The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 16, 1907, Page 2, Image 2

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    the Oregon daily Journal". Portland. Saturday evening, February 13. 1:07.
Recommends Submission" to People of a Bill Preventing Sunday
Saloons, Chairs and Women, and Providing for a License
Fee of One Thousand Dollars' to the City. - -
- A tlMt liquor lleens Mil that ha
' stood th test of a fight In th Iaitla-
s tlva Ona Hundred la now on Ho way to
i- a referendum vote by ' aubmlaalon to
' tha peopla at tha cut Juno election,
, ' Soma amandmonte adopted by a snoot
', Ins of tha organisation Uat evening will
',bo lncoroorated in tha bill, and it Will
'be brought before th nest meeting for
final indorsement. ' . '
Deteimlned ODDoaltion to aavaral
.' features of the bill, and to Ita eon
1deratlon. at all by tha Initiative One
- Hundred, was made at tha meeting,
and the full force of tha Influence that
would ae brought to bear against It t
believed to tiara n counted at laat
t night meeting. Of tha T members
da good atandlng, there were tt In at-
- tnrf.iiM. . Whni tha discussion closed
and the qaeaUon ' of killing the bill
. f-vae brought to a vote, there were, la
. 1 1 favor of throttltne- It and-11 In favor
" of the MIL Had the chair voted there
.would have been 11 for It.
-g Chain and STo Women,
After the vote wa announced one
of the bill' principal opponent on
aald the reault auited htm better than
if his own aide had won. aa be believed
tha omittance waa about rlaht.
: Tha eellent points of tha propoeed.
law are an annual llcenae .of
' from aaloona; midnight - eloalngt e
eeptlng on Saturday nights, whea the
. aaloona shall dose at midnight and re
main cloaed until t ' o'clock Monday
iAMin ,a - ihatpfl In saloons: BO
. ,UVB. ,., . ....... '
women In aaloona..
At the beginning of the dlaeuaslon th
; 1)111 provided that there should be no
free lunches, and tht each aaloonkeep-
; er should furnian oona et e,vv w
... . . - 1 A V
comply wun ne taw. un mu"
1. McKenna these reaiurea wr nm
,.' Inated. He aaid he. believed th eating
of a little lunch with a drink aaved
. manv a. man Iran aviuMa w. . ...
round of treating at tha bar.
' .Two Baakar Oajeo.
The law waa opposed by J. Frank
.U-.twn. who-aald that If tha Ona Hun
dred adopted It he would resign from
the organlaatlon. He aald that when ha
omen he naa unaeraiooa viwi in
waa not to take up mattera of polities.
religion or mora, nu iun
think it tiad anv business taking UP tb
. George P. Lent, who waa lately a enn-
, dldata for office on tha prohibition
ticket, reiterated Mr. Watson's sent!-1
merits. He said he favored a high II
. cense, ana ni tra-um jmnuiw . w .....
. i i- i jttA ma am thla htlL
He left gom of the brethren doubting
whether ha wanted tha license attn
higher than proposed In th bill.
J. C. Alnsworth strongly objected to
the Ona Hundred's taking up th liquor
Question. He aald an 1800 llcens
would bring In mora mriney to the city
than would a 11,00 license. He be
lieved tha liquor business had rights
that should not ' ba Infringed upon too
much. !.,....:''
,D. 3. Qutmby. whs conducts a bar In
connection with his hotel, wsa agalnat
th bill and declared It would put bla
bar out of business. H. H. Emmope
aid the working peopla ahould not be)
prevented from buying liquor on Bun
day, In an attempt to prevent a few
loafers from drinking too much. Ho
aald th Sunday eloatng clause waa
unjust, and that every man' had a right
to buy. drink on Sunday or any other
day. .. ..... - . .
President McKenna, "ho to partici
pate in the discussion had called Vice
President Drake to the chair, aald ha
was In favor of better whiskey, better
morals and mora taies to th city. Tit
thought tha liquor llcenae and regula
tlonr question was-a proper enbjeet-for
tha One Hundred t take a part la, and
that It had gone too far In the matter
to back out now. He believed that If
th bill a now framed were put to a
vote of the people It would pass two to
one.' He thought 11.000 a reasonable
amount, and that It had been eminently
satisfactory to many other cities In the
east P. Ik Willie and Beneca Smith
supported the bill. , .
