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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, . PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 23, 1S37. If i INSCRAXCE. 1810 i.' WHITE. lusarau. turn bWg. , . IT L. PAGS. Inenranr; employers' RsblHty. nroty bond., burglar ,ldTJ . I'bues Mela Ste. " 'slllng bldg. JAS MM, Wll, "rJwt. tWjl,'I.,?!1 5" ST.iutiat icnw-ni j - I hour T. jars Hriiar HOTELS. HOTEL Portland, America plan, IS. $ pee day. BHI.VEI)SRKlt Earopoan plan: 4th and Alder ore, HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. solielrs frnn. : ', Itr.te qoote prim. 14 Birth t. Pacific 458. LAND SCRIP. "T WANTED aad for eel. All ktod. tscladmj ; pprovd foreet rerv crip foe careered, an- surveyed, timber end nrelrle xevernrnent land. H. M. BamHtoa. "The PortUwI." rWh MONET TO LOAN. ' MONEY Tfi LOAN ' 'V On Improved city property or for nafldtrHt pnremes. for from I la 10 yeara. time, with prWIIeee to repay all or Prt of loan after tve tear. Loans apr-roved from plan anoney eclvsnced DUIIOlng progrsaeee, awr gayco tirtPn 1 np end- repla icea-. , f BEU CJ. C, I HI HI Plnau al Ajaat, 243 Stark at. CWirwr.fTTI At, r.OANS an aalrrlra. hiaaranra nollrira, plana. fnrattBT. warrhann rrralpla, 1: alc.l n drwrakx nrraon mar arrar a llh rl adranr. rrnarlac by af waakly of ' nwnthlr tnttallnirnta. NKW EBA I OA V A TRTTST COUPAWT, ; 80S Ablndoa bld. lONKT LOANED TO "ALARIFD PBOPT.B Jnxt na your own nnnr tv otbar armrltyi doa'f bnrraw. nntll oo ara ma; aiy aratam t i tba fcaaf or railroad mm. rtorka. hanlikaapar. atraetrar nw and all atbrr aroplaTra: burl . atrlrt). rorWntlaU P. A, Kwto)v 4'2 Ablnatc) kldic. . ,....,.. afON'RY ADVANrFD HAI.ARIKD PPOPLB and ofl'ar oima thrlr am aamra arltftont -arrr-l lt.; rnraprat rata, raalrat paymmta: afflraa -- prlnrlrat-r4Han a aaaa If - aaaaata r rrttfna onr farm flrat. - ' ''TOI.MAN. t! Ahlnrtoa bldr.. 10BH Third f. alONF.r lnanad In aalartwl paoolr J oat na ynar owa nam.; doa't borrow Tint 11 yon a ao; . oiy rtrm la tha boat f-r railroad aim. ". rlrrk. " honkkaaprra." otrartmf mm and all othar rraplnraa: noalnaaa arlol coafldoatlaL P. A. Newton. 42S Ablaston bldf. - W ANTFr Notra. mnrtrirr or mntrarra aaj " ny kind of ml aatata la1. Oraaon and 17,; Ina-tnn: aaoond inortraratr prrhaad If wall acnrd. n. K. Nol.1. H CotnmrrcUl blk. rupinvrir mil rovPABY to to salaried nla. Bo.lnraa trlrtl4 oontldrntlal. Et parmrnt pl. Pbana Mala S24. Tl Iirkura blilf. ' kfONFT to loan tn anm ta an It. aad 8 roar. aa low . per cont on Iranrorrd rlty pr.a . ,. rrty. Monlti'i (iermT. Ml CnloniblA Wdp.T 63 Waahlnatoa at. DON'T am "im aoacy on bry EEttca Credit Co. t''--?'.. 1 Drkan bid. - IT. S. WARD, lawrrr. Altaky bl1. Probata aad arartaaia baalnaaa aollrltrd; aiodorata fraaj loana raonry oa aiartcagaa frooj 1200 . ap: aar terma. MONRY teaoed on . famltnr. plaeoa and other eearltlra. W. A. Hathaway, mom 10, Wa Imrlon bldg. Phone Pacific IKIl. klONRY to Vxa; larra loaBa paelartyl ala ho! Ming loan.; loweat ratea: fire iMuraaoe, ' William O. Beck. 812 railing bid. CRFSCENT t-OAN CO., 458 Mobawk bldg. Money to lend oa ey eerment plan t wage arnera; strictly eoofldentlal. MONTY to loan on all kind of eee Wllllaai Roll, room Waablngtoa bldg. irlty. TO LOAN Ram to nit on ehattal aaenrtty, B. A. Pram. 814 tb Manraam. A LOAN for the klnx a.l.ry a cfaattaL Loan Co., die baauia bldg. Tb MONET to loan o city property. . an. SIS Onumerclal blk. - Q. A. Jotm- QriCK loan oa all aernrttlea. 8. 49 Waablngtoa bldg. Main 4100. W. King, WILL loan $4.ono or Ira real estate, $ per eanL , Parrlngtoa, oil Fenton bldg. WILL loan .VfV or lea on real eatata, pet cent. Farrlnrton. 818 Fen ton bldg, 1 MACHINERY. B. TBENKMAB A CO Mtnlar. aawwm. Ina flag m.rhlnery; hydraallo pi pea, easting! all loda repaired. 104 N-rtk Poartk. A. J. PAUL 108 Pint t. Fnatnea. aoUara, aa wail II aad eroaa-aroj aaacblnary. . . TBI H. a ALBIB CO. Vennd-hand ehlnery, eawmtlla. etc. S48 4iraa4 ar. MONUMENTS. EEC B KINORLBT. 208 First .. Portland's taadlag marblo aad ara nit work. MTSICAL. -THB-WBHBEB BTCniO Maadnlla. baala, est, tar Instracttoa; Clnaoa maadollna. . 4Wri Wasblagtoa. PIANO, ololln. mandolla. tmrcnoa. clarinet. Professor E. A. Smith. 2M Mtk. Meta 4Tot. OSTEOPATinC PHYSICIANS. PB. Lll.LEBF.LLB PATTERHON, spedaHat On nerrons, acnie and chronic dlaesaes. Office . 217 Fenton bldg. Pbnno Pacific 1100. " PR8. A DIE a NORTTIRrP. 4I5-I8-IT Dekorn .- blrfg.,' Tba-d and Waablngtoa ata. - Phone Msla S4. Eiaralaatlon free. PRINTING. TUB MODERN PRINTF.BY Artlstto printing. , 24 Bnasel hldg.. Fourth and Morrison. 1'hone ' Pacific 162. . BYEKYTHINOJ IN PR1NTINO Prom clrenlars to etlogoa nl newsnapern. , Metropolitan Printing Co.. 147 Front at. OOILBEB BKOS.. printers Cards.- billhead. etc. Phone Mala lll 14Vi First at, PAINTS, OIL AND GLASS. P. B. BEACH a CO. The Pioneer Paint Co.; . window class and glaileg. I8S First at, . Phone 1KV4. - . ' . PAINTING AND PAPERING. P. A. TOANE. tnn Yamhill St.. opposite Jour . aal office, wall paper, painting and deeorat rrg. - Phono. n for estimates Psclfl tXM. .FOB reliable work, reasonable prices, Sbeekf . Bros.. 2H2H Yamhill, near 4tk. Mala 807S. J i ii 1 1 1 i ' i ifi i PLUMBERS. POX a CO. Sanitary plnmhrs. V. Second, bet. Main aad Salmon. . Oregon pbon Main SOUL DONNFRRERO a B A DEM ACHE B. rtmoYad ta Ko. Rot Unrnalda at REAL ESTATE. i C. I.. PABRISH a. CO., - , S11 Marosi Bldg. Pone Main 22J. - -. peal aatain, oily aod ermntry. Ted and maago prenarHI at llelag ! rate. Niitsry pqMIc alnce IR.. . . , F i pert aeeeualnnn, t re fere ore. PABRISH. WATKINS a CO.. 2M ALPrK ST. Real estate, rentala. lMns and Inanranee, ' W nake a specislly of handling rentsls nd properf f"r rcldents snd nna-rea. deal. r.t.l.H.h.