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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 18, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, MONDAY EVENING. VEBRUARY 18, 1907. ID ELLODY IS GREAT PUGILIST V Welterweight Champion Is One of the Model Fighters ; ' of Today. DOES NOT DRINK, ,-' ' SMOKE NOR GAMBLE Opponent Of Lewis Is Rounding Into Trim for the Contest Jy Teaching Bond? School and Leading Sim ple Existence -His flood Record. In many respects William .'Mellody, better known as Honey Mellody. wel- trrweig-ht ' champion f!ghlet. differs from the ordinary prlserlng expert. In the first place be la. the moat religious champion In tha world and In the next nlace ha haa no desire to go on tha ,ti, aaya the Naw York World. church;' and In the afTcrnoon lie takes charre of a Bunaay-acnooi ciaaa. Honey haa never need tobacco In any hape and he haa yet to taate intoxicate Ina liquor. From hla earliest . child' hood ha has bean Imbued with the dealra to be a fighter, aqd be haa . done every thing In hia power to keep himself In tha beat physical condition. As a suit, at the ace of II years he weara the crown of welterweight champion. Mellody waa born In Charlaatown. Massachusetts, and he live there now. Unlike all other champions. Honey doea not ao away from home on lone; train' Ina- Derloda to ret Into condition,, for iht. but stavs at home, doea hi training there and eat the food' hla mother cook a for him. Becauae of hla clean Ufa ha la never out of condition, and la, therefore, never bothered by the weight question ma hla opponenta are. Aieiioay new wwri uiui. rounda, ao that It la an easy thing for lm to train down to 141 pound a. - - JTatnral Hgntec The champion la a natural fighter. Hla style, la mucji Ilka that of Terry McOOVBiu vnon-ua proourn unvr waa at hla beat. Ha ha" a terrific punch, one that earrlea knockout pow era at all times. Thla alone makea Mm a dangerous opponent, but with it aeema to be all In he la moat danger ova. He proved thla In hla flormer fight with Lewis, whom he la to meet a train on Monday night at Valley Kails In a fight for the title. On that occasion Lewis had jut Mellody down, twice In the second round and started In to flnlnh him In the third. He forced Mellody acroea the ring Into a corner, and when Honey looked weakeat he landed the knockout on Willie jaw. j The fact that thla fight between Jwia and Mellody will be the first championship contest held In the eaat for five yeara makea it especially Inter esting to easterners. The last one held In thla aection waa the M crtorem -Corbet t fight at Hartford, In 1901. New Torkera are anxious to nee Lewis win, and even the miners In Nevada are hop ing the New Torker la victorious, for they believe that It will make him a great drawing card for their fight car tilvaJs. The Kevadsns reaaon that Lewis would, draw Gotham sporting men te the mines If he were to fight there aa a champion, and New Torkera are the especial fish the western min er are trying to hook with their mine aa bait. :. Claim Xa Valid, Mellody a claim to the welterweight Tiu tm 11 uvn-wuno mi., a a, won It fronv Joe waloott, "the real bolder -of tha ' title, after whipping several clalmanta for It- So'- wnleaa the fight ends In a draw there will be a cham ilan after Kit lm over. Mellody la ready for the gong at any mint now, and Lewis la "getting there" fast. Willie tried his "hay maker" ; on a heavyweight named Johnny Hell recently, and put hla man out In the second round. Nell la a big rtegro fighter, who haa been "cleaning em tip' In the neighborhood of - the training .camp t Silver Lake, New 'Jer sey, and he wanted a tryont. He got It i Great Western Stewards Meet. . Milwaukee. Wis Feb. It. The stsvr ards of tha Great Western circuit gath ered In Milwaukee today to elect offi cers, select dates and otherwise prepare for the racing aeaaon of 107. Outside of routine business the most Important matter to come before the meeting for consideration and action la the applica tion of Cincinnati for admlwiton te the circuit , Poaji's Regulets rare ' constipation without