moetly caah role about 12.800. Address Q 141, ear . Journal. PARTNER wantrd: man to attand Inelds hue! , neee; 1100 moath guaranteed; right thing f'r right nan; nuat Bar 1j0 caah. Call oui ami at,, eon in. - ..FOR SALB natenrant ami lunch annnter on Waabhifton at.: leaae; rood place for two . partners. D 16, Journal - $100 BUYS good paying restaurant; Rood range. 8 ga burners, arrlddlo lrona. nlenty dlabea; K 'food buslaeaa reasons lor Belling. 218 rourtt at. AT YOUR OWN PRIOH It-ma boaae, with furniture, (or Bale; house (or rant; ownor go ing oat or murineee. mi ats St., no agent. FOR SALE A nod Devtng ant baalneea la amall towa. - Residence -market, elaugbter ' nouee, yard and bog pea; good bona, barn, team, wagon and harnaaa; oomplata ootflt for f Kth baalneea; deal direct with ownor. for parrifniara eau on eooreea reai divwd, , oaaton, Oregon. ' - FOR SALB Stock and mod-will Bracery ftoro. ' , Good busmeee tor lira matter. Taka about . 61,000. Address T 133, Journal, . . . BLACKSMITH SHOP Good location, to country town; building $8 par Booth. .Address i. B. 5 Garrett. Marquea, Or. , . . . A F7NB rooming bona, moetly hoaaakaaplnv, . , worth 2,Hrt! nuat sail h March Ms coma . ; look at plae. (oaks o((er! oothlnr traaby, . t arytbln BoWl cloaeat laTaatlatloB; , baat i- offer acpeptad March t. Boon; -makce good v drcaa car JoorBaL , ' t .v GOOD HOTEL FOB SALE WU) taka part pay ;.. nrnt la horaea and cowa. For pvtlcBlara .. addnaa CaatraJ Hotel, Fblkwaath, Or. - - ; FOB RENT 4flH Rawthama. ara., dya work!. Apply at ui roorth at. . . - - i ; COOP haalnoaa looatlom, ebaap raat. foraMrly -. orrapiaa ay raatanrant. . 1M waaBlBfloo. Inqulra T8U Waaiilnctoa at.-' -. -. YOUR nat ebanea to lot Alneda OnnaoUdatml - , atock aadrr 60c. Wa will aell 1,000 or B 000 at ROc. uaturlla Oa Via Abtaftom blig.. ' el. .... a . - FOB 8 A LB. 8T0BB Gmoral atora. dry aoada . and irocnlea. Good location, aood baefnma. 81.805. Sea owner, J. H. Maah, Maahrllla, Mt, Scott car Uoa..-. ; i, .' . ., WILL aell 1,000 aharaa of atock tn tTawlBf r Portland corpora tloa for (330. Will atend cloaa In realisation. Addraaa T ISO. JooruO. CSB half intnraat la rood parlaf tmalnaaa; : owner aeeda .help, and w(U teach par. rhaeert heat of refaranceai l.Soa CohuB ' hlaa Beaity Co.. 12 Third at., roon a. . BEST HOTEL PROP08ITI0M in Soother Ore oa for aala. Apply to X. Oraftta, Klaaaath Falla, Or. , . FOB 6Al--.iaEAL ESTATES. 19 Per Cent cn, Year - ' Investment ; J (.n 100x1 4ert, -amatory fraaaa-'haJMtoav atone aad 24 roama apetalre, an Uolladay areana. eaat and of ateel hrtdirei 884.000 price: heat hay In eltr. Call 3u OooiBar oai blac., Third and waehlaatoa. ' 'Yi-Zt T Ccarelled : to Sell ? v , ' Oeraat lot, 45x100, Daloa arenoa aad Stan " : ton atreet; atora, barn and cement baeementj -. ., price. ia,oO0.,Tw T-reom honaea, lota 00x100 modern, on Olay afreet; cloaa In; fT.000; eay - terma. Call M CnnoMreUl biiit-. Third and - w aaanitton. fOR 8ALB aorlOO at OrayB Croaetnt BCOtt ear; prrce pusi. noareae n . row. Oray'a Croaaln(c Fralt a ' eoaie; au reneeo. BCBCRBAN tncoma property, 4.000 part time: can furaleh tenant at Uno per year la adTaDca. OwDar. ya, cam jeuroal. S-ReOM hoaaa, kit' Mil2S, frntt treea. brlr , haaenentl Trry food buy) 11.400; $500 caah, . ? balance noothly. Call 801 Bwatland bid.. Fifth and- WaaaiBCtDB ata. COItNIBf lot 4rt00. on Paton are near Boa , aell: new atora bulldlnf, cement baaement. aood barn; at an toTaatanait price, 13,80a, Call 801 8 wetland bldf.. Fifth and Weak.. OOM honae hnllt laat rear. - aorncr lot . 60X100, price tl: half caah. Call (01 nwetiana wagn aula aaa waaBHurton. VU8T THINK Iota $S0 each at 1 per moath, . near Salera ear Una. Apply to owner, W, la, WaahlBStoa bids. ' : " . KICB aobnraaa bone, IS nlnotea' rlda from . , tha poatofflee, an atreet ear Una, S aerea . of rrouad with S-ream kooaei alaa S-fooa hooae; ana cement mljkhoaae, horae aad , cow bam, afalcken-aeaae for 1,000 ehlckena, I . trait treea, berrlra, etc l Tory beantl fully - altuatedi one of tha Bleeet placaa la Maltno-"-aah eoanty, with ta, awa water ayatem , aad water piped all erer tha place; $18,000. - ' SiAolea, tha Jewalar. -. ,18.000 KBW modern 8-roora hoaaa. lot 61x100. 4 y: nanaww eormarxiue w wr urn, watainn dletaBca from eaat aide hiah acbool ; rary aaay terma. .. , 8TB0-Bealdyaea lata, city, ea aaeBt-aldawalka, block from car: only a .few "Wt; InetaUnMBta. V. Pasa JQarris, 800 Belmont, oornar Baat 8 SStb. .- " ' $HB BOT. , Fnrnltrrre aad rood will ef 8 real aetata , ' office paylns (80 month abora all axpeaaea, Q 187, care Journal. ... .. t DE81BABLB FRACTION. . $1,400 boya a SOiOO on Beat Stark, Bear . Baw hl( acbool; etna attlfnborbood; act at HAOBUANH BLANCHABD. 61 Fifth St IBl'ARTER-BLOCK, aortbwaat aoraer Union are . aaa aad Btephena atreet, 8 aew modera cnt ' ' tacea, a noma aacb, rent for efto per month; ""..rema for S mora eottagea or baatneaa bnlldlnx: ; prlca $10,000. . Sorefrea rtaXOa, 178 Mad- " leoa atraat. .: - - A widow lady haa foot aompleted 4 Bod i ' aro OAttaeaa. will rent for 675 nor month. turn ,J(l wu, mm " i muw iiiiw. la le debt more than nr Dec tad and maet aell; $8,800. boom a, 108 Beoond at. ' I OJ, l. EC VD Itwur " l" ood. 81.100. iBoalra at 131 Beat 48th and MorrMoa ata..-" ". - taarak .WESTXBM Canada wkeat Ian da. Land apeca. .. latnra call or write U. B. Bnrnam XAnd Co., 114(1S Chamber of Commerce. - ' .WESTERN' Canada, the wonder of the Sth eeatary. Parttcalara bf H. B. Baraom Lead Co., 314-116 Chamber-of Commerce, - ALBRRTA wheat UimW Sea H. B. Barnnaj : Land Co., 114-S16 Chamber of Commerce. ' nOMBREBKBRSI Call oa na for partlrnlara retarding wheat lande and lan da (or mixed ' " farming la Alberta. Canada. U. B. Barntua - Lead Co., 114-218 Chamber of Commerce, .. $T.T60 eoxino-POOT lot with modera S-reora bonae. oo lath at., wart aide. Apply owaar, 888 13tb at.. MAT, new aottrre. plnmbrng, wirlnirj bar. Ins term. MilkUjoha, tedar Park, St ohm. '' ' FOR 8 ALE Fr owner, 100xlM aa anataweet ' eorner ef Wltllame are. and Snmner et tbte la tb chrtlceet realdenee earner In aria. tocratle Walnat Park. Addreaa F. O. Be i- aa. St. Jotane. .