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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, FORTLAND, .THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 14. 1JC7. )X- PORT 0F.G0LUr.lBIA Bill FAVORED Columbia County's Legislators Join With Multnomah to Secure Passage.':";',;'"" MEASURE OPPOSED BY -V;-, - - : PEOPLE OF CLATSOP Majority of Committee) Decide for JBtll W hich Virtually Extend Port " of Portland and ProTlde for River , Improvement. '.. . . yr (By a Staff CorrMpeadeat.) - fialem. Or, Feb. 1. Columbia coun ty's legislators Joined with the Multno mah delegation last night In voting a favorable report on the fort of Colum bia bilL, The only dissenting votes on the favorable report were those of Kepreae datives McCua and Brix of Clataop county. These men decided to make a minority report adveraa to the AGREE TO Mill FOURTH STREET Southern Pacific Attorney Prom. ises to Take Steam Trains . r "" off Street.'";-' j l , " ' A" . '. '" "' -' ' "" ,"':' ASK FOR CHARTER TO " : BUILD OSWEGO BRIDGE Promise Speed Construction- Hill Provide for Approval of War De partmont engineers Common Carrier Clause Protect Pnbllc. --br!l,-trat- fight on the adoption by the bouse . ox the favorable report of the majotrty. , ' VorUaad Men Treses t. . ' large committee from the Portland chamber of commerce appeared bexora the delegation to urge th paaaage of the bill. Representative McCue of Clat aop county argued against It. atating that ha voiced the sentiments of the people and commercial bodies of As toria, -.-" Senator' Beach asked "McCue II the : opposition of the Astoria people would be dissipated If the proposed tan were absorbed entirely by Multnomah county. "No, it would not. replied McCue, (Br S Staff Correspondent.) ' Salem. Or- Feb, 14. 'The Southern Pacific, oIU tak steam - trains off Fourth street and electrify that Una If wa get a charter for a bridge at Os wego," promised Amur c spencer, at torney for th Harrlman lines, to the senate committee on railroads when tha Mils for charters for a railroad b rid ire er being CQB.MJergdby fere will the committee. NORMAL SCHOOL FIGHT Combine Unable to Carry . Oat Pro gram Smith Bill Still live. (Bpeelsl Dtasetrs Is Tbe JnrHl) Salem.1 - Or- Feb. 14. The normal AMhnstl Mmkln. mrmm .h). Ia Mmr mit Ita program at the night aeaslon and for that reason the Smith bill, sent in from ' tha senate still lives and the normal school problem is still a tangle in tha house. After a whole evening spent In , discussion and . wrangling, tha bouse adjourned with nothing done except the nnrllral arinnttnn n t tha Kmllh hill In - committee of tha whole. , During 'tha entire evening no roll call vote was taken, and tha only indi cation of the lineup that could be gained waa from one rising vote and tha va- rlnul tttttlriM f . V n ttv thm mmhr. ' la ths'debate. From these hints, how . aver. It la evident that the normal school counties are - standing against tha Emit bill tn tha desire to kill it ana pass ins rour normal scnooi appro priations now pending tn the house, thus leaving ths question In the hands of ths "governor, BhouldthW-senate -eoneu la the action of the lower house. " It ! seemingly- apparent,' however, thet ths combine is losing ground snd that It will be probable that tba two achools will be cut out and good appro- ( prlatlons provided for the other two remaining, efther by tha passage of tha " Miller senate bill, or by floor action ttt rhA hmiM . A charter fona bridge was sought by the lleaverton Willsourg, which Spen cer said is a branch of the Southern Pacific Th committee reported fa vorably on tha bill, and it waa passed by the senata yesterday afternoon. Soms amendments to tha original bill were made, which were accepted by tha rail road attorney and Chief Engineer Boschke as being satisfactory. - ? -----" Tax Speedy Ooastraetlon. . ' The bill "as It now is, requires that the plans for tha bridge must ba sub mitted to ths. secretary of war and chief engineer of tha army for approval, and thai the bridge must be completed They are opposed to tha apirlt of thaJ within two years after tba approval of bill and would oome up here and work against it." "On what ia their opposition baaed T" -IfoCue was asked. "I have no details of