The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 23, 1907, Page 8, Image 8

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There l f rat difference, between be
ing thrifty and being miserly. . To bw
thrifty U to exercise good Judgment In
living, to know how to get the roost hnp
plnese for the least money. PleaBure
purchased at the coat of money-worry
only brings Borrow.
Larn how to live, no that you can
save h UUla from e-och day's earnings.
Open an account -with ua. where you can
keep these savlnga In safety and where
they will arrow.- "'1 . ; .
On Saving Accounts, Interest Com
- pounded Semi-Annually. ..
We Pay 3 on Daily
' Balances of -Check ' Accounts. "
. . . THE "J ':i, r
Open on Saturdays From
' 9A.M. to IP. M. .
- And on Saturday Evenings '
' .': T ... From 5 to 8 o'clock.
: . : . OFFICERS '
J. Thorburn .Ross ........ . President
George H. Hill ....Vice-President
T. T. Burkhart... Treasurer
Jno. E. Aitchlion...r..... .Secretary
Corner Second ?
: A mr tut sinuiu r '
Well located near the ear Una and very
reasonable. Take this list In your hand
and go and sea the property and you
are pur ta be satisfied with ona of them
v for a home alte, then oome and sea ua
' and wa will make terms:
f 4T5 Tor (0x100 ft. lota. Hawthorne
Ave. add. - : 1 ' --
600 Iots l'er , block tt, Bunny-
- .side Third add. .
f 5T5 Lot , block , Sunnyatde Third
f 5T5 Lot 10, ' block It, Bunnyslde
Third add. ,
$550 Lots It and 10. block s. Eden
dale, with water right
f 850 Lots f.r I. First add. to Hol-
- laday Park.'. '
S550 Lota . 4, I. t or 1, block 1,
Riverside add. These lots are on the
7 St. Johns ear line on Kllllngawortn
' -ava.
" By calling at our offlea wa-wrlll- show
yon onr other list of desirable residence
DeahLand liimtmentCa
' RLiraon asu Mint.
37.000 Quarter block , on 10th
street. "Income property,'
. . paying over It per eent net,
$21,500 Lot 10 by 100 on Fourth
eireei, near mtu,
. 23.750 t-room bousa with half
: block, convenient to car;
. .-. f ...easy terms.
In rear; will exchange for
- - acreage or small farm.
' Wa have soma choice lota near Ilaar
. thorne avenue on easy paymenta
110 IZCOTS mzzT.
Great Bargains
4 TeOTt eloaa In near Hawthorns ava.,
, only s450 BA0X. $60 down and 110
ter month. Tou will never have an
other chance to get such good prop
erty for so little money and on such
' easy terms. Better corns early. ,t
sir BKAmovzatrn atb.
Take Mt Tabor Reeervolr or Mt Scott
-rr-se4 go to the hlg red alectric algn.e
Will buy 10 acres of very eholoe, tick
, fruit aad Bngliah waTant laad; good
ssavrlaa orehara. Here la where tba big
, red applea grow. New wovea wire
fenoa on two sides, living spring stream.
. Sasy terms. Nenr car line. ZXTXST
, StrifT CO, 144 Btark Bt, B. yuacken--hush,
Half V.lnck on at aide, near new then
Ire alte; bringing Income. This Is aro
int quick. Terms. .
1SBH Third St. Booaa A.
-.c . I.OHf
Will pav for S acre ehotoa tiak land, nil
eulUvsted. Just think for a momenta
S aauree fr the price of a suburban lot,
V.mi ran raise- ymr llvtug ea this end
. them eosne. lind in fenced, on r nldee
with new wave wire fetieo. XxcelUnt
tee fruit and. belTleei elope genii? to
I. e..,ni. nexf ' electric enr line.
IttrniKliT CO, Jt Btatk Hi. U.
taacauoliusb, .vtsaldsnt. . . - -
A Well
A choloe buiMlns lot at. . . 1,400
Another almost as food. . . . . .-.$1,000
A quartor block. 14th-8charlr f 3.30O
A quarter block, Jtth and Wetd
, ler.. .....f2,500
A corner lot, 17th and Weldler.$x,Z50
A corner lot, lth and Wridler.f 1,400
An Inside lot. Weldler. nr. lth. tl,200
An Inside Jot. J 4th. hear Tlllav '
; mook . ; vf 1,100
A Home Ready to
Move Into
room cottage and a Urge lot, 100x100.
The house Itself .could not be. built
for the money now aked. A lovely
home. Price f 2,500. Easy terms.
"V fist I rnnm bouse and corner lot
on Vancouver ave, 1 blpck from MtlV'.
llama ave. Price 92,400 canh.
g-SVOOM" SOTSB on Vancouver ave
: near Beach St.; now paying over, 10
per cent NET In rental. Juat the
place for worktngroan. Price Sl400.
Half cash. .. ... ;. ; .
4-mOOaC OOTTAOS and 40100 lot. near
the 8. P. car shops: good investment,
pays 11 per cent NET; houae la In
good condition; good discount for
eash; on terms, $1,250.
Chamber of Commerce. ,
The British Columbia disturbance Bow ex.
tends, aa e trough of low pressure, along the
vat Ira. eastern alope of the Rocky mottntnlna.
It haa eauaad general rahia oa the Partfie al.
whtrh ware hearlaat In the rantral plateau
atatae. An tmimnaa alah preeatira area la ean
tral over the ailddle Atlantic atataa, anS nn
aatialljr cold waathar praralla in tba lower lake
rficlon, npoer Ohio Tafly, New EnglaDd. middle
Atlantic and eontn Atlautlo atatee aa far auata
aa t'bartoatoa.
The tntllratPma are for showers tonight and
gamier la weetara Oreiroa and waatarn Wah
Inttou. and for fan and cooler weather ta the
eaatara portloe of thaae states and Idahav
,. M
.. es
.. ss
.. M
. .' 1
Mln. PreHp.
fl .14
o .0
u .o
42 - .01
44 .H
40 .22
M .10
a .. .2
sa .i4
Baker Cttr, Oreaoa. .... .
Ivnvar. Colorado. ... .i...
Kanaas City, Mlaaoart....
North Head. Waablnctea.
Portland, Oressn
Roaehurf , Oregon .
Ran rranrlaeo. (lallfbrnla. .. nfl
Spokane, Waahrnfton tA
Tneoiaa, Waalilnf ton. , . .. .. RA.
w alia nana niHiniua.w
Lionel B. O. Morlarty, ST, end MargaaelM
tjeaanre St.
