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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAE, PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 18, 1007. L -' i. ' . " ... " " ' -. .. '.'.. .... - ; ,,' , , ...... ; . . ' ... . .t , i ,. ... . ... ....... , i " . ' . . ' , '.' .. . . ' -J- , ' TO THL V - , V - : ?, Gold-Mines' ;- : tkm II Leaving Portland at 11:80 o'clock Saturday night, arrirlng at Myrtle Creek 6 o'clock Sunday morning. Returning, leaying Myrtle Creek at 10 o'clock Sunday night, arrhring la Portland Sunday morning at T cdock. After eating breakfast at Myrtle Creek, you will be treated to delightful stage ride of 12 miles up North Myrtle Creek and Lee'a Creek, where you will spend the day in the mountains,' communing; with Nature and exploring1 the greatest deposit of Placer Gold on the Pacific coast and probably the largest in the world: This wonderful treasure bed of Nature haa been .worked for the lat 80 years, in a crude way, whenerer it was possible to 'obtain a little water. . Less- than five acres have been worked, which has yielded a gross output of more than' $100,000 in coarse gold. By the first day of May we will have thiaoroperty equipped to handle two acres of this fabulously rich gravel deposit every 80 days, sufficient water being developed to run from three to five Giants every day in the year. You must see the property, with its miles of ditch, flumes and tunnels,pipe lines, eta, to ..appreciate .its wonderful possibilities. It. contains nearly 1,000 acres of richplacer . ground, ' millions of feet of the finest timber in the state, and only 12 miles from the main line of the Southern Pacific Railroad. REMEMBER, This Trip, Including R. R.' and Pullman Fare, as Well as Yonr Meals and Stane Fare Is ABSOLUTELY FREE -. v; -. i'- ' 'v..-'.--':' vi -. a .--i . .; : .-. ; To all who will sign an application to-buy-fi,000 shares or more of LeeV Creek-Gold Mines at 24 cents per share., on the following conditions : That if after you have seen this property, and find it as represented in every respect, you will pay, before you leave the property, at least 25 per cent of your subscription in cash, and the balance either cash when you return or in three equal monthly Installments. YOU WILL BE UNDER NO OBLIGATION TO TAKE THIS STOCK UNLESS YOU FIND THE PROPERTY AS REPRESENTED. ISNT THAT FAIR? TT 13 OUR WAY. OP. DOING BUSINESS. - OLnVif)P"Ti WN PLJRCH A SFRS Can take adyantaSe ot this excursion by sending in their application and meeting our train at any of the following points: Portland, will send a representative, who will give you all desired information. . Woodburn, Salem, Albany, Junction City, Eugene and Roseburg. Bring or fend your application to the office, or send us a card and m . r STOCK AND BONO OBPARTMBNT. , C OMMONWE,ALTM TRUST CO SIXTH and ANKBNY STS. PORTLAND, ORBQON OFTICE OPEN WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY NIGHTS AND SUNDAY FROM 10 A. M. UNTIL 2 P.M. PRINTERS ACCUSE ' r.iiiiE OWNERS tying Butte Copper Kings Are Only Using Them to Club Their Mine Employes. PRINTERS MUST COME TO . THEM, SAY PUBLISHERS Meeting Rsnlta la Deepening Mutual ""bfflw to CIoaeAdrrttflrt Driven to De pcritt Expedients.- (Sprrlal t)1ptck to Tkt jonuL) Butt. Mont. Feb. IS. Th altuatton - btwn' th locked -out nemlmi of th typogrtphlcal union in Butte and Ana conda and tha newapapera of thoaa two ettlea la a deadlock, with not a dan of a break thua far. Tha prlntera adhera to their determination ' not to yield a potnUdemanded by tha publlahera. They ceclare the publlahera' atatement to them waa an ultimatum, and if any rhlnf in tha nature of a compromise on the matter of waa ia conaidered the .publlahera roust come to them. :' Aa to the changea demanded in tha reatrlctlon (overnlnir tha matter of at- THLSL 75c SHIRTS 39c CLOSING OUT SALE, SAIXM WOOLLN MILLSTORL. tlna- ad a, Prealdent lnatrura of - tha Butte Trpocraphical anion atate the publlahera muat abide by tha typograpk loal nnlon raattlaUona In affect If they aver wlah to open. Aa to wagea, ha atatea4 for hla union that they will not return to work at tha reduction of 60 eenta per man per day demanded by tha publlAt- ra. ot 914 taad 9a. ;X"meetlnaT of tha typoaraphlcal and preaamen a untona waa held lata laat evening:, and while tha preaamen appear dlapoaed to arrive at a settlement tha prlntera apparently feet not inollned to recede one whit from their original tand, whtch ta taken to-indlcate a fcro-' longed alege and shutdown-of tha newa papera of Butt and ' Anaoonda tor montha. Tuesday all of the Independent Job printing houses in tha city will aue pend. or as soon aa such contract aa are on hand hays