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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, - WEDNESDAY EVENINO, FEBRUARY 3, 107. VARDAMAN. VICTORIOUS. OVER LEADER WILLIAMS Governor of Mississippi Makes roads the Issue and Finds Southj Who. Turn Uames-IC By John K. LAtbrop. . . MJoarul Special SottIn. Washington, Feb. ).-A startling de elopment In the national political situ atlon la the apparent victor? of Gov ernor Vardaman - of Mississippi over John Sharp Will lam a, a victory won by Vardaman'a espousal of" tha Bryan doctrine on government ownership- of railroads. It had bean Assumed all along that the southern atatea would repudi ate the bare suggestion of government ownerahlp, and hence Mr. Williams has tened to chasten Mr. Bryan for hta Mad ison aqua re speech last August, when be said: . "I Am for government control of com mon carriers. If that be found to be in adequate to correct the existing abuses, than I am for government ownerahlp." Immediately John Sharp Williams pounced on the man from Nebraska and declared that he had sacrificed hla mag nificent following in the south and that, , unless he receded from his position, he would not have a corporal's guard of southern delegates In the coming na tional convention. " '.!":"., Williams' statement was commonly Accepted as the pronouncement of an oracle, and the south was placed In the anti-Bryan column. "then - Governor Vardaman, who, with Williams, . Is a candidate for the United States sena torshlp from Mississippi, came out on the tentative platform on government ownership which had been building by Mr. Bryan, and went Into 'the eanvass In earnest. Williams reiterated his pre vlous declarations and the two tried It out before the people In a speaking campaign. . . . SYMPATHY . WITH 17ESTERH FEDERATION OFFICIALS ' Farmer Socialists ; of Sweet Home Demand Their Dues of I yKl-' a Speedy Trial. ''" ,; ; (Special Dlapatefc te The tonal) - Bweet Home, Or., Feb. to. On the nniversary of ths day that Moyer. Heywood and Pettlbone, offloera of ths Western Federation of Miners, were ar- . rested at Denver and removed expe ditiously to Idaho by ths Joint action of stats officials of Idaho and Colorado, n ths charge of having murdered for- ; mer . Governor Frank Steunenberg of Iriaho with A bomb, the following pre HADi lUARTERS "Tor; HATS .Bring your head to ' ", headquarters. ; V. V ; Here are all the recog- ; nized spring shapes, and every one of them looks more dollars than we charge. -'C' 1 THE LION SPECIAL .'; $i.85 $2.50 Quality; $5 Style Men's and Boys' Outfitters, . Mohawk Building. ; - 1C3 and ItS Thii;d Street. . -J"- -A v 91 aTs ... - - - m KVIT .a. Government Ownership of Rail It Popular With People of the ; Down Congressman. Vardaman Reports from that state- received -to Washington are that Vardaman has the brilliant house leader on the run. and that the governor has excellent chanoe to win the toga. s . v:; : ' fbm Crow Oar Xssaa' ', The "Jim Crow" car Issue ts the thing upon which Williams depended to worst Vardaman. The south has always been presumed to stand for anything that makes for the'retentlon of the Jim Crow car and against the least danger that It should be done away. Tet, apparently. Vardaman has back of him the people of Mississippi, one of the most southern Of southern statsa. The most potent factor in this unex pected growth of sentiment la the south in favor of- more complete control of the common-carriers has-been the revela tions of the tremendous extent of the E. H. Harrlman system, which is tanta mount to Standard OIL, , , ! BSeot to Capita. . ' .J- , -t The effect on opinion here in th na tional capital of those revelations has been marked, Indeed, and there are here men who talk of the pendency of gov ernment ownership of railroads as though It ware almost the only thing left short of railroad ownership of the gov ernment. If the south Join the ranks of those who are for government ownership as an alternative, In the event control fall to accomplish needed reforms (which, and which only, is Mr.