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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 14, 1907)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, FEBRUARY' 14. 1807. IT ATHLETES FEARED England's A. A. A. Postpone Consideration of Our Appli cation to Join, , BRITISHERS .DENYVTHAT - SUCH IS THE CASE Sporting Newt of the' Kingdom Is ' Dished Vp In Fashion Ready " the Hasty - Reader Molr and : Smith Matched to Fight. '-.' '. f.' 'By' Richard Dahlgren. ; i 1 Jonrnal Soeclal Kerrlc.) , ' '' London, Feb. 14. There U a shrewd -CRACK' ARE I JVP'elw that the action of the Amateur i Athletic association In postponing action m thear.mlcatlon of tho American Ami tar AlhletliTunlonnfor ah alKa-nce witFl , the British association ' was influenced in some degree by the Olymplo games TO be held next year. Of course, no British athlet will . nit for publication that the American amateurs are feared, but it would not be coins very wide of the mara to say that , such fear exists. ' Before an alli i ance is arranged between 'the British and American associations which would hlet the Americans be the sole Judges of -the amateur standing of their men, the man on this side of .the water wish to be assured that the American rules will not tolerate seml-profeaalanalism In any " shape. The fact that amea E. Bulllvan is at the head of the Amateur Athletic union Is calculated to inspire confidante. , as his stand for pure amateur sports has Been seen and appreciated here. ' Some idea of the Interest the French -'government takes in the breeding of thoroughbred horses may be gained from .the statement that there are 140 thor- ' oughbred stallions at 17 government stud . farina, They Include representatives of all the best strains of racing and hunt. Ing blood, not only In England, but the --continent as well. The French army alone uses 800.000 .horses, a large propor ') tion of which are government bred. In addition to the 140 thoroughbred U1- - lions, there are more than 1.000 others at the government stud farms.' The "date for "the sailing of tha Son deruassa races foe tha emperor cup between American and German yachts .' has been set' for the week beginning , August 15 at Kiel. The German yacht- ' Ing authorities, finding that the Ameri - cans could not be induced to accept an v earlier date, have yielded gracefully. ' '.. ' ',"" The fight between "Ganner" Molr and "Tiger Smith v for -the heavyweight aroplonahlp of Great Britain Is slated for February. at the National Sport ing club. . There has been a good deal of betting on the result. Molr is the favor ite, but Smith Is not without admirers. Who are willing to back him at the right odds. Palmer, who lost the cham pionship to Molr, baa gone to the states PROOF feeeldeats of Vortaaad Cannot Doubt , . What Xaa Been Twice r-roved. In gratitude for complete relief from i aches and pains of bad backs from dls- tresslng kidney ' Ills thousands - have publicly recommended Doan's , Kidney Pills. Residents of Portland, who so ' testified years ago, now say their cures were permanent - This testimony -don- y proves tho worth of Doan's Kidney ' Pills to Portland kidney sufferers. K .. Q. H. Sprlngmeyer, expressman. ' of ' 101 1 First street, Portland. Oregon, says: "Exposure to rough weather and the Jarring of my, wagon brought on kidney trouble. My back ached almost constantly arid the action of the kidneys ' seemed weak and the passages of the - secretions' too frequent ' Doan's Kid- ney Pills earns to my notice and I got a box and began using tbem at once. .The pain in my bncklwas soon relieved and the kidney secretions became nor mal. Two boxes rf Doan's Kidney Pills ' brought about-this result" (From state ment made February II, H01.) ' , ' CURED TO STAT CURED. . ' On January lilM. Mr. Spring meyer confirmed, the. above 'statement nd added: . "Since the time referred to Ui my former testimony I have not had . f trace of kidney trouble. I have