The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 20, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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'L'-:':i'Ji gglTl: V. - i ,-r.,.ri I- -Mv.-Jlk ; ; v ,.;-,.,. TVf - ..
Admission Draws ' Harry Thaw
Half Out of Chair to Search
Wife's Face.'
Ycmng Womaa Makes Replies Freely
and Without HesltUo to Je
rome's Searching Qneations About
Her past Career.
I'WUI spenai Brrvlre.)
Kew Tork, Feb. 20. Under ths first,
sting of Jerome's cross-examination
Bvelya Nesblt Thaw mads aa admls-
si on Just before court adjourned last
night that drew Harry Thaw half out
ef his chair to search anxiously tho
- face of his pretty young wife. She
- admitted to Jerome that a few weeks
1 after that fateful Interview with Thaw
In Paris, that nerva-racldng conversa
tion which lasted through ths night in
.which she told Thaw as her reason for
1 refusing his offer of marriage of ths
Indignities to which she had been sub
jected by Stanford White, abe had writ-
ten two tellers 10 wniio xrom Boulogne.
. Thaw's face paled at ths revelation.
ha locked his bands together convul
sively, and seemed about to rise and
tlon. - At that point Jerome abruptly
ended bis examination for tha day. And
yet, though ths district attorney grimly
Smiled his satisfaction over tho replies
that his questions had brought out,
irminf Mrs. Thaw nn Iimm m m..
wuu wimvir ,qu wud sues a resoiness
mar mere is- more I nan a CTODabllltv
that tha harassed young womaa has a
full explanation which her husband's
yes begged, which will be forthcoming
at tha proper time. .
Oross-Sxajsdaatiea tteddea.
Tho beginning of ths cross-examination
cams so suddenly that tha ima.
tutors were scarcely aware of tha trend
of events when Jerome had opened fire.
The proceedings had dragged; there
had been long acrimonious disputes
(Continued from Page One.)
photographsd er painted wtth her
breast exposed. She answered txuti.
tlvelv. never. Jerome - rentA tha
question. Evelyn replied that she was
rrtnfn n never pnfl with nr breast
f w
- Ael '
tUlic its presence known
by cny t:ns, ghndahr
tun:crs, tenches in the neck,
cutaneous eruptions, in
Cii eyelids, sore ears,
ccUrrh J vacllns diseases.
Kc 0 d's Sorcaparilla
Cruets crgr:cntcx3,cs,
Y ' ' '
He Visits His
among counsel as to understandings and
sgreements, Jerome fighting for delay,
Delmas seeking tho advantage of forc
ing his adversary, taken at a disadvan
tage, to fight.
Through It all little Mrs. Thaw sat
listlessly In ths wltness-ohalr. seeming'
ly little caring how the gams of battle
went She bad had a long and wear!-
soma day on tha stand, going ever once
more the details of ths evil doings of
Stanford White as they had thrown their
shadow over her life and that of tho
prisoner at the bar. Her bands lay
limp In her lap. her face was pale, her
eyes red-rtmraed from lsck of sleep and
teara Then suddenly Justice Fitzger
ald ruled against Jerome and forced him
to undertake -the cross-examination at
ones. ,
forced to Admit Letters. '
Darkness had fallen and ths chamber
waav-aglewwrth yellow- electric-" light
as Jerome dragged her unwillingly'
through a -mass of questions that have
for their object to pin ths witness down
securely to statements previously made
on direct examination. He read sec
tions of her testimony, touched lightly
upon her childhood, upon her life In
Philadelphia, upon her experience . on
the stageleaping back and forth apparent!:-
without cause or purpose un
til at length tie fixes her In Europe a
few weeks after the conversation with
liiaw In Parts, and then In a few di
rect questions secured" "ths admissions
at tha close of the day. Mrs. Thaw, In
a stats of nervous collapse, went home
la an automobile. - ,
Zgnoraat of Slvoros,
Jerome pressed Evelyn for ths exact
date of her downfall in White's studio,
but she oould not place tt closer than
to say It was ths night following ths
day on which shs posed for "Beauty and
tha Beast." a picture in which aha was
dressed In a kimono, lying on a huge
bearskin rug. Jerome questioned her
closely regarding her knowledge of
Lederera divorce suit, but Evelyn said
shs knew nothing about It until she
read of It In the newspapers.
' "Did you, while In Boulogne, after ths
defendant proposed, write letters to any
person In America r
, "Tea"
"To whoraT"
"Wrote one, perhaps two letters, to
White." .
"This after Thaw's proposal r-
" . TesV
exposed. She added, "I always posed
with my clothes on.