their opposi' lion." ha replied. W. D. Wheelwright, a member of tha chamber of commerce committee, read a letter from Astoria people, in which the reason for v. their . opposition was 'ikal tK, nmimnt mi,, nnm, th.t should ba controlled by tbe state, and not by tha counties of Multnomah, Co lumbia and Clatsop., Astoria Can Be Heard. .U The members of the commutes from Portland were: ' R. B. Miller, E. C, Gilt ner, W. B. Ayer, B. IX Sigler, Dan Welch, E. W. Wright, 8. B. Unthfoum, Chris Bell. Charles F. Swlgert. W. D. Wheelwright, J. Couch Flanders, A. U Mills, C. F. Adams and 8. M. Meara Tbosa who addressed ths delegation in - support - of the Port of Columbia bill were A. L. Mills, W p. Wheelwright. E. W. Wright, W. B. Ayer, It B. Miller and Charles F. Swlgert - '. y . - McCue made an effort to have tha fa port of the delegation deferred untJI Friday to gtva an opportunity for people from Astoria to coma and praaent their opposition, but it waa considered that the time waa too abort to admit of fur ther delay, and that if tha Aatorla peo ple want to be beard they can appear before tha senate delegation when the bill gets to thf senate. m mm a 'iri.nrt.mii. I. .f, ill wa-lvw I I.-:.'.:- 1 1 '.-AW:. - For Fridav and Satnrrlavr.-. the run- 37 varieties, all going. . Prices run down, but the trous ers are as good as ever. Here are twelve varieties of the $3.00 grades going at $2.35. Sixteen varieties of $4.00 and $4.50 grades going at 93.45. Nine varieties of the $5.00 and $8.00 grades going at $1.35. $5.00 Peg-Top Corduroys. Spe cial ?4.00. ,. t? LION GlotliinRQ) CttfKuhnPioo' ' , Men's and Boys Outfitters, Mohawk Building. ' 1C3 and ICS Third Street ths plans. The Southern Pacific engi neers havs made surveys of tha location of the bridge, and havs drawn plana, ao that immediate atepa toward tha con struction of the bridge can ba taken as soon aa the bill for tha charter bas passed tha house. - Aa evidence that Harrlman Intends to begin-the bridge at onre. Attorney Spencer exhibited maps and plans and a- letter from headquarters dtrectrng that authority to expend the amount of money necessary to construct ths bridge be obtained- at once, tie aald that au thority for tha expenditure of the money could not be obtained until the charter for the bridge had been granted, but that It would be done as soon es the bill for tha charter has passed ths legislature. , .Can B Used by Others. , Tba bill contains a common naer clause. Which' will permit any other railroad to una tha bridge on paying reasonable tolla, subject to. the rules observed by the Harrlman lines In nslng it. - No provision is made tor tha paa aage of electrlo cars, both Spencer and Boschke declaring that to run alec trio cara on the sams tracks with steam trains would bs a deathtrap. No pro vision ia made for a wagon deck. It waa asserted by tha Harrlman people that a wagon deck would make tha con struction of the bridge so expensive aa to ba prohibitive. ..'' According to plans" shown tha com mittee by -Engineer - Boschke, tha deck of the bridge will be tl feet above tha high-water level- of the river. . The center pier la' to ba of concrete. It will be 100 feet from, ta baas tn tha bridge deck,, and will rest on bedrock at tha bottom of tha river. '''. - To Divert West-Sido Trains. It la proposed to divert ths trains on the waat aids lines across ths bridge at Elk Rock, and take them into the city over the tracks on the enst side of the river, crossing tha Willamette again on ths steel bridge at the depot By this method tha railroad company will avoid the heavy Fourth street grade, and will also do away with ths pres ence of tha trains ss weU as tha noise and smoke which have caused so much annoyance and protest Fx-cthe Certain Relief of Coughs and Cold? ' Tha " formula , aa printed hare was given out by a prominent doctor who ha made a national reputation for his wondarfal akUl ' ; la tha cars of throat and lung; die' oases. Tot this parpos ha naas almost exclusively tha new forsa of pine product known to physi- ' ' clans and omgglsts aa Concen trated oil mt pine. . Tha f omnia la ea follows! Half ouncs Concen trate oil of pine, two oanoee of glycerine, half pint of good whla 'keyi mix these by shaking thorn thoroughly and