The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, February 15, 1907, Page 19, Image 19

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1 1
Olympic, Club May Decide
Com Into the Jri-Club
.Meet. , ' :
Proposition la Being Considered by
' ' , the Olympic Directors and If Ac
j 'tlon la' Favorable a Great Array
of Athletes Will Visit Portland.
At a .recent dinner of ths Olympic!
club members of Ban Francisco, the
question of holding a field and track
meet wlttf ths Multnomah and Seattle
Athletle clubs was favorably discussed.
.speaKtn - 4h -rHoaH.MH .- (H
Chronicle says: - .
''George James, who has recently re-
turned from Portland, appeared befors
ths board and asked that ths club ar
range a track and field meet for ths
coast championships, in conjunction
with 4he Multnomah Atblatle club of
Portland apd the Seattle Athletic club.
Ths directors decided that at the pres
ent tims when ths rlub is devoting; all
Its energies to aettlna its new building
in readiness for the members, it would
not be wise to -spend much money In
' sending a team to Portland, and a com
mittee, consisting of John Elliott. T. I.
Fltspatrick and Max Hoaenteld. was
appointed to communicate with the
northern dub and ascertain what ths
rout of sending a team from this stats
would amount to. - -- -. -
"In ease arrangements' ars completed
ths team will bs representative of Cal
ifornia, and will, go north under the
auspices of the Olympic club. The
committee will report to the next meet
ing of the board.
- "In the event the negotiations which
pending between the-OlyaiDlo-eluo
" aiuunornan Atmetio club pi
PortlandJire cocipleTed and a coast
championship track meet is held in the
Oregon club grounds this summer, the
champlonKhlp of the roaat will be de
cided for the first time , . ...
-C-8uch . an event would settle many
questions of supremacy which bave been
discussed by the followers of ths sth
letes for some time. The most Inter.
. entlng-of the meetings would be the race
In the sprints in which It is probable
- - that California . would be represented
, ' by Sited I gar of the University of Call
, fornla, and Oregon would have Dan
. Kelly, the holder of the world s amateur
. record Of 9 3-1 seconds. ' "'.
rarsoas Kas Speed.;.
' "Parsons baa been out of the game
for a couple of seasons, but is In train
j ing again and showed speed In the in
terclass races of the college In the south
which were held laat month. At the
Americas 'championships . .held In
Portland en August '4 of that year. Par
sons' won the junior championship at
100 yards In. 10 . seconds- beating Gert
nerdt of the Olympic club, who ran
, . "Freai reeent developmeats is Kas tBeles
,,. aad from eottflrmliig facta la tbla elty It la
. avldent that aot slooe relief bat a sermaiMat
'4? fcaWfcl "ChMV1 '4taa9afv,eMB' MB MV
be effected." Kansas t'lty Mally aoonial.
A representative of the News bis Jsat
Laetumed rron 8as rraneltre. Cos.
. cernlns the reporta that tbe Inns anngtit cure
for Rrlght's IlMUie bis bees fonnd. ke saw
' r personally s sumber who bad recovered aad
eoniea back ' folly snThio." .
, Chattaaonga Dally Mews. : '
"Fntare blatnry will record this dvras as
' atarkhig tba first deflalte control of Bright
, .. Dtoeaa sad DlabMea and the same ef (lie
i eescure but lamented Fnltoa will be Indlaaotnhly
' eoanecteoL wits It." overland Moomijr ua
1 v "Taat ebraale Brlsbt'a Otoease ad Diabetes,
; deemed fatal the world over, are sow enred by
the eempeaads dlfoeered la Kan rraaclaro by
' rultne. w being eiablleneJ bees as well as la
; Callforala." Bafftlo Dally Timsa.
, "' "Many broad phyalclana are aatag the sew
dlMraUe, bat the fact Uiat madleal ethics pre.
rent them from proclaiming the dtaoovery to
' the world eeraoae the tormnla la the persona!
property of Individuals In this bwtance practl.
. rally amonats to a punuc calamity." Tews
'. sad Oosntiy Masaslne. San Jane."
' ' "Mr own .liberate opinion ts that S berfeet
cure for Brlght's Disease and Diabetes has been
at but discovered. ' I believe It to
be the dnty of every lover of kin kind to spread
, this good sews and runs Help save Item deata
T some of toe hnuaanda who yearly porisb from
tbaee dlaeaaeo." Rev. W. . I'rmy is tks
fallfofula CbrlsUas Advoeala (The Kav, I'Mf
' was named by the Christian Adrorata n tnrea
1 tlgats tbeae Cemponnda. After a week of eare
, fnl tsmtlgartoa ks wrote tba abavs to the
Advocate.) .
