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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 23, 1907)
THE OREGON. DAILY' JOURNAL. PORTLAND. SATURDAY v EVENING. FEBRUARY 3. 1C37. 19 MAcnixEuv. TKKMMAN CO. Mining, sews. I It. ln gins ejarblneryj pli-es. ci I ml alt kHvte repaired. 104 Mart rourtn. A. J. PACU I" Tint et rnrtnee. boll , Ul end arose-arm siaehluery. JHS H, C Al.BSB CO. Secondhand ' enlnery. eaeaHU. et. US Ore ad acq, MC6ICAL. THE WrHBEB STfjniO Meadolru. baBja, gn. Ur lo.truelleul uibb Hiiuw, ot , V,saslngtea. - ' nmn. elelra. meudclta, troml 0000, dl t. Main clarinet. proreeeor m. " 7ua. MONTMENTS. BEIT XINOSLBY. Jt First St. l-wrO ' OSTEOrATHlO PHVSICTAJTS. DR. UI.LEBELLB 'ATTERSON srlletea nervon. scut sad chronic Mweseo. Off SIT Oaton bldg. Phone Pscltle 1190. DBS. ADIX ft NORTI18rP.41o-iS-lT rjjaa. Bl,' Third end Waeulagtoe ata. Paso Mala 149. Eiamlaattoa riuvnxa. THB MOI1EKN rRINTKRT-pArtlatl wln. . Ruaarl blUufaurtli ana Morrtaon, Paooa ; I'arlftt 162. , ' EVERYTHING IN PRINTING " Bmai rlrrulapa to r.taVamr and oppdS, , Matropolltan PrlntJnf 14T front at. OCILBRE BROB.. prlntara Tarda. Wllbaad jto. Phaca Main 14St ftrat w, j PAINTS, Oil, AXD GLASS. T. BEACH CO.-Tha IIBjwhMft.1 Iniloar rlnaa and (laxlnf. lrat at P1XMBERS. TOX ft CO. Banltaiy planner, 31 Bfeand, hat. , Main tad Silmoa. Orr(n phoaa Main SWL OONNrRBBRO ft RAUEMACBER, No. una naroaiaa at. PADtTKO AXD PlPEBIXa r. A. POANB. 28 Taablll at. anaMatta Jaa . nal afl. wall papor. palnllnc and dWorat. B(. f bona aa tot oatlmat. P.clO SZJa. roa; rallahl wart, rajaotiihla pr1ra. BKny Broa.. SXV4 TamMU. ww 4th. Main 1t- REAL ESTATE. C. X. PARRISH ft CO.. t 11 klarqnam Blilar. Con Main tZEt. -Real ratalo cltr and aaantrr. . IVtda and mirtaa!a prrnarrfl at Imnf r ntn. Sotarr public alDf 18. Eiprrt acwnntaat. . Beat rrlerancaa. PARRIHH. WATKINB ft CO.. tno ALDER ST. Hl Mtatr. rantala. lean and Inanrantw. ' W maka n apoclalrr of handling rntala and proiMTtr fur raldrnta and non-rt- danta. EatabllabtMl 1873. Pbana Main 1S44. OKO. J. SCHAETER, raal eatat kunrancn. a!T tiaonrr or on , "COOS fiAY NEXT.' 1. W. OOTI BEE. real aetata and annna) aataav Uabad ixt3. 148 fir it at, roona JL A. B. RICHARI"ON. 1 BEAt FBTATR AND MORTUAOE LOANS. Pnona Mala Mat. lO Cbambrr e( CoannMroa. BI'HINX ACFNCT, dralora In raal aauu and rantala. Sl'5' Stark at. Main 104. ; - FOR FABV" oa FVFR Y nESCRIPTION. W. W. KKPBY. tlB Commanrial bld(. RUBBER STAiiPS. P. C STAMP WOKKS. I4 Aldar at., pbana Main T10; rnbnar atatnpa. aaala. atparlla: nag ' gaga, trad rbackas braaa algaa and plataa. ROOFIXO. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing and general Jobbing. J. l.nll. 212 Jeflereon at.. Paa. 1424. rSIGX PAIXTSRS. FOKTER ft KLKISEft BIONB. IT. feee built op the !arget algn bmrlneaa la tba ntr bj Brat-rlam nork and keeping nor promieea. w price are ngoi. aiiia and Eeeratt ata. Phone Kxebange U. "BIONS THAT ATTRACT." Portland Sign. Caw. 7 Stark at. pbon Fertile Ifiilo. W. P. BERnF.B ft BON. 4 Yamhill at. of all klnda. - Pbon Partite 2232. Riga STREET PAVING. WAR REN Conatrnetlon Co., atraet naelng. aid. aralka and groaaluca. S14 Lamba Bacbanga. THB Berber Aephalt Paelng Co. af Portland. OtBee KA Woreeater blk. SAFES. PORTLAND BAFK-CO., KH agenta for Berrtng- BaJl-Marela re and Mania neae Bteel Safe C. a bank aafaa: 20 aeeuad-band aa fee and bank aafea; eerr cbaap; ' or write aa. S2 7th at . .. DIEBOLD Mangane and flre-niuot aafea; Inrk. ante opened; metal Bxturee; eanlt and tell ' Work; jaeke. J. X. Daela. d Sd. . Mala 1S0&. XIOHT aarnnd-band nre-peoof aafea and two aeenad-kaod bank aafea for eele ckeea, at 10 Sixth at.. Portland. Oregoa. SHOWCASES AXD FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of erery oVarrlptloa; bank, bar and ator Bxturra asada to ardor. Tba Lata. Manufacturing Co., Portland. R. H. BIRDS ALU doalner; Brest M. Winter Lamner 10., 1 Hamilton nidg. "Mala boon. SEWTXG MACHINES.", TUB WHrTSI SEWING MACTIINX AGENCY. M Taoiblll St., Cor. Foarth. Pbon Mam gin. Bargain la all kfada of new and aacond . band aewlng BMChlna; a few allaktle dam gad. good aa now, at greatly redooed price. I'flONB Parlfl 17S and I perenaally will can - and repair roar eeeliif-marhtne; work gear ' a a teed. S. Baaaa. adlnater. al Tklrd at. WHOLESALE JOBBERS. XV FIR DING ft FARUFI.L. prodne and com- wenanta, 140 Tmat at. Portland. Or. I' bona Main 170. OREIiON rUP.NITCRE MANUFACTURING CO. -Mannfaetnrer of foraltar far tba trnda. Portland, Ore eon. .. WADHAMS ft CO-, grwara, maoa- fertarera and eonjaalaaloa Berchanta. and Oak ata. ruRNITURB manafaetnrtng and aneeinl L. Baeanakr'a rnrniror faraorr, 301 rroat at. A 1.1 FN ft LEWIS, rofnmtaaloa and aeoda m kaata. Front and Daeta ata., Partlaad. Or. WHOLESALES cForkeee and gUeaware. ' Praal, WMOf.ESALB ciwtert and glaaawara. Praei. Uesel ft C4 100 10 Fifth, ear. Stark at. O. W. SIMPSON 201 Waati'natoa at wool aaia in grain nna nay WHOLESALE JOBBERS. M. A. OCNST ft CO.,- . DISTRIHtTORS OF FINB t'lCAXS. j . ... . 1'URTLAND, OREiiON. ........ - - BMF.RK. OAI" ft fi RAH AM fine.) Ommkealoa clianta. lobhera of rrtilta. pcodoc. a4 ennelriunenfa aollelted. 