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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1907)
Tile OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY - 23, 1807. FOIl fi IU Jtr.t L r.ST ATE. WTT KH PAROA1N. ... HSMI'KM K PliOI'r It IY. $4,500 b'ie a full lot ou M.ermao at., BHf Fifth, two how,,.,,, one 9 roowe, tbe other V rooms; mnnli.Jr rental $4fi; till to bargain nml mnl be nil th's week, JAUl.S J. H.VNN. - $13 Cusmosr of Cosiuisrc. ; ' '- $1 TW. ' hou, 8 stories, guoo porches, bay window, ball, pautry, bath, largs windows, chlikeu house ami park, burn, ground frlltuO . feet: good l.wn, ornamental trees, roaes, fruit and berries. J block each from 2 rsr Hoes, 1 dry goods store. 3. proi-sry tores, r drug tor, t butcher shop, 1 black- . euutti shop, 1 milliner? store. 1 confection ery Mm, aii within 3 blocks of ths bouao; public school ,3 blocks aw ax. T churches within lit Works and only HO mlnuti.-' walk Crotq bosine.a rrtitr of the city. HKNKLB 4 HAHKISON, 317 Abliigton Bldg. . Alter Lo&zt . '.'- SNAP. 1404. kalf es.h, bslsncs $8 pw month, Int BOtlOO, good t room tsat-hosss; Bull Baa water. . $l,T0 Three lota, ccciior, ate Broom aoi tsgs: $f00, balance Mm rent. If you ee It roe vrlll buy aara. and get the -advance. Lerre business corners sad othr choirs lota, (Mat lonsllua en St. I ohne oar Una. Bm Ft -RMT, 383 PortUad boulsvsttl. Arbor Lodgs sts Hon. . BH ACRM oa ear Tin, closo to, fin loestlo . for ualnes, price 1,000; alao homsstssd re- lnqulshmeut. $100. Inquire ) First sU SNAP IJ.IBOV - sredera -room bouse, walkTBg dtsraoosl all tmprevsmsata mads. . Call S Secoad aU Owner. . WITWW LADT OOINO KAflT Will Mil bat lOOilOO faat of croaad. Aroom booa fnl. barrlaa, 70 rblckaua,. cbtckan-boaao, all furnt tura, lorlndlnf baddlnc, ate., alao enbatar aad brooder, drr wood to laat anoatba, t ' oar llnoa m block a, oolj liTS. Kooai 4, 19 ooad at. . fTWITBRSITT 1ARK PABOAXJf. . I lota, a rornor, Dear ear Una. mat bo " aold today; will gltra 6 pa aaat alaaonat .tat aaaai Boar rnaal par Dam i. aoOat a, B BOO WO Wt. COM! ctnox. ataa M aaaa naaoa tbo awaaw aaaf wfll aaTl aa aaado tbo kla T lota for ll.eoOi lot la aaithberbaod n I T Iota for I liOO aarh. ROOM a, 10 BBOOIfD gr. MOOEItlt -room hooaa, roll lot, to foot Jraaa far Udo. 13.000 aati bo oocairlaaloa. C A. ' - Laec B0 taat (3d at, aaraor Clllatoa. .BOTJBa AMD LOT. add CLATl . T rooma, oamoat naaamaat. Ioqalr STS IStb at. CBSAP, TIB MS, larga kKa cJoa ka. U Grand ar. v OwBor, t-BOUkf hooaa, bora, tnraa Iota, Blaorgr fruit - ftaa owaar, Mr. WUllaat Bcbladal, lbM Bar ;. ard at., 1' an loan lap. VtTl lots with i room hooaa, eajfootldtBga aad ' bearing trait trnaa. t McFboraoa at, Vaatauraku atatkm, Portkirid, Or. . 090 WOODMFRB Three frn total 82T0 aaat kalaae taatallmaata. B VO, aara loarsaL VL2 ASM OB RXOBANOB A fla let at the Addreee W 180, ear JoarrBal. 30 EI? Lets artirlfla fine ana. elanty roora ft rard Or garden; tww bkiea from 10 aebaet. Aoaa to aaa. 1011 a Ira aUll bora. Lenta, Or. BOO 0-ROOkl honaaa lot ftOalOO. 100 foot Btowart'e rtatloo, V(t. Boott ear, B-eeat fare, , leHnlaata aiiu cbaaa tor eaafc ee tarma. a O. Jamea. RB ta A BWAy h 8ma bow medora bora rbt at ear Una: 0 ahanaa allowed n thw dlatrlct; barb, toilet, hot aad aold water; arte ll.Otio; roar wb term. Be Jo Keen, at MaabTtlle addittnai oa taa bit. aoatt ear Una. Ala anme good lota aheap. . If aold this weak, takaa fla eOilOO, lot oa bit. oott (an adjoining lot Belling oa time at find Bp. I Bead WlUlaat Land fear, 118 Vint are, Lenta. a roRTTJira in Arpi.a lunvt root bar . (araa, bad go ta Hood Btver, at Henw, and bneaet In appl land. Por fnrlher partlcrjlar knanlr B. V. rhllllpe, 10 Plret t,. epnoalte Ladd' bank. W can abaar poa tadatica aad aaupl ad apple grown. BM AC&F.8 a Kontarflbi. aboloB mnd. tm proeadi nap, ll.aoo. Ooiaaiblaa- Baal ty. Co., . l2H Third at. room 8. - U CHOICa lots faring th Ber Bew rborae, anea. Colooiblaa BeaHy to, elt)i Ohlrd roeal L t ROOM 8, n medara, aeaa, 00x100. Wfflaroetta . Belgbta. 8.60O; . term. OolnmVaaa BeaJty Cw, 83 Klrd at, roem 8. Read. bet W0K an Iffta t-. Bear lajrw)r- frn, mkm n mmMmui. .n.rtmaMAMua. are. Cmerv - really a an. and If takaa this weak 98,000 . tb price. Better harry. XHB VETKRAN LARD 438V, . - IdSVk Third si, room A. braoertr tocreaaln la araa rapidly. .' Thl roR ALB 8 lota, BiaII bona, hara, atkMbaw boaaa, woodahedl good well. M beartng fruit tree; two block! from depot; arte 840. . T, W. 11 ran proa. Lllley. Oregoa. ANOTHER BABOAIN 11 ama, BMWtly cleared, good bonae and bare, fine aolL, Bnat go cheap. The Title A Aba tract O., room 8 Mulkey tldg, Baeond and Uorruwa its. -BOOM modern hot,, gl (W0 SO0 aaek, 28 Baanthly. Phoaa Faat 878. A 000D tBTeatmaati 30 par eent oa poor mooert a d-roeo flat, up to date, eloa la, ,0OOt term, $1 OgO cash, balaao oa easy pay BMnta. 118 Madlaoa t. afOfrFRPf i ' baeotbly, bene, II. 000; 8C00 28 Phoa Beat 8TB. t-BOOM bnoaa, street wall Improred. pa ta bona. g?M caab, be lance tnetalimeats. Pbane Beat 89T. M Eaat Coach at. ,-ROOM eottaae and lanr lot; l.00t , T nd 8 room bonae, eale or xcbng. Coo tractor, 88 Caeoa at., Montarlll. BROOM bard flnlnhed cottage, lot dTMxllft, fruit tree, flower, etc.: a bar. In at (1,000, Call at No. 8 Pear at, sloataTllla. . MOD BR It -room boo, lot 80100, artety of Grand ere, Bortb.' ACRE on ear line, new bonae, fnnng frn It tree. ebirfcan-one, rtanie, etc.; i acree eloared: 4 nilnuiea" walk to era t Ion; all Va - fane. fenced: row, rnraitnre, garneo tonut, etc, go j-lth placei-amy 8i.w; term. ,vr. i. V)A m CO., loob roartn t. ON a fall err hi dry, eloae tni new, pmatored . koaae. B roooia; 2 block car lis; No. 1 garden land, yonng frn It tree. " W. 1. HAT A CO.. 108H Prth t. inTBRKB'r-BI'ARIrtO lTPBTMRwra. , On brick block, lot 7Bxt0, IH0.OO0. . On donbl bonae, lot ROilOO. 110,000. Twit ttagee, lot B0xl"0. 4.H). On btack. 