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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, " PORTLAND, ' MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 18, 1S07. THREATEN TO CANCEL v - " COLONIST RAIL RATES RaNways Thus Hope to Prevent Enactment of Two-Cent a' ' Mile Fare Law," '.; TRAFFIC IS NOW TOO J ; HEAVY FOR MAIN LINES ' PongesUon ot Trains at 6tmpeda Tunnel Through )lh acade ' Forced Northern Pacific to Begin - Construction on the Kcw Road. Becaua a number of weatem etate legislature have had up Tor eonaldora ' tlen bill making th standard paasen "ger rata 1 " cents jbt" mflev some of the railroad have threatened to caaoal all' colonist ratea Public anttment ac knowledge thl attltuda of , th rail road manager by Increasing hostility toward railroad eorporatlona Tha pub llo refuses to admit that lt-ia -really under the tbumb of the rallroada Speaking for PaclBO northwest ship pers and producers to tha railroad man agers at Chicago, Victor XL Beckman said: ,. - . "Wa art here. Wi have establlahad lines of business. W cane hero la tha beginning;, and mad It - worth " whlla. You, tha railroads, are hero because of it Tour policy 1s not o build rail roads until there la IraUlo aufflcient to pay you. Very well; we hay created the traffic Now you must take car of It. or wa will compel you." V Threat af XU1 Boa. ' ' The Great Northern railroad manage ment has threatened to abolish Its colo nist rates this spring If any state, la the northwest adopts a l-cent fare bill. Tbe Northern Pacific management has not yet been heard from on the passen ger rates aubJacL The Union" Pacific baa freely announced Its colonist rates. TO CATCH THE PUBLIC EYE WEAR A MOUSELET ON YOUR BONNET We, sleeklt, ereepln', ' cowerln' beast!," wrote Bobble Burn when h saw a little mouse overturned la' a fur- now. And another Urn h - wrote an ode to a mtoerabl ltttl creature on a woman' bonnet In church. Th poetic ...1 - Cima wvmtlA ttava hn AtirtA beyond tteasur had h beea presented with th opportunity to combla th two theme. In hi day mice were rarities, and had not yet beoom th fashionable : trimming for baby hood and women' 'bonnet.- -; -y " - ; V. . i,,"... -The other day a prominent woman of a beautiful suburban - home, who - has many friends In- town. . cam In to do some shopping. She listed up her proa : pectlve purchases - and - found the list growing so alarmingly that aba began ' to take aeclous account of a recently , proposed legislation permitting women , to buy-enly two hata a year. . i '1 will wear my la at year's spring bonnet," ah told herself a she hastily r-m n th, kiiimIw, nt tnn fp H k e. aha could mak with th rsoncy saved. She quickly apportioned to each of her two daughter a handaom ball gown: to ber on an automobile apiece, and to her husband an expensive collection of th best Hood River apples to display at th next world' fair at $5.9 per. "They at Worth th sacrifice of my new spring bonnet," sh smiled, aa ah brought out th old en, and with a pre liminary but absent-minded brush her and there which resolved Itself Into a love pat a she thought of th happiness sh would glv her family h adjusted It hastily and hurried out., . When ah reached th oar th con ductor helped ber on and eyed her bon net curiously. Surely hi unskilled eye could not detect th remnants of an other spring's fashion, th ''wearer ' thought, and tried to forget hi look. j ns pasawngcra lurireu , iws tier, too, and now and then sh heard ayjiup- . pressed giggle. Bhe thought h bad seea people year last year's bonnet be fore, and had never found the matter eo comical. Thea why should these people laugh T A sh want out on th ..,BhA ...Dl.h. ,111, at her. - ' - A "cop" looked at her In dignified sur rrlsa, and started directly toward her, then turned away with a broad grin. Th shop girl smiled and became mor impudent - than ' usual. . - The elevator It you like variety in headgear ''aa well in your clothes) com to - the unbiased tore com where there's a liberal stock liberal assortment and - liberal . treatment., " .;: . Thin week our ftrest showing of THE LION SPECIAL HAT. A regular $2.50 trade and all tha latest blocks and colors of the 45 makes. ; ,: ; , - 1 SPECIAL $1.85 ClotliinqCt) MenVand Hoy' Outfitter!,. . Mohawk Cuildirg. 