griping, nausea- nor any weak ening eneci. abb your druggist . I or them. 15 cents per dot. THLSL $20 SUITS $13,503 CLOSING OUT SALE, SALLM WOOLEN ?1ILL STORE, I - Bases . BERKELEY IS 17AITKG FOR STAKFORD'S AHSiYER Cardinal Committee Asks That Another Meeting of the Rep v . resentatives Be Held. ("seelsl Wspttca te' The Jsersal.l - University of California, Feb.. 11. The executive committee or tne uni versity of California la patiently waiting Stanford's final answer on the spring track meet question. Affairs have got Into a'tangle over the algned agreements and It Is now more than probable that tha meet will not be held at all. . . . Tha committee la In receipt of a com munication from Stanford to ths effect that they have refueed to abide by the report of their intercollegiate agreement committee which met with the Cali fornia committee on January li and now demand a second meeting of the representatlvee of the two univereltlea. . The reply aent by tha executive com- mittM to Stanford la that Stanford can ahow sufficient cauae tor noi acctipuns the prevloua agreement and tnat ane will guarantee to atand by . the reault accomplished If there abould be'.a see ond meeting: If Stanford cannot ahow good cauae for a second agreement committee meet ing the. prtMPtM- that there will be no Intercollegiate' track "merpetweenC1t' I fornla and Stanford thla aprlng. Meanwhile active training on tha Berkeley oval continues, for there la now on foot asitan whereby the Oregon university team, with Kelly aa Its star, may meet Berkeley here. AMATEUR MANAGERS, ' PLEASE TAKE NOTICE s ' In keeping with The Journal's s. policy of publishing free all ac- w q counts Of the amateur baaeball a w ' games and any other athletic .'. w contests, the managers of these q teams are requested to send in w the reaults of these games as w soon after their completion as possible. All accounts should r written plainly on only one aide 4 of the paper. Reports of all games excepting on Saturday, e e must be In The journal emco w before o'clock on the morning e following the gume, and the re- - suits of Saturday' a contesta muat w be in The Journal office before I p. m. paturaay. . By observing these directions, more "complete and satisfactory reaults may be obtained. ,, H0LLADAYS TOO FAST FOR CLARJK-W00DWARDS The Holladay ball team defeated the crack Clara-Wood ward team In a fast and an interesting game yeeterday by the score of 11 to 10. The featurea of the game were the pitching of Fred Ross and tha batting of Robert Johnson for the Clark-Wood trsrd a, all. round playing of Ray Byera. the batting of vivin mini, Erroi -wmterDotnam. Ralph Wlthyeombe waa op to hla usual standard for the Houaaaye. me lineup: Holladay. .. Clark-Woodward. Injncomb ......... .0. . Johnaon Wlnterbotham. Ross. Johnson -P Lerougre Bysrs ... O Day Wlthvoombe ....... Jb. Doland Howard lb. ...Rosa, Lerouge Weiss. Johnson., Sullivan Ammer lf... Shean Welaa, Wlnterotham, ... .cf . . rv Smith Isaacson ... . .rf . :r. . . .TTwheatley BILL SQUIRES SETS SAIL FOR THIS COUNTRY (Jearnal tpselsl serrtpa.) San Francisco, Feb. II. American ring followers are soon to have an op portunity of forming their own Judg ment regarding--the - proweas or um Saulres. who has boen mentioned, much of late as a possible r.pponent of Jeffries in a fight for the heavyweight cham pionship. ' According to advices from Sydney tne Australian ngnter aaiis rrom that port today for this dty on tha steamer Ventura. - He is accompanied by hla backer and manager. Jack Wron, and the two ahould reach San Francisco within -two weeks. On bis arrival ef forts will be made to again take up the negotiations for a battle with Jeffries. Falling this the -fight promoters will probably match Squires with Burns, O Brten or one or tne otner men wno ran battle In the heavywelghtjclaBB, WEEK'S SPORT SCHEDULE MondayOpening of fifth annual Buf falo automobile ahow; will continue all week. Opening of Cleveland automobile ahow: will continue all week. Opening of San Francisco automobile show; will continue all week. Eighth annual na tional Indoor lawn