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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1907)
talis' OREGON DAILY JOURNAL'. PORTLAND, MONDAr EVENING, FEBRUARY 18. 1907. , Ms FOR SAijE REAL ESTATE. FACTORY RITE AT ST JOHNS. lOOTlioo. oa railroad, only $8.rxl 8ICHAHD HHEFAKD CO., Bt, Jobs, Oregoe. Here's Scmettlnr Good $24,800 Flu piece property for torse er apartments. Third it. ear Una sod only w minutee to laird MI Washington; mi v-ioot frontage; mdi Income; w fa Brats. Owner, Journal. . . $1.200 $200 DOWN, be la ace Ilk rant; modem i ersno new D-room cottage. 1104 East Taylor. . m. -. amita, owner, ovi uarta at. !-CHr Alrtat rMrtrreToa 16 eefrI.oOOj fiuu cub, gis par month. B 12s, journal. . wmrr bids bargain. '-: RKAIDENCIS PROPERTY.- M.S0O buy full lot en Sherman at., Mar . Tlfth, wlib fw boaeea, on 8 rooms, lb ; at bar S noma; awotbly rantal $46; til U barilla and must b sold this week. . JAMES J, FLTNN. , . ' $12 Cliamhar of Commerce. f-BOOM beuae. Bar, three lots, rilentr frnlt :: See earner, Mr. William Scblnosl. 1824 Bay- ara si., petuusuisr. . FTTB loti with -rom boas, outbuildings and bearing fruit treee. 28 McPtsersea at, ' Peniaeular station. Portland. Or. .. ALP INI BBAL BSTATB CO, 308 H MoMMt, - mass S; pboae Mala 1017 block with , It-roosj kooaa, laa la, $11,600. , S . ara, B-rooai bouee; ooey tar mat $2,200. ; Fine Vacant Let - 84.000 -Soil oo . North lth Bear Kearney. Do yoa want to build resident or apart. Mala? Ban's jour cease. Own, JeuraaL FOB BALE--ftOx1oO o Hall at. ISO fact wl of 14th at.. $8,600; On 100 amw Hall snd 14th. $3,760; splendid . Ttetr without climb. Owner, 480. Ball st , , ONI f th nicest ham a Bast Burneioe at. for sal; rooms, extra large ball, attic, aoodera and complete; can't b beat for con- ... venlenee ta ears, Bast Sid High school, puh- - lie action la and stores; chotc roeee and fruit - trees. Owner. 7na East Burasid t, betweea last S2d and East 24 th. , , FOB SALB 100x100 Bear Penloeuls ststtoa. all cleared and level; a bargain. Aadree 1., 281 . Mao me at- city. ' - - . ' BEB nERB. : ----- - ; - Mr. Worhlngmaa: savs your maoeyj 6 rosai cottage, bsth. etc, rornar lot. SO minutes frost center of city, 8260 cask, ball oca $10 per Bxatb; $1,140; going asst. Boom 4. Io Baeoad at. - BENT CHEAP Rooming hone business par: . farnltar worth $1.0.10. takes at aaea aM; 4 teraas. Baoa 4. 10 Bacaad St. B00 FARMS, arms II tracts and Iota; bartataa a O. W. P. electric lln. O. B. Addltaa, Laata. Or(oa. Tak Moant acott car, be. . POR SALB- BT THB OWNHR. I1.8X 4 room hoaa. tuS Oanteohaln. tt OuO $-roaia Baxters aottac. 1U0 . Williams ar. , $400 Tacaat lot Iocs tad la dea Iraki Bart t Alhlns. . - - AdUraaa B 130, ear loavaaL Pboaa Bart -- Mm. - - -. JTST tblnk, 1.(00 lota near Balers ear Una), - a farther tbaa St. Johns, at $15 par lot.. : at $1 per moatb; lerel and cood aoil, with bosses already tber; 70a aa?t bay acre re r oat- tar for aaaia B moant; tbeaa lata will be raised to $zn per lot on tne tint or I be ' aioatb. Applr ta owaar, W. Relrlt, roooa ML ' Waablactea bid., S70H Wasblatoa at. . BT. JOHNS SNAP, - 1 ' TB raise money at once I win sell lay tract ef lota 1a Bt. Johns, constating aaVOver aa acre la eae Body at a saeririoel lots are oa ear line, close te baslaeaa Beater and school. Owaar. Mllwaukl. B. F. .. I hex loS. ' A SNAP Beaatlfal modem S-room boose, fin locality. Apply 2" Baat Kelley St., . Bear Mth St. Price $2.M0. B2S0 BACH. fine lots, eaetera frontare, In cluding corner; will aell singly, and If sold this week aisenani a per sens anr rasni ''fllslrlct grsaed; sa eincg tree cert ttigaiana IsirlcL Addreae t 122. Journal. ' BARGAIN for cask, beeatlfnl loeatloa for tw , eottagee; Sootb Bnnnratdei eorsar. laqalr B. Llneola, nee? Thirty-third at. FOR SALB A ft-room boaae at BHl corner Maaoa aad Grand are., north; bath - aad ' toilet: basement: lot 00x100; call at " A GOOD eonie aa Seventh Bt.r Wast aide, t -r Troma- hoaarar-a- aree aorgaiai raat-aae: $6,200. Hoosa 4, 10 Beet BBAOT1FUL BOMB. . 1 '.- 's; AST MAIN tT. . ' :' T larg roorna xtra larg closet and batb pnoaa, full aeraent aaaeaient, eoraer lot (0 100, S feat above grade 1 built twa year age, day labor, by present owner for a home; .rot being offered for Bale ta mak profit, but bscaase bene B) WW larg. nond rlew ef city, an Block frota car; ti.HM; $l,bo0 rash, balanc $ per cent. 'CO, BAT, Mala 1B42. '. B04 Abbigtoa bids. BUNGALOW. . PORTLAVD HE10HTS. Far saw by owner. ' ., Term to salt. Pboaa Shay, Hals IMS. A nNB lot $0x186, S-raem and T-roeaj haae Income $anO. per jreari $2.Htojewner folog esse Boom i, 104 Second sL ' ' WILLAMETTB Boolrrard rua through Ma . arena UI1L . ' .; , , ' ir yea weat tbe beat Investment, tb beat v home loeatloa, bay at Madrena UI1L Topaa Lead Oo., 006 Commercial block. Tney are seitrrw iwi ; nnai wnica ir yoa want to live la that select neighborhood at rmTta. To Dea Lead Oo, 006 CommarcUl block. : ' - $tx ACRES an ear line, close la, fine leeatina for hnalneaa, price $400; also homestead ra " llaqaUbmeot. $180. Inqalr SH First at. -- ..." : ... u . v Guarantees Advertisers a " City Circulation - Gteater by several thousand than any other paper. It guarantees advertisers