The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 20, 1907, Page 10, Image 10

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::': " tor 1 A short time,, at per share
We Are Sure We Have One of the Richest Sections of the Goldfields Rich Mineral Producing Region
1111 i
We feel Confident That Ten Thousand Per Cent Would Not Be an Extravagant Estimate of the Dividends These Mines
Be Paying Within the Next Two Years : r :j
WE SOLD 20550 SHARES OF BUTTE BOYS CONSOL- , 1 We put'np our' own good money and bought the Butte i:, tenth of the mine that he reserved fof himself has netted SO , SrjnSSr T -
IDATED MINING STOCK OF GOLDFIELDS. 1 Boys Consolidated Mine, the five claims covering 100 acres, hirn millioni of dollars since, and his bank in Helena is one j GREAT MINING PROPOSITION.
' 'A- NEVADA. ON MONDAY. ' ' ' because every indication points to the property becoming one '.Vol the great financial institutions of that rich state. , Alt ' 'R ' ; on,y vdopment to enable it to distribute with ' -
NEVAD NMNDAYV Wr.l'JL V Aoi the richest in Nevada.. And now our purpose, is to sell other stockholders cf the mine are bkewise independently uLZ!T flffi", fav'r. to every owner", the
Thyftwrhrrwrrut- it uu ins nrticc, moiajno .ccunipnsu Ut ueveiupmeiu. auu m.s , v.c.u..r, a..u , , : , stock. And we Invite juu, itadeTrto-become-tme-of -these.
acquaintances. yo know tnat : v i ' ., merely because we lack the means to prosecute xne wotk ' , We invite you to jpin handa with us in the interesting enter-
--,v'-?:::-i: .- ' ' f r : ; urselvw, In-other words, we in.t0 Partnership . BELIEVE THAT LIKE GOOD FORTUNE IS IN P'"- It not great burden for a company to pay the
iwnPFCuOTfiRS-W MINING-STOCKS number of peo,pie wh be" confiden.ce enoh J" fu ,'WE Pownp THOMO IOIN W OUR cost, of machinery and other necessary equipment to enable
WE ARE NOT SPECULATORS IN MININu Sigtus bt orne part of -our organization, and we-feel -confident STORE FOR THOSE WHO JUIN US IN UUK W . b'. . the aurface the ffold-ladcn rock and
, OR BROKERS IN MINING SHARES; V that all such will thank their stars 4hat thelrfeKance on oury dividend.
; In justice to ourselves we feel that we ought to emphasize judgment-nd' In onr tntegnty wa. strong ough t tv f r ; ; ; - FIELDS REGION. ; y t ; , ? - from a property that without further fatigue or worry is as
this" CW that reader, of our advertisement, appearing Kock
The Journal may know that we are marketing a leg.U- , J"1,, Tm'td State." . - ''claims are five in number, prolific of free milling rock, and . pletcly developed, ever was to; . v ; , V
mate proposition and not attempting to foist upon theTublic ; . u common knowUdge th,t prospectors are invariably its assay value is positively demonstrated to range from $24 , i : 7". ; ; ;
are welcome to the diversion, but as for u. we cannot afford nun;heir lhou,ds in sewcT of gold. They SURPASSING THIS? Not another mine in Goldfields. -' , . AND AWA 7n rPff r '
to mix up in that avocation. ! - . . wait til, the roine h been discovered, and then either buy with all its monster gold" production., have exceeded.. this , ' " M. . w an i anu WAKii. ,
! '. V ;;, V i . V ' r r - ' i ' i the ,daim outright or develop it and' share, its profits , marvelous showing. , ; - ':r ' ' S0 far" we have our own means and reputation at stake in.
V WE ARE BUSINESS MEN OF PORTLAND, AND with the finder. . ', A. we said in our advertisement on Sunday, ur mine. thi. mining investment. We are not urging other, to take ,
HAVE LARCE INTERESTS HERE. ..-.... - ( , ':'; ; 1 - V " J T were located early in the Goldfields rush. Our prospectors , , part in something we fear ourselves." We are simply en- :
"A , . ",";', V" Tnu tttct7 ru 1 1 r-T tr xt a wa WTTHnilT A PPNMV were men of large experience. Immediately they were deavoring to effect combination of capital and interests :
And at no time will it be charged that we ever have at- T0,5,,0 . offered a generous sum for their "find," but knowing the that will hurry this matter along-that wjll enable us to
tempted to "scheme" for a living. Our pursuits always have ; WHEN HJS ' """i Jr . worth of the property all offers were declined until one of enjoy returns from our investments at the earliest time'we
.been honest and above board, and this instance -will be no ' ' - sLUMMON MINE AT MARYVILU, 1 our party succeeded in securing the entire 100 acres, the t . can that every shareholder may be a participant in the divi-
l exception to pur life-Ion rule. Not any officer o the convQnjjQ mi1ti jdisUTUfrom-thaLxily-,. He hud w't -p triinA miners taking stock of the company as their recompense. '.deji withouti . . , -
pany receivesany compensation fofhis Services; Ilii time ho would so much as help him to a grubstake. One day his for their time and toil. . , ' ; lr."! ..., '. ,., J v ; :'"TTZ-'. . : , : v.." , , .