as In tableapooa doeaa very four hours. . ' ThV only ears aaoesaary Is to ba ears to gat the Coaoentrated oil of cine beoanae recently there have been auateroa patent medi cine imitation pnt out nnda tha name, "OU of fit" These, oa account of not belnr soluble, are dangerous, besides producing aao - Th real "Concentrated" oU of pine aaa ba obtained of any good prescription druggist and omss.' put up for medical use only In half-onno rials eeeurely aealed in round air-tight, screw-top oases, which protect it from light, aad retain all tha original oaoaa. TSmpboIt bill repealing' sections 2070 and I07I of tha code. They maintain that tha measure ba been Introduced at the Instigation ' of Andrew Furuseth, president of ths sailor's union of San Francisco and that its passage will mean tha annihilation - of . tha Long shoremen's anion in Portland and Ore gon.' , Representatives of ths Portland union aro in Salem lobbying against tha bill. They contend that It Is a move on the part of tha shipowners to repeal ths law now existing and thua do away with trie agreement now existing be tween the sailors and longshoremen in regard to ' the handling of ahtpa and unloading of cargoes. It ia argued that should tha bUI become a law, it. will ba possible for tba. sailors oomlng Into tha port on any ship to be taken off tha ship and worked as a longshoreman In unloading the ships. This would throw ths longshoremen op against non-union labor and cheaper competition and would deprive tham of all tbs. benefits of their organisation. They will make an urgent effort to defeat tba measure.-- - iTATEARMORIES- Blll Passe Honse for Hundred Thou- - sand-Dollar Appropriation. (Br a fiirf Corrnpoodentl 8alem, Or., Feb. 14. Stat armories are provided for by a bill passing tha house. T"ie bill carries an appropria tion of 1100.000, whloh shall bo divided Into parts of $2,000 each. Tha bill bad IS favorable votes, and was supported by Its author, "who pleaded for suitable headquarter for the national, guards men. : .'..' ,:. .... NO BOOZE FOR INDIANS - Little Aborigine Cannot Drink Hard Cider Kear School. (By a Staff CorrassosdVBt. -Salem. Or., Feb. 14. Little Indian boys cannot drink bard ' eider within two miles of the grounds of any Indian school or other place where Indiana live, according to a bill Introduced in tha housn-by Reynolds -and -passedto-day. Tha bill-has-been drawn at the request of government authorities to meet with a defect In tba present law, which doe not make it a crime to sell to Indians of quarter blood, and also to prevent a growing abuse near Chem awa. In tha vicinity of that school cer tain farmers are in tba habit of mating "applejack" and aelllng It to tha small wards of the government school. A a result of this practice some of the maU lads of tha achool have been mad drunk and have gotten Into trouble with the authorities, The bill Is Intended to-correct tb -abuser F" 7 Tbe house also passed' the Belknap bill creating tha first central Oregon agricultural district comprised of Crook county, and providing that tha annual fair authorised in tha bill shall ba held at Prlnevllla. that th governor shall appoint a coro- mlssioner, and that an appropriation of IM"-ahali -be made-to assist in the carrying on Of tha fair. NEW COMPANIES - ' . ARE INCORPORATED (Special Dispatch te The Jonrmml. ) . Salem. Or, Feb. 14. Articles of in corporation ware filed yesterday , with the secretary of stats as follows: Woodmen of th World association of Trontdals, capital stock, tt,000; Incor porators sr Charles P. Brooks, Charles Hummel, W. U Light, Charles PanleU and R. H. Moore. Tha Wallowa Law, Land A Abstract company; lncorporatora, Daniel Boyd, Ethel A. Boyd and Samuel Lltch, all of Enterprise, Wallowa county; capital stock, 13,000. Lawyers' Abstract A' Trust company of PorUand; Incorporators, C. E. Moul ton and W. H. Fowler of Portland and A. D. WUloughby of Kalama. Washing ton; capital stock, 126.000, North Coast Furniture works; incor porators, R. B. Brlstow, H. M. Grant and George B. Flchtner, all of Portland; capital Stock, f 26,000. The f Alworth-Washburn company of Duluth, Minnesota, organised under tha law of that state, filed its declaration to engage In business In this state, and namea aa ita