"There Is in this city remedy for THahrtea
V and Brlaht'i Dtaaaae which has pet several of
': ear dying fellow rltlaeas en their feet.' Its
I Tlrtnes are attealed In s way that sbonld eon
t vines sny fair-minded man.' Huoo-
Inln Delly Adeertlaer. ITbe show Is from sn
. titnflar on medical tetrhlatloit. A reader WVets
I for ths same; tbey rilled ralloa's romnonml.
,.' He sest as tlis fact wltb a eo?y of lbs eill-
', fortal.) '':.''...,,
The dots orinys re siina tne raaa or J. II.
Rrseelaar sf this city and Irreawitably lead ta
seller mat ina rare aas seen fonnd. Il
la ins hii siagea a no was inio ui ear
were asmhered today be la bale aad hearty."
'Enreka. Dally Times.
"It at amailng, that In tbla tntelllaat are
there should be aa almoat certain eperltlc for
Rrlsht' Ieee sad Diabetes ami yet bat few
know of H. lt It he recorded tint
them dleaes with ears and proper treatment
ylrld almost to a eerralnty. e This
Hem Is sot written by s aiibonllnat but. by
ths editor of this publication, aad I speak be
the rant. 1 bad Diabetes mrelf." raetfte
Coaat Manfr.' Joomal. ?
"If tba gtamtloa of the enrahltlty of ekmnle
Ftrlsht's Dleeaae was oa trial In the Superior
t'onrt hnndrea of eltmrns of this city. Inrbjib
Ins eapllallata. prnfeaalowal and haalneea men
rnald go Into the wttneae bet to swear to thetr
recoveries nd among them would be the editor
of this pnbllratloa.'r Has Francisco Wats and
Spirit Review."
"The piibllnber knows of tare caeca to whir,
permanent core bare been effected and of
two other who bad nhntooed hope and ire
sow regaining ineir neann. jnia statement
I made solely with s view of ahllng sn.h
people may be affected with Bright' Ills.
ee and bare despaired of recovery." Llrar
more, Cel., ileralil. . . ,
"I feel that I m In dnly bound to let year
reader know of tola Iptng. If there
M any charge send me the bill, for I feel this
I tns Icaat I can do to help my fellow ma.
1 do not know ihe parly who not op these
romnflnml. neither lo I know anybody ron
nected wltb tti Inetitnllon. ! do know, bow
ever, that they will help IP human famllr."
Matt barrl. - Vice ITeat. Van Ardsle Harris
Lamber Co. of Kaa rranrlsra, In Aswrlcaa
Lsmbarmaa of Cblrago, .
Tni Is Sot loo good to be true. Tns cur
la a fact. W seat for the rnmnonsd and
bar them bi tnrk. Ther are two dlatlnCt
treatments. on for Bright1 Disease and en
far P la bete, full DtrratuY en appllcailes.
Get from your dmrtlat. fimralsr snpplled
by Clarke, woodward urug ro, aliuleuls rug
gUts. a-aytlasd, Oregoa.
Acond. and Kelly, wh finished third.
Iu the ' senior championship Parsons
again finished first, pinning the dis
tance in 4-5 second f and defeating
Archlo Huhn of -Milwaukee and Clyde
Blair of" Chicago, who were rated the
fastest sprinters In America at that time.
81 nee then llahn won ths world's cham
pionship in Athens. Oreece, when be beat
the fastest runners of Kurope and Aua
tralla In the lUO-metres race. Last year
Kelly ran 1"0 yards' st Spokane In t 1-6
seconds and the Amateur Athletic uplon
allowed the record. Having been beaten
by parsons It would bs Interesting to
note the result of a contest between ths
holder of ths . world's record and a
printer who had shown v his heels to
Rutin and Ululr. The presence of Bnedl
gar would be sn added featura, as 8ned
Igar Is ths man of whom Trainer Walter
Christie of the University of California
says: 'He can run 100 yards in 10 sec
onds any time he starts morning, noon
or night.' , . - , , .
f Kerrigan la Xlga Inmp.
"Another syent which would cause
great' Interest would be tho high Jump
In which Ufrt Kerrigan and Channing
Hall would be pitted agalnat each other
In 190t Kerrigan, who halls from the
Multnomah club, won. the championship
with a Jump of feet ltt Inches, Hall
clearing ( feet and taking second place
Hail has lumped over feet S Inches
since then, and another oontsst between
these remarkable lumpers would be in
teresting. ,..., . . .":.