1"! r,l ICS Third Street. but all transcontinental lines are with holding announcement of cheap conven tion Tates for tbe season of ltot. - ,. The Transcontinental Passenger as sociation, which met a few days ago at Chicago, discussed the rates and events, and the probable tourist movement for the summer, but kept a grave silence ourxld Its executive sessions, and ad journed without announcing convention or tourist rates. It baa been saia an announcement will be mad about April What effect the railroad hop to hava upon legislation by this move is not told. While tboy have, by maklngcheap rate for occasional period . acknowl edged that travel la Immensely stimu lated by lower passenger fares, they fiercely oppose any -suggestion of mak ing the low rate permanent tr iegiaia tlon that would reduoe passenger fares uniformly to I cents a mile. rreeeat Tram lrmadoaa ' If railroad could exist year go at t cents per mile for passenger fares. When- -there was not on sixth the travel there Is today, the people who pay fare are- wondering what must bo tha rail road' profits now that every passenger train 1 crowded, and, there 1 . not enough equipment to go around. It 1 said the Northern Paoltlc Rail road company' congestion at Stamped tunnel wa the actual causa that forced the building of the north bank road. The best that could be done at the tun nel wa to put a train through It every 40 minute, and the road' trafflo wa largely In excess of this Imitation. The Great Northern Is confronted with the same problem at Cascade tun nel, and train "la being so seriously re stricted by It that J. J. Hill president of the company, 1 estimating the cost of double-tracking the Great Northern' entire main line. The builder of the Chicago, Milwaukee tt St, Paul' Pacific coast extension already realise that a single track for-tUat road will not do. and are providing- ' room for double track all along the line. The O. R. A N. company, by dividing It through trafflo with the Natron rout and the Oregon Eastern, will b In a position to minimise trouble over main line track age facllltle in Oregon, v ' man cleared hi throat and closed th cage with a shrug of his shoulder. Th newsboys on th street offered her a paper, but before ah could answer turned away with ahouta of laughter. Even her friend merely n Vded as they passed bf quickly by and smiled. not to her but at her. So th lady de cided to hurry horn. On her arrival sh called a oonclav of her family. "I anything th matter with' my bon net T" sh demanded, and wa met wlfli whoop of laughter. No on could an swer forth gasp of rntrthv but rinaii by deaf-mut signals, they conveyed tpj ner me raea mat an must take It off and look at It . Which ahe did. And there, reposing peaeef nlly In th eoft bed of laat year's pom-pon, snd peeking timidly out from the enfolding mate, was a tiny mouse, which blinked at her, and finally began to laugh Ilk everyone else had dona. There were traces of a whole family which, had lived and fount Its being there, but with only on had th sense of humor remained tronger than th ease of fear. Whll th mother and her other offspring had scurried off thla littl fallow had remained to play th clown. : .. ' v BIG JUNCH OF ROSES ' atv Thl tlrt aad atak geieetien : ron I took Thorough y OaaraaV eed iowsst rrlees U Oregon. W guarantee Ur tock. and thl list n rvmom are not urpd en t thl i roses, Aamirai Dewey, t nn verr beautiful Bride, th Bridesmaid. Catherine Mer viara wataon, uomtosae de Frlg neuse, Covuett da Lyon, Cornelia Cook. v.aunu jtva Btarhemberg, Dr. Grill, Etoila