attorney, A. M. Stearns of Portland. The company's capital stock Is 1600.000 and 'will engage in buying and selling of timber land and farm lands for actual settlement , Ask for Green Stamps' and a Stamp Book 500 stamps are worth $2 here. aW U U si US Uf uii ill Jj U tUaV FRIDAY .FAVORS AND SATURDAY SPECIALS Don't fail to visit "THE STORE THAT UNDERSELLS" when out on a pleasant shopping tour, have prepared several wonderful surprises for Friday- and Saturday callers. These, for instance: W Agerits for the Stylish McCaU Patterns. The magazine is only 30c per year if called for each month. In our Suit Room on the second floor you will see displayed An assortment of Ladies' Summer Waists in white or with tiny polka dots, newest effects in insertion and open embroidery trimming, long and short slegyes, and priced for a special ! , QQ Friday Favor ........ ,"7.7;:,". . . .JOL Then , there '. are flannelette Breakfast Sacques in effective blue and red. pat terns, some fitted and ruffled. OH "Have one asa Friday ' Favor for. r tjtL Our long and short Jap Kimonos, with satin or oriental band trimming, such as have been $1.95, are offered as QQs Friday Favors, for ... ....... .....70t Friday and Saturday Favors : for Hen ;:-i:.i :.. ., dis- 58c Odd lines of Wool Underwear In natural or fancy colors; ribbed or plain, nearly all sixes, played at, per garment Odd sizes in natural merino Underwear, on sale at, pergarmcnt JS1,25 Irge-assortment-otenslJancjilk Teck Ties, 50c and 25c values, offered as special Friday and Saturday Favors, 15 Full- line-of -Boys'-fancy colored Dress. Shirts, dark or light, 50c values for.39f The - One - Price Cloak Sale Continues - t",-;r $5.88; Is the price of any Long Coat or Cravenette Rain Coat. All tyles.-: -r . 1 Wool Ladies" Sweaters Our Greatest Friday S0 and Saturday Favor! : . : J. Ul3 In values up to $4.00. Some slightly soiled," but all C1. CH J IZeS marked as s very special favor, each . , . . . -!) 1 sJU Favors For Small Folk Ifthjw44t , 4 1 Red and navy Cashmere Dresses, prettily trimmed. 6 to 10 years. favor pnee Wine and t this favor ......slays': navy Cheviot Russian : Suits, 6 to H years. Y6u'l.l apprtjclalfijj.' g Q . Fancy Stockings For Ladies Styles that you've never seen before,' and by far the best values in town; some em broidered, some drop slitch in fancy stripes, polka dot and flowered; 'J' CA per pair J. ........ ......,.V 3 IOC 7 Plain black in drop stitch styles, also French clocked, 65c to 85c values. . As special favors :d, full fashioned Hose; ; School Girls' SRirts ia All sizes in Oxford Gray Flare Bottom Skirts, well tailored. " They look Ct TTA smart and wear well and are only .7 . . . . r . i -n -.-..... . . -. . . Q , Suit Sale as a Special Favor v Over One Hundred Jaunty Suits in Gray, Navy, Brown, Black and Mixed Goods, Values to $35 2 AH Styles Some Last Seasbh's- But "onlyone Price WhUe They Last f'f: : . , Fifty-Two. Take Test, . (Special Dlspatrh to Tbe JnarnaL) . Eugene, Or., Feb. 14. Fifty-two ap plicants for teachers' certificates pre sented tbemselvea at the regular Quarterly-examination begun by County Su perintendent Dillard yesterday, -the class Delns; tha smallest for year. Of those taklnf ths examination, 41 are women and men. Forty-nine are taking- ths examination for - county papers; and three for state crt!flrts. "The Store That Undersells" 144.146 Third Street Between Alder and Morrison A Square Seal POLL TAX REPEAL li assnred yon when yon bny Dr. Pterr' family medicines for all th Ingredi ents enter!. jr Into tham are printed on th bottle-wrappers and their formulas are attested nnderosth as being complete and correct You know last what you are paying for and that the Ingredients are gathered fromI?ature's laboratory, being selected from th most vslnabl native "", i meaicinai root rouna growing in our ?!JiiUJrolae-J American fowOTmdjs'hlle potent to curt are perfmtr harrol0n to th moni f delicate womdn iThtilT?Tr Not a i; Ilfnhol pnf rTlnto tholr com.,siL;,-f- We Must , , . ( - ' : . . ' " ..