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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 15, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 13, 1907. 13 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. K ' Here's ScsttMas: Gccl ' : $24.ftOU .Pine nlM ttroojtfte Tor Itjtfri tm . apartmente, oa Third st. esr line tnd only few niluuto to "lhtrd and Washington; ores - .."0fo4 frontage; nu -teeaine; i( sag. Owner, Journal. SgJrO-gano DOWN, bslsnro Ilka rent; modern e. e. i-new B-feeia eoltase. lll bsst aj Kir. r. omttn. oam, Soil Devm at. V!t''BK elilckea ran.. close to car. 31.600; ooei caen. $is per mouth. B 128, Journal $2.70 8-BOOM boose, modern; as eteeptlooal bergala. W. J. Peddloord. St. Johaa. Or. - TURNER WALKER. Real Batata, germs and Stock Rlscba. a Kxcbsngs. ... '808Va W eaning toe at. : Special Barralas " I am oa o. w. P, Jin Mar la. Mat of ; oauiwooo, Bl.iO. in seres northesat from Moutavllla, eoly $3,000. , . . - B acre oa penlneula ear ear lln, o)y s.w . 10 acre toutbeett. at Uoant Tabor, near Una. II. Wirt. B. W OLVRRTOff, 04 Mohawk. v V' PENINSULAR. Torre large anal una corners and ether Mat location, sure to peedliy htuh; : " term. W. R. itust, 203 PortUnd boulevard. Arbor Lodge ttatjoo. Bt. John car. - INVESTIGATE. ..''., . SOiIOO. large new modern double (tor, .boat location on penlneula, $7,000; Vi caab; be rented at (M0 par month; eultable for grocery, sruge or meat market) om ooeu. VJi, care journal. .. WERT S1DB BAROAI. ' RKSIDKNCB PROPERTY. -' f '. $4. BOO bnve a full lot an Slierman at.; Mar Fifth, with tw houses, on moms, lb ether B roomai monthly rental $4ft; thla la bargain and mnat b told ttila week. . , JAMB J. FLYNN., ; ' 813 Cheaiber of Com marc. A BARGAIN tor eh. beautiful locatloa for two v cottage; Boatb Sitnoyalde; cor oar. laqolra R. Lioeola, neer Thirty-third t. aJPLBNDID HOMK In Kunnyslde, tare wetl arranged room a, bathrooaa. pantry and fn.l concrete besemeat, aaodarn porcelain plumb ing, axtra a nod Interior fhriah: atraet work . . ooue and paid; BOxWO graded and laward lot; ' H block of eunnralri car; on It 2IKj; Bl.ttta) . , oowa; nlf-bt coualdar all caah offer. Bom Land Co., 145H lrat at. . r FOR BALE A ft-moai hotn at , Mt eonwr Maana and Oraad at., north! bath a ad tollat; baaaBeat; lot eOxlOO; call al boa. A 00OD eoracr oa oVranth at.. wat aide, t T-ronm boaaaa; a.araat baritala; rant $46: $5,900. Uoom 4, 10 Mud at. A riNC lot 60X12S, Imn and T-ronm bn Ibcobm UrtO par Jraar; H.VKl; awnar uln( ' at Room , 10 Second at. A FINK corner lOOilOO. war car barn, Al blna; T30 caah. Rosa . J' Sacmd at - I KKKf T9i . bh ai T room . honar. rlt. John; term oa balance. Kooa . 1 Beeaod at. ?.rSTV::; term. - I3A0 DOWN Bar B-mani a n bur ban bona and -- 40al2O ieaead kit; prle fsno. B 131, Joornal. i II tOTS And 4-room honae. Treating rlrer, for; (raw down. Horn Laad Co., 14&H '" Flrat at. , - - - - KICK boat hi Bnnnraldc; 9 lota,, aew B-roont boum: rrnll. garde, nouitrx , yaw; aaaj A loo, car journal. - YOUR LAT CHANCH. Only SO lota left In Tlltoa addltloa. at half alne. ana they win n gone m a weea; naww ulklee call tomorrow aroratag; apacalatora atajr away. - THOMPSON OGDEN, uw Belaniot at. t L 'QUARTER block oa Wllllama ar.. near RrA way, cheap; tor ma. , by owner, raaaa W Waaklngtoa bMg. BlAtTIFt'Ij tpiarter blork la Irrlagtoa: alee . konee and lot on Wllllama are., near ateel hrlil re. faquir of owaer. Bit WItUam are. J A bane- alrfe feller what want benrt ra tray Vaa la Tremoet Place- addltlna: atratea .' all bane trailed, water piped to lota; $10 "'dowa, $3' per moo. -- . v . i. FRANK PORTER, i 223 Waahlagtoa at. ' MODKRN 4-reom bones, toilet aad bathrsom. -- Beat 2Xtk at., Anksay car tin; deal direct with owner. H. B. Dickinson. Commercial bldg., corner Waahlngtoa and Seenoa era. T-ROOM boas, barn, three lota, plenty frnlt. .See owner. Mr. WllUam Bcblndei, IHM Bay r " ard at., peulnauUrc yiVl Iota wltb 4-room houee . eutreilldlng aad bearing frnlt tree. 8X8 Mcphcreoa, at., Peninsular atatma, portiaaa. ur. , A BOxKsj CORNER lot, Reventb and Tenlno si a.. Reiiwood, .r.o. . Auaresa oaa Minor, 2T Alberta et. - 11.400 FOB lot Box 104 with two bans at aad a barn, aa Rodney ave. I0 for 4 Jot K)i3, within 100 feet af ' I nto ave. V $1,400 for a 8-ronta bone aad barn, lot 80t 10O. a Chrsmt.eve. fine Vocation. $2,400 for 4-room boa, lot BOxlOO, aa Tnloa ave. . TVs bare ritf property of all kinds for Bale or exchange, a too ranch property. Cell In and examine oar Hat, II. G. Stllaa Co., 60 luloa ave. aasr Ruaaall St. r rOR BALE 83.000. let and two 4-mnm hoe see. T bkork from aew blgb rbooL Owner, T0S East Stark, ' v ALPINB REAL ESTATB Co.. 3061A Morrlaoa, room 3 phooe Mala ISIT U bhtrh wltb 11 room hoove, ekave In. $11.A0. $ sere. I eaay laraaai 2.aow. . . FOR' SALE by owner s BXMlera S-room kouae at I Tlltaawib st. - . Fine Vacant Let ' $4,000 OOx too. North INtb near Kearney. ' Do you want tn build residence or apart--meatat - Here's your cbaeee. Owner. JouraaL FOR BALE SOilrtl oa Hall at. 1M feet wast . of 14th at.. $3.60: KOxloo corner Hall and - 14tb. $.1.TV: splendid view without climb. - tiwner, eraj risii at. FOR BALE 4SS0 4-rnoov houee. hardwood fln leh: city wsterr lot 60x100; located hi a ' rspldlv growing tabarbi bnue rent year around. B ISO, car Journal. . ' BARGAIN. ' ' EAST BIKH HOME. $V0nd will buy an S room modern Soma sn.1 mil enmer an on naat aaaeny neer lttn eilbla la. 4 choice location and the broae la supplied aajlb up-to-itata ronvenleaeesi con crete baeemenl. good furnace, frreplace, herb aoem, ate - Thla la truly a anap. so Coeee arly and aeenre a bargain. , - , JAMBS J. FLYNW, . ' lit Cbamber of Commerce. - Sellwood Morehooee ft Frenrb, 18T0 B. 18th. ... Pbon Seiiwood Ti, . City Flew Park .ota. $375 and apt Rose - Addition lota. $100 end np; $S down and $ft a amutk. Home from $M to 11.000. Lots .' $200 aad np. la all part of Bellwnnd. - Uel - yoer property wltk : w will aU It. FOR BALD BY OVvNBR Two new f-rnam houses, corner Eaet 82d aad Mala eta.; fur nace, fireplace, wood-fiber plaater, gaa, elec . trlclty. modern plumbing: bouee tinted ta ... suit. C. ti, Bbajr. 