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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1907)
13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEEKUARY CD. 1C37. WHEN A WAT FROM HOME. Ocrtee ef The Journal mm ea " TV. following ettlee sad town outside of Oregon. 1 ks Journal won 14 in of report of fslhirs I rtUU eojtiee M paper at any of tneee Pl"":,- . - , ' XIL4AX. W 'AHHIXi'lOW A. B. KIW. walla nu. sJ,'II?i-Y;vl.,Vw,,1 Btatkasery Coa.rny: H.eTB-Hoewell tempeny; - Hotel lorn News Stsed: lloa Cigar Bland, II u South rourtB sirces, TACtATWASIIINaTuN Hotel i, 1IATTL1 WASHINGTON Kslnle . Grand Krwe Stand:. International Nws Agency Nrwenepec Wagon; Hotel Seattle News bland.;Lu, kkvada Loom tfoha. News ps per a17kG0. rAMFORNTA Amos New Com- user. Newspaper Wagon. IHiKA.NI. w AbHIhUlXiS--Joha W. Oraha MINnAaPOLIS. MINNESOTA K. . Osve aasuk. 40 Third atreet. south. BT- Lons, Missouri b. t. Jstt, aot oat street; George I. Acxernrsn. J- Kansas tit, Missouri Vom Newe Oo Ba ps ny, Kmfliw Wsgon. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS P. 0. Bewe Company, tya 1iearfcor atreet. DKNVEH. IXlUUtADO Union Depot - Newt Stand. ; L08 ANGELES. CALIFORNIA iM Bwe Company, Newenaoer Wagon. CAKLANn,-4?ALI.0KNIA Amoe Hew Com pany. New. paper Wipm N. Wbeatlay Nw Company, Newspaper Waron. BANSFHANCISCO. CALIFORNIA. WMth , Newe Company. Newspaper Wagoai Footer ' Orear, Ferry ketldlng; Joboeoa Nw Company, 1451 rill mora street. ' BAI.T LAKE CITT, UTAH Mra. Levin. New. 6a par War; O. L. Davlee, Hotel Kcnyeu; arrow Br.. 48 West Second itiwt, ooth. wOlielM. 4ifAU-Oray NW i oaiPASTa ft" laai fit-am r, OMAHA NtBIUoKA-Mtllard " Hotel . Newe WEW4TOIK CITT Arttw BotaUnfr Kw. HIW Wo. ' WEATHER RETORT. Tha Htri blub Breaaiira r haa r mtlofA atartonarT. bat It la Inalnt anaritr. A . arw bUrb prraaura am baa aaada Ita apprar ano a-u-th of lb Oakotaa. A amall low nn-aatiiv aj-a is rratral tt oihrrn AlhrrU, and tber la dlaturbanco of avdcrat orr off tb Bontb Carolina aoaat, and anotber ona of tha , aanio character orr tb lower lak nHna. Uht rain ha fall oa tha atralt , i.i a-uca and tho waatiMr la foe it In nortbrra I rallfornla and arm thorn Oregon. Uabt a now j m report en m ui 'V'TT , ' Taller. tb lak Teflon and , New lf '-- Maht rain baa fallen la tha Atlantic atatea rmia V Vark aontk t JarkannTllI. Th temperatiirea ar rrnerallr aboee normal rrrei.t la tb central Oulf alatr and tb axtnnM Canadian north wt. ' "'" ' . - Tb Indication ar (or abowara aoaljrat and Tbnredar In nortbwoat Orefon and la weatarn and northern Waablnrtrm. Ktowbre ta tbla diatrlct fair waUtr will continue. , Temp.- ' Max. Mm. rraclB. Bolaa. Halva .............. M W , .4 Iener, ColoraAo 00 ... " : 80 - , . , . -tianaa t)He, M iaa r l.-,e-- JM.-- - Portland, flreroB a 4T T UiloMir, Ortraoa ... 04 40 - . ' . Han Franclaco, Oalifornia ft4 . ; 4 . bpokan. Wahlnton ..... 40 Taroraa. Waahlnaton b 40 " .0 ' Walla Walla. Waahlartoa.. b 48 .01 MARRIAGE LICENSES. - ' (tartar A. LektarwB, 24, Bad fanny K. Patee- Cbrlea B. Bona, M. and Kffl Smith. K. Wcddln Card. W. O. Bmttb i Oa.. WaaV tetton bll-.. or Fonrtk aad Waahlnton at. Wrddlac and palMnf card anjrraTad a printed. K. T. Knebtoa. 40ft btaama bldf. TONSBTM CO., rLORIOTB. rOB rLQWBBB OF ALL KINDS, 123 SIXTH ST. Clarke Bros, Florteta Fine floral z aiorriaoa ar. ' Pari dreee nlt far rent, all alaen, , CnVjae TniiorinaT jo.. aw wtara at. BIRTHS. Wataota At m Taofhn atreot, Febraary IT, to Mr. and Mra. Walter lrrln Wateoa, a (IrL A k low At lOK North Slxtb atreat. Fobraary 18, to Mr. and Mr. Bbadad Aklaw, a (IrL DEATHS. Frit At Iy atreet, Febrnary 18, Carrie Frlia. a red 24 rear. J aaontba, 27 day; tanee, abeart dlae. Mrfllnlry At B0 Claf atreet. Febraary 14, Fnpnaniia Mcuiniey. ara ov yoara. m aaootna, E3 dara: eanae. rartrlmona on breaet. Mrlnnla At Tacoma. Febrnary 14. Retta Me- Innr. afed 42 year. Zl .daya; catua, taber- . cal'iala. (;i 4V At the family real dene. S42 Kaat Aafc at., aUht of February 2U. 1B0T, Oertrada R. Con, aged 1 yaara. dang-btar of Mr. and : Mr. R. B. Coaa. Not It of fnnral will b tlven 4ater. BKARI At ber lata rwrldenc. SOS Front at.. Kenroarr 20. 1007. Jeaal C. Bear), aaed W J ear, ft rnoatha and 20 dare, daughter of Ir. and Mra. C. IT. Walck. Kotle of fnaaral will be flrea later. FirVERAL NOTICES. SNYDER At Me1 ford. Or February IT, Victor E. Bnyder. Body will lie tn etat Thursday afternoon and evening. February 21. at F. S. : ltunalng'a rbapel, comer of Eaet Alder and Eaet Blxta eta. Interment private at Rlvor- ' view cemetery, Friday, February 22. UNDERTAKERS. Donning. . MeEate Ollhaagh. andertahera and em balm ere: modern, la every detalL Seveatk aad Pine. Mala 430. Lady aseletant. A. B. Hemetock. madertakor and embalmer. East Thb-tMnth aod UmatUla st. Pbaa Sell- wood 71. . ' Brtrkaoa rndertaklng Co aad embalming, 404 Alder at. Phono Mala 4184. Lady aaslstaat. J. F. Ftnley Soon, Third aad Madtaoa eta. Offleo of county cor eant. . Phone Maul ft. - Edward Hotmaa. aadertsker. 220 Third at. CEMETERIES. RIVEB VIEW Single grave. 410; family eon, , 8100 to $1,000; tke only cemetery la Port--' lend which pernetnally melntalna and cares for lota. For full Information, apply to W. 7 R. Mackeaste. Worcester block, city. W. M. Load, preeldeat. B CITT Single grave, $10; family lots. 125 to ftTSi Soperlotondent at cemetery, corner of Fremont et. end Cully road Phone ' Talmr 204. For fall Informstloa apply ta Frank rblegeL 402 Oommorelal blk. Phono Vshi 228. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Northern Counties Ineeetraent Trust,' ltd., to Msry Barton Scott, IN acres In Beettoo 27, township J north. long 8 cast . 1,424 Ii. E. ad Addle M. Btemler to A. J. t.e. ea.t H6 feet of lot 1, 2, block ' tin, Hnlladay's addlthm 1.200 Oenrge W. aud Krllla K. Miner to A. K. Eastltmd, lot 1 snd north 4 feet ot lot 2. block 44. Stephens' addition... ft, 000 May Day to Margaret Day, lot 1, 2. 1 . 4. block 2; lots ft, 4, 7, ft, llock .1. ' Henry's Fourth additloa and other property t 100 0. 