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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SATURDAY' EVENING, FEBRUARY 23. 1807. It SOLICITORS T OFF FROH SHIPS Rul In Vogu on Atlantic Coast Placed In Force Here This ' - Morning. . PERMISSION MUST BE . ; HAD TO BOARD VESSEL Oriental Line Nomuti Pint to Be V Affected by the Enforcement of " Rulo Tblcb Heretofore Hu Been Ignored Here. ; The doien or more solicitors, who ' . wnt to mt tho German atamr tfnmantla when she arrived thla mora ,-v.-'- tag at Montgomery dock were surprised v 7 PO being lefused permission to com ;. a board by the cuntom faouae officers, ,-"'" each on preaantad am erdar . irora the officer In charge of the deck. Some secured permlaalon and othara . galled. . Tba regulation came like thunderbolt from a elear sky but it Ta aid that it will meat with general ap . giroval After having- bean tried . for a In explanation tba enatnm kanu af. fleers who kept guard at the gangplank UUd that the rule prohibiting people stow ooaraing foreign ateamera haa been In rogue for a long time on the lAtlantto eoaat but out hare the law baa never been observed. For many months peat there haa axlated eonsld arable rivalry between solicitors for. the phipohandlera and other bualaeasea that sjater to the trade of the ahlpa. - and ... Competition grew so .warm that lt. be eame customary for aome of them to . fcoard incoming vle down the river from launch. One of the flnne ob- Coteo to tne expense of hiring a anch every time s ahln earn In and o In order to get on even deal own piainea to the euatoma department in Washington with the result that In structions were iaaued to allow no en 'ton board until such person haa pres " tooted permlaalon from the captain or the off leer in charge. The. new -rule "will mean that whatever favoritism la '. Bhown In the distribution of basin nrtu be aettled at the gangplank inatead al on Board of the steamer aa the solid ' lor having the frlendahln of the miwi .In authority to buy will get aboard while lla oompetltor may have to whistle and rait on tho dock, , The Numantla was t days making an run rrom xoKonama to th Colura tla river.' Captain Fnaa la fining the position of Captain midmann who waa taken atck at Hongkong with the grip. - (The officers report nigh aeaa bat no evere storms oomlng across. A great Heal of Tory cold weather waa experi enced and thla made it disagreeable i for tb eoolle Bailors. , - , The Numaatla'a earea consist af tone of eoeU. aome for the Walla "Walla penttentlaryv and about l.oo tons , px general Chin merchandise, flh win load full cargo of floor outward. : ) HERE FOR LUMBER tVorwcfljut Steamer Tbrrs Arrives ;-, From 8aa Frejadooo.''';1 The Norwegian steamer Thyra, Cap , aln Peterson, and tho steamer Alliance, , Captain Kelly, arrived In the harbor last night, the former from San Fran cleoo and the latter from Cooe Bay. The Thyra went to the mills of the Portland Lumber company and com x roeneed' loedlng lumber for China. . The Thyra met with an accident since here about six montha ago and haa been undergoing repel rs at San Ftan clsoo for quite a while. Captain Berger Is now at San Francisco figuring ap the . amount or tne damage to toe hull and when that haa been completed he will Laswrobebly leave for Norway to bring o m v e a4 v w w fcsyoai n vjt. The ateamer Alliance arrived tap at S o'clock last night and docked at the foot of Couch street She brought a in all ahlpment of coal, about 1.