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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 18, 1007. IT TODAY'S MARKETS SUGAR LOWER FOR SPECIAL BRAND ; Western . Refinery Cuts Ten Cents Off St Frances and J V P. C. Quality. MAKES VALUE SAME AS HAWAIIAN COMPANY STAR Khoal water Bay Oyster RUe 50c SOe'to $1 KaBtcrri Canned Oys- n 50c m Doxon t'p. " , Principal msrkt feature today: . , Hpwtl bra art. at ntu i, Advanced price- w ulruwt bay CTrters. ' Olympla oTaters showing low. " , 1 rtrrn canned rivet ee ere higher. , :aatera nllr Atl to advanced. -Onion offering bnrt trade. , OrnwoT etched over potatoes. : foultry market fraction higher. art TMkrr sfter strength. V Ail dressed meats eonttaut firm. . - . Spatial Breads ef Sugwr. Dswa. .- The nonpscted h happened Bfals. There ku bcea - rul of 10c per JOO apounds 1 th former - qiiotatloa on special branda of . safer ky th WHtm reiiaery. J n saiiiaicw tlon reached tb lohotr Ibis, morning snd essis a eosinlat eurorlee to Item. Ho1 ever, the situation la ths sugar market has hern so complicated of fait that the trait really should not bar bees em-prised had tht bottom (alia Ml ( tha ntlra marktt. Tbl aromtsrd hrsvr torresse la , th srrssgs ef ti t tha cmilne sesson kiia rred tba WB' u'.ciarer ( ran and while at the present tliM km are likely mktg any' money e ' tha sagar (old tba do not want tbe price to go high a"" Ik tsBak tba sltnatloa ea couraglng to tka beet sugsr growers. Ti ' day'e cut la sugsr Tlua msy msaa more to tha trad tha tba mar dropping or mi, prance and P. C. tn tbe earn prlc aa th a II torn la- Hawaiian company snotes lit . '-"tar" brand $4.T2tt lees tta1 eommls . oo. . The dropping of ths Western's price to tha kw W-Tel of tha California Hawaiian . " 8bir" win tbat tba aosaf market - 1 weaker and that tba tattrr cowpanr baa fca doln moot Of th bnalnaaa. Ko other resana woold ba canoed tbe Weatara to (at tta pmflts. The derllna llkewls arala ealls to - nilnd tbat tb old .Weatora companr doe ant .bar full control of th angar of tb Pacific .-eoaat a formerlf and tbat tb Calirnraia a . . Maarallao aut b reckoned with ta tb anak- . In of new ralue. Tkrr aro anna jobber who ar of the opinio that tb droppln of price Ml eperlal braoda aaaaDa th rnpnlnf ' of bostllltle batwoea the Waetrrn and Call fnrnla Hawaliaa. It la reported In aoiar "circle tbat control of the Wee tern baa aow forma Mr oaaaed to th AaieTlraa uar Hann Inf conpaar. th caarcra troat. If thta I ii mii. jobber ar of th opinion that there ' will be aomethlna doln- la near or long, Nit wbkh way th rat la going to Jams la a Bireterr ta alL - All indlcatlona at thta Mm prom la a drop, bat tb tmn nar b th ,. ca . jje-- gituti,, to - Orttera. .' th cref daaaag t ta oyatera la th Olmpl bad kaa aot oee mreaUaated; la er let eemrta ahsw a areater oVere of ' damag tbaa at first thanght. Th oyatera do not onen no will a ad thus mom a too t .handtera. Son tlm there ra a abarp dranc la Oljaipla aot thl with tha poorer aaUV threw all th trad to Bboalwacer . Bar. Toil ay Olympla orater show a aoclln -Vt SO Rill C. Willie IB aieuwaiw varletr I 80c a BOTaacea. . Tke out dac or as has shown 'a few ar Heals la hardahaU eleroe. bat tb baer de ' asand baa canead aa adranc of a boat J0 a " boir " trr-tha prlrai -' 1 - , While aalmna f th freak warlety rrnaalna , earr. ther Is a owl In t SHe la tb prlc of rhlnonk. Bteelheana ana, aiirereiewe er. care, rresa Meelheeda ar firm at 11 with froaeii atoff at th sam flgnra, so seared 'are th applies. - " . taatern raaned orstcrs are showing sn ad. of 00 pec aoaea awing to carav Ens Ar Waeker Afaar aHraagta. The (light strength la th gg aiarket mi Hatiirdar aa account ot ine innimi w I. rrlealo Wll followed todag b 8 enaaewhat weaker ton owing t. tb lower prtre quoted la California aad a fmet ! ' iiouDd. Both of the markets ara aow lower than Portland. - Price her daring th dap ruled betw 222Se. ' ' A traetkmal adraaca la showa la chicken -todar. with th jerr ssaJLiclptsu4bet. trr drmasd. . wMte hatter I coming omwhst faster, aot trad t good at former Talar. HeaTlest . lncreaa In arrlral la from anatbera Oregoa. becUna getting elnaar. BrUf Vote f tha trad. ' Kaatera ollea' oil I deaaeed la goart and 10 I Plata awlaf to tb short erop of dreeaad ' meats showing ftrmneoa," with - rwsme tlll at th top. Itacclpt aot unit aa , , good as demand. - - ' Arowtr sr eieltH orep potato and ar knllne. Dealers sr inereKirw oiauig n. Valaaa anebanced. On loo grower are making erery eodearor to market their product at pceat price aad : this korta tb too. ) A car of orange wa among th arrlral from th oath tbl mornlhg. . ' Trad psrs the following 'prlcaa to Front ' tret. rrlect paid shipper are lea rgnlar cummlMiooa: . , erata. nTr aad Tee. .'' - ' (IRAIX BAfig almtts. IM baying ariras WHKAT Kew elnh ' OBfJTOr: red Rnmlsa, Mnirrri blneataa. lltirie; ally, 6iuo. . LUBN WbeU, Ui Wl rcka, U-m pet 5t (Hiyiil.oO i brewing, 33.W2t.0a prr-JI M eee. ewt. OATH New fron-orer' prto H. I wait, a,WMl no. arif t27T27.gO. ray. iziaiiM ("a ri-OUrv k.i PLOUrV F.aetara Oregon patent. rl hta, aaoi'l eapori, ao-ani Taiiey, ae.o era,,. re. , e.wi ww. waa. ., ra. . aA on haiae. ax. in, lilU-BTTTrs Bran. 17.f par toat ml dllsra. 