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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, fEBRUARY 18, 1907. 12 NEW TODAY. ....,"' Madrbna Hill . V This beautiful new addition is now ready for ale. It is the only tract -on the Peninsula that has the car line so close to the river view lots. A home 200 feet above , the city, where you can overlook ; the harbor ana city; , me snips of the world pass in full view; i tne mountains wiu uu bhww ' capped peaks are in full view; the river with the green-covered hills of the heights for a background make a beautiful picture. Nature has passed out the good things to Iris" close in. good car-aervieerfiinf-ytaitnnrwir'r -tma imiai. whin Bull Run water, building restric tions, boulevards graded and graveled; in, short, everything necessary for elegance and com - fort. A lot can be secured here on easy , payments. Money to build. .-. -'.' - -; Take St. Johns car, get jiff-at Greely6tation. It la between the "station and the river. , TOPAZ LAND CO. 605 COMMERCIAL BLDG. 0.W.LEIME COMPANY Profitable Investments $20,000 Corner Sixth and Madison,' now pay In f 7 per cent. ,. 035,000 Quarter block, Ella . and Waahlnitton ntreeta. Thla la the beat buy on Port lands principal bualneaa street. Davla street, next to Fourteenth, now produclnc over per cent. $13,500 Comer Kant Water and Washlnrton, a mlahty cheap corner, next to the new . depot, y ,( 11. W. Lemcke Co. Maim 850. UxtH and Waa&iartoa. Choosing Your Depository The conserrstire manage ment and strong financial con dition of the 'Oldest Trust Company In Oregon" Ar essential " features which,:, should influence you in select- : - Ing a safe depository for your savings, x . . . We pay J per cent' interest. . . compounded semi-annually, on ' savings accounts of any amount . . - from $1 -upward, and 2 to 4 per cent on . - , " , SPECIAL CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT , In sums of $500 or more, ac- cording to the time the funds are left with us. , V 1 .-'" Pprtiahd Trast Co; of Oregon; Assets Over $1,800,000 Call for Book of LLUSTRATlONSrr7r ' ' ' . - Portland Trust Company of Oregon i S. B. Corner Ttitrd and Oak eta. .... 'Uone Ezchanse TS. . . ' BENT t" fOF. .,..; Prealdent ' H. L. PITTOCK .Tlre-Praalaent B. LEE PAOET. ... ...... . Secretary J. O. O01THA...,..Aaalataat Secretary BUSINESS CORNER lAWTIOUa ATM. 80xl85--$6,500 Ccst Dny in locality: 304 AblafVMi Bldf. Kaia 1242. Here's Something Good 92 l.BOOrlriS plee proper ty t Cor Ktuir s or apartments, on Third at ,xr Hie ami only few minute to ) !. lid and Washington; over tnO-foot i r lace: noma Income: eagy pay rit. oaner, I. 1 M 1 Journal,. . , NEW TODAY. Rne Vacant Lot S-IOOO eOxlOO. North 18th near K earn ay. Do you want to build real- denoe or apartments? Hero . your . chance. - Owner. M HI Journal. BURNSIDE PROPXRTY You had better set in before the top file off. It Is Koing to come off snd the price will go up. 9x1 00 ft. Just off Burnalde you will. never buy no cheap ly again. TKnfX AOMTCT, . , ' J06M Stark Bf,: WEATHER RETORT. A high pressure area of considerable strength ta mitral over wnlm Oregon, am the barom eter ta relatively Blub over lb Atlantic etatee. A dtatnrbsnra Is noted north of Montana. snd snotuer ona la central over Ulnnesots ami ex tends thence euuth and west ta ths Texas pan handls. Tlx rslus In Callforala ha .a ceased LlKht rain baa falla in toa sontliera plsteea ststes anil In eitreaie northwest Waehlngtoo, and light u la reported Hi tba lower Uka . . V I . . 1 IhA . - WSCTS Hie eBiW,wt--w mir -- ' - The tndlratlona arn for rain tonlamt and Taea. da- la northwest Oregon, Washington and north ers. Idaho, and for fair weather In euatbera nd eeatera Oregoa aad southern Idas. -lamp .Mai. Mia. Pterlp. Baker City. Oregoa.,,. Peaver, Colorado ksnsss Cltr. Mlesoarl. l.ewlston, Idaho Portland, Oeegoa. .. .. .. Roactmre. Oreron ... M .. 44 04 ' ., as , 82 .0 - 42 M A 17 44 50 it 44 W .0 T. .0 82 M flan Prsadara. California... 0 .0 Spokane, Washmgtoa. ...... 90 T. corns. Washington 4S .01 .0 .0 Walla Walla. Wssblngtoa,. so MARRIAGE LICENSES. Clyde. A. Hamilton, 22. and Uartba Schlewa, is. C. J. Mlllae, JM. and Mra. Lie WlUlatna, Z Waddln Carda. W. ftoiltb Oe.. Wnatt- loaloa. bldf-, ear roartk and Waahtn(taa eta. arlatad. I. Saabtoa. 40 gtearaa blda. TON8KTH CO.. FLORISTS, FOB FLOWEU OF ALL KINDS. MS SIXTH IT. Clarke Bran.. Flnrteta Mne fbnreie aad TWal draiiov tSt llorrlaoa at.- mil dreae enlta for rent, all alae. Oalqne Til lor Ire On., aoa Stark at. BIRTHS. Cnrrin At S72H Bt Oak atraet rebraaxT la. ta Mr. and Mra. A. H. Corran, a boy. Nabl At TUO rattan maa. rnroary le, te Mr. and Mra. Kmil V Nabl. a flrl. DEATHS. FKTRCAR At M4 Sberrett are.. Farmery 18, 1007. Albert Rnae Ftyrear, ared ze year. 10 mentba and 10 daya. Intaraaeut Kanby, Or. CaainbeU At 4m Eaat Darta afreet. Feb- rhary 1ft, Glenn K. lampbeU, ated S yeara. 1 aanntha and is aara; canaa, care Bra apiaal wnlnaltla. Oealtt -At Seattle, Fenrnary IX, cneune WTUbt Oram, aced T2 yeara. 4 awatba aad 10 daya; eanae, aenlla decay. . Botender At IJO Eaat rirtaenta (ireet. Fen rnary. la, Ethel Roberta Bolender. need 19 yeara, i aavaiaa a no it anya; caoae, uiowca lMla. UNDERTAKERS. and embalmera: aandera la every detail. Se-uth and 1Mb. Mala 430. Lady analetaaL A B. Heoietork. andertaker and ambalnwr, Eaat Thirteenth aad L'etatllla are. Phoae Sell, wood 71. Brlehaoa fBdertaktns Ce aad embahnlas. 