(0 caaa of salmon and a lot of general freight. She brought 41 passengers, ALONG THE WATERFRONT The French bark Jaquee will flntah dlacharglng cement thla afternoon. Bha Is under charter to load wheat for Europe. The ateamer Strathord will probably '' finish loading wheat at the Oceanlo ; . dock thla afternoon. She haa been la the harbor for a long time. The British ship Brodick Castle shift' d from the mills of Inman, Poulaen Company to Linton, this morning. . The ateam schooner Chas. Nelson Is - due to arrive here this evening, as la also the Harriman liner, Costa Rica Inman. Paulsen Sc Company intend ' erecting a new wharf alongside of the eld one from which lumber la now be ing loaded. The new wharf will bar bout 1(0 feet of frontage. A. Johanasn, a Oram an of th ateem- , or Hereul, lost f 110 yeaterday ' by dropping it into the -river. He atooped ovar and the pocketbook alld into the water. - The ateamer Meteor la . taking coal at the bunkera Her place will soon be ' taken by the Japanese steamer Kotohira Mam. which la ready to sail for Japan, - except tor the lack of 409 tone of coal In her bunkera rto ateam ' achooner Jim Butler la loading lumber - at Urrnton. . She will finish Monday night and sail for . San Th steamer KUburn left op at lt:f I a. m. ana nnouia raon uu uei a oca at o'clock tonight 4-. E. B. Edward a, local inspector of tiulla haa recovered from an attack ef pneumonia and will be at bia office In the custom-house building Monday. - The North PaclOo Steamship eom- pany'a stesmer Roanoke, Captain Dun ham, la due to arrive bare tomorrow. She left Eureka 'yesterday afternoon, MARINE NOTES Astoria, Feb. lis Left np at T a. in. Steamara Atlas and Redonda 'Arrived down, at 1:19 a. m. Steamer Johaa Poulaen. Arrived at T:! and left op at 11:10 a.; m. Steamer F. A. KUburn, from SaU' Francisco and way porta. Ar rived at 7:10 and left op' at t:tO a. m. Stamr Chaa Nelaon. front San Fran eiseo. Arrived own at t:IO a m. Brlt lh ateamer Cymerlo. Left uO at (a tn. Fhlps Klwell and Blntram. Arrived At 1140. a m. Steamer Costa, Rica. Soothe the throat and atop a hacking cqugh. A safe and airnple remedy. xboaaeni. STEAM SCHOONER ON TRIAL TRIP . I'M-: r-VSBf , V, r . ' . .' a--,. ... -. . The Halene, Bunt la Hoqlm and Portland. SONG WRITER GIVEN THREE DAYS TO LEAVE THE TOWN Among the celeb ritlea in attendance at the aeaaion of the; police court tbl morning waa James Holohan, the eminent eong writer and author of a number of nnpubllahed ' auoceaaee. Judge Cameron, although Introduced to Mr. Holohan" by Patrolman' OolU who had volunteered to escort the dis tinguished guest to the bench, waa tin- awaro of hla great song writing ability until the prisoner modestly informed the court of his avocation. "Tea air, my business la Yhat et writing eong poems' said Holohan throwing out hla cheat. "WelL what la tho title of your latest sons" asked the court. i "When the Orange Bloaaoma Are In Bloom" replied the defendant. "Any other aong that you have com posed recently T inquired the magis trate. "Tea air I wrote a rag time aeieouon entitled Can't yon Stop, : You're Only Fooling ma" ' 4 - "I mut oonfeea that X did not know that we had auch genlua in. our midst," commented Judge Cameron, "but it la my opinion that the community can well afford to lose you so you. can have uptll t o'clock to leave the city." Humming-'"! don't know where I'm going but I'm on my way" Holohan left the Court room. A part of the chorua ef hla aong. " When the Orange Bloa aoma Are in Bloom" aa dictated . by him to a 'Juo'rnal representative la aa fol lows: , "On the banka of the grand Miami rrrer. - ',. . When the orange blossoms are In bloom. There awaits my dear Ella When the orange bloaaoma are In bloom. How I long for thoee dear childhood daya . When the orange bloaaoma are la bloom." , SEE PICTURES O HEAR ; CM OF SPAI3 Members of Woman's Club Also Proteet Against Slaughter of Birds. '.