do Lyon, Golden Oat. Grac Darling, J. a Varrona, Madame Host. Madam Cochef, Whit Uimam Cochet, Marl Van Houtte, Nlpheto. Papa Gon tler. Pari deg Jardlna., Rainbow, New Crlmaoa Tea Rose, : fiafrano. Sunset, 8ou. de Catherine Gulllot and these re markable hybrid tea roses, famou for their continuous blooming a for their xqulslte perfum; Bell Slebrecht tnew, juDiiee (new), Kalserln Augua ta victoria, LA France, Liberty.' Ma dam Carolina Tea tout, Mr. Robert uarraic, souv. de President Carnot Triumph d Pernet Per, Vlscountens Folkestone, and uch hardy perpetual aa Baroness Rothschild, Captain Chris ty, Clio, Fisher Holme. General Jac queminot, Glolre de Lyonala, Her Ma jesty, Oram An Teplltx, Mabel Morrl on, - Marchioness of Londonderry, son. Marchioness of Londonderry, Mra Mrs. , Bharmaa Crawford. Prince Ca milla d Rohan, Paul Neyron, Clrich Brunner, and of climbing rose thes oholce varieties: Mr. Robert Pary, Climbing Meteor, Climbing perl De Jardlns, Climbing Bafrano, Gloir d Dijon, La Marque, Madam Alfred Car rier, Marcbal Nell, Rein Marl Hen rietta. William-A. Richardson and Crim son "Rambler. It had not ought to be difficult to select aa order from an ar ray of bushes Ilk these. W believe. In fact, that w hate th largest stock of roaea In Oregon, and know that we ell at th vary lowest price. J.J. Butter, m Front street, between Tay lor and Salmon. ;, - SAM WHITE THE TRUSTY TAKES LEAVE OF JAILERS : ' '." ' ' 1 - '. '. t, i..,'. (".rwetat Dkeatrb e Tie learnsl.t Baker City, .Or., Feb. U. Tiring of life In the county Jail, flam White, ra- Dexxiing cjera ot inn hotel Bagamora. haa absconded, leaving aa mpty cell nd 10 months unexpired servltad be hind him. Whit was trtnd as a truaty and given his liberty during th day tlm. A fw day ago, when re leased In th morning, he itole awsy and haa not been seen sine, , . ..... - Having stolen 127 of .th Hotel Saga mor fund while acting as clerk, Whit was arrested snd sentenced to a year in th county 111. He bad served a little mora than two month when b mad his aaeap.'" . i : . Dancing rarty mt Albany. rNpeelal DMrwteb te Tss lean si " Albany. Or., Feb. It. On of tb so cial event of th season was th an. nnal dancing party gtvea at Buflsard' ball by tha T. R. A. Girla Th hall wa beautifully deeoratad In everyreene. Th patroneeae were Mr. V.'1 Woodwnrth, Mr,- Wallaea. Mrs.. J. 1C. Weattjerford and Mr. W. B. tevena. COWTIONPAYS THE PIANO PLAYER Those Who patron! ZUer Flaao Bona find Great fcavlng of Money la Cooperative Clu Tar easing. ' lianV peorle wonder how Etler Pin Houw can afford I sell Its standard make ot pianos at price thai permit j of a saving ot from )lv0 to f.'OO each. The Question la a fair one and haa beea I asked aeveral Unee at feller atearooma since thla great sale was Inaugurated. fcllera i'Uno House contracts for its upply of pianos from the manufacturer at one time, for the aiuire r. ..As a consequence, thia koua la able to se cure the very lowest price for hun dred of carload at a time. Thee pla ne re hipped at stated Interval dur- ln tha vmm r. in aecniiince With the term of the contract. The enormity of I th quantity maka a tremendoue sav ing in freight rate a well. . ' Th . othor dealer, ' not having th enormous trade of a firm like Ellers 1-liino House, and not having the stor age capacity! buy In small quantities -not over two or three piano at any on time. ' He usually purchase of th jobber, not even getting the sdvantage of the manufacturer' price. Thla show the wide margin between tbe high prloe the small dealer has to pay and the low price -av large house like Kilera pay. ' Thla alao shows the reason for - the very remarkable fact that Kilers Piano iiuuse can aeu one pianu in rumauu one customer at a lower prlc than the average small dealer would have to pay for (he sam piano at the Jobbers. ln other words. It shows the great advan tage of the methods of buying that have been adopted at