- T ROOM boaae. barn, three Iota, plenty fruit. Sea owner, Mr. William Schlodel. 1MS4 Ba . ard at, Penlnaalar. , FOR 8AI E 1 V'it'10 Beat Stark, $3,760: S acre , Beat Mark. $10.o00. Inquire 131 Bhat 48ta ,"' and hrorrlatoa atreet. WinOW f.AlT OOIKO EAST will aall he 1 nor 100 foot of ground. S moia hoaae, frnlt, . beerlea, to ehlckena, enkak-hoaee, all fnrnl. trtre, Inelndlog berti'lna, etc., alea menbab , and brood rr, dry wood ta laat 8 monthai S '' ear llaea 1V4 biocla, only $1,(76. Itean.4, 108 Second at. ANOTHER BABOAIN 11 aerea, mnatly cleared, good boee and barn, fine anil, mnat go - Cheap. The Utte a Ahetraet (X. room d MuiAa h18, bcood and Meftiae atV IOn SALE REAL ESTATE. .A FICW VEttI DKSIRABLB Z Lets Well located near the car tine and very reaaooalile. Tk thla Hat In your band and Ro and ae the pro;ierty and yon are euro be aatlafled with one of them for a home alia, then coioe and aea na aad wa will .jnake trrnia. ,7 Kor 60xl6b-(oot lota, Bawtboraa A to. add. Otoo U 1 at 6, block X Bnnnyalda 675 lot 8, block Sonnyalda Third add. (ftT.l Lot 10. bkx'k & Suiinjratde aiilrd add. ' MS LoU 20 and HO, block 8, KdeBdala, with water right. (sao Lota 4 and S. block. . BlTerrlew add.. Bear Kuaaell-Hhaver ear. 650 Lota T or 8, Href add. to Holla day Park. ,. . , , 6ii0 Lota 4. 6. 6 or T, block 16, RWeralde add. Tbeae lota are oa the St. ohne ear uue; tnrre Blorka rroa Piedmont ear barn. By calling at oar office we W1U abow you oar elher . uat ( deaftablg raaldanca properly, , v.'j, . Dean Laad Inyestment Co. . 418 COMMERCIAL B1.DO. i Telephone 0013 Main. . $4,600 FOR l0-acra' atock, fruit aad gran , reach, 1 nillee from poetofflce, acbool and - amall atora. In Doaglaa eoanty, Waatilngton. ' . f0'800 tn w kuee and a etora, lot 60x 160. on Colon are. ' ft ant a (or $.'18 per month. 2.600 for a room hoaaa, lot 60x100, oa v Union avenue. No8 for a lot, 60t2, wlthlvMOO feet at - Cnlon are. Street on bath a rule of tlile Int. - 61.000 for two honaea and a barn, lot 60s auuney are., will rent lor aao per . month. (1,100 for a tract ef bad 173x183 oa Conrt , atreet. between 17 th and 18th tree la m Sa lem. Oregon. .. . 64.400 (or 8-room bonaa, new Bath, toilet, alnk and waah bowl on npper and lower floora. Lola 100x100, near Union are. Caa be eecapied ' by two famUlea, ' . ,i78? 7-room bonaa aot alta fla- laaea, m ovxiw. Bear I'D ton are. v $2,400 for a 6-raoaa sew booee, lot 80x100. an Broadway at- near eteel hrldra. We hare lota all around alt. Tabo aad OS ot. joona ear una, $12S and up. Prompt' attention given to renting beneea and collecting rente. .i Pleaee 8' aa a call and examine ear bar. galna. .. . H. O. BTTTES A CO.. $30 TTbIoo Are, North, near BoaaeTJ at. : I ROOMa with all modera aonvaaleaeee aa eor . ner. 3x0, facing eaat. oa ear Una, and within 85 mlnntea' walk ef poa (office, (or ' $4,000. Lot If recent could be aoM aery reaillly for $1,800. and bonaa could aot be bnilt for 82.800. For partlcalara. aall oa-or tAFATBTTB- BBAI.TT CO- ; Lafayette Bldg. ' Corner Sixth and Waah lug ton Streets, $1,000 A BOTCH KB ebop aa Daloa aea., cor- ner. aotng good baeineae. rnone saat ouhi. $400 Lot 60x100, oa Daytoa at., St. JoAna; $160 down, balance per month.. . $8,600 o-rooa modera boaae, cement baee atent; (1,600. . balance BMrtgage, 6 per seat; oa Sixth, near Bursal de. ' $160 caah, balance per month. - ' - (TOO A fine corner lot Alblna,- 6Oxlt0, I near acbool; $150 caab, balance par Booth. ace par Booth. Bod vrv through- honee aa Beat gxtjoo nno 7-room aoaee, moaer aot. ran lot, AiDina; terma. Wake an S-rooai Bodera 16th and Salmon; $700, balnooe la yeexa cement walka; lot auiiaiv-; -I kare 4 fine quarter of white pine In rnkm ooanry. 8,Of"1.0hO feet en each, IVi Bilea of railroad, 82.000 each. ,, ' - H. jr. liABrEB, ' 6087. f ; : , . .' 41 Grand Are. aranteed- as . . .. 1 1. - . j Advertised . $8,800 T-room modera booee. - (3.1003 T-room modem bo in, am ear Hoei-a No. 1 lnrealment. - $3,800 6 room modem bonaa, cheap. " ' (1.000 8-room. baaeaient, fralt, , Iota, . 80x100, barn; beat buy oa Bat. , 8 1 , 0T0 6 roora cottage, modem, aheap. ,, (2.O0O 6-reom booee, nwdera. . .. ' - All fine boye: terma. - , ; T " 1 BOSS CITT REALTY CO. 804 Mohawk -Bldg. - - 88,000 TWO f roora hooaee. Booth Port! and. ix-room oooae, weat niaa. 1,6.10 6 room enttaga,' new. City View Park. 2,800 Four 6-room eortagea. South Portland. 1.2nO 4-room bonaa. Brooklyn. . , 61,400 aroont boaaa, Snnnyalde. 62.300 ' 6 room booee, Snnnyalde. 6l.lr0 6 room hoaaa, Sellwood. 81.000 4Vroon bonaa. onflnlabed. 8S00 4-roora boaae. 1 lota, 8llweed V r 3,000 aerea, Boea City Park, v --tr'-ir 1.500 S aerea aa O. W. P. . isoo I acre, 3-room hoaaa. Flrlaad.' . ., $380 Lota oa. Beet 87th at. V' w i glr May Ural M any at. tha nbora, . STATS LAND CO, - 136 A Flrat St. - (260 A FBW Bloe lata BUngaowrth, aa gooa rerma. ? - - - (06 6-coora boaaa, fan lot.' ' Bear car; Blaiteredi $0 down, balance par geoath. (2.000 A fin home la Weodlawa; goad location; amall pameat down, balance pet Bienth. , (1,600 Fta aoniBi lot oa Parte et.t temm; fall lot . . (350 Beantlfol baUdtng lot la Arleta, 60x 100; aaay terma. fWH0lWLJ'l-lpt. St. BUM6ait.-t achoiil; terma. , , . ; j laoo Corner lot on Alblna ara, .... - R. t. UABPBB, ' Pboae Eaat SoST. - dl Brand Aaa, A T-ROOM boaaa, aa Wbttter at. Sooth Port, land; a nice heme, cmea rat prue. 88,000. IUU Lend Co.. 133M Klrat at. Sellwccd Morebooee A French. 