- An afternoon of muslo and plcturee from Spain, the land ef romance, waa enjoyed by the membera of the Women'a olu yesterday. A large attendance ev- ldnod the interest whloh the sublect I arouaed. Mm, Alloa Welahar gave a talk on Spain, llluetrated by atroptlooa vlawa, many ef which were from her ewn pho tographa. Her rady narrative and keen observations added much to th Intereet of th aubject. ' Senor A. R. Velar delivered an ad dreea in Spanlah on the "Intellectual Conaueat of the Western Hemisphere. Muslo was furnished by the Mandolin and Oultar elub under the direction of the leader. M. B. Pelactoe. and waa much I enjoyed. Two of the composition ran dared were hla own, and they were re ceived with much enthusiasm. J. Adrian Epping sang the Toreador Bona from Carman with much spirit. Under the able - preeldency of Mr. Tmn Johnson, th elub haa enjoyed splendid progress, and aha and bar pro gram committee were mgnry compli mented on the Interest of yesterday s program. At the bualneaa meeting the question of th alaughtar ef aong blrda waa brouaht up and a rssolullon" was paased protesting' against house bill I4T. which haa been the subject of much adveree orttlclsm by bird lovers. Th pridir waa empowered to write to uovernor Chamberlain a algned letter of proteat on behalf of' the elub. QUARTER BLOCK IN . WORTH PORTLAND SOLD Ths rKunkle Invtmnt ompanv purohaaad thla morning' the quarter block at th northeaat corner of. Eigh teenth and Irving atreeta The prop arty belonsed to W. M. Munn. and waa old for 111.000. Four nine-room dwell ing occupy th site .The sale waa made through th agency of Bollam. GruMl Hlgly. Frf erred Stoefe Oaaaed tooeee. Illtn A Lewis' HaM brand. YOUNG DRIVER IS , HURT IN COLLISION Aa the result of a collision between th delivery wagon h wa driving and a oar of th "U" lln at William ave nue and Page street last night, wuilem Pot tar. 14 year of age. residing at 48 Commercial etreet. waa ao serious ly Injured that It wa nary to remove him to et. Vincent' hospital for treatment. Unless complication occur th lad will recover. . COLONIAL COSTUMES ADD LUSTER TO REEEPllOr Rockey Residence Scene of Function of Daughter of ' American Revolution. , . from San Frandaoo. Arrived at 11:11 a .A four-mastsd schooner. Redondo. Feb, XI. Arrived yesterday steamer Aurella. from Columbia river. Eureka. Feb. tl. Bailed at I p. nv Bteamer Roanoke for Portland. Aatoria. Feb. tS.--Arrlvd at 1:1 p. m. Steamere Atlaa and Redondo, from San Frandaco. Astoria, Feb. II. Condition of the bar at I a. nv Smooth; wind oast; weatner clear. AT THE THEATRES The Umpire Tohlsnt and Tomorrow. The Jolly eomedlaa. fred afee. apported br a xeUot east and eneraa, win b tti at. tnctioa et th Bellls tnaatre. reerteenth ad Wtehtnetn street tenlskt end tcmwmue alrkt. the BssleU ewaedy. "The Umpire. Th inear coatalas Bditk Xwrlnstoa. Oeelaia Baker, KaOMria Ban a, Barry Uaalea, Oeorte DasMiel, Heine Saunter, Bradle Uartla, Bert lee. J Mat EUietos sad suay MjMr. nKlao. big tb feawea