The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 25, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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; 'Oldest Trust Compamjn Oregon'' j
1 eoemnM Ofl nouna ing
,-.-cosset vst I vs principle and . v
lias every department for4
' the prompt and afnelent , ?
. ' t ' faMOiac - -j'
V:.-v;v;..:-.:'AK - -VAT"
: C '"' ul book of : V'. ':'''
Portland Trust Company of Oregon
' . Caras
I Oakl
bskj. i. oohe..
PfMlAttSt .
EL L. PrTTOCK......
j. a eoLTKA. .
a'sas'tsnt sr)crtury
Oar afftoa wffl -he epae and arary eraBfaic
thl weak, for the eale of lota la Snath Harbor.
Lo4 are eaUlna fa at-90 par cant Aaarn; 10
w east (aonthlr; aa lataraat. Prtraa. fit ta
lOO. Wltk flirt 0 lota said tmjmn wUl
racaHa aabataatlal bonoa.
' Ooantote Aatalls wiU ha ttraa ta all ta
taraatae arbe call at our efUca.
b7 inuoa Buxurjro.
Well looated neat the ar Una and ary
raaaonabia, Take this list la roar hand
and ro and sea the property and you
are aura to b satisfied with ona of then
tor a home site, then come and see us
. and we will make terms:. -47&
Tot 10x100 IX lots. Hawthorne
to. add. ...::..:. .
600 lots 1 or Mock .01. Sunny-
sida Third add.
(V57S Lot I, block (S, Sunayslda Third
,. add.
f f5T" Lot ' 10, . block It, ' Bunnysiae
,. Third add. ,
f 5BO Lots tl and 19, block S. BdaB.
. dale, with water right. :.
$8 BO -Lota 1 ort, nrat add. ta Hoi.
laday Park. :. - s ;
" f 550 Lota 4." , ' ar T. block 10.
: . Rlreratda add. These lots are an the
' St. Johns ear line oa Killlngaworth
ara. - j
By eallins; at our oTfloe wa will show
' yea our other list of desirable residence
property. .-..
Dean Land InvestmentCo.
" oonaaoxax auck ,-,
A 'Very unusual opportunity to' pur
' ehaae lease and furniture of ona of the
' moat dxalrable rooming houses In th
city, very central; nearly (0 rooms, all
: handsomely f urnlshnd snd in flrst-class
condition. The building Is rnodm, b
' Inif only three or four yaare old. arid
Just recently renovated., Rvrrt 'does not
exceed $100 prr tnrmth. -The" place Is
always full and a big payer. The pres
ent owner greatly regrets having to
veil for private reasons.
J. A. Taylor
10T herlock ldg' Third aad Oak Wt
) Fhone UatM 1008. :
lr attrartlns naora attloa thaa ana- cltr
aa th r..'lV t oaat and la aadrolas a
VIOHTT 'J RAK8rtKilll) and la tho nxt
in raara will llkclj naore i'koUREM
- than II haa la Ita entire paat,
1h KahT Fllig baa ha DMat HOMES, haa
tea OHKTrT popnlauna, la armrtna tba
X - annet AI II.l.r. . and tba ORKATIC PORT.
LAND MIST aa WIU ba tnrra.
Hollcday's Addition
fa tba fr-vrjM-l rrtr af tba rltf ao4
la fb nxat Ii'miRAHI.R ralda illarrlrt.
and "- Ht tl.ta will bwa Fl tUNRK
vmirrr. Ix not thaaa fA'TH wbra
n.kitif lutnni. and rail and laipact tba
"fftr, tor aaalBg hi honoring.
ri Cre'ca ltd Est-te Company
t a Tbtre u. Baea . , PartUad. Orafaa. '
Quarter block, iQla and Washington eta.
Corner Bast Water and Washington; a
bargain, east of the river. ,
Warehouse alt, opposite the Custom
It, oppoeite tl
House. -. - . ;. . ,.
Aa im proved corner, en Kant Ffne, rl'oae
to Grand avenue: now produclnc 172 a
Prlt!fBt bunfrtUow on Portland Height
in short tlma. -"It T will pay you to In
vest 1 gate; 100 feet- front Burnslde,
south east corner Fifth street 1 00,000;
to aura to sell for f 100,000 very soon.
I. G; Davidson
a or ooaacnoa.
Do-you know what developments are
slated for the locality near the Jefferson
street depot? Were we ellowed to tell
you what we know concerning these im
provements you would lone no time In
buying the place of warehouse property
there that wa are offering at a price
that makes It the beet buy In the clt
or romana. this wiu pay you per
cent net oa the investment. There is
nothlncr in the city that will make a
greater aavanca in vaiue in me next
Seeing Is believing. . Let us show you.
,. ' .".I-. i 1 '
114 Chamber af Commerce. -
rr-ioo aoui roa oilt tia.
4 acres aatttratad. balance easy culti
vated; new woven wire fence on two
sides; aa aonaty road, near T. m . also,
trie oar llaei easy tarme. will make an
Ideal bomei ahotoa fruit and berry land,
Ural, rich. InTTXBTkTXJf T CO., 144
Btark st, B. uackenbush, Pres.
x orraa om
Three Thousand Dollars
a Imprr- -d flre-eere tract on car line;
cost me thirty-save hundred dollars
ona year ago. S Its. Cars Journal. ,
Half block on east side, near new thea
tre site; bringing Income. This Is go
ing quick. "Terms. . ,
106H Third Boom A. '
Onpfce of Tba Journal ana be eMainad Is
tba following cltloa and towaa oatalda af Orogoe,
The JoarnaT would approelata tba nrvtpd af
roporta af fallera ta obiala eoplae et tba paper
at any of tbnoe n!ara:
COLFAX, AHHimiTON A. . King. - '
Ittatlonrrr Coaopanrj Rogora-Roaarall Coaipanr;
Hotel Darrei K'awa Stand: Voles Cigar etad,
IIVf-Kooth roarth atmrt.
-ajtaitd: Cantral Nrwa Companr.
Maara gtaBd; Intrraatlonal Ntwa Aannry
inatmr Waaon: Hotal rtaattla aioara staad.
3H liKIKLD. KKVADA LoeJe Poha, Mawapapar
nan, Kaeraneprr waroa.
