The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 20, 1907, Page 5, Image 5

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Harriman Furnishes Frea Trans
, portation for Grain Donatecj
1 , - In Portland. , '
Steamer,' Contrary to Usual Custom,
(' Brings . Large 'Shipment of Coal
From MoJI to Bo Used on Roads of
the O. R. A N. Company. , ;
mtutt stepped.
-When tha Portland ft Asiatic Steam
ship company'! ateamer Numantia. Cap
tain fiiAna. aat)a for f-hlna anil Janan
Trom this port she will have stowed
r among" tha cara-o benrath the hatches
about 6,000 bushels of seed wheat do-
by Portland firms and individuals
for.ths benefit of lha famine and pov-
srtr-etricken Chines of tha Interior.
E. II ' Harriman personally (ranted free
transportation for the wheat on the
mvr, wnion wiu leave nera in iiwai iv
flay,' and -American. . Consul-General
' Rodger at Shanghai will sea that "tne
wheat la Judiciously and justly distrib
uted. ....
, It was tha Red Cross society that
took - tb Initiative toward lending a
bjr . applying to Governor Chamberlain.
The state'a chief executive turned the
matter over tot T. B. Wlleox of tha
Portland Flouring- mills, who immedi
ately donated 1,000 bushels. Other
'firms fell in Una until the whole re
quired quantity -had boon subscribed.
nd it will reach tha orient in time tor
owing tbls season. Following are tha
donors: :';v?'i- ' '
, ' . ' . Bushels. Value,
Portland Flooring Mills Co. 1.000 f7S0.00
Northweat'n Warehouse Co. 100 175.00
nairaur, autnrts Co.. . . . , boo 373.00
Kerr. Olfford Co.. ........ 000 171.00
Oregon Daily Journal.,..,,- 100 - 75.00
Flrat National bank too J7I.00
Merchants National bank .. . 160 ,117.00
Title Guar. A Trust Co... . 150 -187.561 -After . grODlng about for mora than a
" I.tpman. Wolfe Ca . J60
Jf. Hi Northrup 10
Mrs. Rhoades 10
- Hank of California. 125
- Pan 1 fie Ex part Lumber Co,. 150
Tha Numantia la due to arrive at the
mouth of the Columbia river this after
' noon, and she Is expected in the harbor
late tonight or the first thing In the
morning, ana onngs tons or coal
this time from Moll, Japan, the fuel
being consigned to toe V. H. at N. Cix
From HoDKkong the Numantia brings
about 1,000 tone of general Chinese mer
chandise. The coal will greatly relieve
the shortage here. .
Schooner Itesta In Easy Position on
- - ; Band Near Nahcottn. " "
"pclal Dtapatdi to The Journal.)
Aberdeen, Wash., Feb. 20. It la re
ported that the schooner Solano, which
ran aground near Nahcotta while en
route to this port, is still hard and fast
She will probably be aaved, however, as
she is lying in aa easy position.
Captain , Hlgglna of the steamer
Coastek la loading 'a cargo of lumber at
the Anderson ft Mlddleton mill and ex
pec'ts to get out todsy. He has let a
contract to the Llndatrora shipyard for
a new steam schooner to be built by
them this ' summer. She will carry
1,000.000 feet of lumber easily. ,t
. Aa work on the- schooner Endeavor
progresses, it is found that she was
myih more seriously damaged than was
at flrat thought. The rocka at the Jetty
tore great jagged hole in her aldea.
which it ia taking a good deal , of time
to repair. Beside the Endeavor, the
barge Waahougal ia being finished, and
:h.ooner Oliver J. Olwon is having
I'mpqua Llfa Saving Men JTot Pres
ent at the Alpha Wreck, "
"! ' ' ' . ' -
From Oardner, Oregon, comes the re-
Pftrt-UJMitlhacr?S- otbAbeaoMfeiea-forjttio- pasaage-of an of
schooner Alpha is atlll -there awaiting
Instructions from the owners. . Captain
Trugell and his eight men ware not
rescued by the life-saving crew at
Umpqua. but remained on board of the
atranded veaael over night and then
waded ashore the following morning.
The Alpha-' went ashore afew miles
above Winchester Bay. February at
11:10 p. m. and was beached blgb enough
for the crew to reach shoe the follow
ing morning by wading waist deep.