a circulation ; Throughout the s T77V State oi Oregon . , Greater by several thousand than that of any - other paper. . ; ; It's Circulation That Counts FOH SALE REAL jCSTATE. lKlt ICS will aoo be ralaed at Madrona IIIII; oveiiinc urlrra are alwara wwt get la on tb around tluor, loua it uq looaj. Xupaa Laud Co., auO Commervlal block. It will only eoat 10 eenta for ronrid trip ride to sr Msdrnna IllUi tb flew 1 tb inert about tba city. ) . s-. . Balldloc reatrtotloas at Madrona Hill. Bun Rua water aasla ran throuxlv Ma drona BUI.. . - '. Eectrle Uchta at Madroaa HUL f Uadrana Hill ta la the midst ( aU tb lmproeenieata oa tb pealnaula. v . BB MADBONA Hlt.L todar. tsk Bt. Jbn ear, tret eft at Ureolejt station, go toward - tb rlTeri to rlew la (raad. ' b today ar 700 may be to lata ta pet on of tboss ebole bullditip alts at Madruns Hill: ' tbey are solnf last; tak Bt. Jobu ear, rat ' err at Uraeley. Local agent at peat factory. A riNB enraer, 100x100, near ear barn. AV bins; $7U cash. Koora 4, 100 Bacond at. I MEO $TO0; aiuat ray saw mod era T-rooai , bouse, St. Jnhoa; terata oa balance. Uaoa 4, luO Becond at. COST aota, ale lot; a .barxala; 1 tarns. Melkeliubn, Cedar Park, Bt. Johns. , . FOR SALE FARMS. 20 ACRF.B, half under plow, fair lmproratnenla, 10 biIIh east on fin road, alt level, near , ear lines, $lau acre; $H00 cash, balance long tliua, aaar tarma. Call llaT Bast Star, ens at., ear. oath. Phona Tabor Sua. POR BAI.B X40 acre, on mile south ef Oer , rale; 2U0 in culrrVatlon and 40 acrea la tim ber: good bouse and bam; B. P. D. and tele phone serrtce: suitable for a dairy or hop farm. Joha D. Smith, B. P. P X Oerrala, Oregon. . ' . B10GBST SNAP XTEB OPPEBBD IN 0BB , OON. 12S acrea. 40 acre In enltlejtloa, tin tlra. . ttee mm k. I . iva f p .. m .f ni.nln, er.tae U mils from railroad I miles fraoj Portlaad; Vina finest ranch la tbe .tats:' eeerr mot tillable; muet eel I before Siindayt can't buy an acre ef land adjoining tbla for leea than $A0 per acre and ap; will aell thla quick tor inquire or r. tv tserry, as, a Sixth at. rboae 1'aclfle . BOMKHTfAD- relinquishment, 100 acre plowed, good Improrements; house and bara, pleatv water; price ou0. Particulars glrea at office. Akrxsadar Lead Co,, eV( BUth at, . Bear Pin. APPLB LANDS Any eslae tracts. h llood Rlrer district at Moaler. 'Call and aee aain plea. B. W. Phillips, 104 First St., opposite Ladd's bank. 1 . aajasasBSBBaaBKaaaBxcaBEnxsBBBsaSBaa TIMBER. , l TIMBER OWNERS. We ar In direct position to eell yottr tim ber ta bona fide buyer from all parte of -tbe oonmry. - w ota or call .aa -aa lot aartlcnlsrs. WOBTti WKBTBRK OCARARTEB . TRUST COMPANT, . - Lambs Kachange bldg., - B. I. earner Second and Stark ata. TO OWNBraS ef timber els I me and timber We will bay for rasa a ay good timber tributary to Nebalem rlrert will deal with owners eatrt-bo other, seed answer. Writs, girt ng full partlcolara. to Bag S, V. P. Station, Portlsad. Oregoev - N . CERTIFIED serin, i f tht i. Howell, aka Chamber ef Commerce. AM ettll tn timber rand baslaeaa. W. Ckeadle, a geat, Boath Bend. Wsshlagtoa. HOMESTEAD and timber lands, scrip, money to kwa. aoa commercial aitig. TWO MILLION yellow pine etatme. eaatem rregi; caa kvcata taree. Bloom aa. Til Vh Waablagtaa st. . - WB BAT buyers for single elaime aa wall as isrge aaa email tract.; prices ana tlnas must be right":- owner preferred. The Yeang A Cook loreaisjent C., 403-404 Cow eta! block. . - " Schuyleiaan & Co." ; For logging propositions, on river ar rall sosd. rellnqiilabmeata, timber claim. Isrgs trseta for Investment. - S37M WASHINGTON ST. ; YELLOW PINB, 2.000.000 to the claim, lore , tloa fee $150; ptaoe atoney la bank antll . aaUafled. Alexandar . Land Co SlxUt St., Bear Pine. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. WB BOUGHT tb pisne stor. 8S0 Alder St., sear park; It Include many of finest make; yeur choice, 60 easts aa the dollar; Inatall : Bleats Ilka rent; lateet plaao-player for $106: ur cempany la owned Hy aaatrra piano fae . torlee; we Bare yoa tb retailer' profit. Reed-Preach Plan Mfg. Co., Sixth aad Bura- aid ate. - VICTOR U Iking macblnea aad reeorda; Stela way (and other pianos. Bliermsa. Clay A Co., Sixth aad Morrlsoa. opposite pastor flee. PIANO, will sacrifice. Call 264 Third st. Mob. day after a. m. nORSES, VEHICLES, HARNESS. HORSES and hurries far r ssd meatbi special ea tea Sixth aad Bawtbara. - B by day, week bnal 12. FOB SALB, CHEAP Panel top, bracket frrmt delivery wagon, aaed but very little. Inquire 420 Belmont it. WB bay, aril, rent, exrhaag hone, .wagons, saddles, harness. Hubert A BslL 80S th st. FOB SALB Team at barn ef M. 0. Morgaa A Co.. East Market, betweea Union aad Grand - evg. FOB B A LB Covered Debt driving baggy. Call at 5l Hood at. FOB SALE On bene, weight 1.000 pounds, m goad eoadltkmi muet ell. T21 Ksrby St.; B-S ear. - 1 FOR SALB Tare good work boras, cheap. Call st 713 East Stark at. very FOB SALB. CtlBAP Oood pis t form spsug wa- Jon, suitable for x press r delivery. Call 106 Montana Bra. g TEAM fop sale. 1,300 prxrnna, good pollers; also - harass. Ss8 V sua Be etr- r BARTER AND EXCHANGE. FOR EXOHANtlFt On sr move good lot for S . B er B-roem hones. BKOIHTER A CO., 1074 Third at. i GOING away, therefor will aacrtflr my 8 room bonee la Falton Park, two atorlea, flrat- . ciaaa place would tak part trade, timber ttrsferredt $.1,000. iDveatlgate and make offer. Box WM, city. . . FIRST-CLASS furniture. 