William F. White, IS. and afarr Walker, IS.
- Clarence U. Shaw, 24, and Laura H. Ametxl,
XI. .
Jaaiee La Blaae. ST, nnd"TdItirHnrr, S4.
Mai BeraDeoD, ZZ, ana rmrence IMaier, IB
Weddtns Carol. W. O. Smith A Co..- Waah-
tefton biiif.. enr Tonrth and Waahlniioa eta.
Wedding and
lllne card engraved
printed. C T.
Rash ton. 40S Steams bldg.
OF AU. KJNUB. 12S Bl A Til Bt'.
Clark Brae.. Florists Fine flowers aad
floral esstgae. . tSS Morrison et. ... '
Full dree selta for rent.
Tsllormg C., sua Stark et.
Membere are requeetee to etteae the runerni
of our late slater, Lena Hunter, Sunday,
rebrusry 34, at 1 p. m, from F. A Pun
ning'. East Aider and East Sixth ata
M. L. JOHNSON. Secretary.
1 For abstracts, title tneuraace ae mortgage
leans, rail on' Pacific Title A Trust company,
SU4-S-S-T Falling building.
Oct yor assurance and ahatracta as
estate from the Title Guarantee A Trust
pa ay. 240 Waahlngtoa street, eorasr SscueA
Dannrag. MeBnte A Ollbaugh. endertaker
end embslmersi smdera Is every detail. Seventh
s4 I'ln. Mais 4U0. Lady saaUtaaC
A. B. Hemetoek, endertaker and embalmer.
Bast Thirteenth sad Umatilla ave. Phone Sell
wood 71.
trick eon TJndertnklng CV, and embalm hi g. 400
Alder at. Phone Mala Slag. Lady assist!.
1. P. Fin ley A Sons, Third and Msdtsoa eta,
Office of county coroner. Phone Main S.
Bdwsrd Helmuu, undertaker, 220 Third et.
RITRB Tirw BlngU graves, 110: family lot,
lion to 11.000: the only cemetery hi Port
land which perpetually maintain and care
for lot, ror run inrormauou. appiy to rr.
R. Maehentle, Worcester block, city. W. M.
Ladd, president.
BOSS CITY Single , graves. 110; family Iota,
lB ta ITS. SnDcrtntendent at cmetery.
corner trf Fmnoet at. and Cully road. Phone
Tabor 70S. For full Information apply la
Frank "chief 1. tot ComsMrcUl blk. Psoo
Mala 2K2.t.
IN THS dlatrlct court of the United State.
for the dlatrlct ef Oregon la the matter of
, the estate ef George' Earbart. bankrupt. The
undersigned will receive sealed bids for the
following described personal property, locatea
t Condon, Oregon, ap to 12 o'clock Soon
ef Saturday. March 1, 1007.
A etock of merchandise, consisting ef fur
niture, hardware, nalnta and oils, of the In
ventory value of $4.M3.on, etore fixtures of
the inventory valne of $420.70, plumbing and
tinning tool of ihe Inventory vain of $1B0.
. Terms caah. end s certified dieek for 10
per cent of the amount bid moat accompany
each offer, aale subject to confirmation by
the eoert.
'lit. inventors -mar be- sees at my office
7"ad the stock may -tar toapected art -Caadear
Dated at .Portland. Oregon, thl 14th day
No. T First C
NOTICB of appointment of edmmlatrator ef the
estate of 'Margaret A. Wilson, deceased.
Notice le beretiy glvee that the onderelgned
haa thl day been appointed administrator of
in estate of Margaret A. Wilson, deceased,
hr the connty court of the eut ef Oregon,
.for Multnomah Vouty. All person having
. elalma agalnat the aald estate ere hereby
aotiried to present ssine with the proper
vouchers wlthls all month from the date of
thla entice to the undersigned at 68 Wor
cester bldg.. Portland, Mnltnomah county. Or.
Dated Frhruary Id, int)7.
JAMES O. wri0N, Admlntxtratot,
NOTH'R I herehy given that the annnal sjaet-
lug of th fttoca noHier or in. urri'w p"p,..
rra Railway company will be held at the of
fice of the company, Portland. Oregon. Mon
day. March' Y st t o rlnrk v. mr r
the phrpose of electing a hoard of director
nd transecting each other bnafnea as stay
legally eum the meeting. .
W. R. LITEKMRKHtl. Secretary.
IN THE oontv eenrt of the atale of Ore em,
f'r Mi!tnor.iah contily Notice of decree. No
lire hrl,y rlteo the general pnhllc that
a decree h.s been grsnted hy Hi ahrrva en
tltle4 rmrf clanging Hie name of kolicrt
Jan es to Ihils-rl tlrcv, whir latter
name shall Lucefo,tl, be hla true and lawful
. . CLYDE RlfHATTfirtON.
j. . , Alteraay for g-aUltuaer.
. ' ' - .
L'KTIYD KAIM or AUIKK'A, district of
"reguev . .r prenldeot of th I
otetce to tba United Males nanlil i' i
':" 1 "f"a ureellnii
Wbereaa. A lltl ,,HImm all filed hi
the dlatrlrt eou.t of tlio tailed tal.-a for
the dlalrlot of um. M the 1th dar of Ob
ruarjr, ivtrf, by iba Orecoa Koaud Lnniber
company, aa the owner of tlx harse Monarch,
praying foe a Htultuttoa of the llahllny f
aia company eoueerntng the loaa, tMirmi.
daniaga and Injury ,K'-,nrjed by the dleaater
to the said bara Monarch ea tba 241b day
of Deremher, IviH. for I he reaaoiva and canaaa
In aaldf libel and petition tueutloiied. and
praying a monition of the aald oourt in mat
behalf to be l.aued. and that all peraona
claiming damagea toe any aurh toee. doitrue
- tlon. lamare or Injury may ha cited h appear
before aald court and make due proof of tbetr
rpt.-t!Te elalma, and, all proeeedinra eema
h.l. that If It ahall appear that the eutd pt
doner hi not liable for any anoh haw. de-
, atructloa, damave or lnhirr. lt way he aw
finally decreed by thla court: and
Wliere.a. 'Jhe value of tba Intarert of the
aatd petitioner In the laid barge Monarch haa
been duly apnratatW at the aiiu of two bnn
dred and fifty dollar (lVlt. hiclu.itng the
freight pending on the voyage of the 'u
, barge Monarch on the aahl ith day of De
cember, luut, and a tlpnlatlon for the par
aient Into court of the value of the tiiteret
of the aald petition In the aald bargo haa
been ctven to the aald court aa ordereil, that
e monition laaue agalnat all pereona claiming
damagea foe euch kiea, deatriicttoa, daataga
or Injury, citing there to apitear and make
due proof of their reepectlve elalma: you are
.therefore ao commanded to cite all periona
clalmlua damagea for 'any loee, detnictlai,
.damage or Intiry orcaaloiied by auld dlaaater
to the aaM Lnrrfl Mitnirfh. '" apiar hpfore
aald court and make due proof of their re-
.aiwetlve claliua before I. A. Kladen. s torn
mlaelouer of the Culled States circuit court,
at his office In the ally of Portland en or
before the return day hi June, I0OT. at eleven
' o'clock In the forenoon. And what ynu aha II
have done to the pre m lee do yon than make
. return thereof to this court, together with
tbla writ.