1 o BOi 100, 110,000. , . Room tlK, . No. 2411 Wa.btertoB at. ' " ROOM boaaa wllb full baaernoflt. on Wlllara. etr Helchta; eaay tarma. Inqnlra Ml Vi aah tnatoa at.,' or phone Woodlawa 810. . t-ROOM bona and barn, t lot. a11 or trd for JCaat rnrtiann proper, , hv. aua, Call North Blitb at. KXTRA large 8-room brmee on PJaat Rnraeld at., wortei a and oomplate. lar ball, attlo. cement rweemnt, cement waplitnh; near Eaet - BtrX PlKh acbocl. pnbllc achoola, atore and atreeli-ara; ! lawn. Owner. 73 Roat Bora- Ida at., be r wee a r-nai sua ana aaat -iib. 10 ACM Kit, on r1r, bo grarel, good Boll. 10 mllea n, ry che.p; good term, from ; niiar, -Adilrei It IIH. car Journal. ON R acre, cleared, bo grarel. fnlf bone, fnrnl- Ittr )"e f atorf Woo.1, , roicarna, mi anci ..ig' clou to cir line, K" far.- Addree f. ia, wra Journal, t - OWNPR will ll 4-room booae, bath, pn, l"" liin bit. bfn. fnirt treea. bcrrlee, tc p't ea. I M alii', wvww iii. car JoitrnaL L . . .. -. - ...n,l. If 111 . Tl e lb . (.intirill d notn cotinre, pHatered with wom f-r nerllr flnlabeil. cement wal..-W. at.e.' lblli rimer lot. V"-l fno. t.W; 1 (' ca-h l l'l" ar lero.a. tlK-n.-r, II. , klaetai'h. V.Hili--k, Or. 8IJ- ','"', t"1 '' 1,1 ' J : cloa, Vu. 8i . ' FOir SALE RKAL FSTATE. A 111)1(10 KollailaT Park bona. I room, rela tion ball, dau aad lar attic; front ruuta ltli. wltb larua flrv plaoe; fiirnaoa and rt-mcut buaem-fiit; prlea otilf l..toKk, part rxli, E. It Maimltig, rooia 3 JO ralllug blug. Inona I'acifle l&os. 'l i W BALK email chick. a ranch, a00 aaaf Uruia. li. 'i'. luaik-11, owaar, Womlbura, or. A MNAI' Beautiful nHdera t-roota konae, fine locality. A(Mlr taat Xella at, aaar iaih at. trie t-CfO. BAKHAIN for cnah, beaatlfnl lopatloa tor twa coltaitaa; kkftitb Bunnraldat our oar. laqulr kl. JJueoln, near Xhlrtj-Uilrd at. fOR BAl.r rrn cot tare, 4 rooma, barn, Mg lot, fruit traoa and luiprorad a tree t. llooO. B 1.4s, cara Journal. CHOICE 10-acr tract gvt nllra front altr, hUbly Improved, fruit, ate.; aoaa. for caab. Columbian Realty Co., BilVa Tulrd at. FOK SALE F AIOIS. I2.B0O 40 ACBBfl, 18 mile aoatb f Portlnoa, 8 irillca from railroad tatloa and boat kndlng, 8 nille from tlx Portland and Balam alectrM -road; 80 acre cleared, 0 acraa green timber, balance eaally cleared, 8 acre flrat elaae bopa; d-room houee, email atabla; all fenced , II l.l; on main county road, K. r. 0., Bear aclMol; penoaal property goo with place; food taam, new wagon tnd kariura, farm mplomenu, boasebold torn ! tore; d ton ef bar; beat ef aoO. Bfla north ef .Tea- cot) rer, 18 mllee from Portland: 70 Acre cleared. SO acre good timber, be lance aetly cleared. acre bearing orchard; good frame bona, 8 rooma, good tram barn, a mail bora turn, other outbuilding: t good walla; aU fenced with wire and board, all 11; on aialn county road K. P. D, near acbool: good team worth 8000, 8 owe; all farm I triple. aunl; fla location, beat of suU; giro. term. . $2,700 10 acre, mile from Waatmugat. Clark ooonty, Waahlngtoa; 88 aero cleared, SO acre eaally (laarad, aereral acree of good timber, balance Mature; ouo bearing fruit treea, variety; 100 aero fenced, good spring .water lit bone, new 2-etory 10-roora bona, larite bare, fruit dryer, n Ilk hooaa, other oat bulldlnga; ' 8 good boraee, new wagoa. new back, new boggy: T bead ef cattle. 8 eowa, 160 chirkena, cream aeparatort A mile to acbool, B. t. S. beat of soU. ,:, 8 8, TOO 80 acre, aiUee from TBoavr, . an tin grrV road; U acre a! eared, aom greea tlmbr, , balance laabed aad burned; , good 8-room rnatlc boaaa, good barn, wood shed and, roothmiae; 8 acre bearing ercbard; 1 horse, 1' cow, 8 oalrea. 80 eblckana, 1 heavy wagoa, 1 light wagoa, mower aad rake, plow, harrow, other email toolei enoairh bay to winter atockl 4 mU to acbool, R. p. I).; -fte location, ben of eoti; term, 8700 esah, . baianee yean, 8 pes eenb , -: $1,80060 arre 1b Olark eoonty, Waab ingtoa, 8 mile: from railroad atatloa and boat landing; IS acree cleared, 40 acre good Kia Umber, balance eaally cleared; 1 acre ring ercbard, variety; eld hooaa, fair barni R. r. D, Boar acbooli fine soil; give tarma. . ' . . POO acres ta Clarke eoonty. WaahlDgtoa. B mile from boatlandtDg and railroad; 100 acree m tine etate of tralrl ration, eoine grea timber, balance paatare. all fenced with poet and afire, acree bearing ercbard, S acre pple and eh. err tee and pear, balance prone ; Mew T-roota bona, coat Bl.ftuO; one large hara 80x100, fruit dryer, milk bona with fin prlng water la it, other oathatldtncs. black. mlth-bop aad tool; pereoaal property goo with place; good taam. 8 wag-one. 1 newt 1 bach, news 1 top buggy, aew; new Osborne binder, all kind at farm Implement; 14 milch' eowa. 1 fla boll. 4 bead Toons bora. . 1115 chicken, saw cream separator wits tread power: 00 ton of bay, 000' buehel of oat. om wbeat a on peon; near ecoooL, nu r. v. Thl a beantlful plaoa, beet of black aolL . Price only 848 per acre, baclodlng personal property f give tar am. ... ..t. - $.BO0 0 arre. 18 mile from Tanaramr, I mile from Flnber'e landing ea the Colum bia rtver, 1 at tie from railroad station, oa a fins pravsl road to Portland ; SO acree cleared, some timber, balance eaally cleared! all fenced, U level; t acree bearing orchard, ' smelly 1 apple and eberrle; 8-room bouse, . fair barn; fine location 1 1 horse, 1 cow, new- wages, aew set doobre harneoa, new ?ilow, barrow and cultivator, ether (mall ools: sm hog and eblcken,-r near acbool, R, P.'D.l tbi Is a snap; give term. TOO acres 88 nOes of Portland; ewef 00 scree In fine stats of cultivation; 400 acre river bottom; fine boass, cost 8JI.000: dairy sost fl.Bon; S barn, on ovrnnm hooaa; 8 seres bearing orchard, boat landing oa place) all fenced; heat . of soil: R. P. D., near ' school; tbls ta one of tbe best dairy ranches oa tbe market) guaranteed as sdvertlssd; In vestigate tblg before baying; price only (88 per sere; yod term. ' . 