8. and Rita Hill Set) tu offer to i Orant C. ' fireman, lot 3. blovk 10, Maegley Hlgblajid . 400 Tltl Uitarante eV Trust compaay td , . r. F. Jaenbsen. lot 11, block A, Hol ladar Park aihlltloa 171 law Fle-Omeierr ooropany to B. Tur- 1 ev, kd M7. block m. aaid cemetery.. 40 James W. Vlng in Mra. bosaa Biirk holder. bds K. IT. block 11, High land Park addition ' 400 IWtisnd Trust 'eompsny to Louis 4 . Msttle II. lota 21, 22, Zi, Id'M-k M, Trom-nt Park 240 and The.1fe Cobler to F. V. llnnieH. twe-lh 112 feet of west TH feet of kit 3. block tel. Couch's eildlituo . . . An and K. J.Uin It.omsa to II. Lv Ball el al. 1UV acr.-s lo north M of see- tbo 1 0 . Srramnre Heal Estste rosipsny to Oscsr snd thus rnnuai, u., n, iw. ). Kern I'ark , Frlda Landt'lad to lvld H. Klngery, lot'1, bh-k RJ. Sutiiiyslde. .. fhe lild Compeuy of Oregon to J. R. ' sntl 1 l"wa l.reen. tt 1J. block . IB, city flew Park - 21S 10 M. 11. Hclllemlcr et a!, to William kr. -nerd aiel I U. Ad .n.r. west AO fmt t inte ia.14. bio. eV Railroad fUkup - ... A ddi i ion t" Albtna ...J '. 1,3 end A ona B, Lustier to J.' E. -Ik , m n'"-thereet t; t WMttiweet i ef i v' avikiu -J. t..n lp I nvtth. rang ft rest ... - !' S C IV end I'aleT M.-t hire t . a. nea. bt ft II. k S Arleie I'srk No. ... C W dud I '"ley M.t lure to P. L. Koed, ',.t 4 l.h-H Arlels fsrk No. 8.... Ar. -eltfe n ni.bsrdann to oVroge H..iw.k. t V bl--k Elhcrta.. ... K.. c end O sce 1.. licneurh to Paul V. 14. k. Wt 11, block 24. Arbor Udg m 1ST .23ft REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Colamhlu Omrrrf aaiatina to OnM Im IVtm, aorcb H cuik H era- tfr tltr block (Vilumhian rriBatrir Analla HImhmw to IVIla ura.a K.a, part . , of William UlarilahiiHi ..rall.m taad claim la aclluu S3, Unrnabiu 1 toutb, ' ,rri 1 Mat Frank and AcnM Klrrnaa lu Brl.ial Vt-ll ' Liuntxv coaipan.T, luartbaat ot ac ' tltaa 3(1. towaabtu 1 uorib. rauir A fast 30 10 10 Tltla (.oaranttNt A Troat mmnaav to L. . J. Vlhbwt, tut ft. blor.2u, Buy Ik V dt. J.4iM .1wr W. Maiwall to . t. Clll. tl. 1st block 1. .Oatral Alblna Hlorraa, abarirf, to Mlbrrula Ha. , . Inaa bank, lota 1. 1 8, . block 1M. . ' 37ft 10 Couch a addition ... liS.1t rrra'rira n. oaiuir r ai. ro a. w. co . bock, lot IX. block I. Wtndaor addttloa , 509 rannia ana V. I'. nibop to Jot nr. ahalL Uuata. km L a. block. 134. ' Oltr IK Ino v . r. HUfncT r rinia n. tarai, vaat H oc kiia X. tf. "bkx'k t. Rrdllrhton.'. W. T. Hllftef la Haiti VI. -IHmlwy,. Wnt U lota 8. Block ItMlllcKtna too 1TB Victor food conpanj to W. f. and Illa i mta w, uj, tjiock 12, t'anln auiar addition k HO Vlllda Bu. kmao tn Vbcca jajM Ktv trrtiir. lota . I, Kaatarood ,. Honct uui Tniat roiurjanr to Urarr B. . ana rvaiia a., ttea, land comiupoclnaV at pi lnt oa north line of Klra atravt ITS fret wnt from snutbaaat rornrr of block bM,'a addition; alt part of block K. I'll-tpri adillla t.180 1.000 Ada 0. Ilaakcll to Howard II. HakIL. at and aoutn ft ot lot a. block Z7. funnraldr William and Nrllla Gaihbr to Tbomaa Brook. fct S. block 2H I'Iit... 84.000 Bxranmra Krai Eatar conipanr to J a mem r,iara Mitiuxi. iota .u. sj. Mock Q- T5iT ivera 1'arj era I'ark C. N. and Br B. Rankin to -K. 0. norckar, lot t, block ItH, Kaat Port- land . v 1.1D0 aT. U and Amanda I. Tnompena to F. IT. Pax. irt of lota i. ft, block . 6. Cnrtrr'a aclilltlon 10 Dvlla A. lHmd to Carra and Kat Klnira- ' - ley, kt . block KM, Kaat Portland.. 11,000 alb Rlfc-K to Tliomaa 8tt Brook, lot 4. block 8, CI it. together with rla-kta to parly wall on nouih aide of lot 3.. 00,000 Herman and Mlnule Wlttrulierbor tn W. Rcldt. lota 11, 146, 14T, Arlnu Park, l.ryw For a ha tract a, tltla tnraraar ar Bartcae Inana. rail oa Pacific Tltl 4b Traat aeopanr, H t--1 ralllnc bnlldlnc ronr tnatrranca and abstracte to ral rmM tk. 11 1 1a A. - Mtat paay, m9 waaninftoa atreat. soravr I, awaiinwn anaii ii NOTICES. IN THB tll.trlrt court of tb United State. for tm dltrlet-f Ore-roa In the anttar of , tb eat at of Oeocr Earhart. bankrupt. Th nnderalrned will racelre aea led bid for tbe following deacrlhed peraonal property, located at Condon, Oreunn, op to IS o'clock aooa . f Saturday, March 9. 1907. A atock of mercbandl. coattlattBa? af far . altar, hardware, palnta and olle, of tbe to , Tetary ,aiu of ftt.tva Mi atore flitarea of tbe tnrentory rain of 4420.70, plumbing and tinning toola of tha lorentory ralne of (ISO. Term eaab. and a certified check for 10 pr eant of tb amount bid moat accompany ' each offer. Bale eokjeet to eoaflrmatloa-by tbe court. - The tDTebtory may b aeea at my of flea and tha atock may be Inspected at Ooadoa, Oregon. . . . Dated at Portland, Oregon, tbla 14tk day f February, jocr. ; B L. SABIK. Traat e. , . No. I Flrat at. PORTLAND, Or., Feb. IS, 1007. Sealed bids will be received at the office of the school clerk, city hall, ap to 12 m.. Monday, Feb raary 23. 1(7. (or constructing th additions to the Irvlngtoa school building. Plana aad apedflratlons far same caa be eeea at tha ar chitect's office, 834 East Third t. Separata bids will be - received aa follows: . First, plumbing and drainage; socond, glsss and Biasing: third, sll tha balance ta ho nnder on contract. All proposals moat bo accocn- ! paaled by certified check for 10 par cent of tbe amount ot proposal. Tha lowest bidder win not be allowed to withdraw hie bid after tbe bids bare been opened by the school board. Tha school board reserve tha right to reject any aad all bids. Tno. J. Jonoa, architect. School Diatrlct No. 1. elieck tnr in Me Met hi I NOTICE ta hereby given that bids will be received at the school clerk' office, city . hall, ap to 12 tn.. February 25, 10i7, t seating tbe aasemhlT hall In tbe Kaat Side high acbool building with opera chairs; : aamplea muat accompany aU - blda. The acbool board reserves the right to reject any and all blda. By order of the aehool boar H. B. ALLEN. School Clsrm. Portland. Or.. Feb. 10. lkvf. . STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING The stockholders of too Little Baaln Mining Co. wlU gileae xas notice tnat tne