Then followed a discussion as to the
first publication of a likeness whloh sp-
peared In a magazine la 101. .
Jerome took up a line of examination
concerning 14 letters written to Evelyn
by Stanford White while shs wss
abroad In 10I. These letters sre now
in posssssion of Thaw's attorneys.
When Jerome ssked her as to the
presence in these letters of Indecent
and Improper matter Evelyn said she
did not remember much about them. , .
Her mslattoaa with Oarland.
At 11:40 ths -prosecutor began his
eross-examlnatloa upon the story ef her
ruin.. He tried to make her admit dis
crepancies as to the time -of night
when It wss accomplished. '
Jerome asked Evelyn about ber rela
tions with James A. Garland, who was
seeking a divorce In ths spring of 1101,
several ' months before Evelyn met
White. - She admitted she end ber
mother had spent many Sundays on
Oarland's private yacht. Jerome post
ed himself from a statement by Eve
lyn's another, which he held - la his
velyn said ber friendship with Oar-
r ' '4. .
FricnJ Ryan
land continued until she met ' White,
when it ceased abruptly. ------
Evelyn told Jerome her relations with
her mother were always pleasant up to
the time of their quarrel. She said,
with a startled manner, replying to
questions, that she had no reason to
believe her mother would sacrifice her
for money. She thought if shs was the
victim of her mother's Indiscretions It
wss only a matter of misjudgment.
- Jerome tried by, every means to pick
naws in Kveiyn s testimony previously
given. - - He unearthed apparent eases
where two statements conflicted, but
ths witness wss always ready with an
explanation and could not be trapped.
Jerome asked if she was a corespond
ent in the Oarland divorce, but upon
Delmas' objection he withdrew the ques
aowera Weeblt's Hostility.
The first tangible evidence that How
ard Nesblt. Evelyn's brother, was as
sisting the prosecution came out next.
Jerome reverted to the time when Eve
lyn waa a member of the "Florodora'
company and asked if her mother called
for her at Jhe theatre. She said she
did, every night. Jerome asked If her
brother ever called for her. Evelyn
said once, when her mother was sick.
Jerome presented a letter, asking Eve
lyn it she oould identify it as her broth
er's handwriting. - She did so.
without questioning her, Jerome sud
denly aaked for an adjournment, which
was taken until Z o clock.
Evelyn left the chair much relieved.
Bhe glanced toward her husband snd
received a look of approval telling her
she had acquitted herself well. This
mads her smile and almost Skip from.
the room. . ' '
(Continued from Page One.)
In default of which he was locked up In
a cell. v . -
According to his story he has been
residing at the Carleton for Ave months
and three nights weekly he acta- as
night clerk of the hotel. Some time
last week, the exact date he does not
remember, while showing a prospective
roomer around the hotel, found ' the
casket In one of the vacant apartments.
Meyer' says that, none of the valuables
reported missing were In the chest with
the exception of the snake ring, the
small diamond and a piece of gold. -
Astonished by his find, the youth says
he showed the casket and contents to a
Mr. Martin employed at Feldenhelmer's
jewelry store. Believing that the ring
was worthless, Meyer says he threw it
away, along with the rest Of ths articles
and gave ths chest to Martin, who
wanted to use It as a cigar ease.
Martin la being sought by the detec
tives and may he able to satisfy tha
officers' that he did not have a hand In
the theft. ,,
Meyer, upon learning yesterday that
the Elys bad missed the cpest from
their apartments, went t- his room and
took the Jewel-case to Its owner, say
ing that he bad found It several days
ago In the hall. He told several con
flicting stories regarding his possession
of the case, and the police are satisfied
that he la not telling the truth. His
explanation of disposing of the ring by
throwing it into the street is regarded
as a myth, snd an effort will be made
to Induce him to reveal the hiding-place
of the other article,
If ths Jewelry Is returned it Is not
probable that the boy will be prosecut
ed, as It Is believed that his arrest will
bs a sufficient lesson. This is his first
offsnse of the kind so far as known.
a. TiTcm nr mca
Will" save nine, "fio will a bottle of
Hal lard s Hcrehouna Byrtto siwnve kent
on hand save 'many a apeil of sickness.
A sure cure for Coughs, Colds, Bron
chitis and Whooping Cough. Mrs. .,
Hot nprlnge. Ark., writee: 1 1 keen a
bottle of Hnllard a Horehound Hyrup
In my medicine cheat, and thank my
forethought many time. It has ore-
vented many severe spells tt alckne,"
fioid by all druggists,
. r
Fire Committee's . , Secretary,
After Many Long Days,
Takes Pen In Hand. '
- "There, the work Is done. Ill have
no trouble on my mind, I hope, for an
other five years." . '.
