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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY, JOURNAL. FORTLAND. THURSDAY - EVENING, PEBRUARY--14. 1507,- Jf' TOXIGHT-g AMTJBEafENTS.' .-.'Til Doctor of Alrautara" "It I WerJi.tu" .,... ''Humaa Tlmirr "l.n.l la Sitrta" ...."A Buacb of Kara" Slcll,.. rlilk.T.. fcrar. I. J i-la... Gruud VaDdeM. v The funeral of C. H. McNtnea, who died t bin horns in Ftrlsnd on tha lount Scott Una. Mond&r, February 11, irom blood poisoning, caused by a oratcb on tha finger; waa held from tha Kvanxellcal church, Kant Sixth and Eaat AUrket streets yesterday afternoon. Rev, 8. jl Blewert conducted tha serr - lcea ,and the Orient lodie, No. IT, In dependent Order of Odd j Fellow, at tended. McName waa 40 yeare of age nnd came to Portland from White Bul- . taenia year and a half ago. " While har- nothing a horse a week ago he scratched v hla ftnirer allghtly and thought nothing of the Injury until inflammation lnvolv v lng his whole syatera set In, 11 leaves . a family Of several children. William H. Welsh, formerly a member ,of the local police department, but now Reneral superintendent of tha Canadian Detective bureau, with general offices in Toronto, arrived In the city tbla tnorn- on the way California, welsh. who left here about 14 years ago waa one of the moat popular officers, ever and was busy this morning meeting old f i lends. .. t v .' "' , . The Pacific, Railway Navigation company's line from HlUsboro to Tilla mook will be printed In black ink on ' the next map of the Harriman linea In . Oregon. By an error of the draftsman the line waa placed la the advance proof in red -ink, the color of the Harriman .; linen, and a notation to -that effect on the margin of the map was overlooked. Penney Tlroe.' Friday Speetar.-Our II. 50 grade of red and - white - Port, Cherry, Tokay, Muscat and Sauterne ..' wines for tlr per gallon. Budweleer beer; (160 per doaen quarts; $4.60 I. W. ?-Harper whiskey, at" 11.86 per' gallon. Friday only. -, J71-381 - Eaat Morrison . street. - Phone Eaat 287. Freer delivery, Charlea Ford, a member of Fidelity lodge. No, 4, Anolent Order Of United Workmen, died at his home,' (It Weld ler street, "after a lingering lllnesa, ,i ACunrlay, February 11. He was an old , "settl. r of the east aide and had been in the employ of tha paclfio Plates tele l.honi .Ai -lelegraph .. company. - ' The trial of John Farrell for a statu t"ryjatfensa involvlng-4-year-o1d Ea- - ther R. Dixon waa called In Judge Cle land's department of the circuit court nt 1 o'clock this afternoon. ,f . Ross -NValUve Is under Indictment for a. slm- - lr rim-)le4 toy-have been cornmtt td"ln connection "wUK the same child. .. -- ... . ., ; - The : Portland chamber Of - commerce , will furnish, on request, a number of photographs of Portland, the Columbia river and Oregon farm scenes, for use In beautiful publication that I. being prepared . by tha ... Matthewa-Northrup works of Buffalo, advertising tha Pap afiljto northwest. : ' , . '.'. V The' North Coast Furniture Works - f Hid articles of incorporation with the Tnty. clerkjodajr RTj. M. Grant andOeorfr. K. K. Fltaher were named aa the Incorporators. Tha capi tal stock Is 116,000 .r7 ' Portland Academy. The opening has beii postponed until Monday, February , 15. In the Interval the principal may b. found at the Aloe from t a. m. till II uv an from t to 4 p. tn. "'"T,' Portland Academy. Tha opening has been poetnoned until Monday, February Si. .In the Interval tha principal may be found at the office from a, m. to 11 m. . and from 3 to 4 p. m. ' The