1 20 Prant at. TYPEWRIT EUS. HirAKQI'ARTirKS for aeer and retnrlrt tea, wrttrra of ell aeke( e oe window) If ena are golnc to kr a new typewriter ee a be I'ca baling- we can aaee. yna aannej; w laar part f rapetrlnji all marlrlnea: atat arnre It ttie tl.n le rm; ore buy art klnda ( ? I pe rllrra. The lywrlter Elcbang. lac. 1;. 1. kJllaon, manager, S4 Third aL Jll ! l. !" It I fB Trewrlle Ag"fcej gnp. . rrr.alra. Ralrlfctl bMg., Blltb and Y altnr'"i . 11 I1IJ0 BTBNOORAPHXX. at aatl Bemlertnne. Bniltb Pieailma, ew, ete.. lee r than ear other eom a ear other eompenyi T'pewrltag 0., M (la. lareetlga i, ladei TRANSFER AXT HAUtlXO. TH RlddiQI A OMNIKd TRANSFER CO, cor. Slllk Bad Oak ate; cheeked from hotel or reewenc dlrsct to dMIIlintwi ' pseacogara tbereftir ifwli run. and aaa .Be at depot. Prieale Exebaag Mb lirra, plane ed furniture moved, packed Mart for afalliDlaff AIM attlpped: I1 WOT guaranteed; Uin l-etory brick fl re-proof , warehouse for atone. urnce xu Oak L Olsen Roe. Pbon Mala MI. C. O. PICK. efSo 8S First at., bet wee Stark ed Oak eta., phon fit; plana ed fumlrnr usured and parked far snipping; ommodloa krlrk warenoue win eeuaraia aroa rovnia. treat and Clay eta. BOftB C1TT TAN CO.. offle 141 First at.. phon Mala 022. Furnrtur sod ptsno-movlug epedaliy; w gusreotss our worn. NATIONAL TRANSFER, V HTnRAOl CO, WW Oak at. Telephone Mala 4460. Traneferrtag IM taring. - OB BOON TR AN8FBR CO., IS4 North Sixth. Phone Main a. Hsaey hauling sad storage. INPEPENDRXT BA00AGB TRANSFER CO. storage. U4 Btark at. Main 40T. , POBT BPECIAI. PEMYERT. No. noo.Waan, Ington at. Pbon Main Ml. ' . TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TtWEL4 PAItY Oma. . broaa, noan, 1 SI par niont.-- Portland Laandry ft Towal Sopply Ca.. Nlatk nnd Coorh. Pnona 410. -STENOGRAPH EI EXPfcBT atanorraphar and 7Pwrltr. Mai 1371. f)14 ltokam bl.lg. Pkona OFFICE DIRECTORY ' " RaJolRh BnUllnr. . W. COm. SIXTH AND WA8HTN0T0W. i AlMJt'HT KENKON Tailoring (or - partlmlar ptopla. Room 5, Rakalgh. Witk and Waao.. DB. B. LKB- CARTER Dratlat. Bnlte n. Kt Waafalngton aC, corn Blitn. . . C. SCHAEPER ft CO, aanaaaora to An atroug to Tailor. Boonu 10 mtd XI. NEW YORK BnrgWl M4II InatHtttn. Rooma 18. . W. 21. 33. waltlng-roonw No. 2X. BALL ft LEaVParm and city prupartf ToataJa. Rootn ZB. . 1 ' ' m DR. "ACSPLAND. DENTIBT. ' QoodiioaK'h Balldins;. - " X. C. COR. TIFTH AND TAMTTT1X. ."' THK ORKr.oN EN(9BAVIM CO.- of fie pbana Main U12. Work promptly attended to. , THB INTERNATIONAL POSTCARD CO. Pab Uantra. Unportara and Jobbara. Boom Ml. FLORENOB TINOLBT Draaamaklng. 221. GEO. LACTENSTHLARO BR Tailor. Bolts, 111 op; txonaara, 4.50 p. Room 220. - . Commonwf nlth RafMlnn;. I. W. COS. SIXTH AND BVSJIBIDS. ! DR. W. I. HOWARD Chronic dlaeaaa; ala trlclrr and claetrte light treatment. Rootn 815-314. .-. .. . CHAPMAN ADVERTISING CO. Room SOB. Swetlnnd Bnildtna;. I. Z. COR. FIFTH AND WASHCT0T0W. ' WETLAND HI.lMi, Fifth and Wtahlnglon Dealrabl office. A few left. Mohftwk Bnildinfc. B. X. OOR. THIRD AND M0RKIB0V. Wolrarron. Inreatmenta. Pac. 141. Room 408. Steamn HnUdlnn. ' , , V. X. COB. SIXTH AND MOXRIBOH. MRS. H. X. JACKSON Art millinery designing. Room 400 Bteaxo bldg.. cor. 7tk and Morrlaoa. LfnYPt Bnildlna;. X. COR. SIXTH AND WA8HIB0T0X. LAFAYETTE REALTY CO., Vacant property a apaclaltr. i TOt'BLBY ft WEAVER Real eaure. Ineurano. Roooia 11 and 12. TeL Maaa ul. . TRANSPORTATION. Astoria & Columbia : . River Railroad Co. Talon Depot Lar. . Arrlra, for Merger, Rainier. Clata- v kanla. Weal port. Clifton, An. " , tort. Vt'arrentoe, Flaeai, ' " , Hammond. Port Staeena. Gear ban Park, Beaetde..,.. t OQ am 11 :H ata Artnria and BeaalHara. aipreaa , dally T:00gai :B0 am AH tralna dally. . 1. C. MAYO, o. P. and P. A., Aatnrio. Or. C. A. STEWART, Commercial Agent, J4J AMer atreat. Pbona Mala Son. BAKER IS OUT. FOR COUNCILMAN Theatre Manager Declares Him , self Candidate From the , . Fourth Ward. 1 . . . Oaorga L. Baker, theatrical manager and a former member of th city legla latlve aanembly, formally Announcad himself urn a candldato for tha RepubH- can nomination for councilman from tha fourth ward this mornlnx. Mr. Baiter represented the fourth ward from 1898 until ltM, and It la said that during those two years that ha did not sprint a Joke or make a speech of more) than flva minutes duration. ... Mr. Baker filed his petition with City Auditor Devlin this mornlnx, and tn It ha states that ha will devote hla energy to tha loterests of a larger and bettor Portland without fear or favor, and aim to make It the metropolis of the north west. - The words to b printed after his name on tbs ballot are: . . "Portland's commercial proapartty and always for- the Interests of tbs fourth wsrd." ' 11 r.1 Baker said -ha would stand upon those words as his platform. "They are good enough for ma," ha said, "and I believe) the whole sentence will bs aatinfactory to tha peopls of my ward. My p-avloiis platform was lonarer, but long: platforms are tiresome to the people and few read them. . So I mad the changer I tell the people my Intentions In IS words." . ' Mr, Baker Is the first eandldnt to file his petition with the city auditor. . FRANK CRESWELL BADLY ' BURNED BY LIVE WIRE tflpeelat Dlapetcb t Tba Joarnal.l ' Albany, Or., Feb. 13. Frank Creswell cams In contact yesterday afternoon with a live wlrs crossing- the big steel bridge that npana.he Willamette and carries the large cable of the Willam