regular annual atock -bowers" meeting of that oumpssy will bo held a rna namner or vommerce, Cortland, or oa the first Monday of March, the 4th, 1007. st 1:80 o'clock p. m., for lb purpose of electing a full board of director and trans acting nca other oueines aa may legally perore tr ax mat time. JOB. L. MBLRATfl, Secretary. SEALED blda will bo received at tb office ef tb acbool clerk, city ball, ap to 12 m- Moa , day, Febrnary BS, 1007, for constructing a fir escape on the high school budding. Puna and specifications for asms csn be aeea at ' tha ' architect's office, 884 East Third at. - Th acbool board reserves th right to reject any aad all blda. THOMAS J. JONES. Architect. Portland, Or.; Febraary 18, 107. NOTICE 1 hereby give that th annual meet ing of the stockholders of fhs Oregon Boath- era Hallway company will bo held st tno of fice of tb company, Portland. Oregon, Moo day, March 4. ltkT. at S o'clock p. as., for tbe purpose of electing a board of directors : snd transacting each other business aa , nay legally come before tbe meeting. mskHBilHU. oeeretaryv - SEALED blda will be received at tbe office of Lewi Lewi. 807 Madison at., ap ta 12 M., March 14. 1U07, for the construction of Odd Fellows' home. Plans aad specification for asms caa be seea st tho architect' office or At Judge Ryaa's office, Oregon City. . . PORTLAND, Or., Feb, 1. 190T. Th annaal aeetlng of tha stockholders of tha Esmeralda " Oold Mining Co. will bo held at Its office. ' la Baker City. 2278 Second St.. at 2 p. m., oa March 11, 1007, for th election of a board ' of directors for tha ensuing year and to trans act aach business aa may properly com before the) meeting. , KITTIB B. GRAY. President. PROFESSOR J. 0. CRAMER, tha Veda Oils Man, removed from 200 Mala St. lo Soft .Yamhill t-, corner Park. - WB have eeveraj second-baad la on oh ee which wa will aell yoa very cheep. Inquire Mr. Relraoa. Rslraoa Machinery Co., 184 Morrison. LETT'S smelt boose la morlng ft 124 Fifth et., op posits Old A Ring. LOST AND FOUND. FOUNDA plar to bar hair allien ae teao vatid and returned earn day. 228 Front at. Mai 474. Portland Car led Hah Factory. U. Metsger, proprietor. . LOST Lady's gold Wei -ham watch, with tnl tlala "D. S.'r no front of case and la beck of case "Walter to Dora." Return to 200 Fourth st. and receive reward. LOST Oold bracelet with aaonngran "I. M. C." between Front and Sixth sts. oa Orant. . Re ward for return to 1MH Orant at. LOST Trlsmond atad; will rrrward. Ella Wittenberg, 61154 First St. Address L0T Hpectsel case containing money f sal ary), 8s tarda y night, at l.lpman. Wolfe It Co.'a or on Third st. Return to Ko. 24A, Llpmsn, Wolf A Co. Reward. a FOUND A gold clss pin. Owner ran beve , seme by proving property and paying for thte ed. Ask for Marcus, want ad window. The JournaL LOST Brown fur boa, on Morrtso near Fifth, Chapman car or Market near Chapman. Re turn to Lyndsey. care Bra Selling. Reward. inet- a arar horse, welch t 400 eouade, from a a'' Irvlngton racetrack. Return to Irvlngtoa race a.onu ; tr-.k a. riweo Lrndea. Reward. .MEETING NOTICES. ATTENTION KEIGHB0H 'TO-iGPT!:,: BETTER COME WASHINGTON t.OIKIB NO. 44, A. F. A A. M Misted -mtnmnnlca. ., tbm this B'edneslsyl evening. 7 :i o'clock. ' Hurkhsrd bldg. . Work M. M. degree. Vti.ll.a-e rnrdlally Invited. Hy order W. W. - . J. 11. RICHMOND. Secretary. M: W. A. Oregon Orane (amp. No. ft.T6, Moe 4aya. J7th aad MtrshaUi eisltora CAMP 1 y.W.o.wA MEETIXQ NOTICES. ' AI.I. rVM-lallata connect ad wllk branck I of tha h-H'lallat parlT of ra(oo ar roiuratod to rouct at h-.ilnoartrra. 30 lala at., at I P- ax, vtxlndaj avaalna. -Wl'mary so. ' K( KETABT. 0KAKD BALL br Kalaarln Aafnata todira Na. y "' "aturdajr, liruary in, cagira " w aKir priaao. A am laa xoc. PAINTKRrV L'MON NO. 10 Special meeting . Wnlnea-lar, February 20, ball 201, 102 Second et. Bualnaaa, lactka of efflcrr. M. W.'A. EVFRnnrirM ram, a and. mo Wedneaday rnlu(. AlUky aid.. Third aad HELP WANTED MALE. Wanted ; Al JOCBNBTMAN JOB PRINTER; BTBADT JOB. FOB BlaHT MAS-T 12S. CABB JOL'BNAL. ME 5 WASTED ' r .... . Who bar a common arbaol edivcatloa or beN ter. between IS and 40 year ef are, to pre pare fue cnatoma Inspector ar railway mail clerk In Portland: must be strong and' able to lire rood references: w Instruct by mall only. Now. If yoa haven't a poult loo, or you are dissatisfied wltb yonr present emplor tnent and will accept a pnallloa with l.ncle Bam at from t40 to fl,2a to atari, let oa pre pars yo far tlie clrll eerrlc examination. - Voara eery trole. ' - PAflKIO BTATFS SCHOOLS, ' McKay bldg., Portland, Or. fWVt CORDS OF WOOD. INVESTMENT CO.. 244 STARKWBT. WANTED AT ONCE Stare bolt cutter, wares gl.eo per cord; steady work. Apply Wester Cooperage Co., bt earns bldg. Portland, be Hooltoa, Or. . - WANTED AT ONCB Boand young mea for flre- irieo and brakemea oa loading western rat! roeds snd for new . roade now being com pleted; experience unnecessary ; firemen 8100 per month, brakemea (75: positions sow open; - write at once for particulars. National Rail way Training assorlstlnn, 780 Paxton blk, Omaha. Nebraska, of 431 Ridge bldg., Kaauwe City. Mlaaonri. BUDD'S BMPLOTMENT AGENCY wants log- tera, (8 ap: railroad laborers. $3-60 up; city ihorere. (2.S0 np; hotel help and aklUed labor. Offices 110 First St. and No. 4 North Third. Pacific 1443 and Pacific 2S48. . Vtvi a. . . - " "".'''. " vib and Washington to repreeent tno stock and hood department of th Commonwealth Traat u, 01 roriiana, ur. WANTED Every maa oat ef a poaitloa ar die. aatlafled with bla proeent vocation, t take .. a algbt eon res st th Brhnk-Walkr Bust . nea College, Seventh and Stark eta. Wa will place yoa la a poaitloa wbea competent. AGENTS wanted. Oregon. California. Idaho. Waablngton; health and accident Inaaraneef. 