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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 2, 1907)
Tlin OREGON DAILY JOURNAL', 1 CRTLANt), SATURDAY EVENING. MARCH C, 1S07. 1 I U iJElVS FORECAST i 1 OF COQKIO CEEIl .... , .. Fifty-Ninth Congress Expires by Limitation at Noon on ,.; Monday Next. , '. ' 402-403 ORLGONIAN BUILDING '-A '''AvO ?i:r . '"'.". Tl: : TZ ' . 71 . 7,3 A: .7 - NEW CABINET OFFICERS WILL TAKE PORTFOLIOS Trial of Standard OU Company Be ' , gin " In IndlAn -Big Baseball ' "i League ' Club Start Training , Western Bowling Congress Meet. ' ;v,, (Joaraal Sptetsl Barrles-l -" ' Washington, D. March t-Th t Ifty-nlnth eonsraea will aipire ay 11m ' Jtatlon it noon next Monday and 1- eaar many of th nator and repre sentative ara leaving for horn, a nura- Ter of tnem never to return to Wash ington to sit In th hall of oonirwaa. On Monday. Gaors B. Cortelyou wUl be awora In aa aaeratary .of tha traaa wry to eueceod Lesll , M. Sbaw, and -rjaraea B. Garfield, for vral yar corporation eommtealoner,. will tak tha ' efflc vaoatad by Secretary of tha In ferior Hitchcock. . ' . ... 'Tha trial of tha Standard OU com' -. pany of Indiana on tha chart J of celvln eonceaalona on ahlpmanta of oil from Whiting, Indiana, ta aat to begin '. -next 'Monday. - - Tha ,nw Britlah Colombia parliament with a large Conservative majority re - 'aultlng from th recant election, win ,i meat for tta lirat eeaaloa next Thure. 'day.' The financial difference betwaeo "the federation and the province and : , other Important mattera U come up will . attract considerable attention, to the ;; alon. ' ... " . ' ' f' Many ef tha bis league baaaban elube .will start for tha eouth early In the '.waek and the report that - will . then :'r emanate from the aprlng training guar, r- tar wHl aarye to quicken tha pulaa of - the foUowera of the national gam and tart speculation on the pennant ' win nere of 1SS7. , ' - -.-;;. ' 'N- ' Tha Western Bowling- eongr will open Ita annual - meeting' and tourna tnent at Denver next Thuraday with aa entry Hat ' Including repreeentatlve " from many cltle weat of , the Mlaale '" "w1- v"-- - -' " WwM AID Hill; AIDS GOVERIIllEIiT OVKERSHIP -': "Henry M. WhrtneyTeHs Bryan That His Program la N earing - , a Possibility. ; (Joaraal Speelet Sarrfee.) ' : Omaha, March . In a dinner at the Omaha club laat night a dlecusslon of " -nvernraent ownership oocarrad between ' 'William f. Bryan and Henry M. Whlt nrv of Boston. In which the latter aaid: , V "Government ' ownership " la - a - poaat- ' . bllHy. . . . -.- ' - " - ' "Tea, If tha Harrlmene' and Hllla keep ,on. at work.' They are promoting- the aaase more than any ether power. They are driving jeople to believe In the na--' -f raatty of government ownership aa a ' relief from oppreaalv private owner ' ahlp. Hat t believe government regula tion -will meer the Tequlremente. -"I am a director In the Boaton Maine . railroad, and yet I can conceive of there being virtue In the theory of govern- ent ownership, but you mnat eoupia Ith your advocacy of government own ership the apeciflo declaration that you sroDoa not ta confiscate property but to pay for tt at lta full value. "The proper method would be to pay - for them on, .the basle of coat .of re production." ,-';;.','...' i t : -i 0HEG0:i REPBESEBTED mFlILLY VIH CONGRESS iJPPurnaJVilljra Monday and Representatives Will - i:. Enter, on Duties. ' - 1 CWa.htnrtoe Boreea of Tha Joarsal.) - ' ' - Washington, D. C. March .Oregon'i representation In congreea will on Mon day once again