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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1907)
I THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. FEBRUARY 23. 1907. GAS DILL KILLED ill THE HOUSE CHASED HER HUSBAND BECAUSE SHE LOVED HIM LOWER THE RATES TO KLAMATH L1AY ROUTE SHIES TO COOS BAY IIOLlAd CARPET Oil SALOON FLOOR RESIGNED PROSECUTOR Mrs. Andrew Even Tried to Climb Through' Transom of . .. Door He Locked, i NOW TIMID HUBBY J " LONGS FOR DIVORCE Though Other Men Sought to Pay ;; Iter Attentions Sh AVantM Only Her Scared, Nerroo "Spouse and Kh. Wanted Him Badly. ' The Strang ca of a woman who played cat and mouse with ' her hus- fofoTfoweJ hltrt hoi ,16 Ml lilm. but to love him, yet who Inspired In him mucn me aame terror aa nui.ers inoi Jieart of a' aqueaklng mouM pursued ty a cat.- la revealed In tha hearing of the divorce ault ox Andrew against Andrew, on trial today In Judge Fraxer's depart ment of the circuit court. A typical incident la that related on the stand this morning by J.- K. Kelly of the firm of Caswell A Kelly. Mrs Andrew is a large, full-blooded. woman, wblle Andrew la small, nervous jand delt lent. In September, 1964, according to Mr. .Kelly, Andrew ran into his llquoi atom st Park and Morrison streets. ' slipped through the swinging doors to tho barroom, skedaddled across It, and, quivering with fright took refuge In the office. - - . . . . - - mid la a Saloon.-- Mr. Kelly was dumbfounded, but a great -light dawned In his mind when, a moment later, a . large, handsome) women burst through . , th . winglng doors. - -. 1 "I want my husband. ' Give ma my husband.' she- cried. ' "It my . wife." g.'sped Andrew. Kelly remonstratej with Mrs. Andrew, ' telling - her that it was against the ' law for women to enter a saloon In v Portland. 8he replied that she wss per. fectly willing to leave, but that she lntenddauytng until her husband Jeft A threat to cell a policeman had no ; rneot, and Kelly' actually went, for an "'officer. When be returned his femsle visitor Wss gone. Andrew remained a the pluce for several hours, not daring to go out on the street for-fear of meeting his wife. -,-r " aji4 In Doctor's Ofllo. ' .' Similar to the Kelly Incident was on 'related by Policeman Dellawnrth, who wa one night actually called to eject i. Mrs. Andrew from Dr, Whiting's office. WIRES GOING UNDERGROUND AS . RESULT OF t'nderground conduits for the tele phone, wires ar being utilised aa far as possible by th Paclfle States Tele phone & Telegraph company 'whll the . repair, work to the system Is la pro- i gress .Th thousands of 'phone , put out commission during the recant Ice storm, have made it Impossible la carry all the wire below the surface, - but . when tho final work of 'repairing tha broken wires is completed Inside of the next 10 days, a large percentage will be operated through tha underground tubea.' ! '-.:--.' ' - ' ' - The wholesale destruction of - tha company's ay stem has hurried 'he un derground work, th company using aa ' far as possible the conduits now under construction- instead: of rettringtng the wires overhead. On th east sld to- iAILS WILL SOON by united Railways company Steel rails for th Jnlted.RatwayB "company's city lines are arriving In Portland from the eastern mills. The shipments hav been held up for weeks along th lln of the Union Pacific sys tem, by washout and snow, and will com slowly during th next 10 days, until all the ralla are her for the build ing of the Front street line. , Everything has been In readiness for construction 'work for several days, and U B. Wick VERNON PEOPLE REJECT FREE . WATER AND INDORSE METERS Fre water waa rejected unanimous ly at a meeting of the Northeastern Im- pr6vmnt "' association - last night" feast Eighteenth and Alberta atreets. .Th proposition waa thoroughly . dts- ssed and free water llteratur was read to th member by th yard but to no avail further than to convince them that th small householder would not ;KS FOR LIGHT HE HAD STOLEN LIGHT WIRE Through hi admission that 'h had twice been convicted f th earn crime, Joseph Medley waa railroaded to th roekpll at Kelly Butt thl afternoon. Medley had been tried befor Municipal Judge Cameron on a charge of having tolen a quantity . of . wlr from the Portland General Klectrla company. He sitij for a sentence. Me suid SHOVEL ON HIS CGKSCIEHCE FOR EIGHTEEN YEARS Most Astonisning Story Enriches cific Railway. , . .