The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 19, 1907, Page 11, Image 11

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clever Trick of Delmas Is Laying
Before Jurors Practically ,
. Entire Defense.
In Spite of Court' Instructions, Evl-
Hence Is, Not Without IU Effect
Question of Legality of Marriage
to Evelyn I Raised. 1
: (Journal IpwUI Sorvtee.) " -.
New York, Feb. 1., Through the
mouths of two alienists, who told whet
Harry K. Thaw aald to them, prac
tically the entire defense waa presented
o the jurors yesterday. This method
1 bringing in the main evidence la re
garded as a master stroke on the part
- Of D. M. Delmaa and he la again praised
generally In ths news-patten fur ills
kill. j
In this way Thaw's whole story Is
given In court without putting; him on
.the stand. ' If he became a witness in
his own behalf ho would be subjected
to a gruelling cross-examination by Dis
trict Attorney Jerome.
As matters stand the correctness of
Thaw's account la not open to chal
lenge, the truth or falsity of what he
1 said in. conversation-with the doctors
not being In Issue, as the Jury was re
', peatedly Instructed, and his statements
are being; testified to only to show bis
. condition of mind. . '..
Xaa rna Zffeot oa Jar. ' , -V
.- Notwithstanding this limitation re
specting such evidence It was apparent
that Thaw's declarations as recounted
s.bythe doctors left a deep Impression
. . on the Jurors, .. Thaw's will and codicil
i slso got into the record and this docu
mentary evidence not only contributed
to show, how completely bis ideas re
specting Whits took possession jot him,
.but tended to confirm the story of his
. wife that she told him of her experi
ences with Architect White before she
.. consented to marry Thaw, the will,
which indicated knowledge of these ex
periences, ' having, been executed by
Thaw on the day of his marriage to
Evelyn Nesblt' . '.
" vaag too Sharp for ferom.
Thaw stated Lo experts that at no
time before the tragedy at Madison
- Square Garden had he formed any Inten
v tlon to kill White and Providence took
the matter out of his direction and
' caused htm to fire the bullets which
ended the architect's life. He thought
"-tit better, however, that White waa
dead, for "it ended forever his pursuit
of Innocent girls." j .,.
'While the members of the Carmen's
union of Portland are making an on
successful light to - secure a raise of
' wages from it cents an hour, the mem
bers of ths Plumbers' union of Port
land have, advanced their Wages to IS
cents an hour, or more than three- times
as much, without a struggle.- For the
past year the plumbers have been get
ting IS a day for eight hours-, begin
ning with March t thay will get f I for.
a day of eight hours. i , .
The master plumbers will not resist
ths increase, 11 explained an oflloer of
Negotiations are in progress for ths
purchase of the quarter block at the
northwest corner of Fourth and Alder
streets by- F. end R. Solomon, pro
prietors of the Wonder Millinery stors
st First and Morrison streets. . Ths con
sideration Is understood to be 1180.600.
The property- belongs to the Catherine
Burke estate.- '."',.''
The purchasers sre planning to im
' (Special Dispatch ' Tbe tarsal,
galena. Or., -Feb. II. Superintendent
B. T. Moorea and his assistants have
completed ths grading of the papers
of ths applicants for teachers' certifi
cates. There were 11 applicants for
first grade certificates, 1 for second
- grade and six for third A Jiumber were
candidates for state papers, inm nign
vst average waa mad by Miss Ethel A.
ny a Portland, Citizen
Find the Struggl
' ' With a back eonstently aching, distressing urinary .disorders, .
Dally existence is but a struggle.
No need to keep it up. . .' ' .' V
' Doan's Kidney Pills will cur you, '
Portland peojffe endorse this claim:
' W. Jenkins of .East Mill street,
Portland, Oregon, says: "I have no oc
casion to change anything that I said
three years ago in recommending Doan's
' Kidney Pills, for Since that tlma othsr
members of our family have found
. equally .beneficial results In treating
kidney complaint. 'Before using Doan's
Kidney PIUS I suffered with acute at
tacks . of backache and a derangement
of the action of the kidneys, and dull,
dragging pslna made it difficult for me
I V IIUBIIU ...J " ,11 I C.Ull
'.a uf using this fine remedy I have bean
free from kidney complaint and back
ache for over thre years, and therefore
feel great confidence in recommending
them to others."
For aale by all deslers. Prica to cents.
"Toster-MIlbufrl "yd., Buffalo," JJew Tork.
sole eg nts for the United States.