- Bryan's posi tion), then will the candidate from Ne braska most certainly have aa Acclamation- nomination for the presidency from the Democratic party. ambles and resolutions were adopted by the branch organisations of ths Social ist party at this place: "We. farmers, duly Assemble under the branch organisation of the Social ist party to offer protest Against the legalised kidnaping of Heywood. Moyer and Pettlbone. union labor officials. "Whereas, After ooneldertng the facts surrounding ths case and the heavy weight of evidence tending to show that these Accused men at Innocent Of the crime committed; bs It - "Resolved, That we, the undersigned farmers,' do protest Against the judicial sanction of kidnaping in the famous ease of Heywood. Moyer and Pettlbone- "Resolved. That the sympathy of every Justice-loving man ahould neces sarily be with Justice McKenna's dis senting declaration that- kidnaping un der the law Is ns more Justified than When performed outslds of ths law. "Resolved, That when such abuse Is committed by those Intrusted with ths handling of eourte, ereetlna mutterlngs Of an Already aroused people, that such a decision should be reversed. "Resolved, That All precaution must be used to give an immediate and un prejudiced trial. "Whereas, We farmers plainly see our class interest and If men of or ganised labor can' be kidnaped this year organised farmers may be next year; be it - "Resolved, That our brothers, Moyer, Haywood and Pettlbone, have been kid naped. There is no question about It, not even by the supreme court. - "Whereas, We wish It understood that A fair and Impartial trial is desired; be It ' "Resolved, That if aforesaid parties should be let go free without trial, such scUon would be no compromise." SNOWSLIDE VERY NEARLY GET? HENRY CHAMBERS (Sperlal. Dtepetefc te Tbe loernai.) ' Cove. Or., Fab, to. Henry Cham ber A tha old war horse of the Derao eratlo party In this part of Union coun ty and a citisen wboee untimely taking off would havs mattered much to the entire community, had a harrow escape A few days Ago from burial under sev eral feet of snow, or being crushed by one or mors of the boulders that were swept down the aide of Mount Fannie In A snowRllde.-la the line of which he was working." '. - Mr Chambers, who far lessee of the Old pioneer farm of Thomas Jones, took refuge, in A barn, Just in time to give the slide right of way unincumbered by other than a big woodhouse, of which it scarcely left a sign. . LA GRANDE TO VOTE Oft ' BONDS FOR WATERWORKS (Sperlal fttiiAati-ti to Tfis InarsaLt Ia Grande. Or.. Fob. JO. Tbe proposi tion of issuing bonds to the extent of titn.Odu for bringing In a water supply from Reaver creek will be submitted to the voters at the next city election. There had bean ex peat atlon that the people would also have the privilege of voting conns for a ltgnt Ifant In con nection with, the water system. . REUEHSAL IN IIOOII WILL CASE . ' Supreme ' Court Contravenes County Court as Affirmed y Circuit Court. CODICIL AND WILL IN LIGHT OF EACH OTHER Thus IU-ad, Stock in Trust for Heirs Is. Special Bequest but Accmed . Dividend Is Not Hence Applic able According to Intention. . (Special Dtapateb Tbe Joernal.) : Bal em, Feb. 20-r-The supreme court yesterday. In an 'opinion -by JuaUce Moore, reversed the Judgment of Judge M. C. George of the circuit court of Multnomah county In the case of W, C. Noon of Portland. This is an ap plication -by. executors to vote money to the payment of debts, ot a decedent's estate and involves ths ' construction of A Will. In 1904 W. C. Noon of Portland died. leaving an estate of more than A quarter of A million, the major part In ths form or stock in the w. C. Noon Bag com pany, the only lnoome-produclng prop erty of tne eatate. By A codicil this stock was left-In-trust for a term of years and ths dividends were to be dis tributed at stated Intervals among the heirs. -The executors desired to use the dividend already declared,' over $25,000, to the, payment cf the debts of the estate, but the widow and heirs claimed that ths stock and dividends were- a special bequest to them and must be distributed. The supreme court holds that the cor pus of the stock Is a special bequest, but that when ths will is rsad with tbe codicil tbe dividend Is not a special -bequest and therefore subject to the pay ment of the debts of the estate, and. or ders that it be applied as follows; To the , payment of the allowance for the support of the widow and children; to the payment of the preferred debts; to the-payment