1 848 aers m Clark covmtv, wMngtoat - 1R0 scree k msadow free from stamps. - seres be bearing ercbard, soane free, timber, balance pastorei S large barns, 8-roora booae email creek and t good springs) all feared with Bsw 8 and wires and one hoard, bog- tight; aV. P. D-. school oa plsesi 8 Billea from railroad and boatlandlngi beat ef black . Boll 1 anod team. 1 driving boras, ssveral bead of cattle, all kinds ef farm Implements; B0 tons 01 " chickens bay, some bogs, S4 ebees. sseae Thl I bbs of tbe best Mrs aa the market: If roe ar looking for a fine tlsoa snd a aaap Investigate this be for bay ig; this Is guaranteed a sdvertlssd; a rock or gravel; only $S per acre) g1vs tarma. VasIiiiigtoii &;' Orcgoii' Realty Co. Boron d st- Portland. Oregna, sad 800 Main st., VsBcoover, Phone Msla (404. rYaeh. , LOOK BERBt . . J have farms to sell. 20 te 10" ease eact., all la rapidly developing district, eoan with very Hit) Improvement snd some wsll Improved st price which a re en re to doable In 8 te 8 years. Also a few ef tbe best res idence properties la Oreaham, ss wsll as a ' Bomber of business building paying aa la cotae sf 18 to 14 per sent, snd rarest lots, Oresbem Is 13 miles seat sf Portland, with cms car line flnlahed snd soother la course ef construct loa. Writs, explaining fast wbst yos want, and ess wbst ) will do far pea, ar, wbst I better, call snd ses me. . . D. 8. J0BNB0M, -t, - Orsshsm, Or. 40 aero air land, froats ea Rasa Lin road) 8 scree cultivated, aers timber, small boa .s sad barn, belsncs psatnre, some fruit, berries and garden; Isnd all faaoed; swing to old sbb sod slckssss .ot owner will aall bow 1 or .i.ta. UENKt.B A, HARRTBOrT, . , ' ' . 217 Ablngton bldg. r CHbl'KRN PARM. f3Vf acraa, sll sood land, nearly brvsl. IS seres eultlvsted, 8 acres on too lsnd; boo bare, cblrbsn-bonses. storehouse! choice- fr ' snd berries: 8 horses. I cows, 87B chickens. I wagons, clover cutter, barrow, piowe, culti vators, sll small roots t bay la the bsrai 1 snlls ta railroad siding, fronts on good road. 10 miles from Portland: prlrs for all, $3,780. HSlt" Lai 4k tiAUHinun, ' mi Ablngtoa bldg. . .. PARM POR RRNT Olva full particulars shout . goer experience ss a rsnner la first letter .. Address S lad, ear Journal. , A voRTUNM lit APPI B LANDS Doa-t htty a fsrra. but go to Hood River, st Moaier, and ; Invent In apple lande. For forth er asrtteulars Inqulrs B. U. Phillips, 104 Plret St.. opposite ' Laitd's bank. Ws esn show yoa ststlsUcs sad ssmpls sf spplea grown. APPf.R f.ANOB Any Bias tracts. In' Bead niver Al.trlct st Mosler. Cell snd see saw ' pies. Lsdd les. hi. W. Phillips, 104 First k, eppostt d s bank. 80 ACRES, under rultlvetlon, raantng water mrongn piece en " i . m-. 1 , .i.i.bu kiu eejnthonee and other ButMilld. Inss; 18 miles of port la ml. Owner, L. 0. - Vanrtta, Mllwsakls, Or. R. P. T. No. S, DOS OS. an kcrtP half under nVirw. fair I mm vemente, 10 nillcs east on fine- road, all level, pear a , lines. $130 errs: $ caab. bslaso - bins time, esav terme. Call-1137 past Stev ens St., car. Hath. Psoas Tabor 8M. BlUlitST SNAP BVRR OrVBRED IN OUB - - fcON. 123 seres. 40 acres la csltlvatloo, fin tim ber on balance, stream of running water. 14 mile from railroad, 14 miles from Portland; Vine finest ranch in tne atnie; every rooi tillable; ninat sell before Rnndijr; esn t buy an acre sf land sitjolnlu this for lees thus $41 v-r acre end up: will acll this eulrk l..r .". In.nlre of T. Kerry, Mo. 4 e lib at. Phone redrie Wa. iiin fine -new T-room r i ' ilin apply st FOIt SALE FAKM9. a pew choicb parms mbar thb citt. M seres, all level land, so acres under cul tivation, all fenced, 10 acres of timber, well ' watered, family orchard: houas bars 8ji. bnlliiina sll good; 1 horses. 8 cows; aU hnpleuieuiai S niTlas to Beerertoa: it ! an Ideal place: M.IMJ; without stock snd Uuplaioents, $.00o. su scree, SO seres eultlvsted, sll fenced. scree orchard;- e-rooai uoues, bare eoxiW. granary SoaSO, with bascnisntj 1 cows, sll tuiplemesta. crop; price $4.bi0. This piece is 13 miles south of Portland. 8 miles Os wefo, 8 mllea to etreetcer, Willamette. 40 seres In same locality. 1M arre ander plow I rerything la ftrat-class sondltloal largs Bouse, barn; good orrbnrd: spaa of horses, 1 sows, bogs, chickens; $X.eO0; it's a bargsln. Revaral large tarrns slung the vsllsy ; good terms. n OTTO, CROCKETT A HABK80N BBALTT . ( COMPANY, , . ' . , . .- 183Vk fh-st st. ' , - . . COMB slong nsrt Bundsy morning snd be back evenings, looking at tbess bsmslns: $ 1,000 8vk seres, fins gsriten land, wit Improvements, no city limits of Nswbsrg. M.ltao b0 sere very good land, nicely m . provril; 4 mils to Lmnilee; a bargain, and .. oa very eaay terms. ... . . 4.8iB s-lns Be-acrs place, well Improved. 1 mils to college: a lovely horns snd Very , farm; 1-8 sash, balance 8 per eent. 88,025 8T acres, beautifully sltustsd 00 ' the Willamette, with boat landing; $3,000 worth of Improvements; handy to atatloa and college; sacrificed to settle an estate. 8M per sere liol scree, well Improved farm, richest sf bottomland, oa Willamette, with boat binding; Ideal for dairying, hoc) or ' vegetables; moseycolnerjfl.OoO caab. $000 vry year, t per cent. " ' 1 pay $10 a day If not found as 1 apt meats A ( P. rOCUS, SX1V4 Borrisoa su PARU. , .' - BIti SNAP. - ' . 140 seres, sll Xsnosd snd sross fenced, acres cultivated, JW acree open pasture, S seres In ercbard. "T sere garden: Ubd all sood quality; 8-rium bouse, rustle oatslds. bars . aad ootballdlngs, fir timber tor B.Ovat eords of wood; Sou card eek a haadle timber snd 8.000 eords esk wood,, watered by fins 'springs; 8 sows. 8 calves, S marsa, t horse, 4 bogs. 80 chirkena, 1 wagoa, 1 back, 1 buggy, sets double bsrneas. 1 est alngl barnsss, I plow, school 1 mils, SVk miles to railroad tnwa, 8 miles te pood county seat ' towa la Willamette ssllsy; tbls is a great - he rental all goes sow aa described above for . . a'-.-o..c- nnanaxvai m n.natovp, BIT Abtngtoa Bids., 1UH -Third Portland, Or. . TAMRIIX OODltTT . PARM BARGAIN. V48 seres, all fins land, aearrr 108 sores rich bottom lead, well drained, balance gently rolltngi 1A0 aores eultlvsted. 