been completed. ' The publlahera mat committee' from the allied printing crafts laat evening, but .. nothing waa . accompllahad other than azpreaalons from the publlahera and the printers that each aid stood pat, with no ennceaalone in sight." Tha publishers atate there wlU be no further conference with the prlntera unleaa asked for by tha latter. Object Season to AdverUeere. Tha ahut down of tha nswapaper has Involved an odd legal queatlon that la occasioning no and of worry among the lawyera of tha city. - Under the Montana atatutes legal notlcea muat be run without caseation, and tha present Interruption of their publication with no opportunity for their being printed in any county paper add to the complica tions, .. - . .. Big mercantile establishment are re sorting to all klnda of schemes for tha advertisement of their warea. Banda are parading tha streets with bannera telling of bargains and the atreets ars adorned with gaudily colored atreamera, imparting an almost gala appearance to tha city, while handbill have been scat tered broadcast with ' utter abandon, in aome eaaes tha posters literally cov ering the walks. . .. With Heine out of tha political field. the odd assertion ta Mads that the new, papers are making mora money by ceasing publication. It being stated on the moat reliable authority that the Butta Miner and other papere coat their owners about 140,000 annually, v Kins Owners' Wot AHegaeV Labor leader atate that tha move on the part of the newapapera, which are backed by the big copper interests of Butte ia a scheme on the part ot the mining companies to Impress the miners, who, it is stated, propose ask ing an Increaae April 1. with tha futility of their demands. The hodcarriera of .ha city have formulated a new seals, demanding l& 10 per flay, while the car penters aak $7. Th plumber recently demanded M, which scale now preva.Ua. Today th Iron uiolder at 'Anaconda in th foundry "of th Amalgamated Copper company will atrlk for Increaaed. wage, effecting 190 men. . - NsWsboys have been retailing outside paper at 10 cent a copy, ' . . . March 31 Is Easter. Oome early thl year, but our new styles of aprlng hat have not waited for that day to mak their appearance, We have them now charming oreatlon of the milliner art. We have there to oorreapond to all . cotnptextona, to all color of th eyes and hair and contour ot th countenance. W have them for the tall, medium, or ahort lady, and for th corpulent or slender. I. Palala Rnya.1 la not only tha home of- fashion- hie apparel for tmt body, but the cita del of fashion for the head,' at a leaa price than any other ator la th city. J, 5 w axtiing ion autet. BlfJGHAfil BILL M -FIND FAVOR Defeat of Irrigation Code Meas ure Turns Eyes Toward .' 1 Practical Substitute. . RIGHTS OF LOGGERS CAREFULLY GUARDED Opposition tolwBuggeated bj Board ot Trade) ' Came) From Water User Who Thought Their Interest Wen Put In Jeopardy. - (By a Staff Omaspeadeat.t - Salem, Or., Feb. It. Frlenda of th Irrigation coda .which wa killed .laat week in th house will make another ef fort in th aenate to bring the bill back to life, and under an amended form to paaa It through tha house. Early In the aesalon th Portland board of trade irrigation code wa "In troduced la th house by Perklna of Jackaon and In tha aenate by Senator Whealdon. The opposition to the bill from th 1 power lnteresta of outhrn Oregon eepiolSlly, and all over th tat generally, caused the Irrigation oommlt tee to proper what wa practically a aubstltute bllL -The houae defeated thl bill, but It atlll remain on th annate calendar aa a aubstltute for th Whealdon bill. i . One great objection to th Irrigation code bill wa that It gave th atate en gineer too much power; another wa that it would interfere with tha riparian light of water power owner In Jackaon and other counties. It waa In reality this latter objection that killed the houae bllL A strong effort will be mad during tha nest day or two to further amend th Whealdon bill to such an xtent that th private Intereata can have no none for holding their lineup Intact In the house, and thue force th bin through. It ha now com to be a cry of half a loaf, -If a whole on can not be had. In th event that th Whealdon bill fall to paaa either houae or senate, or if It I found beforehand that th op pealtlon to It cannot be overcome, the irrigation foree will rally to. th Bing ham bill and mak an effort to rush It through at th eleventh hour. The latter measure differ from th irrigation code bill In that It I mar liberal with th logging men and th water power Intereata It commence by providing that no exlatlng right can be disturbed. Senator Bingham ha prepared