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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL,' PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING,' FEBRUARY JO," ISO. ' Tcivn Tc"!cs I Tietltf.,... ."Tk County dutrnoaa" .,.. ."Broilier Officers" ....'My wire's Fasitir' .......,"lioop el Gold' CmprU-m" VaudevUJ H.a.r ' l-ioplre .... Irrlc..... - Cr.a The Butt Boys Consolidated Mining company, compound of east aid bual- ' neaa man, wma pleasantly reminded on Monday of th confldenc Ita neighbor reposed In tlx management. Tha gen- , tlemea had acquire a high-class Gold fields, Nevada, mining property. It con lata of Ave claims, covering 100 acres, nd was located In the early days of Ooldttelds. Ita free milling surface ore a stayed $24 to tha ton, and the rock now txHng taken eufahows up 1160 to the ton. The mtnee are moat flatteringly promising and the eaat side people con sider themselves exceedingly fortunate In securing the property. But, however rlh. the mine a are worthleaa unleas d Jreloped. and the new owners were not aulte rich enough to accomplish this themselves. .. They therefore reeolred to Incorporate a company and sell suf- -tlrtenrTttocirto" enable it to procure me- ' chlnrry and Implements neceasary to the thorough development of the prospects. ten all' bad been made ready in . proposition was flrat advertised In The Sunday Journal, and the Monday sales of the stock amounted to 20, no shares. Considering that this was the flrat day the stock was offered ts the public, the complete) confldenc the people reposed la the corporation was most substan tially manifested. 1 he offlc of the company in the Weatherly building, ISO Eaat Morrison street, was a very busy spot nearly all day long. The stock Is selling now at 10 cents per share, but Is soon to b advanced. Read the com pany's advertisement elsewhere 1b this paper. , . .. Settlement Of the differences between the Job printers and their employers was effected yeaterday when the mem bers of the Multnomah Typographical union voted to alga an agreement for ..three years la which the chief provis ions were a, minimum wag seal of -'I.60 a week and the allowance of on apprentice for every three Journeymen, -wtttrThe proviso that no shop shall have more than three apprentices. The agree ment Is in the shape of a compromise. Th previous scale being 111.10 a week and the number of apprentices was formerly fixed at on for vry flv Journeymen. The settlement yesterday crventeV atrlk-,that was called for . noay proviaea lam employers -reiusea u secede to the wag demand of ' the , Journeymen. - There are about 100 of the Utter in the city. At th next meeting of the Woman's club, Friday afternoon, February 21. . th program wlU be devoted to 8 pain. A lecture with colored steraoptlcaa slides will be given by Mrs. Alice Wels ter, andmusl wtU be furnished by Senor Palaclo and J. Adrian Epplng .with selections by th mandolin and guitar club. ' Th meeting will be held at the new quarters of th club In th W. o. W. ball, corner Tenth and Taylor ' streets. 8tampbooks containing 1-eent stamps have been received by Postmaster Mlnto and will be on sal In th fu ture. They are similar to th t-oent stamp books and have been Issued be cause of the demands mad Upon tjie department by th purchasers of penny pot rards. There are 24 stamp In th sew books and they will sell for SS cents Th books will be placed pa sal net month. - t. .