200: ahoHa. eooatry. laO.&Oj- clly, il! chop. r ( iTndarar' prli-a Timothy. WUIametr ' valley, fancy, tld.wtt U.OOl ordinary, foua .10 00: eaatara Oregoa, gip.00: mlsed, llu.00t.10 U; ckrrer, .00 grain, a.00lw.0O ' heV, ! . . v Bettor, Kgg aad tealtrp. BCTTa rAT. a, a. rlad we eream, WtrMCi or. alHQJec. Bt'TTUB Cliy creamery, aoiaaTHcf entatd fsnry aoci etorat. IBidtXtr'. tor. ITJ)7rt. f (5(111 Jltra fancy, candled, SSftZlc. HKKKK New Koll ereaoKnaia. lHOISc 'Tonna America. 1HB. POl't-TBT Lire Ml led chicken. 1U(J14 lb- fancy, bens. Iaai44e lb; ronatars. old, 10 ' Dei lb; oM alag. lie per lhl tryera, 14c per lb; broilers, M'ia lb; old dnr-ka '"J lo.' PHng daika, iSVkc per lb: gecea, ! par lb; tur key 17 per lb for old; dreeaad. fancy, tM 'aee H: annabe. 2 00 per ra; plgaona, tZrivi lWaaed pnnltry IfllH Per lb higher. Sops, Wol aad Hide. I HOP IS"" rrop, eboloe, lOytOinKci prtm to choice. 10nmJ medlnoi lo prime. rfWBc( medium, act cootrarla, UNIT crop, l!a. - WoOb-la llwVaily. nusa, Mtra Orernn, fJo ' ' , , , - . MoHAin Hew, aomloaL JrllCKI'fKlNa Hhearlsg, ISQJOc eeeht aborl wool, ift"c: aoeig. aoot. havTwoi'l 5cl-u each. . ' TALLOW l-rlm. par lb. IM Ma, a and TrnTTlMABK-dOTa for aair let., ,.,8 met Pry, H. 1, J tb and p, Una, TH per I" I jr P"!: .. ,s n. l diy calf. M , Bene I he. Ie, ited hloee, aieera. aod. at) nd er. loQIici cam a, -as4iiUt4c; ataaa and bolla, one ml. AQ'ti (i I to 10 lo, ""wd- ander In I he, lie; (raea, anaalierf. la leea; mile. 1 per la leeei are, hMee. el"d, eerh. (I i" l tl dry, eerh, .tlOUI.IW; oalt hle., (n.t aklna, common, aarb. 1KJ1!-! Anirora. eaoh. t.Vil Pmlta aad Teeatablaa. ' poTTI''"s ' ""' r"' eer V-iltnw mak and " '' ' 1 ' . fa ,, H- 1 ' ' ' 1 i. t, . .. !...- WHAT DEALERS SAY OF LOCAL MARKETS By W. B. Olafka Co. '. d After A temporary sign , ot d) strength on Haturday tha egg , d markat galn (how noma degraa d of weakaoaa. W'hil ' rocelpta d bara bav not baen ao baavy d during; th paat few day, It la d not bellevad at thla tlm that tha arrivals will b too arnall fut. d tha demand. In fact all lndlrav f Ion ar th other war. . Outald j maracta ar lower man tnia, suia If supply becorpea larger tbla market will go lower. .Th poultry market la torn-1 what firmer with the amajler r aaipta Jn batter demand. Fancy hens are selling about 1 cent higher than a week ago, but there la a demand In all llnea. Pressed meats continue to l how nirohcs-wllfcjefMlntaL 7T?alrIy liberal, but with demand d better. . d 0NI0MA Jobbing' price No. I Oregoa, 1.10 avijea; - no. eii w, mijiay pric, Tiitcf sac f. 0. k., shipping points; garlic, ttlBe per 10. Al'ViXS raBC, Bond Blear Ppttsenberg aad Tellow hewiowua, ti-Wi Tan,'-Wrtlamatta-ral, let and southern Oreaes. 41.604a 1.761 erdlnai stock. II.OO('t2A. KK8ti riti its orange, aew naeel, ( cj.uo; tanaennca, i. 10; nananaa.- c per ib triune. g4w4.oo bos; limes, aleilran, $i.ta set Iiiq: uinoauiuea. s4.1x1ms.uu pet oen: grape. Malasa. 17.30 aer kea: -Dears. fl.7r,i pineapple, ti per dosen; grape fruit, (4. To. VKi.KTAHI Krt larnlea. aew. wl aackt carrots. "Vv 11.00 per sack; beats, fl.tS per sacs; 1 raaianea, - me per ' canoe go. . iotl-i.uii; dcii peppers, f 1 per IDJ "toi toes, atexlcss. 3.oo; paranlps, gornfl: string bean. 13c per lb; cauliflower, sz.00 per a mi, 1.1c; bora radian, v'tiioc per Ik.: artichoke l no per dose; soaaah, ,VJSI.O0 per bo celery, t'atirornla, .W18M per erst; pama klna. lulHc; cranherrle. t-e0 per barrel; BprrHita "tlttc per lb. ukikii efet u its a ' oer lhl anrtnot. II rHUlTS aealea. 1 eapratd. !( rc per lh apricot. I8tt20 per lb; peeebee. I2S18V per Ibt sacka. U oer lb lee ta to- u, Xi)c--Hc drop oa vera t-10 smaller leer flaa. California black. aHe par lb; California wblt. flH per lb: data, golden. as an par Bui; rarne. l.oi 1.00 par i-ia ftraeerla. Vats. ZU, '"111 California a, Hawallam -ana. e-Va'm powdered. W UVi; herrr, e4ilil dry srannutad. sa.PaV4: Htar. M.TZIA: oof. MDVri ifni It, (4.42 s 1 golden C. (40; V, rai-ow. 4.ZaHI beet granllatoo, se-TaH-Haatera Calw. ad.27 1 1 Dowdered. H its dry rrannlatrd $4.t2; P. C. 4.72Vt: 8L rraiwla. 4.T2S;. ' confectioners' A, M 3HI eaira c, t4.4XHi goWea C, 4JIIH1 raiKjw. sa.x-i ac craasiai. se-iaiai euia. IOc; U bbl. cjwi aoraa. hue adraae a) sack saaia. lAbar arleaa ara AO Sara aat aaah aaota- tfeaa). j . ' ... HiiNkT ga.rjo par erste. CO FT EE Pack a re braoda. IIS fl4l fM. BALT Ooaree Half aroand. lOOe. 110.00 pet iua; uua,; iaai, aairy, sua, fia.w; aooa, 13 7ft; bales, l kt; Imported Meet-pooL toa. lUOI luoa. (17.00: Tt4m. ISXM: eitra line. kble, S. aa, lo. g4.6nuS.bO: Laewrpool ramp rook. tO.OU nwr ton: SO-lb rock, f 10.00: lou. 1O.0O. .. . .. . 1. . tAboe Drtce snnl ke sales of less tha cm. kits. Car Jot at asocial prlc mabjett ta llnrtuatlono.l HiCE leiperlal Japan, Be. I,' Bel Bo. t, tkai Aew Or loss, head, lei Alas. DC: Creole. ia. 6BAB8 Bmall wblt. $3 JO; Jrg white. t3J4; .pink. ta SO; tayod. $3.73; tanaaa, taicf laetloan reds, 4c NUTS i'eanata. Jnmho, IU, ase Tbl T Ira-tola. TH pee la; ruoted. 