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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY , 14. .1307.. CASE GOES OVER UNTIL HEXTUEEK " . t ; . - , '(Continued from Pa fa One.) during th teats. Jerom objected, but th court overruled the objection. Howard mmA Jtrami OuajtmL. f " Howard Neablt, Evelyn'a brother, re garded aa the leading witness for tha tate, la reported to have quarreled with Jerome, and refuaed flatly to take the tana to defend the memory or Stan ford White in the effort to break down hi slater's evidence. Jerome's refuaal ' to promise that Evelyn would not be prosecuted tor perjury Is rumored to M the cause, V The calm In the Thaw ease yesterday .waa "the calm before the storm." Sen 'satlohs are looming up head.'- Court . adjourned for the day amid lore feast among the counsel, held for the purpoas , of getting together and weeding out ' certain medical testimony as to Insan ity In the Thaw family and that sort of thing, which will greatly facilitate " the appearance on the stand of Evelyn NesMt Thaw and the calling of Mr a. William Thaw, mother of ths prisoner. he Thaw will Is also on tha brink, erome having secured possession of It to have typewritten . copies mad. It Is. to ba offered In evidence today. If -It gets In, Delma believes Harry Thaw will have taken several mighty leap "I could not. I then tested his re flexes," said Evans. . . . . Asked to explain what ba meant, wlt neaa swung one leg over th other and aald Thaw's kneecap reflex was exag gerated. He said any unusual sensitive ness In the coordination of mind and muacle Indicated nothing In this case. Bometlmea It waa a test for nerve de rangement and for, spinal disease. . Kvana aald be also tickled Thaw's feet and found the reflexea also altghtly exaggerated.- The ankle reflexea, however, were normal. He also found th optlo nerve In good condition. . Evana then reached a. line of medical testimony which brought the request from ths court that all ladles reave the room. Even th women reporters left, for th first tlms during th trial that they had don so. ' "Examining the heart and circulatory system." said Dr. Evana, "I found a condition of extraordinary nervousness. The heart changed Ita rate of beating four tlmea In one minute, from M to a minute to III, then -back to SO, then to (2. I never aaw such a remarkable pulse. It so attracted my attention that I mad my examination moat thor ough, repeating It aeveral times. I thought It might be du to th novelty of th examination, but renewed teats under the most favorable circumstances showed ths sams result and I found ths heart In tha same nervous. Irregular condition. . I found no evidence of val vular heart dlaeaa. Th trouble was purely nervous." . ., . v Prrmihms in Horse and Poultry De . partmenti ' Largely Increased f i- SpeeiaJ - Boxes in Grandstand- Portland Man. Get Bar Privilege, FUND TO BUY HOUSE ' . OCCUPIED BY KEATS " nvalya to Be Xeoalled. - ; With the medical testimony out of the , way for th time being, tha will disposed of and the cross-examination of Evan nd other experts postponed, there will be nothing to prevent th recalling of young Mrs.' Thaw 'and tha continuation of her story, Delmaa having now eon ' at meted a strong foundation for th In - sanity plea, on which he will go to th Jury and which permits of tha introduc tion of much more testimony tending to ".' "how what drove Harry Thaw mad. Accordingly, ualeea th legal . argument . drags out Mrs. Thaw's reappearance a a witness 1 expected Monday and ah will remain on the stand until Jeroro baa completed th long expected cross examination. First, Mrs. Thaw will re late th things '.concerning Stanford Whlte'a treatment of other girls, which ;.were th subjects of (frequent talks be tween her and her husband. ... Kora asetloaa BxpeeteaV - - - She will tell of those Incident hinted ' kt by Delmaa on Sfondav. whan fltan. 