' , nememher the nam DOAN'S snd
take no other. '
Great care was taken to suppress the
names of the you hg" women mentioned
by Thaw In his . will as having been
wronged by White.
Jerome In his cross-examination of
Dr. Evans endeavored to get this expert
to classify Thaw's insanity In such a
way as would Justify the district . at
torney In asking the appointment of a
commission to pass on the prisoner's
mental condition and have htm sent to
an asylum,, but the expert, as well as
Delmaa, perceived Jerome's aim and
Dr. Kvans carefully avoided stepping
Into the pitfalls - the district attorney
told. V ---n . - . ,
Jerome Olvea a Bad Bay.
There were several clashes between
Delmas and Jerome and on the whole
Delmaa had the better of the exchanges.
It was not a good day for Jerome, as
nearly all his objections were ruled out.
Dr. Evans, between whom and ths
district attorney there is much ill feel
ing, had a bout with Jerome.- When
Evans responded at one point that he
understood the district .attorney was
trying to get the truth about Thaw's
insanity. Jerome said tartly: "No, sir.
not from you." To ths next question
iff f.mi.., repnen; I am, un..
able to say.1
"What are you able to sayf -asked
Jerome, sarcastically.
Evans looked calmly at Jerome and
retorted: "I ana able to say a good
many things I am not permitted to say
Is Thaw's Marriage Xrtsralf
Delmas was further vexed when, on
handing Evans a copy of Thaw's will,
that the expert might base his opinion
concerning Thaw's -mind on it, he was
informed that Evans had not read it.
Delmas looked in a surprised manner
at his associates, one of them having
been delegated to get the expert to
peruse it. A delay of to minutes was
caused while Evans deliberately went
aver It In court- and Jerome' bad an
other opportunity to criticise the meth
ods of ths defense.
Delmas remarked that Jerome was
not obliged to show common courtesy
If he did not desire.
One point concerning ths opinion of
experts that Thaw was insane when he
wrote his will Is that the legality of
his marriage, which took place at ths
earns time, is left open to question. . t
Delmas Blasts of tttoattom. '
As to the genera) result of the day's
work, on New Tork paper observes: '
Tt has been said that the defense
was not tying up the points of Its case
as it went along; that too many loose
ends were whipping-about aimlessly
the wife's testimony, the matter of ths
will, unfinished evidence of experts and
the statements of two family physi
cians from Pittsburg but certainly Del
mas manner of bringing out Dr. Evans
and - hie - illuminating disclosures has
been a workman-like performance. , it
left no gap for criticism."
the- Master Plumbers' association, "but
wiH sign up with' the union without of
fering any . opposition. . We " need the
plumbers, that's all, and we can't get
them for lesa Ths other. cities of ths
eoast are paying from ft to 17. eO a day
and if ths seals Is lower here the scar
city of plumbers will continue. In fact,
we are generally In favor of the raise,
as it will tsnd to keep Portland plum
bers at home. . It's simply a matter of
supply and demand. The union limits
the supply, and we hare to meet its de
mand , - --
prove ths stto with a modern up-to-date
business block Jo be occupied by their
wholesale. and retail-, millinery, estab
lishment. ,
Dr. C W. Cornelius purchased yester
day a tract containing It lota between
Thurman and Upshur streets extending
ajong Doth sides of Twenty-second.
Th property is a part of the North Pa
cific mills sit and was sold for 140,080.
Law of this city, It 1-f per oent She
win teabn in district No, II. Follow
ing are the' successful ones, by grades:
First Louis K. . Weniger, Salem;
Audrey Hicks, 811 vert on; Ethel Louis
Hmlth. Bllverton; Emma C. Corbarly,
Mil vert on; Albert Froat,' Woodburn; R.
u, Toung. Mount Angel; Uxsle A. Hogg,
naiero; ivy Myrtle Boon, Salem; Retta
E. Joseph, Woodburn: Agnes Langslng,
oaiem; m. rear. Bmitn, Independence.
' Second Flora M. Uvea ley, Woodburn;
F. W. - Broke w,- fUlvortoni Clyde T.
Bonney, nervals; R. W. Canfleld, Marie
i uoodKnecht, Bllverton; Mabel E.
Norwood, Portland; Maud Iris Simons,
Salem; Anna F. , Eastman, Turner; Mag
gie jo. sneriocK, Gertrude M. Quick, 811
vert on; Mabel Magna, Amity; Mar
garet A. Brown. Woodburn; Iva A. Cox,
Chemawa; Nellie Lillian Pate, Jeffer
son; Olive LetA-Lund, Sllvortoru Jessie
need, jerrerson.
