THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENINO, FEBRUARY 27, 1007. ii n i i. TODAY'S MARKETS 1 - ' " 200 CARS SPUDS I Careful Examination of Portland District Shows Amount In AII Handsr . SEVENTEEN HUNDRED , CARS ESTIMATED NEED This Amount Will Likely Be jCon timed In Pacific Coast States Dur . ing th lUrmalnaerftlw-Seaaoa -Delayed ' Shipments Hurting. ERRITORY rriscipaT market features today 1 PMite situation In reTlsw. Onions braking very fast. Local flour adranced loo pn barrel. Bggs go as low m 18 today. - Sugar market is very low., , Tw nn -basin it1t. Asparagus Is very slojr eller. Apple receipts are tetter. .Poultry eery firm. . Pries Sams. jT j Dressed nests bold at ton,' , , - Tributary Jetst Steaks.;'. Cara. Pairrtew and Trostdale , Tualstls Csaby ' alarquam . ,,.. 1 Orsbtree Corranie , lllllsbom Forest Grove .... , Battle Ground .... ' Portland docks Korth Varobill ... O. W. r. line ... 12 Sbarwond Bra f .,,....,.,,....... . Bptcer .........r...... Mount Angel Iteedrlile Uestoa Hidgefleld, Waahlntttoa ...... Washongal wbrg Scattered Graod total Portland territory. .... .200 Situation ,B"t Se Black,. Wblle the potato market ha bees allowing rather eetre break, la Tame in tne eootn, doe to tb euornwos receipts from tne there are, .only about Sou ear of etorfe la all hand tatflhs Portland territory if this time. This Includes dealers aa well a prodBcere. Ihes figure were specially gathered tor The Journal by George H err en and are aaloV by dealers to be about aa correct aa they could he secured. There are 100 daya In which to ee the prevent crop of potatoea thta season. California neve a bo at IS cars ot potatoes day, so the shipments that section mast tot hsMssltr b nulte liberal In order to sun- isily tbs trade. Toe eoueampttoa Is California each day by the vartoua markets Is divided about sa tollowa : rrean district S.U0U sacks. aa Diego 1.UUW sacks. Los Angeles a. sacks. Baa rrsex-iaco 6,000 Barks. This forms a total of about So cars a day for the Call fornla Bisrkets alone. The a Portland for Ita' own aa consume shout sou. sacks or two rsre a dsy sad the northera markets taks soma Oregon stock. - Taking All these place together their waata for the estimated remainder ot , 'the oaaoua will bs aeasswber) la taw astgh k or hood o 1,TJ cars, a eery great Bomber whea they: are hunched together, The present low rang of value la California la dus sa tlrsly to tha fkrt that th shipments of east' era potatoes which shovld hare srrired there la January a tha first of this month are saw coming ta as this has a bad affect Bpoa tha asarket temporarily. Shlptoente froni thla elate hare likewise Increaeed at lata owing to the former poor condition of the railroads sad th Inability sf growers ta . send their sappnea ta market. Onloaa Are streaking Badly. Ordinary onions ar selling ta th Call for. la mark eta today aa low aa TS cents par 100 Boaade and best waff- repacked sesrcsly I -asfrescbes tha dollar mark.. Tula conditio la W ' doe ts tb eaormooa supplies of anion vry. wwn. vrwwera . ' aueaiMg rry 'VDoeawv, to unload quickly and thla la hartlug tha Bar. kat more thaa rr. Two car of bananas arrived la today ts ery good shape. . 'The first car of eastern Oregon potatoes ta arriv la thla city th present season wss doe -day. It corse from La Grande. A namber of cars from that point ar expected storing tb Belt rew (are. Larger rssrlpta of sppl were anew, aa th market today. IV ma ml eery good. Asparagus as rather slow asst. Prices ar dews, bat the season has not advanced tar esougs lor general coaaampuoa. Briaf Vet a( th Trad. - Th advance of in per barrel ir1aiv1y predirted by The Juuraal saaterlallaed ldy. All grades arreeteu. Wheat la doll, bat steady. Eggs ar down aa low as IS, with soma sa lea ' -as high ss lie. Receipts Increasing Poultry supplies a re fair, but not np t - the demand. Top price easily maintained. Br seed bog ram la better supply today, bat demand eontlnoed Tory beery, s atorka wsr f beat guallty. (Soa adraac obUlned for fancy stair. . . Kaaar clams ar ssry ardrr. bat hard shells ar somewhat mar pleatifal. Salmon ma smaller agsia. Trsd y following prices to Prsirt street. Prtra paid shippers ara less regular com missions: . erala. rwrs sad fsed. OR AIM BAGS CsJratta. m bdytng " arte: ' asliin. Sottas,. WHRAT New elnh, "CTOe: red Rnsslsa. Mrs7r: hlnesteaL Tl ft Tie; salley, dsftltde. COBS Wools. 