-. ..... Th Portland Ad , Men's leagu. win hold a meeting thlf (Wednesday) ' eve ning at th board of trad room at g o'clock. W. Cooper Morris, cashier f -the Oregon Trust and Savings bank will give en addraas, speaking from th standpoint of th advertiser. Th leagu will celebrate Its anniversary with a pinner on Tuesday- evening. March IS. at T o'clock at the Portland Commercial club. . . . . . --Ther Horn- Training association will ,-aeelcl Its regular meeting Thursday, "February tt, at S p. m. In the committee-room at the city halL Th sub ject. "Th Children's Sunday," will be presented by Rev A. J. Montgomery. .An open dUcusslorPwIIl follow.' A gen eral Invitation Is - extended to all In terested In child training. Children will . be entertained In th nursery. - - "Fun in Camp." or "Lights' and Shadows of the Spanish Wsr," a lecture Illustrated by. steraoptlcaa and 1ZS splendid ,vlew will be riven Friday evening next In th Orsc M. E. church,- corner - Twelfth and Taylor streets, by Rev. Edwin I House. D. D.. who leaves for his new field of labor In Spokane March I. No charge for admission.. . - Gentlemen We carry In stock th best and moat popular line of suspen sory bandages In th market. Every mis for personal comfort and proteo- . tlon. should wear one. and we sr pretty : sure that we ran suit you both In style and price. Call and see us about It. Bernl's drug store. 131 Waahtagton St ' Th Council of Jewish- women WTII hold th meeting of the atudy claas this afternoon t th Selltng-Hlrsch hall. Mrs. A. C tx. Berry will read a paper on the life and work of RashL Rabbi Jo- nab B. Wis will be preeent and will . give, an address. ; , Th Standard Log company filed arti cles of Incorporation with th county , Her today. Charles Harnum, Millard "Mayhall and Le-wle C Oarrlgus srs the corporator Th capital stock is .- At th Armory tonight thb auprams court will b arraigned at th bar of public opinion. Admlsnlon free. t Oood speaker a You ar Invited, V Mayor P. W. Hlnman of St Johns ap plied to th county commissioners this morning to secure relief for two desti tute families of St. Johns. Mrs. H. A. rm mm mm mmm s-s j F.V.BALTES COr.lPAfJY MAIN 105 INVITE YOUR - iriijuiniES Fon- pniNTinG FI7.ST AMD C1X STHEETS t J . "Money la the only thing that keepe you an Independent man It la the only preventive agnlnst poverty and dependence. Keep yourself free by making yourself Independent that means to aave a portion of every earned dollar." Marshall Field. Our Savings Department is the safest and most suitable de pository , for savings of any amount. - We Pay 4 Interest Oregon Trust & Savings Bank Sixth and Washington Streets, , Portland. Oregon, . GENERAL BANKING ' BUSINESS ;V'.T rVrtt for booklet Bankta bf - Mail" . W. H. MOORE, President li 7 :E. B. LYTLE. Vice-President. W. COOPER MORRIS, Cashier ; SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES. I fiO DAMAGES FOR HIS ARREST Dr. Semler, German Editor Ac cused of Blackmaif, Loses : . Cass In Court. SEALED VERDICT FOR THE DEFENDANTS Another Sealod Verdict Hands Bitter Lemon to Doctor Who WCI Now Receive Leas Than Had Ho Ac cvpted Offered Feci ' !7 Tr: Paul J. A, Setnler, formerly edi tor of th Deutsche Zeltung, will gat no financial balm for being arrested for extortion at th Instance of Meier A Prank. A sealed .verdict, returned last night at t o'clock and opened this morn ing, gives Judgment. In favor of th de fendant. .. - V Tb case was th hardest fought so far In th February terra. Five days wer required for th hearing. Attor ney John. IMtchburn mad a. great fight for Semler. holding hla own against th- combined- efforts of "TAttomey Carey, George Joseph and C E. 8. Wood for th defendants. . Th sworn testimony of th principal parties was contradictory In all th essential points, Semler alleging that Meier A Frank bad tried to Intimidate him Into sup pressing news of smallpox In their de partment . store and th defendants al leging that the German editors had at tempted to extort l&S from them in ex change for suppressing tb news. Tb defense won- out by introducing testi mony calculated to show that th Ger man editors wer in th habit of work ing blackmailing schemes. ' Attorney Dltchburn says that ha will move tor a new trial. ....'.'.'