804 Ablngtoo bldg. Alala 1S43. ACRBAT3E. '. be beet garde soil, close m and close to ran no brnsb. level: ynet the Place for g , deolaf ar rklckea rsacbea; $ii00 to $SA0 per acre. t. J. STKINMFTE ft CO., , The Homeeellera. 1W1 Morrison at. JUST think, I.2O0 bile near Salem ear line, no farther than- St. Johne. at $1$ per lot. tt II per month 1 level and good soil, with bone slresdr there; you cen't buy ecresire out there nr sae meant - three lets will be rslssd to $2A per kt on the first of ths ' month. Apply to owner, W. Keldt. room 15. v, sanioso'" i',s,," v " FOR BALK -FARJIS,- IIOVF.STKAD rtri.lM'I'ISHMI'NT ion acre, inn good farm, partly In rulflveUon, hones and barn: 1 mile from' iMirur. :w) miles from The fallee. en le-tiutee rlrer; .1 goml spring on place; railroad aurvered through 11,- prlc l"0. C'ifpe quick; big enap; It wun't last Alexander land Co., .l',x sixth et., aear Flae. . . FOR KENT FARMS. FARM BARGAIN THAT CAPS THtlf AU ... . .it a ...A . i ..... . t . i .. i . .. . nearly all it culllraiu.n. altnated near Pio neer, Clarke county, ou lwla rlrer. hrittom land and bearer dam; baa no auperlor on earth for fertility; nloe 0-room houae, good .new Darn and alt other net-eaaary oultmiiii- Inaa; aio-k-d with flu h-ry, team atid a Kir of valuable eolte oumlng 8 year, la ad of cowa and cattle, aeaeral Viae ahottt ttoacn chtrkriia, raraa tmpiewrfita end r,-4 would eii-banae for part In city proiirty caua fur arllliig la 111 hallh. nault of ac cMent. PrU-e $d.ui0. Thla la na place for trlf!re: It' a bualnea propoeltlou and a neow-y-maker, TUB PnM-I.AWRBNC CO., . 140 r'lrat at. BIOtiEST UtiAV XVRR OrFKBEO IN ORE- ooN. : 123 arret, 40 acre la ruttlratlon, fine Um ber on balance, at ream, of running water. 4 mile from railroad. 14 nillee from . Portlenvr. ln flneat reach In the atate; every foot tlllabk-; nmt aell before Kiinday; oau't buy . an acre of lead adjoining inia tor fa man fxo per acre and l; "111 aril thla nik-k Mf $3,000. ItHiuIr of T. Berry, K. 4 Vlith at. fauna i-actnc vnz. FOR RA1.H 340 acre, an mile tooth of Oer. rale; la cultivation and 40 acre In tim ber: good boua and barn; R. F. I). and tele phone eervlce; aultable for a dairy or hup urm. jona u, auiiiu, a. r y t, a, uorvan, Oregon: FOR 8AI.R or trade, Ia0-er farm. It Bllea from Collin or 81. Uartln Hot aprlnga; will . trade for etoct of grecarlet or acreage proo ertlea: value $2.5iO. Addrnaa Klacar J. Kevin, tTnlwrtlty Park, City. ' TIMBER. WANTED. TIMBER LANDS. , To tb Owner r Timber Land: W want lni-ellnHi.- tmairlftoT tirr tract: If the price la right and the timber I food w will Investigate It at oe. Al ways send the fall doecrliitlon and th kind of timber a ad tee guaranteed oatluat 4( yu bava It, OB BOO BR 0B., "BIT tad BIS teuton Bid., Portland, Or. ' TEI.LOW PINB. 3.000,000 to the claim. 4 elalma arafrahlei report - tatmodlately-Ami locatloa ree: place money in Anna aniu aatiadea. Come In. sign up; party- la parti mad np. going In few days. Alexander Land Co., S3 Slith et near Pine. Poena Pacific BS. TO OWNERS of Mmber elalma and timber We will bny for eaah any good timber tributary to Nebaler river; will deal with owners only; do other aeed answer. Write, giving fait partlrnlar. to Bos a. U. P. BUUo. Portland. Oregoa. CERTIFIED acrtp, a t staa. lovreet prtcaa. a. Howell. U Chamber of Commerce. . AM etlll la timber land boaloesa W. W. Cbeadle, agent, Mouth Bend. Washington. TIMBER claims croiaed: eatlmatea guaranteed; .fee reasonable. Brbnyleiuao A Co., SKi'v Waahlngtoa at. HOMESTEAD and timber lands, acrlp, money to Ioaa SOT CommcrcnrTiWtr- IHATB 8 acre timber to aril, will cat 10,000.000 feet, etna to water etream; a tnap for eomeoa; na b) bought vary reaeoe abl now. J. M. Dennle. Falla City, Or. - EIGHT fine elalma that will cut from 3.000,000 to B.rato.ono- oee treble vacation, open to en try; thla la about your last opportunity. N. O. B., Journal. TtV'O MILLIOM' yellow pine elalma. eastern Oregon ; can Wate lllrX'B. 1 Huum B4. 1 m Waehtectoa et. HORSES, VEHICXES, HARXESS. DORSES and boggle ree rent by day. week and month; apeclal rata to bualaess aonsca. Sixth and Hawtharaa. East tl. - WE bay, aell. re at. erchaag boree. -wagona. aaodle. baraaaa. Bubert Hall, xaa ttb at. FOR SALS, cheap, good we rood-hand top dje- nvery wagon, inquire w aieimont at. FOR BALE 4 beavF draft borers. T41 East loth at., aootu. FOR SAt.rV-Testa at barn of M. O. Mnrre Co.. East Market, between Union and Grand area. , FOR SAMS Oorered light drlrlnf buggy. Call at atu Hooa t. , , . , SPAN of bene to sell, wenxht 3.600, at Farm- ere stable, aos Front ax. FOR SAI.B. CHEAP I.SOO-paond borne, t yaara om. inqnir tin neisnoat at. FOB S ALE Ln'ESTOCK. i FRESR cow for sal, gentle, good milker, calf 8 weeks aid. Inquire 81 Revere. FRESH sow for sale Saturday. Sunday aad Muoday at 3S Front st. MILCH cow, good flow of milk, gentle. 20 South Jersey atM St. Johna. GOOD work ova. ben for eale, 1178 Hawthorn BARTER AXD EXCHANGE. 440 ACRES coal lead Con eoanty, SS seres tlm. per. Dearies county, 130 acre Bear McMInn- vllle. will exchange thee lor city property, Gordon. 