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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 18, 1807. i . .... ' PYTHIAN CASTLE TO BE DEDICATED TUESDAY r . Handsome Building at Eleventh and Alder. DEDICATE CASTLE OF PYTHIAfSS Grand Lodge Officer and. Many Other Officers Will Be In the City on Tuesday.! ; KNIGHTS FROM. ALL... OVER STATE COMING M. F. Da via. Grand Chancellor, Will Deliver the Dedication Address, land Judge Bradahaw Trill Follow With the Anniversary Addreas. On of the moat Important events In the Pythian history of Oregon will be the dedication of their casUs horn at Eleventh and Alder streets tomorrow evening. -The ceremonies-will also com memorata the forty-fourth anniversary of the founding ef the order-- - - .' It Is expected that tally to Knights, a large, pert of whom will come from various parts of the state, will be In attendance, 'and all of the grand lodge officers, unless detained, by sickness or some other unavoidable cause, will M present. : . : .: . r . :-. The dedication address will be given by Grand Chancellor Marlon F. Davis tt Union and will b followed by the anniversary address by Supreme Repre sentative Judge W. I Brad shaw of The Dalles. The evening will be given over to entertainment - and dsnclng- In - the lodge room halls which will be elaborate ly decorated for the occasion. The com mittee in charge consists of J. O. Fox, aJrronn; F., P. Baumgartner, K. R. una. T. E. Dowllng, Fred P. ' Holm, Joseph Supple and Qua C Moaer.' . Who la MetsrerT Ha fits your syes for 1100. Ill Sixth street. . . VICTIM ; OF LAMP EXPLOSION DIES . v. ',.':"-. j ..-4.v:j-v Mrs. ' Machette Follows ' Little - Daughter After Telling of."' : 1 ;-A. - the Accident. ' - -'f " After lingering tn agony for over 14 hours. Sirs - Daisy Machette. who was terribly burned Saturday morning In her home at Gilbert's crossing while endeav oring to- save her 1-year-old daughter Katharine from the flames of an ex ploding oil lamp, died at Bt, Vincent's hospital yesterday afternoon. ' -1 - Mrs Macheete, prior to ber death,' re covered consciousness sufficiently to detail hew the accident occurred. She stated that her child had. accidentally overturned the kerosene lamp and the little one's dress was Ignited. In en deavoring to extinguish -the flames Mrs. Machette aaid her garments also caught fire. - V - v. The child died shortly after the ac cident, while being brought to the hos pital In an automobile. Both bodies have been taken to Finley'a undertaking parlors,, and as the case la purely one of accident, the coroner-has decided that an Inquest will not be necessary. -..' Frank Machette. of 1 the Investor's Brokers company, the bereaved father and husband, is nearly frantle with grief over .the terrible calamity which has befallen -him. . .The date of the double funeral has not -et been set. " . ', Echo of Iroquois Fire, l - (Journal Spedil Benli a.) Chicago, 111., Feb. 11. The case of Will J. Davis,' the- theatre manager, against whom criminal charges were brought ss a result of the Iroquois thea tre holocaust, was called in the circuit court at Danville today on a motion to quash the indictment. Should the court refuse to entertain the motion 'the trial will probably take place next month, after a delay of nearly three years. . . Fief cried snook Canned eVoods. Allen A Lewis' Best . Brand. .ill ,,iby'A.S.M0NR 'lf 1 'irsf . II P. Christsnsen, Seventh and Alder streets, hss a aupply of new wall paper that will furnish any amount of variety and beautiful ornamentation to "homes that must undergo the season's renovat ing siege.. The elaborateness of these rich designs Is In strong contrast with ths rage for plain - walls, so lately strong upon us. The panel designs tn two-tone effects are particularly orna mental, and the landscape borders are certainly an Innovation that la pleasing. One border represents, with exquisite sky and sea