128.00; cracked. 1.00 per " BABT FT New red. 21 00T77 on; riQ4. 123 (IO'324.00: brewing, .0Oea.O0. nir. II I! pee ret AA TS New Pmdoeees net; Mo. I wait.. 300420.fiO; grsy, fcM.0O4l28.c0. FLOUnV Faatern tiregnn patsnrs. . 14. Id; ralgbta, esport. Taller, 17: rahais. Ua. g.t.BO: whole wheat. 1S.T1: ... Me. ffl.00: he lea. II.TS. . MlLMtTTTPFS flrsn, T7.00 ptr ton: anld dllnga. I2K.O0; shorts, conatry, (20. t0; ty. $1.S0; shop. IIS.0Oa21.fW. HAT Prodarenr' prlre-Tlawthy. Willamette Taller, fancy. .ll.OOOU.OO: ardmsry. SSboo MUST RESOW GRAIN IN WALLA WALLA DISTRICT (Special rHspstcb ta Th Journal.) d ' walla Walla, waab., 'ct). 37. s Thousaads or scras or cn land d most bs rtplowed and . Htgaadad d In this oouoty aa a result of tb d peculiar winter Just paad. Ths sTers cold snap or last month d ktlUd the seed In thousands, of d acres of north vhlllsld In th d Preaoott neighborhood, aoma to d mUes north of hers. Tha work 4 of replanting has beritn this d week., Another thing which Is d causing Inoonvnnlstv to scores d " of farmers Just now Is th fact d that rata' came so early and so 'often lssl fall. This caused a d " rsnk growth - of weeds which d mmt now bs plowed over. Farm-. d rs Jn the nelghburhood of Kits- d sll cresk,' tip filrrh creek and In the'vlrlnltf of Hid Cottonwood d will bs sufferer a from the luxu- 4 . riant irrowih csuaed by th en d eess of early rains. ' In the d Waltahurg neighborhood tha 4 rnps ars In prims condition, 4 being well tip, end - th fields 4 rooking green end promising. 4 4 WHAT DEALERS SAY . ' OF LOCAL MARKETS Py Sherk ft Graham Company. Egg market still shows a dowuward .tendency, tha prlod yesterday easing off anotker couple of points no ttiat is cents Is conalehared ths top price at the present time. It would seem that this figure - l;-bout .tha low water mtftk, . -although another decline of 1 or i cents would not come in th light of s surprise. With eggs as low as at tha pres ent time tha consumption should be much greater than usual and make a fair demand -even with the heavy supplies. Onions srs still somewhat of a drag and growers seem un decided as 4o what thsy should get. The future in this Una does not appear very bright for tne producer. . Potatoea in this marketer firm although southern ship- 4 iiieuts hasv 1 been u' sumwwhat 4 4 checked owing to tha weakness .4 of th market there. We do not 4 snticlpata a decline here. , 4 Shipments of chickens are al- 4 together too light to meet the 4 demand and those that ara re- 4 4 celved find ready aale at top 4 4 prices. TMae-alaoiUuepfth 4 4 veal and hog market, . , 4 4 " a aa. v 1 ; riMMM am aa. 1 . li) oiei0.60i cloTsr. u.00-: grain, )i 00a lO.tW; fnli as.tsa. Batter, Egg sad ruMrr, riTTKIt PAT f. a. ' h. Portia ad . cream. 83ei soar, IH. BUTTEB t"y creainery, aoj ourslds fsncr. sac; srorsre. a tore, itqits vCHEKSK NSW rail croaai, flato. KUSIk loons America. 15H416. , POULTRY UT Miles hlrkens. I8te lb.; fancy hens, lie lb.; raustars, old, luc per ioj ia "'" i" " wiTa. jac per it: broilers. lHc lb; eld darks. 13 H lb; spring ancaa, laisv yew . .wiw per to, itir- keya. lie per 10 tor eia; aressea. ranry, ji per lb; aonafa. sz on per 00s: pigeona. II OQ per UOU. ureaaeu iu vij JwiCjpcr ip Bisoer, Boss. Waal sad .Hidss. HOPS 106 crop, rhotcs. WKClllo! prime v; to choice, 10s: medium te prims, mcdlnm. Sr; contracts. JB07 crop, 12c .woul-190 clip Valley. tuntZSx; saatera uregon. aa. i oil A m rtew. BOBimaar- 1 SHEKPSKINll Shearing, IR02OC each: asJa wool. " L ' ' ' anaii, BVMiSC each TALLOW Prime, par In, tV404c: s .a on 11 i.v aa-etttxtw for ear iota; smsO HBIS. '"HOC. HirtCA Dr. Re. 1. IS lbs snd m lu.e. 7Hc per lb; dry hip. No. 1, a is Ins, Its: try calf, Ns. I. amler the. ISri salted hMe, steers, ensso. aw ins a an eeec, losjiie; cowa, Vttf4e: stags and bells, snund. nTei kin. It ts 30 lbs. Be; calf, soaod. under IS lha. 11-! green, snsslted. le lees: rails. Ic ner IB u... eeraa nines, wueo. earn, l; ary, sack, Si.ou0i.9u; amt nMea, zsttaoc; gost skms, waiBBa, awica. .I'Viur; nnsors. SSCO, SO. CJ 1 1 fruit and Tsgstoslsa. POTATOES But Ins price eaatena lfnl.. mab snd Clackamas select, 11.80. Selling,) fancy el.oiittl.M; ordinary., buying. ll.0Oiai.lS. cwt: al ar - Set 1 . u I a. OMuna Jobbing Dries No. 1 Oruna sis 1.1ft; No. i. Junior, baying price, Ben'sic f, . b. shipping poiirt; garlic, ftwse per lU7v ai ri.5.,-1 tsncy none Mitsenlirg sad ISlltiw NfWtlwaL S.CaJt fane U;ilV...... r. ley and strtirlieia Orsama. gl.a0i.7&? mi.... stock. 