1 era rename company; gooo contra eta; re rer an re required. United Bute Itealth at Ac cident loauraneo Co.. 20ft Marqaaaa. L PACT TIC STATI0NEB1 4j PBlNTlNfl CO. IT- ejOA-OnV SmmiS a. Phn.. m.I. SOI We design and Inatall the moat modern and Improved office arstsaos; aompleta Una loot leaf filing devlcea. WANTED Noa-aaloa lathers, (2.64 par 1,000; aieariy work. Apply T68 Commerce st-, Ta- waaa. 0ENTLEMEM wishing to better their poaitloa call and aea me; (4 to (4 dally esslly mads: no graft, no canvassing. 447 Washington at. Call after 10 a. m. , (1.00 A MONTH PROTECTS TOO - t Against accident, alckneea and death. ; , Write or call aad Investigate. NorThweatern Health 4k Accident Aseorlatlaa. 4U4-40T McKay bldg. Agent Wanted. MEN AND WOMEN to Mara th be roar trad In lght weeket graduates earn from (Id to . (25 weekly; export Instructors: estelogue fro. Moler System of Col legs, (ft North Fourth at.. Portlaad. MEN of ability to eell tbe moat liberal beoltb - and aecldeat Insurance policy oa tb msrkst. Pacific Aid asooclatloa, Lambar Kxcbaaga ' hhlg, Portlaad. Or. WANTED Salesmen; many make (104 to (154 per aeoath; anene even morel atock clean; j advanced weekly: choice ef . terrJtoryL Address Weahlrurtoa Narsery eompaay. Tub penlah, Waahlngtoa. PB get work for our mem hers; epeeial mem bers, S3. T. M. 0. A, Fourth aad Yamhill. MONEY I MONEY! Advanced every week to - our agents; a fall Hue, Including ep-to-dete speelBltlee. Write for free canvassing outfit. Capital City Nursery Co.. Salem, Or. UNION HOTEL. 81 Morth Sixth at,, Portland. Or. " Free employment to all Ita boarders ; rated (4.M per week; room 25 and ap; special monthly rates given. Anderses, proprietor. flBO BUYS Interest tn fin paying business; will stand lnvestigstlos: money secured. Ad dreea A lift, car Journal. WANTED Mea te learn to operate motion ate- Turee; 11 oon 1 tag long; term reasonable; abort hour, easy, clean work) graduate earn (25 per week. Newman' Motion Picture Co., 146vi Blxth at, near Alder. . WANTED Three hustMnf Balaam ea ta tntrs- auc She latest edition 01 wehater'a dlrtlon artae among tha school people of Portlaad end Oregon; salary or roanmleeloni new territory. Address K 144, care Journal. WANTED A bright. Intelligent young man to work in tbe advertising department of a nawepaper; aa xcelleat opportunity for n ambitious young mso. In answering give phone number. Addreea R 142, care Journal. WANTED A first-class esrrtsg pels ter; must no ai striper ana rinisner; neat or wages paid. Pullman Auto Car Co Blxth and Everett ate. -. .-,.-'-- A COMPETENT seleemea for country and eltyj enuvenu epnnne, niiMiry, poaiai csros, nags. etc,1; muat be a good talker and of pleasing addre; give are. experience and references. Addre No. 102 North Fifth at., Portland, Or. FRENCH, German, Spanish, Italian by phono graph; International Correspondence School recorde, textbook end large) horn for muele records: cheap. Addreea M 130, care Journal. WANTED Boy for dry dellverlee. ntrke-Ch - tea Bngravlng Co., Second and Morrison at. WANTED Young single maa to drtr nfl wt - gon: steady Job to right man. Call this evening after 7 p. m. - 178 Kaat 23d, Bear Beimoat at. Pbona Eaet 784. FIRST-CLASS (hipping Clark must be maa ef experience fa who lees le beelaeee. W 117, rare Journal. (25 PER WEEK and traveling expenses paid ssleeme to sell goods to grocery dealer; ex perience unnecessary. Parky Co, Chics go. 1 WANTED MachloUt, lath and floor hands. xso urana eve. REI.IABLB man with horse and harness t sell and collect! - good pay. - 403 Washing. . toe at. . COAT finisher wanted at once; timet be ev - -perleoeed. - Columbia Woolaa Mllla, Seventh end Slark at. D1HH WASHER. Call at Columbia Oyster . House, 24 Third at., corner Ankeny. WANTED A good advertising man; no limit to the possibilities. Call U!,V, Sixth at, ' room 2. . . ,- . MAN with (mall amount ef money ran fnak front (10 to $54 per eight: It'e easy to do It. why not you ? . For particular call room 3. . lsety Sixth at. Bear Alddtt . , - BWWBB.B, $2400 IIKLP M'AXTKD MALE. PABTNKB wanted Immediately; money no ob ject; real eslat o'dce, estahllahrd: eiperl enc not necaoaary. AlsaatMler Land Oo tuv bUIb al., ua.r Pin. MKN aad boya wanted tn learn plumbing, plas tering, bricklaying, electrical trades; fro 'rrataloiro; position secured. Coyne Trade Schools. New l'urk and Baa Francisco. 8EWRB PKXJKItrl. i 60, S houra. and Tbompaoa sis. w Kaat lOtft WANTKlv Oood ateady drlrer for bakery wa gon, with iperlenr. M IIS, car Journal. PRFHHKR wanted to press panta: steady work. I'skav Tailoring Co 4U64 Mark at. A FICW mora boya eaa make eotne money after school and Saturday .selling thing; two or - three mile away la a hindrance. F. Culrr, K24 Gaaienhela ar. BOT WANTED. IS and So Front at. FEW mor men wanted Immediately te pro ps r ic TaminaiiuB fur railway mall Clerk ar Portland, April 11; many good appolnt mrnla: your opimrlnnity. Mr, Hryneo, Xlft Colombia bldg., dally 9 to 4; aTenlnga, 1:10 to. ft. . W bare aereral second-hand lanncbea which we win sen yoa rery cheap. Inqalra Mr. atelrsoa. Relraan Machinery lo.. 1N4 Motrlaon. WANTED Elderly man wishing home to cook ,ior iwo mea on rarni; can do light worx tor evira pay. Partirnlara, Fred Wtea. Blatera, Oregon. -j JfBfIT mas. wanted.. '. Appl7..t pncv Usrnes' Warketi LIST yoar position wltb Alpine of Ace: reliable neip aiwars on baad: aatlafactloa gaarantred. Phone Mala 1817. IELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Every woman eat of s poeltlon or dissatisfied with ' her present vocation, t take a aight coarse at t4w Beknke-Walker Bualnree College. Seventh snd Stsrk eta. We will place yoa In a position wkea eons. petent. - WANTED Bright, ambitious young lsdtee for outside work: eelery $1 per day to atart. Address L 112. fare Journal, aad glr phctia number. LARGE business firm deelree ft woman ef ma ture year to devote half her time aa assist ant: no stenography or bookkeeping. Ail dress BUS TUford bldg. . , - PANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 84JV, Weeb, Ington st, cor. Seventh, npatslrs.. Phone Mala 8682. Female help wanted. GIRLS WANTED Apply standard Factory Me. 2. Grand are. and Eaat Taylor et. LADIES wishing aa ercnpattoB that will nay S3 to 45 par day, call at my office; hee lately- no graft, r. eaevasali,- 4-47 Wash ington st Call sftes 10 s. m. LADIES to learn garment catting and ladle' tailoring: you ran . make yourself a euit while learning. 