- ' ' Wacom eck an artdg. -
' Regarding the proposed high bridge
which th Southern Paclflo desires to
build at Elk Rock, J. C Alnsworth sold
tha legislature should provide In th
charter that th railroad must build a
wagon deck on th bridge. H thought
It would become an Invaluable feature
of Portland' proposed parkway ayatem
aa well as providing a meana for gen
eral - traffic to cross th Willamette
river for all future time. A. committee
of five, with It H. Emmons aa chair
man, will g-o to Salem to org auch a
fen tare in the charter.
TnJ'foUowtnflMw saembera from tha
precinota named were elected by the
One Hundred: F. D. Olltner, IS; w. I.
W.- 0: IV-PUni
To Assemble From All Eastern
Oregon at Baker City Feb-
: ruary Twenty-Seven. :
.u!iy.i.:iiuo:is i;i ffiiis
Fifteen Per Cent Quarterly Div
idend Is Distributed Among
Congress Will - Devote Most of
' Time to Consideration of
Appropriations. .
Grand Lodge Officer Will Attend
Careful Preparation Will ,B
Under direction of 'Special On
Caniaer. ', , ' '"
" - (Spaetal DUpstrb te Tbe Jos nut.)
v Raker City. Or Feb. II. Plan ar
being mad by th Women of Woodcraft
Of thla district for on of th largest
rallies ever held In th state, outside of
a grand lodge meeting, to .take place
her February 17. Seventeen circle ar
to participate and several hundred snanu
btrs will be In attendance. 'Mrs. I A.
Derrick ef Ban Francisco, special organ
iser, la In the city now and will remain
with the local circle. Queen of the
Forest and Mystic, for aom t1m,.ln.
tructlng them in ritual and drill work
lu preparation for tha big event
Several grand lodge f fleers will be in
attendance, among them Grand Organ
iser Mlsa M. B. Sumner and Orand
Guardian Mrs, C C. Van Oradale. both
of Portland. Th officers to preside at
the model meeting to be held in' th
evening of th eventful day are: Guar,
dlan neighbor, Mrs. Jackson. if -Mystlo
circle; advisor, Mrs, Stern of Queen of
the Foreat; past guardian neighbor,
Mrs. Sarah Thompaon, Q. F.S magician,
Mr. Brandberg, M. C; banker, Mr.
Rlchen of Gold elrcle of Bumpter, and
three managers and two sentinels to be
selected from the North Powder and
Haines circles. " '. . r
When the members ef th lodges as
semble here a reception will be held In
the afternoon from 1 to o'clock. From
I to 7 o'clock will ba devoted to a ban'
quct and th avenlng-to tha model ses
sion, when drin ahdrmj11"thr
wlll be exemplified.
Three prise are to be awarded. On
will be )! for largest representation,
another, 1S for th circle bringing in
tha larareat nnmh.r Af n.a mMnhnr.
Tngwrtrt ;?-a-McPonen. ; II. tn-fweeh'August 1 to February 17, and' a
Rlaealng. t: M. C. Banfleld, 10: J. H.
Upton, 11; J. F. Kertoheim. 17; Samuel
Connell. 41; H. H. Kalef. 4; D. 1L aJl
ham, it; S. C Pier, 46; M. A, Raymond,
47; T. C McDanlela. SI: J. P. O'Hare. IS;
H W. Albee. II; E. W. Barnes, 10; K.