000 Aider at. I'kooa Mala C13S. Lady aaatouat. 1. P, Flo ley A Bona, Third aad Madtaoa ata. Office of coanty eoronar. Phone Mala S. Edward Rolmaa, andertaker, 230 Third at. CEMETERIES. EIVRR VIEW Bloale craTaa, $10; family Vita, tWO to $1,000; tba only cemetery In Port. , land which pernetnally malntalna end caree for lota. For full laformattoe. apply te W. B. Markenala. Worceetrr block, city. W. AC Ledd. prealdeat. BOSS CITY einale fravee, ttoj family lota, JA te I7S. superintendent at cemetery, ' corner of Fremont at. and Colly road. Phone . Tabor W6. For roll formation apple te , Frank rVblegaL S02 Commercial hlk. Phone 1 Main 7hM. ...... MEETIXa NOTICES. I1AWTH0RNB LODOE RO. Ill, A. F. A A. M. Stated eomntnnlca tloe thla (Monday I ermine nt 7:140. . Borkbard bldav lattln ' brethrta welcome. C. at MTI.LBB. Secretary. - PAINTERS' CNION NO. 10 Special maetlns Wedneaday, Febraary 30. hall 3ii, 1C3 Seeon at. Bualneaa, election ef effleera. M. W. A. EFEReBBBN Camp. S.efWI. meeti Wedneadey evealnc, Allaky bldt.. Third aad Morrlaoa ata. M. W. A. Orejron Orane Came, Na. S.STS, Mn daya. ITih and Marahall: ataltora waleaoe. -REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Frank T. and AHce B. Maddea te Ansn. . toa Erana, lota 31 te 2tl. block 23, aad lota 10 aad 11. block 34. WllUm- ' tte addition , .... t "SOS Amea O. and J, T. Beach to O. N. Settleinler. lota S and 4. block 22. Lydla Hackmaa'a addltkn.. 4,500 A. B. Ellla to O. A. Marklaad. lot 1. block iM. Albtna Homeetead J, 000 atmeat ana niane tiouae to ine iewia. -north -H ef hit 8, Mock 2B2. elty ! Id Etta woolery te Km ma orabach. lot 2. block S. Arleta Park Me. 8 . . 125 Daniel it. ens Kate I Hawhloe to . Frlte and Albtna Pllrer, lota IS aad ' !. block 20. Lincoln Park Annex ' SO W. t. Hawkina et at. te Anthony and . Mary Barnard, lote aad 10. block S, Lincoln Park Annex..... , T30 William II. ld and llalaa Ladd Cne- , belt, traetee. to Maraaret BeraL lot T, liiock io7, eltyAJr. r. 7,000 n'Winion 0,000 Uoiiexe Bnojowment aaaociatloa to S. E. rJoretwea. lota SI. 112, 83 and 84. block . '. 22, Oollece Piece ,10 Earl V. and orace It. BroaaoKh to Wil liam U. Llnrtaay, lot , block 1. Bro- . aanxh'a addlitoa Fr.ncle and Joala F. Clamo te Samuel Knby, lot 1, black T, MeMlUea'a addl- tlt 4 , ,I04 aecnrity xarmxa m iTnat comnaay te Huxh H. Hordmaa Jr, lata L 10 and 11. block 1. Boeaatl addition. ... to 1. H. HKrtoo. true tee, to Portland Crick- , et Club aeaorlaUoa (lac.), BVk acrea. , hebix all of blorka 1 and 2 and weet H of block 8, Marchmonf addition.... 2,100 neg-ina w. ana i icon j. utoer to Peter and Anna R. Knntaea. lot 2. block la. Lincoln Park Annex. SOO rred a. ana iiaine i.incnia te John nor , man. V. 1, block 18, Ilawtliome'a - Flrat addition 8,500 Bailie w. K. Kmita to Harry L. WU- .. llama, lot 11, block , Eaat Flew ISO Bomae Catholic ArcnMabop te Joaenh W elier; lot 110, aectlna 2 ef block . Mnmt Calrary cemetery , kj M. 1. Morrla et aL to Joaenh Weher. bem-k Id. Fulton 1.200 Klieaneth tan w. ana 7inrnaa M. An - e.raiiB to Carrie Jimma Mutr. lot I. block 8. General Anderson a addition... 80S Baleon rtonrinc Mi lie company to M. H. . Cochraa. nt 1J, Murk S, City 1 lew ' Fare awn-a -re e-v-. , . , J. W. and Uattle B. Itianer te . P. 278 snd Neva iHinoia, - ii 11 aad -12, -bloik 1. Arabia addition awt fames M, May te lxta Klleo Msy, Iota' ' X snd .10, block 4. t'apltaa addition.. 1.004 tlen Peterson to Mary Peterson, hit 1, block 10. Terwtlllger Homestead ' 2,800 tarth C. and Robert Kenyan fa H'xlna W. Oder, hit X btock 18, Lincoln Park Annex and Arthur C and Margaret F. Siieneer to- . II. II. newnaii, lot e, block 88, t'oneb'a adillt has 28.004 fieorre W. MoKma to Oenrge B. and Maud l Van Wnters hda 7 and 2. hlo IIS, I '.Hat Purl land. 14.000 O-.rre and Mary K. Tuthlll to William , Iteuir. kd 8, block 10, Lincoln lark Aaoet 2.0U0 i:l'al i state transfers. a". C. and tt HarOlmaa to A. B. Car. lock, lota 1 nd x block 1. Hardlinan's uii muai 1,000 A. W. and 8rh p. Coddard te Lwy level, i. Vance ". 6O0 Mnritaretta H-inl to Murrle Kuhuer, lut" T. likwk iiiij. T.TS0 ltli. Trust r.,tmy of.Orexoa to- W. tircvn, U.t 11, bkK'k E. porta- ; ' uimub Mil Kxianxli.n . 8T5 . N. Cau,,hell, eirrutor. te Bertha ' Ault. V acra In aecttoa 28, lonnalilp . 1 aimth. ranite 4 eaat..., ..400 Chaxlea A, Wj era to T. S. Mi Daniel, lot a. Mock 2. H.K-liclle 2.400 Sunnyalile Lun.1 4; linrtTemeot company '' to A. P. Smith, lot ft, block 48, Sunny- . aide 42 U. K. and Wary B. tieorro to A. P. Smith, lot tt, block 4, Bartach Park. a.liiiiton '.. 1.000 MalHla P. Jackeca lo i. C. and Mary U. , Howrey, lota lo and 11 and fractional , ' lot VJ. block M. b.'llwood .1,800 Jauiee and Roee 8. Klcbey to Elmer A. Uemeii awl Kurene c. Prh-e. 3.181 auree of t aleb Klchey and wlfe'ado- . ntlthm l.nrf l.ltn In t lr.T,m IO a till townalilp 1 aouth, range 8 eaat ... t,2M Jaiuea 1'. Tbouineon to A. C. Krlellrv undlrliletl W at luta a aiul S. bLftrk -W. 'I'ortannHith , . 10 A. J. Smlthaon to Edward Jooat. land , commencing- at went line ef Coniiner ' rial atreet T5 feet aooth ef aouth line of Morrla atreet Title tinarantee A Tru.t company to A. R. Voilna. lata B and 10. block IS. W'eat Pleilmout SOO Ednr Hopklna te fleorge Illrka, lot 4, "4'tVt3sV,",eW'"'W I llai ftlPtt V. . '. '1 1 A. I ' V a 1 1 'Iff B. B. and Jane M. Lamaon to E. R. Mergea, IMltloo feet bealnnlng la went line-Of Kin -.tM llHk tut anrth nf Borth line of Wayne atreet T.800 E. E. athl Mary Edward Merxea to C. C fbay. eame nronerty aa leaniled a bora 14 K. B. MrParland et nl. to Parrr Uooklna. lot 1. block 1. IUtcIoHi . 