- . igperto JMaftateK ta The Joans!.) Wonnmirn. -''b. 23. Whlls seated In hla office yesterday wondering what lTt would occur In the lively city of Voodburn, Southern" Iwclflo Agnt 8. T. Jackson was called to the tli ket win dow where be was sccostei ,y an ol.l In the Msrquam building. Her husband had taken-refuge there and she had flatly refused to leave until ba left Other Incidents of the same charao ter were told by C W, Pallett. a money broker, and by tha landlady of a he apartment house where the Andrews resided for . a time. Pallett the land lady and Pr. , Josephl al test Wed thst they had. told Mrs. Andrew that - they could not understand, how she would wish to live with a man who did not care for her. : . "I love him; be la my husband, and 1 Intend to compel him to live with roe," waa Mrs, Andrew's firm" reply, . Went Anywhere Tot Ktau The cat and mouse life extended over a period of several yeara. - Twice, while In search of her husband. Mrs. Andrew forced her way Into the bedroom of an other man. At another time, when An drew took refuge In his office and locked the door, ' the' woman tried tit rl'"ih through the transom to get to him . Her purpose. It seems, waa Ltiot to, chastise him, but to make love to mm. D"in s Birrniiuui women, mitw took strenuous means to carry eut ner purposes, About two yeara ago Andrew suc ceeded In eluding his wife entirely and In securing rooms where she waa not admitted. The woman thereupon took lodgings at the Portland hotel and soon became tha object of the attentions of men who aaw in her more charms than did "Mr. -Andrew, --Andrew, wanted a di vorce and wanted It badly. Be hired a tailor named McCloud to do tha detec tive act for him at II a day. Other Men Liked "Car. McCloud dogged the steps of Mrs. Andrew for about two months, making dally reporta In writing to his employ er. , These reporta were read In court today. According to them Mrs. An drew was wined find dln3 and other wise entertained . almost dally by a traveling man named ' Mackle. A Port land hotel clerk named Bailey waa nam ed aa second In the competition for her smiles. Bailey having taken the woman to The Oaks on numeroua - occasions. An Insurance agent named Wynn. an other traveling man named Dunnlgan, 'and Gideon Clarke, a broker, were other names which were used In the report as showing Mrs. Andrew more or less at tentions. Charles B. Andrew la well known aa a member of one of the "first famlHe". of Indiana and waa aa attorney of La Porte. Tha couple were married about to yeara ago. Andrew Ja the plaintiff in the suit, cruel end Inhuman treat ment being hla -charge. - Mm. - Andrew opposes the granting of-the decree for what she cells "coneet-entloua" reaeons. The plaintiff Is represented by Attor neys Thomas O'Day and W. D. Kenton, tha defendant by Henry McGinn. THE SILVER THAW , . nnii '.-H fit - Johns the con- dulta will be brought largely Into play. and work la neing crowaea branches to accommodate the llnea which It Is believed will again b In working order by the close of next week. . The eonatruotlon of underground con duits is in lino with th general plan put -under way some time ago to una th underground aystem throughout th en tire city and. suburban districts, but the wrecks ge reused by the storra has made It'neceeaary for th company to put In cables which will be used until such time aa the wires can be trans ferred beneath the surface. The telephone company has Increased Its scale of wugea psld to linemen, the average now being tl.50 a day. 'A simi lar Increase wss made by th .street ratlwsy company yeaterday. . ' BE LAID ersham, constructing engineer, ha been on the ground awaiting matertala. C. K. lA)ss, under whose direction th road will be built, arrived In Portland this .morning from southern California. He said the materials were In transit, but that the long delays by flood and storm haa made It tmpoasible to begin construction work as soon as waa ex pected when he left Portland a month ago. , It la thought operation can be actively begun next week. a. get fre water under th so-called sys tem. On the other aid th meter ays tem was heartily Indorsed. Th meeting last night waa ona of the best attended that thlr association haa held , atnea its . recent organisation. George Frank, president presided. Noth ing but th water queatlon waa brought up at thla meeting. SENTENCE AS he had stolen wlr from th company twice befor and one he bad served 90 day for the crime. The second time 41 waa acntt-nced to alna month In th county Jail. . 