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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1907)
- THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVTININO. FEBRUARY .14. 'lgjf. f -SUFFRAGISTS L1EET 10 11IDY CITY Auditorium of Fins Arts Building Crowded for Annual Con- ' ' ? ' vention. . '. ,, Corset Department We will continue our sale of Royal Worcester Girdles for the balance of the week; fQn $1.25 values for .......... yOlv Muslin Undervjear A fine line of muslin Corset Covers, trimmed with lace and embroidered insertions, fSl in all sizes; $1.25 value. Spec Friday.. O I C COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS ; OCCUPY FIRST SESSION -i Four Hundred Delegates Present From All Parts of the Fnlon ir Mayor Dunne and Others Formally Welcome Gathering This Evening. (Journal Special Servtcs.) . : Chicago, III., Feb. 14. The auditorium of the Fine Arts building; spacious though It la, was scarcely able, to ae- 'eommodate all the fair and enthusiastic delegates who sought-admittance at the tpenlng today' of the . thirty-ninth an nual convention of 'the National Ameri can Woman Suffrage association. The - roll call showed an attendance of more than 400 delegates, which number was more than doubled by the presence of other visitors interested in the more meat which alms to give the ballot to women. The largest delegations re ported from New York, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. Iowa, Nebraska and California were next In Una, and an ' excellent numerical showing was made also by several of the southern state. The first session was given over al most wholly to the appointment of committees and other perfunctory work incident o the opening of the gathering. 1-ater la the afternoon there was a sym posium discussion on the subject of mu nicipal ' suffrage for women.- Mrs. Charles Henrotln presided snd , the .speakers Included Llllf D. Monroe of Kansas. Kate M. Gordon of Louisiana and other leaders of the qual suffrage movement. r The formal opening of the gathering has been reserved for this eyenlng when Mayor Dunne and.' others will greet the visitors. After suitable re- - sponses have been ' made, to -the, greet ings ths convention will listen to the Anna Howard Shaw of Pennsylvania. . UMATILLA ROADS HARD HIT-BY-RECENT. FLOOD YgnaclainiaBatch to Tbe Jnaraal.) ' , Pendleton, Or.. Feb. 14. Thousands 61 dollars in damages have been inflicted on the roads and small bridges of ths county by the recent freshets and It will be many weeka before the highways can be placed la proper repair. - - - According to the members of ths -county -ocurt the . freshet ... has fully proved several things regarding road -work in this county. One of them is that it wss a blunder to construct the oads along the creek -bottoms and gulches. - Front the nature of the coun try he aays It is impossible to build a road that can stand op under soma of the torrents that rush down at times. T It Is also held that If bridges are to . stand the strain of such floods as the recent' one they must be built with concrete abutments, and ths bridges of steel. -. - . COLLEGE DEBATERS -r ' PREPARE FOR CONTEST . (Special Dteeatcfc te Tha Joemsl.) ... . v . Salem, Or., Feb. 14 Willamette uni versity debaters are rapidly rounding into form for the argumentative battle 1 which is to be held in Corvallia March 1, between the representatives from the local college and those of the Oregon Agricultural college. The question to be . . discussed Is: "Resolved, That the Mon- .o Doctrine Should Be Discontinued as a Part ef the Foreign Policy of ths United States. The Willamette trio is composed of . George Wilson of Portland, who will be the leader of the team. Roy Shields of Franklin, Washington, who was on' ths team sga'nst Corvallls last year, and Harry K. Spalding of Eunnystde, Wash ington, who takes the place of Charles McKnlght. now an instructor . in the preparatory school. Willamette will ; ' support ths affirmative of the question. BENEFIT GIVEN FOR AUTHOR'S DAUGHTER New Tors, Feb. 14. A big benefit performance arranged by Miss Elearoor Robson wss given at the Liberty thea- - tre this afternoon In aid of Mrs. Jess amy Harte Steele, eldest daughter of Bret Harte, the author. For sums time past, until found by friends at Port- . land, Maine, Mrs. Steele, bed been in 'destitute circumstances.. It Is ex pected that the proceeds of the benefit, augmented by. contributions that have ; come from many sources, will amount to several thousand dollars. - Elect Volunteer Officer. . (Htweial Dlsgateh te The Journal.) . Wallowa, Or., Feb.