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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. TORTLAND. WEDNESDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 20, 1007. 11 NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. NEW TODAY. X1ZW TODAY. m DO On Portland's lower harbor with Its miles of deep -water frontage, its transcontinental rail roads, its mills, factories, shipyards, drydocks and general superiority of location, offers re markable opportunities for safe and profitable investment. s ''" f A Fortunate Real Estate . Investment Is Equal, to . $150,000.00 clear profit has been made, based on present selling values, by buyers of property in the different St; Johns tracts marketed by us during the past year, namely: St Johns Park, Holbrook's Addition, Court Place, Chester Place and Jersey Street Addition, and this profit ; has been-made on actual cash investments of not to exceed $50,000.00. We now offer an opportunity to small and large investors' which in our judgment offers large and more certain returns than any of those above, referred to. We Have 50 by 100 feet, with 16-foot alleys, at $350.00 and upward, 10 per cent down and $10 per month These prices will be advanced from time to time as the locality develops and as conditions 'warrant ''-'v - ''-' A.- "-;": .C '" .' REMEMBER that this property is located at the junction of Columbia Boulevard with the St Johns electric car lino and WITHIN TWO BLOCKS. OP MAEGLEY JUNCTION, where the Hill railroads intersect the Harriman railroads, ONLY TWO BLOCKS FROM THE DEPOT GROUNDS, WHERE THE FUTURE IMMENSE FREIGHT AND PAS SENGER TRAFFIC OF THE ENTIRE PENINSULA DISTRICT , MUST CENTER and near the GREAT SWIFT PACKING CO.; that this will be the only railway stop between, Vancouver and Portland; that the Swift Packing Company will alone create a city of 20,000 people; that the future of this locality is not dependent on suburban homes, but is certain to result from local industries which are assured. . Keep these facta in mind. ' Investigate this property; Look it over. ; Take St Johns car, fareS cents geioff at Columbia Boulevard," East StJohns station '(formerly Smith's Cross-' Ing) and you are there. Resident agents on .the ground Sundays and week days.'; - : . L Jlka L SYMPATHIZES WITH VOMAH Anna Hall Says Agony of Hope s' lessly Incurable Patients Should Be Ended. ,' (Joaraal Special Servtee.Y ': Cincinnati. Feb. - X0. Anna Hall of this city, who la herself widely known aa an advocate of relieving tha auffjr inga of tha Incurably sick or injurad through sdmlnla.er1ng 4 patnlees death dealing potion., having Introduced a bill to that effect In tha Ohio legislature, Hld today that aha had written .a-letter ofoympathy and commendation to Mrs. Lottie Wallatl of New Tork, who la under arrest on tha charge of murdering- her mother, Mrs. Binge. - - "I know Just what Mrs. Wailau felt and Buffered. wetehln- tha terrible agony ' of her beloved mother." aald Ml as Hall, f'l paaaed through that ter rible ordeal alx years ago. and If I eould have obtained an anaeathetle I should ivs administered it to my mother my- PAUL MORTON DENIES v . RUMOR ON EQUITABLE (Journal Special Service.) New York, Feb. 20. Following-- tha rumor which yesterday helped stocks In their downward -movement, that the - Kqultabls Life Assurance society was about to so Into ths hands of a receiver, Paul Morton Issued a statement that the .rumor was groundless and ridicu lous, and that such a thing waa Impos sible, - - , - I : oclety Hotel a Failure. . (Jnornat Special Service.) 