604 Jamea B. and Mary C. Pulbemne to Nell OH am, nn.llrlded Vk of lota 4 and B. block 1. Joba Brcadle'a addition te Alblna l.SOO 'For -batracta, tttle tnaaraace ac mortgage Inana. rail on Paelfle Title tj Treat eampany, 204 ft-4-T Falling building. . Oet root- maarance and abetractn te real aetata from the Title Cos ran tea a Treat com pany. 240 Waahlngtoa atreet. corner NOTICES. IN Till! olirrlrt court of the I'nlted Statee, for tne dlalrlct of Urairon la tba matter of tht estate of (icorire Karliart, bankrupt. Tba nii1rnicint will racalre nraled blla for the fnllowlna deacrtbed paraonal property, located nc i onaon. uraaon. np to 14 e clock nouo , of Saturday. Marrb . 1007. A atork of nwrt-handlse. eooalatlnf of for .nllnre, hardware, palnta and olla, of the h v avntorr '.aloe of atore ftxtnrae of the Inventory Talue of $420. 70. ntaniblna and t Unnttirtool W tbelaTenlnryValae of SISOl lerma caan. nd a eartiriea cbeea for 10 per cent ef the eroonnt bid aiaat accompany each offer, aale aubjact to eonflrmatloa by tbe court. The InTentory mmj he aeea at mj office and the atock mar b laapacted at Condon. Oregon. . Pated at Portland, Orefoa. thh) Itth day et rebraanr, J607. . B. t. SABtN. Tmatee, ' . ' Nert Flrat et. IN THE county eonrt of the etate of Oregon. for the county er Multnomah la tbe matter ef tbe eatate of B. Wlatar Morrla, deeeaaed. Notice la . hereby gtrea .that Hannah Rodney Morrla, executrix of the eatate of B. Wlatar Morrla, deeeaaed, hae filed la the coanty court ef tbe atate of Oregon, for Multnomah coanty. her final account and report ae eueh executrix, and aald court haa by order dnly made and entered herein, appointed Toeeday, the 18th of March. 1W07, at tbe hoar of S:.'IO o'clock a. a... and tbe eoartroom of aald court la the city of Portland, aald county and atate. aa tbe time and place for bearing otijeettone to aald account and for tbe nettle, meet ef the eame. - - - lated Fenrnary IS. 1"T. " HANNAH RODNET MORRIS, Executrix of the Laat Will and Teatameat ' ef B. Wlatar Morrla, Deeeaaed. TRI STEB-S SALB. Sealed blda will be recelyed by the derelgned for tbe atock of cutlery ef the ' Portland Cutlery company np to 12 o'clock, noon. Toeeday, February IS. 17. All blda te he accompanied with - a, certified cheek lor io per cewt or tbe amoour bra. ah oioa aubjeet te rejection by the referee. The In ventory and atock can be examined by ap plteatloa te tbe anderatgned. i ' HKRBKRT MARX. " Trnatee la Bankrnptcy of the Portland Cut lery Co., 427 Cham bee ef Commerce bldg. NOTICE la hereby gtyea that bide will be received at the echool clerk'e office, city hall, ap to 12 m.. February 25, 1!)7. for ae.llog th aneeml.le hall la the Eaat Side high ecbonl building with opera ehelre; eamplee moat aecompany all blda. The Bchool board reaerTae the right te reject any and all blda. By order ef the. ecbonl board. , R. 8. ALLEN. School Clerk. ' Portl.nd, Or.. Feb. Id, IvtrT. SEALED bide will he reeelTed at the office et the erhool clerk. City ball, np ta 12 nv, Tharaday, Febraary 21. 11 iT. for conatrnct Ing a fire eacane en the high ecbool building.-- Plane end eneelficatlona- for eame can be eeea at the archlteet'a office. 834 Eaat Third atreet. Tbe echonl board raaet rea the right te reject any and all blda..: THOMAS 1. JON KB, Architect. Portland, Or., Feb. 18, lu7. NOTICE la hereby green that the ananal meet ing or tne etocknoioere er tne oregoa soatn em Railway romnaey wlH be held at the of fice of tbe company, Portland. Oreevu. Moa day, March a. ImiT. at 8 o'clock p. m.. for fce fftjailaiV-tf 'aOBrtaTdgr " "mV. "-W0jra4jg -48f ifVSjatdema and transacting each other baetaeee aa may legally corse before tbe meeting. W. B. L1TZENBKRO, Becretary. ' PORTLAND, Or, Feb. 11. lttOT. The annual meeting ef tbe Btorkhelriera of the Mt. Baker Mining company wlU be held, at Itn office, , corner of Fourth and Oak ata., Portland, Ore goa, at 4 p. m.. on March 11, 190T, for the election ef a board ef direct ore for the en . anlng rear aad to tranaact auch. ether buefneee aa may eroperly come liefore the meeting. y UE.NBX HAUN. Preahlcot. rROFESSOn i. C. CBAMER. the Teda Olla Man. remored from 2W Mala at. ta 3A3 Vamblll et., corner Park. .. ' LETT'S mnale bonea la morlng te 124 Fifth St.. ppoalte Olda aV King. LOST AND FOUND. LOST A Mae enameled pin with gold eet II nee and -the letter "H 1'A" acroea the face; owner will reward finder. Hrtura te Journal arttet. FOTJNIa A place te knee hair mattreeaea rene rated and retarned same day. 228 Front et. Mala 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. U, Metagar, proprietor. LOST Lady's gold Waltham watch, with tnl tlala "D. H." oa front of case and la back of case "Walter -to Dora." Return ta 300 Fonrth at. and receive reward. Y HELP WANTED MALE. - BCDIrg EMPLOTMENT A0ENCT wanta loa gers. 1.1 nj; railroad laborers. 82.50 ap; city lahorers. 12.60 up; hotel help and skilled labor. , Offices 110 First at. snd No. 4 North Third. . Pacific 1443 and Pacific i!A. t , WANTED An a rent m every town In Oregon and Washington to represent the atock and bond department of the Commoawealth Troet Oo. of portlaad. Or. . WANTED Every maa ant ef a poaltloa er dis satisfied with his present vocation, te take a eight ennrse at the B-hnke-Wilker Bu.l aesa College,-Seventh and Ktark ata. We will place yoa la a poaltloa when competent. AOKNTS wanted. Oregon. 