and labor is given absolutely without .charge, fQadUionafmentioned .to a Helena.dressmaker. and ahead-:; i ,..-;: ""V.. ; .... , Btrrr-T thing THAT PORTLAND HA9
- BUTTE BOYS I CONSOLIDATED MINES , t --develop the discovery was sold, the necessary shafts and V THE PROPOSITION. . r . - OF THE CITY WERE
OH. A .PAX IN u itAaia. . -"'-Tlun'tlefi ;-wete TfUnlramtrtored. and in a short time Mr. Cruse ; - . . ';',.' .' FIRST BEGUN. " " ' ,
And this can be the more speedily accomplished by each man sold a nine-tenths interest in the mine for-$1,500,000 spot ' We were prepared tj amply requite them for their labor, .T, ; : -----y.-n ' "
olicin his shoulder to the wheel and working with might ' - cash.. He then made his benefactor his wife, and presented . but they preferred to be partners rather than fell out their $1.00 shares, fully paid up, for a little time onljr.10
and main to keep the thing in motion. ' . , ' her with a check for $500,000 as a wedding present. - The one-r- ; ; interests and turn everything over to the company. ' - cents per share. : ?7 v:; ; 7 r : ,
f q l y UK. JB. U. uckUKftbri, rrcsiaeni rorusno, vrcfon
J r.vnvr.V W RirvirP Vtr.Ti iint Mrr . Portlinil Or.
- v. : ' "n . f J ' F. W. Mc&EtHNiK, secretary n...rorxiana, wrcgoa
. - . Of Portland, Oregon . s L ku.....
CAPITAL $1.000.000 Incorporated Under" the Laws of Oregon SiSIifSSS. :
Tdephone Last 773 . .' J '. Weatherly Building. 360rEast Morrison Sty Near Union Ave. :
Block at First and Pine to Be
Built Upon by the P. R.
'i L. A P. Company. '
Officers of Elrctrtcal IntrrextU to Be
Housed In Seven-Story Building
Which, With Ground Just Bought,
t Win Cost at Million Dollars.
The entire block bounded by Second.
Pin. Aah and First streets has bun
purchased by the Portland Hallway,
' Ua?ht A Power company, which will
erect a, Sl.tQO.OOO union passenger eta
tloa for Interurpan and suburban elec
tric ears. The building will cover the
! entire-block and will be six or seven
stories In helicht.
The bulldlnr will be covered with a
huce. Class dome and will be construct-
' ed of steeL It will be thoroughly flre-
1 roof. It will Include waiting-rooms,
ticket efflcea, platforms - and - every
modern convenience that can be eon-
. trlved for the accommodation of the
public.-- .
Deeds for the acquisition of theeti
tlre block were completed end acquired
by the Portland Railway, Light ft Power
company laat -night - The price paid by
the company was iSSe.OOS. which, with
..the cost i - erecting -the--erlant building,
1669.000, will make the total coet $1,
OOO.uOO. However, It said by officials
' of the company that the coat of .con
atructlon may exoeed that sura.
; ' Xome of KaOways.
; It In proposed to convert the huge
building Into a home for the electrical
nd railway Intefeats of the city. Of-
ficea of the company and of other in-
' terurban companies will be located In
. the upper floors, white the ground floor
may likely be leaaed for stores and
Trther business purposes, r, ' .
Besides the offices of the company,
the building will Include the substation
now located at . Seventh and Alder
streets,-- The headquarter of the com
pany at First and Alder will be re
moved to the terminal station, snd the
supply department, now located on Sev
enth street, between Alder and Morri
son, will also be removed to the terminal.-
Through the entire station four tracks
will be run. enabling the cars on the
First and Second street line to turn In
a loop througrh the terminal. Jnterur-4
ban cars. Including those on the St.
Johns. Vancouver, Oregon City, Casa
dero and other long-distance lines, will
be. operated direct from the terminal
station. . Other Interurbao lines that
may be conatructed by other companies
will be granted terminal facilities.
Construction work on the proposed
building will begin as soon as plans are
completed. Notice will be served Im
mediately on firms occupying buildings
In the block to vacate, in order that the
present buildings may be torn away.
On the block are some of the oldest
buildings In. the city. It Is expected
that cars will be In operation through
the building within a year, .though the
building may not be completed within
thst time. . -
The centralisation of the terminal fa
cilities of the electrlo lines la the re
sult of the efforts of President H. W.