Wltneee the Hon. Charts B. Wolverton,
Indie of the aald court at the city of Port
and In the dlmrlrt of Oregon, thla 21at day
of February. In the year of our lrd one
thooeaad nine hundred and erven, and of our
Independence the one hnudred end thlrty-flrat.
m r 1 1.. l D-1-
TJnltad States DUtHct 5ourt lor tlieluitricT
of Oregon.
SEALED bid will be received at the office
of Lewis A Lawla. SOT Marilra at. up to 12
M.. March IB, 10T, r the eouetnctn of
Odd Fellowa' home. Plana and epeel fleet tone
for aatne can he aeen at the architect office
it Judge. Ryan's office, Oregon City.
PORTLAND. Or., reb. . luff!. The annnal
meeting or the eiocauoinere or in wmwim.
Gold Mining Co. will be held at Ha office,
tn Kaker City. 22TS Second at., at J p. on
March It, 1007. for the electron ot a hoard
of director for the eneulng year and to trans
ect eoch bnalscas as may properly come before
the meeting.
KITTIS B. OBAT. Prealdant.
MRS. S. B." SKIP, pvyehemnrrhrr.snd the amat
, reliable In her work, will bold apeclal meet
ing Thursday end Friday, also Sunday, Feb.
24: penwnal reading to each. p. rn. (harp,
Sise; private eonnmel dally. 802 Allaky bldg..
Third and Morrlaon ata.
LIVI'S mote house la moving .ta US Tilth
at., oppoalt Olda A Klng
BARD TIMES BALL, given hy ladle of Nora Kb
circle. Woman ot Woodcraft, at their . hU.
East SUth and Alder, Wedneeday evening,
Febrnary 27; 12 elegant prliea and s grand
door prise. Admiaaloa 25 cent. White's fu'.l
M. W. A. BTEROREB! Camp. S.4AS. meet
Wednesday evening. Allaky bldg. Third end
Morrison ats.
II. W. A. Oregoe Orap Camp. No. S.STH. Moa
day. lTtb and Marshal): vial tor welcome.
yotTlVD A place to have hair sjattiaieea reno
rated and returned earn day. (24 Front at.
Main 474. Portland Curled Uatr factory. H.
Metagar. proprietor.
LOST A gray horse, weight BOO nonnds. from
lrvlngton racetrack. Return to Irving ton race
track to Owen Linden. Reward.
LOST Black Boston, bitch, "fan Broa." ns
collar. Reward for return to 726 Kearney St.
WILL the person who found lady a puree la
Turns itaue, rD. 12 ginniy raiurn pauars i
Marl 0. Smith, general delivery, city?
LOST Dog, small Irlah terrier. Return to A.
Cowperihwalt, unu poiKurica. . a. u
Ne. 1, and receive reward,
LOST Small gold clean pin. Greek letter
'O. N. PboiieMaia ssix. newara.
-Whe kae a eosamoa school edneatlaa or bet
ter, between IS and 40 year f eg, to pre
pare for customs Inspector or railway mall
clerk la Portland: muat be atrnng and able
to give good referencee: we mstrnct by mall
only. Now, If yoa haven't a position, or yon
re dtaeatlefted with your present employ
ment and will accept a position with I'ncle
Sam at from $R40 to $1.2)0 to start, let aa
prepare yoa for the civil service examination.
Your very trulv.
McKay btdg., Portland, Or. -
WAirr"D"AT OrfCTJ Stave-hnH htfevs',-Wi
11.40 per cord; steady work. Apnty waeiem
Cooperage Co, Steams bldg, Portland, m
Boultoa, Or.
WANTED AT ONCE Sound young mea for fire
men and brekemea oa leading w cetera ral
roada and for new made now being com
pleted; experience utmecesssry: firemen $100
per month, hrakemen $7fl; poaltlona now open;
write at one for partlculara. National Rail
way Training sasortatloa, TM Paxton blk,
Omaha. Nebraska, et 031 Ridge bldg, Kansas
City, Missouri.
MVbMmBW fallnwa . wanted through oot
Orecos, Washington. Idaho. Nevada and Call
fnrnla to aell stock m on of the beat and
surest mining propositions oa the earth; wc
can positively demonstrate thla; gilt-edged
prospects, hacked hy gilt-edged Portland huat
neaa men. Write or call. The Rntte Roy
roeaolMater) Mining Co.. Wettberlr bldg..
SAO Kant Morrison at., Portland, Or. Live
men will dear $10 te $20 dally.
FIREMEN and brakemen, Oregoe and other rail-
merfeaee 50 to 30: over 140 Dolind and i
feet; hxperlenc unnecessary; firemen, $100
monthly, bemui engineer and earn
braketaen. $75, become connect oca, earn $1n0;
nam I sltln preferred. Hallway Aaaoelatloa,
care ogoa Journal.
WANTED Ssjesment many make $100 to $tIO
per month: some even morel toes clean;
grown on reservation, far from old orchard;
mmU advanced weekly: choice of territory.
Address Wsshlngtoa Nursery company. Tup-
peniah, Waahlngtoa.
FOREMAN WANTED A ftrat-elae. np-to-dat
foreman who ta competent to lay out and
execute shy kind Of aneclal as well a stock
work In eash. door and fixture factory. Ad'
drew A. M. Hanson, Salem, Or.
WS get work for oar members! special mem
bers. $2. I. M. a A, Fourth and YambllL
MONEY I MONEY1 Advanced every week to
one. aeenta! a mil line, inciuumg nn-io-oflT
1 -eeeete Uie. Writs for free eanvaaalng oulfJU
Capital Ciry nursery Wfc, naieni. w.
at North sixth St.. Portland. Or.