Umptr 'Throtlers." Beets U huj at theatre foe t SKhta. Daly Maslcal Company Monday Kigbt The asnstl Daly afoaleal CMneasr win present "Tb Cingale" at th Belli theatre aezt Monday a4 Tuesday algkt, rebreary M and t "A Com try Girt" Weonear and Thomday Bight. A hi the caa C ell to Paly thsatre product loe tb eceel laTeatttar t he aeth elaborate and entitle, asd th oenpaay tadlastly eetainel Tb great east aiclud tb Bane et tboafwn eppeerea s th first yreescuoa at vatf'a taeatrs. Harry for "Brother Otfloere,H Thla evealBS win be pfeeated tb last aeo fermases of "Brother Of fl cere," th ela which as arawa each weneerfally epprerhttlv tamtan slcht after Blht a the Baker thla wek. It's the tale of aiaa who won ut la eplte ef rerythfeig and f weaiaa wh oatued t kre la eark s wU aa bright eare. "Mlee Bobbe" next week. V Baker'd Ilnmorxms MMlaa nobbe," ' leal eesnlse hnaiar reus all thraagb tb play aua noboa," wniea win aiake its bow ts Bake aetmns tomorrow aftareeaa. It's a brlsbt easMdy end en ef tb very etorereet thlnir Jeresis K. Jereas ever wrata very lately It bewe that destgauig ' Copld will tine wtn seetmo a womaa s oetersibiatloa to eteel he heart aaalBat kite. Matisse Wad. seeder sad Saturday. "Struck Oil" at tho Lyric. Beftaslng Monday toatlnee a ad oarlaalag all week with a matinee each day, th Lyrl theatre etock eacBpany will areeet tb fasMm Oarwaa-Aawncaa eoejeny draws f clrll war M, . "Strerk Oil." BpecUl Drenaratin bar hoeo sisds far this prodoctleei which call for anaMKms aeeal feature. Bta are aow a Great Farce at Empire. , My WifC Faailly." that sparklhia anatcal fare ef Btaphene sad Linton, Just three set spraertoe fas. will be Inr th Uet time at the Empire tbl evening. Jf yo sitae thle show yew si las a bsBdred rood ntoaba. end rery one will do yo good. Neat week. "The Feet Mall." Bet be sure t ee "Mr Wife's raatUy" first. Startling Scene at Empire. ' A ' bteesibost's boUr will ankd la 1ala tlcht f tb ndliK et tb KsyMre toeaomw. This woederfeily-dereMd saese ha beea r Beencad tb mmt reallatle rr kttestpted. It eat en ef the many great featares mt "Tb rest Mail,"- Lineal i. Cart' rieel Br Section. AU Beit week at the Empire, becla- slsg toaaaciew attar, MaUnea Wei nee J ay bad atarday. . : . . "Hoop of Gold." ToDlsht. leeueiiuw warlsye an abrh are the la at (banc e "Hoop, ef Gold.' tb raawa play which created sack a neetka ka tosdn end Vw Vora aereral Bsaena asn, and whlck la being predated by the Lyrl theatre etork enmpany thle week wltb aaach eufraa. free I and puhll her anitet dor bag the Week b a ' elarbig tb bill ta be one of fhe-bfat ef th "Caprrco" Appreciated. - TBeaorrow will be tb laet Berfnrsiasc e( "Capfica" at th Star theatre. Thai la on of th beet afterlnc yet eaed by tb Alice stork company and it haa BMt with general eppre eiattoe. Tb crow da attend la "Caprte" are tb beat proof tbet tb play la auklna th beat kind et aa Irapreeataa. Seat ere sew. selling for tb remaining perforauuie. Famous Author's Sketch at Grand. To eee the vandrrlU shew t tlyt lA-aad which pa beea raeelvuig aeh farorable oom neat ai week It I aeceeeary ts ce toalaht r toajurrow, Rll Wheeler WUcoz ha wrltte "Her rtrat IMrarc Caae," a aarel playlet, and It la pra- aenre ay Mm Matu aeeo ana eoaapaey. Krerroa ta (emlllar with tb wrlttnr ef Mr. Wilcox and wlU want to e tbl aketek. The renaafcader C the proaTam Is seeds op of ee of th threat aeag and deae pelaltla. RURAL MAIL CARRIERS IN CONVENTION AT ALBANY Social Features