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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1907)
THE - OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. r.IARCII 2, KM. NEW. TOD AT. , U -B.OOK m with lttoot - lot. In the center 01 "' ' : distrtct. Now vacsnt and wadyfor '.occupancy at any tiros. EMI Antony mi Hotter look bla Jip. Prtc . - Th house Itself eould not be buiU for the non.y Sow. - ' B : 1 oee about thla moo f 2,500. Kasy j ; term.": ' L ' ' VMOOK MOTsWorn Vancouver ave, ' near Beern at, convenient to IT cars; vacant lota In this neighborhood ara w 't aelilnc for half title amount; . half :; aan. Frio f l,40O. " V -: ly.,, .. 1 -r-. ' i ; ','. .' Irvindton District ft A choice building- at at.... ...S1.400 A quarter block, lUh-8chuyler-$3,00 A quarter block, lfth nna Weld- lev ............. i....f2,500 "A corner lot'. 17th and Weidler. jl.,250 A corner lot, lth and Weldler.$l,400 Aa inside lot. Weldier. nr ISth.f 1,200 Aa inside lot. 14th. near Tilla- ,!. osook . ., x 'ey l.aOO ; Building sites v ; XAKOa ,LOT In South Sunnyslde, Haw. thorne ave- facing east. Price 0725. 48x100 in South Stinnyelde, facing the north. " Price s5T5. ''' ' , LOT In Bunnyslde, close to food school . ' and between two car lines, facea eaat; fine neighborhood. . Prlca SSOO. -1 QOOO X.OTB in Arbor Lodge, on block from Feninsulsr Station. Beat ;; Investment to toe found on tha whole ! peninsula. Price 1,650. ; s ' . ' BOzlOO tOT near Baat i8th at.- near Eaat Ankeny oar Una. Price 0675. 40x100 XcOT near Eaat Clinton at., H blo.'k from. the car line;, lot face eaat. - Prlca S500. ' lOOxlOO, eaat of tha Union ave. ctr line, northeaatarn part of city, each f 500. HARTMAH & THOMPSON oiiirm or oo MOM. SUNNYSIDE HOMES j 1,750 6-roont cottage,' lot 89x100, on fully "Improved Street. I - block . from car line;, splendid location. fl.SOO-Oood 5-room cottage, bath, . hot and cold water: street fully irn- . proved; cement ddewalks; good loca tion. ; .,..'...,';;,. .;":;'. . f.2.200 Nee? S-r6om cottage." bath. .... aa. full basement; concrete founda tion; one .blocs, from car line. , ;; 92,600 Oood S-room . house, bath, . gas, full cement basement;' nice fruit; - lot iOxlO.OL.flns location; one block J from ear. - T--r $ 2.800 New" 7-room , cottage, bath, gas, ruil OMOTWni, , roncirw louniM' lotion; one block from-oar-linaisplett' - did locatlon, ; :, "" f :- S3.060 Splendid new e-room house, large reception hall.' bath, gas, full basement; Al location; on-ear line. 4.600 Good brick store building in good condition and paying splendid rate of Interest on Investment. .. This Is a bargain. , -; J; j'j j-;yyi-. Sunnyside is unquestionably ens ot the finest suburbs In tha city. Splendid .' school'; rood csr service; nice homes. CT.SAL.IINa . Co. M. Wttk sad Balxaoat. ,v . 1VANII0E HEIGHTS This beaotlful tract comprises choice lots COxlOS feet, located on the Waverly-Woodstock car line, adjoining Ivanhoe. Lots will be offered for SO -days at bargain prices and on the moat favorable term a Kvery lot lies High and Very Sightly Overlooking the entire city, also afford ing a magnificent view of the moun tains; ground all cleared, finest Of gar- den soil; ; . ... '-.. -4 - Water Piped to Each Lot Streets -opened up; building, restrictions of S1.000. Only i block from one and. 4 blocks from the second car line mak ing it simply an IDEAL. HOME SPOT; I will give special ' inducements to . HOMKB11LDERB. ' Prices will be ad ADrU-i jranced-SfiO- aa- all -unsold- lota Call and owe owner, OEOROK TX . BARTON. AT ROOM T, UJi WABU INQTON BT. , Two bij; bargains in businesa . property. ; Look this up. i L, 2- Richard Shepard 7,7?' STVJQHNS, OR-TJ FOR SALE BY OWNER NEVC T-ROOM HOC8B WITH 81W rOOT LOT, COR. BORTHWIQJCANW JESSl'P 1 8T8. ' JJ WEST PIEDMONT. TAKE l OR ST. JOHNS CAR. tt.f Will Sell 750 Acre Tract of Land Th Twla Fve and Nancy It. Love Iiohntiou lni Claims Bids - will be . , i , K Ih. tnr aaM land to March fO 1K07. The right to nlrcl tnv Dnil all win reeerveo. Tne HfMlT art of this land la within the iimiia r Portland and la esnerl- allv valiixi.le (" llattlng purpoaea. Call o rr eH.lrese " wnT 'Ktied, 2t0 Main rt't T T. hi H(JlLKin4 PIIILO ; i , t i ft. Triite of the JbStato of i"Jlil i.a, flateaaeaL . i . - NEW TODAY. . s- , Established April 18, 188?. THE TITLE GUARANTEE - ; , 4 TRUST CO.-- y'.tl RESOURCES. $i300,00a t V ' SAVINGS BAfK First Opened for Business ',' y..t:'-. July 1, W4. : . deposits. vi.Wooa "i? 4. i WE PAY yj i'K : :-;:: Per Cent ;a:'VV-.'interest :y ' ' on savings accounts: ? - We pay 3'Pef Cent on Daily Balances k V'.-v - v',' Check Accounts, .",.,' '! OFFICERS: i . V ' J. THORBURN ROSS.. ..President GEORGE H. HILL.. Vice-President T. T. BURKHART.. .. ...Treasurer JNO. E AITCHISON.. .Secretary Banking Hours 9 .:m. to 4 p. m. Saturdays 9 a, m. Ao I p. m. Satur day evening!, $ -to 8 o'clock, .. v,:,;.'.:, '.- 240-244 WASHINGTON STREET. , (Corner Second Street.) -..- , PORTLAND, OREGON. " 6i Acres for Only $832 STVoe level rloh laad on county road, h.alf enltivaSad, balance easily cultl vated. . TrxmX think of tt, a ados. VMM tarn alaaos a sabarb sf rortlaaa for hardly the pries of a vabaibaai lot. Easy terms, near P. ' 8. slectrie oarllna, ' - nmsnaiT oos sm snare . ' ''.'';'.. E. QUACKENBU8H. Prss. , . ; WHEN AW AT FROM BOMB. CapVa of The Journal eaa Se.eMalnad la tha fnlloarltiv citlca and tana astalaa ml Oram. Tba JoarnaT arsald aprnvcUte the receipt ef raparta et fillnra obtala eoptea ef tha saper at anr or irme piacra: . . . COLr'AX. WASHINGTON A. B. lng. . WALLA WALLA, WASHINGTON Walli Well Stationery Coeipa ay: Racers-Boawell Compear) , Botal Darrea Kewa Staadi L'oloa Cigar gtaad, 1IH South rnertb atrrat. TACOJfA. WASHINGTON Hotel Taeesis Mews -Stand: Ceatral Nrwa Ompaar. i-..