88 acree of which la la timothy 1 8 acres ta timber. 10 acres ta pasture; running streets of water, t springs; U fenced snd sross fenced, most board and wire fences: gosa sjeignoornooq; bones and barn; fronts ea goo roau, 4H miles to good railroad towa. railroad towa, in laainiu st $30 per sors BBltKLI A BARRIBOH, SIT AblagtaB blag. (8.800 POR 10-scre fruit ra nek near eiry 1 cnooi aaa srore, goou vnw. e v ef road; thai property " to f donbl thl amount within 8 years. P. J. Stelameta Oo:, tbe bimaeeUsrs, IPS Isorrl- BOB St. ' -' POB. B ALB 100 aers land. miles frost Tan- cos vert is crs eiearsa, iw iruu inn 1, hearliuT, running water. 8 miles from rail, road. William. Clique, Orchard. Wash. - . 88 ACRICS, 14 ealttvated; $ sows, teamehkih- en, daekal crop; tool; ereea. ercoarui aoose, bam. 604 Ooldsmith. Alblna. BAROAINB m scresge. tarma snd city SToperty. Psrmsrs' Lsnd Co, 178 Alsaisoa eu TLMBER. T0 OvTrTBRa of timber claim and timber We will buy for cash aay good limner rxioaxsry to Rsbslsm rlveri will deal with owners only; 00 others need a newer. Wr1t. giving full particulars, to Box S, O. R. SUtlea. Portland. Oregoa. SchaTleman & Co logging proposinons, oa nrw ss- r,, ring toed. relinaulsbmsBts, timber , da lms, Urgs trscta for Investment. SSTVb WABHIWOTOlf Wt, QUARTER sect loa first aasltty Ursa yellow rie. ma ie.nn. mil asm. 10 miles from Astoria; ' n-lanlut tTrnhee claim IB eesrs: that teUsl verv rsssnusbls orics 1 no scents wanted; It will seU Itself. Address O 143, car Journal HOMESTEAD rstlBcmtahn ent; booe. ( bam. springs, some furniture, $ vy each I set uleal, 274 Waahlngtoa. at. good wnssi te no. Schuyleman A Co., CMQTJB bsncb of SS rsllow pin elajms for lmrasdiste eocariou- cut a nv.i"" rswt. sraar lemaa A Co., 837 Waahlngtoa. CBRTIP1BD scrip, a-p Bins, lowest prima. , O. BowelL 888 Cbsmber of Commerce, M still Cheadls, 1b timber lsnd huainesa. W. - agent. Booth Bend, Waahlngtoa.' 100 TO 1S8 seres ef timber, aoll rich. Bear rail road and Portland, owaar, at jsa. sowrasu BOMBBTBAD and timber lands, scrip. s leaa. 80S Oommemal oiog. WANXCIV Ilomsstead rellnqulabment weat ef Osscade ranga) dsssrihe smproventsnta, ir aayi stats locstloa and price. Address P 145, ear Journal. WArTTRT-srgtnf ar Mwmtn propoaltloa oa O. W. P. or Psclfle railway t Isra wbea answering. R IBB, give roil partlcu- car Journal. HORSES, VEHICIiKS, HARNESS, -4 B0R8E8 aad boggle for reat by day. , ssd month; special rata to auaii Sixth and Bswtherns. Beat 78. U O. SHBLDOrt. 181 Blxth statins driving aisre, 8 year, bay, par ssls) pertsctiy onad, fin tya. WB bay, bsIL reat, exehaage barms, wa saddles, harness. Hubert A Bsll. 888 4t W grve 88 par tent. ff an sfabls blankets. Keller Harness us., norm nixta sr. POB 8 ALB Two nara with foal. cheap. 1. D. Ksalng, Third and Pad fla. WANTED Horse. T te 8 rears' old. weigh tug 1,100 te 1.800 pounds.- 8fJ Bursa l as St. POB BALB cnBAP Psnsl top do livery wmgee. lend ss bsw. 430 Belmont. MUSICAI INSTRUMENTS. WB BOl'OHT tbe plane store, 8(10 Alder SS., ' near Parb; II Includra many of finest Btskest ' your choice, BO cents sn tbs dollar; Install ments llks rent; Is teat piano-players tot (iad our company la owned by esstera pisao fac tories ; ws v yoa tbs retailor's profit. Beed-Preoeb Plane Mfg. Co., Blxth and Burn- . SMS tS- - TICTOR talking m chinas and records: Btsfa wsy jsnd other) pianos. Bbermsa, Clsy A Co.. Sixth and blorrlsos, sp posits postofflce. MANPOLIN, guitar, bsnln Jims Parker, sir. tnoeo. lets of Illinois Ci llers ef Musi. 408 Steam bldg.. Sixth, aad Morrbxoa, POR SALaWMasoa-A Bamlta ergsa, solid web Bat cues. Inquire st 887 North Oread ave. FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. POB SALB Trash-erw, end feed aecoad-hssid wsgon. i. M. Bvsas, Lsnta, Or. BARTER AND EXCHANQK. BXCHANOB. flood dairy farm, rd bouae, barn, all eat bnlldlngs. orchsrd, wsll stocked with cows, Koraee hose, chickens, imnlemsnts. - -tools. feed, stc, well located, not fsr frora Cnlom. but rlvsr; will tsk soma other good property ss part pay; price for farm, stock, Imple- meats, feed, fn.noo. . UP.KK1.B A HARBISON, "V , 317. Ahuiglca bldg. . . PURNITCRB of 8-rnom hones for isle or es ehsngs for real astste. T73 Seat Tsylor St. Rest 4878. Wil l, trade Al fnmltur of 8 rooms for hrt. 773 Eaat Tsylor St. Ksst 4X78. WANTEIV-Rmsll bouse rxilli la exchange for lot. Apply at 110 uraml ve. . kf RAT market for sals. $S0. sr trede for real setats. 104B riawtsorne ave.. corner ooia a. nil htock Imnmred. st Portsmouth, to ex rnanjre for' farm or land. ColumbUB Realty Co., $Zi TUIrd at., room 8. . WILL stchanr good lot rWws Is lnt ear II n for Brrientsr wurx; raxsrenies reouirso. appiy 817 Commsrcwl uig. sism son. 0OOU heavy work team for sst or trad for lots or acreage. Phone Msla 83TB, aad . 8-tlik Morrlaoa stj, rosst A BARTER AND EXCHANGE. TO BXC1IANOB Reeoedhsnd top delivery Wi lt "i ior uoree. &J rielmont. MLNES AND INVESTMENTS. COUKR D'ALKNB aad Nevada mining stocks. I su siways u us market to buy or sell sy first -rises stacks or bond. List your storks with ms; gel my prices bsfors buy ing or selling. Losns mads ea listed sscurV tles. . T. P. Crown, 10 Washington blk. FOR 8 lX-MISCElXANEOrB. McINTOSH A BBTMORB SO-borec power suto- Bistle saglos. . 8 oO-borsepower hollers. 3 O. 0. 74 K. It. generators. - - ' - B.OOO feet -lacb ateel-riveted pips. l.OOO.fltiO feet second-hand pipe, sll alses np to 12 Inch, black as4 gslvsuixed, practl eally aevr. . . r . .Carload trace ehafns. I ."goo vice, all kmd. ., tS at eel crowbars. .' 