1T1I glv you th limit thl tlm. aftid Judge Cameron. You'll serv on the rockplle for on year." TK wlr stolen by Medley waa sold by him to junk dealer. - man, who handed, In through th win dow a slip of paper containing -his nam, and a brand, new ahoveL Th visitor, who I an old-timer of Woodburn and haa been' member of the Saints church, explained that h had been attending a series of revival meet Ings and his conscience troubled htm for an act don In the past Eighteen years ago,' he said, 'there was a. wreck In Woodbnrh and In the confusion he stole a shovel" Not hav ing that shovel at tha present time, he had purchased a new one and wished to ease his troubled conscience by turn It over to a representative of the rail road company, from which he took" the one now past Its -state- of usefulness snd probably not In existence. Mr. Johnson accepted the Implement snd forwnrded It to Superintendent I' iih a full report of th affair. Representatives Refuse to Con cur in Amendments Passed .' "r by the Senate. ' - . (Br e Staff fSomepeadrat. Baleen, Or.. Feb. . ft. The Coffey gaa franchise bill waa practically killed In the house this morning by a refusal to concur in the senate amendment. The senate had changed the bill providing that the franchise cease December 1 1, MOT. and prior to that time tha value of the franchise should be determined by the people In court of competent Jurisdiction. Davey argued that con currence would mean an admission by the house that a ' perpetual franchise was a vested right Freeman aald that It waa unfair . to take- the-, franchise away without remuneration. Newell traces of corporate Influence in tha sen ate. Coffey closed tha debate by say lng: "The battle Is between tha common people and the corporation If you ac cept thla amendment it will oome home to haunt yon scon." The vote to table tha bill paaaed with Bayer, Bevertdg, Beutgen, Chapln. Far rell. Freeman, Hendrlck. . Jackson, Knowles,' Kubll, Merrlmaa. Moore, Rothchild and Wilson voting no; all (-ethers-voting aye." Freeman tried -to table the measure after the vote, but it waa sent back to the senate, where tit. was laid on the table, after the house refused to con cur. Two effort made to table the bill first failed. Nottingham tried to re consider yesterday's vote for the pur pose of offering new -amendments thla morning, but lost by a vote of IS to 14. Hodaon moved that the senate recede Its amendment and tha" motion waa lost Hodaon'a aecond motion to " lay the bill on the table was then carried. legislative circles were thrown into excitement this morning by a controver sy between Representative - Moor of Baker and Paul Bowers, a cleric, who charged Moore with having Induced him to sign an assignment of hla salary war rant for 120. Moors denies any Intent to do Bowers wronj. . . ...Bowers, whsln student at Willam ette university, says he mad a bargain With Moore for a clerkship, promising to give .Moore half tha aalary for the Job. Moore got a job and. according to the story of Bowers, yesterday gave Dowers t 15 and this morning gave blm IS more and asked' him to sign an as signment of his warrant for 110. . - Bowers told Senator Bingham of tha occurrence. Bingham gave the boy $10 and went with htm to ioore and got the assignment back. Moor aaya he took the -assignment to prevent Bowers' leav ing with money due htm. and intended no wrong. ; KILLTWO NORMALS 1U TWO YEARS Legislature Settles Controversy by Providing Funds for All Four Schools. By 1 Stiff 0respuedeet.) : $alem, -Or., Feb. ZJ. The normal school settlement waa, cleared to some extent this morning by a partial com promise on the part of th senate. The body passed tha house measure provid ing appropriations for tb Drain and Monmouth schools and receding the amendments-made by Vawter on th board of regents' bill, but Inserted a provision that In two years this board should recommend two school to b maintained by the state. The house accepted the amendments. . . A th proposition now stands, all four schools will hav maintenance ap propriations for two years. One board of regents will mans re all schools. The settlement of the na tion of the num- ber of schools In t5 yesrs will be set tied by th abolishing of two schools. Th house passed the Portland public play ground bill a coming from th eenate' thla morning. There were no dissenting votes. - ' The enrollment committee la swamped wtin mv 7 WVI- in uiv .