tilers Piano House. Having a surplus stock of 419 pianos on hand and needing tha room, Kllers Piano House conceived the idea of giv ing the benefit of wholesale prices to their customer. , They reasoned that if a dealer came to their store and showed a disposition to purchase 100 pianos or more they could afford to make him a very close price. Therefore, they fig ured, if 48( peopl came to their store, showed an Inclination to purcTias 41 pianos, made arrangements for that pur- i-haaa and alao for the payments, E Pisno House could well aflord to give thoae people th benefit ot an extremely low price a lower prloe. In fact, than they could glv to tb small dealer, un less that dealer also bought 48 planoa. This, thsn, wss the Inception of th Cooperative Club Idea of selling pianos in Portland. Bine th Sale was first announced hundred have Joined one or the other Of the cluDe; nunureos oi pia nos have been delivered to hundred of hnnui and hundred hav been made huppier- bv thia extremely modern Bieth ot of buying planoa Mor than this. thousands of dollars cave peen saveu by th puroliasera - . The club list ar filling rapidly and th chance ar that there will not be many vacancies left In a short tiro a. - A great many ar now sonaidertng thalr application for membership, f t la urged that they bad better mak tip their mind ia a day or eo today, U possi blefor th number ot memberships is limited, as well a the number of pia no Included in th sale. At any rate. It does not cost a cent to Investigate thl method of piano buying and a call at Ellers Piano House, Washington, corner of Park, will soon demonstrate to any person the feasibility of this plan. Tim will n me ume xor you 10 iaia It ovr: then you can mak up" your; mind which etyl of a piano you want in your borne; then you can determine lor youraeil now muon you are son id pay for a piano and how much per week you can anoru. inm srs iavrw uvuiib. The point la, do you want a planoT Do you want It nowt Do you want It-at a lower price than ever before?.. Do you want It on the cooperative iiuo pian, where tber 1 no Initiation fee, no due nd every cent goe toward paying for th piano you select T If so, do not de lay your visit to Ellers Piano Ho vis another day. De It today. Do not delay. IS HONOR OF FOURDER OF WH1TMAH COLLEGE ; Addresses In Tribute to Dr. My ron Eells, by His Brother ,'.) and Others.-'., .;:'. (Special Dlspsteb t The looraaL) - Whitman College, WaUa Walla, Wah.. Feb. is. Commemoration services la honor of Dr. Myron Eells, D. D., wer held Friday aa th principal featur of th observance ot Founder' day, which Is celebrated annually On February It. Dr. Eelle, who bad bean a life-long friend of Whitman college and a trustee of It sine th death of hi father, tb founder of th college. In IMS, died at his bom on th Bkokomlsh Indian res ervation In Maaon county, Washington, last month. Ho waa on ot th oldest native son of old Oregon, bora neat Spokan, In 1&43. ' - Th principal featur of tb exercise .wasa careXuHy prepared . address by tha brother of the deceased, Edwin Eella of Tacoma. th oldest living na tive son of tha northwest, giving an out line of th long, busy and useful life of Dr. Eell a missionary, aducator and author. . , . . In behalf of. th board of trustee Allen H. Reynold, cretary of th board, gav aa appreciation of Dr. Eell" Ufa and discussed hi relation to th Ilf of the college. N. O. Blalock, pres ident of th board, alao spok a few appreciative worda, From th 'estate of Dr. Eells, a pro vided In hi will, Whitman college ha received two ' invaluable collection, which h spent ever SO years In accum ulating. Tb first Is composed of about 1,100 curio relating to th Indiana of Puget sound, many of which could not now b duplicated at any price. Th second Is an equally rare and valuable library of om 100 volume dealing with th arty history of th northweat. Tbe college oonsrder Itself particularly