- ,s' , Room! ! Our new lines of Spring Goods purchased for our new store are arriving daily and although we've spent four., days in double-decking the present location we are forced to MAKE ROOM. We've opened some of the new arrivals and for Friday and Saturday we are offering new and seasonable goods at clearance sale prices. Below we quote a few extra specials : . .'vvv." ' ,v,- : -Y- BUI Almost Passe Honse Before Ob ' Ject Is Discovered by Members. (By a Btaff Comaponileet.) Salem, Or., Feb. -14. Through th sleepiness of th house and the engi neering sbillties of Mr. Newell of Wash ington, the t road poll tax now In force was slmost repealed In the house, Mr. Newell had Introduced a bill repealing th road poll tax of IS and. It came up fur final passage while tha house was rushing -things in a mechanical way and Voting favorably on any eld thing that came up. The Newell bill came np for final passage, and, contrary to his nsual cus tom, the author passed up his chance to explain tha measure. Jts a result, the roll Call . commenced and tha vote had proceeded aa far aa EM wards before any notice waa taken of tha measure. Kd wards, who Is alwaya looking out for th farmers, saw the Import of ths bill and called tba attention of the house to It, with the result that 10 of the mem bers who bad voted for the bill changed and voted against it. As a result, the bill wa defeated. .4114. JUi r -r v T 1 1 j i hi! ti i r.t ; , DrilU iLileg u-Pfl m frhrpj. via. uyre (rii-: ni'i Biv.-i-rinp. llns ageut uoMesses cropertlexol lUown. uieanuaoptioand anil LONGSHOREMEN AROUSED In Campbell Bill Effort to De JjLtnT- Their Vnion. Bf B Stiff Cofrsapned.nt.1 '"'"."" RaleTn. Or.,- Fl. 14. Longshoremen of rjrUund are UP in arms over the Intniuiic ri-cucliial being a most valuab fermsnt, nutritiv and soothing demul' CnU tilvcerlne plays sn Important part In Dr.' Pierce's OoUlen Medical Discovery In th cur of Indigestion, dyspepsia and weak stomach, attended by sour risings, heart-burn, foul breath, coated tongue, poor appetite, gnawing feeling in stom ach, biliousness and kindred derange awnta of tbe stomach, liver and bowels. Besides curing all the above distressing aliments, the"Uolden Medical Discovery Is a specific for all diseases of the mucous membranes, as catarrh, whether of the nasal passages or of the stomach, bowels or pelvic organs. Even In itanlceratlve stages It will yield to this sovereign rem edy If It, nv be persevered In, In Chronic Catarrh of the Nasal passages, it Is well. while taking the "Golden Medical Dis covsry" for the necessary constitutional treatment, to cleanse the passages frwlr two or threo times s day with Dr. Sage a Catarrh Kemedy. This thorough coarse of realnxiiit generally cures th worst case. .-.. In couth snd hoarseness caused by bron chial, throat and lung efTArtione, except eon- Iumiitios tnvradvanced stsxts, the "Oolo-s ledkeal liiKvTery is a most efficient rem edy, e.p.;liillr In those obstinate, iinif-oo courhsi-ausnj by Irrllstlon snd cunjretioo of the bronchial mucous nieinbrsnea The " fcls" puvery ' Is sot so good (or scut coughs aris ing from snddnn colds, nor must It be ex peMd to en re ronronrptton in Its adTsnre Stage no medicine will do the hut for aH the ohstinatn. Hironld conulia, which, tt nev lerted, or htifly treated, lead op to con.umi Von. It l the iHHrt medicine that can Ir Ltl-V Skirts fir aw : ; mm Extra. Special About 200 Skirts, most all of them just came in; values up to $20.00. f Q Q f : Friday and Saturday. ...... ................................... tpOtyr O v Come! Have Your Choice of Any Long Winter Coat Values up to $40.00. .. . V.i.J. ..... .... . . ............ $5.00 ; About 25 Coats, up to $17.50. .7TVr;v.TV . :. . . . . tr.Tr.". ..... , r. . ... $2.75 Suits, values up to $30.00; lots of Spring Suits among C AA them. Friday and Saturday ...................... a) 1 0U U Suits,-valuer up to $50.00, including-Spring-Suits. Friday and Saturday. ... .......... .". .... . . 'About 25 Suits on bur Bargain Rack; values up to $30. Friday and Saturday. .; . . . . . $27.50 $5.00 WAISTS New Lingerie. Waists, J2 very " One NeW Just Came In , $1.50 values. $2.00 values., $2.25 values. $3.00 values. Friday and Saturday . . Friday and Saturday . . Friday and Saturday . . Fnday and Saturday. . . '.U.V.; $1.00 $1.25 ........$1.50 4............... $2.00 $5.00 and $6.00 values. Friday and Saturday. ....... .$3.95 M. Ac heson Go 131 FIFTH STREET, Bot. Alder and Washirigton J