Shortly after - reaching shore the men
were picked up by the stage that paaeea
that place and brought to Gardner,
Joseph Fellman assisting them, i -
Schooner Antelope Runs Short ' of
Provisions and Tobacco.-
IT. S. National bank......... 210 1S7.S0
Oregon Trust A Sav. bank. ; lit 100.00.
1 ne oraa-onian ....w.v:.. lis ion no
Xlelert FnwikXa ....... . 250 187.50
Olds, Wortman ft King;.!. t50rr.80fsrTTrturn-oargo, to-gan Fwiwiaer-WhHe'rurtt, do.. ,et. ... hear
month trvlna- to find the entrance to
Winchester or Sluslaw bays the schoon
er Antelope baa finally put safely into
Oardner, where, she will load lumber for
searching' for her destination the ves
sel ran out of provisions and tobacco
and there waa considerable suffering on
board on that account. . r
The Antelope left San - Franclsoa - (0
days-Age- and made .fairly- good-speed
during the flrat few days out. '. Nearlng
the Oregon - coast she fell Into some of
the densest foga Imaginable, ao that it
became utterly Impossible to take bear-
I fj.h -' J?
i em , n
U J I X Wa' I IX
Indicate That Your Kidneys Ar DUeased. Warner's
Safe Cure Absolutely and Permanently Cures all
. ; Diseases of the Kidneys, Liver, Bladder, Blood,
' Urinary Organs, and Rheumalsm and Diabetes.
Un. , E. E. Van Denter," Los ? Angeles, California, Sec'y. Social
Science Club, had lcidney trouble so bad that 'she could not
. v ' straigthen up. She feels
--like a new woman since
"' she was effectually cured
; , by Warner's Safe Cure.
" May 12, 1906, she writei:
i "I am so grateful for what War
; iter's Safe Cure did for me that I am
pleased to give you my experience.
A heavy cold reaulted In kidney trou-
ble and my side and back pained no
" so much that I was unable to be on
my feet for several montha. The
doctor we tiad was able to give me
but little relief, so I told him not to
: come any more, and began using
. Warner's Safe Cure... t felt much re
lief from pain In the course of three
' weeks, and as I continued to lm---Trove
all the time, I used eight bot
. ties in all and that effected a com
. plete cure. I feel ao relieved and
.. well now that t am like a different
woman, and can straighten Jip jow,
what I waa unable to do a few
' montha ago. , Gratefully yours, E. E.
Van Denter, 4JJ West Ninth street,
Los Angeles, CaX, 8ecy. Social Sci
ence Club."
xu s. z. ta Bxima.
Wtea the kidneys are dlwaaea the erle seld is ant earrtod off. ' and tills easae float,
t.amhain, Rtieamatlam sf the Jelata, Skeaatatlsm ot the atasclee, Bbeamatlaai el the Heart,
RbaamatUm everywhere. ' - " " . .-4 ..
la Hrlaht'a niacaw the bowel are eftea ennarlpated and tha liver terpM. Wame(s
Safe' Pill qnlrklr roll till rendlttoa, ami ae ill after effot le iperlnd.
WARNF.K'H SAFB CURB Ispot ap la twe alaea and Is enld by all drnnltta, or direct, ,
at 50 CC.NTS AND 01-00 A BOTTLB. Refuse snlMtltntes eaauinlag harairal drag which In
jar the ayatem. ; . i
TBI A I DflTTI IT tDlTV rn - ossvhiee every safferer from dlmere ef the kidney.
TRIAlvDUl 1 1IV I KatCVliTer,' bla'lilw and blond that- WARNER'S 8AiB CURB
will rare lhm. trial entile will be aent. ABSOMTKLT rRRR. mtnald. ta an a !
will write- WARNER'S BArB CKRB CO.. Rorheater. M. T., and menttoa having a thto
rral effer ta TIM jonrnai. me ganniaenea x rm errar M rally guaranteed. - Our doctor
ala avnd medical booklet enntalatna deaerlptlona of hbipUmb aad traatraaat W aaeh
Me and many convlnrlns toatlmontala frae to avory one.
y'':'::'x 1 . , , and ;
Thee is not a real estate ad in. the paper today
'that is not worth reading and considering hardly
' one that is not worth answering and investigating.