--t .j EATTLS. WASHINGTON Rainier Grand Newa Stand: Intrraatlonal Sirn Jrnff Nrwanarwr Walton; Hot.) Saartle New Stand. SOLDrlELO, NKVAOA LoaM Pohs, Mewapapar Waaon. SAN DIEOOrXAUFOBNTaiSMS Nairn Coa por, Newapaprr Wairon. SPOKANI., WA8HINUT0N Xoba W. -Oraaaaj Co. I - ' " .v ' -' BOIPE. IDAHO Joarpb CoinBS. : : -- :, MINNEAPOLIS. - MINNKSOTA K. . OtTa- aarnb, SO ThrrS atraet. aoatb. ST. LOUIS. I.I8MOLRI . T. Jett. SOS OUve atroat: Oeoraa L. Akermaa.-' KANSAS CITY. lilSSOURI-Xotna lews Oeav pair, Nevapaper waaea. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS P. I IT. flMrfuira ,tnwt O. Mews OMapaay, DENVER, COLORADO tJsies , beset Nawa Stand. . J' LOS ANOELRS. CAl.irOSNIA Aaaoa Haws . Company. Nawanaper Wasoa. OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA Asms Raws Cam- Paay. Nawapaprr Wagon; N. Vhaatlay Nawa IAN rRANCIS(X. CALIFORNIA K. Wnaattay Newa Companr. Nowepapar Wasoa; JFoatee 4 Orear, Ferry baiMina; nsuaoa newi iwaipaBy, 14RI rillmor atroat. ALT LAKE CITT. CTAH hfra. Lartna, Nrwa- paper Wa(na; o. L. varm, bmi aeayoni Barrow Broa.. K Want Srcoad straet. aoatb. OODSN, UTAH hy Nawa Coapaay, Depot Newa Stand. OMAHA. - NEB BASK A Millard Hotel News MKW YORK CTTT Irtbnr HoUIIng. Bawa. papar wagoaa. WEATHER REPORT. Tbe blah area noted ever tbe northern Cali fornia coaat but evening baa drifted north, eaetward and now orerllea central Oregon. It liaa eaneed eomewbat lower iemperaturea. and light te beery - fronts -ware generally re ported (rem all portlone ef the atate this morning. Light nine hare fallen during the Bight weat of tbe Caacadee, but eaat of that range tbe weather waa generally fair. The low area aver tha middle Mlaalaalppl valley baa snored rantdly- northeastward alnce yeeter. day aaoralag and m sow central erar rna lower lake. It kaa sndersone a decided develop ment d.irlng tbe lent 84 boura, caualng general rains ever the entire country eaat of the Mia. alaatppl rtrer. Herb wlnda elao . marked Its eastward eonree; a velocity of 00 mlleo per bow being reported at Buffalo at time of re port, ene mora naooeraie eroniia iron ' ronndlng autlona. . Temptrnturee bare . rtaea deddrdlr. In adeanee ef Ula atorm area, and jiarr (ajlea rerreapoadlnglr to. the! rear . I L-.t- lnllrled oeer thla entire foreraat dlatrlc taalgbt and Sunday. It will he roMer In weatern Waehlngtoa. and benvy rraot will erohahlr form ever weatern Oresoa sad w re tern Waehlngtoa teelgbt.- Max. Mln. Prerlp. Baker City.' Oregon.. ....... 40 " 23 .03 Bolaa, Idaae jp . - .' Penree, t'olorado. .84 . 43 .00 Kanaae City. Mamuuil .'." "i Iewlaton. Idaho.. . ..........84 84 -r- .ot) North Head. Waehlngtoa ..4S I i .IS Part la ad. Oregon 4T : 87 , -..00 Roaeburg. Oregoa . . . ..80 . 84 , San Franclece. Caltfernls...M '.,, , T. kane, Waihlntoo....., . su .1 nma. Waabrlnrton. 48 . 40 - .U WaUa Walla, Waahtngtaa. .80 88 j0 ' t MARRIAGE UCEX8ES. Alexander MeCnlla. 83 North Twenty-third street. s raney Kelly. 21 . Onat Harluad. SAS Front street,- 88: Abas Carleen, 18. - - Barry umauaa. ss jeaavp luwt, aoj mary M. Cooper. 40. ' Pred ! Brans, Seattle, Waehlngtoa, 88; Ban ale B. Mebba, 83. Marl la P. Obrrg, SI: Carrie A. frrneft, 38. lymla L. Aablork. 804 Sacramento street, IS) Ulllaa L. Albert, 18. ... k .. , -s, Wadding Cards. W. O. Swtth Co., Wasb Isgtoa bldg ear Feorth ssd Washington eta. Wedding ssd calling cards esgraved prtnlea. a. T. Banaioa. eon aianrnn wo. TONSETH CO., rLOBINTS. rOB FLOWgRg OP iLL KINDS. 128 SIXTH ST. , Clarke Brm floral SaalgM. FWtata Ftna ISO Morrlaoa St. Full draea anita for rest, sll alaaa. Vakrse Tailoring Co.. 800 Start St. ' '.J'Z - :tlt FUKERAL KOT1CE8. i'jy. tlOONKY la thw Htr, March 1. JSOT. at the family reatdenee, NSI' Frant atreet. Hamnel J. Mooner aged 87 yearn, ' Prtamde and ncquala- ; tanrea sra reaped fully ifrrtted to attend the fnneral aerrkea, which will be held at the -Cathedral, loth ssd Baele streets, at S P ea. Sunday. Marrli 8. Interment Mt. Calvary "'cemetery. Tbe funeral will leave the resi dence for tbe cathedral st 1:80 p. m. UNDERTAKERS. ' , V is. MeBstee M end embauoera; modem Is erary deta!k Sevesth asd Pise. Mala 480. Lady aaehrtaat. A. B. Heniataek, endartaker and embalmer. Beat Thlrteeatb aad Umatilla eve. . Pboae SoU- Rrtrkase tlsdertaktng On. aad embalm Inc. 400 Alder at. phaee Mala 8188. Lady aaalauat, ' J. r. Flo ey Sena, Third aad Medians eta. Office af eoaaty aaranar. Pbeas Mara 0.. - . Sds-srd Maws, sawarukar. 830 Third st, CEMETERIES. KIVF& VIEW lG(la graraa, 10; taailly lots, . 10 to SI.00U; tbe oaly eemrtary la Part. land whit parnatually BialnUlM end earaa foe Vita. Fo full InforaiatluB. apply te W. R. Mackanala, Worcester block, elqr. w. M. I-adil, proalurnt. ' BOBB CITT Slnrle erarre, $10) faaitly k. - i to SupariDtonent e ejeaatory. rorncr of Fremont at. and Colly road. Pnoaa Tatmr ., Kor fall InforstatloB a PC If e Frnok R.-hifgal. Sua CeaaerUl blk, .fbeae Mala U1 ' ; REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. F. Q. and Emma O. Frerbunrer to Carle Aarna it., lota 8, T. I. Mid war,. I SOP Flora A. Uoaa to Walter A. Oone. kt S t .. , . - ae aaat balf of lot T, blori Mi, no.- laday Irk adjltkm, and other srvp- erty , I. R. roaaoa, admlnbitrator to Oearse Huyrr. eaat bait ef .t S. 10, block 1. I'lr...nt Hnana aiWIItloa. 1300 S W, H. and Bertha B. Boot to Caaper Both; lo X, a. btoca, , Kllaaheth Ir- li.a addltlna M-000 BoWrt -T. aod -Masta-B'boip to Joka aV.lhir, 141 aerra la ancttoa 18. towa- ship 1 north, raiifa 1 eaat. . is,e I. U and Anna Mli.brll te Peter Moor, . bit hut fort, commencing et point In ; , , ' t line of Ella atreet, 180 feet north ' from eaat Una ef Waihlnstoa street.. 10.SOO Title Gaaraatre A Truat company to Joha , - T. Drake, lot T, block 4, Hoaewood. . . j.; John II. and Hannah K. Wrlabt to Hvy . . W. Blttua, lot S. block a, Lluooln Park , Benjamin I. and Kiln Harper Coben to v - . - Portland Trnat eoeipanr. lot 11, blocs , . . It Uoldamltb'e addliloa- w,"' Tbe Land Company of Oregon to w. W. Hall, V a, btoek 4, Vitr View Pnrk.. -., Jamra K. and Mary A. Tata to Karl Khl- ; enbarcer. lot II. block S. Alblna . . . t.ooq Nl and Anna Amanda te G. A. Cable, - arrra of let 37. Lamarsrat Park No. t. ;j TOO Orvrgm Er, and Bernlce Howell te C. P, - - Jordan and T. P. Garbade, 4-t of as'. ' acre, rommenclna at point In eontb v, -: Una of section T. townahlp 1, south. . rauae S eaat.