1 ford White spok of her husband dla-1 jaragingiy by-ttre-twaside of Mis Mc- nensie. wnen ens ana Mr. Cains met WhltIri thethttre. ana when Thaw4 toia ner or hired thugs who wer fol lowing bin, and of hi appeal to the . Society for tha Suppression of Vic to . arrest th course of Stanford Whits. ' Many ensatlonalcUutls not ret re vealed ar said to be on tha point of exposure, and Etetmaa will bring therV out to the last letter In an afort . sat Thaw- free, When she ae said th last word Jn Ma behalf, th young wife will face Jerom for the most bitter "ordeal of her young life. - It seems to - be generally understood now that Je- w.. lawh mvmrm uvr. nenucw IQ P"'ef last analysis, th story of Evelyn i new is , tne Keystone or th arch of the defense. If It Is not broken down. Jerome fully realises that th accusea man is rree. un tne other Bide, the defens realises equally well th1, in th manner in which Mrs. Thaw con duct herself under cross-examination lies their hope of victory. Jerome will J neglect no means to send th girl from 'the witness -stand a broken, discredited woman, helpless and hopeless. - Delms . will -neirlert no means to safeguard and : ' protect ber.-r-i ; 1-. v..w. " ' Jerome Saa Ir aw Wltaeae. , ' - Mrs. Thaw herself, steeled for th - erdca will summon - all of her re- r sources V to - meet th attacks of th firosecution. Befor her eyes constant y will be th man to save whose life she ventured everything. In thta tre mendou struggle of man's wlta agalnat woman' . love. Juror - will be th ar- - -.biters. - ,.- - - -. -' Jerom ba secured fresh ammunition from ' Miss Maxle Follette, a former ewftm of Mrs. Thaw, ssld to have been confidant of the young girl, who has . placed In th hands of Jerom a long statement, from which ho will draw In- splratlon. Of this statement It Is aald . that It contains remarka mad by Evelyn Neablt to Miss Follette In confidence, which ar at varlanc with th testl '" enony she gav about th affair of th affidavit drawn up by Hummel. - Befor more Is ssld . of this Jnstsnce of womsn'a Inhumanity to woman. It will perhaps be well to wait and aee. Jerom . baa shown Mis Toilette's statement to no one. Then Jerom haa In addition " . a statement from the mother of Evelyn Thaw, which is said to be a mine of In-1 formation. , Statement front Bvelra's Mother. It Is not known if It cop tains, among ' other things, bow Evelyn Neablt, at the age of It, waa permitted by her mother to neglect her education to enter the artist's studios, and how. at th g of II, having already .gone through the life of th studios, the child wss taken by th hand of her mother and con ducted to th stage honors, not by re. son of .talent, but because of th beauty of her face and form. The mother of ' Evelyn Thaw Is sgalnst her. her brother : likewise. This young msn, a protege of Stanford White, who accepted money from Whit at different tlmea, had an ," rtouaced, with the authority of th dis trict attorney, that he would take th witness atand to "vindicate th mem - ory of Stanford White." Delmaa Ropes be will. .-' ' .With th mother and brother, former chums, and 'lawyer, convicted of Con ner, all arrayed against th young an n wno maae sucn a strong impres sion on th witness stand, what will ba the outcome aa regards th fortunes of Harry Thaw? Twelve men are to decide. .- Would you rather have them en your aide, or th mother, brother, lawyer and chum, marshaled by a district attorney .' who Is forced to drive . to distraction, perhaps to tear, may be to despair and madness th young woman who bared her heart, convict th prisoner at bar? THAWS HEART WAS CRAZY Not Dlseasod, but HIa Nervous Sys- . tern Kept It Running Wild. '. ' (Jnoraal Special Barries.) " i New Tork. Feb. 14. In the course of the testimony of Dr. Evans, the alienist retained by the Thaw defense, Delroaa, - Thaw's chief of counsel, asked him whan -the "brain storm" or brain explosion ds. ' scribed previously took place. Jerome objected, because, he said, "th witness had described tests and had not told what th results