"What's the matter, Colonel r so
licitously Inquired Assistant Fire Chief
Laudenklos. ,
"Nothing, now," answered. Colonel
Weldler, secretary of the' Are commit
tee of the executive board. . "I just fin
ished the letter."
"Well, what was the letter about r
"Nothing. It waa a social letter and
it was the first I have written in five
years. ' X had got out of, practloe and
the job was rather hard. ' I don't want
another job like lb"
- . (Joernsl Special Servire.)
Calumet. Mich., Feb. 20. Thomas Pen-
gullly. whlls placing an engagement
ring on Nellie Howell's ringer this
morning, saw a plain band ring and
remarked it looked like his mother's.
Ths couple on this discovered the
were brother and sister. Penguilly had
wandered in Africa and the orient so
years and finally located -J Butte, Mon
tana. ' .
i (JaernsI ci1 Strrlrv.) ' "
El Paso. Tex., Feb. 10. E. E. Styner,
until a few days ago general manager of
the Mexican Central, died last night aa
the result of wounds Inflicted with sui
cidal Intsnt 24 hours before. After
finding he would have no place with the
reorganised road he stabbed himself six
times. -
rWashlnstos ftnreas ef The Jnarael.V
Washington, Feb. ?0. Senator Hey-
burn has blocked the passage of the bill
for a dam on the Bnske river below
liwlston at Five Mile rapids, ott account
of a protest from the Lewlston board of
trade, which erlalms It will impede navi
gation. - . -' .
' (Wsshtnftoa Bnrtss ef Ttie JnaraaLI
Waahlnston. Feb. 20. Wenator Hey-
burn's objection sent to the calendar to
dav the bill of Senator Nelson for 'the
sale of timber on publlo lands. Heyburn
under the rules may objeot to considera
tion at any time, so that tha bill Is vir
tually killed. .. , , .
(Wanhlnrtoa FnruB of Tti Jnnrnsl.)--Washington,
Feb. 20. The house bill
exempting ths Tannna-mines rsllrosd
from taxation for 10 years passed ths
house todsy. , '
Calumet and Ilecla. Dividend. .
" 'Special nispatr te The JoerMl.t
Rnston. Feb. 10. The Calumet and
Hc direct ore today declared a fit
Threa Pieces of Land Just Sold
In That District Have Aggre
gated Fifty Thousand. '. ,
D. W. Ward purchased yesterday 135
feet fronting- on Russell street, near
Mississippi- avenue, from E. A. Bald
wln'and F. O. Downing for $18,000. The
property is now covered with frame
buildings. The purchaser . Intends to
remodel and largely rebuild the entire
block, putting It In first-class condi
tion. Messrs, Buldwln Downing have
sold three pieces of - Alblna. property
within the past two weeks, aggregating
in value about 120,000.
The transaction Involving the trl-
angular block bounded by Stark. Bum
side and Twelfth streets, sold ' by 8,
Morton Cohn soma days ago to F. O.
Wheeler and J. K. Young, was closed
yesterday. Tha piece was sold for
iV.BOO. The purchasers propose to
tear out tha frame buildings now occu
pytng the site and construct sv large
brick business or wsrehouse blook,
E.J,Palr wold t.heg9rBtjBliinalt
resilience on Lveioy street yesterday
for 13.000, and W. B. Streeter sold the
home of W. J. Hawkins for 110,000.
Tho Hawkins residence Is located on
Seventh, between Flanders and OUsan
streets. ' -
Tha quarter block at tha southwst
corner of Belmont and East Third
streets ws sold yesterday to J W.
Cook by the Title Guarantee ft Trust
company. The sal was mad by Reed.
Fields A Tynan; consideration, f 1,500.
Subscriptions for New Y. M. C.
A-Y. W. C. A, Building Come
v in Steady Stream.
Work of securing subscriptions for
ths new T. M. C A.T. W. C A. build
ing was resumed today by tho solicitors
who felt much encouraged by tha re
sults of the efforts yesterday;' - At ths
noon meeting today tha aura of 1440
was reported." Two large subscriptions
received in the canvass yesterday after
noon were from a parse who signed
as a friend for IJ00 and another was
from the North Pacl&o Lumber com
pany for $1,000. . . . . . J
Threa subscriptions today war for
$100 each, while tha remaining ones
were from $B to $50. Those who gave
today were; La Oranda creamery, A.