10 pa lb; Japan, ski Hc; roied7t7 par lhl coesasnts, afitjln pec doa; walnut. Call fore I. 14 per Ibt Preach, Ift per lb: pliMsata. 14i&c per lb; klekorr anm, 10 per ih; fbeataats, utern. 15ild par lb; Bra ill aata, I per lb; ftlh-ts. lee Dec lb; fancy Doeana. IkflJOct almoads. lPOalWa. ' - - at eat, risk aad PrerUloas. " PBCftft kJEaTA rroat atrast Howe. Caaee. Be par lb; real, aatra. Be par lb; ordinary. HUM par lb: soar. c per la; mattoa. uacy. Ittuc per lb. HAW". BACON, btttj. pert mad aaek (lorall hams. 10 to 12 lbs, le lb: 14 ta 16 lbs, 1(C lb; K t (0 lbs, 18k lb: breakfut bacon, IT USBte Ibt plenlee 12a lb; cottag roll, lac lb: regular abort clears, nhaniokeil. 11 ue lbr moked. laH lb; clear backs, saamoked. 11 He; amoked, Uvac lb; tuloa hatts, 10 to 13 I ha, an aaaoked. BC lbr aaaoked. Be Ibt clear belli, sa le-nuked. 13c lbf smoked, 14e lb; a boulders. 1M is; pii-Kwa umrnaa, una saco. . VfM'Al. I.AHU Ktll leaf. IOS, 1I mi S. Ue lb: 60-lb tins. MH lb; steeta ren dered. 10s, 11 lb; ta, lafc lb; eoupeand, lw, 0c lev : CANNED BALMOn -nohimbla rtrar. l-la talla. fl.MO; I Ife talka, 1.7: faacy. 1-lk flata, H.KOl u-lb fancy flats, fascy l ib oral. 47 ft; Alaaka tall, pink, JIOc; red. 1A0 aomlnal, 2a. tall, fg.00. riNii nor ana, le per a noaanera. se oer tbl haltbot. as nor lb: crabs. llttl.M net dV-a; striped baaa. iz4e per lb) eatflali, 10c lb; aalmoa, freah Columbia lieer trlbeda, 11c; Chinook. U-itC-tbt frosea salmon, wtlle; her. rlne. So lb: antes. Se lb: shrtmn. 10c Ibt Barrh. e lh-4laesv eed, -Tc- pee Br tomcod, T per Hi; aueer aa-eii, ee per is; loosiei-a. 10 per mi (reek mackerel. e ear lb! erawnek. ze set dose I etarreon. 10 per Ih; bck ar (0 pat lb; Colnmhla rlrer smelt, 8e per lb. , OX HTCHg Mooaiwatar Bey. per canon, z 001 per 100-lb aa-k. 4-60i Olympla. pec gallon. U: pee 115-lb. ack. So.etrwd.-13; sfl canned. 60c can. IT dosea,' CI.Ail HardahcU. per . teg, clsms, $2.X3 per bol. ralaL oaal on. Kta. BOPB Par Maalla. 1841 standard. 18.; alaal. ll COAL Oil, Peeet sr Astral Cseea. IPH pt tallo i water while, Iros bbla, lt per salloai ganoai Beaaiigu. iiu-aeg. cseee. 21 H par galloa. OASOUNK BS-deg caaaa, 24Hc pet galloa, Iron bbla.. ixe hbla.. I He par a alios. ' BKNHINB eg sea. races. IB Bet lalloal Iron bbla. lau, per galloa. . TUBI'KNTINB la asaea. M ser gall woodes bbla. Me per galloa. nulla lkau ion m, th per is; sw-ia arts, c per Ibi lees lots, SH Per in. Wlltn NAIlJt Preeeat baa Is st 22 As. LINSRKD OIL Pars raw. la a-bbl iotai BOct hbl lot. sSc: esaes. tSs see ash issnlae ket tle soiled, casern, sue per gai; a-ani mta. sec; 1-bbl lota, ttte oer ssli irosod caks. ear lots. a per uei leas tbaa ear Ma, sew pec sea. GAINS AFTER A BREAK Chicago Wheat Opens With Loss CloseB Up. - " LAT1T WHKAT VALTJTCS. Feb. IA. Peh. Id. flam, a ii."a, I'M May I .7tfc I .77. B I . July .Tjisa .TT'kA .on Beptemoet i. .72 .77 U .00 Chicago. rb. 12. Wkeat opened today with Inaa, the Llrernont being Md down. This market gained ta strength right after th start and closed t to Vk higker. t . flfflrlst anntatlona br Orsrbsck. . flare ' Cooke company; . . - TVHtA T. Opea. Win, . It. rVw. .714 7jT4 T7H - Tv,, HI. . TmI T7H TRi . f nly September ei iT a e i. ea v OOBM. 4dH - 4TI4 4di . " 4 . 4T OATS. oU 40V 20 : 2714 22S 22S MESS PORK. ly 47 A 4TA iy septembe Mr. 4014 ' t2 July Bptmbt May 1717 V 1717 I7(r July 17W) 1730 ' 10 epMmbe ....484 Ians Ituat 1T , IHSO lOMd UABH. May .... P- BrTS't pea July a2 pa pay T, per Bcptembet ...-m7 Pu2 . ATf (7y . . FHIIBT HIM. ' . " ay S7T any . B-j ae uly ViH B42 J . psj mZXtOOL flBAIV IfAXKZT. Uetrpeol. Ftb.1 It, Official price WHEAT. , . . Open. . Cine. Peh. Id. toss. yarck ...... ea I'U bVTs, I! as ed as ISA as 2 kd Sr na ftsd s BUrl uly 2S'l s 24d . CORK. arch ..',. 4a 4'l.d ea 4TCd 4s HJv,J.d 4 8V . ii ay . i... . . 4a 6 VI 4s i BEST HOGS FIRM AT 87.50 TODAY Market Stronger in Local Yards Owing to the Scarcity, of . " ' . Arrivals. . NONE ARRIVE IN YARDS - SINCE LAST THURSDAY Low Point of Best Is Cut Away, Thus Putting; tho Price 25c Iligher Ca-ttlo Ad Sheep Are Bomewh. 'Flpmef. ;'. . ' , By Rymaa kf. Ookea. Portland I'nlos Kiockrarda. rah 1A IJre, stock receipts: , - Rnam. ' fa Mia ao.- Week im ..... ya . ana Year ago - ' ji" . ' ... Prvrloua year B0 " 21 B7 so small hae been tba arrivals la th lleeatork market of lata tbat It I not at all difficult to find tba eonree of the Dreseut great atreogih la, eslue. Th atronser urn I not atone ruling In en line, put all products bar bees affected by tb scarcity of ar rleats. Today it la ao trick at all to sell th best grade of hogs st 2T.60, this being practically an adranc of 2Ae er th forme low flgurs for beat. With recelpta ao light that they eaa acarcelv he noted, tha deaaand Is rery good st tbe higher price. Hiesllsat ' Cattle Ssaaad. ' While th recelDts of. csttls ar somewhat mors liberal there wa ao lull today la th demand and former prteeo ware maintained. ' Bneeo remain Terr firm with ao a rrl.a la dar- lnsr tbs mat 4. hoar. Today 2A bora war among -th srrtTsls. Conditions a year a so! Alt awrkabj ar firm; boss 2Se np; csttls IOC up. tiincisi ueesroi-k prices: lioea Heel saatarn Oresna. 