Free employment te all Its hosrdersj rate
$4 80 pet week: room 2r and np; special
monthly rate given. Anders, proprietor.
WANTED Men to rears to operate motion pic
ture; It don't take long: ferine reasonable)
ahort boars, sesy. clean. wort,; grafTmtee earn
$2S per week. Newman'! Motion. Plctnre Co.,
t4o4 Sixth at, sear Alder.
WANTED A bright. Intelligent young man to
work la the advertlalng department of
newspaper; an excellent opportunity for an
ambitious young, man. In answering give
phone number. Address R 142. care JournaL
WANTED A ftrat-elaes carriage painter; must
he Al atrlper and finisher; hast of wages
paid. Fnllmaa Ante Car Co., Sixth and
Everett sis.
MAN with assail amount of money can make
. mrA . 1 . 1. . i It. . . ,A A.. (.
yrif '' t you T For particular call room X.
Ufl4 Sixth St.. near Alder.
MEN snd bora wanted to learn plumMng, plas
tering bricklaying, electrical Iradre; free
catal"iie: poaltiona accured Coynel Trade
Schoola. New. York and San Frhoclaeo.i
gera, $S up: railroad laborers. $2.IM up: city
laboreta y.W up; hotel help and ekllle.1
labor. Office lit) Flret at. and No. North
laud, raelist 144$ aad PtcUi os.
WANTED Every men eat of position er die-
aatlaflrd wltb bl prwnl vocation, to take
a algbl eouree al the n-nulii-walker bui
1 lulleae. Seventh and Htark ata. W
place you In a position whea competent.
AdKNTS wanted. Oregna. Callfnentu. Idaho,
Waahlngton: health and accldrnt Inaarancet
eld reliable companyl good contract; refer
ences required. I'nlted Statea HeelUi A Ac
cident lueurene Co.. Mariuam. .
S0A-2O7 Second et. Phone main S2I
- W deelgn and Inatall the moat modern end
Improved office a r tenia; complete line loo
leaf filing devrrea.
Again! accident, slcknes and death.
Writ or call and Inveatlgat.
Northweetern Health A Aocldent AaaoHartoe.
StaJ-euT McKay bldg. Agents Wasted.
HP.N AND WOMglf to leers the barber trade
In eight week; gradnatea earn from $IA to
$25 weekly: expert tnetrnctors: catalogue free.
- Moler Cratem of Colleges. S3. North Fourth
at.. Portland. ..'
MEN of ability to aell the moat liberal health
and accident frwuraru-e policy on the market.
Pacific Aid aaeoclatloa. Lumber Eicbange
bldg, Portland, Or.
' sell aat collect;
too at.
lth horse and bsmeea to
good pay. . Wa.hlng-
WR have eeveral aecond-band launcliea which
wc will aell you very cheap. In'jntre Mr.
Reirson. Uelrsnn Machinery Ce.lHt Iorrlaon.
rlehleg he
for two men on farm: can do ttrht work for
eitr pay, Partlrulnra. Fred Wleae. Bisters,
Oregon. -
WANTED Mattress-maker. IS and 20 Front at.
WOOLEN MILL help wanted In all depart
menta for night crew to ha Installed at once,
Portland Woolen Mills, at St. John. Or.
RRUABI.R boy wanted at Jones' book store.
2MI Alder t.
WANTED A good' furniture packer: also woveu-
ertre. niattreaa weavers Oregon rumuure Han
ts' ANTRIM flood salesman to handle a aid
line aomethlng new In fireproof aafes; should
pay easily $100 per month. 821 Hawthorne ava.
WANTED Men for mill and wooda. Apply at
mill) come via Claremont tavern or Beaver
ton. L'nlon Logging A Lumber Co.
WANTITIi Tailor to work oa coats.
213 Alliky bl.lg. . i .
Apply t
WANTED Sign painter; eteady work.
Waahlngtoa at.
BOY wanted at Bcltkemper's cigar factory,
ZS Corbett at.
TEAMS wanted at. Kaywood end Mil wank I
etCj fa per day. j . ;
AGENTS wanted. $80 per month, easy mortar;
la. I Ira or gent; experience not necessary.
Address M 1:16. ear Journal.
WANTED Toung man hating airteiienea with
electric wiring to Inatall uie Kouinaon veil
MlBuee h facUirle. off leaa, hsaaia and -hotels..
In Portland: send references, ag and lin
of experience. Mohawk Electric company,
Albniiy. N. T.
WB want cup hi men for Portland and other
cities: suiierlnterulents, collectors, rosa men
nd nll-eroiinl buslues getter, your oppor-
turrltyr- permanent place- for right men; n
lounger need apply; reiereoec roqniree. isu
IN Lafayette bldg. ....
WANTED Boy, Id year or over, to work la
furniture rectory. isortu voaai runuiur
Works. 109 North 11th St. , I
WANTED Maa acquainted with cement work!
must be souer and bnatter. v vournai.
WANTED Man with mU capital to take
charge of office: Intereet and salary; naosey
secured. Call US "4 Sixth t.
BOY wanted St 18 and 20 Front t.
SADDLE-MAKERS wanted; good Job.
a. raft Co.. Spokane, Waah.
FRt'IT maa wanted. ' Apply at one.
Market. ' ' -
MEN wlahlng to become mechanical, electrical
or civil engineer lnuutr 614 McKay bldg.
$20 WEEKLY eaally earned (position senna,
nent) dlatrlbntlng clrculare and sample. For
parttcnlnr. Commercial Advertising associa
tion, Philadelphia. Pa..
WANTED A young man with aoui drug a tor
experience. AOurea u. i. liuie, uaati skx,
...Wash. -, r
WANTED g or 4 competent and rcMsblc weeds-
men for logging camp. J loa, care souruaa,
TOCNO dranghtatnan wanted for road Job; good
opportunity; muax xurniaa aa rsrerxnwes. vsu
284 Clsy st.
PORTER for hotel. " sober and good worker;
wages $23 and rounc. til joorin num.
NIGHT clerk for hotel: moat corse reconv
mended. hi North Blxt at,
WANTED Competent male eteangrapher for
out of Iowa pooitioa. v lev, earn eournai.
WANTED Every woman est ef a position or
dissatisfied wltn Bar preaent vocation, a
take a night coarse at Mi Dehnke-Walker
Rualnes College. Seventh and Stark ata.