ette Valley company. Hv was very -na ve-rely burned. Medical attendance wasN Immediately summoned and everything possible done to five him relief from hla suffering;. Ills recovery Is doubtful. ( - It is said he stepped on the wire. The-srwJon-f the officials at j the company and their linemen is to the ef fect that he was playing on tha bridge and reached to the wires, which are un insulated, and received the shock there from. , . . ! Cpobps Channel lrt Balloon. lioarnaj Special Beevtce.l - , Ixindnn. Ket. 2. Hon. MrSHstbord made a daring brtlloon trip across- the channel from Chelsea Thursday, accom panied by C, F, Pollock, of tho .Aero Club. - J- r- - . - '', , The balloon crossed the channel In the neighborhood of Calais and descend ed at Btavelot, Belgium, In the midst of a violent snow storm. - Mrs.. ITarbord Is tha seonnd woman to cross tbs channel la ft balloon. . .. . t TODAY'S MARKETS EXPORT FLOUR IS 5 CENTS UP Predicted Advance Materializes - - This Morning In the to- ' . cal Market. : : LOCAL BRANDS WILL ' . UKELY RISE SOON Tiot Is Scare i Milling Centers Owing-to -Conttoned -Shortayto- TrnsportaHon Oats Market ; Is Principal market feature today: -". . ' , - Kempt flnne Ac ' tiarrel hlffher.' ' T'' , Local floor will' "likely adranc. " ' . ' Egg aeU faat but are jaat ateaoy. CUk-ken market going to drop. ' Soger cuanae atlmulate trad. . , 5 Fotato market oooalderably eaaler. , Onions ar duU with efferinga. Draaeed Hi rata likely o drop M'- ' Idaho apple saU well."- , : ' Xzpart naa Flea Costa Higher. . , he 1-b Journal omef BAiaUJ ejas UVnTnj gjaaaaev . w . yeaterday them wna an ndeaaca of 0s barrel L .. . bra ii da of floor, Tb chang. In vain, la gmerral tUrougboot the entire Pacific northweat. Wheat la bard to ebtaln accooat of the great anoriag Pll- la the coontry. m nearly a great aa ep. - the ton of tb wheat market see. - th wheat eeero an prices aooauia tnerenalns demand tor moai at. and thla lajlkewt atrexigu.-.., In that Una. . At this tlma tha tana of tha local floor market m so good mat were - - next of aa adranoa to vaiuaa aonog w week. No change ta lacal value today. Ooaraa Grain JJat la Firm. Coara grain, are eery firm, aBUlly nnto. ,. i. ki. market nr very ameu, with tn continuance of the ear aboruga price, .re adranclng. Som. Oe.Wr. here are of Ul opinion that the oeta market wUl ge to M b- fora the eeaaoa cioana, '- ' hare all been la fcsV ." - .. u.. I. .,...iv. owing to the car sbortag. which eanaea a lack of aappUea her. Mill feed ar firm oa account of tn. inaomij to ran more than halt tinea. Thla, too, I due to abortag tn wheat. ;'. ; V Xgga SaU Fast, bat Are Just Btaaay. Wbu sales of ggs are nrmons, tha ro- eeipta are Ineraaalng at s lively rate, mue Hr there bar been practically little a cen out let ton nf snppll, but with 1ha Ineraaalng ar rivals the trad la generally of the opinion that the market wUi auiae nic data. ThU morning moat aaiea were nee 21c, but com were raporua i -c. toller we, however, offering eopplle to Job. bars at 19c, with a taker. Thla Indicated a www market for tb tutor. . '.. Soma dealer have urovpeo mair ""-a nrlc os chicken H pound. ""'"S, tn fractional lncreaa la arrlvala. The trad la atlll welded to the eaatera atock, and wlU not boy the local bird II tney go oeyono nrlc. Heavy receUita her wlU causa a ar ftrclln la vain re. - Oreamary butter Is showing aa increne u arrlvala, hot prices are being maintained today. Lower values are anticipated for the somlng weak. If the prevent rate of Ineroaee to. ante- ah) continues. , ... , . .. Sraaaed Maato UaVle to Ores. ' n. tm aa:nndarcnrrat of wookness In the denaaeel meat ' market, except for beat stuff. Tnta inehidM iall line, and Is dn entirely to he anrter weather. Prtee oa draaaad meats bare bees held very high along Front street fie enme time, on account of the shortage In supplle, do to' the cold weather and th la, ereaalng demand. With warmer weather oup. nlle ar Increaatng. and there Is a noticeable falling oft la th demand at the Soruur klgk valnes. ' . Sugar Chang atbaalatos Trad. , Th sharp cut In- engnr onotatloas by the Jnbbera yeaterday atlmnlatad thest-ada. Retail era have been better buyer during th past 24 hoara. Bom are bnytug for epecolattoa, while others are purchasing from hand to mouth, with no expectation of atlU lower flgares If th two re finer! re hit oach ether again. Ball market la very firm, nnd ther Is again noma talk of advanced figures. Id Apple SU Wetle '.A car of fancy Idaho Ipplee arrived la dur ing the put 24 hours. Quality nrat ciaae, with' trade a nod. A ear of celery Is due to arrive from th south either Monday or Tneeday. - ' Potato are ronalderably weaker and dull her, owlns to tb lower nricea In rha nath. da to very heavy shlpaMsts there during tb paat few day. . NoiWng over 7 5c la now being offered at ahlDolns nolnts tor onion by local ehlpper. Weakaeaa Is the soath and lower prices ther th eauae. Trade pays follow big prices to eommlaatos men. Prices paid shippers ar leas reg alar eommlsalons: , " ..... Grain. Flour Bad reed. GRAIN BAOS Calcutta, IU sulng prtc: aelllne. Hal,. WHEAT New clnb, lJ70r; red Rnaaloa, aa&AT. blneafem. Tltr72e: valler. eStrrme. CORN Waolo, 120.00). cracked, IW.0O per Ton. BARf P)Y-Nw F-ed. Mi ooevtjfmf eoliad, ZI 001024 00; brewing. I22.00OZS.00. R YK -!.