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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, 'SATURDAY s EVENING. FEBRUARY S3.. 1C07. ilOIITSQQl EOJOY HOE CHASE . Hunt Club Members Hold Excit- - . Ing Chase Over an Ex cellent Course.' ."-. H. H. HERDMAN IS FIRST - ON SPEEDY JOHN BOCGS Largo Fteld of Rider Turn Out and Enjoy Closed Event In Cfelebra : tloa of WashrogtonV Birthday . Run in Wu Ono of tho Principal Features of the Day. The Portland Hunt C1U0 m amber i-cle- bra ted Washington's birthday by riding ti.rnn.K a dosed Doner chaa in th Th chaa waa won by H: H. Herdman . m jAhn . Knm Jamea Alexander on -, Call Bond waa second, Darld Patullo on Bernato wag third, and Mlaa Maud Hahn n Lulu JL. waa fourth. Tha course waa laid out by Mlaa Ann . Shogren and EL T. Chaa and waa one of rh nrettieat ever ridden oyer by th local riders. It was about six mil long! through carefully selected country, con . talned numerous clvrly constructed " blinds and at leaat 10 good lump. Th start was mad on th Ba Lin road near the foot of Mount Tabor. Th ' rider asaerobled at 1:18 and at t:3f Act Ing Matter of Hounds Ralph H, Jenkins ,-. sounded the feativ horn and Mrs. r. u. Buffum on Toner led. th field, setting - tricky pac.- Just- as ta rider, got ' under way. surpria appeared In th ' snap of stiff Jump with, a yawning ditch ahead. Ther was some very . clever Jockeying and Jumping don In L faster ttnra-than It taiea to relate, but - ail got over safely, and away went th ntlr field' through hill and dale, over fences and through th beautiful wood land In that section of th country. Mrs. Buffum proved an expert at passing np the blinds and, after being successful ', several times, a good alsed bunch of tho ' riders kept In close touch with her lead. . Mrs. Buffum finally took a deceptive .blind and th main trail was picked np by T. T. Strain. In a littl while Mr. ' ' Strain want down on of th lanes that - ar so vary misleading, and th' lead " reverted to Mrs. Buffum, who maln- talned It to th point wber tn -run tn" j paper started, not participating in the mad dash to th finish. Th "run In" was exciting to a degree, Mr. Herdman, Mr. Patullo. Mr. Alexan. der and several others coming on in ' rapid haste. From that point to th ... '. tap ther waa n great display of speed ' and good horsemanship, and the riders finished in close order. Mr. Herdman, ' ! Mr. Alexander, Mr. Patullo and Miss Hahn. : - "., Mr. Herdman" rod a" aplendld race, considering th foxy . tactics of John , ' The day was a trlfl dark for. the chase, but withal It 'could be classed as , ideal. ; The rain of yesterday morning did not affect th footing of th horses. . so th riders took mor daring chanoes u i consequence: - Those who rod through were: Mrs. . . O. Buffum, Mrs. A. 8. Norton, Mrs. Spencer. Mrs. Edmonds, Mrs. Blythe, - Mrs. Cronln, Mrs. Clarence Nichols, C. ' H. Loadbetter, Mlaa dimming. ' Miss - f- Hahn, Miss Lawrence, J. W. Chapman, - Harry Corbett, J. C. Mueha, James Nlcol. I.' Emmet Drake. T. T. Strain, James Alexander. R. V. Holder, R. E. Eldrldg. W. Vollmnnn, Sam Kerr, Ambrose Cro nln, H. H. Herd li a a. Dr.' Wood, Xr. . ' Coughlan, L. I. Pagett. D. A. Patullo, Dr., Camming and Frank Wilder. COMMERCIAL BOWLERS DO SOME GOOD ROLLING Tb picked bowling teams. Commercial club No. 1 and No. 1, that will represent . ' Portland at to Denver tournament, ar ; rounding into good shape. Their per- lormance of last night was a decided tm - provernent over any match they have played so far. ; Tb high average. 101. j was mad ty both Kruae and Hamilton. Knars and Ball were going some, each averaging 102.. Krus captured th highest singl gam, 15. Tb scores: COMMERCIAL CLUB No. 1. ! '. " . ' S Ave. Fall ...............114 111 tOO 101 Barbour , 1(4 !0 141 Keating 1(1 171 171 Krus JOS 1(4 1S McMonomy ...ll ; ill ill 171 114 lot 111 Total ...119 2 1(1 Grand total. 