'Cllfo.fils. Idaho, Waahlngton; health aad accident Inam-anc; eld reliable company; good contracts; refer ences required. United States Health Ac1 - eldest. Insurance Co.. 208 Marqasea. . . ... PACIFIC STATIONERY A PRINTINfl CO. SnftKTT Second st. fboae msla 821 We di-elgi and Install the moat modern and Improved office aystems; complete line koar leaf filing devtcee. ' GENTLEMEN wlahlnr to better thrlr smitten call snd see me; 4 to 84 dallt' eoelly maile; ao graft, no eanvaaalng, - 44T Vashlngtoa . St.: Call after lo a. m. - ; WANTED A young man for clerical work; good, psaltlna and excellent opportunity; atsre references, experience and salary wanted. Ad drewt T 127, Journal. 81.00 A MONTH PROTECTS TOtt , Agatnat accident, sfckneea and death. Write or call and Inreetlgate. Worth wot Health Accident Aaeoetallon. Mn McKay blng. Agents Wanted. MF.N NI WOMEN tne barber trsdt Hi efsht weeks; gradnatea earn from 81A Id tm weekly: expert Inatrwciora: catalnrne free, loler y.tem ef Ollegee, 88 North Fourth - et.. Portland ' MEN of ability ta sell ths mnet libers! henlth ( sun acclrh-nt Inenrancc policy on the marks.. Pacific Aid sseoristloa, " Lumber Kxcbaoge 1 bldg. Per I land. tc. ; "i HELP VATE1 MALE. WANTED SALFSMKN A rtlNCPn"! W AT- IN( AN IM . 'UMATIllNAL KKITTATION HAS the Bi;sr kki.limi financial 1'Hiini.smnN IN Tllrl alAHKET TOPAV ir YlIJ AUK A !.Ks(AN UK HAVH TUB M tw.lI Jt A 1.1 Kit ATIKNS TO UK rMH) ONE WE WILL TKM'H TOIJ nVV TO KAKN A N.M.AKY or NOT I.EKS THAN . HUD IKAHI.Y. aiiri:s in niMi . IKNCE. H'l'AU.Nr At.i:, K X I'ERIEVOE AND ntmatJlts, u 131. CAKE JOLKNAL. , ; , x SELL WANTED 8ALESWKN TO MININ0 STOCK OF MERIT; LIBERAL COMMISSION AN1 GUARANTEED EXPENSESi ONLT CAPABI.B MEN OF GOOD ADDRESS NEED TOCK AND BOND DEPT;, ' COMMONWEALTH TBCST CO.," ' SIXTH AND ANEINT ST2, antSTTVASTBD"" Who hare common arhaol edncatloa or bet ter, between Is and 40 reare of aea. te ore- pare for ruatnma Inspector er railway mall clerk In Portland; ruuat be atrona end able to glre rood referenced: we In. tract by mall eniy. now, u yon raven t a pueltloa. or -yoa are dlaaatlafled with your nreaent employ- meat aad will accept a poaltloa with Lncle Sam at from lolO to 81,!hk to etart, let na prepare you for tbe clrtl eerrlce examtnatloB. , Xoura.yerr trnly. : PACIFIC MTATKtl BCROOLa. ' - " McKay bklg., Portlaad, Or. .WANTED AT ONCE Stare-holt en Mere, waraa 81.40 per cord; ateedy work. Apply Weatera Cooeerage Ce, 8tearaa bldg Portland, ut lioaltoa. Or. , WANTED AT ONOB Sound yoonf men for fire men im Brakemeav oa leading weeiera rni roada and for new roada now being com pleted; experience .nnneceaeary ; firemen 8100 per month, braketnen 88; eoeltlone now open I write at once for partlcnlara. ajatlonal Ratlr way Training aaeoclatlon, TTO Paxtoa blk.. Omaha, Nebraaka, or iil Bldge bldg, Kanaaa City, Mlaaom-L . SEANTED Expazlaoced howrana.tseker Port- una Bbowoaee t liture Co., -u rvex m. WANTED Planer maa, couch maker, furnlmre poll. her. a few good boye. oregoa 1 ur nltur Mfg. Cov Macadam road. . - WANTED Saleament maay make 8100 te 81(10 per month! noma erea more: atock eieaa; grown on merratloa. far from eld errhardaj caab advanced weekly; choice ef territory. Addreee Waahlngtoa Mareery cam pa ay. Top paalah, Waahlngtoa. - WE get work for ear membera; apeclal mem- Dere, sz. X. M. O. i. Fonrth and xamaiu. MONET I MONET t AdTaneed arery week to ear areata; a fall line. Including ap-to-date epeclaltlee. Write for free caaraaalng eatfIC Capital City Naraery Co., Salatn. Or. COMPETENT aaah. door and planing mlD fore man, nigaear wagea; eommnnicanona ennxi dentlaL Adib-eaa W 128, eare JuarnaL - . . UNION HOTEL, SI North Sixth St., Portland. Or. Free employment te ell lta boarders; rates 14.50 per week; rooms 2ne and np; apeclal monthly rates glren. Andersen, proprietor. WANTED A boy or aa eld maa te de chores; mnst be able to milk end care for homes; wsaes IIS to 820 per month, board and room. Address F 128. care JoarnaL WANTED Carpentering, painting, lathing. Bias, tering; give dentistry. Cell room 0, I2k Washington) st.e WANTED-Immedlately. young men, over 20, , te prepare for examination tor cue tome la epeeter;.' permanent government positional fine ealarlee. Call this evening or tomor . row. Mr. Hsyaae, 818 Columbia bldg. - FEW more men wanted Immediately to pre- - pare for examination for railway mall clerks at Portland. April 11. Many coed - appointments. Your opportunity. Mr. Jley . nen. 81S Columbia bldg., dally 4 te 4; s ven ture, T:1S te V OOOD live salesman, salary and eemmlasloai a rood proposition te right party. , 0 140, care - Ji JoarnaL MEN and boys wanted te lean plumbing, plas tering, bricklaying, electrical trades; free eatalogae: posltlona secured Cnyae Trade Schools. New York aad Saa Francisco. WANTED Noa-onloa tethers, 82.60 per 1.000: atesdy work. Apply IM Commerce at., Ta- eema. -wean. . i : ., WANTED Two experienced eentlemea eollctt- Bell Depont eontracta; liberal contract to right partlea. - Address S ISO, Jonrnal. BOTS with wheels. Wertmaa ft King. Apply at a ace te Olda, GOOD PLUMBER: steady work for the light maa. T 120, car Journal. , . SEWER DIGGERS. 42.50, 8 keora East 10th aad Thompsoa eta. TWO young men wanted for factory. . 