Modern Brotherhood ef America will give, a play, ''Hickory Farm," In Marguerite hail, corner of Hawthorns avenue, Friday, February 16. Admission 26 -cents. . ' '.: -. he Swedish Good Templar lodge will give a a entertainment at t'neir hall, cor ner Front and QUes streets, tonight at I o'clock. A good program will be rendered. .. .... . . -... v - i Steamer Jeese Harkine, for Camas, Waaliougal and way landings, dally ex cept Sunday, Lesvea. Washington street dock t p. m. . ," , . i ,-. Dr. W. A. Wise will shorUy leave for Alaska, and those who want to see him before e get kindly take notice, . Bist Portland Cleaning and Dye Works m be reached now by phone . Kast 4426. ,. . .. . , fc." W. Moot. ' expert photographer. Elks building, Seventh and Stark Sts. Woman's Exchange,. Ill Tenth street, . lunch 11:30 to 3: bualnesa men's lunch, ' ' Acme t C sells the best safety coal ell and fine gasoline. Phone Eaat 711. Why payaoreT Metsger fits your eyes for. II., Jll Sixth street ' 3. ;W, Thatcher, the artist, la now with Forbes Engraving Co. PERSONAL F. H. Johnston, the Investment broker, wKii offices in New York, Chicago, De- .t riu Xos Angeles, fan Fra n Cisco . and Portland, Is In the city today, leaving miljl it for San Francisco. Clara Carlyle has returned from a. two-months' vllt to southern Call "forula polnta ' . PI I ' l . '! '. . . - . J1.1 habits of economy and thrift and . long before interest of Increasing its sue. Y . "V- We will welcome the young and give their interests our special arve m.A.. i. 1 rWwfO All IXCLV8IVK PEOPLE. RuoMTclt'i nixie hla ware at laat with DenU Ka-nvr HoliniH"..' Plrdstu- Hint all Vauia-doru ahall glra the Jiipii-a flla; And tliai rirtuuua 'Prlaraus a?er Biora Bead tnka ui.n Ihalr laia Tta daimy, alnnt-ayed muraala anown te Eog- lia tUiyu aa Japa. Tha barxalo is that Japanese nuat taint our aull no man. And that Hiay ba ticludad rram the aua llt Canaan a?or That the Has Fraudacan't kaaraa Bay be tor tiahlva aauie, Fn In fiarilara ba adjacent to the fretful torrid awia. Bat It It t ret recorded It the hind sad aeutte Knet Baa autwiltpd to the tranaactlon, or so far baa brld alf, Or exactly what ba ll charga te he s party te tba game, ' And anttl this ntuatloa'a aattled tbe Vbola buaioeaa will ba lama. , Se we'll Juat abide with patience aid eaetfetae f,ir to do Tbe flneet laundering bettreea ear tows sad TIUIDUCIOO, Pntl every waa anJ womaa Is arrayed fa potleea white, tblniaa aa the aua at nonuday, s'ea throafb , daranaaa of tha nlelit. , I'MO.V LAt .NDRY. TaK Usla SOS. ' rtavond aad Colombia. A, 8. MM BECOMES .OJ. . - S H.- PAYMASTER Popular Member of Clan Macleay Eame DarvtKi Pfomot - by Hii Long Service. . A. dr.-. Brown, . ex-chief of the Clan Macleay, and for 10 years assistant chief clerk of passenger accounts for tha O. R. N. Co., haa been appointed paymaster for that company. He will succeed Q. J. Kaufman, who resign to I !".'' " i '. i' i. mi i A. O. Brown. accept the position of .auditor .for tha Portland Hotel company. The appoint ment la effective February tfi. Mr. Brown earns to Portland In 1.SS4 with B. 8. Benson when the latter ao ceptedthe audttorship of the 0. RSs N."C6. fonowlng' Us reorganisation as a part of the Cnlon Paclfio ay stem. He haa been for eight s ten year In the service of the Union. Paclfio at Omaha, and waa one of a group of able young men who were picked by Mr. Ben son to form hia new staff on the coast. Mr. Kaufman waa a member of the same group. Tbey have served the rail road company well and faithfully. Both have large number of friends In Port land who will congratulate them . on their advancement. , Wa Make This Bold Statement We positively -lead in ladles' fashion able garments and sell at only the fair est and most legitimate profits. There Is quality and style, but no extortion at our house. Le Palais Royal, I7S Wash ington . street, corner " Park. Who la MetsaerT He fit a rour eves for 11.00. 