- 14. A voluntary . fire department has been organised in Wallowa, the following officers being ',' ' elected: C A. Hunter, chief; Dr. Clyde -rr- Mount eaptalnt-J Li- Msxwelt,- first lieutenant; Everett Berry, second lieu- "igniint. - - - . . 1 WeMake'Emllere Tsks your measure, furnish the cloth, cut the goods, guarantee a fit, and charge NO NO $4.50 MORE LESS FM" a pair of trousena Tour plck of l.too styles of cloth, best ' woolens wover- and strictly fash- lonable and up to date. How do we do It? Buy mill ends ths last of bolts, cut for stilts till there's not enough left for more than a pair of pants. We y these anfeblas cheap from the big tailors of Oaloag a and few Tors. r , . GRAND PANTS CO. ' - ' -ISl AX.9XB.- ' " "WB"a1 BOaf OMAXA." Specials in Rugs and Draperies 1 1 ssssaasssBBiBBss i asitaj assBssaBBSsaaasasaBaaaBsaM siaseaaaaaasMSaaassaas f Wool Velvet Rugs Size 27x54 inches ; value $2.50. Special, . , -,x ' . 7 C C Friday ..... . . j I aUX White Lace Curtains Full size, Brussels effect ; $3.00 value; -Special, - ; ' . CI 0- the pair ................. . .. . . ... . . . . I 7 O Pillowii All . feather filled Pillows, covered in best fancy satin tick ; value $4.00. Special, Friday, the pair .............eJ)daaVU Men's Furnishing M en's Underwear Natural , gray merino Shirts and Drawers. The best 75c value ever offered. . Special Pf CCC garment . . . . ..yJv Men's Handkerchiefs Made of pure white linen in all widths of hems ; 20c ,- quality. Special Fri- 1 7 aypacn---rTTT-I aW2U Men's Hose Full seamless. : ..blacks top and white -split soles; 20c value.. 1 -Special, pr. . . .. 1 aW 3 w Infants' Department Girls' Dressetvl-Girls'.. Winter Dresses in "Peter Pan," "Buster Brown" and sailor styles," from 6 to 14 years. Special for balance of Lllf week at half price .........fjall Caps and Bonnets All full front and tight fit ting Caps and Bonnets, in white and colors. Special for balance of week at half. 'O 1 priceTr:. v: '.. 11311 The Art Department Work Boxes Regular 75c 'birch 'bark-.-QQ. Work Boxes. Special Friday. . . . ... ; . . OsC Holders Brown Holland finef Button Bags', Iron' Holders and Whisk Broom Holders ; C -regular price . 10c " Special Friday ........ UC SundriesSpec ials Combs Celluloid Dressing Combs " in : a great each variety of colors ; 15c values. ; Special, A .......IVt Nail Brushes Solid black, all bristle Nail Brushes; 15c value. Special,- .. 1A. Friday v..,....................;....;... IUC Bath Brushes The long handled kind.. ".. lA Special Friday .................. ......awUw Cloth Brushes Solid back, black bristle, 3Af large size 50c value. Special. ........ I'.. OUC Shot Polish Large size box of Bixby's Best black Shoe Polish; 10c value. Special, H per box ............................... I Q White Wax' Paper 24' sheets in roll. Special, per roll .-... . . . i,'. rr . n nrrrrrUW Envelopes Plain -white, square shape, ' 25 in package; value 6c . Special, , . ; 'Jn Friday r. .................. i . . . .......... OC Writing Paper Our special Linen Lawn, cloth finish, white, 1-lb. packet; 35c value, , 1T-, .,........,...;.......,.. Special, per lb Pocket Knives Boys' extra heavy, stag handle, two-blade Knives; 25c value.-rSpecial --1 f Frklay .. .iyC Relding Glasses Large size, nickel-plated rim. black handle; $1.00 value. . '. aA. Special . ;;:v. ...... 