84ft Yamhill at, . ARTIST with original Ideas for drswlng and painting. , .102 North Fifth at., upstairs. GIRL for general boose work: good wa res. SM , Eaet 4tb at., aortb, corner Scbnyler; tak Irvlngton or- Broadway cara. WANTED Competent girl for general work. Apply ls4 East 16th at. WANTED A young girl to assist la housework, $15. SMI East Madison st. WANTED A middle-aged, trustworthy to do general nous work la family of three In suburban town: small boos, every con venience : kind treatment and pleasant bom -'for rlgbt party. Addreea 8 lift, car Journal, WANTED Four "Comptometer. 84 Third st. girls to leara operation of Call ea G. Londoa Darkry, WANTED Strong yoanf girl for general house work; hoar from ft to ft. Inquire 724 Beat Yamhill at. - - ruiaiJi wawtbuj tmeratore re wori oa shirts and or rails. Lesson given t ins x per is need, Apply t Standard factory No. 2, Grand are, and Eaat Taylor at. . i 1 WANTED Competent gtrl for general house-, work; good wages. Ml Beet 14th st, north, corner Hcnayier. I'D one naet Wil. WANTED Experienced family eook. - good wages, .1n: also capable second girl, (26. 2304 Tsmhllt. Msln 5418. WANTED Immediately, neat woman under 40 a bousekreier, widower, out of town. 2301s YambilL Alain MIR. WANTED A woman to help tn kitchen; private boarding-bouse. 184 Fifth at. . WANTED Experienced help oa pants. First St., third floor, room 15, 127 M STENOGRAPHER wsnted. Apply at th Vis ible Fox agency, 84 Third at. MALE AND FEMALE HELP. HELP wanted and enppMed. male or female. B. G. Drake. 206 14 Waablngton at. Pacific 1(74. WANTED A few good eolicltnf. mala an 1 female; beat pronoaltloa ta Portland; good money to the right partlea. Phone Sellwood 71. Corner East 18th st. and CmsttUa are. WANTED Few ladlea and gentlemea aa drm ooatratora and aaleepeople - at once. Cell room 80. Raleigh bldg., Blxth and Waablngton. . ' -- Pt4 xas tnu .uatin, ,1 WANTED Poaitloa clerk In wholesale of fice or geeeral work la warehouse or aa timekeeper. - Addre Y 148. JournaL WANTED Jo ma a farm oa ebaree oa monthly payment: single man; aeyeral years' experf- , race, oanreea jl 111, cars jouraai. WANTED By competent young maa, poaitloa as aaaiatant bookkeeper and atenograpber Address C 138, care JonrnaL 1 .' . 1 ... -x SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. EXPERIENCED woman wishes any kind of Douaework or weaning oy th day or hour. Z4T rag St. r-non woodiswn 00a. - NTJRSINO by tb day or week by experienced nurse; nest rexereuces. 1. is, care journal. WANTED Day work Phone Main 1020. by core petent , woman. WANTED Management ef rooming bone; onal reference given. Mr. Lock ley, Yamhill and Park. (41 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES. ' RED CBOSS EMPLOYMENT On. Logging camp and farm help a specialty. 30 North Second at Phoae Mala S2U4. Wt pay all telegraph charges. BANSEN'B EMPLOYMENT OFFICB -- FOR MEN. ' 2S North Beeoad et. Pboftw Mala 1B24. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICB tOfltS Morrlaoa et Phoae Part fie 34 27 North Second et Phoae Pacific 1304 WANTED AGENTS. 104 HONEST mea sad women to glee sll or only spare time te my medicine proposition; .good money snd best medicine, B. hi. Plans mor, 200 Third at. ' WANTED Good aeleamen to represent na tn ' choice terrtrnrtee; highest eemmlestoa paid; cash adTknced for expensee; everything fur- nlshed. Addree Oregea Nurry compaay, ' Seism. Oregon. ' WANTED A a agent In every town la Oregon nd Washington to represent th atock snd bond department of the Commonwealth Treat Co. of Portland, fr. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BENT Honeee. eottaree. flats, tore, offices, . rooming bone, etc. Lead lords will do wall to call en PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON Phone Ex. 72. B. B. Cor. 44 and Oak. WANTED TO RENT Houses, cottages, fists, storee, rooming bosees, office. 204 Mohawk bldg ,'.. WANTED To rent or bny ft or riroom cottar, thoroughly moilern. In Irvlngton. Addreea L IIS, cere Journal, COTTAGE or 8 unfnrnlahed rooms, walking die tan ce, not ever (I A. M IIS, care Journal. WANTED 10 to 14-room hoasnj Iocs Hon for roomers or boarders. C. J. Smllh. Till Gold smith st. Phone Best B4AS. WANTED Small farm from ft te 30 Aerea, aa ear Una, ,1 117, ears Journal. .WANTED TO RENT. WANTED LODGING! IIOt'SK, 12 TO IIIXIMM 200 M'KAV BI.Dtl. ' ' WANTED REAL ESTATE. H. W, LEMCKB COMPANY - WILL SKI.L 101'R PR0rERTT. THKY CRT KKHIXltl. TIIRY rll'AHB NO KX I'KN'SH IN ADVKH'rlSlNti All ARE KgriPl'KI) Tt) HANItl.K ANT PIK'I'. KliTV lilOHT. INVKHTIHATK TIIK1B I -p-TO-DATB MBTIIODN. TUB ENTIKH BKININD f'l.OOU At SIXTH AND WASH 1NUTON 814. II. W. LEMCKK COMPANT. I WILL bay on "r'mntr. gt-od lota oa tb east , aid if price la right; will pay aaah. H 144, care Journal. . WANTED An acre of goad aalmproved land cleared ready for cvltlratlon on oa near oar lltiet Stat price, terms, location. Owner only need apply.. X car JonrnaL WANTED FROM OWNERS who'll Bell, good houses, vacant lots. . luterest-bearlng rental ' and business properties and Improved farm. ' Home Land Co- 14n First at. MODERN house. (.1,000 to $8.0nO. Month Port land! will pay caeh: comer preferred. Ad dreea A l:iN. rare Journal. WANTED FINANCIAL. PRIVATB 4 per pent ftl.300 loan wanted for S 4 ears? g!Lreteed reel est! eecnruy steply prompt I tly to K 124, " car Joiiraat.'" WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. MAIN ft. '" CAST! AN D LOTS OF IT , FOR FURNITURE. . PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS, -211 First Sb MAIN s4SS. MAIN 1439. CAHH for brimebold goods. 