1 1.001 1.29. . hi I la Orange, sew Basel. $2 M AA a.vri lSllXPrirlPTa. . . .k ram n Bias al Has bbsbss lav wmoaa. sst M bog; limes. Mexican. oer riwraiM'nn,. as.lwaja.UU par eoseU;SrbrSpes. Iinnn 7 SO e k- . neara ti ll. ' T7ri?V.,w oonrai grsps rroit. g-i.73. VhifgrtKLRa Tsmipe, new. tMlidtl .ark carrots. 7. Via 11.00 per aark; beets. l.2ft oe V,ZA ""' 20c per dos; esbbege. 12110; ben pepper, ) per lb; toma toes, Msxloaa. 2.4o; parsnip. 0c$l: trlng lb; cauliflower. 2A0 per da: A per dose ; soosah. I.Vrttl.OO par boa; rory, tjurnrnls. ft3.2St,M erau; mn. bemea. s.0Ofct,.0O per barrel; sprouts, kUM r' "i J aepa r2M, aa2ue SB. fe per lb: smicots. ituan, nee ii.. m, i5"H per lb: eseks. , per lb Vse;rusM. Jl to 40, oc: He drop oa each 110 smaller ""If. California black. etSH pee lb: in, ios per w: sate, goto, t to per ba fgrds. Sl.0tl.ft0 .per lft-lh box. wrseartsa. Wats, Its. Sf Tl A a Cm 1 1 torn a. II. .,.- ttLZ t.S7H: powdered. M.S2H; berry, 4.S2H; dry X. J .. - V"v! ss.san; eonr. . ii'eatV," J1- W.7H:sWb C, As; D yellow. S.Mmbect granulated. 4.42W. Western t abs. 4 7fc : powdered, M.8SS: dry granolated, H-2t P. C M.tlu,; St. rraorla. t.42: eoa fee doners' A.At mu.: e.rr. ftt.l2W: voMea f! tl INU. I f ?1; beet granulsted. 14 45'm bhla. lor; m ouia. toe; noies, puc sdrsnc ua aark basis. ( A bo. nrtcsa ana aal a,.. . Unaai. " T" " ' rlONKT-llSO per era ts. t'Ot'FEB Pscksgs brsada, $ B A I.T 4'osrss Half eenenA inra. ham I": ?H elOAO: table, dairy. ftOs, ftM.OO: 100. awiea,' tim; mparts I.ITsrpuoL urn, J1KOV: lotK flJ.oo: tM SIS.OO: earra fin! bbl. 7m. fta, 10a. tS.atiatXSO: leernonl hiu.a $10 00. rsck, 10.DO 100s, I A DOT DTlce Sunte An mlmm m b !. rw Ms. Car lots at special pries esbjaet la fluctuations.) H1CH-I.psrlsl Jspaa, W. 1 ee: Ms. t, J; Nsw Or 1 ana, Mao. ti AJat. eel Creole, IlKAMSAaToian aa an. I. asSta. WiO; pink. $2.eot bayoe, a.ji; Ltmaa. c; kleitraa reda, ee. NLTS Peanuts, lambs. H par lb: ttrgtals. JHs per tb; rosstsd. 10 per lb: Ja nance. '.tcj roastseiuis paw Ihi cocoanats, aoS'.'s er doa; waluuta. (aliriirnla, iwt per lb: renrb, like per lb: nlnennta. 14015c lb; hl-kory anna. lOe nee ;.- ' tnnt eastern. lnlAe pc lb; BrasO ante. Ike per ah; fllbs-ts, 10c per lb; fancy pejesaa, ltf20c; aloMBds. IBaaiHs. ' Meats, rtah sad, PrwrhHens. PRCS II M SATS mat Street Hoga. faarr. 1 per lb: rssL extra, se nee lh- wrii.. 'Wow pr lb; poor, a per loi msttoo, tasui, Uc per lb. BAPON. gTC l-nrtlaml pseh lax-art nsma. 10 to 12 lbs. lSVac lb: is to m lh- ia io; iiiosi ina. ine id: preakfaat bacon. lir ... 7SV iv, 1 t 10; COIISIT POM, JLX tui reauier enort caasrs. nnsaviaaMi. i ih smoked. IS In.: clear hacks. unauwtaeA I7e smoked. IMc lb; In Ion butts, 10 to 13 lbs. aa- amosra, sc in: smosso, lb: clear bellies., an, srsoked. 12Sc lb; smoked. 13Vie lb; ahouldar. -wj ,Wf pi:ajeq, oinr escn. , LOCAL LARD Ksttas lesr. 10a, II h; ft. IS!c lb; AO-lb tins. Ust lb; stesaa ren dered, 10s, Ui lb: ee. 1!, lb; sompouad. 1 - TSl CANNKD SALIO-rolnniMa stase. .t.ta, laua,; s-in tsus, fa ner. l-lo fists, 11. 0; H-lb fancy flats, fi.iri: rsncy I -lb ore la, 12. TB: AMaka talm. pink- K4WUci red. tlJO; nominal. 2s. tsn. asio. 1 f IS II Hock cod. 7 per tb: flounders.' Rc per th; hsltbnt. be per lb; rrabs. tlittl.M per wis; stripeo esse. w-c per lb: entries, loc- lh; salmon, fwt Onlurahla riser stselh-ada. lie; rhlnonk. USe lb; frnsea salmon, fiftlle; fcer rlnc. Sc Ihi soles Sc lb; ahrlmiw. 10 lb; perrh. V lb; black cod, Te per lt; tnmcod, T per lh; iirer ecneii, es per J; mosrers. Io per Hi ; free anaekersL c par lb: erswHsh. nee 4oaea: stnrgeoa, ISe per lh: berk has. 20 pes lb: fnlamhia rlrer smelt, Se per lb. uif l nta nnosiwater Bar, per gsllnn, ft M: per 100-lb sack. S4.60: Olrmnts. ner saliei. J2rt: per llft-lb. ssck. lft.atJsM.2S: Kaela.1 esnned. SOe ran. IT dosra. 1 (LAMIA nardahelL oer bet. M.TS: raao tlssas. tUO psg bog. Paint, Coal OH.