We will, puce yoa la a poaiuoa waaa oa
LA ROY huatness firm deelrea a woman of ma
ture yeara to devote hair her time es eeaiai
ant: no atenngrapby or bookkeeulBg. Address
2t TUford bldg.
AT ONCE Olrl for general housework; small
house, family ef two, easy worn: goon
position for right party. Call 762 Lovejoy et.
. Ingtoa at, cor. Seventh, n oafs Irs. P bests
Mala MPA Female help wanted.
0IRLS WANTED Apply Standard Factory Ne.
X Grand eve. and aaai layior sx. -
ARTIST with original Idea for drawing and
pflttlwg ntorta rilia SK.. npaxnirs.. .
WANTED Competent girl for general
work. Apply ISO East 16th et.
01 hl.S WANTED Operator t work oa h!rts
and ovcraiia. treasons given an inexpeneoeeu,
Apply et Standard factory Ne. A Grnad eve,
end Eaat Taylor et. -
WANTED Bxperleneed help ea pants.
Ftm at., third floor, Voom 15.
7 H
WOOLEN MILL help wanted In nil depart
ments for night crew to no mstsiiea at once
Portland Woolen Mills, nt St. Johns, Or.
WANTED Olrl to do lacquer work. Apply,
Oregon Plating works, lzs Lownaaais St.
TWO experienced lady solicitor; ftrst-clae
proposition; must be able to glvs references.
git Commercial bhig.
WANTED A woman to help In kitchen) private
hoarding -nonae. jne rum ex. -
WANTED Olrl or woman te do housework ht
small family. Addrea 2S3 Pippin at., Pentn-
ula atatloa, m. atonn. car una.
WANTED Competent girt for general hones
work, or working housekeeper: must he good
cook good wage. Apply puSlle library, or
on Kuortaya snd evening at Sit Overton at.
M. F. Isom.
WANTED Oh-ls to learn . dressmaking.
17th at., corner Yamhill.
. 17$
wanted Olrl for general houeeworh
wsges; four Is family. Apply 320 Seiw
Itt.m First at.
dressmaker wanted. Apply
WANTED A few good eollcttore. male a1
female; beet pmpoaltlnn la Portland: good
money to the right parties. Phone Sellwnod
' Tl. Corner Eaat 13th at- and Cmstllls see.
WANTED Few lidlee nd gantlemen ss dem-
onatrator and aaleapeople at once. Call'
room so, Raleigh bldg., Sixth snd Washington.
WANTED AT ONCE A dresaet tender who can
draw In warpe: man or woman.' Apply John
P. Wllbnr, superintendent Union Woolea
Mills, Lnloa, Or.
HELP wanted snd srmtirled. male, or female R.
(i. Drake, SMI Waahlngtoa at. Pacific (370.
-s. -J-. .
WANTED Management of roomlng-honaa); per
sonal reference given. Mr. LocklcV, 301
Va-iohlll and Park. - ?
RI'SrEI'TtARLE widow with two email children
wlehea poaltloit a rook or helper whar tl'erc
ere no ehlhlren; rlty er country. Addrsas
11 17, oar Jearaal,
A LADY deelrea a position aa first or eeeoud
, eooh in hotel or restaurant ; haa had seven,
yeara eipcrlencc. Apply Mrs. Lout liroa
aeau, general delivery, city.
WANTED Pnalthuia hy " aa onok and help
er. Ad.lrc. Lemwd Work, H. F. D. o. 1,
box 71, Lenta, Or.
TOt'NQ maa of good habit, well acqnalnted
with city, would Ilk to collect for s whole
sale bonaei ran give reference. Address
0 14S, car Journal. -
COACHMAN, young msu. several years experi
ence taking care of horses and carriage; beat
of references.. B 149. car Journal.
HARDWARR Implement aaleamas ,de,lrea poet.
tk.11; long experience; good refercures. Z 143,
car Journal.
WANTr.U Steadv work by young married man,
Mrong and willing. K 142, car JournaL
POSITION by experienced atatlonary engineer
familiar with dyiianMc; atrtctly temperate;
country preferred; ata employed at preaent,'
' but deatre at change; ran tnrulah reference.
Address J 138, cars Journal. ;
IIOTKI, 'clerk, competent, reliable man. wants
petition; city or country, day or nlifbt. Ad
area T '145, rare Jrrurnal.
FIRSTCLAM carpenter wnta Job or day
stork from owner. Phone I'arlfia, 2o4d, or
address V 141, Journal. ...
WANTElx rremiiin'hv iteileitvad nsllari
dree Jerry Tk-h, 1H8 Mill at.
Lock log camp and farm help a specialty
to North Second sf. - I'hoa Mala B2U. W
pay all telegraph charge. '.
. FOR MEM. ' 1
SS North Second t. oas,Mla.in2a.
SnsU IMm et Phone Pacific TM
27 North Second et
..Phone Pacific taut)
100 HONEST mea and women to give all or
only, apara time te tuy medicine propoettlon)
good money and best medicine. R, M. I'ium-
1 mer, 200 Third at.
WANTED flood a Icemen to represent ua I
. choice terrttorlee; higbeat commlaeloa paid:
cash advanced for exix'trec; everything fur
. nlshed. Address Oregon Knrscry company,
Salem, Oregon.
WANTED TO RENT Rouses, cottages, flat,
store, offices, rooming boaaae, etc. - Land-
lord will do welt tA cell on
Phone Es. TA S. R. Cor. Sd and Oak.
WANTIOVi-To Tehf l -Wfulhfamrs-Tn -th
vk lnlty of Nob Hill, about 7 rooma; must ne
moileru snd np to date: by responsible people.
Address N 13S. ear Journal.
WANTED TO RENT House, eottngee. flata.
tores, . rooming Douees, prrice, an saonaws
bldg, , - ...
WANTED Small farm from 0 to SO seres, ea
ear line.. X 117, care JournaL
WANTED Tn leaae or rent a houseboat, fur
nished or unfnrnlahed, for S term or monrns.
W 134. car Journal.
StaV , .,
WANTED Good modern T-room house with Ml
lot bUiloo. west KKle, norta r-ortiano, pre
ferred: price not to exceed $fl.0t)0; owners
only, ae agent. Addrea poatofflcs bog an.
HOITSB or residence lot . wanted, eaat aide.
within walking distance to eonrtnouae; give
description snd price. Address S 422, JoaraaL
WB have - purehaaer for three small bouaea,
not toe rar our. wnax, nave tout irwucrs
only. Addrace Si 146, car Journal.