308 fourth. Pact fie 3135. FIRST-CLASS fnrnttur S rooms for aale or exchenge for reel eetate. Eaet 458. MIXES AXV IXVESTMEXTS. COI'SH D'AI.ENB and Nevada mining stocks. I am always-ta-the market to buy or sell an flrat-elass Stocks or bonds-. List roar atoeOa aHth I get sty prlcea before buy- log or eelllng. Loena made oa Hated curl- tie. . T. P. Brow eoi Mcaay niock. . - - MUSICAL IXSTRtTHEXTS. WB BOUGHT ths piano store, BIMt AMrr St., neer Psrk; It Include msny of finest makes; - your choice. 50 cento on th dollar; Install me are like rent; leteet pleao-phtrer for $1Hft; oar compenj' b) ewsed by Meter plaao fee-torle- we esve you the retailer's profit. . Bred French Plan Mfg. O., Slxtb and Bsru- ; M ata. ....... VICTOR talking macblnea and records; Stehv wsy land other) planne. . Sherman. Clay ft Co., Sixth aad Morrlaoa, opposite poerof f tee. - FOR ' S 1LE MISCELLAXEOL'S. -Yours for Style : . W most aot lay off our bcrp. therefor we offer big Inducements; give, aa a call. Wa handle the beet Imported good In th city. . You ran readily tell the difference between gunnyascks aad first-class coats. Alt work nisdo Insldet guaranteed: $40 suits 'IW, $.14 ' suits lift. 2S snlts $30, Mill TaUortsg - Co., T3 North Sink at. BUY. yonr fomlture, both new and second hand. - from Ssvage ft Prune 1 1 Fnrnltnre Co , I4.V2JT First at., between Market and Mill. Pbon Pacific sot). W aell aew furniture cheeper than anybody ta ton a. FOR SALE Incubator, 110 eggs. Peep-aMme brooder la good roer, cheap. B3 Beat ) j latnxxe- . DEUTSCnn FKITCNO. the big German paper. rnnecripiion price i per jean sample ciepiee free. A. E. Kera ft (., pohllabm, aoraer Second aad Sal mo a ata. BKRR14 Electric Work. Iflth aad Wsah. at. Phoo Pad Be 1474. - Raw and SMond-bsnd electrical guoda bought, sold aad exebaaged. FOR SALE. CHEAP 4-hv-h Keyttoaa water meter, practically new. laqolra H. Metager, 328 Front at. SEWING MACHINES! bnnght. Bold aad e changed. 14 and up. Weetera Salvage Co., 421 Waahlngtoa at. BIIOWCASBS, eoemtara. flxteree. booght, old ec exchanged. Weetera Salvaga Co, 437 Waahlagtoa at. Pad fie 788. . . , FRBB FOR EVERYBODY Rlag ap Mala 43P4 - or cII 31.1-4 Front. W bny and Bell fur ni ters. lethlog or any aid thing. HOLDEfl'S RI1EI MATIC CURR-Jtnr i rhoametlam. Bold by all drngglrt. far $0 SLIGHTLY damaged aewing-machlne at very low prlcea; Singer. Wheeler WHana, Dosxeetlc, Whit. Heueehold. D1 snd ethers; a make raaua for aew at org Wheeler A Wllena and Singer. B. B. Slgvl. 838 Mar rtaoo at.. Marqttam bldg. BELP-t HANOEMAKINa caah regwter for aale cheap., til Fleet as. - - B'lKKH, BOOKS bought, sold ant ibged. 2111 Yamblll it. FOR SAI B Hteamhoet 14 feet beam, 4S feet long, raparl'y 14 tons, newt will sen cheep f.-r rsih. D. D. Wood. $11 Oswega at, St, Johna, Oregon, . TOR SALE MISCKLLANEOU8. FOR Si I K Datrr. 50 cows, boree. wegoa, good route AO mlnntes drive from fln luce tlou; part caah. I'bon !! taKt. FOR SAI.B Cnatbam Incubetore and brootlere, 4 dare free trial, lieu. W, ruutU Ul Eaet Uarrlaoa si.. Portland. WR print your earns oa o eelllna earda. proper sis and aiyl. Hoc; 2M bualneee cards. $1. AW. Bchnial Co.. XOt Flret. Portia ad. Or. B1I.I.1AR1 AND l'M)l, tablea fog root or In Bale on eeiy payments. TUB liUl'NMW'K K BALKP) rnl.I.RNDEB CO. . 49 Third et. PortUnd. BKi nNrettANn- bar Drturee. pooltable. aefee, tablea, chair. Weetera Salvage Co., Ci7 Waahlngtoa at. SII0WCA8KS tad Bxtnrea, new end second band. Cerleoo Kallateom. Ssj Coocb at. WANTrn loo aiea to weer oar celebrated t-e) msdeM-erder suits. Cnloa Talloelng Co., 16 'Stark St. Satlsfscthia guaraatsrd. FOR SAI.RBargalns la Whites, Singer. rs- rls, Wheeler Wllenne. Ilooeebolde and other slightly damaged macblnea. Th Whit aew Ing Machine office, H. l. Jooe. 3! Yamhill ' tt, corner roartfe. ONB tout SII crank throttling onrma with b-ather belt and attachtuenfe: one 40x13 borl anatal atandard tubular boiler; also a bead saw. Apply to 403 East 3Htu at. SCOTCH collie pups, cheao. P. W. Lewis, BS .Kurth llflh L.. ournee Davis. ... FOR BALK Pedigreed Scotch colli pap. 4 aiootbs old; bred right. A. F. PaUraoa. 1413 East Eighth at., norlb. FOR HA LB -Small gasoline engine, 1-S H. aew. - Addreaa J 10, oar Journal. FOR BALE wVvea etanna of Itallaa beea. An. f- r W Kerbr--r Blarloa-B. FOR HALS hare 1a tb- Butt Bora' Mining H'a a boua enterprise property la Gold field yon know th owner gllt-ed red Port land bualneee aien gl!t-dge4 proepect for a tllt-odged nilue. Bend fur proaioetua. . aSO aat Morrlaoa tt. FOR SALE A Nelson roadrart a good aa aew, iihsetnn front delivery wagon, elegant Fng- tiah trap and ether vshlels. TB4 CoIob at. WHY par big prlcea for poultry and stock foods. Uca aud mile klllert? . W aell yoo formnla yon caa mis easllv at small eoat; on rtcelot 10c. tour fur 25. Palmer Co., Independence. Kin. FOR BALE Six thousand English cluster boa roota. F. A. Podge Jr., 1104 Thirteenth SC. vsocoaver, - Wssn. , FOR BALE. .CHEAP Stoves, chair, beds, dreeeers, dlahaa everything. $38 Ralelgb at. PERSOXAL, MASSAC, 8 for ladlea and gentlemen! hot and cold hatha, a teem tub bathe, ebower and I spray battia. vibrator electric treatawnta and " vibrator treetmeote by compreeaed alrjw111 euee all nei roue dreemaewr Then mat lam or any blond dlaeaaa without medicine ; manicuring, kalrdreeelng. We claim th -beat, an-to-data r lariora ra tn etry; isnict ana gentlemen; trainee! nurses! w gaarantea our work. 207 14 Third at., anatalra, room 13, It aad 14. Mala roceptlua room 14. VOL' NO man, handsome, refined, of good bad ness ability, wlebea to correspond with lady '- of means : object, to promote a gtlt-edgeu investment; strictly eonndential. 