8 roam for aala el exchange for real aetata. Baat, 4S7S. JOURNAL FOR SALE LIVESTOCK. Til H Kb) fresh" cows, two Jersers, big milker. . a?. is lut lim at., auutb. A PKKMf cow tat sale, good Burrs k Bt. MINES AND INVESTMENTS. COL'KR D'ALENH and Ner. da mining stocks. I bib always la tba aiarket to bur ae sell sny flrat-class sbtcks or bonds. Mat Tour stocks with me I get bit prices before bar ing or cllltig. Loana auad oa lleted aacurl tlea. T. P. ltrowo. 41 McKay block. FOR S VLE MISCELLANEOUS. Ycurs tit Styk Ladles and gentlemen, you do not bHv that yon raa get a $21) gold piece for $1"; that Is the same nrouosltloa aa w see ad-rertlsed- a suit and extra trousers. Ws offer a goad suit of tbe beet gads and tb beet trimming, made by tbe beat experienced tall, era la the country. We are able ta aire you tbe benefit of our small expeneee, Yoa need not pay for the ault until It la finished, (lire ns s call. Millar Tailoring 0., T$ Xorth Sixth t. DKUTHCHB ZKITUNO, the big German paper. Knbecrlptlon price $1 per year; oatnpl eople . free. A. K. Kern A C., publtabera, aoraer ' Second and Balmoa ata. ' . BKEEN Electric Work a. Ivtk and Waah. ata, Pbooe Psclfla 1474. New and second-hand ' sleettltal guuda heaghsi sold and aaeheMad. POR BALK, OHFAP 4-Inch Keystone water meter, practically oew. laqulr U. Mtxgr. X Praut at. - , -- - SEWING MACHINES bongbt, sold aad etianred. $S and ap, Wtra Barrage Co.. v 27 Waahlngtoa at. SHOWCASES, coantere. flxtnrsa. bosrht, sold or exebsngad. Weatera Salrsga C-. S2I - Waatalngtua at. Paelfla TVS. . . ' PBEB FOR EVKRYBODT Ring a Mala 420 or eall 2134 Front. We buy aad sell fur at ' tare, clotblog or any eld thing. I BOLDEN'S RUEI MAT10 CURB rVrr ear for rheuniatleav Bold by all druggist. $0 SLIGHTLY damaged aewtag-aiachlnea at eery low prices: singer. Wheeler a WUaon, .Domeetle, White, , Bnasehold, Da via and ethers; a mske room for new stock Wheeler ' A Wilson and Singers. S. . Slgvl, IS1 star rtsoa et.. Marquam bids, BBI.F-CHANOEMAKINa cash register for sale - eheaai Zll t tret at. SCHOOL BOOKS bought, aold and exchanged. 22S Tambill st. 1 - FOR SALB Steamboat 14 feet beam. 4S feet long, capacity 14 tons, aew; will aell cheap for rash. p. o. Wort, 613 Oswego et, St, Inhnai OrsgaBi ; , . . FOR SALB. Dairy, SO cow, here, warn, good route: SO mlnntee drive from ftoa loea tloa: pert cash. Phene Mala SooS. . FOR SALB Chatham tneabatora and broudera. a days' free trial. Ueo. W. Foott, B31 Bast at, Portland, r' : - - WB print yoa? nam ea M catling earda, proper . alse aad aryle, I8e; 2r0 baalneaa earda, $L A. W. Bchmale 0a.. 220 First. Portlaad, Or. BILLIARD AND POOL ubles for rant for sal on easy payments. ' TUB URUNSWICK-BALKR COLLENDBB 0O. Third t Portlaad. SBCOND-HAND bar Sxtnraa. pooltablss. safe, tables, ehslra. Weatera Salvage Oa Bin Wssblngtoa at. 8HOWCA8ES and Sxturea. new and band. Carlson A Kallstroen. 2SS Coach et, WANTED too men te wear ear celebrated 2B msde-to-order suits. Vnloa Tailoring Cev, SOBta Stark at. Satisfaction guaranteed. FOR SALB Bare a Ins la White, Singers, Da vis, Wheeler A Vt livni. Households snd ether ' Bllghtly damaged machines. Tbe White Sew. - tng Machine offtea, U. D. Jones. Kau Tambill at, earner Foartk. FOR SALE Small gasoline engine, 14 H P., aew. Addresa J 12S, care JoorasL FOR S ALE A Nelson roadcart aa good aa aew, . phaeton front delivery wsgoa. elee-sat Bng-- Ush trap aad Btber vehicle. 14 TJntoa are. 0NB 10x16 BIDB crank throttling enctn with leather belt and etiarhmeate; ea 40x13 sorl , aontal standard tnbular boiler v alse a band' saw. Apply to 482 Kaat 2ata St. PIGEON'S 100 pairs best sqnab Homers. Klrsr- view uirta, its u rover st.- FAMOUS S. S. Hsmbarg'a egg. $1 for IS, $0 per luu; cocgereia lor aaie. an bssi tztn t, north. FOR SALS la-foot gaaollna laanchi If sold thai month will sell cheap. Joqutr Geo. reran, root ar Clay at. FOR ' SALB. CHEAP Stove, chain. Ureassra, dlabaa everything, 620 Bale's et. $400 NEW apright plana $176, another $00, orgta $2S, cost $06. CpaUlrs. 241th rlrat st. FOR SALB Scotch Colli puppies. $ ma " old". Windmill station, Montavllla ear. FOR SALE 120 cord wood, yarded eat. main road of Portland Helghta. Bealr- I vestmaaf cx.. ADingtoa Mag. BROWNIB NO. 8 camera and daylight develop ing outfit, slightly aaed; coat $4.60, will aeu for $3.00. N 127, care Journal. IF na haven't much moner and wast Iota for tt go to Tbe Dollsr, K2 First bt. He la tb (lino . uu am. iu. rww iiw uu ntimu Ha.. farnltar, toves. tc. Tb B. F. hastier. $ $ $ 231 First at. T $ $ t SCOTCH collie paps, cheap'. P. W. Lewis, $8 auto si, corner uavax. FOR SALB One large mastiff, IS saonthe aid. t;au ai ia ssat atara t 1 FOR SALIM'SOO bole of Hoed River apple at II. M per box. 104 First st,, apposite lau i nana. PERSONAL. WANTED SALESMEN TO BELL MININ1 8TOCK OF alERITi UBBtAti COMMISSION AND GUARANTEED EXPENSES; ONLY . CAPABLB MSN OF GOOD ADDBESS NKKD apply.' ; , '.' ....stock amd bond dept., COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., SIXTH AND ANKENY STS. ' TOl'Nq man, handsome, refined, ef good bar. . bee ability, wiaaes ta eorreapona wita laay of means; ob)ect, to promote a gllt-adged Inveatmeat)- strictly eeafldentlsl, B 180, cars Journal. A OKNTt.EMAN of middle age and baslneea ability wlsnea to eorreapood with ladyt object, ' bualnes snd ntstrlmony; good refrreac. Ad- drees Q 131, cars Journal, MARRIAOR PAPER Highest, character, tneoe. porated; If h year; 2.000 member;. 