rec ommended Doan's Kidney Tills to many people and am always glad to do so." (For sale by all dealers" Price 80" cents, j Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo,-New York, sole sgents for the United States. ' I . Remember the name DOAN'S and " take no other, "CONFIRMED '" , j -- i i ;; " . If . , 1 . ( IV ' "S , i al i la m a sV RIMIMBIW-i4Urcs' are tbeetlglaal asd geaaine soma plas tcrs Sttnimd Smttrnml Krmutf, They have been la bm leree ' ' " years, and are aiade el absebjtely the serial aad seat siaterlala. aad Gaasastaed saaW the Fate reed aa4 Drass Act, Jue 30, I0OC. 1 Serial Ne. . - ," t "7 ' - ' ' Ft CtoiliUi, MOUmndti, HtUmth, Bi'ahdpeth's PillsT A Laxative and a Bloo Fach pill eontalna one grain aoll4 evtrart ef sanape rilla, which, with ohf valuable vcabl products, suke it a kloo4 puiibr of axctllent character. " in the hope, of getting oil a match with either O linen or Burns. He was anxious to get on another match with Molr, but the gunner had other- flah to fry. I'nder the American style of fight ing Palmer would have little chanre with any ef the first-class men of his class. Fast time was made at the recent Ger man speed skating championships at Al- tons- Laurenberg. the winner, skated fcuu metres In M seconds, l.suo metres In I minutes 65 seconds andl (.OuO metres in 11 minutes It seconds. , - s ' ' The committee appointed by M. Ruan to simplify' the rules of racing, define the franchises' of stewards, settle the number of race days and decide the dis tribution of prises and subsidies is at work and is making satisfactory prog' rnss.. In speaking of the cotSmlttee, M. Ruan said: "This committee Is consti tuted with ' perfect good faith, and have to acknowledge that It haa received the unanimous approval ' of the entire sporting press. - it is composed of all the recognised authorities, and I have not Introduced Into It any element for eign to the question. No anti-gamblers or faddists or Ignorant spoil sports are on the committee. There haa been no Intention of revolutionising existing ar rangements. The desire has been to Ira prove racing and assist the race so cieties, ij e e ,, ; . , ', Blakestrom, - the fine mare- which be raced hy , Richard Oroker In- will United States, will . be mated to Mr. Croker's stallion Clonmel - before she makes the trip across the Atlantic. Clonmel is by Florlser II out of Temar, a daughter of Bend Or, aad Is, Mr. Croker Is sure, the best sirs In Ireland. He Is at the head of Mr. Croker's stud. and he depends upon Clonmel to main tain his supremacy en the Irish turf. John M. P., -the noted steeplechaser, Which was sold to the ' United States last year, is not likely to be a contender this year la the Liverpool Grand Na tionat . He has been given the top weignt oi no pounas. witn mis im post It 1 hardly likely that his Amer ican-owner will consider It Worth while to send John M. P. across the water for the big race. ' , e - Great interest ' was ' felt 'In English racing circles this year as to the handi caps to bs allotted to the Russian Der by winner, Hammurabi, entered In the Kempton Park Jubilee and Great Metro politan handicaps. Tha latter Is a mile longer than the former, and the els ss la usually not so-good. in this race the Russian is given top weight If pounds but- la the jubilee top- weight. ill ionnd. is given to Polymelus, who is conceding to namrauraoi , n pounds.. This practically gives the handicapping committee's opinion that the best Russian form is about X pounas eeiow the Best English form. . Mrs. Blllyard. who has held the la dies' tennis championship of England seyeral times, has been active In arrang ing for a team of lady tennla players to go- to the United States to compete for the International trophy offered by Mrs. jonn Jacob Astor. As yet no for mal Invitation has been received from the American - tennla - authorities,.: and until, such, invitation - is received .of course no poeltive announcement li