130, care ' JooruaL -, A OKNT1.KMAW of middle age and baalnoe anility wlsnes to correspoad with lady; object, business and matrimony; good reference. Ad dress 4 Ittl, eece Journal. . SUPPOSITORIES for married women; perfectly ssTieraciory. tan or aaoreee Mr, u. u. Wllbor, 4" Third St., near Harrison, Port land, O regno. 8EXINPI FILLS car ail forma of aarvooa ar mueceajr weakaasa. ror men Or woman. Price 1 hoi, 4 boraa $b, wltb fall xaar ' antea. Addreea ar call J. O. Clewiensoa, drug glat. Beccad aad Xambtrj eta.. PortUnd. Or. IF yoaj bava rbeamarlem era want to ear yoo. New York Medical A Surgical Inatltuta, oor aer Slxtb and it23y Waahlngtoa eta. RUSSIAN BATH. 3T Third at., berwaa TayVw , and Sat men. Swimming pool. team and bot alr bath. Hoar Ladlea. from a. aa. la Is. m. 1 feats, from 8 s. m. to 13 p. au GERMAN bonks, magaatnee, aoveta, etc.. J Oer- awa, eugiiea. rrencb, 8panstB, bwmisb aaq Italian dlctlonarle; forelga book of aU kinds. ' ScbmsU Co X Flrat at. MOIJSR, srrkiklea. auperfroous hah removed. No eherre to talk It or sr. Mr. M. D. Bill, Roam BSO Filed oer Bids. Phooe Paclfl MS. DR. BINU CHOONG, tmportsr Chinese root medlctneet sella Chinee tcs. eertala cor for all dlaaaise. 181 3d. bet. I am hi U aad Taylor. DR. G. T. KETCHUM enra promptly prlvsf dleeaeaa. kidney, asrvwas, skin and apedsl female troubles. Cail or write. Office ITnu, Third at, our. YarahIL Pboa Paclfl 2220. SUITS pnsstd wbll yoo wait. SOe: Ladlea' . skirts pressed, 80r. Gilbert, lrmvh Blxtb U sat t Quells. Phone Mala 30S4. TURKI8H BATHS, Sns OreronUa bMg. Isdle days, gentle me algbU. Mala IBM. MANLY vigor restored by Dr. rlotatrts Narva GloboU. One moatb'e treatweot, $3; t moot ha, 8fl aent securely eee led by mall. Ageata. Woodard. dark ft Os. PortUnd. Or. BALM OF FIGS for aO female dlaaaaaa. 424 Eaat BelmoeL i'bone Eaat 40S4. ' DISEASRB OF WOMEN- an fortunate girts and bablee cared for; priests hospital. Dr. Atwoed, room 8. 8oOVs Mor., at. TsL FsriSe ITba. MRS. DR. MART KRAMRR, midwife; ales quarter for pa tire ta. SSI Mlaalselppl are. MHS. POTTlrR-Maeeenee. eralp. facial maa sage. chiropody, 334 Vb Waahlngtoa at. SCHOOL BOOKS bowtrht anbi, exchanged. J one Hooastor, SHI AlOer et. MADAM VASHTI. Maseem manicurist. aniH Third cbbrowodlst aad BFST magarJna etnhe ever offered: aend for Klcee; agent wanted. J cose' Book Store, I Alder at.. Portlaad, Or. -'''- - MIDDLE-AGED workhigmsn, stranger la elty. want to meet I'atnone tsuy) ot.ject. mstri aienyi working girl preferred. Address-Y ,181, rsr Journal. A POSTAL card will bring a repreaentatlv of the Winona Mill wltb a full lln of aprlng and aummer stmplea of their celebrated Beemleea- hosiery and fine underwear. They wear Order now. R. E. Martin, Sll Com mercial blk. Phone Main 4HSfl. CORRF-STOND with the opposite aex- for matrV mnny. Aditraaa nog sea, fort la no. uregoa. LiKSITO-L BINARY aad chronic quickly aad permanently cared: electric treat. inent for dleeaae of the prostate. Crmeu Ha lloo (ree. Dr. W. I. Howard, Commonwealth' bldg., Sixth at. ;-:. OWL RESTAURANT, 3SS Eaat Morrlaoa et Veals I he end ap; short orders, fresh yters. J. L. Tetxlaff. proprietor. , SWEDISH trained aaraea-Hebitngfora grsduste, cure rheumatism, - stosasra rmtiniea. aorvous dteorder and sprains by haed-rahhlng, steam, sweat ant tub batba. ho. T East 11th at, Tska Eaat Askeny car. Pboaa Best 2exJ. . ROSA VERA CIGAPS Sold ever rwh ere. , A. HEITKKMPEB ft SON, Maker. . 738 Cor bet t tt. - Pnon Pact tic 14SS. HOI.IrKH RnEUMATIC Ct:RB Snrs far for rheums tlem. Mold by-all druggttta. FACE and scaly sassge glvea at 348 Morrl . sun St.. mil 1 and 3. SELECTIONS made, Inrmdactwn given; beoor able ladle and gentlemen, Addreaa. . wltb atamp, Mr. H. C. Wilbur. 408 Third at., a., aear Harrleoa, HOLD ON Thar M one thing thet will car . rbewmetlsm. Ask year druggWt for barb toote or addreea of call 1. O. Cktmansoa, druggist. PortUnd. Or. MARRtAGR PAPER: blgbest character; Incor porated ; eleventh year: 3,008 member! 13 rare a, sealed; send 10c. L. L. Love, box Siaa, Dearer, Com. . . c MAMt'LBlNO parlor for ladle and gentle men. SBSVs Morrlaoa St., room 14. A WORKING msn. sg-d on, would like to meet a Cbrlstlen Isdrj, tehjeet. matrlmouyt no otijretloa to children. Addreea Z 1 .12. care - Journal. -- mv MAMKY FRANCES, th wonderful healer, la kera a few day only. Give magnetic maa- tage treatment dally; core rheuraetlem and -oil aecvou dlaeaaee. If yoa a re not feeling well, eslL Hotel Oxford, corner Slxtb aad Osk ata.. room 17. Pbon 8. ITS TOI'H OPPORTUNITY tn speedily step Into a faction. Addreee Butte Rvrya Hlalng compeer, too East Mnrrbna at. Br-MOVF.D from 3S7H Alder It. to nB4 Wa.hlnaton. room . t. Fifth tt, tM. - Fac aad ecslp maeaeg. . , . . PERSOXAL. ! W M I, flic teo ladles who walked an First at. taYittt 11:o Kaiurdav ntebt and ankcd a gru tlcmen to ecitunieiiy theiu pleea evuil their addreea to ''Jed." rare Joarual. . JACK I caa eee- you any -time after B p. m. Adilrese general drllrerjr. Saturday. Jill. ' ... i ., , 'TT BKCKXTI.Y opraed aiatib-nrltig parlor; la dice and genib-meu. iU-1 S Morrlaou at, riom 13. BCSIXESS PERSONALS. COMMRRCIAL STATIONERY PRINTINO CO. Office suppllrs. ioelaf system tlltaj de vices, typewriter rlbboua and earttoa paper. K. at. KLBLI. Mgr., JOS Stark at. ; IKVENTIONS BOt'liHT AND SOLD. Covenant Contract Co.. 427 r'llednar bldg. . . Mala ttl. CniMNKY swprp. ' D. D Wend, phoo -Mala 1:173. 48 Third a. TUB OCK1.KY URKKN NI'HHFRV bas large fruit tree, fine ahade and ornamental tree; choice rnocoi etc. Com and eee. ART. FRER LBHSQNS IK Koibroldery Bvery Day. THB NKKDI.FCRAFT SHOP, tS3 Waahlngtoa at, E. H. MOORBHorSB A CO. Artiste' materials, picture aaoldlng. plctnre framing,' ttereoptS eona, laatera slide. SIS Alder sL PROPBSSOR R, MAX MEYER. 