1,125 pins. COMMERCIAL CLUB No. Moo- , , Hanson . McMontas Kneys Hamilton Total HI . Grand total, .? Uni. KID HERMAN WILL WED TOMORROW Chleago. Feb. M. Landfl14Kraff on Sunday, February 24, 1J07, at th TJnlty clubhouse. Mis Matilda draff t Herman Landfield. known to tha fight ing worm as K.ia Herman, For th "KM" I -rnln' to be married "' -J ; Alkaline Antiseptic Makes the gums strong and healthy, gives the . teeth a pearly lustre, purifies .the breath. What more could you ask of SOZODONT? Do' not experiment with dentifrices. .. The . teeth will not stand itT : "v- Stand by SOZODONT and the teeth will stand by you. - : ; .... - 2HO 1. , . Ill Art. 1 1 1T 111 .....1TI 111 IIS 177 ..........149 144 . Ill 111 11 H ll 3 .....IU 171 IS 101 124 4S 2 - In th momln'." or rather In th ven Int. for lf.rn.ll th hour fixed for th ceremony.! Th affair waa originally Mi for today, but on looking; at tba calendar tba "Kid" sold o "11" for hi a. So It waa deferred oo day. And It' coins t b a swell, bang-up affair. Th bride-elect heiong to Die oeeii vterman society In Chicago and there la expected to be t great outpouring of guests for th ceremony. Though tnia win mars th "Kid's" debut In society ha doea not purpose to go back on hi old friend. Whan th invitation war aent out for th wedding th Hat Included th name f many of th lada who formerly worked at th bench aid by aid wltb Herman. - In thoaa day th "Kid" wa a bruah maker and th only match making he did waa to engag In a Saturday night bout for f 19 la a hall over a sa loon, in Wcat Randolph street. YESTERDAY'S RACING AT ' NEW ORLEANS TRACK .' (Jearael gpeelsl Semes.) T"Nw Oralans, - Feb. 13. Fair Grounds results: . ? . Five furlongs, selling Donna, Elvira won, Aleut second. Envollo third; Urn. 1:01. . Seven furlongs Wes won, Ohleyesss second. Butter Miss third: time. 1:24 i-T. ; Six furlongs, handicap Emergency won, Bellas trom second,. Kohlnoor third; tlm. 1:11 1-6. Martha Washington - handicap; four furlongs Molly Montrose won, Nota aulga, second. . Lattlc third: . tlm. :47 4-B. - . ., On mil - and 70 . yard. selling Doubt won, Gargantua second, Slcamous third; time, 1:4. One mile-and on eighth.' selling Dkabr won. Evl Green second. Louis MacFsrlan third; time, 1:14 l-. t . i ',, At Hot Springs. (Journal Boedsl Barrtes.) -Hot Springs. Artr Fh. 31. Oaklawn rae reaults: Four furlongs-Aunt Rose" won. Aunt Hala second, Far third; tlm. 0:41. Four furlongs Lady Hapaburg won, Dandy Dancer second. Flarnby ' tblrd; tlm. 0:41 t-i. . - Six furlongs Sir Vagrant won. Juna Tim second,' Ballad third; time, 1:14. On mil and 70 yards High Bear won. Bottles second, Floriset .third; tlm. 1:44. . i On mil 7. P. Maybwrry won. Tomo. ehlchl aeoond. Skyward third; . tlm, 1:41 1-i. ' On mil and on quarter Kitty Piatt won, ' Bend I go . second. Match third; tlm. 2:0 i-i. l RACE TRACK RESULTS DOWN IN CALIFORNIA flmnul SneH.I'..t "Oakland. rb. IJ. Resulta of race: Six . . furlongs,, . selling Princess Wheeler won. Dr. Sherman second. Lord Kelson third; time, l:lf 4-1. On mile and 10 yards, selling Jak Mooes won. Burnolett second. Lone Wolf third; time, 1:48. " Five and on half furlonga. 'pura Shot Gun won, Dolly Dollars second,' Hector third; time, 1:01 1-1. Th California. Derby. 11.100 added. one mil and on quarter, 1-year-olds Teniae eo won. Vox Fopull - second. Ocean Shor third; time, 1:10 2-6. On mil and 100 yards, selling. S-year-olds and upward Mandator won, Avonalis second. Sa tell te third; time, 1:40 4-1. Bit furlongs,' -purse. - l-year-olds-t Kokomo won, Mltr second, Sam Barber third; time. 1.17, . ' ' At Ixs Angeles. : (Iwrul gpeeiat gervlee.t ' Los Angeles. Feb. 23. Ascot race summary: , Six furlongs-DOn"Domwon, Am pedo second, Bryan tblrd; time,. 