84S-34Z Flrat at. Pbone Savage Peons 11. Pacific fteo. WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADB ANT OLD THING. WESTERN, SALVAGB CO.. ,421- 4 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC fftft. - - WANTED Furniture end boaeehold goods ef every description bought, sold and exchanged. The ft. 231 First st. Mhs 444. ft HIGHEftT rash price paid for all klnde aecoad baad goods. Phone Mala Sill. 83 N. Third. WW kant dead bnraeS and cattle free. ; Fertiliser Works, or notify Carney'a Vetorl. nary. . Fourth and Gllaaa sts. MAla 144. WANTED Children for motherly carer able. 227 Porta at. Reference given. WANTED A 1 or 8-team transfer boatneea for Address J 30, ear Journal 3 OR 8-HOHSU gaa or gaaolm engine wanted. F 131, Journal. TWO apaos of draft horses, 1,400 to 1,400 . pounds, dapple gray. 4 aad 4 year old. Geo. AIcGreer. Forest Grove. 1. .' CHILD to board: one wanting the heel of ear preferred: (4.M per week; -will go to the beach all summer: referencee. G lift. Journal. WANTED 24- or .24-Inch planer and drill. Addre machinist' ' lathe, H.. Stt Sixth at. MOTION picture - machine, film, eotig slides, gss outfits, etc, bought, anlu, rented and exchanged. - Newman's Mm toe Picture Co, 1454 Sixth, neur Alder. Phone Pacific 252.1. WANTED Four head of horses, from 1.400 te 1.700 poanda. gentle, true, young aad sound. Geo. McGreer, Forest Grove. STEEL meat rack wanted. J our net Addreea 144, PLATFORM ecale wanted. JournaL ' Addreea K 144. CASH register wasted. Addreea B 144, care journal. ,,.tttitt onniLta lca-iTr ntFWn i aj tkiianui nwiuo a --" , . . ! HOTEL OXFORD. Bhtth and Oak. will take a ; .lew mora nermanent roomers; sll mod era cow venlences; single rooms (4 ap week. ftp. elal rate tor sal tea. THB "LOWNSPALE" Large elegantly fur . alehed housekeeping thltea and single roomsi running water, gas rsnge. AOSVa Alder at. THB BICHEt.IEO. 83 4 North Birth ate Bla tantly furnished; steam heat ana bathe. THB OBAND, 4"H North Third at.! foe gentlemea. (1.2B per wees sou aa. THB K'NG 804 Jefferson at., between Fifth nd Sixth at. Electric light, bath, beet; flrst-clss and aew; from (2.00 ap. NICE, elesn,jMts1d rooms, elerttie light, phone, 1.25 per week and up; centrally located, hone Pacific 218. , FURNISHED enlte, half block from Hotel Port . land. Phone Mala 4008. 184 Seventh at. TO RENT Furnished room, suitable for one gentleman; convenient to car line;, private homo. 258 Sellwood at. 0TERLAND HOTEL Newly furnished room. - well lighted and ventilated, (1.60 per week. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEPING. ' (1.80 WEEK UP, large, cleaa, furnished house keeping rooom, nssaiy ssaa vaia. awe man south. Portlaad. thb jEyrEBRONIAN. 614 Jefferaon st. IHIWniAn. OAH seller.!. et nlrtely niruiahed 2 and (-room suites, rhone Vlaln 64J12. (i: WEEK UP. Cleaa. furelebed boesekeen- reoma, parlor, bath. ' laundry, rsraac beet, yard. 80344 ntantoa. u car, THB MITCH BLIe HoaeekeeplBg and transient room, reaeonable. Seventh ed Flaaders. . FURNISHED rnome for . light housekeeping. Call at 44 Kverett ar phone Mala buna. FOR RfTNT Hoosekceplng roema. llama ave. 4BS WU- TWO completely famished housekeeping rooms la Btodera fist, can st zriry -'ay at. - FTJRNISnED boo sekeep lag rooms. 324 14th st. LA ROB front mom for light housekeeping; est and bath, zoo Fifth at, nesr layior. THREE unfurnished or furnished rooms for light housekeeping at 1st sen Bute at. NEATLY furnished eoomt for housekeeping: hot and cold water sad pnone. at nortu litn et. ROOMS AND BOARD. . FOR RENT MARCH 1 Unfurnished parVu eulte. 4 room, to nartlee desiring breakfast nd 4 o'clock dinner; or would fnrnlsb to . suit; best location: modem conveniences; horn cooking; ressonthls; references exchanged. Pacific 2487. or H 118, care Journal. f GOOD room a with heat end board, (4.50 week. Vlllard Hotel, oil ooldemitn st. WANTED 8 or 4 young men, or young roup la. to room and board. 187 Beat Sixth at. ROOM and board for tvee la private bmaet rates reaeonable. 208 14th at. Mala 1A34. FOB REJ8T HOUSES. WB are la need et several furnished and aa ' faralahed houaee to eetlefy tbe want of out estrone. Pbone msln 8101 or tall 120 Chaat- bar et Commerce. Do It aew. WB rent aad aell 0 - pla Sbermaa, Clay NEAT 4-room cottage, 1 r block , Vegetarian Cats, loft Sixth st. car, frsit ft-ROOM rurnlahcd cot tare, (15; amdera 4 room cottage, (18. rhoa East S7K FOR RENT Cottage st 12th and Whltaker, Marquam hill, liiquh-e at t04 Spoken tT( Sellwood. HOUSES FOR RENT FURNITURE FOR SALE. WB ased rnrnttur at any price. Portland Aa tloa Room. (It First at. Mara B45. T-ROOM house for rent, fnrnltnre for esle, all rirst rissa. or xrnang rnr real tal. 772 Bast Taylor at., Eaat 4578, FOR RENT-STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE- BOOMS, enrarnt: bed rooma aad easv pie-rooms for real., teowloougk bldg. Apply lvator. SMALL trore. with Or without 8 or 4 living- roomt, yard, qulla eaatral, Wael tide, ealy $20. $04 Davie at. - FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. A FIW nrat-rlaas ofOra rootua left at noxtbaast corner 'lli lid and Madiaua sis. Apply room No. S. ' FOB BBNT Hmall stor building with 4 llrlor rNuis; goiKl Itxtion; kw rent. Inquire at 4) Cast Hereuth al. NEAT, light outairl office on busy street, cheap. Itooi Land Co., 146 14 Flrat at. furnish' If desired. Apply room eON. Phuo Main VM. PART of etora with ar without llTtng-rooma. S74 Flrat at. - BTORB IH40, at It-Mt First at. ern Msrkat. 840 First et. Inquire West- FOR RENT FARMS. FARM FOR RENT 150 acres. 10 acres beret. itO acres clover, 4 a. Tea family srrlisrd, 14 acre pasture, w) acre grain land; cash rent (VUl; plioae. telegraph or appear In person; want teaant al once: near North Yamhill. AkMaade Land Co., o3i Sixth at., near Pine. FOR RENT. ISO aerea. 12 1 ml lee from Portland, in ' Washington county; Ka) acres cleared, best of soil. Inquire of owner. WAHUlNliTtlN A URKUON REALTI - CO., 1U4 Second at., lot Hand, Or. . FOR RENT Small farm Bear Oreahsm. cash or aharea: poultry, fruit or vegetables. Dr. Darling. FOR RENT FLATS. FOB RENT 5-room flat, ateara heat, gaa ranee, ahedee aad Janitor'e eervlro. 