-d 1872. Pbone Mai 1044. BFO. J. rH'TlAEFFR, real ear ate and loearaaea, 817 Chantber f fttimnfri. , "tOS BAY NEXT." J W. OfillHEE. rl eatat ad Inanet astsb ; ttaned IWA - 44A Mrlt ot room 11 l A. B. .IHCHARnpoN. PPAf, FTATf AI MfiRTOAflE LOANS. 1-h.ise Mala MU. It Cbaaiber of Comavrco. SrHI"T A':PVCY, dealer 1n reel estlt snd reslals Stark at. Main C1A4. ton rnv tifuvF.RY orsfRimosi. f, W. tTET. )8 Omntoccl bldg. BANKS. U KITED STATES aTATIONAX. BAVX OF Northwest Comer Third Trsasscta s aener.i Raiiktn wwi the Paired Staff ft. ITirro.. Mnee,ine Sad (President.. ,.J C. AISSBOKTH I I l(.l'Mliknf . , . D 1 U V I'd 1 LAOD T XX TO at. BABEIHS Etsbllshsd l 1m.) Transacts a Oensrat Banklne Business. Collections tnAe t an ootnts en favor, a. . ,hI 'rm"' Letfsrs of credit evsll.hle In Fnmo all eotnt. In the United SI" S! Ti"l-araphl' Traaafrra aM on Ni- York. . Waaftlnvtra. Tll lit I.anfa. Urnrar. Omaha. Pn rVanrlam and Ifnnrana and PrtH.h Onlnmhla. Frhanr i?? farll. Brrlln. rrankfnrt. Honhfn, Yolrnliama Manila a. J H..ivIb1. MIWCH'W KATTONAt BJ B. W. tlOTT, ...... w.T"! Pr-lrtrtrt I . rhla I '.".V'..'liiAu..,..nwiiiii iHMiot ciain . ' IVaiuarti Cra.rnl B.alrlnr Bitrinaaa. rrafn and (attna f odl t4 AwlhbW ' All Parta of th World. rollarHona a BiwIaltT. BAJHTEB ttTMBFRhirwt BAXX Firtlui. 0roii. Ctmr BMnad and Btai lTtt. ' .fv",",M,H"' nd'nn rtTrtrr-nf. Intrrrtt naM aarlnra acconata. Draft "4 "J " n"TBf-nir,r, -rtrnt Y1rPr.Mrr.t - .4v... ........ rTFUinrTIl TK!. or CALirOBKIAltrtahHahod rffal nald an , . .. ..M ono n . flrn.r.1 " " i'rr r"ir-A roar pa Mnrd of and aparara. -.. . FVirtUBd Bn- rhamnnr f r.'nmrra ArilldlDa. MnAr!., Manarrr I J. T. FirRTrrTArU Aaatff.nt fMrr C B8I BATtOB At, BASK. Portland, Orataa. Oldrat NaMoaal Bank oa tka Tarl Coait. i. ; rAPtTAt AND SrRPtrS t, ; nBPOIT M.KI0.fJO.0n. . A. MTfT PrMr)dt I ..Caahlrr t TRlT COMPANTFS. rjalpTT Avn fyiarwiarr OP TltOr'RrT, ,Yrn at ano vw 'n I0 XT.K V.W.BULLatmXtl. 'Ti fliwnrwwi oa dallr blanM off IWI 4t af -fba-worlAV : rartlflrataa. nr n 1U tn 4 par ranf. ftonthraaf Cornar Third and Oak Btrta rHion Prlaata Kvrhana Tt. PF!T. mpr.... Praaldant I tPP PAORT. S EfftTBITT ATTK08 TStTET 00MPABT ftrrrlr'ni Rrrwrt. Portland. Oiwav"' Tranaarta a n.nrral Banklnf Bnalnaaai PAYINOK nrPARTMPTfT. Intrrrat Allowrd oa. , ' Tlma and B1a( Acronnt.. Aof aa Trnatra for Pataroa. Draft aad lttm at Cradil ., V , s ArallaM on .AB rrta f World. ' - r. P. AriAVg. .,...,. Prralilrnt I X.. A. f Pwr.. ,...... ....Plrrt YlraPrraldatil . A. I UILM... prrt4 VW-PrraManl I B. a. Tr'HITX. , acratara ' : ' 0FO. P. RrPlX... ... Awl.tant Prrfary . . N'3RTHWTTF'T OTABAKTTAV TBTT8T OfkrPAirT Portland, Oracaa. ' f.onbar 8. P. Cornar arooo'f rod Rtark 'trarta farcond floor), PISAL AOKNT POH CORPORATIONS. Wat. foBaty. Monlrlpnl Cornoratloa Bond Bonaht and Bold. Baw Bntorprlaa Oraanlard ' and Plnanood. Rtock nd Bond Onarsntard. ' TITLE 0OA AWTTP at TBU8T COKPArfT m WASHrfOTOH BTBEXT. . , MORTOAfie LOAVR oa Portland Rrnl Ratata at Lowrat Bataa. " ' ' Tltla Inanrad. . Abatraat Pnml.had.- r ' J mtrtpjriTIP"' ' BOM.......... ...Praaldmt JNO E. AITCwisnN.,....,...,..Bjwatar OPOnoB n. RltX. Tlra-Praaldrtt T. T. BfRKHART Traaanrar BONDS AND M ORRIS SKOTKEBB Cat am bar of Ooeamaroa Vtnnl-lnal. Ballroad.and Public Brrrlo Corporation Bond. D owvnro-Eonnxi cohpaitt Eautiuhod n bhokebb. - IITOCK8. B0NP1 nBATB.BnnKlit.tnd Bnlfl fof CAtt.jndaMa. ; - Jla Wlraav J! BOOM 4 CHAMBBR OUli J. WILDE HOKE TEIPPHOBB BOBDB BABTt STOCZt. n: , -i ll.mbrr Portland Rtork Ezrhanr. 1 ' Onrerr Slith nd WablnKtna Btrrrtm. Portland. Orafoa. t - - 0TCrteckf Starr &-Ccoke Co, t RUBBER STAMPS. P. C STAMP W0BK8. 4 Alder at., pbon Mala 7I); rnbber tampa. aeala atencll: beg. gage, trade check: br lgn aad '' ROOFING. Til R00FIN0. guttering, repairing nd gtJ lobbing. J. Loatl. Sll Jefferson t-. Pc. 14. SIGN PATNTKRS. PORTEB .KI.EIRER RION "W b built op th largest lga hoalne. tn tb city by llrat-claa work and keeping ar nromlae. Our prtcos sr tight. Fifth and Ererott eta. Phono Exchange S8. 8IONR THAT ATTRACT." Portland Blga Co., 8NT BUrk ate Pkoo Paittflo IROo. W. P. BEROEB BON, 34 Yamhill at. of all kinds. Pbone Pad Be 82.18. Blga STREET PAVING. WABREN Construction Co.. atreet pa ring, side walk, and croaalnga. 814 Lamb Exchange. TUB Barber Asphalt Paring C. of Portland. Office 5S Worcester blk. SAFES. PORTLAND SAPE CO.; oi agent for Plerrlnf Rall-Marria aarea ana Manganese nieri nare Co. s bank a. fee; 20 cond-bnd flreproot aafa and bank safea; eery cheap; aaa them or writ na. 82 7tk t- DIEBOLD Mngow and flre-Droot aafeai lork . oats openrdi metal aiturea; rsalt and Jell wort; jack. ,1. a. wa, so. EIOHT second-hand 8 re-proof safe and two .eeeoed-haad bank fe for aal cheap, at Sixth at., Portland. Oregon. . SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of oTory aVaerlptlnai beak, bar and store nxrnres made 4o orosr. Ibt Lntk Manatsctarlnc Co., fort land. B. M. BIRDSAI.L. designer! stent bf. Winter timber Co.. T Hamilton bldg. Msln MO. SEWING MACHINES. THE WHITE SEWI.NO MACHINE AOENCY. S1 Yamhill St.. Cor. Foorth. Phono Main 8I02. Bargain In all kind of new and aeenad- ) band sewing machine; a raw engntiy aam- lira, gwa M new, e. ar . . PHONB Pacific JT8 and I pereooallT wlU eaU aod repair yoor aw1ng-mcblnt work tra" n. Mama. aijter. inirq . STENOGRAPHERS. EXPERT stenographer and typewriter. Main 1271. 