84 Alder at.. Portrslt and landscape artlat and teacher. ATTORXEYS. Cj, H. 'HIOTT AND A.FIVCB tm 4 Malkey bldg., eeraer Second sad Morrlaoa. ASSA YERSv 0ARVIIT CTANIPB EXTRACTinej CO., a ad Moataaa Assay Office, las Morrlaoa at. -ACTOMOniLES. PULLMAN ACTO CAR CO., Butldera, dealgnera and repalrera af all maksa af automobile, bodice, tone,' feeder, daehea, lamp brackets, running hoards and glass fronts. Gears and all parts of ant mobile made to order. -aa-70-73-T4 North Blxtb at., corner Ivarott. H. L. KEATt AUTO CO.. ATJTOMOBILKS AND SUPPLIER. '' North west rm dlefrlbutoca for Pope Hart ford a. Pope Trlbanas, Pope Waverlva, Pop Toledoa, Tbnmae, Oldamohtlea. rranklln. Bulck. 80-83 Hevsnth st.. Portlaad. Oregon. HOWARD M. COVEY; ' ' . Agent Pierce Croat Arrow. Loeomobflea, fad , Ills aad Kaox. Temporary locatloa Club Garage, 18th and Alder ata. HAVE YOU BEEN RAKER ELBCTRtc Capital Supply Co., 408 Alder at. Phone Pa clfl BT1. llemonst ration by appointment. . BLAXK-BOOK MAKERS. HOWE. DAVIS ft KIMIAM. 104-111 Second at. Blank booka manufactured egenle for Jane Improved Looee-Leef ledger; eee tb nee Eureka leaf, tba beet oa the market. rTTCHERS SUPPLIES BUTCHER SUPPLIES S. BlrkeewaM Co., 804 808 Bvcratt St. ; larreat batcher supply nouss ' oa tb eoaat. Wrlta for oaulogu. BUTCHERS' SUPPLIES Adotnh A, . Deknat. IS1-1S3 Flret st., carries a full line and com plete assnrtineat at lowest market or lose. - BATRS MASSAGE. RUSSIAN baths, swimming pool, stoea and hot air. Hours: Ladlea. 8 . St. to 1 a. - ra.; rents. 8 a. m. to 13 p. m. Price 33c. 80T Third st, bat. Taylor and Salmon. MRS. O'BROCK M located at 1S8 Seventh at., la pleated to meet old patrons aa well a new; reference give. Phooe Mala 4uA8. CLAIRVOrAXTS AXD PALMISTS. Always Consult the Beat. . . , . . PROF. B. KHIMO. Greet eat -living astral dead trance clalr- ' vnyent or me age, anvteer on rmeiueea and all affair of Ufe: telhr yoar full name and wnat yon ea ilea lor, wnom yon win marry, bow to control the ana you love, evea though . miles awayi reunltee th aeparated; glna secret powers to conrroi; no long oeiayt in waiting. Hoar 10 to 8, dally and Sunday. rarmnnentiy locaiea ia nis owa noma. SU FlftS at., corner Madison at. XING A. EGYPTIAN MEDIUM, clairvoyant and palmist, baa restored, ta 804 hi ad I son at. ao cents ana ap. MRS. BOPHIA SEIP Circle Ttiutwilsy, Frldsy, S p. m. I rsaaing aauy. 90s Allaky bllg, CAFES. THB OFFICE 3S8 Waablngtoa at, pboaa) Mala tti. samnei vigaeac. CLEAXIXG AND DYEING. CLOTHES c Waned and pressed 81 per Unique Tailoring Co.. 80S Start at. B. W. -TURNER. profeeeloTial dyer and cleaner. 80S Jeffereo St. Pboao Msla 8818. PORTLAND Steam Cleenlng and Dvlag Work. 311 koartb St. Pbone Pictfle 8t7. COAL AND WOOD. YeerpSnae - Milt $448. ' Smithing Coal aad Ooal fiar Sblpa .' ... a apertalty. - .. . . tTORBY ft RRMKK8 FUEL C , i , t Incorporated.) - Excltiatve sgenta for . KKMMFREK COAIv' COAL. COKE, CHARCOAL. Office aad Yard Front and Kearney ata. PORTLAND SAWDUST ft St.ABWOOD CO., 3o5 Front, saeceaeora to Fulton Wood Co,; fir, osk, subwood. cost Tel. Mala 103A. - FOR prompt delivery of -snttrejrauf rtir Marn 478. - Oakj eeb, fir and - real. Port Una Wood ft Coal Co.. Kith and Mavler at. FOR prompt delivery of slabwond rail Mala 4N7B. Portland Wood ft Coal Co.. Ulth and . Savief ata,- : OREGON FUEL CO. M Bow aelllng Welab aa thraelte, boat coal oa th market.- 884 Alder ' at. Mala 88. , ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers to cord wood, coal and green and dry slabwood. R. R. end Alblna ave., 8 blocks caiil of ferry. Eaat 874. STEEL- BRIDGE FrE CO. Dei her to rna). serdwood aad dry eleBwood. Phono Eaet 424. WESTERN FEED et FUEL CO. lipase and blacksmith eoels. Phoa Mala 101 s. CARPET CLEANING. STANDARD CARPET CLEANING CO. Largest - plsne on the coast. . Lorlng and Harding ata.. telepboo East 2x0. Carps' cleaned, refitted, sewed and laid: both elect and latest eom- Sreesed sly process; renovatlpg niatVessea tod rather a apeclalty. . SANITARY carpet cleaning, a net loo and enen r retard air combined: carpets cleaned on floor wlthoat lemoval. Mate IM4. Main 8300. PAXCIXO. DANCING Is anna. SBc; else ae er priest; watte Inr. twe-etrp. tbrre-aiep, etd etsg dancing, buck and whig, clog, reel, tklrt, Snanlah. Highland fling, ate. Prof. Wal Wllsoa. old est recognised tsaoher. AlUky bldg.. Third aad Morrlaoa ata. WOODWARD DANCIN0 SCItOOI rises Mon, Thnrs. and Sat. svs t social, fsacy and atep dancing taatht; 8 asst. teacher; cU.t sn.l prlvat aaoua dally. Weatern Acs ceo. v ball. Second and Mnrrhon It a. Peetfle 183a. . PROP., at tee Bnrkenmever lending eckooli ballroom etiquette-, correct deodngf claee Tnee.-Set, ere. 1 cVilMrea Sat, p , m ; arlvats lesson dally. BOB Airier. Msla IBM. CARraXTERS "AXTT BUTLDERSr J. A. MEI. TON. the cerpenter. ft Foartb at. Store and office e-o-k. Mala I7KT. - CHIROPODISTS. CHIROPODY and Pedlem-lng. Mra, M. Tt. ntli. Room $30 Flelduer Bldg. , Pboaa Ptclfla 184V DUEKSMAKIXO. I'l.mtKM E TINOI.KY -will be plraaed to meet old and new ruatomera: dreeanmkiug and la diea' tailoring. lUioia 1. tliaidiajugb bldg. A IKHill dreiaiuaker wanta jewing by Ua day-. Addreaa yta Ttvmcjr, Ml. -Tabor. Phooe eut - of order. MUM. MAY CKII'PKV. eaatera dreaemaker. aloannate Houee, 3Sft First sL Tltr Anxele Dreeemaklng Parlors, 343 Fifth and Main. Pacific PM1. ELECTRICAL SITPLIES. M. J. WALSH CO., ll Stark at. Electrlr and Uaa Klitares snd Suppllaa. MsnteU. Tiling. Grate sad Uoglreus. PACIFIC Kl.rHTRIC CO. Unit neers. eoatrse tora, repalrera.