Swan and O F. 8w)rrt. at large; Frank
F. Perkins, Mount Tabor. .... ..."
Dr. Brougheir "Interests Himself
in James Roberts, Because of
M the Prisoner's Mother, '. '
Attorney Sewell Promiaeg ' to Get
' Clark a Job In Logging Camp, and
Both Go Into Charge of Dors' and
GlrU' Aid Boeletjr. j "
Thomas tlark and James Roberta, th
17-year-old electricians, who war .ar
rested yesterday by Detectives Price and
. Inskeep en charge of larceny and aub-
aequently made a full confession of
- their misdeeds, nav been sAved from
the penitentiary through th tnterven
lon of Dr. J..W. Brouhr of th Whit
Temble and Attorney BewelL -
The two youths were before Judge
Cameron tor sentence this morning but
la view of th Influence brought te bear
and their previous good reputation, it
waa decided to tarn them over to th
Boy nnd Olrl' Aid ' society. -Aftr
tbelr deserlpUona and family history are
entered In the record of that organise
tlon Clark and Roberts will be given
their llbertv. "
' Mrs. Roberta, 'mother of One of th
lads, I a member of Dr. Brougher
' church, which explains th Interest
taken by the preacher In the esse. Th
minister gave It as his opinion that Rob
erts was not beyond redemption, but
believed that the gravity of hi plight
ahould be Impress J upon him. Attor
ney Sewell gave Clark an esoellent rep
utation and stated that If th lad were
allowed to go on probation be would Be
en re him a position In a togging camp. '
.' afoAdse I Cleared. -
Both boys were closely questioned by
Judge Cameron and Deputy District At
torney Bert Heney, and gave a full list
ef all the articles they had purloined.
According to their statement J, D. Me
Adeo, who was arrested yesterday on
brings on age very rapid
ly, but then there is no
reason for being sickly.
Just A commence taking
the Bitters at once. It will
build up and invigorate
the entire 'system, make
the blood pure and gener
al health much better.
has proven its merit many
times during the past 53
years. Try it today. It
curei Dyspepsia, Indiges
tion, Costiveness, Bilious
ness, General Weakness,
Colds, Grippe, Female Ills
i r.i tj1... JP. A,..
ur iiicudiida i SYsi u. ngu&s
suspicion of having been Implicated In
th thefts, bad no . oonnectloa with the
Crimea, and waa accordingly turned loos
oy tn court.
Clark and Roberta confessed to having
atolan a box of cigars and a bottle of
rum from Mas. Smith's restaurant, and
th latter lad also admitted taking a
Cut glass liquor set from Powers' Furni
ture store.- The dynamo and rifle be
declared, had been purchased, and waa
very belligerent over the allegation that
the articles had been stolen. ; The elec
trical good found In Clark's room, both
defendant maintained were not stolen.
gold medal to the Individual member
bringing In th most new membera In
that time. -
Citlee to be represented at the Raker
City rally will be Sumpter, North
Powder, Holne. Prairie City, Burns, La
Orand. Elgin, Walla Walla, Enterprlae,
Joseph, Unity. Ontario, Huntington and
Canyon City.
" (Specie! Dlspateh te The Journal.)
The Dallea, Or., Feb. It. Mrs. Frank
Ballard, who for a long time bad been
a sufferer from consumption, died her
Wednesday night and waa burled yes
terday. Her death I a -eoullarly aad
one, a she leaves six children, the old
est but It years old, and owing to her
long illness the family was in very
and the police have no evidence to th i Jtraitened clrcumatancea. Kind frlenda
. .a . q . V ,11. .in v, w yiTITIHI
In giving th wife and mother fitting
burial and In caring for tha bereft little
ones. . Mr. Ballard Is a hard-working
and worthy man, and provision will
doubtless b made for assisting htm
In caring properly for hla mothorleaa
children. - . r.--:-
contra rv. ' .'--. ' 1
Mrs. Roberta was almost hysterical
over her son' downfall, and attributed
hla wrong-doing to evil associates. The
police still incline to th theory that th
boy have not old all of their crimes,
and th -investigation will be continued.
Patrolman Ben Peterson, who hired Rob
erts to wire hla house, claims that the
lad purchased electrl fixtures) on his
account, but never. Installed all of th
appliance. On this ' showing another
larceny charge may be lodged agalnat
tb youth. : --.
. Articles of Incorporation, were filed
with tha county clerk today as follows:
East Bid Bok 4t Lumber company;
incorporators. A A. Anderson, Otto Wle
precht and Charles J. Schaabel: capital
stock. .. ,
Noma Dredging A Mining company:
incorporators, I. B. Hammond, H. E.