& per cwu OATS New Producer price No. I white. 2 002.S0; gray, 2ft.00a28.m. - FLOUhV Faetera Oregon pa tent. 14.08; straight, I2.M: export. M-tor vajUey 3.5i graham. 14. 4.0; whole wneat, I4.TI; ry. to. ."00: bale. I2.TS. MILLSTTTKFS Bran. IIT.OO per tooj mloV dllnga. S2.00 abort, eooatry. 20.; alt, I1K 50! chop. HS.OOtf 21.00. HAY Producer' price Timothy, WTIlemetta valley, fancy, 11.0nl4.00j ordinary, .00.a 10.00; eeatem Oregon, - l.00: mixed, 110.W4T.10 M; ckvr, $.00( train. W oOO 10.00; ehaax. IS. SO. ... Butter, Eggs sad Poultry. BDTTF.R FAT I. e. a. Port Ua Sweet cream. MHcs eoor. II H. . . . BUTTF.R City creamery, Sfte; . orald fancy. :4V: atorace. 2KW:c; etore. I7rjl7u. .T.iiOB Extra fancy, candled, l4621c. CllbKKK. New Full ereeie. flata, i44)Jloc: Yonn America. ISHWIue. POILTRY Uve Mixed cblckena.' 18UtJ14 tb: fancy bene, 14(14He lb; ro.tara, old. lo per lb; old auga. 11c per Ibi frrera. 14c per lb; nrollera, 14H lbT:old dncka, 1SH lb; aprlng darka, ISe per lbs SfilOc par lb; tur key, lie pea lb far oldt 'drum. faa, g-J per Ul aqneb. H)0 per do: ptgaons, tl 00 pZ daa. iTeeaed poultry IttlHe per lb ilia bee. - Ho. ' Waal and Hla. . 0OPB 190 erop. choice, lOMSJIla; . mime Cbolce, , Wi meiirn. to prime, S4J1er , 1 m in. c , vw.. . "-., , wixL lOOS elip Valley. avw2a Meter Oregon, zoc - mill AIR New. seminal. ' BHKKPXKINS Blieerlng, tS4J2flc etj, .r, rooL .1a40c: medium woo. 0Q7a ouch; long wool. 7oc1.00 oach. TALLOW Prima, per lb. IKOwl Bo. ae greea. 2H. ' CHITTIM rlARK-HtTT foe ear letaj mean DEALERS MORE BULLISH '1 r ON HOP SITUATION , Durlnt ths past tt hours a few, 4) sales of hops bavs been reported 4 on tha east eld of tbs valley. d ' Dealers ars somewhat mora bull- d Ish on tha situation, tt being es- d tlmatod at. this time thersc ato d not mors- than 18,000 or 12,600 4 bales on the outslds. In tho hands 4 of local producers. Home orders art In from the enst, but they ' 4 are mainly at low flg-tir. Grow- d era are -mixed in their' views, d some bring content to sell, whlla . 4 others are holding for a slight a advance.- -; . , d TWELVE CENTS PAID FOR HOPS AT ST. PAUL . (Special Plapatch to Tba Journal.) ' baJem. Or., Feb. S3 Ivocaily the hop situation Is a, , plez one; - dealers though dis claiming any bualnesa in ths hop market, are contiunally sending their buyers Into tha hop belt to buy odd bales stilt held by ths growers, and when the growers have all sold It Is probable that -tha buyers will attempt to bull the market. At least that Is tha opinion of many of tho growers that - are still holding. Trana actlona were- reported yeaterday for the St. Paul neighborhood In this county - as , follows; Jul ian N. Prevoat. - 80,1)00 pounds; 8. Morton.; 20.000 pounds Pat 4 Mullen. 20.000 pounds; K. Cole- d 4 man, 15,000 pounds; and Chris 4 d Running, 10,000 pounds. These d d purchases were mads by ths firm d 4 "TOf- Ihmana;-a!f-rHricitSi at-TZ d 4 cents. : - - . -- , - - . ' ' Iota. ste. i:- ,- ... Hirtcs ur. rto. ir is ms aaa no. nut 7ic per lb; dry ktp. No. J. S to IS lbs. 14c! ary eaix, pio. a, en-ier e in, aao, eeiiea nioea, .terra, aound. 00 lb and ever, lOQUo; cow, m8ViC; atare and bulla, aound. e7oi kip. 1 arara ana nuua. eouna. aagroi kin, he. rif, aound. under 15 lb. 11:) aaeted,. 1 4a; culls, le per lb la a, aalted. Men, l 2.'el tot dry, each. 10 to ou inn. we greens anaalted. bora bide. I1.OU0I.SO; eolt hlilea, ZStx.Wet goat akin. aaua, each, lOQisc; Aagora. eeoa, SsesjeL - Xrulta and Yeeetablaa. ' . POTATOES Burma price. afra Murraa. giah and Cljcknoia aeleet, 1.4otJl.o0, eeUrng, fancy, l.o.'.'ul 76; ordinary, buying, . 1.2& IiO cert; aweeta, SH4e lb. ONIONS Jobbing price No. I Oregoa. S1.1B: Ke. 2. 75ct;Il. buying price. OOWmJo f., v a. shipping polnta; garlic. bntc per lb. rru:.l-raacy nood Hirer Hpltaenberg and Yellow Newrowna. S2.AO: fancy Wlllaaneirte emU ley and southern Oreaoa. tl.aoai.7ni erdinaiv atock, fl.011141 23. FRESH kU 11S -Orana-ee. new aavoL CI SO fia.oo:- tangerine. 11.70: banana. So nor lb: kmona. t-4tt4.60 box; lime. Mexicah. l.h6 per l'H: plneapnlea. 4.00ift.ooDr doaeai gripe, Malaga. S7.M - aer keai - Dear. f 1.75: pineapple. s par doeen: grape fmtt. 14.78. H.oM Abl.Ks Tnraina. new. sum' eacki carrot. T.V(rtl.O0 per aark; beats, I1.2S pur acki raillabea, 20 per do: eabbaoa, 12.50;' bell' peppers, t I per TbJ toois toe, Mexican; 12.60: parents. vOrlt string beans, 13c per lb: cauliflower. 12.00 per doai oeaa. lHc: horaeradlan. OfllOc per lb.1 nrtlehok el-00 per doxea: aUMb. .oetjtl.OO per host celery,. California. to-sutt.o0 per crate; erao herrle, a0O(i;u.0O per barrel; eprouu, t!Ctc per lb.: aepar:giie, XAe lb, , uxieu rutins Apple, evaporated. 47 te per lb: aurlcota. lgfiilOa nee lb: eehe. ilitlSVit per lb; acfca. He per lb leeal prune, to to 40. sAr: Ui dron ou ch 1-10 mallf alee: flaa. California black. aaflH par Ibl California white, eefceHe per Ibi date, goldaa, W ftO per box; tarOa, tloetl.M pee IB-lb bos. .... roesrin. Bum, Xta. STlaAR California A Rewetlan amnal IA.07H: powdered, ft.914; berry. 4.2H; dry granulated. 4.72U: star. . 14J.2U: ronf. A. M12SI extra B. 42V; golden O. 14.10; 1, yellow, U.VlVr. beet granulated. 