27 BO: stock era sod feeders. d.7&; Chins fats, pais. Cattle Best eaetera Oregoa ateere, 14. TBI Beat cows and belters. g3.oo'a.TA; (tocker aad feeder, H 7: bolla, i.6i). Bkeep allied. oMtio.; wether, ItOe:: we. ; tombs, att. ' Arrtral sf the Wesk. .: The following anirsle were abowa) la tb yard the pat week: j ' aauiraay, seoruary a rraser aaciau aa la a carload of horse from lone; K. Pair, child of Hcproer brought la a car ef cattle; M. 1. Palmer bronKht la a double deck ef a beep from Th Ialle for Prank U Smith; John Howell of Keurles laland drore la 48 bead ef beef cattle. , , Sunday Jamea Brows, Groe ll I smau bnuch of horaes. ' Monday Joko Howell dray la a email Dnaeg ef catil from hi ranch ea Seurlea' laland. Tucadar kalrcblld cam tn rrnm Ar- llagtua with a car f cattle; the Umatilla Bench company at Echo arat to two eara ot beef cattle; .. B. Uolt cam la rrom arnng, tna with a car of horse, loinc to Seattle W. C. Eddne ef Arllnstna sent In two cars of cattle for Lseey Bra.; Cbsrle I.ydatoa ahipiied ta fimr cars or cat Tie rrom rare lie. Idaho; W, H Oochrsa broatht ta a ear of cattle from hilllerabara; B. Oassner drore la AS bead of heir a: A. J. Bewler had la a ear of bogs from bherldaa; Jo Brown aant In ear sf Sheep; t. c LAnergaa enippee ia iie ear ef eatti from , Echo, coaslgaod te Ftye- Rriihn muninr. Wedneeday I B. resna came ia rrom Al bany with s car of cows, which be shipped to Mount Vernon, Wsshlngtoa; L. B. Loo in la ot Seattle had is a bench of horses from Albany I. r Da. la of rThedde sent In a ear ef hoi D. Taylor ef Halaey brought la a ear of aheen and hoara mixed.' TburedsrO. D. Joaes breaght tn twe car of cattle from Baker city; . Jat. imoei en In tw care ef sheep mm neiiaoais i ins tJnloa Meat eompeny at Trooiaais; u, r. K at, hum at Boai af Tha lie lies ahlooed Jn ene car nf aheen for the market: aft. Jt. uotcaaiaa or cigia came is wits iw core oi otwa. Friday u. V. caasaier srougni u I which he aklnned to Keettle. - Saturday r . stall aoippeui m ai cere m cattle from Ontario, eonalgncd to th Caraten Packing company at Tacuma; P. A. Phil 11 1 lent tn 1 cars of eattls from Nampa, Idaho, fotng to the Careten Parking eompiny; harlee Lydatoa brought la twe care of eattl froa. Wlr, ioano. - EASTERN H0CS DROP - aBAmkmawa.waa.aam. J Chicago Prices So to 10c Off Cnttlo i.J '.,''-, Show a Loss, .. . Cblcsso. Feb, 1 A Lire. toe receipts; ' . Hce. Catlle. Fheen, mlrato 62,000 aH.OOO Kanaaa cite ll.teaj la.ia", i'i.,iai Omaha , -.11,000 T.frOO lg.OnO Hogs sr Be tn 10 lower, with A200 left eser troa yestarday, Recelpta a year ago were M.0O0. Prtie: MUd, g8.bstlT.17H; good and hrary. !7.067.1!i; rough aad Asaey, so.aau g.vo; iisnt, t w(0.tii, . cattle otesoy w lies lower, , beep Steady. NEVADA MINING STOCKS COV-TOCK DISTRICT. ' Ophlr 22.4Htt2.nO. Mealren 87r2c. Oortld A Currr. 20iff2c, Con. Cal.-Va. 0(i(p2c. BsTit Blt9.V. Norcroos POffitHse, Yellow Jacket Vic bid. Belcher 000 saked. Confidence 21 aaked, PlerrsKtrsda C3664C, Eicheqoer tde, talus : T0N0PAH DIBTRICT. NarsiU 118. Montana 2.1.7nft3.83, Toeopth Kitenaloa t4.nA4i4.n2i4, Midway. 2"Z4. Belmont ).V27ii S.62, North Btar SiQSwc, Ohio 17Clc. west End li.noietl.iis. Ham 21i22c. Tonopak CaL lfCi20c. Ooldea An chor R703c, Jim Bntler IIU1.02H, Cak Boy lliaiSc, Horn Best I'rlTe, Monarch Pitt. El ten Ion 2oii27c. Midway Kitsnslna WiQIAc. Ookl Crown iSGlfie, Kew Tork con- tola lot asked. 0OLDFIBLD DIBTBICT. Baaditorm 72674. Red Top 3 (KMI4, Mo hawk 17, Colambls Mt. 11 Ofl, Jnmbe $4 OS 4J4.16. de Kxtenlon t.M((ii0, Verne I 2nc, Pennylsnts 2c, Ooldfleld Il.4n01.on, Kesdali 4SS0e, Booth "roC, Bins Bull 44B Adame 20c, Blleer Pick 11.4061.46, May Qneea 2Se bid, b'eeada Boy IBi!(21c. Black Butte F.J- teaelfltt 121tl8c. Blnebell tnm'ir. mile 1 14c. Columbia 11, Hlbemla IS.17ti8.12, Pt I to II. MM 1.40, t'onqner Z2ohid, Block Rock P41 10c, Lone Btar 83eT-S.V wonder g07c. Pot latch gl',ja, Ora- llsc,' Bandatnrm Rxteasioa 10c. Warns l1ltc. Atlanta SSWMc. Jrat Bend ll.intjel,124. Blmsron 22c, Kmplre 181 loo. Bed Top raitenaloa 4Ai47c, Ploreace 2c a eked. Dlamoadrield . B. 4KiMc, IMI.r 2.1V, 2.2.1. Lasuna l.&ai.70, Cwi moo wealth Oc aked, Comb, fractlna 5.S5.Tn, Sreat Bend Enteoetoa 2403BC, do Aimer 24iA2.1, Mnelstorm 4.K4V. Bonani 1241130. Bewano 21.,0tl.0. K.nieraMa toWBOc, Portland AOtia, Cracker Jack niHinc, Frssce sionawi 4c aid. Bed Hill rrtjaWe. Mohawk Rxtanalna BOtiHlc, 2 near head lc asked, let DlUoe 22c ssked. Telkiw Tiger IftUIHc. Grandma ggitl'IOe. sllrer Pick Batenakia 114c. T. Roe IsaiTa. Col. Mt. Extenetna TttSc. Oold. Cos. $.26g.B.ITtt, 0la moad 'frlansl Alftl2e. BCLLPROtl PISTBICT. ' Orlrtnal Bull Prog 2rR31c, Bull Pmf 11 In hit 8H( lie. Mont. Bull. 11 a 12c. National Bank 61i33c I Itarrla ftc. Amethret erbfimc, Oold Bar lt.20'41.22, Sielnway 20(U22e, neneet Bnf. Annex 24.3r, Bonnie Clare 4-''47c, May Pkiwer Cm. M4J6.V, Mont. Okie Exten Bion aaaj v, wvpirw n-,i , a,., vaiay 24rMc, llomeetake Con. 27u40e, Yankee tilrl 1.8UnM.S5. Nurxet 12ttl4c. Tramp Cou. llel inc. V trior, nan oer swiujus, north Bur Tfre kd, Mldaa.SOst.'Hic. . - MANHATTAN DIOTRICT. Mas. Cn. eotrooc. Man. Mlntng noitc O. Wedea 1617e. Baylor Mamprey krJlOc, TVxter UU.M. Little Jo (Suae, Crescent liar 13c. t'omblnatioa Bloe, Cranny 23'a4c, Mnatanf aroviaic, iiiti iirsy wk, aumpirig -sca avc. Pine Nat 24Ue. , , BIW T01X COTTOB MAX KIT. Peh. Pllrh. tow. l. Kad . 