Third Estelle" Orettle, Salem; Viola
Retell dribble. Aurora; Martha A.
Skersls. Salem; Armlnta A. Phillips,
Btayton; Katie Shelley. Stay ton; Ethel
A. Law. Salem.
(special DtepJtrk to The Joarasl )
Castle Rock, Wash.. Feb. 1 . About
th most welcome sound that has
greeted the people of Castle Rock for
J!!rm.?nt,l"..,,""t th whistle of
th Robin ahlngl mllL heard for the
first tlm sine th high water of last
November, at 1:10 this morning. The
dally capacity Is IH.OOO shingles, and
II men are regularly employed. In addi
tion to th to men in the two camps
II and 10 mile up th Cowllta river
and eight on the river. The booms
contain affout .0 cards of bolts, suf
ficient to keep th mill running steadily
during the entire year, and work was
begun today with the Intention of run
nlng full time and all th time.
For fire protection additional to that
Supplied by th city hydrants th com
pany ,. has Installed a new Fairbanks
Morse steam pump, five-Inch suction
and four-Inch discharge, which takaa
Its water supply from th river. Fur
ther supply I to. be obtained by eight
two-Inch wells driven to a depth below
th river bed, the Idea being to seoure
a supply of pure water to he usod In
cae of -accident - to ths " city water
system or fts pumping station.
ITarnsy valley people are planting
fruit trees of hardy varieties..
sa. wiuuiv rurx witj.
Locomotive Sngtneet permanently
Cured by These Pills ATtea
Ordinary Bemedies Palled,
Pain that seems almost, unbearable
characteristic of solatia rheuma
tism. In some cases the pain Is knife-
Hice, sharp or shooting; In others It Is I
dull and aching. Sciatica is stubborn I
In resisting treatment snd the patient
frequently suffers for years. -This wss
the case with Mr. Herbert E. Bpauldlng,
a locomotive engineer on the Cincinnati,
New Orleans at Texas Pacific Railway,
whose home Is at Longvlew, Texas. Mr.
Bpauldlng endured ah agonies of sciati
ca for two years in -spite of all that or
dinary remedies could do for him until
he tried Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and
was cured. - -
"While running an engine soma years
ago," he says, "I fell' off and hurt my
knes and spina, and I have always con
sidered this to be ths causa of my Ill
ness. Ths solatloa took hold of me
from my heel to ths back of my head.
The pain waa ths "worst I ever suffered
in my life apd my leg and back were
twisted out of shape, I was under a
physician's cars for several months
nd for six months could not get out
of bed. I also went to HoTBprTngI'
but came back In a worse condition
than when I went. ...
"It was when I was down In bed
that I heard of ths ease of a Mr. Alli
son, a much older man than myself,
who had been cured of sciatica by -Dr.
Williams' Pink Pills. I began taking
th pills and soon was able to get out
of bed. Whoa I had taken six boxes I
was able to work about the house and
yard, I kept right on with 'the pills
until I was on red and I have never had
any return of the trouble. I have been
running an engine ever sinos."
Dr. Wllllama' Pink Pills do not sim
ply relievo pain but they actually make
new blood and have therefor a direct
and powerful curative effect on auon
diseases as rheumatism, sciatica, anae
mia, general debility, after-effects of
the grip, nervous indigestion and head
Dr. Williams Pink Plus are sold by
ell druggists, or sent, postpaid, on re
ceipt of piioa, loo per box, six boxes
12.10, by the Dr. Williams Medicine
Company, Schenectady, If. Y.
v "Caprice," at th Star.
"Caprice," that eld comedy drama, by
means of which many actors have
achieved fan aad fortune, la th bill
at th Star this week. It was pre
sented for th first tlm yesterday and
was well received.
Miss Varna Felton has th part of
Mercy Baxter, in which Mrs. Flake, then
Mlnnts Maddens, mad her first suc
cess. , Much is required of ' th part,
but all requirements and even more
are given by Miss Howard. Tbs role
Is admirably handlsd by the talented
leading lady t the Allen company.
Taylor Bennett gives genuine satis
faction as Jethro Baxter,' -th honest old
farmer. Th play has been a favorite
for many years and will lose nothing
of Its excellence In the bands of th
Allen company, ... , .
"Her First Divorce," at th Grand.