-48.S faet went from anutbraat corner thereof iv'V r. C. Hoeriker to Benjamin S. 8. Wood ward and H. U. Holmes,. M S, block HX, Eaat Portland & t. and Bertha Giifferd te Oresoa El.. tHe Hallway company, land hesinnlns ' at solnl ail feet eaat ef eoetbweat cor . ner of nubdlTlahn 1 ef lot 4, block ' 2M. 8tbern Portland 1.S00 J.8O0 .l.tM W. H. and Allca B. Nnan te Knnkel la- , : . veatment nnipan, lota 8. block lal t Oonrb . artdli ka JS.SOS B. M, and ilattle C. McManlyal ta H. C.; v ; Hi.rrman, weat salt el aa i. block en, Hellweod Nale and Anna Anmndn t U P. Knight, part of 1st 27. Lamarcent Park No. t-. ' Berarttr HaTtnsn Troat eomnaay te Mercantile Truat and lareetntent rem. . pany, part ef fractional block ST. elty ' a B. rod Anna M. Btaueberry to Caleb A.lamt. -tarth 100 feet of lot a. block . X. Woodlawa William and Kate TtaTta Jonee te Cbarlaa i. and Anna ttraaatoa, lot 1, block 1. Keen wort a ...... 0. U. and Laura M. Gramaaane te Ver . ner and Malwl L. Bersairaaa. lota 5, 9. block 1. II f ford aditltloa ta Alblna. . . . .. MetroooUUa Land compaar ta Henry A. . Ruble, lots Jl. 12. .hleck a, But tiroce .... : rf-I'":" ......... . Mettta L. Palmer to Andrew Jackeoa, 1st . 15. block TB, Sell wood Security Barings A Truat company to Kmanaer Mar. let , block a, Cltf.... William G. Uoalln et at, to Oeoraw J. Bludgett, let , block SO. Irving Harbor ' View Hrnrr .and Paulina S. Inard to W. L. ' Redding, 'lot Hi, block IX Barrafe tract .... , Arleta Land eomiMiny te ' Joha T. BOO ' n . ;it i ITS ,:..T5s LOSS US 10 Vio i 838 .and Maggie C. Baker, lots XI,- Its, block a Arleta Park No. 4 1 1.400 Portland Bealtjr A Trbat company te Jamas H. Worrell, lot 4, blocs p.'-, Laurel wood . . -. 180 8. f). end Ella A. Monia to 8. ST Stana bery, lota 4. S, 0, block 28. Woodlawa. lobn and Knte Rometaclr to Cbrlatlane Haiti, eaat balf at let 1. In Bometacb'a aobdlrlataa nl weat kalf of eaat half r 800 e( biort !,' Pattoo tract. Nlcklana and BUsabetb Dirk to Martin ' Albert Wldrick. lot , block i, Irrlnf- too Hrlghta - A Lillian Edmonda te Jnmea 0. McCal- lam, lota S .4, block t, Davla Highland Tbomaa Burden to Margaret B. R-erea, wta 82. 83. M. block IS. Sunnralda.... SOS 400 4,000 John and Kate Rometeeh to Uana S. Hold, weat U of lot I In Bometacb'a . .' . eubdlrlalon ef weat H ef eaat st block 'N," Pattoa tract. .4 400 I. B. aad Alma B. Holmes to Donald S. ama kta It. 14 kLnek Ur.l ' Place ' ... .. ... . . , 818 B. B. asd Alms m. Helmee to Donald a. Amea. lota IS, 14. block 4. Bceale Place ........... i ...... S2S Hardin Wand Delete M. - Graham te -Ctara-A. Trenwm. tot 8. block 8. Baat Portland Heights , 408 A. H. and Sarah B. Bell te J. B. Kat - taring, land beginning at southwest cor ner ef Kr. IJ artier a . doaatlea land elalm .. 1.000 Char lee and Bertha Bebeterk to H. O. Heodemoa. andlVlded M of lota la la. - block 18, ArleU Park, No. 8 lZt H. O. and OUra Hendaraoa ta Cbarlae Rebetock. lot 11. block 13. Arleta Park Na. S -i t i i t rra t I . T8 Lone Fir Cemetery compear to W. H. H. DtiCKlee and wife, lot SI, block' J8. Lone Plr cenaetery -. Robert Shaw to AoguaU A. Marshall, eaat 88 feet of tot 18. block IS. Gold smith's addition .................... 4,000 Donald S. sad Cecile M. Amee to Hermes " A. and Bennetb E, Ftedrlch, tot 8 and areet U of bit 4. block lit Joha Ir- " ring's Flrat addition S.100 uaniei ana iraireoa a. uany to- F. H. - Lathreo. eaat 78 feet. SV Inchaa ef lot 1 Is south tt of Don hie B "C" city ... 8,400 William ana Marrna went to w. J. Fea , dloord et al. 842xM7 feet eammenclng .. 418 feet north of ene til wort corner of . Jobs Foater's donatma land claim In - sectloa a. townabls 1 north. - rsnaa 1 eaat ..... 8,000 rortiaaa neeiry ana inn eonipaay te WaMo S. MUler, lots XI. 22. block S. Woodmere 408 Cbarlae W. Tbompaoa ta Emma Lsrson, ;. 80x124 feet, beginning al point 103 ree eaat or aouinweaa corner Of jot a -- - ' block 8, flleneae Park N. and Etna rore ta Lewis Mont- . gflmery. aouthweot ot lot 1, tract T'B.'l Orarton rark a T i - Elisabeth ssd Jsmee Duff to Howard Bleknell. weet M ef lot 1 sad aoula 10 feat ot weet H of tot S. block 42. 4lg00 - Sunornlds 1.800 Chriet and Marie Jropa to Ladwlg Staage I land, lot 11. block 8, NorU Irrlngtoa. - 1.000 Joeepb H. asd Alice J. Naah to W". A, I kTlllotaoa: tot Id. block 8, Nash's Flrat addltlna 1,900 0. W. asd Nellie Taylor tn J. O. Loos. ' . ard, lota 27. 28,. block 18. Hawthorns.. Areoue addition ,. 100 H. O. and Leila M. Cnmpbell to BanlU- ' - rhim company, let 3 nnd part sf tot 8, ' block "H. Tabor Heights 1,800 A. M. ssd Catherine Dewar to Derk L- aen. north 40 feat of k 84. block 33, original townalta ef Alblna., ....... . t,800 W. G. snd Rmms A. . Damm to J. W. Coombee. tots 13, 14, 84. 23, block 8, Germanla .- 80 Anna Brows Home for the Aged to H. ' ' N. Scott, lot 4, block 14, Mt. Tabor Villa ssner r. ; '.-rr.r wt-rvrr:i rr . t . 88 J, P. snd Anns M. "hen to W. H. Hell- -' mas. tots 8, 8. block 8, Railroad Bbops . addition ...... .1808 Joaeph sad Mary Setffert to Loale O. . Peterson, lots 8. snd sooth 18 1-8 feet ef tot 3, block 3, Ethel Lynn - -addltlea , TOO lloors Isrestment company , ts Jennie ' - Monsea, tot 18, block 28. Vemoa....rr 880 A. K. and Mary E. CT Rlchardaoa ta , "- Sandy Rlcbardaon. lots 8. 8. block 88. ' A. U Miner's edditlos to SL Johns.. 