-n.1-. Clerks have all drawn wagea and left the building. Th house la very In dignant ' and strenuous efforts sre be ing msde to get clerk to enroll the bills. Th legislature cannot officially adjourn vntll all th bills are paaaed. and signed by both speaker and pres ident - If It does adjourn, all -the bills unsigned will be killed, There are trospecta that . th two houses have to hold over until" late In th afternoon, perhaps night Or sllow th bills now pending to go by default. Governor Chamberlain Is very busy diving Into the mass of bills left for him by- the session. -Thero, la a prob ability that he will veto the Beach bill providing for voting machines, on ac count of hi suspicion of a graft In the measure. He Is also liable to us th ax on Perkins'- bird bill and Beala' cream and dairy Inspector bill. - . THAW WOULD PROVE Y SANITY UPON STAND f Joe real RpeMsl Rervlee.) New York. Feb. 2S. Attorney Hart rid ge Issued a statement In the nam of Mrs. . WfUlam Thaw this afternoon denying as "untrue, unwarranted and unjust the report that th family had paid Kvelyn .Thaw to testify, . Hart rldg states on his own account he would never consent to a lunacy com mission. ' . t Rumor rilled the air today In con nection with the Thaw ease. Non are well founded. Only one seemed to have any foundatlcn. It Is said that Thaw will take, the stnnd In his own behalf next week. He wants to prove that he la not Insane-now. ARRESTED FOR THEFT OF DRAWING INSTRUMENTS , K. ft. Ilobeok was arrested last night at the Terminus hotel In I-ower Alblna by Detectives Hill and Mnllet on a chnrge of vogrrncy, but will b com pelled to. . answerto an lulormatloet t ha r r1ng him with larceny from a dwelling. Hobeck is accused of hav ing stolen a aet of silver drawing In trument valued at 125 from the room of T. J. Camerbn, nn engineer residing In the hotel and disposed of th plun der to a second-hand dealer. The prisoner, has been Identified by th pawnbroker a th man who made th en In. Hobeck was formerly In th United State army. ; ; Freight Shipments Will Soon Co Through From Pokegama ' . " on Time. . A considerable reduction of charges on freight from Portland to Klamath Falls will result from - new arrange ment that are being mad by E. T. Ab bott general manager of the Weyer haeuser railroad, operating from Thrall to Pokegama. A combination haa been made with the Mclntyr Transportation company, freighters, by which consign ments will be moved regularly by team between Pokegama and Klamath Falls. and - affording' delivery . at the tor door. -- - - "W hope to have the new arrange ment In effect by' May 1. and at that time the reduction of freight rat JjElU atlaoejrtOBetherjiULlhroiiga. billing, I aid wr. ADooti, wno was m Portland today. "Freight can ba billed through the same aa If by any con tinuous transportation route, and we will be certain of having it moved along promptly. Heretofore the team ing business between our terminus, at Pokegama. and Klamath Falls, has not been regular. , Kelp h Shipper. 1' '"Sometimes we would hav th freight houaa plied to th roof with goods, and no teams available. At other times there would ba enor teams than were needed. . Th new plan will be operated so thst transportation of goods will be not only cheaper, but the shipper will know Just what It is go ing to cost him to put the goods through to destination. As matters have been going, our road received Si cents ner hundred for hauling th freight to Pokegama. -and from thst point to' Klar..ath Falla tt eost-what ever the freighter waa disposed t charge." Th first-class rat wlU be $1 per 100 nounda. Ther will b a second class rata of . about 00 cents, and a fourth-class rate of 85 or cents. All earlot rates will b cut out-on -tha Pokegama line. . gtaures Stlek la the Mud. ' The stage road between Klamath Falls and Pokegama la in very bad con dition from rains end much air Acuity is being experienced in getting passen ger and freight over It Tha stage with It passengers aboard broke down s.few miles from, the railroad tr minus on day this week, and tha pas sengers had to walk back. - - Th stage that left, Pokegama for Keno Thursday had not reached the lat ter point yesterday when Mr. Abbott left pokegama, and la believed to have been stuck on the road and held all night with th passengers camped In It- - TO BLOCK INQUIRY INTO EXPRESS COLIPAHIES Strong Pressure Exerted In Con . 