'Nantucket, Mass., Feb. JO. Burdened with mortgages and other Indebtedness amounting to-nearly 1200.000,. the fa nytus Bea CHIT Inn, Nantucket's largest and "nest summer hotel, was put up i for anle at auction' today by order of the court. -The hostelry, which fre quently has been Styled "the. society lintel of New England," was once good money-maker, but during the past few Veare It haa stffndllr fallen behind. . -. cmour . . .,. ; .... ... I a violent Inflammation of the mucous membrane of 'the wind pipe, which snmetlmes extends to the larynx and hroT-hlsl tube; and Is one of the meet d m'geroua diseases of children. It al most always comes on In the nlirht. live frequent small doses of Pallard's Horehouni Kynip and apply Uallard's f;nnw I.lnlni"nt etrTinlly - to the itrof Hjc. Iimo and l. 00. Sold bv all : (0) (Ml for Sale Lots in East 1, SIM Office at East St. Johns AT THE THEATRES "The County Chairman' Tonight Tonight at S:1S afdeek at tke Bttllg theatre. renrteaath eng Waalitaftoa eta.. Btergo Aoe'a political eeasedy, "The Ooasty Chalrmae," will be the attraction. Tbaeoore Ssssoci, who waa here but year In the title role., will t(ala ha seen ia me character er Jim HaCKiar. "The) Umpire" at Bellig Tomorrow. The swat taaortaat leatnra ef a eewa-te-ate Binairal omed the eontlnaent ef stnglng aad dinctnr alrbj will he eapeclaily anphaatsed ta "The t'mplra," wnlee Barry Aakta will areaant at the Halltg theatre tomorrow alfht for foar seriormaneM, tub a apeclal-prlea matlaae sat- arday. Jallaa Mltrtwu. of the Lew flelde Heraia Bqnara theatiw la New Tsrk, whoae achleTemaats la "'The Wliard ef Oa." "Babes k T07 land" aad "It Happened In Nordlaad." pranQDcea htm the master atage director ef his time, ha selected tha member ( the ebona aad drilled tbem ta the aiaar graceful eroln tlons aad dances. Beats new selling foe ea gagemeot eXUeiUg theatre hex effica. ' eaaaieBiBaBaBaaaBaBBt , ,t ; Musical Comedy Festival. . " There will be a nraalcal cmaedy festlrat at the HelUg theatre for font ntshts next week, far the lily Muelcal company will open Its engageneat there oa Monday evening ta a gor genua prortnettoa of the Aaroetla Daly t.oadoa and New Tork saereaa, "A Oooatry Olrl." which will be pnMentee tm Monday aad Tuesday eeea Ings, aad on Wedneeday aad Tharaday erenhm the heastlfal oriental fantaaf, "The Ctasalee," will he the offer Inc. The Daly eooipaay will sire as the Biaet brilliant aad beautiful stare eetttnre sad eoetames ever sees In a ntoalcal productloa ta this elty. It Is refreshing to Bote that la the pages ef "A Ooaatry GhT' B dle tlact leaning toward aenalne eonle enera Is shown. The principals that will be heard In the title roles Include Mhnes Oesevlve rinley, Viola Kellorg. tnra Batler, Mary Qalre. Orace Oreahimi Meeers. Melville atawart, Rera Col li nl, Hatlen Montra, Barold Tlaard. Adam Dock ray, Edward Karle and a heat of etnera, In eladlas s Urre orchestra. The Beat sale wtll epea Friday Bornlng. Baker's 'Brother Offleew. "That's a show worth seetag." . Rack Is the verdict after attending "Brother Officers" at the Baker. There's something to this play, and fully reallelng thle fact the Baker company has tads special efforts.' It's s play of Enallak Society and army life sad tella of a as who waa born a gentleman, hot was afraid he waaa't. Matinee Saturday. Genuine Fan at Empire. "Ha, he, ha." sweeps the gale of taaxhter over the