814 Dckma bl'lg. TYPEWRITERS. HEADQUARTERS for-nesr and rebuilt typo. wrltera of all make; aee onr window; If yon are going to boy a new typewriter n a be fore boring; w can ear. yon money; w bar parts for repairing all machines: state ' agents for tba Visible Fox; we boy ill kind of typewriter. Tb Typewmee r-irnsngs. Inc., E. J. Ellison, manager. 84 Third at. BLICKENXDFRFEB Typewriter Agency; nlleei rrpsir, . Balelgk ' bldg., Sixth Washington. I'IBLIO STENOOBAPHER. and WE Ball Remington. Bmlrh-Premlera. Deaa- morea. et., lower than ny other company; : Inrestlgsts. Cnderwood Typewriter Co., 4 8th. TOWEL SUPPLY. "wmoT CI RAH TOWE1B DAILY Comb. 81 per moith. Portland Laundry a Towel Suprly O..Tlnth and Coach. Pbon 410. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THE BAOflAGE OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO.. cor. Sixth and Oak t. baggag cheeked from hotel or residence direct to deattaatloa) psesengere therefore aeold rn.b and annoy ance at drpota. Prlrata Exchange . SAFKS. pianos and ready for shipping farnltwo 'njoeed. pa ' tt .4 ana apipped:. an wora gaaranlead; large Xetorr brlek' fire proof warenonse for storage, office 80S Qgfc at, (Maen a Roe-, phone Mala 647. . a 0. PICE, office m First t., between Start and Oak at., phone MHI; plsnos and furnlturs mrred and parked for ablpolng; commodlooa brick warrbonse with separate lrua room. Front and Clay at. . - . BORB CITY PAN CO., ofdeo 141 Plnrt pbon Mala 822)1. Pnrnttnre aad otsao-moelnf - a specially: w gas ran tee our work. , RATIONAL TRAKftFKB a STOBAOR CO, .87 4eav t. T.lepbona Malt 4100 Traosfr ' ring and arin-lng. ' ORRflON TRANSFPR CO., 184 North Sixth. Pbnno Main OS.. Ileery banllrg sn atorsga. IXOFPENOFXT BAO0A0E a TRANSFER CO. Storage. 324 Stark st. Msla 407. POT SPECIAL DELIVERY. N. tOOV Wh- Ington L v laM Mala PSE. . , POBTLABH. 0EEO0W. snd Oak Streets y ' nmrrd i i . , tm An d Mrs ( U , H f-., 1 1 .i. w .1. S.eorshlS T"emS. CirtiW: V..A..R. W BctiMESR a - . . . . ' OT A HIII.T BOLT .A. M WHtfJHT BABTt. BOBTtAKD 0BFHOW. " . B T. M'RnAM .......,. ...TI-fTMrtfl"" nrnnnr w nn w ' aaahtant Caahlaf Caahlrr !..Aa1a1an r-hlr ,....fral Poanarl , F. fl UTORfcY P.ATT PLATT.. ieA. Kaad 0fM. I fhtrntua and mwlratAtoa p rraaakwa. California. ..ih iiumi o.a 1Y. ?. ArffiRfi. ,. .Aaalatant PaaklaY Tt. P. BTRVPrl Rrrrmd AaaWant raahlrr - Tl!i OMaat Trart OmnanT Rmklr. T. nar r.nt tnf.rrat oa rkart ''. n. n. I .t.M ,.t t itt mnA rvr&anr r.n an -ortlAmh. aAw-A r nt: WKrn apaclal fall for . Book of II..rTR ATlOg, , H. T. .PTTTOrK Y1rr.Praa1dnt I. O. OOT.TRA.. .Aaalatanf Bwrrfara INVKSTSITCNT8. Butldtiii. of COMMP.BCB. Pkon Mla IT. m XSZZ SZTSaZt' WHOLESALE JOBBERS. M. A. OUNPT CO.. DISTBT BHTORS OP PINB CtOABB. PORTLAND. OREGON. SHRRRT, OAZB GRAHAM f In.) Oommlasloa merehanta, Jobber of fm Ha. prodaco, ta. consignment eoUclted. 125 Front at. EVE RHINO FABUFJIX, predac and com mission merchant. 140 Front at, Portland, Or. Pbon Main IT9. OREGON FDPNITT7RB MANDPACTURINO CO. Mannfactnrers of farnltor fat tb trad. Portland. Oregon. WADRAM8 a CO.. w holes 1 grocer, oisna , factnrer and -aommtssion marcbanta. Eonrth : and Oak Ma. FURNITDKR mannfictartng and apeeial Irdara. l. Rorooaky'a fnrnltara factory, SOT front at. ALLRlf a LEWIS, eomailntoa and prodnc mae cban I. Front and Daria at.. Portland. Or. . WHOLESALE rrorkery and glamrara. Hegele a Co., Portland. Oregon. , Praal. WHOLESALB crockery and glaaawara. Praal, - Hgl a Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth, cor. Stark at. I. W. SIMPSON 301 Washington at., w! ala dealer In grain and hay. hoh OFFICE DIRECTORT . - ! r: Raleigh Building. ; AttiVWt" BENSON TalWln for parttcniar people. Room 28, Balelgh bldg., Sixth and . Waablngtoa ata. DR. E. LEE CARTER Dentist. Bulte 8, S2S Washington at., corner Slifb. J. 0. SCHAEFEB a CO., sneceoeor to trong tu Tailor. Booma 10 and 11. SEW YORK Snrgleal Medical Inetttnta. Boom 18. 18. 20. 21. 22. 8' wsltlng-room. Mo. 22. KAtXjtVEW Farm and city Droporty rental. s Goodnough Bnlldlng. " , THE ORRrtOW ESORAVINO OTOffleo pbon Main B212. Work promptly attended to. Tn INTERNATIONAL POSTCABD CO Pab- liakera. Importer and Jobber. Boom 202. FLORENCE TINOLEY Dressmaking. Room .221. GEO. LAtTTENSCHLARCEB Tailor. Bnlta, 119 op; trousers. 84.60 op. Boom 220. : Commonwealth Building. DB. W. I. HOW A RD Chronic diseases;' eleo irtclir and alectrle light treatment. Room 81A-9U. CHAPMAN ADYERTISINO mm, eo7, so. CO. Booma 005, Swetland Building. SWETI.AND BI.D0., Dealrsbl office. Fifth and WsahlnrtoB A nw urn. Wolrerton Building. t B. Wolvertoo, Investment. Pa. 841. Boom 408. . tbansportation: Astoria & Columbia v River Railroad Co. d'nlon Depot ' Lear. Arrlee. For MaygrPs, Rainier. Oats kanle, Weatport. Clifton. As- v torla. Warranto. Plseel, Hammond. F.irt Sterena, Gear- hart Psrk. Mrs. Ms, ...... .... 8:00am ll:S8am Astoria aad bes.hors, exprea dally , T;00am 8:80 pat All trains dslly. . ' I. C. MAYO. 0 P. and P. A., Astoria. Or. C. A. STEWART, Commercial Agent, 242 Aider street, rbent Mala 806. North Pacific Steamship Co.'s S. S. Geo. W. Elder Sails for Eureka. , San Franclaco and Los Angeles, Wednesday, February 10, at s p. m. V:.:-':'''.;' " I S. Roanoke - Sails-. Tuetday, , February. I p. m. Ticket or'co IS J , Third. nfr Alder. Phone M. 1214. It YOUNO. Agt POBTtain itnfjBtrr hokses. rnloN. Or.. Feb. 20. 