111. Sixth street. . THOSE WHO OBSERVE LENT MUST TRY CONCOCTING NEW DISHES The dlntresslng situation presents Itself of Lent at hand, and th fish mar ket in state of demoralisation. Little is to be had of our standard fresh flan, for salmon is scarce The coy smelt. after running a few lapa, are evidently taking a rest, and are In no great evi dence. To add to th complication a ship ment of finnan haddles,- ordered for the "TWINS" WIRES PHYSICIAN. AND VALENTIN E. COSTS HI M $22.90 There I on man la Portland today not overly much pleased with the val entine ha- received this morning. Hi name is Smith. . That inn't his name, but It will do to use. Smith doe not live Jhertv but he iiad to jomajn. ouU J nesa which wa too urgent to keep him home when he should have been there. Smith ha a large family-of children and they spend . some of tha ' loose change he haa made these 10 year back the advantages of a bank account, for therein lies the assurance of future pros perity. . .;. ' Every boy and girl should be taught to save a part of every dollar , that passes through his or her hands. Start the young people right if you wish to see them develop into good citizens and influential men and women. 1 v'-. Make a deposit for your child and see that ; habits of saving are taught.,. It will not be a growing account will have an its own and furnish a motive for 'V ; :-,.. r -r: ' , people into our financial family attention. . . TTC SPIRITS COURSE WITH LIVING Mrs. Jones and Others Are Called . . From the Dim Beyond at - , Seance. ' . , . megaphone emits ; ; bright blue, flames Ghontly Voice of Irishman Familiarly . Known l a ..: Pat E8rort9 listn bodird Spirit Irom One World to the Other for m Moment. For ,C0 cents the people of Sell wood were offered the privilege of conversing with dead .friends and relative-last Wednemluy evening. ; About If, both of the faithful and of the Curious, gath ered to get four bits', worth of conversa tion from accommodating spirits at tbe residence of John A. Thomas, a car- 23 Clarharnflss,ygne. And all report that they got their mon ey' worth. All spirts were Introduced to the as sembly by "Pat," undoubtedly a dead Irishman. "Pat" waa tbe moat accom modating spirit In the bunch, ' It 1 not known whether "Pat" got a look in on the gate receipts or not, but he wa always right there- with the good and had no relatives or friends In the circle to ask ''embarrassing question about his past. ' He wa a very obliging spirit, lndet dt . ; ' . . This is " the "manner ; In . which the trick wa done; After the seance con ductor, or presiding elder had gathered in your half eimoleon, you took your seat among the other in a circle, in the center of which wa a large mega phone. It wa a harmless-looking ar ticle, made of paper and. constructed In two parts whlvh fitted closely together. Every one was cautioned to take the person at his aide Dy the nana ana place hi feet squarely on the floor, and then ne of tha elder leaned over and blew oufh lamp. - . Via name la Darkness. iIt -waa so dark ye- could not see four inches beyond your nose. Almost im mediately a queer feelIngEegan 1o taKei possession of you, ' Fitful blue flame danced Intermittently In the darkness of th circle, coming