1:11. Four furlongs, pura Martha Jan won. Maa-asln second, Creston third; tlm. 0:41. Washington handicap, .on mile OHlene won. Molessey second, ' 3. F. Donohu third; tlm. 1:424. The Ascot Derby, 12.000 added. Brooks oours Colonel Jack won, Llv- tus second, Arlmo third; time, t:04H. Five and one-half furlonga Banlada, won; Illusion, second; Derdom, third. Tlm. 1.01 l-. Sixth race, als furlongs Search Me. won; Blue Bottle, second; Susie Chris tian, third. Time 1:11. CROSS COUNTRY RUN ; BY 0. A. C. STUDENTS fgpernri Plspscrh . t The Jonrnal.1 Corvayis. Or., Feb. 21. The cross country ran, th annual sporting event at O. A. ,C, took place yesterday. "Th tart was mad at 2:10. . It was a four mil course oyer all character of ground. Th winnera were. Seniors Spires first, tlm. ' ST minutes flat; Brodl second. Foster snd Bllyeu also ran. Juniors 'Hod" Davolt first time, 14 minute 41 seconds; Winniford second; Hayes also ran. Sophomores Totten first, time, 11 minutes (4 seconds: Oviatt second, tlm. 21 'minutes II seconds; Brown and Howsrd also ran. - Freshmen Croas first, time, 14 minutes; Johnson second: John Kelly. Smith, Halley, liockwood, Keady and Burton also ran. The men have been training for a month. Gold medals will be awarded for all firat place men. - Within a month the final, tryout takes, plac among th winners yesterday. BASEBALL CHATTER Th veteran Perry Werden wfil nmplr In th American association th coming season. . Ton) McDermott, manager of th Fast en team In the hew Atlantlo league, played with Newark In lt!-. '.'. .' -So far as. Is known President Comis key baa had littl If any trouble In signing th champion Whit Sox. When th "Old Roman" tells them what they ar worth they believe It. 1 ..".. ... .1 : Since Ned Hanlon ha been booking comedians and Connie Mack signing all th "BingvlU Rubins" for a "Hi Plunkard" outfit, w bav been expecting to hear that soma llv manager bed en gaged several tinseled peach to do th hurdle on horseback. Hoop-la! ...: A Pittsburg scrlb haal last told them. H gay. "As tb Pirat now stand they won't do." At times It Is bard to mak son people understand what everybody on , th outstd has known for years. ; - ....; ..' Hustisy Jennings hag mad an arly start for Hot Springs with several of tb Detroit Tlgars. . .'.. ' ! Fred Parent of th Boston Americana la holding out for a thr-yar contract, which maks th Hub fans wonder If they will bav to stand for thro years more of teat season' bank, . Only IT players rem at a of tho larg number who started with th American toagu tn 10L . 7 Pitcher -7alsh of tho: Whltej Sox fanned WUi Keeler twico-laat year. Has WUll eurted to CO back I .i . ....... ,, j . .1 y.a C. A. BOYS EKD ill EXCITIKG CAH1PAIGH Competition for Members Ex cites Interest Among the Young Men of Institution. A banquet In 'th T. M. C A. gymnn alum last night marked the close of a ten days membership campaign in tn jjoys- uepartment of the i. ju. c- a - Th work was- don by nineteen teams Of ten boys each. The team prise for securing th great. sst number of new member was won by Burdlch's aggregation with Frontier a CIos second..- Th Individual p rites of on year. six month a, and thre month respec tively wer won by Llndsley Kos ana Burt Burdlck. with Frank. Lewis and Cecil Browse a tl for third. koss cured I, Byrdlok I snd th boys who tied for third plac each secured t new members. . '' Excitement ran high during th last few days of the campaign. Boys cam ts 6nlhi fun t6 kfinoimco new mem bars and crowds waited In . suspense whll boys-went-out to Interview pros pective members. . Any member who bad a prospect In tow was allowed th privilege of taking him for a swim In th pooL This re sulted la th dressing room shower baths, and pool being worked to the fullest capacity during tha last week of the contest.' Last avanlng