"Ulnrner In the middle distances" and
Conolly In" ths long" distance races would
ably sepresent California, while In the
broad lump Bnedigar can do over 23 feet.
Norman Dole would probably be secured
to take care of the pole vault, while
Powell of the Olympic club and Cowles
of the University of California are both
nign-ciass nuraiers. . . , ,
The original proposition was made by
the Multnomah club of Portland. - Com'
ml t tees are already negotiating for ths
carrying out or tne sensrae. $ ... t
' The spring tournament teams bowled
on the ' Oregon alleys last night. - The
first appesrance of the following tour
teams;, Chinook Vs. Columbias and
Parks VI Nonpareils.. The teams are
so evenly matched the contest affords
considerable interest among the spec
tators. The high average of the evening
I wa. made b Ambs.nii. - ftwarts mllad
i thJl!gheslsiiigIs game, tot. The
Parks took three straight games from
the Nonparss, who were "a man abort:
100 pins a gams was allowed them, eo-
cording to the rules of the association.
The Columblae took v two gamea from
the Chinook s by small margins. : The
scores; i
, ; . ; COLVMBIAS.
1 ' " (1) .() ) ATS
Ollleeple .". 170 160 1 16
Bound 1 10 160 136
Hill i -. .-rnrr.M .n- 1&-J ltt HI
Kees ,' ; 143 IIS 171 Xo4
Humption . . l.i : 12 . 17 186
Totals'. ,7,.:. -.7 80 745 76J
'-i. 111 .(' (S Ave.
Monor . . .......... 183. 161 147 110
Christian . ....... 181 12 ISO 180
Harun.. t .,,J2J ;,125 , 143130
nrrmn .a...- 117 13s 152 ja
rvewDerger 177 - IV - 10 17
78 74S Jit
- i PARKS.
(J Vive!
Hague . . IJ., 17 t 13
Anspach , 164 1S1
Ul 174
lit 173
........ 364 784
'f1 .,
(3) Ave.
"- '' ; ; :. ' i)
Ogden . . 100
Hinnenkamp . . .... 148
8 wart I , , ......... 177
Tonalna . . 1B
ist "
201 '
'100 100
153 177
12 l&t
Kalk 144
Totals . i... .'.. 7 751 320
Tonight . the two Commercial club
teams will practice. . Their time la lim
ited, as the Denver tournament stuns
March 7.
(Joomal Rperlai Berries.)
; New Orleans. Feb. 14. City Park re
sults:- '. - . ' r
Bhort oourse steeplechase Aulea won,
T. a. Scarborough second, Bator Reaar-
tua third; time. 3:63 l-. : -
' Seven furlongs Roseben won. Fanian
second. King of the Valley third;, time.
1:28. - ,. . .'.
Three and one half furlongs Dew of
Dawn won, Oresham second. Brawny
Lad third; time. 9:43 2-8,
Seven furlongs Paul Clifford won.
Bert Osera ascend, Mssonla third; time,
Seven furlongs Ollfaln won. Prince
Brutus . second, . Orllna , third;, time,
1:27 4-a. . , :. ' r " - -
.'Mile and one quarter Marvin 'Neat
won, Anna Day second, . Evle Oreen
third; Unae, J:0T 4-3. -i ,
- ailx furlongs Coltneaa won, " Dlne
mock second. Psora third; time, 1:4 , ,
, At Hot Spring.
Hot Springs. Ark..; Feb. 15. Osklawn
race aummary: '
Three and one half furlongs Orphan
won,vBoundlng Klk second, C R. Shil
ling third; time, 6:43. , , .
' Tour furlongs Colonel Bob won. Ida
May second, Workday third; time,
0:48-Z-5:-"-r T y.-T : -
rive and one half furlongs Relne
Rsgente' won, LJntllla second, Dusktog
third: time. l:0( 8-3.
Six furlongs Ralbert won.. Dr. Mark
second, J. I). Dunn third; time. 1:16. '
Mile and one sixteenth, soiling U. Q.
Powell won. Skyward second. Torn Oil
roy third; time, 1:40 4-S, r ,
Mile and on eighth Belden won.
High Bear second, Cursus third; time,
1:34 -5. ., J
- '- , v..' : ...
The finals of ths senior doubles hnnd
ball tournament at the T. M. C A. were
played last night in the association
courts. Morrow and Gates defeating
Charleston brothers, 31-18' and 21-18.