tennis champlonahlpa at Seventh-Fourth regiment armory. New Torte; will continue - all week. Meeting of the stewards of the Great Western circuit at Milwaukee. Resump tion of racing at fair grounds track. New Orleans; to continue two weeks. - Tuesday Opening of motor boat ahow In Madison Square Garden; to continue one week. Twenty-third annual bench ahow of New Kn gland Kennel club opens at Boston; to continue to end of week. - Wednesday Steve Kinney of Milwau kee va. Packte McFarland of Chicago, 10 rounds at Davenport, Iowa. Freddie Cole of Indianapolis - vs. George Wil liams of Chicago, 10 rounda at Indian apolis. Indiana. Tommy Murphy va Spike Robaon of England, six round at Philadelphia. Thursday Mike (Twin) Sullivan vs. Harry Lewis. 10 rounda at Danver, Colo rado. Opening of aunual bench sohw of Bloomtngtnn (Illinois) Kennel club. Opening of western skating champion ahtns at St Paul, Minnesota, Thirteenth annual open handicap meet of the First Regiment Athletic association of Chi' eaaro. - Friday championship akee tourna ment at lahpemlng, Michigan. Cornell Tale wrestling meet at New Haven, Con' nectlcut International cable chess match' "for the. Sir George 'Newnea trophy. Ascot derby, $2,000, added, for t-year-olda. at Los Angeles, California. National amateur indoor skating cham plonshlpB at Pittsburg.' Hughey Mc Oovera Vs. Eddie Kelly. 1 rounds, at Rochester, New York. Athletic carnival of company K, Flrat regiment N. G. P7 at Philadelphia. . Baturnay international cable rhess match for Sir George Newnea trophy. Nailonal amateur indoor akatlng cham pions hi pa st Plttshnrg. Annual Indoor lntrrscholaatlc track meet of Brown university at Providence, Rhode Island. Fourth annual Indoor track and field meet In Convention hall, Washington. D. C. Annual meeting of Intercollegiate Athletic association in New York City. Opening of an endurance contest of 14 hours' duration In Chicago. rrefeiteo: Steak Ceased eVoOaS. Allen Lewis' Meat Brand, BASKETBALLSPORT IS It If trie Most Healthful and In teresting of the Winter '' '.; . Sports. " REQUIRES TRAINING OF HARDEST KIND Baseball ' and' Football 'Coatches Realise That This Game Doea Great Deal to Develop Players for the Outdoor Pastimes. Of t the various branches of sport that ao to fill un tha Interim between football and baaeoaU seasons all have I gradually given away before basketball, until It now stands as the most popular winter sport Suppleness and activity ase developed POPULAR aa In ni other games, since eveiTmusHrcleJ-iaO-ILJl Ahelr powerto cla of the bodv la called Into-otar and every move must hasrtclf ff It Is to be sffecllTe. The moves of football are frequently slow .and ponderoua, calling for atrength to repel or urge on an at tack and the actual period of play la two SO-mlnute halves haa been found to be leas than It mlnutea. In baaeball quick action la demanded apaamodlcally, while at least one half tha time of the game Is spent In idleness and rest on the bench. Hockey demands consider able action, but It relates more to the legs than to any other part of "the body, and continued akatlng tenda to harden muscles that should be soft to be of most service to the football or baseball player. - :s Develops SCnsoles. Basketball, on the other hand, devel ops all parts of ths body equally. From the blowing of the whistle at the start ofconlestllierjBfcarc9iynauBa until the end of the half. During two periods of 20 minutes each there Is sel dom more than a quarter hour taken oat- for all delaya and pausea, leaving tt minutes ofj&luaJ pi everyman la not only moving, bu working faster than thefoibairplayer running, dodglng.