Umpire theatre at some of the per- tlnilarly Indlmma scenes la "My Wife's Fam ily." The company preaentlng thla larentona lansh-Biaker Is mors than np to the standard. All this week with a matinee Baterday, Jpronie Coriicdy Sett Week. Jerome if.' lerome mmfhare heea in ia eenerlally clever mood wha be wrote "Mlw llontie," the seiiaiitfiii coineay. wnicB will he presented at the Biker all next week, commenc ing with the Bunds 'malliieo. -It tella ef tha attempt of a rone biter to spread her gospel aad at bow she tailed, alatlnee Wedneeday. "Hoop of Gold" Make Hit. The I.rrle stock company has scored a not bet NKW TODAY. $70,000 ' rThrew-atory brick building, eomer. In the heart of tha elty. leased, paying 7H per oent net. with yearly lnorease. Easy terma If desired. LOUIS SALOMON 33 STAJtX ST, STXAS SZOOaTB. WANTED! at Mara koase ea weet aide, from M.000 to tf.soa X I4. care Joarnsl. hit this Week la ths famous Smotlenal asalodra matle success. "Hoop of Gold." This tmly great glay, which preaches a temperance ser mon, kaa beaa alvea aa aarallsMt mMtiM k the maaagement. It Is charged wltk heart la teres! . Matinee every day. , ? ' "The Fast Mall" Coming. One ef the 'greatest scenle prod actions ever devised Is somlng. to Portland. Of eeajrae ft will sppear at the Empire.- Tkts Is Uaeola I. Carter' s "The Fist Mall." The loeoaaotrae seeae Is something shears to be remembered. It Is la the aame class with the faawns chariot race la "boa Hot." . v; ner First Divorce Case." flood vaaderUls Is the role sad sot the sieep twa at the Grand, and this wsek the MU Is evaa above the ordinary ran of good things at this koase. Blla Wheekar Wllees, tke faaeos soot, kas writ tea "Her First Dhroree Oaae," which Is being plsyed ss the keadllse set by Mies Msttle Keeoe and ket aeenrlatee. Dongles sad rerd are singers aad aaaears and tkey era ' Popular Matlnte-s t Btar. Tomorrow, Friday, Ratnrday aad Baaday there will be mattoeeo of "Ceprlro" at the SMr theatre. This Is the plsy la which Mrs. flake Became fsmons and It kas not beea offered oa s local stars la mors thaa a dorado. It will be found one ef the awet Interesting perform ances ths Allen stork compear kaa gives la several Bcmtea. There Is aa sepsslally strong role foe Mlaa Tenia felloe. GREAT NORTHERN. V REBATE INDICTMENTS Jonrnal Special Servlte, KeW Tork. Feb. IV Ths federVl grand Jury tiers has Indicted" ths Great North ern railroad oa two counts, charging violation of tha FJHctns anti-rebate law. The Indictment alleged that U M. Pal mer, an American Sugar Refining com pany official, ' was given two rebates, one of 110,000 In May, 04, and an other of M.I00 tha following June. Dyspepsia Is AmeHca's curse. B u r dork Flood Bitters conquers dyspepsia every time. It drives out Impurities, tones the stomach, restores perfect di gestion, normal weight, and good health. Suburban km 4H AOUS, bleaks from atreetoar Una, half cleared, balance nice fir. on good road, aoii or tha very beat. lays well. Prtoe fCi&O per aore.- - 4 AOXXS, l block from ear line, 1 sore cleared. Balance easily cleared. Prtoe f 1.200. TWO AOSZS. 1 block from oarllne. all cleared, aotl ef tha very beet, en good puDiio roao; price 70S; terms easy. S AOXZS en ear line, all rich black bot tom land. Price 9700. Xasy terma 10 A.OMS Half mils from WUUmette river, all lays well, with timber enough ta pay for land. Pries f 1,500. Terms eaay. . --, 4 AOUf, U mile from ear 'Una, lays well. Prloe $650. H AOBBS, ail olaared. but Bloe young grove around bandings, on publlo road, new f-room house, aotl of the very beat and lays well. Prloe, 2,300, $1,000 saah. baUnoe on easy terms. . S4 ACaXM, facing ear Una, with good S-room u i" todate houses all well- fur nlshedi good barn and outbuildings; chickens; farming Implements included with place. Prtoe 93,800: . 