12 pares. . sealed; send 10c. U L. Love, boa lOuO, Denver, Celo, - . SUPPOSITORIES for married worn rat perfectly aatlafsctorv. Csll ar addreee Mr. , B. 0. Wilbur, 40 Third at,. Bear BarrbMB, Port ia nd. Oregon, . - - - SEXIVrl PI MS cere all forme ef est roue 9 . maacrler weakneee.' - For aaea er woavea. Price $1 a box, S boxes $6, with fall ease. Bntee. Addreaa or rail J. O. Clemenena, arng - gist, Recoad aad Yamhill ata., poetised, or. IF YOU ar sot feeling well, take a tub bath nd alcohol rub, $1. Otford hotel, corner Sixth and Oak ata., room 17. Phone Mala SS, MAMEY FRANCKS. the wonderful healer, le here a few devs only; en res rheamatlam and all Bermaa diseases, ' Oxford hotel rorn-r Sixth snd Osk sts., room 17. Pbon Mala SA. - - - e. , RUSSIAN BATH. 201 Third st, betwee Taylor - and Salmoa. Swlmmlnt pool, steam and ant . air bath. Hours ladles, from 0 a. ax ta I p. m. gents, from 8 a. ax. ta IS p. aw GBKMAN books, msgsslnee, aevsht, te,.t Oee. aisn. English, rrenea. npenisB, eweiia and Italian dictionaries! forelra book aU klnde. Srhmale Co, 229 Pint et. MOf.ES, wrinkles, snperrrnoua hair removed. No ehaeg to talk It ova. Mr. M. D. 7)1 II. Boom AM FUedner Bldg. . Phone Psetfls 186. DR. RING CHOOVO, Importsr fh loess - snot medlrlneet eella Chinese tea. carta la rare for an diacaaea, 101 2d, bet. lamhlll aa Taymr, DR. O. V,. (tETClIUM earee promptly private tseesse, Biiaey, aertotie. asia ann special Venule trenhlee. OaU o write. Office I70., bird et, anr.. YsmblL Pbon Pacific 8270- SELECTIONS Biade, InfrodaHloaa given: h w or al le ladles and grelletren. Addreee, ' with etarrn. tire. H. 0. Wilbur, tut Third U a, bear liarrlaea. PERSONAL. TIRKISII FIATTIS, 00 Oreeontaa bldg.f hid lea daya, geutlemea alxbu.. Mala Ittaa. MAMI.T rigor rsetored by Pr. Boberta Narr Olo.olea. Ota mouth's treatment. $3: t , anontna, sn; seat securely sesled by mall. Agent. Woodard. Clarke Co, Portland. Or. BALM OP PIOB for an female dla Beat Belmont.. I'feone Baat 40$4. DINKAflKB OP WOMRN; anfortnnate gtrte and batile eared for; prlrat boatHtaL Dr. Atwno.1, room a 0OVi Mor, at TL PacIO 1763, MRS. DR. MART KBAMCR, midwife; nice auanera sur patienix. asi allaslsalpul are. MBit. PoTTKR Maeseaa. acalp, fscUl aaga, chiropody. 'JMV, Waahlngtoa at. sK'HOOL BOOKS bonght, aold, xebangd. Job' Bookator. SU1 Alder St. BRHT magssla era he ever effered: aad far Clceei agents wanted. Jonas' Book Store, I Alder t., Portland. Or. CORRKSPOND with aha oppoalte sex for matrV aiooy. Addreaa Boa 244, Port land, Oregon. . OKNITO-l'RINART and chronic diseases of mea quickly and permanently en red; electric treat meat for diseases of the prostate. Consult. tln free. lr. W, V Uoward, CoaMaouwMlth bldg.. Sixth at. 0WI. R PATAU RANT, pas) Ktmt Morrlsoa et . Meals loe and ap; short orders, freak oysters, J. L. TeUlstf, proprlstoa. BOSA VPRA rifJtP Bold TerTwhr, T2S Corhett at. Pboae Paetae 14SS. HOl.DKN'S RHEUMATIC CtTRB Sure car fog rheums tlsm. Bold by all druggists. SUITS pressed while yon wait. Hoe. ' Ladles aklrta pressed, 0c.- Gilbert. lOelii Sixth at, next to Quell. Pbene Mala SOSS. BOLD ON There ta en thing that will ear rheumatism. Ask yoar druggist for barb tonlo or addreaa or call J. 0. Cleaseaaua, druggist, Portlaad. Or. - MANICURING parlors for ladles and fantas. 900 saui mam si., room xa BEM0VRD from tST - A Mar at. to SOS H Waablngton. room 6, Fifth at, Sid. Pace and acalp masssga. MISS GILBERT, expert chiropodist, electric vibrator far, acalp aad body . aiassag. 14SV, Sixth t, room 25. BBCBNTLT opened manUTirlng parleret -ladle and geatlemea. . 861 1 Mor rtsoa aC, room 12. WANDA, the' fsmoea 'palmist. bwv4 Mala at., oppoalte conrtaouse. ta 290 B. F. NEWMAN, tbe healer, at aew at the Glisaa block, room 12. GBNTIBMAN, 84, recently from tba east, good imalness ablllly. imtlU ltaL wlaimatol c,ta.hU.a,U.bnJ? 'i!JnJLr B IIS, car Journal. BUSINESS PERSONALS. INVENTIONS BOUGHT AND BOLD. Cbveaaat Contract Co., 42T meaner bids, Mala 2801. I CHIMNEY SWEEP. D. Wood. Pboae Mala 1872. 4S Third st. ART. DRAWING and painting c la aee Tuesday aad Friday afternoons at Art Museam. Fifth and Taylor Bts, for beginner and advanced pupils. C. Lillian Houneeil, graduste of Pennsylvania Academy at Fine Arte, Coloroaal A cade mis, Paris. ,-. ,PREB LESSONS IN , Embroidery Every Day. THB NEKDLECRAFT SHOP, S82 Waahlngtoa at. I. H. MOOREHOl'SB CO. Artleta materials, plctnr amldlng pletnr framing, aLereoptl coaa, lantern slides. 813 Alder sC PRorRSOR B. MAX MBYRR. -B4S Alder St. Portrait and landscape artist aad teacher. AUTOMOBILES. PULLMAN AUTO CAB CO., " Bnlldera, designers and repalrera of aU makes of sutomoblles. Bodies, tone, fenders, daabee, lamp brackets, running hoards and glaaa fronta. Gears aad all parts of aate mobiles made te order. . a-70-72-T4 North Sixth at.r H. L. KEATS AUTO CO., - ATTTOMORILKS AND BCPPLTBSL - North weetarn dlatrlbutora for Pop fsrt fords, Pepe Trlbunea, Pop Waserlye, Pope Toledo, Tboaiss. oidsmoniies, r rank una, Balcka. 