4"hrle Conk and tt. O, I'roebatrl of Portland hare purchased 22 hcadof wekb4jrses In I 'nlsa. foe ' which ih.. 'paid a llttl. oeer 14.000. la the lot w.r eonte ot the peat tea ma ib this section. Tka total broulit froat JM W 2S per spat,. TODAY'S MARKETS A MIXED TOfJE in EGG LIARKET Wide Spread of Opinions as Re gards the Price That Should Be Ruling. , r t ' " TWENTY-TWO AND HALF. ' IS AVERAGE FIGURE No CtiAMige In Sugar Sine Monday Morning J obbeP May Force Re ' finerlPaT to Cut Out Special Brands a They Mi.1ead the Public ' - Principal market feararaa today; I Allied tan la eta; market. . TT Oitlona lower along tba atraat. . ;t- Ptrmar ton la potatoea. t , Mora baajaeea raported tn hop).:' ' Jobnar tak atand on oar. , Traed neat too kr la eoralnf. -r trained bon.y ahowtna; adraufe. t Wheat and f Uinr hold eteady. ' ' ' Contlnord fir Dane la chicken. ' . ' ' aflxad taaa'ta Tft Karkat. ' There ta a, vary badly nlud ton la th eta; market along Front atreet today, i Ka relpt ara not yery heary, bat while Hi kuy- Ina; keep atneka Irom aeesamtatnig' inrre na algn of atrengtb to th enrreut demand. Along th atreet today ( vera Bold by on. houee aa low aa SSe and another wa talking of making -cleanopa at 21 He. However, other a. lea war mane at Z2Hc and one prominent erg handler report moat of hi anlea-at 2Hc, Itnouitb ha akya aom wer made al tim la order to keep thing cleaned ap. In th ailnd of the Jobbing trade there la llttl doubt that country ahlpper ara holding bark moat of tbelr auppllea oa areonnt of tha tem porary abortag and atrength tha Utter part of laat week, bat to at that time tha ton of tba market emld not ba amlntM nrat' al There la continued flrmnraa In tb chicken market, with receipt lighter thin demand and tup prleea maintained." Th action or wane mand for goes Is a mystery, .for at tbia time there ta a call at all nn at lower price. -Jekher Tak Btana on augw. While no cbangs hi shown- la tho value on sugar since th drop of 10c quoted - Monday morning, the market h not any too firm. On the matter of special brands tb Jobbers bare taken a decided atand against their continu ance, fnr they aay they will not handle tbera after their present snpplle nr exhausted. "What's tb uo of handling a dosen brands ot sogar with about 1.000 aarka of each kind." says a prominent handler, "when most ot thorn are tba asm prlee and enalltp. It seems to me ss If It Is s plan of tb refiners to befog the buying public. Hereafter we will only handle the regular beet product, tb rea nlar granulated and th finer grade of gran ulated, such aa 'Berry . At the present thna one refinery put out three brand of sugar which are supposed to be the um quality and which sell at different prleea." . Stay yore the Eofmertoe. The Jobbers are aald to be eo determined In tblt course ot eliminating the apodal brands that one refinery, tb California a Hawaiian, aom time ago wok time by the forelock and discontinued Its "G CI" brand. Tno only special brand now put out by that company la tba "Star" and this, too, may b taken off "th market tf th Jobber Insist. On the o trier hand, th Western refinery has two brands which it names ''St. Francs" and one called the "P. C." One Jobber this morn ing went so far ss to aay that tb Jobbera might consider a boycott on th refinery which continued to put out the special branda. This Tlew, bowerer, waa not taken by other Job bera, eo, the atruatloa la as badly mixed aa Onion Lower on the Street, The beat anion or today being Jobbed out on Front atreet at prleea generally no higher thaa fl.15 per 100 pound. But one Jobber asked more tbsn tbl figure and he waa con sidering the drop- No. 8 onion are selling aa low aa Too In a Jobbing way and the gen eral onion aituatlon ta weak. HowoTar, with tba small arrtrals of first-class stock nor fur ther decline la shown In southern prices. ' A firmer Ion I shown la potatoes, with receipt of good stuff emaller. Brief Vote sf the Trade. Strained honey Is adrsneed about T cents t gsllon. -v All line of dressed meat firmer, with acarcltr In stockyards. . Wheat and flour hold steady, but unchanged In price. AU mUlfeeda firm, with" xnppllog short. . There ere e rumor of additional trading ta the nop market since ' tboae reported by Th Journal yesterday. thrower eem nations to aell according to dealer. Butter price along Front street ere the Bam- ss ' those charged ny city creamtrlca IS cent a pound. Trade paya following prices to commission men. Prleea . to shippers are lee regular eoi mission: , wrsta. Fleer aad FeeeV ; . OBAIN RAO Calcutta. 8H baying pries: aetllne. MsarMi. WHEAT New elrtb. 8T0e: red Roasts. 88iBn7e: blnestem, ?iriac; esiiey, ooiwuwc COBN Wool. 27-00; erscked. 82xw par TSARLET New Pd. 821 O0r.00 rolled. 22.not23.oo; Brewing. a.uute.w. RYR 1168 per wt. OATe) New Producers prtos No. I wafts, 82S'(t2. no: gray. isiai.oA, , FLOL'B EastCTB Orego patent. 84.06; strslghts, 82.50: export. 88.88: lley, e3.o; graham. H- H"1; " wueais, ao.ia; rye, a on- hales, tl.75. r.:.;.'.e.. ... ate eo . . dllngs, 525.00; snorts, eonntry, a.uo; eltr siuvt- chon. 818.004I21.00. 11 A V Producer.' price Timothy. Willamette valley, fancy, i.tatnji.uw; ordinary, uixa t.r Clreeon. 810 nl.f Il0,(l010,r.0; cloTer, tl.00; graio, 88.00tI10.O0i cheat. 