1 gress to Head-Off Inquiry ,Z - ! Into Business. . . .', (Jeeraal Special Service.) ' Washington, D. C. Feb. II. A strong effort Is being mad by the railroad and xpress lobby to prevent th Inter state commerce committee from report ing out house resolution 141.. Intro, duced by Representative Kennedy of Nebraska, Instructing the Interstate commerce commission to Investigate aa to the lesallty of buslneaa don by th various express companies In. tha United States, Including th Wells-Far go and other companies operating in th west - ' , , Thl. -nliitto-. la the outcome Of th .A.niin. t the Western Fruit Job- ! hers' association held January 4 at Kan sas City, where It waa cnargea inai ex press compsnles were enraged In th un lawful handling, buyin and selling of fruits, vegetables and oysters, thsreby ntmlnr Into direct competition with l-j merchant and jobbera. It wa charged that euch buslnese was an uniawrui one for the companies to engage In; that it gav them an opportunity to cover up dlscrlmlnatlona, for the payment of re bstos. and for other unlawful practleea, and that the express corapanlea had In creased their rates to an unreasonnble extent, to th detriment of growers, shippers and consumers. PERMANENT LEAGUE OF LOUD PROTEST Tli Moyr-Hey wood-Pet tlbon league, which managed the street parade and Armory demonstration last Wednesday night, hss decided not to go, out of ex istence, but to organise on a permanent basis and continue actlv agitation un til the union offlclala ar either liberated or banged. Th organisation meeting will be held Sunday afternoon at -liSO o'clock at tot street In case th federation leader ar oonvtcted th promoter of th league promts a bigger and mor emphatlo protest than that of last Wednesday night . , .. i' .,- - SECOND INDICTMENT OF . AN ASYLUM ATTENDANT ' (Jnnroal perl1 Berries.) Athena, Ohio. Feb. 13. An additional Indictment Jias been returned by the grand Jury In th Insane asylum cases. Hobart Reeder fa now charged with killing Emmet Vlckers, a patient Sep tember I. 105. Thla makea two Indict rnenta against Reeder, who, 'With Har klna. the other attendant utfner Indict ment haa been reletncd on bond. G. A. R. T0 OBSERVE WASHINGTON'S BIRTH . A special meeting will be held thl evening by Sumner Pdst. No. It, O. A. R, at East Pine and Grand avenue, in observance of Washington birthday. Various phases" of Washington's career and life will b presented by different members,, and the women of 8umner's Relief Corps will furnish appropriate music. 0 R. 6YILL!NE OPEN IN 1 EASTERN WASHINGTON Repairs on the Shanlko line of the O. R. eV N. ' company are being rushed, but owing to the extensive damage In fllcted by the fluods It will be rmpo. : slble to get the line open before next I1 week. Th main line to 8okan and branches In eastern .Washington ' sre now opsn, snd trains are being operated. Steamship Company Contenv ' plates Making Oregon Port . Terminal Instead of Frisco So much freight has been offered th steamer, F. A. Kllburn for Cooa Bay that the local agent here Is contemplat ing having that ' point instead .of San Francisco made the southern terminal of th rout thl trip. Th Kllburn reached Astoria this morning and will be her tonight from the Bay City and way points. She is the only boat at present plying between Portland and Coos Bay, the Alliance having been laid up for her -annual overhauling aad In spection. - - i - Th Alliance will be held up about 10 days her - before her "Overhauling la completed. F. P. Baumgartner, local ir.r,t nt tha r--"'" -'- a ""if"" Cn.t Bteamshlp company, today Issued a no tice to th effect that on' and after March T th steamer Alliance wlH ply between Portland and Coos. Bay onljr making weekly trips. ' . Th merchant of Coos a re anxiously looking for the tlm when ampl trans portation faclllttea will be provided be tween Portland and their part of the state. And they believe, too, that Port land's merchants should be Interested In having more steamers placed on. th route, which offer excellent Induce ment to Investor. That th trad with Coon 1 all Jn favor of Portland Is shown by th nature of freight handled by th steamers now