at :10 all of th boys who bad secured on or mor new members wer on band to partak of th banquet which was spread In th gym. . . ' Th orchestra nlayed wniie xn ooy ate. , After th banquet all adjourned to tha auditorium wher Mr. Herlour, chairman of th boy- board, compli mented thn boys on their splendid work Mr. Rhodes spoke briefly on the patriot Ism manifested In such contest and Mr. Hal announced that- another eon teat . would begin today and contlnu until March 1 to allow th boy to bring In tb friends that wer almost ready to Join but who had to wait until after tho firat of the month. . PENTATHLON EVENTS- : v ATY. M. C. A. GYMNASIUM A Ur crowd turned out last evening towtness-th Penthalon vut at th T. M. C. A. Th young nthletes- per formed In a creditable manner and re ceived considerable applause . for their good work. Sliver and brons medals wer given to the victors. Th sum mary: - High-- lump Bheet first, - waiDy, Hart man; distance, t feet Incbe. Pol vault Burns first. Sheets, Wol- by; dlatanoe, feet Inches. Shot put Saub first. Hart man. wet- terbery; dletance, 11 feet I Inches. F- Hundred-yard -dash Bneets .tlrst, Burns, Walby; time, 11 1- seconda. Mil run Backus first. Hartman. Jameson: tlm. t minutes II seconda The following athletes Won brons medals: Ft, Hartman, Jameson, WaL by. Backus, Webber and Wctterberg. . WILLAMETTE LOSES TO DALLAS COLLEGIANS (Special D'loetrfe te Tb learssl.) Salem. Feb. M. Willamette university lost her hold on the state basketball championship last ovanlng by losing to Dallas college In one- -of th moat hotly contested and roughest game probably seen her for many moons. Th final aeor waa n to 15, and when th whistle blew "Old Willamette's "chance for th stat trophy wer shattered. The absence of Whlppl from tb university ' lineup materially crippled the local team. Th lineup Dallas. Willamette. Simpson Pollard, Moor . Price, Pollard Forbes, Nelson Parcel Craven Launder Bhaw .... Morton . Arnold ..Forward ..Forward. ...Center.. ...Guard... ...Ouord... Referee Mn Thorp. Tim of halves 20 mlnutea. BRITISH CHESS TEAM V LEADS IN TOURNAMENT New Tork, Feb, ' 11. Tb interna tional Chess tournament opened yester day by cable. Ten players represent the American and British teams. Th result of th day's play waa a victory for th British team, two gomes to one, th Americana capturing only th first. Tb British team Is composed of Mit chell. H: E. Atkins, J. H. Blackburn, Amos Burn, Dr. H. H. Holmes, T. F. Lawrence, J. F. Lee, d. W. Richmond, H. W. Shoe smith and W. Ward. Tb American team consists of F. J. Marshall. J. F." Barry. A. B. Hodges, C E. Howell, 8. W. Bampten. M. Morgen. A. K, Robinson, H. O. Volght, O. H. Wolbrecht. 11 H. Helms snd C. B. HowelL ; ' ' . ' . JACK O'BRIEN IS FOULED BY ABDUL MALAGAN ' (Joorasl gpeelal terries.) Los Angeles, Feb. 23. In a one-sided fare fight bars last night Abdul Mala gan fouled Jock O'Brien In th fifth round and all beta wer declared off. O'Brien attempted to stop thre men In six rounds-each In th earn evening and tackled th alleged son of Turkey first. Th Turk failed to land a blow except ing th foul on. ' " V Th crowd wanted their money back and also som mor fighting. Jim Flynn and Jack Tremble then boxed four rounds, but th spectators lert tn Build ing in an unhappy f ram or mind. BRIEF SPORT ITEMS At Chicago last night Charles Hack- en schmldt was thrown two out of thre by Wrestler John Rooney, alndy City policeman. -..,- " ': Ruf Turner was knocked out last night at MarysvUle, California, by "Cy don Thompson, In th eleventh round. e . Th Riverside Driving club director held their monthly meeting last evening and received reports from th different committees. Th new officers wer in stalled. Dr. Emmet Drake taking th presidency. At a later meeting th sprinkling of roads proposition will be taken up and discussed. SPORTING GOSSIP General Nelson A. Miles Is now a regular la th ranks of the Boston peedway drivers. . He la driving a pli or nice-looking trotter and claims that they can go fast, vary fast ' . Chaster Goodwin, th Chelsea, fighter, says he Is ready to meet any feather weight In th world.. Cheater has been taking llf easy of 1st and is la Up-top condition. v a-..