1670 U. IStk, Pboa Sellwood Td. - ate View Park lota. $375 aad apt Boa Additlea Iota, $100 aad aps $8 dowa aad $5 a month, Borneo (mm $ro0 to $6,000. . Lata $U10 aad ap, fee all parte ef SeUweed. . Uat ooc property with aai wa will eell M, - ' BBAL ESTATB. ' One half acre. $400 caab. A ana p. ., -v $ lota, 800 caabU'. ...... 8 , lota, 8360 caah. .; 4-ronm hooea, 6600, one-ha If caah, et lot, Q fenced; wood fibre plaatar. ha renin. One. 8-rooa bonaa on car Una, mart tea eneei 81,600. aaay teraw. -. - . Vacant lata aa May terma. . aold "at . . BEST BUT IN 8UNNYSIDB. - Kew 6-roora cottage, aemeat baaement, alaa. trie light, full M, lath, ctoeeta, wood holat. Owner; prlca only $1,600: terma. - New T-roora honae, $ blocka from Cat Una, modern except heat; half bungalow. Prlca aaly (3,300. Better aea theee. 1088 Eaat Grant, aeer 84th at Phoaa, Tabor tt -. - AT SACRIFICE Modem S-room eottnge. half Mock weat Wllllama ara, Owaar, 804 ley at. FIN R home, aoraer, 100x100, arerlooklag ctty and harbor, eloea in. 10 minutee waia. Call bp owner. Main itbb. no aganm. K6B Hfl.L SNAP. For aale, borne, furalahed or anfnralalied. Bleeea roome. Including ante and billiard . rooma; modern from baaement to attic; atone wan with iron reoee, root garacn, etc., corner dot, a bore SOU at. Addraaa T 148, JoaraaL -,-, ... QCABIEB block at 87th aad Baat Clinton ata., one a-reoa ana ana n-room owiiaae, full beeement; theee ara modern: nothing nicer In Eaat Portland. , Price $6,000; caa aire terma. See G. W. Barer,' ewaer, 800 Eaat Morrlaea aW CIty.v ... . .. . A NICELY fnmtehed boaae with pUna, $1,100. Addreaa o lea, care journal. . niOHLAND. By awnrT. two lota. . each 60x100. corner! will aell lot ae pa rata If aa deal red; arc light. T-room bouee, modern, new. fine view, porcelain bath,- electric ftifnree, piped (or gaa; Highland acbool t blocka, near Union are.f bargain If aold at oare, 476 Preacort at. $4.600 OOOD Ineeetment, three 6-room boBoee, 2 Iiaia earn reel ea, aou, view la, no view, nearly rwa lota, alway rented: lo qulre betweee 6 and 8 p. b. Phone Mala ' oi2. 8.12 He with at. " i FIVE lot with 4-room benae, ctthrrlldtnga and bearing rroit tree, rw iri neraoa at ran Inaular Statlea, PorUaad, Or, '. Mil FOH SALE HE-Ui ESTATE. OOISQ EAT, yrtl L SCRIPtrBA ftna 8 . rot ho eotiaae, looderu, corner, 10' Bombere (nmi center of ctty, comer lot, gaa, etreeta all Improved, fruit, roere, ererv thing fltie, brick baaement; 2 car llnee; only (iiMJ. Cell room 4, luO deeund atreet. 83.000 BOYS a sew 7 roora booee and lot loox 100, concrete baaement, good bam and chicken bouae. 3 blucka from 8 car iluea. Jjiquira at 04 Uodney are. S 1MT9. fenced. 1 ha etrewberrlee. S fat pota to, 8 fralt treea, heuea 1-4 1 a), 6Vh block from earllne: (boo anly; tarma, froui owner. 40T Hawtbaraa. T BAROAIM ar caah, beeetlful location for 8 eottagea, eontk Sunnyalda; earner, Imjutre Beat Llnoolo at., near 83d at. FOR SALE 3 lota. 8 blocka from Unleeralty Park etettou; fine aoll, roaea and ben lea aet out; oa Syraroaa adjololng Flab al phone Weodlaara 643. A 8-ROOM hoaae" In Montayllla. a large let and barnt - prlca (l.ouu. stata mba ue. 188H Flrat at. WIDOW nnat eell oa account af dekneae, ta St. Johua, 100x200, en leanboe at., aaa block from bank, (7.600; good terma. One lot oo Irauhoe, thre ' blocka fro Bank, tuoo. llsxluo end 8-room boaaa an Iranho ts cloae In. Price 64.0O0: half caah. Boom , Commercial bldg.. Third aad Waahlngtoa at. LOT 60x100 In St. Johsa, $ blocka tram poor, office, where lota ara aelltng tor (10.OO0. aldewalk all the way, $000; 6 per aent dla . count ine eaaa. . t. uaoer, aoraaa an-nna , aea. aaa Baat Anxeny ax. - 8ALOOM, boaaa and lot for aale; partlea leav ing on account or aicxneee. aoreae a i JoomaL FOB SALB or exchange tar dry property fine L ... mtm - -' I. Will.... ,1 89 mllee Booth of Portland. Inautre . w! Atterbury, - 80 BOBth baventh at-, FJka tempie. - $00 FARMS, amall tracts aad lota; bargain aa , u. w. r. electric hub, u. AOtiiton, Laata, ' u rex on. Take moobi aoott car, aa. 8-ROOM booee. nartlr fnrntehed. near eteel . bridge; price $ioo. Call S4$ Second Bt.,,ee paoue raeuia alia. - ' Fifth Streel Bi?aln s- $8,000 will ba fall lot oa tb weat ' aide of Fifth et Bear Clay, improved with S dwalllBga and paying en roe Income. Thla la a anap Bore of a auUk taxa at a big James J. Flyiinx: r -. SIS Chamber af Commeroau - , ACBBAOB at aU el aea, eeay tarma, n Salem Una. W. Reidt, Waahmgtoa bldg. TWO krtg ta Ftrlaad cheap. Tarma ta rait oarer, anareaa . n. cocBraa, norrag, ur and I will meat partlea a FarUaad and enow toem xna property. . , ' - ' 8 ACRES oa car Una. I'd) cultivated, 4 min or ee waux to arauoa, new aonaa, xotenio, enlckaa hoaaa. rouna fralt treea. aMU furni ture, caw and toole re with Uiar place; all $1,400; tarma. W. J. Day Co lib 4th aU S-ROOM cot tare with hath, oa two lota, comer Idaho and W laeoneln at4 $10 par kaoatkt la ajuua xus noru utaat. . - $1,860 BUYS fine 'tmlneeo lot aa Colon ara. See Vlagulre. BOO Lnloa eve., Berth. 8-ROOM boaaa, fine fralt. near car. $0,880. Tarma, Owner, 81$ Commercial Block. . ACRfl tracta, etoae tn, near ear; aaay tarma. 1 ouiater, aia uommerciai turn. . FOR. SALB A beautiful 6-roora cottaga, plae. tered with wood fiberneatiy nulhea, ce ment walk, woodabed. 