-TaTTcTUng, passing trying by every . fair method In hla power to outwit outplay or wear down the opponent who la especially opposed to him. It is constant and quick action for every muscle of the body since the possibilities of the play call them all Into senrloe soonsr or later. A game for the small man, aa well as ths big one. It develops ths same traits . In both. ' In basketball the star man Is usually the one who knows how to halp his team In the most effective manner, rather than tha man who stands alone and trusts to the power of the other members . of his five to give htm a chance to shine. The man who Is not a team man has no place In basketball, and he soon learns his lesson or la dropped from the squad. The "one- ffor-all" spirit 'is stronger 1n this sport than In any other, and surpasses even football In Its. requirement tor team handling of the ball. On the gridiron one tnan can do "things by himself and win, for his team. A drop kick, a long run. of any one of a number of "one-man" plays may result in a football score. In basketball -It is expressly forbidden. A man may be a marvelous dribbler- and be able . to take the ball. In this manner, from one end of the floor to the other, but It is Impossible for-Mm to do morales tha rules provide that ho has no right to try. for a score . after dribbling, but muat pass to some team mate. Ths re ault is that the ball must bo bandied by mors "than one man. ' Oood tot Training. Ths coaches of track teams have realised tha value of basketball as a training for long-distance runners and Jumpers and have sent candidates into the sport each year. The amount of endurance gained on the basketball floor can be compared only to that of hockey, to see an advantage In the game. Man as a "track developer" lies yttlretywlth basketball, since It employs the same set of muscles that Is used In track work, whila hockey is inclined to de 1 velop others. ' 'I - Baseball coaches are also beginning j to see aa advantage 4n the game. Men who are good -bell players are made I etui better by reaaon of basketball pla, 1 and it stands to reason that thia ahould : be so. The long free swing of the arm ' that is used In pasalng the ball acts aai a oontlmtal-eaerclaev- -tar thathrowf n t arm afcd keeps it limber and free from "kinks" during ths months that baae ball la out of the question. Nor Is It only the throwing arm that gets a bene fit The entire body Is trained, and the quick poise and balance that are learned on the basketball floor become valuable asaets to a candidate for the nine who muat move quickly, gather in the ball, recover bis poise and throw It to some one else .In the shortest possible time. Feet and hands often refuse to move together In this sort of work, and the Instinctive ability that a basketball player aoqulrea, to receive the ball in many different positions and still keep hla balance,-' often helps him when he has to handle the smaller ball on the diamond. . : ALBINA ATHLETIC CLUB ; " DEFEATS WOODBlJRN The Albina Athletic club defeated the Woodburn High school in a hotly con tested game of basketball for the state Junior championship on Saturday. Wood burn started . out . with a rush, making seven points, while Albina made one In the first 10 mlnutea Albina got busy then and made It points to Woedburn's 11 for the first half. ' , Woodburn atartsd out with a rnsh In the second half as in the first half, but soon waa overcome, tha Albina boys making IS points, whila the beat Wood burn could do "was 14 points, making the final score 28 to 28. The lineup: ' Woodburn. Bhorey , . . . . Austin ..... Position. Albina. .Forward. . Forward. . ..tenter... ...Guard... ..Guard. . Williams , . Undine . Phillips , Springer i Hoffman Baney Price ... Horn ken SPORTING GOSSIP MMSI , 'Two Jockeys at New Orleans' have been suspended for "unsatisfactory rid Ing." They must have been winning.' - ' a e . . ; Harvard-"students see no justice In the rule that preventa them from play ing on mora than two athletlo teama. It seems to be a craiy' Idea of the fac ulty to force some studying. Tommy Burns -has challenged Mike Schreck to a fight for a purse of 20, ooo. Burns to reoeivs 71 per cent He further stipulates that Mike must pony up a forfeit cf 12,000 and. ths slub must deposit 15.000 aa evidence of Usability to pull off ther'evenfc-.. Tommy could have 'stipulated many o'ther things, but he figured the foregoing would be plenty to males the fight utterly Im possible, - - "" ' Dr..B. F."R.oller, wrestling Instructor of the Seattle Athletlo club, la danger oualy 