-.:-,,,.-,., , Whll a number of fight fans ar la Un4 to band M, Squire of Australia LIFE INSURANCE INVESTIGATIONS The effects of the Life Insuranc investigations and disclosures ar plainly ahown In tb amount of nw business don by the various companies during 1101. , . . Only a few of tha companies Inoreaaed their business over that of If 01. The following Incomplete Hat appeared in the Chicago Insurance Field, January 10, 110.7, an.d Is certainly food for reflection: , . i ' compaxzsov op irzw ura nrsuaivoa wtttius nr io ajto loo. -' -: ' ' 1905 , Equitabte, New York.............. $21 5,537,590 v jNiannanan . . . Mkssacbiietts Mutual.. Mutual Benefit Mutual, New York New York Life ' Northwestern' Mutual Pacific Mutual Penn Mutual I ,; Provident Saving! Mate Indiana ' Union Central Union Mutual There was a decrease In amount of and thirty mUlione during tb year, th ww Tork Stat Companies. i a Tew chocolate' drops, ths great m lorlty of ring; follower com from Jop- Un. It ' Is announced that tonight's big aquatla meet at tho New Tork AthleUo club will mark th final appaarano of Charles M. Daniels, th world's cham pion, so far mm long distance swimming Is concerned. Hereafter he will confine blmaalf to th sprinting distances and attempt to put th world's record fig urea below th present marks, which h mmseu noiaa. . e e, . ' A larg entry Hat Is reported for th annual Indoor lntersoholastlo track meet at Brown- university, to b pulled off tonight In Lyman gymnasium. An ndurano bowling contest of 14 hours"" duration,' - with novel - features added. Is on Innovation to be tried In Chicago today and tomorrow. Th nov elties ar that a half-hour rest will be given at the half-way mark, new pins being put on when tb man rsum play: from on to thre man on mor than has been allowed before will be allowed to ntr, and prises will b paid at both th half-way and at th finish. ?To Tour Bermuda. - (Journal KpeeUl' gervtee.) Philadelphia. Feb. tl. A team of Philadelphia cricket players sailed for Bermuda today to play a series of thre game agalnat th crack players of that far-off possession of King Edward. Th games-will be played with ths HamUtoa Cricket club, the Army and' Navy and All-Bermuda. ' "; T . ' Don't be a stranger to a good tea- and eoftee. Schilling's Best. iALLAND, RELATIVES WILL CONTEST WILL (Journal Special Service.) New Haven, Conn., Feb. II. The relatives of Mrs. Carolina Galland, who died at Seattle, leaving ;60.O0O practi cally all to charity and cutting off the relatives here with II each will con test th will. Th local ,heire. It Is Id, ; will . say undu Influences war used." . ' ' Mrs. Galland left her aboufr 40 years ago. . She married a Mr. Cohn In the weat and later waa divorced. She then married a Seattle man named Kline, from whom ah Inherited her large for tune. Her third marriage was to Gal land. . . ' " - . . , Mrs. Galland leaves a brother here. Iaaao Rosenberg,'' and nephews ' and nieces to th number of eight, th lat ter including 8. C. Rosenberg, an attor ney, who has been eswaged . by local heirs to ear for their interests. Other heirs ar Benjamin and Isaao Goodman, of ' Philadelphia, formerly of this city; Joseph Rosenberg., of - New Tork,' and Lena Sternberg, of - Albany. Oregon; Samuel Rosenberg. Carrie Hlmmelhoch and Charles and Edward Roaenberg, of Seattle. - Metsger fits your eyes for 11.00. Ill Sixth street, near Washington. Memorial to