A . one-act comedy by Ella Wheeler
Wlloox and presented by Mattia Keen
and oompany is tbe top-liner at' th
Grand this week. It 1 a cleverly exe
cuted little play, entitled; "Her First
Divorce." It is a story of how a young
woman quarreled with her husband and
sought ths services of a woman attor
ney to secure for her- a legal ee pa ra
tion. Th attorney begins by making
love to th husband and ths wife sud
denly discovers that shs does not oar
for a. divorce, it la not only- a clever
bit of acting, but teaches a lesson that
many women might do well to study.
Miss Keen Is a delightful entertainer
and la supported by a capable company.
Th Grand's bill Includes several first
class features. 0'DU and Hart mad
a hit with their comedy acrobatic
sketch, "Watch th Finish." They are
a pair of real, live entertainers who
work svsry mtnuts they are on tbe
Miss Helen Brandon, a soubrette and
toe dancer, also aide considerably , ln
making in out a winner, une intro
duce some clever novelties In danolng
and received quit an enthuslastlo re
ception. Douglas and Ford, singers and
dancing entertainers, also mad a pleas
ing impression,
Th messenger boy duo, who are
styled harmony singers and comedians,
are faithful worker ia their effort en
titled "Th Life of a New Tork Mes
senger Boy." Master Harold Hoff has
a nsw song, entitled "Somebody's Wait
ing for Tou." Tho Grandasoope baa a
buaoh of new plotures that present
some extremely funny situations.
I Th Grand's new bill waa put oa yes
terday and waa greeted with crowded
houses at each perform an oa.
"Hoop of Gold" at tha Lyric . '
"A Hoop of Gold," a charming old
drama -that has . pleased -thousands. Is
th bill at th Lyrio thle'week. It was
presented by the Lyrlo company yes
terday to a crowded hous and received
an enthuslsstlo reception.
In th somewhat limited part of
Richard Wrenoh, Frank Fanning does
aa excellent piece of acting and brings
out aU there is to th part. Mr. Fan
ning bas won a high plao la th es
teem of Lyrlo patrons and oertalnly de
serves It.
Miss Warda Howard bandlss th dif
ficult part of the unhappy wife with
eonsummata skill. Ths part requires
th expression of much feeling and in
hi capable hands might easily be
overdone. As f'Scotty," th reformed
crook, who becomes a detective, Charles
Connors displays nis versatility and
created a most favorable Impression.
All th Lyrlo favorites are satisfac
tory In this week's bill. There waa a
large audience at tbe opening perform
anc yesterday, .
I . . . . """"BHa
- tom a toono
$12.00 Per Month !
Klrksvllt Infirma
ry of Osteopathy,
room II Grand The
atre building. Wash
ington and Park.
Dr. Bomrnsr, grad
uate in medicine
and osteopathy and
formerly , professor
at th Still College
Of Osteopathy, man
ages. . .
Wednesday :a Great Mill End and
The factory! entire cleanup of lots of mill ends, and also all our remnants. The fin est, newest and daintiest of this season's affects. Valen
ciennes, Torchons, Orientals and Wash Laces of every kind. Just the sorts every woman wants right now, and the urns identical grades all
other stores are jetting full prices for. All bunched on our big bargain booth, and at prices that'll clear every yard before night. ,, One day
only, so come tomorrow if you want any, snd get three, four snd five yards for the price of one. Choice, Set, ttf and 8e yard.
Phone Your
To Private Exchange 326(5, con
' nectlng all departments.
V - Prompt delivery.
The one store where you get the finest, most up-to-date snd latest-style garments, minus the extravagant profits of other concerns." Whatever
you do, don't spend a single dollar for Coats, Suits or Waists until you see what we have to offer; a look coats nothing, snd you don't have to buy.
lots of them
up to $20,
And in th
checks and
Th sam Identical garments that
other stores show la their windows
marked IIS her at . th - bargain
Suits, choic
Women's 50c
Lawn Kimonos
19c for
WeU made,,
food snd fuu.
3c for
Larfe, full else.
highly perfumed.
Women's $2.50
Neck Runs for
Our entire stock goesand every one at less than
cost of making alone. - All beauties, made of best
maline and chiffon, large and full, ribbon-trimmed;
colors black and white. One day only, buy these
dainty $2.50 Neck Ruffi st, each..., :08e)
for $1.50
Yea. it's true $1.50 ones for
24e but not sit $1 JO values,
for some are 50c kinds; so
the plums go to those that
come quickest All maker's
samples, all . leathers, all
styles black, browns, tans,
grays, etc. All in one lot,
50c to , $1.50 kinds, at the
one price, choice,.