Qoode of the company. - -,:
Anticipating City's Demands.
.. "The deal was completed yesterdsy."
he said, "and the plan will b. carried
out as rapidly as possible. At the pres
ent time there Is no especial need .for
such terminal facilities in a city of the
size of Portland, but our quarters are
cramped and 1t will answer our purposes
far better to have our Interests central
ized. . Besides. . It will only be a few
years before Portland has grown to such
a else as to demand such a building,
and we are only anticipating the de
mand. -
The project wan considered first last
October, when C. M. Clerk, of Clark A
Co., Philadelphia, and Albert Btrauaa. of
Seligman Co., New Tork. , wars In
Portland. The Clark-Bel Igman syndl-eate.-whlch"
controls the property, has
certainly shown Its faith in the future
of Portland by Its Investments here."
9 .
-t m e --
r .hi
7 ' if
Tin?. A.S.MNRE3
levy's Musle House Is gradually as
suming orderly shape In its new boms
In the Swetland building. No. It Fifth
street, -opposite Olds, Wortman ft King's.
The same . lines sheet -musle- and
stringed - Instruments will be - carried,
only -in larger stock,, for.' which the
handsome new store provides facilities.
Mr. Bartholomew of the Washington
street suit house Is back from his five
weeks' stay . In New Tofk. with his
reputation as an exclusive buyer much
enhanced by the beautiful suits, lin
gerie waists and coats that have filled
his store as ths result-of his trip. Ths
lingerie waists certainly put those of
other seasons far In the background for
.utiMMtan... n't. an mnat paaav.
quantities of' lace be'lng used espeelal-i 1U memorabla.xama
ly on sleeves snd yokes, and notably
Cluny and fillet One exquisite crea
tion of lace and mull was made up of
seven different styles of lace woven
together with such taste as to produce
a real work of art. The silk suits sre
extremely beautiful, and only one or
two of a kind. , These are being appro
priated almost as fsst as the goods are
opened, so striking snd original sre
they In materials and style. The leath
er shades of brown, with tasseled trim
mings, are very striking, nlso suits In
blsck snd white magpie silks, -
A prominent writer on men's clothing
Insists thatmen are no longer dressed
they are merely clothed. I can't agree
with this conception. Men's clothing Is
built along the most graceful and beeu
tlful lines, as exsmpltf led In the dif
ferent high-grade shops, with more real
beauty In ties, gloves, hats, vests, etc.,
than could be found In all the flimsier
attire of those early days of lsces and
ribbons.' Robinson A Co. have Just re
ceived their fvjll assortment of spring
goods, which Includes a number of the
most delicate and becoming shades In
hats of ths beet makes Dunlaps. Stet
sons, etc. In all the conventional styles.
There are grays, fawns, tans, the new
leather tones, pearl grays, black, brown
everything In the way of a hat In
every Imaginable genteel tone. The ties
sre In many plain colors red, green,
lavender, blue, gray whatever color
beat suits your complexion seems to
be the pnrttoular style for you. snd is
readily found. ' ' V
A new art store In townV 17- Btsrk
street. Mr. A. C, Christiansen of Omaha,
proprietor promises to gain derided
populnrlty, as Portlanders have discern
ing tastes and appreciate the "real
thing" when they- find It Mr. Chris
tiansen will handle only high-class art
goods. Ills pictures are by arttata In
the real sense. He has now on exhlhi-l
tlon at oolleelto of -ths-.worka -of Alex
ander Compera," the great western Im
pressionist painter, styled by many ad
mirers the Impressionist painter of the
sge. Ills pictures nave been annually
hung in the Chlrago galleries, and many
are owned by connoisseurs of world
wide reputation. Jlejiossessed undoubt
ed genius, readily dlsf-emlnle In the col
lection now In Portland, end st once
pleases the person who Is soulful rather
than - toaterlallsUO. Several Portland
lovers of art have already purchased a
number of-these beautiful canvases, and
doubtless many others will reach Port
land homes. - ri
(Journal Special Berries.)
Fond du Lac Wis., Feb. 10. The, fellow-townsmen
of - Oeneral Edward S.
Bragg paid him splendid tribute today
on the occasion of his eightieth birth
day. The famous leader of the "Iron
Brigade" was obliged to keep open house
throughout the day to receive the scores
of friends who called to offer their con
gratulations In person. In addition
there came to the "Little Oeneral" a
veritable flood of good wishes from old
friends and admirers throughout the
country. ' ' -
He began his military career as a cap.
tain of volunteers soon after President
Lincoln's call for soldiers In the spring
of 1SI1. His regiment, the Sixth Wis
consin, left for Washington In the mid
dle of the summer, and by the time it
bad been whipped Into shape and was
ready for real . campaigning Captain
Bragg had been promoted to the grade
of lieutenant-colonel. He . had conv
mand of the regiment from Oalnesvllle,
Virginia, to Antletam, Maryland. He
led it in the charge up South mountain.