80-S2 Seveath at.. Portlaad. Oragoa. HOWARD M. COVET. Agent Pleree Great Arrow. Leeoasobllee, CadV lllao aad Knox; Temporary loeatloa Club Garage, 18th and Alder eta. HATS YOU BERN BAKSB ELECTRICS f Capital supply Co.. ens Aider st. pnoa Pa- etrie Vfi. uemonstrarioa or appoinimenr. ATTORNEYS.- a H PIOOOTT AND J. A. FINCH Attornerat-Law. Practice la all 4 Malhey bldg.. corner Second aad Morrli ASSATERS. GARVIN CYANIDB EXTRACTION CO.. -U- Montana Aaaap Offlcav- 18S Morrlsoa a. BLANK-BOOK MAKERS. BOWB. DAVIS A KILHAM, 108-111 Second et. Blank Book msanractared; agent for Joaee improveo iHse-isr tedgen; ae u a Eureka leaf, the beat ea tb market, BUTCHERS SUPPLIES. , BUTCHER SUPPLIES S. Plrkenwsld Co,, S04- 808 Everett atllargest batcher supply boa sa in eoaat. write roe catalogue. - BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adolph A. Deaas tei-ina rirsr at., earrtee a rail line ana eo ill line and piete assertmeat a low eat market prices, BATHS MASSAGE. Bt'SSlAN bsths, swimming pool. team aad sol air. uourai Mate, a a. B. to 1 n. m. 1 gents. 8 . m. to 13 p. m. Plica 26c. 207 Third St., bet. Taylor and Salmon. MRS. OR ROCK, gradaat maaeeuaet esblnet barb. sslt glow, sleobol rub. cream Bueeagai refer- la ae vents sr. at ata evnn. CLAIRVOYANTS AND PALnSTS. Alwaya Consalt the Beat. PROF, B. KHIMO, Oreateat living astral dead franco clair voyant of the sge: advlaer oa baalneaa and all affair f life: tells yoar fall nam and what yoa called for, whom you will marry, bow to control the one yoa love, evea though miles away; reunites the separated: gives secret aowera to control: Bo long delara In waiting. Honre 10 to S, daily and Sunday? permanently loratea la ma own noma. 2M Fifth St., corner Madlsosv st. ' Plnga. Fryptlan medium, haa moveil from nsu Morrlsoa at, vr Royal bakery, te 804 Mad I eon at. CAFES. THR OrPICR 2S Waahlngtoa t pb Mala fii. pmi vigaeea. CLEANING AND DYEING. CLOTHES rteened and pee aaed $1 per atV UBiqo Taiatnng to., aup atsra et. B. W. TURNER, professional dyer and ckmaer. 805 Jerfereoa St. Pboae MAIa 2318. PORTLAND Steam Cleealng and Dvlas Weeks. ill mart a at, pnea pseirt ait. COAL AND WOOD. PORTLAND SAWDUST A SI.ABWOOD CO., 8.VI root. aucceeaora to rulton Wood Oo. ; fir, oak, Blab wood, eoaL Tel. Mala lsna. FOR prompt delivery et labwant (all Mala T!i. os, sen, nr ano coal. Portland Wood Sj Coat Co., loth aad Bavler ats. 0RROON FUEL CO. B sow Belling Welsh a, thrarlt. beat coal ea lb market. 834 Alder at. Maht S3. . . AI.BINA FUEL CO. Dealers la rordweod, anal and greee, snd dry slaberond. R. R, snd - Albino are., S blocks et ef ferry. Baat 674. BTKEL BRIDGE Fl'EI CO. D-alera ra eoal. , eonlaeed aad dry alabwond. pbooe Baat 414. WESTFMN FEED A FUEL CO.- noose aad k-cksalth ol, Pboaa lia 1018. CARIET CLE.VNINQ, BTA H 1A Kl CARPB'C CLRANiNa CO-Largeag plant on tbe eoet. Lorlng and Harding sts., telephone hat SCO." Carpets cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid) both el cam and latest am. pre! sir process; renovating uattreaae sad feaUiere a aicUlty. 1 , . SANITARY ear pot elnaalng, eecttoo and com pressed air combined; ea r pets cleaned en fleer without removal. Mara 6634. Ala Is 8M0, CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. J. A. MEl.TON, tbe carpenter, 204 Fourth at. Store and office week. Ms la l7aT. CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY aad Pedlewrrug. Mrs. M. D. Bill. Room !0 Fktldae Bldg. Pboaa Pactfl 13S. DRESS MAKINO. A OOOli dreeamaker wanta sewing by the day. .Addreaa Mis Tuonuty, ML Tabor, Phone out ef order. - , - MRS. VAUOHAN. exparlenned dresatsnker, thgi East Bumslde at. Phou Kaat 4&K2. MRS. MAY CRIPPEN. eaetera aVasamaksr, Moanastee Bouae. 2mSH First sC , TRY Angela Dreeamaklng Parlors, 242 Flftfc sad Msla. Padfie an2 -DANOINa.- DANCING Isssob. 25c; elaases or prrvatat walts Ing. two-step, three-step, et. etaxe daaclog. - buck and wing, clog, reel, skirt. Spanish. Highland fling, etc. Prof. Wal Wllsom, old est recognised teacher, AUaky blag. Third sad Morrlsoa ats. WOODWARD DANCING. SCHOOL Class Moa, Thur. and But. eve.; aoelaL fancy aad step , dsnclng taaght) 6 aast. teachers; class sail . arlvsle ,Bsauns dally. Weatera Academy ball. Second aad Morrlaoa ata. Paelfla lam PROP. RINOLER. Mis Backer merer, leading .acbooL dally. 808 Alder et. Mala 1051. ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. U. 1. WAIJtR CO.. 811 Stark at. . Electric and Ga Flxtare snd Supplies. - Mantels, Tiling. Grste and -Daglroaa. PACIFIC BI.ECTRtO CO Engineer, con tree to re, repairers, electrle wiring, minplls. 