Cowgill and W. p, Fraser; capital stock.
IZOO.UOO. - . .
West St, John Land company; Incor
porators. Richard ' Sbepard. Wlllard
Shops ro and H. O. Ogden; capital stock.
A. r; - ;
The Order of Red Men Is said to he
th only Portland lodge which will
celebrate Washington's Birthdsy this
year. On th evening of February ft
Willamette trbe No. and Minnehaha
tribe Nor I will nold a Joint celebra
tion at th new wigwam In th Belling'
Hlrsch building. J. V. Lankln will act
aa chairman. L. Cars ton sen, will de
liver ine cniex aaaress ana a. jb. ,uutl
ner will act aa toast master. All Red
Men within 40 arrow flights of Portland
ar Invited.
rapecut Plapsteh te The JoeraaU,
North Powder, Or., Feb.. l.-Teech-
era working for ' state eertlf icatea m
th Union county teachers' examination
thla week had to go from hare to Baker
City, aa Elgin la inaccessible from this
point. E. O. Bailey, th popular prin
cipal of - the- North Powder publlo
schools, and several others, were among
the number thus cut off from Elgin,
where their awn county teachers' ex
amination Is being held.
fWsaslotiee Bnreaej ef Th Jeamal.) i
Waahlngton, D. C, Feb. 1. Senator
Mulkey will b one of th apeekers at
the University club dinner at- th Ral.
elgh hotel. Last night he addressed the
Association of Patent Lawyers of tbe
District of Columbia on tbe subject of
expediting patents through th patent
office. He waa th gueet of honor.
. . Hard to Breathe. .
From thn Chicago New.
- Jonah wa trying to explore th In
terior of th whale. "My, but-thla 1
a stuffy 'place,- reused Jonah. "I won
der what It reminds m of f '.
Then, after a pause -
"Oh, yea: it I exactly Ilka, th Nw
fork eubway.
And than - Jonah began to , gap for
braU. .. .
(Joans I Special Service.)
New Tork, Feb. 1. Unique dinner
and entertainments have been so Com
mon In Nw Tork society that they ar'
no longer considered a novelty. But
Mr. and Mr a. Frederlo Hi Goodwin of
Central Park . Waat have . arranged a
function for tonight that has challenged
more' than th ordinary amount of at
tention! Th Invitation style, it a
"Twentieth Century Banquet, of Un
cooked Fooda." Covera will be laid- for
gueata. who will "enjoy" a feast of
half a doaea course's. In which, every
article of food and drink will be served
In a raw state, ' -
(tpest MspatPk te The Janrnsl.)
Astoria. Or., Feb. If .County Clerk
Clinton has filed a summary of the 10
tax roll for Clatsop county as presented
by Assessor Cornelius. Ths roll Is
closed ready for collection except index
ing and this will be finished today.
when the roll wilt be turned over to
Sheriff M. R. Pomeroy for th collection
of taxes, whltfh will commence Monday
morning.'" . -
Th summary totals $270.7(1.71, clas
sified aa follows: State and county,
fll,7Zt.; city of Astoria, Ill.t41.82;
West Seaside, 1105.17; New Astoria,
1114.17; Warrenton, $517.11; roads aad
achoola, tMl.
- Uoenul gpeatal gervtes.t
New Tork, Feb. 11 The dlreetore of
the Standard oil company have declared
the Quarterly dividend nt ttl a share.
The dividend wa th earn amount In .INTEREST CENTERS IN".
wiv corresponaing quarter or last year
and .110 per share three month ago.
The capital stock of tb Standard Oil
company la 1108. 000. 000. of which John
D. Rockefeller owna 40 per cent Of
$15,000,000,000 to be distributed thla
quarter Rockefeller will receive $4,000,
000. Since im the company ha a paid
tlSO.000,000 in dividends and by tha
end of the present year tha total will
reach 1400,000.000, or -four times th
total capital In nine yeara. During thla
period Rockefeller has received la all
about 11(0,000,000.