possible, but It can be said on high au thortty that if the proper- authorities Issus an Invitation a team will go to the states In hope of bringing they Astor irvpuy pcrun ins waicr. The'llfustrated London Sporting News say a "It is stated that Eben M. Byers, the amateur golf champion, of the United States, intends to compete In the Brit Ish amateur championship at Hoylake next stay, ir the statement prove cor rect the Hoylake meeting will be even more Interesting than' the average ama teur championship. Mr. Byers Is un doubtedly tho most finished golfer that the states has yet produced a far more finished player than W. J. Travis of New York, who secured our champion ship at Sandwich In 1104. Mr. Byers competed on that occslon, and created a deal of astonishment by beating C E. Dick, -the Scottish International player. In the second round, but he was subse quently defeated, after a tie, by Dr. J. wllllamsoev of Richmond. Ha la not big, but his driving Is very long, ow ing to ths extraordinary amount of run that be gets on the ball. But the best feature of hla game is his approaching, whloh is unoommonly good. ' -' , ; a e ; 'v'" ' " The announcement that the ladles' of ths royal family era taking an active In terest In golf shows the wide popularity of ths ancient Bcottleh game. Princess Victoria , of 8chleswlg-Holateln played a match recently on the king's private course at Windsor castle. Her royal highness and J. H. Taylor, the mid-surrey professional, were matched against his' royal highness; Prince Albert and P. J. d Paravlnclnl, the well-known cricketer. "Princess Victoria and Tay lor received six strokes on ths It hotel from their opponents, and. won by I up and I to play. . ,- v - ., - , : Georgia) Ready for Sorrtee.' (Joeraal SphI nwvtce t ; . ' I Boston. Mass.. Feb. 14. Ths crack battleship Georgia, which has been re ceiving Its finishing touchs at j. the Charleston navy yard, Is now, ready for service and will probably leave the yard before the end of this week' for Hampton roads.' She will go on a cruise with Atkock't ptaster his a fine aromatic odor because it's made of the choicest materials that can be had it cures because it's made of the right material Just smell one, that s all you have to do to compare it with other plasters. Your sense of smell will tell you which is best, ... Ditriwt, hUifttUtt, ttc a Tonlo getablteheel 1TSS ROllG CLUB TO BUILD' IIOuE . Members Hold Enthusiastic V Meeting and Decide to - , Raise the Coin. ' L WILL ERECT BUILDING ; ON THE RIVER BANK New Club Monse Will. Cost Seventy Five Hundred Dollars and Money Will Be Secured Through Bonds and Sale of Life Membership. - As published in last Sunday's Jour nal, tha Portland Rowing club mem bers, at a special meeting last I night decided to erect ft clubhouse on the bank of the Willamette close to the before the flood. '. Last night's gathering ' was held tn the Commercial club and abont 10 mem bers attsnded. r The sentiment of the meeting was enthusiasm and there was an abundance of It showing that the Portland oarsmen are gams to the core, and that nothing like the mere fact of a raging river carrying away their home could dampen their ardor , nor quell their efforts to rebuild. - , President Ralph Wilbur was horns ill with the grippe last night and could not attend, but he 'sent his best wishes In the substantial form,, of a subscription when the hat is passed around. W. I Brewster - presided aad the dlsousslon wss animated. After thoroughly going over the ways and means of raising money, J. N. Teal moved that a new clubhousa be erected on the bank of the river, and that tha handling of the affair be left to the board of directors. This motion carried. Ths cost of ths building was fixed at 17.B00, and the money will be raised by tha issuing of bonds and the sals of Ufa member ships. Dr.A.Is. Rocksy sent his subscrip tion along In ths form' of a certificate of $I6i -which was duly appreclatsdrr7- The directors will get busy now ar ranging plans for-the Taiafng- of the money and ths building of ths club house.. ' : ' RACE TRACK RESULTS : ON CALIFORNIA TURF ' fJoernal BiMctal Servke.t ' Los Angeles, Feb. 14. Results of races: - I Five furlongs Otto Pries won, Hlpo- teca second. Lady Kitty third; time, 1:01-. . .