The gamea were fast throughout, and
wore witnessed :by a large crowd of
handball cranks. Morrow and , Oatss
raptured the gold medal, Charleston
brothers ths -silver and Sheets and
Sweeney the bronie. 1 ' ,
The novice single toumsment Com
mences next week. 18 men having en
tered for the events. , f - ,
(Journal Special Rerrlra.) -Springfield.
Ill, Feb. It. As a re
sult of the recommendation of the State
Federation of Labor that membero with
draw from the state militia and that
others Join, bills have been Introduced
In the legislature providing n penalty
of 3100 fine for anyone trying to In
fluence citizens not to Join or endeav
oring to persuade members to with
drew. ..-, , ........ .. v
Well-Known Football ' Player
Chosen President of the,
,M. A. A. C. ' ;
New Merulnrs Are Sworn In and If.
C. CaniiiboU la fclectcd Vlcrres,!
' , drnt, Arthur O. Jonca Treasurer
and J. 8. McCord Secretarr. '
V George W. McMillan wag chosen presi
dent of the Multnomah Amstsur Athletic
club lsat evening- st ths first meeting
of the new board. U. C Campbtll was
George W. McMillaji, New President
or the Multnomah Amateur" Ath
. letie Club, v -;- '
elected vice-president, Arthur O. Jones
treasurer and J. 8. McCord secretary.
Mr. Jones and c Mr, McCord- succeed
This meeting was for reorganisation
on-account -of - ther election-of five di
rectors last Tuesday, evening', and Mr.
McMillan, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Frank and
Mr. Kogersr wer sworn In.- Mr. -Morgan
being abacut from the city.- Those par
tftlpating in the meeting were McMillan,
Jones, Dunn. ' Wentworth, McCord.
Frank. Rogers and Campbell. Ex-Presl-dnt
Simons is sway on his honeymoon,
and Mr. Morgan and Mr. -Moor wor
out of the city. ; . .
The first business of ths board after
the election of officers wss to '.grant
ex-President Simons a two months' lesve
of absence, while he and Ma bride are
enjoying the sunny land of Cubs.---
The temporary committee, McMillan,
Murphy and Dunne, made its final re
port on the .preliminary arrangements
of the society circus, and a permanent
committee, composed of J. C. -Muehe,
chairman, Irving Rohr and C N. Mo
Arthur. wag named to work in conjunc
tion with - the , representatives of the
Third infantry. O. N. O. ' ' '
Manager Oeorge Bastraaii of the Mult
nomah club's baseball team, went before
the board and explained his connection
with the so-called city league. It has
been reported that Mr. Eastman was one
H. C. Campbell. New Vice-President
ot the Multnomah Club.'
of the orgsnlsers of the league but his
name was mentioned without his con
sent. At bis request the board decided
that the club baseball team would meet
only such teams as were amateurs.
Kxhlbttlon matches with professional
teams will be allowed when fo admis
sion in charged to the contest. Matches
twnr be -arranged- with? -Orejronr Wlllaeev-
tte. o. A. C, Columbia and seen other
clubs that are known ns amateura ' This
settles tba considerably discussed prop
osition which was' first mentioned In
The Journal on Sunday Inst, when the
only poselbl solution of the same was
prominently explained. ,'; - . '' .
" rtikk mtare for ClaV -'
In speaking of thd future policy of
the club, president McMIUss says: "I
look for a most successful year for
Multnomah. The policies of our prede
cessors which redounded to the glory
and financial success of the club will be
continued. All thst I wish Is for everl
member to put his shoulder to the when,
and do his share snd satisfactory re
sult s will be guaranteed in advance; The
Indebtedness of the) club eould be wiped
out Inside of two years If the rlub would
tsenaj bonds to be purchased by the
members and paying a fair rate of In
terest. , In this way the debt could be
eaallv wiped aWay and for performing
thie the individual members would ben
efit accordingly." i - '
Mr. McMillan ts Multnomsh's greatest
football player, having coached, contain
ed snd managed the team during differ
ent seasons and bringing success and
glory to Multnomah's colors. He Is a
hsrd worker for the rlub and is one of
the most versatile athletes ever turned
out of the Institution. The elections last
evening were unanimous. The appoint
menfof the commit toes, indoor, outdoor,
house, billiard.' bowling, social, hsndhall,
tennis snd bath, will be made within a
short time. s .
fne ' MunnorriAn TlTJb'B baseball reagne.
containing such teams ss the "Little
Potatoes'' snd ether kindred sppela
tlons, will Bonn be organised. Thoee re
csiring the Interesting contests of Inst
year sr already preparing for the earn
ing matches. The club will present the
JL winning team with a beautiful emblem,
', - " . .. ' v
-" '''' ,-,-'''
:Va l
; if(;v;:S'-cj
t.r.?--Vv i
- - - r - ' " -
First Indoor Tennis Tournament
In Portland to Be Played
; at Fair Grounds.