apparently frbm the megaphone, which grew restless and thumped around on the floor. . la titat you, PaUI- suddauly said the elder.' Sure, and It's me," says Pat. And the thing wa on. -- - There waa no "fake" about ''this en th excuse that there were unbelievers In tha circle. - Tou were assured of that when you paid your money. Everything was aa represented on th bills. -All kind of conversation were held. The spirits called those' present famil iarly by their first names.' Men talked with their dead wives. Others talked with friends that had been dead 25 year. Anybody nnulri address with out offending blm and ask for a friend. ... ..':...."Xi ,4'OBe, ThfVil-C. 'T there) any person thAre "Vy tha name of Mrs. Jonesf asked Jones. 'Yea.'. ay Pat. : "Then bring her on. She' my wife, that' been dead for 10 years," says Jonea And Jones' dead wife was intro duced V her husband, asked how she wa and exchanged a few word on the weather. Then likely a not th dead wife would disappear and leave her hus band provoklngly -only half ooraygiced that It wa his wife. Other spirits told where they had been born and ychere they had died. Alto gether, It 'was an interesting perform ance, but not always convincing. The spirit betrayed none of th secrets of the dead or nothing that I not already known to the living. Tou get used to noor tea and coffee and don't mind. Schilling' Best Lenten trade. I blockaded or aider tracked somewTiere : between here and I New Tork and cannot ba heard from. . Those houswlvee who keep Lent may find some pleasure Irv teoUng their In j genuity in preparing meals of Huts, rice, and frnlts, thus adding to a new accomplishment to their list. If Mr. Man objjecta. ask him whether he pre fer stewed codfish or canned salmon. off -his big fruit ranch buying valentine and sending them to father.' Father haa always enjoyed It evenwhan hi wife forwarded him a few slam on hi per-J sonai namt. . r - 7 " flmlth'" ItlaRed "earfi o'f nlaTiaif doien little Smith good-bye. narrowly missed forgetting his wife, and two day ago reached Portland. . He figured every thing to a nicety and concluded "he woulfl reach horn Saturday night In plenty of time to take In an event which was scheduled at 'his home Monday. ; A 1 hi usual custom when going away. Smith left Instruction that he ahould be wired fully In case of accident, fire or any other unforeseen circumstance. This morning he stood tn th lobby of one of the hotels. V He had lust dis patched several dollars' worth of good, bad and indifferent valentine , to hi wife and family. He smiled aoftly at th thought of them and wondered if he wouldn't be getting a package himself. He did. It came In the shape of a long white bird. A messenger boy brushed up to him and handed forth a message. "Sending "valentine to me by : tele graph, are they?" he remarked smil ingly. "Wonder what I'v got?" He got It This was lt "Twins. Wife doing nicely. Doctor Blank." - r , Th totnl charges wer f 22.10. In ac cordance with Bmlth' horn Instruction to wire full details of any unforeseen Hrmimatanrea which mlarht hanoen dur ing hi absence, the wife had ordered i that several hundred words be iont te set his mind at reat. It rested for ths I most part on the $2.. or rather the I last glimpse of the tnoney he had aa It disappeared In the , messenger boy pocket. . . ' ' ' . Smiths waa Ult-lanrng against ths J lobby wall towards noon tortayr H told , sn BOfUiitlntunce his dlpeatloit Was lm- , faired and he thought he would go home , Ulr afternoon, , ... , j yraferrea Stock Canned Oooda. ' Allen aV l.ewla Best