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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 23. 1307. f Toi7D Tc;!3 ""w"" m mm m m TOVIOBT' AKUSIMEVTS. Helllg . Km i. Ire,, "Th CnitW ..... ."Brother Offta-ere' ...."Mr Wld'l famllr' i-rrio.. ."Hoop of Gold" ............. "Cftorlc" Biar , ft.......... .. YwlrUie ., ..jy will hava a pleasant surprise for our stockholders la aa advertlMment we inland to publish tomorrow In The Jour. " ayg the management et the Butt Jtoys Consolidated Mining" company. ' -t'Wa hava received some fresh aamplae of. or which wo hav had teated by the uarvin Cyanld Kxtraotion company. IHI Morrlaon street, the raault of which - will be found In our Sunday half-pa d. Those who hay purchased otock in our Ooldflelds properties during the wii do astonished at the figures. ; and thoa who are not yet with tts will likely want to get hold of a. block of share before the price la advanced. We art now soiling stock at' 10 cent per snare, tg rao value being 1 1, and It 1 ' fully paid up and non-assessabl.' Th "'"wraUalllassan ui feel that we ought to Jump the shares to ZD cents without further ceremony, Wa actually believe w wUl have on of e greatest mine In Nevada. We shall be woefully dlsaDDolnted If It is not. Our JOS acre of ground In the heart of me uoiaiieias district' w IM conn. nt will make Indeoandentlr wealthy . all those who may own any considerable ,. amount of the Butt Boys Consolidated Mining company's aock," Th office of Ida company In th Weatherly building, ISO East Morrison street, show samples of free milling or that make a fel- , low a eyes bulgs out. , To Washington mor then ' to any other patriot of th United Btatea I In debted, for th services h rendered, both as a soldier and a statesman. This : wss ths trend of th address which '";', Rabbi Jonah B. Wis gave last night . at Tempi Beth Israel on "Our wepuo- lie's Choie of Heroee." He pole of th drat president aa th Ideal patient man. of hi ool reserve and flat Judg ment and other Qualities which placed . Mm aa th hero of this government. "His patience. Judgment and determin ation won for him th confldono of his feiiowmenr he said, '"and It - was 1 through thl eonfldenee that the repub- llo waa mad permanent Th people ' knew that be would accomplish what - he attempted t do, and placed th ; utmost rellano upon him. such a man was needed gad suoh a man was George TVsshlngton. His greatness. In war - could not compare with bl victories of ; peso.' . Th monthly meeting of th Holiness association, whloh waa to bar been held Tuesday, th Mth, has barn changed to Wednesday, February 17, at th United Evangelical church, cor ner Eaat Tenth and Baertnan, Ray, A. A. winter, pastor. Rev., Joseph H. Smith of Redland, California, who eondgcted service In th Taylor street M. K, church, and th Whit Tempi, last win. , ter. will hav chars of th meeting. -"- Services at 10;IO, 1:20 and T:0. These meeting ar Interdenominational; v orybody eordlaUy Invited.. Stockholder of th Pacific Railway . Navigation company hav elected the former officers and directors for an other yar. They are; " President, S. Bl Lytic; vice-president, Zra Snow; see. retory, Msy. Enright; general auditor, E. B. Do To; chief engineer, George I I vis.-. The, di renters ar E. E. Lytle, Z'm Snow and E. B. D To. It decided to continue construction of th line from a point near Buxton to Vero- . T nlo. IS 'miles; also a stretch of nine miles up th coast front Garibaldi. " mmmmmmm"-' , x "Pun in Camp." waa th subject of an Illustrated lecture delivered at Grace Methodist church Isst night by Xr. JB. L. House. lt-const"td of a eerie of . anecdotes of esmp life In th Bpsnlsh wsr. th minister having collected hta stories while serving ss chaplain In Maasarhnsctte regimerit. - Dr. House will deliver'. no mor' lectures in Port land., That ' of lost night, waa In the . aaure of a farewell., as th minister U""l..avea at once to tak - charge of a church t Spokane. '': t ; They Keep Going. Thes. suit of , our ere th kind that move. W buy the pattern .that ar suited to our cus tomers and sell them at a prlo our customer Ilk to pay. There' a good one. ber for you and w want you to come and see how pearly w can com : together In th price w ask and the . prle you want to pay. W make any ult In the house to order for , no more, no lees. Unique Tailoring Co., tot Stark street . . A w ' James D. Robb. a. pioneer teacher of Oregon, was buried this afternoon st Rlvervlew reraetery. Ho died Thurs day at th Fatton home, where he has spent th past four years