- Zts. OPC far Manila. lHe; ataadard. Usi si. 1I: COAL OIL Pearl as Astrsl Cssss. 19 Sc set i Ik; water whit, trow bhla. ISc Bar salami woods, 17 par ra Hoe 1 beadllght, llledeg.. ae. IlHc per gallosx, ttAK'MjMK se-eeg- rasa. s1i' eer ssneaL Iran bbl., ISr per gsQcsa, BCNSalNa) At deg , eseae. 'SU see s.rk. Ires hhh.. Itm par gallon. Tl rtfB.M lr -la csasn. so ner sal: saaiUa MK fte per galloa, , ' WHIT LBAUrosf art, 1t per lb: 100-lb toes, tte per lb; less, lota, tHc per lb.. . , . eina n si i.o I 1 1 ass I Basis 81 (Z PS. LIXMKCD OIL Pa- raw. la bbl lots, avw-i bbl hx. Me: eases, ta per gal; geealn he. battled, cssss, SO per gsl; Ahbl lota, Atej m mnm. mmw awe mmgi mfrmmm lots. Sas ps gal; gmaad eat a. ar lots. tut pa loa; Issb this ear lots, M par oa. . TV'ho is Vetsgsrt ' Ha Sis your erss for 1 1.0 a. ' 111 Sixth strsat, LIST IS SOLD AflD PRICES LOSE New York Stock Marktt Hurt by Continued Agitation Against Railroads.. . " ; NEARtY FOUR POINTS ARE LOST BY READING Amalgamated Copper Loses 14 De spite the Fact That the Metal Is I fflghcTt'nlun Pacific H 4 Points Off. . MET LOSSES. Amalgamated .... IKIGt, Northera ... 1 Car A foundry...., T mo. rsrmc Sugar i North. Pselfle Sn I'enuajiTsnis , cl4uila:i Gas Anscouda Atcblaoa ... Braofclya .... ... ;rrca. Dtesi ..irrrt ... lValKesdlng tl ... VklKcP- Steel ......S. 4 Press. Btesl Canadian ..... be Paul C. A O Colo. Fuel ... Kl isisnu n Houtbrra Psclfa .. H it ... t ... ... Is! noutbrn Ry ...... U. at. Steel.. Ji LoulsslUs .... Texas ah Pse. tnius Pact fie So prirru .... 1 NET 0AINS. B. 0 Wla. Ceat.. pre... i ErU ,.. sl ' The New York stock market was anld hesr ny this BWHPtilng aud aerer losses were msds In tli uric. Tbs later recorery ssnt tbs market bark somewhat, but at tb -jloss losses In Talus were general. . Official quotations by Owrbeck. Starr TT If lf I lUf .' descbiptioh. : ; j . "' .1 I '' Amalsamsted Copiwr lllHlUlUtloSV loo4 4.1 A Tl 181 140TJ Aui. 1 ar A foundry, com thi Am, iAcoinotlrc, com , Am. Sugar, eota ....J. Am. Kinelter. com , .. Anaconda Mining ... IThlllfll, r"--- . . , 73 73 1SS 14A 1 M. 131H I S3 142t 2o4 leol Brooklra Itapld Trsnsls4-J MaTTI 0. as ., oiui ( auadtan I'acinc, com. C-hi.. M. A St. Paul.. Chicago A S. W., com. Ches. A OblcA- Colo. Puel A Iros, com Eric, common , HUnola Central Ixwls. A Nash Tills... M., K. A T.. com..... IHstlllcrs (ireat Horthera i Missouri Pfdfte Natlinal Lend N. Y. Central Knrfolk Wit com. Vorthcra Pacific, com. PeuaaylTSRla Hallway Peo, O., L. V. CO... Press, steel Csr, com.. Resdlng. common ..... 11TH "2W Krp. Iron A Steel, com. Hock island, com...... ftouth. Pacific, com.... r ! Southern Ky., com .... Tt - a. t ::::: ::d S i r mm , ...... Union Pacific, aom .... U- 8. Steel, eom...... ml loitU. Ht 4.1 ( 48S Ita V lost lt- oo pretcrrea fall money closed at 4 per cent. I luUl jake for dsy. l.ISi.200 shares. PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Fifty Thousand Sharps Sold Mam moth Is Advancing. Ptfty thouaand shares of stock were Bold ea IrhaDe-e todar. Mammoth advanced te 1844c, buyvra SO dar end Potlde Is fractionally up pek Ooiit! f 1.000 aharee bsli aobl. Banker A Lumu-rmen bank haa a rlaa of II la tha bid. Bam gal la Oregon Trust. Tort ay' a sales: Thrss thousand Mammoth st le (buyers SO darsl. g.000 lcnny Imlln t loc. 11.000 Ie Creek Oold t 2Hr, 18.000 ssui mt sc tnuyers mi esyst. e,'at roticis si 12ae snd S.DUO ssas st 12uc, S.000 Wsahoa gal gxtsaaioa at 24 e, S.11UQ1 Mammoth at 17c Ibuyere so says), o.taju isfte tauyers au usrsi, J Official prices: I BANK STOCKS.-- Bid. Ask. Bsnk of California $.-V.0O ....... Bankers A Lumbraaeas liH.OO Merchants National 170.0O 1R5.00 14O.00 120.47 tltvgoa Trust A Seringa 124.00 roriians Trust uo'..... lolled Stslss Rational 200 00 - INUSTKD SECt RITIES tBOXDS.1 American Biscuit Co. Sa M.00 100 00 Clly A Suburb sa ..... Coluaihls Soutneru Irrigation 6a Horn Telethons 6s .... . J. 4). Lee Co. Sa SO 00 O. K. A M. Railway 4s........ W.O O. W. p. A Railway ...,.... lisi.oo Pacific Coaat Placult 6 .aw Portland Railway 6 ....... 2.00 WOO . 