91,500 eash, baOasco en time. 160 A CMS east of Montavlll: fine buy. Prloe, 910O per acre. 0 AOUS, north of Rose City addition. Price, 9400 per sore. . THE SWEAR CO. ' ;; , SdSVi arTAU Wt. See this lots wo are selling on Oregon w Pacific , Clackamas Halsey Weidler HoIIa3ay Multnomah Wasco - - Broadway Schuyler pnd Tillamook Streets. At $300 each on easy monthly ' ".""payments ''- Mall & Von Borstel 104 Second St Main 1438 and S92 East Burnslde St, East 159 imber We are buying; quarter sections or more in any loca tion. Send us description of your claims. We will send in cruiser at once. We are not hunting; options it is timber we want O'Donnell&Lucas 314 Chamber of Commerce Great Bargains 4 &OTS olose In near Hawthorns ave., . only 94BO SAOX. IB down and 110 ' per month. Ton will never have an other chance to get such good prop erty for so little money and on such easy terms. Better some early. CONKLIN BROS. ; sir aWeUMunxra ay. - Take ML Tabor Reservoir er Mt. Scott cars and go to ths big red sleetrlo sign. tl ft on river. West Side: S. F. R, R, rnnnlng through entire length, and has frontage ea Macadam road t 14 mils south o Oregon IMmlturt Co. - H. P. PALMER sas vaxuirw mjtmmm. $30,000 Half block on east aids, Mar new thea tre sltei bringing Inoorae. This Is go ing quick. Terms. TMM TBTSmAaf X.AJn CO, , - 1884 Third St. Boom 4. $508.30 Will tay for 'seres ef Very rloa aad fertile lama. 'Wltk a tae oprlg brook running across it. 1V Boreo gas Uve timber, enough for family see. This will make an Ideal home aad rrait and chicken ranch, t an be paid for on eaay terma, Near cart Una, PTTXBTXXXT CO, 144. Stark S Cheap ITIilT Lc:!i ut II:e New Town M Located on Peninsula hear the St Johns car barn. ( We Are CUerlag Some ; Flae Cargalns 5-Room House This fine cottage is located on a corner lot. WiU seU for $1,250. Only $150 down and $15 per . month. .", Lots All Kinds We have all kinds of lots that can be sold with a small payment down and balance to suit $15 Per Month Pays for ' 5-room house on lots , 100x100 $200 down. J. R NOLTA Real Estate, Rentals & Insurance 118 KILLINGSWORTH AVE., .... . Portland, Or. Madrona Hill 'This beautiful new addition is now resdy for sale. - It'is the only tract on the 'Peninsula tnat nas the car line so close to the river view lots. A home 200 feet above the city, where you can overlook the harbor and city. The ships of the world pass in full view; the mountains with their snow capped peaks are in full view; the river with the green-covered hills of the heights for a background make a beautiful picture. Nature has passed out the good things to this addition with a lavish hand. It is close in, good car service, Bull Run water, building restric tions, boulevards graded and graveled; in short, everything necessary' for elegance and com fort A lot can be secured here on easy payments. Money to build.- - .v ' ,.. Take fit. Tohna car. ret off at Greely station. It is between the station and the river. y TOPAZ LAND CO. 60S COMMERCIAL BLDO. FOR LOTS IN PENINSULAR ADDITIONS These prices will . be raised March first. - This is 40 per cent cheaper than the sur rounding property and the best buy on the market for investment.' Terms, 10 per cent cash and $5 per month. noImes&Menefee 89 THIRD ST . ' Chamber of Commerce . ; Or MR. R. B. CAREY at our branch office at the head of - - Peninsular Avenue. . BUSINESS .CORNER " , liwnoan ara. . 