SFOKANB. WAoHISUtoK ohs W. Orahaa
I C : .
r)OIKR. IDAnO Jnaanh Comna.
aaguh, M Thtfd atnat. aontb. -
t. Loch, missochi e. t. jett, too oitra
atrort; norga L.' Arttareiaa
Kansas city, 1II8.ioi;ri lama Mawa Ooa-
fanjr, Naaaparwr Waaoa.
rrAfio. ILUNOI r... O. Mews Cow pa a,
17 Kfarborn atrart.
DKXVEtt. COLORADO Cotes Dapat Haw
ton AHnn.rn. CALtmniriA Asm tream
Oomjianf, Kaarapaper Wares. ' '
panr. Nawanatxia Wagont N. Vhaatltf Mawa
Coaanaar. Nwpanr Waron, -
. Nawa Coaanaar. Naampanar Wagont Eantr A
' Oroar, Frrrr belMlnci lohuaoa tiawa Coaipaay.
ll rillisnra atrrot,
ALT LAKH CITY. UTAH Mr. ttne. Haw.
paper Wasne; O. I.. Qarlaa, Haral Caafoel
llarraw Rroa., 4A Want Raoand atraat, eonta.
OODEN, t'TAH Oray Maare Coaipaa, pepot
Nawa Stand.
OMAHA. W kBK AKK A-MIDard Hotel Haws
Stand. .. . . .
HEW fOE TT .Artbi- BaUltng. Haw.
ranor Wagoiw.
OARRIOTT At eT Rbarlartt eratraa. rahraary
S3 ta Mr. and atra. W. t. Harriott i a girl.
IK NET At 1. Shaavr atroat, rahraary tZ, ta
Mr. and Mra. Karl P. Sonar, ( boy.
HUDLBMAN At MI Plrnt etrfot. rabraarr IX,
ta Hi. sad tUB. Beebaa Hadlaaaaa. a alaW ,
Storm warning Were displayed la tbl dhv
trh-t fMirnia; morulas Cue a moderate atoms
which Budi in spi-esj-enes orf tha Washington
cuast, ami sine iita a portion ef the dlsturb
iio has croeaed lb Bark smantalna, bill th
main part U still central mr Vancouver Islsnd.
Aie following maximum wind velocities bare
"rurrea: Nurtb Head. 04 mile outbeast. sua
Istuoah Island. 48 mile couth. General ralna
nana taik-a no tlie Pacifle slope aa tar loath
aa Han FrsBrtsoa. imnhM riiaturhanr la Ma-
tral tbki Bioruins over Naw Kngland. which baa
moueratsly aaavy M la tae Darin i
Isntlc sutra. a high pressure area I central
over Wiecaiam. and fair wwsther erll la
the mlddl weeti whfl moderately heavy ralna
have occurred la Via cult ataies. A saw hUfo
nrcanr area baa aiada Ita appearance anrtb of
Montana, and sera weather I aala reported Is
me axirvnia l ana.llan nottbWMt.
Tb indirathma .re fur rata la tola dlatrtet
aart Tueadar.
Max. bflii. Prada
Bakar Cltr. Oraaoa. ....... aa ' M, .i
llU .tT, IlltaoU M I S ."
in'cr, rnlnrado M , VI .'"
Kannaa Cltr, M taaoarl . . . . . , 44 ' M .
North Head. W inula c toe... -rn ' 44 : .10
rNwtland. Orrans 61 4 Al
Rohor, Or(a M . ' 1"
Kan rraurlaro. allfornla... M ' ; ', .14
nuobaoa. Waahlnaroa 4 i M . '
Taoooia, Waaliliictoa 64 44 M
Waddlnr Carda.. W. O. Rmlth A Co.. Wash.
pastno bi.i., cor roorth and Waabloftoa sta.
Wedding aadV aalllng earde enrrnvad a
printna. b. t. Knanton. aoe staaraa oiog.
Clarke Broa., Pbirlata rine fknrara sad
rural oaaicna. zw Morrlaoa St.
Pall dmoa aeita for root, all ah
Tallnrlns Co.. 0 ttarb at.
KRAFT At S6 North Poorteaath atraat. Pab
ruarr Z3, Prodarlrk Kraft, agad M yasra, t
nKwini; eauaa, ctrrboaia as. tba iirar.
Philip i. I. Stanbayg. agrd 68 reare, 1
moutba, 14 aara; eauaa, tiioarcninaia.
RK1.L At 282 Twelfth atraat. rabraarr 14,
. Ann Jadaoaj Ball, aged 00 years, 10 moo tba;
ratine, pneumonia. . a ,
BILK If At 4M Morrlaoa atraat, Pabraary Z2
Alloa E. Hilar, a-4 ST years. T biob the, f
caja; cauae, gaatrltia. -
' Dannfng, McBntae A Ollbaagh. asdartakera
and ambalmara; modara tn evaiy datalL Seaeetb
and I' la. Mala aau. Lod aaalataat.
A. Tl. Hemetock, sndartnkar asd embalmer,
Baat Tl.lrtoanth and Lautllla ave. Phsaa Sell
wood 71.
Rrickaon Dndartaktng Co. sad enbabnlag, 40
aioa at. raaoe Main sias. Lad aaautaat.
J. P. Plnley Soon, Third and Madlaoa eta.
Offloa af aonaty eoroser. Pbeae Mala S. v -x
dward Hotmaa. sndartakar, K Third at.
1 " i
BJTEB PIEW Rlngla graves, flO; family lata,
IIOO ta tl.OOO) the only eamatary la Port
. land which parpatnally staintalns and aaras
, for lota. For full Information, apply to W.
R. Mackemte, Woreeeter black, sit. W. M.
Ladd. praaidaat. .
or CITT Single gravaa, 110) faailly lota,
29 ta ITS. Sapkrlntandrst at eamatary,
corner of FroSMnt t. and Cany mad. Phoea
. Tabor rod. tor fnll Inform tloa apply ta
Prank Svblagel, 00S ConiaiarcUl hlk. fkeae
Marl S. and George S. Foreythe te El Ira .
k. ronjtarar, Rita i, g, . , a, a, 7,
Mock 11T. Palanthie Hill No. S........S XSOf)
Orace Balrd to W. J.-Lrona. lot 0. btoek
1. - v Ilia Ualcbts .v.'. 1.000
Delia Grace Ron to Karl Klala, land be
ginning at point in weat una ociwae
ticth atraat so feet aorta from north
aide of TjDohar
George P. and Mary M. Lent'te Ftnley O.
aiotirew, sn a. Daws at, uoiladay se
dition i
John and Themes Dnanarbera te Joanna
now man, wear m net ot lot 4. alack
823 Balrb addltlna
Morrla Kuhnar tn Berths A. Kokner, let
a, block 37. cltr... :
Joseph H. Smith et at te Ellra S. War
ran, lou 1, S, block S, Kenararthys
Ckarlra a. McOfll to Cbarlca R. Week.
lot 10. block 1M. UnlTmltv Park
Oharlea S. MrOUl te Adolnk Walter. let
Ml block 106. Unrraraltr Park
Oharlea S. MrOUl te Prod Walter, lot
81. block 1S8. ITniTBralt Park 169
ninner J. and Ellas ti. .Barber to tt. K,
Baztar. lot . 4, block (IT, city ". . 10
Max and Minnie Loewenwm to fath '
Rlgga, lot S. block 11, Caach addition, ", ,.
together with partr wall greaaMnt - , '
with A. P. Hotallng, who foraerly
owned lot 6.- block 11 . u.odd
Wllllaai A. and fctte M. LrU te Tbona
and Mary . Dewey, lota U i. slack
g. ay-ofna nddltkm
Inaballa aad Edward B. Jrffmtt te W.
