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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1907)
FEBRUARY 20, 1S07. FOR SALE-KEAL LSTATE. ron balu i;i:al kstath. l on kali: fakms. roil SALE FAU.MS. TIMHKR7 for sine misci:lia.nt:oi s. - AlTOMOr.M.I.S. THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING. ; 423 tensrclal El!?. ' . -Ptcsc PacMic 2514 $153 : boo-mino-houss BUT! ENT1RELT COMPOSED OF HOUHK KEEPING SUITES; CLEARINO $ EVERT MONTH, WITH IONO LEASE. , . . THIS hi BLOCK MI ST 00, S4TH AND MONTGOMERY, EAST SIDE; WORTH THIS TURKIC VEAHS AUO. '.' . I FULL LOTS AND FRACTION, FULTON PARK FACING S. P. TRACES, WITHIN BLOCK OF MEW CAB LINK, GOOD BARN ON BACK tMl OF-rOTS ALr?e-IN $S$C3 v.':. 100x120, CORNER OF BODNET . AND FAROO, WITH TWO a-ROOkf. i MODERN MOUSES, RENT $M EACH; BELL ONE OR BOTH; JTMP QUICK, ' 33KxTc3Fcet AST WASHINGTON ST., HEAR BOTH BT.J KICK LOCATION FOU LITTLB HOME; OWNER WIU. BUILD TO SPIT PCftCHAS- OK EAST TERMsT .' : ; ; ') : ' - --:r..-j: FOR FTNS) LOTS, 80x100,' ON MONTA VILLA CAR LINE, CLOSE TO TRACKS, .$700 eoxioo, so-ft. alley, graded streets. SIDEWALKS AID, THBBB BLOCKS FROM CAB; LOOK THIS UP.' L-8-Rcca nodern House::':'" BAST BIDS, COHNER LOT 80x00, GRADED STREETS, CEMENT WAXES; 000 DOWN, -. BALANCE OH TERMS. ;r 7r;.-7';:.. ,r :':'::.":,';. $1500 :5?--'.'';: "eTxl( N TANCOCVER ATB. "AND FRE MONT ST., WITH STORE BUILDING; BENTS FOR $10; ONE DAT ONLY. 6-Kooa Modern Cottage ATEST DESIGN. JUST FINISHED; BEAU IFCL CORNER LOT, - ALL IMPROVED; 800 DOWN. BALANCE S3 A MONTH. , S-Rccin Cottage ::;-' LOT IXxlOO, EAST WASHINGTON ST. AND MTH; 'i ABSOLUTELY f NEW( LIBERAL - TERMS. . '. j, I .. .. . . 1 . . --.'.' " ',. Y" $6CC0 " ".T " v'. A FINB ST. JOHNS BUT BOUSES -ON LOTS, SOxlKS, "ALL RENTED, INCOME OF BOO FEB MONTH; WITH LITTLB) IM PROVEMENT COULD i!B MADB TO FAT $100; CENTRAL RESIDENCE DISTRICT. "':-';.:-. : $2000 ;- ONB ACRB OF FINE LAND AT CEDAR PARK, 100 FEET FROM STATION; THS WILL HOT LAST LONG AT THIS FIGURE. v ' $isoo FOR U BLOCK ON EAST SIDE; SPLENDID BSIDKISCJP0RTION; BUILT UP ALL AROUND; STREET IMPROVEMENTS FIN ISHED, SIDEWALKS LAID;. LOOK AT THIS. , r ' CI-'. .240 Acres '::.;v' FINB . .FARM LAND, COMPRISING 100 ACRES BOTTOM LAND. 40 ACRES HOPS, TUB BEST IN BILL LAND; NEW HOUSE "0'B:BOOMT-WAIc-l'irBDJQTAND COLD-WATER; BOPHOU8B, HOP DRIER, BARNS, ALL COMPLETE); SNAP. yS-' :: : 6 Acres WITH FINB ' HOUSE. CHICKEN-BOUSES AND BARN, ' ALL NEW, FOR 3.600 ACRES ADJOINING CAN BB BOUGHT FOB 18,000; END OF ALBERTA LINB. Inspgiice acq Loans ; MadMcsl IMwdl" ' 420.CcaEiercial Bid?. float Pacific 2514 ; $2,iO CASH New horn and t lot. Oregon , City line, a' MUwaahle;. .nap. 87 Hj Mor rlaoa at, roam C. - 2-ftTORV holloing, AOton, IS mmi fnrnlihed. for eale or rent. Kiwell, Tklrti and Mala ill, ' ViBfaw. Wh. - j OOilD S-fpntn fm n4 lot, tut tlila, nM lnmm. Pf amatbf prlt i.VM; tra. 242 Mlloa t. - -- FINE alfalfa tnil atnrk raan In Iba famnna Jntm Ir "H"T! alaa 1-room hooaa, aat; full , lot; arlra luiiO. a-rwn bnox. full baaamant and bata, fall lo; prlra 1 3.V1. - - m at, Room , 12SH Graad ata. . . two eottafra. fomlrti'il, fnrnltnra fnr. !, want atria, rlma In. Ataxaodrr Land Co., Elta tmh at., naar llna. . a S-ROCM hon, KnnnraM. $l.TuO; aaiy tarma. alalllatac, SIS Cammarelal blk. IH A''RES, aplraitld InraHoa, frnlt, ahrnbbarr, JS. (Kit). Ilnlilalrr, S13 CDrnmarelal klk. Spfioo. iNt lormu-n on t. Jnnna ir Una rirvr rn'm (t" dtnrn UntahM f . ,f rnrT and niMt mrt rd bnttrrr; 7.OI;0, kail cafb; cuiua duick. W 14i, Jovliual. Little Hcnts near Fcrtlazl S Af'RP'S, it room Horsr!. FRl'lT BrSB. Vt l.l, FKN( M, 4 ACRKS IN OR CHAKII. Y KI.I, KKI"l'. ALL MM Of KKI IT; A M'l.KMMD I'l.Al K AIJIMNIN1 'W.N; WIIX M: Nh.B NKW HA1.K.U CAK I.IM-i I4.X), lMjLim.NO EVtUV-THING. Acres AD.IOINrNO I.ITTI E TOWN, NEW ROOM Ull KB. VUUVG OKI'HAKD. A HOLT U.omi KTIIAWBl-llKV PI.ANT: t.K; IT M ONLi: 8 MILKS fUOM, TUB IUTT. Acres P4 ON MOrNT RCOTT CAR LINB. MTTT.B COTTfiE. FRI'IT, WKI.I. APAI'TED 'OB LITTLE CHICKEN RANCH; 1.750. 5 Acres IN CITT LIMITS. liSOft. TEKMS ON ALL OF THEM. Otto, Crockett & Harksca - ,7 Realty 'Co,, 7 ..-7, 13SH FIRST ST. Rose City laity "On S lota, Se car aarrlca, all aat t trait, $7(10; oal. 4 naar ear Una; T-roona koaaa, 5ood 1iru, S nuaa, 4alra. bnraa, barnraa. hlt, hy, wood, elilckano, toola, (raralad Mart. S;l.SlH). - - 62S aoraa, tla tlabar, y, mlla railroad; - tla arlllnc 4Sr. . S flna lota on Balmont at.. Sa car far. TO EXCHANGE For arraaira. Vta ar lmpron-d dtf praner, an ImnroTxd Tallaf fnn pajlnf cat a rant ( StWO par jaar. . . . S ALSO 4M-anw irhaat farm. 400 eraa tn rap; 111 -atnrk. f1, farmlnr toola, fa with flaca. Call quick, - 204 MOHAWK BLDO. $2,400 FOR t-rooa kooaa.and lot SOxlOO an Union ava. - - ti.000 (oar I room bona and lot SOxlOO M tJnloTt tit. ' 11 fl.200 for 100x100 on Eiat Sixth tt. Sll.OdO for S-roora bona and barn; flna baaa Man tilted D for kttchan and dlnlna-roomt H.euO fuc lot "fclxlTO, WttBT two bua and , a barn, on Kmlnojr ava. 11,'atO fnr lt 60x100 and two koaiaa, wtth II klnda ot trait, on Kaat Elfhlh at., noftb. S2.4O0 foi 5-ronm bnnaalow. kit OOllOO. joa Broailwar, naar atari ttfiilka. ft,10r fnr lot IwacKS-oa fiowM at, batttaaa . 