on th rout. An Illustration I ahown In th fact that whll th steamer' Alliance and Kll burn run full both ways, most of the north bound freight Is booked for points In th east whll the southbound goods hav all been purchased her- '"So rapidly haa freight been brought to th Oak street dock for tb Kllburn during th past fw. day that thr lr already more on hand than th steamer can handle even for Coo bay. not to mention Eureka and San Francisco. Th boat la scheduled to sail Monday night but not until thla evening will It. be decided whether or not to 'send the vessel further south than Coo bay thl trip ' A1k. If Eureka 1 eut off th rout thl trip, merchants fcajr that trad with that port will be Injured' becaua ev eral ahlpments of flour and feed f that destination hav been held up for some Urn. Ther la aald to be danger of th "order - being cancelled unless th'gooda can ba delivered within rea sonable langtb of time, in which event th buslneaa would revert back to San Franclaco. , . , San Fraxiolaoo did moat of th busi ness with -Eureka prior to th earth quake, but Portland merchant secured a good ehare of tha business Imme diately following the dlsaater and they hav managed to hold it so f sr. That port ha better rVIe than Coos Bay. however, because In addition to the Al liance and th KUburn, th ateamera Roanoke and Geo. W. Elder, of tha North Paclflo Steamship company, touch there regularly . . I3PEU T VIO B AUKS III PORILAIID San Francisco Capitalists Fils Articles of Incorporation for Institutions. Th wll known Myer brother of San Francisco will shortly -launch two new bank in Portland. They already hav eight bank In th atata, art of them capital ised at 15.000 each. The new banks ar capitalised each with a similar sum. They were Incorporated today under th names or tnercrencn bank and th Swiss-American banav Their purpose Is to carry on a general aavings and commercial banking bust nesa and to establish branch backs throughout tha state H. 8. Myers. F. N. Myers, and M. 8.. Myers are named as th incorporator. . Th Richardson-Holbrook company, a real estate concern, tiled artlclea of in corporation with the county clerk to day, Th capital stock 1 f 10,000. Th Incorporator ar A. B. Richardson, F. B. Holbrook and Arthur E. Burch. Th Holoomb Realty company Sled article of incorporation with th county dark today. Th capital stock Is $60,000. Th Incorporator ar George W. Holcomb, Frank R. Dooly and Clin ton C Palmer. ARRESTED, HE RAN AWAY, BUT WAS CAUGHT AGAIN '! Chewl was arrested at First and Oak streets last night by Patrolman Humphrey and booked at th ctty prison on charges of having lottery ticket s, opium and obscene pictures in hi possession. Whll being taken to th station he attempted to escap but wa overhauled by Humphrey after a short chase. In the municipal court this morning the case was continued until Monday, when Chewl wtll be tried on state charge for th opium and unlaw ful photograph found on him. DIRE PREDICTIONS-FOR HUMANITY IN MARCH (Journal gpeela) Service.) ' London, Feb. 13 A dispatch from Rom to th Dally Mall report Profea aor Matteuccl of th Vesuvius observa tory a saying that toward tha end of March th substance of the new comet discovered by Marchettl will . come In contact with tha earth's atmosphere. with consequence probably dangerous to the world. His brother is or the same opinion. THREW DINNER DISHES ; AND WIFE GETS DIVORCE Judge Sear today granted a divorce to Catherine Cxarnl'nskl from Frank Cxamleskl. Poles. The couple were married In Illinois In 1181. Whll In Seattle In 10 the husband became enamored of another woman, and drove his wife and- child away from home by throwing dinner dlshea at them. Ecklcs Father Is I)caJ. (Jnarsa! Sneetal sr-lr. Princeton, 111., Feb. IS. James Starr Ecklea, aged 10 years, father of James E. Ecklea. former controller of the cur rency, died hare, today. Preferrew Stool Oaaned Oooda. Allen Lewis' Beat Brand. District Attorney of the Fifth Ju- dicial District Informs Cov : ernor Chamberlain.