Practically All the Foremost Racket
Expertg la City Will Comtwte
Handicapping la Well Done and
Interesting Matches Should Result
;; ,. .,...-., ,': : . r-n
, i.;,.,:.,r,;,, , r., : v..
' Portland' first Indoor tennis tourna
ment will be participated In by 21 play
era, the list including practically all the
best-known racket wlsiders in the city.
The entrlaa-elosed last nlgut and -the
handicaps were fixed and the drawing
made immediately. " r .
The tournament," which 1 a handicap
singles, will begin at once, and will be
played at the courts in ths Liberal Arts
building at the fair grounds. Until the
completion of the first round the play
ers will be expected to arrange their
own matches to suit -their -convenience.
No defaults will be registered until one
week from next Sunday, but the con
testants will be expected to finish their
preliminary round and - first round
matches before that time. ; This will
leave but eight men In the tournament
and all but the finals can be finished a
week from Sunday. . - .
The . handicap committee seems to
have dons its work well and ths tourna
ment should bs closely contested. 'Wal
ter Qoea, the state - champion, will
travel under the heaviest weight. , He
will owe 80. Brandt Wlckersham will
ewe-It 1-3. Dan Bellinger will owe It
and F. Y. Andrews and J. K. Turner
will owe (-3. Thess are the only live
men who will play below scratch. At
scrstcb are three men Rohr, Benham
and Fwlng. 'At receive 3-3 are three
RoeeefeaaV-Taxrall. and Gilbert. At Tt
celv It are 10 McMillan, Webb, Dole,
Ames, Maekle, Kats, Berry, Rahn.
Thome and Nunn. v
The drawinga resulted as follows:
-Preliminary round Bellinger vs. Ros
en fold, -Ames ve. Maekle, Kats vs. Far
rell. Berry vs. Sllbert, Xahn ve. An
drewg, ' "
Flraf"runa, upper half McMillan vs.
doe a, Benhamya Webb. Dole plays
th winner ' Of theBeHlnger-Rosenf eld
match.' -. ...... - '
First1round,llower half Ewlng vsT
Turner, -Thorns vs. - Wlckersham.. Rohr
ts lann.- - , s ; - .
.. (Journal Special Servi.)
San Francisco, Feb. 15. Races at
Emeryville: :-'.
Three and one half furlongs Paja
rolta won, Oalmoore second, - Bardonla
third; time, 0:42.
. Mile and -10 yards Colonel. Jewell
won. Ths Mlssourlan 'second, "Cardinal
Sarto third r time. i:43 1-0.
' Seven 'furlongs Altanero won, Vln-
centlo second, Furse third; time. 1:23.
Seven furlongs Peerless Lass won,
Silver Line second. Merchant third;
time, 1:08 4-6. .-.'.
Mile Miss Rilla -won. Calmer sec
ond. Lord of the Vale third; time, 1:42.
" Six furlongs Sugar Maid won, Ethel
Day second. Princess Tltanla . third;
time, 1U4. '. i .
t.' At Los Angelea. i
Los " Angeles, Feb. . 18. Results . of
races: ,-'- . V
- Four furlongs Creston won,' Kismet
Jr. second. Miss Ruth third; time, 0:48.
Six furlongs Don Dotno won. Gold.
Sifter- second, : Platoon third; time,
1:13H. - '
Mile and one sixtesnth, selling Stoes
sel won. Foncasta second. Line of Life
third; time, 1:48 H. . ; - .
SIX furlongs Bonnie Reg won, Gl
vonni Baiwrto second, Taxer third; time,
l:14Vk. -
, Five furlongs Elmdale won, Kim
sack second, Bahlada third: time 1:02H.