L18T your property with the Star Real Batata
t'o. naie made- on aoori soiice. naiiej aianr
eon- at.
IF yoa want to sell tfntck, Hat with F. Fuchs,
22114, Morrison st.
MAIN seso. "
Sit rtnt St.
MAIN SWS. ef At" 5S3A
CASH for household good. Savage A Fan a 11.
49-S4T Flrat at. i nooe i-aciiie suu.
WANTED Furniture snd household good ef
every deecrlptloa bought, cold and exchapjed.
The A 233 Flrat at. Mala S374. t
HIGHEST enah price paid for sO kinds second
hand goods. Phone Mala till. S3 N. Third.
wa Hani dead aneaea and cattle free.
Fertiliser Worka, or notify Carney'e Veteri
nary. Fourth and tillaan ate. Mala load.
OR 1 HORSE gas or gaaollne' engine wanted.
F 121, Journal. ,
MOTION picture ma Chinee, film, eng (ltd,
ga outfit, etc, bought, cold, rented and
exchanged. Newman'a Motion Plctnre To.,
l4hVi Sixth, near Aider. Phone Pacific 2523.
WANTED Four bead ef horses, from 1.400 to
1,700 pouoira, gentle, true, young ana souna.
Geo. McGreor, Foreet Grove.
FOR SALE 780 ehar In s $5,000 corporation
sarins 30 per cent and good wage. C -140,
L ear JournaL -
WANTffD A aeccmd hand tnenbator, Pets Isma
oe (Latham prafarrsd. 100-egg alas. AdJree
11BB Msllory vi
rtAnna oiled and atafned. and color desired
. entire coat He per aqttar foot; beautiful
finish; can be need while work la gotng on.
Phone Eaat 31S0, er poets! to T. W. K, 140
East Sflth at. ' '
STEEL meat racks wanted.
Address B 144,
PLATFORM scale winted.
Address . B 144,
J. F. SEDGWICK, SOS Fen ton bldg, wants set
Oregon Re porta.
cJaSH register Wanted.
Address B 144, ear
SPEAK rmtck, $70 take furniture of cottage
on Mount Scott car, houae can be rented for
go pee mouth. Wa. Lsmlfear, lit) First
' ava., Lenta.
WB seed furniture et eny price. Portland Ae
ties Uootna. 311 Flrat st. Mala B633.
T-ROOM houae for rent, furniture for kale, atl
firat-rlaa. or sxclsnre for reel estate. . 772
. Beat Taylor at. Eaat 457S. - 1
FOR RENT .7-rnora house,-, nicely furalahed:
furniture for sels, chesp. At 432 .Seventh at.
AROOM eottg for rent and fnrnltur for
cheap rent. Thou Eaat 102.
GOOD board for pleasant middle-aged worenn,
cheap; Munt Scott car, tllllurd av. Mrs.
I. L. Ari'hiliald. Tnqnlr ding atnr.
OOOD room with beat and hoard. LB0 weeavi
Vlllsrd Hotel, 51 1 . Ool.lamltU at.
WANTED $ or 4 young men, or young couple.
. te room asd board. 1H7 Kaat Sixth at. -
ROOM and board for two In prlvitt horn; rate
hi. 2n ism at, jtam
WANTED Two young men for hoard and mom,
private boas; walking dlatanee. Pboae Ta
TOU will find beet hoard for Uttle money, with
fvotna, st S7 Macadam St. - .(--,.
s , - ... --- -
NBWLY hmlahed cottsge. strictly modern,
gas and rauKe for coukmg: biu; IS minmca
car rl.le; reut $ltl.f)ti. lloT fcst Tarhw.
0 ROOM furnlahed houae. motlern, piano and fur
nace; euay walking distance, eaat side. In
quire hue East Aukeny at. Phone Eaat 0.JI,
NEATLY furnUbed Srnom houae. all modern
Iniproveraenla. 433 East Seventh at, south,
I'lioue Knat HfiJI,
ran richeliei, ssh Nora sigts st bi-
ganllr turalahed; ateaa heat ana hatha, -
THH (IRAND, 4flt4 North Third et. Ra
grntlcmen, $1.23 per weak and as.
THM K'Nil ti Jeffrraon t.. between Fifth
and Sixth al. Electric light, bath, heat)
flrat-claa and new; froln $2 00 np.
FI'RNIFnED aulte. half block from Hotel Port
. laad. Pbun Main 4MoS. 10 Seventh at.
TO HUNT Furnished - room, .anltabl for on
gentlemen: convenient to car Hue; - privet
" home. a.'.K Kc II wood at.
OVERLAND HUTEI-Newly furnlehed rooms,
well lighted and ventilated. II W per week.
NICELY furnlahed rooma and hath, phone sad
gas. TO West Psrk at.
TOR RENT coay furnlahed rooms; hath, tele
phone; reeiMmetnle party: fine tor ounpln;
' moderate rent.. 4U4 Columbia at, near 14th.
Ihli FIRl3''? fT.,
nit-bad front aulte. also single rooma. reaeoa-
a rue; transient eoll.lted.
THE ARCADE, 14t First tc Nicely fur
nlahed rooma by th day, week er month. .
Tnn STEWART Housekeeping, furnished nnd
. nnfurolfthed room; . transient end ..alngle.
J'lOH Waahlngton at.
ami, i .u' i..' a-ota-j. aim w-'ji inn taraeraaawaasssa
ilorREREEPINO miltes from $12 and "hp: sine
S-room hnusekeeulng aultee, at 410 Fourth st.
Inquire litvl Jefferson. I'bone Psclfle 2260.
FOR RENT Office rooma, eleeplng rooma,
housekeeping room, furnished or anfurnlshed,
37 Vv Sixth.
SI SO WEEK UP, lirrs. eleen. furnished nous.
keeping rooms, laundry snd hath. . 1S4 Sher
man south, Portland.
THE JEFFERSON I AN, B14 Jefferaon at., com
... plctely furnished 3, and 3-raoro suite. Phone
Main W..2.
11 15 WEEK UP. clean, famished
Ing rooms, parlor, bath, laundry, furnace
heat. yard. SU3H Stanton. D ear.
THE MITCHELL Housekeeping snd traaaletat
room, naaonable. Seventh and Flanders.
THKKR nnfnrnlahed or furnlahed rooms for light
.housekeeping at 1M7 Eaat Sixth at.