17 Ik and ixth ata.. tn Kalam, Or. - O. BTITKd CO, , " 620 Unloa to. r - LOT 80x100. Imprmad atraat, blnoka from . St. Jonna pnalofflra. 10. J. J. Oadar, oor nr Grand ara. and Eaat Ankanr at. II, MO NEW a-room bona at Artior Lodf on tba St. Jobna oarllna; lot TBilOO. 'T BE'HSTKR A CO., -ltiiH TUIrd at. .' 6on is tha prlra that ara tinTa on a Na 4 raat danra lot on Rodnrf are. and OotoA" at.) aawara la, atrn-ta Imnrotrd. BKOIHTRR CO.,' ' ','- .. 107H Third at- 12 2.V PUTS aa p-to-data .rooni bona on Eaat Aldar at., tn Pnnnralda: full lot 60x100. .. ) , , . BEOISTKR A CO.. - - 107 Va Third at. l.noo d LAROB lota within ana blorh ef tha F.aat Ankauy ear Una, nlea and, laral; ok1 Inreatmant . BEniRTFIfc At CO., 007 Third at. SBSS--WOODMF.RB Thrr flna Iota; $270 raab, balance tnatallmanta. II 133, car JonrnaL -' BAROAIN. ' '.....(,.-, -. .. , EAST BIDE HOME. . 5.000 will bny aa S-rooia modarn koma and a fall aornar lot on Eaat Ankrnr naar lKik 1 at.; thla la a eholro l-atlon and tba boaaa la anppllad with np-tolata oonranlanraa; ron ' rrta baarmf nt. anod furnace, flraplacaa. bath Trooni, ate. Thla la truly aap, aa eoaw arlr and eeonra bargain, . ' JAMES J. FLYNN. S13 Chamber of Cotaaiarea. ' Sellwccd Mareboaaa Fraorb. t70 B. IStk. Phone Sellwood 74. Cttf Vlaw Park irta. S378 and Hp! Boaa Addttkm tnta. $100 and np; $6 down and $6 a month. Bomea from $.VM to 1 1.00.). Lota IWO and np. In all parta of Srllwood. Llat your propartr with aa; wa will eell It. ONE im naar Flrland atatlon. on V-atnt Smtt ear una, amaii nouatt, t-miiitiu,w.ticw tarma hull . oa'h. balaaea $10 prr month. STATE LAND CO., 13Si Flrat St. CHEAP BF.SIDENCB LOTS. I kaae tha ehaapatt lota In town, emalder ' In tha earronadlnca, between Bawtborne and Belmont. . T. PACK BABBlit. Phone Bast 4300. SOOBalaent at. MODERN new honae tn Holladar Park addi tion, alao lota. B. B. Klce, CUO Wasee at. Phone Eaat 34.12. v COOS BAT OPTION Want party to take np eiplrlnir option; hie proflta: arraara; Inreetl - xatr W. W. Orara 813 Deknm hMg. T-ROOM bona, barn, thrae lota, plenty fmlt. Ra ownar, Mr. William Sckladel. U24 Bay ard at., penlnaelar. . F1VB Kta wtth 4-roem hoe'r. wittwlldlnaa and boerine fruit trera. 28 Mcl'herooa at., Panlnaular autloa, Portland, Or. ALPINE REAL ESTATE CO.. SOSH Morrtann. room S; phona Mala U17 H block with ll nvia bouae, eloae In. $11.100. S aeraa, -room honaal aaay tarma: $3.aao. Fine Vacant Lot $4,0r nTloT-Norta..lSLh KVL. Keernay. Do yon want to build reeldeore er apart atmtal Bare'a yoar chance. Owner, Joarnal. FOR SALE SOxlOO on Hall at. IV) feat weat af 14th at., $,00; BoxloO eorwr Hall aad 14th. S.V7S0: anlendtd Tknr wltkont ellmu. 4wnar, 480 Hill et. J1T think. 1.100 lota near Salem ear line, no farthrr than St. Johna, at $16 par kit, at SI par month: leral and enod aoll. with bonara already there; yon ean't buy acrraaj . out there lor Mm emoant; tbeaa khs will b raiard to $) per lot on the flret vf tha month. Apply to owner, W. Raldt, room 16. Wahloton bld 37(1 Vi Waahlngtoa at. . BOO FARMS, email treats and kta; nnrcalne on 0. W. P. eleetrle line, O. R. Addltoa, Lenta, Oregon. Take Mount Scott ear, 6e. A SNAP Beentlfnl modern S-room kxMiea, flna Inrallty.. Apply S2S Kaat Keliey at.. Beat ' St.tb at. ITk-e. $2,600. BARGAIN Tor eaeh, beautiful larattoa for twel pottaree; Soatb Snnnralda; -eorner.. Inquire B, Lincoln, aear Thirty-third eL FOR BAI.B rine otta(re, roome, hern. Mf lot, fruit trere and Improrad atreet $2,500. B 138, care Joarnal. ' ' NEAR 8TKKI BnilHIB. S room moilarn bonee, Mixlotf let, aa ear Una; extra large rnnma; fine lawn and traaa; earpeta, etc., go ,erirh bonne. If ron wlili a new. modern, beautiful borne, ieloe In, don t tall to aea thla. - C C. SB AT. --- ' Mara 142. S04 Ablnrtoa bldg. IRVINOTON. f-ronm aonae. S hi tin: onohatrwtad !, enrnar Eaat lS.h and Tlflamook: prion $4.00, Inolo-llne eerpta, flxturea, atoraa and ahada, .uari8 rooms. 16th and Tillamook; eery fond fcirarlMi: tertna. OWNKR. 445 Shrrtork bldf. ACREAIK. t arrea ea O. W p. lion Uya leral and aaaliy pat la rultlreflon. 10 aoree eaat of Mrnitrrllte on Baaa T.lne rmd; bouee, barn; aerea la bar r lee; a fine home, " IO Mfr aorthaaat from Mnrjlarllla; flnrly altmted fot a fruit farm or chicken ranch; eiM-ap. ftne-aareaea forpIttlp( St, Johna. Come anirk f"r t : t . K WOI.VEKT()N. 403 Mehewk. ' At CHICKEN RANCH. We hare a 6-arre farm nar Vaaroaaer, fine aoll. aU I'-ral. Al vail, eood ! .t.r boiiaa. barn, elilckandinnae, ate. 1 V, mlla t erhool, 1 mile to pnatofflce; manufirtartna company aear fnrnlihee work for 00 employee. Thia la a np. , ... . . , I'ulce It 4Kl. Tiiv vETERAf Land ro, Awi Xliud at., ma A, ' ' W. W. Espey . ROOM 1 X)MMKHriAL PT.T0.. Umtr Second and Wi-biofto Hii. 22 Acres . 19 rr In rnjItlTiitlnn. fair H-ronm hw, row laro, hor tnirn and yoiing orchard, t tvma, n aprlna; tnnth dlM huiww, plow, eultirafnr, lArd culttrattiff, milk oana, mar worth fifO, loraN-d on milk rout and nn th batt. vMd, pnooit In th rvni, 14 mil from KarmlnKtna; prlf $2.U), bale baUnc lefma, at 6 pr eut caab, 44 Acres St tn eultlritkm, od errhtrd, fair bonne and ham. boiibouae, 18 mllaa fruw city; $3,800; tarma. ,. 