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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1907)
13 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY 14, 1CC7. ARTHUR OUST GUT OFFER PRICE Otherwise th City Will Lay Competing Water Mains in Mount Tabor District, f MUCH CELEBRATION, Mh FEW CLEAN CLOTHES AND TOWELS SUPPLY SUBURBS WITH " BULL RUN WATER Water Board Pecldre to Offer a Lit tie Ore Twenty-Two Thousand for rrivato System -Negotiations on With riedmont Company Alitor, ; . . Unless J. M. Arthur euts I3S.O0O off tha mm for which he offered to Mil the Mount Tabor water plant to the city, he will find his pip linn duplicate ' within a year. Mr, Arthur offered the plant to the rHf tot 0O,8. Tti water board decided yesterday afternoon to offer htm $11,1 H for It. He may take that amount If he wlahee. If ha doea--uott!ia "board -wilt lay -competing plpea In Mount Tabor and Montavllla. and supply the people of the two sub- urba with ftull Run water. Mr. Arthur aald . the gross earnings nf his plant." amounted to 11.011 I month. The Alblna , plant, which waa sold to the city for 1200.000, earned only IJ.eOO a month.. The coat ef Its con atructlcn waa only 1175.000. and at' tha ' tlma of tta purchsso Chief Enlglneer Clsrke estimated ltvalue at only llT, The cost of the Mount Tabor vlant was IIS. 600, but the engineer es timated tta value at only Jl,lt- ' " Arthurs Wen leased. '' Commissioners C. H. Raffety.' O. TP. Allen and R. B. Iamson did not be Hero an comparison could be - made , between the two plant; . The Alblna plant includes a large aupply of watar. . hut tha aprtnf from which Mr. Arthur . sots his supply is leased. ". But Mr. Arthur said that If ho was paid his .jpricejie; wnulffurnlsh' WeiL . He don't need the well," aald Allen. "But getting down to tha subject, I'll aay that aa public officers wo may not l pay' the company a higher price than what we would have to say for tha du plication of; th plant. People would " hold ua up for It Alblna waa different. Alblna la in tha heart of the city, and the Income is Uodyr- Kotint Tabor and lion ta vi 11a are in the outskirts, and tha Income la variable. When there la any depression tha people lea ve these sub urb, and the. Income decreases.? . ; Weodlawa Flast sTeat. A motion was put that. Mr. Arthur be offered $22,181 for his plant, and it was carried unanimously, oven Mayo Lane voting aye. although it was not necessary for htm to caat a bailor, A petition for a water main In Wood lawn waa laid upon th table, as th board la negotiating for the plant owned by a private corporation doing business in that suburb. If th company will not sell out on eatiefactory terms tha 1 city ' wilt lay mains in Woodlawn. :, : , Commissioner La mson " reported that tit Piedmont Water company had re jected the city's proposition for the pur chase of Its plant Th matter will be taken up at a special lmeetlng to be held Saturday, afternoon. . ....) " "A towel a towel, ray 'kingdom for a towel" Buck might have been King Richard's tamest if Chines New Tear a celebra tions had been a feature of th four teenth century, but fortunately for Dick tha bulk of th laundry business waa not controlled by th On Lungs and Ah Sam a and unlike existing conditions in. rortiana, clean linen was not a lux ury. , u- .. Casting commercialism to th winds In their desire to fittingly celebrate the Sid anniversary of th ascendancy of Emperor Kwong 8hu to to throne, th Chinese laundry trust haa abandoned th soiled linen or th common people o Portland and the tncenee uan and opium pip bav taken th plac of tbe wash tub am) tha flat Iron. , - , . Particularly In th local thirst em poriums is the idleness of th "heathen Chinee" laundry man most keenly, felt Th bar,, towels, one of Immaculat whiteness are now begrimad and dirty. It Is no uncommon sight to see a white-. eLM ifTnli coated mixologist industriously playing a rag time selection on a waahtub'and scrubbing - board cleansing sufficient linen for the Immediate needs of th es tablishment. In the residence districts the affects of th Chinese New Tear is also noted, Father is now compelled after hi morn ing ablution to wlp his faca either