suffering from paralysis. Professor Robb tausht school in nearly vry town In th Willamette elley, and was for. two years prlncl. pal of th Woodstock school, He wss 'I years of ge snd leaves two sons, J. II and Horac, Jtobo. The regular annual bannuat of the Portland Produeo Merchants' Aanocia. tlon will bo held tills evening In th rooms of th Portland Commercial club. Vronl street msrohants will attend In body as this Is en of th events of th year. - On arcount of th holding of the banquet all Front street houses that sr member of th sssoclstlon will rlns their' places of business at 4 clock th g afternoon, j Acting on permission ho received th postoffle department. Post msster Mlnto will provide rooms In th pomofflc building for Secret Sarvte' fffiSMfl' at i'1 i mr "Mji i - a ' mujL r " 1 fji" -ami. Accounts can be opened and conducted by mail as con ; -''Ijirm' -' veniently; safely and satisfactorily 9 over our counters. Our out-of-feAn-cfevMAfr town business has grown to be an PYflAIL important and distinct feature of - f s bank, and we give particular ; attention to the interests of our correspondent-patrons. Open a savings account with this strong bank. Send your money in by mail and we will pay you 4 per cent interest on all you save.-1-We compound the interest twice ' each year.-';: - 'r ' - " . - ':.'":':'- Ri'iG us u? mo:;day Ant we'll hT one it eur tins) burry t roue bow fnr your wek'e end ratnrs ii ((hiii wumn a J r tw.irn4 r ot. "a ;o Ilk It" at UiMe small prk-M: nOVEO. ITAaCVEO. Sheet ., (rPrem ...lot (hip . Nklrt ,,)ne Hl.r.arti ..,,,.,.,,.1 toW,lm Sr TihlecWtk ...... toOnrwt Carer He ............ KrCheinl f Towele ...V .,, lelArewr N.pMln IcMiitilreM ...... Se Hanilkerchler ..... leWrapper ........ .10 Hdlufli)f. Bilk. BeAproa ..Wo (asa If Pillow Shaaaa 10a gtd Oora. SaCklld' PtoM , a VOT UOXEO. IZTkAg. Overatalrt Blanket, wool. rltrbiaklrta e pale ..OOe derahlrt teaiaaketa, eottoa. Drawar oe pair ,9ft Rt-k SeQullt J Hiia e " , Pajamas , ,.l4e .... : . IJulo L i . , I-aiHee. Veat. ...... U , ',., , ' Child 0rll I ' ' ' t No shirt, eellara, taffa. vasts, evenlt er Jnmper 4n a tkt eVpartiseaf. tie ksds lea than sue. UNION LAUND1XY CO. aad ColosibU ta Tlpsaa Mala W. Opera tlv Thomas B. FoUr, who was recently stauooed Jn-Portland. The room will be formed from" th south hall on th third floor, -, whicbTTiav" bees' held" In lh Swedish Mission church will b held In, th Swedish Methodlat ahureh, corner of Beech and Borthwick atreete. A maaa mooting will b held at th latter church tomorrow afternoon at I o'clock. Succeeding W. H. Ormsby. who was promoted to b traveling freight agent, W. H. Jayne baa been appointed trac ing dark In tha general freight office f tbo Northern Pacific Railway com pany In Portland.- Mr. Jayneav waa formerly a clerk tn th freight efflee. BuU waa.' fllod la tha United State circuit court yesterday by John w, Campbell and other heir of Ooorg W. Campbell, formerly of Pnnayvanla, agalnat Charles Cornelius of Oregon, to tjulet title to a section or timber land. Evangellstlo meetings at First Chris. tlan church. Park and Columbia,-con tinue next week. Rev.. B. w. Cart'a subjects tomorrow are. ' "Life, A Ran som." 10:S0 a. m, and 'To Be a Chris tian." 7:4 p. m. spaciai music. Hotel Houston, nw brick, high olaaa legaptty furnlehed: oall bells, hot and sola waier ana siawm oiai in .v.r. room, Blsth and Davie. Tel. Main SUI. Btaamar Jeae Harking, for Camaa Waabougal and way landing, dally ex oept Sunday. Lva Washington street dock I p, n. Dr. W. B. Hamilton has returned from Europe and will bo In hi office, 171 M Ruasell street, al usual hours. Aom C Co. sells tha best aafety eoar ot) aad fin gasolln. Phon Kast tt. Woman' Exchange, til Tenth street. lunch ll:l to Si business men's lunch. Jacob Bhlrt Co. - will mov about March 1 to Ul fltark, trt. Why mx, moreT Metxger ' fltg your ye for 11. ill outn gtraat. Portland aoademy will reopen Monday, February ss, at l:t . m. . " ' . 'f i i in -. HiLL ASO HARRir.lAN HAY BURY HATCHET Compromise In Fight Over West r Portland Terminals May r Be Effected. Settlement of the Hlll-Harrlman ter minal fight la SoaUl wll probably be followed by soma compromise of th terminal trouble of th two- com pan ! In Portlands Th - chlf offiolals of the two com pan lea ar eon fening from tlm to Urn on matter at lu and th Portland and Beattl company I considering torma. It if said th company of which C. tn. mtt m presiasm nas ins narnman terminal in weat Portland bottled up, and that th Hill people will wring out of th settlement aom share of satis faction for th long eerie of abuses tha Northern Pacific alleges It has suf fered at th hand of th Kgrrlman ter minal management In Portland. A com promise will probably be reached that will bring about a consolidation of th terminal and an equal aharlng pf th capital stock and management. A WELL KNOWN : v DRAUGHTSMAN DEAD After a long, Illness, Allen B. Riley prominent draughtsman of this eity. died at th home of his father. B. F, Riley. 