H. Potter. Dr. C. W. Cornelius, each
$100; Oeorga - Alnsleo. $50; - Oregon
creamery, Paclfle Transfer company,
each $2; K. 11. Blrdseii, 130; Ben
)amin B. Woodward, $10; H. Labowltch
and Mrs. W. Reed, each $&.
(Sneclal Maostrh ta Tbe JoaraaL)
'Seattle, Feb. 20. A dispatch from
Tenlno says: To the soreams of
woman ths firm of W. A. Seaburger St
Co, ewes several hundred dollars. Early-
yesterday morning when Mrs. Sea
burger and a young clerk were In the
store two masked men walked in and,
presenting revolvers, demanded .that
they hold up their handa. Tha safe was
already open.' Tbe young clerk lost no
time in getting his bands up, but Mrs.
Seaburger screamed. The would-be
hold-up men beat a hasty retreat and
took a hot pace down the railway track.
"Preferred Stock Caused Oooos, .
' Allen Lewis' Bast Brand.
" rineelal DIsDstek ta Tbe JosrseLt '
Rainier, Or., Feb. 20. Last night at
about o clock Peter Johnson, a Nor
wegian. 23 years of age, was killed
while piling logs on a flat car. Johnson
and twe other employes of the C. C
Wilson Lumber company were working
with no overseer over them, but each
worked -Independently-. Johnson - seems
to have grown rather careless and one
of his logs slipped and crushed him be
fore he could get awsy.
He was a single man.' His parents,
In Minnesota, havs been notified.
Who Is MetsgerT He fits your eyes
for 11.00. ill Sixth street.
(Special Ditpetca te Tee Jeans!.)
Sumpter, Or., Feb. 20. R. 1 Neill of
this city has been appointed district
deputy grand president of the F. .O. E.
for eastern Oregon, embracing Morrow,
Umatilla, OranV Union, WaRowa, Baker,
Harney and Malheur counties. He has
received his commission from , Grand
President Edward Krauss. .
(Joarnal iptcfal Orvtet.)
Washington, D. C, Feb. 10. The
stste department makes publio todsy a
dispatch that confirms the report of
fighting between the troops of Hondu
ras and Nicaraguan. 1
and Coffee Drink lag.
Many good people sre loth to give up
coffee, even though they admit that It Is
doing them harm, bceauss they fear that
nothing else In the way of a hot bever
age will satisfy them. A school teacher
"I alwsys enjoyed coffee for break
fast. The day seemed lost without It.
But In time I began to experience bad
results from Its use. I grew very nerv
ous and lost flesh and finally was pros
trated by a complete nervous break
down. - Then I was compelled to aban
don the use of coffee.
"I sdopted Postum Food Coffee as my
hot beverage at breakfast. Have been
using it for more than two years. My
health Is restored and I am able to take
an Interest in life once mora
"My whole family, children and all,
drink Postum Food Coffee, and we all
thrive and keep healthy on It It la to
ue a dellghtfut drink, - delicious - snd
tempting and with nons of the harmful
effects that usually followed the uae of
coffee. The choloest brands of Java and
Mocha, offered free, would not tempt us
to quit the uae of Postum Food Coffee."
Name given by Postum Co., Battls
Creek. Mich. 'There's a reason." Kead
the little book. "3 be Road to WellVUle "
In pkgs.
In our but editorial on Peruna, after showing that this well-known family
medicine ii no longer a eecret remedy, but prints on the label of the bottle the
nnnrinel active (npredienta. VI mad the statement that PE2.U3IA 13 AN
The question now arise wnetner
the facta warrant Ear w abundant
remedy? Have we proof of this fact
of Peruna must admit the force 01 our evidence 1 -Our
task will be an easy on to show what eminent authorities think
of the Ingredients which compos Peruna. '
- Take, for Instance, the ingredient HYDRASTIS CANADENSIS, 0B
GOLDEN BEAL. The United 8tate Dispensatory says of this herbal remedy,
that it is largely employed In the treatment of depraved mucous membranes,
.. . chronio rhinitis (nasal catarrh), atonio
What the United
States Dispensatory
p Says. :
C0EYDA1IS FORMOSA, is classed
tOniO. ' '.' ", ;'',
nr.Tt'g.Me; bttds another, ingredient cfPernna. an excellent drug
that has riaan varv laro-ale- overlooked h tha medical nroTeeaion fnrwthe
past fifty years. THS SEEDS ARE
STORES. The united States Dispensatory says 01 the action 01 ceoron that it
is used as bitter tonic and in the treatment of dysentery, and in intermittent
disease as a SUBSTITUTS FOR QulBlffS. ;'
' . OIL OF COPAIBA, another ingredient of Peruna, is classed by the United
States Dispensatory as a mild stimulant and, diuretic It acts on the stomach
and intestinal tract It acts as a stimulant on the genitcrurinary membranes.