-.,' Another sealed verdict was read this morning. A Jury awarded Dr. I O. Holland of St. Johns $2S7 from th Lilnnton Box ft Lumber company for services performed in attending an In jured employ, i. A. Simpson. Hol land's victory Is a hollow one, as the corporation had previously offered to pay 1100 for a receipt In full on all claims. Holland sued for I9SJ.SQ. Dougherty and Mrs. Atkinson ' are widows with large families.. For sev eral months past the manufacturing town has given them some relief, but it wish now to have th county take per manent eharg of th needy ones. Th board will tak th matter op as soon as possible. Revival eontlnues with fine Interest at the First Christian church. Park and Columbia. E.- W. ' Paret,- the great preacher; subject tonight. The heav enly Vision." Special music. Service from 7:4 to : o'clock. y ... - The Scandinavian revival service at the Swedish Mission church was well attended last night ttev. C J. Larsen preached an able sermon, after which Rev. O. N. Johnson lad the after meet ing, v .. . - -' . ' . ' ' M. W." A. grand masque ball,' Thurs day evening, February 11, 1SOT. Malrs hall. Williams avenue and Russell. Ad mission IS cents, " , . ., Steamer Jesse Rarklna, for Camas, Waahougal and wsy landings, daily ex cept Sunday. Leaves Washington street dock I p. m. .- r t - Dr. W. A. Wis will shortly leave for Alaska, end those who want to aee htm before be goes kindly tak notice. Th real estate ads In today's issue of The Journal are interesting and will prov profitable to investors. .. .; Dr. W. B. Hamilton has returned from Furope and, will be In hi offloa, 171 Vi Russell street, at usual hours. - Acme t Co. sells the best safety eoel oil and fine gssollne. Phone Esst IIS. . Woman' Exchange, ill Tenth street, lunch 11:21 to I; business men's lunch. Jacob BWt Co. will "move about March 1 to 211 H Stark street. Why pay sooreT ' Metssrer fltg your yea for IL 111 Sixth street. aTlrn-Speeal Trains Sest, From Chlcsgo daily over Pennsylvania Short Lin: "Th New York HpeclaJ" S:ll a. m., "The Keystone Express" lt:0S a. m, "The Msnhattaa Llmiled" 11 a. m "The -,enn"r'vanla Hpeclsl" 1:45 p. m. ; (Pioneer l-hour train Clil caao to New York), "Tre Pennsylvania Limited" S:I p. m., "The Plttahurg Bpeclal" t p. m. Koulpment of highest elses sleeping, dining and parlor an polntmenta. Information about tickets routed via Washington without addi tional fare, daylight trains over'Alle- ghenr iountlns and other details fur-! nlsried lor tte aasmg. pleasure to i anier i'e(iona." Addresa K. " N. j hn:iii, k, Li t. Agent, Portland, Oregon, its fclais. sirseu i IflDIGililJUK Ill DIRTY COURT Business Mm Start Cleanup Fund With Fes Money They Receive. SCHEME TO START CAMPAIGN OF PROTEST Official in, Court Believe Property Owners Will Force Appropriation Front the Council If They Are Compelled to Sit on Jnriee. ' Tou could get bualneaa men to serve on Juries In this court If th place was not so lousy," declared W. F. Wood ward -of -Woodardr--Clark: -and rnmpnny yesterday afternoon, when he appeared at th police oourt in response to a summons to act as talesman In the cane of P. P-. Fisher, vie president of th local street carmen's union who was arrested last Saturday night on - a charge of disorderly conduct for fight ing with William Murray, an O. W. P. motor-matt- - V Mr. Woodward's statement voiced the sentiment of I. N. Uproan, R. W. Hoyt. I. ronaon. A. Feldenhelmer and IL M. Leffert, who served on th jury with him. After a verdict had been re turned acquitting Fisher of th offense charged it vis moved by Woodward that th Jury fee amounting to II be donated as a nucleus for a fund with which to purchase new furniture for the municipal court room. . . - AU of the representative bualneas men called to try th case were plainly 111 at ease during the ' trial ewlng to the everpresent danger, of vermin and at the oonclualon of the proceedings