"The Country Girl" The-Cingaleo
. Tk Augastla Dsly araslpsl eoaipssr mm
Loeoa snd Nsw Tork will prwsst tbs f
um amslrsl rnasSr. T, Cooutry Otrl."
st ths Helllg tbMitre Monday sad Tims.
Any sights, rsbresry SB sad SH; "Tke Cl
salse" will be UM MU WadnMday aad
Tbnrsdar alfkts. Ss( . sals odsds salt
aasBSsaassaBBSsiaaaas "
Last Time MBuater Brown Tonight.
Tbe last parfnnaase f tbe araalrel car.
toon eonwdy, "Baatrr Brnwa," will se !
st the Halllf, foul tasuth sad Waahinstaa
trata,' toalfht st S IS e'elerh. Pretgr girls,
ralchy Baaie ssd fa sr the sr. dominating
taakaMsv-Seat sale at lbestre bos efrtca,,
The t'mplreH Net Thnraday.
Sagtnolng east Thoraday Blbt. fshrsary St,
Sad eeaUaaing frtday, Saturday sad Sunday
Another wonder bargain and one
son Over 5,000 yards of Laces of all kinds mill ends and remnants to be .slaughtered at
prices that should make this store the busiest spot in all Portland tomorrow.
A One-Day Sensation and No Longer '
For at the prices these go there won't be a single yard left after tomorrow. It's the season's best and
greatest of all kinds, for every purpose, mill ends and remnants, worth 3, 4, S and even
times the money. AU thrown out
woman in town jump for them.
)c Yard
S4 for Laces worth
. to 10C. .
PDimmiiniEPMrniT stdf
j MCK ON YAM Hi m ItOresa
The Crash Has Come Now for
Our WomctfiWintciCoate
Worth up (0 as hioh as $35.00
Not a single solitary one held back or reserved, all our richest novelties,
tb,e finest of pattern garments, elegantly trimmed with velvet, straps, 3)
braiding, etc., plaids, checks and mixtures, silk and satin' lining. Every"
coat in stock is marked for slaughter. Two great' lie ) A O Jl
alL None' worth less than
$29 and even $33. Choice
Great Sample Sale of Women's
$15 New Spring Suits
lot there's some of th prettiest styles
axqulalt novelties In th new club
broken plaids; all colors;
store all day tomorrow. If they last - II
that long. Pick out 111 new Spring U
. , .
25 c
AU Childret Drosses
Here's Bargains That Will
22c for
5c Hem
stitched Handk'fs
Large, full sUe,
white and sheer.
25c and 50c
For ladies, lace
snd embroidered,
. fancy styles.
5.000 Yards lOc and
15c Fancy Ribbons
Also plains, up to 4 inches wide,
finest of silk and satin, and 4
inch -ribbons- for- 5c -a- err -,
yard is the biggest, kind 7f
of a bargain yard....0'H
Saves You Money on Pure Foods .
Here's prices that tell why this is ths busiest grocery in the town. Why not
save as mousanas oi
St lbs. best Granulated
Sugar for.....;.:.sjl.OO
All th beat and most
famous makes, too, aad at
th biggest kind of sav
ings. i ' -:- r-
Wblt Iaf yiour, ' -
ack $1,10
WhlU Satin Flour, '
ack , ... fl.lO
Our own Special Brsnd
Family Flour, nothing
better, fin seleoted
wheat, worth ILtt.
ck , ..(1.00
best and finest grown, IT
lbs. for .....,,,....25)
. 10-lb. sack Cornmal.23e)
10-Ib. sack Graham. .23
10-lb. saok Farina... 3 6
19 iba. Cracked
Wheat ......85
10 lba. Hominy .....27
Full Cream Che,..
lb. ..15e
Home-made Jelly, rsg. lOo
glasses for 144
16e Country Dried Apple.
H. 11
10c Fancy Prunes, lb.. 64)
lie Fancy Dried Pears,
. 114
$5.00 Full-Sige. Six-Piece Fancy Dec- :15c Long-Hndle Fire ShOTel.-.....9
orated Toilet Set ,.f2.8S . 4 "
40c Large 12-Quart Galvanized Water Ur ro11 Toilet Paper ,.......3)
Pail 2 84V 5c Carpet Tacks, all ' sixes .....;;... 1 e
sights, with ' a sasttD Sstvrday, the sa
steal comedy success, Tha Umpire." will be
the art ra attorn st the Helllg theatre. SWteesth
snd Wsahlagtea streets. Vred Msce, tti
lever eessrdlsa with "Plffl Psrfl Post I" st
tea Msranasi Isst year. wUl he saa Is me
title role. Bests are sow ealllsg toe tke em
tire snf aftmest.