442 Eaat 21st at., aooth. FRENCH, Oermaa, Spanish, ' Itsllsa by phone erraph; International Correspondence Bchool records, textbooks snd Isrge beta for marie records; cheap. Address M ISO, cars Journal. WANTKD flood atesdy driver for bakery wa gon, with experience. U IIS, care JoarnaL PARTNER wanted, naoaey no ehect, experience not accessary; come Immediately, fnveatlgate; . real estate work. 1-4 Interest. Alexander ' Land Co.. 4SH sixth st, near Plne FRESHER wapted to press pants; steady work. L n Mat Tailoring Co., 803 Stark at- . WANTED Flret-clasa. frame-maker sad sll . s round bench band. Paelfle Coast Door Co., ' 072 Macadam road. . ' HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED Every woman eat of a poaltloa er dlaaatlaOed with her present vocation, te tsks a night coarse at she Behnke-Walker Puiloeas College. Seventh and Stark ste. Ws will place oa la a aositkaa whsa earn ' patent. LARGE business firm desires a woman ef ma ture years to devote half her time aa aeatet ant; do stenography or bookkeeping. Address 204 Tllford bldg. . OIHI.S WANTED Operators te work ea eVrta and overalls. Lessons gives to laexperlsaced. . Apply st Stsndard factory Mo. 1 Grand ave, ' aud Eaat Taylor St. HANSEN'S LADIES' JlOENCT. 848)4 Waeh Inrtoa at., cor. Sa.enth, apatalrs. . Phoaa ' Mala 2602. Female help wanted. GIRLS WANTED Apply Stsndard Factory Bex. 2, Grand sve, and East Taylor St. WANTED Good girl to assist In kltrbea work. Apply 104 North Seventh St. LADIES wishing sa ecenpetlon that will pay 41 to 4.1 per dsy. call st my office; abso lutely no graft, tie canvassing. 447 W a ab lution et- Cull after 10 a. m. . LADIES to lenra garment catting snd ladles' ' taltirlnv; yon enn make youraelf- a suit while learning. 24S Yamhill at. . ARTIST with orlrlnal Ideas for drawing and painting. 102 N 01 111 Fifth St., upalsirs. . GIRL wanted, experienced, L. Salomon, STO.Iioyt st. for second work. SALF.HWOMKN. cloak snd anlt, must be trior ourhly experienced snd competent; good per manent posltlona. Olda, Wortman A King. A married lady to de light house keeping for fmnUy ef five; no children; muat have rcrereTicrs. Apply rrineipni K. t rows, w leu odlswn, H'aui. U1KI, for general housework; good wages. 8S1 East 14th St.. north, comer Scbnyisr; take ' Irvlngton or Broadway ears. WANTED Competent girl for general bouse work. Apply 14 East Idth St. SITUATIONS WANTED MALE. WANTED All hinds of garden work, trim ming ahmMierii'a, fixing np ysrds, alae reg ular house-leaning eatlafartunly dVme. Sjelmgcr. P. O. box 88. WANTFO By young man. experienced, as time . kespsr or plghtnatchaisn. M ,118, JtnirnaL MALE AXI FE5IALE HELP. HF1.P wanted and euppiied, male or female. R. o. Drake. Mora Waauiuxtoa at.. Pacific 187U. WANTKD A few rood eollcltoie, male ent feoiale; beat pro;uiltlon la Portland; nod money to the right partlea. Plioue Hallwuod 7 It Corner fcaat lath at. end L'matllla aea. WANTKn Few ladlee and gaorlemen aa dem. U,c a 1, U . 1 .1'.iii-M mm aleap.oile at once. Call bid., Huth and Wthlngt"i, ouetiaKira and Tun J. Kal' 1Kb hi. ayjau.- .r SITUATIONS WAXTEU FEMALE. WANTKI By competent woman, peelfoa a landlady for room Ing. houee. Adilreae X 132. care Journal. NIKS1NO by the day or week by experienced nurae; neat rererencee. L care auuriui. A WIDOW lady with good reference wanta a poeliion to lake care of an epartment-bvuae ar aa uuuaexeciier. I'hone Uiln tw. WANTKD Waalilrg and Ironing, bla at. Phone Pacific iio&S. 207 Oolum A SHAMSTRKS dealree aewlnr by the day; prlcea reaaouable. Addreee N 130. Journal. PLACE to aaalat with ouaework by woman with child of 4 yeara; email wagea; elderly weoiie preferred. AOdrrea ui. journal. POK1TION aa care JoarnaL boaaekeeper wanted. L. 12T, WANTED Mnnagament of roomlng-bonae; per- aoTir rarPTen.- irrett prer liucairy, but Vamblll and Park. EMPLO VME NT AGENCIES. RRD CHOSS FMHI4TMFNT CO -Lexrlng camn and farm help a epedalty. '20 North Second et. Phone Mala IM We pay ail telea-rapb cbargea. i .; HANSEN'S FMPI.OTME.NT OFFICE FOB MEM. 24 North. Second at. Phone Mala 1B3S. PORTLAND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE 208H Morrlaon at Phone Paelfle 24 27 North Second at Phone Pacific 1M0 WANTED AGENTS. WANTED SALESMEN TO BELL MINING stock of merit; liberal commission and guaranteed expenses: onlt capable men of good address need apply. - ' " ' ' stock and bono dept.. , J OOMMOKWtULWI-jrBTOX.C;rT-SntTH AND ANKBNT BTS. . ' 100 HONEST maa aad wemaa- te -sire all ee only epare time te my medicine propeeitioai goud money and beat medicine. B. M. Pluta r, 200 Third at. WANTED Oood aaleamea te repreeent aa la choice terrltorlra; blgheat eemmiaaion paiaj eeah adriuneed fur expenees; ererythlng fnr nlahed. Addreas Oregoa Naraery company, Salem, Oregon. WANTED Aa agent in every towa la Oragoa end Washtngtoa te represent tbe stock and bond department ox tne votamoaweeita irasi Co. ef Portland. Or. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED TO BENT Hoejsea. eettagea, flata. stores, offices, reaming booses, eta. . land lords will do well to csll oa POHTsl.AND TRUST COMPANY OF 0RI00B Phoae Ex. 71 S. B. Cor. 84 aad Oak. WANTED Room about 20x80 feet, for print ..Ing office; ftrst or secned floor; locatioa moat tte central. Address A 127, care Journal. WANTED TO RENT Houses, eetrn t fares, 204 H flara. stores, rooming bouses, office, bldg. Mohawk I WANT to rant modern 4 te Sroom house la tine residence part ef city, with privi lege of purchasing later. Tbomaa P. Ttwrn ton, 810 Chamber ef Commerce. - , WANTED REAL, ESTATE. f WANT te bay a modern 4 ta S-room heme la fine residence Iocs II ty. Installment plsn. with privilege ef paying all at any time. Thomas P. Thornton, 810 Cham bar ef Commerce. . WANTED Aa acra ef good almproved lead cleared ready for calttvatioa ea oa Bear ear line; etate price, term a, sucsiwa. only need apply. X 130, rare JoarnaL I WANT te bay for sssh from owners a 4 te S-saora hnaae, betweea Buraslde and Haw thorns, 'ths river and -2Sth . at.; esst slile; (Its location, price and full partlcnlara first letter. Address W 128. care JeuraaL CONTRACTOR will tmlld boose and take tot - In part pay meat. Addreee N 114, JoarnaL SO OR 40 eves wlthla 10 er 12 miles of Portland, Improved; mnst be good soil aad ' a reasonable price.' Address P 114. Jouraal. TO BUT A l.tno-ponnd work bores; I will be at TJ. 8. stable thla evening aad tomorrow. Ed Smith. e WANTED MISCELLANEOUS.' - MAIM Bene. 1 CAST AND LOTS OF IT .-, FOR FCRN ITITRhV , - PORTLAND AUCTION U.OOMS. . - 211 First SU ' ' MAIN B4S8. KAIH B484. CASH for household gnoda. Bsvage Pen sell, 840-847 First at. Phoae Faclfle 800. WE WILL BUT. -SELL OR TRADE- ANX OLD . THING. WESTERN SALVAGE CO., 427 428 WASHINGTON. PACIFIC 788. . WANTED Furniture end household mode ef every desertptioe bonghi. Bold and exchanged. .- -Thi 4.-202 First at. Mala 4a74. 8 HIGHEST caab price paid tor all ktnda second hand goods. Phoae Msla 2111. M M. Third. WE hsnl deed horses and cattle free. Oregoa Fertiliser Works, or notify Carney's Veterl. ' asry, Foarth sad Gllsaa ata. - Msla 1904. WANTED Children for motherly care; reason able. 227 Porter at. Beferencea siren, - WANTED A 1 er S team transfer hnslnssa for cash. Address L ISO, care Journal. . t OR HORfln gee ar gasoline eagtae wanted. r SSI, sournau , . , TEAMS wanted to hsnl rrnshed rock. Inquire , Joplln ft Marks, 121 Ablngtoa bldg. - PAINTING, nlastsrlng. ptnmblng. electrio. ' brick, i cement or carpenter wes-k, exesvs tlona, house hulldlng or esblnet work prompt ly done. The Acme Co., 408 Mohawk bldg. TWO spaas ef draft horses, 1,400 to l.SOO pound., dsppla grays, 4 and 4 yesra old. Geo. Mcftreer, Forest Grove. FURNISHED" ROOMS' FOR RENT. HOTEL OXFORD, Sixth end Osk. srill take a few more permanent roomers; all mod era eoe venlsncne; single rooms $4 Bp . week. , Spe cial rates fur suites. THE "LOWNNDALB" Lerge elegsntly ran . nlsbed housekeeping suttee and single rooms 1 ' running water, gss rangs, 608 V Alder at, THE RICHELIEU. 88 North Sixth et Els , gantly dnrnlsbsd; stssm best snd hatha. THE GRAND. 4rtt, North Third at. gentlemen, 41.28 per wssk and ap. tor THE K'NO Ana Jefferson St., betweea Fifth snd Sixth sts. Electric llrht, bath, best; tirswlsss snd aswi from 4.00 np. DOUBLE snd single rooms Air rent, reseoaahle. Over Well. Farjo bldg., lOH Fourth at. Ft'RNlSHF.D snlte. bslf block from Hotel Pert land. Phone Msla 4. 1 Seventh at. FOR RENT HOUSEKEEITNQ. . 81 no WEEK CP, larre. dean, fnrnlshed house keeping rooma, laundry end both. 1S4 Bbee. bias son til, rnrtlsnd. " ' 11.28 WKI'K VP. cleen. farnlshsd beaaekeep. Ing ' rooms, psrlor, hath, lasndry, furnace heat. yard. 2.1i Stanton. 0 csr. THE MITCHELL Housekeeping and transhmt rooms, rsssonsbls. Seeeath aad Flanders. FURNISHED fonms - for light housekeeping, (all st t Ersrett er phone Msla AOud. TWO fnrnl.hed housekeeping rooms for rent. l"t MlesLalppI se., Uiwer Alutna. lnt;SEKEEPING suites from 412 and np; also a .re. mi honaekeeplng enlte, st 410 Fntirth at. Inquire 2H4 Jeffstsoa St. rhone Piclrjs 2200, I Oil RENT HOl'SEKEEriNQ. Tivo hottwkeeplug-rounit 3, Third at. bedroam I-. SM ITCH HK.NT Uoneeki'eplug luma ave. rooma, IDS , V 11- TWO complcfly furulehed houaekeeplns rooma In nj...l.-rn flat. Call at 2Tm Clay at. 1 M'WO M il 0 Serenti-ei ITKH bouaukreplng routsa. 215 North euth. . TWO rnlh.d houarkeenlut rooma, i biiike. ata Cherry at. ' f near at eel TilltKH furni.hnd hoiiaekeeplng . month. .'i Wlllluina am. roome, 10 a rcaMHIIED bou.okaeplnf r.wina. 2 14tb at. LA ROB front room for light honackeeptngt t" ana naip. mm Finn at., near layior. FOR RENT HOUSES. I FOB. RENT-A S-room cottage, modern COB- swv uhib, s uiWBJ ink at xga ajiiiiv, . , WE are In need ef several furnished and sm furuiahed houasa te aatnfy the wants of ear Bat roiis. Puuoe mala 6MI or call 7-0 Cham ber at Commerce. Do It Bow, 2-STORY hooae of 4 rooms (not modern 1. 2x8 North 10th; Juat ths pises fur workmen's pesogusrters; rent cheap to aesirsoie lenaut. eea . tireemer, as toarta st. - WE rent m tie. atid asll plaaoa. Hbermaa, Clay FOR KENT T-motn modern house; rut reason able; o cat . ttt7 Kelly at.. GOOD 5-room modern euttaga, l&; T-room mod era nou.c, m.Mt. HATFlKLl SMITH, 16&H Foarth . KRAT 4-room cottage. 1 block Vegetsrlan Cafe, lui Sixth st. fruit. FOR RENT FLATS! CNFCR'ISHRD 8-room flat. pantry, closet. nra. easenieut; au month. 8X3 Cable st. FURNISHED HOUSES. FOB KENT Nicely furnished 5 -room cottars, . new and modern, wslklnr dlstaace. Phoae Tabor i'as. before 4 o'clock. HOUSES' FOR RENT FURNITURE ... -,v ,- - FOR SALE.'' - -:'- 4-ROOM benss for rent, first-class Atrnttnra . for sale. Including Smith best Axralneter rarpeta, 2a0; will ronalder real estate. 772 Eaat Taylor at. Eaat 4278. FINE furniture of modern 4-ranm apartment: all con rente noes ! down towa. 