pro- rata-of -nHrdebte-x cept the debts of the bag company.' The county court' ordered the real property to be sold instead of applying the proceeds of the stock, and this or der wss Affirmed by ths circuit court, which based its action on ths act of 1906, which contained a provision that it should apply to1 estates In course of ad ministration and allowed real property to be sold 'before personal property, The supreme court holds that sinoe the title to real property passes direct to the heirs and devisees on the death of the., testator the law cannot apply to-Jthai. aale of such property until liability for tbe debts of the estate attaches thereto by reason of tha exhaustion of the per sonal property primarily liable. ODD FELLOWS DISTRICT MEETING AT PENDLETON ' (Special Phpetea to The Journal.) Pendleton, Or.f Feb. 20. The annual district convention of the Knights of Pythias lodges In Umatilla county was held In this city Monday evening at the Odd Fellows' hall. Tbe pleasure of this year's convention was increased by the presence In ths city of ths following members of ths grand lodge finance com mittee: B. W. Brown of Corvallls. O. W. Knight of Hubbard and R. O. Mor row of Portland. Besides these were X R. gtlnson of Balem, grand keeper of records, and W. M. Cake of Portland, past grand chancellor of Oregon. The following program - was carried out: Address of welcome, J. R. Raley, P. C; response, Hon. R. O. Morrow, P. C.i anniversary address, Hon. W. M. Pierce, P. C; song. Damon quartet; "Progress of Pythlanlsm," M. F. Davis, grand chancellor; duet, by Bradahaw and Cake; "My Hobby" I R.Stinson. O. K. of R. And 8.J "Stipulated Sick Bene fits." genera) discussion; conferring Page rank, by selected team; contest In rank of knight. Continuous luncheon will . be served during the evening. Fish In the TreASury. " (Joorsal Special SerrtoA) '"rp" Washington, Feb. JO. The president has sent to tha senate the nomination of Hamilton Fish of New York to be assistant treasurer of ths United States st New York; also to be assistant quar- termaster-generai, rank of ocdonel. Ueu-tenant-Colonel James Pope to be deputy quartermaster-general, rank of lieutenant-colonel. Major John B. Delllnger; to be quartermaster-geaersx rank of major. Captain Thomas Bwobe. Officer of South Pole Mines. (Special Dtapatcb ts The JosrsaL) Bumpter, Or.. Feb. 20 At a- recent meeting of the directors of the South Pole Consolidated - Mines company the following officers wers elected: W. Henry Harris president, O. P. Eversole vice president. P. Basohe treasurer, George A. Carter secretary. Plana are being made for extensive development of the property. v i . acrif ice of Arlt Some of the Articles . on'gac SOLID MAHOGANY TABLES. - Chairs, antique clocks,' bookcases, davenports, w . BUFFETS, , motion chairs, , ROCKERS, ; TABLES,': - - SETTEES, WALNUT BEDROOM SET, PARLOR SET, ; . OAK CHAIRS. , - CHINA CLOSET, . . . ' BOOKCASE, ETC. V '. ' r - ".. LlilllY CAUDIDATES FOR CLERKSHIP Newly Created Rallroid Com mission Besieged With Applk '.' cations for Positions. ' EASTERN OREGON MAN i. WILL-BE CHOSEN ONE J Ames D. Burdett of Arlington R ' ported , to Ho Slated (or Job Commissioners nold An Informal ' Meeting CampbU President, (By a Staff Oorreneaont.) Salem, Or., Feb, to. Members of ths -aewlyoreated -railroad -oommiselott - are already besieged with applications for sppolntment As olsrk of the board. The position carries A salary of $2,000 and Is looKea.upon as a very desirable onA Ths belief Is general that the appointee will be chossn from eastern Oregon, since that part of the atate has no rep resentative among the commissioner and James D. Burdett of Arlington Is quietly tipped as being slated for the piacA Burdett was bora In Yamhill county. - graduated from Ann Arbor, Michigan, was admitted to the bar and la now referee to bankruptcy at Arling ton. : , ., There are several, other candidates from eastern Oregon, among them be ing George Goodall of Pendleton. ex Representative El H. Test of Ontario and H. F. Andrus of Hood River. H. M. Tomllnson, Charles I ParrlsH, EL Os t render and William .Raid, all of Port land, are candidates for the plaoA Grants Pass contributes two mora, H. A. Rotermund and Frank Rosenberg, and Salem has at least one oalhdldate, M. T. Baldwin. The