; Remember, that no matter how interesting or im- .
portant today's news may be, there are many people
- who will not read any of it until they have read the"
Real Estate Ads'. Remember this if you want to
sell your home. ( '" ' , ' . ' . f ' . "
Some time since, that gentle humor
ist. J. M. Barrle, issued an entertain
ing volume - giving explicit directions
for "A' Holiday in Bed" and exploiting
Ita advantage. It would a earn that a
number of people In Portland have been
reading the- book and have become im
pressed with the advantage of this
kind of recreation.
According to Barrle' s directions the
sufferer laments bis lack of appetite,
and when hla sympathetic wife hasten
to his bednld with an offering . of
broiled chicken,' ha languidly regret tha
trouble she has taken, . but suggests
that she may leave It and he will try
by land by to eat a little. ' Aa soon as
she Is gone he hastily fall a upon the
bird and devours every mouthful; then
with a novel he beguiles the time until
be hears her soft footfall, when he im
mediately tack the novel - under bis
pillow and falls to groaning.
Either thin kind of a malady, or the
lent clutchea of the wlnter'a grip are
afflicting the gueatsat on of Port
land's fashionable hostelrles, for it Is
said that yesterday IS msala were sent
up to the rooms of those who were too
much indisposed to reach : the dlntog
room. - A confusing phase of the grip ques
tion ia that one may apparently belong
to both classes, for the Ungating lassi
tude and Stupefaction which remain after
the aoute stage of grip Is passed dis
poses one to any kind of deception or
wickedness. A grip convalescent would
cheat child and call lt'vlrtue. There
fore the beat we enn hope ..for the I J
who dined in seclusion yesterday 1 that
they may oon either entirely recover
or grow worse.'. '
For the firgt time since the ml was
adopted In 101 tho, city -council- dis
covered today that one. of its members
could tie op a piece of legislation in
definitely by objecting to a suspension
dinance. Under rule IT any council
man who may have a pet measure on
hand may force the remaining 14 coun
cilman to come to 'any terms he msy
name when they propose law, demand
ed by their oonatltuents, for enaotment.
The majority must give way to a sin
gle man if they wish to get their meas
ures through the council. The result
of the ruling is a bad law now and then.
Rule 11, known as the Flegel amend
ment, provides: "Every ordinance shall
receive three reading previous to its
being passed, but shall not be read more
than iwlc at. any, one meeting except
by unanimous consent," and thepresi
dent shall announce before each read
ing whether it ahall be first, aecond or
third. Keen ordinance, after it become
a lawrhair Br enrolled by-th. auditor
and lo a book for that purpose."
Rule It confllot with rule IT. It
atatea "that no atandlng rule ahall be
reeclnded or suspended except by a vote
of two-thirds of all the members pres
ent, and the ayes and nays shaU be re
corded upon any motion to suspend a
rule." . . , . .
It is proposed by some of the council
men eliminate rule It from the elty
code, and to amend rule IT ao aa to a
two-thirds vote sufficient to place an
ordinance upon Its final passage. . '
Twenty-thro"l obaoleteraleirated I Try thfrlateat-The only thing to. say
to the past. If you don't want to be
olaaaed with the people who sang
"After the Ball" when the ball was aU
ovr,or "Annie . jtooney after aha waa
you say Twenty-thre for you," "Eigh
teen and car rare," or any other ot the
forma that have grown from the inystle
number.- --,
these days is "Now IT." Print that In
capitals and read It backward upalde
down If you want to be in the race. If
anyone nhnnts "Tinman" at yoj trill
them it is not pout to say it, so plainly
and with a courteous bow . you may
smile and yell your meaning in "Now
IT." . ...
Ings. Day af tar day this continued
until at laat thoae on board had no Idea
at ail where they were at. By holding
well off shor they managed to keep
from going on the rocks, but they were
a long ways from their destination when
the fog banks anally lifted and let out
enough sun to give the lost mariners a
chance to take observations.
Woodford and'Manuba Mara Beach
.-1.1 P01" .Fom Japan. . ."
"Two large ateamer crossed in at As
toria this morning .and a third one' la
looked for this afternoon. 8 till another,
the Norwegian steamer Thyra is due to
arrive tomorrow or the day after. The
steamer that crossed in- this morning
are the Woodford and Manshu Maru,
the former under the Brtttah colors and
the latter flying the flag of Japan.