of Session Vastly Enjoyed and Good Roads Boosted. Albany, Or Feb. Il-Tbe annual con ventlon of tho members of th R. F. D. association of Una and Ban ton eounttes waa held In this city yeaterday. The annual election of officers wa bald and resulted In the selection of H. M Cummlngs of Corvallla as president, E. B. Cornett of Albany as vice-president, R. B. Houaer of Albany aa secretary and B. U. Martin of CorvaUls as treaa- frr. The anneal dinner waa bald la he O. A. R. ball. Many delegates were In attendance and th llat incladaa mm bera of other outalda organisatlona An' Invitation waa accepted to meet with the Marion - county association in the spring. Thoa in attendance were as follows Albany, E. B. Cornett, Oscar Whitlow, B. I,. Bwlsher. R. 8. Houaer, Walter Oorro, W. H. Worrell. Roland Hackle man, Mre.'. i. H. Oolna and Walter Oovro: Bclo. F. O. Carey Thorn aa. Lag. ter Holt 1 Tangant, I F. Smith: Browns villa, F. M. Jacks; Bhedd, William Me Cormlck, J. A. Cochran and Pavld Sberer; Corral lis. H. M. Curamlnge, Ben M. Martin, O. B. Conner and C Lee Vee. Visitors' from -other organisations were 1. W. Cox and J. A. Remington of Salem and Frans Kraxherger of Aurora. Tha latter gave a report of the national convention at Peoria, Illlnota, - having been th state delegate" to that meeting. The local association haa a member ship of IS and is possibly tho strongest In the 'State. A decisive movement In favor of good road waa advoeafed and th . association pledged itself to do everything possible, to bring about this result. . - SMELT WERE NEVER SO ABUNDANT IN COWLITZ - " " ' . Klao. Wah Feb. 11. John Gallo way and Ed Oallehan caught 12 boaea of smelt tn tha cowiits river, a Utue above Kelso In less than oner hour. Tb fish were vanning ao thick that they had to tie knots In the ends of their nets to keep them from filling so full that they could not lift them Into tho boat. Oalloway haa flahed amelt for years and aays h haa aeea tha amelt pretty thlok bat thla la the heaviest catch ha haa aver made la ths samg length sf Uma Th Daughter of th Amarlcan Rev olution gave their annual reception yea terday afternoon at th noma ot air. A. B- Rockey. About 100 guta at tended and it waa a brilliant function. All thoee aaalatlng In entertaining were dressed in gown of th colonial period. Mjrs. J. B. Montgomery, atata regent, Mr. Warren E. Thomaa. Multnomah Chapter regent, Mra T. M. Anderson, rice regent, and Mra A. B. Rockey wera In th receiving line, ena .air, jonn H. Hall. Mra Rlnaldo Hall, and Mra I. L. Patteraon aaalsted. All were In colonial costumes. ' V la the dining room Mrs. W. H. Cha pln, Mrs. a Chapman. Mra H. H. Par ker, and Mrs. Mark QUI poured tea. and they were assisted by -a bevy of Prla- dlla maiden Mra W. C Noon. Jr., Ml 'Jeanne Gray, Ml Grace Gray. Mlaa Louise Carey. Mies Janet Thomaa. Mia Ruth Honeyman, Mls Alice Carey, Miss Beulah Nichols. Miss Eltsa bar ker, Mlaa Janet Noble? and Mlsa Helen Altmever. Punch waa aerved by Mlaa I Alice Sanabury and Mies Anderson. Lit tle Paul Goodwin and Jane Hoge, aa George Washington and Martha Wash ington in miniature admitted tha guests. An orchestra played through ths af ternoon. . - ""..' CLAIMS COPYRIGHT ON THE HAKE Of "RALSTON" aaanisma.waaawwewwWe Topeka Millers File Suit Against the Acme Mills of . v Portland. The Topeka Milling company of To peka, Kansaa, haa filed suit In tba United Statea circuit court agalnat the Aome MH1 company of Portland, for In fringement ef copyright in the use ot "Ralston" upon flour and other cereala The complainant alleges that it has patent rights to the uae of the name Ralston upon its products and that tha Aome Mills company has used the name upon ita cereala, , gaining thereby the benefit of th reputation built np by the Kansas concern company through extanalve aalea and advertising. Tho complainant aaka for a permanent injunction reatralning the Acme Mllla company from using th term. "AT Mil". IN THE ROOMS OF THE X W,C. A. Mrs. J.