7. .7. OUC The, Leather Goods Hand Bags Another lot of Women's Handbags in brown, green, blue and gray, also a few patent leather; wortn up to $3.50. ihey are fP P wortn a times ine special price, rriaay. yitiu Hand Purses An assortment of Women's Hand Purses, the combination style, card, coin v and various other compartments'; made of fine grade leathers; some plain and some with silver mountings ; values up to $3,60. Your choice Friday for ,.V. I UC M Valentines Reduced 1o Half Price Great Bargain Friday in Jiey Spring Dress Ginghams 5000 Yards in Pajds, Checks, Stripes and'PlairrColors 4 -J',...,'- o Especially strong SPECIALS will feature our hourly sale this week. The most desired styles and patterns in prices that are very much reduced. " . ; FROM 8 TO 9 A. M. ; ' -Women's-Stonn-Jlubbera-sJiIade-of good 'material, in . all sizes; regular 60c value.- Spe- AO cial , price ......... ... TtO w , FROM 9 TO 10 A.M. ; Women-' . ShoesJJadfe xf-.avery fine crade kid leather-blucher. and regular cut, medium exten sion sole, patent tip ; an excellent $3.00 value. Special FROMIO TO 11 A. M. - Women's Comfort Tuliets "Nurses,", made of soft kid leath er in three styles Patent tip, me dium toe, opera heel ; wide round toe; low, wide heel and kid tip, round toe, rubber heel; i 1 A all sizes.. Special ..... Dlaaai7 FROM 11 TO 12 M. t 7 Men's Shoes Blucher, button and regular lace styles, in a great variety of leathers and patterns; swing and straight lasts, all Goodyear welts ; regular values to $4.00. A great (PJ OQ bargain at the special price ...... sJaWsOy -y FROM 12 TO' I P. M. Men's Shoes In 20 styles of patent and dull leathers. . You can choose from our entire stock of-Florsheim & Co's. or. any. of our short ' lines in $5.00 and $6.00 d2 OQ grades of shoes, at the special pricesPOaO" . i FROM 1 TO 2 P. M..f . Men's High Cut Boots In black or tan, 10 and 12-inch tops; made of Napa tan and mineral tanned leathers. You cannot buy the. equal of this boot for less.fli C( than $6.00. Special price T Oli uU T . 1 a . ... . .A ' FROM 2 TO 3 P.M. - Women's Shoes- Inover, 20 dif f er ent styles ' embracing college -and-full-height-styles :4n-button and lace; patents, kids and dull calf leathers, light or extension soles. : YOU will find almost any sty! jn this lot.-- VaK ues to $5.00. . 5A Special . .1 . t i . . . . . ... -DOa 1 " FROM S TO 4 P. M. Women's Shoes In the best grades of patent and kid leathers - that we can buy The style and workmanship is found in only ' the, best grades of footwear. Elite styles, beautifully finished. Laird, Schober & - Co., Wright-Peters and Hallahan & Son's make.. - Values to $6.00. Spe- (J'J OQ cial price . . . ....... . eDOsOy . FROM 4 TO 5 P. M. - Girls Shoes Made in button , and . lace, extension and light . soles. Just -what you will want at -this season. "Our Friend Makes." -.-Sizes 5 to 8, special $1.19; sizes 8yi to 11, special 9119; sizes 114 to 2. t TA Special . . . ..... .... v ............ 3) I . Oy , , FROM 5 TO 6 P.M. ,' ' Boys' Shoes The best kinds for boys; made in a greaf variety of styles and leathers. We want to get you started buying our Boys' Shoes, therefore we offer you a special op portunity to get a pair at a very low figure. Sizes 9 to l3K7special 9139; sizes 1 to 2, special 91.69; sizes 2 to 6, 'af OQ Special price .................... Ox rtmenf Every Silk Petticoat in the house at off of the regular price.- They come In black, light dark blues, greens, browns; also in, changeable 1 4-- 1 y4 C colors KLfKJ eW-F 4J-j t out 'a lot ot-Box Jackets, in colors and mix Jackets ; values up to $12.50. Great targain, Friday Closing out's lot ot-Box Jackets, in colors and ; mixtures, also tan; tight fittmgf ,ff? at..... 71ai V Bargains in Siiks and Dress Goods t Imported Pongee For two days, a regular $1.25 grade, 33 inches wide. The most fa vored summer silk, for various, garments, and a good value at the regular price of $1.25 the yard. Special, the 5 the yard. Special, 'M ACT yard ....................... sPlaUi) Mohairs Mohairs are still the proper thing for the comfortable, serviceable Shirtwaist Suit for spring and summer. All colors, creams