58.W. -i , , , -e Butter, Egge aad Pesltry. - BBTfFB PAT f. . h. Portia ad Sweet cream. S.H4e: emir. BltteV BUTTER City creamery, 85c entatd fancy, 8fw: tor. 2iaoc; tore. 174J17)4, niiM-Extr fancy, candled. 22i22Vto. CHEESE New Full cream, flats, ISHOltet tonng America.- 10Htlc. ... P0CLTBT Lire- Mixed chlekena, 18UQ14 Ib; fancy hens. 14 14 He lb; roosters, old, 10c per lb: old stsgs- 1 tr m: rryers. lc per lb; broilers. 14tte lb; old ducks, 1.1 'e lb; spring ducks. 13 Ho per lb; gees, SQlne per lb tor keys, 17 per Ib for eld; dressed. - fsncy, 22 per Ib; sqnnhs. 8200 per dost pigeons, 81.04 par doe. ureeeea poultry ixjiw pet u nigner. Bops. Wool n KM. HOPE 1000 crop, choice, lOMtffll,- Brim to Choice, juc, aieniaui ro - prime, etajvc; medium, 8c; contracts, 1807 crop, 12. , EASTERN PLUNGERS LOSE MONEY ON WHEAT 4 ' (JAnrnal Special -Serrle.) e , Chicago, Fob. 20. The never 4 break In prices on the board of 4 ' trade yesterday - disclosed th 4 fact that a few wealthy apecu- 4 lators who own practically the 4 entire stock or caan wneat in 4 Chicago are facing a big lots on 4 their holdings. The greater part 4 of this wheat, probably 8.000,000 bushels, la said to be owned tiy 4 well-known esetcrn plungers who 4 got in wrong on the market last 4 . fall and have not Deen able to 4 get out again -without accepting 4 the lose of , fortune, bocanae , 4 prices during the last alx months ' e-hBY been xreclinlng moet of the time. Among - well-informed brokers the opinion prevail that Charlea M. Schwab Is furnishing most of the money to finance, the so far unprofitable deal. t ". FUTURE OF MARKET DEPENDS UPON DAMAGE 4 Tha renewed lnterot Id tha 4 hop rnnrket during tha paat 4 4 huura hag enoouragt-d Ih ftrowor- 4 holdern to tome extant. Must of 4 the order received wore from tho eaat. but aom for fancy or choice quality were from Europe, 4 In tha meantime there la much 4 a peculation among the trade aa 4 to the extent of damage wrought 4 by the recent cold snap. Within 4 a week or two the extent of the 4 J "inane -will likely be known. 4 The future of the market de- 4 pends upon thl. 4- WW WOOL 1000 clip T.llsy. WCjESci oastara Oregna. 20c.' .. MiUlAlH New. nominal. , 8lllit P.SK INS Shearing, IBt)20e eaent short wool. 2Sia40c; medium wool, 80Q76 each; lung wl. 7ac(ll.o0 each. TALLOW Prune, par lb, SMQ4e Be. and grease, 2it2Hc. CUITTIM BABK ttJ7e fog ear Iota; amkO lots. 1f(9c. -pry. no, i, is lbs and ap. leuci 1Ui net 'lb: dry kip. No. L 5 to IS lb, laa: tdry- elr,-rto. 1."adr 8 lb. 18e;'etta hides. steers, soana. ov id nn over, luqxuc: sow, SmtHVic: stags snd bulla, sound, y?o; kip, 15 to 50 lbs. Oci cslf, aouud. under 15 lbs, lis; green, Bnealled. 1. Kstiaihv io Uy toast horse hides, salted, each, 1 2'.fll.75; dry, each, II.0UO1.50; colt hl.les, trxilW; goat (kins, commoa, aach, 10jloc; Angora, seco. t3ctal. rroltt and Yace tables. . POTATOES Raytog price, eastern Maltno mab aad rUlackamn select, tt.4uil.50. aelllng, fancy, l.bort 1.75; ordluary. buying, , H2lii l.Mt cwt: aweets, 8Vit4o ll. ONION'S Jobbing )rice No. 1 Oregon. 81.15; No. 2, T5ciUl, buying price. 0i!Jc f. o; b. hipping points; garlic, eiatfe pe' lb. Al'PLEH k'aaoy Hood- hirer rtpltxenborg and Yellow Newtowna. t2.&0; fancy Willamette sal ley aad southern Oregon. 51.50621.75; ordinal r stock, $1.O0'1.2.V KHESH 1 1(1 'ITS Orange, now narel, 82.50 B3.0O; tangerine, $1.75; banana, 5 per lb; kimooa, 84j4.&0 box: limes, Mexican, 1.25 per ICIU: pllutapiiles. 14.00315.00 per dusen. grape. Malaga. - 17.50 per keg; pears, - 81.75; pineapples, 25 per dosen; grape fruit. 84.75. VKl.fc.1 ABi.KS Turnlua. new. VUsTl vsch : carrot. 7Vf$1.00 per sack; beets, $1.28 per ssra: rnaisues, zt per dos: eshnstrs, $2 50;' bell pepper. I 1 per Ib: tonw- toe. Mexican, J.W, parsutpo, 8ort$l; strum sea na, iao per 10; esuliriowsr, per ooa: Mas. 18c; boras radian. oijtlOc per lb t artichokes 1 00 ner dnrcn- soiisso-.- rnV-etlhOfr nor- boxf celery, CsllfornU, $3.2.tttl.50 per crste; cran berries. o.00i.00 per barroU-Sprouta.. byx per to. DRIED PBfTITS A no lee see nor. ted. 4U.S1 7c per lb; apricots, lstf20e per lb: peches. IWncper ib; sacka. He per lb lee; prunes, 80 to 40. lOSc; fee drop on each 1-10 emallei else; flga, California black. per lb; tall form t white, 0&8Ue per lb: dates, goldou, Vi fru sec avx; tarda, $!.40a$l.50 per 15-lb bog. .-'- , Orooariss. Bata. Eta, -- .- SrOAB California a llawallan tjnbe, $5.27 H; powdered. 85.12H; berry, 4J2VI dry gnnulated. $4.2H: Blar, $4.72U; coot. A, M.H2H; extra B, $4.42 S golden C. 84 iO; It, yellow. 84.22Vkl beet granllatsa. $4.72. Weetere she, $5 27 V,; powoered. $3.12S; dry granulated. $4 12,; P. C, ' $4.72A: St. rrancla, $4.72; - confectioners' A. M Bil extra C, 54.42V; golden C. $42Vt; V. yellow. $4.22tt: beet srannlated. 84.72W: bbm. 10c; M bbla, 25c; boxes, SOS advance oa sack but. I Above prices are 88 day net eaah qnota- tfonal. V" HONEY $4.00 per crat. : COFFEE Package branda. SI8.SStI18.S8. ' SALT Coarss Half ground, 100. $10.00 per ion; ooa, 410.00; table, dairy, 60s, 14.W; 100s, $18.75; bales, $l.b.; imported Liverpool, sua, 18.00; lous, $17.00: 224s, '410.00; sxtrs fin, kbht, 2s. oa, lua. $4-50ia5.50; Lir.rpool Mm rock. $20.00 per ton; 60-lb rock, $10.50; loos, $10.00. c ' .Above Drice eoolv to aalsa of leas than Ca.- Iota. Car lota at special pries subject Is Kimri ua I HJSSi.1 KICK Imperial .span. Ko. 1. Sa: Bo. 8, Maw Orleans, toad. J. Ajax. Bel Crools, BEANS Small white. M SOt lareo white. 