- Harrison Allen, attorney for th fifth Judicial district of the state of Oregon, haa submitted hi resignation ta uov run, chn m her luln. Th resignation a ,k. Afrtwt March 1. air. Allen has been district attorney of the fifth Judicial dlatrii t alnc lo. hav ing been elected to that position iwk,. At the last election It waa so generally conceded that he would be reelected that the opposition party failed to nominate a candidate. , . -It waa Mr. Allen's announced Intention to resign Jsnuary t, but for private rea sons he failed to do ao. It la aald that in asrreement waa reached between htm and ftovernor ,Claaberlalw wherebyhe - j should continue- in office for a tlm. However,' be haa decided that h will hav no mor of th office, and hla res ignation will reach th governor today. "I am resigning for the reason that I find It to my Interests to do so," said Mr. Allan. "I ahall devot my tlm to privet practice and ahall ba perm; nently located In Portland." Mr. Allen haa office with Judge Carey In the Chamber of Commerce building. He made an enviable., record a a publlo prosecutor and aucceasfully handled eome of the moat famous case that hav com to trial In tha flfCi dis trict Governor Chamberlain haa not announced Mr. Allen' ucceor, who ' will be chosen by th chief executive. , APPROPRIATIONS FROMBULL RU!1 AND SANDY RIVER -a-sBaeaaaawaSMswaaiBaB Four Canals and Threo Reser voirs Projected by Mt. Hood -Company. (SpecUl Dttpatrk to The Jeeraal.l Oregon City, Feb. M. Four larg ca nals and three Immense reservoirs a re to b built by th Mount Hood Power Railway company, according to thjfUed th- COmplainta. I Intend to call tenof or vertr. watef-Tlght-approprta tions filed in th county-recorder of f lc her yesterday. . Tb content ' of th notice ahow that th water 1 to be appropriated from the Sandy and Bull Run river and their ttibutarlea. The document ar filed In the. name of C W. Miller, en agent for that company. and th object a stated is to develop eleotrio power, energy and light. For this purpose 400 miners' inches of water ar to be taken from Peer creek, th ap propriation being In volume a continuous flow of 000 cubic feet of water per minute.- Another notice appropriates (0.000 miner Inches of water In th Bull Run river, being a continuous flow of 10,000 feet of water per mlnut at a point in section , township 1 south, rang I east f" Th third notlo appropriate 10,000 Inches from th Sandy river and a flow of 10,000 oubtc feet per minute. A construction canal Is to b built from Deer creek five feet wide and four feet deep. Canal No, Is to be 10 feet wide and It feet deep, and No. 4. of the same dimensions, will ba used to carry water to th three reservoirs. SECOND LEADING. LADY IN PRODUCTION OF MIZPAH ' 'Mist Louisa Kent. Miss Ixuls Kent, who haa been en gaged by tm Baker stock company. Is expected to reach Portland next week And wlil make her Initial appearance In thla city In th production of "Mlx paji." Miss Kent will be th aecond leading woman of th Baker company. Bh conies from Atlanta, Georgia, where she has achieved great success In ber fprofesslon. ... DELINQUENTS MUST " COME UP WITH COIN . Nearly 100 people who are subject to th occupation tax hav been reported as delinquent by th llcens ' otTloera, nd they have been notified to settle their account with th city by March t or tnk a chance for a Job on the county roekpll at Kelly' Butt. The total mount, of the delinquencies Is 'about $10,000. This sum should have been paid into th city treasury on January 1, but the debtor, a Is customary, neg lected to settle up their account. HIGHER TAXES DUE TO SAN FRANCISCO FIRE fjoeraal pertat tTW. - Baeramento, Cel., Fab. Th gen eral appropriation bill Introduced In the assembly today ahow an Increase of t"ioo,000 over that of two yeara ago, the total being IM 00.000. The tax rate would b 60 cents as sgatnst 40, the In crease being due to less sssessnbln property owlnp to th Snn Franclico tiro. . - ; '"" Sfott Is Gain In-;. Jrtmes Plott, who was not pji pi 11 to live yewfr-ltv. is r'"1nir " .'it the Ooo.l ; :'w i an hflt,il t. l.iv. Much In!.-, -t U ! hi Htntfu fi. f f . ) ' . I I 1 . r, Htott's f mst'V f' eh. Tiff - Oflce of ...Hi.. .. I niiiM..e.. I. I in i i .i'.H Jj " ! -. ' v . . i; "1 i I ,1 ; 1 "k -A j - ", ;-. -. t .1 :. r ' -. ' ' v ; , ' Customers of Zetesch's Resort Found In State of Beastly Intoxication. ' v T Astounded at the disgraceful cenrtl tlona prevailing In the saloon conducted at 604 Third street by Max Keteeeh, revealed aa th result of a. rtd on, th. resort yesterday afternoon by Patrolman . J. F. Anderson when aix confirmed drunkard were found in various atages of Intoxication, lying on the floor of tha place, Iieputy City Attorney Flixgerald this morning Issued warrant