60x100 comer lot, food fence; $1,800; $300 caah. balance aaey tarma. Owaar, H. SUatacb, Woodatock, Or. $1,000 A S-ROOM boaae, right aa Mount Scott car una. a torn; temm m euiu nuiia mih Cev," 188 Flrat (t. ; f $1.800 A 8-ROOM boaaa In Sellwood: tarn t Bum Btaaa uuia jo, aoep cues et. - . LOTS, good S-room bouee, elatera, bam. rruit, au rencea. Bear ear una, i,ouu , uo lamblaa Realty c., XVk Tnira ax. FOR SALE FARMS. StT ACHES, ALL FENCED AW CBOBS FENCED, 1W ACRava tM CB0P, 100 ACBIS IN CLBA BED PA8TDBJS. THE BALANCE IS IN OAK OBUB PAS TUB WITH TAL TJABLB TIMBEB ON MOST OF. IT; THERE IS MOT IS ACBES WHICH CANNOT BB CH0PPEDAND HABYESTKD WITH A i BtNDEB IF CLEARED; ' THEBB ' IS A 1 in ------ COMFORTABLE, HOLSB, B0BSKBABN, STOCK BABN, SHEEP AND 00ATBABN, HOG BARN, BMOKBHOUU AND CH1CK1N- 'BOTJBB." WTTH $300 WORTH OF NEW LtJMBSB, IMPLBMBNTS. BTOOK, BAT XND OBAIN; ALL 00E8 IN; $4,000 CASH. BAL ANCB TO -SPIT PURCHASES, THIS LAND IS t MILKS SOCTH OF DALLAS ARO 1 MTLV FROM FALLS CITT, AND WESTEBN R. B. DEPOT, d MILES FB0M N0BMAL SCBOOL AT MONMOUTH. ' ,-';".,;. ;v",.; " MacIditCrsF .BldwcII Phme Paclflc 2514 SPLTNDID BBLECTT0N OP OOOD FARMS. - 176 aerea, 8 mllee from Salera, about 81 ' aerea af apleodld hopyard, fully aqnlpped, -everythleg aeeeaaary aa conduct a flrat-claae - bep hualneaa; laat year'a crop aold for ' 63.750; It ha a large amount of bottom fend, altnated oa the Willamette rlrer, boot landing oa place; - there am about 8.000 aord ef e tending timber; bofldjaga la fair eoadl tlon: the aoll la well adapted ta hope, fruit, dairying and farden; it H a money maker If properly handled; price $6400; tarma.. - 106 aerea, 40 acre bottom land, balance 'aaay rolling, 80 acre Under cultivation, 60 aerea timber, watered by S areeke, family ereberd, 1 large aew booee, 1 old honae, ban. 40x80, and aevera! amauar bnBdlBga, S horaea. 30 head ef cattle. SO bead of boga, a boat 15 ton of bey. all Implemeata : and crop, 8 mllee to Foreat Grove, near achool,' aaarea mltooad eta tlon B mllee, 24 . ii .eeiM. fu aa awt. . OTTO CROCkBTT HARK80N BBALTT CO, isavh a root bc , 1 LOOK HEREI ' t bav farme to aelL 80 ta 180 Irree each, all - la - rapidly developing - dtatrtet. - eome with very little Imprerementa and aoaw well . Improved at prlaea which ara euro to doable In I to I yeera. Aleo few of the beet ree Idence properttee la Oreaham, aa well a a number ot baalneea bolldlnga Baying aa In come of IS ta 14 per cent, and vacant lot. Graaham 1 IS mile eaat ot Portland, with one earllne flnlthed aad another la eoarao ef ' eonatractlea. Write, explaining juet what ., you want, aad aea what I will da for yon, . ar, what at better, aall and aea b. ... . ,. v , ', , - . . D. S. JOHNSON, s "". i ' .. .- i , Oreeham, Or. BIOCEST SNAP KTKfl 0FFEBED IN 0KB- ' ' G0N. lzt aereo, 68 re la ealttvatloa, fine rlm ber oa baleaca, atreem of running water, H mile from railroad, 14 mllee (rem Portland; Jolna ft neat ranch In the etate; every (not ' tillable; anat eell before Snndar; ena't boy (n acre of land adjoining thla for leea thea , 8e) per acre aad bp: will aell thla quick ' for $5,000. Inqulra of F. T. Berry. No. 4 " Sixth at. Phone Pacific 8083. BARGAINS la acreage, farme aod city property. larmera- iam ue aia Maaama ax. FOB SALE It aerea rolling land 8H mllee rrom fort ta no eonrtncjoee, a-room Boaaa, bam, ontbulldlnge, well with windmill aad tanh, 1 1 arree In cultivation, 1 arm cleaned, $ acre of atrawheniea, all other fralta except grapee; price 60.2O0; half eaeal C. U. Johnaoa, M1V wangle. Or., B. 1. - FITB-ACRB tracta. mllee Booth af Pert. lend, fine Boll, water pipe as eaca a-anr tract; thla land w one mile Weat of Clarke. maa atatlon and railroad and aa tha Port laud and Oregon City wegoa mad. Price from 6IO0 ta (-tK) per acre; oa eay terme. F"r further pardcnlara aa w, W, Bavex, $00 Eaat aiortlaoa aU, at. ron SALE FAIW13. $3 600 40 8CRB9. 18 mllee eonth t Portland, 8 mllee frooa rallroail m.iu -. i ...... - S ail lee from too Portland aad Salem eleetrl rood; SO a.-rea cleared. $ acre grace timber, balance eaaily cleared. 8 aerea flrat-claae hope; e-reow honae, amall at able; aU fenced, all level; en aiala eouuty. road, B. F. D., near "'"f'v P""l property goea with placet rod team, new wagoa and haraeaa, farm Imiilcmenta, hoaaehold faraltnre tuna af ya waw' - 6T.B0ollg acraa. S mflea Berth ef Taa coover. 15 mllea.,froa Portland; TO aerea c eared, 80 aerea good timber, balance eaaily cleared, 8 aerea bearing orchard; good frame houee. 8 roome. good frame ham. email horae barn, other ontbulldlnge; t good wella: all .(enced with wira aad unarda, all level; on main eoanty road, B. F. D., aeer eebool: good team worth t-ibO, 3 cowa; all (arm Imple- eweiioB. aeai eg Bolt; give tarma. $3. TOO 40 aerea. mlW en V. I crave! road; 13 aerea cleared, eome moer, oaianne alaalied and burned good 6 room rnetle hoaae. nwi k.m MMa. abed aad roothoueea a u k.ipt.. . . 1 borea, 1 aow. S calvea. SO ehlckena. 1 heavy wagon, 1 light wngca. Bower and rake. Plow, barrow, other email toola: enough hay ... wimn aiuca; mile to eehooL K. F. D.l (In local loo, beat ot ami; tarma, $700 caah, balance S yeare, 6 par cent. , . $1. BOO 80 acraa la Clarke eaantv. -Waah. Ington. 6 mllee from railroad nation and , ooai aanamg; 10 aerea Cleared. 40 aerea good green timber, balance eaaily cleared: 1 acre rxlnL hra variety; aid bouee, fair pern; a. r. A, aear achool fine aoU; give v term. . : - - V v 800 acre In Clarke eoanty, WaaMngtoa, 5 Bilea from baatlandlng and railroad; 106 . acree a una eiaie or cultivation, eome green . timber, balance peetare. all (enced with poet and wire, 8 aerea bearing orchard, 8 aerea a p plea and eberrtea and pea re, balance am nee: Aew T-room boaaa. anat (l.oTJQ; one large era aviiuu, rruii aryer, muxhone with (in epring water la It. ether eatballdlngo. black- emlth-ehop and toola; pereoaal property goea with pUeai good teem, 3 wagona. 