4 ' First, cor. Stark. Mala .', R, H, late, mgr, WESTERN BLRCTRI0 WORKS, 01 Sixth st, Contraetora, electric supplies, awtora and dy aamoai we Inatall light and power plaaU. MORRISON ELBCTRI0 CO., 201 Baat Merrraoa St. Flxtarse. wiring, repairing. Baat 8128. baBRWTT'S, eos aturtbaMi St. Pbwu Mala tlrA f . sr Brarythln. I. .Uctrl. wlrln. sad U.Tt7aTM EDUCATIONAL. HOLMES BUSINEHS COLL BOB, Waahlnxtoa and 10th sts.. FUedner Bids. 500k keeping. Shorthand, Typewriting and all ngllsh branches taught, both day aad sight. B BUNK E. WALKER BPSINPSS COLLE0B. DAT AND NIGHT BESMIONB. Special Classsa la German, French. Spanish. Elk bldg, Seveath aad Stark ata. R0SB CITY BUSINESS COLLEOhV - - Pltmsa Sbortbflnd by Court Reporter,- Basi. . Bees Course. Special Scholarships; Posit lone Se cured. Commonwealth bldg, gth aad Ankeuy. FENCE) AND WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND WIRB A IRON WORKS Second aad Everett ata. Phone Msla 2000. GASOLINE ENGINES. GASOLINE engines, ell el eae er.d styles, at mvreei price, aMiraoa atacaiaery L, uh Morrlaoa et. 8HEFFTELD marine engine . and pmpetler. ratrnanas, mora m uo, rirac ana ntara ar. HOTELS. HOTEL Portlaad. Amarlcaa plan, $3, 88 per day. BBLVEDBRR; En ropes a plea; 4th sod Alder Bts. HARD W ARBS. PORTLAND BARDWARR CO. solicit ermorti Ity te quota prteee. T4 Sixth St. Pscifle 4A. LAND SCRIP. WANTED and for sale. All kinds. Including approved force t rarer eertp for aoreeyad, ea- orrereo, timher aad prairie govs meat wed. B. M. Bamlltoe, "The PoHUnd." Portlaad. INSURANCEv ISAA0 U WBITB. Bra taararaaaa. lack bids. Shsr- V. t PAOn, Inaeranee; emplorers" liability, arety bonds, burglar aad accident Insurance, Pboae Main 828. S04 palling bldg. J AS. hfcl. WOOD, employsra liability aad re- aiviaoai aecunty noBoa ex eu aiBoa, Phone 4T. i2 McKay bldg. MONEY TO LOAN. MONRY TO LOAN -Oa 1 in peeved city property or far tea tiding parposea, for from 8 to 10 years, tlms, with frtvlleg te repay all er part ef Inaa after a year. Loans approved from plane end meney advanced aa building prog rear aa; gagee taken ap ami replaced. FBBD H. STRONG. Financial Agsat, 242 BUrk at. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS ea ss'.artee. tne ore nee policies, piaaos, furaltnre, ware bonee receipt, tc. ny deserving pereoe msy eecare a lib eral advaare. re per lag bp easy weekly or monthly Instsllments. NEW ERA LOAN A TRUST COMPANY, 208 Abbigtoa bldg. - MONRY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Just on yoar own aame eo other eeenrttr; don't borrow antll yoa aee me: my ev.tem la the beat for railroad mea, clerks, honk keepers, streetcar mea od sll other employee; bo el Bee, strictly roafldentlaL F. A, Kswtoa. 424 AMngtoa bldg. MONRY ADVANCED SALARIED PEOPLE and oteera Bona their owe name wlthoat ae r ltyt cheapest rates, aealeet payments; office tn SO principal cities; save yourself aweey by -getting onr term first. T0LMAN. 228 Ablngtoa bldg.. 10SH Third t- MONET loaned to ealarted aeorile Jnst oa yon wwq name; ooa f borrow nntu yoa aee aae; my ayatem ta the beet for railroad men. clerks, bnokkeepera. streetcar mea and sll other employes; business Btrlrtlv eonfldenttaL F. A. Newton, 422 Ablngtoa bldg. . WANTED Notse. meets. res er contracts oa aay kind or real eatata m Oregon and waen Ington: eecoad mortrsres ptrchssed If well eenred. II -B. Noble. 312 Commercial blk. FMPIOYES LOAN COMPANY Los a a to aalarled people. Raalnee atrlctly rontldentUL Easy psrment plaa,, Pboo Mat 224. T1S Dekam bldg. MONRT to Inaa la sir to salt. 8 and 8 year. aa low aa 8 par rent, aa Improved city proa arty. Monitor! A Scobey, fiol Colombia bldg., 88 Waablogtoa Bt. DON'T borrow meney oa salary antll yoa s . Hcttci Credit Co ; 812 Dekam bldg. r. S. WARD, lawyer, Allskr bldg. Probate (4 morlgsg . bnslnes solicited t moderate feea: - loe os money ea mortgagee from $200 ap; eaay terms. MONRT loaned ea furniture, plaeoa and ether aecortiiee. w. A. tiatnaway, rent iv, wasa-Ingtoa-bMg. " rboae Paelfla 1832. MONET to man: mere loana specialty! ales bnllillng Inane; lowest rates; fire Insurance. William . Beck. 312 Falling bldg. CRESCENT LOAN CO, 4I Mohawk bldg.-. Money to lend oa easy payment plaa te wage earaerat strictly ronrldentl!. MONET to loan oa cltv er Improved property. See Mclvla er Armatrong, sua Commercial hidg. 7 loaa oa all kmrta nf secarlty. Wllllanh lloll, room 8 Westilngtna bldg. TO LOAN Sam to mlt on rbsttsl wcartty. K. A. rrame, sis tue Msrqaam, A LOAN for lbs sktnxlry ar cbattsL The Loaa Co, 410 Dekum bldg. M0NBY tn loan en rlty property, eon, 818 Commercial blk. O. A. Joba- QUICK loans ea all arcnrUlea. S. 4A Waahlngtoa bldg. Main Blue. King. WILL tone $l.r.Mt or lees re.l estate, $ pee cent. ' Farrlugton, Hie I'enloa bidg. BANKS. IV tsITED STATES BATIOWAt BASTS OF P08TLASO, aEOOB. I Nnrtbweef roener Third en n.h . . -fTrnnesers a Oeaeral riauklng ajnslness. tborutted Stslee and Europe, llxnrkong aad Preelilent J. C. AINHWOHTH Vice-President .R. LEA BARNES Aaelafant jCaabler L4DD A TIXT0B, BANKERS (Xetakllshsd la 1(88.) Transact a General Benktav Bualaese. CnlleeeiMw msde et sTl eotata ea favee, a, n' terma. Letters of ere.! It leaned svsllable In Eurone and all nolats In the Unite a. v ,mt"' Eachsne snd Telerrsphle Trsnsfers sold sa New Torh, Waahleetoa, f, oJb. Deaver, Omaha. Ran rranctsee sad Montana sad Rrlt1h Cnismbl. Exchauge sold 00 London. Paris. Berlin. Frankfort. Hongkong. Yokohama. Manila aad HormraTaiu M EBCRANTS' KATTONAL BANK. PORTXAITD. 