of arrest for the saloonman and hi bartender on three charge of selling liquor to per sons already intoxicated. - - i The warrants were given to atrol. maa Anderson for service and Ze teach and his mixologist Herman Madge were - brqught ta"pbTCeiTquorters. STmSg attempted to strike the policeman and waa promptly knocked down by Ander , son. Ota Stand XI Castoraer. As th bull waa $100 In each of tha three case a, Zetesch waa compelled to furnish 100 In cash' befor securing the releaae of himself and assistant He was loud In hi denunciation of th police and declared that he could bring any number of witnesses to testify to his good reputation. -J' After the raid yesterday Zetesch came to police headquarter to protcat against : th action of Patrolman Anderaon, but received but llttl satisfaction from Chief Grltimaehsr. Th liquor dealer pointed with pride to th fact that he aold Just aa good whiskey and wlnea for a nickel aa dispensed by uptown re sorts for a bit -: .. - According to th authorltlea tha In toxicant old by Zetesch ar on a par with the vil tun dispensed by the defunct Chines "gin Joints,? and the habitues of th' plac ar th former patrons of these resorts. '1 ws Informed yesterday afternoon by a eltlien that Zetesch' saloon was on of tha worst place In th city and. that drunken men wer lying all over th place," says Fttxgorald. "I reported the matter to Chief Urltxmacher and the raid followed, - Th office found three or four mtn lying In a drunken stupor on th floor of the resort I interviewed three of tb drunkarda arrested and upon their statements that - they had been , given liquor when already IntoaJcated. the attention of th license committee to th resort aa It should be put out of buetness at once." " Three men found In Zeteaoh'a plaee- this morning when th warrant a were erved wer also brought to tha atatlon and booked on charge of vagrancy. Illustrative of th deadly character of the wines sold In . th saloon, 1 th statement by on of those arrested yea- . terday to th affect that threw drink of so called sherry cauaed him to be come beastly Intoxicated. ROCKPILE FOR A DEAF MUTE At Least Burns ' Pretended He Was Afflicted, but Judge Has His Poubts. Hr I a copy of th scrawl. W. Burns, a stalwart vagrant with a deep baiiton vole handed to ympathatio pedestrians when soliciting alms: . . "A Mute Appeal. Having lost say speech and hearing I. appeal to yota for assistance. Will you help a deaf mute, atranger. whan you meet on b dla treaa. . Whll your 11 f la kept from danger other aeala are laid to rest Tour assistance will b th mean of helping me cur an education br which I hop to better my condition." Burn In company with Ed Clearr wa arrested1 yesterday br Patrolman ' Golts on a charge of vagrancy. When brought befor Judge Cameron - thl morning ther wa no evidence of deaf ness or any mpedtment. in hi speech. After the charge had been read to him by Clerk Hennessy, th prisoner entered a plea of guilty and Judge Cameron gav him 00 day on th reck pile, dur ing which time he will have an oppor tunity of improving hla education. Cleary, who acted a spokesman for Burns on th begging expeditions, wa given a sentence of 10 daya. OLD-TIME PAL HELPS HIMSELF Mr. New Now Very Sorry He Ever Saw Jeff Dover . Again. Although George New of III -Grand avenue had not seen' Jeff Dover for over IS yeara, yet today he 1 lamenting-the renewal of the old friendship. New, after meeting hi boon companion of bygone days. Invited him to his honta and, after swapping reminiscence until a tat hour, showed Dover to th par bedroom. This morning, upon arising. New found that his former friend had si lently stolen away during the night and i Incidentally annexed about 11. A detee--I tlve is now searching for th mlaeing J Mr. Dover. -i. i ' ' i SENATE FOR NATIONAL 1 PARK IN NORTH IDAHO (WathltMrtaa Hnra tit The ioetn.l V Washington. I. C, Feb. 33. Senator Hey burns bill for tha creation of a national park In Northern Idaho pst th senate toddy. It provides .that the Couer tfAlene Indians shall be compen sated for their lamia to be taken tor park purposea. ' ' -; . ' ' ' DEMOCRATS PLEDGED TO : MUNICIPAL OWNERSHIP (Jmirnat StieetKl gervVe. ) i f'hlraao. iVu. :a The platform which the iH'nmcrntlc city convention adiiptwi tn-lnv savs: "The iH-ititk-ratle T""''V W Jili'ilrvil t' mnn!rli; O'Afl I ' I'M tj ho ut I ;i 1 1 . ' il- j V ; H ti A ' ! 1