800 Psr sieilrsets. tttls tiissianes - er men gaga toaos, call as Pad rte Tttls Treat compear, 8O4-8-0-T railing building. . , ...... . v Ost year estate from itate from tbe Title Guarantee Treat cam paay. 840 Washington atreet, eorses Sacaas. TfOTICES. IN ,THB DISTRICT COURT ef the Cnlted Statue, for the Dlatrlct- ef Oregon tin - tbe matter of P. B. Brydle. bankrupt. Notice la hereby glrea that ea tha 27th day of Feb roary. A. D, 1007, F. B. Btydle of Portland, Oregon, waa duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of bis creditors will . be held at rooms SM-g. Fentoa building, . Portland, Oregon, ea tbe 11 th day .of March, ' IstrTr at 11:80 S. Bi., st which time the aald creditors may attend, prore their claims, 4 appoint a tniatee, examine the bankrupt ssd transect such other bualneaa aa may prop erly corns before aocb meeting, :' . ' Dated. March 1, 1"7. , ' ' J t . , ; i i. ... CHKSTER 0. MURPBT, ' ' ' , "' Beferee Is Bankruptcy. MOTICB of ipptttntmeat ef sdmhttotrstor st tbs eatats ef Margaret A. Wllaoa. deeeaaed. Notice Is hereby glrea that tha tmderalgned baa that day been appointed admin la frelor of the aetata of Margaret A. Wllaoa, deeeaaed, - by the -county court of tbe state of Oregon, ' for Moltnomah county. All persons baring '' elalme agalnat tha said satate are beret . notified te present- eame with tbe proper , eonrbers within ill montlie from tbe dale of thla notice rn the saderrlgned st a-MI Wor cester bldg.. Port land, Mnltnomab evunly. Or. Dated Fehroary Id. fwvf. ' . JAMES tf. WILSON. Admin latre tor. JOHN CRAW kaa mooed aa wstlssd bldg., - .JTUtt snd Waabtnglaa. , . - . vt' - - -v . ' ' . ' .. . KOTICXS. UNITED STATBS 0 AM ERICA, dlatrlct ef . Oregon as.. Tbe prnaloent ef the United States to tha I'nlted Statea marabal foe tbe ; dlatrlct of Orecoa Uraetlngt - Wheraaa, A libel and petition waa Hied at the dlatrlct court of Ike United Htatra for tbe dlairlct af Orearo on tha Btu day of Feb ruary, 1M7, by the Oreaxm Bound Lamhef ' eomnaay. aa the owner of the barge Monarch, praying for a II mint Ion of the liability of 'i said company eoncernlug tbe loae. deetructloa, . damage and Injury ot-c. toned by the dlaaatar to the said berpe Monarch on tbs SMth day of TJerwmher, lt4. for tha reaaona and eenaee Is aald llhal and petition mentioned, and praying a ntoaltloa ef the said court Is that i behalf to be laaued, nnd that all Demons claiming damages f any such loae, deatruc Hon, damage or Injury may be cited te appear : before aatd court and make due proof of their i. reepertlre elalme. and. all procaadlnae being . bad. that If it ahall appear that tbe aald petl . ttoner la not liable for any each loaa, de atrartlon. damage or Injury. It may be as finally decreed by thai coartt and i Whereaa, Tbe value ef the iptereet of the eald petitioner Is tbe eald barge Monarch has been duty apprslard at the no of twe bnu ' dred nnd fifty dollars g2.V, Including the -freight pending ea tbs voyage -of the said - barge Monarch on tbe aatd 2Nth day of De cember, IS. end s etlpulatloe for tbs pay Vaunt Into court of tbe ralue of tbe Interest , ot the aald petition Is the aald barge baa been gtrea to tbe eald court as ordered, that ; a monition leaue- agalnat all persona claiming damagee for aucb toaa, destruction, damage or Injury, citing tbeia to apiieer and make due vtoat of tbelr reapacttra claims: yoa are .therefore so commanded te cite sll pernoas claiming damages for any loan, dee t ruction, damage or Injury eccaatoned by eald dlaaatar ' to tha (aid barge Monarch, to appear before i aald court and make due proof of their re aper tire elalme before J. A. Blades, a eoaa . mlaalossr ot tbs United States circuit court, at bla office In the city of Portland on or before the return day Is June, I MOT, at eleren o'clock' In the forenoon. And what yoa ahall hare done In tbe premiere de yoa then make return thereof to this court, together with , tbla writ. , Wltneaa tbs Hon. Charles B. Wolrertea, Inure of tbe eald court at the city of Port land In tbe dlatrlct ef Oregoa, thla 21 "t day of February, in tbe rear of ear I.ord one thou. and nine hundred and seres, snd of oar Independence the ons hundred and thirty-first. B. D. McKER, Clerk., rjnlted States Dlatrlct Court for the Dlatrlct st Oregon.,-' ' - --. " - IN THB DISTRICT COXIBT ef the United Statea. foe tbe District or Oregon in rue matter of Mary J, P. Fan-child, bankrupt. , Notice la hereby gtrea that ea tbe 86th day ot February. A. D, 1BOT, ' Mary J. P. - Falrchlld. of Portland, -Oragoe. was duly adjudicated bankrupt: and that the flrat meeting of ber eredltnre will be held at - rooma 404-8, Fentoa building, Portlssd, Ore : goo. ea the 11th day of March. 1107, st 10:80 a. st wblcb. time the said creditors , may attend, prove tbelr elalme, appoint s . truetss, examine the bankrupt asd transact such stber boalneaa ss may preperly come . before eucb meeting. . ,. . -,i ; Dated March 1. 180T. " V . CHE8TBB 9. MTBPHT, . , .' -- ' : ' -( Referee in Bankruptcy. MEETTNO NOTICES. ALBINA LODOB. 'NO. 101, A. W. A A Hj Stated communication this (Satsrday) srealng S o'clock, In ball of Oregoa enmnundery, , Third snd Alder etreets. Work M. M. degree. Tteltlng brethren " cordially netted. Br order W. M. , A. J. HXNDLAN. Bee. M. W. -A. BTBBOBEBN Cams. 0.4O8, aaaeta Wedneaday a Ten log. Allasy bldg.. Third ssd -' Mocrleoa sts.-- i ---.. M. W. A. Oregoa Grape Camp. No. 0,878. Moa days. 17th aad Maraball: rial tore walcoaia. LOST AND FOUND. - FOUND A nlaea te have hatr matti aaaaa - vated and returned eame day. 828 greet et ' Mala 474. Portland Curled-Hair Factory. H. : UeUger. proprietor. f ; LOST February 88, two dlechargea from army . and pesaloa certificate, ea Williams sra. or , Eugene st. . Return -to Q. W. Tnomss, 478 L'nloa svs. .' Bewsrd. '.. s1' LOST Pointer dog, ' 0 mesthe eld; Is vary near sll black : name la Guard. Return te George Tordorfer, corner Fifth ssd Salmon. LOST Gold filled watch marked M. B. rs turn to Tbs Journal office; reward. HELP Vf ANTED MALE. .SfBH. WANTED. Wbe bare s common school education or bet ter, between IS sad 40 years sf sgs, to pre pare for customs inspector av railway si all clerk la Portland; moat be strong and able to glee good references) ws metro ct by mall only. Now, If yes hsren't a poattloa, or yoa are dtaaatlffled with your present emptor - meat sad will accept s poattloa wltk Uscls Bam at from 8840 to 11.200 In start, let as : prepare yos for the ctrll sanies examination. ... Xosre rerv trnlr. ,.J. PACIFIC STATES SCHOOLS, t . ' McKay bldg.. Portland. Or. . WANTED AT ONCB BXPERIBNCBD SOMO ttobs nraoioHorr tub nobtttwurt : TO REPRKSENT THB MUTUAL INVEST. MBNT COMPANT. SALARY 878 PER MONTH. I.VQriBB AT OFFICB.