10.000 wedges snd sledges. . , " bO tons ere beams, all alise, ' Carlosd barbed wire. Also ,tbs Isrgest stock ef second bend ma chinery, and other goods to numerous te mention, la the northweat. J. sUMON A BBO, 84 848 Pront Bt. Ycurs fcr Style . Ladle and gentleman, yon o' sot hellers thst yoa eaa get a M gold piece for (1H; that la fhs Bams propoaltlo w see sd- .Trtlssd-ra salt snd extra trnuaars. We-effat a good suit of tbs best goods ssd the beat ' trimmings, msds by tbs best ex perl en red tail ors la the en no try. We are sble to give yon tbe benefit of our s taa 11 sinenses. Top aeed not pay for tbs suit not 11 It la Bnlrhed. Olvs as call. Miller Tailoring Co., It North Sixth st. DgH'TSCHB miTUNO. tbe big Oermsa pa pee. Bnbscrlptlon price $1 per year: earn pis copies free. A. X. Kern A Co, publishers, eeraer Second snd Salmon st. POMKRANTAH- Rnrw-vmppiae, --- Call r sddress 838 Clay St. BI'TCHER'S outfit for sals cheap. Apply 108 Uaremont are., venter aaaiuoa. 80 SLIGHTLY da si. red sswlng-machlne st eery low prices; Binge. r, wneeier a wuaea, Pomestlc Whits. Household. Davis end ethers; te make room for bsw stock Wheels A Wllaoa snd Slngsrs. I. 8. BlgsL, 138 Mor rtsoa at.. Marquam bldg. 8KLP-CBANOBMAKIN0) aaah rsgleter fee sals cheap. 811 First st. CnooL BOOKS bought, sold sod exsbasgsa. 82P tssmhiU st, POB SALB atesmbeat 18 feet beam. 48 feet long, capacity 14 tons. Dew; will sell cheep " for. cash. D. D, Weed, 818 Oswego at, St. Johns. Oregoa. , . POR KAT.C Dairv. an cows. good ronta) to minntee drive from Sna loose tloni part cash. Pboae Msla B08S. POR Chatham Incubator sad brooder. 84 dsys tree trial. Gee. W. Paett, 831 Bast Morrison st. Portland. WB print Tost same ea BO calling cattle, proper stss aad sryls. 8fie; SCO boslnsas sards, $L A. W. Bchmale Co., 838 first, Portia sd. Or. BBCONO-BAND bar Bits res, pooltablee, ssfes, tables, chairs. West era Salvsgs Ca, 837 Waahlngtoa St. - - . BOWCASRa- aad artarea, B band. Carlson A Kallstrom. rw Ssd V Coasb St. POR SALB Small gasoUn Migin. 1-8 B. P, Bsw. Address J 128, care JournsL POB BALB Bmsll gasoline engine, 1-8 horse- AAA, a laA M Vim, I 7 POB SALB S true fresh sows, larg mllksvs. at 848 rront st- , BKOIltB, b or ee power, steam, first- ahape, $10. W 1SB. ear Journal. BRBN Plectrlo Work, lPth snd Waah. eta. - Phone Pacific 1474. -Raw aad aseead-bssd electrical good bought, aold aad exchanged. POB SALB. CRRAP a-mch Keystone water meter, prsetlcslly aew. 1 squire B. Betsgar, 838 Pront st. . . - 8EWIKO MACRIwra hrmrbt- aold sad chsased. $8 sod up. Wsstsra salvage Co., Kii wssaiugtoa sx. - SHOWCABES, counter, flxtnrea, hi or exehangsd. Wsstsra Belvaga Wssblngton st, Pscltls TPS. "fie Bold PREB POR BTRRTRODT Rlruj ap Mala 43P8 or can sini rront. ws ouy ana ssu .nara. tare, clothing or any eld thing. BOLDKN'8 RHEUMATIC OCRB Bure i rbeamstlsaa. Sold by all druggist. BILLIARD AND- POOL tables far teat a tot sale on esse paymsnts. THB BBUNSWICK-BALfCR COMB NDR CO t Third st, PortUsd. WANTED 100 Btsa ta wear ear celebrated $80 suits. Crdo Tailoring ua, 806 H Start ft, SatlsfacUoa gusrsnteeA POR S ALB Barge tn la Whites, Binge rs. Da- a, w See lev n lleons, House nome ssa otner lightly da reared machines. Tb Whits Sew ing Machine office, B. D. Jones, 8S0 YtmblU t, eorner Ponrtb. COB BALB A Neleoo roadcert a rood as sew. Ehaetoa front dsilvery wagoa, eiesauc sng ab trap aad ether vehicles. 184 On loa av. SHEET-IRON atore ef (II kind at reaeoosbbj price at 808 Pint St., Pboae racine bio. MOTTO N plctara machines, films, song slides. gsB eutnts, err. , oougnt. eom, reuieu an, sxehsnsed. Newman's Mottoa Plclure Co., 146H Sixth, near Alder. Pbon Paetfi SB28. AT "A BARGAIN Arctic soda feaatatn, fnrnl. tore, a tore; Installment or caab. Ibi great. B0U8EB0AT for sals or rent, furnished, nlosly iocs tad. Eseslnga. moms aia-is- loumsy bWg., Oeoud and Taylor eta. CHERRY TREES of the only original parent tree, the new Cherry, toe oisnt; rirst-cisss trace. Jullua Kalllca.. Wsodlasra. Orsgoa. UPR-SIEB srtlflctsl bores for display tot bsr neas or implement stors; win sen very cneap. Ad drees Amss-Hsrrla-Narrlll Co,, Fifth, sad Dsvls Bts., Portland, Of. TWO bosthooaae, en 8 mm a AU- rooma l barx gala. Bee seder, foot ef Beat Salmon WERBBR aprlgbt ptaaa $108, Pecker 190, errss 20: lessons free. Hia sirss ev. Mala, spatalrs. . POR BALB Housebnet, suitable for email fam ily, partly finished, $o. Maaea . loos ex Esst Tsylor t. PBBNCH, OermiB. Bpsnlari, ItaMsa by pbono. grsph; International Oorrespondsnee School record. tBtnooa no isrgs sura .w bdh-i, records; chssp. Address bf 180, ear Joaraal. TBREB Wblt Rock cockerels. Ties nt lee. (1.88 apiece. 843 Rlogmaa St., wooaiawa stats, Portland. Or. -a, THOROUGHBRED Roatea ball terrier for sal) abeam coin sway. . BZ TBira sr., room e. PERSONAL. MADAM ANNA LUCRE T. magsstls, mental Bed slsctrle vibratory trsaimsni, rnesmei , all nervous dlsssaee treated sseceea fully, face pad scalp treatment. Prescb p.ats foe remov ing wrinkle, manicuring. . 808 Peorth at.. near Salmoa, Mala i. tOtTTtft Betentlfl mssscoae elve electrical, eb oiholle and medicated trsstroenU; also tub bathe. 41 Raleigh bldg.. Slath aad Wash- Ing too. ... . ' - SUPPOBtTORlEa for married women: perfect Iv atlsfatrtnrr. Call sr sddrese Mrs. H. C. 'Wilbur, etsj Third SU, Beer Msrrlsoo, Prte lend, OrsgoB. ' BEIINR PILIB ear all farm ef nervous or mseettlsr wsskaesa. Por ma or ssaia Price $1 I box. 8 boxes 88, with fall gusr- nte. Address ar call J. 4. Clsuieosos, 4g glet. Beocsd aad VsmblQ sts., Portlaad, Or. IP TOC sr not feeling well, tsk a tab bath asd slconol run. II. viruru wii alcohol Blxth snd Oak eta.. IT. Phone Msla M. BUBBIAR BATH, am Third at, betwaa Tsyis snd S.lrsoa. Bwlmmlns pool, a team aad hot air bath. Hours ladles, from Ss.aa.te 1 p. m. ; geau, (rem 8 a. at te 13 p.'a. GERMAN books, magsslnes. aovels, ste.l sias KsalUk grsnsa- Bpsslsh P pweui.n and itsllsa dlctlatisrlcs; forslgs book klnu. ' Brhwsl Co, t3 rirst St. . at sU MOI.EB, wrtiklee. superflooos bafr removed. ai . .1,.