on tb lav eurtain or bedspread, and little JlmmyMn great gle Is able to wend his way to school without tha customary fac scrubbing process. . i Relief Is in sight, however, for it Is announced in tha Chlnea Quarter that day the laundries will be again run ning full bleat. So great la the accumu lation jof laundry that at least for a week John Chlnaman'wlll have to labor overtime to catch up with, hi work. Threatened with a. fuel famine, suf fering: from ear shortage, recently In th grip of a disastrous "silver thaw" and now . facing a Chines laundry tie-up Portland still has reason, to P thank. ful it's alive anyhow. SIX MONTHS QLD. BUT HIS HOTEL EMPLOYES MUST BE CIVIL Drummers' Association in South Has Obtained Better Service and Cut Dqwn Tip Expense! .1 James P. Lucas of New Tork was tell ing at th Portland hotel yesterday of a new organisation that has been farmed In th south Ay commercial traveling man. which enema to have for Its prin cipal object tb regulation of tb per sonnel of hotels where th service la un satisfactory. ' " J "The new organisation already haa SO.DOO members," said Mr. Lucaa. "and la growing every day. When th mem bers find a hotel where the clerks, por ters or other employe ef th plac are ' not civil tha matter 1 reported to th organisation and Investigated. An indi cation of th strength of th new asso ciation was shown when th management of th Oriental hotel ef Dallas, Texaa, waa forced to remove a clerk who had been a thorn in tb side of every guest who arrived at th hotel. "It is not only in th replacing of em ployes that th organisation I strong. Th members have established a trans fer line In New .Orleans, and now th . men can have their trunks carried from th union depot to th hotels for S la stead of SO cents. Th expenses ef a traveling man for tips and . baggag transfers amounts to a, great sum la a .year's tlma, and th members, hav com to th conclusion that they are entitled to a better service than soma hotels car to give. , ( NAME IS ON HOTEL REGISTER . Douglas H, Stuart, six months of age and fr.m Forest drove. Is at th Port land hotel. If you don't believe it look at the register and see his nam In scribed there. Th writing; Is perfectly plain and denotes a strong maaoulln hand. ' But Douglas didn't writ it His father, a prosperous manufacturer of the Oregon town, wrote it there directly beneath that of Mr. and Mrs. W, H. Stuart .'- There is not much to say of Donglas aside from the fact that he is the young- eat person of all the people who have registered at the Portland for the past IS years to nave hi name on the regis ter. Another noteworthy fact about tu young man la that h la about th hap piest, kioklngest, -rosiest and chubbiest youngster one ever saw.- Another thing Is that he Is the only child that Mr. and Mrs. Stuart have, and that means, a whole lot to them and to Douglas. Ahe latest report Douglaa H. Stuart owned the hotel and Its personnel, from Clerk Na.. inlel K. Clarke to every Jap anese bellboy in the lobby, , 13 Charcoal Stops Ga On Your Stomach Wonderful Abeorbing Power of Char coal When Taken In the) Form of . ' Stuart's Charcoal Lozenges. ACCEPTCOriGRESS' PRICE FOR LAUD Douglas County. ' People De termined Southern Pacific T Shall Sell Grant Lands. . BELIEVE APPOINTIVE COMMISSION A REMEDY Oakland's Mayor Tell "of Improve ments tolHi,.TownAVhkhHas Been Growing DeapK ' Traffic conditions, i , " .'., f, -A Douglaa county people are anxious to draw new settlers to that section of th state and especially ' to Oakland, says C. I Chenoweth, mayor -of the , latter place and one' of the largest hardware dealer In southern Oregon. H is In the city attending tha annual session of th Hardware Dealers' association. - , "Heretofore the great bulk of the land In the county haa been held by private Individuals," he said, "but the disposi tion now la to cut this larger aoresg Into small farms and sell them, - This ought to prove the means of attracting a large and wholesome immigration into the county. 