10tX , loot 1 till 74' Pit PI p in1 pmi pnt 42 , ' P33 v V Peb. I A. 1(10 12 Vl Kit PI0 .. an r1 7 Open. Jsnnarf 1 1U" I shrnary . March .... April ,. 0'd .. 30 May JUO ..4,., July .' PM .M '' Pt7 e-o am 1 mi pi P42 Anruat ... 2enietnber a rtc tuber P77 PM :) P7T lrvatit ..v.. 84 Hostilities May Bd Resumed In the Sugar Market by the Dropping of Western Com pany't Special Brands to Same as Hawaiian. ,000 HEW NOTES ISSUED Rumor of Action of Penntyl. van.a Railway Causes Selling In Stock Market GENERAL UST IS , : ..TODAY SHOWING A LOSS Story AflQAt That New Una Will Be for the Purchaso of Equipment . - Anacond Loses ou Llqaldav BBT LOSS Kg Amabramated .... sc Brl ............ Uexlcaa Central Ureat Northera Car A oudry.. . LoromoUT t aulas 14. aalhinal Lead Bmelter Aoecnoda da New kurk Ontral, Northera Paclfl Atcbleoa ......... lPnosylysala . Brook lyn ., 1 Reading ........... H '" ......... -kir-reeaaa -reel car... t. Paul , IT, Southern Paclfl .. Colorado Fuel lain. 8. steel nanway. ,, ao preiarrd..,.. Ualus , Paclfl .... lit -..'..,, HBT flAINI.' ;. ' i ' T1? "tw Tork toek market kwt today as llquldstloa. This was tbe probable eauae of a drop of 4 points is Anaconda. The report hV PennaylTsnla railway had Issued S0. 000,000 la notes to boy aew eaaipmeoA breaght oa sew selling. .. , frncUrootatfoos py. Orarbsck. Itart "-i- Open. Close. Amslgsmated Oepper Ce..,. ...... .11414 1141 American Car A r oondry, corn 4i a: , Americas Car A Poondry, pfd..... .... loav Americas Oottoa Oil, eommoa 2114 82V ! America a LoeomotlTS, eommoa..... T5S 73 1, American Bugar. eomaioa .....18U IM'-, Amerlcaa Hmelter, common. ...... .146, 144', anierwan rmeltor, praianced.. ..... .... 114 Iter. Anaconda Ulnlnaf Ce. 2SO 2V4 Ainencsa woulea, aernmoa .... 22 Atchison, eommoa .......1044 IiKtU Atchlaoa, preferred , p Baltimore A Ohio, eommoa 114)4 JI3H Baltimore Ohio, preferred BO Brook Its Ranld Tranalr TB TA Canadlaa Pacific, eommoa.. ..'...,.1M - 127 Central Leather, eommoa... 2014 28 Central Leather, preferred..... 101 Chicago A Great Western, eommoa Id vnH-sgo, miiwause st st, rsui.,,.190 Chicago A Morthwestera, eommoa. .187 Chesapeake A Okie.... AfttA Colorado Fuel A Iron, com....,,.,, 49 Colored Bout hern, eommoa,.....,, u Colorado Bouthera, 2d preferred..,, 67 Colorado Bcutbera, lat preferred 140)4 IMAb, A24 4 . 2di B7 T ; 2d oi 70J 1C1 124 144 34 z 71 76 V, l'i 723 1281. 43 2. IM uenrar Hie lira nee, eommoa. Brie, common ................ Erie, 2d preferred. ........... Erie, lat preferred Illinois Central ............... Lonkrrllle A KaahrlUt... Manhattan Railway .......... ..imtA 1801a Mexican Central Railway.. Ulaaonrl, Kanaaa A Teiaa, com.. . 42 u Missouri, Kansas A Texas, Bfd Dlatlllsrs ..717..'... ureat northern ,., Missouri Pscifkr ., Nstionsl Lead .... ; .......aioaj 24' f Xork Central .....120 Hew York, Ontario A Western . North Asierlces .... Northera Psclfte. eommea .....1641 Pacific Mall Rtesmahlp Oo. .... PenneylTsnia Railway ............ 12tti People's a as. Light A Coke Co P34 Pressed Bteel Csr. common. . ....... 6214 Prsseed Bteel Csr, preferred Resdlng, eommoa .,,........,., .1204 Heading. 2d preferred....... .... Resdlng. lat preferred,. .......... .... Bock. lalaniL mmavia M14 Hock laland, preferred.. BflU ft, Lonls San Prsnclscn, 3d pfd. .... Bt. Lonls A 8a Frenrisro, 1st pfd, .... Mt. Louis A southwestern, com..,. .... Bt. Louis A Bouthweatera, pfd., Bonlhera Paelfle, COtniX)4X . ,ea. trl faVaaif Krnwea B.Ml4les 4 A " s 124 , PO pin 211 14 w 4.1U T 23 M M4 1171 1st" 11. i s Ill finnthm Rullwtj, eotnmon. ...Ju .Hli 20 i Pouthera Ballwar. nrefarred Tennessee Coal A Iroa .... ISO Texas Pldfle 24 Toledo, Bt. Loni A Western, com .... Toledo, Bt. Louis A Wee tern. pfd. Mai I'nlon pacific, eommoa ...........17714 rmoe Pacific, preferred rmted State Rubber. United Btatea Rubber, preferred .. . . United Statea Bteel Co.. eommoa. . Ma ,. 43B. 20 nm 17B-4 B0l Bilk 10T 48 T'nlted Bute Bteel Ce., pref erred. 106 ij J04t, 2 RURHB. EOUIOWD lata Wabiah. Preferred . - .... . 7 - weeter union Telegraph ... Bin ea V ieconeia Central, eommoa . ...... .... , 22 Wlernnela Central, preferred .... 41 Virginia Uwmlcal ................ 244 14 PORTLAND STOCK MARKET Denny Dnlin Is Kew FeBtare of tho Local Trading. Trade wstefalr na the local arrkiaaa taiar IVnny millnj Mining was a new feature, 1750 h ar-S helm sold st IOc. Bales: Ten Aaen. ruted Oil at 24.3o: A 500 Lees Creek Gold st i.iaai ljcca irec oold st 2Hc; 2,ono Potlcft Mining st 11 Her 1.000 Potolcl Mining st imt; 27M) Denny Dullu at 10a. T uincui prices: 1, . - , . BASK .tTOCKt, v Bid. Aak Bsnk ef Csllfornll ...3.00 f Banker' A lyamhermen's lon.flo Merchants' Natlonfl .......... ITdOO ltij.00 Oregoa Traat A Ba rings 122.00 "1,10.00 rocusan itws us 10.00 lnitsd state risuoasi ....... 