J. Workman, lota IS, 14, block 30, Baat
Portland Heights
B. W. and Genera R. Dudley te J. P.
Hendrtcke, east half of kit 4, block S,
P. T. Smltta'n addition aa Ht. Johna....
B. L. Stereo (ebarlff) t Mary H. P.
rana. lot 10, block , Albls Uosie
atead .... -
K. M. and Maade Haaaoinaaia te Bnlliae
A It be Mar, lot and north 40 feat af
tot T. block a. Hanene'e addition......
Jamee W. and lanth Ceok to R. M. Ren-
aaofer, lot 3. block S. and lot 11. block
1 CooTe Secnaa addition to Albino...
0. Mill. Babbitt at al. ta Harry Lang
5x100 feat, commencing at point oa
north line at block 78. Carter' addi
tioa, 100 feet want et Bortbeaet corner
of aald block
8. BOO
Korthera Ooantlee InTentmeot Trnst Lim
ited te O. Miller Babbitt, eem proper
tr aa deecrlbed a bore
Portland, Realty A Treat-company to Car-
Mine n. warnar, lot 21, Z2, , at,
20. block . Laarebrood Park
Belan aad Gottfried Hrelfharth to Met
Matthieaaen. part of lota , 10, block S,
SaUalwrr Hill
S. CV and Hattla B. Prteatlr t William
P. Bala, lot 1, 8, hleck t. Foxehaee
Paint View Real Eatata eompaay t Lor
L.moier, tot ua, so, si, bi. sweg a.
Point View i
Baaard Rteraoe to Oregon Blactiie Bail-
war comnanrt . .S3 acre, beginning at
Klnt oa north bnondarr of that pert ef
men aad I'hlllnria Terwllllgar, doe,
lion land Claim tn tow nab I 1 aoath,
rente 1 eaat
Secerltr Rarlngs A Traat corapanr te
Sam P. Lorkweno, lota IS, It. 14. block
la. Jotia lrrlna'a El rat additioa
Title OarBte Troat eompany te J.
H. a pat, lot si, gov block s, Tlltoa'S
addition r. 1.100
Qeorge O. end Ieona Root te William
. Bmitn. want u teet oi lot 1. Dmrg
10. Dnnn'a addltlos . ..V SAO
J. H. and Minnie I. SnaM tn Robert M. . , . ,
Foater, lot 24, block a, Tlltoa add I-
tlon . '75
Her (ulna A. Weber and Hermlne A, Bar , . .
lie ta Thome P. Barlm et al., noxen,
beginning at point In eaat line of Mwb
ft. Blnrkatone addition. SO feet nor Ik
of eontheaat corner B
Tlie Land company nt Oregon to Harry
T. capen ana wire, mi ji. Block 20,
Cltr View Park
Beatrice and William N. Hartlaon te B.
II. Ilea pain, eaat at leet ef lota L 2,
block 1. Midway
Ida O. and rrederlrk Ad Keller te C
A erne jr. at al.. north 41 feet ef lot
lot . block S2, cltr
Beanie and P. H. Pralney tn Martin Foa
ter, aortn half ef lot , Mock so, can-
Racnrltv aTlna A Trnat company te B.
If. Beck Willi, eaat half of hit 10, and
all of lot 11, block 7, John Irving' ad.
rank O. and- Id Johnaon to Bernard
I.lanakl, lot and weat M feet of lot
7. block 1, Ethel Lynn additioa
: 1.430
Richard Williams tn Mr lee J. Imyle, lota
15 1. block 4. William addition No. g
Ellen aad Win S. Hi. yen te Bridget
Curler, lot 4. block M, nertmont. ., . ..
Prank A. snd Sarah B. Wlllard to Allen
I Swan, north half ef kit 1, 3, block
I.. Montayllla
Title Onarantee Tnnt company te R.
B. Mill, lot IS. block 22. Urat addi
tion to Hiilledar I'ark addition ,.
Alice I. and i. 1. Harrl to Frank T.. and
Matilda ' fillpatrlck. a 1, block S,
Gar' addition te Alblne....
: all
Moor In ret merit rempany te Joha X.
Sax lot a. block 44. Vernon
Mary B. and DtM K. Smith to B. M.
and o. J. Aenflier, lot s, nioca in, te.
tral Allilna .t
A. V. and Siell L. Meyer to William,
Hall, bit S. blocs t mington iteight
1. P. aad Corlnne C. Harea to Job (1.
Pel era. weat 00 feet of lot S, Stork 127.'
eltr llOOO
Scott and J. M. Bower ta Harry A.
tleneM. land rommencing at nertneaat . .
quarter ef eeetloa 84, townahlp I soeth,
rani 1 eaat
Lacy, Ira O. sad Btrdle Sbatrack te
fliarla L. and Ella A. Whipple, went
mil at. hrlg La, Aa, banaa la, Sauwaoe. J. V39
John and Meta Matilileten ta W. at.
Martaall. I..U1I, 4, t)lo k 120. alty.- 15.000
Blrhard Wllllame tn O. U. I'aalln, lot . .
9. 10, block T, WHllama addition No. 1. - 800
veorge r. aad Clara barrlncer to W. S.
and Naomi Wrlaqt. kit 1U. 11. block
. Mount Tabor Villa S8S
uotrrey anil Hllxahetb lientel to Werner
and Hilda M. I'eteraon. block 4V On-
tral addition 8,120
iwem . ana -itenrnda Brlxaa to Jacob
and Fraacee PrarbrUkl, a airlp 80 feet t.
.. anui 01 Km i, araca s, 1
Proebatel adilitio H l.tOO
wiinam m. land et al (trnatea), te Ed
ward H. Callahan, lot 3. block 1, aub-
dlTialoa ef eaat half nf l.lock "7. "
elty r S,tS0
wiuiam u. lana at al. trote) to Ed
ward H. Callabaa, kit . 7. block 1,
abdlTlalon of eaat half 0 hbw,k " "
city .... . S.300
riamne w. ana lanttie took te rrank
Tooalng, Kt . bloch IT. Oaok'a addi
tion to A IMna ' T0
a. B. ana Aluia C. Holmae te Rroeet N.