540 Acres 8trk and ihffp or fftwt ranrh. Inludlnf II rwlonali.ra, will iraaraDt 10 pr cHt proflta; If ut found aa rairhled will pay all rxnona In rolnir to im it and par 910 -5! -r flu for tlm sina; ana enutinfr; trii 7.900. H.000 ctib. tulaaca aaread tlrua at 0 pr crut. . ,tt 21 Acres " rin una, l.flWJ pninae, SO applii S pan. IS cherry and 1 tjuinca trie: itood 0 mm boua hum AOxftf, fruit eraporatur 84iHd, Htfnt rT"rctty-i.W-fomnlx dally, "ll'irig lHue S2x;l0, rnmplnff g nouae, 1 -f.wd trurk- boiiae with rellar, rood wattr, " fonre--puiup , and aalranlxad tank boldlne 12 barrria of water, 1 U Inch plow. Haw; drag with 11 rultlvatora, 6 etanda of tore, phone la tha bonte, platform acalaa, aiMid variety ot brr rlea; prlra H.O; In Yamblll eminty, IH wllea I ram the depot; terma If dualrad. ,. 160 Acres Flrat-cliae lrrel land. 80 errea la enltlea " tlon. SO acrre ee1ed fall (rain, food B-rontn boi:o. lanra barna, woodhouae. roothonaa. chicken "our kor F"nn - wa aktda, email eri-tiird, itood earlrty, plenty of kerriee, 1 ' extra good horeea, 4 rnwe, S belfre, t brood aowa, ahotra. 100 Plymoutb bock cblrkrna, a rood binder, 1 mower, 1 rake, 1 biy praaa, 1 pair of platf.Tra aralea, 1 eulkr and eeearal walk I tie plowa, all klnda f email toola nved ea a farm, aamrlyy ehorrla, axea, etc., ViVt arrre In wheat, 111 arrra fall oata, eome clorrr and timothy; price $.ooo: tarma. ""It la 14 xallre fiuui Ilia City an a o read. 50 Acres' Alt rleer,"-he elumii. SO arrea 4- flaa hope, wire yard, S Rood aopbouiea, all tool areeaairy ro ary. name. 1 acre aooa orrnam. all aarlrtlMi; harne, rood 11 -room boon, water n1od to tha honaa-and barn from a ' windmill tank, all will fenced and ft he excellent aoll: totaled 1 mile from nllroed cm rood eounty road. ft. F. 1. mall, 23 mllm from city; price $u.0iv, half can atand. It will pay tor ltaelf la S yeara erer and above expaniae. , .7 ...... ,, "1281 -Acre" Farm In Tamhlll eminty. 100 arret In enlrt ration and moat I r In fall crop a rain and lenty of aeed tor the remaladar; a awd -room honie, woodhouae. eprlnahooee, larca aranary, larire barna, etrawabeua. et., S or charde, old end young; 00 ecree ef oak frulie. eaally cleared; worlila af outrinaa; arala aad bay to feed nntll birreat; phone In hone, H. F. I), mall, ecboole. eood eoanty reed, large atream rnna tbroagh center of the plaroi 1 breey Percbenm Ma, 1 Perrbenia mare la foal, new farm waaon, farm rake, S plowa, 1 aulky plow, S w acta ef har naaa, new hayrake, nxiwer, elder priaa, new etump puller, complete act of farming tnote and mirblnery, 4.1100 feet of dry rat lumbar; 2 OUO.CM) feet timber oa place, neef atream; Sfl beed ot boge. 1 reglatered boer; 20 An gora goate, Coawell aheep, S head ef eat. tla, Jerar caw; fine watar at tlta kaaae. I'rlra $7.ftno, aa tarma. UealthtCat locality la tha elate. . . -r . ;ico Acres IV. I.. do ander eulttratloa. 12 aerea awe al moot clreri a good d-roora kouee, a fine new barn; located oa tba Tualatla rtear and on a fine road; milk and mall route by the door, 14 mllaa from Portlaad. m ml lee from rail road atatlon; all itock and lmplementa la eluded. Trice d.Ouo; eaay teraia. W. 'W. Espsy ' BOOM . Sit COMMERCIAL BLDO. Corner Second and Waablngtoo. ; Fire Rccm Ccttag-e ' 1 TTTia ..HATTTirT'L COTTAOB IS MOT. FRN, WITH BATH, NICELY FINISHED and rrRim.T cp to tate; is loia- TED ON CEDAR ItT. WILL SWI.L FOB $2,000; MOST ANT KINT OF TKR1IS CAN BB MADE TO SUIT PURCHASER. . Eight Ream Modern THIS IS, A NEW nof-KB. LOCATED ON 4CTH ST.. NEAR AR HAWTHORNE A-l Vn.L SELL FO:. X.000, INCLUDING "CAR- PETS WffllTH IfUKI- A NK'R BARN AND LOTS. M 100 EACH; ALL FOB ONLI $8,000; TERMS. Kice Ccttaj:e THIS B ROOM MODERN COTTAGE IS ON EAST STMT., NEAR C.1.I8AN: THE LOTS A HE 60x100 FEET; THIS HOCSB DAS ALL TUB LATEHT IMPROVEMENTS. HAVING CKMBVr HASEMKNT. ETC.J WILL SELL FOB $2,790. ... ' A GcciliivestoeEt LOT ROxino. WITH TWO COTTAOFS, PTIKHENT RENTALS $2 PFR MONTH : CHKAP NOW AT PKICB A8EED AND BOUND TO INCRBASB IN VALUE. tomefiy-&-Eickok- 325 Lumter Excbanje Bid. -Washington Coisty. 7 " WB HANDLE FARMS . 7, IN ANT PART OF WASHINGTON COUKTT. E.- LCate ' tM STARR ST. LOOK HKRRf 1 kaea fir mi to all, 20 ta ton ictwj each, all In TipMIt rirrrkiplng dlatrtct. anme with aery llttlo Iraprormirnta and aoae wrll Improred at price which are euro to dotible In, S to i yeara. Alao a fow et the bit ree l,f.Miea nropertlre lu (ItwIiib, aa wrll aa a nomhee of bnilnraa bulldlnga paring aa In rm of 12 to 14 ve emt, and vacant Iota, tirrahem la 1.1 mllre eait of Portland, wtth ana carllne flnl-h! and annthar la emiree of cnnatrnctlaa. Write, explaining yaat what ' yon -want, and ace whit I will do for yog, ar, what la better, eill and era ma. D. H. JkH.nSON, - - ; . . Oreahim, Or. j 20 ACRES, ender eultlretlon, running watae ' ririri place all year; goad honae, barn, chicken bon. root hot end ethar uthaild Inee; 12 mllaa n( Portland. Ownar, L. C. Vanetta, Mllwaukla. Or.( B. F. . Me, 2, ' box 64. HVapIAO acraa tn Clateep eenntr: I 2TO.000 rwt old tlinhrr, t aerea pkiw land, f acre aixiha.1; i mile from Nth. km rtrer; $1,0U0. S.lnaloitlaua at, rooca 0. $1.700 40 Icftr..' in mllre from Vincourer. 