- SUTTB 17- 18 MADISON Bl-LKi.. SDUtk ItllHU C71. . MAN 4s work Is sad eat ef office;' nraat be able -te abow property: eaa maka 82.10 - s . month: must Inreat 8800 te 8500 eaeh as secarltr. slso sire good references ssd be a mat In.- Call at 200 Commercial bldg., "Third and Waehlngtoa sts.'.'-. WAWTTTD AT OWCB Rtsea-bolt estters. wages ' SI -80 ier cold,- sleady wot a. -Auiilf Wenleis tmperaga vo awarai vnujw . rwriiaou. or Houitenv Or. - , I- WANTED AT ONCB Sound ynang men for firs , men sod brakeroea ea lending weatern ral . meda nnd for new made now being com- pie ted; experience amnraaaary; firemen 8108 . per month, brakemea 878: poaltlmH bow open; . writs st esce for partlcnlsra. National Ball wae eTralnlnc association. 780 Pattoa blk Omaha. Nebraska, er 881 Bldge bldg,. Kansas City. Mlaaoon, - . . - WANTED Saleeoies i many asks 8108 to 8188 per month; noma area mora: stock clean) - grown ea reeerratloa, far from sld erehards) - easri adraneed weekly) ebotos ef territory. , Address Washington pi llarssry sompany. Sop. pools h, waehlngtoa. MONET I MONET I Adrsnced ersry week to . our sgents; s full line. Including sp-to-dnts apeclaltiea. write rer rree canraaaing sonii. Capital City Nsraery Co.. Salem. Or. TJNION HOTNti, s: SI North Slstb at.. Portland. Or. Pros smploymeat to sll Its boarders; rates -14.80 per week; reosm 88e ssd spt apaeial saoatniy rataa girua. auewrawn, yrowniw MrM and bora wanted to learn nlsmbtas. slsa. taring, bricklaying, ' electrlcnl trades: free 1 catalogs: positions secured. .Coyne Trade Schools. New York and Baa rrsscieeov PACTFI0 STAT10NEBI er PBINTINtl CO. . JOn-toT Second st. Phone mala 841 Ws deelgn snd Inetan tbe aaoet modern sad , Improved office systsms) complete . line tosat leaf filing derleas. - ! - . 81.00 A MONTH PROTECTS TOU ; ; i Against aecidest, alrkneaa and death. . " Writs or call and inreotlgata. Norrhweetem Health Aecidest Association, gos-arrr McKay bldg. - Agents Waa asd. MBN-AND WOMEN" te toere -the bertwr trade , ta sight weeks: graduates ears from lg to 328 weekly; etpert Instructors: estalngac free. - Molev Sratem ef Colleges. 88 North Fourth .. su. rertHUMi. r a WTen Ynnne man to learn erster buai neas; good pay( steady employment. Boat. lease uyster 10.4 . wrauu e.e.i sdtis. BI'DD'B mplnyment off! oca are shipping, free rare, to Hlngnam npringa,- eastern uregou; ' railroad work: good Job for erery ons. No. 0 North Third and 110' First St,,: . Pacific 2808 snd Pacific 144a WANTED rtret-elsea carriage painter! msst be good striper and finishers Pull mas Ante . csr Compear, nuts sna arereit. . WANTED Two flrat -elaaa cahtnet-makers. Af- 1 ply 4fa Hoyt at. Art rsrniiors a. WANTED Mea for mill snd woods. Annlr at mill) cowie ria (iarement tarern er Besrer . toa. union, uigging m i.enioer in. WANTErPyiiuit-cliuia, harneea makrra. A. B, Jirotia. 170 Front. - WANTED Erery crank fo call at Bed Teg Co., PS First at., fee "Ardmore Coffee") 8 Ihe. $1; we like jea res kaow aaea Ssd - way te kick. , - ;,i --; , TIELP WANTED MALE. WB want eepahle men for Portland snd other cities: euperiutemleuta, collectora, road mea aad aU-annind bu.lneaa tetters, your eppor 1 tunlty; peruisnent plscea for right mea; na toungere neea epiily; refereaeae required. Call 18 Lafayette blug. WANTBD Tousg men to study telegraphy; po . sltlona wbrn uua lined. Oregoa Cvllega, 6-'8 . Cootmonweallk bldg. " ' ' '' WANTED AT ONCB Clerkal Clerk si Clerks I Eiamlnatloa rloee. Sea aa la regard to filing , applhailons and preparation. Clerka foe Port , laud poatofflcc Call or writs, Mais or fe male. Pacific States Schools. McKay bldg. MEN of ability te eeS the moat liberal health snd accident Insurance policy on the market. Pacific Aid' association. Lumber Bicbangc bldg.. Portland. Or. WA NTBD Carpentering. grading, .laboring. , Boom 8, easy. Wasblngtos BU WANTEDA boy; steady; 8 to begin. 68 none grout at., ournar uana. "WHAT Are tha Wild Wares Saying t" Call st lbs T. t. Saloos. 1 - - WANTED Immediately, yosng msa. ever 80, to prepare . tor ciaminntiun tor ouawms in anector; permanent gorarsmest positions; fine salarlea. Call this sreniog or tomor row. Mr. Heynoa. 818 Columbia bldg. WS get work for ear membere) ,,epectal ses. WANTED At mas with spraying outfit to bid on spraying ) amau irun iraec. vau iuw 4. 13 Becood st. WANTED Two : esblnet-makers. Rocs City Furniture atrg. co.. f irst ana uiooe ; WANTED A fl rat-clam carriage painter. 184 Unloa are. BXPERIBNCED panto areeeer wanted; good wages to right man. Culoa Tsltorug Co., 8u6ls Stark st. . . - W A NTBD Carpenters to bid building small barn. Graaham) ma talis la fsrsiabed.1 Dr. ' Darling. . .,-' '' WANTED Bootblack. 831 Bast Morrlaoa et. WANTED Japanese rook. CaU st , Cottage hotel, St.. Johns. Or. ' '. WANTED At once, sua tor ear branch of. , flea; can auks 3160 s month; $300 required aa eecartty. Gail 801 Swetland bldg. ARCHITECTS, attentlosl I weat to el change merchandise for architect work. ' Sup lea, th Jeweler. .'. WANTED Taller bnahelmaa. Must be a good nreaaer, ' Eaat PerUaad . Cleaning aV lya Works,' 148 Grand are. Good wages for -sight-party. i, - r i , WANTBD One eonebmaker. - ens I -weaver sad eaa mattress asilor ssd stretch er. Oregoa Furniture Mnfg. Ou., Macadam ' . toad. ......-. ' .''.',.---.- COOKS 1 day msa, 820 week; 1 sight msa. 1 pis wees, care IS email town.-.- buuu-u emploTment office, 0 .North Third St. Ps. eme sbos. .. . - - - . -.w WANTED Boya erer 18 years of sgs wita wheels for aneeeencer csrrlee. ' AooLy after- nooos. 4m Morrlaoa at. - . - TWO szpsrleneed life tssarssce Stan: best eon r tract ea tbs market; salary and eommls . aloe. Apply S to S p. m., 820 Swetland bldg. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSBN'S LADlEr AGBNOT. 848 IA inline - vm. ovrenio, aMisin rows Mais 8008,-' Female kelp wanted. . GIRLS WANTED Apply Btaadard Faeawy He ; S ClMa a mmA Vmm TiiIm a. . ARTIST with original Ideas for drawing sad X painting. 101 North Fifth st, npatalra. . WAITED Competent girl for general 252 appiy iss sear luza at. QIKLS WANTED Operators to work a shirts ssa ereraiis i.eaanna giree to iserpanestag. Apply at Standard factory Me. t, Grsad see., snd Bast Tsytor-et. . . - AMBITIOUS woman far reepenelble position: stats whether elty orNtrarellng position hi preferred.; Address M. anight, 808 TUford WANTED Toasg larlles 1 poalttons when- enalltled. CommoBwealth bldg. ; lip. telegi telegraphy) Oregoa CMIege, oug 5 WANTED Smart girls to wrap chewmi American vucm vo ss aorta rreat APPRENTICES wasted at L. Sv Frsks'S aslUlB sry store, 8SS Morrlaoa si, WANTBD Geed ' girl far general booeeworh; good wages; four Is family; as cblldrsa. - Apply 8 Bast Blghtb St.. sorts, earner Broadway, ,. --.v- .!'-. WANTED Good steady girl for general house work; wsgee $28. Mrs. -Laldlaw, 1616 Eaat Morrlaoa at. or BIT Commercial blk. - GIRL about IT years ef sgs wanted for office work. Address O 1ST, Journal. COMPETENT young colored girl for esmpentoa . and Bsetetsnt. For particular, tabs Moats Tilla car, third bouae aouU ea Broad at. . Call nsorslags. 8TNB opportunity far seed ' solicitor. ., Apply 81T Plsldner bldg- . ? , WANTBD Middle aged wsmsa ss housekeeper; references. Call after 8 p. St., 464 East Taylor st. -'- -- .- '.---'- .,- WANTTD Ooog strong elderly woman I housework la the cosstry; good pises for - right party. -00001 TS, Lewis bMg., goOH Morrlaoa at. " GIRLS wanted to work ea paats. -, TJntoa Tail oring Co.. Stay, Stork st. ... WANTED Young girl te sestet is light work; t In family. Call T78 Hoyt St. OPERATORS snd finishers ea pants; steady work. 307 Oemmooweelth bldg. . WANTED first-class cook: goad wages. Mrs. Darld C. Lewis. 285 North 21st, corner Orer- toa.. Pbeas 6274. - WANTBD-rfllrl te de general housework. SmsB fsmlly. Enquire mornings, 081 Marshall at. POUR lady agents wanted: wages gl 80 to 88 s dsy. Call for parUculara 807 Gastsnbsla see.. City. - 1 .. WANTBD Good gb-l for general housework, that saderstanda cocking. - 188 Fourteenth , street, sear Washington at. .. - - ' . - WANTBD Immediately, good woman for cook; . email camp, wages 828. Call 2804 Tamhlll, ' Mala 8418. r -r - - " f - ' I WANT a stanographer to attend efflee sad phone calls snd do public work, with tree rent -snd phone. Might pay (8 to 810 month; nice Slace for proper party. Thos, T, Thornton, 18 Chamber of Commerrs. A COMPETENT cook, good wages te capable parson; no laundry werk; 888 front St. WANTED An apprentice to leant deraiststogy. Apply S2S Fleidner bulldrng. ,.- a, WOMAN wanted for hones dealing. 804 Gltaan -street..- .-,.,' , - . WANTED A snail to de ho use wott In the Adareea a ies, journal. - , -- MALE AND FEMALE HELP.. WANTED A few good sollcttnrs, male est femalet beet proposition la Portland ; pond ' meoer as tbs right part lee. Pboae Sellwoad , Tl. Corner Bast 18tk st. ssd Umatilla are, . HBLP wanted end supplied, male er female. R. . Drake, 206 14 Waahlnctoa et.. Pcetfle 187 'SITUATION WANTEDMALE. SITUATION wanted by ss sxpsrlssced sp-tn. . dats noe keeper; eempetent to take full 1 chnrge of office, col isr-t lone gad credits; bast of refer. noes. B 144, Journal. . riRST-CLA8 millwright would like position, '. or take chargaof plant. C 18a, cars JimrnaL "' ' , ' 1 H0NB8T sad diligent Jspsseae laborers want riltloss ,oa hop farm or ctrswbsrry raacU. 188, Journal. '- - MECHANICAL engineer opee for cngageSMBt , afmr the flrat. Addreac O 788, JournaL . EMPLOTBIENT AGENCIES. , . BED CROSS EMPLOYMENT 0O. 1 Legging camp sod farm help s specialty. SO North Second et. Phose hula 82aw. Wp pay all telegraph charges. , . HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT 0PFICB ... FOB MEN. 84 North Second at. Phase Main 1880. ' PORTLAND KMFLOYMPNT OFFICB mk Morrison St.. Psoas Pacific t0 A7 North Seooad st .r.,.. .Pboae fssUlg jAvO 6ITUATIOX9 WANTED FEMALE. Wrrwiw with one child wishes paeltloa ah"Uae. keeper for widower or elntfle man, Houie warned aud auiall wagae, hi elty. B 130. "-' .MtirnHl. ... WANTED AGENTS. 10O RONRWf men and womea to glee sll er only anare time to my oicliclse- proposition; good mouer and beat medicine., B, At. Plum Bier, 2uu Third at. . WANTED Good aaleemea to represent as Is choice torrlturlee; blgheet oommleslos psM; Jcssb sdrnred for exueuaea; every thing fur nished. Adilreas Oregos Nursery eauipany, be lent, Oregou. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BBNT Hossea, cottages, flats, stores, offices, room lug houses, etc Laad lorda will do well to call on POKTLAND TRUST COMPANY OP ORBOOB Pboas Bs. 78. S, B. Cot. 3d ssd Oak. WANTBD TO RENT Houses, cottages, flatc, - stores, renmlng-boosea, utiles. 804 Mobawk bldg. - , -. WANTED REAL ESTATE. WB bars s buyer for a modern 8 er 8-rootn - house out in Brooklyn; will pay 81.000 cash, ' balance about 1 or 2 yssra; will pay. ss , high ss s.Suo. , f HENRI METH, ; Fifth snd Waablugton. Sol Bwetlssd Bldg. WANTED New strictly modern 8-rooni real rlenre. Holladay er Irrlngtos district; glrc location; wo agents. Addreea B Journal. WANT to buy for cash, a suburban hoove, not less thas lUOzlOO, with 6 or) 8 room modera . house. Glrc shout 32,000. within two or three . blocks of 6c eerefare, Addreea "I'urchaaer," O 143, care ef Oregoa Jourasl. TWO - tots 1a Piedmont, sooth ot Alnsworth ere.; will buy Immediately II pneca are right Address B 1M, Journal . I WANT a 8 -room cottage on fractional lot. walking distance to poetoinee, not orar J2. (X)0. What hsrs yoaT Address . L ; 128, ournal. , . ... . . I WANT moderate price boose; eaa pay 8300 eaab, balance 820 or mora per month. It . a bora terms suit, pisses answer. Address X 1ST. JournaL , . t IP yea wast to sett eslek, list with . Jwcna, Etls . atorriaoa ec WANTED MTSCELLANEOrS. - .... MAIN 8r.' ' CASH AND LOTS OP IT . FOR FCBNITURB. '"'' MafrtAND AUCTION BOOMS, - . -. Oil Hh, U. MAIN 6f308r ' MAIN WANTBD At ones, SO to So-borsepowsr Oea kry engi ne, boiler and spool, alas eecoud band eawmlll outfit a hoot 60-butae power, ar ' will bay boiler aad angina separata. Writs totter to C Kenyos, oatofflca, Portland. CASH for hflosahold roods. Barsgs A PsaosU, S46-84T Flrat sC Phone Pacific 80s. . ... . WB WILL BUT. SELL. OB TBADB ANT OLD THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO- 021. S20-WABBINCTON. PACIFI0 T8S. ' . - WANTED Fnrntrnrs sad hoaaebold geade sf - ersry deeoriptloa bought, cold and exchanged. The 8. lit First st, Mala 6874. 