of these testa ' wer." " . ' u , Th court ruled that Dr. Evans should Jr -. tall of results. Evans followed tha direction of Delmas and began ..with saying Thaw's general nutrition " was good, th condition of hit skin was good and the shape 'of his head was normal except In one particular. "What la that 7" asked Delmas. "An unusual depresalon at th baae of the head, at the back. Just below thla drpresHtnn I found a similarly abnormal t.nltlnn" . "Could you account for these T' I, . Mowsal Special Service. New Tork, Feb. 14. Leading light of literature, art, mualo and th drama thronged th assembly-rooms of - the Waldorf-Astoria thl afternoon at the entertainment given in aid f the Keats-Shelley memorial fund. Edmund Clarence Stedmaa presided and among thoee who took part were Mis Julia Marlowe, Dr. a Wlr Mitchell. Mrs. Ruth McEnery Stuart. F. Hopklnson Smith and Mis Beatrice Herford. Th object of th fund La to complete the recent purchase and - to establish ther a library of .th works of Keats and Shelley, with portraits and manu scripts. .- . . v ... Hold Teachers' Examination. . Special Dispatch te Tee Joaraal.) Th Dalies, Or, Feb. 14 Ths quar ts ly summation of teachers for Waaco county began In th courthouse In this city today; Superintendent Neff la as sisted br Professor C. D. Thompson and XL H. Whitney.- -There ar 1 ap plicants for county certlf lcatea. and three or four are expected to write for state papers. The condition of th road lis prevented some teachers from at- Funeral of Wenscelas Calvet. ' (Special DU patch te Tke Jeers!.) Salem. Or Feb. 14 The funeral of Wenscelas Calvet, who died her Wed- nesdsy morning at his home, was held today from tho Cathollo church In this city. Rev. A. Moor and Rev. P. Datin of Brooks officiated. Th Interment was In the Catholic cemetery near this city. u STATE FAIR VJILL LAST SIX DAYS Board Decide) Against Ten Days -Meet at Request of ' . - Livestock Association. SEVERAL CHANCES MADE IN CLASSIFICATIONS (Seectel Dlapatcb te Tke JoensL) Salem. Or.. Feb. 14. Th atat fair to be' held her In September will con tinue six days. Sine th fair of last year tha board has been considering th feasibility cf holding, th ahow for 10 days but St th request of th North Pacjflo Coaat Liveatook asaoolatlon It was finally agreed to bold It for th aam jenshjrftlmf sf formerly. This Is mad necessary because many of th mam-' bers of this association are accustomed to make th northweat oircult with their herds and a longer session at Salem' would Interfere with their angagsmants at other fairs. An Innovation that will be mad this year la th building of boxes along th front row of th grand stand which will be rented to parties by th week or day. JUast year ther wer many call for preferred positions among the spec tators and It was very dtffloult for ths fair commission to satisfy all in that respect. "-. -. Several changes were also mad In th - revision of th classification of horse and th arrangement of the pre mium money, which has Increased con siderably by offers from outside sources. Most of the changea, however, wer made in th poultry and bora depart ments. ' Y Th bar privilege has been awarded to W. B. Brown " of Portland, whoa bid was 1176. Ths other two bidders were Dannlel Sherret of Portland, I860,' and W. B. Wiley, $82. who had th privi lege at the laat fair. Th bjg restaurant - privilege was awarded to E. M. Law for ll!B.AtaJ ni. ... j, . ... - I awirew id m. J . -....... w v., ,iih u.i una idih ma T I . . . . - card privilege to R. J. Hendricks of Salem. , ,-.- , -, , . Among those who attended th board meeting waa J. D. Gordon of Dundee, on of the new horse breeder of Ore gon." He recently arrived from Dakota. He algnifled his Intention of bringing' 11 horses to th coming fair... lis raises Clydesdales. . a Metxger fits your eyes for ll.Oo. Sixth street, near Washington. Ill ISaw. ehun 'From Maker to Player"' V Reed-French Piano Co. r Are selling out the piano store at 350 Alder '. street finest instruments at half price--in- stallments" like rent the prices on piano- players are revelations to western people $145 takes choice, and latest music rolls at ' . cost Store open nights. : Reed-French Piano Co. Sixth and Burnside ' '30 Alder St. AVgetabLe PreparalioaforAs slmUating the Food andBctfula ting theStDoacits sjndBowels of ;,. 