Adam. Jenrasl Rpeelal Berries, ) Washington. Feb. 21. Addresses will b delivered In tb house Monday In eulogy of th life, character ana publio services of th 1st - Representative Henry C Adam of th Second district of Wisconsin. Th spankers will Include th various members of th Wisconsin delegation and other leaders on both sides of th aisl. Th Wisconsin As sociation of th Dlatrlot of Columbia has arranged to attend th axercUe In a body. ' ' ' - ' Xadorsed by th Oonvnty. "Th most popular remedy In Otsego eounty, etnd tha best friend Of my fam ily," writes Wm. M. Diets, editor snd publisher of the Otsego Journal, Gil bertsville, N. T., "Is - Dr. King's New Discovery. It has proved to b an In fallible cure for coughs and oolds, making short work of the worst of them. We alwaya keep a bottle In th house. I believe It to be the moat val uable prescription, known for Lung and Threat diseases.' Guaranteed to never disappoint the taker. by Red Cross Pharmacy. Price (Oo and 11.00. Trial bottle f re. Do hot , take chances on It wearing away or experiment with some unknown preparation which may leave the bronchial tubes and lungs weakened and Busceptible to attack froia the germs of Pneumonia or Consumption. . ' , not only; stops the cough but. heals and strengthens the lungs and prevents serious results ' from a cold. Contains no opiates. ' Be Sure You Get Foley'e ' Thers art substitutes mad to sU oa the ff ood name of Foley 9 Honey mnd Tr. Beware of them. You should bays confidence la cough curs that has bees sold with nivral aatlsfactloa for . thirtj-fiva yeari. The ' fenuln Foley 0 Honey mnd Tut is la yellow Packar. Sea that 70s get it. , . Three ilxes V 1906 $80,000,000 ; . 11,000,000 24.722,000 61,000,000 . 90,000,000 165,000,000 V 95,000,000 . . 20,000,000 ' " 70,000,000 . . 12,000,000 18,000,000 35,000,000 10,000,000 , 15.705,672 ' 26,819,623 " 6O,73,770 183,265,162 314,900,669 94,736,828 33,983,000 69,195,442 28,073,468 30,209,567 41,571,486 9.851,486 ) 4k Insuranc written of about four hundred four hundred millions of which, waa in , , - ' , ' v HIM 1 iXf Th Malar Frank a to re has been un dergoing a sort of cyclonlo tearing up, and shifting of department lately, that has landed th moil order department on th fourth floor, giving th old mail order quart rs nUrly ovar to th gen eral offloes. Th art department has been moved to th fourth floor, th plctur department to th third floor, th cloak department, much enlarged, occupies part of the fourth ' floor, as also do th blanket, furniture and baby oarrlage department. Excavating - Is going on under the Fifth street sidewalk to mak extra room for storing base ment goods, whll th wholes! toy department baa been entirely removed from th main stor to th warehouse at Seventh and Taylor streets. Expansion Is ths cry. along vry line, and every posalbl means is being used to provid more apao for handling th normou stock of goods now on Us way and to com later, from the east Th toy man is at present n jrans in tn in terests of th littl mothers who are rather Inconstant on th whol and de mand brand new doll-bablea every year. This Is th first time In tb history of western commerce that a buyer baa been sent to .foreign markets to eull their best for th holiday trade. Three mor buyers r to leave this week" for th aaat, whll tho who left earlier ar returning now with their quota of th best th market affords la their particular lines. Mr. R. F. Oough, buyer in the sho department, baa Just re turned,' with tb largest assortment of shoes on th way ' th Stor has over brought to th city. He says low shoes ar to be worn almost exclusively. In patent leathers, gun metal." ton, and white. There's quit a rag on again for ' th tan shoes. And whll th wholesale prices hav advanced. Mr. Gongh bought tn such quantities and so early