Blood Pumped Into Criminal to
"Keep Him Alive for Execu-
r- tlon on Scaffold. ; :
(Journal Special gerriee.)
Louisville. Ky., Feb. If Ouy Lyons,
after attempting to commit aulclde In
his cell at Ruaeellvlll by cutting an
artery with a spoon which he had se
creted and sharpened on the tstone wall,
was kept alive yesterday long enough to
be" earried to the gallows and hanged
for murder. He waa almoat dead from
lose of blood the night before when
Fletcher, hla cell mate, who was hanged
with him. Informed th prison authori
ties. The physician kept him alive by
transfusing blood from a healthy pris
oner Into hla ' veins. - He waa so weak
that four men had to carry hint to the
gallowa and It waa thought h would
expire before th rope could be pot
around hla neck and the. trap sprung.
3mrraed- on PigeTwoX
- (Journal pei! Service.) '-
Waahlngton, D. C, Feb. 14. Th bat
tleship appropriation, which waa attack
ed In the hotife, waa defended by Long
worth. On a vote taken, a battleship to
rival th British Dreadnought remain
la th bill. The vote stood 114 to 14.
- Big Ma(J at Entcrprla.
(Rpeclst Dispatch to Tbe Joernal.)
Enterprise, Or., Feb. 11. Owing to
several washouts In eastern Oregon, no
man waa received in Enterprise rrom
ths west until Tuesday. It had been 1
days elnce th receipt of any western
mail, and It then required four horse
to bring In th accumulation.
chief witnesses for th state In the
Thaw trial. Th prosecutor expect
Dr. McOuire'g testimony to lay the
foundation for th opinion of alieniat
that Thaw waa sane on tha night of
Jun 15. when he killed Stanford White.
IDr.. MuGulre - ha - repeatedly--been
called In homicide trials and baa ex
hibited original methods In reaching
conclusions as to th sanity of defend
ants. He will not be called aa an ax
pert In thla case but merely a a gen
eral medical ptsotttloner.
Th Tombs physician I of opinion
that Thaw when ho killed Whit knew
th quality of hi act and knew th dis
tinction between right and wrong, but
his value to the atate aa a wltnaas lie
in th long observation he haa had ot
Thaw and th data he has given th
district attorney, which will b recorded
In th trial In hi ovldenc. " j
Other Allealeta to Testify.
Messrs. Flint, McDonald and Mabon,
alienists representing th district attor
ney's office, tiav been prohibited from
making a personal examination of Thaw.
They .have, however, been able to see
the prisoner through tbe sharp eye and
acuta bearing of Dr. McOulre. and It I
aid they are In good position to paaa
on hla mental Stat. - - -
- During th eight month Thaw ha
been In the Totnbs. McOutr ha seen
him more thart a thousand times, and
always with a view of making observa
tions of hi mental state. Th physi
cian ha kept a careful record. of Thaw's
a d Clearance, worda. actions and moods.
and la prepared to give every day" de
tail since Jun It.
- Dr. McOulr ha watched Thaw la hi
daily chat with hla mother and wire.
hi other relatives and hi lawyers, and
It I said will testify to a domineering
sol lit on tha part of th prisoner aa
ahown by hi word and acta and hi
determination to have his own way.
While treating the rrlsoner for various
alight aliments, the doctor haa had long
talka with him. and is prepareo to atate
that he spoks Intelligently and logically
upon every topic and gave no suggestion
of eonfllctlon of ideas or delusions.,
Watohed Baring Sleep.
During many, hours of th nights.
whlls Thaw has been asleep. Dr. M
Quire haa watched him from th eell
door. Tb . aleep of tb priaoner waa
aa quiet as that of a well-fed healthy
child, th doctor will testify. H never
had any nlghtmarea or disturbances of
his sleep, suoh aa ar noticed In welt
defined cams of Insanity. v
Dr. Francis L, Patten, former presi
dent ' of Princeton university, I th
latest witness to be summoned for the
defense In th Thaw case. Dr. Patton
urobably will take th witness stand at
th resumption of th trial Monday to
testify regarding a letter he received
from Harry K. Thaw a few days after
Thaw wa placed in th Tomb prison
- IVetter Show Insanity.