111 with blood poisoning, saya a Seattle dispatch. It la thought that the critical stage of the venemoua attack is "how past, and that he la no longer In a preoarloua condition. Friday night the poison paased from the affected light arm Into the body and the physi cians In charge did not expect the doc tor tS live until morning. The rapidly moving virus stopped, however, before It reached the vital centers. It was thought until yesterday morning that the arm would have to be amputated, but there la not now much' danger of the operation. ,e . e . Cheater Murphy la now the possessor of aha class A trophy cup In the month ly tournaments at Waverly Links. Mur phy defeated Wright In a close game yeaterday, the latter having won out on Saturday - e e ' . ' At a recent meeting of theJ Pittsburg Bowling association held at the Federal alleys at Pittsburg. 80 teama made ap plication for membership In the Amen andrtttabnrg 1 en- Bowtlng Congress will have eight, votes at the National tournament. . It waa voted to I.iave Pittsburg In a body and that Pittiburc delegatea be pvuuiv mm cunvcuiiun fur isvo. CLEVELAND AUTO SHOW ( - ON IN FULL BLAST (Joaroal Rpeela! gertce. Cleveland, O.. Feb. 18. The doore of the Central armory were thrown open today and the publlo given lta flrat glimpse of the largest and most notable ahow ever given In Cleveland. It la the second show given by the Cleveland dealers and manufacturers and In every particular It far eclipses the exhibition, of lest year. The cars ere greater In number and the display far more elabo rate. Ths lower floor of the armory la devoted to the automobiles, while the balconies are given over to the smaller and auxiliary exhibits The show will continue through the entire week. RACING SHIFTS TO 7 FAIR GROUNDS TRACK (Jearaal Pneetal dervtee.) New " Orleana. Feb. 18. Racing was resumed at the fair grounds track today and will continue for twokweeks. On March 4 " the horaes wilF again ' be switched to the City park track, the meet lasting until March it. Another aession will be held at the fair grounds March It to March 10, and the New Orleana racing, aeaaon will close at the City park tracX with a - meet laatlng from April 1 to AprU It. Pittsburg Poultry Show. (Journal "pedal ScrrlcO Pittsburg. Pa. Feb. II. Exhibits that fill old city ball to its capacity make up the ninth annual poultry and - pet , -The Original - "J" Brand Welsb&ch Mantle . " Price 30c " Thii mantle represents the finest product of pur factory. It U the best mantle made. Gives 15 per cent, more light, uses 12 per cent, less gas than any other mantle. V 1 Strength ' Unexcelled It is the cheapest mantle because it saves gas, it gives more light, it lasts longest. Bay the' best and the cheapest: Th J" L Brand- Welsbach Pripe, SO cents. , Imitations are worthless and Extravagant . Remember all -mantles are not Welsbechs.. . The Gen nine has thia Shield of , Qf Quality on the box. Five kinds, - 15,20,25,30,35c. Trade Mark ' For Sale by . The Gas Company and All Dealer i "yvwvBrpvwaWwwva We Sell WELSBACil BURNERS Gasoline Lamps And an kinds of Oas aad X lee trie fixtures. Boat yon bay till yoa talk with as. - ; -.. i II. w. The MANNING .Lighting S Supply Co. '. : J TaTTSU) iT, STXAJI AMM. stock ahow which, opened here today under the ausptcee of the Pittsburg Fanciers' club. A dosen states are rep reeented among the exhibits, which are more numerous and of higher grsde than in moat of the prevloua exhibitions or the club. The ahow will continue all week.. .- ... ' AMATEUR CHATTER. '.f 'The Holladay baseball team Is now ready to receive challepges from any teama in the city. Managers wishing gamea should call up Kaat 1217, after p. m. . : 1 ... I Albina will play Multnomah '-Juniors at Albina on Friday evening. Any teams desiring gamea with the Albina Athletlo club basketball team ahould address Harvey .Hoffman, 120 Montana avenue. -..-'. FORETOLD-HIS DEATH ' r TO THE EXACT MINUTE . Jearasl Speelsl arrle.) . Waynesboro, Mass., Feb. 1 1. Foretell ing his own death to the exact hour, J. Saxon, (0 yeara old, treasurer of Wayne county, today succumbed suddenly with hla married daughters, with whom he summoned a month agi-keeping guara, one or the daughters is Mrs. C, H. 