Tsoe finished first, but was disqualified
for fouling and placed last
Mile and one eighth Morendo
Allepath second, Freeslas third;
J:f- : .,-'. ...... ., .
t f ssWBnasaasaaBBsBB.mBasBB " ''
Portland fans should be "generous with
Pitcher Henderson and Catcher Dona
hue until It ts definitely known thst
they have broken faith with Manager
That's tht Place for Stomach
Dosing 80 Cafltd Catarrh Curat
Yon east enre a Bunion by swat
lowing nostrums Just as ess aa
you can cure catarrh. ' - - '
. Don't be deceived there (s only
oneway to cure catarrh and thst is
by reaching direct tbe germ infect
ed membrane of the nose and throat
and killing tbe perms.
llyomel Cures Catarrh
It etope tbe dischargs drives out
the snuffles, stops tbe disgusting
hawking snd spitting promptly aad
permanently. . ' . '
It's s pleaaing, soothing entlseptie
air and you just breathe it in and
reliah each breath. '
Druggists recommend it and
we give money back if Hyomei
doesn't cure Catarrh, Coughs
and Colds. Complete outfit coete
$1.00. Mail orders filled. Send
for free booklet. ,
: CoUalo, N. Y. -
Phrisdelphls, Ps.
nromel U wonderful esd I weald
sot be without It. It bs esred an
relief in a Beat severe ease et sasal
calarrh. '
Plncereiy yours, .
1515 N. lltb Street
i m
McCredle by signing with Stockton.
Often st this a-ason of ths' year re
ports of title character ars sent out
for the purpose of compelling managers
to offer more money for a player's serv
ices, so It would be better at this time
to hope that these man will report at
the stipulated time than to be harsh
with thsm. " .. v
.'. .
The annuel ladies' day ot the Multnomah-
Amateur Athletlo club baa been
advanced from Washington's birthday
until March 2. This baa been done in
ordur not to Interfere with other plana
at ths club and also to give the women
a day that will be more suitable..
; - O' '
Rube Levy, who will be remembered
here aa an umpire In the Coast lesgue
seversl years ago, la dead - Several
weeks ago he had a severe case of pto
maine poisoning, which affected his ner
vous system, later developing Into a
tumor on the brain. He died Friday
night- Levy was 43 years old and was
a native of San Franclaoo. where he
died. He was a brother-in-law of Mike
Fisher, and in his youth be was consid
er eda a good ball player In 'Frisco, when
he played with the old Haverley s and
later with the 'Frjsco club.
The mere fact ' that men sre called
professional does not make them such.
An amateur is sn amateur until charges
have been, preferred against him and
proved and -then, dismissal fronj the
amateur ranks will follow, t'nttl "then
all th' talk about Multnomah players
or any other amateurs being profes
sionals Is so much idle chaff. Thinking
about It seriously, in the wsy of some
of the critics. If any of Multnomah
players are professional, thsn such strict
college teams as Whitman, Oregon, O.
A. Csnd Willamette-will com under
the heading of professionals. Such a
thing would be too sad to suggest.
.. ; '' e e - -Baseball
Reader NoiTwehty Thou
sand Leagues .Under the Sea'1 does not
mean what you think. If K did. there
viould be more high divers on the Pa
cific coast than fishes in the deep. ;
: " '.'' : '', ' ; . ' '
The. Multnomah club msndolln organi
sation gave the members a treat last
evening from 8:30 to 10 o'clock, play
ing Its best tnusle. The boys greatly
appreciate this feature of tbe institu
tion. .. " ;: . , .. v . - ...i'
: Milwaukle Country Club.
' Eastern and California raosa, - Take
Sell wood and Oregon City ears at First
and Aldsr. . , -
I leu's issag feEy 1
In Uncomplicated
My Fee is Only
Yoii Cah Pay
When Cured
the serious complex and stubborn
hend. 1 nave contined my enoris to diseases 01 men exclusively, ana mere is
no ailment belonging to this class that I cannot fully conquer. I make broad
and definite claims. I tell men that I can cure them, even though others have
failed. Jealous doctors have charged me with claiming too much. But, I ask,
wherein have I failed to fulfill a promise? My practice is now fully twice that
of any other! specialist upon the Pacific coast treating men's diseases.- It has
Rrown to these -dimensions because I have, made promises and fulfilled" them.
Each cure I have effected is a triumph and a manifestation of skill that has
bad its part in the making of my sueeess. Each day new cures are com
pleted, and my present growth of practice is more rapid than ever before.
V 'Consultation is free. : If you are afflicted, consult me. Yba can refy upon
what I tell you, and if I accept your ease you can rest ajsured that a complete
and permanent cure will follow my treatment. ; 1 , ' .....