Useful in chronio cystitis chronio dysentery and diarrhea, and some chronio
disease of the liver and kidneys.
speaking of these same ingredient of Peruna is even more enthusiastic as to
their medicinal merit , ,
'OF HYDRASTIS, HE SAYS it is applicable to stomatitis (catarrh of
the mucous surfaces of the mouth), follicular pharyngitis- (catarrh of the
pharynx), chronio coryza (catarrh or
the head). This writer classes hy
drastis as stomachio tonic, useful in
atonio dyspepsia (chronio gastrio ca
tarrh), eatarrh of the duodenum, ca
tarrh of the rail duct catarrh of the
intestines, eatarrh of the kidneys'
the bladder, and catarrh or other pelvio organs.
BARTHOLOw REGARDS COPAIBA as aa excellent remedy for chronio
catarrh of the bladder, chronio bronchitis (catarrh of the bronchial tubes).
BARTHOLOw STATES THAT CUREB, an ingredient of Pnma,promotes
the appetite and digestion, increase
chronio nasal catarrh, follicular pharyngitis (catarrh of the pharynx), increas
ing the tonicity of the mucous membranes ef the throat It also relieves 4
hoarseness. Useful in atonio dyspepsia (catarrh of the stomach), and in chronia '
catarrh of the colon and rectum, catarrh ef the bladder, proetatorrhea, and
chronio bronchial acection.
MILLSPAUOH, KEDICTSaL PLANTS, one of the most authoritative
works on medicinal herb in the
Taso motor nerves. It increase th secretions ef the mucous membranes in
sreneraL In the mountains of Tirrinia. Kentucky. Tennessee and Carolina.
collinsonia canadensis is considered a
headache, colio, cramp, dropsy and
highly as a remedy in chronio disease
These citations ought to be sufficient to show to any candid mind that j.
runa 1 a catarrh remedy. Surely, such herbal remedies, that command th
enthnsiastiexonfidence of the highest authorities obtainable, brought together
in proper combination, ought to make a catarrh remedy ef the highest effloacy.
This is xactlTwhat we claim for Peruna. We claim so more than the
best authorities willingly admit It la
critic to attempt to set aside such prool
Some of these ingredient ar not
cult to obtain, and still more difficult to oombin into a stabl and palatable
compound. They have been, therefore, neglected by the medical profession,
largely, for remedies that are easier to obtain and more convenient to dispense.
Peruna la a catarrh remedy mat
tion of Peruna ha outlived them alL .
Peruna 1 a combination of indent
ful influence on all the mucous membranes or the body, ana hence resrhei I
catarrh wherever it is located.
This is our claim, and w are able
Interest On
We pay 3 per cent
counts, 4 per cent on Annual Certificates, Issue J
our special ten, thirty and ninety days Demand
Certificates bearing appropriate interest, re
ceive deposits subject to-check and do a gen
eral banking and trust business.
Our purpose is to conduct our business in,"
that careful and conservative manner that will
enable us under any stress ' to redeem ; our j
promises to our depositors., . If we promise too.
much we cannot make good.
& Trast
247 Washington Street.
Capital Fully Paid $150,000.00
. J. FRANK WATSON. ................. . .President
- R. L. DURHAM, . ........ ...Vice-President -
W. II. FEAR. . . . .... .... . .... ........ Secretary
S. C. CATCHING Assistant Secretary
O. W. T. MUELLHAUPT. .'. . . . . . . .. , , ... .Cashier
" , e
we are claiming' for rerun more than
proof that Peruna la In reality a catarrh
to well established that even the critics
dyspepsia (catarrh of the stomach), '
chronio intestinal catarrh, catarrhal
jaundloe (catarrh of the liver), and in
diseased mucous membranes of the
pelvio organs. It is also recommended
for the treatment of various forms ot
diseases peculiar to women.- :
- Another ingredient of "Peruna,
in the United States Dispensatory as
1 '
What Bartholow Says.'
( chronio Brighf disease), eatarrh of
th circulation of th blood. Useful in
... I
English language, in commenting upon
that it acta on the pnenmogastrio and
panaoea for many disorders, induiat
indigestion, DR. BCuDDER regards it
of th lungs, heart disease and asthma,
useless for envioua dootor or hostile
. ' J
in common use. ' some or them are dim
naa Deen m tne nam lor many year.
herbal remedies that wields a power
to substantiate this olaim by ample
interest on Savings 'Ac
j j