be complete after a long period in which there aa been only a partial quota of members In active oervlce. For the paat year virtually the only representation baa been In the senate, where Senators Fulton and Gear in have been compelled to - attends to moat of tha matter affecting the state. Bourn will be sworn In to succeed Mul ,ksy. Kills and Uawley. In tb houee, although not actually sworn In until De cember. wlU begin aotual service at once, drawing salary and attending to business of constituent. -Th condi tion which has obtained ha Imposed dad burdena on the aenator.' Repre- Bebtattv Elll will be familiar with the ..ti. A kta miIa. ha V. f served two. term. - , i,-- -DENATURED ALCOHOL , BILL PASSES SENATE .'',"('-'" ' Uoanul Rpeelal aVrrice.) "' ' TTaahlnaton, March Th denatured , alcohol bill paeaed th enau yesterday by a vote of 6 1 to I. Pettua of Ala bama cast th negative vote. Tbl ac tion was take after the committee amendment requiring the- preeenee of a 1 rovfrnmest storekeeper whenever alno - hoi la being manufactured had been de ' - f eated by a vote of 4T to 1. Th bill ..a paeaed contains a aenat amendment permitting rum to be denatured, - Con- aequentiy the measure must be returned ' t he house for action. Tha bill Is In tended to make It possible for a farmer -, to establish stills of limited capacity for tha manufacture of alcohol tobe denatured . : .""" T?j " " Big Doitn for Carmen..' V ' ' (Jnaraal Special sVrrlce.t ' Pan Kranolsoo, March I.- In a state ment made by President Mulally the a n erds decided upon by the board of arbitration, whose labor ' war con- . eluded yeaterday, will reault In the pay ment of 1417,000 bnnua money by the United rallroade to lta unionised em . plnree Jho want out on atrlk laat fait; and that 'the general ralae In wagea awarded by the board pimw to the company an additional yearly disburse merit of 11,041, 000. - ; : r - OmCLRS AND TRUSTXLS LOUIS O. CLARKE. President V D. WAKEFIELD.. .. J .... . .Third Vice-President - JPretidentwd Maptgtr Woodard, ClarV & Co, CAtynitU nd Druggist. - . -Wakefield. Friea & Co. . ' , V fJ-:-; IL L. PITTOCK. . . ........ . . ; .First Vice-President ; GEORGE H. HILLVv'V . . .Secretary and Treasurer . t , ', t : Publisher Dtfly OrefonJan..; . ; ; . : , ;:,;..4 j ;'.' ..VictvPreaident Title Guarantee tt Trut Co. . , V.. v " FRED S. STANLEY. Second Vice-President ' E. J- RATHBONE.C . . ; '. . ; i . . . V . . . Field SupU Katalla, Alaska S s . . pes Chute Irrigation & Power Co.. C ' , ? ' ,u -'h ; Formerly Superintendent of Water Line of the O. R. & N. Co. ,' ?la; - v-;l''.'.'v ' ;- WATSON ALLEN r'.f Veil .Trustee- V . 7 ':;"-: -v ';, V: H-n'.':-:A-: -: ;. : V:.. , .. . :y ,.. :. .., v.apIuUrt, Rattle A .; ' V.v v- - . - I: :'." v - : - "T'At a maetlnfof the Trustees of this Company, composed of IL U PittcC Louis G. Qarke; Fred S. Stanley, George H. Hill, Watson Allen, of Seattle, and E. J. ''V D. W.Wakefield being absent from the dty,held in the offices of: the Company, on Thursday, February 21, 1907, proposed expenditures were authorized for the weal, year awi-fl amountintojvv;::., v-. (Lihty-Threc Thousand Seven Hundred Dollar! ) ' ' . ., ' s . , . . ' - ; ,i J ...!- - ' ; . 