- electric wiring, aupplla. u4 First, cur. Siark. Mala c.'.U. R. H. Tate, mgr. WESTKHN ELECTRIC WORKS, SI Sixth et ... Contractors, electric supplies, motors snd dy aaaios; we laetall light aa power pleau. MORK1XON ELECTRIC CO.. fni East Merrteoa it. Fixture, wiring, repairing. East 8128, BA R RETT'S, 408 Morrteos St. Fbene Mala 1 21. Everything In electric wiring sad lighting. edCcatioxal. HOLMES BUSINESS COLLEGE. Washington and 10th ata., Pllomer bldg. Bookkeeping. Shorthand. Typewriting aad all JCngllvk brajjcbe taught, both day and night. BEI1NRE-WAI.KER BCSINPSS COLLBGB. DAY AND MfiHT 8KMHIONS. Special C lasers In German. French. Snsnlsh. Elka' bldg.. Seventh and Stark ata. ROSE CITY BUSINESS COLLEGE. Pitman Shorthand by Court Reporter. Btial peas Couraa. Special Sohi.larai.lua; foaltlorn He ""cured Commonwealth bldg., aib and Aaksay. Miss CALL, Individual aad class Instruction, prtmsry, grammar, high school grades, tt8 - Eaet Duraelde at, Pbona Eaat MOO. FEXCE AXD WIRE WORKS. PORTLAND . WIEE. ft IRON WORK and Everett ata. I'bone Main 3000. GASOLIXE EXGIXES. OASOI.INB englnea. all alxea r.d style, at t lowest price, Ksl.-ao Maohlnory Co, 183-4 4 Morrlaoa- at. SHEPFIELP marine enguiea. Falrbuka, Mors ft Co., First and Stark. HOTELS. HOTEL Portlaad. America a plea. IS. ID per day. BBLVEDERB; Rnropeaa pi as I 4tk and A Merer. HARDWARE. PORTLAND HARDWARE CO. soliclte oni Ity to quote price. 74 Blxtb at. Paelfte 404. IXSURANCE. ISAAC U WHITS, lock bldg. Bra 1 near ear. B44 Bhsr- W. L. PAOB. Inoursnc! mptovera' liability. sarety bond, mtrgiar sncj sccioeol Fbonsfaln'28; W Tailing Ildg JAS. Mel. WOOD, emplovenr' liability aad re. dividual accident aecnrlty bond of art fclada, -Phone 47. so McKay bldg. - LAXD SCRIP. WANTED and for aale. All klnda, mclndlng approved forest reserve ocrlp for aryd. is urvyd. timber and prairie government lend. H. M. Hsmllton. "The Portland." Portlaad. machinery:. B. TRENKM AN ft CO Mining, sawmill, log- tng machinery) hydraulic pipe, caatingt all lad repaired. 104 North Fewrtb. A. J. PAUL, in first at. Engtnoa, boiler, a w mill aud cross-arm macblary. THE H. C ALBKB CO Sceoed-be.4 chtnery, aaWmllle. eta, 348 Grand ava. MONUMENTS. MED ft KINGSLEY. jns rirst st, PortUad't leading marble aad granite works. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN Oa Improved city property or for banding purposes, tor rrora I w ill year, time, wna privilege ta repey all or part of loaa after two yeer. - Losna approved from plana and money advanced aa bonding progresses; gagee taken op end replaced.. FRED H. STRONG. Financial Ageat. 343 Stark at. CONFIDENTIAL LOANS oa aabirlee, tosaranra P'uon, pisofw, rurnirure, wsreouwwe iraipia, tc.i say deserving person aiey aeenre a lib eral advance, re paring by easy weekly or monthly installment. KBW BRA LOAN ft TRTTBT COMPANY, 308 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY LOANED TO SALARIED PEOPLE Just an poor own name aa other eeeurltyt doo't borrow antll yon eee me: any avstem b) th beat for railroad mra. clerks, bookkeeper, streetcsr men and all other employeei bast aeee strbtlv coafldeatisL F. A. Nswaoa. 424 Ablngtoa bldg. MONEY ADVANCED SALARIED PFOPLS) and otrere anoa their awa nsmee wlthoot eecue Ity: rbeenest rstee. eesleet nevments: office hv 88 prtnctnel cities: ssva yourself moay "7 rerting. onr rermt nret. TOLMAN. 323 Ablngtoa bldg:, 10H Third st. MONEY loaiMd tn selsrled people Jnst oa ymsr own name; don't borrow nntu yon eee mei my system I th beet foe ralrroad men. clcrkt, bonkkeepere. atreetcar men and all ether emplereei huelneee etrletle confMentlaL F. A. Newton. 423 Ablngtoa bklg. - WANT.I'D Note, mnrtgsgea or eon resets oa any kind ef reel aetata la Oregon ana vrten tngtnn: eeeond mortgagee reechesed If well ecured. H. B. Noble. 813 Commercial blk. - EMPLOYE LOAN COMPANY Loan to islaiied peopb. - Buelnee tr1etly confntentlal. Eaav payment plaa. Pboa Mala 224. T1S Dekum bldg. MONEY to fcwa In sums to salt. 8 and 8 years. as low 8 per cent, oa Improved city prop erty. Moultoa ft Scobey. tol Columbia bldg., 8S Waahlngtoa at. D0N'T.Jsirrowjiiooy oa. aalarg trottl roe eee H'jttca Credit Co. $18 Dekum bldg. - W. S. WARD, Isw.ver. Allaky bldg. Prnhat son X nuailll w pmrnru, n.wr,' , fee; loan monay oa exongagee from $204 up i aay term. MUSKY loaned oa fnrnltura, piano and other secnrltlee. w. A. natbeway, room in. watn llngton bldg. Phone Pacific 1833. MONEY to loan on rlry or well Improved property, nee xteivin or armarrong, am Orvmmarclal bldg. MONEY to Wn; larg bana erteclatty; alee building bana; lowest rstee; fire insure ace. WJHIsm 0t Beck, 313 Falling bldg. CRESCEST LOAff CO., 428 Mnbawk bldg Money to bred oa eaav-peytneat plaa to waga eernere; strictly rnafldeotm). MONEY to loaa o ell kinds of aecaiity. William Holt, room S waahlngtoa ntdg. TO LOAN Sum to suit oa chattel eeeortty. K. A. rreme, nit lua Jiarqnar. A LOAN for the asking salary or chattel. Tb I4M& Co.. 410 Uektim bldg. MONEY to loaa an city property, O, A, Joha- aoa, am lommerctni nit. QUICK man ea all secnrltle. S. W, King. B waahlngtoa Oldg. Main aiw. MONEY to loaa In small amounts, eecsrrd by real estate. J 11". Journal. WILL loan $4.nno or lee reel rats Is. -4 per cent, i'errtngtnn, SIS fee toe bldg.- . - ss Biiar-ii '. i.v .'.a t.t - 7a- MISICAU TUB WEHSBR STUDIO Mandolin, bas Jo, gob tsr Instrncttoa; Ulbsoa msadollaa. 