7.n0 1OO.0O 100.80 IO8.6O lUl.ta) 1UU.00 43.09 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS, Associated Oil 42.00 liotus Teleiiboo Su.OO J. Le Co 78.00 Pacific Stntis Telephon ...... Fug.'t Sound Teiepboa I11O.00 80.00 .28 .wit .! .2 024 OO .18 MIMNO" STOCKS. British Yukon . fenny tuUn .. Gatewood Lakerlew .24 .ot"4 .SU ."osii Lees Creek Gold North Pslrrlew llsnhsttan Crow a Point ...... . rotll Mining . Weebougal Extsualon . - UNLISTED STOCKS. Oregon City Mill A Lumbar..., 4.00 8 2(1 s on . .Id .) .124 .27 .22 . .15 .05 A .10 -I0V4 , ."V4 .0S14 -J . MM 'or ii .6A Ynqulu Usy Telcvhoas ft.'sl .12 1 .06 14 .2i . .17 1 ".Ml .W .044 .0 ; .14 AlKKa retroirua ...... Iilue Srona. 1,., Brltleh Colambla Amal.. Caacadla (iiUdflcld Trotter Oreat Northern -, Mammoth Vv.. , Morning Mount Pitt Standard Consolidated ,,, Tacvma Steel evm COhCR D'ALENS DISTRICT. Bullion rest t.i;iper King 14 Manor Isy .O-l ' .0314 .04141 O. K. CrnaollJated Park Copper Snowshoe boo w a tor al r TrsrrriD states ootzskicxvt B0D8. New Text, Peb. 27. Oorernmsnt bonds: Itat. Bid. Ask. ins 104 1034 10.114 102 103 io' 10 ioo 108 Two, registered ........ do cxsinesi Threes, registered do coupon ............ Poors, rrs-iatercd ....... do enwrmn Threes, small bonds..,..., Faort, registered ....... So coupon .,......,. Tsros. Taasma cassl. . . do coupon Putrlrt ef t olsmbla eSa. rorars. Phillppln Iflto 10014 l to, list Iixai )02V lts HUi. I0T 101 VK1 10214 1f28 1R2S I2R I2S IOA 14414 tl Will Es'srgs Kill. Echo, Or., Pel):' XiThe I'msttHs- Ranch enmpsny, ths present owners f the O. K. Hnnt land at I'oatrr snd ths Henrietta flour mllle at Echo, la making arranjremente to enlarge ths rsusclty of the mill to 600 barrels psr usy snd stsrt It In time to grind this year's emp. The consteat growth ef h wheat producing see la the Tlclnlfy of Rrbe and Poster haa Induced the eovpany t mk this Improrrment. Tb Henrietta sal lis wss. built by tha -well knows ptntiesr. J. 11. Konats, who Ss lng a flrst-clssa mechanic, did moat ef the carpenter wark kin eslf tn ISS2. It was built for lia barrels ia tb first place. Msw- Tsrh-Leadsa Silvsr, Ksw York. fah. 2T, Bar sllrst. Sv; ib- I doa. SZfce, ... . I02!100tf irr-fMU I K1 1M.1 1M lMh B7 ........ 146 145 141144 lr.l) 16HI 604 ( d8 jMay ssf euij- hiKl S4k Wm KS Septsmbsr l.'idVj 1M4 l.S 130 rlZt 127 ii Uaf 42 ..... 42 Jlr 7Si Srptembar HI2H ..... ..... SO 4 80 I TS TB rWil 67 126 ij V 124 12414 ta us 1474 14.M4 12H ISO 12T 127 V H2-54 3 I W21i 1124 41 47i 11TH 117H U2W 11' 82 82 '4 tll',l T4 ,1 (.1 25 BZS 1701 444 VW Although Sugar Prices Are "Low Ther Is Still Some - Prospect of Another DropU-Rival Refineries Do Not Care to Be Friends Now. GREEN BUG STILL . 1(1 BUSINESS Reports Hs Continues to Eat Wheaf and Oats in the v Southwest. CHICACO MARKET HAS ."- A LOSS IN THE WHEAT Decline of H to e Made a a Bo suit of Bear Operations Corn Is V lilt M 1 CroseaaawPaTclterv Support Pork. RXLATtTB 1TBEAT TALOTtft. Chicago. P t7). 27. Tha hear fun mm ara enejia- what aggreaslre la wheat At thla time the trade fevla that the pries will not drop much uutll It runs lute a good aiport buslneae. Tarn ags raports from Trxaa and parts of Okla homa ar QUltS frsmientlT eeeeleerl TX ,.. sgss of tbs grssa bug ara ssld to be rsry serer. Today'a Biarkst closed Ua ta tu lower. The eora market wss slow. May and Sep tember closing frsctlonallr low and July higher. ' . "r.oats lost Ht. July U and the aame September. Pork sdranceil too aa a A. Pork sdrsncs lng of support by packers. Other lines sf Dro- nsloos ahow a gala. Official snots rlona by Orarbeek, Starr , v 1 Cook eompany:. Ops a. Oowet WHEAT. ' 7S1 - TSWA " ...iV- .... 78 July September Dsttabar OOBM, Msy July V a 47 MB 48 . 41 B 2B 44V Ssptrmbst OATS. May 42 AH 2K . Ph. ST. Peb. 2S. Los. MKXI. ilf MiA -"-iA -.61 P .TT'A .7 .OtiV M Vte 7g ,7 .QUI- ..." loltilJU'T I07vj Septsmbsr ; KE8S PORK. i Man Ol ee 1 1060 lea) erg 72 mi tio ir 22 LA BO. .. S70 9S2 SHORT K IBS. SOS , 018 620 NEVADA MINING STOCKS , r asssaaBtaaaaBBBVaaBaaw Prices Current ' In. San Francisco Market During Day. " Maa Prsnctoco, P.h. 27 Nersds abarea Aid prices: OOLOITCLDS DISTRICT. Sandstorm. 0Bc; Rsd Top. I. 25: Mobswk, 117 80; Columbia Mt., $108; Jamba, 84.10: Jumb Kltenslon. 12.65: Vernal tXr- PeAl. "Vsnla, tc; OoWflsld Mining Co.. 81.00; KendsIL 'l snits, hoc; uiae Bull. 82c; Adams. 21c; SIlTsr Pick. 81.4214; May Q.on. 23; Nersrts Boy, tic; B. B. ExtsnsloB. 