fortunat In curlng two collections of such great and. constantly Increasing value. ' .",;"" ' - : . - u .. ALBANY GOOD PLACE . - FOR SCOURING PLAINT (Spedsl Olsrsteh t Tee Joaraal.) Albany, Or.. Feb. IS. Albany will un doubtedly hare her woolen mill rebuilt, hould th plan of a large eastern manufacturing company mature. It ia planned to reconstruct the old mill and glv th city on f th largeat mill In tb tat. It la considered that th waters Of th Willamette river ar par ticularly adapted to th perfect scouring of wool and for thla reason th elty haa been chosen a th site for on of th mill of a large ayndicate, to be located t various places throughout th north- WSt. --: . ' - - . SNOW FILLS RESERVOIR . WITHOUT RIVER WATER ' " Hermlston, Or, FebT 'IS. Enough water ha run to west down Cold Spring eanyon during the - present thaw to fill th government reservoir to th brim without drawing ea th supply In th Umatilla river. Th reservoir site for th Umatilla government Irrigation project I so lo cated that it drain ai larg scop of country snd with a modarst snowfall each son It Is believed It will be Made so by the laying out of many interesting "SPECIALS" of V sort you most need and At PRICES TO SURPRISE TheWeek's Attractions Up Stairs For 39c , Breakfast Eacques. J For 98c oVgv; Phort Flannelette or Jap Crep Kimono. For 98c .V:'j - Whit Waist, lac and embroidery trimmed; fi values. For $5.88Vatl05f IVCravenette Rain Coat In the house. Som elegant ,"tyla . v. " ' ..! - For $7.88f07. mis'; , ' Suit In th house, all stylos ar represented. - .,' ; . i At Hosiery UndenvearT Counter - mm wi!.!, aa- . . szarxvATm - Boys Heavy " """ Ribbed ' . Black Cotton Ko, . ' doubl aolea, par . fAr pair ; Ladles' Fancy Openwork Stocking, flowered or atrlDCd. per 1 C- skein Mir... .......... .' pair - For lOc Child' Mnslln Drawers, tucked and hematltched, or ' Mualln-Petticoat, jrith ' walxt; or Ruffled Petticoats, with out waist jr or - ; Hesry Drilling TJridsr Waist. I -. v t TUB STORE . THAT. .' UNDBR8GLL8 posslbl. to supply It from thl sourc. leaving th supply In th river a a r erv resourc in case of a light now tall. -, .-I ... . Thoae who hav watched th progreee of th government project In th Cold Spring dUtrlct ar elated over the possibilities of . th country trlbnUry to It. An tmnjen territory drain Into th reservoir during th winter and spring aeaaona, bene th supply -will be abundant and th possibility- of Irri gating during th entir seaaorl will be assured. ....... . Work on all features of th project wUl begin with renewed vigor, a aoon as th weather settlea Over 409 men v- In both the : vital s character tobacco-blend . . . : a a 1 are suoreme. lhev are considercxl, mellow blend of "Dubecs"tne , leaves found choicest , by the Turkish tobacco experts when they make their final sorting of . a crop. They are rolled in either white rice paper, or that brown mais each paper thin, crimped, equipped with a mouthpiece, and burning evenly and fragrantly to the end Look for the word "Dubec" on the package and tell your dealer which paper you prefer. ' I, - YouH be delighted with the rich, full-flavored tobacco taste which comes in Sultan Cigarettes. v 20 for 25c V 7 WHY PA YMORE? ; r ,' -: -, ,....v, . . Qubs and Good Tobacconists Everywhere. ' THE JOHN UOLLMAN Ca, THIS WILL BE AN IMPORTANT WEEK AT See pur New Varieties of Spring . H M ' - Dress Goods ; : -: I i';- As We Win ffeThem ThisJVVeclc POPULAR GRAYS, 25c. r-rVeryfieht shades, in check or fine stripe effects. - - . ;' CASHMERES, 29c. v 38-inch, all wanted colors ; they will be much worn.-: '; : - '.. LIGHT FANCIES, 59c 88-inch new' Spring shades, plain or checked. ' ,V ; , PANAMAS, 50c. -. Or Mohairs, in 'plain or broken checks; 38-inch. '; Some f the Things That Pennies Can Buy at Our Notion ' Counter Imported Saxony,- in all colors, per iSf - h"PeetsTIooTcs and Eyes, large or ' small, -black of, white; regular :10c, per package 5 : Ladies' black double Pocketbooks : 25cTraIues,'for . . , i . . .15 Fancy colored Garter . Elastic, fj inch, mercerized ; per yard i . . j Black or white Machine Cotton, per spool .7. 