'The better part ef th timber land In the county la held by the Southern Pa cific undct th terms of Its grant and tha people are determined that the cor poration ahall be forced to sell at the price fixed by congress when the lands were given to the company. The people down there believe, . too, in the appoint ive commission as a remedy for the rail road evils from which Douglas as well as other counties suffered this year and for years past" .. .. - . Mr." Chenoweth has served as- mayor or Oakland for nine consecutive term a Th town is having a sunatanttai growtn, na ears, and has recently secured an elec tric lighting system. Power is gener ated by an irrigating company which r.tely .completed three, miles of canal ns to carry the water down from th mountains. - . Arrangements are 1 being; made to use the water which now gen erates power for irrigation purposes dur ing the hot summer months, v Athenaeum Society Elects. ' , 'Whitman - College, Walla Walla. Wash., Feb. 14. At the regular nf eat ing of the Athenaeum Literary society the following officers were elected to serve for the second semester of the college year: President Hsylett O'Neill '07; vice-president Alfred aarengood. 01: ' - secretary. Paul Brainard, "Of; treasurer, Ned Bams. ,'10; sergeant-at-arme, Joe Allen, '07. .. . Good tea and coffee pay ten,' times ever. Schilling S Best. .Hi DTTT CD Ctttf&XA mm Every, on who has arrived at that stats of nature appreciation demanding a suburban home Is now "thinking - of lawns, gardens, flowers, vegetables and trees, all of which must have attention at once If next summer la the semi country is to be as Idyllic as painted. The Pacific Seed company, corner yront and Taylor streets, has Just gotten In a box of Surbank -phenomenal red rasp berry plants, from California, on . of Luther Burbank's most notable suc cesses,' This wonderful raspberry Is a cross between tha Cuthbert red raspber ry and the California mammoth dewber ry, reproducing the shape and sis of the latter,, averaging three Inches In langth, and the color and flavor of the former, with seeds much reduced in sise and number. This creation of Burbank's Is firmer and, therefore, a far better shipper than the Loganberry, and will be greatly In demand at canneries. It takes naturally to Oregon soil and is a thrifty, hardy plant Another Importa tion , Is . th giant Himalaya - berry, brought from the Himalaya mountains, which . produces a very heavy crop of luscious berries, - black in .color. A plant from each ef thesexrarletlea will in a year or so well rpjr th slight troubl of their car. : Th D Laval Dairy Supply company, S. E. Brune, ' local manager, 107 First street has some , very interesting ex amples of modern creamery apparatus that suggest very scientific car of dairy products that go to make Wp so much of our dally food. These matters are given comparatively little thought by the average person,, and yet no department of Industry la more important to the welfare of all th peops - Her are to' be seen sanitary separators, pasteuris ers, and all kinds of apparatus for the handling of dairy products, as wall as numberless small '. device for cleaning bottles , and cans, testing mtlk and cream, etc This is th busiest year in th firm's history, 10 man being con stantly employed during this, the slack season. with prospects of rush times later on when the , busy season opens. Many people who have trouble digesting mtlk and cream find that after It is pasteurised the difficulty entirely passes swsy. "All milk should be pasteurised." said the manager; "it taste better and la better." . In regard to, this cry about the but ter shortage," said Mr. T. S. Town send of the T. 8. Townsend Creamery com pany "you ran Just take my word for U there' nothing in It; there's no but ter shortagethere's as much butter as ever mor people and reat' demand, that is all th difference." hlr. Town send says the oowa have not gone on a strike, and cream la ss butter-producing' WAS ACU.B SSsTT TMXM. . Charcoal, pure, simple charcoal, , ab sorbs 100 times jta own volume of gas. Where does the gas go tot It Is lust absorbed and there 1 left a pure, fresh. sweet atmosphsre,. free from all im purities sod germs. 