1 1 la a- in. ill; ? J it -a. Fromoles DigesrJoiUCheerruI HBssaM Rest .Contains neither Opium.MorphinB norM2QeraL lSoxXAacoTio. ff -f r" ( - ' rewM' - WaswWrVBSJBiBB. f aTawTeasTaj Aperfecl Remedy for Cons llpa non.SourStomach.Dlarrtioca Worms .Convulsions Jewrish vrssandLoaaoF Sixkp. Fac sinnls Sigrvatur of . NEW "YDHK. EXACT o$wxt8tn. BBS IHIiiil A Fcr Infants and Children.. The Kind You Havo Bears Signature of the i : t My m w In Use For Over Thirty Years mm VMfl wJsWfslsMI MMMHi sMW B A Short, snappy but full of economical interest. Glance over these bargainsalmost every line means an opportunity of saving. You will find we have wasted no words. The lieures tell the story. You have SDrinz.buyine to do. uo it tomorrow ana save praeney for other things. WhneTeucffoWlhroughout the store will be mosrradical in no instance wilrthr quality iufferrAtri offerings will be of that worthy sort that has gained for this store the confidence of tne people, ine prices cuotea nere Dear no relation whatever to the true worth of the merchandise, and our guarantee of absolute satisfaction goes with every purchase. zurmj NAPiniro At $1.08 doa. ategaJM SX.M Values HO oosea L,lnen Napkins, It Inches square, full bleaohad, excellent wearing duality, lnlshsd with neat hem. all readr to use, big variety of dainty patterns to ehoos from, extra good values at 11-60 dosen. tomorrow, only St. 08 r . I - 7HITE DVIC3 At O . aUrnlas 1IH White Lap pet Curtain Swiss, full It Inches wide, road In a tig assortment of dots and stripes; bright, nw good Just received.. Tully worth If Ho a yard, specially priced fnr en day only, tomorrow, at,.. 9a) r (37Sth r-4 i K Bargain Day Paragraphs Friday's Selling In tlie Suit loom This Paiiioiilap Friday 7 Are Zlony Excellent Values New Suits, Coats, Skirts and Waists are arriving daily in great numbers. This popular department of our' store is a veritable center for all that is the newest'and best that is going to be fashionable this season. For tomorrow's sale we -T-' offer some remarkable bargains that are splendid values. - . T arjn cm T7"'tvi rtrirkCl Ofiafw Last chance this season to get one of these pretty flannelette Kimonos at aUUU saiUIUUUD UOU ,uch a low price. -We have just 8 doxen left and there will not-be any more. The designs are handsome Japanese patterns in dark and medium colors. These are made full length and QO extra wide and are exceptionally good values at $1.25. .Bargain Friday Special. ..I............. ...... Ow Qaf AnnnHlnnafaQl QQFriday, Petticoats worth $1.90 will go at 81.39, There are six OUitUUUirUltllvUlitU1.0i;dwn in mi iottwo 8tyie9 to 8eiect from. The8e afe made from rood quality mercerized sateen with deep flounces, finished with ruffles and straps. Bargain. Friday , : . ; gf ft special .. ........ .,..;.v....... ...T.. .... ...... ...... .....VlOy Of OO rViiMr-n'a rhnnl DrntM. wnrlh 42 5S. $2,150 and $2 78 Children's Dresses S1.88 Children's School Dresses, worth $2.25, $2.60 and $2.70, made from worsted plaids, checks and plain colors, serges and cashipercausuea 6 to 1Z yearsisarraia.iHnaaype( Desirable Silks Mnch EXTRA SPECIAL VALUES FOR B ARC AIM FRIDAY. Our present (athsring of Spring and Summer Silks b very bright and beautiful variety in its greatness that represents the world's best and most recent productions. To think that whatever sort of silk be needed, no matter for what use, right hers it will be found correct in style and perfect In quality. ' - ' PRICES REDUCED FOR THIS SPECIAL SALE. And they are silks that until now have never been offered under value. Belpw are a few very special silk values Just. for Fri day s sale. 20-in. Pompsdour Creprr.T5 22-in. New Rsdlum Crepe.. 