-. . '.-.... . . - .. Mile and sixteenth, selling Johnstone won. J. C. Clem second, cicely third time. !:. Seven furlongs. V selling George E. MUner won. Mary Glenn second. Prince Chlng third; time, 1:ZS4. One mile, the Elk : special Cigar Lighter won, Ed Ball second. Reserva tion third: time, 1:1H. - ---. One mile Prince Frederick won, Bu ner eeoond, HI Caul Can third; time. 1:. .... - One ml'e A. Muskoday won, Or mondes Right second, J. R. Laughrey third; time. 1:41 - x t ' At Oakland Track. . ' Saa Francisco, Feb. 14. Results of races: ... m -. --. Four furlongs.- purse, I-year-olds Love of Gold won, wuersberger second. Leonardsdals third; time, 0:48 l-S."" Futurity- course, selling Comllfo won, Titus II second. Judge third; time, 1:11 -. 1 '. -" .'.'- .. Mile and 40 yards, selling. 4-year-olds and upwards Rolls won, Talamuhd sec ond, lamaellan third; time, 1:46. - Mile and a sixteenth, ths Loglstllla handicap, value 11,00 Kdwln Gum won, St. Elmwood second. - Dusty Miller third; time, 1:47 1-5. -. Six furlongs Nonls LAitllle won, van nesa second. Fisher Boy third; time. 1:1 1-6. '.. ' v.- ...... . Fire furlongs Fire Ball won. Hector second, Billy Haybam third; time, 1:00. COMPANY B SOLDIERS WIN INDOOR MEET A fwlr slsed crowd attended .the - Ar mory to witness the field events of the soldiers of ths Third Infantry, O. N. G The boys showed up remarkably well and. considering the short time that they have .for training ths resalts were no moan ones. - .. .-- t The members Of Company B won th( greatest number of points, Company F men coming second. The summary of eventa Fifty-yard dash Mathews first, Ve- Kittus second: time. 0:0 High Jump Bachus first, rettlt sec ond ; height feet Tug-of-waf Won by. Company. B. Company F second;-' - Two hundred and twenty-yard hur- dles Veglllus first Pettlt second; time. 0:37 4-6. "Half-mile reley Won by Company B; timer 1:03 3-6.---- - WaU scaling Wbn by Company B , , Mile run Bacht . first Wetterhord second; time. 1:04 4-s. Tent-pltc.hlng ... exhibition Won ' by Company F. . , . .Bayonet race Won by Lundy; time. 1:018-6. ., - y .-' -s, ,:. FORBES WILL CAPTAIN . WILLAMETTE TEAM - terl Dwtwteh to The Joomal.) Salem, Feb. 14. At a meeting of the trade squad- of Willamette unlevralty held yesterday George W. , Forbes was unanimously chosen as captain of the team for the season. . Forbes Is sn all round athlete, and did soma cflerw work last year. - . The loss of ' Lonnsbury, the high Jumper, who holds ths state record. Is a matter of deep regret to ths support ers of the old gold and cardinal. His presence on the field was an inspiration to his fellow teammates, snd he Is the strongest point-getter on the team. OREGON MAY SEND ; TEAM" TO CALIFORNIA r"rrHl Dlopatefc to The Joereal.) , University of Oregon, Eugene, Feb, 14. Manager McCirty of the Uni versity track teem baa received an of fer from the University of California to take a team from here to Berkeley and hold a meet there on April 10. The offer will be accepted If tha men who will make the team here are In condi tion. The only difficulty Iln holding meets between the California and northern schools )s that tha men do not reach their prime at the aama time. In the smith men ere much more advanced then la ths north, owing to better weather early In the season, and thus In early meets the Cnllfornlans have a big advantage, while In later dates Ore gon would hold the odds on the suppo sition that the teema are about even.' Nothing had been definitely settled about the big trl-state- mt at Seattle yet. It is possible the .date may be changed to May II.. Washington ssked that May 14 and SS be substituted for the Memorial day because of a regatta that thay wlabed to hold on that day. 4 Idaho and Oregon did not believe It would be as success ful financially, and so demanded that the old date be kept ,,.. RACING SUMMARY AT ; NEW ORLEANS TRACK New Orleans, Feb. 14. City Park race results: -; Three and one-half- furlongs Elvira M. won, Oromse second, Geneva B. third; time, 0:4i. . ;. .'"' ; Five furlongs.w!eIltng Family Talk won, Enfln second, ..Kaklmmer third; time, 1:41 l-B.