were loud la their denunciation of the parsimony of th city council In not appropriating' sufficient money to re habilitate the eourtv ir-- ; ---- It was explained to them that al though S3I.00S had- been turned Into the city treasury, from fines, forfeitures snd costs since Judge Cameron assumed office It months sgo yet not one cent had been voted to refurnish and paint th court room. - It is the Intention of the police court of floials ' to secure the attendance of prominent members of the commercial world as Jurors in every case where a Jury tlal is demanded and thereby ac quaint the large taxpayers with the dis graceful condition of th present quar ters. ..... . GIVES RECITAL AT ON PLAYER-PIAKO C. Arthur Longwell 'on Tour of Northwest for the Sherman- Clay Company. A Urgi audtenca last evening at th Taylor Street Methodist church greeted C. Arthur Long we 11. the distinguished master oi ths player-plane. The Sherman-Clay company has brought him from Now York and presented him la a free recital. Mr. LongweU is a mu siciaa of ability and gave his program on the A. B. Chase player-piano. He was assisted by Com J. Zan, baritone. I r. LongweU left last night After th concert on a tour of - th nortnwest cltlea. under th management of O. F. Johnson, general manager of th Sherman-Clay company, and will be accom panied by Philip T. Clay or tn ootn pany The program was as follows: L Paplllons D' Amour (Schuett); "Wal ther IT' Song." from "Die Melster singer" (Wsgner): 'Barcarolle"! "Shep herds All and Maidens Fair" (Nevin), from "In A ready"; "In the Dark, In the Dew" (Coomba)l 'Calm as the Nlgbt" (Boom), Mr. Zan; "From Foreign Lands" (Germany); "Llebeswalses," Op. (7 Mosskowski); "Loreley" (Seeling); "Staccato Caprice" (Vogrlch); "Pier rette" (Chamlnade) ; . "Obatlnatlon" (Fontenallies); "Bedouin Love Song" (Pinsutl), rM. Zan; "Rondo Caprlcclos," Op. 14 (Mendelssohn). Champion Big Card. , - Though the Exposition Rink ha a of fered many magnetic attractions to draw skatera to that resort th great est of ell Is now on the boards In Will T. Cary, America's champion trick and fancy skater, whe opened aa engage ment at the rink yesterday afternoon and who will continue exhibitions throughout the week. Many local skaters' pet tricks wer duplicated with an - ease that made them appear child's play and. among the new feats shown were many which were almost Inconceivable. . , Building Permit. ' . Building permit' wer Issued this morning a follows: To the C J. Cook company, stable, Davis, between Bev enth and Eighth, 11.000; A. N. Nerlaon. two-story dwelling. Brown street, be tween Union and Grand avenues. 11.500; August Dell, two-story dwelling. Belli wood. $1,200; George Mosher. two-story dwelling. Eaat Eleventh, between weia ler and Halsey, 1100; Rothschild Bros., steel frame for seven-story office build ing. Washington, between Fourth and Fifth. SJJ.000. - Tonight . Would be an ideal time to spend a pleasant evening at ,, .. the ...... Oaks Skating Rink LEST YOU FORGET Colonial Masquerade Friday, Feb. 22 Trepare your costume now. Jjix elegant prizes.; Two for the best colonial costumes', two - for - the best comical costumes, two for-the best sustained characters. Two Sessions, 7 to 10, 10 to 12. Masks off at 10 BEAUTIFUL GIFT FOR CITY OF MinVAUKIE Enterprising Citizens Present the City With a Fine Piano Which Is to Be Placed in the New Town HalL Everyone In Mtlwaukl 1 rejoicing now and with- good reason, too, for oo Waahlngton's birthday a beautiful Dtano ) Is to be presented to that thriving little cny. me piano, wnich is one of th famous Kimball make, la to grace the new Mllwaukl town halt, recently com pleted, where It will undoubtedly proxaj s aourc oi enieriMrrment, ana a lasting monument to Ui liberality and enterprise of the clttsehs who mad its possession possible. This beautiful in strument. . which was