458 Morrison trcnt, yesterday rtemoon. A. el ttlley was II years ot ate and a aatlv of low. Ho I aurvlded by his wife, parent, a young later and a brother, Prank B. Riley, Riley waa on - of th incorporators of th Contracting Engineering Com. fany. with whloh eonewrn he was Iden. I (led at the time of his death. H was on of- the ablest draughtsmen in th profession - and arit4 in preparing plana for th Harrimau llnaa. the Hy drogrsphla Survey and Multnomab County. Th funeral wU b held at th Crematorium tomorrow at noon and th aervlee will be privata Mr. Riley had wio acquainianc in rortiand. Who Is Metsgert H nta your ys for $1 00. Ill Sixth strt . msszm ii l",'''1l,,Ml II ! II . I J ADVOCATES union OF Dr. Darst Before First Christian Congregation State Hie Rea- "eons for Belief. . ' JJ. WHAT HAS BEEN CAN BE AGAIN, HE SAYS Declare Popa aad All Other Eccle siastical Power Should Abdicate and Let " World Acknowledge Christ Alone m Ita King. Th Possibility of th Union of All fhrlMtljlna' mmm ih hAm a Dm. m First Christian church. H said In 'It la apparent even to a casual read r of th New Testament that the church there presented waa one un divided church, what ha been can be again, , That church waa formed of people from th varloua sects of Juda ism and the countless sects of heathen ism with all their prejudices and ' pe culiarities. If out of that motley mass of people a united church could be mad surly It 1 not Imposslbl to unit th fraternal sects of our pres ent day Protestantism, "But w must us the earn means, Paul, who. . a a wis master-builder, founded mor of th ehqrche than any other man In apoatollo times, say he did It by "knowing nothing among them except Chrlat the crucified In stead of endeavoring to reform th Church for each reformation ha pro duced a new sect -ths tlm ha cow to restore th New JTetamnt Christian ity. In its faith,, ordinances, order or organisation. It name and spirit. This restoration brings Christendom to-a great union haals and common grounds, where all Christians can unite without the sacrifice of any truth. There ar not many thing over whloh Christians ar divided today. Furthermore, they are not divided over what I In th Bible, but over tha traditions of th churches. This restoration, too, would exalt Christ and give unto him th preeminence in all thing. To drop th denominational names which are not In the Bible and which divide Christians would restore the great common Bible namea which we all own. Christ' -people should wear only thl nam and Chrlat' church should be called by no other name . than that of the head of th church. 'Human ereed should give way to the great divine and all comprehensive J creed-Christ. Th personal acceptance of the Cbrlst I what make a Christian and the truth a It la in Jesus' Is greater than that of all creed. The word of the Lord and the life and exam ple, ef Christ and the apostles transcsnd alt church rules and dlscipllnss. - The fllrrarenc between the cnurenes en the subject of the ordlnanoe 1 not imply a difference tn form, but ef au thority. Church authority ! embodied In the substitution for Christ's oom mandment. Th communion aervlo I th Lord' table and not that of a sect. The restoration of Chrlat' authority will bring -Christiana together on that which all agree Is his oommandment of baptism and which symbolise hi death and burial and resurrection. "Popes and prleete and ell ecclesias tical powers should abdicate In favor of the Chrlat who la th bead ef th church, and let the united church arise and take the world for It king. "Th reuniting of the church of Christ would bring a revival of spirit ual life and the restoration of the spirit of the New Testament church. The Christian - world would become truly Christian and speedily all nations would yield to the claims ef the king of kings whose scepter la a scepter of love and whose reign if a relga of peace. RAILROAD HEN SEE TRAINS IN MIRROR TABLE Banquet to Harriman Officials at Hotel Portland of Unusually Btautiful Arrangement. ? One ef thV prettiest dinners ever ened Ii Portland was that given laat aigbt st the Portland