commissioners held A - first In formal meeting last right, but did hot attempt to organise or transact busi ness, as none of them has yst filed the required bond of $10,000 and taken the oath -of ofBee. It 1S conceded that one of the two Republican members will be elected president of the commission snd the choioe will probably fall on T. K. Campbell, as he Is the oldest one on the board. NEW ENTERPRISES ARE INCORPORATED (Special, Ptepatefe te The Joaraal.) " ' Salem, Or., Feb. $0. The following ar ticles of Incorporation havs been filed with The socretsry of stats: East Side Box ts Lumber Company; Incorporators,' A. A. Anderson, Otto Wle precht and Charles "J. ' Schnabel; main office, Portland; capital stock. $5,000. Another commission house was creat ed for Portland by the Incorporating of the ElllsonrMadlson company with a capital stock of $1,00$. Edward C. Pease company! incorpo rators, Edward C Pease. Fred W. Bay ley, W. H. Hobson and W. C Pease Jr.! capital stock, $100,000; main office. The Dalles, Oregon. Ths company will en gage in the general mercantile bnslnsss at The Dalles and Bhenlko. Oregon -av British Columbia Mining A Milling company; incorporators, R. I Hart, John P. Hart and Hugh O. Ftsh- sr; main office, Albany, Oregon; capital stock. $1,000,000. The territory en braced In the work of the company will be Oregon and British Columbia. Granite Savings bank; main office, Ashland; capital stock. $21,000; Incor porators, A. McCallem D. R. Mills, Jo. V. Carter, I I O. Winter, F. H. Carter, H. A. Bherwln, G. S. Butler, C H. Vaupel, J. K. Van 8 ant And George W. Dunn. The Balem Brewery association In creased Its capital stock from $$0,000 to $200,000. The Coos Bay ft Duluth Land Invest ment company, a corporation organised under the laws of ths territory of New Mexico, with Its mam office In the city of Chicago, and Albuquerque, New Mex ico, and a capital stock of $16,000, has declared Its Intention to sngage in busi ness In this stats at Marshfield, Coos county. This company will engage In the purchase and sale of lands for the purpose efgrsslng and for a general lumber buslnss a SVENSEN SUICIDE WAS MRS. JOHN PFUNDER (gpeelat tMsp te Tha Joeraal.t AStorta, Or., Feb. 20. The suicido At Svensen reported yesterday and inves tigated by Coroner Pohl proves to have been that of Mrs. 'John Plunder, who hsnged herself at her home during the absence of her husband and whlls the slder children were at echool. The hus band found the body. Mrs. Pfundsr was recently examined before the county lunacy commissioner and It was found ahe was more 111 than deranged through overwork and care" of an Invalid brother and a large famlbr of 1$ children. Her condition had grown worse sine that tlmA - . -.',-, If bii Don'tGet Good Cigars Now, It's Your Own Fault All you have to do is to stand up like a man and ask the dealer for cigars identified by the 'Triangle A" on. the box. Nothing else. ' . , Nothing easier, v f - J Nothing surer, ; ' When you say "Give me a Tri angle A' cigar, you are absolutely as certain-of getting quality, and the same quality every time, no matter which particular brand you select, as if you had your cigars made up to order. , , We have succeeded in building ; up a fifteen per cent share of the -entire cigar business of tins coun try. In the "face of the, keenest competition, take notice. You ' know well enough that there's only one way we could have flone it : Simply by making better cigars of every grade than any other man ufacturer has produced and telling the truth about them. And by making the . strongest .. definite claims that any cigar man ufacturer ever dared to make, and , living up to them. ; ; - The one reason why we started If you have been buying; your cigars by guess-work : and want" to "put our claimsitola jnost.prac$icaLtest, just take a new start. - Begin by smoking one of the best-known of all the brands that are sold under .the guarantee of the "Triangle A" Compare it fairly with any cigar sold at the same price that carries no "Triangle A" guarantee: you won't fail to see why we are so confident of your co-operation as soon as you realize just what the "Iriangle A't jBtandsfoTo: - j. Every box . is now extra-wrapped in glassine paper, ':. sealed at each end with the "Triangle A" in red. The cigars