tonlngs, the Cliff bouse and seal rocks of San Francisco.'' It is up to some enterprising publicity promoter to immortalise Oregonian snow peaks, forest depths and river rapids In wall paper effects.' No better or more suit able nature study could be found. - At Ben' Selling's a number of hand some new cases and counters have mad their appearance, providing . added fa cilities for the large stock ef ladles' sulta and coats carried on the aecond foor. The spring arrivals sre already filling them, and a handsome assort ment, It Is . Misses' ACoats. hnd Peter Thompson and Peter ' Pan suits com In the most beautiful creams, checks, shadow plaids and stripes, while ladles' three-quarter and three-eighth coats in the same dainty summer colors are equally tasteful. . Collars and buttons are In a contrasting shade of velvet. The Walsh Tile and Mantel company has had a "suggestion', box In opera-' tlon for several months, and Mr. Walsh saya they find It an Invaluable aid to improvement , In the store. . . Ideas on slips of papsr are dropped in by em ployes, later to be considered by th heads of the business, and , for every CROWDS, CROWDS, CROWDS, The GREAT B E LT S A L, E 15 PACKING THE STORE TO SUFFOCATION ' ' ' W A sale so nsationnl that Hundreds crowded the counters by 9 o'clock and by lO the jam was some thing immense. Dealers are here by the score and you know that when competitors bur them to sell over again the bargains must be something more than extraordinary 11 More Belts, more kinds, more style than rou ever saw before at once. The entire stock of one of New York's finest makers. The most elegant, up-to-date and richest creations in Belts and'Girdles. made forthis sw-ineV trade Leathers in olain. uV'i - stitched and hand-finished styles, in black.'white, red, navy, mode and other wanted ' :s 1 , colors. sbuks in tailor-made, ribbon girdles, pleated and shirred effects? from lup- io 9 incnes wicie; every iaie snape, every new style; in DiacK, wnite ana au coiors; also fancy plaids and Roman stripes; elastic web and leather belts in studded effects, and every other style of Belt that's made riewel-setrfancy. rrilt. sterling: and one hundred other styles of buckles, and in every case the buckles alone. are worth more than we sell you the complete belt for. AH go in one big lot; BOc and up to $2.00 values, and you can choose $2.00 ones if you want "- Choice, 23 f : " mm From9tolOo'Clock For 1 hour we Twill sell. large 5c box - A Wood Tooth Picks. 1 1 "W at ;;;..T7...;,,;i 11 BOX PORTLAIItfS KE17 DEPM1EI1T STC3E ENTIRE BLOCK ON YAMHILL MOM 2ND TO SR& From9tol0o'Clock We, will sell 50 cases large' le bars Hamraei ; a Laundry Soap ,: at, r bar And Just to Make Tomorrow One of the Busiest Days of the Month Will Be Oiri Sale Again Tomorrow So if you missed getting your share of the Good Things Today Come To morrow Every one of Today's Dig Bargains will be on sale again IN LINE AND SHARE IN THESE HERE'S BARGAINS THAT SHOULD BRINQ A REQULAR STR AMBLE OF BUYERS : 5gr Ladies Collars- Great clean-up tale odds and ends of Ladies' Stocks. Tab Collars and Collar - 4 f 1 and Cuff Sets, all 2Sc and 50c ; values, vjiukc Ladies' Handkerchiefs 30c Sheer white cambric and hem stitched, full 13-inch sire, all best 5c Handkerchiefs, at, do.. Women's 50c .Ho5e; Genuine French lisle thread, black only, hand embroidered in rich designs, y full regular made 50c Hose, aj OC I or , . 