14.42V Weatern Cab. .Vi5i4; powdered, I4.92H; dry -Tnlred. . I4.W2H: P. C, 14.02; tit. Francle, M.52H: Cfafectlonera' A. 4-72Mi: extra C. I4.S2H; golrieq C. 4 13'x; D. yellow, 4 02 Si bewt granulated, 14.44; bbla, 10c; H bbla, Z6c; box, 60c advance on aark beal. I A bora price ar M days not caaa uota- rJonai. , HONRY SS.6S per crate. ! ----- - - f COFFEE Package brands, tIS.esQ1S.Sft. SALT Coaree Half eronnd. KlUa. 110.00 nee ton; Sua, 110.50: table, dairy, 60a, S14.00; 100. II8.T5; bales, tl.SK; Imported Liverpool 50a, ais.uu; tune, giT.OU; 22-ta. tlS.OO: extra nn. bbla. la. oa. 10a. S4.Mio)5.50: Lavemooi hi ma rock; JOM per ton; 50 lb reck, 1 10.50) UWa, f IV.W. Abov price apply to eatoe of lee thas ce' mta. Car lata at special ptioa eahjeet to (Inrtuatlona.) KICK iBiperlal Japan. No. I, Se: No. t. new urieaaa, bead. 1c Ajas. Sei uoeie, !4e. - i hEANS Small : white, 18.80; . rg white, 13 20; pink, 2.90 baroo. .7; Ltmae, Mexican reda, 4c NUTS Peanut, Jnmha, t4 par Tb Vlrgtnle, "He per lb; roeeted. 10 per lb: Japenoee. Bit He roaMed7g7He par lb; coeoannta, aedt per duau -walnsta, California. IS per lb; Irencb, 15e - per lb: plnanuta. I4015e per lb; bIHrory seta, 10 per Xsl , ebeetaut. eaatern. )54il per lb; Bi-aaD nuia, 1W per id; inoena. joe par tn; raacy pecan, isajevsi Keats, rht and xrwrtalona, ' FBESM MB ATS Front Street Flora, fancy, so per lb; veal, extra, 0c per lb; ordinary, 1 " per m; poor, u par n; mutton, xnncy, suuc ner lb. . HA MM. BACON. ETC Portland aark (lore II hamr, 10 to 12 lbs, 164 lb; 14 to IS Iba. 10 lb; IS to 20 iba. 16c lb; break feet bacon. IT t(22e lb; plcnlca,, lie lb; cottage roll, 12 lb: regular abort clears, onsmoked. llvte Ibi araoked. 12Uc lb: clear beck a. anamoked. HUe; anaoae!. id; lioios doiib. iv to la loa. an amoked. Se lb; smoked. Be lb; el ear be I Ilea, an amoked. 13e lb: amoked. 14c lb; abouloera. 12 in; picxeta lonrv. iur ca. LOCAL l,ARl Kettla leaf. 10a. I8a Ibi 6a. lt'Ae lb; 50-lb tin. Sa lb; team ren dered, 10a, 12 lb; , 12 a lb; eompoaatLJ loa. SUc Ih. .. CANNED SALMON Oflnmbt Hver. ' 1-lh tall. l.SO; I-lb tall. 12.75: fancy. 1-lb nata, I1.V0; H-lb fancy flata, 11.15; fancy l ib ovale, 12.75: Alaaka talla. pink. WQUOc; red, 1A0; nomlnaL 2a. taU. tX.00. . . FIHH Rock cod, ?c per Ibt flosnders. Se pet in: saiinnt, se per- to: crane. iiai.tM per ..; atrlped baaa. I2HW per lb; eatflah. 10c lb; aatmott, freeh Columbia river ataelheada, lie; Chinook. 12Hc lb; frotea ealmoa, 4llc; her ring, 0c lb; aole. Ac lb; ahrlmpa, 10 lb; perch, tc lb; black cod. 7e per lb; tonieod. Te per U; aneer ameit, oc per jo; looetera, in per n; freeh marker!, Se par Tb; erawflsh. Bus per doun: etnreeon, io per l; bck lb: Onlnmbla river amelt. tc per lb. . OYSTF.RS Snoalwerer bay. per ganea. ti SO: tier 100-lh sack. t4.50; olymnla. par gallea. 12.28;. per 115-D). aack, . t6.50O0.20; Kagl canned, sue ean, a t onsen. CLAMS Hardaneu. nor . nog. S3. TBI cum. Si per pox. , ..-.- - Psint, Coal Oa, Xto. B0PB Pars Manila, 1B1 Mandard. U, steal. He. i - - - - - COAL Oil, Pearl or Aetrel Chaea. ItHe ear eel loa; water whit, h-on bbla. 14 pas gallon; woo.! en. 17 per gaUoa) beadltght. 170-dag eaaee, tlHe per fallow. OAfOUNE eo-deg raaas. MHe per gatlo. Iron bhl., 18c per gallon. BENHINK S3 deg. ceaea, an per gaiiosi Iron bbla. lHHe per gallon. TURPENTINE la eaaee. So per gall wonueS bbla, hc per gallon. Willis leiii l oa an, Tie per in; nwm lot, hr per lb; lee Iota, BHe per lb. tvina It a ti.o r-i aaawt omaia nt .e.vo. LINSEED OIL Pare raw. In a-bhl lota, lOet 1-bbl lot, 53c ; ease. OS per gait gensln ket. tie boiled, caaa. 0e par gal) '-bbl lota. S4e; 1-bbl lots. S5r per gal; ground rake, ear lets, 120 par tool leas than ear lota, 140 per sea. HORST BROTHERS ARE , AGAIN ON THE FIGHT . : ' : (Special Diapatch to The Journal.) Woodtiarn. Or.. Feb. S3 This district has been practically cleaned of hops, no mer thas a thousand bal- remaining, ana rnese ta strong handa. TMirrae. repreaenllng th great bull leader, Paul lforat. - yealerday purrbaaed at prlc-ea ranging from 9 to 11 Sc. th kit Includ ing W. R. Townsend, 1 lialee; E. W. Armas. 125 balea. and J'Sin Lents, so halee. takes several refusals around Monitor. llo haa Charles Lives ley. representing Clem Ttnrrt, the bear leader I elan In the field and trying to buy tn the Womionrn. Mi ont Angel and Mil eerom dlatrlcts. ltorrae fat offering te contract from 10c to 12C S pound.-" - ' COTTON SEED OIL HIGHER Price. .Tamps to BBc Gallon in Chi caeTO Market., , 1 Clilcagei, Fh." 4a.' The nsTotd Tier a Id gayt: Th atnmg poeltlon of lard and other fat hare aileanced the price of cotton seed ml, and the American tottim seed oil. company anid Its oil the oihcr day at th highest price on record. Th market abowa a very atrnng un dertone at 5.V gallon; Th sale wer ta On. tarko Inlereets. " Llverpeel Cotton Market, 'Liverpool, Feb. M. v.ttn rnrurea closed t to points lower. middling e toady and aav eh aged, DELAYED STOCKS ARE COfallflG Cattle Receipts Are Swelled by the Resumption of Railroad ' ' - - Traffic. :.' NO HOGS OR SHEEP :: ARE REPORTED TODAY Former Market Is Firm W'ith Un- changHlajnfiB Sheep ' Demand Is - Much Bettor Than tho - Sap 'pi.'.: :.V.. 'H'ff Portland Cnloo Btockysrda. Feb. Xa.-Uv- atock receipts: . - Hogs. Cattle, sheep. Today .. . SOI Week ago A , SMS ' , .. Prarhiua year .. 