FOR RENT Furnished houaekeeptngmoma:
cheap rant. 607 Mlseisatpid ava., Ixmer Al
' blna. - . "i .
TH R rm ftirnlatierr honnex-eerrln rrnumsr
range, gas plat, hath, hot and cold water,
tree phone. 8w First at. Plmna Main GoVS.
FOl'R nicely furnished housekeeping-room, $12
month. 613 Spencer at-, Montavilla, Or.
NICELY Airnlahed hcMiae seeping room, alngle
suits. . aBsir-e irst- at. t nnna rxcuic t
THE Owes Apartment. 27KHA Russell st. Ex
tra nice furnlahed housekeeping ruore. brick
building. Take R-S car. t'hon Eaat 1423.
14St SIXTn ST.-eA tew room for housekeep
ing and aleeptng, oa first nnd second floor.
WE are In need ef several furnlahed and as
fnmlahed houae to sattefy the want of ear
. patron. Phone main 6101 as call 120 Cfeaaa
ber ef Commerce, Do It aaw. . -
FOR RENT 717 Commercial et. New T-room
hnuac, partly ' furnlahed. ase et piano, (id
Jier ruouUi; owner reeervee Dee of case room.
W B rent
ft Co.
aad , sell planus. Sherman, Clay
FOR RENT Madera g room cottage. $18l Phone
Kaat O.o. ,
FOR RENT Cottage et 42th end Wh I taker.
Marqnam hill. Inquire at BOS Spoken are-.
, Sellwood. . .. -fc... . - -
FOR RENT T-ranta house with large ground;
20 full hearing fruit treea; rent $12. Inquire
at 1.13 Eaat 4th and Miniaoa st. '
A d-ROOM bouse, lot KIOilOO. tn Midway, near
crematory; price $0- Call 1221 Mllwaukle at.
FOR RENT Three ft room houses aa east aide,
price $20 each. Phone East TOO.
SMALL henae ea Mount Scott car line, cheep.
Psclfle 1210. 282 Second at.
A. MODERN B-rooa cottage
to sdalts. tag
Marshall St. -
BEAL'TIFI'L flats. $. and $10; gaa. hath, base
ment; walking distance. 72Vt Mississippi avs.
FOR RENT On the best boatneae corner la
the city, suitable . for-cigar etore, jewelry
a tore,
maa or rice, or enme ncn mau noei
;1ow -rent, locaftna conaldered;
Call np Mala 42.
CIGAR er Bootblack stand, xl0,
Waahlngtea. Apply 107 Fourth et.
LIGHT, attractive stecernorns, plata-glaea snd
cement basement; reaeonable rentala. Mnrlark
Hall. ZMl aad Waablagtoa ata. Inquire Oeo.
II. Paraon. X
OFFICE-ROOMS, sofarnlched rooma aad saaa-ple-roome
fur rent. Uoodsougk bldg. Apply
- elevator. v
A FEW Brat-class eftW-raosj left st sort he st
corner Third asd MadMoa ats. Apply room
No, 8.
FOR RENT Small store building with d ltvtng
roonis; good location; low rent. Inquire et
340 East Saventh St.
IJIROR office room la the Abtngtoa bldg.t will
furs lab If desired. Apply room 408. Phone
Malu 2023.
DESK ROOM. -with er without furniture, mod-
414 Bwetland Bldg. . .
FOR RENT Small farm near Oreuham, caah or
aharee; poultry, trait or vegetsDlse, ut.
Darling. .
HALL and ballroom, Sep rats or together; new
ssd with eU conveniences, none Mam sue.
New houae, 20 finely furnlahed rooma; full
steady roomere. about M regular boarder;
Al place: 1 block off Waahlngton. at., ea cor
ner: 4 yean' leaae, chesp rent.- Thla place
la making big money, so yoa lad better
hurry. Price reasonable. '
todern double
1U.V4 Third at, room
ura Tftru ttsltrlAfN New mod
l,ore euitable for grocery, meat eSatkst. hsk
ery, drugs, etc.; NOiim; heat locktlee oa St.
Johns car: mnai oe eoiu; com quica; ,i,uw.
half caah. Addrea W 143, care Journal.
' If yon hat from $; to $1,000 to hweet
In gilt-edged proposition that will pay big
returns la a tew sioutb. sddreae Q 143, ears
FltRMRHF.D houae of 18 ronms, naer onion de
pot, good money maser, lor eeie. weu 71
North sixth st. v.
8AVB MONEY Anything In printing
defc Odd Fellowa- Tempi. Firat snd Aldut
ats. ; upatalra,
$4ftt! Bcg -renm, rll
ealltyf west aide; low
blent hard, SI Fifth at.
(nrnlabed In good lav
rent. Usgauans a
PLACER gold mine, partner wanted er U
aell; mine In Idaho; atrtctly high grade;
II U yard, diggings. W, N. Boble, Ool.lea.
Oregon. ,
23 ROOM lodging-house for sale; ell on one
fkior; new rarpeta: rooma til rcntetl. Add res
.' U 144. cars josrnst. . i .
if rorr want to rrr.L, '
IK Vol' WANT TO 111
BKST.U BANT for sale, dolus a good buttnesa.
now lu a location hard to beat: It la s bar- -gain
worth Investigating. Call at S3 Flret at.
clean etock of groceries for sals at s
ut. ln.Ulr of owusrs, dial Morrlsna. exe
FOR SALE One of the best paying reatauranla
. In city: will aell for half Ita value If sold at
once; reeaone f of eel II tig, health giving sway.
Call any time. 212 Fourth nt. .
FOR SALE Real ettat and employment offices
. good hualnees offer. 181V Morrison at.
WANTED Active partner with $700, 1b light
manufacturing bualuess; no competition, ae .
riak; order on hand will t ftM. AddreaS
' R 14S, care Journal.
I what you ebould be ln,terated la. For In
formation call e tan lugs, or write 1. A. Foster
before he leasee fur that Country. SOS Eaat
Sixth at.
MEAT market for aale. $.130. or trade for real
eatate. . 1043 HaAiiiorne at., corner 85th at..
WANTED Man with email eaptUl to take
-rl large ef office: Intereet and salary; money
secured. Ceil I1S.H Sixth si. .
A OOOD OPENINO Rssl estate bnlna, office
established 3 yeara; email amount of money
: required; alckneaa cause ef selling. Room 4,
- lu'j hecond st.