'The Field Superintendent was instructed to purchase at once a complete oil-drilling outfit to cost ; ; ; :c . : r K V; (Fifteen Thousand . DoUan) t ' ; 'V ' '' - V '. '' -(Fifteen Thousand DoUan) ' t -' To commence operations as soon as "the machinery could b delivered to tha property. ' : The immediate construction of the Guggenheimer and j. Pierpont Morgan (Copper River & Northwestern) Railroad,xfrom Katalla and Fairbanks, and which road will be halri ; coal before fall, and also the fact that we are now ready to rush the development of our properties the trustees ordered that after March 20f no more stock in this Company will Pt offeredfcr less than $2.00 per share. V W A V ;';';;,;. ' r ;,.'; ; ? :'"' -r.. v ' f ,";': ''.-';." .';'''-' '".. -tV"'- "'V".-'.'..'- '' 7V;V: Selling Price Now 3 Fully Paid and Non- Assessahle After March 20th The price will be advanced from time to time as fast as railroad construction progresses. Read below Government reports. Don't wait until tha Trustees ' order this stock off ' the ' market entirely. ; . ANTHRACITE: AND BITUMINOUS Bering River i; " The Bering River coal field- (a) covra an area of about. 70 quar miles, includin; 25 square milea of anthrach and 4S ajuar miles of "; emi-anthracife (or aemi-bitnminotis) cokinr cokL , Ttoe teams are numeroua and very larger several exceed 20 feet in thickneas. The averaga quality of th Bering River coal is excellent, several ofthe seams being remarkably low in both aah and sulphur, i ; - - ' Bering River coal 1a not now available for sal In any market, but there are prospects that transportation will soon be provided to . 'tidewater on Controller Bay, Katalla Bay, or PrinceWilliam Sound. (,Se map, Plat XII.) - ; ;-; ' -2; - i Don't wait until tha Trustees . order this stock off the market entirely. AVERAGE COMPOSITION OF PACIFIC COALS'. AVERAGE COMPOSITION AND CHARACTER OF ALASKA COALS, DISTRICT AND KIND OF COAL. ' "V.,' -i - Briti.ih Columbia, Crow's ; Net Pas, average , of ' 10 ' analyses ,, ,. ........ ...,...... N . Britikh Columbia. Comox, average tf 9 anahrset ....... . rV'N ' British Columbia, Nanaimo, average of 6 analyses.,.... ,- vvasBiagtoo, -Wiikrsnn. aTeragegfynaiyses. . . . ...... " uf Washington, Cokedale, average of 3 "analyse.... T..,";;' Washington, Blue Canyon, average of 3 analyses...... Washington, Carbonado, average of IS analyses.......; . ''.'Washington, Roslyn, averag of 9 analyses.......;...; .' -Washington, Franklin, average of S analyses. .1.. ...... Washington, Ren ton, average of 10 analyses............ Washington, Newcastle, average of 5 analyses.,....;,.; - ' Washington, Black Diamond, average of 4 analyses..... -'; Oregon,,Coos, Bay, average of 4 analyses.............. . - Calif orma, average of 10 analyses. ...... ............... - - ''"7 Japan, average of 8 analyses...............;.,......... Philippines (Cebu), average of 9 analyses. ....... ....... : ; Philippines (Batan), average of S analyses.............. . New South Wales, southern, average of 21 analyses.... New South Wales, western, average of 13 analyses.... New South Wales, northern, average of 77 analyses.,,. X . O ' sr 1.09 1.18 212 -S2 '2J 1.62 1.67 2.68 3.22 4.48 7.51 4.44 10.41 11.32 262 14.00 I3i7 .97 1.87 1.92 er 8" Ob 21.07 2&41 34.07 27.15 2844 32.63 33.11 34.37 35.40 36.01 37.69 40.50 46.15 45.09 4249 31.08 36.91 23.10 31.49 35.09 70.54 6291 35.94 61.82 f 62.30 60.47 56.74 5275 53.82 51.17 48.94 51.73 36.85 35.91 50.07 50.53 44.92 56.26 52.61 54.08 f. .. a. 117 U s DISTRICT AND KIND OF COAL. 729 7.49 7.93 10.11 U9 5.28 .8.48 9.87 7J3 823 5.86 3.33 6.59 7.68 4.82 Z4.85 4.60 10.67 14.03 B91 i 34 1222. 53 037 .64 1.42 24 'v 15 ..;..48 .44 t.S2 A3 S4 r 3.35 ''.C'S ,221 : -,. .1.64 : 228 171 153 ' 1.52.', 1.42 , 1.28 ' .80 80 J . 1-18 y 1.64 1.22 283-' 1.67 1.62 ; Bering River, anthracite, average of 7 analyies.......'