. Hutchlnaoa. lota A a. a in ti. 12. tx
14. block 40. fenlnaular addltlos No. 4 1,000
Alexander Wagner to L. Council, lot 8. .
10, block 17. Columbia Helghta 800
O. a. and Laura M. Uammana te W. B.
- Inralla, Iota 18. lu. ao. . block 10.
Erelya , Kf
AVinert ana Lima c. Prodi to Clara L.
Uni I , h k... O Kl.- a II . .
Edition 4,000
Thad E. and Minnie M. Prearon ta Wil
. Ham Oeorca. lot 1(1. Mock 11. OrliHnal
Towtulte of Alblnai 800
Portland Realty a Traat company t
itnyni r. (ague, mta la, 14, block 4.
. o r . n v ,
Blchard and Marion B. Clinton to K.
. Hemailla. aonth half of weat half of
block 4. Mlatletoe addition..,. ' ITS
peder and Marerata Nelaen to Tlllle
1'hllllD. ou lb 81 feet of lot 1. block 1.
North Portland 1.030
matnuaa crti-knnn to Victor land com- ,
paay, lot 4S, block 3. atulinoatab Park. SB
Poe ehetracca mmma
Inana. call m Pnctrlc Till- a. Trumt nun.
fut t at -rai itng ba lldlng. 7 :
Got VOne hunnww ,U .hriMrti fn I
eiaio irom rn iiim uuaranta a Treat cot
pany, SeO Waahlagton trt, corner Second.
iiregon a. 'in prraidrnt el tlie unite
Rtaiee to the tolled State sianbal for the
. dlatrlct of Oreaoo Greettna:
Wberea. A libel and petition wa filed ts
th Mletrlct court ef the United Statea for
the dlatrlct ef Oregon on the Mb day of Feb
ruary, 1007, by tba Oregon Ronnd I.nmber
company, a tba owner ef the barge Monarch,
. praying for s limitation of the liability of
aald company concerning tba lone, dee tract ton.
, damage and Injury eccaaioned by the dlaaater
to the eald barge Monarch on the 88th day
of December , 1U04, tot tba reaaona. and eanaea
In ald libel and petition mentioned, and
1 praying k monition of Th aald court In That
ceaair la be leaned, and that all peraona
clAlmmg damagea for any arjch loa. deat ruc
tion, damag or Injury may ba cited to appear
before aald court and make due proof of tbetr
reapadlTe claim, and. all procaedlnga being
had. that If It anal! appear that the eald pell-
lloner I sot liable for .any -anch ioaav-de-trnctlon,
damag or injury. It may . be a
finally decreed by tbl court; and
Wkeraa. The value of the Internet ef the
eald petitioner In the aald barge Monarch baa
- bean duly (ppralaed at the earn of two bun
. dred and fifty dollars (82.101, Including the
freight pending on tba voyage of the aald
, barg Monarch on tba eald 28th day ef De
cember, 1UO. and ( atlpulatlon for the pay
ment lnte court of tba value of tba Interest
ef the aald petition Is the aald barge haa
been glren to the aald eonrt aa ordered, that
s monition lease agalnat all peraona claiming
damagea for each loaa, deal ruction, damag
or Injury, citing tbem to appear aad make
due proof ef their reapecttTa clalma: yen are
therefore eo -commanded te rib all peraona
claiming . damagea for any fcaa, deetnictkm,
damage er Injury occaaloned by eald dlaaater
to the aald barge Moaarch. to appear before
aid court and make due proof of tbetr re
epecttre claim before J. A. Sladen. s eom
aileatoner of the United Statea circuit court.
at hie office la the city of Portland on or
before the renin day In June, 1007, at eleven
o'clock In the forenoon. And what yon aha 11
bare done In the premiere do yoa then make
return thereof to tbl court,, together with
thl writ.
Wltneea the Hon. Charles B. Wotverton,
Judge of the aald court at the city nf Port
land In the dlatrlct ot Oregon, thla Slat day
ef February, in the year of oar Lord one
, tnooaand nine hand red end eeven, and of our
Independence the en hundred and tbtrrr-flret.
b. u. atccBH, 1. lora.
- Catted State District Court tor the Platrlct
- 01 uregna. ....
nt THE district eonrt ef the United State.
, for th dlatrlcf of Oregon Is th matt of
' tba eatata of George Earbart. bankrupt. Tbe
. anderalgned will recelr eaaled bid for th
following described personal property, located
at Condon, Oregon, np to 43 'clock Bona
ef Saturday, March 8. 1S07. ,t
A atock of merchandme. eanalstnig ef for
' altar, hardware, nlnt nd oil, of the In
ventory value of 84,083. KO. (tor fixture nf
th Inventory Tain of 8420.70, plnmblng and
tinning tool of the Inventory vala ef $100.
Term cash, and s certified check for 10'
per cant of tbe amonnt bid maat accompany
each offer, aal subject te eonflrnutloa by
th court. -
The mventnry may be seen at my office
and the stock may be inspected at Condon,
1 bated at Port rana. Oregon, this 14th day
af February, 1807. ,
, , . . ...'- B. L, SAB1N, Trustee, ' ,
"'. ' .Me. T'Flrat st.
IN THE county eonrt ef the atate of Oregon,
for tbe owirSty of Multnomah In the matter
.ef the eatat of B. Wiatar Morrla, deceased.
'. Notlc I hereby given that Hannah Rodney
' Morrla. executrix ef tbe estate ef B. Wiatar
". Morn, deceased, has filed Is tn county
court of the state ef Oregon, - for Multnomah
county, her final account and report aa each
executrix, and said court haa by order dnly
made and entered herein, appointed Tuesday,
, th lAth ef March. 107. at the hem? of
:80 o'clock a. m.. and the court room of aald
court la tbe clt of Portland, eald county and
atate. e tbe time and place for hearing
abjection to aald account and for tbe salt la
ment of the eame. ' ;
lotted February 18, 1007.
Biecntrlx of tbe Lest Will and Testament
ef B. Wiatar Morris. Deceaaed.
PORTLAND, Or., rb. 11. 10O7. The annual
meeting of tbe stork holders nf th Mt. Baker
Mining company will be held at Ita office,
corner of Fourth and Oak sta., Portland, Ore
son, at 4 p. m.. on March II. 1007, for the
s taction ef s board of director for th ea
anlng rear and to transact a tick ether bnslnea
: as siay properly come tiefore the masting.
HENRY HAHN. President.
NOTICE la hereby given that the annual meet,
ing of the tockholder of th Oregon South
era Railway company will be held at the of
flee ef the company, Portland, Oregon, lion
day, March 4. 19"7. at S o'clock p. m., for
th purpne et electing e board of directors
aad' transacting seen otnev onniaese n aay
legslly com before th meeting.