1 new; hark, new; 1 top boggy, aew; new Oeborne - Dinner, au xtnna ar rarm Implementa; 14 milch cowa. 1 fin ball, -4 bead young been, 136 ehtckena, new cream eeparator with tread power; 60 tone of. bey, 600 bnehela of oate, eome wheat aad epada: Bear achool, R. F. D. - Thla Is a beautiful place, beat of black aoll. Prlca only 846 per acre. Including pereoaal property; give terma. . . ,: " $8,66086 acraa. It mllee from Taacnwver, ,i t Bilea from Flehera lending oa the Coram. ' hla river, 1 mile from railroad atatlon. oa a fine gravel read ta Portland: 80 aerea cleared. . eome timber, balance eaaily cleared; ell - fenced, all level: S aerea bearing orchard, moatlr applea and eberrtea; S-room bonaa. awrai una location; l aoree, a cowa, new wagon, new aet doable barneea, aew plow, barrow aad cultivator, i other amall toola; eome boga and ehlckena; near achool, B, F. D.; thla la a anap; give tarma. , aa " l n,.b. w.. .k.-- 160 aerea hi meadow free fnm atampa. 6 crwa m Dvannxr orcnera, aoma green tin) ner, " balance paetora; S urge baraa, 6-room houee; - email creek aad t good prmga; all fenced with aew S and S wlree and one board, bog tight; K. F. D., Mhool oa place; 8 mllee .' from railroad nd baatlandlng: seat af black aoll; good teem, 1 driving boree, eeveral heed ' of cattle, all kind af farm implementa; 60 toue of bay, aoma boga, 14 a been, gome chlckene. Thla la aba of tha beat boya oo tha market; if yon am looking for a fine plae aad a anap Invaetlgate thle before bay- " kg: thla ks guaranteed aa advertlaed: aa rock or gravel; only $43 per acre; give terma. Really.: Co. 10$ Second at.. Portland, Ore (on, a ad 800 Main at.," Vancouver, Waah. , . Phone Mala 2404. , . . . -. " " - FARM 68 ACBES ' , S3 ta ealtivatloo. la atrawberrlaat aTj good aolL good bonaa and barn: only 8U mllea from city, SM mllee from railroad atatlon; price $8,400, Sovegrea A Pfaffle, 7S Madlaon at. ACRES FIB ON COLUMBIA BITER; EX CELLENT PILINO AND TIES; ' STANDS CLOSE; ALL IN 0NB BODY. I.!acldntcss Bldwell 420 Commercial Bldg. ShooaT aT BBla, - -f-r - Wanted timber lands. W want timber landa la Klamath, Lake and Crook ' eountlee, large and email tracta, and ; a Ingle elalma; aend root full deecrlptlona and . ea time to It yoa bar It. We ara ready to do baalneea from thla time on, aa the crulaera are la the deed. State your loweat aet caah ' price and we caa ooa tall yoa what wa caa do for yoa. - . OBBGO BROS., - $4 Sixth at 817-818 Footed Bldg, Portland. Oregon. TO OWNBR9 of timber elalroe and MmW We will bay (or caah aap good timber tributary to Nabalea riven will deal with owner only; a otbere Bead a newer. Writ, giving fall pertlcolore, ta Bog 8. TJ. P, Button. Portlaad. Ottgoa. TIMBEB FOR BALE On eoctlon containing feet wlthia on mile or river. Lower Colombia. Part leu lam of Louie Salo mon, 888 Stark at., aear Second. CERTIFIED eerie, a t etaa, loweat prtcaa. W. . itoweu, asa cnamoar eg uoeomerce. AM- Cheadla, agent. Booth Bend. Waahlngtoa. HOMESTEAD and timber lande, crip, money to loan, aoa commercial mag. . - MEN wanted to. teka elalma erotelng d.OOO.OnO ar better, o. o. Meyere, dim ortB sixth at. MUSICAL rVSTRTJMENTS. WB BOTTOHT tha plana atora, 860 Alder rt., Bear Park) It laclndea many at nneet magea; four choice, 60 eente an tha dollar I Inatall Benta like rest; la teat plano-playera tor $106; oar company la owned by aaatern piano (ae torlea; wa aave yoa the retaller'a profit. Beed-FreBea PUao Mfg. Co., SixtA aad Bum id Ma. VICTOR talking nacrilnea and record; Stetn- way (and ether) pianoa. nuerman. may at Co.. Sixth aad Morrlaea, oppoalte poatofflee. AN aprtght plaaoi a harraln: owner going away.- Stewart, VYOoaaioca, aouae aoatn oi white etore. FOB 8 ALBe L1TESTOC1C. F0T7B ' yeerltnf graded leraev hetfera, young Bcotch Collie dog, Ha ot SOO-pwand Poo lee; , bergalB. .Addreaa H. ta Davenport, Hllledaia, Oregon. FOB SALE A couple ef good cowa. Phone . ractrie, IBB. . u. r. avaaareon, aeitereon ai. eaayoD. ,.- ' COW tor aale or will trade for young chick- ana. Aoaraaa bob ioi, jenua aaa B000 WANT AOS :WH1 be published in The Journal tomorrow " y morning, and mighty interesting V reading , .'' they will be, too. J' 'j-'-;.":-v'Vy 1,000PEOPLE WILL TALK T0 -Y0U i THROUGH THE CLSSIFIED , , l ' J ; ' COLUMNS : : -' ' i ;'".';.;'.. ;':;.;. r-:;"Vv-1 r:y..-. -.- ; ' HOUSES. VEHICLES, IIARJiESS. nonsrn end bogglea for" rent "y day ."week end muotn; apwt-iai ratae ta beMoaoe-bt Hlith and Hawthorn. Boat TA BAY borea welgha about 1,100: enquire at Bed Ham tn back of atom Sunday aioruUig. at 11th and Dlvlaloa. v " , H0KHKS FOR SM.E 8 head. 1.100 ta l.ono pounda. Overton, between 18th and lata; take S car. Freed caa a Broa. . , . FOR SALF1 Delivery wagoa la goad condt tloo; will eell cheap. L, F. Clark. M leurtb. at. ' WR bnv. eelL rant, exchange . aeddlea. barneea. Hubert A Ball. FOR BALB Perch eroB coach atallloa, T ear old, dapple bey. Inquire 181 Srd, WB teka your eld berneea ta exchange (re new onee. . pallet lliraaa Co.. 48 North Sixth at. . , . FOB SALE 4 email bur aaa and eoe eovered do. livery wagoa with low bed.- i, OeJlonlBg, 8d and Pacific. FOB SALB OR TR ADR year-eld mar with foaL F. C. Cooler, 824 Stark at. FOB SALB CHEAP Paael-anp delivery wagoa, good aa aew, 420 Belmont. FOR SALB or exchange, tin Babcock (array. Addreee Q 188, JouroaL . BARTER ASH EXCHANGE. OKLAHOMA farm, 830 acraa; 40 aerea Wlecon elu, t mllea 'from towa: Gladetone, MtchW gen Iota, Bear depot; Mlnnaapnlla, Mlnne- , aixa. lota, choice reeldence; Kaneae City hualneaa property, choice; will exchange any ,- or all for Oregon or Waahlngtoa property. 82V Third at. Columbian Uealty Co. FOB SALB, or exchange, for cord wood, dry property, one or two good, cheap team, one 6-horae Bower etatlonary, on 16-horae power portable engine; aleo good, heavy epring wagon. Call 'phone Eaat 424, ar at 40 At btna ava. 49 ACRES In Sonoma eoanty, California, to exchange lor uregoa property. 