.. .' ' Bering River, semi-anthracite, average of 11 analyse.; '.;r Matanuska River, anthracite, 1 sample............;..;; T . Matanuska River, semi-bituminous and bltuminota, t, ! average of 16 analyses. Matanuska River, lower grade bituminous, average of 4 analyses r Cape Lisburne, semi-bituminous, average of 3 analyses.. T.iiknrnn hitnminnna. a vr raffs of 12 analvsea ...... .' Yukon River, bituminous., average of 9 analyses Yukon River, hgnite, average of 9 analyses. Alaska Peninsula, bituminous, average of 5 analyses,,,. Kachemak Bay, lignite, average of O analyses.. ........ Seward Peninsula, lignitev 1 sample.................... Southeastern Alaska, lignite, average of ,5 analyses..,. .4 -X. o 78 4.76 255 271 6 56 3.66 9.46 4.69 11.89 234 19.85 24.92 1.97 6.15 13.27 7.08 2023 35.43 17.47 38.42 3205 41.11 38.68 40.48 38.15 37.84 r 6. a 7823 74.84 84.32 63.59 49.44 75.94 46.83 55.89 40.82 49.75 30.99 33.58 35.18 m 1 ; 7.74 7.12 6.05 11.60 '8:23 292 5.24 6.97 6.20 922 8.68 3.85 24.23 uo im 'LSI - 5.68 .57 S7 .96 ; J8 1.07 .68 .57 11.90 323 1.40-"" 446 121 1 1 85 . ' .89 . . 130 .77 ;.,'J 1 MARKETS TOR ALASKA COAL j It may be seen from these tables that the anthracite from Matanuska 'and Bering Rivers . It ought to be put tnto the ban francisco and other Pacific Coast markets at a cost tar belo The Bering River semi-anthracit and part of the semi-bituminous coal from Matanuska rs has no equivalent on the Pacific Coast, and that it compares favorably with - the - Penns w that of Eastern coal, in which case it should have no difficulty in entirely supplanting the 1 iska is also better than anything that is being, mined in the West. These coals are the yrvanla anthracite. latter. equivalent of the iWahanta. New River and Ceor-es Creek coal of th East, and are eminentlv adanted far nae nn warshina and for other nurnoaes for which a hiffh-arrade. Dure, "smokelesa" Steam In a coal is reaulred. .and for these purposes will command a considerably higher price than any coat now Being mined on thaj Pacific Coast, or if offered at equal price ahould readily drive the latter from-the market--" - t arc 01 inciv coais win proauce an cxcciicm quauiy di coko ociicr, ia laci excepi possioiy in content 01 pnospnorus, rcKaruing wnn n uaia u iiih.uh; man ys wmi-.i vi w nv,, ortant smelter industry grows up in Aiasica, as now seems possioie, me Aiasaa coamg ooais sootua i. Vv any-otiheWa$hington or Vancouver Island coals, and equal to the coke from Crow's Nest Pas. If aa important t nave ta advantage oota ot quality ana transportation? -v ; ' ' COKING TLSTS ' '" : Th coal from the 33-foot bed o Trout Creek (see page 71) was tested In the following manner.' A hot wood fire was built in a pit dug for the purpose and lump coal gradually added until about "-. 600 pounds of coal was burning. Then about a ton of coal was added. The sides of the pile were banked with stones and dirt, the top and ends being left open for draft After several hours the ends were 1 . If .' .U . J . - t. .fv. - -1 ...... t? . A . t . U ..... J .A .f f .1,. .J. w.. . MAanat mm A tttm tlv ..tiamiliVul Tk. CQTcrcu, atiu uuij m uitcuiub was cai .11 c lisp hawtcicii w nzi mm imwc y i vui u . j . i.lci , nucu iu .uiu.i; vcsc vvmc vii, vw,.h, i ...(uwu. . u r-'--resulting coke wa firm, strong and poroua, and had a good ring and luster. The. test showed conclusively that an excellent coke can be made from this coal Coal from any of the other aeama " , : doubt that by proper treatment a good 1 wa tested more crudely, and it was found that practically all of th coal here classed as serai-bituminous possesses such coking qualities , that , there is little or no i coke can be made from almost any of it ,;' i 4 . ..v .'