included, both in brilliantine and Sicilian weaves ; regular $1.25 value. Special per yard 98c; regular $1.50 value J Special, per yard ............. y... )laVd Very Special Values in the Knitweaf Department Women's Vsts Swiss ribbed, me dium weight, white cotton .vests ; high neck and long sleeves; a nice weight) for spring wear regular 75c value. tAn Special Friday ..... . JtL Corset - Covers Women's merode, silk and cotton Corset Covers ; high neck, short sleeves, silk trimmed; regular $1.00..value. Spe cial Friday t. .............. Uut Women's Hose Extra fine gauge, black cotton, very soft. This is an ingrain hose, fine maco, split' sole, full fashioned; regular val- ro ue B5c. Spec. Friday, per pr..OOC Women's Hose iBlack cotton, full shapedr-spliced heel, double sole and Frenchtoe; regular 25c value. Special Friday, , o per pair ............ IOC Children's Hose Fine black cot ton, fashioned foot, double ktree, heel and toe; regular 25c, 30c and 35c. value.- Special Friday, per pair .................. , C 1 L Specials From the China Department Haviland China Dinner Sets 100 pieces ; values )f 53.75: Special 37.50 Haviland China Dinner Sets 100 pieces; value $28.60. Special ..... . . .......... . . . . .$22.50 Haviland China Closing out some odd lines at one-half usual prices ......... .....ONE-HALF Table Glassware Any number of useful articles at one-half usual prices .......... ONE-HALF Holland Dinner Plates 42 dozen, 9-inch white Plates. Special, each ... ... ...... . . . . . . . . 5 Alarm Clocks Nickel-plated, 30-hour, guaran teed clocks. Special 63 The Celebrated Block Gas Light Complete with burner, mantle and globe; regular value $1.15. Special, Friday ..... .'. ...'.; . .50f? Silver Paste The kind that will not scratch your silverware; usual 25c boxes. Special, box ..19f Glass Darners and Needle Holders Usual 9c values. Special, each - 2 JewelryD epartment Toilet Sets Made from a pretty white metal known as "Silverine;" set consists'' of a mirror, brush and comb, medium size, in pretty, white lined case; our, regular $3.00.. values. (J QO Special Friday, the set ............... 4) l0 Watches A lot of American TWatchesT'excellent timekeepers; the kind that sell regularly OA for $1.00 will be sold Friday for; only ....OyC Belt Buckles Pretty gilt . BuckleVnew de signs, put up in velvet lined boxes j reg- riQ ular 75c values. A great bargain for ...... zyC Shirt Studs Gold top, polished and Roman gold finish, plain and embossed designs, various sizes, come three on a card; regular 65c value. - A P Special Friday, the set ................ . The Millinery Dep't Cowboy Hats Made of French felt; fine for street wear; values to $3.00. ' - 70 Special . . ,H . I.. . I s C Felt and Velvet Hats Any Felt or Velvet Hat in the house, trimmed with wings, rib- i? TQ bon and maline. , Special ............ 4) aWs I y A large assortment of Quills," Wings, A Birds and Pompons, Special, each ...... 1UC In Lace Department Dotted Net In cream or white, 45 inches wide, suit able for waists and 'evening gowns ; regular value $1.00 per yard. Special, CO the yard ............ UC Handkerchiefs A ;. broken line of , Richardson's, ' pure linen, initial ' Handker chiefs; regular 35c value. - Special . : 1Q each .' . . 1 y C Lace Collars A lot of fancy lace and embroid ered Collars; regular value 35c. Special IQy, Friday, each : . . .... ............ .v . . . .Ji y Laces and Insertions Cosine out a lot of cot- 'lon Torchon Laces and Insertions, from i On to 3 inches wide at the special price, per yardUw Notion Department Skirt Hangers Wonnsnickellated'SIfirt Hangers ; regular value 25c. ... Special " . Q n Friday, each ............... 1w Garter Elastic Fancy ruffled edge silk Elastic; yard all colors; 19c value. .Special, per AOn ...laxVr Side Combs Plain shell and amber, ex- OP tra qtiality ; $1.25 value. Special, per pair. .OOL Hat Pins White pearl and gunmetal f n tops; 10c value. Special, each I Dress Shields A lot of pl-iin ', ' Shicl.!"-i ; sirs 2, 3 an.l 4. I'-'iil, fie .T,r