05 24-in. Jacquard China Silk..T5 Black Taffeta 20-inch Swiss Metsalins.r. 85 19-lnch Pesu de Cvgns.. ..BOe) 27-inch Coin Dot Habutal. .75s) Colored Taffeta A 42 Cants. Beg-olar Se Oravde It - Inch Hercules Taffeta, tha moat ssrvlcsabls silk made, warranted not to out, split or break, over 10 shades . to choose from, regular Sic gradi special IwnU Friday at . 424 All Remnants and Short Lengths of Silk Specially Reduced for Tomorrows selling. ..'. At 45 Oassj, Kerala SAs OraSe lt-lnch Black ' Taf feta Silk, warranted aU pur silk, beauti ful rich flnlab. every yard fully guaran teed, excellent valu at I Bo a yard, spe cially priced for BargaU Trlday t '.j 45T( Tap Wash Silks i At 45 Oeotta. Sleralas SBe Crrade Dainty Japan Wash Silk. ultra heavy ' quality, our own direct i Importa tion, warranted to wash and w a r; comes In all th best oolors; regular Its grad: special Saa gala Trlday at.45g ! SHbe Values The Greate . ARE TO BE FOUND HERE. ; , Two Great Departments Main Floor and Basement. A great sale of sturdy, dependable Shoes, that will stand the stormy as well as the sunny spring days. Easy fitting, comfortable, and lower-priced here for the same quality than in any store in the city, j A big manufacturer let us have them at our own terms. The savings., were great we intend you shall reap the profit. "WOMEN'S SHOES SS-SO Talaew 93.18. -Main Floor Dpartmnt. 1,100 pairs Woman's Shoes, new spring and summer stylee, fin vlcl kid, patent oolt and gunmstal; all hand-mad shoes, with Cuban and military heele; every pair care fully fitted and fully guaranteed; best tt.fft grades, tomorrow, only . .., 93.16 WOMEN'S SHOES tXOO Tain fl.05. Basement Department, -100 pairs Women's styllab Shoes, vlcl kid and patent colt, Bluoher and colleg cut, light and heavy soles: not a pair In th lot worth lees thsn $10; specially priced for this sal at .... 1.95 WOMEN'S SHOES --r - - SSJO Talaas f l.6fil. f Basement Department, 109 pairs Women' Shoe, good, durable quality, solid throughout, up-to-date style, patent oolt and let kid In both plain lac and Blueher atylea, regular 11.10 and $1.00 values; all at one price, to morrow, . only f 1.50 MEN'S SHOES Tals 92.00. j Basement Departmat.l- (00 pair . Men's Shoes In patent oolt, gunraetal and box calf, vlcl kid and kangaroo calf, - add and ends of our best selling styles: all sizes In th lot, vsluas up to It.tO, all at on prlo tomorrow, only . 92.00 Extra Good Values, in x MEN'S WEAR ' :y ' ' ;, TOMORROW BARGAIN FRIDAY. , The following items will furnish very profitable reading. The val ues are extraordinary. In variety this stock surpasses that of any. former season. Tomorrow's specials are worth coming a half day s journey to buy. Every item is a decided snap. MEN'S DRESS SMUTS On Sale Bargain Friday st T5). ; :. . ? Men's Fine Golf Shirts, good materials in attractive- styles, dosens of patterns and scores of colorings. These goods were made by one of the bent -known shirtmakers in the land. Regularly sold it 7C-' S1.00 and $1.25. Special Bargain Friday ' f JW , MEN'S HALF HOSE ; On Sale Bargain Friday at 0). Excellent line Men's Gray Wool Socks, made of good quality' yarn, full-fashioned foot, exceptional 15c values. Special Bargain Q Friday ; MEN'S WORSTED UNDERWEAR 12.00 and 13.00 Garmenta 91.BO. Men's Fine- French ' Worsted W00l Underwear, all sizes shirts and drawers, in blue: also fine gray worsted in spring weight; d fj values $2.00 to $J.00. Special Bargain Fridsy jQl)7 MEN'S WOOL UNDERWEAR $13 and $1.S0 Underwear 75. Men's Fine Grsy and-Blue Ribbed Wool Underwear, most all sizes; not one in the lot worth lens than $1.25. Special Bargain Frl- HZ day, per garment 7V.;;'.r...J.;...... r... I WW Dreoo Goodo Reduced FOR BARGAIN FRIDAT. New Spring and Summer Dress Goods are here In all the glory of their fresh, vernal beauty. - This display reveals all the new and fascinating ideaa of the textile world. To appreciate these goods you must call and see them. BELOW WE MENTION A FEW OF THE SPECIAL VALUES FOR FRIDAY'S SALE. 50-lnch Blsck Sicilian..... B9e 56-inch Black Sicilian..,.. 