3.2ij pink, $2.00; hoyoe. 88.75J.. Uwaa. tc; NUTS Pes'ouis. Jumho, 8Hc per lb; Ylrglnla, 7V.S DOT lb: roasted lOe nee Ih: Jananeee. I hi 5WC roatd7ft7m per Ib; eocoanots, S642'jt pee aim; waiuotee caurornia, v) per ib; kronen, l&e per lb; pinanera. 144II5C per ib; . hickory auhv lOe per to; ehoatnuta. eastern, 16floe per lb; Br.sll nuts, IN per 10, iiinerxe, 10c per 10 j xancy pec.oa, igeszuei Xeata, Flak aad Provisions. . - FRESH MEATS rrogt Street Hoga, fsnrv. SVk lb; vsoL extra, 0Vk lb; ordinary, itoraoe per 10; poor, a per 101 malices laser tec per Hi. " HAMrt, BACON, ETO. Portland nock (local) hams, 10 to 12 lbs, 17c lb; 14 to 10 lb. 1BWC lb; 18 to 20 lbs, lOHe lb; hrcakfaat bacon, If tH22c Ib; picnics, 12 lb; cottage roll, 12c 10: regular soorx eiesra, onamoaed. 11 He Ib; smoked, 12Hc Ib; ck-.r backs, nnsmokod, IlHc; nwked, 12VkC lb; L'uloa butts, 10 to 18 lbs, on moked. 8c Ib: smoked. 8e m; clear bellies, sn s looked. 13e K; smoked, 14c lb; s boulders, lie 101 ptcxiea rongnea, loie eacn. . LOCAL LaK! Kettle leaf. 10s. 1241 Ih- 5. 1S!4C lb; BO-lb tins, 1:114s lb; steam ren dered. iO, l2e lb; 6a, 121a lb; eouipoaad. 10a, ID. CANNED SALMON Onlumhla rfver. Mb tans,; z-ia tans, 42.701 rsaey. l ib nata, I .W0; H-'b fancy flats, $1.15; fsney l ib ovals, 2.75: Alsska tails, pink, MtJIeOeijeaV. 81 J0( nominal. 2s. tall, t2.00. FISH Rock cod, 7a per tbt flounders. B per in; inaiioui, wo per id; crane, Vlsjl.mi per dos; atriped bass, 12SC per lb; cstflsh, 10c lb; anlmon, freab Columbia river atoelhesda. llo: rblnook, 12Mc Ib; frocen aalmon. 84111c: her ring, oc hi; aoiee, oc 101 snrimpa. 10c ids perch, 5c lb; black cod, 7c per lb; tnmeod, 7e per lb; smell, ue per to, loueiera, ins per in rreab mscseret. ie per id; erswnsn. 2n per dnsen; ssnrgeon, 10 per Ib: b'sck baaa, 20c psi 10; iviiumnia river -smell, ee per ID. OYSTERS Sboalwater bay, per gallon, $2 50; ner 100-lb sack. 84.60; Ulympl. per gallon $2.25; per 115-Ib. sack. $5.50Q25; Eagla canned, 00c can, si oosen. CLAMS Hsrdabell, per hot,- $2.75; rator clams, 52.20 per box. . , " Paint, Coal' tW, Zt.' ' ROPE Pur Manila, 16j standard. Uti tsl. lie. COAL OIL Pesrl or Astrsl Cssss, 18H per gallon; waier w 11 lie, n-on oois. iss per gsuon woouvn, lis per ssiioni , nssailgsi, lltl-asg.i esses. 21 Mi per gallon. , UASOI.1NE Sfl-deg raaea, B4H'er gaDoa, iron bids.. 18c per gsllon. BENZINE 03 deg. esses, 88e per gslloai Iron bhla. IS 14c per gallon. TURPENTINE la esses, 06 ear gall wooden hble. ;ie per gslloa, WHITE LEAH Ton iota, 7.c per Ib 500-fk mu, oc per id; less mis, ac per in. , . W'IRJ NAILS Present basis at 12 oa, LINSEED OIL Pu-s raw, la 8-bbt lota, BOei I-bbl lot, 68c; ease. 08e per gal; genuine ket tle palled, rases, eue per gsl: a-bbl lots. B4c; 1-bbl lota, 60a per gal; ground csk. ear lota, $20 par toa; less this car Iota. $40 gag too. rnrrrED states ooyeehsteht bobds. ; New York, Ptb. 80. Official price: - Ilat. Hid. Aak. Km lod 10.114 103 nj Two, registered .... do, coupon A ...... ..Opt. 10(114, , Opt. . JOBH Threes, registered ... npi. li'ZV. JUXSk 102tZ Ill2i4 do coupon . Opt. 1 Small bonds ........ Fours, registered ..,,,,. 1"7 do coupon ltsrf loi U 102 mi Vi . T2 Fours, raglstored .......... 1U2.1 J2B 130 do conpon . JU2ui 12 Panama 2s M5 i: 10(1 105 do couiion ..........,,. .... ion M.rrlct of (Vilnailils ....... .... 114U Philippine 4s ., .... . 100 ' B08T0E C0PPEB MAJ.XET. Adventure. $rt: Alloneg. 870.80: Arcadian. $127.'.; Atlantic, $1d.50j Calumet. $feln; ten. tenulsl, X40.2..; Copper Hangs, 4.&0; Daly West, fill: Franklin, $2t.2.: Oreen ConeoU Mated. $:tt.TA; Michigan. $1; , Alnbesrk, $Mij Nevsda Conaolldn ted. $ IS 12H I North Butte. $112; Osceola, $17rt; Parrot, $.10: Pnnenlx. $X2.t; yulti'T. $145.60; Sanfs Fs, $4.75; Shsnnon, $22 25: Tsm.irsck, $1i1.60; Trliiliy, f.iri.12'4: I nlted Coper, $71.50; Itnb, $70 87H: Victoria, $0; Wlnons, $I2.12H; Ar no Id, $1.25; Butte Oonla, AM.',; Calumet and Arlsons, $193.Oi P0ETXABD BANK 8TATEMEET. - Clesrlng rndBy CJearlng jear. sg ..$1,078 .40.IW) ' "5 700,12a 83 82..17t).27 , 7X.2K.120 .. , OO.'exl.aT flsln today ,.,.,,.4:V..t Bslsnces today Balance year ago .'. tJTw- Tork to Close, - New York. Feb. 20. Tie New YofV cofton evchsnge will be rbised Friday and Saturday, Fsbruaiy 22 sod 22. - All Lines of Because of and in the CATTLE DEL1AND IS Good Arrivals Are Readily Picked , Up in the Stockyards- -V " ;." ;-'. Today. " RECORD-BREAKINQ PRICE ' CONTINUES TO RULE But Few Sheep Arrive in During the Twenty-Foup Hours and5- Lambs Are Scurce at 6.50 Hogs Hold Steady.' - - '; " "! v rortrsiornInitockyard7tC. stocs receipts , - 1 . ' Hoes. Tattle. '-Eheen. Todep-TT-. 7, . .V.7. ... ... 142 : 41t rr- --tos week ago ir ixt i' Year ago ................ 1 - .85 13 t'revhios year ............ 128 ... 701 Cattle recelnta were aomewhar hettae IoiIhv 411 bead arriving In during the 24 hours. Tha market aas been so famished or late, however. that It did not takn king before tbs supplies were riesuou UD. and that. too. at ton vsluca, Hugs era In better arrival thsu during ths rt few days, but the surplice are not up tba demand even at th record-break lug vaiue now ruling in tn ynrn. Mheen cam In alowlv diirin ths 94 honra. but lo5 bead arriving. Lamb continue In good demand aa high a $e.M, with but tcant supply, liwlav 11 borsra arrived. A year aito: cattle ahovtlna atlrht Bull, dcbs; bogs sud sneep firm. Value aaiue. orncisi uvuHtM-k oricest Hogs Best eastern Oregon. 