8 HIGHEST rash pries paid for sH kinds second hand goods. Pboae Mala ML. 88 M. Third. WB haal dead horses ssd cattle free. Oregoa 1. Fertiliser Works,- or notify Camy'a V.terV . nary, fourth aad GUaan sts.- Mala 18. , WANTBD All kinds of second-haad clothing st 42V, North Third St. WANTBD Small ranch; cloae lnt moat be bar gala; give fall parties la ra. T 144, Journal. WANTBD Good . roll-top desk. Most he to. good condition. Addreea, J 130. ears Journal. WANTED Ons, d-borae, boiler: nruat be la good eoadltloa sad cheap. . Jos Shaw, Dallas, Or. WAVfTED At 88 i North Third St small child to board; good hocss. - FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT. LA BOB, beautiful front parlor bed room, suit able for two; 84.00 per week; also nicely fur- niehee room so nonr, per wees, ui 12th St.. near' WsshlngtuB. t UNDER new : DenagcmaBt; Blot slesa rur nished rooms; rsasonable rataa. The Arcade, 148Vk vtrat st.. s ' '-- ' '. nnU V anaNo. oentlesnaa as ' UOV St during day; Vee ta; reasoasble. 810 Mate St. Css ef toUpnoae. 1 .- r "- 806 WASHINGTON Nicely fovniabed rooms snd , table board. g20 ana spt gooa some seoaug. - Phono Pacific 8078.' 181 H FIRST ST., earner Tsmhtllj nicely for nlsbed front suits, also stifle rooms; rea aona bla; trasslcBt solicited,. , RUTLAND, 810 First at. comer Oley; 88 nicely furnished rooma, new management. W. B. Petteys of VancoBTer. Prop, BOOM for rent, nicely furnlahad, walking dto teace. 880 Mill St. THB B1CHBL7BT7, 88V, North Stxta art. 8U gantly furulsked; at earn beat aad hatha ,. THB OBAND, 48H North Third ste gestlamea. 81.88 per week end en. NICELY furnished rootne. Vk block frnes Ho tel Portia ad. Pheae Mala 4808. ISO Swrsata. THB RAYMOND Newly fnrnlehed rooms, ta suits or single. 168 11th at. West. THB YAMHILL, 881 Wast Part Rooms by day or week) steam heat, bath, pboae rraa - sleet. - . ... OVERLAND HOTEL-Newiy- fortilshtd rooms, weU lighted sad ren tl la ted. fl.60 per week. NICELY furalahed sod board at ITt Baat Sixth ct. Pboae East 790. FOB BENT Nice ap-to-dstsfnrslsbed rooma, : 6 mlnutee walk from tbs postofftee, sing Is 1 or ea suite, for light heseekaeplng; very tea sonsbls rates. 168 With el., cor. Morrlaoa. . WILL take S a geatlemea or cecals In art- rate home to room, - Breakfast If required. ' 4S Beat XM street. ' Warerly ears. FURNISHED room in pirate family; all nmd era courenlrncea. Phone Mala 8168. FLBA8ANT front room, tower floor, suitable foe two: prices reasonable.. , 804 Madison, - Pboas Pscifte 100. v , - i . NICB Urge irniehed rooms, Witt light, bath ' and heat. 848 Montgomery' , NEWLT furnlalied room for rent. 684 Gllaan St. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. NICKLY. farntahed hoosckceplng sultea, alee alngle rooms, walking dlaUnce) prteee res . soaable. . 666 Morrison St., corner 18th. 1 FINELY furnished for heusekeeaing, parlor floor) very desirable for medium family) cloae la. 810 Men st. Phone fresv -.. , FOR RENT Three fnrfltsbed noaaekeeplng moms in priests family; gee, pbene and bath) ' 427 Second street. Phone Mala 4707. . tl.BO WEEK UP, larva, clean, fnralabed bonis. keeping rooms, laundry sad bath. 184 Sbec '- bus sosth. PortlsBd. - ' " - 1 28 WEEK VP. ctoSB. fanilsried nsoaekeep. rag room a, . parlor, bath, laundry, furnace , heat, yard. Stanton. U ear. TUB MrrCHBLL Hoaaefceepisg snd trsnahnrt . rnceie, reasonable.- Serrate and Flanders. .-. BINOI.B or suite, etoac ln ,j 178 Baat Sixth, . corner Beat Yamhill. . ' ; ', SUITE of honeekeeping roents ea - flrat floor . and ball bedroom for gentleman, suitable for worklngman. 108 12th st Pboae FackAo " 2630. .'.'''. -'' " ! ' ' " s ' THREB .anfurnlshed rooma . for honaeheeplng, reasonable; corner Pettygrorc and 18th its., noatbeaat corner. - ,i. . . NICR fnrnlehed beoeekeenlng rooms; wood or gas. free phone. 8A4 Sarler. cor. lfth. 1 ; ROOMS AND BOARD. ' " riTB of 2 nice moms with flrvt-etaaa board, anltable r. 8 er 4 young m.n, very rrawui- , stile, all conveniences, In; nice yard and porch. Aster house, SWenlh' snd tlad- ' I sou. 1. ... 1 NICELY furnished rooms, with board: good home cooking; ratea reasonable. 376 14th ct. Phone IalS sd'.-fl. . - 1 BOOM and board I prl rate home. Mala 16J4. ,. aV8 14tA St. ... " , UNFURNISHED ROOM3. , gr)R BEN'S 8 anrurnlshed aoaaekeeplng rorxiist . Hitht, airy; walking di.utncs from posiaftlce, ,, ' BiMtiilrs had Blstli street. HOUSES FOn RENT FURNITURfl : FOR SALE. . ', -. FOB RKNT -roon hoo.e and furniture for sale aheap; rooms sU filled. .260 Harriaea at. WR seed furniture st sny price. Portlend Ass tloa Booms. 811 First st. Main 6006.. " S ; FOR RENT HOUSES. ,y GUABANTEBD ss sdeerttaed. Ws caa rent or aell your aoaaec, rwHiis, lists, offices, , stores, forms, acreage, lota; Hat .bow tot eaatern adrertlslng. 304 Mohawk bldg. FOB RE-NT 4-room hease, modera 8th st. , Prion 816; 6-room cottage, 812.60; 8-rooni a a- -furnished fist, bsth, 8121 2v4 Mohawk, bldg. WB rent snd esU pianos. Shermas. Clay A Co. ... .-'' . " ",' ', - . FOR BENT Three e room hoasea on east slds, . price 620 each. Phone Eaat TUS. . FOR BENT 0-room eottsgs. 