2 , Children's extra heavy web ; Hose Supporters; black and colors; per orters; black and colors; per .15 Any McCall Pattern FREE ,With one year's subscription to the McCall Magazine, of Fashion, 30c - a year, if called for, each month." 50c ' a year by mail. . ,.y ANAri re now employed on th canala and dltehea under construction, and actual work on th ressrvolr will soon bagia. Th locomotive, car and ' equipment ar now at tb alt of th reservoir. - , : Tb Teat Bncket-Bhop Law. rj ' : ' Atlanta, Q.. Feb. It. A peelat ses sion of the criminal branch of th an perior court convened today for tha trial of th case brought to test th Boykln anti-bucket-shop law, which went Into affect throughout Oeorgla on January 1. Th defendant Include th manager and, employe of th boardrof trad and various brokerage concerns, who war Indicted for violating th law. points of cigarette and paper 3 l: CIGARETTES: made of a carelullv- Mannfactarers, Ban Frandsco i TT A T9 SICILIANS, '58c 52-inch ; they will be very popular in brown, and black. , v , . ' CHECK PANAMAS, 88c.; . 45-inchJ in' blue, green, brown and gray shades.. .i---y-i:ZJ.zj:: TAILOR SUITINGS. $1.35. Mannish weave, 56-inch; the stylish broken plaid patterns.. ' ; , ' . MOHAIRS. $1.50. ' ' Extra grade, 56-inch,- -black ( and navy only. ; ', v '',; '':Z:i f This Week ; C White Pearl Buttons, large or small, J - per dozen , . ,v. ... Finishing Braid,, in all colors, plain white; bolt lf Wire Hair Pins; twolarge pack-1; ages for...., .,... 5 Popular . Peter yPan Purses, all col- ' ors;on sale at ,.,..15 Daintily;, Embroidered : Turnovers, 5 and ........ i..,..;..i..,10e "Odds and Ends" : Ladies: Stylish ; Belts, silk, leather or velvet, "fancy i Ruckles j values 4ip to $1, for,;15f . Don't Forget to Ask ) for ' Trading. Stamps When pasted In the books which we provide,- each, page .is, worth 15c Start a book now. - ' V ..' . IPS ITrast "TTt. ' o . mi smess: Those having estates to be conveyed on the" -4happeriingof specif ic contingencies ; properties ; "( to be. deeded to. heirs at certain future dates, )' . and to be held in-trust meanwhile; titles to be ; : held pending litigation, division, sale or other :l dispositionj will find it to their interest to con- suit with us. . .;y " "' r''v:. ,v ;''y'V,;We'niake-a''specialty(of trust matters in all . their varied forms and are especially equipped for this service. , Merchants & Trust 247 Yashington Street' Capital Fully laid $150,000.00 J. FRANK WATSON. R. L. DURHAM . . . . ... . . W. H. FEAR. . . ....... .'. S. C. CATCHING, i . . . . . . O. W. T. MUELLHAUPT. , . . , . . . . . . .Cashier - J t ! f ." I - v' - ' I ;i''lV e " t i i 4 9 SOME OP Th e Week's Attractions down STAIRSJ Qlnghams 7c . New effect ' in check and stripes, such pat. tern you, oannot re- , lt v Lawris'l 0 c " Targ or mall design In all pretty color aad pattern. . . . -., Cordette Percales 10c , Pull ' yard wide, dainty - patterns,' in all oolored Bgurea . , , -' :. New Challles ;-; sc: .-: A; An endles assortment of patterns In light or 5'? I aara-aoiora or Many Helps for : Housekeepers sir tn sokxitio Strong Kottlngham Net Lac Curtalna, IVi yd, long, aeveral pattern, ?St"!.!h.,..:,.30c Bleached English Linen Both Towels, 1 inch . long,, very heavy, e -best. grades, ach H" .Irish nd Oerrran Ism -sk Table Linen, abo- ' lutely pur linen, AH r 0 In wld. yrd...' Huck Towel, tt Inches long, red border; Or 16o values, for......yfc' Hemmed Crochet Bed Ppreada. largeat else, heat quality In . '7- , Oragon, tor. 144-146 THIRD ST. ' BEST. ALDBR AND MORRISON Investment Company ......President . . . . . . . ; . Vice-President :. .... ...... , . . Secretary . , . .Assistant Secretary J V 1 . the t . ,. ...a. i... nmisflni . , - ; v