-.. i. t.ik i. ever. Mrs. M. I). Hill. Sao Plied oes Bldg. raoee rae.ii, io DR. RfSO CBOONO; Importsr Chinese root Siedlrlnee: sells Cbiees tee. cert la cur f ot aU diseesre, 1H1 3d. bet- lanhlll and Taylor. UANI.T rigor restored by Pr. Boherta .Nerve Ololialea, One moo the trealmsnt, $2; 8 - avnntb, (B tent oecurely seeled by mstl. Agsat. Weodard, Clsrke A Co, PortUad, Or. , PERSONAL. DR. O. T. KKTCI1CM sures promptly prtvats Idleeeees, blniiey, nervous, skta BBd spedsl feme Is troubles. Csil or write, Offlc liOi lli US st, ear. Xsmha Pboos iPscifl XO. SELECTIONS siade. Introductions gtvsal henor- ebie isniis sna gentlemen, snarees, srita stamp, ktrs. II. C, Wilbur. Third St., ., besr llarrlaoo. TrKKlSH BATHB, SOO Orsgonlaa bldg.i Isdhst days, gsniisms Bigots, sibib ivss. DIBEABES OP WOMEN; sn fort ousts girls snd psnte carei ror; private sewpiraa. vr. atwooo, room A 830 tt klor. St. Tel. Pad He 1703. BKST msgsxln clubs ever offered: esad for grteee; egents wanted, joaer Book 8101, 11 Alder st., Portland. Or... ' BALM OP P108 for sll female 41 East Bslinoot. Pboae East 4034. MHS. DR. MAHT KBAMER. midwife! ate quarters for patients, gqi Mlaatsslppl ave. MRS. POTTER Msasruss, elp. facial mss cblropody. 224Vb wasblagtoa St. ease SCHOOL ROOKS bouxht aold, xchangad. Joass' ilooastore, 2W1 Aider sr. CORK8PONr witb tbe opposlts sex for mstrt- aoony- Aaareas jsos ase, rurtisna, ursgoa. OENITO-URINARy and chronic diseases of sieu quickly snd permsaeatiy cured; electric treat msnt for dlaessee of ths pmststs. Coneults tlon tree. " pr. W, I. Howard, CommoawaallJi bldg.. Sixth at. . . . QWI. REBTACRANT, tap Eaet Morrlaoa st ate, is loc enu sn enori vrusra, srven weisvs. i, L. Tstslsff. proprietor. BOBA'TBRA CI0APB Bold everywbere. ; H. H KlTKIiUfKB at oi)l, siasers. RS Corbett St. Phone PsclOs 1488. BOLDRN'S RBECMATIO CTJRB Bore ears far rhsumattsm. Bold by all druggists. Slirra pressed while yoa welt. BO. Lsdls skirts pre enl. BOe. Ollbert, imi, BUI st, Bsxt to Quelle. Pboos Mala B08A BOLD ON Tbrg-1 nr Thtng -ths will sees rbsumstlsm. Ask poor druggist ror ssrx tonic or sddrese or call J- 0. druggist. For Lis sd. Or. WANDA, ths famous pelmlst, movsd ta BM Main st. , opposite oourthoase, OENTLRMAN, 84, recently from fh seat, g business sblllty, srasll aapital, wisbss meet lady ef soluble ag aad same mssi object, business end matrimony. , Addf B 118, care Journal. SWEDISH trained Boras, Bsbrlngrora grsdust. enrss rbeomstlsm, etomsea rronnies, nervous disorders and spretns by hsndmbhlng, stsam, swest and tub bath. No. T Eaat lltb at. Tk Kaet Anksay ear. Phone Best 260. WB have (everal second-hand lanaehee which we will sell yoa very cheep. . inquire Mr. Belraoav. Relrsoa Maehlnary Co 184 alorxiaosu Ml Ha oiRBoON glvse scalp treatment. on. zbs Momsoa sr. MANICURING parlor for ladle aad gsnue- 3bBH Morrlaoa St., room . BADAM'B MICROTIS KILLER, the great eat germ destroyer, (or sals by tl. U. winter, 60 V Grand ve, north. MAMRT PRANCES, tbe wonderful healer, hi here a few dsvs only) auras rneamatiem sai sll nervous dleeeeee. Oxford botsl. corner Sixth snd Osk U, room IT. Pboos Main 88. BBCBNTLT opened manirartng parlors: bUTres snd gcntlemaa. 801 Vk Momsoa St., roor la. LADIES: - Or. la Prs two's Oosn pound : , spsedy rssulstor; xo cents, orseri.ta or msu; booklet free. Dr. La Praaee, PblledelpbJ. Pa. OBNTLBMAN, 81, wlahea to meet a lady aultabl g matrimonially meiinsa. Aaan 0 128, ear Journal. DOCTOR eaa buy an' Interest la rum ta bed, Ing, cool re-located offlcs. Address- I ear Joorssl. - THB BNOWDBN face and ocalp massage, 808H Washington, room 8, Firth street side. MMB. TABB-TT Mssssgse. ' manicuring and chiropody. aulH Third atv--- BUSINESS PERSONALS. rNTBNTlOrlB BOUOBT AND BOLD. Covenant Contract Co- 42T Plledae bids. . Mala 2SD1. P0LIBB A RCHLBOAL locksmiths, maebmbrta - aad general repairer, xw Beoond at. CR1MKIT BWEEP. D. D. Wood, rbone Mat 1873. 48 Third at. ATTORNEYS. O R. PtOOOTT ARD i. A. PINCH Atfavneve-er-Law. Practice la all d Mslkey bldg., eorner Secaod sad MorrUea. A8SATERS. QARTIN CTANIPB BXTRACTIOrt .. Montana Assay Office, lad AUTOMOBILES. PULLMAN AUTO CAB CO, Builders, designer and repairers ef an makes of automobiles. Bodies, tons, feeders, dssbss, lamp brsrhstav running bearde asd fronts. Gears and all Prts ef suto mobilss mads to order. 4A-70-7I74 North Sixth St., H. L. KEAT8 ACTO CO., AOT0MOB1LK8 AND BCPPLIRa. " ' Northwestern distributor ft Pop Bare fords, Pope Tribunes, Pops Wi writs, Pop Toledo. Tbomae. Oldsmohtle. Franklins, Bulrk. 8t-e3 Bevsntk t Iortlsd. Orsgoa. HOWARD M. COVBT, Arsat Pierce Oreat Arrow,- Locomobiles, Cad illac aad Knox. Tesiporsry locatioa Cteh Osrsge, lttb ssd Alder sts. BAPB TOTJ SEE!f RARER ELECTRICBt Capital Bapply Co.. ofift Aids St. Pboae Pa cific 8T1. I lemons rrstloa by sppotntmest. ART. ' PRBR I.RBB0RB TB Embroidery Every Dey. THB NEKPI.ECRAPT BH0P,", 883 Wsablngtoa ot. L B. MOOREHOTIBB A CO. Artists ratertsrs, stsrsoptle picture aaoldlng, ptetnr rrsming. coo, Uatera i I BIIOS. 818 Aids st. PROPRBBOB B. MAX 'MRTRR, SSA Alder st Portrait and Mnaeeape snunj ana tssonee, BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. ; BUTCflER BUPPUKS . Blrkenwald Co., 804- 808 Everett M.I isrgest natcner supply aa tb coeet. wilt for calalogaa. BUTCH ER8 PUPPtlE Adolnb' A. Dekssa. 131-188 Plrst at., esrrlee full tin and com- plete aesortmeat t 'tommt BLANK-BOOK MAKERS, ' BOWB, DAPI8 A Rll.HAM, 100-111 Bisaad st. Blank book menofactoredl e rests for Joaea Improved laoae-Lsaf ledgers) see tbe aew - Bureka leaf, the- beet ea the marks. MAO AKIN KB, law books, etc.. ebeep for B raited time. A. I. Dygart, 83i Pront at., su'Oak. BATnSf MASSAGE. RraalAN pstba, (wlmming Bool, steam aad hot sir. , Ilosr: Ladles, a. m. to 1 p. m.; gents, 8 a. ta. to 12 . m. Price 86. T Third ., bet. Taylor aod halmon. , BBS. 0BR0VK. grsdosts mssasase; sabloet bath. sit glow, tleobol rub. cream mseesgcj reisr encse. 18 Beventh st. Msm 40A8. CLAIRVOTANTS AND PALMISTS. Always Ojntolt fb Rsat. PROP. fl. KHIMO, ' Srestsst living tral dead trance lsh snysnt of tbe sis; sdtlssr on sad -Sll sffslrs ot Ills: tails your Pill nsrae sad what yoa called for. whom you will marry, bow te control the n yoa love, svea tbonglj mllea away: reunites ths separated: give secret power to control; no king delays In waiting. Honrs 10 to B, d"y snd Bundsy. Psrpisnentlv located m bts tea home, ' 3.'