secured from killers flano House, Is to be formally donated to the city of Mllwaukle on the evening of February XI. which will be the occasion of a grand ball In the new town hall. The Hon. George C. BrowmUl will, make the, present a ttoe apssoa, and Mayor William Scnlndler will respond In behalf of the people of Mllwaukle. All .thanks for this superb gift Ire due to the following public-spirited eltl sens of Mllwaukle who selected the in strument and raised tire amount neces sary for - its purchase among them selves: Philip Btrelb. Herman F. Load ing, E. T. Elmer, Charles F. Frey. .Frank Aright. Henry Soott. C. K. Ballard. O. 8. Mathews. A. S. Flatland. E. Paetach, William Behind ler. W. F. Lehman, Otto F. Witt, Fred Karlen. IJ. T. Brady, I. Mullan. John R. Kelso. H. M. Mullan. J. K. Wetsler, N. B. Harvey. C. Kerr, George C. Brovmell. A. M. I grand, John Snyder, Fred Hoealy, Charles Mo Corrolck. WU1 A, Knight. F. H. Lechler, Jamea Held. . . Considerable trouble was experienced in the matter of making a selection by the committee appointed for that pur pose, and It was only after a careful In vestigation of the many different. makes handled by Portland piano dealers that the beautiful Kimball was unanimously adjudged superior to . the rest and ar rangements were made for its purchsse at one. Many thanks ar due to.llara Piano Houae from whom the piano was secured for the very material assist ance rendered in helping the committee selsct tb Instrument and the delegation appointed for that purpose ar to-be highly complimented upon the excellence of their choloe. . OWES GOOD DEPOT TO THE CITY E. M. Brannick Declares Suit able Structure Can Be Built --at East Washington. SAFE FOUNDATION - FOR BRICK ON CONCRETE Southern Pacific Has Said That Only YVoodon Bvlldlna; Is Possible, bat Manager CBrlea ' WO! Bo Ap. 'pealed to by East Siders. "Not only as a courtesy to Its large patrons tha Implement dealer and other extensive shippers but for Its own best Interests, does the Southern Pacific owe th east aide thl favor," said E. M. Brannick this morning, - In speaking of the proposed wooden depot at' Eaat Washington street. Business men of the east aids generally are pro testing against It, " I . The feeling ts Very strong hi tb warehouse district in ths vicinity ef Fast Washington street because th Southern Pacifio is oontemplsting the erection of a frame depot. The corpo ration declare that It Is impossible to find a solid foundation for a concrete, stone or brick structure and that there fore a frame building la the only prac tical solution. ' "It I nonsense to speak of not being able to strlks a .solid foundation for a single story brick. said Mr. Brannick, "when the Mitchell building, a five story brick. Is being erected on ground tnuch softer then the gravel reef that the depot wlU be erected upon espe cially, a railroad company that prides Itself In being able to find solid foun dations for a bridge tn such a , river as ths Columbia. "Manager 'O'Brien Is out ef town at present, but we believe that we can pre vail upon hfm to consider our wishes. It Is not a matter ef whim, but one that la important to ' the city aa a whole We are ne longer a village and w should be respected a city. "This district 1s going t be the ship ping district of Portland; It can never be anything else, and it facilities sr not equaled In any other portion of the city. But as long ss wooden buildings ar to be erected the insurance will be so high thst It will never be nsed ex tensively for thst purpose, with ; the final result that the district will never be good for anything." MADAME NORELLI IN ARI0N CONCERT First Appearance. In Portland Since Her European Tour and . Her Art Has Crown. v,v;: .'