Brand. AVTSOTatEHTS, lt aad HFI1 IC. THFITPC no Wa.hluataa iia.ii.iu auLjiiivu Una t. Friday Wlrht aturaay tlijht ' BpaMal-FHe atatinaa BaturaaT tEHHUAST la AMD 10. v VAUlj OIXMOKX, " la Ilia lanous Cullrfa Play, AT YALE" RTanlns rrlros Il.m. il. TV. 5Ac. SV. V Matlnae frlnea (1.00, Tic. 50e. 35c. g&u 14th aad HCII ir THCITfiC WaaMaitoa liLILIU I lla-rtl IU. y.a, t. IIXVOAT, MOHOAT AVD TTJESDAT ITlOHrt, . - Fabraary IT, IS. I. ' Popular-Price Matinee Tuesday THB MUSICAL OAETOON COUFOT "BUSTER BROWN" 0 Big Bong Bitaao. .' See "Boater"- "Ti,." . Uugh. w f ' SEAT SALK 0PE1TI TOMOkkoW. Erealns Prlcea 1.M, TV:, BOe, BSC, tie, llallne. Priraa 78. SOc, 2Hc. Pboae feals 190T. :' Orafoo Theatre Co., tieu, U Uakar. Ut. Heine of the Famno Baker Theatre Stock rnmnttir. ' id Veenf Jlia.tiiT laat-Maal fhtaomtajd . Buceeaa Tbe Mnnlflrnt Prodottloa, "IT I WBC KIKO." Repeated One Mace Whole ,Wael. Matlaee Aiturdar. If Y Ooalda't get Seat Laat We. Oat Theaa New. Evening Prices 36c, We, OOe. Matisse, IS aad 8ac. . Mart Week "Brother Off Man. - "Out of clothes, . ' Out of countenance ; ' 4 v Out of countenance, Out of wit." Ben Jonson. Whatever you do, don't let - this apply to you,; There ii positively no reason why you , shouldr when' you' can" get such an offer- as this V r - .... . . , ' . . . . Alio! Our Values ARE NOW FLYING AT "THE RIDICULQUSLYr LOW FIGURE OF Our . suits are all made to measure and are guaranteed to fit perfectly. If you wait till the last minute you will not have so wide- and varied a choice. , Delay no longer. 8 Wise Ones With this bargain we are -giving absolutely pTmji in i . i" liNilijljj ill Extra Pair o! Trousers ' ' -v,..-" ' i ' ' " , .'" -; ;' ' - ' '! ' You will , actually save $1S if you buy your suit ELKS t BUILDING, SEV ENTH AND STARK STS. '. . ... .'. One Oathe AMTJBZMXBTTB. i?:- Empire Thcalre Pboae Uala I IT. WiLTi w. kkasiaw, Maaaser. Plajliis lr Kaatrra Road Attrarttonai Toulut All Itila We alattaoea WaiJuaadar and Hanirdar, "HUMA HABTaa ' Btar Oalnlna In Popularity. A Beantlfni Play. Kironaar, Better TUut Erar. Bostilajr Kmiilre t'rli-ea. Vaxt Wak, gurting Sunday kUtiaaa-"Xy Wife's Tanuly." THESTARStt WZKX OF rXBBTAlT 11. 1MT. ' Tbe Alien Stork Compear Preaaau "LOST IN SIBERIA" ' Mattneao Tveeflaye. Tbafwniys. MatordaTO tnt (tuiMlara at i lls. Prim 10 aad eeata. Kaary eaaotnc at 8. 1R Prlcea 10, 20 aaa " eeota. . oacura yoar aaala sy pboaei Mats MM. The Grand Taadarilla da Laze. Trent Ooanba and Muriel Btoa ia Th laat of the . Troupe," Doaa Xaaall aad Artkn . ferbaa la The Twt Xufclaa." Alf, Bolt. Caarlaa Caa. oaa, Waitkora aad Sala, Sadie Delaa aad lar Harold, Oraadiaaopo, "Ha Wasted. " LYRIC THEATRE . wzex BEormriwo ma vast il A Biinch of Keys Bos office opes from 10 a. at. te 10' s. a. teats eas be reaaraad Vy phnne; Main tttA : -to-, Valentine Party OAKSRINK TONIGHT A Surprise to AH Music Commences At 8 O'CLOCK ii. las iioas HR1DA Tbe fellowinf items on tale' Friday and Saturday only at these buy goods -of standard quality for less than you usually pay for morning , if possible you'll accommodate us and it the same time . ,.':-: .... ' if received before Saturday noon. New Spring Wash Qoods i. 