1 ntlla from Colutnhla riter; 2t a-rca clfarml, 4 a-rea hearing on hard, eooie girea tlmhcr, good apiinr. all larel; (4 mile to acboul, oa mam county toad; glre good terma. ' $.1,ltoor acrre. 12 mllaa eaat of Vin 'co,irr, S mllae from railroad and hoatlnndlnx: 80 icrci clvarrd, aarenl acrei 1 1 m her, balia-e eaally elearad; all (irred. all ler.l; Haonn hoiuc, fair tarn; Sr aerea bearing on-hard; on main county mad. R. F. 1), neir a li'ail, fine locailnn; lioran. 2 eowa. new witrnti. bimew, all farm liapkmenta; beat ot eoll; . glre good ternie. St. 200 ST lore, fronting ea Colombia. M mllee from I'nrtlind. near railroad nation and boatlandlng; 10 aerea cleared, OMI hear Inij apple treea; good bonae anil barn, Imured . fur $auu; beat of null; glre terutaa neap. $7,000100 arrea. DO acre cleared, eome tiuibor, balance pletnre; 7 mllee from Van eourer; all leral, all fenced, good 7-room nmiac, filr barn. 0-acre bearing oreherdi l1 m Ilea from railroad at atUai. S mile to echonl, R. F. D.i eooie atock and farm lutplemenra; fine location, ea main eonnty road, lever and . grareled to Pur I laud; will exchange tor city property. .. - , - 2-1,000 40 aerea 4 mllee from Vancoueer, oa' fine grarrl road; so acree clenreili family earohardi- 0-room kouie. fair atahla; beak of aoll, ao rock or gravel; bilf canh, halanca 5 yeara; thla la a knap; , fine location, naar etbool; R. F. D. $ f1. 400 20 aerea. 12 ail lee from VanaoaTer, 5 mllee from boatlnndkig and railroad; 12 acree cleared, all fenced; room houae: on main county road, aeir achoul, flna location; beat of aoll. ? giTeg ft f'lir foilflte. Wa.Ungton. B mllee from boailamllng nnj ' railroad; 100 tlnilier, balance paature, ell fenced tvltb poet and wire, tt acree bearing orctmrd, 2 acree ' applee and cherrlee and pea rw, halanca prune ; New 7-rnom houae. coat; ene large bam rjOiloo. fruit dryer, mllklmnie with fine prltig water In It. other onthallillnga, blicw-emlth-ilKip and toola; peraonal proiwrty goee with place; good teem, 2 wagona. 1 new; 1 hack, new; 1 top buggy, aew; new Oeborne binder, all klnda pf farm lmplementa; 14 milch eowa, 1 fine anil, 4 head yoang box a, 12A rhlrkena, new cream erparator with tread power; 60 tone af hay. Coo bnahela of oata, noma wheat and ipmla; near ecbool, B. F. D. Thla la a beautiful place, peat or black aoll. Price only $4fi per acre, locladlng peraonal property I five terma. - . $1,400 SO ecree la Cowllta eonnty. Weah InKtoa; IS acree cleared, 10 acree llht brnah. eome green timber, balance itntnp land; a-room bonee, fair barn, fruit dryer, root cellar, chicken yard and bnnaa: team, wagon and barneaa, 2 eowa, eome farm lmplementa; hay enongh to winter etoc'k: I mat nf aoll; near ecbool ona bait caab, balance $ yeara, Sper- .cent. - L . , j 24S aerea la Clarke county, Waitilngtoat 150 acree In meadow free from etumpa, acree ta bearing orchard, noma greea timber, balance paeture; 2 large barna, 6-romn bonee; aniall rwk and 2 amid anrlnea: all fancad ) erttfl-ajew-w aad --wleaand one boerd, nIK. ftitfht; K. r. ., eennfii on piece; e naire fron railroad and boatlandlny: bait of black anil; good team, f drlrjna liorre. acTeraTbaad nt cattle, .ell klnde of farm lmplementa; no tltrht; K. F. !., ecbnoi on placet nam lima of bar; noma aoga, 34 aheep, ' ehlckene. Thla te one of the beet bnye ea tltm aiarkalf tf vnal aea Inoklna tor a Cl.te "piece and a knap Inveatlgate thf. lefore mg; 10m la goaranieeu aa aavarimeu; : rock ee gravel;. euly 42 pee acre; give terma, .iWasMEgtoii & Orcsoh ; 1: -Realty Co. - 10S Beeoad at, Portland. Oregna, and 800 Main at., Vancouver, Week. ' Fheae Main '2404. B. S. Ccck. ' SS.IW0 Flna qharter block eith anodeni room honae, eloae in aa Wrldler at. What more can wa aayt lt a a pickup; act quick; tarma. - 1 - ' $5.200 Beantlful nearly Bete T-roorn .trlct ly modern heme, eery rkiee In an that eplen dld realdeace etreet, Weldler. If yoa want a choice home, thla ta (ha place. See It. " $4 80O Ona "of the prettlett and fleet hnllt placea In Holladar adilltlon. au Multnomah at.: locality the beat. Thla la a awell hame aad la cheap, eaay terma. 1 1 tS.TSO Mearlr new S-fVjom ' kouee on a 't Oomer lot In a eplendld eeet alda locality; houae oaa ail conveniencee. ' IS. BOO Oood S-room honae ea Halaey et. ; full lot. Thla ta a bargain. a . $2,600 Extra good B-roora cottage: fall ee gtent baeenaeut. large attla apace for twa awre roome. An Ideal tnd coay home, Eaiy ; terma.. . 2,2SO Uplenffld room fcotrea aad f fnlt Iota aa 40th et. aear Uewtborne; good full haeeaMBL Thla la tine place; tarma. . . $l,gno Elegant new S-room eottage aa Lee re. Tble la aa Ideel and eoay little home for a couple aa complete ee a manaloa could be; $.0 eiih. biUnce $15 month. Don't ' pay rent any loagvr. . , . Three' ara only a few af ear choice have m hoiraea. Come la and aea ear Hot. It cannot ha excelled. . . : ; B. S. Ccoi & Co. 2M ALDER ST. HOTEL doing fine boatneoe maat ha eold ejnlrk; belt tnleraet In profitable Iran werke; New berg, Uregoa. 