14c: Bio Bell. Ale; Dixie, 18e; O. Columbia. $1.00; Hlheraia. loc; St. . Ires, $1.6714: Conuoeror. I1.2SA: Black Rock, Se: Lsae Star, $3c; O. Wonder. 6c; pot. Isca. V; Ore, He; Kendsll Rxtension. c; osndstorra Rxteosloo, c: Msyn. IHr; Atlsnts. S0c;. Oreat Bends $1.10; Slmeroo. 23caek; Em plr, 17c; Red Top Extension, fi6c; piorence, ta.lOA; Dlsm'f B. B. , Consolidated. 48c; O. Daley, $8.10: Laguaa, $1.60; Commonwealth. 8I.81A: Combination Practlon. IS.124. Great Bend, FTxtenalon, 84e; 0rt Bend Annex, 24r; Mlllatorm. IV! B. B. Honenaa, 12c; Kcwanoa, $1.70; flsmeralda. $0e: Portland. 80c; Cracker Jack. 17c; Francis Mohawk. 00c: Red Hill, 2e; Mobswk Extension, Hoc: Spearhead Gold, lc; Lou Dillon, ile; 1. Ttgsr. ISc; Grandma. 29e: 8. Pick Extension. l$e; T. 'Ross. 16c: Colorado Mt. Kxtenelon, Tc: Ocldflsld Consolluated. $10.60; Dlsm'f Triangl. Sic eOMSTOCK DISTRICT. Opblr. $2.86; Msxlcan. 84c: Gould A Currr. (Be: Consolidated Virginia. 60e; 8a Tags. 81c; Hale A Korrross. 8Se ask; Tellow Jacket. $1.06; Bslcher. 4Se; Coofldsocs, $1.00: Sierra Nerada. 74c; Exchequer, e8c; Cniou, 70c. BCLLPROO DISTRICT. OrlgtnaL ISc; Bullfrog Mining Co.. sWr Mont. Bullfrog, to; National Bank, 4c: L. Harrla. 5c; Amethyst. Ale: OoM Bar. 81. SO: Stelaway. Sic; Dearsr Bnf. Annex. 2.1c: Bonnl Clara, 4-tc; Msyflower Cousnlldsted. 45c; Monty. Ohio Exteaslon, 20c; O. Bcepter, Ate; Monty. Mt., SOc; B. lists. 40c ask: Hom estate Cud. aolldated. $1.22H; Tanks Girl, lie; Nugget, 12c; Tramp Conaolldstrd. $1.29: Victor. Ztci Banasr, 78c ask; North Star, $1.00 ask: Mldss. 60 ask; Son. 12e. TONOPAH DISTRICT. Tnmneh Nerada. $1S.8TU; Mont. Tnanneh $3.6. Tooonab Bxtsnsma. $4.46; MacNamara, Ale; Midway, $3Si; Tooopah Belmont, 86.12U; Tonopsh No. Btar. 7c; Ohio Tonopah, 17 West End Consolidated. $1.80; Rssco,. lfte; Tonopsh A Csllfornls, 16c; Golden Anchrar, Sac; Jim Butler, $1.0244; Tortopsb Cssh Boy. Be; Tonopsh Horns, Sc; Boat. Tonopah, 15c; Mow srch Pitta. Eitensloo, 28c; Moot. Mid. Bxtea slna, lie; Guide Crows, IS; M. X. Tonopah Consort dated, 10. , MANHATTAN DISTRICT. Manhattan Cooaoll.lated. SOc; Msnhsttsa Mis alg Co., 14c; O. Wedg; 13c; Seyler Hnmp. Sc; Dexter. 81c; L. Jo. e: Crrscent, 8 aak ; Oons. blnsttoa,.T aak; Graany, $l.3Sl Mnstssg. like; Ltrtl Grey, 4SC ask: Cowboy, Te; Original Msnhsttsa, Sfte; Broach. 14e; Jomplng Jsck, lSe ask: Pineaut, SOe; Buffalo, 80; a. Iog, 14c; X: Horse, Tei Indlsa Camp, 46e ssk. . . tVARIOCS DISTRICTS.-. Pslr-rlew Bllrer King. 46c; Palrrlew Eagls, Tbe: Nerada Hills. $3S0: Pltuhnrg, Sllrsr Peek, ll.eo; No. Star ' Wonder. 21c; Eagle's Neat, STe; Rnhy Wonder, see; Nerada H. Ploc aeics, 14c; Alice ef Wonder, le; Meat, Shoe Extension, Sic. rORTLAKD SAVE BTATXafXKT. Oeannr today ... Clearings yesr saw Gain today ...... Balance today .... Balance year ago . .r. .11.231.81 1.14 .... 630.844.48 I 6T.M AS I .... 133.&2S.84 .... ill.SOU.4d BKADSTBXXTS 0KAIK BIP0ST? rblrago. Feb. grale Tialble: ST. Bradatrsjeta report ef WHEAT. ,Tday Buah. T7.04H.onn 80.500.Ooo Tear ago Bh. T0.6w.ono 8.1,700,000 Fast ef Bocklse.. Curopa and afloat World's total I87.84.l.ono Cora K.sat ef Borkl.. I8.iM.0i Osts East ef Borkles.. 17,1'JO.OOO lM.wm.non i.iwnii 13,47',ois) OLSEN GETS MONEY BY . USING LUNDSTROM'S NAME Another bogus check operator Is ply. lng bis vocation tn tha city and' aa a re sult of his operations a' number of north end aaloon men. have been victim ised. Giving his -name aa Cbarlea Olsen, tho fellow paased checks purporting to have been signed by O. fJundstrom, on H. Frits of Krit'lrBoats concert hall, M. A. - rhllllps at- Irfastor-4 snloon, EJ Jacobs, a liquor! deaJef ,t , 10$ Third street, -and William Chnady of - tha American reetauranti EUtch of tha worth leas checks sf for- $14.10. ' A rle tecttve has been, detailed to locate Ol sen. - -w. . riefsiTSs) Btoefe Canad soda, AJla Xa.wla' Best Jsraad, MIGHT FILE LATER THA mm Y Advocates, of Initiative Measures Could Probably Hold Pe- titlons for Some Time. COUNCIL SESSION : . - JUST TO MAKE SURE CXtf Attorney KcNary Clres as nis Opinion That tho Act Reoently Pavssed by . the Legislators Will Jfot Compel Irnmetllate Action. City Attorney McNary bellersa that It will bs poaalbls for bills, smendmeats and other local legislation desired by tha