hotel by C. H. Howard, of ft Iu4s, te several of the Kanriman officials, friends and their wives. Manager H. C. Beware wupeyin. tended, the decors Hons nd table ef fect e. and those who had an oppor tunity to look upon the table before the guests assembled nroneunned the room the most beautiful he had ever ar. rsriged. .,-. The dinner wag held In the main par. lors which were decorated with riolots. pink roses and spring flowera . The great mirror table w used for the affair and made into a landeeapa seen through which a miniature eiec trio train wrndod Its waw ever bridges. nms ana ineaaows. Phretty and unique souvenir ef art. lntlo design were presented te the guests who received freti enrpriseg aa the dinner progreaaed In the way ef decorations and elaborately prepared dalntlea Those present included Mr. Howsrd. Mr. snd lira J. F. Dunn. Miss Dunn and Ml Buckingham, nf salt lak. Utah; Mr. and Mrs. f. E. Davisson. of ixm Angeles; J. a. Neuffer. Mr. end Mrs. W. H. Mnsr and Mr. snd Mrs. Ira C. Hubbell, of Chicago) Mr. and Mr. T. W. Tounger, Mr. and Mrs. Lang-ley and Mr.-and Mrs. Graham, ef thlg city. R-H..JJ-JUL-X Dr. Brougher ' ' ffunday, at the ' White Temple Ocrnr sf Twelfth aad Taylet Bta, '' ; aviso sc. "Deus Vult" Do Modem Church Members Follow , . r. ChrUtt . ... " . . TiSO . SC. -Struggle .With - tnvironracnt -- Second la "Lira STRUOOLES." Are there any more Thaw-White character J Why publlah aeoount of trlalT The Tmple Quartet will alng fa mon a anthem.. ty Faith Look to to Te " srxmniopT vratoosta. CHURCHES CHURCH SERVICES ... . BAPTIiT. awuy aw n, - jiiBMir I ulna, a .1 . V. 4V IJ., 9 SO p. m : sraeublBf. It r m.. tr Kev. J. L. V. LIrr.1 T.M "Wi... I. K,u- ThlrdVaom.a a rasa a4 Knott st: . g. M. BIIm, paaiur, buadar cboal. JO Si f P"?-". 11 a. u. a4 J W p. M. Blla. . L Blrliland-Albaeta od glitfe atreat. Pwaeh- at X.itO p. a. by IU. g. M. Vila! gunday clianl at i;So , BeUwvuo T.ouma and glavmrk ilmlil . Oauise A, Uar. Bandar arbool, 10 . ! StaaotalBs, Jl a. si. and T.W p. ml Calvary Eaat RighU and Grant atraatat . A. Ia,rt BUea. Iiikle a-hool, 10 a. al-l praulilof at 11 a. at. and K0 p. . Kecond Barents nd aa Anaanf Street: Rar. Stant.a C. Lpab SMrrlcM t 10;tW a. m. and I SO p. n. Iniaianjiel Second Bd Mead trt Ear Oenrs W. Orlffln. Prearhln at 11 . at. and 1 M p. ., toplr. XU Dally Bread'' and "Victory ef Detoat," Orac UontaTllla! OMma Parker, m In later. Moculn serrle, 'Th Dlrlu freaanc"; rn lug, "Ablillug to DlTlae Ur." A ehotr of U slrle wUl ln. Central Baet Twentieth and Ankeny trets W. X. Jordan. Preaching, 10:30 a. si., "Loaln On' Treaaur"; Vouus I'eupl' Bleating. fl:-UI at 7:30 e'ului'k, "burrowed Ktperleoc." Ualrrlty J'ark H'C A. V. Walt. Soaday acbool at 10 a. .; worahlp at 11 a. m r. nun, "A rrtacrlinlun for a Vlsoroo Chrlat u a l-t r" a. Y. P. 0.. :4S . aa.i eTnln aarrkw. T:30 o'clock, awmoa, "A Lit l la Aut W Uk tiraat Conaaquanoea." Hr.t-lb Whit Ttainl. eornee Twelfth nd Tarlor trU; Her, i. Whltenmb BrvaaKr, D. D., paator. Prajrer maatln. 10 . m. norm. Hif worsbln, 10:80 o'clock, aerman, "Den VhH or. Do Modern Clirlatlan Follow Chrlat r'; BlWe acbool, 1H 10 p. bm U. I. . V. Mrrlea. M J6 &B.I popular erenln aerrlca, f:30 e'elork, I. Bronghar will preach o tli enbjaet, "Th BtrasKl With Xarlroaawst." MaU by Tempi Quartat and (bora. Lent At taldene ( Wllilaa gneelaod. Ninth arena. Addra t :S0 s. SI. by Kr. . L. Whirry. aarler-atreet Betww Twnirj-flrrt aad Twentyecoad. Sunday (ebeoL a p. m. unnyalde list Kaat Salmon street, at hem r aire. !(. . Ad area at p. . by Bar. 4osa orauiea. .V : yxtuTTUAir.' aflznab Eat Thirteenth n Pow.ll rtraara; I.. Jhmh. U U 1 1 a . r t . . . H.U . "Ttia Proritablenea ef Bel'lrloa. In the Life ef Brery Day"! t:80 p. "Maa Kaapooalbl for mm miiau Calrary Flerenrh and Clay etreata ; Rer. m-Kw atlle Blr Jr., D.- D. gerrlce. W :M a. at., with aeruoa; fionday acbool. 11 aa.1 ar aaon at f :M p.- m. . Fonrtb Flrat and Oltib atreet: Bar. Jobs a. Walb. Hrearhlng at 10:0 a. m. and T:.tO p. ra.l nndr Khool. II ai I. P. C. E.. 0:SO p. m. ' Hawtborne-Park Tweirtb aa Eaat Tarlor traetai Her. E. Kalaon Allen, gunday eboKl, 11 m.i preaching. 10:90 s. ( 7:80 p. m., aermon: V. P. . 0. E., 4:10 p. m. rorbe aellwood atreat and flantenhela ar- me; Her. Harrr H. Pratt. Praaeblna. U a . m -. J - 1 ft . Chrl.dan Endeavor. :S0 p. at. t'lmont v lerrtirto - a ..imr - pn jarrwrr a tree t; Kr. L. Uyroa Booarr. ... Preaching at 11 a. at. I Bandar arhool. 11:10 a BM TiSO . m., oerami. special aoaie, Weatmlnater Eart Tenth and Weidlet trt: Rer. Henry L. kfarcntte. Morning aetnaon, 11 o'clock t erenlng lermoa. Ti!0 'kxkl lasday aehaol. 