271Vi Morrlaoa et., room O. to ACRES, kalf ander plow, fair Iranreeementn, tO mllee eaat on tine mad, all leeel. near ' 2 car llaaa. (130 acre; i00 caab, balance - long time, eaav terma. Call 1IHI Kaat Star eae at., cor. ftstb. Pbone Tabor 2HJ. BIOCEST SNAP EVER 0FFEBED IN ORE GON. 123 acree, 40 arrea In cultivation, fine tim ber aa balaeoe. etream of ruunlug water. H mile from railroad, 14 mllee from Portland; lolne flneat ranch ta the atate; every fiot ' tillable; miiat eell before Sunflay; can't buy an acre of land adjolulug thla for leea thaa M per acre and ap: will eell thia muck fori $0,000. lauulra of P. T. Berry, Ne. 4 Hlxtk at. Pbeae Paeltle 2XxU. APPLE LANDS Any elaa tracta. In Hand River dtitrlet at Moeler. Call end aea aain plee. E. W. Ptillllpe, 104 Flrat at., op Boa Ua ladd'i bank. ttmberL tt'W.Lemcke.Co. limber 17,000.000 FEET IN SOUTHERN BE0ON, 5BAB T0NCALLA; THIS IS TERT CHEAP; $1000. ' . : ' ,. - S.000.009 NEAB THE COLUMBIA. ON JIM CROW fREEat. , PR0NB MAIN M0. E T. -Lcmckc Co. , 7 .."v' --SlxtH isi Jtaslalsrtcn . JEI.HW TINE. 2fKi0,iK ta claim, toraihei fee $IV; place nwt In bank entlj eatlafle.l. AleiAaiiec Land Co., Wlk SUUi u, Bear 1'iua. , TIMllKR OWNERS. We are in direct p.ja!itoo to aril your tim ber to li'le kutra from all parte ot me eoaiury. Write or call ea ua fue full iiMrf'c'iPrtri,. NtiltlHH KSTEnN C.CARANTCB A TRUST COMPANY.- . , -.Luniher i:&cljanae bldg.. S. E. ettfuar hVeuud and Stark ata. TO OW'NKHH ef timber rlaime end ttmhee We will buy for rub any eqod timber tributary , U.k.l .la... will ul I .W ... fenlr; ne otheee need anawer. Write, giving full p.rtlcul.ra. u Box a, D. P. StaUoe. Portianil. orcgua. - ' 'ScHuylscan & Co. - Ff kBTclrc proivra.tton. oa rlw or rail road, raliuiiulnhtufiita, titubac clalma, larga tracta for liivf-Hruifiir. 227 WAH1IINOTOM HT. $1,400" 4 acree, cut 4.011O mrde, 'eloae to O.. W, P.. II mllaa fruiu Portland ; fine lead; thla la a enapi exay terma. . KCMI YI.EMAN A CO,, , ZilVt WaalnnBtou au gi'AHTKIt aectlim -fUat quality large yellow fir, on logging atream. 10 mllee froui Altorla piieuted aa ttmhee etalm 13 year; that tella; vary retioouatile price; ao aeenta wantetl; It will all ltaelf.. Addreea O 142, care Journal. EIOHTKKN million fine fir. mil" ged at I" frf: Columhta river; ren be ' kjf gi IX anio into wrra. Rt'linYLKMAN A CO.,. . 27", Vlaahlngtun Sk. , IIOMKSTBADH FOR YOU Fine, free farm lajula etein ffreun on route or new railroad. W rite or call ou Quut. LSobmmrr; jam atarc at., rortiaua. vr, I HAVE 10 tlmiier location! In I .ana eonnty crulnlrig 4,000.000 to claim. $2U0 each,. Cbaa. V. M.voio, (1 North hUth at. CERTIFIED ecrtn. a y alaa. low eat prlcee. O. livwell, Uiu Chamber af Commerce. AM etlll In timber land boalneae. W. W. Chvaille, egeut. South Bend. Waahlngtoa. 100 TO 185 acree of timber, aoll rich. Bear rail road and Portland. Owner, M 142, Joarual. TWO relinquish mente en Slleta muat be home. aieanen. . o.iaai.iav to t; cneap. hckuylcmau at Co.. 237 H Waahlngtoa et. HOMESTEAD and timber landa, acrlp, woaey to baa. S0 Commercial bldg. MTSICAti IXSTHCIHENTS. WE BOUGHT the plana etore. S!UI Alder et., near Park; tt Include, many ef flneat niakea; your choice, AO cent en the dollar; Inatall- taenia like rent; latot plano-playera for $imr our company la owned by eaatcrn piano fac torira: we aava you the retnller'e proiit. R.rd-Frencb Piano Mfg. Co., Sixth end Mnra Ide eta. HWOHiMHiHr 1 1H1 Inai jed - recorda: Hteln- wiy land ether! plenoe. ' Hhermen, Clay At Co.. Plxlh and Mnrrlan nppoalte pnetofflce. FOR SALE1 Maeon at Hamlin organ, eolld wal nut raae. lanulre at 2X7 North Grand are. buy-fTTOHSES. VEHICXT3THAK?fCSS.: DORSES end bugglee for rent by day. weak and month; epeclal rate, to hnalaeee-beuaaa. Sixth end Hawthorne. Eaat 72. FOR SALE. CHEAP Panel top. bracket front delivery wagon, aaed but very little. Inquire 420 Kelmeni. at, - WE biy, eell. rent, exchange horeea, wagona. aaddlra. harneea. Hubert Hall, 2nd ttk it. FOR 8ALP Three rood work fanrree, cheap. Call at 722 Eaat Htark at. TEAM for eale, 1.2to poundi, good pullere; aim nameae. nn veiiguaa at. DARTER AXD EXCHAXGE. FOR EXCHANGF One or more oad Iota fot a ee S-room houae. BK.i:iHTER 4k CO., " " , - 10714 Third at. - " - FIRST-CLASS fnr nl turn S eerana for eel et exchange fur real eatate. Kaat 4A7&. . - TO BXCHANOB Caab and Chicago tnenme property for Portland real eatate; value $ . What have yoaf I 124, Jnurnel. FURNITURE of 8-room honae for eele or ex change for teal eelate. 772 Eaat Taylor it. Eaat 4978. WILL trade Al furniture of a roome for lot. 272 Eaat Taylor at. Eaat 457A. FOR " EXCTTANOK--1 pair gnod fnr Iota or acreage. Addreea 4) Journal. 1 IS, rare - r FOR SA LF LU'ESTOCK. A F14f:sH caw for eale. good milker. Barrage at. 12S9 FOR SALE 14 head of eowa and fine hull. inquire at lie ataniann et. . MINES AND INVESTMENTS. COI.ER D'ALENE and Nevada mining etoeka. I am alwar. ta the market to kuy er eell eny flrat-claae atocke er bondo. Llat yoor etocke with me; get my prlcee before buy. , Ing er arlllng. ' Loane made ea Hated aeearl. Ilea. T. P. Brown, 10 Waihlngton hlk. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. Yo'irs far Style - t-edlea and gratlemen. yon do not believe that yoa cea get a $20 gold piece for $1H; that te the eame propoalthin .a wa aea ad-verllaedy--a gull and extra troneera We ofr-r a good unit of the beat gooae and tba beat trlmmlnge. made by the beet experienced tall ova In tne ennntry. We ere ebla to give yaa the benefit ef our .mall expenaee. Von need not pay for the anlt nntll It I. nnlahed. Olve a a calL Miller Tailoring Co., 73 North Sixth it. DEUTSrllE EKITt.'NO, tha big Oerman paper. Subecriptlon prte $1 per year; aample eoplee free. A. E. kern A Co., publlabcra, eorner Second and Salmon eta. , 8KEP.N Electric Worka, ltk end Week, eta, . Phone Pari Be 1474. New and eernnd-hand elertrlral goede bought, eold and exchanged. FOR SALR. CHEAP 4-Inch Keyatoae water meter, practically aew. - Inquire M, Metaget, S2tt Front et. - SEWING MACHINES bnnght, gold and ex . chiaged. 4ft end np. Weetera Salvage Ce 27 Weahlngloa at. SHOWCASES, eeanrere, flxturea. boaght, antd er exebenged. Weetera e. Ivage Ca. K? Waahlngtoa et. Pacific TVS. FREE FOR EVERYBODY Ring ap Mattr 42B4 er call 212H Front. We buy aad aell furni ture, clothing or a ay old thing. BOLDKN'S RHEUMATIC CURB 4ore 1 rbeumallea. Sold by all draggleta. let SO SLIGHTLY damaged eewlag-aaechlnee at eery low prlcee: Singer. Wheeler at Wllaon. Pomeetle, White. Ilooaehold. Davie need etbera; ta aaake roam for en? aferfc Wheeler A. Wllaoa and Slngere. S. S. atg'i. S20i Mor rlaoa at.. Marquam bldg. . . SELF-CUAJ"lEMAKINtl raah teghttee tee eale rkeap. 211 Flret ex. SCHOOL BDOKS boaght, a.14 aad exchanged. SS0 VemhlU et. FOR 'SALE Steamboat 14 feet beea. 4S feet long, capacity 14 tone, aew; will eell cheap for caeh. D. . Wood, 612 Oawege at., SL Jobaa. Oregoa. FOR SALE Dairy. SO eowa, borne, tregna, good route; SO mlrmtee drive from One loca tion; pert raah. Phone Mala SAU. FOR SALE Chatham men ha tore and broodere. M daye- free trie). Cea, W. Foot. 221 Eaat Merrlenaj at.. Part land. . ' WB print yoar eame ea fin catling eerdn. proper lie and aryle. KM: tr bnalneae ranle. $L A. W, Mcbmale Co.. 22S Flrat. Parttaad. Or. BILLIARD AND POOL tablea for real at for eale on rear paymenra. HB BRUMtWlf-K-HALKE rOt.t.ENDER CO. 40 Third at- Portland. SECOND-HAND fcar Oitaree tahtee. chalea. Weetera Waahlitoa ex. . ponttahlea. aafca. Salvage Co.. 17 SHOWCASFS ead -Oviuioe. aew and hand, larleoa A kallatnim. UHQ touch at. WANTHD too toea to wvar mrr eel-hrated -') made-to-eirnrr euita l:nlnn Tailoring to., nri4 Stark ex. Sallafactloa guaranteed. FOR Sat.B Parrltna ta WMtea, S1nre. Da via. Wheeler A llaona. Houael.oMa and elu-r allghllr Oamaxeil macblrea. 'Ilia tt'i.tta . tng Machine office, L it. Jooea, 2VD Vlu.1 il I, eor aar Fuuilh. rOR SAI.K Small gaiollne enrlne. 1 II. P..' new. Adilreae J 1'tl, care Journal. rOR SALE A Neloon rmdcirt aa good aa new. Phaeton frmit delivery wagoe. el.ant y,ng- Jlah trap aud otoer vauiciaa. 10a intui FAMOI M S. 8. Himhnrg'e exge. t for 1.1, d per Itxl: cockerele for eale. ITil 1'nt lztlt at., north. -. rt'R SALE. CHKAP Ktovee. e,1ra. bola. dreaacra, dlahae e'erytblng. lili Ualrlgh al. $100 SKW nprlght plmio 17S, another M. nrgau $i1. int $UJ. Upatilra, 241" Klrat t. SCOTCH collie pune. cheap. Ilfth at., corner Devla. 1 P. W. Lew la, 8.1 FOR SAL K One large maatlff, la moutue eld. Call at 7:3 taat titark et. FOR SAI.K Huff Plymouth Rock owkerele from atock Inking flrat prlia at Lewla and Clark fair. CIO Wmlik et., Montavllla. tr. HHKKT-IKtlS erorea af. all kln-U at reiiooable prlcee at 3fVt Flrat nt. Phone i'aciric el.V WH bare aeveraj eecond-kend laundiea which we will aell run very cheap. Inquire Mr. - ltriraon, Mclreon Machinery Co., 1H4 Morrlaoa. MOTION picture machine", fllma. enng eltdea, gaa nuttita, etc.. boilxht. enld. reined and exdiangml. Newmana -Motion Picture Co., 148V4 8lxth, ncarUI.-r. phone Pm-lfle 2.'.2r.. PAIRS Homer nlraona. cheap. Flrat eouth or actmol, i.enta;' take ati. 0001 . AT K BARGAIN Arctic node fountain, furni ture, .tore; tnatallinent or caab. 17 Front. HufrtKnOAT for eale or rent, furnlahed. niialv ,1-1 Vvenlnaa.- noma I 1 ixwimey blilg., bocoud ami laylor ata. FOR SALE 10 beda. 1 folding lounge, from 7 to 11.60 apiece. Apply 47 14 North Sixth at. CIir.KHY TREES of the only original parent tree, the new rherry, the tllant; flret-cla". treea. Jullua Kalllch. Woudlana, Oregoa. POMERANIAN Spltx piiiiplea, age 0 weekt. Call or eildreaa 21,1 Clay at. rERSOXAI. YOU NO man, hamlaodie, refined, ef good bual neea ability, wlahei la eorra-pood with ledr of meena; object, to promote a gllr-eilaed Inveatineiit; airKUy eonfldeiitlal, E loO, care " Joumel. - - MARK1A0R PAPER Illeheat vharacter, tncor. porated: 11th year; 2ioii inembera; 12 pagci. aea led; aend IDs. L. L. Love, box 110, ' 1 leaver. Colo. - SUPPOSITORIES for married women; perfectly attafaclorv. Cull er mhlreia Mra. H- C. Wilbur. 