pftoplttoba-submitted ta lh TOt- ere In June, even If they era not al ready printed and submitted to -th council at tha special meeting which baa been called for next Saturday, al though It was upon his adrices that Mayor Lano Issued tha call. Under tha enabling sot passed during the. last aesslon of the legislature It was provided that amendments and bills or local legislation should be printed snd fllBdV-DQt lgterthaa tha first Mon day of the third month before th June election. This law applies to all muni cipalities except those which under their ' charter;' hare prescribed some method for tha aubmlsston of amend ments or local legislation. Ths Port land council Is one of those which has not prorldad a special way and data, and It waa In view of this deficiency In tha city's laws snd tha definite pro vision in tha enabling act that lad tha city attorney to advise a special meet ing before next Monday. On tha other band. Mr. McNary be ll vea that If there ara legislative mate tera which tha people dealre and ars unable to file at the council meeting the prescribe a data at watch these mat ters can be aubralttsd. Bach an ordi nance, Jie believes, would hold aver tha act passed by tha legislature a few weeks sgo. - "While I believe that such a pro cedure would be legal and Its provision become binding." ha Said. "1 atlll thought It advisable that all legisla tion in which tha ol ty la interested -hoi.t, h. ajiihrnJUfjl. T"",l' the lata leg islative act on or beforeTCeffFsrVori7i day In March, and ao advised aocord- lnglT-" SHEEP RECEIPTS PICKED , IIP RAPIDLY- Very, Good Tone Ruling In All Lines in Local Livestocks- Talk of Hog Rise. . Portland Hnloa Stockyarda, Fab. xT-Ltr-tock rscelnta: Bon. Cattle, Sheep. j Today '., to 100 44S 'Week ago 148 411 . 108 Tsar aa-e . . . 54 PrsTious year ss . 137 S34 Sheep receipts were enly fair today as it did ot taas long 10 clean up sronna peer vsios. Hogs srs firm and ther are reports f -a frartloaal advaace hi values for aeaueUilag eut r tn ordinary grata. Cattl market firmer at 8. Tsday 44 bones sna avs gnata wer receiTeo. A year g today: All lines footed firm bat ancnangea ia viu. r. Orriclsl IlTastoek price: Uoga Bt tern Oregon. $T.TB; a fork ars and feeder, $.70U7.00: China fata, $.7. CattleBeat eastera Ore sou steers. $3.00: beet rowr snd be If era, $3.Sow8.TS; storkera snd feeders. $.1.76; bells, $2.80. Slasep Mixed. 3We; wrfhera, C1 rwss, Ule; lamba, tje. CATTLE MARKET HIGHER Chicago Is Strong to 10c Up -Other Lines Are Firm. ; Chicago, Fta. XT. I.rrsatock receipts: 7 Boca. Cattle. Sheen. Chicago 3.000 . lAWaJ 30.000 Ksnsss Cits 14.o-aj a.uiw e.voo Omaha 10.000 8,000 8.000 Hog are steady at y retard y'e closing, with 8 6oo left ever, Rclpt a yesr sgo were rvftiO. Price mixed and butcbera $8-863 T.liis: geod and heavy, $7.0617.1314: roagh and beary, $a.suT6.l3; llgbt, $d.aou7Xr7)4. Cattla, Strong ts 10 higher. Sheep tdy. I NEVEI? GUESS Experiment or tska chances ef aay sort. I attempt to cure only those dlaeases that I have been curing fori the pest sixteen years, and I believe. .J am Justified in saying that I have learned alt about them. Were I lack- ing in knowledge pertaining to my specialty I would never have attained my present success, nor would 1 to day he recoa-nlsed as tha lesdlng specialist-treating men's dlsesses. If afflicted, you csn depend upon It that the service I offer yon is the service you need, and la service such as can be rendered by no other physician. My practice is tha largest becaua. , I invariably fulfill my promises. VARICOCELE TJnder my treatment tha roost ag gravated cases of varirocei. .ra cured In a few days' time.,. There Is no pain, and It ts seldom necessary that the patient be detained from his occupation. Norm si circulation Is at once restored throughout all the or gans, and tha natural processes of waste and repair are again eetab Untied. If you are afflicted with va ricocele, consult me at once. t lays csn but bring on aggravated conditions and nervous compllcatlona that will impair the vital functions 'snd Involve the general health.. Contracted Disorders In tha treatment'cY disorders I of fer a service such ss no other phy sician can' render. The remedies I employ hnve a most thorough and positive action