874 Flrat at. FIB8T-OLAH8 - fnrnltnr ef T-room boaaa for aale or exchange for - real eeteta or enutva . lent to caah.. Eaat 4578. ' T73 Baat Tailor ' at., - aear 23d.-. - . A $126 payment oa a plan ae a payment ea team or other property. Large, fine gtoek to eelect fro by. What have eaT . B 166, , JoaraaL ..... WANTED To exchange, a heavy- anlld gold Howard watch for a horae. . Staiilea, the .Jeweler.-.-. :-. . - WANTED Small hoaaa built la exchange for clear lot and aoma caah. C. H. Turner, 8S3 Wllllama va. 820 ACRES of ftna, rich, level land. Bine mllea , north of Sacramento, California, for Portlaad property. 874 Flrat atreet. .. . 0NB brack, 120x880, Improved, at- Porte mouth. : will exchange for farm or landa. 62 ft Third at., Columbian Realty Co. TO EX0HANGB Good delivery wagoa for horae.. 420 Belmont at. ' $60 BLATB mantle fog phonogram.- Phone woooiawn weu. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. BETTER than Oopper Stock. A World' No. ceaelty. Small capitalisation; Immenee proflra. Only 20.000 aha ree allotted to th whole Pa cific coast. Write quickly. 'A," P. O. bog Sod, Boeebnrg, Or. . -- DEUTSCHB EEITDNG, tha big Gerraaa paper. - -romwcnption .price ft per yean aampia aopiea free. A. E. Kern A Co., publlahera, aoraer Second and Salmon ata. . i . ... W 'SLIGHTLY' damaged eewlag-machlnee et very low pricee; singer. Wheeler Wllaon. Domeetla Whltaw- Hoaaehold. Da via and other; ta make room for new eteck Wheeler A Wilaoa and Singer. S. S. SlgeL $88 Mar rlaoe at.. Marquam bldg. SCHOOL BOOKS bought. Bold aad exchanged. S28 Yamhill at. FOR SALB Chatham meubatorB and brooder. 84 daye free trial. Gear W. FootW S21 Beet HomeoB il, ron lane. -i - WB print yoor aame ea 60 calling card, proper alia aad style,. 88e; 160 baalneea earda, tL . A. w Bcnmale txn., ZZB mat. froraaaa. Or. SECOND-HAND bar frxrorea. nooltehlea. eafea. table. . chalra. Weetera Salvage - Caw. 837 rtaaniagtoa at. SHOWCASES and Siluiea, aew aad band.. .Carlaon A KalMtroa. 898 Coocb at, FOB 8ALB, CHEAP 4-tnrh Keyvtooe water meter, practically aew, Inqolra H. Metager, . Jtto rront st. IEWINO MACHINES .., cbaned.(8 and as. 627 Waahlngtoa at. bought. Bold aad as WealaraLjPalvage Co., SHOWCASES, eownfere. flxlnrea, baaeht, sold or exrhenged. Weetera Salvage Co, 82T Waahlngtoa et. Pacific T88. . FBEB FOR EVERYBODY Ring-no Mala 41M or sail xisft rront. ws nny sad eell rurnl .tars. clothing ar any old thing. BOLDEN'S RHEUM ATIO CURB Bar rnenmansB. bom by all eh-Bcghrt. BILLIARD AND POOL table for rent a tat eaie on eeay payments. TUB BBIINSWICK-BALKB COfMNDEE CO. - - 48 Third L. Portlaad. WANTED 100 men 4a amr oar eelehmted (20 made-to-nrder suit a. Unloo Tailoring Co, 8064 Stark at. Satlafactloa guaraataed FOR SALB Rarge tna la Whltee, Blngera, De vi a. Wheeler Wllaone, Hooaebolde and atber allghtly demaged machine. The White Sew ing Machine office, H. D. Joaee. 20 Xaahiri et, enraer roorth. - , WEBBER nprlght piano (166, Decker $50, organ azo; iceeona tree. lft rust at., eoraer Main, npatalra. 8. S. BAMBURG'S egrad for 18; per - 100: rockerela for sale. 871 Baat 13th at. atrth. - - - . $ TRIOS Black Minorca, fancy stock, pore Northup strain; take fetich mono ear. , 87 Clinton st, Portlaad. BHEETTBON ttnvea of all kinds st reaennabl pricee at 868 Flrat et. - Pboa Pacific 816. RAMBLER -sBtomoblts for sals st a bargain If taken at once; will eaat (oar people. Ad dreaa 207 Hall t, bet Front aad First TWO good boatbonaee. croe 6 rooma, ana t rooma; a bargain. Sea owner, J. H. Akrg. saner,- foot ox aaK minei ar, . . . . A SMALL snow ease and a 11-foot conn tat for sale, cheap, i first street. STEAM wood saw aad 1 haras snd set ef double Barneea ror saw. Inquire BBS Eaat Eighth at., ar telephone Baat 1586. OOOD, young cow; be fresh norm. Lady'e bt- cyci ib gooa coaaitioa. uau bob Mississippi are-, city. j. .- .. . . '. CHERRY TREES of tha only original parent tree, ins new cnerry, tna tiiant; rtrat-claaa treea. Jallua Kslltch, Weodlawa. Orrgoa. PERSONAL. NOTICB 0l REMOVAL. . A. Reiner, tha ' furrier, will move from tenia bldg. .March .1; looking for suitable location: for preeent nay be found at reel dence, 2.1S North 18th at. Phoaa Pacific 1407. Will call and give eatlmatea aa nasal. PERSONAL. MIDDLE axed gentleman; atranxer. will be In ally en Monday. 4tli, for 8 Any: Would like to meet lady of callable ae; object malrl mony. Stale place at weetlug. Addreaa F 140, care Journal. SUPPOSITORIES for married women; perfectly earrerecKorv. , a u or iin'rew wt -. v. Wilbur. 4el Third at.. Bear Harrleoa. Port laad. Oregon. - ir TOII are not feellne well, take a tub bath and alcohol rob. $1. Oxford hotel, comer . sixth and Oak eta., room if. rnone mam on. RUSSIA l BATH. rT Third at., herwea Tarlor and Salmon. Swimming pool, eteem aad bat air bath, - Hoora Ledlea, from a. aa. U ' 1 p, m. genu, from a. m. t 12 p. m. GERMAN hooka. magailBc. aovela. etc.i Oer. maa. Eogllah. Faejieh. Soaolak. Bwedhm aod J la Maa dtetlonarlee; roretirn nooaa e. an tlada. Scbmala Co, rirat at. MOLES, wrtiklee. enperfluoae hair removed. . No ebarge to talk It over, at, -a. M. D. Hill. Boom 840 Filed oer Bldg. Phoaa Pacific I3A DR. BIKO CHOONG,- la-portae tktweae ree eiedlctneet aelle Chinee tee. eertela cere for . all dieeaaea, ml 3d. bet, Yamhill end Talk. MANLY vigor rVetored by Dr. Roberta Nerve Globulee. Oca month'a treatment, . $3: 8 month. $5: aent aeenrely aea led by mall. Agenta. Woodard. Clarke A Co Portland. Or. DR. O. T. BRTCUUM eorea promptly private dleeeaee, kMney, eervooa, akla and eperlal female troablea. Call ar write. Office 70i Third at. cor. Tamhll. Phoaa Pacific 8220, SELECTIONS made. Introduction given: honor . able ladlea and gentlemen. Addreae. with eump, Mr a. H. 0, Wilbur. 