"The County Chairman" Tomorrow.
Tomorrow fWedneedar) sight, rebraary SO,
Osorge ids'! poutlrsl eaoiedy, "The Ooaaty
Cbalriaaa." wUl he the attract too. at the
Helllg theatre, rotirteenth ssd - Weahlngtoa
stroata Theodore Babrock wlU he la tha
title rota. See si sre Bow selling.
Baker's Assartd Success.
"Brother OftVrers." that aVllghtfol alary of
srisy life with a regiment Biittah teseere,
has paeead ta. probatlooary Stars, st the Ba
ker ssd Is S pmooiumd oreas. It baa
1 1., a eislsnt sat laf art Ins from the start and
at e ' h arformasro haa been Mn.wi h ,
ssthualastK eudl.ece. "Bretaar Xv-ra la
that -ought to bring the most
on bargain tables and marked at
(O c Yard
for Laces worth
to 30c
for Laces Worth
to 35c -
the Pinal Clean Swtep Sale of
$D.5 HIM
Another Great Lot of Wmens
$8 New Spring Slurts
Th newest, lateat models, plaited aad fancy effects,
mad of Broadoloths, Chavlots, Panamas, Sicilians,
serges, sio. u ooiors ana niacx;
also fancy shadow plaids, checks,
strip and mixture. All tha beat
and 'flnaat of Dress Skirts, -, well
made, fashionably trimmed. All
samples, and vry on worth 17.10
to il.ov ....
Women's S3
Sell Themselves
17c for
35c to 50c
AO pure silk,
plain and fancy,,
all color.
9c for
Men's 15c
and fie
all colors.
25c Busier
Brown Dells
oxners ars,aomgr
Potatoes. , th
lit Faaer Bleaohed
sins, lb. .t...94
II He Ioo Mnscatels.
lb esee9
ltMo Black Figs, l.t8V
lIHe Whit Fig. lb..8
Best Olnger Snaps, -
b. . 10e
8ia M. J. Coffee, etr
fsacy, lb. ........ ..,.23
. .. SO TSLA SAo. . ,
(00 Iba xtra ehole taaoy '
blend Tea, oraethlng very
fin IS heat f It
bought at just half, and
that's th way you gat tt.
AU bast SO Tea, lb.. 2 5
see of tbe
hse predsjeed.
host Blsye the Baker
Many Lenghs at Empire, '
There's a laugh la every Ha of "My
Wire's really." whhrh ft the WU st the
Eaplre this week. It Is certainly aos of
tbo. raanleat plays that has ever See re
aented la this . city end a giving ssilnewt
sstUfsctloa. Big BBdleaeos hsv greeted It
St every erfnrnei-e and there ta every tn
dlostloa that tho Utoreet wUl snatlsne.
Miss Keen at Grand.
hi lee Mattte See, the reportilro artr.M,
who Snr seeeral years haa hen at the ".i
er Bar own coapanT. Is rMn'i
rHrorcc Taae" at the truvl im
playlet te fmra the p-a t t y .
ma and te the oniv .tt t,,i,
a. a rp.r.'l t"r i, , j
H "K-r r'r.t
I w. in
w , ,.. r W il-e-fit
a he la
enormous crowd of the sea
figures that should make every
And All Tiner
Grades at Like
Tbe best and most celebrated
In the world. Prices
, - 10 and IS. , . ; y
Wrappers, now
Read on.
1 7c for
Shams snd
Stand Covers,
all full siges.
24c fori
Fine Jersey knit,
long aleevea
and aleeveless.:
The most popular belt of the day, and scarce We
fw?,0" .f th? .,rr. lucky e "to have them.
White, red and black, double buckle. Only 500
of them, and but one to a customer. While they
last, buy 25c Buster Brown Belts st, each.. .19)
for 39c
Sample Hose
Every pair s sample, finest
of black Maco cotton and
fleece lined, all seamless, aU
sizes. They're the import
er's cleanup lots' and include
spring and winter weights.
It's s great chance for wise
buyers to supply their wants
at less than half price. All
39c to 50c values for ,
J f .
tl will be the flrat 11 - tt,.t '
th.atre gore of
pmirtimlly to an
yeara. V.n
at tna Bt.r lh.
tMa rtty
a Kion.
ifp, la a-
have bxit an
arreted t Ir. I
I t i
' m tSV