.....,.;V....: The concert given last night .by th Arion society at Arlon hall was made delightful, chiefly by the appearance of Mm. Jennie Norelll for the1 first time In Portland since her return from her late European tour. Though th artist has been absent from Portland only a year this time, her art has plainly grown tn that time to a purer and larger standard, and long and Concentrated pplausa-showed the eudience's appre ciation of the fact. The "La TrsvUta" aria, which la so admirably suited to bar flexible lyrlo voice, was splendidly done. "A Memory" (Goring-Thomea) and "Nlemand Hat' Geeeh'n" (Carl Leewe) were her other numbers. Frank Riehter, the blind boy pianist, was presented as th 6th or sololat, and hla bearers frankly admired snd mar veled at hla gifts. He gav a Chopin A flat polonaise and a LJest rhapsody with an accuracy and beauty of feeling that surprised th house. Ills art haa all been learned by ear and transmitted through unseeing flncera. The Arlon. Ringing society gav five numbers, with 1 Mies I'earl Scott at th piano, and was vcUruly Dcord. J THIS DUSINE&S 13 GROVinG MICE A HEALTHY DOY Tho" Slander of competition acts much like guano on a garden olr vegetable. Ouf cry today is for "ROOM," "MORE ROOM." HARRY WOOD opened at Firtt and. Alder, a few weeks ago. thia latest addition to his store. Upon his Arrival hero ho was given th right hand of fellowship and tola cordial greeting from an esteemed , neighbor: , " 11.000 was the bonus paid by tho Chicago Beef Trust to secure a store alongside of us, in Its efforts to drive us out"; .,; . . Now to use a "bit from George Ade "Wouldn't that crimp -you?" ..-J,.f, Vi.,.. .... I:'..::-.' Wev treated this scurriloua Blander with tha contempt It deserve, up to date. But, in consideration of th' array of loyal friends and patron who've resented thia fling -against AN OLD PIONEER MERCHANT, wo will atate . ; ; ailXT WOOD Is a pioneer Oregon meat ' dealer, in bualneas here since '19 a business loads la Oregon. K1SBT WOOD biased ths way to lower ? rices on meats; others are followers and rail behind like unte sheep following a bell wether. . KillT WOOD ts Independent of "Trusts," or self-styled, blatant Trust Busters," but - subservient to ths people's Interests. " " I "bellevee TnObvernrhehlTIn' vpectlon of meats. Lxwk out for that tne government or me country over About a year ago a certain Portland meat dealer joined with, the Front street merchants In a fight against city Inspection of markets. Today he's fighting us because ws insist en healthy meats and Crovaraasant taspeotioa of same. We wonder . whyf . . e e . ,And Beware of the man who In one breath declare h ha "a competition, and In th next ask yow to kelp hla destroy it. Imagine tb conse quences should no competition exist -fn the meat bustnesa tn Portland. 1 Such price a these create healthy competition. Read: BEEF. - . Boiling beef .......... Shoulder steak........ Shoulder roast ........ Sirloin steak.. ...... r, . Prime ribs.4. Hamburger ........7? MUTTON. Stew ................. CI 1 J . Per lb. .....T ,...10 ...104 S Per lb .....B ....10 onuuiucr iuiii ...... Shoulder chops........ Frontauarter ......... ....t04 8t LilindauarteE: is 'A : lgs Mutton.,... pcla4 Frioae tva to The Harry Wood Th Xeatakop a ta Corner With Frioee em th Sonare. CORNER FIRST AND ALDER. STREETS ,.;i!lti On Easy less Than Elsewhere for Cash DIAMONDS w al Monsy rill ITIVi'SirirN spent, but invested your sssets sr S UI UIIVOIVIU increaaed. A S oer cent bond von would consider a good purchase, diamond will pay double that. we sold for a lew years ago, ana toe maraei is eeuve ana atrong." As a matter ef fact, tnere ar very few certain TKs in l lUS woria. dui auunonas mrm a.mong me seteci sw. Come In and discuss the matter with us. EASY PAYMENTS For those who care not extra ensrge. we give first payment. MARX (D Uigest BiaaMad TS T7sTZU aTser $250 Reward Offered Until further notice the PORTLAND RAILWAY, LIGHT AND POWER COM PANY will pay