Ini.h.n a.ia.1 new rrencb C. 11 ,0 1 avervthiug
OrHt rises: sell cheap or trade. Inquire
thl Stark at. -
FOR HALE Creamers and Ice slant In
dairy sect Ins of Oregon. . For partlculara lev
tiulre J. W. Lenave, Coqullle. Or.
FOR BALE Cigar store doing good bustaeaei
long leaae, reaaonanie rani ana uicsueui iocs'
tlon. II 123, care Journal.
GOOD opportunity for real estate man; $78 boys
eatahuahed orilce Duameea sua sine, tarne
ture; rent raj; tow rent; lesvlng city. Ad
dress B IIS, care Journal.
$300 Hl'YS an eetahlUhed real aetata huaiaea.
sona location; win pay yoa xa luqoir. .
dresa J 143, cars Journal.
FOR SALE Will sail part Interest ta s general
merrnanniae etore in neat town ra m vaiien
reaaon for selling. Interested In other bu.l
aess; buyer to Uks charge ot business. R 1:13,
cars Journal.
FOR 8AI.B OR RENT 1.1 rooms, furnished, al
Vancouver, wash. Apply Kiweii, Vancouver.
CIGAR store, good trade, good location; must
aell oa account or otner ouainase, v. p..
Foreman, 132 Grand at. '
3-STORY halldtng, brick basement. 18 Mom.
fiirnirned. nar rem or an. ciwen, resi
eatate. Vnconvfr,-Wkh. ."
tvm. aailcl ne only piumoing eoop i one ,
vauey eiwa. . jsuurese v iw, mi. wvmmm
FCRNIStlKD bouse ot 15 rooms, near union
oepor. goon rouw-T maeer. i.-w irumni,
raU.12B4 Horth. Sixth at. r
14 ROOMS, furniture worth $1,000: rooms all
fall; aell cheap. Moots . It iwonqei.
Rose City Realty
Co. -;
8 lots. Be ear service, all set ts fruit,
$730: H caah. . ,
i acre sear ear tine; T-roem houae,
Send barn, t cows, calves, hove, barseea.
hack, bay. wood, chickens, tools, graveled
road. $3,200.
100 acra-farra ea plank road. SO scree ta
cultivation; house, hern, alt fenced; $2,300
14 acres. Improved, 3 bK-ses, wagon, cow.
TS hens;' dirt aheap; $2,330; close la. e-v I
T-rootu house, nioaera in every respecx,
full concrete basement, close to quick eer
service; owner Bust sell; $1,000 down, baa
aneu la 8 yeara.
, 8.300 ACRES AT 89 00 PER ACBB.
Best stock propoaltloa in northwest, 8.00S
acres natural meadow land, ahuadancs wa
ter and outrange. For particulars call oa
er write
Slttt Washington St.
$2,400 FOR a a-roota house had kH 80x100 oa
Union av.
$2,000 for s-rooia houss and lot 80x108 aa
Union ave.
$1,200 for 100x100 en Bast Sixth t.
$2.tX0 for 6-room bona and barn: fin he se
me tit fitted Bp for kitchen end dlnug-reom;
- l.X for lot huxlmV.wltA twa houses end
a barn, on Rodney ave.
$1,000 for hit oOxlOO and two hoe ase, with
all kind! of fruit, on Eaat Eighth 4t., north.
I2.4O0 for g-rooiu bungalow, lot 80x100, oa
Broadway. Bear ateel bring.
$1,100 for lot 1X2x172 on Court st, ha twees
17th and l"th st., In Hslera, Or.
620 Lnloa are. -
811.000 will buy sa B-romn modem bom and -a
full corner lot oa Raat Ankeny Bear 13th
t.; this la a choice location and the hone .
Is supplied with sp-to-dsts conveniences; eon
Crete beeataent. good furnace, fireplaces, bath
room, eto. Thla Is truly a snap, ss eons
. early asd secure s bargain. : - ,
, Bit Chamber ef Commerce. '
ft French.- I7Q.
B. 13th,.
Phone Sellwood 74.
City View Park ots. $373 sad up! Roa
Adtlltlon lota, BlttOHSd ep; $3 dews end 18 a
month. Howea from $r,00 te $3,000. Let
$ax) and up. In all parte of Sellwood. List
your property with as; ws will sail It,
ONE acre Bear Flrtand station, on, Mount, 8-ntt
car Una, amell house, cultivated; price $H)
terms, half caah, balance $10 per month.
STATU j.Ar.11 in, it rirac bi.
Want party to tnhaajrX
expiring option 1 big prof I
ta; acres ra: vVraalt.
gate. w. w
Grarea, 818 Dekum bldg.
room 1; phone Main 1S1T 14 block with
12-room houae, close In, $11. two. ssrea,
. . s-room bouse; esey terms I $2,230.
JUST think, 1.200 lots near Salem ssr line.,
no farther than 84. Johns, at $18 per lot.
t $1 per month: level and good Boll,, with
bousea already there; yoa can't hay acreage
out there for aame amount; these lota will
' be tlcd tn $23 per lot on the first of th
month. Apply to owner, W. Rsldt, room ig,
Waahlngton bldg, 3704 Waahlngtoa at.
TTnkx ave., the mala thoroughfare ta Tin.
' ' eonver, 4 bouaea and corner nt a barratni
good Income; 20 minute walk from Third
end Morrison; $S.3on.
' Room d, log Second at. ' ,
Ts ralae money at once I will esTl np
tract of lots la St. Johns, ermalerlng of sve
an act In on body at aacrltlce) lots are
on car line, cine to hualnees center and
school. Owner. Mllwaukle. R. F. D, hog 1C4,
3 .STORY building, lOxsn, Id rooms furntahed.
fnr tale or rent. Elwell, Third sad Mala ats!,
Vancouver, Waah.
FINE alfalfa and etock ranch Is th fa men
John Day valley; also 8-roora bouse, seat; (nil
lot: price So0. '
lot; price $1.3o0.
Sea us. Room A 123H Grand gve.
FOR SALE 4 room hortae snd 8 lot ea Clack.
maa ave, between 2H4 and 34th ats., Meiu
wood. Inquire Sunday of owner, O, M. P laser.
TWO lot oe Mt. Sentt car line. Gray' -im
In. - - -. I m. inn). Tail tX'a.hlnvi
I'm - -. , . . " r s - - -t.
FOR SALE A e-ronm bungalow on Baat 124,
lietwern Hawthorne av. and llaln at; reil
. thl terms. Owner oa ths grousd tny g