'k: ' iV: at 10c a Yard : ; For a great Friday-and Saturday special we place on sale 3,000 yards of New Crepe Waistings, one of the popular spring weaves, full Z& inches wide, and" in a great range of dainty patterns. A beautiful soft fabric, very suitable for waists or shirtwaist 1ft r suits, i Regular 25c value. Two days, a yard.. 1UL 29 inch Printed Organdies, light grounds, with pretty floral and figured designs, regular quality. Friday . fin and Saturday Ijw $1.50 CLOVES, 97c 500 palra Heavy French Lisle Cloves, Suede finish, on sale Friday and Saturday at this ex tremely low price. " Colors are greens, grays, tans, reds, mode and black. Full sixteen-button length and regular $1 JO quality. Tbe greatest glove bargain we have yet offered. All sizes and plenty of salespeople to wait on you, ;.. $2.25 Purses f 1.4T-i0ur entire line of Leather Handbags, usu ally selling at $2.00 and $Z2S, on sale Friday and Saturday at P!?:.:.:...$1.47 ; 100 Dozen Women's 1 8c Hosiery gti'l at 10c a Pair - ffi;-: 100 doten Women's Fast Black Hosiery on sale here Friday and Saturday at this remarkable price. All are full-fashioned, without a seam, stainless and have high spliced heel and toe, and are worth 18c a pair. The greatest hosiery bargain of the season. . A Don't miss it Friday and Saturday, pair.... .lvw Children! Hose t2tftA spe cial lot of Children s Seamless Ribbed Hose, regular 18c grade. Friday and Saturday, ; .7lr special ................. Ja2L Men's Wool Underwear, $1.50 Grade. 69c a Garment , Agents Warner and Thomson's Corsets. . S IV s J 'A If Know your Hat for Spring by the below label Stiffs in new blocks Soft hats in new shapes, and shades. PEED OF ALL $3.00 HATS Largest-Assortmcnt-o!:JohnJLJStct?onJIats . in the City noraa mi aoopr an dTlJRDA SPECIAL 1.500 Yard New Dress Ging hams, in stripes, checks and plaids, and in all colon the same kind you pay 12c Cr for regular. Special, yd.... Oilv rr-STwo Days Only at $14.85 Eacli7 Women's and Misses' New Spring Suits, made in either Eton or jacket styles, with full plaited skirts; jackets trimmed with buttons, straps and braids; three-quarter aleeves, with turned cuffs. Come in light and dark gray stripes, checks and plaids, and 0 f i Q C are regular $20.00 values. Friday and Saturday . . P I taOu Wash Silk Waists, trimmed with tucks snd laces, in a wide varU ety of styles, f$ length sleeve. Best $275 quality. CI Qfi Friday and Saturday.. ..JIe 7 O Boys' Waists SSfBoys' Blouse Waists, with or without sailor collar, light or dark col ors, reg. 50c quality. Fri- C,, day and Saturday....... aauw C0RNtR.IHIR3 AND MOHISCN Sir 1 1 Gfh7Cr ri J M M S 111 Mr 2f I Pattern llkmUlL Are -AI LOWEal JMUCXB. Ij . : i J reduced prices."- A rare chance to the ordinary kinds. Shop in the get first choice. Mail orders filled ; ' : r-.v MEN'S SHIRTS, 47c Made of best quality English Percale and Madras, stiff or golf styles, with detached cuffs, and in dozens of new stripe pat terns. Regular Si -25 and $1.50 values. All sires. ' , Boys' Shirts 25 Soft or stiff front styles, in pretty patterns, light or dark, sizes lOjS to 13. Regular 50c" quality. )tlf Choice .. .... .. ... . I WC Men"a Sox'12$eV-Men's Wool Sox, white foot and black cot ton, and a great range of fancy colored . designs, 25c '. values ........ ......... Iir2W Silk Petticoats, full knee flounce with dust ruffle, good quality silk, and colors and red, gray, black and green. A or Reg. $6.50 quality..... aPl.Oil $2.50 Waists $1.59 'Made of fine white lawns, in 20 different styles. All elaborate ly trimmed with laces, tucks and embroidery, and in the popular aleeve. You can't duplicate these for less than 25c. Friday and Saturday only at this price. $1.50 Waists 8T Hundreds of waists at , this popular price. Embroidery and lace trimmed and regular $1.50 values. Q7 Special . . , , , . .. 7 I ly $2.00 Gowns $i.l9Women' Fine Cambric Gowns, in a fine range of styles, long or elbow sleeve, ribbon trim- J Q med, $2.00 values. ...,,aj1.17 IS A . ! 7f