as to keep th prices about as they bar, been for retail customers. On the whole, tb groat stor seems to be on tb Jump ftpm top to bottom to take ear of th gratly - Increased business, and Its corresponding Increase of stock. It's a Western beehiv with out any drones. . The windows of B. Bromberger A Co.. th Washington street clothiers, hav been rendered unusually attractive to passers-by lately by reason of extreme ly clever cards, tb work of Mr. Mau rice Bromberger. that hav adorned them. Toung Bromberger is a very clever pen and Ink artist Oregon lost tb chance of claiming another ralnent cartoonist whan he-gave up this career, on which be had so well started In New Tork, to return to Portland and remain in th clothing business with his father. Mr. Bromberger drawing is strong, and bis Ideaa ar always 'original and clearly worked out Th window cards, of oours. allow but a limited expres sion of hi ability In this Una, but vn these constantly catch' th attention of people passing. .Aside from the tarda, th windows ' ar most tastefully arranged, and the showing of new goods inside is extremely attractive, particul arly a lln of shadow plaid suits tn beautiful grays, and a lln of tobacco brown a. " ; . ' ' Marx Sk Bloch, tb big diamond poop! at 14 Third street, report an advano of I per eent In diamonds th past week, and predict an advano of 11 per eent before th close of th year. "Diamonds ar th surest and safest Investment tn th world today, emphatically declared Mr. Bloch. "They ar way ahead of real aetata, and any on who doubts th sincerity of my own faith In them has but to take a look at my windows at th present tlma W hav men In New Tork ' and San Francisco constantly watching auction sales and picking up r? ssxam -25c, 50c and $1.00. Tha 50-ceot'slza contains two and one-half times as ranch as . . ana toe i.w Dottie almost gig tlmee aa much. SOLD O nECC"HICED DY ALL. DRUGGISTS UST SWEAR TO OE IIQnORABLE Nsw Sscrst. Soclstv Started With Branches In Y. M.' C. A. . Buildings of Country. AFFILIATED KNIGHTS OF PROGRESS IS NAME Order Ha Utnal and Ofcjlgntlons Taken Includo, am Oath Norer to Knowingly Do Dishonest Act Agree) to Forfeit Job. '. (Jearnst Special Berries.) New Tork, Feb. IS. A new secret so ciety, the plan of which war prepared tTflyTta1rreT" 08a1ieon. ha been eetab- llahed hero by th Toung Men's Chris tian Association and chapters ar being organised In Toung Men's Christian As sociation branches throughout th coun try. - - . ' Th obligations . taken by neophytes Include an oath nvr knowingly to d a dishonest set, members pledging them selves to leave their places f mploy ment rather than violate this , swore promlsa eolgeon," who, died last Monday, was director of th Toung Ma'a Christian Association employment bureau, and be arranged this secret order to better maintain th lnfluano of th -Toung Man's Christian Association over tho for whom th association found places Of employment -v ' Tb nam chosen for th order Is th Affiliated Knights of Progress. A chap ter baa been organised In Brooklyn and Initiations took plac ther last night Sessions for th spread of th order ar to be held aooa at Boston, Philadelphia and Cleveland. Th, order has a ritual. Tha grand master at Initiation wears a rod rob and can, th master of education wears a black student's rob and th m eater of commerce a rob adorned with flags. It la not necessary to belong to the Toung Men's Christian Association or any- particular religious denomination to be eligible to, membership. WHY WOMEN OF VICTORIA WANT CHINESE LET IN (gpeetal TOtrnate te The JoreL) Victoria. B. C Feb. 11. Tb woman of Victoria are opening a strong cam paign against th law which praetloally prohibit Chinee Immigration by Im posing a head tax of 1600. They have undertaken to petition th authorities and petitions are being - signed very readily by th women. They stat that they car nothing for politics, but want help la their Kitchens, Chinaman being th mala reeort for domestic servoats. They ar determined to press th peti tion to th limit and Insist upon th lowering of th barrlars and letting this class of domes tio servanta in. ' Mrs, Sparks Alleges) Cruelty. ! 