18:a0 . w.i T. P. g, C g.. :M p. m. yirat Twelfth and Alder atreet. At 10:80 HllM;a offoaukilL New Yk. At 10: a.'m.l "The "oa ef th Tlrrln") at T:M p. St., "Th Deep Place ef th Earth." falton Rer. A. H. BorkhoMer. Bandiy acbool at 11 a. ai. Christlaa Endeerar. T p. m.i renlng serrlc, J:4t o'clock, enbject, "Tb Chnrch and Ita Critic." kfareha II Street UarahaO aad Worth geres teeath atreet! Be. C. W. Bay. Bnnday cbool, 10 . ra. : precrhlns. 11 a. Bkt Mnn, :S0 st m.i T. P. g. C. R.. . Moant TaW BelSMHit and Prettymis trts Ker, Edward M fiharp. Sermon at 11 . .; ervtce at T:M p. a, flpaelal smale. Anabal Rev, Or. W. Arm. Jr. gaaday chnol. 10:10 a. at.; prda4iln(. 11:80 s. Bl. Rr 11 wood Corner Eaar eeenteenrhan gpe. kn imi Rev. P. A. Tbomnaoa. paator. Sabbath aeheol, 10 a. aa. t anornlas rrfo. 11 e'elook, them. "Paaalns Judgment on Other" l renlng Serrlee, T:46 o'clock, then. "Eatbar." aieraber ef Eaaters Star inritrd. Third Eiat Thirteenth and Pin areefa; Rtv. Andrew J. Montsomery. paator. At 10:10 a. in., anbject. "Haredltr"! erenlng rrlr. f:48 ecloek, nlijeet, "Heredity." Vernon Eaat Twentieth and Wygaat, Preaeh tn at 11 a. m. and T:IM) p. m. Montarllla Odd PaHmr hall. Sonday aeheel It 10 a. m. preaching Mrrlc. T:0 p. at, Ker. O. A. glair, paator. - ' . - zpiicopal. ";. - Pro-Cathedral ef St, gtephe th Martrr Thirteenth and Clay atreeU; Rer. H. M. Bam ay, vlear. Holy eomananloa, T:M a. n. gan der icbool. 6:43 a. m.i morn In Mrrle. 11 e'eloekl erenlnf aerrlo, 7:80 e'elork. Rt. Darld'aw Tw.lUi and Belmont street! Roe. Gears B, Vea Water. D. i V., rector. Holy eommualon, t a. m. : aiornlag prayer and errmaa. 11 o'clock: erenlng prayer and (ermon, T:30 p. si.t Monday aehool, :ll a. ai. At th II o'clock errle Blebop gcaddln win ordain th Rer. t. H. Porartb to th prleatbood. All Salnta Twenty a. conn tnd Beed arreera. giiudar rhool. 10 a. m.i erenlng aerrte. I -Ml e'elork, the Bt Rr. Blabop geaddlog wl a Bt. afark'ow wiaetaeath and Otrfmhy arreeta: Rer. J. B. H. Blmnaoa. Holy comoinnlos. a. ra.l under Kbeol, 10 a. .! holy eonmanloB and aerinon, 11 . m l Rer. W". A. H. Brack ef Ht. Utthw'a ehnrch will prearb at the marplag errlc! renaons and eermon. 7:90 o'clock. Bt. Asdrrw' t'nlrerally Park- lUv. W. R. Powell. Serrlc and aermoa, T:0 p. a). J Baa, day rhnl, .: Blbl claaa. T p. m. Good ghepherd Bellweod atreet and Tan, eenrer arenne, Albln) Br. one llawaon, Siolf cofnmnnloa, a- aa. sierntnf prayer and liter. U.S. m-l evening prajer od eersws, : e'clocir 8t. John' Memorial gefl woods Rev, W. B, Powall, losday acbool, )0 a. m. avnaoa, H a. m. . ''- St. Paul' Wood were; C. L. Parker, lr raa.ler In rkry. Berrlr and erama. 11 a. at. . Darin Lent. rrla rry Prlda at :Wl . , .' irinitr wmeuentn tn nrerett arreeta) are. A. A. Horrlentt, rector, Holy somnanlos (t . n. ntornlns prayer and ntl-cotnnmnlc errlc. It o'clock; arantng prarar with addreaa. Ti80 e'l4k. Tb factor will preach In the Btorntns th nb)t, "The Temptation ef f lirl.t." and Rer. F. t'. William will nreaek tn th erealnc. Every day tn th week, icent aturdty aad fnndae, arenlnf nrirer will he aid In th ebpl 4 e'elork, Vltk addreaae nr tn rvecor. oa to way or aairaiion, nev ar n rriiay. nianop ncadtlins will lee- tnre an th Hlatnry f th OhHrch pf Snaland From th Cennueat to th Mlaalon ef Audia. tin' Prlday rnln. at 'ekrk. la th parte bie. That lectnrs WlU h lllualrated wlih ttereeptleea view. Ht, Haitkew'a rtrat aad farather atreeta: Rr. W. A. M. Brack tn eharaa, Holr eom- einniea It T:Jia . m. I naday' eheoi, t:li a. m. ; errirea ana aermon ttj Ker. I. a, rt. Imnene, 11 a. aa-f Mrvio and aermoa, tiM P' , -. t : , COBOMOAWOWAI. rnlrtrailr Park Artlaan' Umnle: Rer. n B. dray. Ilcrmoa t 11 M.i gunday acboaj t 10 a. m. Mlaaiailpp.ATnM Mlaalaalpnl arena end Piemeat etreet; Rr, William U t'pabaw. Bun day acbool, 10 a. m.i aermou. It a. m. Clirla- ias a,araTrc, .au p. m.i arrmon, t:so p. Sunn ralrle Corner pf Eaat Ttylor and Beat Tblrtr44Mirta street! Be. J. gtsnh. paator. Morning aerrlce at 11 o'clock.' "Tlie Ilapplneea of tb Cbrlatlan Life"; erenlng aerrlce, t:.10 'clock, "Waahlngtoa and Lincoln") Snndar nbnoi, 10 a. m anparlntasdeat. B. C Pier; Junior Chrlatlaa Indearor, t p. m. Senior Koilearur, :! p. m. Laurelwood Arlat kali: Rev. D. 8. Oeay. Sunday rbonl, 10 a, m.j T. P. S. 0. I., t.DO p. ra i aermon at I: p. w. Haaeale-Straet Eaat Elevwith and Vaaaat. rnvm t 10;M . . hy Rer. E, H. Roper; Sanaa? rbool, 13 re.; Chrlatla Endearur, 6.13 p. m.t arenlns rrle. TH e'elork. rirt Madlaoe and Park) Rev. E. U fTcmae, I. paator. Morning aermon, ld:0 o'elorh; rrenleg eenooa. T 30 'eleck, "A Pinal Word"! Siinday ehl, 13;1B p. m, P, H. WblUleld. uiwlntendepti t. P. B. C. E., S:.T0 p. m. Highland Eaat Slatk at r art north and Pree entt; Re. R. S. Bollinger. Snnday aebonl. 