400 Third ot.. ., scar Harrleoa. HOLD ON There te one thing that wilt rarb rbenmatlam. Aab yoor drogrlat foe berk .- toole or addraaa ar call J, O. Clemenaoa. ' drugglat. Portland. Or. . SBXINB PILLS mm a'l forme of wee tune or . moecrler weakaeaa. For men or women. Price $1 a box. 4 bote $6, with fall ghac . antee. Addreee or call . O. Cmmeneoa. drug glat. SecrAd aad Yamhill atav Portlaad. Qt. TURKISH BATHS, 800 Omtronlen bldg.; fatdlee daye. gentlemea algbti. Mala laOB. DISEASES OF WOMEN: unfortunate glrw and bablea eared for; private boa pi tat Tie. Atwood, room 8. (oOVk Mor. at Tel. Pacldc 1763. BBHT magaaln club ever offered: eead for ; pricee; areata wanted. Jnaea' Book . Stare, 8B Alder et.. Portlaad. Or. BALM OP PJGS for an female dieeaaea. . 828 Eaat Behneat. Pbeoa Eaat 4084. SCHOOL BOOKS bought, bald, exchanged. Jonee Booeatora, 391 AMet at. CENITO-URINARY and chaoalc dlaeaaee of men -quickly aad permaaeatly eared: electric treat ment fog dlaeaaee of the pmatata. Conaulta- . tlon free. Dr. W. L Howard, Commonwealth bid, Slxtk at. , OWI. BERTAUBANT. f Eaat Morrlaea at. Ileahj 15c and bp; abort erdera, (rear oyatera. 1. L. Tetalaff. praprletor, - , SUITS preeaed while yoa wait 60c Ladles' aklrta pre, ard. fiOr. Gilbert, lost, Sixth aU next te Quelle. Phooa Mala SO. . BADAM'S MICROBE KILLER, tha greateot germ deetroyer. for aale hi B. D. Winters. 04 flrand -aver,- north.- 1 IF TOO are not feeling well, take a tab beth and alcohol rub, (I. Oxford hotaL comer Sixth and Oak-ata.. room 17. Phone-Mala 88. SWEDISH trained aar. Hehdngfnra graduate, en ree rheamathna. atomech troablea, aervona dlaordere and apralna by haad-rubblng, eteem, sweet aad tab bathe., No, T Eaat lit at. Take Eaat Aakrny eer.t Phoaa Baat aOBw,.v. BOLDBN'S RHEUMATIC CURB Sara ' - rbeamerlara. Sold by all dragglatB. r DON'T get old; treat youreelf In your home; eomethlng new; call at 240ft th at., room 6. MAMKY FRANCES, tha wonderful healer, ta bere-e few dare onlyi enree rbeamatlenr-aejd-4' an nervona dlaaaaea. uxrora hotel, comer Sixth aad Oak ata, room 17. Phone MBIa 88. MANICURING, face aad ecalp treatmeaitibatb aad maaaaga.- 110ft Foorth et, cor. Waah. MISS OIBBBON give ecalp treatment. 63. 168ft MeerlaoB aU . - -. CANCER - AND OOITRR SPECIALIST Asth matic, nervooaneae. rhronle and private dla- - ease permanently need; conanltatton end correepondenea free. Dr. voeea, 181ft Frret RECENTLY opened meBlcnrtng parlor; ladlea aad gentlemen. , 851 ft Morrison at., room 12. MISS KNGL1SII. rradoate megnette heeler, a Itreely cures rheumatism; vibratory and oa . too pa thin treatmenta a paclalty. 14Bft Sixth j St., room 28. MM. VASH-TT dfaaaagea, , manicuring chiropody. 301ft Thh-d at. aad MRS. . POTTER Maaaenea, scalp, facial aag. chiropody. 24 ft Waahlngtoa at. MANICTJRINO parlors (or larrfca and gentlemea. 808ft Morrison at-, room 14. j LADIBSr -rje.- La - Eranco'e Ota new ad: aera, speedy regalstnr; tS cent a. druggleta ee mall; booklet free. Dr. JLm Fraaoa, Philadelphia, Pa. MANICURING, far and ecalp traatmentheth uoft roorth at, cor, wash. A FRIEND mateed Is a friend Indeed euppoet - tor lee for married Udlee. 200 ft 4 th it, room S MADAM ANNA- LUCK BY, magnetic mental and electric vibratory treatmeat, raeumettem and all aervoua dlaeeeea treated encceeafully. face aad ecalp treatment; French paate foe . re moving wrinkles, mealenrtng. 206)s Foorth at, aear Salmon, Main 3011. . - - - MARRIAGB PAPER Highest character,' In corporated, 11th year, 3,000 memhera: paper aeeled; eend .10c. L. L. Love, Bog 1600, Denver, " Colo, . . t-MILB HOUSE, Macadam road, furnished rooma and tunc oa abort order. - MM B. FISHER, wha baa fog tha laat S yeare had exclusive right at tha Oaks, will be at BH6H WaaMngtoa nnUl - March Z8enlrr -bring this ad aad get red need rates. BATH parlors In aew kanda; ladlea aad gea- . tiemen treated; room ic, apstairs; . 107ft Third at. MARRIAGB DIRECTORY (or lo cents; no I until married. B. Overdorf, Portland., Or. FACB snd scalp naeaag given at 848 ft More nana at., suits i-a. BUSINESS PERSONALS. INTENTIONS bought and aold. Covenant Oear traet Co, 427 BUadanr bldg. Mala 8881, MBS. t. R. HUGHES, 408 Morrteon st, haa a iulj una or Hexicaa arawn worn.' ATTORNEYS. C B. PtOGOTT AND J. A. FINCH Attomeye-et-Law, Practice Jb art d Melkey bldg. aaesna a aad Morrison. J. A. STROWBRIDOb, Attoroey-at-Law, SOT uommererai oiog.- ---- AUTOMOBILES.. "'frUTXIfArT AOTO CAR CTX, Balldere, deelgnera and re pel re ra af aB Bakaa af aatomobllea. Bodlee, tope, fenders, daefaea. lamp brackets, running hoards and glsse fronte. ' Gear and all parte af ansa. mnhllee made to order. ' . 6 70-73-74 North BlxU at. , H. L. KEATS AUTO CO.. . ' " AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. ' North we tern dlatrlbotora for Pope Bert, fnrde. Pope Trlbooea, Pen Waver! re, popa Toieooe, TBomaa. uiaaBonitee, rransiine. Baleke. 80-88 Seventh st, Portli ortiana, Oregon. ' ROW AND M. COTET. Agent Pierce Great Arrow. Income nee, Cad llfae and Koox. Trmpnrar location Club Garage, 18th and Alder ata. BATE TOO SEBN BAKER ELPlOTRICSf Capital sappiy Co.. ns Airier st, Phone Pa cific 871. Demonetratloa by appotntment ASSATETtS. flABFIN CTANIP" BTTBACTION CO., aod Montana Assay vrne. N Morrlaea wt. . ART. Jie - rwrai ipvovq rn tmhr.1-, , ,.rf Xmv. THB Mi ! 1 ' H4itr biiOF, J HMiiiuii.a at. B. H. MOOI f "OI SB A CO.-.rt.ta ini.trt, j ril.tute nwiuli"-, plcfr. fr.n.h-ff, (..,., pi;.H-' m,ih n. Mlt irv ', luctm.t and Un ii! ar; l BUTCiirr..y crrru: i. BtrrCHRR BUPPLIfS 8. Blrkenw.M C . - ...-. m v r r r pnonwi'i . 