80x185 $6,500 Best Buy in Locality C. C. SHAY B04 Alngtoai Bldf. Stala lata. SOS Wanted On West Side Rs yyia ftWTMMhlnt tfl ffr With 1ar-a !r. oms) n$ btnf pcuUtiTw ! that 4 n - rtb trill bnrvllT I will ttnir 4 ftjpsxtat)Dt bouar. W 143, far Journal. . . y . i ron trTjBavajr ana en Beeuvotr . iw e-nm - an Wood- ll.i . 1' . - w.w . - - stock line: l-room cottage, new and modern, aad I fuU lota; eaay terns e; $2,COO. . S-mOOaf atOITSal with a 10-foot front lot. In tha eenter of a fine resiaenusu district. Now vacant and ready for occupancy at any time, fcaat Ankeny ' care; good discount for cash; better look this up. Price, f 3,000. a-mVOOM MOTJara and HOilO ground. ea Manhatua Street, umoa arw ear line. This Is sa exceptionally good buy. Lota In this neighborhood sell readily at (. All eaah. price, f2,2&0. S-moOK sTOTJSS on Vancouver ave.. close to Rueaell-shaver or me upper Alblna care; owner will enorlflca for all cash, 2,40Q. S-BOOhC XOtm on Vancouver ave,, near Beech at convenient to u earn, vacant lota la this neighborhood are selling, for half thla amount; half eaah prloe. SI, 400. ' . WOOST.a.WsT T-room house and nearly' S fUU lots, aU OO versa Win inill emu flowers. Just the plaee for ths chil dren. Oood barn and poultry house; -OTrty-ar block end a half from th ear llnep ears running every aatnates; f l.QSO sash, or f.1,700 sa; terma UTaUtAX, omx splendid buys ia this buoutd, wnere me ivaiw. w- beginning to wake up. , Either homes or lots to build on. - WOOS&AWsT has a i-mlnnte ear service during ths busy hours, a 1 1 -minute ride to the elty. T-BOOM HOVSa and half aare, all cleared. I blocks from ths ear line. House Juet being completed. Wood lawn ears. Property ta advancing rapidly in this section, and this sum mer you won't ba able to boy thla for a o per osat advance. Fries 92,000. Terms. ' naJBXT T AOUS, adjoining Wood- lawn-all cleared and fenoeds. adjoin ing property platted; a very desirable place of small acreage) would make a fins oountry home, or plat to ad vantage, Prlos f 4,600. - ;', OTABTaTas BMCTX on tTnloa are,, la Highland,-. huslnaas eoraer.-i'rica.i e2,&50. rVU tO In Runnyslds. - faces last right for building, pries, pooo. 80X100 tor, 6a East tlth, near trying; fine location, and convenient to I car lines, with another one to come this spring. Price. S675t QVABTBB BtVOOK on Bast - -XfltB St., eoavenlent to cunton-streei oar lines; beet buy In this section. Prtoe, 1,250. . . OB3APZBT QTTABTSB block la WOOd- l&wn; at present vaimprovea, out as good as the beat If oleared; the price warrants ths trouble. Pries 9450. - If you are looking for anything la ths suburbs you bad better eaii on ua Ws have a large list Just as good as thoss given above. . IIARTM AN THOMPSON 'CXAJOMCa OT OOatXSBCB. ; YOUR DUTY In accumulating a eompstteney T for your family it only half 1 tlone, if you hv not provided . for the abtoluta' safety of your funds. Whether your deposit ' ba large or small, they will be afe with the . "Oldest Trust Company in Oregon", Where money draws from 2 to 4 pr cent interest, depending v upon whether it Is placed oa Checking Account, Savings Ac count or Certificate of Deposit. '. Call for book of " " "ILLUSTRATIONS. Portland Trust Company of Oregon ; S