in clsanalng the mem branes of all Infection and subduing all inflammation. My manner ef ap plication in surra absolute thorough ness, and removes- every poeslblllty of relapse or a chronle stag, bty cures sr. not only thorough, out ara accomplished In the briefest time possible. Ml Tho DR. -TAYL0 R'cb; Patteata living oul of tha slty and eeming to Fortland fog trsxtmant wTJ V. fernUhsi with t't y r tft ChKt yon truck a Alreot to 334', M rnaoa 'rat. . - Successful Revival at Athena. (HpscUl Dispatch te The JoarneL! ' Athsnav Or Pefcr 17. Twenty-four converts have been received Into the Christian church tn this cltr since the revival meetings have been In progress during the past few weeka. Bar. Blll- lngton is conducting ths meetings, which will continue Indefinitely. t , 1 -- -J-j C3Ti::::3 syxu? has beaaa Qsod br sTintons of Mothers for t4r enildrea wml Teeuaug for oesr Fifty Tsau. It aoocnas to Biid, aoHeus th gunua, all. a all pal a. euro wtud euUet and tha bsaa) Basnstty In dlarrhna TWKNTir-riVE t'FJfTa A B4rTTXs, 1) 1J n 4 r'tru mm We wish to call the attention of the public to the fact that we have been specialists for more than25 years, and we are still the leading: specialists in Port land and the North west. Our low fee makes our services within the raVo.asd te fkaoUaa sSarlirrlaa ta Orwgcan I sult a Reliable Specialist now. Our reliability is unquestioned and our seryices are the best you can get anywhere Consult us at once, no matter what your ailment is. Remember we cure all Acute, Chronic and Special Diseases. WRITE IF YOU CANNOT CALL ' "-j; Office Honrs 8 a. m. to g JO p. m. Sundsy 9 to 12 m J CT I AI1IC kedical and jI. LUUIj suscical COILNEIl StCOND AND YAMHILL STOUTS, PORTLAND. ORX. OB. TAxTedk, Tbe TusdtTsj Sh) serialise. XT m XS.OsTXT D-(D xm awt xrmoomtrtMAm oamm You Pay -When CURED Consultation Fre A POAUTIFOL PACH Sn4 etaw trr Psrtlenla snd T-"-s. s tb reewdy that clears ins a, -o. 1 man a Ski Imoerfe.-fi.Hi. Make N-w Swd saw aa tu H.alia. If yew USB BGAUTYSKIN Saamflcial rssmlts are gaarssterd r fnncrirrsTTa rrifTrt CO . a4iaaa tuaa, nsalaa. PXw 5tNT P05TPAIOsTlJUrUJTJf LJlvAA,a 2Ptl MTTLtT OT AU. KINDS. , - awaPAncs roe Tooaaaos ittthai u'. IfcAyLlJd CAtCa. CO. T-JskVadwlaJ , Vos Bala By SKIDM0RK DRUQ CO. 18X Thirg nt wwrtlaad. Or. hi: 's 1 Dr.Horrow'sAntiLeaD . KAKJia ua non vat sraiwagK the aervotta systexm. It la a nsjraly yegetabla aompoaad. . u II Cwntalaa ao oils ar fata or any drug that ia injurious ar liable to produce a habit. . -TFIS-THftCIUtAtMT-rT TONIC W THX WOLD " jTJaeb bottle eontaina a month's treatment and costs $1.60 at any first-class drug- store. Tpara ay tne v AUTI LEAII UEDIG1E CO. wrUaaal, OS. . lit? reach of everyone, the eeeingLiLiQWJil $10 in most cases. Our fee may be paid when cured, or by install ments. If you need treatment see us at once. You want the best, treatment you can get, therefore con DISPENSARY I AM NEVERlN DOUBT I am never In doubt aa t. what tbe rasnlta from my treatmsnt will be. Day after day for atztewa rear, t have bean curing eaaa altar eaaa ef the asveral diseases paanllar bs msn. K. ema. aome. ta ma now, th. Ilka mt which I hay. sot treated aoorea sf time, ta tha put, and I aaa al waya say dsflnltely whether I will be able to affect a- permanent our. I newer hold at fa has hope, ar make promise, that I esmnot fnlflll. and , yoa can rely abaolntety upoa any anoontagstnent I may ha able to . offer yam. If 7 promise yew a aura, a aura wtll follow. WEAKNESS X sure functional weakness la aw, I know of wo other phyatelaa ear Ing thla ailment. . Moat doctors treat wrongly. - They glva stimulants ssd tonics. The things aaa't cure. "Wsakness" Is a acceptors of prass tatlo aUsorder, and tha treatment mast be local. Tbia la a truth that I myself revealed. I have perfected tbe enly system of loeal treatment that enrea -weakaee" A few doe tor. vr tha eotwitry sis las to ear. by tha same method, hut their treat ment la enly an Imitation at tha genuine TeyWS method. Tha gen uine. Is here and 'is sdmlaistered by Its orlglnatorj Doal hope ta Sad It elsewhere. ; I"-. . specific Blood-Poison 'va dangaroua minerals to drive tbe vlrue to the Interior, but harmle, I blood elanalng remr11ee that re- move the laet poisonoua tatm. ft