300.00 LI8TBO BEflCBITIKt (BO NOB) Americas Btacnlt Ce. BA 0O 100.00 P2.00 65.00 1M 1O0.00 lo.i.oo 1UU.UU 47.00 40tl0 ' T2.O0 110.00 SO.OO Glty A Bunorban 4 ..... Columbia Boatbera Irrigation g ...... Home Telephone As C Le Ce. O. w!oo . 0. B. A M. By. 0. W. P. By. sa ., jOft.oO Paclfl coast Blsralt a.,. Pertlaad Hallway Be MlfK KLLANEOt'B STOCKS. ' Associated Oil 4c on Home Teleehoaa 20.00 1. C. Lea Co ..... Pacific States Telephoae ...... a.... - Paget Bound Telephone , MINING STOCKS. flatewnnd ,r,... ......... .20 . LsksTlow , Lees Creek Oold .02 V, .28 '214 Brltlah Tnkoa . M .71 .05 .19 " ,li orth ralrvlew . Manhattan Crowa Point ....... -J4j " Potlcta Mlntng . .10, Waehoaral F.i tension Denny bulla' M , UNLISTED STOCKS. Oretoa City Mill A Lomher.., 4o ' Yaqulna Hay Telephone ...... 1.00 , Alssk Petrslenai .12 Bine Stone , Brltlah Colombia Amalaamated .00 .14H .1(1 .oth ,20 .27 ; .12 ,4 Csacailla a .114 Ooldfleld Trotter .21 -. Orest Kortkera ............... . .02 - Mammoth . 12V4 Morning v- .02 Biandard Consolidated ......... ' Taroma Ht-l .!( .12H .12 COKl'B D'ALKNB PISTBICT, Bnllloa .071 AttA Copner King .17 ... Happy lay uf ,4kj rare www ................. 71h Anowahoe .00 ; -on Sua gnowatoral f.M V. . n. voneoiiuaww . ..,.,. .'i-w Oertle ...... ................. .Ill ' .12. There will "he Be aesstoa of the local sichsnes tomorrow oa ercooat of ths death of the wife and daaghler ef P. 21. Machett. , POET-LAST) BAKK STATIatlaTT. ' Clesrings today 41.411 07 PI Clearlsgt year ago .....,t arg.lu0.7f Oala today .... , t.Dt.lVM IT . 117,112 IT 7,2.00 Pel a urea today .. Balance fear at Baal estate In Can by will advance 100 850,000 per cent In a short time, predicts tha Tribune. 4 . . HELD Tl'10 WEEKS OFF HIE aBrkentlne Puaho Loses Much Time Waiting for Tow Into V the River. ..; MARINERS SEE RELIEF IN PORT OF COLUMBIA BILL CApUln Seelef Reports ITAPlng En - countered , Severe uid Contrar Winds Off the Coast- for Many WeekB, Puaho la of th opinion that a batter tugboat service at tha mouth of th Columbia river would be of treat ben efit to tbs port as wall aa to ship pings . He steaks from experience be cause for two solid weeks, bis vessel wag -held off the bar by reason ef tha tug; falling- to com out for A Una,, al though th Puaho was close enough sev eral times to know that tha barkentin waa-4hwra and waiting for a tow. ' The Puaho arrived here Saturday from Guatemala. Sh Is moored at tbs drydock waiting her chance to get a general cargo before commencing to re ceive lumber for San Pedro, Captain Seeley came to tha city today to renew acquaintances made when b waa here several years- ago as master ot the steamer South Portland, which ha brought out from New Torlc. She was lost some years ago off tha Oregon coast, but waa In command of Cap tain Afclntyra at" that time. , "It took us ll days to make tha run from Guatemala to tha Columbia river," said Captain Beeley this morning, "but most of that tlma was spent-wlthln-a few hundred miles of tha mouth of tha Columbia river. Wa spent Chrlstmaa In a storm off tha California coast, and It blew ao Bard that soma of our canvas waa carried- away.- For days tha bark en Una labored In heavy oeaa and against Strong bead winds, and consequently w made an attempt. to take our line. In the meantime wa Balled to within five miles o fth bar several times, and so far aa Z know there was 210 food reason for not taking us In. The wind was un favorable or w would have salleoT in over tba bar." )-- , This Is tha second complaint of this character brought her within tha past week, tha captain of tha British bark Tola bavlng reported that he sailed around outside several days In close proximity to the bar and lightship be fore tha tut picked him up. Shipping men ara pleased to know that a remedy for the poor bar tut service will ba found with tha passage o fthe bill by tha present legislature, which provides for tha creation of the Port of Columbia with power to control tha entire altuatlon on tha river from tbla city to tha sea. TENDER HEATHER IN PORT HiBsIng Baoys Have Been Replaced Along Channel to Be, . Tba llghthouae tender . Heather. Cap tain Gregory, arrived In tha harbor yes terday afternoon and berthed at couch street dock-.- She will leave for Astoria aa soon aa her cargo of empty eoali oil cans baa been discharged.- Tha cans were picked np at tha various light atav- tlons along tha Columbia ana Willamette river. . -- Tha Heather on her way up from Aa, torts replaced all tha buoy carried away by tha -secant flood and tha chan nel la now as well marked aa aver. In a few days tha Htather will b moved down a notch In rank because of the ar rival of tha new tender Annerta, which will henceforth be tha flagship of thla district. Captain Gregory will ba given command of tha Armaria, and It Is understood that Captain P. J. Burns, formerly master of tha Mansantta but now first officer on tha Heather, will be promoted to command of tho Heather. I i i--p r r-c- r-Htr rr --u c- er- s c- . 