The Woodford brings a cargo of eoal
consigned to the Pacific Coast company.
She comes : from Mororan, Japan, ex
clusively to deliver the fuel cargo for
aa far as known she la not yet char
tered for outward business. She left
up at noon and la expected to reach the
eoal bunkers late this evening.
The Japanese steamer Manshu Maru
eomes ' under charter to load flour and
eome lumber for Japan. Bhe will tako
the Kotohlra Maru's place at the flour
mills aa the letter craft will clear this
afternoon for Japan with about 15,000
barrels of flour. Part of the cargo will
be furnlahed by the Portland Flouring
Mills company and part by the Portland
and Aslatlo Steamahlp company.
It was announoed thia morning that
several-more J pane ateamara will
come here for flour and wheat in the
near future. One of the steamers near
cat ht hand Is the Pukut Maru. which
reached Comox. - British Columbia, a
eouple of days ago to take on bunker
coat She will probably be -here some
time this week.
Another Kotrwr-glaa. Steamer Will Be)
In Harbor Soon,
The Norwegian steamer Heroulea was
placed on the list of vessels enroute to
Portland this morning and aha la sup
posed to be coming here in ballast from
Mororan, Japan, under charter t load
It is believed she will take the cargo
intended for the Norwegian steamer
Tode Fageland, which passed by the
river about a week ago bound from Ban
Francisco for Puget sound, her orders
to load having been changed since the
vessel went to sea. The Fageland was
to have taken a cargo of lumber from
here to China, trat her charter was can
celled with the understanding that an
other steamer would soon be substitut
ed for her. - ' '
The Hrcule is a large carrier, regis
tering 1,400 tons net. '
Astoria. Fs. 10. vArrlved at 1:i9 a.
m., British steamer Woodford, from
Moil. Arrived at l:2S a. m.. Japanese
steamer Manahu Maru. from Saline
Crua. Outalds at 11 a. m., three four
masted schooners snd a square-rigger.
San Francisco, Feb. 20. Arrived,
schooner Annie Laren. from , Astoria,
galled last night. Norwegian steamer
Thyra and steamer Nome City,,, for
Astoria. Feb. llArrtved at 4 and
left up at 4:10 p. m., steamer Washing
ton, from Ssn Francisco.
- Point Rsyes. Feb. 1. Passed, steam
er W. S. Porter, - from Portland for
Monterey. ' ' ' .
San Francisco, Feb. , 1. Arrived
at 1 p. m., steamer Costa Rloa, from
Portland. 'aned, barkentlne Wreatler,
for Columbia river.
Astoria, Feb. to. Condition of ' the
bar at I a. m., obscured; wind nofth
west; weather, dense fog. v
Th' British ehlpiMuskoka shlftsd to
the elevator yeaterday. ,
The steamer Columbia sailed for Ran
Franclaco laat night with a good Hat nf
pnaaengers and a full cargo, Including
160 aack of potatoea. . T
The schooner Balvator arrived at As
toria this jnornlnt to load lumber at
THAT IS mm :
J. W. Hayes Tells of Divers Ex
planations for Its Disappear
ance Made to Him.
J. W. Hafes, owner of the Hasty Me.
senger company, has notified FoetofAce
Inspector Riches that a letter contain
ing a draft for-f SO, addressed to him at
101 Seventh street, January 10, has not
yet been delivered to him and expresses
the belief that the letter has been held
from him by former business associates
through spite.
Hayea says the letter came to him at
the above address from John Peterson,
Goldlield. Nevada, but that a few days
before the letter reached Portland he
had moved his place of bualneas to 411
Morrison street. Hayes says that Nel
son Borland, a clerk ot the City Mes
senger company, acknowledges that the
letter came to the offloe of the City
Messenger company, at the corner of
We at Park and Waahlngton streets, but
that Borland has told several stories
concerning tha subsequent movements
of the letter.