In which oonfl lot the brigade was given
At Anfhttam General Bragg was seri
ously wounded and was sent horns to
Fond du. Lao to recover, He was soon
back In the field again and took part
In the battle of Fredericksburg. . After
Chancelloraville he was sgaln stricken
down and taken to a hospital In Wash
ington. When the Gettysburg campaign
was commenced, though utterly unfit
for service, Oeneral Bragg Insisted upon
going to the front, but did not reach
Oettyaburg In time to take part In the
battle. It was the only great battle
of the "Iron Brigade" except the clos
ing contests ending at Appomattox in
which he did not lead his regiment.
Oaks mink Arranging fotr Slg Masquer
ade Washing-ton's Birthday. -
On Friday night, February tl. there
will be a grand colonial masquerade held
at the Oaks rink, when all will have an
opportunity of representing our fore
fathers, and those best succeeding will
be rewarded with beautiful prises. Six
elegant prises have been provided for
the event - Two are for the best colo
nial costumes, and two for the most
comical costumes, and two for any two
best-sustained characters. There will
lie two sessions Friday sight, from T to
10 and from 10 to 11. with special ear
Service. Masks are to be removed at 10,
- i
Business Change at Weston.
(flDM-lal Dhpntph te The frontal) -
Weston, Or Feb. JO. P. T. Harbour
and Ed Towery have purchased from C
E. Nelson a half interest In the Weaton
briekvard. The new associate owners
are both experienced nncKmaxers ana
will have immediate charge of the yard.
Mr. Harbour has been foremsn at ths
yurd for many veers. ' . '
Tor Infanta and Children.:
TIib Kind Yea Hara Alwajs Bought
Basra thai
01g.-ltr of
(Special Dtnetek ts The Joarael.)
Arlington, Or Feb. 10. Ira Elraa
Wallace, , the . youngest daughter - of
Charles Wallace, living near this city,
had a close call for her life today. She
ts only 14 months old and by some acci
dent fell Into a wash boiler filled with
water In the woodshed. When discov
ered life was apparently- extinct, bit
Mr. Wallace, after using In vain every
method within his power to resuscitate
her. hitched up his team and madly
dashed to town, a distance of four
miles, for medical aid. The child's life
was saved and. she la now doing welL
It Is a mistake to drfnk poor coffee
snd tea. Schilling's Best - -
w 11 . .
Ambassador Nabueo's Address.
(Jnarntl Special Servtea.)
Buffalo, Feb. 20. Ambassador Nabuoo
of Braiil Is In Buffalo to deliver an sd
dress before the Liberal club tonight
on the advlsablUtrV of greater trade
relations between the United States and
Latin-America. It Is expected that In
view of the Interest already created
by the visit of Secretary Root to South
America last summer ths address will
attract much Attention.
: The investment of a small or large amount of money
In the stock of the UNION MINING CO. at this time
Is as safe a proposition as you will find. INCREASE
OF VALUE of stock will double up your investment
several times. . ' - ': .7 ,- '
DIVIDENDS are bound to be paid within a year.
Write or call and see us at
Bryan to B the Speaker, j
(Joornal Special Service.) '
Columbus, Ohio, Feb. 20.-rWIHIam X
Bryan la to be ths guest of honor and
principal speaker tonight st the an
nual banquet of the Columbus board of
trade. Ths board has completed elab
orate arrangements for the function,
whJoh promises to be one of ths most
notable of Its kind ever given In this
city. Mr. Bryan Is to speak on ths
topld, 'Ths Old World and Its Ware,",
We hive purchased the prescription books of the Pfun
der drug store.. Bring your prescriptions to us to be refilled.
V:.. ;., U. -,y
, Pure soap is a delight and is healthful. . Our special im-
, . . . '-; ;;,,:., : portation of 'p ' :
Crescent and Star Castile. Per Pound, 25c
the acme of pure soap' It comes in 5-lb Ijars, and we cut
. mil j oim.m (. . , .
vLa' Parisia Castile, lb.VV;V. 1 . . t .V. . I.'. ::i J; . . AOf
Conti Castile, 34b. bar. . . ................ 50
Domestic Castile, per lb................ ....... ......12
Perfumed Toilet Soap r
Saven du Violctte, box of S cakes. . . : . . . . ... .15
Transparent, Glycerine, box of 3 cakes . . ... 1 1 ....... : 25
- Rexall Blemish Soap, for the skin, cake ........201.
Cardinal Rose, exquisite perfume. , ; . . ....... ..... . ... .23
SMdmore irug Co.
. RALPH CRYSLER, Proisrietor
vi... ;