-a Plfth st. eorn-r Msdlsoa t MADAM T.INOA Esrptl.n medium, palmist and psychic rlalrvovanr. Resiling BO cent and Upward. XU4 Med'eea St. BP1 RITUAL card rssdlng. pelmlatry. J.tH4 Msrkst St., kisivins oiug , room mi. CAFES. THB OFFICE psa Wsehlngtoa st, pboae Mai 171. Bemud vlgasuav, 1 BANKS. U BTTID STATES BATT0BAL BAltR OP V0RTLAWB. 0RPO0V. Woetliweet Corner Third Trsneeets s Oeneral penklng Business. ttle tTulted State (ud Rurop. Ilorrkons asd Presldent ,...J. t. AI.NHWOKTH Tlre-Presidsnt.,.. R. LEA BARNES ; Aeetetent Ce.hler ADD A TIL TOM, RANTCX1S fBstsbllsaad la ltea.) . Traasacta a Bensral Bee kins Bustasss. Cmieerlona msds at sll ootnBs sa . hi terme. Letters of credit iMued av.ll.hle in Pump snd sll eolnts la " Btstesr. Blrht Eachsnee snd Tslesrsphls Tranefere sold es N Bt. Lents. Denver. Omaha. Pen Prenclece snd Mnntene end sold sa London. Perls. Berlin. Frankfort. Honrkong. Tobsws. AV ERCKAHTB- HATIOWAt BARK. P0RTLAWD. ORPftOW. J.. PRANK WATSON President I R. W iinr-r Casblsr I t . s. 0. CATCHING Rreond Assistant Casblsr Trantarts g Qreeral Rankin Business. Ties ft snd T etter ef Credit . 811 Part of the World. Collecrlon a Ppsclalty. B AVKZB8' A LTmaXBMIB'B BABR PortUad. Oregoa. Ceraew Beceeid snd Btarfe Btreets. Commercial snd savtugs deoertmevit. Inter eet pel ou ss Tings aeeeaata, . vrsrm aao letter, nf credit leased available to stl BartS f the World. . . - T. C. PKLTON Presiiteatl PRPn H. ROTHCniLD. . .Plrst Plee-Preeldent JOHN- A. KBATrNO.... Second Ties-President I HB BARB; OP CAUPOBRIA Rstabtlshsd l$M.' Head Ofllee. Pea Trssoises. Oaltfovsis. Csrrlfsl paid em $4,000 nnf) l Pumme snd nsdlrlde areBre tin cri fr8.s8 Oeneral B.tikloc snd Pvcbsng Boeinese Transacted. Interest en i Time Depoalba. BAPINQ8 rEPARTMr.NT Aecoosts msy be opened of gio end pward. " ' PAFtl.Nit Reanh Thsmher of Commerce Pill ding. PH. R. MArrtAR Manager I r?TT RATION AX BARK. Psrtlssd, Oregoa. i; CAPITAL AND StrRPI.r8 81 BOO.OOO J. , Pt POSITS $14,000,000.00- L. MTT.TR W. NEWKIRrt. ..President I .Ce.hler TRUST COMPANIES. wSjaserAwv. Sana,1 envsirv' AV CIS Ten RRBonRrPS ITER $1 800 coo. flstieret Rankin. Two per sent httersst oa check oeeuntj. (even hundreds! n dally baianee of $VJ or ever. Letter ef credit and xebenee o sii parts of tbe world. Ravines aeeeaata. Time certlBest. $mn or ever. St to 4 per eent. t in for noog or -u-i-i r i no iioee. Sootbesat Came Third nd O.k Btrt. Pbe Prlvat Excbng Tl RRNJ. t. COHr-N.,, ..President I Tl. L .PITTOCK , ''es Pveeld wit R. LRR PAOWT !.'.?:."7i!....Beeretsry It, l. 47QLTRA Astsnteeretsrs SrCtrarrr SAVTNOB A TRUST COMPART storrlsea Street. Tortlssd. Oresoe. , Tcnaacts Oeneral Ranking Rnvlsees. RAVTNnS fEP A RTMRNT. Intereet Anewedeu -Tle-a-sUsiae-Aooants- Acts a TTruat for P..ttee - IrraftsndJec jffedlt Available on All tart of the WorldT ... t. C. r. APAVB., ....Pteaident I t. A. T.PWTB. ........... .Phot Ttce-frealdeut A. L. MILIA..".."". .endVle. Pec,lden$t B. O. JTtpilTB..- seret.rp - IEO. B. BPRHWUfc.. ....Aesletamt Reeretary 0RTHWX8TCTB flTTARARTyT A TRUST Lamber Exch.nce. H. sj. roraer nscono sno nrsrs nrrsetB eii.u. ewvi. ., v .-. . PIBOAL AORNT POR CORPORATIONS. ' J ". . Btste, County, bfvulctp.l Corporetloa Rondo . and Plnanced. Stocks T" rTLB RTAB ANTEB A TRUST OOKTANT MORTQAUB AAJA riB ea ravxisna Hrsi hribis si sww . ... Title Tne tired. Abstracts Pntnlsbed. TTTORRTTRt ROSS.... President. 0POROB H. FILL. TTce-Preelder.t t BONDS AND INVEST5TENTS. BssRaaSs,samaas M 01RIS BROTHERS Cbsmbsr sf Mnnlclpal. Railroad ssB Pabtle DOWsTnta-HOPXIBi COMPART rUtaklUbed , STOCKS, BONDS. OBAIW-Boagfct Private Wire. ROOM I CB ATtfBRR 0018 I. WTLDB BOMB TPLIPBOWB B0RD8 ni siuuse. U-Mk-, SWtland Stock KxcbsmTS. ' '''" rleeue, Btvtr. snd Wsablngtoa s-l.--i. OS O feolr. r w VCI UCVrB., Olatll V vvyav eVs ... wanwrsTORS COT TOTT. STOCKS ART) R0RDB. 'wB4T, WOTIBIOBvvri BUBIBESa. VI iiu a Coatlne Wlr. OUIC Quick 8 " era. ."ndDaltsd Stats. R.Mons . CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHEB cleaned Bad 'pressed $1 Pf sssath. Unique Tailoring as otsrs sa. B. W. TTJRNBR, pro fees lonil oyer ana ateaasv. BOS WSffSrSOB St. rsews mmim PORTLAND Bteem Cleaning nd Prlng Worts. 811 rourtB et. raoae rsraies "- CLOTHEB elestrsd snd preeeedj -prlci shls. Portland Tailoring Co., m 1 -price rssaooe msoiaoD- CHIROPODISTS. ra,sinsrtw -t PeHeirhl. Mrs. M. D. BtTi Boom m Plstdner Bldg. Pbons Psetfl 185. COAL AND WOOD. T Wo hose Mala - BMA, silthln Cosl aa , Cosl for Ship speelslty. Tbs ' STORET A BROOKPB PUXb 00. - tlneerporated.) Bvclualve agents for . ' RIMMKRE14 COAU ' ' COAL. C0KB. CHAKCOAt. Offlc nd Vrd Preat and Ksrajrr. PORTLAND BAWPI'BT A ' BLARWOOD CO.. 8.18 Pront. tieeseor to Po l ton Ttood I Co. I fir, ask, slsbwood. cost TeL Msla 1P38. POR prompt delivery of elsbweod esn Mats 475. Osk. ssh. flr and eoal. Portland Weed A uoal Co., iota ana sarss .i 0RBOON prRL CO. ta bsw es 111 tig Welsh en. turaclts. best eoal ea tbe market. $ Alder '; t Mat 88. ; ALRINA FUEL CO. Dealers In eurdweed. sal nd green sna ory btto. - - -. Albtn V.. 8 block east ef ferry. Beat 874. STEEL RRIDOB PCFt CO. Dealers ta coal, cord wood sad dry alaawood. Pboae Bast 424. WESTERN FEED A FUEL CO. Hot . blaekeoiltb euala. rbone Mala 1018. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPET CT.BANINO W. Largest plaat on tb ooa.t Lor In g and Harding sta.. tslepbon Esst 3W). Carpet a c leased, refitted. sewed and laid; both a team and latest eees , preened air process: renovating msttreeees aad festhers a specialty. SANITART csrpet clessln. suetto ssd as4 sir somblned: camera e leaned en HZ without ismoval. Msla 8084. Msla 8300. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. t. A. MELTON,' tbe carpenter, t Fourth v Btore aad office wh. Msla 1TT. DANCING. DANCING b-esoe. 8Bs sissses or private; waits, tng. two-etep, three-step, etc.) stsge daerlng. bnck and wing. h). reL ekRt. Bpsaleh. Highland fling, etc Prof. Wal Wllaoa. eld est recognised teach. AUakp bldg.. Third aad Morrlaoa sts. WOODWARP DANCING SCHOOL-lsaa Moa, Tbnrs. end Bst. v.; oelsl. fsncy aad etep dancing taaxht; 8 st. tsaehsrs: eleM sd privet toeaona dstly. Wstern Academy hall. Second and Morrkeaa sts. Pacific 168A PROP. RIR0LBR. Miss Bscken merer, leadlaa school, dstly. 808 Alder at Msla Wi. EDUCATIONAls. HOLMES BUSINESS COM.ROB.r Waablngtoa snd 10th sts., Pllednsr bldg. Boob keeping. Shorthand. Typewriting Bod all taglUh branches Usgbt both day aad eight BIHNKR-WALKEB RI BINEBB COLLEGE. DAT AND NIOHT 8KKSI0NS. fpeetal Clsssae la Germsa. Prsocb. BtmafeiB, Kak1 - bldg, Sevestk sad Btsrh ta. BOB B CITT BUBINEBa COI.I.ROB. Pltmsa Bbortbsnd by Court Rsportsr, Bust ee Onsrss. Ppsolsl Bcholsiahlp; Positions s- ttommoawsartB Ding, sin sou sinsray. DRESS LKTNG. MR. TACOHAN ciuef leu St. Pb aTreaerssksa. butti Bast Buraslde Pboae Bt aAsaV TRT Angsle Dre-emak'ns Fsr iocs, B43 PUth asd Msla. . paeiiic ana. anaMBTREBa dee tree sewing by tb dsyi reseonabls. Address P 1HS, oars JourasL ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. M. 1. WAi-Pit co.. nil atsrk st. KlsttrlC and O.S KlirureS inl Boollea, Mantebt Tiling. Uratea ai d Ik gtrons. Sail rill ri.ltlBiO 1. Cnttoeere. eenlrac rs renalrera. elec'Me wt!!,.!. e:ir -i:tes. W4 First, cor. IHark. Alaia . b. II. We, msr. WKHTKIIN F.i ri - t.'l I rectors, e;- bauioa; we I- . i et. 1 cr h- and Oak Btreets. DHAPT8 IsgCKO AvaOaWs la AH ft" se Manila. Collection Msds sn svrsr.e i"'""- CaahUr.., B, W 8t H r Asslaunt Cashier WV Av BOLT A. M. WB10HT T, W.ahinsSsa. CTltcsgo. Rrttt.h Columbia. Rachanx Manila and Wooorsra. R. T. OCRHAtt '. ; ..... ,, wtna arestSewt ...AeaUtent Cashier lassed SrslUbl OPOROR W. BOPT R. f. MEARB ...Csebter H. T) 8T0RET AeeietBst t"ek lev PLATT A PLATT. , Qeasrsl CoeneM J. T- Rr WTOHARI L. .. .AesvHst stssetes Oldest Nsttoaal Rank tbe Pet Ceaet. W. J. AT.TORTt. TETEVa. a eeeaeaw fteatlW .'Seeovia" Assistsut Cs'b'sr I rj. r. nw Tie OMest Tvasft OseswaBP ts eerrtneares. 3 to 4 per nf: CClT. Of. 'MPAPTT Portland, Oregeo. Bought ssd Bold. New Bnterpneee fsraaBiasa snd Bonds Oasrsntsed. 80 WASTtTROTOR TaaBT. . JNO.. B. A TTC R 1 SO !f , T. T. BfRKHART.. ..Tres surer Bafldtng. '.""'s 'I Berrle Corpora flo rVmde., 1888 BR0KIRB. and Bold for Cash sad ea Bargl. of C0MMERCB. Pboae Main ST.: Street. Portlsnd. 0rvyoo fMemher. "ilrer" ""Si io Third at, aUKsy niog, rw. ..... -. ervlcs. REPERENCFcl una at wsa, ar I Bank of PortlsaA FENCB AND WIRE WORKS. POBTt AND WTBB A IRON W0RK8 Be end Bverett sta. rcons wnva sqqq. GASOLINE ENGINES. 0 ASOLIN B esctnee, atl . else sr styles. t lowest prices. Belresa maaunsry vw, mev. Morrtsoa et 1 1 SHEPP1RLD marine engine. Any propellers. Fairbanks. Morse A Co, First and Stark!. HOTELS, HOTEL Porttaad, Amrlcaa plaa. $8. $8 per day. BBLTBDBBB; Eoropeaa plaa; 4th aad Alder sts. 1 . HARDWARE. , PORTLAND BARDWARB CO. eollelte opnortu tty te qaote prices. T4 Sixth et. Pacific 468. INSURANCE. . ISAA0 U WBTTB, 8x lasorsara. - Isck elds. ..... .. F. L. PAGE. Irstursnrai employers' liability, ursty bonde, berglsr and accident Insarsaca. Pbon Msla 828. 304 ralllug bldg. JAB. Mel. WOOD, mpwyetu' liability ssd nw . dividual aecicnr eecunty nose. Psous ST. bioi Bjrasy oiog. LAND SCRIP. WANTED aad tor ssls. All hbtds. tacladtag approved forest reserve scrip for surveyea. eo urveyed. timber asd prairie grerernmest lead. B. bt. Bamlltoo. "Tb portlsnd." Portlaad. MONET TO LOAN. MONET TO LOAN city property or for Balis in purposes, for from 8 to 10 rears, time, wltb frlv liege ta repey ell or pert ef loeo aftsr we res re. Los epnmved from plan sad moosy sdvsoesd ho I Id Ins progressse) moct gages taken up snd replaced. FRED B. BTPiiNil, Flnseeisl Afeat 343 Stark et. CONFIPRNTTAL fANB oa salariee. tosorsnce polldea. ptsaoa. furniture, wareboese reseirrs, ere.;, any deserving person msy secure a lib ers I advance, repeylug by easy weekly monthly Installments. KBW ERA LOAN A TRrRT COMPART. 308 Ablngtoa bid. MONET LOANED TO BALAR1ED PEOPLE J Bat oa your own asms an otner eeeeriivr dou't borrow until yoa see met my everees b) ths best for rstjrosd mea. clerks, boohkeepsrs. treetcer mew end ell other employes: buel Bess strictly eaatldeatlsL P. A. hew so. 424 Ablngtoa bid. MONRT ADTANCPD SALARIED PPOPLR and etrer unoe their owe netnee witmsii wee . ftps cheepeet rates seslest psymeuts: efPcee In 80 prlnctnsl eltlea; esse yourself aweey br getting our terms first. T0LMAN. 323 Ablngtoa bldg.. 10814. Tbtrd St MONRT mened to sslerted people J net sa poor . em asms; don't borrow sntll vo see me: my ' yter Is tbs beet for reltroed ms. clerks, book keepers.- stieeteer men eed ell other emplores; bustneas etrlettv eooPileotUl. P. A. Newton. 433 Ablngtoa bldg. P"aNTEP Notes, mortgsge or eoatrsers ea ny bind of reel eetete In Oreron snd Wseh tnstoe: eeeowd ewirtesres peecheeed If well H. B. pveble. 1 a loamemi EMPI.OTE8' IOAN tyMPANT Loans to aslbrled people. Ruelnee strtetls . eoorldenrlsL Ps.r parmeot plaa. Mala 884. TTS Pekum bldg. MONET t Inea ta sums to soft. 8 aed 8 year. low ss 8 per cent, ea Improved city prop- erty, Moaltoa A Reobey. Ail Cohjmble bldg, 868 Wssbtoigtoa t. ' DO ITT Bvene es estery entfl Ikttca Credit Ca 813 Pekum bidg. W. B. WARD, rswver. A.kv bMg. Probsts , and mortgage business solieired: fees: lon moasy ea mori foes $ioo , p; sy terme. , MONEY tossed ea fnmltur. pteno d sfhs , eecorltte . W, A. Hathaway. rroi 0, Wss. tngtoa bldg. Psclfle l-i3. unKVX ee least tares Irene eneelaltyi sle bolldtng keoa: iowe.i i William G. Reek. 813 Pslllsg bldg. CRfirrNT LOAN CO.. , liewk bid Stonev to lend o se.r p.,t.ient plea te wags earners; elri:lf ei.i.fiiirnllal. i I cr .ecurl'f. Ho v r t to Inn on M i. ,..a It- i, cm Ti imt M-oi.a to . R. A. -an . HI I A I ti N for t .. .... I .... A t I , -