'Speetal Dispatch t Te Jesraol.) Pendleton. Or, Feb. 21. A suit for divorce has been filed against Nordlca H. Sparks by Lena Sparks; th com plaint being of cruel and Inhuman treat ment They were married la Douglas eounty In June. 1104. They have no children. . ' Milwauklv Country Club. - Eastern and California race. Take Sellwood and Oregon City oars at Firat and Alder. all th diamonds they can put their hand on. Any on who bought dia monds a year ago. can gat. a higher prlc now at his retail store than h paid for them.". f j . ' 11 r7.H e. ILr. 2 iffffl A Rothei Testifies " This la to eertlfr that my daughter was down for almost on rear with s cold. Tba doctors finally proaounced it consumption. We had rives ttp hope for her recovery. I was none 7 ana 1 ar. 1 gave it nu to ner in toe cougn, a oa gave her rest. I sent and began giving it. la three month's not be too much aai4 is favor of Foley's Honey and Tar. It saved my child's Ufa. Mrs. George Batson, FounUla Grove, Mo, A HARD STRUGGLE. Many a Portland Citizen Finds the Struggle Hard.4 With a back constantly aching, . - distressing urinary disorders, ' - Dally xl stance la but a struggle. r'--; No need to keep It up. j . Doan's Kidney Pills will euro yen. - Portland pooplo end ore this claim W. Janidns of 421 East MU1 street.' Portland. Oregon. Bays: "I hav no '00 eaalon to change anything that I said three year ago la recommending Doan's Kidney pills, for since that tlm other members of our , family hav found ' equally beneficial resulta In treating kidney complaint Before using Doan's Kidney Pills Z sufferod with acute at tacks of backache and a derangement -of the action of th kidneys, and dull, dragging pains mad It difdoult for m of using this fin remedy I have been fr from kidney complaint and back-' ache for over three yeara, and therefor feel great confidence tn reoommeTimhay them to other. ; - , .. For sol by all dealers, Prioe 10 oantaJ Foatar-Mllbnrn a Buffalo. New YarteJ' sole agents for th United States, Remember th nam DOAN'S aadi take no other.' OSTEOPATHY TOM A XOsOTWl $12.00 Per Month tl XlrksvUle Infirm a- rr Of - Ostaonathv room II Orand The atr building. Wash ' ingtoa and Park.. Dr. Sommer, grad nat la madioln had eataopathy and, Zormarly profeaaor at th Still CoUeg) of ostoopatny, man- gr. Sccffs Ssnfal-Pejsia Cspsclasi A POSITIVE CURE TrarTnflsm toe Bladder end Mmm4 Kid- rs. BO OCXs SO tar. Oares Icklr ead seremaeatiy Ike worst eesae of as iim. Be itar of Sow long steaoUK, ifeselstelf ermiMS. Hnir exscsieie. rnoe, or or sui, aold. (LoaTl ssses. kt-ia THE SAXTAL-PEPSIS COU by AO ttrarrteta. VYcnan m mama mw abrannt grkea awtnArmr maktll. Wkwiiacj bora wss arririnet tZu est M o Cenneiesu it am eenDoteasMf wmm oUier. bat id la llluMTBte w. n tall pftrtlealert a pftrtlealerssaddtreetloiw la- ' 1 es. M sr.. tiw oaau vsiueM WOaaaAB, OLAAKg OO. AVO LaVa-SATIat iiiuK uo a Bxuaaa. 4 MSM7; WE BEST TIME I TO PAINT Is during th warm months, when th woodwork la thoroughly dry. T Us BAT 8TATB ready to use paints X and yon will be surprised how easy. X It la to do, and more surprised to i flag how much yon will save by T umoff n yourawx. TIIE BIG PAINT STORE Fishcr.Thorscn & Co. non euro Komaxso-aT snuBaTa Z X givea a sample bottle of Foley's anout three hoars. It stopped next day and bought a 50c . bottle time she was well. There can tho small slat V ' ' ' Bold a '.v v" jo, sfvos YV I I taatlve Ui-orao QiasSi IMeCeixM-sOMDir A