SEALED bid will be received at the efflc
. of Lewi tawls. SOT Madison St., ap to 13
M March 10, 1007, for tbe onoatrnctlon of
. Odd Fellow' bom. Plan and aneclflcatlona
for earns can be seen at the architect office
er at Judge Byaa'a ff1e. Orego City. a
MRS. S. H. SKIP, peychoiiietrlst, and tbe moat
reliable Is her work, will bold special meet
ing Thursday and Friday, alio Sunday, Feb.
24; personal reading to each. 0 p. m.' sharp,
' 2V: private eonnsei daily. 803 Allsky bldg.,
Third and Morrison ate. -
PORTLAND. Or., Feb. I. 1007. The- annml
- meeting of the stockholder of the Earner a Ma
Oeld Mining Co. will be held at It office.
In Baker Cltr. 2278 Second at., at Sn. m., on
March 11, 1007, for th election or a hoard
ef director for th ensuing year nd tn trans,
tet such final nee may properly come before
; tba . meeting. - .
, , KITTTB . On AT. President.
LETT'S music bnos I movins te 130 Fifth
at., evnnstt Old 4 King.
HARMONY LorHIB, KO. ' 13, A.
F. A. M Stated cnmmnnt ra
tion this tMoadsyi erenlns at 7:80
lock. Work Is the M. M. degree.
Vlaltnrs are cordially larlted. By
order of tbe M. W.
W. M. UK UN, Secretary. '
HARD-TIMES RAT.rVglTrn by ladle or Neman
circle, Womea of Woodcraft, at tbetr hall,
Last Sixth and Alder, Wednesday erenlns,
Fehrnafy 37: 12 elegant prfsea and a grand
door prlae. A dm lae loa 38 eeeta, White full
orchestra. .
U. W, A. ETEROREBN Cams. S.teM, nam
. Wednesday rlng. Allsky bldg.. Third nad
Morrison at. .
M. W. A. Oregon Orsn Cams, Ne. d.078. Mo,
day. I7tb and Marshall: vlaltnra wsleoma.
LOST Small gold clasp nig, Oreek krtbtrg
"O. M." Phone Mala Mil Reward.
LOST PaW ef gold-rlmmsd glam
Third aad Alder. Pleeet phone Beat tat.
POUNDA place to have hatr aattreenee raeo.
rates ana returnee earn 7. . w
Mala 474. Portland t-Mrlad-Uabr Factory.- U.
Matager, pruprietor. ...
LOUT Roach x.ra, door aad eat. . a boot 13.
Returs ta got Market; reward.
LONT A gray bore, weight POO pound, from
Irelngtus racetrack.! Rehire to lrvlnglua raoe-
trark te Owe Linden. Beware.
rSMTA T . 1 u . A I.h 1 1. 1 ,1 . I W n
. oa kU. Raoti car or on corner Grand are.
and liawtnorne; u nnaar win atw ai n
ler Jouraal aface wlU be liberally rewarded.
LIRRRAL reward for lady'e brooch, diamond
centar aurrouuded by pearl; loat Sunday aft
ernonu, Portland MrlgUta or downtown. P. AL
Balrhelor, 174 Waalilngton at
, . '. MEN WANTED ; .
Whe hare s common echool edocatlon or bet
ter, between 18 and 40 year f are. t pre
pare fog ceetome isapactor er railway mail
elerk la Portland; moat he trong and able
to gtr good raferencea; w matruct by matt
only. Now. If yon haren't s poattlon. or yoa
are dlaaatlafled with your preaent emnlov-
ment and will accept a poattioa wun unci
Sam at from M0 to tt.ino to atari, let n
prepare yon for the cirll earner examuatioa.
xoura rerr truir.
. : McKay Mdg , Portland, Piy.
WATTSn AT ONCa stave-bolt cattere,
- 01. 80 par eordi ateady work. Apply Waaters
Cooperag Co- Btanras . bldg, Partlasd. a
Houltoa, Or, ,,
WANTED AT ONCE Round yntmg men for fir.
man and-brakamanon "leading sea t el a -re!
m. ... --a tem mm eoada now be tor com
pleted; aioertenee arnii rmaary: firemen 8100
Me mnatk heelremeei g7ftl naaltKlfM BOW OOenl
write at once for particular. National Rail-
war Tralnlne aaaoclatton. T80 Paxtoa hlk
Omaha. Nebraeka. or 031 Bldg blilg, Kaoaa
City, MlaaonrL 1
LI VB MEN eqnare tellewa wanted throe rhont
Oregon, Waahlugtnn, Idano, . wevana ana uiii
fornia to aell atock m oa ef tbe beat and
rarest mining propoattlane en tbe earth; we
can pcattlvety aemonaTTaiv xnia; iinnKn
proapaeta. backed by gUt-edged Portland baal
nena men. Write or call. Tbe Butte Boy
, Mat Aiinlna Co.. Weatherlv bldg..
SoO Eaat tlorrleon at., Portland. Or. , Mr
man will clear M te 130 dally.
WANTED Saleamaal suiny make 8100 te OIM
par Bloom ; am eew awni - "-"i
grows on riaai 1 a tlon. far from old erehardai
caah edraneed weeklyr choice ef territory.
Addreea Weahington Haraeryeemnaay, Tue
penlah, Waahlngton. 7 ' ' "
jr oar member: enerlal mom-
bin. S3. X. M. 0, A, Ponrth sad TsmhlU.
MONEXI MOETI Advanced every week te
oar a feme ; a rail line, including ae-te-aiif
epeclaltlee. Writ for free canraaalns outfit.
Capital City Maraary Co.. Salem. Or.
H North Sixth t.. Portland. Or.
Pree employment to ell Its boerdant rata
S4.n0 par week: room tne and up; apodal
monthly rata given. Andersen, proprietor.
WANTED Mee te learn ta operate mot loa pic
ture; it ooa'T taie long; terme raaaonaniei
abort bourn, ay, dean work : graduate earn
20 per weak. Newman' Motion Ptctsrs Co,
l4S4 Hath at, near Alder.
MAN with email amonnt ef maaey can make
from 810 to goo per signt: ire eaay w m it,
why sot you? For particular call room f,
14SH Sixth at., near Alder
MEN and boy wanted to learn niaiabmg, plae.
.taring, bricklaying, electrical traoea; rra
catalogue; poaitkm ecuraa. icyei irea
School. New York and SAn Franclaeo.
(era. gg ap; rauroad laborer, g2.n0 up: city
iborer. 82.80 up; hotel help and akiried
labor. Office 110 Flrnt ef. and No. S North
Third. Pacific 1448 and Pacific 380S.