.....-.. '.'',.-;" . ' - v---' , .V.f . --.n-t ''-t . 'v "v v- ; v " StatUric taken from U. 8. Geological Surrey Bulletin, No. 284, 1905. This company owns over 12,000 acres of selected holdings In Bering River Distrid An Investigation or talk with the men named below WILL TON VINCE THE M In Bering River District Southeastern Alaska. Over f 125.00O.00 CASH INVESTED. E MOST SKEPTICAL as to the stability of this enterprise. . ; That you may IrAow with whom you will be associated in this enterprise, we name here and now refer to the following well-known business men, who comprise a partial list ef the stockholders of this Company: .yXXV:? -f.-.v-' .1 T'" 1 r""'; ''- Vv""fc ' :: v" r-' i ' 4--v -vr - SC. B. WAamnaJT. Wafca Stat Tia fs Oo. S). SCAOX. Oarpafc. ThlrS Sttraat. STtTOK SC. SUSTT. Xamraaa . Aajwraat, SSS M. Sk W&Ksltal, Wakaaaaav-acoxa vapa 00. SrrX MoOfTimn, Maaaca vaalrl pa Oa. ... svac niDUTOl, Bairaa aa alelam. . 4 ' . O. BOrrtTK, Barfaaa a ' SC. yiTTOOX, SnUa SJly Oraalaa. .... x,OtriS ex.CXAmH, wooaard, oiaik Oa, raio S. aTAjrz.aT, - Dasoha xmratm m t owv Oaaapaay, . OBX anam, htB Xrrlgavea Vowm Oompaay, St a oaacmazXit 1T Stabawk BaUdlng. , o. t. swisaar, ir acoaawk aauoiag. A. B. acABOB, Baalv, Staaaa B Oo. r. SC. VAOB, oonuBlaaSom BCaraaaat, Ua Baa . A. SOVB8, Joaaa Oaaa Btora, ao-et Treat St. BOBVOB St SnXA, Tt-Sriaaat T. O. B . o. BIAS SUICXaBO, Baialar, Ov. raVAJTS auoarnT, waolcaal am, US rramSSS, . u: A. Zk scanrToaar Vaallaa, ov, WXU1AJS ABSBT", raimltara, rtrrt aa Wax ; : r S9VABD BOX.KAV, xraaartaka, ! tsjrtca. M. SWBTlA.n, Ooafstnv, art Storrtaoa. ' ' T. A. ATBBT, XasHwara Talr Bwaa. ".', 9. B. BOOSUBB, rrtata. SO rtiM arcraca. . m. MA OX. Oarpaka, ThlrS Sttraat, CSIBUS OOOrXT, acarobaa Tailor, TklrS aaa Stark. ' 1 , - B. XOXTtni, SMaBraraat, US Thin STtraat, ' S. St. OBOWV. Slarewar, sia nv auaa. -St ax XLBAC, srtatlamar, S4 Waaaln-om St. . Mm t. arrioa, aaor. no rair atr. ; . B. SC.' BETanr, Qaaxtarmaat' ZMpartasaat, Taa ' aoavar, waaa. - , XBA SC. SWABTB, Qwrtaraaaatar' Bapartmaart, v--- - vaaaonvT, waatt '-..'...... . : A. A. uamsXBT, atanaea Baal Batata SaparV . aaama, T. O. B T. Oo. , . a. f,. STtTOK sc. fl Ohaaaaar ef 1 W. B. sosnsa, Oaplaall, 8M BUaan STtraat. a a. b abb am. paatist, siaiay Banata'. M. BXZBBBS. Ooatraetor, aa Baat Taata Sat a. a. nuwooD, ess rraat str, su, 0. SAJC TBATOaX. Baataara raoin Bsllwsy O. '- . St BAjrBXW, TaaiSasai!!, I BIOXMOBTD HUT, rayaaataa. 9. a. SCABBXAXXi, Oapltauat, lost OaaaS SWaaa, SL a. SATXaoai, malA BaBarUaaaaaa. B. B. aoaorsOB, rkyalalaa, atohawk BafldJaf. " '. -V The above named, together with the officers and trustees of the -company, invite yon to call and make the fullest investigation, as thejr have done, and ascertain for yourself the facts as to th holdings and purposes of this company and the excellent opportunity offered for an investment which promises handsome profits, with strong probabilities of immense returns within one year. . ' - Those who do not investigate often shut tbemaelves out from the best opportunities of lif." 7 , , t; ; ' 4 ' . . ,V . . Send in Your Subscription at Once. Make All Checks and Drafts Payable to ANGLO-AMLRICAN OIL AND COAL CO. WL 1LMPLOY NO AGENTS Stock Can be Subscribed for Only by Mail or t Our Office WL EMPLOY NO AGENTS Offices: 402 and 403 Oregonian Building, Portland, Or. TELEPHONE MAI 4507 ROBLUT S. UcrCJDL,