87.6041t.75: stock era ana I ceo era. stt.73: thin rats, xu.75. Cattle Best essturn Orearon steers. 84.788 o.vw; nest cows sno Deirers, fH.Mimjs.Ta; stock ara ana reearra. .i.(o: nulls, lljw. Sheep Mixed. 5Goc; wether, 8!4c w, oijioc; ianibST-oi4io'4c. HOGS FIVE TO TEN DOWM Chicago Market Weakens Best Cat- tie Hold Prico. . Ieh 2fl Iilvsatock-eocel llnc-s. Csttle. Sheen. r1cs--t.;,,;;,,;".-..,, 22.000 20.000 Ksnsss City - 14 (o0 7.000 Omaha 6.0U0 8.0O0 Hogs are 819 10 lower, with 8.000 left over, Mixed. e6 704iT7W: good snd heavy. M.o 7. 00; rough and heavy, $a.70s8.ov; light, $0.70 Cattle Beat steady, ether -weak - to 10c lower. , ,..--,.,-Sueep Steady. r - NEW YORK STOCKS LOSE . DURING THE DAY NET LOSSES. r ,r, - 44'Mcxlcaa Centrtl -.i Amalgamated Locomotive . Sugar ..,.., Smelting Anaconda , Atchison .... Brooklyn ... 1 ... 14Katy i ... V.;treat Northern ... Missouri Pscitle ... J ... x . Oentrsl,.,... ,.. lNorfolk ... V Northern Tactile .. 4 . s--U PennaylVsnla ..." .7t' Tt Central. Leather St. Paul oi. i-aua vnoanuig ........... si iv. w.. x i iMicsisuino: ...... x Erie ............ ,1 'diHouthern Pacific ., : IxwurvUle ........ V 8, 8tel linloa Paclfte .... 1 . , NET 0AINS. Pacific MaU ...... HIU. 8. Sleel, pfd..'.. - Th New York stock market was very weak early and the list wa tower. Some small recovery wss msil tats In the day, but -price are generally oowa ai tsa einss. -Official a notation by Overbrck, Cooke company; ' Starr , . , Open. Close. Amalgamated Copper Oo ,.,.,.112Tk 1121 Amerh-au Car A Foundry, com..... 48 ' 43 Amerienn sr-er ronniiry-. ptamo -..-r xtw American Cotton Oil, common...... K 824 Amsncsn uicouioiive, cominon,..,, 7H, Amcrkan Sugar, common..., 1844 American Suielter, common. .,,,.,.144nt American Smelter, preferred.. Anaconda Mining Co 203(4 American Woolen, commoa 33 Atchison, common ........ ........103)4 Atchison, preferred -;... i Rslttmor -a Ohio, common. ..... . .112 Ilaltlmor A Ohio, preferred .... Brooklyn Bapld 721 73 134 144U 114,, X2 lo2 112 80 72 Canadian Pacific, commoa. ........ 1854 .jm. v.cnii.1 irfliiin, iui iin'u .......... m. Central leather, preferred ...I01U lot Cblcsgo A Great Western, commoa. .... 15T4 Chicago, Milwsnke A St. Paul.. .147 , 14034 Cblcsgo A Nielli-estsra, common. ,lnr.4 104 Clicaapesk A Ohio., 62 61 tioiorsao r uei at iron, common.... Win Colorado Southern, common. .. , , Colnrdo Southern, 2d preferred.,.. .... Colorado Southern, 1st preferred... .... Delswar A Umlson .,,.210 Denver A II lo Grand, common...., 87 Denver A Itlo tiramle, preferred Krle,., common 85 Erie, 2d preferred .... Erie. 1st preferred. ..,...... . Louisville A Nashville.... ..184 - .- 4M " -, tl 7 210 37 - 7f 84 00 CO 1.1:1 1. Msnbsttan Railway J43U ' 2.'! 70tl 7S Mexican central Kanway Mlssonii. Kansas A Texas, com..44 Mlasonrl. Kansaa a Tsxss. pro..., 701& Distillers , j..... 7.1 Great Northern ................. ..11H . Muwonri Pacific R.1 Nstlonnl Lead 71 New York Central.. ............... 1274 1T"4 82 IOlfl New York. Ontario A Western..... .... 44 Norfolk A Western, common.. Norfolk A Western, preferred. ........ . North Amertcsn ..i...., .... Northern Pacific, common. ...... ..153 Pacific Mall SteemahlD Co......... .... 85 cat St 15.1 83 Pennsylvania Railway ..1304 Railway 130 12!" Light A Coke 0o..... ft.1 0.1 Car, common. 60 51 People lias, I. Pressed Steel Preaeeil gieel Csr, preferred....... .... nt Reading, common .....J 122 121 Keening, n preierren. j, ..... is Reading, 1st preferred................. ' NS Republic Iron A Steel, common..., 88 84 Republic Iron A Steel, preferred.. PS Rock , isisna. common 2t . ir.iL Rock Island, preferred... .... ...... 8S4 Hu. Ht. Louie A Ssn. IVan, 2d pfd.,.. 42 42 St, Ixuils A Ssn, Fran.. 1st pfd..., .... . 7 Ht. Louis A Southwestern, common. 28 23 St. Louis A Sotithwestern, preferred .... rwi Southern Psclfle, common 88 oont Sonthern psrlflc. oref erred....... 117 Southern flatlwsy, common. 26 26 Southern Hallway,, preferred...... 84 S4 Tennease Coal A Iron. ... ..... ISO Texas A Pacific... , 84 :i.1 Toledo, Bt. A W., common , ... 2.1 . 21114 Toledo, St; L. A W., preferred...." ...v 5014 t nlm Pacific, common 172 172'4 I nlon Psciflc preferred. soi, Tnlted States Rubber, common,,.., 51 PnlteJ State Hnliher. preferred, ' lodii t nued ritnte pieei tv., common. . . 4514 4514 C nlted Sluice Steel Co.. nreferred.l04u Unit Walisab, common. ........... .... ih'4 Wsbnnh, prefix-red 8014 :tfH4 Weatern Inlon Tclegrspk. S3 J S2 Wisconsin Central, common 28 21 V4 Wisconsin Central, preferred...,,.,..,.,. 44 . Virginia t;nemicai. , .... 84 Bending, first preferred, x dividend of 2 per cent. , .... XEW YORK COTTOM KAEKET.' . Now Tork, Peb. 20. Cottna prices; "pen. i.Mign. tow. Fob. 20. Feb. 10. Js .. .....1002 808 808 1i3 ,10"2 Veb .. March 'pfri o4 SI2 WW WM) Vll 042 I2 -4H -075 . keit, 003 010 817 H27 P40 PHI - Pitt l'T7 918 April Mar . 821 820 June inly . B .K1 . Ii:i7 048 15 1)41 w;7 . 64a. (MO . !; . . 072 . 83 . DI3 Ang "Dtaia-MT-.. Oct 1172 Dee DM - . 