WANTED Every anas ant of a pent tlon er dte-
eatianea wiin Die preaent wicarion. re tan
tt night enure at th Behnke-Walker ,Bun.
o College, Seventh and Stark at. W will
place yon In s position when competent.
AGENTS wanted. Oregon. California. - Idaho,
t Washtngtoni health and accident Inearancet
eld reliable companvt good aontrscts; refer
encee reoulred. United Sutes Health A Ae
el dent Insnraace Co.. SOS Marqussx.
SOS-SOT Second et. Phone mala P3I
We design and Install th most modern nad
Improved office system; eemptot line laoas
leaf 0Uns eerlca. . . .
- Agslrrat accident, sickness and destB. '
Write or call aad Investigate. '
-..North wester Health Accident Aesnctatlea,
aoe-soT McKay bldg- -v Ageate Wasted.
MEN AND WOMEN te learn tbe barber trad
hi lght week; graduates aru from 015 te
120 weekly; Xpert biatraeturs; eattlogn free,
loler System ef Oollagasv M North Pearth
St.. Portland.
RELIABLE mn with horse . asd barn te
aell and collect; good gay. 403 Washing.
' ton et. - - . .
WANTED Elderly niaa wish log home te cook
. for two men oa farm; can do lixht work for
extra pay. Partlcnlsra. Pred W las, Slaters.
- Oregon. ...
BELIABLR boy wanted st Jeers' book star.
301 Alder St.- . .
WANTED Man tor ffltn sad wood. Apply at
- I1U come via Claremont terern a Basraa
tan. Union Lagging A Lumber Co, .
FRT'IT mea wanted. ' Apply st ones. Barnes
Market. ...;
WANTED Teung sjksa having srpetience with
electric wiring te Install the Rotllneo Be
Ringer In factoriee, office, hoses snd hotels
ta Portland; send reference, ax end line
of experience. Mohawk Essrtrlc company,
Albany, M. Y.
DBUO CLERK wanted at once; see who wants
s permanent situation. Address W 188, car
WANT1TD Plrstrclaas barns
Jacobs. 170 Front.
WANTED Boy, IS yssrs er wear, to work is
furniture factory. North Coast Fumltars
Worts, 10S North 11 th st.
MEN wishing te become mechanical, electrical
- ee civil englnesia muni re 814 McKay bids.
WANTED A young mas with some drag etare
experienos. Addraa O. J. Hi lie, Oaatl Bock,
Wash. .' . ' ..-.wi...
WANTED S r 4 eompetsfit snd reliable wood.
. men tor legging camp. Z 184, care Jesmal.
YOUNG draughtsman wanted for reed Job; good
. nnpotrtuiU y t.. must furnish Al rfernea. Call
2U4 Clay st. .
WANTED Caorpetent male etewngrapheSS) for
out et town position. ' V 184, care JoornaL
WR wast capable men for Portland and ether
' c 1 1 lee : minerlntendent, collector, mad ttiea
and all-around business getters, your oppor
ttmfty; permanent place for right men; no
' loungers need spply; reference required. Call
18 Lafayette bldg.
WANTED Boy ts work and learn drug traai
neaa, eaat aid. . Addrs X 144. car Journal.
AGENTS wanted te.sell a good aellwi ess mskt
8 t Oio s day. 024 Sixth at. Bear SUrk.
WANTED Young men t tndy telegrspbyi po.
anions when qualified. Oregon Colleg. 608
Commoowealih bldg.
WANTED AT ONCB Clerk t Clerks! Clerks!
, Examination close. See us la regard to filing
application and preparation. - Cktrka for Poet
land pnstofflc. Call or writ. Msl or fe
male. Pacific States Schools, McKay bids.
BOY with wheel for mseeenrsv service; 18
year of age er ever. Call Morrison t.
Mr?N ef shlllty te cell the meat liberal health
nd accident Insurance policy on th market.
Pacific Aid aaeocletloa. . Lumber Eiausog
bldg., Portland. Or.
WANTED A tailor tmebelman: . must he gong
preeaer; at East Portland Cleaning and II y
work. 148 Grand ve., city.
WANTED Two firemen, one msa tn
mom. Portland Linseed Oil Work, North
port 10.
PREHSER wanted, ateady work Union Tailor
ing company, 1111314 stars. '
WANTED A man to Work ea small dairy
and poultry farm, close to city, Inquir
N. X. eor. First and Ankny tl., city,
WANTED - tOtin to look after lawn and gar
den and make himself generally useful. Ap
ply northeast eor. First and Anksny sts.
W A STBD Oernenterlne, 1 grading.
S, 828)4 WMhlngloa St. i
WANTKD Erery woman out of position or
dl.astUHed with her present vocation, to
take a u!-ht coarse at M Bebnke-Wi elker
liuslhees (ullrge, SersnUi an Btara .
Ws will plsc yoa 1 e position whs num.
peieot. I -
AT ONCE tltrl tor r.iiare housework: emsll
home, fsmllr of two, eser work; good
pusition r.v right party. Call Tba Lorejny ex.
Ington at., cor. Seventh, npsfslrs. "Phone
a a is snuj. gsml help wnniea-
MHKLS WANTED Apply Standard .Factory
a, uraaa are. ana neat Taylor at.
AKT1SF with ortxlnal Ides for drawing
painting. 102 North Fifth St., epataira.
WANTED Competent girt for general
work. Apply 1M East loth St.
G1RIS WANTED Operator t work a shtrt
sua everaua. laaaona rlvsn to Inerperlenced.
. Apply st Standard factory Ha S, Grand ave
and East Taylor St.
WANTED Experienced help oa pasta. 127H
First at, third floor, room 10. '
TWO experienced lady solicitors: - flrst-clsa
f'"i-- '."i . niisai oe bi to give reivreaoBe.
811 Commercial bldg. -
WANTED (ilrl or woman to do honsswork is
small family. Address 888 Pippin St.. Penin
sula station, nt. Juan car line. '
WANTKD Competent girl for general koaas-
worx, or warning noossxeeper; must he goon
on Sunday and renlaaat'"!1 Ov'wton V
M. P. leom. f
WANTED Girls to learn dressmaking. 1TB
inn st., corner xamniu.
WANTED Otrl for general honsswork :
wagaa; roar in ramuy. Apply 820 Bell wood at.
AMBITIOUS woman for rsaponsible poaltios;
late wDUDer cuy.or traveling position ts
prsfsrrad. Addree If. Knight, 300 TUtord
bidg. , : , .
WANTED An xpertncd waltrse.
tirti. msa istji (.
WANTED Girl for cooking and general hones
ww. las sisnavr mu
WANTED Nsst girl fat
B21 sixth St.. one, Clsy.