-- ..- One , mtle, selling Cold '.Way won. Heart of Hyacinth second, Kara third; time. 1:41 1-t. , , ' Five furlongs Duchess of Monte hello won. Royal River second, Adelar third; time, 1:01 t-i. ' .. Mile end sixteenth Queen Brady won. Goldlc .second. Reticent third; time. '1:4a 3-5. Five inil one half f nrlnnf a TrhnT. gan won. Sir Toddlngton second, Lens third; time, 1:06 1-6. , , -., . Six furlongs Gold Proof won. Fox Mead second. Rusk third; Ume, 1:11 1-6. YESTERDAY'S RACING V; ; - ) AT HOT SPRINGS : (Joeraal gpeelal Bervtee.t Hot .Springs, Ark., Feb. 14. Oakland race results: Three and one half furlongs Dandy Dancer won, Oroba second. Lady Haps- burg third; time,. 0:41 4-4. -.. i Four furlongs Manchester won, Bess Ward seooqd, Billy Bowlegs third; time, 0:44-6. Five end , one half furlongs Ben Strong won. Autumn Flower second, Rose Hart third; time, 1:08. . Six furlongs Dr. Mack won, Hanni bal second. Jaks Sanders third; time, 1:13...... -, ",- -'- i . Six furlongs Lady Vashtl won, Haughty second. Rustling BUk third; time, iail-6. . Mile and 74 yards Tblstledo . won. High Bear second. Balden third; time, l:t- . : : . " Bore for Water at Burns. - (SpeeUl Dlipatch to The Joemtt.J " Burns, Or., Feb. 14. m.. K. Smith Is making preparations to sink weUs for artesian water In this valley and the proper machinery will be brought In as soon as spring opens. He Is ordering an equipment with a eufflolsnt capacity to sink to any depth that would be prac ticable for an artesian flow. . Catarrh Bad BreathX'Hawking and Spitting Quickly Cured Fill r Out Fre Coupon Below. . "sty lew D lee very Qnlokly Cures . . Catarrh." -O. B. Oauss, . Catarrh la not only danaarous. but It eausea bad breath, ulceration, death and aecay or nones, loes ox tninKinc and reasontnv power, kills ambition and enertry, often caoaes loas of appetite, Indiaestlon. dyapepsla. raw throat and reaches to rerteral debility. Idiocy and lnnanlty. It needs attention at once. Cure it with Gauss' Catarrh Cure. It Is a quick, radical, permanent cure, be cause It rids tne system of the poison germs tori csuse caiarrn. - In order to prove to all who are suf frlnm frnm this ' danirermia anrf ItulK. some- disease--thak Oituaa latarrb Cvre will actually cure any eaae of eatarrh quickly, no matter how Ions; standing or now Da a, i win sena a inui pacKage oy mall free of all cost. Send ua your name and addreaa today and the treat ment wm oe sent you oy return mail. Try it! It will positively cure so that ou win oe welcomed inatean or anunned by your friends. C. K, OAU88, S71 Main t, Marshalt.Mlch.Kai.out cou pon below, i PRCB This eraipoa t t"o4 fnr on. flat sarkis. ef Ganaa' 'eiMnd Catarrh Cure, Biallei free la slain parkas. Slmplr ail ta jour same ana addreaa ea dotted Uuee below and Mil to O.X. OAtTM. MT1 Mara Street, , MaraaaU, atiob. .. , ' I- '"aAV'"v Scott's Santal-Pepsm Capsules A POSITIVE CURE ForTrifUeiaiatloa orOatarrr-.of tha BlaH.l.r.nJ PImmm KIV -t.. sooaisarar. ran Iil-k1r aad armaiM.Btir tha worat run ex eVaaiaa i aiaae and CkH aesiatarof bow m ataadlns. ralM. Sold s droaciala. Price Il ia or kr Biail, aaa Said, 41.00.1 boaes, S2.74. THE SAXT1L.PEPSIXC0. VV1; itonnaaartalae, OMs. sols ky All Srassista. Every Vcnan iiiiaiasiiu aae tneain kaev awm in. roo'Mrrel MABVTl Whir Una Sorav Tka Rear Vaataai rr. . ! Aftlnt. llMk ,f. issV MaTJa shBafv4 fcw Ma i . ..v t eJ M A R V It La r'iant no XJkwr. fml swrxl tutrrm fof It uairsiM fcHk ,. ft rtvis9 f nit