'Taylor of Oakland. California, who had laughed her father, to acorn when he wrote that, he would die on the fourteenth of February at 7 o'clock In the morning, Saxon was hale and hearty up to within half an hour of hla death. 'He waa aelzed with a audden chill . and gathered hla family around him. "Ifs coming,' said Saxon, addressing Mre. Taylor j "Tour trjo from Cali fornia haa not been In vain." - At :3 Saxon died. JACK O'BRIEN'S SISTER ; THREATENS A BURGLAR ' ' . " (Joaroal Special Service.) Philadelphia Feb. II. A negro named William Wilson attempted to enter the home of Philadelphia Jack O'Brien early yesterday morning. The drubbing which Wilson got at the hands of Miss Sadie Hagan. tha pugilist's slater, will probably linger long In hla memory.- It was-shortly-after 2 o'clockwhen Mra w ojoil In Any Uncomplicated Nervous Debility Those conditions existing where men are merely living a life of despondency, loss of Mnemoryv no vitality, paint in the back, tired, feel ing, loss of sleep, no ambition and in fact you seem - to think there is no hope for you. But there is I ' Call on us and'find out that we do as we say and you can depend upon a quick cure that will last permanently, placing your entire nervous and physi cal condition- back to a sotmd,--hca1thyratate. we teach our patients what tq eat, drink, etc, so as to help regain all you have lost Call and see us. For more than a quarter of a century we have made a close study of the diseases of men. By the lat est and best methods we cure, to stay cured,! Blood Poison, Nerro-Vital Debility, Urinary Complaints, Piles, Fistula' and all associate diseases of men with their reflex complications. We cover the entire i field of chronic or acute diseases of men. Write if you cannot call. , . - , ( OFFICE HOURS 8 a. ra. to 8:30 p. m.; Sunday, 9 to 12. " St Louis Medical & Surgical Dispensary .. ' Corner Second and Yamyi Streets. Portland, Oregon. , - Are You a With No Back Pains v ' ,t lo Nrvousia8ss '. . . No Wntt bf Power .. :-,( ; No Lost of Ambition BUT WITH PLENTY OF LIFE AND ENERGY AND THE Y1G0K OF YOUTB "To be strong and manly fi the aim of every strong man, and yet how many we find who are wasting the vitality and strength which nature gives them. In stead of developing into the strong, vigorous, manly young fellows that nature intended them to be, thyey find themselves weak, stunted and despondent no ambition to do anything. They struggle aimlessly along, sooner Tor later ' to bec'ome victims of that dread disease, nervous debility; their finer sensibilities blunted and their nervea shattered. 1 j. '. ' '. , I Cure Men's Diseases I have treated hundreds of men who a result of private ailments, and have been interested in noting the marked general improvement that fol lows a thorough cure of the chief disorder My success in curing difficult cases of long standing has made me the foremost specialist treating men's diseases.- This success is due to several things. It is due to the study I have given my specialty; to my-having ascertained the exact nature of men's ailments, and to the original, distinctive and thoroughly scientific methods of treatment I employ. . - o To those in doubt as to their true condition who wish to avoid the serious results that may follow neg lect, I offer free consultation and advice, either at my office or through correspondence. . If your case is one of the few thst has reached an incurable stage, I will not accept it for treatment, nor will I urge my services upon any one. I treat curable cases only, and cure all cases I treat ' - Weakness Specific Blood Poison No dangerous mlnerale to drive the vims to the Interior, but harmless, blood-cleansing rem edies that remove the last poisonous taint. You've probably bean traatsd (or so-called weakness and helpsd tempo rarily or not at all, and tbs reaaon Is very apparent when cause of lass of power In mm 'In understood. Weakness Is mere ly a symptom of rnronlo Inflamma tion of