- L. Patterson to Be the Association's Hostess ' , Tomorrow. m if n n n cm Dr.lIorrow'sAntiLean ' stAzaa uu nonm ta'. Through tha aervons aystam. Xt ts a pnrely vegatabe aomyoand. , Contain no oil sr fat or any drug that I lajurtoua 'or liable to produoe a habit. IT tS THE CMATtST TONIC IN TH WOMLO : Each bottle con rein - a -month'a treatment and costs 11. ts at any flrst-clas drlig store. Prepared by tha ANTI-LEAN MEDICINE CO. I Oragealaa Bldg ronlaad. Or. AY n 'a. MEN TREATED AND CURED Cest Service! lowest Cbaroes! Cures Guaranteed The r fmctd with NFBVOtS DBHIMTT, r railing Streesrh. ena floaty wiled "LOST MANHOOD." Eihaoeilag Drain. HI tup lee. Laai Back. Inflaaametle ot tbr Bladder asd Kidney a, Hlebly Colored trine, lane, tewcy. beepaadeBey, reillef MeaMry. Uae et Am bit too. Mental Worry, r. alU eieeee ead rerworks Pllee. rieiala en Hrdmeele or ether weak. which aeaojatety aatu tbaai fat Brady, Baeloee. Pleeeare a Marrla. V eare, Be Bay, Weed Meee, eanrraeted r hereditary; skia aaaae. Bheaautlaa. Beree. Swelllaa. IMikeMe. Hn..nt... ai. Stricture, Zalarred rroetate aad Hyareebta. Meaeet Deal la a, Suceeeefol sad 4Awaeletiea Serrloe, BeaaoaaM Charge. Cell f writ BE. t. X. VIXmoK. IU rirat tt. Veroaad. Or. C. G2E V . Portland's Widely Known ) and Successful Chinese Medicinal, m Koot and i Herb Doctor tile (UM, MMAittM . a. -. ,1 . . which we lieaert irrt troea Ik Oneat ha V,'?t", aad yet e tne " "MHUt. leeerory. K mtnwi, " aay head and. rarely eseteMa. The Doctar treata anceaeerally e4 araaee te cure a I, eefmech tmabiea. eererra, aetaeM. I", threat, rbeeaiatkne, aervwaeea, lifer, kidney a4 Inet luaabeod, , . , rxxALg rsovBLBB and tu nmii . DtSCASES. . K rale er aleleedtar (Uteeuat i ' Srfllcted. A at fa aa laatlnt ear ka the aca eet poeeibl time an at tb kaet MM w Ible fn bam treetaicat. if ye reaaot cell, writ foe ayttptiam blaB asd elnelar. . larloa 4 eeat I etaaaaa. OOMtTlTATIOg rXXE. ' Th C. Bae VTa Cblaeea Mealelae Oe.r lttVt" riret it., Oar. httnlaaa, rertlaad. Or. Pleaa SMatlo tbl aear. l , J d r aT- b V 1 aTi UK Z Stri I k' a " - . ... ."-da,- - - A BEAUTIFUL PACE , Bead etaaj fnr particular an It Teerlamtels ef the reeaedy that clears the Cnmpl'ile.. Ke aeorea Skis Imeerfectlnna, Makee New Bleed and IiBDroTes tb Health. II ye tak. BEAUTYSKIN v BeBeflcial reealt a re goaraataed r eaaey te ""CHIOMSTIB CWtirTCAt CO., t MaAlaoa riaae. Fkllaeiki -- rratsf srred foeaT Caaned aroedaV; Allen e uewie neat tsrana. Th Touns Woman's Christian asso ciation will hold aa "At Home' tomor row (Sunday, afternoon at th asso ciation rooms. Sixth and oak atreeta from 4 to . Tb hostess of tba afternoon will b Mrs. J. l Patteraon. The ""Drop In' Bible claaa will be n , charge of Mra James Mackensle, and Mrs. J. C. Buckay trill apeak In tba "Llttl Journey" room. The mualeal program will be aa fol low: Piano solo. Miss Has! Balaton; aelectlon, Amphlon- Quartette; violin solo. Miss Cornelia Barker; 'vocal eolo. member of