125 233 Although cattle recelpU have ba very Uberel during tb past S hour, tha ton of the mar ket remain very firm. Bent eteera are atlll aelUng at 4.7i5, wtth sale at both figure. Uood a tuft 1 lu demand. Tn praaant heavy antral ar do entirely to the reeumptJon t traffic ea the railroad. Buyers bed gnu beaeuy during th tieup or traxne, a thla a ruff la now ewelllae: tha arrlvala.1 No toga arrived in tb yarda during th Bt nouro, and that market eonunnaa to anew a firm tone during ths day) former values being maintained. v Aa tn hogs, there war no arrtvajs r sheep. Thla lie haa been bar ef receipts el ace Wed nesday sight, aad th ton ef tba market is firmer tn cuoeeqnence, A year .ago today t Hess, firm; sattla, dan and weak; aheap, firm. . OftVieJ urea tuck prloaa: Bogs Beat eaatera Oaegaa. IT1?T TBi gtockcrs nnd feeders, SO. TO; Ohlna tank, I4.T8. - Cattle atest ooatara Oregon ateara, 4.TSCJ IS 00: beat cows and b altera. l3.50iAa.TSi stooa- srs and feeder, ft.TS; balls, X.6X ooeep Mixea, e4nnc; vvaenv anenn ewes, 400c Umbo, . . BIO CATTLE SHIPMENTS : Nearly 8,000 Heavd Shipped From Echo Country Lately. V; - (Special Mspatch to The Jeornair -Echo. Or.. Feb. SSe-4t la e time ted that aaarly 1.000 bead ef eattle and many hun dred bead of' sheep have been shipped treat tba Xch coontry to the past taw weeks, asset f which war Brought la from the Butter Creek and Meadows ooajatry. Much of that atock was held ova by th barer for many day until ear eould bo recerred, and now that tn trame uenp la Bo mew bat ruvea a aaav bar ef cattle ear ar being ntingbt In. J. C. Loasrgaa for Frye-Bruha sad Be neon for th .Union Meat company say that the loss has been anlta beaiy to thorn aa aoeeaaS of having to hold th stock ver after It wee purchaeea. awaiting the shipment or Nevertheless, the bnyera are claaaad with the atock and It le expected that from SO to 40 load will a eat bom her Is tb Bant tew da ye, - . The nutter cress rsnehers ststs tost raea baa beam plentiful, aad stock la la first-class condition. . Tbs prto received 1 par hundred pounds. This la oooaldereo- one ef the beet eattle seetaoaa ta Che state ef Oregon. EASTERN HOGS HIGHER Chlcaxo Prlos) Is Up to f7.177 for , ' th Besnt Staff. Chxesgo. Pea. eg, Irreetock recsiptoi , T Hog. OattU Baser-. Cblosae ............ ..lAOOO . XtOO te00 Kaaaaa City ....... SUMO . 100 Omaha T6.000 UK) ASOS Hogs are etsong to I smta aHrhos, wfth S.4O0 iert ovor. aaoaipm a year ago srar is,ooo. Prices: Mixed and retcbera, 8eQT.12HH good and heavy, ST .06 7 IT H ; rough aad aaavy, .0Q,5; Utht, l.ia7.0TH- . . Cottle Steady. . -. -. , . . Bhaap Steady. -. - ; fe'-;''. :: UMBINQ"ARCH TENTH rrospects Good for s Big 1 Yield- ; V Bmy Very High. Arlington. Or.. Feb. tt It Is under bed that tba majority of sheep la Urn asctloa will begio lambing about March 10, So far proe psets are good for a big lamb yield, although many of th abaepmaa ar out ef feed and ar buying 120 hay for thehr fkwke. . Oraes baa sot started to grew very faat yet, sad there m some front la the ground. Sheep ar tn prime COSMUllOl PORTLAND STOCK MARKET . -. .v , '.i i , ,: ! : Twenfjr-Flvr) Thonsand Lees Greek Gold Sells at 9 Me During Day About ' 44,000 ' ahare ' wore " sold fbe Portland atock market during - tha daya trading. The ntrgeet transaetloa- wag fet Lea's Creek Gold, SA.OOO shares being sold to two block to so broker at 2 He- Mammoth advanced to lfte, buyers' AO days, with aale of 1,000 ecaree at that flgar. Other ealea: One thousand Morning nt BHC bsver' SO daya; 10 American Biscuit 8a at 100 at prtvato sale, 1.000- Oaacadla at 2Se, prtvato earn; 8.000 Potld at lIHa, 1.000 Morning at SHe., buyers 10 dsy.r - ;';.. . , . Official prleee: " - - ... .. BANK aTfOCXa - ' BM. Ask, Bank ef CaUfornln. .. 00 ..... Kankera' A Lumbwmea's 0S.00 - 108.00 Merchasfs' National 170.00 1M.00 Oregon Tmat A bsrtng. .. ... 1X1.00 -11.00 Portland Trust On ..v.. - 120.00 United State National BO0.0O , ..... LISTED SECTnUTIBS (BONDS). America a Biscuit Co. 0a . .-v SS.00 i City A Suburban 4. Colnmbla 4outbra Irrlsstloa 0 - -Horns Telephone As. ..., . ..... . 100 Of) . - w oo 97.80 100.00 100.00 1113.00 100.00 100.00 44.00 '' TB.OO 110.00 SOW -' .19 ' .10 .58 . .28 .0214 x .15 . -1H a. V. Le CO. 0. R. A N. Ry. 4s 09.00 O. W. P. A Ry. S ..,,. 100.00 Pacific Coast biscuit 0a Pd.SO Portland Ry. Aa... ... . . MIWELLANEOTJ8 STOCKS. Associated Oil ................ 4H.00 Home Telephone BO.oo J. C. Lee Co.,. I'aclflo Htatee Telephone.. ...... , Psgst Boand Telephone ..... ' MININO BTOCXS. V i Brttkrh Takoa ................. 34 Ueaay Dulat .0U 0a towoed . M Lakvlaw Lee'e Creek Oold... Nortk Falrvtew Manhattan Crown Point. ....... .14'. I'otlci Mining Co. .12 Wasboagal Xxtenakm' .......... 4H tJNUSTXD BTOCXS. Oregoa City Mill Lember... 4.25 Yaniilna Ray Telepbona. 1.00 Alneka Petroleum 10 tune Pton ., ..... i no 1.25 .12 ,oH , .or .27 S4 .24 .05 British Columbia Amsl.... .lift Cssadls .2:' Oolrtflald Trotter Oreat Northern 4 Msanaoto. ...,.........k.- .'I .14 .. Morning ..,.. .tfl"H .04 ,. .11 .' ,.08 .00 .on J.M .04 ftar.ilard Consolidated ......... .09 Taooms Steel .18 C0EUX D'ALBNB DISTKICT. Bsllloa .-i. .OS Copper King .................. .1414 nappy uay ................... .m Park Cop per .00 , Snows bos .......... .8S Snowstorm ...... '. .". 