mrtlrtilttrt nd '11rtur.a in. W&PAI CI AgXC CO, AKO tAVdVPATU r2l Mott f nnteni. HUsiakstasn IslsatiaiHy, V) r ... :df tVawliW UV1 Bai V -,' The Band Identifies The Genuine Every El Toro cigar is now banded to guard you against the many unreliable brands of questionable quality whicli have - been pushed on the market since the re cent increased, cost of Porto Rican leaC Be sure you get the genuine. -1 high quality has been a prime factor in: popularizing Porto Rican cigars among discriminating smokers. A v t t- The El Toro cigars now being marketed are particularly recommended because ol the unusual excellence of this year's Porto Rican tobacco crop from o'nlythe choicest selections of which El Toros are ' made. , . '.- A EL TORO .: (Exatt siu W ; 4 ; AI10 muli Im ' ' Fatuttl nd SCASOhT, a: WE AiLife Long Cure: NERVOUS DEBILITY PROSTATIC DISEASES , DISEASES OP THE - . BLADDER,KIDNEYS . AND RECTUM. RHEUMATISM BLOOD POISON " VARICOCELE HYDROCELE" r ' No Guess Work N WE have been located In Portland or over 16 YEARS and our REPUTA TION STANDS out as HOPreST AND RELIABLE. OUR 8UCCK88 das ta treatlna air eases PERSONA LLT and "giving THEM the bent scientific treat ment that the WORLD can produce. CALL AND GET OUR HONEST OPIN ION, j. We xaaks as wilrteadlnr atstementa o false promises. as. we have so free trial tioatuaoaks. ' Our doctors - are arednetes of . to. leadiua oellesrea eft ' America aad ar duly lloeased la tka stat of Oregoa to ear diseases of aaea. OmoX ST. LOUIS "si?RatcAlnd DISPENSARY . - ; . , oourxB sxooiro ab taitoix wmn, roirLuro, osnoa. :. -. ' ' ; In Uncomplicated -Cases You Cah Pay When Cured - - - -. . Ky Fee Is Only urn the serious complex and stubborn ones that others neither cute nor compre hend. I have confined my efforts to diseases of men exclusively, and there is no ailment belonging to this clsss that I cannot fully conquer. I make broad and definite claims. I tell men that I can cure them, even though others hava feiierl Hortora have charged me with claiming too much. But. I ask. E. wherein have I failed to fulfill a promise? My practice is now fully twice f any other specialist upon the Pacific coast treating men's diseases. It ' grown to these dimensions Because i nave mice promises nu lutmien inem. Each cure I have effected is a triumph and a manifestation of akill that has hsd its part in the making of my success. ' Each day new cures are com pleted, and my present growth of practice is more rapid than ever before. v - i ' Consultation Is free. If you are afflicted, consult me. You ran rely upon what I tell you, and if I accept your case you can rest assured that a complete and" permanent cure will follow my treatment. ; All ' pecessary ' X-Ray ; examlnationa are ' abso lutely free to patlenta. My . equipment . for ' X-Ray work la the finest tfnd most complete . ever pro-, duced, ' and . equally , per fect results are not possi ble with an inferior appa ratus. . ' pre-, pared from standardised drugs in my own private laboratory and are eup- 231 , plied to patients at actual . . 1n4 W coat, -v . Exszzsrxsszz::: Cigiur-S Cents r This Is one cigar you can be sure Is Porto Rican, made in Porto Rico, entirely El Toro is today the best cigar Porto i Rico can produce for 6 cents. There's a : band on the genuine. .-:"A . Porto Ricao-Americaui Tobaicco Compamy . Kaaaf aotarec, Saa guaa, aborts aUoo ft CO IMstHkataeav 3H OUR FEE . V . '"V.'"- - - m In Any: Uncomplicated Cast Consultation l?NpliJMes$CBdT VARICOCELE - ; - Ws can truthfully aay that n phy sicians on the Pacific eoaat haa the pronounced suceeea attending his treet ment for VARICOCELE -AS WE HAVE. In no instance haa he ever made a fail ure. The cures resulting; from his treatment are SURE) AND PERMA NENT. The necessity of a superior, safs and sure treatment Is very evident to- every mart who has Varicocele. If you have Varicocele, we cordially ask you to can and talk with us regarding our treatment snd cure. Tou will be very welcome, snd there will - be no charge .or advice and consultation. The nature of and tb results of neerleoted Varicocele will be fully explained. . . HOUla - 4 A. at. TO T. XLl ITlfDATT I have the largest prac tice because j invaria bly fulfill my promises Success isn't attained at a bound. It is made op of many little triumphs. A Urge medical prsc tice doesn't await the young physician at the col lege door. ' He must prove himself.