1 . vum-l-s? urr int. wnoi. March' as a Role Is Bad Month for ' ; Trip t Be. - Strong gales are likely to sweep tha coast during tha month of March unless ttie wear At 1t07 Mnllanea (A act differs. ' ently from weather standpoint than tha average year of th past ' Th gales will come from all quarters, and will occur at brief Intervals. Thla Information la given out in the regular monthly chart of tba North Pa clflo ocean Issued by th bydrographlo office -of the United Btatea. imraedt, ately under tha eoaat tba most frequent dtreotlon of the winds will be from tha aoutheaat, To tha aouthward of 40 degrees tha prevailing direction will be northwest, ......... Tho chart for March showa few derelict veaaels adrift, whereaa ' tba chart of last month had a number of thera 1 Indicated by red lines ' on tba ocean of blue. Soma of these derelicts have been picked up, and others have baen lost track of completely. FROM SAN FRANCISCO Steamer Colombia In and Elder Will .... , . Be Hero Tonight. Tho Harrlman liner Columbia. Cap tatn Doran, arrived here at o'olock this morning from san Francisco, bring' tng about IS passengers and nearly a full aargo. This Is tha first time for many montha that tha ateamer haa not been laden to her capacity. Sba will go out full, however. Th Columbia mads a very slow trip this time owing to delay ta tatting away from San Francisco, head winds snd fogs off tba eoaat and a large quan tity of. freight for Astoria. Sba aalls for Ran Francisco tomorrow night. - Tha North Faclflo Steamship com pany's ateamer George W. Elder, Cap tain Jsssen, will b at Martin's dock this .afternoon from Port Los Angeles snd way porta. , She reached Aatorla thla morning. - c ALONG THE WATERFRONT The Norwegian steamer Mathilda. which arrived here Saturday night from Gtiaymas, Mexico, has commenced load ing lumbar at the mills ef Inmaa, Poul aen AV Co. Sh was launched about all montha ago. and thla Is her maiden voyage. Captain KJarland la accom panied by hie wife. . Lighters have gone to the stranded steamer Portland, which struck En trance Island rock, and will take off to tons of cargo tn an effort to raise-the bow of' the vessel so as to give ronn to repair th hull. The peaanecra si all wall and wilt ba taken tn Foattls Tha stesm schooner Johan I'ouleen commenced leading lumbar at th t.i Bit of In man. Poulsen eV Co. this morning fihe aoea to San Kranotaco. Tha oil-tank Bteamers W. S. Porter and Asuncion left down yeoterday aft ernoon. after having discharged thelt caraoeia of olL The steam schooner Excelalor Will be launched from tha drydock Wednesday. . MARINE NOTES- ; Astoria. Or.. Feb. 18. Bulled at a. m, steamer Asuncion, for San Fran cisco; arrived, at 7:1 steamer George V. Tlder. from San Pedro and , way DOt-ts. San Pedro, Feb. li. Arrived, steamer Ynaemlt. from Columbia river. " Astoria. Feb. 17. Arrived down at I a. m. and sailed at .:6s P- m.. steamer Coata Rica, for San Francisco: arrived down at I a. m.' achooner Virginia; ar rived at and left up at 10:20 a. m. steamer Johan Poulaen, from Ban Fran cisco: arrived at 1 and left up at p. m, steamer Columbia, -from San Fran Cisco: 'Ballad at t:30 r, m. ateamer Alll- anca for Cooe Bay; . arrived down at 4 and aalied at i o. m ateamer w. B. Porter, for Monterey; arrived down at 4 p. m. schooner Irene: arrived down at A-ftA r, m. steamer Asuncion. '' San - Francisco. Fab. 17. Arrived, rhurr-hlll. from Aatorl-tk ar rived at noon, steamer Santa Ana, from Portland. ' . Hong Kong, Feb. Ii. Arrived prior to February 12 -German steamer Arawa, from Portland. Astoria. Feb. 12. Condition of the bar at a. m., moderate; wind eaat; weather cloudy. J. L BOWMAN RETURNS With Xls Wife, X peaf Ids Wowkir -rtsltlnr Sraw Tork, Boston, Waabinr "toa an Maay Othav Cltlea of tbe Bast and Sontb. 3. L. Bowman, proprietor of th Brownsvilla Woolen Mill etore, and wife returned yesterday from a six weekr eaatern trip. "After arranging for tha manufacture of my spring clothing atock In New Tork City, my wife and I visited Boston and Washington and many other ot th prominent eltlea on tha Atlantic seaboard and retumtd by th way of New Orleans. said Mr. Bowman this morning, "On thing that Impressed m moat strongly," continued Mr. Bow, man, "waa th apparently good times existing throughout tha north. I visit, ed tha Twin Cltlta, Chicago, Cleveland. Buffalo and Boston and made it a point to call npon soma of tha leading cloth lers In each place and In learning of their methods and policies, I would hear tha condition of business,. . New build ings . in course of construction were plentiful in all these cities. I can't say ao much for the south, although in New Orleana aeveral hundred thousand dol lars arw being spent in a moat unique sewersga aystem. Aa you would ex pect, wa were in aeveral cold anaps la tha east which made ua very much ap preciate California when wa reached thera, a a well aa our own home in Ore gon. . Tha charma of Portland from both ellmatio and ecente standpoint ara not equaled by any other city in th union. W . need not fear the fullest comparison of tha attractions of our state and city." , COFFEE BOOTH OUT IN MIDDLE OF DEEP