188 NorU 21st St. V, FURNISHED modera house for board of ova er. Apply 877 Obcrlla at., PorU mouth. FOB RENT 5-room modem oottags, full oese. meat, bath snd wood lift; 801 North Grand are. . luqulre 81)3 Grand era, north. 6-ROOM eottace, 810 per month. Nice gardes. 130 Eaat 4Sth; take Sunuyelde-Mt. Tabor ear.. FOR RENT FLATS. A MICB light 8 -room flat, SOI Brent st, Cor ner Globe. 20 per month. Uaulre at store ' below. - ' - ' . ' 810' BACH for threescore flats, close rn. - fins slew. Pheae Mala 8603. 888 Seventh, St. SEW 0-room upper flat, between Slat and ttd su., north. 'Apply TIB Orertoa at. FURNISHED . HOUSES. HOTErj ssd roomlBg-heass, lease, kaslBsas and . furnishings for sale) strictly high -class) 81 sooms, all full roomers sad bosrdeec) 14 . extra boarders ; splendid business All gees for 81.000 If takea quick. Ne agents. B 144, care Journal. . - .. - 1 FURNISHED cosy S-coosa oottare. gae sad bath, fine Creattrn plaao, roses sad lawn. A snap, f 160 Bast tSth at. aorth. Teas B. A. ess. - c rUBNIBHED hones, 8 rooms, fins new end' neighborhood; ree eon able te good tenant. la- -' aulrc 21 Malkey bldg. FOIt RENTV-J3TORES-OFFICES. OFFICB-BOOMS. eafarBkhed pie-rooms far teat. . Goodaoagh slsrstnr. .,:.:.- ' bldg. Apply A FEW frrst-rlsae efflcs-rosnm toft st aerthesst . corner Third. ssd Msdlssa sts. Apply ream -.: Ns. 8. - , . .. DESK ROOM, with er without furniture, sra.' 414 Swetland bldg. TOBBS ea ground floor; effleee Im Tnoamg Melon berg, Sll McKay bldg. STORE with or without llrlag 84T Grand 'Sra. ' PARTLY furnished 6 -room cottage. Sharer eC, 816 per month. Phone Wcodlawg 840. 7X FOR RENT-rFARm- FOB RgNT Smell farts 'near Graaham, aa charac) more land to clear. Dr. DerUag. FOR RENT-MISCELlA1tE0USr" , BALL sad bsllrooaa, separate er tegetherp sew asd with sll eonreoleneee. Fseae Mais BUSINESS v CHANCES. - BARB BARGAIN, v Bt0 moralng house ta Vsneoarar, Wasblngtsa. - Bant la very tow. . A great moa ay-maker. , Sixty beds. Building, furniture sad lesae all for 87,800. . Thta hoses sow predsees 8860 ., s month sad a goad lire msa caa Aoass it pay. 8300. Thic to a regular ensp. Let as tell . you about a number ef the good tea taxes ef ..this prcesltloa. .. ' -. -.. : H. W. LBMCKB COMPANY, Mala 660. . Sixth snd Waehlngtoa ts. -, . e . '. FOR SAUL ' SO years, sstabllsbed greoary sad feed . business, In center et Bast Portland, 860 par dar; trade, stock -sad fixture lavetce about 83.000; corner tot, store building and feed barn; 8 horses snd wagons, su tor 86.800, or will rent property te party baying REGISTER CO, ' lnTU Thirl St. INTEBTOBA. Poclcia Gold Mine cteek ef Osses? d'Aieae m calling now st lawjs ea sxoca es chan re! will so to 81 to toss tbaa tbs. company has 11 elslma; the creel dent tha eomaanr la now here For aamolee aad ere call, an W. t. Ostterlla cV Co., 180 Ablag- toa bug. .. - - SALOON for ssle) doing a good keslaeaai to. . cated in Bourne, Oregoa. ' This Is s saining - tows that Is wide opes. Price 8800. Belt ins ea account ef steksess. Addreac V. Ws .. Weeds. Bourne, Baker eoonty,. Oregon. BAVB MONET Anything ta arlBtlng see Mad den. Odd Fellows1 Temple. First sad. Alder sts.) Bpstatrs. -.x'- 1 488 BUYS 8-rooma, well famished ta geed to- ' csllty; weat side; tow real. . Hsgssssna BUacntrd, 81 Flftb sc. NEW batcher shop to let sad for sale; slsa boose for aale. -' owner. 484 84th sWeest. r building T. Palssar, NEWgPAPIIB . would coll or rrade half falter- act te sstlsfsetnry . psrtnsr tor either ac- ehsnlcsl er editorial department: , splendid r alley tows; good field; eompteta , power egulpment. 188, care Journal. - - 83.000 BEST paying grocery sad general mer chandise la Portlssd; would trade far ranch. Address T 186, care Journal. . . FOR SALB Cigar sters doing geed bualneea) - tong Isaac, reasonable rent sad excellent toco, tloa. H 123, cara J oar as L : , FOR SALB Third in tercet ta established cask wholesale, commies loa aad retail grocery bed. - ace; party to act ss sslssmsn; guaranteed - - Al, epea to taeestlgatlea. T 141, sore Jose. 'SaL --..-r-.--.- r ' ' ' - Grocery PINE grocery en Best Bids.. At ieaettoa. doing. ' bualneea of 8126 dally; three-rear teaae ea end cheap rent. Thta place la O. K, " Urs mas can lncrsasc bBilness. Price 88,800 or Inrolca. Call 166H Third st. Boom A. 83,000 ROOM IN G-HOCHS et trade rot hone worta tna money, on e. euy, . BBSTAUBANT for sals or rent; excellent bust. nese: net monthly profit 400. Ps. O. hog Sll - Vancouver. Wsahmgteo. t t - t CI4AR AND . Coefeectlonery store for sale, :" , Large eteck, good trade. Lodging bones la -' connrctlon. Low . rent. ' rhouc Pacific 180. 7 " JUS Third St. -. - A COMPLETE IresYanrsst for sals or trade for reel estate. Inquire 000 Buraslde, upstulra, FOB SALE Freeh ctockr of grocer! ea snd fix . tures, - computing. sSeJg-) ahow 'esses, Ico i cheat; will aell Cheap; g,.fng east; pries (200. Address J 184, Journal, ; . J I i ALBERTA. CANADA. 1 i , It whet yea should be interested la'. Tor In- formation call erentnge. or write J. A. Foster , . before he Irs ret for that ooustry1 - 808 Bast-- Sixth St.. v t ' " " ' '' - FOB sale st In rotes, dear and confectioner r v " tore, centrally located, doing good bualiieas, fv .low rent, living roome-la ronnecttoo; must ; sell at mice scdoont poor bee lib. Addreai ' . Q 145,- Journal. . ,--.i . .. - e ....... , ,., , - DO YOU WANT A MONEY-MAKER! v - - Boarding snd lodging -bonne.- 18 roeme, -1 - nainrooms, targe tiuiis-iw win. ,w wnn-s, i TS steady boarders asd also S good many 1. mm.... . PACIFir tNVFS1MNT CO., Ot U afH 4 tot) BO FOB SALE A well-fiirnlahed ronmlng-hos's. .J with 6-yfara' Isaac. Apply Cobs Bros, 184 1 r ir.t st. '- , WILL par cash, for amart grocery atore wlij lltMg rooms; owners only, 0 148, Journal, FOR eels or trade 47 furnished rooma, good leallMV -32ta North Third at. . t INICTOR can bur an Interest In furnlehed, par. Ins, choh-e. located sffli-e, Addreec S Igft, cere JoernaL - - . - FOIt SALE Restaurant With furnished sheep) 1004 toesUoa, AM Solid so, . 2 sad - 4