are kept clean, fresh and in perfect smoking condition until the box is opened. , AMERICAN CIGAR COMPANY, Manufacturinr MINERS OF BUTTE TO VOTE 01 RAISIKB SCALE Effort in Progress to Make Four Dollars From Three- "'""..";. ; Sevtnty-Flvs. It (Special Dispatch to The tesrsal.) Putte. Mont. Feb. 2a At a meeting of the Butte Miners' union last night the .miners Toted to call A special meet ing Monday evening, when the Question of raising the scale of wag from H.7I per day to will be Toted on. Judges and clerks for the election wers named. Handbills mads their sntxarattco on the street yesterday with tha follow ing, addressed to mlnsrs: "Why ' work for $S. 75 a day whsn the miners ar 15,00 strong In the camp?" Th sentiment among leading members of the union seems to Indicate that the proposition to raise the seal will be de feated In view of tbe general feeling of unrest In tha elty, but thsy refuse to be quoted on the subject. Th operator raised the scale of the miners' wages 16 cents a dsy voluntarily about two months ago. Judging from expressions from leading mining operators there Is little probabil ity of a further Increase being granted tbe mlnsrs should they vot for A raisA Railroad Trust Hearing. . (Journal Special Crrlr..) ' Jefferson City, Mo., Feb. to. The su preme court, sitting en banc, today gave hearing on the demurrer filed to Being-forced to give up the store at 473 .Washington Street, near Fourteenth, and not being able to secure suitable quarters elsewhere, the V , . . rnrnitere has determined to close out its entire stock at a great, sacrifice. This ; will afford the piiblic an opportunity to secure many high class pieces of furniture at "a very low ' figure. : .-. . ' - ;; - 1 , r . , il 1 I II" ' t" ' , FORTEN DAYS ONLY i-i ,i .i. ii.'. OUR'i, u' "i" '.rmi. $1S.OO PLATB8 - - 8.00 GOLD CROWNS . . 9d.OO UBY ATTEND ANT 391 Morrison Oiy.rMtomcc' i i i - th ouster suit filed fey Attorney-den-era! Hadley against tbe Missouri Pa clflo, th Iron Mountain and the. Wa bash railroads and other alleged Gould Interests In Missouri, The ousts suit was brought on th allegation of an existing combination ia violation of th anti-trust law. . . DEATH AT LAC0MB OF - MRS. SARAH SPRAGUE ' (Special Dispatch te The Joaraal.) Lebanon, Or., Feb. . Mra. Sarah ftnrarua. who died at the home Of her daughter, Mrs. B. N. Soul, At Laoomb early Sunday morning, aged a little more than 70 years, had lived in this place for a number of years and was highly esteemed by slL She had been 111 for a number-of months, but had Improved so ss to be able to wal kabout the house And was to all appearances as wall aa usual whsn shs retired Saturday evening. , Funeral ervloee - were held Monday kt 10 o'clock in th Free Metho nrnitare Company in marking our boxes with the 'Triv angle A" was to enable you to shut down sharp on the common hit-or- miss way of buying cigars on some body's say-so, and make your selec tion with your eyes open. It would be worth your while to take all sorts of trouble in order to obtain "Triangle A" brandsbut you don'tJtera-to-bother you can get them anywhere. . It's up to you to ask for them. Practically every dealer in the . United States carries thenv o Do iour part . . Give yourself square deal I . This "Triangle A" merit mark -identifies the product of the most -' ; modern improved methods and Bdentific processes of cigar pro- i duction. and represents a standard of auality far superior to that ' which the same price could hereto- , fore purchase. j .,. i. i,i . 1 . 11 1 ... ir-i !'' " iv - nii i ,1 I it . J1 . ' y a , t a. r-.v-y, dist church, after which th remains war brought to Lebanon and thence taken to her old home in Minnesota for hurts 1. .... BERKELEY CAN GET CAPITAL EASILY i (Jon rail Special rlc ' -Sacramento, Cal., Feb. 10. Berkeley's offer of 40 acres on which to build a stat eapltol hss stirred ths member, of th legislature, and there Is a de cided tendency towsrd accepting th proposition. There would be no ques tion about moving ths capital from Sac ramento if Berkeley also offered to rct th building. ' ' v.y- . .- -:yittmkm IWlnces Fares. v. " (Journal Special Serrlce.) -Oncoin. Neb., Feb. . Ths J-cent rs senger fare bul passed ths senate. Th -house will concur. Th govrnor openly . favors the bill. ,i ii i J i 1