LAKE vl ' ' ' Joseph, Or., Feb. 1 1. Perbapa tha most unlqua coffee booth aver conduct ed by women of Oregoa la operated during tha winter season on Wallowa lake. During ths winter while tha lake la frosen over, hundreds of akatere en Joy tha excellent akatlng offered by the lake, and tha women of tba Methodist Episcopal church of Joseph make a practice of selling coffee from a tent erected on tha Ice In tha center of the lake, over water perhaps hundreds, of feel in depth, v Tba booth is Always well patronised and tha women enjoy a good income from their enterprise. The lake Is about a mile wide .and four and a half miles In length and during tha coldest weather ia frosen over completely, mak ing a magnificent natural akatlng fink. , Death of Paloose Pioneer. FaJouse, Wash., Feb. 11. David Whit ney, aged ( yeara, a pioneer of the Paloua country, ia dead at Gritman's hospital of pneumonia, after an illness of two Week a He settled in the Pa touae nearly ti yeara ago. Ha waa a prosperous farmer. Kansas at Seattle Pair. Topeka. Kan., Feb. 1S W. D. Webb, commissioner - for tha Alaska-Yukon-Paclflo fair at Seattle, baa been here for aome days, and as a result of bis exertions a bill appropriating t'6,000 for an exhibition will be introduced in tba legislature tomorrow. . B0ST0B OOPTtK BTAKXIT. Boetos. Peb. 12. Official bid prices: Adrea. tare. (4.TB: Alines. ; Arcsillan. 112; At lantic, I1A.S0; Blur ham. $.w; Calumet, fw6: Centeaatnl, 4A.RO; Copper Bang. w4.7r lly West, l; Klra Hirer. 22 oil ; Franklin. .'t; Greene Consolidated, $31.K7m Michigan. 2; Mokawk, 2; Kevada Conaolldaled, 17.2,: North Butte. 112.M Eaat Butte. 114.25; Old Pomlnloa, f ta SO; Oaceola, 2172; Parrot, Phoenix, -I2Ai Qiilnry. 142; Royal, t.10.2.1; Bant Fa, 24.Tli; Kliannnn, 222TS: lmarack. 2150; Lotted fVipper, 271.PO; I'tak, 171.62; Vlrtis-la, 2; Winona, 2.W; Wolverine, $107; I "el led Btatea Mining, Art; Black Monntala. tHM;, 11.7Vi! Kagle, 27H: Nlpp-s-Ing, $14: B-rens, 176; Apex, Ka-; Bntt Oo alltloa. 2.W.K71,: Calumet A Alisons, $lL 4444444444 Vl TV7pr7' ments TO LOAN :c .1, 4 tk - XryrvM ... W"aa1 . STATE TO HELP ; SEATTLE'S CHEAT tttt ' House Appropriates 0n Hun dred Thousand Dollara for Sound City Exposition, , Uft Oorraspmideat.) Balern. Feb.- J$. The housa this morning passed tha Alaaka-Tukon. Pa cific appropriation bill for $100,000. A big fight wag made ever tills, many pro teatlnt that th appropriation waa too great, . Coffey championed the mean, ore, saying Washington had made an excellent showing at th Uewta and Clark fair, an tbat Oregon should re ciprocate, . '. r". " Several ote4- against the' bill be cause It carried the emergency clauae. It passed tha house, 15 affirmative. It negatiTe. Voting "no" went Browr. Crawford, Donnelly. Edwarda, FarrelL .- Gray, Jackson, Jewell, Jones of Claekae----m; . obll. Merry man. Pike, Purdy, fiaikreff, Stmnroria-, ' SteTi;TJpmeyer; PENDLETON FIRM WINS FLOOD DAMAGE SUIT .. v- - (Special Dispatch te The JoornalV ' Pendleton, Or, Feb. 12 After many dayr of testimony and eloea legal ar gument the famoua . flood dajnage case of Baker A golaorn against the city favor of tho defendant. Th flrnj asked damages amounting to several thoua and dollars on account of the loas sus tained through the flood laat spring. ; ; Repairs at Columbia Mill. tBpeclal Plapatch to The Jostrnal) - Sumpter Or., Feb. II. W.- J. Evans of Bourne, with a force of carpenters. Is getting ready the big timbers to be used for the placement of ten of tha stamps now In operation st th Colum bia. The old timbers have outlived their usefulness and as soma alterations were deemed nrccanary to tha machln- , cry the new timbers ara to be placed as soon aa tbe weather will permit TRANSPORTATION. Astoria & Columbia -- River Railroad Co. TJnlna Depot "' tears. Arrive, Par MsTtera. Rainier. Cuts- ksnie, Vteeipnrt. CUfton, As.-: . :- torls, Warrenton, I'lavel, .. , Hammond, Kort Btetens, Cesr- bart Park. Seaside 2:09 am ll:Maa Aatorla aad Seaabor. exnress dally f:O0 am 2:00 pia au trains dsliy. I. C. MATH. d. P. snd P A , A.torls. Or. C. A. BTBWABT.i Commercial Agent, 111 Aider street. Phone Mala 2o. , North Pacific Steamship Co.'s S. S. Geo. W. Elder Sails for Kurekav San Fraaclaco and tios Angejes. Weflneday,ebroai-y 10, lat p. ra. ;; ' . S. S. Roanoke Sails Tuesday. February 14, I p. gn Ticket ofaco 133 Third, near Alder. Phona M. 1314. H. TOUMO. Agt, ;:irw 0 Taadektark ' ' VV Pre Sample. Address Dept. 2. IaaiwanSCa.avt gaeaaasa,2.t. -The China: That Lasts Longest! . The Paints w proffer the pnbllo hereabout have a bulldog grip on th situation. That Is, they bold last, nana; on, en.iure, laai inns; worth while considering, becausa Z some painta look pretty fur awhile v then fade, lose color, blister, lau ort. ; Klght paint at llht prices here al 1 ways. ' . . t e i THE BIG PACJT STORE I Fisher, Tliorscn & Co. ! Tsvobtt ako xoa&tsok BTmriTt. j ...... , 4w4444w044V4w44 e Tcpaid in monthly install it desired. 5Jl.Z4 per Kit- f'ifti t .- - ' -1 X V- w . 1 j.t .t I a.aer yat A. aa- 4 month will repay a $1C" I principal ir.f" , monthi. her - rr i r k V As