9 90 O, ti. Oomnlldated .. .. .0U VEW T0XX BANK STATEhttNT. New York. Feb. 2 Bank statement! ' . . . ... Decrease. I m.4-.-, S. , S.K.I0 Reserv . . . . do leas C. OS ., ........... f s.niai.taio t 02I.5O0 Specie ................ Legel l.zHO.fee) Deposits ........................a.., U.A4.5O0 Otxculattsa . US.SOO Paul Horst Is Again In the Hop Market and Is Trying to Put Values Ujto Twenty Cents His Representatives Buy Some at St. Paul il SHARP 111 THE WHEAT Liverpool Cables Are Very Strong Wfth Higher Prices Ruling Everywhere.' j. THREE QUARTERS CENT IS RISE IN CHICAGO Argentine Shipment : Are Terr Moarw but tho Better Furopean Trade Helps American Prices Damage Report. ' XXLATTYB WHXAT VALOBS. -A.'-k Pab.'M. Feb 1-1. Oent. loos. I JI2H , Jtllt May ..A -7HH s jh,; July ......... ..7MHB .77 .ooi oeptembe ,. .71 .tV Chloasa. Pah. tS The Mae. - wbeet eahlea thla morning more thas offset ths hesrlah eel. roUtkn la the wheat sentiment regardleea ef i oig jxrgsntin sbipmenre. Tbr ar erop cumpuunta oouitug rrom three or four ata tea. The export seise of wheat were quite liberal both at Dulath and the ee board. The? altua- uon remaine very stcadr. Ther i no change U the actonl oondltfoa ef the slock of eora. Export -olearsnce for toe oay aaa wees wer vary liberal, caah Donees ar renewing holding ou the aUF eora.. Liver pool wse eteady and strong. Ia oeta th big holder ar etandtag pat wtth fbe shipping demand fair. rsckar ar taking all tbs Bog BBS asm prouuexa an we recent areas. Official anaipanyt. ' Open. E'rV " Lew. TI T4 TS? . TsiJ tiS . tt;; nrrsw MS 184B TBB " iTvA ' - Mi4A JSTT C loiff May ...... July September OOXK. ay dT. 4T July -4T Sep torn sar ,-- TH ..- OATB. May e eeee. mw 1 vtM " dl July u. it 2 it . STtJ Sep Camber ,.(, It4 . 13 atRoB PORK. may ...... ....1BT0 . 10TT WTfj Jaly ...M...16av 1M 1600 T S92B 40B IJTXXPO0L XAI1' XLAXgrr. Uearpnal, Fwa. SR. ptrkrlal rmiel ... , WBXA1V . . Fwk,tB. oFfstfcatl 4w-a S SJ I Balm Bi BaaoaaanjB ea ea Au May .m... m 1X illijr SSlBw'tBtewSsteBAtSS Bat dtd -- OOBK. , -s MasTtJax a a asm a s sea. aa-gjarVA saAe 9 SM4 MsX mareanas 4x1 44 - H4 V IT OXAnr K0TAJtXBB Chtoag, rb. BS. Primary Twdar lln.H Rnati l.oHT.ono o oos Cora,oog i.(NU,uog ShtomaBtai ' ' Wneat i i i mi i 14.000 STI.OOO Cora 800,000 SB4.000 Americas aleersooeal Wheat, B4T,S4T buah la; ears, S8S.S4A buAm oata, MPS hasbalsi flour. e0,S4S hare-!. . , . IXTXAXD BAn BTATXarXXZ. - - e e- Cleaiijkgs today .... 11.11 0.OT8.O1 Clearings yeas age. ... Sta,aT8.Tl Oala today ..... Balances too ay ... 4S4.T04.ZS . . v.. m . . . . . B14.8K8.0I Balances yeas ago. ........... .. 0,2o5A4 ' Tea ata a Trohang Baton ' Nw York. Feb, FX atarlrng, Bl.r4W.B Rolnmarks, 987 Hg franc 623.?5'a520i Belgium, SXHOOaiUl B94Q0. SAMPLE Of GOOD ROAD IN JOSEPHiSE GOUIITY ;::;-e'-. ......... '--.-v'.v To Be Where It Will Help Every body and Be Seen by v : ; ; Everybody. (Special Dispatch to Ths Journal.) Oranta Pasa, Or., Fob. 13. A sample of a properly oonstrootsd wagon road will bs built thla month tn Josephine county, to ba need as a model tn all future road oonatructlon. As ther Is everywhere an abundance of axoellent road material. It Is tha belief- of County Judgs Jewell, who is at ths. head of tha good roads movement here, that Josephine ean hsvs ths beat highways In ths state. . Th present system of road srorklng. try plowing, harrowing and "farming" . ths roads. - really - puts them In worse condition than they would ba war they left entirely alone, Judgs Jewell haa mad a compact or ganisation of tha county supervisors, and tho road ' work, . during ths next four, years, at least, will be with mod em rmethods. - 'The sample road wfil be a section of a. mils extending from the .end of Rogue River - bridge Westward. This section Is the meeting point of all the roads of western and southern Jose phine, as well as the main road from Jacksoll -county, and Is the gateway to Grants . Pass. Being ths most used of any section of road In the county, it la believed that Instead 'of being the worst piece of highway, as It Is now, tt - should be the best, and the full county equipment, with a erew of road builders will bs placed on It at once. Instead of an old time ford across the creek, a concrete arch-will be erected, and two deep fills will bo made, lifting the roadbed to a level and cutting out ths steep pitches It now contains. It will be surfaced with decomposed svan- Its, graded smooth and well drained. - This sample section will be the first section of a string of perfect roadway between this city and Kerby and be tween., this place and Jackson county's citusT...,.; . J:,.,L ., ..t:.;, ; . ALCOHOL TOO SLOW: V HE TRIED CARBOLIC (Special Dispatch to Tha Jourtiatr v UraidO. ur,, ,rtj. Z. James Bel well known In l.a Oram) and her. Vhlon county, tried to hurry tho ef fects of alcohol by tsklng csrbollo sold. He had been on a protracted spree and while temporarily Insane made efforts to secure th deadly drug. . Ha Is now being hetd In ths count y-Jall for mental examlnstlon. i .. . PTfrr Bok OsnasA OeedAV Allen Lewis' Best Brand. ADVANCE e.awn Kay .......... STB B0 . PTS July .....e.. rf set PTB SoptamheV SOS - SOS Baf . - -. SHORT BIBB, may P2T pit fl July .M. .. SS - S0 Sod fuORDERER'S Mil HIS LAST 170RD Frank W. Lamp Dies Accusing His Brother-in-Law, Jesse Winkle, at Olympla. TWENTY KNIFE CUT8 v IN BODY OF VICTIlvt Man Charged tn Drrng Btatemeal , ' Said . to ITave Been DUcharged Employe and to Bate Vowed Yen-, grjance Almost Caught In Act,'. . . V (Special nhmatch to Th oraaL " Olympla, , Wash., Feb. !8.