4fI Third tt.. Brer larrtaoa. Pert- "land. Oregon. - - REXIKE fll.IJI m i" forme of neremte ie muacrtar weakneao. For men or women. Price $1 -a Aox. boxei fn with fnll gnar entee. AddrAae or rill J. O. Clemenaon: drug- j;lat, Sac.nd and yamhlll ata.. Portland. Or, IF YOU ire nut feeling well, tike a tub hath r-.d alcohor rnli." $17' Oxford hotel, corner tilth and Oak ata., room 17. Pbone Main hit. RUSSIAN BATH. JOT Third at., brtwea Taylor end Salmon. Swimming pool, eteam end hot- air bath.. - Hcmra,Ledloxw fruBU 0jb m. te 1 p. m. ; genta. from a. m. to 12 p. m. GERMAN hooka, magarlaea, no re la. etc..) Rer men. EnglUh, French, gneelvti. Swedlrh and Jtallaa nlctloparlca: forelrn hooka ef ell klnda. Bchmale Co 220 Flrat t- UOT.ES. wrtnklea. enperflonna balr removed; - No eharee to telk tt over. Mca. M. D. II HI. 330 fUeooer Eldg. Pkoae Pacific IM. DR. BIM4 CIIOONO. Importer Chlneae root Biediclneet Bella Chlneae tea. certain core for all dieeiaee, IVI 2d. bet. Yamhill end Taylor. DR. O. V. K FTC HUM en rev promptly private dlaaaaee. k'flner nervone. afchx ami aneelal female troublea. Cad or write. Office 170s Third at, eor. TamhlL Phnae Pacific 2220. SELECTIONS mode. Ititnnctlou. given: konor. able larilea and. gentlemen. Andreaa. with etamp. Mra. II. C. Wilbur, Third at., ... near ilarrleuo. : . Tl'RKIPII BATIIn, Son Oreennlea Mdg.t laufee J .. iniwuri niguiB. alia ima - MANLV vigor teaiwied -by Dr.- Roberta Nerve Globnle. Oce moath'o treatment, $2: S montba, 23: aenl aeenrely aeelad by mell. Agente. Woodard. Clarke A Ce. Portlaad. or. BAI.M OF FIGS for all female dteteaee. Eaat Lei mon u I boo. Eaat 4034. 7t DISEASES OF WOMFN; unfortunate glrla end bah lee cared for; private hoapltaL Dr. Atwoed. room- S. HMiu, Mar. at.. Trl. Pacific I7&L MItS. PR. MAtir KRAMER midwife: nice -quarter, for patlenta. Mi uttalaalppl eve. MKI4. POTTER Maraenoe. acalp. farhl tiae aege. chiropody. S;.'4Vfc Waahlngloa et. SCHOOL BOOK!" boor lit, eold, exchanged. Joaee' Bookotore. zsi Abler et. . BEST megaiine elaba ever offered: eead for irlcea: agente wentad. Jnnee Book - Stare. Aioer at., rortieta. tn. CORRKSPOyn with the .ppielre aex fnr matrl mony. 'Addreea Bog 244, Portland. Oregon. OKMTO-t R1N A RY and rbreolr dlaeaaea of meg quickly and permanently enred: electric treat ment fot dlaeaaea of the proalate. Ceneult. Iron free. r. W. I. Howard, Commonwealth hhlgi Xlxth at. 0WI, RESTAURANT, tvt Feat Mnrrlioa at. I lea la Hie end ap: ehorr ardera, freeh oyetara. J. I. Tetxleff. proprietor. ROSA VERA CIOAPS Sold avee.rwnoee. H. HKITKEMPER 4V SON. Makera, T2S Coraett at. Pbone PaHftc 1422. Tior.iiEN's nrrri'MATHrccRE- rbeamatlam. Sold, by art dragghita. SUITS praieed while yon wait. FOe. ldlee eklrto prraaed. toe. Ollnert. loe Bllthr aU aext to Quelle. Phone Mala 20WL HOLD ON There te ene thing that will eare rhettmatlatf . -' Aak your ' drngxtat for hark tonic or eddceoa ar cell J. Q. Clemeneoa. drugglal. Portland. Or. I BFMOVED from 27 H Alder et. tn. Io'4 w aabmgton. room , rule et. iae. rate aad acalp maeaage. MIHS OILBKRT, expert ehlronodtat. electrht vlhratorv face, ecalp and , body maaaage. 14514 With et, room 23. RECENTLY opened manicuring per lor a: ladle, and gentlemen.. 2311a Morrlaoa t., room 12. WAVDA. the famoua pilmlat, moved ta 290 Matn flf., oppoalte courtbouae. I. F. NEWMAN, the heeler, la bow at the Gllain block, room 12. OENTLEMAN. K4. recently from the eaat. good bnalneae ability,' email capital, vm ialiee to meet lady of aultable age and noma meena: etiject, buaineaa and matrUnoay. . Addreea B IIS, care Journal. SWEDISH trained am-ae. nelalnxfora graduate, enree rbeametlam. etomack trouhlee, aervooe dlaordere and anralne by band ruhhlng, areem, eweat and tin bathe.. No. T Eaat 1 ltb et. - Take Beet Ankeny ear. Phone Exit 200. WE have several eeennd-kand Munch ee which we will eell you very caeap. Inquire Mr. Belreoa, Betraon Machinery tie, 194 Morrlaoa. MIXS OlRRSON gtvea acalp treatment. 62. 204 klorrleorj at. Room MARniAOB directory for 1V; an fee until married. B. Overdorf, Portland, Or. MAMET FRANCES, tba wonderful healer, ta here a few dev. only; enree rhenmatlam and all aervoua diaeaeee. OTfnrd noteL corner kixth and Oak ata, room IT. Phone Main . MM".. VASH-TI Maaaagea, Baaa leering aad chiropody. 201 VJ Third et. , MME. DK-K AKIC Mantcnrlat, meaaeeee- and halnlreaalng. Klngatea, room 21. Third awl YamLIU ata. . MANICl'RINO parlor, for ladlea aad gentle aien. 2nai Morrtaoa at., room 14. Bt'SINESS PERSONAIil. INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND gMH.It. Covenant Contract Co.. 47 Filed oar hide , Mala 2SB1. POI.ISR St HI.KOAL Ickamlfha. marhtnlata end geaeral repairere. 2-;0 tiaennd at. . CHIMNEY SWKFP. fi. Wood, i'hoea Mile Inl 4A Third et. ATTORNEYS. C. H Af 4 PIIKlllTT AMI J. A. FINCH iroca at I aw. Pracuca tn a'1 eeatrve. iia.r hi. I.. cor-i.T K.cood led Morrlaoa. assy rT-.4. ! I " N f 'l , 1 ioa at- FI LI.M w Al io t H 1 o . Pllllder. d'-nera 't r-1'ilr.-ra et a!l Biaa ut;"!,. ic. H"'!"''. t.t-a. Ni 't.', 1I1. lea, I tii ton, krttv. rui -'ti.r l.-ixr.l a .1 a'""a ironia l,eara ana a .1 purua oi auo. . niolule niaile to nrilr Mi 10-72 14 North HIM ft f.i flrito Ill if Cro-oer Bveratt. fl. L. K HATS A I ID O.. ,, At TuMtillll.KS AMI bl I I I Rerthwau,rn illatrlbntora f,-r I'.. pa Part. -irt)a. Pop Ivlhunea. Pope tV'avrlve. foie Teledoa, Thnuiaa. OldamoMIca, t'ranlllia. ,' Bulcka. j-Kd beventh at.. Portland. Oregon. HOW Alit M. COVEY. Agant Pierce llrvat Arrow. l.moMlee, Cad- tilae and Kim. Temporary locatlva Club Oarage. j?th and Alder lta. f HAVE toil pi'.KN RAKKR ELrcTKK? 4'anltit Supnly Ao.. 4WI AlnVr at. Phnoe Pa rifle kTI. Iiemonatratlon hv. app.itntment. ART. TRKK I.FX.tONS M : P.nitifoldery Kverv Dav. THB KKIl.KCRAlhr SHOP, Sn2 Waahiautoa at. L H. MOORRHOI'SK CO. Arttate auterlala. picture molding, picture framiug, eiarhwptl aaoe, lantrra all. lea. 812 Alder at. PRorriiiia r max MErrn. t-ia aiw at.. Portrait and laadacape ertlat and teacbae. BUTCHERS' SlTPUrS. BlttCHKR HUPPUKS S, Plrkenwald Co., StH . 