404 Harrlaoa at. FURNISHED HOCSES. ELEGANTLY furnished (-room modern hooao, . Nob Hill: piano; all complete; (NO per month. The Continental Co., 2a Stark at. OOTTAGK for rent, Clay St., wast slile. fur nished cotuplete. ' Alexander Laud Co., 43 V4 Mlxlb St., nesr Pine. . NEATLY turn lab ed 8-room houie. all ' modern 1 Improvemente. - 433 Eaat fte tenia st, south. Phone Eaat R4S. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. ALL and ballroom, srperste or togetheri eew and with all eoerenlenee. Phone Mala (84. BUSINESS r CHANCES, i MAKB-YOUR MONEY WORK. If you have from $25 to (1.000 to In Test in a gilt-edged proposition that will pay big return la a fear tnoathe. address j 145, ears JournaL PARTNER WANTED T0 TAKB HALF IM-l. TKRlOlT IN HALOONi tiuu BEOLIBED. Ml 8T BR ABLE Ttl TAKE Fl 1,1. C11AH0B AND RUN THE PLACE. 209 M'KAY BLDG. GENERAL ttore, weet skis, about (1.500 want ed; bore and wag.s: ic.j good paying hust ness. , F 128, care Journal. - 1 FOR SALE OR TRADE A newly fnrntabed spertment-hotiB of 40 mom, close In oa - eaat aide; brick building, all newly renovated) rooeoa all rented. Addreea X 130. JournaL NICB aew reataarant or hotel dining-room and kltrbea oatnt; new French range; everything Srat rlaaa; aell cheap oe trad. Inqalra 2U1 Stark at. FURNISHED house af IS rooms. Til Sit, good money maker, for sale, orth Sixth at. ' anion de Call 12BV4 BAVB MONEY Anything ta printing see Mad den, Odd Fellow' Tempi, First and Aide eta.; apatalra. (454 BUYS ft-rooms, well furnished ta good lo cality; west el del few root. Hagemaas A Blaachard. 41 Firth at. - - 1 n 1 1 1 . 1. PLACES gold mine, partner wanted or will eell: mine lu Idaho; attiatly high grade: 1.54 yard digging. W. N. Ruble. Goldea. Oregon. , " ( WILL buy a ems 11 but clean atork of . groceries, wltb fixture, horse and delivery wsgoa. If tehee quirk. Inquire ef owner, 4234 Morrison st. A COMPLETE restaurant outfit for aala or trade for real estats. 04 Burnald at. .Call " npatalra between ft aad 4 p. at. FOR SALE at discount, (15.004 Columbia Booth era irrigation bonds; make me aa offer. ' H 120, care Journal. NICB cigar a tore for !; good bastaeea. Graad arc. 183 WB have several second-bend launches which , ws will sell yoa very cheep. Inquire Mr. Itelrsna, Relraoa Msehloery Ce, 144 Morrlaoa. (150 BUYS Interest ta fine paying baslnee; will stsnd Investigation: money secured. Ad dreea A 114. care Journal. FOR BALK Swell furniture of 4-room -eloes In. rent $12.50. 242 Madison. flat, 10-ROOM transient house on busy street, rent $:; beat on market. 242 Madison at. MEAT MARKET toole for taw and building for rent; good location, Kern Park, Mt. Scott car Una. C. B. Stone, oa premtass. CHOPIIorsB for eak on tb Installment, or trade far anything. , Call 343 Maduna. DO yoa want to eell your rooming- I If eo. ' call ap Mala 4202, 242 Madison at, 10- ROOM house, brick, eloae la, furnltere for sale; ester ta tha best trade. Alexander Lend ' Co., 434 Sixth at, near Pine. CIGAR atand. llTtng-rooma, rent (14, west aide corner; this Is a bona fide proposition; will be edvertlsed until eold: operyfor strict est Investigation. Alexander Land Co, 44 V4 Sixth at, near Pine. . DO YOU want to ell roar rooming; If eo, call np sisin ow. s-is aaanisna st. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. e LEMCKB CO, . FOB BALB BY H. W, PROFITABLE BUYS 8 B " ( t i S B (ft THAT THERE'S MONEY IX. H0LLADAT PARK ADDITION. Fins little bows ef 4 rooms, 50x100 lot, only 2.MW. KINO'S HEIGHTS. Doable bene, lot 48x100, $3,500. " WrLLAMETTB HEIGHTS. ' - New artlatlc bouse ef 4 rooms, fan lot, grand view, (5,400. . "' PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY .' Close la oa 2(Hh tt, ft-room boaae, ea corner act 100. (T.BOU, Very fin bungalow on corner, ft. 800. On a view corner 110x300, 10 room boaae, llft.OOO. v' , l.uxurlout borne oe! a fall half block, (2ft,. 000. . . View art ft0ij), 'cement sidewalk, wall. - Sewer and gas ail In, (1,850. Flo residence site, magnificent rlew, SOx , 160. (4.000. Full quarter block, with view, bas good gpeculatlr vain, $4,500, . 5iolc corner 100x100, sooth and east fae- lng. 86,000. . Remember,' Itelghte pioperty bat a eteady advance la vale. Buy now before eprlng opens ap. "Heed off" the other fellow. IN IRVINGTON AND HOLLA DAY'S. - Modern T-rooru house, fall lot, nice Interior; . fixtures alone cost (250. This ere caa derive for $4,500. kfod ern 8 room bouse oa full lot. only $4,200. ' New 4 mom modern bonee, large lot, hi desirable location. $4,250, - (eood T-roorn house ea lot SOx MO, atable, concrete walk aad driveways, $3,500. Wa have choice I let te bny from la Im proved and untmproTtd property xn all part of th city, also St. Johns, Mootavllla. Mt. Bcott and Ltnnton. " Call at ear office. , - H. W. Lemcke Co. - SIXTH AND WASHINGTOM BTS. v . Entire eeoond floor. , Siiturtan Residence Property 12 scree neer Mllwaukle and car line; 11 room h.nie and barn; fmlt, beee; beautiful nd healikfiil: Jnat the place for suburban villa home; $$.00(1, terms, er will take small farm Pert trade. b. W0LVKRT0N, 403 Mohawk. ' ' .A irkMA L I - Sjnll Svue Ii berry bushes: 'owner mnet eell; house alone f worth more then price eaked; (3.000; (1.000 cask, balance to ult. a 0, SHAY, ptala 184S. -,804 Ablagtoa Bldg. IX)R SALE REAL aCSTATE.' FINB quarter. Kaat 12th, near Morrison, well , improved; bouae rents for $ U) per nmsthl . room f.w lao mots bouses; a real euapl (li.oa); 12,0110 cash. line quarter. I'nloa sv., near Mtdlsoa, only $15. real; terms. 'f Fine lot. Belmont, near Stxib St., Im- . proved, only (u.2.'.o; (Z.&uO cash. int,ww, . wi.i.e, i,r,. a. -, Dun. aide, between Roth aud (7th; lot 83 1-3x100: , " Borne fruil; $2,000. I line 7 room bouse, B lots, vary tightly one block from school, near car Hue, aly (1,8001 2MI cash; west sble. . Fin luniroved lot. First at., rant 150 per , month; $15,500; half rash. . Fine quarter, Kaat 27th, Beat Morrlaoa tt. -car line, $2,taK. Good lot. East 28th tad Yamhill, (1.000 terms. ' ft acre, all In rulttvatloa, Bear Rock wood, " ea good mad, $150 caah. . .Fine farm, loo acre. 85 la cultivation; good Imuse and barn, eprlng. orchard. 