4ovH PIANO, vlnlla. mandolla. IroTPboa. clarinet. ITofeetor B. A. Smith, tfii 12th. Main 47"'t. P;UXTS, OIL AXD GLASS. F. E. BE ten ft CO The Pioneer paint Co ; window alasa aad gl.alag. l8 First . st. Phone 133. BANKS. UlTITIO STATES XATT0WAL BABaT OF TOBTtASID. O8I00B. ' Northwest Corner Third snd Oak Streets. - -- . - ,.T",'', General Ranking Business. IlKAPTS Ixttl SO Aealtable In Aft CI lea ef o! ! od Europe. Ilor.rkoog aad Manila. OHecihna Made a Favore'le Tvreia. : ...J. C AINSWORTM I Cabler...TT. W aWHMKS. . Vice. President... R. LEA BARNES AaMateat Ctebb.; .. ..... ...T...W. A. UuLf - Aeolotant Cashier 4. M. eVHIOHT . , - ADD ft TIL TO at, BAHKER8 fZatahllsbed Transaeta a Gsneral Bankbta Bustnesa. rellaeeloea s,ik st sit aotnft oa , ", eiiere ox vreoiT leeuril evaiiarue lu BTUron anq ell noiera i. Toe " ' - -prsee. nlrnt ITaee,.e . eri, -ew ,a v m, St 4-ouis, Pewver. Om.h. a . , a..i mmA o'd on Ion don. Parla. Berlin. Frankfort. Hootkong. Ynbohsaia. Manila and HonoTala. M S CHARTS' bTATTONAL BAJflC POSTLSWD nlrtln .FRANK WATSON. .... .President t R. W. HOYT Caakler I fraoaactg a Oeneral " VlVnx nkln Business. rtrsftB All Part of the World. B ANXfRS' ft LrMBIRMEN S BARIC Portlaad. Oiwgear CoraraVeoad aad Star streets. . ommerct.i and defwHrnent. Interest paid en as rings accounts, prana aaa credit Issued available to all Bsrt ef ths world. rn.r, K,T"JLa.l - Pveetdcot 'orHCHiin. . .neat Vlee-PrevM. f ."i v A KEATING. . . .Becoiwt W)eeuPresld.n T"a: BAWX OF CALIF0EinA-.i,t,b1,hed fold nn 4 ooo nnn Sirmhnt and nadivtdew neoflte tis.ns 43.33 - Oeneral Banklnr and Fvebsnge Bust ores Tranaacted. Intereat en Time Depealt. SAVINGS PRPARTMPNT Accounts msr b onetied of i snd upward. . - . eu Portland Bnare, Chsmber of Commerce Phtlidtng. ' "-LiT!gFl ,,,, Msnsa-er I J. T. Bt'KTCHAEI.T.:. AeafHet Manege CjK'T VATTOMAI, BAMK. Portland, Orsgsa, Oldest Nstloaal Bank ea the Parlfla Coest CAPITAL AND BrBPLTJH II. (100. 0O0 00, DEPOSITS 114.000 000.00. A. L. MfT.T.S..i tfatik.1 i J. W. 1NEJWKIRK (. Csahler TRUST COMPANIES. , P1STTAWTJ TRT8T COXTPA Y OF OSV-ci 0W Ths Oldest Tenet Cesapaav ta Orsgees -RFSOHRCES 1VRR 11 yi.nnri. Genee.1 Bsnklmr. Two nor cent torereet oa cbeeb acevHrats . bnndeed.1 on dally balance ef 8S00 er over. Lettera of credit and exehsnew oa sll psTTs or ths world. Ssvlsgs aceonntu. Time certtScatea. 8 to 4 pee reef special eertlBcntea. fu to 4 per cent. Call for Book of '!!, USTR ATIONS Ss-vv . 'Jf"bast TerMr TBIrg-And" Oa t cefa: Trlrtlts TtcMn- B rvJ' xVloIv, Pveetdent I ft. V.PrTTr..,..,.(,,..,..VIPIJrrl ' PAflPT Secretary 3. 0. GOLTRA...; ...Aealatant Secretary SECTTRITT SAVTlfOS ft TRTtT COMPAsTT 44 Morrison Street. Pertland. Ore. Transacts General Banking Pnalnsea. SAVINOS DEPARTMENT, rnrereet Allowed eo. Time and Saving Acconnts. Acts at Trusts for Estate. Draft aad Lettsrs f Credll - ' AvaflaMe on AS larte of the World. , V; T- Ar."' President I To A. T.FW1S .Ftra vlea-Byertdenf A. U MILLS Second 1ce-free1deot I B. 0. JT'RITJS ieeretary ' CEO. B." RnsSEIXe. , ..TT.::. '. A1tsnf Seeretsry NOSrhwrSTFRsT BTJARAaTTFlIa TRTfST CCmTANT Fertlaad. Oregon. lumber Exrhsmr. B. f). Cneoee Second snd Stsek S treat (ascend Soar). . ' FISCAL AGENT FOR CORPORATIONS. r '" . ' " State. County, Mnntetpel Cornorttloa Bonds Bonght and Sold. New Katorwrhmg Orgaataal . and Flnaaced. - Stocha and Bonds Ousratrreed. . TITtl 07AR AnTTFE ft TRUST COMPAWT 840 WASHTVOTOB' BTBEET. MORTGAGE LOANS on Portlaad Reel E-tate at Loereat Betaa. , - Title Insured. Abatraeta Pnmtehed. - . ' ' J. - THORRrjRf ROSS. President JNO B. AITCHIsosj , Seeeetarv GEORGS, rLJBIIX Vlce-Jklent T. T. JIURKHART TTeeeerev BOXDS AXD M 0RXIB BBOTHIRB-Cbamaer af Oomauroe Mnnldpal. Railroad and Public Bervlc fVvrporstloa Bonda, DOWsTIaTG-HOPKIllS C0MPAVT EataUiabad ' STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN Booght Priest Wire. - ROOM 4 CHAMBBR of POMMIRfH. " Pbon sftta 8T. LOPI8 t, TOM-BOM TILEFHOBB B01TDB BAHX BT0CM. , .-. " "Member Portlshd Stock Exrhsngs. k . Corner Birth end W'blngtoa Street. Portland. Oregoa.'' Qverbeck. Starr & Cooke Co. BATH, TROTISIOTfS, COTTOW. 8T0CTCS ARB BOMBtV WX DO ft STRICTLY OOMaOSnlOB BDUHXaS. Contlscon Marksts by Prleat Wtr. Qal ; raaDd .J. plte4 eiaiesc,.ioMa, pos w a-qviiso, OSTEOPATHIO PHTSICIAXS. pb: lillebbllj? FERLulf! 31T Fentoa bids. I' bene Paclfl 11H0. DRS. ADIX ft NORTnRUP. 418-14-1T Dekom bldg.. Third ana asaingion eie. a eww Malo 848. Eisminatloa rrea. PRIXTTXO. a THB MODERN PRINTERY Artlstl artntlng. 34 Russel bldg. Fourth and Morrlaoa. Pboaa ' PXClflC '182oV- --i;. ,- EVERYTHING IN PRINTING From circular to catakignra and newapapera. Mctvopolitaa Printing Co.. 14T Front at. OGILBEE BROS., printers Cards, billhead. tc. Pbon Mala ISM. 14SV Flrt st. PArXTTNG AXD PAPERIX0. P. A. DOANB. J8 Tsmhlll et., opposite Jour- nl:Brrlc. wan paper, painting sno Ing. Phen ae for eat ma res. i-aciiie ms. riinl rename ""'"" "" inVt riros , "V i .11)1.11,, . -- " PLUMBERS. FOX ft CO. Sanitary plumber. 831 Second, bet. Maia aaa tiinoa. vinjin eww DONNERBFRG ft BADBMACBBR. reSBeved to No. SOS Burnelde et. RUBBER 8TAMXB. P. 0. STAMP WORKS. 348 Alder at., phono Mala J to: raboer stamna. aem. reuciiei tr gage, trade checks; bras signs aad plats. ROOFING. TIN ROOFINO, guttering, repairing and goner) Jobbing, i. tvsail. g'l Jerrereoa et.. rac. ws REAL ESTATE, oannintf w ATKINS ft CO.. 390 ALDER ST. Keel apTBie. reeoais. nn son iiorsB(. We mske a eneclelty of handling rentals . and property Toe re.toenra ana non-reei- GEO. J. SCHAEFERx reel estate aad . fir Lntura ICS, xit i nam per -or tinnnow. "COOS BAT MEXT." J. W. OGII.REB. real eetsto aad tntae; eats. Usbd Invio. isovt ririx si, room ai. A. B. RICHARDSON, REAL. ESTATE -AND MORTOAGB tAArT). tboo Malo KSA. 823 Cbamber ef Commerce. SPHINX AflENCY, dealer In reel eetata aad rentahj. 805t4j stark at. Mala 4184. , Bl'THKRFORD ft CO., 817 Commercial bldg.