Hayea says that Borland first told a
messenger boy, who was sent after the
letter, that he had given the letter to a
postman. ' Later, according to Hayea,
Borland stated that the letter had been
given to- J. - F - Shorey, maaagrr of the
City Messenger company, and that
Shorey had posted tha letter in a mall
box. Hayea says that Shorey denies
ever having seen the' letter. ,
. So far. no attempt has been rasde to
cash the draft and until more evidence
can be secured concerning the affair
Assistant United States District Attor
ney James Cole; who has charge of tha
case, wlU make no move. Postofflce
Inspector Riches thinks that the trou
ble is ail due - to business tealousy,
j:b!chhaa exlsted between the parties
concerned for a long llme. 7
Many Splendid Opportunities for rroflt
bl Investment of Capital Are At
tracting the Attention ot Soma o-
" pie, :- -r- ,-rr..
To a certain' extent It appears to be
a fad for people of any community to
think that the further away from home
a mining proposition is, the more valu
able it Mlneg of great merit
have lain Idle for years within easy ac
cess of Portland for the want of a com
paratively small amount of capital to
develop them, or to equip them after
.they have been developed. The dewy
distance haa the enchantment and cap
ital more readily seeks to become en
tangled therein.
We have, within our borders in east
ern, southern snd central Oregon, min
eral deposits In quarts and placer, that
are second to very few states in the
western mineral belt. All that is re
quired to make Oregon eome well up on
the list as a gold producer Is the neces
sary capital expended Judiciously. The
Union Mining company, through their
fiscal agent, W. J. Forrester, whose of
fice I in the Til ford building. Tenth
nd Morrison streets, is offering an un
usual opportunity for a safe and money
maktng investment. ,
one-of the mills on the lower Colum
bia. ,..' i
The steamer Meteor will he In the
harbor this afternoon to con I prior to
proceeding to one, of the mills on the
Columbia to load lumber for a return
cargo to San Francisco.
The ateamer Geo. W. Elder sails for
San Pedro and way port trtle evening
and the Alliance is due to arrive from
Coos Bay tonight.
The-eteam- schooner Washington Is at
the mill of the Portland Lumber com
pany loading for San Francisco. She
arrived here laat night. '
Tha barkentlne Puako was lifted on
the drydork 'this morning after the
schooner Alice, McDonald had been low
ered. .
It Is feared that the schooner Rita
Newman, from Bandon to San Fran
olaco, hajr'been lost, ; (
' -' -
wm (Eos mmm.
The enormous selling of the past few weeks has left us with hundreds of short
lengths on our hands. , For tomorrow we've determined to take a big loss and
clear the entire stock in a single day. These are remnants of our newest and
most stylish spring dress stuffs as-well as odds and ends of winter goods, and for
tomorrow every piece has been marked at adout nait regular price, - . , ,
Black and colored, plain, Jancieg' and novelties, including plenty of the wanted check and plaids out
they r.o every piece has been marked at a price to sell it at sight;, all are remnants, and as we need
the room, down goes every price to a figure that should clear therrf in a single day. It's your chance for ,
bargains, come.
Review Patterns
Are best. Brlces
10c, 15c.
come -
Onr Private
: Exchange
a lOO Dozen of the Newest Styles of the
$1.50 AND $2.00 WRITE WAISTS
Sent to na bv mistake that's whv we can make such an offer at the
season's very start, when all other stores arc asking $1.50 and $2.00
m - . . . . . 1 LI.. 1 - - - m A.-
lor ine very same waists; maae oi sneer wraw xawns in over u ui w
most exquisite styles; long and short sleeves, elegantly trimmed with
lace and embroidery and fine pin tucks; all sues; every waist tn tne .
lot bargain at $1.50 to 12.00, and remember we guarantee every one -this
season's newest style. It's the waist sensation of the season, and
as other stores won't offer before the season's end. Choice, each
T. .awe.
bargain such
$3 leather
Just 50 of them 24-inch genuine
- solid leather Suit Cases, imita
tion alligator, steel frames, well
( made. Who ever heard the like
before? One day only, but one
. customer, at... ...;:..$1.89
Women's 10c All
Not cotton, but guaranteed pure
linen, all hemstitched, W to H
inch hems. . An auction lot of
10c ones at just half price.
5e Each
Women's 25c to 39c
7 1C :; :
50 dozen ladies' white Jersey-ribbed.
Vests and Pants, all silk finish,
. high neck and long sleeves, pearl
buttons, all sizes. Positively
' none worth less than 25c up to
39c. For ; . . 1Qr
one day, choice .-. . w
Thursday's Store-Crowding Oiler oi 50D Pairs
Never before were such values given. All the odd lots, broken lines
of our finest Women s Shoes. Also what 4s left of tne liartman-Wise
sample Shoes, worth up to $4.00 all to be cleared in this one-day sale
at, choice, per pair..