1 - That a wnat nappens in your stomscu when you take one or two ot Stuart's Charcoal Losenges, the most powerful purifiers science has yet discovered. Tou belch its in company, some times, by accident greatly to your Own humiliation. That la becauaa there ia a great amount of gas being formed in yourstomach by fermenting food. Tour stomach is not digesting your food prop erly. Gas Is Inevitable. Whenever this happens. Just take one or two of Stu art's Charcoal Losenges right after eat ing, and you will be - surprised how quickly they will act' No mor belch- lngs; no mor sour risings, '.Eat ,au you want and what you want, and then if there ta any gas going to be formed, one of these wonderful little absorbers. sTTstuartCnarebainr care of all the gas. And it will do mor than that Every partiole of impurity in your stomach and intestines is going to be Carried away by the charcoal. No one aeems to know wny ic dees this, out i aoes. snd does it wonderfully. ' You notice th difference In your appetite, general good feeling, and In th purity, of your blood, right eway. " You 11 have no more nad tast In your mouth or bad breath, either from drink- Ing, eating or smoking.' Other people will , notice your ' bad breath quicker than you will yourself. Make your bresth pure; fresh and sweet so when you talk to others yon wont disgust them. Just one or two Stuart Charcoal Losenges will make your breath sweet and make you feel better all over for it Tou can eat all the onions and odoroua foods you want, and no one can tell the difference. Beatdes, charcoal la ths best laxative known. Tou can take a whole boxful and no barm will result It is a won derfully easy regulator. And then, too. It filters your blood every panicle of"polson or Impurity in your blood Is destroyed, and you .begin to notice th difference in - your face first thing your deer complexion. - . - 8tuart's Charcoal Losetogea are mad from pure willow charcoal, and Just a little honey is put in to make them pal atable, but not too sweat They will work wonders in. your Stomach, and mkyou feel fine and fresh. Tour bipod and breath will be purified. ' TIT ,nt (a nmM All etiia A vt& aj. (oat send for a free sample today. T'fien fter you gt it and us it, you will Ilk them so well that you will go to your - druggist and get a IS box of these Stuart's Charcoal Losenges. ' . Sand us your nam and address to day and we will at once send you by mail a sample package free. Address F. A. Stuart Co S Stuart Building, Marshall. Michigan.- .. I I l as ever It waa, only th influx of people and? the fact that the shortage can't be pieced out from the eastern markets makes a seeming scarcity of the west ern product 'He la taking care of all his old customers without difficulty, but haa not been able to supply new ones. Mr. Townsend did not advance the price of his butter with the last general rise, considering fhe established, price a fair one, and so far as he was concerned the advance unnecessary. He thinks the butter situation will be relieved in a oouple of weeks.'.' '. i PETTTTHIEF CONFESSES ' x. . E IS A GREATER ONE --,'., -. Bpeetsl Dwpetea 'te The yeeeaal.-v .2 TbDllss, Or, - Fb. - 14. D. M. Beamer ot Hood River, who is serving a sentence of SO days in-the county Jail- for simple larceny, has1" confessed to the stealing of other goods. In his i wife's roonf in this city the sheriff found a bag containing an opera glass, a silk skirt, a silk knit scarf, a shawl and other very valuable articles. ' This may cause Beamer to be tried f er grand larceny, which will give him a term, in the penitentiary. . ; , - BILL PROVIDES DATES V . ' : BE PRINTED ON EGGS (Joernil Special Berries.) Madison, Wis., Feb. 14. Assembly man Thomas has Introduced a bill to re quire the atate board of agriculture to provide on demand for each egg-producing fowl in the state an automatio dat ing appliance to print on th egg when laid its date ef production. - in v i". Will; AJ U li-UJUJ Till I iWsj J J AND AFFORD THE PUBLIC THE ; . JblKST CHANCE AT Txiri ' 2mmi fell ; SIMnromsimfl A- 01 Golhing, nals, Shoes and Fur nislitafjs, o! Lindenlhal &Sons oLCnicarjo, which was water and smolie in ihe " . 