tha pros tata gland, whlrh mT treatment re moves, t h e r s b y . permanently - re storing strength. Varicocele Absolut!) patnleas treatment that cures eomplstely In oile week. Investigate my methojL It Is tha only thoroughly sci entific treatment fnr thte die ease being employed. , FREE My colored chart, showing ths male anatomy and Interesting study In men s dis eases, will be given free upon ana vigor. appiicauon. Consultation and Ad vie. oars a. mo DR. TAYLOR Co. 234 JMorrlaton Strsssst, Corner 8coqnd, Portlands Ore a dents Irving sat of the elty and eemlng te rortlaad foi reavmeat wtll se farslsasd wit flne soosa free ef saarge. Check year tranks alrsot to B34 storrlson street, Hagan, asleep in the second story front room, with her husband, waa aroused by a noise In the room. s Look Ins- un she waa able to make out in the darkness the form of a man standing near the .bureau. She aaw him pick up a box which was filled with valuable papers and then dart from the room. Mrs. Hagan waa out of bed In a Jiffy and after him. Down the stairs flew the man, with Mrs Hagan St bis heels Wilson ran to the kitchen and then crouched Is a corner. When Mre. Hagan appeared ha atruck her on O, ' Stop the Pain wmi an j D sfVIS " TTm painful trouble can be I ii r J V I y,v rcucveu u iiucu vr u-uiir V V &2S (( v:.-L?!S5-k Wl )fjy IcT4 if not relieved by Wttfihe, W -tl "y- -JC7 . Pe a hot water bar II I VV AV- ?TNv: -ag;ainst the pluterpn ) I mm m asr l bb w a uiw iiswvt av a va w bsvvi s iijc "- , m i st mrmmx m essBSBk. . as - sbbbbbss m. a.i ' V Urnfrnt " - 1 heat Bssssrisli. aad fsMis I S I - asLsw 1 JewdTtaelWfWBae4 - Ar CMiftimt, IMeuwu, Un4tk; aVsnasss, Ay. efe. aase randreths A UaxotWo aad Bloe)d Tasilo Each pill coetalse eae grab el eoNd estsact ml aBreapa rlHa. which. wM etas valsmble vi tssli purl bibs, stake ; It a stood asriaar et easaUent cbsrssasr. Stricture. V Contracted Disorders Varicocele . Blood Poison OUR Case Established as Year la Portland Varicocele is a bunch of knotted -worm-like veins in the scrotum, caused by a' fall, strain, indiscre tions, etc This varicocele is not only very annoy ing but dangerous, because it brings on other trou-. bles which causa serious complications, making it necessary to use surgical procedure. Don't wait until it is too late. - Call at once. Rupture and Piles cured without the knife. We ' bave added this new treatment since it has been' proven a success. Call and we will explain it to you. tEMUIEI COXJUITATIOH AXl rjUMllMTIOR IS fREl - . Perfect Mm had long suffered a gradual decline Contracted DfasordaaraB You can depend upon a quick and . thorough eure by my treatment. A quick curs Is desirable because a . slow cure Is apt to be no ours at all. and a chronlo development wll corns later. I curs you beyond the possi bility nf a relapse and In baf ha usual time required. Rflex Allmntav Often the condition appearing to be the chief disorder Is only a reflex .ailment resulting from some other disease. Weakness sometimes comes from varicocele or stricture; akin and bone dlseaaes reault from blood poi son taint, and physical and mental decline follow long-standing func tional disorder. . My long experience, In treating men enables me to deter mine tha exact condltlona that sxlst and to treat accordingly, ' thus re moving every damaging cauee and Its affording an enecia. FREE- . - Call or Write to p. nndaysie ss 1. the aide of tha head. Mra Hagan aoreamed and her daugh ter Sadie ran to her mother's assist ance. She . dealt Wilson a' hard blow In the face and she continued to rain blowa on tha face and body. When the police arrived on the acene tile negro welcomed them aa reacuera Wilson waa arraigned and committed to lall without bail. Metxger fits your eyes for 11-09. Sixth - street near Washington. Ill mm n; it aIIIS V . Sctafetlsftsv UN WE CURE Impaired Vitality . Kidney, Bladder and Prostatic Disorders Rectal Diseases Consultation FREE FEE NEED NOT BE PAID UNLESS CUBED DR. TAYLOR The Leading Specialist' of ohvai'ral and mental n-r In Uncompli cated Cases . My Fee Is Only You Pay When Cured Today. OifULK