10 S. m. morning aerrlce, 11 o'clock; Junk pn earor. B p. m.J Y. P. S. C. ., :IH p. Bt.) erasing aerrtre, T:0 e'ehx-k. , IT MIIKODIIIV Tarlg-ltrt-e,lir. rranel Bnrgctt , Short. 11)11 m'm mm rlaaaea, OiMI a. m. aermoa Me. . n . D. D. Stteday nkl, 11.15 f fcpwortn utm, SO p. m.j Mrmoa, I .'" p. an., or . n. ommm a. p. (. Bellweod Klfleenth and Tcova atreeta; Bar. A. Ii, Waiwn. Snntlay acboot 10 a.m.; rem munloa 1J a. m.i elaas meeting. 13 11 p. m.i, J on tor League, t Put p. m.t Enwnrth League, 9 3n p. m.; trtnlng aerilne, J. go 'Kallglra ef Iiiih.' SunnraMa Eaat Van.hlll atreet, (etwee Seat Thirty-fifth ed I'hlrir-ali'h atreeta: T. S. two. yaalof) puose IH Kaat Iklrtj.flfU atreet. ferric. 10 a. m.i Sunday acboal, 11 . u.. Mreaa by kllaa lurgee on "Horn Alia. L.i.."; p. m., elaea ueerlnst p. m., Jnninr league;. 13 p. m., koworth Caagn durotlonal nioellngi T:IM p, St.. praacblng ht the paator. Grace Twelfth nd Tarlor trt. CUraar True Wllauo, U. I. Mermon at 10:10 a. m. and T J p. m.i Knnday ackool, U lt a. a). Kperorlb Leegu. t.M p. m. Laoralwood Mount Scott earllnai Cbarle B. Woolhr. paator. Sanday orelcee: At 10 a. ., Sunday acbool; 11 a. m., ersoaj 13:11 p. m , elaa meeting: p. apwvetk League; T:M) p. m., arrlc. i Hi. John' y. h. Voang, vaator. Snndar cbool, 10 a. m.i preaching, It a. m.t Epworta Le.Kue, SO p. a. prearlilng. T:M p. B- Tiluity '"rnr of Eaat Tenth and Orant, Iiwl r. goilih, paator. gnaday acbool. 10 a. aa.; put. lie worahlp, 11 a. m. i gleea metng, 13 IS p. m.t Vpworta lMl, t.M p.. .; ranlng aerrlc,. T.iMI p. m. '' gPIRITUAtrBTf. '' '.' ' Independent Hplrttual Society Fornni of Scien tific ami Liberal. Tbougbt. SnbleeC "Th Clf ferenco Between Maji and rVoman,' followed br teata and eommuulcatlon. Loeu hall. 1H Eaat Oraod .. arenue nd Wa,ufngtoa trat, Sundar at f . p. m.i tldtd floor. Miulatrra' and Medlnmat ProUctlr Aaaoda. Hon Hegular rellgloaa aerrlce In W. O. W. hall. Elceuth atreet, between Wahtngtoa and Alder, at T:aOp. m. Ker. Pr. rth'key will locltir oa "A Toor Through the Eudlae,' hil lowed by Gnrtrud Woodtletd with eplrlt - r1"'.t Spiritual Soelety Artlaaa kaU. lOSVa Ttitrd atr.ft. Conterenc. 11 . m,; lycnm, 1ZX0 p. m.i F. K. Coaltar will wetnr oa "Tb Grand Man" at 1:44 f. m-, followed by Mr.. Virginia Row, gerrlcea at Irew halL W. Bnnday. f :4S I. at. Ictur by Rer. B. K. uoo on -wnat -TpuTUm'oowTirreVf-trr--- " " 0RIBTIA. Central But Twentieth aad Eaat Sal men itwut Ha. I. V. Ghormler. D. IX At 10:4S a. m,. preaching; Sunday aoheol, 12 m.i Senior Endeavor, B:o p. m.t at nae a m Mrmon. - Kodn.r-Arna Rodney arena end Knott tieet; Rer. r. Elm Kohlnaon. At (.45 a. Blbl achooli 11 a. m. aermon; 4 p. m.. Y . P. . O. U.I T:0 p. m., eerioon. Mount Scott Serrle,- in hall at Krn Park, t p. m., Rer. J. f. tfhortnler will aiveak! gaa day school, 3:80 p. aa. KlaetlM uf etftnr. , Wocdlavn gnsday acbou), in a. m.i reach ing. 11 a, at. Cbrlatlan Endeamr, f p. m. errlea g p. St.. with nelal mnel. r'lrat Corner Park and Colombia atrtaj Be. B. a. Mooklar. mlnlator. Erangellat 1. W. Dent ef San rrancuH-e will preach at I0:M K . a "Life a Ranaom" and at T:a n. m. oa "To B Chrlatlaa"-! Blbl chnl. ll m.i Boy' and Olrl' rally, B:0 p. m.) Chrlatlaa Bndaaror, :IK p. m. XTAVdlUCAL ASSOOUflOJT. Oraee Leatai Rr. H. 0. Henderson. Prw ek ing. H a, sk nd S a ) Yonns i eople'a At Uanea, T p. m. Sunday (ehonl. 10 a. av . Flrat Oermae Tenth sf Clay atreeta; Ber. Theo. gchaner. Bandar (ohoul. :S0 a. m-l (ermoa, 10 4 a m.( prcblng, T:4B p. I 1. r. A.t 1 p. North Portland Teenty-Srat and Pettrrror treet; Bar. It. O. Iftwnachneh. Soadny acbool, :4S a. aa.; preaching. 11 . m.: I. P. A. program, t p. m l preaching, T:.10 s. BJ. i'lrat Engllab Eaat Sixth and Market atreet; S. A. Blewert, paator. Preaching at 11 , m.i Anrlay ccfaool, 10 m.; A'oung People' al iunde, ;4n p. m.; realug rrlc, T.43 e'elork, Reriral." Emaaaet Mllwankla; P. M. richer, pator. Sunday acbool. S p. m. I T. P. A. errlce, t S. m.i worahlp and aermon. g p. as. I Carmai reaching erery third Sunday. S p. m. Reecne-Harmenr P. M. r'leher, ptor. Bon. day chool. 10". m.J preaching, 11 a. m.i X. P a , T'.'MI p m , ,;. . -7-' ttrrxxxAV. . ' - Swedlih rmmanuol Nineteenth snd Irving treet. Service. 