the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars ($250.00) for the arrest and con viction of any person or persons damaging any of its transmission lines, carrying 5,000 volts or over; so as to prevent the transmit sion of electric energy thereon. " . Portland, Oregon, February 18, 1907. PORTLAND RAILWAY LIGHT C, POWER CO. Pastor Robinson's rieoond Call. , Kioctal Pisnatch te Tbe Journal.) , Cow. Or.. Feb. to. Calrary Baptist church at th last bualneaa meeting x- (eirle.1 a call to Rev. V. K. Robinson, arhna yeer j eervwe In ta pulpit hai just closed. . Hey. Robinson cams to t Tray Boys Wanted man afraid of the searchlight of wnicn noata tns uiara ana oinp. VEAL. Veal tewr.......'. ' Per lb. .-. 10 Veal boil..... Breast of veal .lot .;.....10 .....12V5 onouiaer ruasi..... Leg Veal..,....,,. Veal cutlet....... PORK. , Loin chops .'. ....... Shoulder chops..... Hock ............. Pi i Per lb. I5 .....t ...8 '' "fit lO rigs, icc. .. Sau ssge nniriM SaU . pork7.V. , . . . . XoteU an mtonrat. MarRet Company i rj , Mil, Hi . ; 'i'i'i C.'.'.K .'.I l ,1 ill! , i:,iii,c wrir""" IT---. 1 IHIIUIU U,.h. ... mrnmi thi "in: ! . Hi " i, II! Payments put into an even at a premium, but a We are - getting twice what or cannot pay cash, vfcthout possession wnen majung , DLOCH Pealers ta Oragea sVfSVXBT Oak Cov in December, 10S. from Texas, and ther la no busier worker in th Grand Honda ; aeaoctailnn. PAeri'a Wernle enre con.tTra '. lori wtihnut frrljilna. 'iiea, por nv a. ' U - ii c:A Ir beju WHO Q WAS I TTU - I aCAJT - THLSL $ HATS ' $2.10 CLOSING OUT S ALL SALLM WOOLEN MILL STORL SHARPEN YOUR APPRECIATION Of good steel tools, with hardwood han dles, by using eur fine carpenters' tools or handy tools sround the house. Ev erything that we carry In the. line of hardware, tools and. builder's hardware Is the best that can be procured.' - Avery Co. -as rrnxxo mr.- ". ," ATsnrsziczam. IJSatSL HEILIC THEATRE ut Tiara4sr. rrldiv, Hatnrdsy." goadsy Klghta, Wtu. 21. 22. Zl. U IHpeeial-ITtee Marlase ' j, Sstardar). th Musical Comedy, . .. "th tnrrats.' yarn maci ana a r.Tiien cast. Svaamg Priees Sl.aO, $1, T3e. sue, (6c, Xa. stacuiee mr.s jcoe m si. Seats Now Selling at Theatre. ' T IIEILIG THEATRE ltk Mat Waahlagtsa Plwee Mats (u vzovzasar irioHT,- mav&ar t. ier. . eurjie' ami foil Ural cw4TV, "THE COUNTY CHAJKMAN" Theesore B.booc la Title Itnte. rrieee Lint floor. tl.KO. (1. Baicoar. 1L. Tte, w. Ualiery. uie, itle. aeata io-Bouing at Tseatre. Dahcr Tteatre rboae Mils ISOT. Oregos Tbestre Cs u baker. Mar. rreseatlag AD This Week the Great Joks(IHww n.w r mn-i i . "BmoTHiB oyncEas." ' By Speelst arraasefiwat Wlih Charlee mhaiae. ' tlrertloB Mr. Arthsr Mack lev. Bveslsg Prjw-25c. SAe. (Oe. Mat aa xae. jasiinee esrarasr. Vest WB MLSS H0SBB. 1tt s rmnta Tfiee're Liuuuk luvunv Mala 11T. MILTON W. SEAMAN. Maaagsr. Tonlrtit AS Thia Week Matleee W.Hossaay aa sataixur roe avreasttDs sarae Ooaiedr aa Mnalral Tomloultrj , "WX WITt'S FAMU.T." Dlraettoe W. McOi.u. Resular Empire Price.. Vest Weak "tHI FAST MAXL. THE STAR Ktrsi ' wnx or nsawaaT is, lest. The Alum Stork Oowpsny Presents tbe Beestl - ful Pastoral Cornea, .. CAPaiCK" 4 la vur Acta. ' Saeelal Matinee Washlnatoa's Blrtkaay, PrM. rehruarr 'A Mstlatsa Taasdsys. Thnrrl.ys. SatnrflaTS sa4 aaaiiara at 2:o. Prlees lo sot -. Evsry evsaiag at a.18. Price Irte, -jut snt go. Reserved seats stay be secured kjp tala eboae. Mala HOU. for all serfwaiaBces. . mm. g j Speeial sdd.4 att?atiw I llC Urdllu DmBIb?. 'air eJmZ , .,, . disss Ta life sf a TeaasvUle as laaa. u -r. Mm aft atits Msttis Xmm Bot aa Coar Deaglss as4 P-. O BoO la OnsAt ,,4 Hart, Mtae Holaa "Vtn FIB8T CI- uf. oac caaa" oBmpiaoopa. L,YRIC THEATRE wrxa BiotaTtigo nsavaaT is. "Hoop of aold" ".. Bel efflee eeea from 10 a. 4 si. (p l a m. fleata aa W raaerwl hr mbsm.l .Siiv. EXPOSITION RVZl lth and Washington Sta, WILL T. C A T ' An 1 r r ' ; ) j