- Heehlence properry onr epecMlty. FOR FARMS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. W. W. KSPET. 818 Commercial bldg. ' STREET PAVTXO. WARREN Construction Co., trot paving, elds walka and croeslnge. $14 Lamber Bxrbangs, THB Berber Asphslt Paving Cm. of Pertland. (Ifttee ttt Worcester blk. SHOWCASES JkXD FIXTURES. SHOWCASES of every deecrlptloe; bank, bar and store Sttnrva made to order. ' f be Lalke Manufacturing Co., Portland. I B. H. BIRDAt.L, designer; sgeat M. Winter Lumber Co.. 7 Hsmllton bldg. Mala 4580. 8IGN PAINTERS. FOSTER ft KLEISFR SIGNS. We bsve built up the Urgeet sign business fa ths city by Srst-clssa wurb and keeping onr promisees Our prlcea are right. Fifth ' aod Everett ata. Pbon Exchange 85. SHINS THAT ATTRACT." Portland Sign Co., 2N7 Stark at. Phone- PeolOc 18U8. W. P. BKHOr.R ft SON. 2 Yamhill at. Big of all klnda. Phone PsHAc 3213. SEWING MAOIDiES. THB WHITE 8EWINO MACHINB AGENCY. 30 Yamhill St., Cor. Fourth. Pboa Mala Slog Ha rvalue la all klnda of new snd second bsnd aewtng machines; a fsw silently dstu aged. good na aew, it greatly reduced, prices. I' 11 ONB I'srlflc 2730 and I persnaslly will call end rrpstr your aewing-macliinc:. work gaa ' anteed. S. Hama. adjuster. 3tlr Third et. SAFES. PORTIA ID SAI'R CV, sole agente for Herring. llall-Mtryla tafea gnl Manxaneae Sled H?r ' Co.'e bank safea; 2il are -nil hand firepruot eefea and bank safea; very cheap; ar luem er wrli ae. vi 7 1 It at. . it.. eik.-il; rtrt-tfti v rtitur; "nit mv6 JU work; k. J. . Lmvis. M 1.1. Mm 1V V -v-ntj hniHl bt-)t tr- f. l tip, a i hull i'tti-liatsd. Or r -U la list.) txnn... ..a st.t.k o.u.u, Sachaeao - .... ...... .Vice- PvestAaet ...AesWtsst Cssbler laaoed Available to R. L IH'nniV ' . GEO RGB W. H0YT. and Otter af Cvedlt Collections Bnedettr. I asrt of Vb world. I I k. r. wr , J"'! t H. D STORK Y ....Awlstsnt Csvhlev tj PLATT A PI. ATT General Cownsel 1144. eTesd Off as. Sa. prajxataea. Osllfsvala. , w. r at vmnn ...... Assistant fehl B. F. STEVENS Second Asstefsnt Ctablee INVESTMENTS. I- Building. 1888 BROKERS. aad Sold for Caah tad on Margta. m ffiTS Trade.) Oregoa. Bervlc. BEFaTRENCES Vtid A Tlltoa. Baak- TYPEWRITERS, DON'T .jy a typewriter an less yea bay tba - beet. The L. c. - Smith ft Bros.' Wrtrfng--ln -Sight Typewriter hi the beet typewriter -mad. Also a lino of slightly seed traded ut machine of all - maksa at yoar owa - prlc. UAH. Alexander; H. B. Stemler. manage. 170 Fifth U oppoatta aostoffle. iw. 7in(, ran see yuw money; WW have part for repairing ell macblaes: atats ageata for tba Vlalhla Fox; w buy alt kind of typewriter. ' Toe Typewriter Exchange. - lae., 8V J. Bllbma. manager, 84 Third eu WB- sell i Remtngtna. Smtth-Premter. Deaa moree. ate., lower ths a see other ooarpsny; Inreatlgate. Underwood Typewriter Co.. 48 4th. BLICKBN8DEKFER trnewrlters. $40 aad $V; euppiwe. reneinog.- suae at ttoaa. ewita atara. TOWEL SUPPLY. CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, hrush, enap, SI per month. Portland Laundry ft Towel apply Co.. Ninth and Coocb. Pbooa 410. TRANSFER AXD HAULING. THB BAGGAGB ft OMNIBUS TRANSFER CO., car. sutb aad Oak ata t baggage checked from hotel er residence direct to deetlnstloa; passengers therefore svold rash aad snnoy. ssc at depots. Private Exchsng 48, SAFES, slaaoa.and farnltar ajoved.- Backed ready tor ablpplug and shipped; an work gaerenteedl larg 8-tory brick 8 re-proof werebone for ttarag. Office goa 4aA . at. Olseo ft Boo. Pboaa Mala 84T. . . & O PICK, offlc SS Flrat at., botweea Stsrb ana oea era, pnone eus; ptanoe and rnruttur moved and perked for atalpnlng; eommodloua brick wsrehouee wltb aeparata broa rooms. Front and Clay ata. BOSB CITY VA CO.. ofBeo 141 first St.. pbon Mala S224. Farnltar aad plano-atovtag a apedeltyi wa gaaraateo our work. - NATIONAL TRANSPEB ft . STORAOB CO. STO osk St. Telephoa Mala 4480. Traaafsr. ring aad storing. OREGON TRANSFER CO., '14 North Birth. Phono Main 49. Heavy hauling and storaga. INDEPENDENT BAGGAGB ft TRANSFER CO. niorago. axe sjtsrb at. Mala 40F. - POST SPECIAL DELIVERY, N. BOOH Waab lngtoa st. Pbon Mela anl t WHOLESALE JOBBERS. M. A. OUNST ft CO.. DISTRIsrtTORS OP PINB CIGAI . PORTLAND, OREGON. SHERK. OABB ft GRAHAM flaa.V Tommb merctisnts. Jobbers at fruits, rweduee. ata. ennela-ameate aollclted. 128 Froal at. BVP.RDINO ft FARRELL. Bcodnc and eiieveoi u nants. lew rroax OX, g-orUBBa, Or, Pboaa Maia 178. ... ORBUON PUFNITURB MANDFACTURINfl CO. Msnrectnrr e( rarnltur ror, tea trad., Portland, Oregoa. , . WADRAMR ft CO.. wbolsssle grocer, msaw- iivi.oti ami rnssiesNa msguaaata. roaria aad Oak ata. FURNITURE mannfaetnrlng and aneelsl enters. i KnvsDsxy s rurnirar fsetory. 307 Proat at. ALLEN ft LEWIS, commission and produce net ceaar. groat aad I) sets ata.. Portlsad, Or. WHOLESALE crocker and glaeewsre. Preel. negeie. m ua., rortiaaa. oregoa. . WHOI.ESALB crockery tod glssewsre. PrasL, cereie a L . in ins vrth eoe wrsra sv. TRAXSPORTATIOX. Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. tlBloa OMS. . ' ' I -e Artie. For Mergers. Rainier, cists. tsnle, neetpert, Ldfton, Aa torle, WsrrsBtos, Plavet, '; llsmmnod. Fori Htsvene. Usee. bsrt Psrk. Sessfri $ 00 am II 88 set Attoru and Sssaaoca. sxpres 1 r I oo am aa pet II trains dally. e. MA to, u. p. and P. A.. Atteeta. Oe. A. STEWART, lemmereUI AaaaL 88 Alder street. I' hooa Msln at North Pacific St en mshlp Co 5. S. Geo. M Elder Stilt for Kiti'lm, tun Vi nm-le-c, ant Log Angnlfft, Tueurlay. 1 J, at p. m. a wa 1 1 O , i u i , v, Tuf.-l-i Tic Uct I'h'lT-r, L H' 1-l.VU - T' 1 ' i:. 1U HEADOflARTKRR toe mm mm k.lll writers ef all maksa; eee ewr window; If yea era going to boy. a sew typewriter raw os be-