11 . Bl. and B p. m. Sunday srhool, S:4S a. ot. . Korwerlnn Synod Eaat Tenfb nd Orant atreeta. Rev. 0. Hagoe. Sunday ehont, B:,0 a. m.; wtrrlce at 11 . m. and 10 p. m.i If. P. S. meet Thnraday erenlng at S:16 o'clcrk. Betanla Danl.h I'nlon arenatC and Meerl treet; Ber. Undmund drill. Snnday acbool, 12:19 p. m.i Sunday aerrlr. S p. m. SL lame' Engllh Weat Park and Jeffee. on street. J. Allen Lea, paator. Berrlee et U a. at. I evening awrlee at 8 o'clock I Lather Ign. T p. m.t Snnday acbool. 10 a. m. Lenten aerrlce every Tliaraday erenlng. . Bt. Paul' German Kaat Twelfth and Clinton trert- A; Kree. - petor.. Coraelon, 10 a. m.i morning aerrloe, 10:80 e'eloekl erenlng aerrlr,' T:30 o'clock; Sunday school, :S0 a. m. . ' TJBH'tP TTABOBtTIAt. ' ' Firat Comer Eiat Tenth and Shermia atrta. Bev. A. A. Winter. Snnday achonl, 10 . m. preaeblng at 11 a. m. and T:80 p. at.; K. I ef C. E, meeting, B:8 m. - aw,nAVaro and Kerhr arreeta! Rev. 1. Bowennx. At 11 a. m.. "Gopl Agency Man' Ore. teat Bleeatne" I T :ao p. m., , Moving on, Wbleb Wayr'i Sunday (chool, 10 a. p. . L. 0. B.. T p. in. Bt, John'a Iranho and Joka rreera Rev. B B. McVlcker. Snndr achonl, 10 a B l nreartirng. II .-.t I. . V B.r B:" . m.j S. K. L. C E B:S0 p. .l preachlag. ''Ocl'ley ree Rr. T. TTrMne. paator. At 11 . m. aad 7 30 p. m., err treat Sunday tctiool t 10 m. K. L. C. B. at 0:80 p. m. -'CHSISTI SCT1K0S. - First Chnrrh of Chr1t. Setentlet Smttlh Rite cathedral, kforrlaon and Lownadal atreeta. 11 t. n. and S n. m.. anhjert ot aermon. "Chrlat lo"t Snnday aehool et of morning aerrlce. waaneaaay erenisg geeaad Crek f Chrlat, SHentlaf Elka' temnle. Stark and Seventh atreeta. Snnday aervtee It . nd S p. m., Whleet, rihrl.t lee": Snndar cboL 11 a m. Wed needty meeting, I H a. , nmrn pbisbttebiab. Chnrrh ef th Stranger Waaeo atreet and Grand arennei Rer. B. Earl DuDo!. Morning Mrrlre, 10:45 'clocg. with rmos Sundaj rhool. IS m.t aermon. T:S0 P. m. rirat nigm no ainnigomerr iirwn; B.r. A. W. Wllaon, Morning aermon, 10:20 g, ss). j Sunday chael. H SI, I sermon, f JO p. aa. TTBTTED BBITHBI W ffltSIBT. Flrat Eaat Plfteanrh and Morrlaon atreerai Rev. H. C. Shaffer. Blltla school at 10 a. m.i aerraos ttl a. m l aermoa at fs0 p. m.t , F, B. V. ., Tl.", Slath and Mechante rtreetai Re. (1 P, BUnebard. Snnday aehaol, 10 a m. aenaoa, 11 a, a. a4 : p. - tnflTARIAV. Chnrefe f Onr Palhr Corner f TamhlTt n Serentb trt; Rer. W. O. Eliot Jr., mini, ter; Bev. T. L. Eliot. P. P.. mlnlatav omarltita. Berrlee It 11 m., "Th On Hondredth Annlreraarr f lngfellow' Birth": Sosday nbnoj, 8:45 . m.; kindergarten. II a, m.i adnlt elaa. 12:30 p. m.; conjojunloa aerrlc at U m. X. f. F., B.S0 p. w. . Boinrxss associatiov. Tha Oregon Hnllnea aoeta tlon-hold enl ea each Sanfl.T afternoon - at S e'elork, at th Church of th Maaaren, 42 Bnnald etreet. t.e -Grand If; Baldwin, prealdeat, Thla . sociatiop la iniaroenooiinaiMMiai, T. St. 0. A. '': T. M. a A ro-irth end Tamhltl atreet. Meatln foe .man. beginning with rchetra eoa. eert. et I p. m.. addreea hy Dr, C. 0. Baaard ef Nw York oa "A Dirlded Prom lee." Mia A an Dltrhbiirn. aoloiat. Other internet I f fag. tare. AU a jprlted. .., OKTTBCIf OP SOS. Chnrrh ef Oed 4H0 Hawthorne arena. 1:90 nd T:S0 p. m.i prarer meetleg Wddy, T',80, 8; I. Heal, paator. CHTJRCH Of TBI BAZAIEVt. Ths t'barch ( th Maaarene i Bnraaid treet, brtweea Teeth od Blerenlh atreeta: A. O. Henderaon. paator. Buadaj achool, 10 a. m-l prearlilng, II a. m.i holnieea sieetlng, p. m.; erenlng ervlce, t:M o clock. . 'BZTOBKZS. ' ' . Flrat Oermao-Ttntk and SUck atrtt Rar 0. Hafner. Sfrrlce at 10:4 . aa. .aad t f. m. X. P. g;0. Ml. m. CHRUTIAW AB0 KTBSIOVAST AILIAVCX. Tb Chrlatlao and Mlaalonary Alliance. Sltb and Maui atrrelai Kar, C. 1). Sawlella, an par. intendent, I'raaalilng at .10.30 . m.t Sunday arhoul, 13:15 p. hi.; loang reonle'a aerrlc at p. m. Ala aerrlr en Tiwaday St ? W p. . aad Friday at 2 80 p. St. , , , ' METHODIST, SOUTB. . ' PlraU-lTlU Second at root, rorealara' hall; Rer. K. H. Mowr. Sunday (rbool, 10 a. si.) Kpwnrth Igie: g:S0 p. m.; preerhlog. a. m.. "Th Blbl a h'ltunl Book") racblng t I. p. SI. ' ' JIXB'S RESORT. v ' -. Men' Rreort ahd Peopt' Inetltnte Foartk (nd Burnelda atreete. Btereontleon Blbl tdy hour, S p. m. ; men a tooetlng with addrea. 4 p. m. people' gospel er'ic with -avell SiaMa. f ;4A S.Bk . . . i urrnrs irutx oxrtir. Ptrln Troth CbaneLHall Sol. ailak hnlia Ing, enrner Third and Morrleo treat. Serv- ir. ii a. m., Tna.inina u. Ml mud. paator: H. K. Martla, aolclat. Sunday school at IS m. rxmRSAusT. ' rhnrch ( the flood Tlrtinra r..t Tnmk .J Seat Klghth atreen; Jam., p. Corhr, mlnlatar. Sunday ..