This letter. It I claimed, bring out
strongly tbe mental condition of Thaw
at th time it waa - written. It haa a
strong bearing upon th nature of hi
Ineanlty and th cauae which' Brought
It about, it Is -said. It is claimed It
will showi if Delmas can have It ad
tnttted in evidence, th motive which
Impelled Thaw to shoot Stanford White.
Dr. Patton, It will bo recalled, visited
Thaw la th Tomb a ahort tlm after
tha ahootina. The defense will claim
the letter I admissible as evidence un
der th aeme ruling by which when tha
trial came to a sudden halt on Thurs
day th' converarlona Thaw had with
Expert Evan were about gtveo
to th Jury. ? - v !
.; .t ... ,i - ..'''.'. ,. '
Standard Oil Prosecution Begin In
St Louis Ilarrlman Investigation
' Continued In New . York Kooso
Ttlt to Visit Harvard. v ;; -
' V (Joeraal paeial Berries.)
Washington. Fab. !. The coming
week In congress and, in fact, all the J
remainder1 of the session will probably
be devoted almoat exclusively to th ap
propriation bills. : Leaders la both
branches now realise that there will b
little If any time to devote to the eon
alderatlon of general legislation. ' . It
alon that th Republican program waa
to pas tha appropriation bills and let
all else go by the board and It looks
now aa though the program will b car
ried out pretty faithfully. 'Tt proba f
blllty Is that uoh general legislation
aa get through between now and March
4 will be attached to appropriation bill
at th laat minute. -
A large party of representative of
th commercial clubs of Boston, Cin
cinnati, Chicago and St. Lout la ached
uled to aall from New Tork next Mon
day for Panama to Inspect th lathmlan
canal. .-'.....
Standard OU lrooecnttoa. I
Interest In tha municipal elections to
he held throughout Pennsylvania next
Tuesday ceriter In th contest in Phil
adelphia, where th lasues ar practical
ly 'the same aa marked tha memorable
election a year ago. Congressman John
E. Reyburn, the candidate of th Re
publican . organisation, la opposed ' for
mayor-by William Potter, representing
th City party, and William C- Bennett,
th e Dem pcra t lo itandard bearer.
4 Positive
A soda cracker should be the most nutri
tious and "vyholesome of all foods mads '
from wheat
. Comparative .
But ordinary soda crackers absorb molst
ure, collect dust and become stale and . ,
soggy long before they reach your table.
There is . however, one -
toda cracker at once so pure," so dean, so ;
crisp and nourishing that it stands alone
in its supreme excellence the name is
U needa Biscuit
In a dust tight, ' '
istur proof packaz
o-fi mo
Start Strong
Mr. Thaw , to Testify That Harry
' . .Wan Doomed Before) Birth. ., .
. i
UMirsal Special SerTlre.t
New 'Tork, Feb. 1. The Telegram
say that if th Thaw trial la continued
next week Thaw' mother will offer tea
ttmony - that her eon was doomed) to
weak mentality before hi birth. She
I expected to testify that a few week
before hi birth an unusual occurrence
coming , into her life so affected her
that she thought for a tlms she would
lose her reason.' That event was a
tragedy resulting in Intense grist
": I
" ' tJUfl Sa 4at Ll. .'" j.
-Chicago, ". 1. Demurrwrs to to
Indictments against John R. Walsh have
been filed setting forth ran sons why
tils attorney think their client ahould
b deuared Insane. .
-Tuaaday I -the- day t for argu men t
St Louis In th suit of the atate of
Mtaaourl to oust th Standard, Re nub
ile and Watera-Plerce OU oompanie.
Tha Sanala.wlU. finally dispoa of th
Reed Smoot case on Wednesday," when
It will take a vote to decide whether th
Utah senator shall retain hi seat It
1 th gensral opinion her that th
vot will bo favorabla to Senator Smoot
At New Tork next Thursday th in
terstate commerce commlssloa will re
sume Its investigation Into th financial
methoda of the Harrlman corporations.