Amphlon Quartette; aii tton. Amphton Quartette: addrees, "Llf Clrcl,' Mia Mary B. Day. All young women are oordiaiiy invited. PERSONALS Mra VT. H. Daughtrey. wife' of tha eresident of the Portland Union atock yard, who haa been vary 111 as a re sult of an operation' at the St. Vin cent hospital, waa reported to bo In a lightly improved conamon toaay. Hundred Bodies Recovered. ' fine rati Special lentil reel Pas. Tax.. Feb. it. A hundred bodies, IS of them tho ef Japan, have been taken from tb mine at Le KPraaaaV Mexico. , A stitch ur ma Will save nine So will a bottl ef BaUlard'e Horehound Syrup alwaya kept on hand Bare many a a pell of alcknasa A Bur ere for Cough. Cold, Bron chltia and Whooping Cough, Mra Hot Horlns. Ark., writ! i Keep a bottl of liallard Horehound Syrup tn my medicine cheat, and thank my forethought many times It haa pre vented many evr epells sf Sicks as, Sold bJC aU druggists, , Are 011 a ; Perfect "Man ? With No Back Pains i ; J : No Nervousness. No Watte of Power ; ' ' No Loss of Ambition : BUT niTO PLENTY OF LIFE AD ENERGY AND TBE VIGOR OF YOUTH To be strong and manl !i the aim of, every strong man, and yet how many we find who are wasting the vitality ana strength which nature gives them. In stead of developing 'into the strong, vigorous, manly young iellows that naturs intended them to te, they find themselves weak, stunted snd despondent no ambition to do anything. They struggle aimlessly along, sooner or later to become victims of that dread disease, nervous debility; their finer sensibilities blunted Snd their nerves shattered. I Gure Men'sTDiseases T DR. TAYLOR The leading Specialist I have treated hundreds of men who had long suffered a result, of private ailments, and have been interested lows a thorough cure of tKe chief disorder. My sue me the foremost specialist treating men's diseases. . study I have given my specialty; to my having ascert original, distinctive and thoroughly scientific method To those in doubt as to their true condition wh lect. I offer free consultation snd advics. either at m of the few that has reached an incurable stage. J will upon any one. I treat curable esses only, and cure all a gradual decline of ph'ysical and mental energy ss in noting ths marked general improvement that fol cess in curing difficult eases of long standing has mads This success is due to several things. It is due to ths ained the exact naturs of men's ailments, and to ths s of treatment I employ. o wish to avoid the serious results that miy follow nrg- y office or through correspondence. If your esse is ons not sccept it for treatment, nor will 1 urge my services cases I treat Weakness Tou'vs probably been treated for a-ealled waakaeee and helped tempo rarily or not at all, and th reason is very apparent when cause of loaa of powr In man la underatoed. Weakne I mere ly, a symptom of chronlo Inflamma tion ef th pros tata gland, which my treatment re mv. t h r b y permanently re storing atrength and vigor. Consultation Specific Blood Poison Ne dangerous minerals to drive the virus to the Interior, but harmleee, blood-claaslng rem edies that remove the last poisonous taint .. . V Varicocele Absolutely painless trestmsnt that cure completely In on week. Investigate my method. It Is the only thoroughly sci entific treatment for this dla a being employed. FREE Mr colored chart,- ahowtng the mele anatomy and affording an Interesting study In men's dl . will be given free upon