- He must work toward success day after day. doing well each day's tasks. .-.. ..-. -4 . .. It haa always been my rule to promise nothing -that I am not absolutely certain of accomplish) iftg. Realizing that no one physician can suc cessfully undertake, to cure all diseases, I entered special courses of study in preparation for my present - work. For sixteen years I have been' proving my ability and building my success. I nave mastered, first the simpler diseases, then , . Company Morrison Street, Corner Second for tiwtmat W f Mniialve4 with fmm tmm fr Cfcvevok Mtt Viuiat sliifrot ftd4 Uomm nOTEl EATOH ooa, momisos axD wnr rtx sra. He4aoaMly fantekd, ,lftitt1 rntr-r4 Irepraof, I,. Btluuue' ! truia .( ttooppirg aad susIimm dlatrWi. all Lr. Irr, aetatil. roooM. itn im K. .Uctrw Ustua, t,tathoa la Met apartmrat. tte, Larjc. efflwa, aveaclna, aaxiklne, vrltlua Udlae' rmilln rkira. k llinwil sr bmII ar totoskeae. Vvlvau eaufkaa auak) tntraa aad SMkaera. Rooms $1.00 to $3.00 a Day aaatal XaW. U Oaaaiwatal lUe, . A, AlJtdTmoVO, rroaiMUe. Portland's A Widely Known tnd Successful ChineM A Medicinal. Rmt ant Herb Doctor BM Iimm. naiMttea. tta tecm1et t trklca we twaav elnef tras ta. Ortoat la bra enaatltMa aa4 SMpara aad rat M M Ik ep to Sate label.?. aiiiat. a.teM a erase aa ktod aaes. tmif Mptable, The Doetar tmta eaeemrany aaS raraataa to sere all ateaarh IraakUe. eetarra. aatkaM. . kras. tknit rkaamatlam. an nwaiaa, Umw ktlar a as feet aa.aka. ,! aWtlSl.EB 1IU . SUO -BkAV4 . BISJtASca f- . ' He (atoa ar ' sUalaeia MUfank to tke inlets. A safe aa4 la.riBS can la k eto wt SMslbla tlaM aa at tbe towaat mmtjDr Mkle tor kMt treatraieat. If yne eaaaot eatl. arrtt. tor aawutos, MasaT aad ehreelar. toili 4 ta atawsa OOWrOTTATTOX' rirx tka C tw We Uwh MeaiaaM Oe lSk , gin St.. Om. sUniaM. rwtieaa, Oa , ra FOR WOMEN OfiLY tr. gaedatsm'e O'eiyosa 4 Satin '. J .. Km, Pill. TV. hMl and only relrabla raaaedy foe 1H LaYKU PKUiUUS. Cvr the moat auaiuiava cwi w ,u j - Addreaa T. J. PlKaca, iA. O. Ul r alraau rertUae. Oiegaa. ' k. alt ., , ,9 -. MEN iia ; AU forms at blood moiaom ar aved f or Uf by eas eaperte treatameat, ' On tree raa eat for sroekeslo aad kldaey fllsissis rearalt la aotaias; leas Jhaa aooxa ptot sure. A sar stasia ears. '-,. , . , TO la. iSssszzssEzxzsa i BB. finoa. ''Ts SadUg IpeolallsS. "WEAKNESS.' parary arttrlt M la eaaM mt o II a simple mat- II aaenllr raatnre H esi wrej i a on tonti im that haa riiHi wveskrti Tp, oat ley pt?rmsuient that bt f.W pttrwlarM aVJHl. 1 MTfr tre fetr Unf fnttrr tffwrta. tit mf tm csf trtmnt. vry bit of lmprormnt 1 nrt of m rt mnsnt . fiif. Tbmigti (rrf phw.ici.n-j b-,T. thrtwacli mj ame. 90m in ffsxtlii pertiiannt enrvkat. batl it?ws?4 f ih fm-t that tKma(TtnRtaa, Intra f aor. r, -aitCav- r lyiit ys)ntr r flltlnt Min "ironic tnr)amtt ttow or ttmgvtUm ta tfc fruiat riasHl, aV avs ft 01 bl to diiplrratd) nr enrN. Mr T"f t Inca) trmtmnt H It., tmlj ffvw'tlT . na jt hrvywn fnr rwtnr,naT tb pvfaf t It a Wmml raa. whtrh lwi . Bftitia In 'ill tut fvnpet tftitrn of tirnsT'h nt Vlaior. ft'ir enrm la haintiT rnrTit. iv. elt eh .-vvrwl ! t Wat rwh fnr flto fitrtrtt.maj itlirw(ip is . Vry ffnuvvsM. If ! ir. ktrtd aaf A wre patUnt l'trf, rv ta lh mil iiuA f rwi will tfwtt ft. CONSULTATION JWZZ " I t'Bta finlhtiig It) sy,, ... kiinrpnn ktit H . . ' pMtinr trft'h It ' I - ( trnthlntr t rali mn-i 1- . - ynnr ca, t - t- I --it . atWiejt yvlf trrtis " i fS i ltt arranr tw , , arjr time .: i f tf.mptaliia r-' a - - larl, ."t )H PJ 1 "'