WANTED Toung tadte to study telegraphy;
posiiione wnen qusiinea. Oregon college, bug
Commonwealth bldg
WA NTBD Strong girl for pressing garments.
"no w nu experience pxeTsrreo. . ncriiu vy
Work, 847 Beoond st.
LADY special represents fir foe large -nsann-
lacrnrlng eompsny) sbort hoars, pleuant
work, rood salary; give phone number. A4
drsas T 13M, car Journal.
WANTED Otrl for general housework, Swedish
fin prererree. baring no objection to leering
t. CaU 80 North 18th et., betewvn S and
p. a. ..,',, .
1 1 ii ' 1 1 1 1
A GIRL waated te help mother with small
boy. Apply 891 Mallnda are., er phone Mais
(Ha.- . ... , . i
WANTED Womea to help la kttebeai prtrnte
Bouruing nouae. ion ruth st. .
GIRLS wanted te work en pants. Union Taflor-
u. n. o. 11 a. k
- aw? puiri. '
WANTED A girl tailor. 11H H. Fourth et.
WANTtTO Toung girt te do llrbt house
work on I arm close to city, call at risaa
ant View ran. Sha truck Station. Tak
Foorth at, .steam cars. Fans from Chios
depot SBe. 'Prom Southf. Portland, lftc.
WANTED A. fhret-clsse mtllhnrry trtrnmer; an
swer aa saerw. w lea. cure sournai.
WANTED Smart girls to wrap chewing gam.
amancan vnicie 1.0., si north Front st.
APPRENTICES wsnted t L. B. PrakCa mlllis
sry store, aaa Morrlaoa St.
WANTED Girl for svnsrar
East 17th. Phone Kaat 4T3. ,
WANTED Girl at 188 srd. for table and store
work. - r
WANTED A few good solicitor, msl anl
re ma la; best pro position la Portland r good
moeer t tbe right parties. - Pben Sclrwood
,71, Corner Kaat 18th et. end CmaUDn eve. -
WANTED AT ONCB A diaeeer tender who ess
draw In warn: man or woman. Amir John
P. Wilbur, superintendent Union . Woolen
MUIS. In loa. Ot,
Or, .
WANTED ladle and sentlemea for flrst-claa
agency, samry gzjM, g jay. , apply erter s
a. m., at 730 cicveiaaa sv.; tax u cat
frtmont. ' . , .
HELP wasted and snnpltsd. male er female. R.
ui. iiraxa, suo wtaamgtwn at. nctn ixto.
POSITION by experienced stationary engtoeer
miliar witn aiynamo; strictly temperate;
tounrry pre f erred; am employed at present,
but desire a Chans: ran furnish references.
" Address J ISA, car Journal.
HOTEL clerk, competent, reliable man, wants
position: city or country, day or Bight. , Ad'
-dress T 146, cars JouruaL .
WANTED Posltlos bv grnerlancad waiter.
ores jerry Tleh, 18S Mill st. , .
HARDWARH tmpieswnt sa lee man dead re peart.
tion; inng experience; gooc raters aces, n ISA.
care Journal.
A LADY desires a position ae first er eerend
conk la hotel er restaurant; ha had neven
years experience. Apply Mr. Louie Broa
sean. general delivery, city. s
WANTED Posttkme by two, cook and help
er. Aunrees lwots rv ors, a. r. At. . A.
bog Tl, Latnte. Or. .
GIRL- LEARN 10 mlllmrr deatra pmee tn
worn morning ana evening te ray ror part
of heard. Addreas Miss H.- Mayer, 863
Sandy road.
300 HONEST men aad women te give all ef
eaiy epare time to my meoictne proposition;
good snonsp and bast swdldne, B. M. Plum
mr, 200 Third et. , . .
WANTED Good ealeemea ts represent s ts
choice territories; highest Often nil talon paid j
: cash sdvsaced tor expenses ; everything fnr
, BlahsdV I ddras -Oregon Ksxsary.. eoanpeay.
naiem, Oregon,
Logging camp and farm help a specialty.
SO North Second st. phone Mala B3M. W
pay all telegraph charge. - -
SO Xorfh Seotmd st. Phone Mala IBs.
Sngu Morrlaoa st Phone Perlfle tm)
87 North Second st Phone Pacific 1.1O0
WANTED TO RENT Heeaee, eattagea, flatat
turn. effcssw rooming bones, eta - Lsae
fcirds will do well to eT on
Phoee Ex. 73. S. B. Cor. Sd snd Oak.
WANTED TO RENT HOtiees, cottage, fist,
stores, rooming beuas, office. 2t4 Mohawk
WANTED Small term from S te 30 seres, ea
car line. T 117, ears Journal, j. .
FURNISHED room. 3 meals it pnesthle. South
Portland, near furnltnr factory: prlvat
family preferred. A 144, care Journal.
WB hv par charters for three small bonsea,
sot too far out. What bar your Owner
only. Address Z ltd, car Jenrnal.
IP yon want to -sell quick, list with f. Pachs,
321 H Morrison at.
1 1 , -4 1 1 1 i.
WANTED West ld residence or hfuilnees
property a aa . investment : artll pay rash.
-'. owners only; write location and price te
S 14.1, .care Journal.
Wa7tEIV Pmmblrig bMe.'Vrooei eattag, east
Id. Addrsaa Dr. Liar ling.
J. P. SEfioWlCK, 80S F en tan bldg, waata set
Oregon Reports.
MAIN '"i1.
CAsn ami Luis op rr- ,
K0K 11'ItMTrRlO.
all Urat Ml.
CAHII for bimaehold gooda. Savage ft Penneli.
IMo-847 Flrat at. . Fuuu Paciric H60. , . . ,
lllinil. wrn irjiict bai.vauh t.u,, .
WANTED Furniture end honaehold gooda of
every description bought, aold and exchanged.
The 8. iXt rtrst st. Main uoT. g
HIOMKMT caah price paid for all kind second
band goods. Phono slain 3111. 83 N. Third.
WS haul dead nor and eattl free. Oregon
Fertiliser . Work, or notify Carney' Veteri
nary, Fourth and GUsaa at. Main llMts.
MOTION picture maehtnss, film, song slide,
gss ootnte., eta, bought, sold, rsntsd snd
icbanged. Newman's Motion Pfetur Co.,
1 14SH blith. near Aliler. I'bone Pacific XXiA.
riiwna oiicq nun siaweu. 11. wraw mwon.
ntlre cot lVt Pr wiuar foot; beautiful
- finUb: can be used while work I going on.
Pbon Eaat 8130, or postal to 0. W. E.. 140
cat zuut at.
WANTED Second hud 3-bors farm wagon.