-hool at 10 . m.t nreenhlng at ., eerunel tonic. "Why rtllreraallatB Bo- u i ikiut su Tikat Hi u( (kxm to, "r? Conservative Cu$todlan" 'HIBERKBA SAVKGS BAKU . . ' PAYS ' ,;; 4 Per Cent .'Open For the convenience of Its customers on Satur day evenings from 6 to 8 114 Second St. Corner iVasWaston PORTIgANP,-ORr fe." S portal Mrrlea every Thsraday erenlng daring Last. KISBrOBSr Pen lei Sunday onool, 10 s. m.i hollneee meeUug, a. m. rnglttte mtlsg, Sunday nd dally, T.30 p. m. Ollr Branch tso Flrat atreet. between 7e fraon aad Colombia. Serrlee erery nlfht at S e' clock and Sunday (t Bp. m.t Sunday acbool at X:W p. aa., A. Walla, euperlatendoat. , CBVBCB OF FIRST SOSX. Th Church of the Pint Bere will meat at II, leg Second etreet. at T :SO e'eloek. Snnday, 24th. Bar. B. E. Cooa will lerr en "What la Meant by th EvU Spirit Bntarlng th Herd of gwlne," followed hy plrltual ntee aagee tbraugh Mr. Coo, lATTtR BAT BAIBTS. ' Chnrrh ef fee Chrlat el Letter-Day Salnta Rail 4O0 Allaky holldlng. Third and alorrtsoa. Servio at 11:80 a. m. aad 7 p. m. Bwday rai, 10 a. ka. . . ' "" rtnxBs. "'" .,- --- Frlvnde CesrcW Eaat Thtrty-Brtb end Mara erreeu; Bev. Lewt L Hadler. Prearbln at 11 a. m. nd T:B0 p. an,; Sunday arbouL lu a. m. i.dero, g:S0 p. m. SWXDEBBORaiAV. . New Chorch Society Eleventk : nd Alder atreeta; Rer. Hiram Vreomaa, Barvlce at U s. a. . - e. ."V SSXZX 0HVXCS.' Greek and Rnaalas Ortbedos Chlrch Eaat Twenthlth and Morrhwa atreeta. kaanlu Mrrle at ea tlm. lmirjrgiAi, da w. At 0. A. B. hall, portheaat corner Second lad VUirrUoa tru. berrlee t I.M s. m. ;;: ' r razs kxtrooibt. " w .3-------i' ' Fee Methodlat Eaat Blnth d Hill traeta. Preaeblng, 11 a. m. : Bandar ecboeL 10 a. a. 7j euAy 'aeA BE WISE GET WISDOM Printing Company to do your printing. New office new type, new pressesveiything new. We don't take our hats off to anyone when it comes to good accurate printing-we are not error proof, however for we fill make mistakes; but we will correct ours Number? " and we are Jonny on the Spot'-we are after the business and would be pleased to have YOUR next order We are not in the hold-up business so don't ask for prices send your printing to us and the job and price will both be right. Cheap work don't pay KEEP YOUR EYE Of US ' : . VYiaSdom FYinting Company '' : . 213 Second Street $250 ' Offered . Until further notice the PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT AND POWER COM PANY will pay the sum of two hundrtwl and fifty dollars ($250.00) for the arrest and con viction of any person or persons damaging any of its transmission lines, carrying 5,000 volts or over; so as to prevent the transmis sion of electric energy thereon. "j Portland, Oregon, February 18, 1907, PORT LA ND RAILWAY LIGHT C& POWER CO. AUCSEXHTS, Waahlngtoa II.LilUb ta.wi. - - ' r- v i . , - - i u s"'i RtowTS. b bo ivvtMt, rrs. . Werfne.'t-r.Wtra,, ' A I UI CIBOAiEr ' ' '0TIM SALT AtU.iCAL CO. . ;" t: Ioweg f uur rir.t 10 mi 111 S?y. W' leov- 7fco' I4rk sad waakuatoa BEIUGTCEATKE uVSt, , Tnelgkt, S:ll fClock Toanexrvw Night, ': :'r """' --''T t MAOB r- r--- Mnlel Comedy Boceeea, '. "T trsrms,"; ' Prle l JO, tl. TSe, loc. gBe, 25. Mafea taoT. Oresee Iheatr Co.. tlm. te gaaar, Mgr. last Tim Tonight th Greet lohn Th-ew New Vork Mneeeaa, ."BROTHER OlTIClkS." By Spacial Arr.nremetit Witk Cherle Prehaws. , direction Mr. Artlrar Mackley. Brenlog Prlcee SA. ISc, 10c. Matinee 15 nd 2Se. .:" . . Vevt Week, Bgiaalag Toawrrew Matmaa . "sug xoaaB." irjriZ. Empire Theatre . m'mit. MILTON W. SEAMAN. Maaager. lit lime Teaight, h Sereammg Pr Qmady and Mnalcal Tomloolery, . , j MX WTJT'B FAMU.T.- -' ,! Ptretia W. McOowaa. Regnlar Empire prlcaa. , Jfert Week, Starting TomeiTow SUtiaa . ' ia aai' at THE STAR lTZ 1TH OF riBRHABT II, MOT. ;. -; :. "CAPWC1" ' . ta Fosr Acta. Matlaae Tnoadaje, Thnrwlaya Satttrdnra nd Sunday at 2:30. Price 10e and sue. Erery erenlng at S:1S. Price 10c, 20 and 30e. Reeerred aat may be eemrrd by take pbon. Mala 6406tor aU pwformnncy. . The Grand TauderlUe A lea. Miaa Mettle Xa aad Company la Hr 0n-A Comedy. TIER FIRST ' Bl VORCS CASS" Speeial added anractkm 1 be Meeamnyw Boy Puo, Singer and Ooma- The Life of Bw Trk Maagr Boy." Oengia and Ford, 0Dri ud Mart, Mia Helea Braadea nd Barald Xoff. RAVDISCOrS. TEo Portland ' PORTLAND, ORBOQN. EUROPEAN ft AN ONLY HJUaDOtTAHTKrtS FOTt TOURISTS AND COMMERCIAL! TRAVKUkKa ' ' : Bwerythlng te eat and StiaX. aaS It coat ae more la the Fortiani Hotel RathskeHer than elsewhere In th city. Hvry weekday night Trom : ta XX. , BE. a SOWMI. aiaaagee. Main;5500 Reward