: All necessary f X-Ray
examinations are . abso
lutely free to patients. My
equipment '""" for V X-Ray
work is the finest and
: most complete ever pro
duced, and equally per-
: feet results are not possi
ble with an inferior appa
ystus. .. ;' " ,
'All medicines art pre-
Dared. irora - standardized
drugs inlrnTrwrt-privat
laboratory and are sup
plied to patients at actual
cost-.-" r
In Any Uncompli-1
, ; cated Casa.
y...- There is ,iv certain strain of self-praise about many
newspaper announcements that renders their hysterical
claims more pitiful than serious to sensible people. - When
you consult us for information regarding your ailment we
carefully consider all symptoms and conditions relative tn
your cascLand then give you -a plain statement of the facts
just as we find them. If we. can cure you, we want the
case, if not we will frankly tell you so. ;
If yon wish to profit by the advances and late, discov
eries in medicine you certainly know that you must, pat
ronize a physician who has kept himself fully abreast of
the times. Such a man is in a position to be of untold
benefit to you, and he is the physician that should be con
sulted.'' . . :, " " J
Tot store thaa anartet ef a
UMi bvt methods sr cure, to stay eared, Blaeel VoIsob, jrorvo-vltau Dblllty, urinary Complaints, rus, r istnia,
aad an associate diseases of Brest vrtta tbatr teflaa compl lost loss. We sever tbe eatlre Bld of cbrouie or acuie
alBissiS sassy- Wslto U r easuioe )alt 7.
oinca aouas a a. at, 10 t ie , ktt toMBar, t to it,
St. Louis Medical & Surgical Dispensary
.' .- ooavxa sxcovo an takhtll statETa, roaTuao, oaiooa. .
Had Broken Into Freight Cars
and Stolen Five Cases
' : of Shoes. - '
. The Dalles, Or., Feb. 18. Three men,
giving the names of Casey, Long and
McOulre, were arrested lsat night for
ths larceny of goods from an O. R. 4k
N. Co.'s csr. Deputy Sheriff Wood and
Officer John Crate were warned by tele
gram from Detective Fitzgerald at
Arlington, "Look out for box car
thlevea." la the evening1 the men were
found attempting to sell shoes in the
city. After being . .arrested several
sacks filled with shoes were found nesr
the depot. About., four and a halt cases
wsrs recovered. Five cases were
stolen. - The other case may have been
sold or hidden some othef plaoe. All
the men are ex-convicts and the evi
dence against them is strong.
. Remember th Maine.
navana. Feb. It. governor Ma goon
and other American officials' attended
services today in memory of the victims
of the Maine disaster, thlg betng-trie
ninth aftnlveraary-of -the-destruction -ex
tbe battleship in Havana harbor. , The
wreck of the battleship Is still a con
spicuous feature of the harbor and on
tjis masts protruding above tbe waters
a number of flags snd wreaths were
fastened today.
s llair-IIcnllh
Restores Gray Hair to
Youthful Color.
LI A D m M A the most won DC&fW
SENT POSTPAID eTitArrtKr cf wrue MABrrj
- .-;. -. 3or sale by
101 Third St Srortlaad, Or.
I have the largest prac
tice because I invaria
bly fulfill my promises
Success isn't attained at a bound. It is made up
of many little triumphs. A large medical prac
tice doesn't await tbe young physician at the col
lege door. He must prove himself- He must
work toward success day after day, doiriK well
each day's tasks. ' :. .;.' -.'
- It has always been my rule to promise nothing
that I am not absolutely certain of accomplish
ing. Realizing: that no one - physician can suc
cessfully undertake to cure all diseases, I entered
special courses Vf study in preparation for my
present work. For sixteen years I have been
proving my ability and building my success. I
have mastefed. first the simpler diseases, then
ones that others neither cure nor
22V4 Morrison Street, Corner Second
Portland, Oregon i
Patlaata living eat
at lit elty aad earning ts
fer trsatmsat will be f smiths with fui room
Check year tui a sUraa t ti aferriwa
. 25 YEARS IN ,
Onr fee Need Not Be
Paid Unless Cored
- ' , ' ..-'-'-.
eeattuy we save loads a close sendy
Poultry BoolL
- An AXMAJtae rom ior.
Ther k-aothlng b h world like t. It
eentaias U34 tern t"i-. tian.lulr ll'o
tratvd. ... A Duaaletr ot must IxrauiUul CU4
Hasas af Fewls trne te lire. It ten in ahnnt
all kinds of Xsmughsraa Vewlv with Hf lias
lllaetratloaa. aad prh-va of ssiue. . It tells hew '
to talae psultrr aacrcesriilljr and bow tn treat
all dlseaae eoanmua aiamig tbem. . It sires .
working ptaa aad illiixcratkni. ot soureulsac
Poultry llvasea. , It teUa all abeat .