1 f We will be closed all day. tomorrow to mark- down arid arrange the s some sensational items. ;! We'll promise you now that the reductions will be the greatest tver quoted by f . ; ny reliable store in Portland, ; s O ' WATWTHl HUB FOR GOOD TWNCS-Wt, LOOK AHtAD, HOT KKCXWAkDl , , , -' ' rORTLAN0'S MOST ACG3LKSSIVK AND PHOCKBSSIVX STORXI 11 ii mMm&i U I CORNER THIRD AND BURNSIDE STREETS B-1 ,'" - ,f "C' - , l' " i - cotr Is a violent Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the wind pipe, which sometimes extends- to-the larynx and bronchial tubea; and la one of the moat dmgeroue diaeaaea of children. It al most always comes on in th night. Give frequent small dose of vBallard's Horehound Syrup and apply Ballard's Snow Liniment - externally to ths throat lie, 60e and 11.00. Bold by all drusKtsts. - Here ere e few-clippings from the daily press of one year ego. They show how the Bef Trust "turned on the crewe" dufiflf the few' short weeks it wee in the supremacy. It was then Smith Cams to the rescue of the Portland people. Cattle are half a cent higher than one year ego, but Smtih has kept the price of meet down. Smith will stand by the home people. Let the people sty with Smith. . . ; r ' - , ' v FRANK MEAT 226-228 Alder" Street, Between First and Second Streets FIGHTINQ THE BEEF TRUST The Coming of the Beef , Trust One Year Ago Th latest product of th modern eras of trurts is th combine, of .the Mat Dealer' Association, th local re - tail meat trust. Kvery bonseholder In the dry ia aaected by the move Even-In- Telegram. Feb. It, 10. Now tliat it has secured a practical monopoly of th beef and mutton busl ns in this ty, th Ileef Trust Is puU tins the screws on the dealers -who so sallnnily went to its reocue by voting to nop buying meats on Front street. Although there has been no chsngs In the cat le market to Justify sny ad vance in the price of beef, the quota-tim-i given by the trnat oompnntea are vrurtii ally o a pound hisher than a lmrt time ao Journal, March K, '0i 'i'ravelins etrictly Incosnlte and fall Int to register at the Portland Hotel, where he stayed, Prealdent dwtft," of Xwift Co., reached Portland early MT,y morning.-Oregoalan, March 1!. I'M'. .. . Vh' the Orgnnla.n first published ' the 11 1 i.iat fiwlft A Co. were neeo t m tine for the rnirchaae of a rontrol i,k nt least In the 1'nion Meat Co., th r-iil onld by offW-lals of both i(t A- to. an.l the l.'nlon Mt Co. I ater develoi-menta pro e th truth of I tie rum'T "'I n"W ofnclsls of both fotfAn-M nr' thst th d'al bIS been , ..p, .,, .,-ua. Ort-gonlsn, Huy 10, 04. Liver . . . . . . . . . ... 5c Corned Beef . . . . .. .'. 6c Beef Hamburg Steak. t . 8c Beef Shoulder. Steak. . . . .8c Beef Pot Roast,.,'. . . .'.'8c Veal Stew . ; . . . . 8c Soup Bones ..... . f .Zy2c Veal Shoulder Cutlets 12c Beef Sirloin Steak, ..;12p Small Frhouse Steak' 12c Sausage . . 10c Veal Shoulder Roast. 10c Veal Breast ... . . . 10c Beef Prime Rib Roast. .10c Lamb Rib ' Chops . . . . . 1 5c Lamb Loin Chops . . . . 15c Our Own' Hams. ... ...17c Our, Own Breakfast " - Bacon . . . . . ... . . 17Jc Beef Tongues,' each.'. . .45c Beef Rolled Rib Roast 12c NO MAN, WOMAN OR CHILD IN PORTLAND NEED PAY: TRIBUTE TO THE BEEF TRUST. NOR EAT EASTERN MEATS. EAT'SMITH'S ABSO LUTELY CLEAN,, FRESH, PURE,' HEALTHY. ; WHOLESOME OREGON N MEATS.-.. Beef Plates 5c Beef Brisket . . . . . . . . ; 5c Heartsrr."r:.":r. 75c Beef. Necks 5c Beef Stew ... i .5c Pickled Pork 12c Leg of Vcal.V ..12c Beef Round Steak. ... ;: 10c Lamb Frohtquaj-tersj. 10c Lamb Shoulders . .... .10c Our Own Pure, Lard.. 12c Lamb J.oin Roast.. ... .15c Lamb .Rib Roast . . . 15c Legs of Lamb 15c Lamb ShoulderXThops 12Jc Extra-, Choice Porterhouse Steak with a large Ten derloin ..; . .... 15c Veal Xojn Roast. . ; . .15c Veal Loin Cutlets, . . . .15c 111)1??? Welch's genuine INVENTORY SALE ; has just started in which the Boys' Clothing is being sold at just price. Hurry! First Choice Always the Best Boys' iO0;SujL Bo3$3.50:SmtsSale: ; fti&l .75, Boys' OSuitsSf Boys' $2.00 Suits-Sale. . : . ; : &i .QQ . mil: Men's $10 Suifs Sale . Men's $15 Suits-Safe. Men's $20 SuitsSale. Men's. $25 Suits Sale I Meii's:; $30 Suits-Sale . e e e - ': . '.v. e :v e -. 'e - it . e ; e $ s.oo ? 7.SO $ 1 4.75 :J:9.7S; $24.75 ' IF NOT. RIGHT WELCH MAKLS IT RIGHT MORRISON CQRftlrSZSX j T.