what I practically a aubstltute for hla original bill, drafted to meet th opposition that has arisen to water leg islation. It la very much Interested in th paaaaga of hla bill, and will use all hi power with th organisation of th aepat to fore it through" both houses. The Bingham ' bill blda fair to cause on of th hard-fought battle of th laat week of th session. It I very probable that Bingham can fore the meaaurs through th aenate. because of hla cloae affiliation with the organlxa tlon. It la alao very .certain that h can hold a club over the head of the t Imposition IA th house and place aom of Jackaon county' pet legislation In th danger son it he eo dealrea. . In th opinion of those who hop to see Irriga tion leglalatlon, therefore, Bingham la looked upon aa th key ts th situation, and there la much more expectation that hi bill will become a law than that th iirigatloQ code bill will under the guid ance of Senator Whealdon pass both bouaas. i ' JOHN DOE PAPERS FOR SWIFT TRAIN DRIVERS Salem. Or., Feb. It. A John Do war rant has been sworn out from City Re corder Moore office against ths driver of engine No. 1386. which -draw th Cottage Orov local train, charging him with violating aeotioa tt of ordlnano tot. In running hi train faster than six mUea aa hour within th corporate limit. Th complaint was sworn out by Alderman F. O. Has, who aome daya ago called th attention of Th Southern Paelfio oompany to th provision of th ordlnano regulating th speed limit of tram within th elty. ejeaaaaasnaaas fesai sai eases rggasBasaaassa aaaaassaBssai bbb ass ' ' Society Night at Oaka Rink. Tonight Is th night ast asld by th management of th Oaks rink for eon pis akatlng.' All mualo akated In cou ples - No admlasiotr sharredr- a ka tea cost lie. Cars every 10 minutes to the Oaks rink. The event of th aon will be the grand colonial carnival at Oaks rink Friday night. February II. Thoaa deatrlng to compete for prise must hurry and secure their ooatumes, as ths ooatumera report a heavy aal already. Rink will be decorated to- suit -ths oo caalon. Nothing will be left undon to mak thl th grandest event aver on th coast. Nothing prettier than a oo lonlai masquerade. Thousanda enjoyed thetneelvee yeaterday at the Oaka rink- crowd are Increasing dally. The man agement haa let contract for resurfac ing the enormou floor of whit maple at th big Oak rink and work will be commenced at one at night and will not conflict with tha skating whatever. Porto Rico in Quality as well - ' as in Name There ire plenty of so-called Porto Rican dgars, many -of them made of tobacco grown in the United States; these brands will likely multiply in number since the jfeV cent increased cost of Porto Rican leaf. , That's why 6mokers everywhere should b . inore particular than e ver to get the genuine; EtTORO (Exact tiu mnj 4s) Ai0msJtt PanthU ftntUU Finmt Cigar 5 Cents . This is one cigar you can' be sure Is Porto Rican in quality as well as in name, made in Porto Rico, exclusively of Porto Rican tobacco. The El Toros now on the market are finer in quality than ever, because of the unusual excellence of this year's crop in Porto Rico, only the best selections of which are used to make the El Toro. Made in a thoroughly modern factory, with facilities, and methods unequalled by any other manufacturer, El Toro cigars are unquestionably the finest 6-cent cigars Porto Rico has ever produced, Every El Toro cigar is now banded so you. can be sure you get the genuine. It cojits you only five cents, as always. The El Toro is superior to any other cigar sold at 6 cents. Porto RicQ-ArnericAn Tobacco Company Tklanafaotarer, aa Joaa Porto Xlloo XACOW, JsnigAW ft CO, Otstrlbafen, Portland, Ore, It, t -t (ATMur ouiiiriuiw ooicrAjrT MAtmrnw ovmmxm coMPAtnr KXI ; REJOLVED I OZ HtliyeveRJiGLo AXllv V AND W'5HOULD MJL EE 1 V&r" tSREP$ZSQ4V AND A iBJM a i . .lalBa-Bjaaass,Jl.J( 1 Carratear flr tuaas STUNNING SUIT NOVELTIES Notwithstanding the present freight and express inadequate services we were f of tunate to receive 48 Suit Models of stunning modes. These clever creations demonstrate that the spring styles are fixed and the many novel changes mark our su perb showing as perhaps the most comprehen sive ever displayed in Portland, , New designs, new fabrics, new colors. These garments illus trate the clever and tasteful creations in the smart and charming Etons, Prince Chap and ' Pony Coat styles. ThePrices Range From $20 to $65 In addition to the best styles and qualities we place our credit system at your disposal. Ycu select whatever you may wish and arrange to pay for same in small weekly or monthly pny- ments. Eastern Outfit ii n r-: - Washington 1 r' fir! p " u 1