USOtTBCBS 01 $1,800,000.00 a S. Coraee TktrS aa4 Oak ats. Ta. BBNJ. I. COH1X rreslSeat H. L. rrrrOOX Vsea-rraaUleat B. LIB f-aOBT Sesrelare i. 0. OOLTBA Aeaistaat SeeraUrf EXTRA GOOD BUYS 996,000 S09 aeraa sutMirbaa, abaut ens mils from atreetoar Una soon to be; never no better l adjaasnt property selling; for $1,09 an aera. $150,00019 aarsa, good rsstdaaoa . part of elty. on f H mlnuts oar Una. f 180,000 soras, about H mils from two sleetrlo ear Unas. ! . v. f 25.00O Tare soo4 eerasr Iota, tiSa 144 each, oa op post ta aides of ths street, terminal Slat riot. This prop erty aboald sail for at.leeat IIM00 within IS days. JB2T,000 Three-story brloa. lot SRa ,100, In wtiolaaale dlatrlet.. S blocks from Chamber - ef - Commerce. This will not last. Come prepared. $4,000 A. - lovely modern 1-rootn houae a Im; fine location. East aide. . ; , $3,400 Quartet block. East Taylor; select neighborhood; a bargain. HOOD BXTEm XJraTBIOT lt-aere tracts of fins appls land. Only lit par acre. r S ABB a-BOOM modern houeea within one Moral of car Una. $1,250 to - $l,TSO each: One third eaah. balance fit or more per month; 7 par cent lo tereet. 1 alao have other reaidenoe property for from $3, BOO to $12,000. VTCB trnSZICl IOTI from H 1 Cf) to $.lHO earh; nice car - arvit;e. These are sacrifice prtcea. t KATB MABT other good bur, in cluding city and ouburban arrears. If you vant a good Invesini-nt, ee me lrnm'1 .Mely. 1 c r f li. ii.v.LEr.:caECo::?A:;v PROFITABLE iNVESTi.IEi,TS WASHINGTON STREET Quarter block at the corner of xiua-K,uuu. The cheapest Quarter - block east of Twenty rst. ., ' : ;.. - .'; . Single lot near King 912,500, A very good buy. . . TRACKAGE Over 200 feet n the Southern Pacific for 92,500. This is a fin bargain. . , . : TASrWATEITSTREET Corner of Waahinrton, right next to the now East Side deDOt. for 913,500. This cannot be beat. -DAVIS STREET Next to Fourteenth, now oroduc- ing $50 a month,' for $7,250. Don't overlook this. ... FOURTEENTH STREET Two houses, near Market, for 97,000. A cheap bay in that section. RUSSELL STREET io per cent investment, new flats 97,500. EAST ASH STREET . On a corner, 115x100. A t?nw 9 - room - residence, modern 93,000. ' - - ; EAST PINE STREET An improved corner, 60x100, dose to ; Grand avenue. . Income, $73 monthly $7,500. THURMAN STREET Unimproved Corner, 100x100, easi of Twenty-third street 90,500. UNION AVENUE Unimproved lot, 40x100, close to Russell street 92,000. -. " LARABEE STREET Lot COxlOO, fine view, walking distance f 2,000. , , EAST TAYLOR STREET- Walking distance, fine lot 87x80. Only $800. This is cheap. We have other "live ones" for sale at right prices. . Call at our office. ,v : ..-.' ' h.w.lSkeco. Sixth and Washington. Main 650 Entire Second Floor - II. V. Leraclie ACREAGE M AOBBB, new house, good sera. 41 fruit trees, halt acre each strawber ries and raspberries; this la a fine little home. Only $2,S0O. sOrTBBAX AOBB TBJLOTS near Mount Tabor. kbbb rara AOBB rBAcrs an the Wlberg lane, all fine property to plat. Come and aea as about price. - 1 AOBBS adjoining Beavertoa. ' Tou can doable your money en this tract. 14 ACmsa asar Sandy road, which has been platted. Ton sen double - yeur . money ea thla . Only for a few days. ' sracoara xaxb sbo. : H. V. LEMCKE ini i a xxtbi ajto wAaacnroTOB. Three Bargains 56COO Fvill lot with 7 -room modem hee, on lid sL; eaat frontage. Cnrner lot, Taylor at . elnae In, !, lnoeine. A ua bot thla. ISvino, ? ..''.mt . r or"s la . i , i . Gri ' Company