1 ... Starting Bat. EUDRL10US New Tork. Feb. 20. etterllng I4.S4.59; 1 80 days, $IS0.7 , ' ' . - Liverpool Cotton Market. loverporl. Kco. 20 -:..ttou Nt urea closed eteady, 4 to 4 poluU kratr, ..... - ": Dressed Meats Show an Advanca the Scarcity Along the Street Livestock Market During Week. AFRAID OF LOCIGi WHEAT CDL1II1G Bulls In Chicago Market Do Not ' Dare to Put Up the Price ': Too Much. ' JULY OPTION CLOSES f ; WITH HALF CENT CAIN Same Ris Made bf the Spptember Mar. Gains fieStill Buying " for Russian Account Corn ts Jp Peh. Oft - s.h in ' Oslo. lOOd. J " 'BELATIVB WHEAT VALUES. I July ......... ,7sn 7i)ii. ,8iiT bVptamber .... .77 .77 ' .00 ' .'r81 ' ' Chicago, Fsk. 20 Th wheat advance for the dy waa moderate, aa buyer feared more - - w,s. cwwie mi on to upturn. Ex port busliiess ws sirs In llhersl, with 50 boat land, Ituluth and London both reporting direct " a. lea of wheat to Colder- werthsr is ' Srodlcted tut the wheat slates where the blent I unprotected. Without help of the bull - leadera 'eorn ad vanced with sh.rt covering. Cash lntsrssU were ' buymg. The cash market ruled higher. . Oata aituatlon strong with receipts light and : shipping sales large. Cash demand la good. - V'""" lesiureiesa wita naoker out- of the market. They waut a break before Official OnotaHona by Overbeck. Stan Cooke company ;- , . ; ' ' WHEAT.- . . " Onan. Ill.h lynr. , Close. 771.11 May 77 77 July 77 4 78 bepteniber ..... 77 78 77 ts . ii. J? .1734- -COBTC. May ..... 4.. 47 d , . 484 L' 48T4A ' 44 , 45 lnll 4S July 4H September May ..... July aeptmbr-TiT5- 244 MESS PORK. ..12 18 ..ltiN7 lftUS ' LARD. ,., 88 " ess ... K7 8H7 ' 84)2 9U7 SHORT BIBS .. 837 37 .. 844 846 May ..... July ...... My ...... July ..... September 1870 1883 82 82 8i2 ' 880 840 I8T3A' 1687A 8KS 8S Msy Jujy 840 trVTBPOOL 0BAIE atAEIXT. Llvornool, Feb." 20, Offk-lsl prlcesi ' ' , , ? . - .- ' WHEAT. - ' nun , CIm. Feb. 18. Oata, s ad March 8 r,.4 s d' Mae Oa Ad -r Oe Nlil 6a 6 V 8 14 July oa 8d 8 24 COBN. . Msrch 4 8d 4 8d de 8d 6d May is 6d --4 6d PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Potlcie Mining Sells at Advance of 20 Porlela hflnlna was' torlse a' fearers mf rh. tradtn on the Port Is nd stork market. It old 2c shore the bid price of Monday. luers win no a meeting or stock holders of Oregon Recur! flea Fehruarv oa tn th. en.ltlA. VA19 . 40 40 404 .. 40UB 87 801 ' . toll A. - 82 82A lum ot th Chamber of Oommere building. The Ueetlpg I called for 8:30 p. nv . Today' ssles: One tboussnd aevea hundred -flatewood at 30c: 2.200 Lorn Creek Gold at 2U,c: S. Olio Potlole at 1Ue .toon sw..ii. ... I2c: l.ono Waabougal Extenaloa at 28a 8 aatl'iiiie hi jeirpoone a an. , : VKiiciax price: .. BANK STOCKS. " " . ' Bid. Aak. . Bank of California ............ $M.on 8 Hankers' A Lumbermen's 00 ro - 10s AA ilerchanta National 178.0O 186.00 Oregon Trust A 8avlngt ...... 124.00 " 150.00 ; ror 1 land 1 rust Co ' 1 LISTED 6ECMUTIE8 1 (BONDS). American Biscuit Co, 8 X, 88.00 100,00 City A Suburban 4a : 020.1 Columbia Southern Irrigation 8 '85.00 nom -leiaiinon DS 87.50 J. C. Lee Co. 8s..,,.... lcwoo O. R. A N. Ballway 4 ,"; 100 .00 101.08 O. W. P, A Rsllway 8a..,,'... 100.00 108.00 Portland Railway 6a...,,,..,.. ' 100.00 MISCELLANEOUS STOCKS. - Associated Oil 44 50 48.00 Hem Telephone 81.00 alt no 1. C. Lee Oo. ............ 81W 80.0O-- Psdflc Htstes Telephone 110 00 Pugut Bound Telephone ........ ..... 60.00 MININO STOCKS. " Oatewood ...'..................., .88 1 .88 Lnkeview , .86 Lers Creek' Gold .............. .02. .02 British Ynkrm ................ ,24 - ,2ft North Palrvlew .,05 Manhattan Crown Point ....... .14U .15 Potlele Mining ...,... .12 .13' Wasooogal Extension 4 ' .28 UNLISTED STOCKS. 1.' " . Oregon City Mill A Lnmber..,, 4.28 :- 8 28 Ysijulna Bay Telephone ....... $.00 - 8.25 Alssks Petroleum ............. ,12 .15 Blue Stone , .00' British Coliunbls Amalgamated .OfttA o Csaradla ,20 5 .28 OoM field Trotter , , , ' .28 Greet' Northern .02 .08 Mammoth ..................... .08 .17 Mi-nlng .O.I - .04 HtstHiard Consolidated .08 .10 Tscoaia Steel '. .id .18 CO EC D'AXENB DISTRICT. Bnlllou .. ). .07 Copper King ,14 Happy Dy )3 Park Copper."." .07 mm Snowanoo ....... v.,.,,.,.. 312 ,i' Huowstorm ,.. 2. AO 0. K. CvnsoUdsted .03 GerU .' , .18 MANY CANDIDATES FOR FRATERNAL BROTHERH .04 ; -Sji - .87 . 8 00 ,. Mrs. Ernma H. Noldtg, aupreme vice- , prealdent'of the Fraternal Brotherhood; of Los Angeles, will arrive In Portland on the 26th and on that night will ba : Riven an of flclal reception by the1 ordep In Oregon City. On February it the will attend lodge at Bt Johns, on th , 27th at Fortland lodge No. 208, and on the 28th a new lodge of the order will be Instituted at'Alblna, and March 1 aha , will be, entertnlned by the. members of Multnotnati lodge no. (67. . Iarge numbers of candidates are) ready for Initiation at each and every ' place, and during her visit in the stat . of 10 days about 126 candidates will ba , Instructed Into the mynterles of th Fraternal, 'Brotherhood, Mrs. Neldlg la sn able ss well aa a pleasing speaker ' and ha a charming personality, ,., Only On "BltOMO QVXxtrnw That Is lUXATIVB BROMO Qnlnln. Slmt. lnrly named remedies aotnetlmea deceive. Th '".i ,n, wiiKiiia. , "i iiuipi is a ri al 1 a p.,'Br.uni ain, i,t-.,w 1 . boar tb slgnatur ad hv. W. GtU)VH. ' 85. Mrs. G. W. nanaell Dpad. ' (Soectal Dispatch to The JnurnaL PMcwnlAF (r f.h on x: s. been reoelverl tif ' th death of Mr. t . ufiirxs w. naneeii si ins noma or ner par on t St Ilea Molneg, Iowa, where ah M..I on a ttl.ll Ida, Call ' QU. -V. . . - " - - WW v - . w . . ..... on. ,,-mi tir , attack of typhoid fever and uf fared I , two "relapeea. She leave her ttuehand. one son and two daughters. Th body will be brought back to Freewater for burial. ...,.... 1.