800 Evarett et.1 largeaf butcher aupply huoaa on Oi. coaat. Write fot catalogue BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. Deknm, I ill Hi alrat at, ramaa a full Una. nd coi prieea. plate Baaortnient at loweat market BLANK.FMMOK MAKERS. UOWR. DAVIS A KII.IIAM, I0O 111 Seeend et. Plank 'bouke manufactured: egente for Joaee linpraved (Mee-Lraf kxtgera; awe tba aew Eureka leaf, the beat on the market.. ,- BATnS-MASSAGE. RUHHIAN bathe, awtmmlng pool, eteam end hot .air. Ilonra: Laiilea. s a. as. to 1 p. m. ; genta, a. a. to 12 p. m. Price 25c, -2o7 Third it., bet. Tayiur aad Salmon. MRS- OH fMH.'K, grarhiete maaacnee: cabinet bath, ealt glow, alcohol rnb. erram manaage; rater - enrce. 1 Seventh et. Main 4WiS. CXAIRVOTAXTS AND PALSOSTS. . Alwava Onault the Beet. , ' -' - If IMF. E. Kit I MO. ' Creetrat llviog earral dead-trance elalr eoyant -of the age; advlaer on bualneea end 'ell affaire of life; tella your fnll name end what you called for. whom yna will marry. Pew to control the one yoa love, even tbongti mllee away: reunite, the tenanted: give, oecret power, to control; no long delay. In trailing. Ilouru in to s. dally and Sunday. Per ma licntlc located In Pt own home. Km nun at., corner jiauiaon wx-, MOVED. ElngaT Feeptlen nieillum, baa moved from Sr!? Morrlaoa et. oicr Boyal bakery, te UVt Martloon at. CAFES. THE OPrtCB 2H5 Waahlngtoa at, 771. Ham eel Virneat. Mala CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHl cleaned and praeeed; prlcee reaaon - abk.. Irtland Tailoring Co., 220 Madleon. CLOTHES cleaned end preerrd II . per month. Unique Tailoring Co., 200 Stark et. B. W. TURNER, profeaalnnal elver and cleaner. ' SO", Jeffereoa at.- Pbone Main 2S1S. . PORTLAND Steeat rieaalne and Dvlna Werka. 211 inurth at. Phcae Peelfle SOT. COAL AND WOOD. pOKTI.ANtt- SAWDI HT SLABWOOD CO.,. S.15 Front, encceaaora tu Vuluin Wood Co.; fir. oak. alihwood, coal. Tel. Mala VXA. . FOR prompt delivery of eta bwood.-call Main 47rt Oak. a'li. fir and coal. Portlaad 1 Wood A loal tie., loth and Savler elk. OReXiON FUEL CO. Ie now eelltng Walah ea thra:lte. beat coal ea the market. Si Alder .1. Mala 08. AI.PINA FUEL CO. Denier, m enrdwsnd. coal and greea end drv elabweod. e R. R. end . Alhtm are.. 2 block, eaot ef ferry. Kaat 114. 8TEKL BRIIKJB FUEI CO. Deatere h coal, eerdwoud end dry oiabwood. phone Eeet 424. WESTERN FEED 4t FUEL CO. aad blackamltb a,aila. Pbnne Mala I0IS. - CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING '0. Large plant on the eaat. I -or lug arm Herding eta., -teiepboiie Eaat U-U- Carpeta eleeiwnL refitted, aewe and laid: botli ateam aud lareat com-preaaeil-alr prnceea; renovating aaattreeeee and fca 1 liera a apeclalty, SANITARY carpet cleaning, enetloa ead eora- pi, -.all air cminiavi. rei"-e , i-. v. , without temoval. Mala bo.'4. Main 8200. CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MELTON, the carpenter. V04 Fourth at. Ptore and office woh. Mala iTia. CIIIROPODISTS.' CHIROPOOY and Pertlcnelng. Mra, M. D. HtM. Room xio rielilaee Bldg. Phone racing 14X DRERSMAKING. A C.OOD dreaamaker wante eewtng by the day. Addreea Mlae Toomey. lit. Tabor. Pbone out ot order. MRS. VAUWHAN. exierlnced dreaamaker. aVSotA lat Burnalde It. Phoiip Eaat TRY Aneelea Drraamaklng P.rlura. S42 Fifth and Main. Pacific Ws2. DANCING. DA NCI NO leeaun. 21Ve; elaaaee er prtvata: watte. tag. twe-atep. three -atep. etc.; itege daaelne. - buck and wing, I log, reel, iktrt. Spaalah. ,' Highland fling, ate. Prof. Wal Wtleua. oht eat reognhtrl teacher. Allaky bldg.. Tklrd end Morrlaoa ata. - W (Mill VTA ltn DA NCI NO SCHOOL Claeo Mon, Tbura, and Sat eve.i- eeetel, lancy and etrp . dancing tanxht: R aaat. teecbera; claaa and private Seaaona dally. Weetera Aeeriemr halt. Second and Morrlaoa ate. Pacific l30. PBOF. R1NOLER. Mlae Buekenmever. loading ,-hool. dally. S0 Alder at. Main l!r.l. EIiECTRICAL SUPPIJES. M. . WALSH CO.. H'l Stark at. Blecirlc end ' Caa Flxturea and Suppllee. Mantela, Tiling, Gratea and lKigtroaa. PACIFIC El.ECTKlO CO. Pngleeera. enatrae lore. repelrerx. electric wlrjnc, enpnllee. 04 FlraU car. Stark. Main t:-i. R. II. lata, mgr. WESTERN ELECTRIC WORKS. 61 Slxtk at. Coatractora, electric anppllea mettira and dy aemoa; we Inetell light en4 power plente. MORRISON ELECTRIC CO . JOI Beat IHorviv... at. Flxtarea, wiring, rep.lrlna. Beat Size. BARRETT'S. 40S Morrkmn at. Pbone Male 122. Everything la elevlrtc jnMng endJW ajJJgr. 'I EDtCATIONAL. rtllDIFS rtUHFNBl" COT f.EOB, Waahlnrtua and 10th ta.. File tner bMg. Bookheaplrg. Shorthand. Treewrttlng aal all EnxlisU brauebee laagl.t. both day end elgl.1. BEHNEK WALKER RIINV1 fmLeUil. DAV AND M'iltr SLNsHiNS. Spectnl Claaaee In tierman. rr-nch e-aelh. Kike' b.dg., Sarwnih aud Btark ata. ROfOfClT Y BI'rilNEfS COt-LVnr, Plln-an Shorthand t-v Court l:iHTt.-r. p.-.i tMa rottrva, Hoecial g, -holer ai, lt I l'o !-,. -eared Con.miHiaeaJtb blg., eili m-1 A"l.- FENCE AND WW" Wf: ' POHTI Al ll:K 1 1 -Tr4 eeet ale. I r; 1 , O C"i i I.