0REOOW. ' PBAWK WATSON President . W. HOlT Cashier S. 1 CATCniXll Tranaaets Oeoeral Banking Bnelneee. Dea ft All Part of th World. BARKERS A LUMBERMEN'S BANK Portland, Oragoa. Cnrae f&aeaed and Stark streets, . . ' Commercial and earing apsrtsentL Interest paid on savings eeeoaata. Draft and 'i;- !-Bl-T"'V President .c?,V- " "OTTtrniU)... First Vice-President m. BmriTO Second Ttce-Presldi Tnt BAKBT OF CALITOBKIA Extabllshsd I Canltal paid an M.oravnna OeoareV ft.nktne and r,-h.r.. vlnataeea TV. mmmiA AVAVINUS DEPARTMENT Accounts Portland Braarti Cbsmbar of Crimmeree Pnlloiog.- MACRAB). .Msnager FIBST BATI0KAL BANK, Portland. Oregea. Oldest. National Bank oa tbe Pacta Ceaet. . CAPITAT. AND- SnSPT.rR 81 Bdn.nYM.anV DEPOSITS 814.0tM.0O0.00. ) A. L. HfTTT Tit ler .Caabl TRU8T COMPANIES. POSTTAWTJ TR1TST COhTPAWY OF OP. m ON The Oldest Trart Oompaay ra Oragea, RESortRrrs 1VER II aoo.nno. General Banking. Two per cent hitereet on ebeeli oeoaare 'even bandrerlel n dally haianeed of 8100 or over. Letter of credit and exchange ea all parts of the world. Ravines arconnta. 'Time aertlScs tea. 3 to pee cent: sboet-cell spealal eertlflcstea. $ino or ever. 2 tx to 4 per rent. Csll for Rook of ''ILLUSTRATIONS.' Rnnthesst Corner Third gnd Oak Streets, rhoee Private Bxchaag T2. - Conrv , President H. L .PITTOMC, . Tlcy-greca. R- LER PAGET Secretary-1 J. O. OOLTRA. Asalstsnt BecreUry SEC1TRITT SAVTNOS A TRTST COaTPAaTY 88 Worvwee Street. Portland. Oragoa. ' Tranisrra a General Ttanking Bnalneea. RA VINOS DEPARTMENT. Intereat Allowed ea Time aad Savlag Accounts. Acta aa Trnate for Estate. Drsfts at4 Letters st OreOil Available ea AR 1'artW of the World. T President t L. A. TEWtrl .........Ftret vWtfreslAaat A. U MILLS..... eWced Tlee-Preeldent R, o. JUB1TS.... .....bWatary GEO, g. RUSSELL Aaeletant Becre tary - NOXTHWXSTXRir OTJABANTEB A TBTST fX'IPANT-.Fortlaad, Orarra. . Lember Bxrhance. S. R. Corner Second and Stark Street) (second Boer). : FISCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. , SUta. Ceaaty, Mas IH pal Cnrnontlna Honda Bought and Sold. New Xntsrnrlss Organlae and Financed. Stocks snd Bonds Onsrsnteed. TTTLX OTJAR ANTEB A TBTJBT COMPANT 40 WASHINOTOat STBXXT . ,- , MOBTaAOS LOANS on Portlaad Real Eatate at Lowest Babxa, Tltlee Insured. Ahatracta FnrntBhed. V " 1 J. TrTORRTJRN ROSS,..,.. Preeldent JNO E. AITrmsoN Bsetstsry 0EOR0B H. HIT.T Vice -Pr Idett I T. P. BURKH ART Treaearer BONDS AND rOkluS SXQTHZBS ChamW af rnxuaaro Mnnlelpel Ritllroad end rxOWsTTWO-HOPKIBB C0MPAJTY XstaWUhsd 1898 BBOKEXS. . J STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Bought aad Sold for Cash and ea Karats. Private Wtree. ; ROOM d CHAMBER of CfTfSMZRCB. Fhono bfala FT. LOUIS TO -DE HOMX TELEFHOMB BONDSBANK STOCKS, . .. . . Member Portland Stock Exckanga. ..-- ' Corner Sixth and Waahlngtoa Street. Portland. Ore go. : rxwrKtr Ctam P. rV Prt W1WVVVH ar Bang A Ub wuvil. ave ORAnf. PB0VISION8, COT "t IO A BIXICTLT. 0 OoaUaaona Msrkata by Private Wire. Quick Serrlc. BEFERENCFS Ladd Tlltsa, Baat. era, and United States National Bask of Portlaad. MACHINERY. -1 -i 1 ru ui t- "I 1 - - "" B. TRENKMAN A CO. Mining, ear 1 1 IV, - ring machinery 1 hydranlla pipes, east log I ail lad repaired. 104 North Fourth. A. J. PAUL. 102 First at. Poetries, hollars, sawmill and crose-aroh mactloery. THB H. O. ALBES CO. Second-hand axa, chlaery, sawmills, etc. 248 Grand are. MONUMENTS. NEW A KINOSLEY. 388 first st, Portland' leadlna marble aad granite work. MUSICAL. THB WEBBER STUPIO-!an4ol1n. banjo, gat. tsr Instruction! tiibaoa maadollna. , aoOm Waahlngtoa. PIANO, elolia. mandolin, tromrjoee. clarinet. Professor B. A. Smith, 284 12th. Msla 4708. OSTEOPATHIC PHYBICIANS. DR. LILLEBELI.B PATTERSON, specialist ea aervons. acute and cnronic oieeae . 217 ronton bldg. Pbooe Pacific 1180, nna atirr a, KonTnRUP. 418-18-IT Doha! kMa. Third and Waahlngtoa ata. Pboaa Male 840. Examination PRINTING. rue unnrsx -prtTNTEST Artistic Brlntlng. ga passei mas, rearm. ana sen - rsctae io. rvrnTTHiNO IN PRINTING From tn estslogaee end nswspaper. Matropolltsa Printing Co.. ist sroua ea. 001UER BROS, pHntira Cards, Mllbeada, tc. Phone Mala ISO. 14BH First St. PAiTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. B. BSACH A CO-Th Pteaaee .Paint OB. Window aiaaa aaa giasing. ee ema e Phone 1284. ' PATNTTNO AND PAPERING. P. Ai fwlANB, 24 Tsmhlll st, sppoalre Joae. Bsl errioe. wsu paper, painiuia mn tng. Pboae aa for eatlmatea. Padfie 22M. FOR rsllBbla work, reasonsbla prices, Sbeehy Bros . xx? u, Tsmnin. near ata. ans ! . PLUMBERS. FOX A CO. Sanitary plumber. 231 Second, bet Msla aad Sslmoa. trregna aaeae mans wjvu DONNE RBERG A RADEMACHEB reraoved te No. 0S Burnslrle st. - RUBBER STAMPS. P. O. STAMP WORKS. 248 Alder et., phone Main 710; robber etamn. seaie. areociai: nag gag, trade checks: beaae signs and plates. ROOFTNO. TIN ROOFING.'- gntterlng. repstrlng and general Jobbing. J. Lnsll. 212 Jeffereao st. Pse. 1424. REAL ESTATE. DO YOU WISH TO BELLI We have the facilities for disposing of all birds of property; quick sales snd a atoderstc profit la onr motto. 