E. H. Harrlman. Jacob I Schlff. Wil
liam Rockefeller - and probably H. H.
Roger and H. C. Frick ar expected to
appear aa wltneaeea.
' Tot Kayo of Obioago.
The Democratic primaries to pick a
candidate for mayor of Chicago will
be held Thursday, followed by th con
vention on Saturday. A heated contest
la on between Mayor Dunne, who Is a
candidate for reelection, and . former
Mayor Carter Harrison.
President Roosevelt, aosompanted by
Mrs. Roosevelt will leave Washington
Friday night for a two days' visit with
Theodore Roosevelt Jr., at Harvard unl
vorslty. The visit It I announced, will
be purely of a private character.
Former President drover Cleveland
will go to Chicago tho laat of th week
to deliver an oration at the Waahlngton
birthday banquet of tho Union Leag-ua
cjud or tnat city. - y
(Journal Spedsl Service.)
Whit Plain. N. Y Feb. It. Th
New York Central Railroad-' company
has paid 1(0.000 to compromise th suit
for damage brought against it by Ed
ward Kleist of New Roohelle, and - a
check for this amount haa been received
by Kleiat's attorney, .
, This sets a new record In th settle
ment out of court of railroad damage
canea. ... - - ' -
Kleist. who ! (0 year old, ud for
1200,000, having sustained several frac
tures, been paralysed on his right ld
and lost th power of speech through
collision or a commuters" train on which
he waa riding with a Harlem train In
Manhattan In December, It 01.
.. . (Jearaal tpeclal ttrrlce.) .
New York, Fb. II. It I reported
that a new national bank will b fonried
In this city. Ths principal mover ar
th Shuberta, Independent theatrical
manage re, and George E. Cox, tb de
posed Republican boas of Cincinnati.
Wllllgm A. Clark, th retiring senator
from Montana, - la aald to have been
asked to become president!
G:30 P, M. to 9:00 P. M.
'' Positively Nona Sold Before This Time. ;'
; Value
':, . RejuUr ,
" ' Value
' 85
.; -..'.lUw.-. royal.-enamel:.ware
I) ) Jr W lJ2
v i h J
(Continues from Page Ona)
In hla of flea He did not think th In
crease tn business Justified th enlarged
The governor vetoed th bin provid
ing that all fee received In Moro county
by the aherlff ahould be paid to that
official. Tb governor aaid that tho bill
would be the entering wedge to reeatab- TT
Ush a pernlcioue praotiea. . . . . . , , . (
i in i ' i
Schilling' Best la elected by popular
-,'v . '" '.' "' ' ;'' "' '. ,. ,'' .' ; ' f.
'' -' ' ' ; t. ,. . . " V " .' ' -; , , ' '' 1
We have a customer who wishes a 50 to
75-room arrtment-house built on west
side. Is able and willing to give first
class security, pay good rent and take
long lease.--Apply to-
The Home Furnishers
173-175 FIRST STREET. '
tWaatitnaia Vhttwaa mf Tha Irmrml f
Waahlnaton. D. C. Feb, I. -Senator
Fulton called up the bill creating The
eastern Oregon judicial diatrtct at Baker
Cltr today. - It 1 feared that ther Is
littl chance to get th measure through
the house during this session. ,
-pom ura'pu ini mmv m.mwvTt: w".u...".-wy--
t . . . v . gag . .7 ' " ' i i
Toolli Potvdcr
It i the most eflfective tooth
Ereseryative and' cleanser made.
Jit it for health and economy
eaves delicious after taste. Ask
your dentist. --- .
la haody aseal oaa o boeUee. .
to: Tc:ih Pcr:.:r C3g
For 98SOOand On terms w offT tha above new and modam reatdenoe with
. spacious grounds In heart of ar I toe ratio Irvlngton, 711 Tillamook atreet. It
in need of a home this Is worthy of your serious ; consideration, but it will
move quickly. ; ...' , '
v ' ; ;; : "" r ' ' j-m --r---T-. -
jaenson oc ueenng
Phone Main VtS