10 off : 12 cows and young stock. 8 borse. all farm ing implements, seed potatoes, hay and feed, 25 guata, aom bogs; railroad station ea place; $H.5u; will tab some trad. Fine 10-acre tract, Kectlou toad, aora! of Roekwood, $1,000; ftnoO cs.h. .r' " . . .--,. Flu lots. 87th st., neer Hawthorn are, $4M and $.V)0; Inetallmenl. . - Fin lots one block from Marguerite ar. . (330 and $SM0; tnatallmanta. - CMrlcsca L Co. ft . - 408 COMMERCIAL BT.0. " : .' ' PH0NB PACIFIC 1180. " - Kenrieilf Si HIckok . UNIMPROVED LOTS. ' $200 EachLou in Arbor Lodge, eholc awailoii un pcnl 1450 Each Lota In Houlh Snnnralde. neat '" iiawuorns are. - Hemes - (1,250 $ mom cottage, fall lot, Beat 41 it tt. .' $1,350 Nearly finished ft-room cottage tjorbelt L $1.750 tiood ft-room cottage on Eaet-fttth t., Suun.ralde. (2.000 A splendid new (-ronaa boos ' near ear line, modern; half rash. 42,200 New 7 -room boo, choice oectloa, eaat aide. s . ; - - - (3.500 Modern ft-room bona, corner (0x100. ' ft blocks from ear. . Kennedy & Hlckck 824-8 LUMBER EXCHANGE. '. -. ftS.Ono TOBNER lot. Union are., 50x100; store building oa property 1 , ale grocery etock for sale at Invoice price; terms ea property, $1.300 Corner lot BOxIOO en Morris si. $1,100 T-room bouse oa corner Uokoa ave.t . $200 handle thlai a bargain. ' SM) buya 4 beautiful 50x100 lot at High ' laoda. $1,500 Free flat lot at University Psrk. l. 650 bur a hard-f Inlabed 'modern bouae and 2 lots. Center addition: terms $l.2Mrroom-ioasc.eoucrta haara -jOotlLJklfriilt, allfenced, cement found- li.OOO 10-room bouae. Center additloa. 3 block of car, well improved, fruit, good water: term. - $e000 87 acre, 24 aerea In fruit; T room house ; ft cow. 14 bogs, 2 wells. 1 eprlng, machinery, horses, good barn, double dryer, heda; all fenced; will trad for anine acreage 1 oa car line or well Improved realdeaeo, or for eel. $4 dowa and 34. 4 month for fin lot oa Alberta -car line. Come end aee me. 1 have ft good list te anew yoa, or list It wltb us. .- H. J. HARPER. Bsst B0S7. 41 Grand ave. r Sellwood Homes . (B0 ft room bouse oa Improved atreat. . $1.850 ft-room cottage, close In. aew. v $1,000 4-room boaae. $1,000 ft-room bouse, S floe lots. - II, dial . ft room foralahed bouse, ft lot. 2.I0O 4-rooa bouse, 4 lota, nesr esrllne. . . $1.400 ft-roum cottage, nice high lot, . $1.550 4-room bouae, 1 lota, corner. $e.!to Lot n Improved street. $500100x100. 3 blocks from car. ' Sellwcod Townslte Co.. H. p. Palmer. Maaaaer. 222 Falling bldg. Main (441. Sellwood ofne, Tenlno gad 13th. , Sellwood 141. LOOK. LOOK! v Residence Snap cn East Side Modem 4-room bouse, Isrca rereptloa hall, fine ronstructton. built for home, lot 50x100; esey walking distance from weet aide: price $4,550; $2,000 cstb will hsndle It. This Is a aacrlftce; owner has a "deal'' ea aod wanta money. See aa at oaea. H. W Lemcke Co.; :r Sixth and Waahlngtoa . ate. Here's Something Good $24, 5 O Fine piece property tor ttorea ce apartmehta, oa Third at. car line and only few mlnatee to Third and Waablngton) ever Soo-foot frontage; some Income; csay pey. meets. Owner, Jouroal. WEST SIDB BARGAIN. - - , " RKSIDBNCR PROPERTY. ' $4,500 buya a full lot ea Shermaa at., aear Fifth, with two booses, one S rooma. tbe ' . other ft roome; monthly rental ft45; thai by t bargain and must he rold this week. . JAMES J. FLY NN. ' .- , ; B13 Chamber ef Com mere. - BKACTIFUlff- SOMBc ;, BAST MAIN ST. -. 'v ' .. T large noma, extra wrge cloaels and bath, room. Cull cement basement, corner lot oOx ). 3 rest above grade 1 built two years ago, day labor, by present owner for a home; .Mt being offered for Bale to make profit, but becsnae bouae at tno Urge. Good view of city, one block from car; 43,800: (1,800 caah. balance 4 per cent. C C. SAY. Mala 1441. , 804 Ablngtoa bldg. . BUNGALOW. , - PORTLAND HEIGHTS-. For sals, by owner. Terms to salt. - " 1 Pbone Shay, Mala 14J.- (U ACRES oa ear line, close ta, flu location for business, price (LOOO; slso bomesteed re linquishment. (150. Inquire 14 First et. COST bom, nice lot; a bargalo; Melkeljohn. Cedar. Park, Bt. John. 4-ROOM modem kouae. (2.500; $500 caah, (23 monthly. Phone Eaat 473. ' - SNAP (2.25ft. Modern 4-rqpm house, walking distance; all Improvemente made. Call una Second et. . Owner. WIDOW LADY GOING EAST will . 100x100 feet of ground. 5-room boose, . xiewuorne are. - . I $800 Each Lota 00 Kaat Yamhill. 10 hiftp atea' ride from Third and Morrlaoa, . . miit. I herrlee. 70 rhlckene. cbtcksn-heaaa. all fn ml 'tare. Including bedding, etc, also meuhatn and brooder, dry wood to Jaet ft ojiontba, 8 , car llnee 1V4 blocks, only $1,875. Room 4, 104 Second at. UNIVERSITY PARK BARGAIN. -B lota, a corner, near car line, must he eold today) will give ft per coat discount for eah;.ainat meet peyment. , ROOM 4. 104 SECOND BT. COME gillCK. ' Poor old man seeds tb money snd wftl aeri but T Ws for $1,450; lots In neighborhood aell at $400 each, ROOM 4. 104 SECOND BT. . " , SKB HERB. INVESTOR. - Union era., the mala thoroughfare to Van couver, 4 boose and corner at a bargahv: good Income; 20 eilnutee' walk from Third aad Mortieon : ftS.ftoo. . E. 0. lit' Rt. BERT, ' Room 4. 104 Second et. MONEY NEEDED Quick; etoee-ln borne, large roome, reception hall, Bath room, pantry, eloeete, large porches end bill baeemenr; concrete fonndetlon; porcelain bnln, bsstn. sink and petent toilet; ftOxloO graded lawned lot; atreet work don and paid; 4 block quick eervlce ear line: shea peel In Its district; only ft2.450; $1,600 down. Home Land Co., 14SH First at. NEW T-room mortem boaee, cmee to car, ftono a cssh, balance monthly. . Addree u 118, ear ww . Journal. -. . 1. .Jfl FOR SALS or exchange for Htv property fin ranch 01 a-27 aerea in w lllamette vanev, . 28 mile amith of Portland. Inqulr 41. W, Atterhury, 80 South Se-veath . St., Elkt' temple. ST. JOHNS SNAP. Te ralee xooner at ones I will sell me tract ef lot la St. John, enuelstlng of ever ea ecre In eae body at a es critics: lota ar ea ear lino, close to buelnea center and' acheui. Owner, MUwaukU. K. F. D, be Us,