80 Ererett et-l larweat but. tier r k ataj r.verett ( oa the cvaeL Write tor aateiwio. BimTISRir 8UPPI.IK-Adoloh A. I - Ul-l.ta rirat at., eerrlea a full Ho a I - . iinTiii'ii"Trt",,, ,., iTli i'i'ifieir'T', BLANK-BOOIC BL1KERS. HOWS, DATIS A KILHAM, 10AIH Seeon4 et. Bleak books msssfaetaretts agente P Jie : linprevad loae-Ltaf ktuaera; eee tie Beat "-- in eeei ea uie eaeraea. BATHS MASSAGE. BI'SSIAJf bathe, swimming pool, eteam and . hot air. Hooea; Ladlea. 8 a. m. to 1 p. m.; grata. 8 a. m. te 18 p. m. Pvtca 86c. - SU7 Tlilr st, bet, Tailor aad Sola Mil. OB HOCK, graduate,, maaaiiiee; eebieet bath, aalt glow, alcohol rnb, cream masaage; veferencee. la Seventh at. Mala 4oH. CARPET CLEANTNa STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO .Largest plant eo tb euaat. Lorlag and Hardlor ata., telephone East 8t0 Cerpete aleeaed. refitted. eewed end laid: both eteem as latest eoet w preasad air praeves; renovating mattreeeaa aad feathera a epeclalty. JOYCE BROS., prnrrrletore of the Electric Cleen. ing worxe; - carpet gieane ea laid, both dry and compressed air cleaning; carpet refitting our epeclalty: work guaranteedv Phoaa Mala 2071 and A 1672. 370 Grant at SANITARY carpet cleaning, eoctlon sad enov presaed elr romblaed; cerneta cleaned ea float without removal. Mala 6.184. Mate 8304. CTimOFRACTKV ELMER S, COX Chlropmctle axpertt free tree tmente every Wedoredayr will call et homes aad glrw (re treatment. Office hoar. a. m. to 6 a. m. I -hone Mala 860. Lahba bldg., 227ft Waahlngtoa at. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, the mrpenter, ir4 earth sc. : Stars and office woe. Mala 177. E. M ELTON Office, atom fixture; general n Jobbing. 8T First et. Phone Main UW. COAL AND WOOD. ' PORTLAND SAWDUST SXABWOOD CO, (.13 Front eneeeeeom te Fulton Wood Ce. 1 fir. oak. eUbwood. coaL TeL Mala 138. FOR prompt delivery ot eta owned carl Main . 4X7.1 Oak. ash, fir aad coal. Portlaad - Wood- A Coal Cov, 16th aad Savler ata. ORROON FT OIL Cf. , bow nefttag Welah so. , tbraclte. beet coal aa tha Barket, 84 AM St. Mala 86. v ALBINA FUEL CO. -Dearer In cord wood, ceef and graea and dry elehwood. B. B. and Alblna av., S blocks seat of ferry. Eaat 674. STEEL BBIDGB FCEI CO. Dealers ts eoal. cord wood and dry alabwood. . rbaaa Baat 4t4. TESTBRPJ -FBBD-- FTJEL "CO. Hot bleeksmttb coals. Phone Mam lots. CLEANING. AND DTETNO. CLOTHES cleaned and preset d 61 pet ata. unique xaiiwriBg l, sub Btara at. H. W, TTBNEB. profeealoaal dyer and risen sr. 606 Jefferson at Phuua Mala 1818. PORTLAND Steam Cleaning and Drlng Worse. atii a norm ex. rooo t aciiia mil. CLOTHES cleaned and preeaed; prices reason able. Portland Tailoring Co.. S2B- Madleee, 'CAFES."" '- THB 0FF1CR 1S6 Waahlngtoa et. rii, hbm v iguana. CLAIRVOYANTS AND .. PALMISTS. Always Cananlt the Beat, ; PROF. B. KHIMO, ' Oreateet Bvlng aatral dead-trance elatr. voyent -et the agat edvlsee on butlaeee and "all affaire af lite: telle yoor full same and what yoa railed for, whom yoa will marry, . bow ts control the on yoa love, even though mllee awey; reualtes the separated: gives secret powers to cestrolt Do long delays In waiting. Hoars 10 I 8, dally, and Sundays Office No. S snd 4, Grand Theatre Bldg. :. Waahlngtoa. near Park at. Phone Mala SOTS. MRS. i SOPHIA B. SEIP iBtareeting circle Thursday, Friday, 'at 8; 16 eente; 603 Alleky bldg.; Sunday, spiritual service, T:46, la Alts ky hall 800. Headings dally. CHIROPODISTS. WM. DBVENT -A-B8TEI.LB PEVBNT. ' THB . . only scientific cbjropodlata. parlor 208 Drew bldg, 163 2d t Phone Mala 1301. CHIROPOnY and Pedleartng. Mr. M. D. Bill. Heeea iso rieidne Blag. Pselfte 18a. DANCING. DANCING leeeea. 25ct clseeee ar private i walta- . Ing. two-etep, three-etep, etc.; stag dancing, . buck end wing, clog, reel, eklrt, Spanleh, Highland fling, ate Prof. Wal Wllaon, eld- net recognised' teacher. Allsky kldg Third - aad Morrlesa ara. WOODWABD DANCINO SCHOOL Class Moo.. " Thar, and Pat eve.: eoeial. fancy and etep aanring tangat; 8 aear. tea roar: eiasa ami private laeanne dally. Western Aeadeniy ball, Second and Morrlaea Sta. Paelfla 1630. PROP. BINOLEB. Mies Bnckenmever, leading acneot, oaiiy. ons Alder et. usin laoi. DRESSMAKING. TBY Aagelsa Dreaomsklng Parlora, 143 Ftft aaa Mais- - raeiri box .... MRS. FAUOHAN. experienced dressmaker. 8ft8ft Bast Buraside at. Phone Eaat 4.vz. v- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. 1. WALSH CO, 811 Stark at (Isctiie and Gaa Ftgtaree end Supplle. Maatela. Tiling, Orates aad Doglreaa. PACIFIC ELECTRIC CO. Bngtaaera, eontrae- tore, repairers, electric wiring, aanpilea. S4 Flrat. cor. Stark. Mala 668. B. B. Tata. Bfr. WESTERN ELECTRtC WORKS, 8V Sixth St. - CDntracten", electric airppnes, xeetors en ay Bamoe; we taatall light and peasr plant. - MORRISON ELECTRIC CO.. en Baet Mm ri"B rt rixteree. wiring, repalrtag. Bast 8138, BARRETT'S. 408 Morrison at Phone Mala lit. Everything la electrte wiring an ugntlag. m - i i a waaaeaaaaa ease a EDUCATIONAL. I4 HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE, - -, - Waalilngtoo and 10th sts., filed nar bldg. Bookkeeping. Snorthend. Typewriting ssd all x English branches taught, both day and algal. BEHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE. - DAT AND NIGHT SESSIONS, pedal Clseaea tn German, French, Spanish, Elka bldg. Seventh sad Stark ata. - BOSS CITT BUSINESS COLLEGE. Pitman Shorthand hv Coor Renorter, Boat- f aeea Con ree. Special Scholarahlnai Poalttane earea. commonwealth Sing, eta asa anxeny. WB ARB forming a club of erode ta hi French. oer man ann Hpenien. Home a truly, xvoquue T. R. Phillips. 614 McKay bldg. FENCE AND WIRE WORKS. P0RTI AND WIHB IRON woss and Everett sta. rnone aura a-.-,. GASOIJNB ENGINES. OASDMNB eegasee, aB ewe er.d wyle. .1 leweax prieee.- www. " , - - Morrlaoa at. SHrrriEI.D mertoe eegtnea. Any f'"'" fair bank a, thru at lo, I irav .tin e.-a noTEia. :s y.ia trl Ka.-i od l"- .-Dun; norr.L Portland, A- PCI.t f