Incubators and Brooders -
It fire full taatrsctlnns for enerattng all
kind of Ineuhetor. Tlila enaptav I sarT;- '
asiy eamulete and wortk dullsr . to su'en '
Swing aa lucahator. It flee desctiptlnna ami " '
r rices f Inrubaum, BroDder and all kind "t
oallrr Happlle. la fact. It I an eucfrlopull
f rbli-kendnm aa4 will l Mailed t sujan
on reolpt t snly IS cent. Xoot awsMy r. ,
luilisd U Be l.atsil ! . ,
ft ft UOUmi,-ts-lltlrhMsiil-81r
Free Bemsle. Address Dept..
,lasn.l-ill0sas.tBsssHiT. I
The Shine
The Leading- Specialist.
compre -
To KOitace temporary activity
me luaciiona us essse c
railed weakae Is s simple
nr. mil 10 permanently
rrenjn aaa T!(ror ts a problem tl
that bat few ertctan bar
oired. I aerer treat for ta. is
porary effecia. fader mr sys. j
ten of treatmest, every Mt of f j
ImprsTeaient la a part of a per- ,2
aaaaent cor. 1 hiazh otber !j
pbrsk-laas hs-e, thruufb oiy sue- JJ
eeaa In effectlo pemiaaent J!
enrea, bees conrlnced of tb fact f;
-that preaiatareneoa, lnaa of Dow- M
r, eic, are bat ayaintein r M
nitlBS frua ebroni lnflsmms- II
tloa or eonsevtloo ta ta prostata
Stand, anno' base a yet been
able te duplicate an nrea. My
ar.tesn ot Incal treatnabt ta th
en It ertectlrs tsssns jr-t known
for reatorlns tn praatst to It
normal tat. which alwara re-
salt In full nil complete retarn
or arreaitn ana visor. Hack s
earn Is shsvlntely permanent, be
es as tli coroutine) responlbl
for the funettoaal dlonrder ts en
tirely removed. It Is tne saly
kld of ear a patient desires.
nd he th only klu4 of car I
will trsat f or. - - .
y I tat sothlnt la my an-.
soancements bat th etralshf.
qnar troth. It will cnc yon
Kolhlns to call and talk orer
jnmt esse. Yoe rsn find ant all
s front your troabl and yos ean
later arranso to befls treatment
any time yon like. My office. -comprising
tea rooms. r tbe
larseat. most elesant snd beat
quipped ta th west. .
a-Misr J I
,, a, l uT , sa
Stricture ' '
ContracLerJ Disorders
" , Varicocele ' ;
2 Blood Poison
Impaired Vitality '...' "
Kidney, Bladder, and '
Prostatic Disorders :
' Rectal Diseases
v' mrtUi ora pfcoxti.sM and kkvepi
"rept a cos nnlea w know w isn cure It.
tv th narnliar nature .f eeerr ln.llrl.l
nsl css- n1 TKKAT th f t! SK. not ajuip-.
tome, wk tf.a ii out p.uitvrs. mow 'HI
MKl,l UTt WKI.Ir what to est atnt drink diir.
Ing the eonrae of treatment. an4 wbsr to arohl.
Aa to terma: Our Isrr- prs.-t Ic enahles ns to '
tI RK t"T LKSX l.lKV llian ths AVKHI.R
SO-f.xM.Kn M'RCIAI.Isra-otid, you see ths
results heore yrwt are r-ult'-l to se ns, '
for Itself. rUtTI.NtKHt. JKM.OIH of l II
acea. try to rmti us iwnw n u irr.
to MM AM,, but ivri.llji.m ir.S are n..t
InfliM-nrsd br Ibeir arn-'tmetit.. M .k ANY
slAN stifferlnjr frotn stiy ,Messe w f t
In CAM. A X 0 KKK I X Mnr eases Hi -I'OHIIHI.V
INI'I'SARLK ete rrfto the re.Klt or
I'OUH THK ITU K. I. and wlien n.'h...ia .. h
a MB Wl'lJiV are directed 'imtAUIt 'I 1 1 H
t'At SK inl with care end p.t lt-nei,.n
to ymr can. loC i'A. ls enred.
of the Sleess of mass. Mr tbe latest