'Mils 1S12, 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. . r - WS ased furniture at aay price. Portland A ac tion Rooms. 211 First St. Main oCiS. FURNITURE. 0 rooma bouse for sals or ex. rhenge Improved proper ty. . im . BIIU at. Phone Mala 8088.- . ... FOR RENT STORES-OFFICES. OFFICE-ROOMS. aafdrnliBed rooma aad sam ple-rooms for rent. . Goudaough bldg. Apply elevator. .(.,..... A FEW flrst-clssa offlce-rooms h-ft at aortheast corner ioira bbq staauea sts. Apply No. 4. - DESK ROOM, vlth or without desht Inside ; asodera. 414 Swetlaad bklg. er outside res FOR RENT flmsll store building with 4 living- rooms; good location; low teat. . laqalrs at 840 East Seveatb sL FOR RENT FARMS. HOPTARDfl, 28 acrea with IS acres cleared land, 4-rooBi botuw, gooa aopnouse, oarn, lsrge OS trance, tt miles from Portland, 4 mile from rsllroad. Apply at 234 Grant St., Portlaad. p LARGE stork and 'grain farm on county mad and railroad. Folk cennty; grala rent M la. care Journal. .. . FOR RENT 20 acres, all ki raltivatloB. good honse and sera, well fenced, te responsible party only. Address M 110, cars Journal. FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS. BALL snd ballroom, separate er together! new aad with all euarenleBeee. Phone-Mela 884, BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED SALESMEN TO BELL MINING STOCK OF MERIT; LIBERAL COMMISSION AND GUARANTEED EXPENSES; ONLT - CAPABI.B MEN OF GOOD ADDRESS REED apply." r ;v' -;' ' STOCK .AND BONP &IPX.' . COMMONWEALTH TRUST CO., v . ' SIXTH AND ANKBNT cTTfl. . GENERAL store, weet aide, abowt 41.400 want ed ; horse snd wsgon, eta.; good pay hag best Besa; T- 12,tare Jearnat. WANTED Stork ef general merchsndlse; mast be a hergala; bankrupt atock preferred, er won Id Imx stock ef grocer iss. 180, cars journal. - FOR SALE OR TRADE A newly furnished apartment-bouse of 40 roome, close fct oa , east side; brick hulldlng, all aewly renovated; rooms all rsotsd. Address X 130, J on rne 1. FURNISHED boose ef 18 rooms, near union de pot, good money maker.' for aale. Call 120H not North Sixth at. V . GROCERY BUSINESS FOB SALE. -c We ti4sa splendid, stress, seise ef ens - tl.SOO, tbe other 12.000 per month. Csll st ones. H. W. Leoacke Co., Sixth and Waah lngtoa ata. ... 'i 1 . . - FOR SALB Good laundry with Meellent trai nees In oae of the best towns In ths Wll- , lsmette vslley; owners must sell oa sc. count of poor heelth. Fiar particulars ad dress SUverapa Stssm Laundry, Silver toa. Or, 83-ROOM hones, nsrt housekeeping, very can " tral, nsBah.g full; Urgetn; 4I,800.- " UATT'lELD ft aMITIL , ' . 46(4 Foarth St. ' 4ATB MONEY Anything la printing sea Mad dea, Odd Fallows' Tsmple. First aad Aider 'sts.; apstalrs. ' . Hno BUYS 8-raoms, w.TI fuml.faed la good lo cality; wsst side; hrw rent. Hsgsmsaa ft Blaschard. 01 Fifth at. PLACER gold mine, partner wanted er will eell; mine In Idaho; etrletly high grsds; 21.80 ysrd diggings, W. N. Rdbls, Golden, Oregon. . PARTNER td" Invest t0 In legltimste bnaV . aeea; will pay if! to 410 dsy; money secared. Addreas X 182. cars JourneL ' . FOR SALB Stock of ' groceries and f lirerea, . competing sea I -a, show ceaee and Ice cheat; : will sell cheap; reason for selling, going esst. Price I"!. Address K . 181, Journal. 41.0O0 WILL buy a small- hnt clean stock ef groceries, with fixtures, horns snd delivery war on. If taken quirk. Inquire ef pwaer. ' 423V Morrison sL A COMPLETE restaurant outfit for aale or trade for teal eatate. 808 Burnalde It. Cell apatalrs bstweea 4 and 4 p. m. A BARGAIN A saloon doing good baamees, ea eaat side; expenses are llrht. Also laundry route for Bale; wages will run 417. SO a week. 41 Grand avs. Phone Esst hOS7. FOR BALM st discount. 418,000 Columbia South ern Irrlgntlixi bonds; Bisks ate aa offer. n 12V, cere Journal. . FOR, quick ssls . offer 8.000 Blue f ton st 2'ic; lust chance to get ehssp stock) 4 129, ' JoiirnsL PARTIES having from ?8 np to Invest In gm-ouxen pruppu m wfii'n win pav nig re turns In a suort -time plssse addreas P 118, csre Junxcal. . . NICE cigar atore for sale; good business, 132 Orsnd svs. . FOR SACK REAL ESTATE. " FOU SALE. 42. COO New modera I-pmsi house, qnsrter .' block ground; hslf cs.h sad hslanee on tlnee; . must be sold stem. See owner. 1 114 VII lard are.. Willamette station. St, Johns Car. A OpoD 2 atery brick bualness house on good street! saet aide, eisit e) to build, build ing lot WH118 feet. 8" .V0; must sell at ancs terms. Ilouia 4, 1'jO Seeond at, , 1 Oil SALE REAL LSTATI3. BPS1NES8 LOT IN ST, JOnNS Only. i:.i. . .. ElCllARD ftHEPARD S, CO., SI. JubUB. Ol'egoa. se 'City. Realty i ; B lots. 8c ear aervlee, all set. tt trait, .' 87o0: t eaah. ' 84 acrea near car llnsj T-rooa houae, "Tpvur ha r'h. 2" co ml?' til res, aorae, ha rnsaa. " ' 2 barks, bay, wood, chlckena, tools, grsvslea road. .').2iO. Sl acres, tie timber, H mile ratlreadl . tlea selling 42c. ' ,oa ! . 8 tins lots on Belmont St.. Se ear Shrer Tt) KXCHANaa Tor aeresgs, lots or Improved city pro party, sa Improved valley farm paying a aaah real , of luoo per jresr. . :, ALSO ' -dso-scre whest farm. eta acrea la erepi an stock, feed farming tools, go with place. . Call quick. I,. 204 MOHAWK BLDG. 44.81V) NEW 7-room modera hones, cement . wslk. street Improved, sear is. ea eaat aldai title le a bargain. 84.2.V) 60x100, roonj houae, lt ' and Enat Main sts. . 