application. Contracted DlBordera Tou can depend upon a Quick and thorough cur by my treatment A quick cur la deslrabt beoaue a slow eur la apt to t no our at all, and a chronlo development wll come Inter. I eur you beyond the pol blllty of a relapa and In ) h usual tim required. Rflx Allmepntds Often the condition appearing to be the chief disorder le only a rerles aliment resulting from " other dlaraa. Weakness sometime come from varicocele or trlcture: skin and bon dlee result from blood pot een taint, and physical and mental declln fallow long-stsndlng func tional disorder. My long experience In trestlng man enable an ta deter mine th exact condition that ! and to treat accordingly, thu re moving vry damaging caube and Ita rrcta and Advics FREE. Hoars a. sa. ss t fw as. Saadayt Call or Write Today. I a IB t 1. , 1 ujo DR. TAYLOR Co. 334 JMorrlson Strtsvt Corner Second Portland Ore rtlate living t sf th etvy sad eewUng t Vorttead for treatment erUl be faratahed with Sa reoaa free ef sharge. OheeB yeas traak dlraet to 834y, MorrUoa svr. . In Uncompli cated Cases My Fee Is Only so You Pay When v J Cured We Cure Men for a T AJrr VaTOOamiOATSS OACS. StnpTur aad MU eyaaed. To Xalfe, a Ohloreferaa, ae Aaaastbatlo, a vaattea ."from baalaeaa. . ; . OAXTe euro mayv. ' ;' i Contracted Diseases . By thla w maa pacific blood poteen, urethral Inflammation, etrlcture, loeel ulcer and welling. W hav warned man agalnat neglect of treatment, of nnrellabl methods of treating thla moat aerloua dis order. Patent mdloln and treatment by drug elerka are decmedly dangerooa a primnts and should tinder no elrcuan (ances b rssortad' to. . Th cheapest and beat oourse 1 to go at once to an able ' epectallet . who baa th ability and e prtence neceasary to do for eaoh ease exactly the right thing at the right time, Tou thus avoid -dangerous oom plications, which might through poor treatment be come a lasting annoyance and oftentimes assuming a dangerous character. Every Ktient under our car la thoroughly eared for h ta discharged. All who oom t us rclv eourtaoas treatment. Conaulta- s lion' and examination frev. Establbhed s Years la Portland Wc Cure TXX.CXX4I, , TmicrTtmit . aTrrssocBZia, TAmzooosu. KX.OOOrOISOaT, . aVOST TITAT-mf, Kiorar ajto B1VAODSS Binaii, OaTOmBXOaA, rBOBTATIO AMV naron SIBBABBB. CONSULTATION FREE Under Absolute Guarantee NO PAY UNLESS CUBED . ZrsgaDy tJoeaaad to rvaetlce Madiola. Blood Poison Xa tb moat dreadful, dastgeroua and de structive dlaaaae known. Thla disease not ' only unfit you for your work and duties, but makes a man unfit for marriage, for ' holding responsible positlona vVha bis rater become inoculated with th gern th whole body undergo a change of U-. Composition, and not only tsu11b la a dls. . f iguram'ent . ef th body, but- also at tha man. TMa dlaaaae can be cured. We have received -th everlasting gratitude of thoa . whom we have cured and who ebow their appreciation by sanding a ether case.. , Nervous Debility Loe ef energy, will power, leva ef onen tratlon of thought loaa ef memory, which wkna. year enttre Ttmrt, mental a wall physical. Th lowered vllellty f the nervoua and phyalca) aendltlan M atrngthnd ao that In a abort time yma will hav yevr original strength and be yourself agarn. ' Ws Wast Bvy ta ta Oeaatry Wke Is AffUoted to Wrte as Abeat Btl Ailaaeat HOURg I TO I; T TO t:t( DAILT; BUND ATS, t TO It. ST. LOUIS MEDICAL AND SURGICAL D1SP7 ., OOBITXB nOOBTO AsTO TAMXII.X. gT'srTTf, K1"3TT.4;K 3, C f