Patent Kid-Gunmttal-Dull and Vlci
Kid Box Calf, Etc., Lace and Blucher Styles
The most elegant and finest of dress footwear there's none better at any price, no
matter what you pay; all made of finest, softest leathers, hand welt and turn, plain
and patent tips, Cuban and opera heels, newest toes; in fact, footwear made for the
most fastidious trade the same kinds and styles that are sold all over at $3.00 and
.............. sja.wo
Black and Colored
Mill End
- Linings .
All good lengths,
worth to 1 aa
25c per I llr
d....... tvv
$3 JO all bunched in one -huge lot at, choice, per pair.
Large 10-4 Gray'
300 pairs of these
$1 ones to
go at,
oi inese
r 35c Large Fancy
: Tops
Handsome designs
ready to be -
outlined. I -4.(7
Choice,...: ! tj
30 Bolts of Heavy
Full width, made
iu wioin, maae
H Ends 10c & WAz Muslins & Cambrics
All mill ends you know what that means. Almost two yards for the price of one. Only.
on bale about 1,400 yards in all the finest and best of yard-wide muslins and cambrics,
including the genuine Lonsdale and Fruit of the Loom grades that you know are the best,
and sell all over at 2Vc; good long lengths, Enough for one day only, so come tomor
row if you want any. Choice
1,000 large 12
inch sue -
Scalloped open
work and fancy
embroidered e f
fects, elegant de
signs. Bargains
at 19c, for one
11c Each
Save Money by Trading in Our
l,00t bars
Soap .
For 1 day
Lara I'o Pkc.
psclal, m
While It 7
lasts, aack..v
H-lb. can ,
Cocoa '
Ess. 6c, jrP
special .
1 1 Lbs. Granulated Sugar 49c
ISa 1-lb. can Qhlrartlalirs Ground
Chocolate . 254
too Corah Honey ..13
Beat 16o sun-dried Apples, ID..110J io cako Bapollo
Bast JOo Lara on s, dosan .134
lOo can Corn.,... ....... ,.-...74
100 can Pea .74
Larsa, . f Ins 10a Nays! Oranaea,
dosen . 18
It Ho Muacatal Ralalna, lb.
Extra special SO
dosen women'a
Made of finest
Swiss and cam
bric, elegant lace
and embroidery
trimming . and
ribbon-drawn, all
39c up to 50c
24c Each
Another Astounding Mill End Offer of
35c Spring Wash Goods 14c YaM
Only a small lot, and at this price it's an offer that should bring tha crowds 'with a rush. Think of it the
newest and best of this season's 35c Wash Goods 14c; beautiful crepe de Eoliennes, an exquisite sheer,
fine fabric, in rich figured and flowered designs, dainty colorings and combinations all 3 to 8-yard lengths.
in tneir windows at 3iC. au aay tomorrow.. Buy it here
The same identical goods near-by stores show in their windows at 35c
at the bargain store, choice, yard. ..............
89c for Women's
$1.25 Kid Gloves
The best $1.25 glove on the market, made
of genuine German lamb, soft an plia
ble, selected skins, msde in the newest
spring styles, with one large clasp, farts
y Foint emproidery;. wnite,
-tan, mode, navy and gray;
sll sixes, and all best
$1.25 kid gloves. Special. . . . .
iaap, raris
$1.48 for Women's
$2.50 Muslin Skirls
Only a small lot of 58; we don't expect
one left after tomorrow; made of finest
muslin, with deep lace and embroidery
flounce extra dust ruffle; msde good snd
full; not one in the lot
but what wou would
consider a bargain
at $2.50. Choice ,.
le good sn.l
crccijery and nousEFURmsmr.'G ba:.:
fl fins Bohsmlan Glaae Water Sat.
I (lasses, pitcher and embossed
nlckal trar; all II valuas, For 1
day. special ..v.....? fl.CS
25o Opal Glaas Olobas 104S:c
lKo Jap., Crumb and ilraad Trxv.(1
wmis Tn7 laai I . . . 1 j,K
10c Mannlne'a Ltmon Juloa 1 -
trartur . 1n f
: l i
nrt 1 n (