85.000 Corner 100x100, T-room house, all kinds of fruit; a tine home end a bargain; corner' East lAth and Madlaon sts. 82.000 Corner Box 100, new S-room modern ' hniieei H.OuO cash, balance time; Slat and , Gllua sts. - $2.400 Corner 00x100, flae modern 4-room - houae. street .. Improved. OB .SkUmsra S4- hslf cash. ' 44.200 Let BOxlOO, good T-room ) ra ea west ia, WILLIAMS ft FARMER. - Boom 80, Waahlngtoa Bldg. -WUIaiaette: - ' Hare a few lots left rn Wlllamettet every lot 00x100 feet; price 4275 aad ap: 428 eaah sod 48 a month. Come and take year choice before sdvsnced ta price; good place leg bomsballdsra and In ess tors. Tfor aale by - . C. A. Zyfcwski ...-iz, .. ' WUla matte Rtatkia, St. Johns ess. 10 HOOhtj booaa, large groonds. frolt trssa, berry bnahes; owner must sell:" honse alone worth mora thsa price aaked; S,000 41.000 casta, balsnce to ault. , 0. 0. BHAT, - . Main 1042. 804 Ablngtoa Bldg. 10-ROOM ejudsra house, clove la. east side, . $siio lees thsa yoa can buy lot aad build house for today; price Id, 000 1 It's a- keenly. , '. i. 1. Oeder. corner Grand are. aad East Anksny st. . . "- i LOT 60x100, Improved street, 0 blocks frexew St. Johns postofftee, $oo. t. J. Oeder, cor ner Grsnd ave. aad Esst Ankeay at. 41,850 NEW S-room koaee at Arbor Lads se. - the at. Joans csriine: mt tbsiwa . . .. . . .. BEGI.STKg ft CO., .." ' r ''. ' -10ii Third sc. . ; -; .- 2000 IS the price that we have on a No. I re denes mt en Rodney ave. aaa voing -s;. sewers la, streets Improved. KKtllSTKR ft C0 ' ,m . 1074 Third at. $2.20 BUYS aa np to-dste 4-roora hones eoj MR aww et., in nunnysioe; isu ass swans.. BBOISTKR ft CO., - . 107 H Third at. 11.0004 LA ROB lots wlthla one block at the East Anasny car line, aice aaa ssv gooa tnvestmeat. ... . BEOTSTER ft CO.. .,. ' , 10 Vh Third at, ,' ;'- ,: - 11 ACRES en graveled road, convenient ta ear line anil as no. 4 tor garaea parposse, a acrea cleared, aa rock ar graveL only $124 racre; terma. Look this ap at ones, aa la getting near time te plant aad thla at aa early locatioa. - . ... . , ' W.J.Day & Co. i ' ' 186 ti ronrth at. ,.' .. 8428 W00DMER Three ftns lots; 1270 casks Balance Installments. 11 122. care JoeraaL . CAST HIDE H0MB. t ' 4S,ooo will buy an S-room modera home and a fall corner kit on Esst Anksny near imh st.; this Is a choice locatioa and the koasa -la euppiied with ap-to-dste eoavenlenossi ens. Crete basement, good furnace, flreplsese, bath room, etc.. Thla la trnly a snap, se Boose early and eecure a barrsta. ' .... . JAMES I. FLYNW. ' .- 812 Chamber of Commerce. Sellwocd , ft French. IST0 B. IStk. Phone Sellweod T4. . . City Tlew Park lots. 4378 and apt Rose Addition lots, 2100 sad up; 88 Sows aad 44 month. Homes . from t.VK) te 41,000. Lota 400 and np, la all parts of Sellwond. List your property with as: we will eell It, ' MADRON A HILL, On ths nentnaals: high and sightly; graded and graveled streets; msgnlOeent view et annantaina. river snd city: boulevards: lets ea essy terms: buy st the opening price, they will soon be sdvsaced. Topaa Land Co., Soft Commercial block. - Ag 12X.1 FOR ftna lot ea Alberta ear line; have bond for deed: purchaser mar eesums bsl. , snce. which la In easy monthly paymsntal graded atreet Address A 120, Jonraal. . TWO choice lots ea Willamette boulevard fop 4300. Address g 120, ears JoarnaL 88O0 I HAVB a good comer lot' en ear 11ns, wlll sell; It Is good k't , for stors' 20 mln-. ntee from center ef city; Highland; treats Improved. 'Address H 120, JournaL - GOOD S-msm plastered cottage ea car Use, lot BoxltiO; priced this week for 8I.230. '' HATFIELD ft SMITH. lUVh Fourth Bt GOOD lots 2 blocks from car Mae, wlthla walking distance, st 411AO te 8000 each. Why mr. tm.t a or a miles foe rour lota 1 HATFIELD ft SMITH. 16 Fourth t. Jtssl S-ROOM rottsgs, tot , 00x100, large Marina fruit trees, 2 blocks from good ear Use, 18 minutes' ride; csll st once. ... . HATFIELD ft SMITH, loot Foarth St. . fjooD T-room houee and fornltnre for only 42,800, If taken this wsek; S-mlnute csr service; lot 80x100, cement walka, Sannysida, - HATFIELD ft SMITH, 108 St Fonrth St, ( ' ORACBLAND ADD. ' . Lots 40x115, bo stumps, some fratt tress, the best soil, neat car line, t)0 bp; terms 1 ' will I nil to snlt rm on easy payments. I. . 1. Oeder, cor, tirand avs. and Laat aAkeay, A Dl n V I , II I uo'i , " i ' " v.., . 41,000; termer .vk down. I0 per month, f . per cent; trsds with owner la house. . ....... m. OMIT W . IA.L ONE sera near Fir land station, en Mount Sentt . car uue, small nonse, cumvsreu; price sowi terms, half rseh, hslsnce 110 per month. ' STATE LAND CO., 1S.1H Flrat St. C. L. PARRJSH ft CO.. . - 811 Mnr.juarn Bldg. Fnne Mala 4222. , ', Real setHte, city snd Wnentry . Iieeda snd mortrages preiseed at living rates. Notary public sines IHm. Expert sccounlsnts. jteat references. - CHEAP RH11PENCB LOTS. ... t hsvs the cheapest lots In town, encartdee. Ing the snrroandlDgs, bstwssa Hawthorne aad -ltelmoet. , V. VkOt HAtlRfe. Phone Eaat 4o00. 800 Belmont SHt1N 1 H.K fee 'BV4 sereei tie 4s eelrlS vstlon, good honss snd nuthulldlnrs, frntt ssd rerrli'S, mile from North Alblna atstloe, fllf Comuieti'lel Mdg, - . ' tltit'HKS built on csy psyuisnts. lots fne. nUhed If rniulred. The Acme Co 4o4 he hawk bldg. . . , k. 'ii MODERN new bouses In ftolladay Park addl . tlon. sleo lots. K, B, Kle, j0 Hasce sL East 24.12. FOR SALE er exchsngs for city property fine ranch if AUt scree In W IJismet rsller 20 miles sou'h ef Poetlerol, lu-iutre ft, W At'erhury, to South B.ranih a SliuA temiile. . .