85) 3MnchlBlackSicilian.i.I.50f SS-inch French Albatross. .50e 46-lnch Egyptian Crepe... 45 36-inch French Batiste, , 50 Novelty Suitings As 85 Oeata. stoat SO radaa It Inch Novelty Drea Qooda In a larg as Bortment of n a t e b e k a, hair - lln stripes and broken plalda. In ail th nw sprlnav shades, plenty of gray and tan. res ular I0o values, spe cially priced for on day only, Saigala Vrlday, at .... .S5s) English Cashmere At 32 Cemta. Best & Orades 41- Inch English cash mere, fin soft weave, a most durable mate rial; solors, , green, aavy, brown, slat, champagn, eta) ex tra good vain at Io a yard, spo tally priced for on day only. Baxwala .,8Z Granite Suitings . At 19 Cents. Inch half wool Oran It Bultlngs, most durabl fabrloa, Just th thing for chil dren's school dresses; comet In all th beat colors, nvr before sold for less than So a yard, special, Bargaia Friday, at . 10e Friday, at All Remnants and Short Lengths ol Dress Goods Specially Reduced for Tomorrow's Selling. The Domestic Section OFFERS SPLENDID VALUES. The greatest values of the day will undoubtedly be found tn tha Wg Domestic Department. The following underpriced specials will prove interesting to the great majority of housewives at this season of the year. Besides, there's a host of new Cotton Goods for your inspec tion and approval. New Tapestry at 33 Cents . Regular 45c Grade Tomorrow we place on special sale a most at tractive line of New Roman and Oriental Striped Tapestry, in a large assortment of patterns and colorings, suitsble for curtains, portieres, couch covers, etc.; good, dursble quality, full 50 inches wide, excellent value at 45c a yard. Tomorrow only .......................33e . Flannelettes at 0 Cents Regular 12Uc Grade A 'special underpriced purchase placed on sale tomorrow for the first time; a large assortment of pretty new patterns to choose from, in light, medium and dark colors; exceptionally de sirable kimono and wrapper patterns, sold everywhere at 12j4c a yard. Tomorrow only ;....9e ftrxr1 BUSY.AISIiE Black Velvet Ribbons 7 7 A Most Extraordinary Sale. 2V4 inches wide Special Bargain Friday, yard ., 2Vi inches wide Special Bargain Fridsy, yard ., 2. inches wide Specisrl Bargain Friday, yard..., lilinches wide Special Bsrgain Fridsy, yard..., 1 inch wide--Special Bsrgain Friday," yard yi inch wide Special Bargain Friday, yard..".... No. 14 and No. 2 Special Bargain Friday, yard No. 1 Special Bargain Friday, per yard Corset Cover Embroidery Elaborate collection of Corset-Cover Embroidery, 19 inches wide, ex clusive pstterns, made on best quality Swiss and Nainsook, in beau tiful rick floral designs, our regular 75c values. Special Friday, per . . . . . ....1T ....15 ....list 7.777.8 e SO ' yard Wonderful Values In Women's Silk Neck Ruifs ' A special underprice purchase enables us to offer these dainty and servicesble neck dressings at exceedingly low prices. Full assortment of colors and styles to choose from. ' . f 1.25 Ruffs Bsrgain Fridsy, specis! at, each..... . $175 Ruffs Bsrgsin Friday, special at, each,....,............ 1.20 $250 Ruffs Bargain Friday, special at, each. .. ...... $475 Ruffs Bsrgsin Fridsy. special at. each.... ......3.49 FRIDAY'S SPECIAL OFFERINGS. IN THE , Notion and Art Dopta, Dress Shields Doubje-Covered Nainsook Dress Shields, sires 2 snd 3. worth 25c. Specisl Bargain Friday, per pair v Sleeve Bends Fancy Frilled Elastic Sleeve Band, trimmed with 1 1'?. bows and silver buckles, all colors. Bargain Friday, pur ...! Skirt Binding Velveteen, in 4-yard pieces; colors pink, cream, r- '. blue and brown; 10c values. P.arRain Friday, per pirce .Mbro Silk 100-vard spools f thro Silk, assortment of cd ; . - - 5c. Special Bargain Friday Germantown Yarn Hk an-l era only, rrg-'iUr price J ; r Bargain Friday, at, ft sk'm