5000 Yards of the Finest 8c TO I2jc FANCY Washiaces Dainty, filmy Laces in the most exquisite flounced patterns and designs, edges and insertions to match; from 2 up to 6 inches - wider r- every - yard -jA worth 8c up S v to izy2c r: ' jLiJ Choice-. :-l .:. ... . Vard $2 to $2.50 Umbrellas For Women, genuine Gloria silk, tape-edge frn- tsn; peari, sterling surer and f cy fancy handles; cheap at $Z00 - JtSC SB asa sces.ew vuvivc 77 -: : Taffeta Silk Fifty more pieces to go, all 20 inches wide, every color except white and black; made- to aell at 69 cents ' AjXJC. jaiu - 7c Figured Calico AH odds and ends, about 1.000 I yards in all. While it lasts choose , OoC 6c and 7c Calicoes at, yard. ....... usable Idea II la pais. This "work-together"- spirit la bound to be pro ductive of valuable results, la any Una o( business. .r. '.. - There ia no difficulty In aetttea rood eolTee and tea Schilling's BesL ' To Inspect Isthmlajt Canal. . (Joeraal Spelal Serriee.1 " New Tork, Feb. 18. A party of rep resentatives of the commercial cluba of Boston, Cincinnati, Chicago and fft. Loula sailed today on the Hamburg American steamer . Prlnoa Joachim, spe cially chartered to take them on a cruise to Panama and various points In the West Indies. President Roossvelt and Secretary Taft have taken aa ae tlve interest in the trip, and the gov ernment officials at Panama have been instructed to afford the visitors every facility for Inspecting the work On tha isthmian canal. . - . The first stop of tha Prlnoa Joaohlmi will be at Charleston, where otbsr club, members wiU be taken aboard. An Panama there wUl be a land trip aorosat the Isthmus. - few9 .felt Altera! i(M Me tallies , : ' V" .. - y "v : '-'-' .'".. ,r"'.'-T '. : ' . ''a ;' : --..':""''' '- . v.'- ' . ' V--'"; --V-.' ."- ' - .'.".'.- :' - -'-. s , .- .'-. - A'-..'-. ' - I 1 . I f -s ',. : -- v " . - -' ' : - ' - . ' ' ' L':V. . ' - - '.-'-..; '- - - - '...'..- -' ,. . - . v.. A: --. ..';, : ': ... .. -;,'a J-'. , .--' 1 " i i i i , f 1 1 i i i i i i n i i I . i i .... V . . . I ' ). - t- i - . V . - , , !:.: v . . , . . ' - ' ' - ' - - ' . ,, , , 1 1 1 ' I 1 .' " . ' 1 ' Juna Vlp6gany Dressers 'This new style of fin ish preserves the beau tiful natural red color of mahogany . and brings out. the fine grain to-: best advan " tage. -"The- D t e i a a r shown in cut has the desir able serpentine , . front and extra large .oval French plate mirrors, with J artistically carv ed ' stanchions, "All drawers fit; absolutely dust . p r o o f. "' T h e 'workmanship and design could . not be beer. ; $1 Do $1 a Week a.r. rw J r -js 4 iiii&m $20.00 COUCH $12e50 ' Perfect steef construction, best of springs, high-grade velour cover- : ing, in variety of patterns. Others ask $20 for this style of Couch. One of the bargains of our great Alteration (t CA Sale. ". Price ..,J) 1 WeOU ForS20 This is one , of , the , trimmest, neatest lit tle China Closets in; our great stock, for we have massive clos ets ranging in price up to $150. This one is just like cut, is 5 , feet high,. 40 inches wide, has double you will admire, at once and never tire of Desk and -Bookcase . For reader and writer who desires reference books at his . elbow and pens and paper within easy reach, this combination Desk- Bookcase wUl be found ansll : a sort ef companion ready to belp at a moment's no ' ties- ; Adjustable snerves. am ple rsn for writing ma terials in tha drawers and eompertmenta of ths desk plenty of space to aprsad paper while writing. Desks for the "parlor, drawing-room sod library; Office Denks for mercan tile houses and factories at attractive prices. ..- . Brass and Enamel if in - Manufacturers are oonatanQy striv ing for something nsw soma novel way in which to blend - brass and enamel to produce tha happleat ef fect. Tha socompanylng illustration represents one of the latest achieve ments. Tha earner posts are enamel the upright rods and cross rods are brass, producing a pleasing result, prettier and daintier In many respects than tha all-brass or tha sin-enamel. 173-175 First Street TT""S TV VTT T T7 & SONS i.f,,, i " "'1, P l A" . ' : ( . - ' Mil Mil" I $1.00 Down tl'.m' 1 t r $1.00 a We ek Dining Tables in Finest Qcli Beautiful quarter-sawed, hand-potlshed tohtee. fit for the v- ' . room, greatly reduoed in prlca Squire tops, round tops, pi-t!.:i, r.vt r golden oak, weathered aak or early,a.nglish Aisa. 219-227LYamh: ', 1 -