--Frank . T. Lamp, head - brewer : for. ths Olympla. Brewing company, was brutally mur- -. dared shortly after 11 o'olock last night -near the south end of the old lonx bridge at Turn water. With hla djrtuiV breath he apoke the name of his brother In-law, Jeas Winkle, as his muraorerv The murdered man was stabbed to death, his body and arms having been slashed and stabbed more than 10 time a. liJs cries aa he called for help and begged for mercy were heard by s num ber of people, who arrived at the aroene a few minutes later, some even having thought they heard the footfalls of th murderer aa he ran across the bridge toward Olympla. ; - . Sheriff Connolly la sruarding every avenue of escape, but at this tlm th murderer ha not been located. It la aald that Winkle was rwooaflw discharged from the brewery, where he was working nnder Lamp, ana that h vowed vengeanoe. JOSEPHINE BALLOTS - ON NEW COURT HOUSH rrTpschtl Dtspatam to The JneswakT v . Oranta Paaa, Or, rub. lle-h JW-. aemhln eountv ' oommlsadcjejerar csrarV with Jsdge Jewell and other ofnoiaja, have favorably passed'epon th tnatt, of building a new county oourt houam. Th present wooden struotnra, II Taatrei old. ta entirely oat ef ka-plng with the) county. The offlotals bell It weol4 be better to build a new eoort hoajatot, an exoend - the amount t'wrairoct r Txit tha oreatant ens In repoUr. It tar propoood to ereot a modem belok Btrnost tore of two or three etorlea, - To awt th rtews ox tn tausjeajtos s. ballot is being taken tn vrr prooloxoaj ef th Bounty. It Is thought almoe every taxpayer favors a now bttlldlnax If th matter Is favorably paaaed tipoav by th voters, tb oonptrturtlom of a now building will be taken BP a onoe, Th eld atrnotur will be torn down aa4 disposed of to the best artntm A new BTIOK ail. nttaa em ...i. cells, was ' oonstruoted by the csrajatr) last "year, th former wooaen belngt too' smau. --' . - v ' l as A PIONEERS OF EUGENE ' : v: JJVE THE PAST OVpi i" TXsestal OtiMssh te 1 I TiU BalT ' Xhigene.. Or ITub, tAe trb DlocitBt ea Bugen to the number of about VJ0 Isaldc a reunion at the Commercial club room last night and enjoyed a bsuuraet frV ward. None bat those whe bar beeai here for th past 40 years psrtlclpabsd. Bpasohss were made and retninlaoaooB of the early daye In Bugane wer re : oonnted, 8. H. Friendly presided. Ad-, dresse wer made by the follewlnr T. O. Handrlcka, T. XL WUklna. 3. JL Walton. George B. Don-Is. a B. Emkliw George Kelly, XV Ov Potter, XV J, Mo Clanahan. F. W. Osburn. . Sew. .X CL Richardson and others. The affair was one of the most enjoyable ef lu klnA ever gtven . here, ant, may result tn are organisation of the pioneers of th Hfcjfe. an ute aoiaing or, an tTTvti TjuiquC TALBOT INGRAM DEAD V -rPIOiMEER OF PALOUSE .-- ': . fBpactat Dlspstoh to The eWnad.) ' ' Oarnelde- Wash- rah, lAWtaibot Tre. gram, a pioneer of the Palouse eotuW try. died at the home of hla daughter. Mrs. Dalley,' Wednesday, aged T4 roars. The funeral waa held Thursday frotaj the Christian church, Mr, Ingram lsj survived by four children, He was born at Wheeling, West Virginia, tn lit. B4 moved to Warren county, - Illinois, lu i5oo ana in isvo married Barah raisa- beth. Haynea. . He moved with his faun- ' lly In 1170 to Kanaaa, where he farmedl for eight yeai-av In 1871 he again moved, thla time to the Palous eoxn. try. settling on a farm In tha weattare. part of Lmtab county, Idaho, near what - ta now the now town of Potlatah. Tha. funeral waa held from th C3xrtalan church at t p. tn, Thursday. SALOONS MUST CLOSE "t '. - ; FROM ONE TO F1VH (Bpectal dapatoh to Th JowrsaX Pendleton, Or- - Fab. tle-endlartaau . saloons must remain ' oloaed hereafter from 1 a, m. to I a. nu, every morning of - - the- week, according to - an oruinanoe wnicn passearthe Pendleton city council at Its last meetlnV The, ordinance was introduced by the e-iwrnt-y ata mi inatance or the trTSron. wno atatea by way of explanation that It was Intended to rid the city of that class of people who never go to bed. but who spend much of their tlma at night lounging around saloons. - CHICAGO DEMOCRATS RENOMINATE DUNNE (Journal Special Serrloa.) ChlosBo, Feb. tt. Th Democrat ha city convention . this afternoon nnan lmously nominated lunne for reelection as mayor. Harrison's nam was wit re. drawn early. . . .. . .. The convention adopted resolutions nf sympathy with Postmaster Busse, who waa injured this morning in a wreck on. the Pennnylvanta rallway.'inisse ts aU moat certain to be. Dunne's Republican opponuut at the -poUav.. , SHOWS PICTURE . . OF A LOVE ATOM Professor llelnflel gave -ths seoondVjK bis slerenpricon lectures Inst night to a well-filled hnus st m" AllKky hell, on "ThouKht Forms . In tho . Huildlng of Character."'' ' ; '- ... To prove to hg audience that thoughts ' Are things tHe profcesor showed a large number of lnntcrn views of ths shapa -thoughts of leva, anger. Jealousy, eta, -take lrt the subtler grades of. matter and how ther react on ths one wb sends thara eat .. ' . V :'V (.