28 Alder St. la head quarters for barralns. Witch one ada.. DIAMOND RR LTT CO, Phone Pacific 101. PARR1SH. W ATKINS A CO, 2M ALDER ST. - Real eatate, rentals, loana and Insurance. We make a specialty of baodllng rentals and property foe rreldoat and ana-rel-deots. Eatsbllshed 1X71. Phoee Msla 1044. GEO. J. SCHAEPER, real eatate aad miaraoee, 817 Chamber of Commerce. "COOS BAY NHXT." fir J W. OOM RER. real eetst and loan: eetab llahed ISS8. HH First at, roam II. A. B. RICTIARI'SON. REAL ESTATE AND MORTGAOR LOANS. Pboae Mala MB0. IJS Chamber ef Cemmerca. SPHINX AGENCY, dealer In reel estate aad rente Is. 80.vt Stark at Main 8104. FOR FARMS OP EVERT DLSCRIPTION. W. W. KSPKT. 810 Commeeelal bldg. SIGN PAINTERS. FOSTER A KLEINER SIGNS. Wa have bnilt n the Urrt sirn bwatness . la tba cits by Brat-elnee aork snd keeping C4ir proaileea. Our prices are rlxbf. klCth and Vvecett ata. Phone Exchange 88. SMNS THAT ATTRACT." Portland Slga Oa., 2N7 Stark st. I'b.-ee PactSe IStel. W. P. PI'Hiif R A SON. frl Taooill at ef all lli.'v I'hnee r.clflc , Blgns STnnrT pavivo. fiRAPTg iMHrKii Aeellahte ta An Clrle of Man'la. Collectlwa Mad ea Iseoreble Teems. l Caal .B. W. Sruvrra, A. UoLf Assistant CsabW. .A. M. WglRHT I B. L DUKHA W, , . . .......Vli'-prloVt M.AaslxUat Caabla I OEOR0R W -HOTT. Second Aaelataat Ca.hUe s and letter of Credit leased Available t Collection a Specialty. - sll parte of rae world. nil rCf!. MEARS ' ent I H. D. STOHET . ........ ,v .Aaelstsst 1 lent PL ATT A PLATT Oeaersl ( Csahlee fa'hlev f rmaeel 1M4. wB"a",f8o, Sa Prsaeltc, eslrferala. I Ihtmhis sad nndlvldew areata ,..810 raw 402.82 Interest aa Time TWpoalta. mav be opened of Bio end spwerd, I J. T. RnRTrHAEI-L. Aeert.nt Maaeeer I W, B. lAsamtsnt Cashier F,'STEVP1S. .Second Asatstsnt Caables- INVESTMENTS. 3atldtasi - ; Pablle Service Corpora tloa Boada, . fMembera Chirac Boardef. Trade.) 102 1 Third at, McKay Bldg, Portlaad, Oregoa. TOT. BT0CKS ANTJ JB0KDS, 0Utl6-10N SUglAHaaW SAFES. PORTLAND SAFB CO T BbIS ag its for Barring. Ball-Marvla eefes and Msngaaeae Steel Safe Co.' bank astee; 20 aeeoad-hand fireproof eatee and bank safes; very cheap: see them er writs a. 03 7th tt. DIE BOLD Manga nee and shw-areof aafeet lark eata opened: . metal A 1 tares ; vsalt and lall work: Jacka. J. K. Dsvta, 08 Id. Mala loM. BIGHT aeon od-hand are-proof safes aad two seeond-kaed bank aafee for aala aheap, at 10 Blxth St.. Portlaad. Ovegoav SHOWCASES AND FIXTURES. SHOWCASES ef every desert pttoal bank, bar and store flxtare mad to order. The Latk Manufaoturlng Co., Portlaad. B. H. B1BD8ALU designer; a rent tt. Winter Lomber Co, T Hamilton bldg. Msla HMO, SEWING MAC7IINES. TUB WHITB SEWING MACTTINB AOBNCT. 80 TsmMll St, Cor. Fourth. Pboaa Makx 8102. Bargain la all kloda ef new aad eecond baad sewing auchlaaei a few slightly dara - aged, good aa aew. at grsatly radoeed atleea. PBONB Parlfle 2738 aad I persons 11 y win eall : and repair roar eewlng-raachlne; work gaac anteed. a Same, adjuatsr. 81 Third at. TYPEWRITERS. DON'T .ay a typewriter anleas yea boy th sear, in u. t . amiiB A Bro.' wrltinx in Sight Typewriter te th beet typewriter made. Also a Hoe of slightly seed traded eat macblnea eg all . makes at yoar tea price. L. A M. Aleitader; B. B. Btemler. aui nag sr. 170 Fifth at, oppoalte poatof f ice. HEADQUA RTEHB for aew aad rebuilt type. wntere er an axakee: see ear window: if yea are going te bay a aew typewrite oee ae be fore buying we raa gave yoa money ; we BLICKENSDERFEB Type writer Agency: gap. piiee: repair. nalelgb bklg, Hlith anil Washington, PUBLIC STENOGRAPHER. WB aell Remlngtnaa. Smltb-Premlara.' etc, lower tbaa ear other eemosnvt Investigate. Underwood Typewriter Co.. d 6th. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS- DAILY Comb, brash, anas. at per asoata. Peruana Laaadry A Towsl Supply Co, Nlotb aad Coach. Pboae 410. TRANSFER AND HAULING. THR BAGGAGB A OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., eor. sixth aad Oak ata.; baggage cheeked from hotel er rreideooe direct 10 oeettaetloa: peeaongere therefore erold rash aed aeaay. aaee et depots. Private Exchange Sa. SAFES, nlanoa and farnttare aaoeed. packed reany ror snipping a on snipped; sil war gusranteed; large 8 -story brick are-preot warebonae far s forage. OfSee suS 0a at, Olaea A Roe. Phone Mara 847. 0. Ov PICK, eft! ce 88 First st, betweea star nd Osk sts., phone ana; planoe end firmlture aanved -and packed for shipping; commodious brick , warebonae with separate true rooms. Front aad Clay eta. BOSS CITY VAN CO, efacw 141 Pint at. pboae Mala 8224. Furniture and piane-sssvlas a specialty wa gnaraotee onr werh. NATIONAL TRANSFER A PTORAOS CO. 2T0 Oak at. Telephone Mala 440. Transfer ring and storing. OREGON TRANSFER CO...IM North Sixth. rhone Mala go. Heavy hauling aad eeorege. INDEPENDENT RAOGAQR A TSANSFEB CO. storage, gz atark st. Msla 4UT. - POST SPECIAL DELI VEST. No. 200 H Waab- inrcon sr. rnece aiaja wia WHOLESALE JOnHERS. M. A. OUNST a ro.. DISTRIBUIOR (If PINE IQAI PORTLAND. 0BKU0N. BIIERK, GASR A GRAHAM (1ac. Oommleefc merebsnta. Bobber ef reatte. aeerlace. eta I consignment solicited. 128 Frost at. BVERIUNO FARUriL, prod pes sed cm- BilBsb-t awrebanta. leo great at, Fartleeit. Or. Pbone Mala 178. ORKt'.oN rUPNITt'RS V 1 1'F A'TI H I "1 t.i. ef furnltare for the tra--e. Portland, Orecoa. W A DM AM A A ( -. sod eoro an UaliMi tier and Oak eta. frrHMTI H. ff