24 axle, wide tire. 8SS Uurnsld at, Plioa
aiam izjv, - -
ENGINB lath, medium ale, and drill prase
second band: . Mat pries, sna aatirase bm
yrpn 11
THB RICHELIEU, 83 Vt North Sixth t. Ble-
gantly . luraisbMI steam seat ana naue.
THB GRAND, 48V North Third t. Room fog
gntiemn, per wees sou up.
AV I. . ( IU .in II.M IWU, '"
gnntmaisn: convenient to car llne prlvstt
kAmA UN R.llnWi at
OVERLAND HOTEL Newly fernlahed rooms.
- well lighted aad van tils ted. 81-30 per week.
FOR BENT 1 cosy furnished rooms; bath, tele
. phone; reaponslbl party; tine for won pie;
moderate rent. 404 Columbia at, near 14th.
rilB STEWART Honnekeeplng. rarnUhad end
unfarnlrhed room; traniot aad . slug Is.
TS Waahlngton at.
NICELY furnished rooms and bath, phone and
I as. TO Weat park at. .
S-MILS HOUSB, Varmont and Maeedsm, fur
nished room ana iunensoos oa saari era sr.
I'sclfle 1H4. , . ... .
NICELY farrUhed room. H block from H
tel rorTMino. rnone atsin swno. its ssrrsiiui.
FINELY . famished tor swmsektwplngi parhn
, floor; vary desirable for medium family; ctos
in. sio Alain. . - . .a
S PUBNISHED hcoeakecpln- rooms, 311 H Sec-
end at. inquire (C landlady.
FIRST floor ia cottage, 8 rooms, modem. : 334
wtn. raetne-
PURNrRRED COTTAGR. three room. 810.
Blancbard Park," Powell Valley road. There
i'ark station, oc rare.
THB RAYMOND Newly furnished
nit or single. 108 11th et. West.
roll FTJRNtsnzD housekeeping rooms; se
children, gll month. SIB Buencer Bt., aton-
tTitia, ur.
HOUSEKEEPING) anltas from 1t and ap; else
x-room hoosckeeping saitc. at io rourtn mu
Inquir SH4 JelteraoB. . t'Doaa racina ztuu.
FOR RENT Office room. leping room,
boiitekopplBg rooms, furnlhd er nniaralshed.
site bixto. . -
FURNISHED hoaeekseping 'room, steel
range, gaa plate, bath, hot and coia wane.,
Tree phone, sot) First at- . rnone Mala etvjo.
fl.80 WEEK UP, large, clean, furnished bones
keeping rooms m unary ana sets, ts Base.
maa eon in, roruaao.
THE JEFFERSONIAN. 814 Jefferson St.. com
pletely mrnuhed S end 8-room suite. Photi
... stain 040a.
01 .SB WEEK CP. slesa. fumhrhsd beoeeksep
big rooms, parlor, both. Inadry. f aiase
nsat. yara.. aus ntantoa, 0 ear. ,- .
THB MITCH BLt-Bowse heaping snd trans lsart
raoma, rsseoBsbas. - Sewnth ana 1 landecs.
THREE nafarnlabed or fornlshed room for light
aooasxsspmg at is? Kaat sixth at.
THB Ovren Apartments. SSOU RnsseU ft E-
tra nice fnrntebed housekeeping looma, hrlcg
bonding.. - Tak B-B car. Pbon Bast 142B.
PURNI,HBD booaekeeplng r iptof. 81
rirst st.,. union nik, first rioor.
SINGLE or autre, rhs to. 178 Eaat Stxthf
comer Kaat YamhllL -
OOEY room tor gsntlsmsn er hdy at work I
during day; close In; naaonahl. S10 Merwt I
B84 MORRISON, elersnt hensekecnlng apart
ment a, furalahed or nnfornlehed. Iclepbons,
bath, gaa. First clsss location.
9 LAROB front room, comrletely fumlshsd
for brnieekeeTilng, , ga. bath, bay , window.
say walking aiatance. sii nnermaa at, .
SUITB of boneekveptri - rooms na nrat feat
and ball bedroom for gentleman, anltshl
for working msa. log 12th st. Phone Pad 84
FURNISHED bouse keep trig rosea and I aleetrtng I
room. aultSDi xor a er m peopi. gas earrer-
. nn t.
QOOn room with heal and board. $4.80 week.
. Vlllard Hotel. Bll Goldsmith t- -
WANTED 8 er 4 young men. or young oouple.
te room a no noara. isi aaat nixtn at.
ROOM and board for two hi private home; rates
res sociable, jug i4th St. vain iqao.
YOU will find best hoard tor little
rooms, at 074 Macadam st.
. with
WE are tn used ef eevsval fnratahed and tm
. furnlabad house to aetiafy the wants ef ear
palrooa. Phone main Biol er call 720 Cham-
her ef Com mere. IM It now. ,
FOR RENT 717 Commercial t- New 7-roem
- haima, partly furnished, na . of plane, tit
per month I owner raeerve eee as or
WB rent aad U pianos.
tt Co.
fjhertnas. Clap
FOR RENT Modern t roooi cottage. 1 18. Pbon
Eaat 878. - f
1 i, 1 - isna.
por RENT Cottage et 121b asd Whlfiker.
Marqiism kill. Inqslr st 00 Spokane ',
POR RENT Three 8-roora bouse ea eaat (Ids,
. price ago each, rnone salt isn. ,
A MODERN 0-rofim cot tag ts adults. BOO
Marshall at. '. . . 1
HOOD 8-room cottage 1S; good car aervtca.
Hatneld A Smith, lno Fourth. St.
FOR RENT e-roooi sottags. 188 North 21st et.
BEAUTIFUL flats. 8 and I0; gaa, bath. be,
sient; walking distance. 872 V4 Mississippi ave.
V . StnttahMl taHaM .lrf-l. - - '
gaa and rang for cooking; bath; 15 minster
' cr rui; reoc 4111 Kaat Taylor. .
ROOM furnished bona, modern, piano and fnr.
nace; aesv walking dial a oca, seat aid. In.
quire fist Bast Ankeoy st. phone Eaat 0X11.
NEATLY furnished 8 room bona. U BHMlerh
Imprnvements. 433 East Bvnth st, south,
Phon Esat 800. 1
POR RENT Small farm sea Oreaham. cash ay
abac; poultry, fruit or TereUble. rw
FOR RENT Chicken ranch. 8 mnm boose, rant.
s rhrrten-Donses, gg per month. Hall' plant
Kelloy' sutlon, Woodstock line. Inqnire
w 11 kin. .-,-'..
BALL and ballroom, separata er together -
aad wltk all eoorenlsaoa. thooa Mala StJ,